THE OMAHA DAILY KKK : SUNDAY-FEBRUARY 1892-SIXTEEN ! PAHES. 8PEGIRL _ " ) ' . ' "foil THK < K COLUMNS A1)VKHTI1'KMK.N'1S IJ.iOji ro for Ilic PTPnnK | inrt until ( > . .W IL tn , , tor the morning or Sunday cill All adTrrllemenl .tn thefo column * IS conU n lln * fltn Insertion nnil 10 tent * * line therm tier , or n | i r lln per month. No mUprllnnmcnl Inkeri for ICM limn 2 < ( ( tit * for thetlrsl Infcrllon Trrm . , ry n Iniidrnnce Count about 7 words to thpllne in ] Jlnl * , tlcureii ynitiol * , oil cachcotinl ns n worn AlliilTrrllM-mviilainurt run ( onueciillvoly. Advcr Ilirr * . by reqn < Mini : n numbered thctk , inn IIXTP tholr Irllrrs nildrcMed to n numbered teller In euro uf'Illl IIM. Anrrri > Mi ndilrc * ed will be dcllv red on ptii > pntfillon of the check .imM n ( > ri ii i. - AI > \ ii JJcoliimn * will he taken on Iho aho e conditions M tlie followlni ! liutlnciif , houi > e , who nro niithor- Irrd to tnkc i > pc ( Inl notices t the Mime rntei us inn T.C hnil Rl Ilio tnnln olllfoi goutli Omnlm llrnnch Otllce No 2fl21 N Mroct I.IHorblork John W. Hell plifirmiultd. llth and Mason street * , 8 II 1-aMiiinuilli , ph rinnrl l.2lt' > Cumlnii Mrecl. W .1 HuelKiiiharninrM n4 .V Ifith rtrrct C K HMUTIlohl , phnrmndsl , I18 ! itt l HUBhc * pharmacy , 24lh nnct Fnrnnm SITUATIONS WANTED HATKS lion line llrst lime nnd lOcnllne there after. No advertisement tnken furle * * than 2. J 7.AY > Y "oFaMrtmi' ' : . A . _ where lnlrucllon mny bo siren In the I Knill"li brnnches In exchange for bonrd Address N < 4. Hee. M222 1C * I "T WANTKII. A HITUA'IION IIV * iOUN < ! MAN ' yvnhn I * not nfrnld In work , where hi1 hn chant c for advnnicmcnlt no hndhnhll" . Addrc 0 2. llec. 1 " 7 WI'.LL KNOWN OMAHA CUV AND THAV Vsling nalcunnn , In hunlne * * . for elf. 1 * open to nncrn on or before Mnrchlsl. An cdutnled push- In solicitor. lorrcBpondemoBolIcliicd. Address * 0 13 , Heo. M5WI 15 - WANT Kll. POSITION AS HOUKKIM'PRU OH nnyklmlof clerlcnl work ; hcct of reference * Address O li. Hcc. 337-15 - A HKSIT.CTAHI.KMDOWKI ) LAI1V WOULD Uko n Munition n lioniu'kccner for widower Adilteni llox 178nktllolil , .Neb. M.I8J 16 * - HHHT CLASS IIOOKKKKPKIt DKSIHKS A light sel of books lo keep cicnlngi terms rea Konnblc. Address Ni 4 , Hce. 14' WANTED-KALE HELP. llATKS-IJo a line llrst time nnd lOc n linn there- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less thnn25c 11 WAN1KI1 , HALIISMHN . . . JJmlfidon to bundle Iho new pntent chemical Ink ernidng pimll. 'Hie grcntesl selling novelt ) ever produced ; cruses Ink thorougly In two seconds , no nbrnslon of pnper ; 200 l o Un per tent profit ; one ngcnt's ( uloH ninomiti i ! to ffso In six dn } * , another 1.12 In two hours. \ \ wnnl one gencrnl nuenlln cnch stnle nnd lerrllory ror terms and full par- tliulnrs nddress Monroe Krnser MfK. Co , LnCrosso. Wls. , X M 721 B "ciTYCANVAS-SKUS.SALAHYPAtDWF.KKLY , Hewing machine olllce 1510 Douglns st t.'Jl f28 B - WANTKD. MUST-CLASS .MACHINIST li OnUs JtCowglll. 175 B -CANVAHSEH8 WANTED. CALL OU AD drcss821N. Y Life building. M283 F14 * f J-WANTED. THOSE WHO HAVE LObT A LKi I > or arm to send their names and address to Ceo H. lloggKon , nrtltlclnl limb manufacturer , New Haven , Conn , Something of Interest to all crip pics , wherever located. M142 ! ( / TJ-AHKNTS , MINEIIAL LAMP WlfKS NEVEIl -Dbitrn nut ; no smoke , no soot , no lilmmlng ; light equal lo gns , J samples lOc , assorted dorcn Kc. T Sln > ner A-Co. , 1'rovldcnce , It I. MVHi-U * -WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN TO TAKE AN IN- lerest In an established provision business , one icciislomed lo buying nnd selling counlry produce desired. Address Clmmberlnln , Lock llox 'Jl West llululli.Mlnn. MJ02 14' -SOLICITOUS rOH A HAHDWA11E bl'E- clnlt > of merit Prollls grod Experience not necepsnry. Call on W. A. Lognn , Uoom J , Hnshmnii blk , Mio3 18' -WANTED , EM'ElUENt'ED SALESMAN IN merchant tailoring establishment. Address N 111 , I ic olllce. M.'i.l 14 BA COMPETENT MAN WITH HEKEHEN015S. nil cxperlinto us n sollelior for building nnd lonn or life Insurance company can secure n per iimncnl nnd prolllable connection by culling nt 101 lice building , I to a p. in. .M2I > 7 IS * B -WANTED 25 UAILUOAD MEN. E. S AI. I brlghl , 11M Farnam si. 273 14- B-UNMAHH1KD MAN TO TAKK ClLAlKJi : boarding l.Wmcn. mining camp In Colorado , itlvn ace , experience and wages : none but Iho , trusty innn need apply , Address Lock Uox 2jO , Omahii uoslolllco. 27.1 14 T > -WANTKI1-A HAHB CIIANCK tOH 1.1 VK Uauclns , n pocket lellcr press ; price $2 ; largo ills counts lo agimta. Sommcrs Cylinder Press Co , ll llroadwny , N. V. , rootn.W M2K ) 15 * -3ALKSMKN KNKHOHT10 MKN WANTKD Kreo prepnld oullll. Ono of our HKcnls IIHH pnrncd over fiO.OlVI In llvo jenrs. 1' . O hoxU71. New York. M283 14 * -AOKNT8 TO 8KLL "TIIK NICKKL COMHINA- lion Penholder ; " contains pen , pencil , penknife Biid rubber crnser. hells for Ml cunts 1'rlco to iiKcnts tlM per dozen Address C. T , Chrlntcnscn , Minneapolis , Minn , 1 * . O. HoxM ) . M21I5 14 * B-A YOUNG MAN TO CAHK toll IIOHSK8 nnd do some delivering who writes n fnli- hand ; bn cdc or Dane preferred Address N OJr Hee. M2o2 U * B-WANTKD , THAVKL1NO gALKSMKN KOU lient sldo llnuc\erotlcrcl. ( Order guaranteed In ' every town Liberal coinml < * lon bend references AddrcKB with slamp , Snimhlnu rubllshlng compnii ) , (21 ( I'nxlon hlock , Omaha. ,110 14 * B-4JHKAT SALU OF bTANDAHD 1IKKI ) THOT- Unit slnlllons , colts nnd fillies , all nces , the k'et nf Iho celebrated truttlnn Blalllon , Iowa Mambrlno , I ens , slro of Chnrley HIckB , 4-ycnr old record 2.KH ; also standard bred nnd standard producing mures In foul to standard bred homes : also n lot of heavy farm KcldbiKs nnd marcs , together with a lol of Im ported and registered Galloway cows , bulls and jrriide * talc near Knrllmm , on Hock Island 11.1 miles cunt of Council lllufls , I-eh. 20 15 months' tlinu with snllsfnctory security , John W. tilvln. M84I 18 * -WAM'KD , MKN WHO AUK ALHKADY IravclbiK men lo neil u full line uf pnlnls. white lends , colors nnd painters supplies on commission K llamninr 1'alnl Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 340-14 * -WANTKD-A YOUNG MAN ( NOT UNDKH 25) ) wanted nt once for responsible poiltlon In buslntss ; need nol bo experienced , but musthnvo A 1 icfcrenccs. Call uflcT 10'lucsdn ) , W. T. Mar- Khali , 12 CrclKhlon hlock. 3jj 14 * -MKN OH WOMHN WIHI1INO TO 1NVKST OH ectposlllons tn Chicago , tend stamp to lluslness Mem llureau of Information , 115 Dearborn st , C'hl cngo , III. jiaij 15. -WK MAKK A LHIKHALOKKKU 'IO TllAVBL- InK and local salesmen In every stnto who call on rclnll grocers ( iluten Knllro Kluur Wheat Co. , 1.15 1 uko street , Chicago , 1IL 311114 * 1)-WANTKII , A I1HKSS GOODS 8ALKSMAN , J'onn who can apeak Ciormun unu llohcmlnn Blonchlll , S77-14 -WANTKD-LADY OH HKNTLUMAN OK JJilei | ant address lo occupy iioMtlon of Irusl. Liberal renuuicratlon. I'leusunt und permiinunt vmplnyment for right party. Addicss with stamp , OII , Hcu Oftlco. 38U 14 * -WANTKD.TIIAVK.LINlHALKSMKNTOSKIJj JJbaklng powder to the relall grocery trndo. We put our goods up In Klaus rolling pins , fuu month alary and cxpcnsci or commission.Vo want men who nro now on the road lo carry as n side lino. Coed opportunlt ) for clerk * and others who nnut to net on the road. Wilto for parllculars ; send itamp. Chicago linking I'owdcr Co , 707 Van lluren street , Chicago , 111 , N'ifl 10' IJ-WAN'l KD-M AN OK HUBINHHS IIXI'IIHIKNCK 4JU ) iruvel In Nebraska. Permanent slluallon. 1130-1140 , Caxton building , Chicago , 111 , .M32J 15 * - WANTBII. THAVKLINO HALKHMKN ON OUH advertising specialties to retail trade only. A tern winder for dull times. Dunks & Co. , 101 Htato It. , Chlcnuo. JJ1-J4 * B-HALKSMHN TO BULL HV HAMPLK OUH Money Order Hysleui lo relall mercbanls , t''OOu miinlh lu It for llvo salotment experience not live- rksarr. Address Mvrcbanls Monuy Order company , Cincinnati , O. S.U Jl -WANTKII. TIIAVK1.1NO HALKSMKN IO SKLL baking powder lo Iho retail grocery Irude. Men now on thu road preferred , Also ugnod chaneo for any llvo man who knows u good thing. Kx- perleiue nol ahsolulely necc'viury. Wo pa ) no h > s than (8000 pvrmonlh unduxpon es. Uiuloso tamp for t.articiilnrs. Address Norlhwcslera linking Powder Co. , HI 1'aui. Minn. Ski 14 * I-POHTHAIT AIITISTH WANTKII 10 OIVK lourvleclrlo light prliua a trial. lixieUlor I'or- trait > o , Ware bloc k , Omaha SI.U ( M13 * B-SAI.KSMAN TOHKLLTHK-L1TTLKU1ANT" llurglar Proof Door r'aslener. Carried lu Miat kct. Bend tea 2 cent stumps for sniuplu Nat'l KH ' Co. , IU rTuncls St. , ftt , Joseph , Mo. , U , S. A. "ua it * | B-WANTKII , A NO I HLACKBMlTHi ONKTHAT Is a No 1 sheer and undcrilands nhoelnn trolling luirncsaud iieneral blacksmllhlng. I'or Informa tion write fccarlctt & Ixiucki , 1-ullerton , Neb. 837 14 * B - MAKKU WANTKI ) . UIIEO. win. Dialer. Cook. Neb. ! > 841I * BWANTKII TWO 0001J 8ALK8MKN 1 OH CAH- l > eli anil droia voodf. An.wvr by Ivllur with ref- trenci'n. llvnuliou l > ro > , -TKAVKI.1SO SALKSMKN. fJl'KCIALTIKS for vrocery , dry ni > oc ! anil general ilurei. U orth 1100 00 | ivr month ahoro ex | > cn > di. AllUon. 117 Uoiirou ilrwel , Lhlcago. 3t > il | ' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. JIATKS l&o a line tint lima and lOo a line Ihero- itfler. No aUt rlliemonl taken for lci lliuii Zio. ri A"JOO il'H A L A H V 0 UA II A N T K E II TO AN V wlarty who will do vtrlllOK for mo at homo. Ad- ill Hi In own b m1 rlttni : wliu aildroicil nnd ilauued cnTuloi | . JIlM hdua K t-ui/the , HoutU lltud , Ind. , uroprlrtor of the famuui lilorla Wuivr. C -WANTKII. KlltST CLAbB ( illtl.TO COO1C , NO waiblnv or IroulDt , Wage * ( i a wc'c'V. 214 Ilia- bey it. 274 U * _ O-A HH8T CLAhS OlltLKOll IjKNKHAL HO USE V-/work. Thruo In family , lluuto all luodt-rn liu- tiroxwentt Olhlldrvn. Cull attlU'ark A c > uuo. ! . . . . . , . - „ n.r nrnrnrrxil , il UJU 14 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. I'otitlnutil , _ / 1 LAD1KH-1 WILL I'AY LAD1KH A HAI.AHV OV V (1C per week liinork for me In their totality at hnmp Mehl work , ( rood | > y for | > art tlinei write. with fitamp , Mr . H , II. 1 arrlnKlon , Ixix 702. Chlcniri ] , COMI'KTENT ( IIHI. HJH ( IKNKHAL HOl'SH- v work HWShorniAii nrcnne M5S1 7T WANTljlT ( jitlli toil ( illNKKAL IIOt'OK. V work , ftnnll fnnilly Vft I'lncHreel , endl of lOlli dlrtet iiiH' ' lli' Hrownrll Hall. .O'i-l4 f\ WAN ! IIII. A COMI'niKNT IUHL rxTlt IIKN- V irnl IIOIIM work Siioit rnpplclon nve. . ' 112 l , \Ofll ADIIIti : , HII5K Tllll' TO v < nllfnrnln nnd ( ( OUUier j-pnr free to fill pup clia-em of our frtill Innd mi Ihc flUO Inrlalbuent plnn llimranteed hy hond ! wr do nil tdenllnK , tut- llrntlon nnd lahorl will rell only n few ncrr * on Iliom lorni * lo ndverlli-e Iho properly. Wrlle Wnl Itr , I. llnytmmd laton. O. 317 14 * /I ( "OMI'KIK.NT MIIHILK AIJI'.ll WOMAN Kill V econd work Mrn IL S.Jfiiit" , 11,31 Kmniel Btrict. Kounlrc plaro. 31014 * / 1-r.OO A IIAY V itlvlnir unmiden nnd felling medlrlnnl tollrt miap lu famlllen CrofUA Heed , Chlcnxo , III. .M8.I7H , * / 1-IiAIIIFH. SKMI ICbl Aill' TO KAILS' , frOt'TIl ' V Itetid , Ind f200 tiny In iiddrctB cnveloiiex nl homo. * Ii.iii 14 * f1WANTKII (5IHL ( 1'OH ( IH.NKllAI , IIOUSK v work ! liai't hive referenren .Mr * . II. II troxt , ' 18Ui Shertnan arenue. M ! 7Mb fWA.NTKI \ ) , Hll TCLASK THI.M.MK1IR. Mllt- liners and cnlcilnillet. Sllns Alice Inanro. no7 S IMh Mrcol. 378 14 VANTKII. (1IHL ( TO HKLt' IX LKJ1IT HOUSti wnrk nnil nn ll In rare nflnfnnt. Apd | ) Mondny or T-aei-duy nioriiltiB , IMS N , ZZil St , .117 14 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. HATI'.d TV n line Hrpt time nnd lOe n line there- niter , No Hdrcrtlremcnl inken for Ion tlmn 2Ac. -3 , , 't \ f , ItOOM lilencu Hals lu clly. Mean Inv't Co . 443 llec lildtf -VOIl HKNT. 1IOKHK 10 HOOV.S , ALL MOD- crn Iniproveinents. MO per mouth ; ajd nnd I nr > num. lo\ter ) L. 'lliiiinni 7 4 D KW I. UOOM CiriTAOKM. MUIIKII.V IM- "Stnnford Circle. " ( ' . provcnienl' , Apply S. KlKUtlrr , room I. N. V. Llfo millclliiK. 725 -li-UUOM tlOUSKi V7TII AN ! ) DAVICNI'OHT , nil conTenlcnecn , I2AOO per month K K lnr- ling. Hnrkerldoik. _ , ai D-LAltllK 1.181' . til'O J. 1'AUU I DOS PA UN AM DJOrVJ * - tlllOOM 1IOU8I : . MOIIKIIN IMI'IIOVI'.MUNTS , I'SJ ' .N. Mlh nve. H Knllth , Inllor 211 N. lull 787 -KLAT IN CLINTON HI.OCK.O 1IOO.MS , bTKAM hcnl , wntor , VHP , linlhr All cun\enlcncc : In l.ood repair. Inquire of Joliu lliuulln , Id" s nth at. , Omnlm. > I SOU _ -FLATS WITH AND WITHOUT STKAM htnl , hulldln f , , nlorrh , dnellln b nnd collnueB III nil pnris of Iho ell ) Kelkc-nney A Co. , Conll- ncnliil block M lul 21 - KOU HUNT , TIIK 10 ItOoM HOtJfK 2107 Don uglas Bt. Inquire Kali , 1102 Douiflua st. 1)84 ) n - foil HKNT , 811OOM FLAT. LANOK III.OCK. l-'corn er Bill and .lackson street * M il lit D-12-IIOOM I1OIISU MODKHN CONr.NlK.NCl'.S. . furnished or unfurnl-heil , Kounlrc I'luw , cor. 21slnnd Hlnne ) , nlpo furnlturo nnd Indies ilrhlnc homo for * nlo nl n hnrguln. .Mr * .1. 1' , liny. 184 14 * -IIOUSKS.COl'TAHKM'LAT.S.LAIKiKhTLIST , nil parls clly II. C. Onrvln \ Co , 203 Miccly lilt. ; oi 14 -HOUSK SITUATK AT TIIK NOIITHKAST cnr. 17th nnil Davenport sts Inquire 1'ntrlck llrcin. , room 2 , lol'l Dodiro Kl , ,110 17 * ! Oil HKNT , 10 UOOM KL'HNlhllKD HOUSK , U' , . 2.2I ( 1 urnnni street. Mio6IIi * -CHOOM COl'TACi : , S.W S. ZlbTST. 1I7 ! 10 * -tOU UK.NT-5UOOM KLAT WITH 8TKAM heat , 70J N. Ibth nt. lniiilrc | of lliu onulneer. All.'b IS * _ - anooM iioudi : . 1101 s. HUH ST. : ALLCON- cnlunccB C. S. LlKiillcr , 4 N. \ . Life bulhllne. D A B IIOdM I UIINISHKD COTTAIiK. N1CAH In , to fnndl ) without children , cheup. Adibcea OS , Hcootllce M 3(17 ( Hi * -14 UOOM HOUSK I'AHTIA I UIINISMKI ) , ALL moiler'i coiiTenlenim 111 S. 17th HI II ( i. Clnrk , V Co , I IS llnrne > il. M3-1 20 FOR RENT-FOTRlfjtSHED R30ai3. HATKS , lie n line flrbl limp and lOe a line there- aflcr. ho ndxcrllKi'inent tnken for lets Ihnii25c. " Tll O Ufa K K "l ' (7 021 , f . MA it V-sTv K p KUIIN1SIIKI ) , KTKAM HKATIID KHON'l l roomt , 1817 l.envcnirorth i-treel both , etc. Kfe it ) ' UIOM1 HOOM WITH ALCOVK , 724 N 2IST. Mill 17 * "IT1 l-Oll HENT , MCKLY I-UHNIS-IIKI ) , SKCOND JL/slory bnck room , Mdtuhlo fur single tcutlenmn , without hoard , la b , 25th street. 26. ) -KLKOAN'ILY FUHN18I1KI ) UOOMS KOHOKN- llemen only ; all modern luipioxcmcntB. 14UO Douglas Bl. 170.M7 * E-KUHNlSlinil HOOJI.s. 2IOU DOUGLAS.MI7815 MI7815 * -KLKANTLY l-UIIMHIIKD HOOMST2427 Dodge slreet. iliOl 20 * - KOIl UKMPLKAhANT KUHN1SIIKD rooms. All modern colnelilences 7J17 Mnson streut. . J27 14 * E 2 KUUN1SHKD HOOMS. WITH CLOSKT ; ,1 tinfurnlshe < l rooms , with closets , pantry ; slcuni hcnl. 703 N. lull , third Hour t.8114 I Oil KKNT , NICKLV 1'UIINIMIKI ) HOOM , table board If desired. 2,01 Douglas street. 31314 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 11ATPS 15o a line first Iliuo nnd lOc n line t h ore- lift cr. No udicrllseiuenl taken for less than 25c -KIjICOANTLV tniNISIIKD orentulte ; all niodc'rn conveniences ; first class honrd , UlSboulh Viilh elrcel. M280 "IT1 1'LKASANT HOOM WITH IJOAHII , 2011 DOUO- JL' lag. 18J _ _ -LAHO13 SOUTH KHO.NT HOOMS , hINOLK OH ciiBUlle , with hourd. Iteferenco. 2214 Kurnam t. M212 lb * _ -I'UHNISHKD AND UM'UIINISIIED HOOM , honnl. 113 S 2. > lh t 302 14 * F-TWO HOOMS , (1KNTLKMKN , TAHLOH ANII bath , breakfast. Inquire I 111) ) Gcorela nve. FOR RENT-TjygURNISHED ROOMS. IIATICS 15c n line llrst time nnd lOc n line thercnf , ter. No udvcrllBemunl laken for less than 2Sc. -"o tints , for hoiiKekciipIni ; . I'rlcos away down , li , 1' . Hulls , 311 I'axlon block. UU K28 -4 UNrUUNlSHKII UOOMS 8UITAIILK KOU sekceiilni ; . 171/j Webster streul. MIBO G UNKUHNlbllKl ) UOOMS 21) I'LOOU IN MODern - orn ; liouso , Itefercncos rea ul reel. U07 N. .Dili si. 215-10 * G - ( ) IINKIIIINISIIKI ) OUTSIDK ItUOMS IN numhor lo null at WJ S 13tli utrc-ol , room 3won won * NICK UNHIItNIHHKl ) HOOMS KOIt hourokcc'iilng , also two bBBCinenl roonib * 2J.-0 IJOUBlan t. M'tM 10- BOAHDINO. HATKS-l6ca line Hrn tlmo nnrt 10o a line there after , No mlrerlUciucal luken for leai than 2Jc. - board , nicer roomi , convunleneea. rules nnil lo- nllon It cannot be vxcelluil. Mr > . Horn , nroiirlulor JiUlMIO * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. a line llrst llnio und 10 < i n Una Ihero- aflor. .No uuverlUeiuonl laken for le > < lhaii Via. VfoHK , IU8 JACKHo ! < 'b7n 5KT. 7.H _ _ T-KOIl HK.NT , Till ! 4 S'KlltV llltlCK IHIILDINO. J-U10 rnrnam ilrcet 'Iho hulldlnir hai H lira proof cei'ient bnnunient. rdiiiploto uteani hcnllnti llxtiirus , wnler on nil the Uoura , tfus , elc. Apply al thu ofllcu ot the Hee. Dla _ 1-hOU UKNT. bTOUE , IUl 11OWAIU ) . 704 _ _ "I A FINK LOCATION l-Oll A ( iltUCKUV hTOIIK J Ca.h iruilo , Aildri'.K N II , lieu , M072 Mi- l-nm HKNT , BlOtll'S. SOUTH FJIONT. 1SXJO -1 Hllh ileiim heal. 14ltt llarney. Mill 14 * 1-SSTOHV AND lllliil 1IASKMKNT IIIIICK -Ibullillnir. Iron and plale uln front , power clovn- tor. Hr > tcla > icoiulltlon , UU Howurcl > t. Hbrlrer & O'Doimhuo 140 Parnaut > l. JW 14 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IIATICS i : * ) u line tint llrtio anil lOo a line there- aflcr. t > iii nilYcrlUenirin Uken for le limn tic. r liAUDKN VA YllTa TO HKNT , K"illlnKAvi 14,7 _ _ J-1W ACUUS OK liOOl ) LAND IINIMIMtUVKI ) . G udlei wftl of Oiimlm. to lea > for a term of 5 jrenrii Call or tuUlre. . The Ortell Intedmenl Co , 1UJ IVarl Urt-el. Council llluflu , la. Mln ll * T-DAIHV FAHM. 100 ACHKS 1IAHN * OH6011KA7 > ' Uulclilnnun It WuaJ. lf > ! < Douflun a4 > ZTJ-14 1 - FOU HUNT-ON i : OK TIIK BUST IMl'llOVUI ) I fnrmn In Wnihlnnlun count j , Nebraika. A CanlolU'r , lllalr , Mull. U _ I KOU 1JBNT. ! 00 ACltKB WELL IMI'HOVEI ) , I'.llulk'i from South Omahu A. B. llllchle , Rh ] 1'ailuu Jllk. _ s j h * WANTED TO RENT. IIATK8- a line tlr t tbue and lOo a line there- ' fKo ftuvurlltyuieiu lakyn for le i llian ' c. r IFIMINI811KI ) 110U8KMTH JJOIIEHN L'OjT. lVvonleuc . tall or nlJim UiboutU 1Mb ulreel. U2V7 U * WANTED-TO RENT. OniJfmird. K-KI. 1'O.S"IMLK TKNANT WAM8 OHOOM modern ( oltntie ; rent miiKl he low AiWron Nitl. llec. MIS01A * KWA.NTKII. CKN'I IIAI.M I.OCA1 IUI MOOIHtN tottngcs.tnodcrn IHUKCsnltochcnptolUges nnd tint * ; have large list of good tenant * . K. t' ( Snrvln A Co. .03 Shct-Ty block. .101 II WANTKII TO HKNT. Ml DM i TO 20 ACHES of gfirJcn land wild house on , Address N i f > . Hce 81.1 Hi * WAV ! KH. MW.M IIKtl HOOMS KOU LIGHT housekeeping or small collngo furnished , Ad- drt * s N , , llec. JI0314' WA.NTI'.DMA1IC11 1ST HOOM ANII 110AHII wllh private family h n youne tnnn having n I f-rmnncnl position , AddrcosOII , llec. .V > 4 14 * If-ATONCK , A COVi'AGK OU TI1IIKK OU Ivfanr room * , modern convcnltnccs Address O 1 , Hee. a 14 * -WA.VI KII-OKSK HOOM KOIl AIJKNUV HI1SI- ness In good cenlral location , Address O i , Hcc. 32I-I4 * WANTKII. ' 10 HKNT IIV A (1KNTLHMAN nnd wlfo furnlhed hoii e ; modern conven ience * ; state location. Addrc * * . O II , lice M.W Iti * ' -WANTId ) 11V A THOllornilLV Ill'.Sl'ONS- tide fnnilh to rent n ( dnnol " 111 hnve hel nf cnriAililrctn P.O. hot n't. Md72 111 ' WANTKII. 10 IinNT KtfllNISHKI ) 1IOU8U wllh or 7 looms , ecnlrnlly located. W. K. ACe Co , ZO.I N. Y. Life uullcllnK. M.1I1 10 RENTAL AOENOIE3. HATKS-lte a line flrel tlmo nnd lOo n line there- after. No ndrcrllacmcnt tnkon for lens tlmn 2. > o. L5ltfi : < TAL AOKNCYlTltANIC " "IriT K. 0. Unrrln .V Co , WW ! < hccljr hlock ' 10 1NHU1IK QUICK HKNI1MI , LIST WITH -Lithe Kxcluslvo llenlnl Am-ncy. I'nrrotte , Doimliis hlock. MJoi. STOR'AOE. UATKS-ISc a line flmt lime nnd loon line Ihcrcnf- ler. Ku ndTcrllscmcnt lakcn for less tlmn 2c. M _ _ . _ . ST ANII IlltST STOIIAGIC house la Iho clly Williams * cCros , 1214 Hnrncy WANTEP-TO BUY. ItATKi-r * n line tlrst tlmo and lOc n line thoro- aftcT No ndverllsomcnl taken for less tlmn 2o. . AT KUIISI'I UUK 110UUI1T , SOLD , STOHKD j > Wells. 1111 rarnnmsl 731 AJ-8KVKHAL SMALL HOUSK8 IN GOOD 1-OG'A- li tlons ; must be cnnvcnlcut to motor line nnd prices * ! ! ! ! ! * ! below Ifjou hiivo nn ) thing to oner wrlto ilehcrlptlun ncd loncst cash price lo N J.I Dee 105 14 * AT-WANTKII. SKLOND-UAND KLAT TOP SIT- -l > ling tlcsk. Addess ! N 42 , llec. M2I4 AT TO IIUYI1OUSK , 60117 HOOMS , WITH LOT CMllvc locntlon , description and price Address N 54 , Dee. M250 U * AT WANTI5D. GOOD CAHItlAGK TBAMt ALSO 1 > milk cow ; will give good fcoulh Onmbn lot. L. Walerman , .105 N. V. Life 38314 AT WANTKII SKCONII HAND OKK1C1C DKSK -Li and chair Holler lop desk preferred. Address N 07. Heo. M3C4 15 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. HATIIS lie n line lint lima and lOc a line thereaf ter No advcrllscmenl tnken for lers than 2ic. HiAETA long nnd chcno lease ofn tnenly-f our room II nt. well lo caled for transient , netting $10000 per month above all nxpcnsc. Onner has other bnsl ness Address O 10. llec. 37S 14 * _ FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. HATES Iftc a line llrslllmo and lOcallno Ihercaf- ter. No advcrllbomenl lakcn for less than 25c. I"STALUON. . ( : ENTLEYui , SPEEDY and well bred for rule or Irado for nlld prairie land In Iowa or Nebraska Address M ( A Hee. M'.HJ5 M3 * _ 1 > - OH SALE , TEAM , WJMGHT 3,500 : 5AND years old ; iierfccl In c\er > particular and ac ctiEtouicd to heavy streel work Address A .1. Chldlsler. KcarncNeb. . _ .M2H 10 > -FOH SALE. CO\\S , HOUSE AND HUOOY. i slo\cs , lahle * , Ice box and lioiiho f or rent , good barn , Iwo lots , garden , must go ; parties going awn ) . .IS.'S bennid street. , iOu 15' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q | - "OH S ALE c5llEAP"HNi : SET AHS/TUACTS lied Willow count ) , t. H Smith , Indlanolu. N'eb .MI7J20 * - FHESII MILCH COW M > ll SALE ; CALF 5 Q-l days n Id ; price fJOW ) Inquire Patrick llros , room - , 1511 Dudge tt. Jll 17 * -WANTED TO SELL MEAT MAIIKET AND Q horse and wagon. Call at UV > X. 17th St. St.M.U8 M.U8 15 * - HILL1AHD AND 2 POOL TAHLES COM- Q-4 plcle with Ivory balls , cues and racks Sire 4ViX'i ' , of Urunswlck bebl uiuke. Inquire mt 1.1.1 S. Ulh slreet. J42 14 * "MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS K > c n line llrst time and lOc n line there after. No adverlliemout tuketi tor less than l > c. 1) PHYSICIAN WANTED A GOOD I Venn find u desirable locnllon by addressing S K Heachler. lllir r-prlnim. Neb M5filfl5 * R-HAMILTON UHOS. CAHPIINTKIIS AND builders All kinds jobbing. 411 So.lElh. Tel. 1I7'J 108 M7 * K PKHKINAL STOP COUOKING. Jl.OOO HE- nnnl for a cnso of Ihront or lunv trouble , last &lagCM evcepUd. which cannot be relieved by n pro per HSO of Dr. A. clone's bronchial wafers , 2. ' > c a box at drugglslH * . Kor sample ecnd lOc lo Stone Med Co . Chicago , 111. MitO 14 * -CLAIMS 1 OH SALAHIKS.&KHVICBS.WAGKS , elc , ngalnsl corparallonB or Indh Idun's , bought and advanced on W. 11. DavisII20 Conllnonlnl blk CLAIRVOYANTS. HATEb I5c a line flrsl lime and lOc n line Ihc'c after. N'o advertisement taken for less than 25c - EXTHAO11DINAHY. WONDEH1 UL S-AHUIVAL rctclallons Chnllcnges tlio world Mrs. Dr. M. ] . grnvc , dead trance clairvoyant , nslrologlsl , palmist und life reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle to gruve ; unllcs the separaled ; causes mar- Hugo with the one you love , tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Eg ) ptlan breastplate for luck and lo deslroy bad Influences ; cures llts Intemperance and nil private complaints with massage , bnths nnd alcohol tiealmenl , bend $2 , lock of hair , nuiiie ami date of birth nnd recena uccuralo llto olmrt ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initial * of one jou will marry ; also photos of same. Office 1007 Nnilh llth btrcct , first floor ; hourrUn m to It p. m. Come one , come alt ami bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. MD22 ! > ! S MltS. NANNIE V. WAHHBN , CLAIIIVOYANT , reliable business medium , Of III your , at 110 N' . Iblh ' " -MADAME Film , 25JO CUMINGS 8TIIEET , clairvoyant and trance medium ; Independent Voices ; tells past and fulure. 671K24 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. UATES-15C a line first lime and lOc a line there- after. No advertisement tnken for less than 25c , ri--MA8SAJB | THEATMBNT. EL1CCTHO THEH -Lnml Laths , sculp und hair treatment , manicure ana chiropodist , Mrs Posl,319 S 1Mb , Wlthncll blk .U 'p- MADA.VKLA : HUE , MAHSAUE THBATMENT 1 41U : fco. 15lh Bt. : trd floor Hat 4. MbM 15' _ ri MADAME SMITH. 1U1 DOUKLAS HTUIiET , J- room 7,3d door. Alcohol , sulphur nd sun baths. MB3I It. * PERSONAL. U-WANTED , THKADDUESS OF CYHUSHAVNK , a grader , home will be rewarded by II. Hall , Florence , Neb. M2V6 14 * U-PEUSONAL SEND IOC l-Oll 111(1 PACKAUE ofcublnel plcl-ires , also full descriptions lln- eluding reildentes ) of respcctablu Indies who wish ( o correspond for matrimony , every ugo and im- llonallly , HtlngevcryKhcru ; some of them heaull- fulaml weallhy. Dru ereM7 , Chicago , III. $ 14 * -THE H > LLOWINi PKH'-ONfa CAN UAVL nulls b ) tailing atmy oltlce : ( i. ( I. Dennis , trlu DIRonbcrg , II1 hatcher. Hamilton Warren. Hurry llrown. aiO-14 * U WILL THE LADY WHO EXCHANGED SEAL mutl at Miller B , Ihe hulr dretber , pleaKu return one laken by mistake and get her OH u , MJ75 U-MAHUY-U' YOU WANT A Ill'MIAND OH wife In an ) station of llfenend Mamp for utani pie copy of iiur matrimonial paper. Mr. und Mrs. llruke , Chlcugo , III. 31514 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. HATES I5o a line tlrsi tlmu nnd lOc n line Ihvru- aller. .No advertisement token for loan thsn V5e , " " V M b FOHM liiU' ' VINIS" PIANO EXAMINE THE' . i new scale Klmball piano , A , Hospel5U Dougln > . _ _ _ _ _ _ 734 \T-C - ( lELLENUKCK , HANJO TBACIlfcH , > wllh Hospv.or J2I4 N , l.Mh street. Jrd floor.'J42 'J42 " ESTATET" HAT1.B 15o line first lime and I0o n lln ; there afler , No udvertls iu nl laken for lass than 2jo 0 Tone no additional charges for c-ouiml lon or allor- ne ) ' fees. W. 11. Mulkle , Hrst National bunk bldg. 74J AV ANTHONY LOAN AND THUS 1 IXJ , 318 N. Y. " Life , lend at low rates for choice tevurlly on Nebraska or IUHU farms or Omaha city property. _ _ 7J3 \y-HEAirKSTATB IXJANS. PAUL , IUU VA IINAM < o2 HJ * AV COATKtfT. U'D 'illADB , KAS1EIIN MONEY. M 7W _ _ _ _ \V-tKS'"AL.lXJAN& TllUm-CO , IIEK lll.l ) ( i , r ! > _ _ 730 _ \\r-MONBY ' 10 UAN ON 1AJNO OU bllOUV 11 lime In sums uf MU lu 1 10.000. Mutual InvuklaivntCoiupaii } ytj WrT 1.OAN , R.500ON OMAHA UUALKBTATE t B uer ctml. Address N to lieu. WU)14' MONEY Tt3 LOAK REAI. \\T APPL * . TO .1 L HIOVKTT KOIl < IIKAP t money ! only llrsl cIMescciirlly , J20 S. 1.1th l i ! ° _ \\T LOANS , CITPIIOPKHTY. . K NKH ANII W. M lonnfnrnis. K. K. lltnucr. I5IP riirnant i e ! ' 47-M 4' \ \ -LOANS ON HKAiTV rATK ANII COLLAT- ' note * nnil mnrlwnKcs bonghl , llecil A Sclhy,314 llonrd ofTrndeif1 . 741 \ \ TMONKV TO LOA /faiN IMPHOVKtl CITY propcriv , low rnlos.'aMC , Kroul , Douglns HI k. fir f 2 _ -LOANS , W.M.HAlftd" , H OT.HtlCN/.ICH III.K. ' 'i 740 \ \ TIt PKlrKNT KIls Hlchnrd f. I'nllerton , iMl rnrnam i l. V\r LOANd , ( I , > > W. HAINKV. 81 % OMAHA NAT. UK. bids. City mortKnKcs lowest rotes. Money on linnil. M8I7 \ \ -LOANS ON IMt'HOVKD AND II.NIMPHOVIMI I clly proierlyf30JOnndupwnrd,6ti > 8pi'r cent , No delft ? * . W. rnrnnm Siultli , V Co. , 1Mb It llnrnoy. YU20 MOUTOAUKS. MOOHU , A. 401 HICK 111,1X1. \V-W1I.I. LOAN MONKV OX ANY KIND OK ' recurlty : Mrlctly cntifldcmlal. A. K. llnrrls , room 1. Continental block. MI-31 _ MONEY TOl OAN-CHATTELS. ' HATK9 IBo n line first tlnio nnd lOo n line Ibero- nftcr. No ndvcrtlvir.ont taken for loss tlmn 2ic. vi > oYoti WANT M V If no ilonot full toKCt our rntcs before tor- \Vo mnkc lonnn , wltliout rornovnl or publicity , on furnlturo , | ilnnoii , liorn'i. wnRons , etc , nt the low- ent possllilc rate lucre Is no unnecessary delay , but you get tlio monuy on tlio uniuo ilny you nnk for It Wo will carry tlio lonn n lonu n you ilenlre , nlvlimyou tlic prh llrnodf pnylnitlt In full or In pnrt Bt any tlmu to null your convenience , nnd any imrt paid reduced the test of cnrryln the loan In proportion to the amount pa'd. Uuronicca are centrally located and nro so ar- rnnired that pnrtloacnlllnK on uacan bo nnltod on quickly and romtvonnly. It will bo to your advantage to tee us befors curing a loan Omaha MorlKigo Loan Co , Itoom II , Crcliihton Illock , IMh bU , south of I'oxtolllco Ml WMB _ V" MONKV TO LOAN 11V U. ! . MASTIMIS ON j MinluolioHl Roods , pianos , orttnns , horses , mules , wn ons , etc. , at the lowest posMblo ratui without publicity , removal of property or chnnuo of pos resslon. llrao arranged to null tlio borrower 1'ajnicnls of any amount cm bo madu at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus Hiving natrons all the benefits of the partial pay ment plan. Call nnd ceo mo when you want a lonn , or If morn convenient , call telephone 1121 nnd your business can bo transuded at home. Money always on hand : no delay ! no publicity : lowest rates ; business confidential , U. K. Masters , K. 4 Wlthncll blk , IMli and Harncy. 747 _ X-ltOU'T I'KITCIIAHI ) , K. a , WirilNKLL 1I1.K. 743 _ "V MONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS BONDS * Vnnd city warrants bo unlit , lloom 4U2Karoncli blk X-MONKY ON PUllNlTUIlK , HOIISKB , IMANOS. Keystone Mtgo. Co , room -JOS , iln > cly block.M480 M480 WIIKNOU WANTACHATTKL1.OAN 8EU W. It. Davis , room to. Continental block. 891 -CHATTKIj LOANS , IIIINKDI'JT A WUAY.bll 1'nxton block Wo loan our own money , charge. no commission ; U will pay > ou to consult us. MSUI.M3 -MONEY LOANKI ) ON FUIINITUIIK. I1OKSHS , wnuons , plnnos , etc. Jfrcd Terrj , r 4JI , Itamife. . . o 2U4 X MONKV TO LOAN , Tfl'lB. ' ! )0 ) IA\S ON KUItNI- tllru. Ihe Block , etc. 'Unit ' Ureen , removed" to Uoom h [ Hid II Darker blk. 183 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS 15c a line first time and lOo n llnathero after. No advertisement tnken for less tlmn 2io , TIHC ,15AJ)1M ! Lliutol of Uroken Ho * . N'bb. No trade. 824 Y KUM.Y KQUU'I'HI ) CANN1NO 1'ACl'OUY IN very best part of Nebraska ; capacity 25000 to 'jO.OUU cans per day ; Ims'nmdo money last three yearn ; best of reasons IOI < ICUK | | | Address M ' . ' . ! lice. _ _ i _ 1,4. Kail Y-KUUNISHKI ) 1IOTKII VOlt SAI.i : OH 11KNT , the only hotel In city. > Apply to Tllden Htato bunk , agent/rildcn , Nob. , 4li5 f 22 V-WANTK1) , AT IIUOMnKLI ) , NKB. . A HANK , J-cplondlrt locution. < J < D 10' -FOU SAM' , MOTIIU SHIU'liKJin HUySK , AT Ansley , Ouster tountyeNeb.Two story frame building , about JliKW , with good barn ; 10 sleeping rooms ; hotel well Apply to Dr. J , b. 'Jhomas , Wood lllver , Neb M220 M'J * IIOTKL FUlt.N'lSIlKI ) IN CO SKAT TOWN for sale or rent. Address Unrtlcld Co Hank. Uuniell , Neb 25 ( , J2 V K1IIST CLASS PAYING IlUSINKbS ; OWNKU JL leaving city ; about fVJUO required. Ilutchlnson i. Wcad. 1S24 Uouglna t. _ 87214 Y vou SALE , TIIK IIKST KbTAULisiiKDHAr nnd men's furnlshlni ; geode Htoro In Topeka , Kan If you mean business address I1. Ilcnnett , 1254 Van Duron Direct , Topekn , Kan. .Mm IS * l-Oll SALK. IIOTKli , KUK.VISI1KU , 17 UOOMS , doing n good business ; terms east ; location best. AddrotsIlox.WI , Lhndron Neb M184 MS' -FOR SALK TIIK KUItNI rUUK AND LKASK of a.15-room hotel ; steam heat : electric llifhts ; In a town of 10,1X10 population. Address O 4 , lleo of fice. 35 1 14 * _ V nitUG STOCK AND HXTIJKKS toil SALK ; J all now ; finest In ? > outh Dakota ; graii-l opening for right part ) ; wrlto for partlculnrs. N 7 , lee ! , Omaha. MJOO IV * Y-l-Oll SAI.K. bTOCK OK DHUGB AND KIA- tures In Omaha ( Jood stand , low rent. fl,2UO- two-thlrds cash. Onner has other bublnebs. Ad , dress N t Uce. 3(3 14 * V-AN KACHLLKNT STEADY INCOM K AS J-suredby aystemntlo betting on eastern races. under direction of skilled hnndlcappor. Tcniisf''A pur week. 'Ihrce daj trial free , lltmiks npcak for thcmsolveB. C I ) . Itowc , 1 > . O. box 127 , llrookln , N. Y. 314 14' _ V KOUSALK , A WHU , KSTABLISHUD NOTION X store , good trnde , splendid location ; cash sale enl ) ; In Uilcago , 111. Address K , 44UJ Lake avenue , Chicago , 111. C-'l 14 * _ KOlf BALK-SALOON , DOINO A HOOD 11US1- nesHi good reason given ror sclllni ; Address Lockbox 8IJ. Went 1'olnt , Neb. MJ8U _ Y'-tOIl SALK-AI10UT20"1 > UNCH AND JUDY" nnd Marionette figures ; a complete sideshow outfit cheap. O 7 , lleo otllco. .151-H' FOB EXCHANGE. _ IIATK8 Ifio a line first time nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. ngeles property or fruit ranch In tio. Call- fornla. Duvld jamlason , Hee building. _ 70 _ V-CUbTKH COUNTY TA11MH ( IMI'UOVIID ) HW / strictly modern 7 or B roomed house In good res Idcncopart of Omahu ; will assume. Hox''yi , Lin coln. _ MJI5 T/-VQH ' 1UAUK , A STOCK OK UUNKUAIj M15II- ' cliiinillso for hinds and cash. Address It. W. Wntklns ACo.l rankforU Ind _ ui7-rV2 * y-CLKAll OMAHA I'ltOPKll'l Y 1 Oil MLH- /-/clinndlBO from 11,000 to flOOOUJ ; will pay sumu cash for good Blocks. H. If. Hinder. 1511) ) turnaiu I8'J liZ _ Z toil KXCIIANGi : , A VK11V hTVI.IHIl CAU- rlago team , A No. 1 roadsters , can trot to the pole In three mlnuteu , itcutlc and bound ; good whero\er you put them , single or doublii. I nlll oxclmngo this handsome team for a good lot or land In eastern Nebraska , Fakirs or tntdo sharks need not apply , tor further partlculhis addrcba 1 red bonnciutheln , Wy yolnt , Neb. 8H4 lu y-CLKAN BTOCK Of MK RUAl. M'D'SIC ; WILI , /-Jtako real estate & muucy , Uox 'J5 , Frankfort , Ind , * 7rj r v _ ry-KW U.\OirANJB. ( IUO ACHKS , 1IKAUT1K1JL ' -/tract close to Omaha ; Vcheap at tMU per acre ; tan oiler for f 45 COO ; t ll.lwfl cauli and mortgage lul > once ; good land or Imbrnred property , deorguN , lllckB. jQiiN. V. l.lfu building. _ MAU 14 y-nwo bTOCK M'yH' ' ! . WILL TAKB JIAI.P Avcutli balance clear rrulestntp Ilox750i-chiilcr , Neb. . ' y-tOH KXCIIANCi : ALL KINDS OK LAD1KS UK ' -/gents furs for household furniture. Address tic'orgo , care Letter < 'arr\ur. N 5. M r.iii 14 * ! , - - Jvti - - y-llUMMIKlMIHAIhW IIOII.-iKH AND LAND ' -/In eastern Nebruskator _ a stock of dry goods , clothing , boots and * hoc rhatb und cup < . Address box 101V Nebraska lltydiiiib. 255 MIO < y-IK YOU IIAVK A ( iftfil ) IIIMtllillT 1'IANO 'IO /Jlrndo for lot 4H , blurs ) ' 1 , Armour I'luco , boutli Oninhni iltar of all miuuubruuce. Address N 48. Hee office. HSU _ oj y _ yKii t-'Ai.i : on KXCIIANCK , IMIICK DOUHLI : /Jliou i ! wllh plegunt uriMindK , on one of the limit resldeiuo streels In thucjty , lleniitlful shade trees , currluiio house. Ice house , pmul tireets , llh CKcruto , wiitcr and ga 'lliu nouth half lm > thu turner rbare of ground , barn , etc , ; will make a hplenrild hoiuii.anil the other liouso will ylild a nice liuotue. 'Ihe whole propprt ) will bring u ren tal of ( I. IUOUO to Jl UOO'jpcraiinuiii.ora ' percent enl l rl ' , HMXJilUlll take onu four Hi , possibly one- third , ol piirihakK prliti In > aiant lots or farm Und. ImlttiKu cash and mortdava , ( icoige N' . Illcks , VA N , V , Lite building. MJOI 14 _ ' / -TO KACllANtiK , CI.I.'All LAND AND C'Abll /Jfor stock of merchandise. C , K , Young , Khenau- doah , lowu , _ MJ.1 lbj | _ yHm KXVI1ANOK , A UNBVATtJINTlAll ItHD ' -/Cloud , Neb ,240 ueus well Improved , with good ilHellliiL' , well , timber piktuie and running water : oil utulcr Icmc , will take M.IMJ stock tleiiniuer- thandloo and pay wiiuo cash ! encumbered forum- third Us value. Address ( . . v , Argabrlvht , Hhubert , Neb. M iiJ 111 MASQUEIIADE COSTUMES , ETC. ItA'rKSI'ica line first tlmu anil lOoatlno there after No advertisement taken fur less than Sic. T AWKtfTuK N'TWCJI BN ( "AN" 11 r.N i' "M AbJ ( IIK- t III tilicb UulOou K Klu storu VW-iui FOR SALHvREAL ESTATE HATKS- ft line first time nnd K > c a linn there ntter. .No ndvertlsemcnt taken for less thnn' c , ' "V1 K. 'ouNKH i jr . * ' fcet ; a hnrgaln-for n few days only K K Dar ling. I'nrker block 7M IfOlTsAirK. NKHUASKA KAUM" T7ANDS (1 ( K A Wallace , JI2 llrown block , ICtl. itnd Dougl ns. _ _ _ l/Ott SALK. Oil WILLTHADK KOIt KAUM I'llOl1 1 trty , n good tuulMc" place , ' * H2 feet , with hrltk building costing IKUO , n splendid site for llr l clars hotel ! situated on block adjoining V 1 * depot on the south , New wntrr works In operation nnd electric lights soon. Address or call on Adolpti llworan. bchuyler. Neb. _ I'll ' iron 8AI.K AT A 1IAUOA1N , LOT 15. ItLOtMC 4 , 1 W. 1. Sclby's first nddltlon to South Omaha , hmnll payment down , bnlnncn monthly If deslr d Inquire ( I. II. Ttschuck , Omnha Hee. _ K8J 1/011 SALK , 1IOMICS , ANY I'ltlCn. 1750. H.550 t'P ' ; easy terms ) take olenr property a llrst pnymcnt. (1. U Unllncc , llrown block , Itith nnd Douglns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' * ! _ Ifbll SALK , A TWO PTOHY IIIIICK HANK luilldlni ! . with basement , vault * , itnfe , furnl turn and fixtures ! ran control good bnslne s ; town of two Ihomand people ! live railroads ; good loun. try ! large roller mills ; lhro cln\ntor ! good rea son for present corporation quilting business. Ad * 'Ircss T. l-owls , l reslient , aitperlor. Neb 17T1L 1 > OIIOA H , W , 8colts.gcs , slablo for < > her < cscnn bo ill vlded Into Miu . Inqulroat promises H47 15- 1 011 BALK , 1IOOM lToTli4K AM LOT , MODIMIN L Improvements ; 1341 d VMi ft , Dace. ? 4 IQU 211 n , _ _ _ _ _ pOUNKIl IN I'LAINVIKW. It 000. * -J Aero on hill near M. Omaha , CM , Ik-autlful enst front on ( ieorgla avp. M.003 ; 1 room Louse nnd hnlf lot nu ytlh nnd Douglas. 12,100 ; J.Wcnsli , bnlaueo r.Hlper mo ; horse tiiken In imrt pnvment. Ml ft lot 41st , near Ames nve fronting new park , $ . " > .W Trackage lot I l.'iOO nil ) exehango for building lot.llulchlnson A Wcad. 1524 Douglas st. 272 14 _ VOU CAN IIUY C1101CI : LOTS IN WALNUT 1I1LL Jat 110 down nnd (10 per month. I or Information see Adoliih Mcjer , president , loth nnd Karnnm 8ti or II. M Molir , ircretary Walnut Hill Raving * anil Investment Co , N-K corner lOtli and Webster M . M.1 > l 14' _ _ _ " "I > IUT ! COUNTY" FAUMS KHOM 0 'IO r,40 JJiicres In the Logan Ynlley. Wrlto for our lint lluntsberger A Clcmcnls , Lyons , Neb M-'HS 15 * IJAHOAINH IN NHW , MODKIIN 11U1LT MOUHES J'nenr llanscom I'nrk. No. J220 ropplcton n\enui > , elegant frame lioii'e , south front , nice lawn , brick cellars under entire house , stationary nmrblo wnshslnnd furnace. Ae A beautiful home. Can gl\o poscsv1on on short notice I'rlee , f7.200 No. .12111 I'opploton rucMitc , elegant frnmo cot tage , nine rooms , south front , splendhl brick eel Irtr * , llrst class plumbing , ftirnice , Ac. lot AUxlUU , everything In complete shape , n perfect homo. 1'rlce , $7000. Nu. 32U8 I'oppleton avenue , new eight room house Juit being completed. One of the most substantial and convenient houses for the size u\cr erected In Omnha. to bo llnlthed In Old Colonial style , hand some bath room , porcelain lined bath tub. stationery ory marble washstaml , elegant mantel , llrst clius furnace splendid brick cellars. Can glvo possession about March 1 Price , $7,000. I'oppclton avenue has been ordered paved this coming spring and the contract let to litigh Mur- ph > for the paving of thlt block 'lh parking , sodding and trees to bo done earl ) In therprlng , will make this one of the prettiest residence places In the city. The Motor Line runs within one half block 'I liu location mid neighborhood nro nil that can bo desired Will be pleased to have you call and Inspect these houses Heo N. Illcks , 305 N. Y. Life. 333 14 _ DID \OU KVKH IIKAll OK CHICAGO ? YKS ? lild you knon that It Is the commercial center "C thlsgreat country ? Well. It l . mul around It tins tcr other cities whose Industrlnl life throbs with that of the great city. Cities situated near this me- tropolli nlth the advantages of an abundance of wood , coal , Iron , copper , brass , etc , at their doors and adequate water and rail transportation facili ties are tno ones now making the most rapid and substantial growth buch a cltj Is Muskegon , with 30 000 Inhabitants , situated 114 miles from Chicago on the cast shore of Lake Michigan , not n new clt } , but one Imbued with new life and activity. Mils kegon Heights Is the now mnnufnctnrlni : addition , In wlilch 2 bOO lots wore sold In one da } and the proceeds coeds u > cd In securing 21 large manufactories , most of which are now tn opcrntlon Mrcets lm\e been graded nnd paved , electric motor lines built anil many tine houses erected Sccoml great sale of 1,800 lots nt a uniform price of ( IbTi 00 each now In progress borne of thc < e lot * have houses on them worth from $100000 to $1 000,00. and no lot north less than ISOOOO They nil go lu tlil sale. f' oo down , per week , no Interest , no luxes Hutchison A t'lalnc , Ii20 1'axton block Cut this out and when comenlcnt call. S7'j 14 KOt'Nl/K 1'I.ACK HAIU5A1NS-3 HOUSKS , fi. 9 , nnd 10 rooms each ; price f'iSOO to fii.'iJO. nil mod ern ; 910 cash , balance $ . ! > per month for two jears $40 per month for two jeiirs , $1 > per month for tno yeirs , etc. 0 per cent Interest : u-rooin modern hou c , full lot , on Wlrt street. fiiMX ) , pjymentn tn suit. J. J.dlbson , solciigent Kountzc place , Crelgh lon-blk. jn 14 _ 1IOMK FOU 110 WK AUKfiOlNf ! TO SKLL A few more loin In Onmhu's latest nddltlon. lying between Omnha nnd new hurt Omnha. forflUn lot , 'Ihl * addition Is good honest property , no snampH or wet land , but every lot guaranteed x. nice level building lot. free from mortgage or encumbrance. \Nnrrunty deed , nbBtrnct nnd plat gUen with each Hit to Ul. $10 Is full pa > ment for n lot Itcfcrencc gUen. Call In , Investigate und get names of pnr- c'lasors anil parties now living on this nddltlon or Inclose 2c postage for maps , plats , etc Charles I' . Ilenjamtn , solo agent , IbOil Dodge street. ; tl ( . 14 * T > AUA1N. ! KOIITACHKS CLOSi : 'IO CITY ; -1'splendld garden tract ; If sold quick only $2W per acre. Hicks , HOI N. Y. Life Illdx. oSS U SI'I.KNDII ) 1IA1IGA1N. 1-O11TY ACHKS CLOSE lo city , If sold quick , only $ .150 per acre Illcks , 305 N. V. Life llldg. mil IS MONKV IN THIS ; rOUTY ACIIE8 close to city ; a splendid bargain , at J.'fl per re. Illcks , . 105 N. Y. Life llldg. HSR 14 ACIIICS , WKST OMAHA , CHEAP AT $400 per acre. : can oner If sold quick nt $250 per acre. Illcks , .105 N. Y. Lite HI die. 888 14 I7OII bALK , COTTAGK. 7 IIOOM8 ; ALL CON- -L venlcnccs , pared street , motor. Address O U. Heo. .110 U _ HAHt GOODS. IIATKS 15c n line first time nnd lOc n line there alter. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25c. T AUQKST STOCK IN KNTHIK WKhT ; TIIEAT J-/rlcal wigs and beards a specialty.Hgs bangs switches , hair chains , etc. , send for catalogue Mall crderB solicited. Davlos , III S. 15th st , Omalin . _ 75J rPIIE IDEAL LADIES' I1AIH DUKbSINO I'AIt- -Llors , nwllehoi , banzs wigs , loupeos , jonclry and hair ornaments In slock ; nigs to Older , special attention given mailordersVJS ISth at. .ird floor , 4M KA * PAWN BROKERS. UATKS-15ca line tlrHt time nnd lOo a line llieie aflcr. No advertisement taken for less than sic ENFMiiTMumroo7 i)71 ) Mt. bNYDUH'S LOAN Ol'KlCK , 1510 DODOK ST. 77U K 2i ) ' IJMIKD ' MOI1LK , OKKfCB I5I1X KAHNAM bT. S23 LOST. HATKS-lic n Una first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than J5c. OVr UKIINAIIO PUP. TUHKK"MON'nTS Add. gray ; lollnwcd little girl from I12fi ftlist si. to I'nrk aM'xcliool. lie-turn to A. H. Hudson , II2U h ,4 H st , und receive reward. U37 OST , I'D US H CONTAINING MONHY AND cards llclurn lo 095 S , 27th slreet and rccclvo reward Jta U * M ANUFA CTURiNoTjE WEL'ER'S. IIATiB-15c : a line Hrst lima and lite n line theroaf- tcr. NoudverlTseinenllnkun for lets than 25c. AID KOU OLD ( ioLD. OAUso Hanks , room M Harkej block , Omaha , 754 CUTLERY GRINDING S END YOUII RCISSOH8 , 11AX.OIIK , ETC. , ' I ground , to Underlain ] A Co , 1UI S. llth st. 7il 'IMPROVEMENT ' tbeORDEiof tuJAGE Ft' k vV L THE BEST. WHY ? llocausu wo have prolitud by thu t > hoi [ comings of the old typewriters , und havu ovorcoinn nuny dcfui'U and , hetwojn oiirs'ovna. ' wo huvunddoj many Improtuniunts of which llirir Invunlorn nuvur drouincd , All lypecleanud In ton buconds without soil. liu Iho bauds. tdoro inaiilfolil i-oplua can bo made at ono Im- prusslon on thuMiilth I'rcmlor thin upon any other typewriter miinufactnrad fcciiif for cMlaloynu. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENP , The Smilti Premier Typa/mtu / Co , J01) ( ! ) | raniani Street , Omuli.i , Nu ! ) , ji. n.HI ( iirtir , - . . . Hto < kliolder'n .t Nollcu U berotiy L'lvc'ii that the regular annual mcclliu of thu vtoukbolduiii of thu Mmlli I'latlc I.und company will bu held at lliu ollkoof Kuld compiiiy , in Lincoln , Niilj.,011 Iho llr l Wcdiinuduy In ilarclilhic.bclni ; the ktcpnil day of tliu nuinth. uy orclor of thu Hoard of Directors. It. U. 1'iili.i.irn , UucruUry. LINCOLN , Neb. , I'ob : , ibitt. IMd Ml M REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. JOS. P. MUGKATH , M srnssr. OM\'IV NKII RRILWRYT1MEGRRD I.on"vcV CltU'A'IO lit It' ' IN 1 I'M A Arrl Oiunha Depot 1011111 til inn * U * : OmVit 4 0 p m . " " . ClilriUd Vixllbtilc. . HIM n m V'.fin m Chioteii i : preM . . . 'Ml a tn 11211 p m . , . , Chlca a htprOM . . , i H.OJ p m 0.Wjiml . . . ruloaKO A Inwn Local. I Mfi n ni Leaves .TlL'llLINOToS ,1 MO'ltlVKII ) " Arrives < OmsJia _ J _ Depot lOlh nnd Mason St I Oninhn 101'inm Denver \iilltnilc Limited . 4 00 p m n in . . , . . Dcaitwood Kxpross , , , . 4 ll'i p in 7 tn p m , llemcr Kxprcst SU.S n m 7 10 p ml . . . .Denver K\pp" . , . . . , II 00 p m ( A ) p m Lincoln Lliultvd ( lx < ritsun l .11 ! W n m 8 P > n m Lincoln Local . . . . I K.20 p m R. C.S1 J A O. II Omnha Depot 10th oil Mason St * li. < i ) a mj.Kansis City Uty hxpres * , U 41) p mli. | 0. NUIil Kxp via U. I' . Trans leaves UNION lrACIHf I Arrives Omnha [ Union DfpotlOlh andMare ) Sis. ' Omnha H.ttJ a nil Hcatrlcc Evprcs * . . . . 7 Oil p m 1000 n m . . . .Denver Express . . ' > ( K ) p m 3 15 pmI O\crlnnilKlTor. l > 15 p in 4.10 p mllllucSp'esA l-alrtlpldE\ex ( Sun ) 12 ! A p m B30pm | I'acllle Express. , I1 M n m doing I CHICAGO , It , I. A i'ACIl 10. From East , [ Union Dopnl IDlh A. Marcy bis. East. lutU n m , , , , AtlHiillo Express . , l > JO p in 4 05 p m . . . .VesllhuloExprcsi . . . 1.10 p m MO p m Nluht Express li 40 a m tiolni ! I Cl11CAIO , II. 1. A I'ArlMC I From West , Itlnlon Depot loth and.Marcy Sis I Wost. 1.20 p ml Denver Limited . . i.l 4J p in 705 p in | Denver Kxpre * * . . | 7.U ) a in 7.20 ami . . .Sioux Lily I'Hsscngor l &V > p m | , .Sl. I'aill Express [ 10110 a in ) .cn\ei 'IClllfAI.O. HDltl..N X giil.SCY.IArrlves Trnnslcrl Union llcpol , Council IllulTa I'lrunsfj IH-M\CS I OMAHA AST. LOU ! : ! . ( Arrives Transfer ] Union Dcpol. Council Hint's ITrnnsfor 4 -j711177777.1-1. . Loul"Canon Uall | 1. 15 p m Leave * I SIOUX CITY' A PACH-U3. lArrfves Transfer ! Union Dfpol. Council HlulTs I frnnsfer 745 u m Monx Clt % Accommodation IP.OJ p m S 50 p m . . . . . . .bt- Paul l.xprssa | U 40 u m Leaves 1CU1CAGOA .NOIU'HWHSl'iil.NArrlv8i | Transfer ] Union Depot. ( oiincll Illuffs | 'l runifer NOTf-nNG JS BETTER than the best ; it is what you pay for , and expect to have. Take railways , for instance ; the best line to Chicago and the East is the Burlington Route ; it has the best sleeping cars , the best reclining chair cars , the best dining cars , the best road-bed , and the metropolitan system of checking baggage Mirect from one's residence or hotel , which was inaugurated three years ago. is the best. Every thing in connection with the Burlington Route is of the best , than which nothing can be better. Trains leave the Union Depot , Omaha , at 9:50 : a.m. , 4:30 : p.m ( The Vestibuled Flyer ) and 9:20 : p.m. ( The Omaha and Chicago Limited ) , and run through solid. City ticket office 1223 Far nam St. , W. F. Vaill , Agent. Telephone 250. TUB SIlORTbSr LINfa 'ID CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. ilectric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily'at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. hi. noi Indian t-urvulu. I'lnu KliUu Amincy , South UalvOta. 1'ubiuary litb. l ' Sualud proposilN. endorsed "I'loposuls for Kltild f-uuds" mil adim-ssed to tlio nnd i- hl nud at I'liui Hlil.'o Acunuy , houtli HaKola. \\ilt liu i cu'\od at this auoncy until 1 oelouk p. in. of March Ttli , ' ' - ' . for fiinilsliln and ilullvcTliu ; at Ituslivllle , .NoljniHl.ii ! JI8.H 0 pounds bocd oats , 4\OUO pouniN SI-CM ! wheat. IO.MJ pounds huud corn , 4wxi poiindu hi-ed potatoes. I.OJU pounds seed ( icrinan millet. .fio pounJH timothy seud , 10J poundb bluiiKrass seed , h.ild so ( Is to bo urown In tliu noullon of I'ountry contiRiious lollies piacu of delivery. Illddurii will bu rtiiulicd lo state Hpoclllcally In tliulr bldHtbe piopotud prleo of u-icb artlclu ollurud fordolhcry unilcr a conliact. Tlio 1 1. 'In iHttiservud 10 icji'd any or all bids , or miy p irl of any bid , if dimmed for lliu best In- luiest of lliost'rvlc o. Corllllod CliouKs i.acli b.d must lJ ( ) actcoiuiiuu rd by u cit | tilled cliook 01 di iftupon sonic Unlit ) I Hiatus Peuosllory or holvunt National Hank In the \loliuty of tliu res dtincu of tlio blddur. madn payablu to Iho orlorof llio UoiunilHS onor of Indian Af fairs , for at lu ittt Iho pur cent of thu amount of fliu proposal , which check ordraft will bo forfoltc'd lo tliu llnllod Hlalun In uasu any bid der or blddurn laculvlnic an award nliall fall to pioiiiptly oxitt'Utu a contract with cooil and Hiilllelftil Hiirlllen , otlii'rwUu to bo ruttirnud to tliu bldilitr , Illda accotapmilcd by ttuHli In Hun of a Ki'itllled c'lifcK will not buconsldorod. Kor further Information HIIII y to t CJA1TAIN ( HXHUi : L. J ItOV IlltOW.V , U. h A. , Acting 1) ) . ij. liidlun Ationt. I'-ll-llM-m. I'rcijioKiiln fur IliiniU , Soiilod lilda will bo rccc-Ucd ut tlio olllco of tliu Oily TrMiiHiiror , Oinubu , Nub. , up to K ti'olock Mnrcli lOib. Ii\i2 \ , fur tlio purchiiBo of | | 7.MJHiiOBI ( vcur-'iporcoiit Clly Hull lluniU 'llm iirlnulpftl und Intuiunt uro payable * ut K'oniitto Uro * . , Now York , liilorcfct payable kuiui-uiiiiuully , Kucb bid must a tate thn prli'o und thn uinotiiit of bonds ( .oiiKbt for and iniiht , liicliulo Intoicst up lo ditto of dollvcrv. IsKiiud iindor uulliorlty of Cliurirr of inut- lopolitiin clUciH und Diulii nice 'M'J upprovvcl Jiuiuury IlOtb , IHU'J. Thu rlgbl In rcburtocl to rujc-cl any or all bid * . ' ' riSiU'UM Ulty Trcu'nurer. I WHY THEY KICK. , t'nliin rncltlc Tritliimnn , t'oiupUIn of i\lli : I Tlicjmt llrmmodItiillronil Nntrn , 1 Tlio I'tilon Pacific grievance commlttccj contlniuil their Joint session \ostcrdny and J will meet General Manager Clark some lime this week. Tlio commit lees Arc said to bo carefully re * vising ttiolr schedule nnd reducing tlio scope of Its dcunnds. Messrs. Clark nnil Morris- sov , tholr grand oftlrcrs , nro exports In sclieilulo making nnil nro Ictullnc Ynluablo as sistance. Fully cognlrint of the illnicultv ot gottine concessions from companies , they nro proslti | ; the schedule ot nonoston- tlnls , nnd uhon they poboforo the Union Pa clflconiclais It will bs with n reasonable crlovnnco which they believe cannot ba ilo- nlcil lodrcso.l "One of tlio chief ciusos of coinnlnlnt nmong the Union Pnclllc tralnmon ! the lack of nstnblo method In Interpreting tno rules of tha company. " siittl u conductor , a monibct of ono of the grievance committees. "Tills u partly duoto the Innumerable changes n in OUR onictnls. On my division during the past llvoycais thcro have been eight roadtnRKtcrj , tire or six assistant superintendents mul font or llvo superintendents. It Is no wonder that there Is diction with such management ai that. that."i'or "i'or example , the company sometimes gets too many locomotives nl ono and of n division , and then It become ? necessary to eiiunllro pouer. Train crows nro froqupntl > v dead lioadcd on passenger trains to thu oppo s ' site end of n division in order to take tralni that nro made UD to get locomotives back to where they n > o most needed. That Is cnllnd equalizing power , and under the rules the tralnmon uro entitled to half pay for time used tn going to take such n train. It rests with tno company's onorrtting ofll- cluls to sny wliutknr or not the movement of employes Is made to equalize rower , and the mr-ii complain somn of ttiolr superiors nro iinfnlr and abuse their power. It is not the fault of the tralnmon that locomotives become baillv distributed , nnd when they am ordered to give their tlmo to correct such mismanagement they ought to linvo pay for It. "Huro Is another case : Somultmos n crow Is sent out to pick up a load , any of stork , nnd return. The train may bo sent nut on fust tlmo and the crow may put in hnlf n dav loading It , Wothlnkitoughtto bo llK'iiod ns two trlpi. ono out and the other back. Some nnlclals count the routm trip ns ono , perhaps with no allowance for tlmo ot load ing , and the icsult Is qulto n loss to the traln mon. "On mv division thoie Is a hill thirty miles long. It Is generally considered thai if froiL'ht train of thirty-five cars nnd a crew ot three men ought to handle U , hut along coiros n now oflleor who thinks that llvo cats mere will mnko no difference. The result , of course , Is dissatisfaction , and thcro nro n great many cases of that kind In our btisi- ness. " Secret of tlio Swllpliliifj I'.vtorllon. "That now deal of the Union Pac lie on switching charges Is pure cussodnchs , " said n railroad man representing an custom road. "It all grows out of n controversy butucen the Union Pacific nnd Hock Island over the transportation of load to and from the Omaha smoltor. The smoUIng-ln-translt rate give * tlio smelling people the betiollt of a through billing on tholr load ores. The Hook Island cut the rate enough to got the fioight Mom the Milwaukee a few months ago. The Union Paeilic claimed tliu bridge toll to Council Uiuffs as n , part of Us piopottion of the through rate to Omaha and another bildga toll as a p.utof Its piopottion of the rate finm Omaha oast. In other uord * . the Union Pncilic claimed two oildgo tolls. The Kock Island demurred and held that under Its famous Adams conliacit the biidpo toll from Omaha east was a pirt of its own earn ings. The dispute was referred to nrlutra- tors and was decided in favor of the Hock Island. "This made Trafllc Manager Mcllcn of the Union PuclUc very Indignnr.l , cf course , and rumor has it that bo and President Cable ol the Rock Island reached the point of n per * aonnl altercation over It. Bu that ns it may , the fact Is Mcllcn set himself to got even. Ho Joined hands with ttio Northwestern and uy sinking switching charges , bridge toll uud other smaller items tbo combine made n cut of 7 cents a hundred from Oonvor to Now York on smelting in transit. Tbo smelting company therefore made a contract for a year with the Northwestern. This was llrst blood for Mellon , thoutrh at the expense ol the Union Pnclllc. "IJy the decision of the arbitrators nnd thf opinion of tlio court holding that undur its contract with the Union Pacific the bridge lolls belong to tbo Hock Island on Omaha business , the earnings of tha Union Purl DC are materially affected. Mtllon. saw a chance to muko ttio Itock Island feel thonoightof his enmity. He therefore pro- poai-d the extortlonnto switching charges as an ollset to the loss of tlio biiugo tolls. Thd \ whole thing grows out ol tlio malice between Mellon and ( Jablo nnd we happening to ho In the same boat with our competitor arc forced to lake the same modlcitio. It is un imtiagb Just the Biimo upon the Jobbers of Omaha aud the lines which aio forced to pay the Union Pacific for switching c irs.1 Ncitos nml I'liiHiiiuiU. General Hazgago Agent Nicholas of the Mlbsourl Pacific Is tn the city. G. M. Harris , the Burlington's passenger agent at at. Joseph , is In the city. Thomas SUiuimuhor , chief clcik of tha Union Pacific freight department , will spend Sunday in St. Louis. Among the passenger men attracted to Omaha in tbo hope of socuilng the Young People's Soclotvof Christian ICndcavor busi ness to New York nioT. .1. Thorpe of tha Pennsylvania. E. JJ. Houianil and P. S. C'a- pron of the Grand Trunk ; U. 1C. Wilborof the Luho Shore , S. A. llcmtcf the Canadian Pacific und T. P. Murray of the Michigan Central. rioniPTVlllu .Toiirnali The pressure nf tha utmnsphoru in llflucn pounds to thu Himro | Inch , lint politicians .ilTlrni tliut thai I * , miili- IIIK coinpircd with the iiieHsiiro that lliclr conutltiionlH biini' to hum upon thuiu. PIIOI'OSAI.S I.OK MIMJH 00 Wh AND -L linllH Dot ) irtfiiunt of Ha * Intorlui , Olllco nfJliiMilli Air n Irs , WunliliiKton. I ) . U. , I'ulj- ruitiy , 161)- ) . bulled proposal ! . . Inilot.sed "I'mposuls for Cows ot Hulls" ( IIH tlio uusiHiiny lo ) .mil addressed to tlio commibslnnoi of In * dlan ull'.ilrs , WiiBhliulon. I ) . ( . ' , , ulll tin ro- c'ohctl until 1 o'clock j ) . in. , Sat unlay , Mnieli f > . IH'l. ' fur fuiulililtiK mul dellNoiIni : at Pine Klil u. KosuhuO , Uliuyunnu liUnr. Crow Crrok nnil I < ont r llrulc * uiii'iielif. Hniitli Dukotii , St.itiilln Ituvk luonoy , Noitli Dukotu , hiintce mul I'oncm a piiaicH , Nclir.iHli.'i , I'lnnilreau iiL'cnov , hotitli Dukotiuiiul tliu Oiow nuHiicy. Montiui.t , nlioill 11.0 o iiilli-h L'uwN mul 400 liulle Ke iiliir ulmikH for lnils urn not ii" ijillieil , ScliciliilCH ( whlili ) | ll bo inailii u part of lliu picpoHitlsi Hluiwln-'tlin iiuinliei of c'ut- ; . fi tlu riMiulriMl at inoarloim iiLMinclus. c'ontlN / * linns to l ) olibonutl I'y lilifilorM , Iliiinunil ' lilncoof ilil\ory. ! tiirins ofcoiilrjut anil | iuy- inonl. anil all otlior Mi'd-'ssaiy lnbtnielion , will IHI fiiriilslic'd upon appl cation lo llui In- > illaii olllio at WiiKlilnKlon , HIM co , la-.s iilei of Ntiliblhluntu. U. S. A. , at Clilejtio , M. Pan ) , Oniali i , Noliruska , anil Cliove.iiiiu , Wyiiiiilnif , ' to lliu pulillslHiiM of llin Klinik ( Jro VUIH' Jour nal of Mili'H Ully , Mont ma. anil tliu .lonrnal of llolcnii. Moaluiiii'mil lliu suvoral Indian a outs. 'Iherlulit Is rcoui vuil lo roji'i t anv or all hltln , ur miy pirtof miy lilil , If ilunined for tliu lii'Kt liileni ts of tliu Kovcnunrnl ; alii ) , tliu fiirlliur rlKlit In inaklnK tliu awarilK lo In- urn.iHu or tllnilnlxli to anv o\t nt thn niiinlicr of anlmala called for In the sclii'dnlon ; also lo inijiilro u iliillv4iry of twunly-ll\o per penti" ' inoru ur IC-BI , than tlio u mount Hpuclllo I in any . conlraut. CKUT1KIICII C.'lll'CKS. Kacli bid must bo accomp inlecl Ijy a curtlllctt elioelf ordrnft on MJIIIO UnMeil htales ilopoi' Itoiy for at least ( Wo per cent of the mnoiint of tlm bid , iimclii imyablo lo tl u onlur of Ilia coiiiinlhsloner of Indian alTalri * , wlili'li c-liecU orilratt will bo forfclluJ to tliu UnllH hlulct In riibti any lilildcr recoMnic an iiHiird hliall fall topiomptly uxeuula a coulr.ict wllli KooJ anil hiilllulunt Hurotlun ; olluirwlse to in re tiiinocl lo tliu lilUUur. T , J , MOItCAN , Com. inlHiloncr. rinilVltM NO. J.-I * A. NO. U.-l'ltOI-OSAlH 1'Olt btib > tUteiicu Kloros , OllUoof 1'iiiclMkltiK and I'onot ' Uomnilsburv of hiilislHtxtncc. ( I. H. Arinv. Onialia , Noli. , January It , IHl. hc'ulcil liropos Us. In trlpilu.itu , will bn reunited nt thlH-ollIco until li o'clock in. , central Hlamlurq . tlnif. on Tuc'Hduy , ( 'obiuiry 10 , Ibr. , at whlin ; , I tlmu nnd ulaio Uiuy will bo opunud In U.o * I proiiuiiuu of llillern ) , forllio fttriiKliln ; nnd do- 1 I Iheryal ( Jinalui , oroucar * ut boutli Omuliu , r Neb , tliu follovrlnz vtilMUtunco Htorru , vlti I'oikbacon ; bcof , corned , canned ; vliuwri bacon , bieakfniit ; ( lour , funilly ; liains , h. OK ami 1ml. I'roferonco will bo zhcn to at tlolei N t > l ilomoitln projnotion or iiimiuf.ieturi' , > u > x dltloiiHof iiuallty mid iirlco ( Incliidlni ; In tin _ / ' ' prlioot forulKn plodiiotlonH or imuiufarlun f ' tlio duty tborooni bultix eiiual. 'lliu ilulit li rtbi'rt od to reject any or all bids. lllmiK pro- , piisitU and hpocllleallom uliotiTlne In dtilall tbuarllnli'N anil iiuantlllu * regulroj and ulv- ln < full Infortnatlon IIH to eoiiditlon of con > irai-tH , will lie furnlHliod on application lu lhl oIllt'K. W. II. IIKLL , Major unU U , H. , U. . X. > J15IH-fU-l ? '