Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1892, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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The Days When lighters Fought in the
\ Ring and Not on Paper.
UoMlp for llnrtnmrn Tlio Wlioul-
men Tim 1'IMil nnit Stream Itllllnritt , B
I < 'IMIo Clint nnil Sporting
Nnw YonK. Fob. 0. To the Sporting Hdl-
tor of Tun HER :
AKE in criticising
should always bo
exercised. U la not
nhvaj-3 policy In the
editor of a sporting
paper -to pepper n
on paper
that ho has taken a
plquo ftt. When
Aaron Jbnos arrived
In tuts country in
1 837 tb train Uoonan
for Ills light with
MorrUsoy there was
considerable hostllo foollnR In Now York
porting circles botwcon the natlvo and the
Irish element. Jones was of course employed
by the moro American party.
When Hoonan gnvo hU first oxhtbl-
tlou ho wound up with Jones , nnd
the editor of the Clipper said : "Aaron's posi
tion was easy and graceful , nrtlstto In the
extreme , and shcnvntl the experienced boxer , "
and that Ilocnati would have shown to bettor
advantage If ho had boon pitted ngilnst n
less oxperloncod man , because Jones was
Justly considered a magnificent sparer nnd
ono of the best glove pot-formers In the
world. " Aaron was afterwards Introduced
to Morrlssoy , and promised that If he was' In
town ho woula spar with him at his bonollt ,
but Jones did not put In an appearance , nnd
the editor of the Cllppor commented on his
broach of protmto. Aaron foolHhly rushed
Into print in reply nmMho editor continued
bin spiteful attacks on Aaron weoltlv for
years after and tried to belittle him In tbo
eyes of the public In every possible way ,
Jones was pressed Into the con
federate service during the war
and again appeared In Now York
considerably the worse for wear and took
a bonollt which was welt patronized , the
nu di on co remembering the spiteful treatment
ho hud received from the Cllppor and ro
mcmbcrlnc his gallant performances in tbo
ring , his double battles with Ormo , Paddock
and Suyors , cnvo him tremendous cheers
again nnd again.
Jack McDonald wrote to Aaron after
Buyers Dent Brattle asking him
to return to England and bo matched with
Bayers for the third time , because , hn said ,
"all the stool was out of Sayers and ho now
stood as tttmo as a mouse , " and , Mac addad ,
"I will never leave him until I got him
licked" ( sentiments worthy of a savage ) .
The editor , soolng how public opinion ro-
pardcd Jones was , very adroitly veered round
nau said It was satisfactory to him to know
that Aaron had friends nnd backers behind
htm OU althouch whoa the match was pro
posed Air. Queen said "Tliero uro several
others ahead of this Jones , however , among
thorn Brotllo. an unknown and the Bonicla
Boy , that Buyers will tatto the easiest job
that offers wo do not bollovo. that is not tno
champion's way of doing business , " otc. The
same thingihap'ponbd to Tom Paddock some
years previously , when Mr. Vincent Do'V
ling , the editor of Dell's Life in 1850 and the
father of the referee in the Hconan-Sayers
contest , decided against Paddock for hitting
Bcndigo when ha was down. Long Charlie
of Birmingham fullo'l the rnforoowlth aUub ,
and Mr. Bowling hated Paddock in consa
quonco and never lost < in opportunity of
peppering him in his columns during the rest
of his II fo. . ,
'JL'ha round and ruddy , rough nnd ready
Paddock-had a passlonalo temper , but his
matches wore all square. Ho also lost his
Ijght with the Tlpton Slasher , then In his
zenith , by n fowl blow. That was another
opportunity for the editor to belittle liim ,
and In his second battle with Harry Paulson
of Nottingham , in Derbyshire , the magis
trate appeared on the ground and commanded
the men to stop lighting , and upon their con
tinuing to scrap , he read tbo riot act with
out cttoct and the battle continued very
hotly contested and was finally fairly xvon
by Paddock amidst disgraceful rioting.
Puddouk afterwards became so exasperated
with the editor's remarks that ho invaded
his olllt'o and threatened to knock his ova
out. Mr. bowling was a skillful fencer , and
ho placed his back to tbo wall , seized the
pouer and dolled Paddock and his pal to
come on. In the next issue of Boll's Life
Dowling did , not fall to glvo his account of
Pud doc It's visit , and salcl :
"This lufllau a candidate for tno British
championship ; out upon such counterfeit "
and added , "It won't bo long before a jurj *
Will bold an inquest on bis carcass for being
o principal in the light where such dis
graceful rioting toolc place. * '
As the vehicles returned to Derby , tbo oc
cupants ' were all arrested. After the trial
To the great delight of the editor of Bull's
Life bo hud a column headed in capital let-
toys : "Fnto of Paddock and His Compan
ions. " "Sentenced to Ten Months' Imprison
ment with Hard Labor In Derby Jail.
Paddock.Poulson and the four seconds had
to servo out their sentence. I fancy Mr.
Dowllng would I lite to huvogono'aud grlnued
utTom through the bars of tbo Jail and asued
him how hd liked breaking stones , and work
ing on tbo treadmill }
When the mnn served out tholr
sentences Paddock and Paulson worn
matched for the third time 1834 and
a tremendous glvo and take llstlc bombard-
tuout toolt place , lasting , two hours and a
half. Two. gamer men never mot in the ring
Both were perfect gluttons at receiving
punishment. Paulson w&s ono of tboso
mocky builiuhups of the Jack of Clubs breoJ.
that have an immense , amount of wear and
tear in them. He had the best of it at close
quarters. Both men were the same weigh
but Pa'ddocte was seven years younger and
had the advantage of tnroo Inches In height ,
and hod the best of It at long shots with his
loft and ho Dually won. Both men wer
fearfully puulsbed. Paddock got tno lion's
nil uro of tlia punishment IB n.auy of his con
tuts , but won through sheer courage and
doteriuk-atlon. Nothing scorned to dauu
him , Ho smashed hlsjrlght list In his baltli
with Bayers on the staiie , uml afterwards
knocked Tom oft his pins with his damaged
After Tom Bayers had won the champion
ship and tliu truusforruhlo belt from the Tlp-
tou , his brother pugs aeotn to have been all
as busy us rats conspiring at bis overthrow.
Hurry Braoiue said that their best men were
11 stale , and notwithstanding tuo Ignomlu
, lous defeat of his protege. Benjamin , whosi
real numowas Balugo ) got In six and a bal
minutes , Benjamin's backers declared that li
was only a ploco of accidental good fortum
on Tom's part. So after Bayers' defeat o.
Paddock in ItttS , Beujy's backers Packed him
again and determined to sparu no expouso In
getting him ( U for the mill. So llundlgo was
appointed to tram Hm , and Sayors * only con-
quoror. Nat Langham , wan also engaged tc
knar with him and put his owu peculiar pruc
tfco into his tactics as much as possible. The
Totorau Bondlgo trottud him up and down
the Welsh hill * and got him into splendid
condition , and old Nut took a run do\vii every
week and In many a heavy bout with the
cloves instilled now science and straight hit
ting powers Into him. The account of tbo
mill banded down to us , said his condition
was perfect and tba ( ho stood pver Sayors ,
lili muscles were potior developed , and ho
looked and undoubtedly was the moro pow
erful man , and there was much in his posi
tion to remind us of his mentor , Nut Lang-
This was the tight i Tom dodged out and
in lu his usual style , evidently tryluir for
' his favorlto double. " but Buujsmlu was
ready ; At length Tom dashed in and do-
llvorod his left ou the cheek , but was beauti
fully countered on tuo smaller and Benjamin
hut ) the honor of drawing lir t blood from
Uiul organ , trumondous cheering from tbo
TuQle . Bayer * seemed pricked at this , and
making his favorite dudgo ho popped bis left
ou the body and then OQ tbo chuok , knocking
.Honjamln off his plus , thus gaining the sec-
pud event and equalizing matters , The day
wan very warm and asyurs was too fat uud
not In condition so ho put on his considering
cap and concluded to cuanfo his tactics aud
Keif forcing the flgUt would oonfuso Boujur
mln and altcrtho fortunes of war. Bonja- '
roln had evidently profited by Nat's touching
in timing his tills with hts loft. Bayers wta
running a dangerous nsk in standing up and
giving bit for bit with a man physically his
superior , but ho thought Benjamin's want of
experience would tnaUo him forgot his newly
qoqulrod silence. The tcvonth round was n
tremendous glvo nnd taka affair , and wo
cannot do bettor than to publish IU "Benja
min looked savago. Ho lost no tlmo in dash
ing at his man. Sayers lot go his lott at the
nose , but Bonjy countered him straight nnd
well with the same hand opening n fresh
bottle. Several tremendous exchanges with
the loft followed. Benjamin astonishing
every ono by bis calmness and
by the precision with which ho
timed his hits. Each got popper
on tbo nose and oyci , and Snyors rapped a
nasty one in the middle of the forehead.
Sayors DOW missed his leftnnd Bill returned
well on the chock. They broke nway , nnd
after surveying ono another again wont at It
nnd more heavy exchanges took place , In
which Tom again turned on the main from
Bill's nasal fountain. Benjamin por.iovorcd.
and again did they dispute the ground Inch
by inch. Both were blowing nnd the confid
ence of Bill's friends was looking up. U
was plain both meant to do nil they know In
thin bout , and thnt each felt It was to bo the
turning point ono way or the other. Sayers
now got heavily on the loft eye which began
to close , while Bill caught him on the mouth.
The ilehtlng was tremendous , nnd the -vay
Benjamin stood to his man was beyond all
pralso. Sayors now and then wa extremely
wild , nnd had Bill possessed moro knowledge
of the result might have boon serious , for Tom
was evidently tiring fastbut still the greater
force of hU hitting was evidently tolling a
talo. As hit succeeded hit , Bill's dial grew
moro slantlndlcular ; but ho was undaunted
and had evidently made up his mind to do ur
die. At length they got to close quarters ,
ivhon some heavy fibbing took place and botn
'ell , Benjamin under. "
The eighth round ended by Benjamin at-
. .omptlng to plant his left nnd getting heavily
cross-countered on the Jaw by Tom's right
for his pains and knocked off bis pins , nearly
blind and almost out of tlmo.
The tenth round ended by Bill being again
leered by a hit on the good oyo. His
.ccond . : , Bondlgo and McDonald , throw up
ho sponge , but the poor fellow
broke from thorn and said ho
was not licked aad wanted to
provo that ho was no cur and
commenced the eleventh and last.
Benjamin trlod to load off , but it was a mere
flash lu tbo pan ; ho missed and stumbled
forward , when Tota gave him a slight tap on
the nose , which sent him for tbo last time to
grass. Ho was convoyed to his corner , nnd
his seconds then declared that do should
light no longer , Savors wont to him to shako
mnds , but Benjamin , who was nil but blind ,
tvished to commence another round ; this , of
course , could not bo listened to and the poor
fellow xvas forced from the ring against his
will , Sayers being proclaimed the winner In
twenty-two minutes , amidst enthusiastic
clieors. Bill was much oxbaustod and his
punUbmont was as heavy as ono generally
icoi in double the tlmo. Sayors was also
nucb exhausted , not so much from his pun-
shutout , ulthodgh in this respect ho did not
come off scathless , ns from want of condition
Lolling upon him In a battle wnich was dts
jiuted for4omo rounds with unwonted quick'
ness aud desperation. " That tight had the
> amo number of rounds and lasted the same
ongth of time us the memorable ono the
previous year botweou Morrlssoy and lloenun
n Canada , 1S5S.
The ring was then cleared for the second
contest between Bob TravoM , the black , and
Mlko Maddou. Mike declared In his clial-
engo to Bob that if ho could not got a light
out of him "ho would not die happy. " Bob ,
although the lighter and shorter man , woo
easily. Mlko is best Known in this country
from bis six hours and six minutes contest
with Bill Iluym and as the man whom the
iiucomplishcd and errnticrJom Mace ran away
jrom wbllo traveling by rail to light bim.
Mace afterwards bout both Travorj and
It has been said by ono who knows that to
become exports drummers and pugilists
should bogln young. Tno editor of Bell's
Life said that Benjamin was too old in tha
beginning , but said that Judging from such
activity nnd strength as no possessedthought
If ho had bocm In constant practice from boy
hood might have bean a champion. Benjam
in's hoicht-was 5 foot 10 % and bis lighting
weight was twelve stone ( iGS pounds ) and bis
general appearance was tbat of an active ,
powerful follow. Ho may bo living yet , I
nevcrheard of his death. If hols ho must
bo about the last of Savors' competitors.
Sayors was evidently surprised at the way
Benjamin got on to him at tirst. Tom's
chancre cf tactics succeeded admirably , al
though It was risky. Ho uovor fought tbat
way boforo. and bis want of rendition from
holding Bill too cheap carna near costing him
dear. By the way , my private opinion Is thnt
If the Hon. John JMorrUsy had had John L.
before him in 1858 his rushing style of flgh
ing would bavo ended differently , but I sup
pose that was before John L. was born.
T. C. 1C.
A ICtistlo 111 tliii liliick lllllu.
Tbnbaso ball organization has initiated the
season with some very ajigressivo work. The
secretary is In constant communication with
anumborof the loading managers of club ;
and authorities In the central and northwestern -
orn states , with regard to players , and pro
pose to obtain the strongest aggregation o
ball lessors that ever stopped foot upon tbo
diamond In this state and Nebraska. Con
tracts ere about closed vlth Billy Traflloy ,
who was catcher for Omaha last year uud is
said to bo one of tbo best all round players in
the country , also with "Kid" Mohlor and
Jones , the crack battery for Beatrice , Neb. ,
last year , who uro line players ; ths hurrison
orothers , whom everyone' knows are excel
lent men , and Graver of tbo Missouri Yulloy
nine. Balance will bo men equal to these
mentioned , and will certainly make a superb
team. Tbo several towns in and about the
hills are responding favorably to the idea of
forming a league and a playing schedule of
games , and at present tbo prospects are very
favorable that such will bo rcalired. Load is
rilstllricr up a nlno and propose to bavo a good
ono. Wo may nxpjct to nee some good bal'
playing this season. Doudwood Times.
Tlt-Tuttloof the Klnir.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 0. To the Sporting
Editor of THE BKE : This loiter may bo a
surprise to you , ns it has boon quite nlonp
tlmo sluco you hoard from mo. My object lu
writing now is to square myself. I hav
noticed repealed clippings from Tin : BKB in
the St. Louis papers during the pasitutoc
or four months touching upon a light uotwooi
Harry McCoy and myself. Up to dulo
have had nothing to say in return , but wil
roach for you this evening.
Now , Sandy , I will light McCoy , for either
a purse or gate money , and a side hot of25 * .
of my owu money , nnd If I can raise an
moro between times I will wager it also ,
Tuts Is my ultimatum , If , as you say , McCoy
is eager ( .o light me , you draw up the articles
of agreement I will trust to your fairness
get a f 100 guarantee- from his backer that h
means light lot mo know Immediately aud
will remit my money. Include In the articles
that both are to weigh 144 pounds , weigh ur
the ring side , and that the contest must conn
off within tblrty days afterdate of articles.
I want fully throe weeks to train in , as I nm
conscious that I must work industriously toi
McCoy. I do not under rate htm lu tha least ,
but will bo on band when time is called.
4005 Kaston Avonuo.
It looks as it Danny Daly , Omaha's dobon
nalr little feather wolght , was mapping out
an exceedingly warm spring campaign. At
present ho is meeting all comers at his club
rooms in Chadronand up to date has knocked
out about everything of bis "heft" that can
bo found within a radius of ' . ' 00 miles. On
March 6 ho Is matched to meet Billy O'Don-
neil at Sioux City for a staUo of $500 , fttt ) of
which bos bflon ported with the sporting
editor of the Journal , and the balance will DO
forthcoming ou tbo day of the mill. Although
O'Donnoll is a vicious , sturdy little scrapper ,
Daly should punch him , soporlllcally. within
u round or two ,
Danny probably looks upon hU moot with
O'Uoonoll as a sort of a sldodlsh , or an
opportunity for u little extra Vigorous train
ing , for immediately after this ovout ho goes
to San Francisco to moot bis conqueror ,
Johnny Vau Uoost , before the California
club for a (1,800 pun o. That Danuv
recognizes a tough customer in Yon , Is self-
ovldout , toe bo met bis tint reverse at
his handi , after a iplendld battle at Minne
apolis u'ycar ago. Daly , however , has been
of the opinion over since that if given a second
end irlal ho could reverse this result , and
ujwtuat it bus been offered him be will
"roia ovarv offart to inako his word good.
As evidence of this it Is but necessary testate
state that ho bus g nt for bis brother Mlko of
Bangor , Mo. , to oomo out land train him.
Mlko I * a tnlddlowulght with n Rood line of
victories to bis credit , and a trainer and
handler of rare ability ,
However , when Danny boats the llttlo
sawed oft steam engine from St. Paul , and I
would like to sco him do It , bo can have half
of my farm.
Anent the lain knock-out in which the big
sprint runner , Patsy Urlftln , alias Jack Kelley -
loy of Manilla , la. , was thoknockoo and Dick
Moore tbo knocker , a Council Bluffs legal
llgnt contributes the following :
Practice sentence for the llttlo boys nnd
girls of Iowa :
First lesson : "Did the boy shootl" "Yo ,
the ooy did shoot , hut ho did not hit the
bird. Ho would not sit still for him. "
Second lesson , the class rcclto In chorus :
There was n llttlo man ,
And his nnmo wns Dick Moore ,
And toward n certain Kelley
Ho foil very soras
So lie wrote him a llttlo note.
To plouse meet h in In the ring ; .
For nil the munoy , marbles or mud
Or nnyililnit else ho could bring.
Well , hn mot him , and looked at him , and
fully sired him up ,
And Moore thought no appeared as savage as
1'ntioy's oldest pup.
Hut they shook hands , and took the chairs ,
Which In tno corner stood ,
When a blK mini In the rlns said "Tlmo ! "
And all the Knne yelled "KOfxIl
Why ho battered him , nnd pounded him ,
And snmsboil him In the noso.
And before anyone looko.1 for It ,
Up went his toes !
The bis "ringer" wai knocked silly before the
fight had fairly bosun , and will never , that
Is hardly over , venture oft the old farm
The boxlntr exhibition nt the post hall ,
'ort Meade , last Saturday evening was wit-
osscd by a good audience and was ono of
bo best axnlbltlons over witnessed In the
northwest. There were a number of local
boxers appeared all soldier * . Tbo closing
of iho entertainment wns u four round set-to
between Danny Daly nnd Ted Gallagher ,
ivhlch wo cun truthfully say was the ilnost
inhibition of boxing over soon. Thaio clover
and gentlemanly llttlo Jtaathor-welghis are
nuikinir a toui-ot the Black Hills and nro
giving a great show. Sturgls Record.
The sporting editor of TUB Br.n bas re-
lolvod a request from the Chicago Intcr-
Ocean for a forecast of the Maher Fitz-
slmmons and Uyau Ncodham lights , both of
which come off at Now Orleans , Wednesday
evening , March 2. The Inter-Ocean's request
called for the probable winner of oaoh con-
est , about how many routms , and what the
betting should bo. Tuu BRE ventured the
opinion thnt Muhor would win in about
cloven rounds aud that the betting should be
about f 100 to ( SO on him. Also that Need-
hum should win , In about twouty-livn rounds
and that oven money was -uuqut ull that
could bo asked. I might go on aud give tbo
reason for the faith tbat is within mo , but
ihall rest content to await tbo result. The
n tor-Ocean has made n like request of all
, ho best known sporting authorities "in" the
country , and the publication of tholr guesses
, vill certainly make au interesting column.
Patsoy Wagner , n light weight not unknown -
known to fnmo. is undergoing a'course of
calisthenics hi this cltv , with Jack Davis us
his overseer. The probabilities are that
there is a quiet little mill on the tapis. "
It there is yet any lingering douut in the
minds of tbo local admirers of Ilsliann , that
DICK Moore Isn't a lighter , they should bavo
witnessed his contest with P. J. Griffin a
week ago. Grifflu Is a big , powerful framed
individual , carrying weight enough to-Justify
a meet with any of the big oaes , an all round
athlete aud a tremendous lilltor. Indeed ono
of his backers Informed mo tbat Grlflln oamo
hero looking for Jack Davis , and , bo consid
ered it an outrage for Moore's friends to send
him into the ring against luch pdtls. Wellto
abbreviate n long story , Griflln was never lu
it at. any ataco of tbo road. Moore hit him
when aud where ho pleased , dcspito his dirty
fouling and hud him nt bis mercy when
the rofcroo generously , so far as the big
sprint runner was concerned , " .stopped tbo
light aud gave it to Moore. If it hud co'titin-
uod on another round Mr. Griflln would have
been a lltsuojeut for Mike Maul's cellar , in
stead of a Turkish bath room. -
Tim Nllnnd , thq South Omaha packer , who
caught Moore out of condition a few niontns
since , and put him out has returned to'So'uth
Omaha in company with Tim O'flearn. As
yet , however , he has made no response to
Moore's oft'or to stop him la ton rounds.
The announcement of tbo date of the Shor-
ray-Dobos contest Is unavoidably delayed on
account of the ill-health of the Colorado
Springs man. ManagerHIghtowor , bowover ,
is contldont of pulling it ott some tlmo dur-
'm < the coming month.
For the hlutu'it Chi
On .Monday evening , IPobruaryulS , will bo
Kin tno II rat of the series of Barnes for the bll-
mrd championship of the state of Nebraska.
The tournament wus gallon up to aw.aken nn
interest in the gentlemen's ' game throughout
the sluto of Nebraska , if bciap ho.flrst of Its
kind ever given in the state'mm tiio fnto
of the earao will dcpond upon the success
of this uttulr , w hicb U given for the osno-
flt of lovers of the game nnd room-Keepers
generally nna not for any one , cor tain puny
moro than another. Tbo Brunswick , Bailie ,
Collondcr company proposes to give other
exhibitions and tournaments by' , export
players , If it Is shown by tbo patronage and
general interest taken "in this tournament
that it is appreciated by the public ,
Tbo game will be the 8-luuh bait Hnc , 200
points up , and the referee scorers and
maruars "will bo selected on thu opening
evening. A magnificent 5-10 table will bo
bet up in roqni B , New York Lifo building ,
specially for this contest. The room will bo
nicely llttoa up , with every accommodation for
spectators , many of whom , it is hopedwill be
ladles , as Is a noticeable feature at all the big
tournaments in' Now York , Boston and Chi-
Tbo lack of Interest maul f 031 In this beau
tiful game hero Is accounted for oy the faqt
that the city has never hud a woil-managcd
tournament or mutch game bore , such as tha
Brunswlck-BulkoCollcndor coaipiny will
The entries Include Lieutenant Arrasm 1th ,
frank Konistoo , Harry Symo'j and Albert
Cahn of this city and C. Hay ? of Lincoln ,
and the opening game tomorrow night will
ba between the lieutenant aud Mr. Cahn.
Tuesday afternoon Harry Symos and C.
Huys will bo tbo contestants , and Tuesday
evening Mr. IConlston and Mr. ( Jutm.
The playing will begin tomorrow night at
S o'clock sharp.
Itiidlcitl ClmiiKKH tu Jto Mmlc.
There will evidently bo many r ad lea
changes In the playing rules for tha coining
seasonono of which , and the most necessary ,
I think , Is their simplification. Aa they
stand now there uro many difficult to under
stand , and umpires are as frequently at fault
as any ono also.
Among the talked of chanpos that wil
hardly bo touched upon U the proposition to
exempt the pitcher from batting , to perml' '
manager ) * to coach from tbo lines ana to con
tinue unfinished games from ono day to an
other. But the blot of "dirty" ball playing
will bo obliterated If possible , which u is rea
sonable to suppasa will ba remedied by the
fixing ot heavy penalties for nil such offenses
Tbo blocking of base-runners at the plate by
catchers should ba seriously dealt with , ant
tbo catcher who places a mask or bat on the
line to obstruct and intimldato the runner
should bo taught a salutary lesson. Tbo firs
baseman , too , who gives tbo runner
the Knee or shoulder , a la Dan
Stearns , should ba handled without
glovea. and the batter who interferes with
the catcher by swinging tils club or otherwise -
wise to prevent n throw down to secom
should col bo overlooked. Noisy coaching is
a nuisance and should ba Incontinently dis
countenanced. Again , the rule prohibiting
all players save tbo captain from questioning
tbo umpire's decision should bo made
stronger , and It wouldn't be a bid change to
deprive oven tbo captain himself of thi
much-abusod privilege.
It is quite sure that a strong roaommonda
tlon will go before the board to reduce thi
number of balls to three , thus equalizing th
pitcher's aud batter's chancoi. In air
event there U to be a number of nmtona
How thu Double Sj-atem Will Work.
The double championship scheme , wuic
bas boon adopted by the Western league for
the coming season , is a dscldod innovation
but ono that will evidently result beaoflclall ;
to all the clubs in tbo circuit. The firs
championship schedule will couiUt of eighty
four gamoi. It will opou. late lit April prob
ably , aud finish some time in August. Th
tecond aud last schedule will ombraoo fifty
sU games and will end-October 1 , or Septem
ber no. The wlnnots of tboso championship *
will then meet In a tferMa of R.trrlns to docldo
who nro the chnmplonTpromlorof the whole
inapuo. and this fortdnato team will ba pitted
ngninst the winner * ot the big league
for the championship of the wcrld
This will make the sonson fnirly brlstlo
with excitement , avno team will bo irro-
trlovoably out of thojifnco until the second
chnrapltnship series is well under wny.
After iho close of the first series the tcims
falling short In piny lmr > strength will bo rein
forced by the pliiyors''coinmlttee , thus giv
ing them n second opportunity for pulling
off ft few laurel loaves , nnd relnvieoratlng
the public Interest In tno stniprlo.
Fullv considered tCjschomo Is n good one
nnd will go n long way Coward restoring the
old tlmo enthusiasm in the great sport.
The ScliitcUoii Vcrcln.
OMAHA , Nob. , Feb. 11. To tbo Sporting
Editor of TUB BHE. The Omaha Schuotzon
Vorcln have resumed tholr annual shoot , the
llrst shoot being hold Friday last , February
5 , and will continue each Friday the balance
of the year. The club consists ofciixty mom-
Dors , the following are the officers' Presi
dent , William Mnclt : vice president , Her
man Bush ; correspotidlngsoerotary , W.tlllntn
Butt ; finance Rccrotnry , Uhnrlos Horborti ;
treasurer , William Krug. The members an-
tlcipata n good attendance the coming year
on account of Omaha securing the national
tournament which will bo hold some tlmo
during tbo summer of ISM , und also on ac
count of the state medal to be shot for throe
times this season , which is open to all who
are residents and have boon for the laslyoar.
The members are also classified In tbroo
clussos and there has bocn secured thrco nlco
and costlv medals , ono to bo awarded to caoh
class to the member making tbo best score.
The following is the score of last Friday's ,
shoot. Fred Schroeder 70 , H. Stock
man , 70 , F , A. Fuller 73 , U. Uasmusscn
70 , F. H. Heft OS , H , Peterson 0" , H. Kusor
IS. Parties wishing to compote for the state
modal and wanting any information will
please correspond with the secretary , Will-
lam Butt , who will send rules and regu
The followlntr Is Iho scnro of Friday , Feb
ruary 13 : F. A. Fuller 09 , Charles Rasmus-
sen OS , F. Mougordoht 07 , F. Bloomer 07 ,
Charles Goottsch 00 , F. U. Heft 57 , F.
Schroeder CO , H. Stockman 54 , II. Uusor49.
F. A. FUI.LEU , Captain.
Nn Hocgliifr tlio IVrnliiinioim.
"Another line thing for the now Western
league , " ronnrked Manager Howe last even
ing , "is the equal division of the goto re
ceipts , n scheme I advocated us long ns four
years ago. After deducting ton per cent fnr
i reserve fund n very wise provision for
the general good of the league , the balance
of tha receipts , minus the grand stand In
come , will bo split into two pieces , the homo
team and the visitors sharing like nnd like.
Till * will obvlato the possibility of the dis-
bnndmont of auv of the teams in the circuit ,
mid place all on an equal and equit
able basis.
"And tholumpltigot the revenue of holiday
gntno is another flltcltous arrancomuut , "
continued manager Dave. "It dee
away with discontent ever the building of
the schedule nnd the rivalry for certain teams
on big days. Under Ml system ono team
will be almost as good an attraction as another ,
as holiday crowds are the least fastidious ot
any. All tto majority of these assemblages
want Is to son n game of ball , aud the bast
team win. Then ilf rain or any ether un-
townrd circumstance prevents n game In
any of the cities on a holiday date , the two
club's thus forced talli Idle will receive their
whack out of the receipts of the games In
other cities , Just the sartio. There will bo no
hogging the
An ICxrltltiK ItussH.
The Omaha spoctjpg fraternity , who are
grumbling nt what a dearth of sport ,
should emigrate to Ayost Union. Hero Is nn
account ot a big oventvas told in the Gaze tto
of that city : an
"Tho crowd that asspmbled in West Union
last Saturday to see , tuo rassollng match aud
shooting wns almost equal to a Fourth of
July celebration. Th prcontloman.thaJ , waste
to rassol Charlln Hughes failed to put in his
appearance , und not 'wishing to disappoint
Iho crowd n purso5 o$3. was made up and
Abnor Butcher'and Hughes" was toseo which
would take It. Bnckrbolts , was taken and
ButcheP\yas'throw6ami8' ' ; Vsftrtfld : ' A ells-
puto arose about Higbes" | < not getting three
joints down , of which there were no under
standing of such thinp.lnthe commencement.
It was tried oyr again to settle the matter
and Butcher was -tbrowed the second time.
Another dispute arose about the sarao thing
nnd the money was divided equally between
each ono. Wo think Hugbei should have
bad tbo wbolo amount under the clrcum
-\Vvfirrrii Amnti'ur Cliiiiiiloii ! | lilpn.
The western amateur boxing and wrest
ling championships will bn hold In St. Louis
February 2(5 ( and 7. The weights nro the
usual feather , weight , light woicht , middle
weight and heavy weight. The wrestling is
catch-as-catch-can style , Tbo prizes are
solid cold watches emblematical of ths
championships , to the winners , nnrt silver
roednls to fioconds , These contests will bo
( riven under the auspices of ( ho MUsourl
Gymnasium and Athletic club of St. Louis ,
with permission of the the Western Associa
tion of Amateur Athletics. Entries can bo
made with Mr , JohnC. . Movers , president ,
31(1 ( North Fourth street , St. Louis , who will
also furnish any otbor information regdrdinc
competition. Soy-oral local boxer * have
signified tbolr intention of going ovor.
Krnniont U'lll Solid n Dolugnto.
FIIBMONT , Nob. , Fob. U. To the Sporting
Editorof.TiiK BBC : Please stntn that Fra
mont will send a d.cogato | to the Lincoln
mooting to organize a state loaguo.
Prlnco ( ions to TrUce ,
Jack Prince loft for San Francisco Thurs
day ovonlng for tbo purpose of starting in
the bin six-day cycle chase which boglns
there tomorrow night :
SniiiiilH I.Iko Ida Dickey Itlrd.
Captain Toboati has closed n Hot Springs
contract and will take the Clovoiands tboro
to train.
D9ll Darling has Joined the benedicts. Ho
married a Miss Crum for comfort , of course.
Ullly Earlo Is going to Columbia , S. C. , to
coach a college team aud ho will got into con
dition thoro.
Leech Maskroy , thoold Des Molnos fielder ,
was married n few days ago at Mcrcor , Pa. ,
to Miss Ollte GplT.
Ht. Louis will see about the first game
played In the north this spring. Kansas City
opens there on March"20.
The now Western league will patronize the
old veteran , Al Huach. Ho will supply the
ball , playlng-outilt and guide.
Louisville has rejected the offers of Chicago
cage to trade the roleasei of Wllmot and
Pfoffer for Canavan'anQ Tom Brown ,
Omaha will open tHd season with the Cleveland -
land league team , ' "Manager Uovve closed
dates with George W. Howe last ovcnlng.
Frank Dwyer , whfl' ' , was ono of Klnc Kul's
colonels In the staudjiin army at Pendloton
last season , has bcomaddod to the twirling
corps at St. Louis. ! "i" ' .
SUPaul Is tohavdia iow park with pala
tlal grandstand and'oU/er ' buildings to cost
$15.000. Tbo park will bo located at Solbv
and Victoria streotsj IA
The proptots whorq'foss to read tno signs
of the times think tbat a big oat tern am
wojtcrn league will siirfely follow a failure of
the twolve-club Idet' lines-Star.
Manager Gus , H. Sehmolz and President
Evans of Columbui ,7lto ; in Toledo bulldlncr'a
fire under tbo good trbg , eaters there. Tbo
Mntimoe croalts for tuiUi Times-Star ,
John W. Gairnoyi-i.tgo good an umpire to
relocate to a mluorUeupua , and pressure is
bom if brought to baarnon President Young
looking to his appointment. Ken Mulford.
President Williams of the Western league
writes lhat about all the players required
for this , circuit this year have boon selectei
and that the list will bo given to the public
within a wedk or so.
Sandy McDermott is after an umplroship
in the 1)1 if twolve-club loasuo , aad may got It
Thorn are few better umpires than the ok
Zanesvlllo boy , if ho could only learn to curb
that tropical temper of his ,
John T. Pope , ono ot tbo old tlmp bal
players , called on tbo sporttn ? editor a day
or two ago. Mr. Pope is the husband of Mrs'
Cora Scott Pond-Popo who elves the Na
tlounl Pageant hero tula month.
Mlko Kocho , a former secretary of th
Western association , is on a desk on the
Portland Orgonlan , as well as secretary o
the Paclllc Northwest loaguo. It wai Mlko'
smllo that secured both positions. , .
Hoa Mulford says : Park Swartzel , Tom
Qulnn , Will Cllogman , Pitober Sullivan
ate of Now York , and Eddlo Mavor , the
'billies' old third btsotnao , have ull sent
erms to the Western league that will bo
Billy Alvord , the old Dos Molno third
insomnn , Is another of tho.dlsuruntlcd. Ho
Iso says ho'll go to work first , which is very
onimondablo Indeed In Billy , for the work-
ng ball player Is an exceedingly scarce quan-
Ity. Got right at It , Billy , you can't bogln
oo soon ,
A Milwaukee authority W. K. Smith-
ays that Plttsbiirg hni Mgncd a bettor all
iround plnyor In Earlo than Grim In
iftttlng , base running and behind the
bat , nnd both Iho Loulsvlllos' and Pitts-
Hires' audlnncos wilt admit it after soolng
both players.
And now they say that Jimmy
a brother In Southern California who Is try-
ngto induce him tu go into business out
hero. That's all a mlstako. I saw the letter
Jimmy received .from Gcorao , and all ho
vantcd was the loan of an X till the rolling
mil started upa aln.
Manager Buckenborgor of the Plttsbur *
cam will limber up his gang nt ExcoUlor
Springs below Kansas City. Yon ran't fool
iluoK , ho Knows the mwileinnl worth of these
\vooliy western breezes , and U Is oven money
that is for anyone who wants to risk a lit-
'lo that ho wins the pennant ,
Lon Knight has been plunging nt thn Glou
cester races during the past two weeks. Ho
put a "fiver" on ono of the skates last Tncs-
lay afternoon , nnd Wednesday morning , In
ho Continental barroom , wanted to bet his
overcoat that ho could guess nearer to the
lumber of ttos between the track nnd Phila
delphia than any mnn In the world.
Bob LonuMoy was anxious to return to
Dmaha but , o'f course , under the now nr-
rangomont , ho Is shut out , Dave Howe will
manage the now team and undoubtedly give
Dmaha ns good ball as any man , in tha coun
try could have dono. Ho is an untiring
worker , a perfect disciplinarian , and will In
stitute an entirely now roglmo In Omaha
base ball affairs.
With such n largo number of good players
Lo draw from , and nt salaries within a pay
ing limit , there is no reason that the games
[ Hit up by minor league teams should not bo
[ iretty nearly up to the standard of those
nlaycd by the big loaguo. Sporting Life.
You are thinking , probably , what an easy
trick it wns'for the Corn Husknrs to knock
out Papa Anson's eye last fall , also the big
Dutchman's from St. Louis.
Happy Jack O'Connor ' , who vas a favorite
out lu this country last season , has just boon
foundered by bis Columbus , O. , friends.
They pave him n banquet nnd a gold medal
at the Unhod States hotel , und ho oat so
much ho was unable to respond to the pre
sentation speech , but bowed his head nnd
wept. , vor since Mlko Koiloy offered Jack
a month's salary to get out of the bus down
on the Pcndlaton grounds last summqr , bo's
boon'a pretty decent sort of a citizen.
Lorry Tnltchcll declares by the black
pots on the sun that ho will not play in the
new western league at the salary offered ,
and ventures the assertion thnt ho can make
moro money at his trado. Well , Larry , you
liavo my permission to gather up your llttlo
lmmracr-saw and plane and pitch right in ,
and In d .Vent's time you may possibly make
within a couple of hundred dollars what you
are sure of for plaving ball llvo months. The
Commodore wns ofToiod $1,000 for tno season.
President Williams says : "Tho Western
league is organized upon such a basis that It
is bound to succeed. Its plan has mot with
the hearty endorsement of some ot the best
men of the N all en at league , and whllo It Is
very nuxious to enter into a national agree
ment that will bo Just and equitable , it Is
abundantly nblo to oxlst without it. Our
committee will bo glad to moot the committee
of the National league at any time to discuss
matters , "
The minor leagues nro iho training ground
for tha big loipuo , and from the ranks of
the former many of tbo star players of today
have been vacniiteil. It is in those small
loaguw that the young player must develop
bis ability.Tho major league clubs cannot
afford to . "tako the chances of developing
young blood. Therefore too much thought
and care cannot bo given by the big league
to the matter of protection for the nurseries
of base ball. Sporting Life. That's very
nice , Mr. Uichter. What'll you haval
Xmr/iy / Gusslu fur tliu Ilorsriiirn.
J. B. Chandler will remain at Woodbine
park until the campaign opons.
Billy Huston , owner ami breeder , Is prob
ablytho best posted horseman In the state of
F ; A. Hart has been employed byE. W.
Mosher and will take charge of Mambrlno
park nt York.
C A. Tucker1 and J. P. Tucker , Jr. , will
handle some ten or twelve at the Lincoln
fair grounds.
Almont Aberdeen , 2:2iJ.j : , is doing well ,
niia Air. Hull thinks ho will ho able to start
anil secure u much faster record.
There will bo nlno stnko events during the
Twin City Jocltoy club'mootlng at St. Paul ,
JulyKJ Augusts. The listof entriesisvory
C. E. Van Duscn's bay filly oy.AIcConniff ,
out of Kitty Ilout7 , is nicely urokon , level
bcudqd.und promises to bo a phenomenal
yearling. ,
J. M.-Tyler , Jonesvillc , Mich. , has been en
gagetl by H. " C.JDutcull and will banalo from
twelve to "twonlyyoungstors at Grasslands
farm the com.hig season.
On Wednesday last Jainos < Balding of Fre
mont sold his 2-year-old trotting stallion
Governor , > py Ed Hosowatcr , to J. A ,
\Vilmuiruf San Francisco for $1,000.
E. W. Sinclair , secretary of the East St.
Louis Joclioy club , lias tbo sporting editor's
acknowledgements for a proirrutn of tbo
club's winter moot , which opened on Monday
Thomas Jacobs , who developed Gladys nnd
several ether good onus , has routed the fair
grounds at Lincoln und will move up in
March , with the promise ot a very successful
The Chadron Driving Park association has
been organized with the following ofllcers :
R. Flanders , president : J. Kicburds , vice
president ; L. A. Brewer , secretary , and C. C.
Jameson , treasurer. Board of Directors ,
Flanders , Klchurds , Pattiaon and Record. '
' H. B. & H. D. Allou , Waterloo , la. , have
sold to S. E. Dunham.Olweln , la. , for $1,000 ,
the stallion Debonair , foaled ISbl ) , by Dictator
tater Wiikfs , dam by Blaokwood ; second
dam by Dictator. To E. C. Plckler , Klrks-
villp , Mo. , for * 3,000 , seven head of orood
mares and fillies.
The Beatrice Driving association has
elected the following olllcors : President ,
Captain S. Bivotis ; secretary , W. G. Wash-
burne ; treasurer , li. L. Ewlng. Two meet
ings will bo given by the association ut Lin
den Tree park , the llrst orcurnntr August 211 ,
24 and - " > , and the second September 22 , 1
and 24. The original plan for a local meeting
July 2 and 4 will bo carried out.
At Husbvillp , this state , a stock company
bos been formed with (10,000 subscribed cap
ital , to bo devoted to their fair and races.
The company has decided to build a ono milo
lito shaped track , for which n Una tract of
land has buen purchased , and if the tract Is
completed according to the specifications It
will bo second to none In thn country. Tbo
intention is to have it icady for thu fall's
races ,
Joseph Garneou , Jr. , of the Omaha Driving
Park association , has been In Chicago for the
past week on business connected with tne
now enterprise. Mr. Gurnean is ono of
Omaha's progressive young business men
und the general public has confidence in any
project with winch' ho may ho happily con
nected. That ho will push tbo Driving Park
affair to a successful Issue goes without sayIng -
Ing , and in tlmo Omaha will bavo a racing
meet commensurate with Jipr deserts ,
Church Howe & Sun , VTulnut Grove stock
farm , Howe , Neb. , have sold to H. C. Ewlng ,
Beatrice , Nob. , tbe following brond marcs lit
foal to McClure 070 : Lady Morris , py Mo-
Mahon , dam Nellie , by Black Hawk ; Mnmlo
H. , by McMahon , dam Fiy , by Woodpecker ;
Kato Dundy , by MoMabon , dum Jennie
Dundy ; Daisy , by Diadem , darn Mary Dye ,
byMcClellan ; A'eronn , by Voron , dara Ella
McLuln , by Bob Leo ; also , the following In
foal to Thorn Prlnco 11,240 ; Lillian , by
Taluvcra , dam Mary Dye , by McClellan ;
Miss Ely , by Martcon. dura Mary Dovel , by
Netnaha Chief ; also , the 2-yoar-old bay geld-
Inps Itowo and Franklin , by McClure , dams
Mamie H , by McMaboo , and Dolly , by Me-
The Sherwood stock farm , .Sheldon , la.
has sold to E. J. Jones , Morris , Mlnu. , tbo U
year-old brown filly Loota , bv Woodford
Wllkes , dam Delta , byBavincnt ; tccouddam
Mother Ann , bv Walter FarrU'Son ; also
the black brood mare Topsy , by Swlcert
dam Lady Jane , by Goldsmith's AbJaliah
second dam Dolly Bell , by KlehurOV Boll
founder. To II. B. Judson , Morris , Mlnu.
tbo 4-year-old bay filly ICaloua , by Wood fen
Wlllcej , dam Pnuobo B , by We tern Chief
aUo , the 3-yearrold brown filly Lumlra , by
Buymont , dam Horinoluu , by Hojpodi.r ; sec
nd Cam Clara , bv Hamblotonlan 10. To G.
I. Seymour , SUIlwator , Minn. , the 3-year-
Id bar colt Magnetic , by Woodford Wllkov
am Formosa , bv G ortfln Wllken ; second
am Fivlola , by Knickerbocker. To J ( Lot-
on , Albion , Nob. , the 2-yonr-old brown flllv
illldrod , by Lockhnrt , dam Income , by Wood-
ord Wllkes , second dam Kato GrlnHh , by
Mdon Goldsmith nlso the 2-voar-old
; , - - bay
olt Mllaca , bv Woodford Wllkos , dam Plur-
linn , Itv Pluto ; second dam Nclllo U , by
Swleort also bay colt Mol-
; , the 3-yoar-olil -
i lf , by Lockbart , dam LIU Moswr , by
\loxandor ; second dnin Eleanor , by Horod.
JL'o a Chicago party , n bay Illly by Memory , a
bay mare by Baymont. a bay Illly by Bay-
niont , and a bay colt by Woodford Wllkcs.
Sltuatott live miles south of Lincoln , In the
valley rf Salt crook and Immediately on the
Ino of thn U. ft M , rallroiJ , Is Moadowbrook
lock farm the homo of Nihilist , iho grandly
bred son of the great slro of speed , Strath-
nero , and the property of F , W. Baldwin.
I'hU farm is ono of the last accessions to the
anks of the trotting horse brooder * of Na-
irnska , and ono of line promlso of n promi
nent position among western breeders. It
should bo remarked right lioro that it is
ileatlng to note the targe number of gentle-
non men of slnndmir , capital and Influence
who nr < now engaged In this very 1m-
lortant branch of Industry. Mr. Baldwin Is
i lever of the horse nnd ha * studied the his-
ory of slock farms and breeding , and Is
'amillnr with the Interest In all Us Important
details. Mondowbrook farm U well located ,
nnd its appointments nro nil now , neat and
convenient. The stabling is excellent , with
roomy , well ventilated box stalls , which lira
well arranged tor comfort both winter nnd
slimmer , with a supply of good pure water.
Mr.BaldwIn has demonstrated the fnotthatbo
jelloves In nothing shoddy or flashy , and the
oodlcrecs ot his stock are strictly In keeping
, vlth this Principle , for the "goods" ho Is
aroedlng from are pure stuff which ha * been
irlcd nnd which has a hUtory. Ho appreci
ates the Importance of developing his stock ,
ind for this purpose haj built n first-elans
linlf-mllo track and will endeavor to substan
tiate their ability and his confidence.
3IIrtlliMCoun ! l.oral Spurt n ,
The Omaha Kennel club will hold a moot
ing soon to take the Initiative stops toward a
bench show to be given hero In the fall.
The Omaha Athlonc club U making
> laborato preparations for Its llrst public ex-
ilultlon , nnd n largo and fashionable audl-
once Is assured.
The Brunswick-Balko-Collendor Billiard
company is malilnc arrangements for a big
bowling tournament to bo given In this city
In the near future.
The Omaha Swedish tuc-of-war team ox
perloncod hut llttlo trouble In defeating the
Fremont team last Monday night. The local
, eam , by the way , would stand a peed chance ,
so able Judges think , with any loam In the
United States.
ilutchlns geese have been coming into the
market in considerable numours during the
[ ) im ton days. However , It is a few weeks
2arly for Omaha gunners to think of going
oul. Before any general success can bo
achieved the rivers must open up.
J. E. StoufTer , secretary of the Grand
Island gun club , nmlo the sportincr ( Milter n
pleasant call Friday. Mr Slouffer wns lu
tbe city in the Interests of the state shooting
tournament which opens nt Grantl Island
Muv 10.
Mrs. Dr. Ayres magnificent Wellington
took second prize In tbo open mastiff class nt
tlio Mascoutau club bench show in Chicago
last wci > k , nnd Clinton N. Powell's Edrio
fourth. Wellington is Pv LordHnglan outot
Waucouta Donna and Edrio by Juck Thyr.
This Is a decided triumph for the Omaha
J. E. Taylor , an old attache of THE BKE ,
now a prosperous miner of Sxvoot Grass
Hills , Mont. , Is visiting friends hero. Mr.
Taylor called on the sporting editor yester
day afternoon nu dfairly turned his head with
visions of elk und hlacktall. antelope , wolves ,
hear and wild fowl. Mr. Taylor represents
the region ns a veritable Eldorado for fish
nnd game , nnd It Is not improbable , but tbat
ho will have the pleasure of entertaining a
party of Omaha sportsmen next fall.
OilcHtlons iin < l Alls" < > rs.
LINWOOD. Neb. , Fob. 8. To thoSportliig Edi
tor of TIIKBKK : ' 1 o decide asm nil wnsornloasc
stale nhoroit wns that Jnhn Ij. Ktilllvun Had
his wrist broken nnd with whom ho fltfht-
liiKV"\V. J. Noble.
Ans. At Minneapolis. Patsy Cardiff.
UKP OAK , r . . I'eb. U.-To thoSpnrtlnc Editor'
of Inn BF.B : I'loiisc lot mo know In- next Sun-
dny'.i HIK who Is the ( | iiloke t nnd most accur
ate ptol shot ? .
Ans.W. . W. Bennett , Boston.
LBAII.P. I ) . . Fob. 3-To the Sporting Editor
of Tin : HER : I'lo.-iso di-dtlo the foilowinz : A ,
correct ? Answer und oblige.--Subscriber.
Ans. Ho Is.
ATI.ANJKin. . , Fon. rTe the Sportlnir
Kdllor of TIIK IIKI : : \\\\i \ \ you picaso answer
thu following niioiUons in Sunday's HBE.
What is thi ) best record of hitch and kick nml
by whom ? . Vours respectfully , A Sub
Ans. Hitch nnd kick , "J feet nnd 1 inch
C. D. Wilbur , Annapolis , Mich. , Juno 0 ,
OMAHA. rob. 8. To the Sportlnc Kditor ot
TIIK \ \ KKI'loasu answer thu following In
next Sunday's HIK : In : i Ratno of hlch live A
hiihl polntH , U lius-1C points H lilrls H au i A
makrslow. It inukc-,3 uolnts. Which U out ?
J. K. , A Mih-jcrlber.
Ans. A.
SUTTO.V. Nob. , Kob. ft-To the Sporting
Ldltor of TUB UIB : Vou will probably ro-
ineinbor mo In connection with St. llnr'niinl
docs und It Is rosardlng one of thorn that I
iiddiess you this time. ( Jan you loll moot
some no whom I could not to train my M. II.
( I S for me ? Would IIIce to cot hln trained
for n useful house and children's do- : . 1 my
self havn neither time , piitloncu nor ability
for It. The 1)02 ) I own Is u Uno iieolmen of the
raoo. Ilu 11 a llttlo over u your old , sUudrt up
about tlility Inches in front and uoluhs about
irn or 170 pounds. 1 want him trained more
especially to rmimlu with and protect my
clilldron. Any Information you uan irlvo In
this mutter will bo npproulut'od.-J , J ? Hono-
AIIS. Charles Hnhbard , Tuckervlllo , Nob.
If you doslro to send your dog oft u con-
sldorablo alstimco can give you several ad
NKIIIIARKA OITV , Xoh , Kob. 8 , To the Sporl-
luu' Kdllor of aiiK HUB : A Is 18 points In
easluo , uets cards. Which goes out llrst , A
with 1 * po.nts or U with 17 points , with l > l und
llttlo casino and ono ace , hands called on the
piny ? Al. E. K.
Ans. The party who scored his points
first if bo claimed out , won. if neither count
ed out A wins with curds , which count
In the points.
NEIIIIASKA OITV , Nob. . Kob. 8. To iho Sport-
UKKJltorof TllKllEK : Which goes out first
lu casino , cards , biz or llttlo cuslnoV-Al. 10. i : .
Ans , ( ards.
SOUTH OMAHA , nob. . I'ob. 10 , To thn Sport-
fii''Kdltor if ) TIIK llb-ti 1'lu IBO stale In HUN-
iiAV'sHKK Just what Tom Ryun. who flshts
Neutllmui March . ' .lias over dmio In thu way
of IlKhtliiK. Hid Jack MoAiillire over whip
Hilly Meyer or Jlnituy CarrollV Ainbldoxtur.
Ans.M ) . Hynn has defeated Danny N end-
ham , Ka Bartlott.Con Doyle , Billy McMlllon
end Frank Howtou. (3) ( ) . Jack MuAulIffo
fought a draw with Billy Meyer and defeated
Jimmy Carroll.
There are letters at the sporting depart
ment of thlr piper for Harry Uatowood , ball
player ; Jack Carkeck , wrestler , and Young
Burke , pugilist ,
UIIAIIA. Kel ) . ll.-To the Sporting Editor of
TIIK HBK : Will you pluuso state In TIIK HUN-
DAY IlKK thtidutuof tula yuar'N Kiullih Derby ,
anil what Ijowe , If uiiy. Is the f tvurlio ? How
old Is Jiiy-llye-Suo' llnr oo.
Ans. Juno 1. Ormo is a a to 1 favorite.
IlrANNis , Neli. Kob. 9. To the Sportlnc Rdl-
tor of Tim Urn : Will you pU-asu iinswor thu
.following question , its A and It have n I'ol. on
It : What Is thu difference between a hinniro
nilln and ainllt > iii ru ? A says there Is no
dltforunco and II nays there In ; which will taUo
thu monoAor li ? U N , Matthews.
Ans. A. Fob. 8 To the Sporting Edi
tor of Tin : I > BK : To hottlo nn nntumonl will
you kindly answer In Sunday's HKE the fol
lowing question , ; Does it bnllotshoi out of u
rill. ; strMlaht up in tlio ulr truvol us funt when
it arrives back as when It luuvits the cnn , and
duos It have the name penetrating force ?
J , J ,
Ans , Yes , minus the lots duo to friotlohal
resistance of the air. If tired In a vacuum
tube it would be exactly the same ,
OMAHA. Fob. B.--To tha Sporting Editor of
TIIK HUB : To decide a but will you nlousostavo
In Next Sunday' ! HKK : IIa any horte ever
trottud In lesi than i' :
Ans. Never ,
and ho spent thirty-two uiluutoi trying to
tell his wife to go to tbundor and got hiuuol-
tla of Dlxob's Asthma Cure , and she ( poor
thing ) Uutterod around aud brought some
broth and a balr brush mid things , und
Spoopendyke .nearly .died , but ho got the
" Aithma ' ' Cure flually ud than welt , I'm
Mn > N. J , lUyl y , IWtoTlll * . Run. . liAtoro nail alttr
it * itmootbr Ur.Suyder.
lllU.UCVIt.IiH. KM. l > cc. (1. ( IWIOr Snydor.
When I began jour trnitmpnt Inroo mtinltn niio , I
wns itroiMlrnl. ( mil lok ln.-iul.irho , milieu It broiltilna ,
wn romp'olelv oxhnu lo I nixl cnulil not ilonnr work.
Mr Im'tmml ln l toil ( in nir tnklnit Iho trvMincnt ,
which lillrinllh Ilio follonlni ; ttu-ccsii
Jloforc. After. I.o
\Velitht3l ) iMiiimls. . lU'ipiundi . . . . . .M icuncli
HUM.,41 Inrlu'i. . . X > , , . , , , , , Inchrj
\Vnht. < 0 Imlici. . . . Wlndioi. . , , . . .II Incliot
1II | . . .67 Inchon. . iSlnclim , . . , . . II Inrlici
I fctpl now Ilka n new bjliiir. l > ropir , lckhojtilnc'.o ,
aniirtnani of broilli nnrt pitlnit uro nil to no. 1 do my
own work nlth o o ami plcuim1. Mr frlomlt nro
urpMiCHl nl the uronl rlinntio In my cumtltluil , I will
cheerfully ropljr to nil Inqulrlp * If jump l Indovil
Mil * . .NJ. IIAM.KV.
liflRtnrrlnir. no inronrpnttncw , hnrmlmn fmtl no baa
effect * . Strict confident ! * ! * Var circular * and to * *
UxaonU.a adttnws nlth Co. In iUmp %
MoVickcr's Thcntro Bldrj. , Chicago , III
tu advance of or-
PI ACTFE ? 'llnary porous jilas-
r LHO i tr\ lcrSi thnt u ttliy u
' I'LA&TIIK ta
succeeds why WOOD'S &
wet til taU'ui ; trouble to get.
N. Y. Depot , 93 William St.
N , M , RUDDY ;
i'lli Soul h mil St. . Farii.-un St. Theater.
Olnsses Kitted to remedy ull defc.-uts of yu-
slghu Steel spectacles of gimr.tnloud ciuuUty
$1 and up.
Solid ( Jol.l Spocticl' ) : ui.l Eyoi liissaiilii :
and upward. Occullst's proscription-
glasses lilh'd correctly sumo diiy us received
f l2etn.onirrri ? t
cured lu 3 dnys by iho French Itoinudy entit
led the KINO. It dissolves ngulnst and Is ab
sorbed Into tliu Inllumod patts. Will rotund
money lilt dooi not euro , or caucus strlotura
Gentlemen , huro Is a rnllaulo article. SI a
puolingo. or 2 for $3 per mall prop.ild. MoCor-
mlck & Lund , Onmha.
MTlion I Bay euro I do not moan merely to stop thfra
for a tima and then liaro thorn return axil" . I moan a
radical euro. I have mido tlio djtoiso of FITS , KPf >
Lr.PSY or FALLING SICKN1-S3 a Mo-Iong etudy , I
warrant my remedy to euro the woret caacg. Itaausa
otbors bare fallud U no rojuon for nnt now rncoiving a
euro , tioud at occo for A trofttlso and a 1'ruu llnttla of
my.lnfallibloromody. Oho Eiprcsnand Tout Ofilco.
li. a. HOOT , ni. c. , isa I't-iiri St. , N. v.
. . . - ,
In unsurpassed In the troutmo ntof u llfso
PRIVATE DISEASES , and nit disorder. )
und delilll ties nt youth nnd manhood. 17vonrs <
experience. Ilia resources und fuelllllos nro
prut-tie illy unlimited. The Doctor Is recom
mended by the prus * , nnd umlorhu'l ' In tha
htroiiKustterms by the pimp o for fair trout-
nii'iit and professional udvh'o. Tha
most powerful remodlrs known to nut lorn
H-lencii for the successful treatment ot the
followlngdlsuusas :
GONOJiHHOEA Immediate relief. A coin-
n'fltocnri ) without the loss of un hour's tlnid
from business.
GLEET One of thn most complete and 8lic-
cebsiil truutmoiits for Kloot unu nil annoyliiH
dl.scharcos yet known to the modlriil profci-
Blon. The roHiillH uro truly wonilurf ill. Tha
most stubborn unilahronlo cuxos whore tha
dlHohurxo hud oxlsinil foryoini. imllioly con-
I rolled Inn roinurk.ibly short tlmo.
BTBIOXUaQ-Uruutnst Known remedy foi
the treatment of Htrlottiiu. without pilu , rut-
tliiK , ordllatlnc. A most roimulmlilo temrily.
SYTHILIB No truutmnnt for thm torrlhlt
blood dlsaiibo huH ever bvou more Huccuuxfuli
or had Htron or ndor < > eiiioiits. In thn llirhl
of nioJern Hulcnco thlv dlsunsu IH ponitlvdly
imrahlu und o\ory Inumof the poison entirely
removed from the blood , The euro U uoniiilcta
and permanent.
Z.OS1' MANHOOD , nnd ambition , nervous-
nnss , timidity , doaponUiuioy und ull blhhllii'4
ulTuetN ot early vluc. Kellef ohtulnud nt uncu.
Thn wnaU Krnw strop ? , nnil the despondent bo *
comeohocrfill nnd hupi.y ,
SKINDISKASKS , und all diseases of tin
blood , llvor , UldnoyB nndb hiddor uro trimtcd
Riiccvs fully with Ihegreutoitliiiown roniedlei
for these du > oiiiua. :
Wrltu fnr circulars und ijiiosllon list freo.
McUrow'H troiitmnnt for disorders of the
htornnch , hns the iiiujuiillflud cndDrnomont o (
those whohuvo liuon cured. UUBI'K that hud
kuffuriiil for yuur-i and iinahle to WOIIK or KAT
without incruuHlDK their misery , outirely'
cured. Thn remodlurt are pluiinant , und | ml-
uluhlo to the most delloiitofildmucli. llth
nnd Fnrnnm Hln. , Onmha , Neb , Kutruiicu on
either street.
KHAIlATOIt" ( ; < ; iircii > l | ileioalBl Lcoiujn Itkllli
tlio inlcrobuorncrui. 1'ut upand rutMlodln tJ , M aJ
li iioj , tliu laltur IW fnllnni. Hunt nnywliura life-
paid on rocolpt nf prlcu or li O. I ) . Weltiuo n liunr-
anli'o toi'uru. Tlioimbllo trudo ami Joliborj ul"
plle < l by tlm Klntlor l > ruic Company. Oninti& | < ! , A
Mulclior , MoHnril Meyorund J5. I' . Bofkura. Houtli
OwBlutj A. I ) . Vuilur una U. J. Kllll , Oiunoll Illutfl
CondltlMU or tbe banian form uccoMfull/troitcd
totiovelop. otrenirtlun , enlarve all vrvuK , tunUxl ,
- - ' uped , feeble orKoui and part * of tlie body I
which tiuro luat or never attained a proper neil
natural ilie , due to III health , utiute. eiceMCi.or
unknown causes. There U ono uiellied n ltd
only one. bjr irblcli thi * mar Do at " '
liicreajodnovr of blood to anjr part. produced I l > r
Impleupparatn * aetliiu tuitoiaalfcall/ , cruticineir
tl iuu. lone ana vigor by the ipa oa'
the lucnutw of alt * and Mrcoeth ofiai
bo | > rujujlc < l bectuie little auarki i > r < > i
luoauj to do ttio lauia. JNVJfh
There' * no iriiu bnrk of our pra. Our par
vlll come wb4ti tlio public know * vlcarlr aoiiHio
from fraud. Write ua for laatruMlona , full de crjp .
tloo ; proof .r furiiace .vto. Allaeotyou ia (4ila
wjilodletlur without co to ( any kind.
HlB MEDICAL 00. , 8P1TALO , W. Y ,