THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1892. SPEG1HL NOTICES. * DVKUTISKMKNTS KOIl TI1KSK COLUMNS A will ho lakrn until lJ:30p , m. , for Inn ovpnlmr. nnd until 8 p. m , , for the tnornlng or Sunday cill tlon , All advprtlnomnnts In thr > o rolnmnn 1) conH n \ line llri-l Insertion , and 10 rents n linn thereafter , or 12 per Una per month. No advertisement taken for ICM thiih 55 cents fur tlic lint liiKcrtlon. Terms , ca < n In urtvancp. t'onnt about 7 words to the lino. Ini tial" ) , fliturp , symbols , f\c. , each count ai n word. All advenlM-monts mint run consecutively. Adver- tlfPM , by rcqiiPsllnR a mimbprpd check , tan hnvn thplr letter * addremod to n numbered letter In earn nllKK. Ansneriifta addressed will be dellv n presentation of the check. _ TlIIANCIIOKKlCBS AllVKIITlSINOTOlTrilKSK J 'columns will bo taken on the aboro conditions at the following business home * . who arc author- Ifcd to takn special notices at the same rates as cnn VIP had at the main ofllru ; bonth Omaha Ilrnnch Oltco-No ! , J8M N street I.IMcr block. lohn W. Hell. plmrmaclM. tlth and Mmon trept . H. II Furmnorlli. phnrmacUt , 2llk ! CumlnK street. W . ! . Htmhes , jihariniicliit.iill N.JMh/trpet. K. Hattcrllcld , pliarmadst , I7IS I avcnworth street" Hindir * ' pharmacr. 24th and Karnam SITUATIONS WANTED. KATKH-I.V n line first tlmo and 100 ft line there- nflcr. No ndTortlsoment taken for Ion than 23c. WANTKO. ItV A lYADY OK CtLTUHK. A A homo where Instruction may bo Riven In the KnitlMi branches In oxchanpa for bonrd. Address N 41 , Hoe. MM If. ' i - LADV8TKNOGUAPHKII DK8IIIK.S A PKU- A-A position , experienced ; can lvo l.pstof references. Address N 67 Hoc. 25S Id * - . . HTIIIIK.NT WANTS IMiACK TO L-COI.I.KHK and mornlntf. Address N . ' / ! , I'oo. 257 H WANTED.-BIALE HELP. JIATKS l.'io n line first tlmo and 10o a line thero- nflor. No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 2. " > o. ONSAfAIlYOIl COM 'mlMdnn to handle the nuw patent chemical Ink oraslnu pencil. 'Ihe Krenti-M selling noveltyrvcr prodncedl cmpcs Ink thornnuly In two seconds ; nu abrnslon nf pnpcr ; 201) ) to MM per cent profit : onn Kent's sales amounted to fine In six days , nnothtr fi2tnlno : hours , \ \ > want ono general aicentln each Main nnd territory. Kor terms and full par- tlculars adilicss Monroe Krascr Mfif. Co. , LaCn > sB , Ws. . X .fl. 721 TJ CIT'fr'ANVASBKIlS.SALAUV ' PAIIt WI'.KKM" . JJ3lnior SonhiK machlno otllco. IMG DuiiKhis st. 1,111 n > - WANTKD. KIllhT-CLASS MACHINIST. > Iavls A. Cowidll. 1.75 WANTl'.l ) . CALL Oil AD- I N. Y. Llfn bulldlni. M5S.1 K14' E-WANTKI ) , TIIOSI5 WHO HAVK LOST AJ.Kd or arm to send their names and address to Coo. II. llongiinn , nrdllclnl .limb . manufacturer , Notr Haven , Conn. Something of Interest to alt crip- plea , wherever located. M1I2 lit * T > - AOKNT.S. M1NHIIAI. LAMP WICKS NKVKIl J'butn out : no smoke , no soot , no trimming ; light equal to gan ; a samples lOc , assorted dozen 2&o. T1 Stnyner \ Co. , Providence , II. 1. MIMl 18' > HOY AIIOUT is YIAHS. NKHUASICA HHIItT > Co. 11 WANT ! ' ! ) AN A TIV1 ! MAN TOTAKH AN IN- J'tcrcHt In nil established provision buMuos * , ono accustomed to l > ungnnd ! Helling country prodtico ( IcMrcil. Address Clmmlcrluln , Lock llox Hi Went Duliitli.Mlnn. Maai4 I > -M > MrlTOIl8 KOlt A HAllDWAItK SI'IS- JJclalty of merit. I'rollts good. Ktperlonco not liccefMirjv Call on W , A , Logan , Uoom J , lliishman u Ik. S12M IS * fVVANTKl ) , iXl'lIllKNCii : : ) SALKSMAN IN J'merchant tailoring establishment. Address N til , Ike olllco. M2I1I 14 A COMI'KTKNT .MAN WITH IlKKKUKNCirS and pAperlinceas a rollcltor for building nnd in or Illo Insurance company can secure n per- Innnent ami prolltablo connection by calling at rOl lleo biilhllng. I to a p. in. M2C7 13' | ) -WANTKI-IIH1(5I1T. INTKLLUIKNT 11OYS 4for messenger work wllh a packing housn nt Houlh Omaha. Must know how to write. Salary Jive dollars ( fi.UO ) per neck. I'roipect for advance ment to good boys. Address N 66 , Dee office M a is * 'ft AMKNTH. TIIK KAMOUS HOT Alll CHAM- J'ber or donblo bottom roaster and baker. Women order with smiles. Samples free , lift ) Uodgest. 2712 ) WANTKD SJ HA1I.UOAI ) MKN. K. K Air 'bright , 1120 Farnam nt. 27II-14 * B-WANTKI ) , W ) MKN KOlt H. It. WOUK AT WYO. Call at nOlIS 10th ist. 27I-I2" -UNMAHIHKI ) .MAN TO TAKK ClIAItCK boarding 150iuon. mining camp In Colorado , glvo ngc , cvpcilcnoo and ungcs ; none but live , trusty limn need apply. Address Lock llox 2JO , Omaha JiUHtolllue. 270 14 -WANTKI ) , MBN TO TItAVKI , KOH OUH Canada nurseries. Stone , V Wellington , Jlnill- Ison.VK. . _ _ B-WANTKI-A TIAHK CHANCK KOIl J.IVK aeetns , n pocket letter press ; price $2 ; laruu dis counts lo agents.tommers C ) Under Press Co . 1R > llroadway , N , Y. , roomiiO. Jl''S'.l 15 * B-3ALKSMKN KNK1KIKTIO MKN WANTKI ) . Frco prepaid outtlt. Ono of our agents has named over I20IM ) In live years , r. O. boxlini. New York. M2SS 14 * 1WANTKIAlKNTd , BNKIIOKT1O MKN WHO .I'aru already traveling salcsmon to carry our ( mall lubrlcatlnii oil samples and sell other mill cniiplles | l.u asldo line ; name references and terrl- tory. Miller Oil Co. . InillninipoUs. 1ml. M28T1S * AOKNTS TO HULL "Till : NICKKL COMltlNA- tlon Penholder ; " contains pen , pencil , punkiilfo nnd rubber eraser. Soils for 60 cents. Price to agents $2.60 per doren. Address C. T , Clirlstcnscn , JlliintmpoilB , Minn. , I' . O. lIoxl&O. MJ5 14 * B$12.00 TO J1500 A DAY TO AtJKNTS HKLLINI ! our Perlectlon shoo ( recently patented ) , also the 'Inylor Adjustable elioc , direct to the consumer ; Iirullt from 75o to 2.SS a pnlr. Nnrouiputltlon ; ivory lady a possible customer this spring , secure your territory at once. Address nlth 2c rtamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo Co. , Lynn , .Mass. . _ ; _ JHJ.-.I.1 13' B-A YOUNIi MAN TO CA11K KOU IIOltSKS and do some dellvurlng nho writes a fair hand ; Bncdo or llano preferred. Address N IK ) , Her * . M2 l ) ' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HA'I'KS-lio n line lirst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertltemoiit taken for less than Kc. ' ' C AooHALAlY'l'UATtANTKKI ) TO ANY lady who v. Ill do writing for moat honii ) . Ad dress In own tiandnrltlng with addressed nnd Btunipod envelope , Miss Kdna Ifcinytlie , South Vend , liul. , proprietor of the famous ( llorla Water. tlux-PJ5' ) C WANTKI ) Ginit KOU ( iKNKUAL HOUSK- work. Mrs.U.W. Loomls. Ion South 30 [ h live. C- WANTKI ) KOU I.1CHT h oUBQWork , 6IUB. aistnve. 22 12 * ) ( ! IUL TO DO UKNKIIAL CWANTKI . I1OUSK- ork ; ( ierniau prof erred. Apply to S3IU Popple- ton eve. 2.K ! It _ G -WANTKI ) . A OOO1) COOK. MUST UK OOO1) aundress , ut No. Ulll Knrnaiu street. 24'J 13 C-WANTKI ) , ( Hill. KOlt ( IKNKUAL 1IOUHK. work. Apply HSU South 30th avo. M270 13'a C. WANTKI ) . A GOOD COOK. MU.1 , J.J. IHGKKV , ! 4IS Uodgo street. IM2iy 13 C -WANTKI ) , KIUST CLASS ( MI1LTC ) COOK , NO washing or Ironing. Wages $5 a week. 2121 llln- ney st. 274-U' _ C - WANTKI ) , IMMKIIIATKLY , ONK PKItSON rocolvu Instructions keep books 110 00 week. lUi K.'W York l.lfo. 277 I2 " -WANTKI > . KIVK K.XPKItlKNCKI ) BALKS ladle * Iu toll notions and fancy goods. Thosu who Inno clerked In the New York llurgaln Store preferred , The llcuton Store. .M28.1 13 - KIJIBl * CLASS fiJUL KOU OKNKll.M , HOUSI C-A . Three In family. House all modern Im provcmunts No children. Call at SIS Park Avenue lienuuii or Dnnu preferred. M ! KX ) 15 C-LA1)1KS-I WILL I'AV LADIKS A SALAllY OK I1C per nook to work for ma In their locality at homo : light work ; good jiay for part tlmo ; write Kith stamp , Mrs. 11. H. Karrlnuton , box 702 , Chicago 111. _ _ Mail ll i C WANTKI ) , AN KXI'KUIKNCKI ) COIlbKI nleswomun to act as stuta agent. Salary f I01 ! ( A k month. Address with reference * , Crocunt Clasi Works , Ann Arbor. Mich. _ MKU IS * fl-COMl'KTKNT I11IIL KOU OUNICUAL UOUSK L/nrork , 1UW Sherman avenue. M2S1 FOR KENT HOUSEB. ltATKd-15a a line tint llmo and I0o n linn them Nuitdvimii'siiiuiit taken tor lees than Sio. ' - - HouaKs.iiotc iiiesT'itKa Idenco tlau In city , Mead Inv't Co , . 413 live bldg T -Hlt UKNT , HOUSK 10 UOOMS , ALL MOD- JL/t-ru Improvements , f JO per month ; Sid aud Kar- naui , Deiter K. Tbomai . 771 lYNBW 0-UOOM COTTAGKS. MODKItN IM- i'univuiufuts , "blanfurd Circle. " Apply u. 8 , mantle r. room 4 , N. Y. l-lfo pulldlng. 725 TV-H.UOOM HOUSK. 7TH AND DAVKNPOUT , J ull conveniences , B5.00 per month. K. K. Dar- llnif. llnrker block. 7VU D UOOM COTTAGK , J5TH AND CUM1NU tUci-tj fix. Kuqulre 82H S Ibtlu M7V4-13 ' " * LIST. GKO. J. PAUL. 1WS KAUNAS ! \-ttlllO.M HOUSK. MODKllN IMPUOVKMKNTS 'jill N. i th ve. It. Kalltb , tailor , ill N. Ullh. 7r7 TjCUOOlt COTTAGE , 8M S. ZIST8T. JOT IS * DKLAT IN CLINTON UUCK.n IIOOMS. STKAt tirt , water , mi , baths. All convonlcncem In iroud rut > utr. Inquire ut Johu HauilluV17S. nth t. , Omalia. _ ' 1 1-KI..AT8 WITH AND WITHOUT STKAN 4'hral , liulldluiEi , itorcs , dwelllnt ! ! and collate tu all raru of Ihe city , KelUuney 4 Co. , fo nil liuntnl bluck , M 1U1-2I TJ-AT S309 KAUNAM BTllKKT A TBN-UOOi J/houio ; tuoiteru conveuleuou * andlUKOOd repair lao.iUru of W. U. Doaue , > 15 N. Y. Ufu buIUllii. ; . ) is 1)KtH ) UKNT , TUB 10-UOoM HUDhK XIOT | Ibqulm tiK Il , llli ; Puu lo tt. FOR RENT-HOUSES. Continued. D FOIl UKNT , 8 tlOOM KLAT , LANUK BLOCK. corner Ilth and Jackson streets. M23I 1C -1Z-KOOM HOUSK MOIlKllN CONVBNIF.NCKS. furnished or unfurnished , KounUn risen , cor. 1st and Jllnncr ; nlro furniture and Isdles driving torso for sale t n bargain. Mrs. J , I * . Hay. 18414 * [ \KOIt UKNT. 9 11OOM HOUSK. NO. J1H IAV i-'enport street. Tory cheap to first class tenant. IOKKS A Hill , 1403 Karnam slreot , MIMIil _ FOR RENT--FURNIBHED'ROOM3. lATKS-ISo a line first tlmo and lOo a line there- after. So adrcrttscment taken for less than 2Sc. . MAUV'SAVM < 39 1 i > -FUI NI8IIKI ) , STKAM HKATICI ) FIIONT n , 1817 Ix > aTCnnorth street hath , etc. BUS SO * E FHOXT 1IOOM WITH AI.COYK. 724 N. 2IST. . M4II 17 * KOlt rtKNT , NICKtiT KtlltN'ISIIEI ) , Sl'.CONM ) story back room , suitable for Jlnglo Rentloinan , without bonnl , Igt B. Mill street. IM l -KLKOANTLY.KUltN18IIii : ) HOOM8 KOItOKN- Ijtlenien only ; all modern ImproTemcnts. 1IW louelns st. KOM7 * IIOOMH. : IOTDOU(1IAS. f M178IM FURNISHED KOOM8 AND BOARD. 11ATKS ISo ft line first tlrao and 10a a Una there- after. No adrcrtlscmcnt taken for less than 2. " > c. l-KLKiANTLY VOHNIBHH1) 11OOM3 , 8ISHLH J fir en Biillu ; all modern conveniences ; first-class bonrd. 818bouth SBth strrot. M230 WITH 11OAH1),201 1)OU - 1-LAIIU1C SOUTH KItONT UOOMS , S1NOI.K OH L'ciuulte , with bonrd. Hoferciico. Z2I4 Knrnnra St. M2I2 1C * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ItATKS-ISo n line first tlmo anil I0o n line thereat , tur. No advertisement takun for lesi tliaiigoc. U ( > O.MH. ANVNUMUKIt KIIOM 1 TO 4 , IN G Huts , for housekeeping. 1'rlcos nvtuy down. U. K. Units , 311 1'nxton block. ( Ml r".S 4 UNKDItNISIlKI ) ItOO.MS BUITAHI.H KOIl G housekeeping. 1702 Webster street. M1SO -1-tJNKUIl.VlSllKl ) IIOOM8 21) KLOOIt IN MOD- Jernhfluso. lloferencos required. C07 N. 20th st. " BOAHDING. IIATKS lie a llmi tlrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for les than 2JC.3 . inib"loT ) KT KOH HOOD H board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo- ntlon It cannot boeicollod. Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOR BENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IIATKS Ito n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there- alter. No advertisement taken for less tha r-roil HUNT , STOHK , 111 ? JACKSON STUKHT. L _ 73H r-KOIl ni'.NT. TIIK 4-STOIIY 1IU1CK 1IUILU1NC , lulll Knrnaiu street The building has n lira nroot cement basement , complete steam heating llxtures , water on all the Uoors , gas , etc. Apply at tbo olllco of the lleo. " 18 I -KOlt UKNT , STOHK. 1021 1IOWAI11) . X 701 A KINK 1XKMTION KOH A (1KOCKIIY STOIIK 1 Cash.trado. Address N 11 , lleo. M1I7S M.1' T-KO UKNT. BTO11K8 , SOUTH KItONT. 15X30 Iwlth steam heat. 1418 llnrnny. M1U 14 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IlATK.S lSo n line tlrst ttmo and lOo a line thera- after. No advertisement taken for less than Hoc. -GAUDKN KAUMS TO UKNT. T. MUUUAY. J ( io7 T-lfO ACUKS OP GOOD LAND UNIMPUOVKD , J 5 miles west of Omaha , to lease for a term of j years Call or address The Odell Investment Co. , 1A ) Pearl etrcot , Council lllults , In. M1W1 21 * -DAIUY KA11M , 100 ACUKS. UAIIN KOU 50 HKA ) Tu Hiitchlnson & Wead. 1521 Douglas Bt. 272-14 WANTED TO RENT. UATKS ISc a line flrst tlrao and lOc a line there after , Nn advertisement taken for less than 250. KUItNISHKI ) HOUSE WITH MO1)KIN ! CON- vonlcnces. Call or address 415 South 15th street. _ M2J7 14 * IIKSPONSHILK TKNANT WANTS B-ltOOM modern cottage ; rent must bo low. Address N IB. Hoc. M280 15' _ RENTAL AGENCIES. KATKS-lSc a line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taVoator less than.ajc HKNTAL AOKNCY ; HANK 'UKKKltKNCHS L H. C. tiarvln A Co. , aoa Hhcely block. 72U _ TO 1NSU11K QUIC1C UKNT1NO. LIST WITH the Kxcluslvo llental Agency. Parrotto , Douglas block. . MJUS STOR AQE. HATESI5on line first tlmo nnd lOcallne thoreaf. tor. No advertisement taken for less than Z"io. -DUY. CLKAN f AND 'PlTlVATKLY stollKI ) M ; furnlturo. Omaha Steve Itepalr Work , VJU7 Doug. 70-J f 15 OLOKST , CHKAPKST AND BKSTSTOUAGK M liouso In the city. Williams A Cross , 1214 Hartley. WANTED TO BUY. UATKS 15o a line first tlmo and lOc a Una there after. No advertisement taken for less than 250 , T-KUUN1TUIIK BOUGHT , SOLD , STOUKD Wells , 1111 Knrnaiu st 7J1 - SMALL HOUSKS IN GOOD LOCA- N-8KVKUAL tlons ; must bo convenient to motor line and prices must boluw. If you have anything to offer write description acd lowest cash prlco to N'll. Ueo 1W 14 * " AlllIll.DINGTOMOVKONTOALOTCOUNKU N" of 3lrd and Illondo to bo used is n mission chapel. K. Wi March. 2UI5 Dccatur. lia 12 * r-WANTr.D. SKCOND-HAND FLAT TOP SITting - > ting desk. Address N 42 , Ueo. M214 TO BUY HOUSB , 8 Oil 7 1IOOSI8 , WITH LOT. N Glvo location , description and price. Address N 51 , Ueo. M25U 14 * FOB BALE-HOUSES , WAOrONS , ETC. UATKS 15cn line tint time and lOcallne thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. 1STALL10N , GKNTLK , STYLISH , 'SPKKDY nnd we ! ) bred , for onto or trade for wild pralrla land In Iowa orNcbraska. Address M IX ! . Ueo. MSOJ-M3 * "P-KOII HALK. TKAM. WKIGHT 3.500 ; 5 AND ft -L years old ; perfect In every particular and ac customed to heavy street work. Address A. J , Chldlstcr , Kearney , Neb. ' M2U JO FOR BALE-MISCELLANEOUS , UATKS JScu line tlrst time , and lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lois than 25c. T AUSTUACTs , Qu , Wlllov , county , S. U. bmlth , Indlauola , Nub. M 17.1 20 * Q-KOIt HALK , 2 GOOD , STUONG HOUSKS woKon. hnrncni , 2 culllvatnrs , harrow and plow very cheau , P , Lyngbak , 2I1S Klui street. 278 13 * MISCELLANEOUS. ItATKS-15calliiallrst time und IDo a linn thoro- after. No advertisement taken for leu than -'Jo. TJi J'TlYSIciAN WANTKD-A GOOD PHYSICIAN JLXcan find a duolrahlo locution by addroulnv S. IS , Deadlier , ilhc Hprlngs , Neb. R-IIAS11LTON UllOS. , CAltl'KNTKHS AND builders. All kinds jobbing. 414 bo.leth. 'I'd. 1179 1IW.M7" IJ-PKItbONAU STOP COUUKING. JI.IXW UK- -IVward fur a ease of throat ur IUIIK trouble , lust lanes exceiitcd , which cannot he relieved by a pro per uioof Dr , X. Mono' * bronchial wafers , Uo a bux at ilruKtdsts' . Kur sample send lee to Stone Mod , Co. , I'hlmuu , III. M2UO 14' CLAIRVOYANTS. UATKSI5c n line tlrst time and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for leji than 25o S revulatluiu. Challentfen thu wurld. Urn. Dr. .M. Leuravo , ilrad tranrn clairvoyant , ailroloulst , iialmUt and life reader ) telU ruur Ufa from the cradle lo gravel unites the separated ! entiles mar- rluKo with the one you lovei tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted forr hai the celebrated Kiryptlan brcaitplatu for luck and lo destroy bad Inttuenccn ; cures tits. Intemperance nd all private complaints with uiansave , l > athi and alcohol treatment. Send 12 , lock of hair , nuino and date of birth and roreivo accurate life Jhnrt ! 1 cents In ( tamps fur circular ; ulvo Initials of nne you will marry ; alia photo * nt name. Oltico 1001 South Ilth street , tlr t Boor ; huur , U . m U , v n. iu. Come one , couiojUl. and bu couylncod of thli wonderful ornclB , SIKJ 13 * _ S-MllS. NANNIB V. WAHUKN , CLAIIIYOYANT. reliable Uu luea > uiedluui , Hftti year , at Ilil.S , 16th , ra _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-.MADAMK KIHT7. , 2320 CUJIIMiH STUKKT. kJrlalrvuyanl and I r unco medium ; ludeiieiident volcci ; lulli past and future. ' 5TIK24' BTASSAQE , BATHS , ETC. UATRS-150 line Hrtt time and lOo a line there after. No dvottt umcnt tslea for Iw < than25c , fjMA88AGi rTlTKATM'kNT. ' KnKOTUO""Tiil14 > J nml bmtli . acalnaiid hulr treatment , mantcur * and cblropodlst , Mra , i'ost.HI iiS. tli , Wlthuell blk 1st _ f | XM ADAV.K LA HUE. U A83AUK TllKATM KNT i41U So. IHU it. Urd lloor 11 at I. MSBO-ty _ M'-MADAME SMITH , till 1WUGLAH BTIIBKT , Jroom 7Sd floor. Alcohol , sulphur and bathi. MH4 lli > PERSONAL. U-WANTii.TlKAlDllK801fCYUuaUAYNK ( , Kr d r. t-atae will tig rvwardta by Ii. Hall , ji2 < x U MUSIC , ART AND LANQUAQE. HATKS-150 n line first time nd lOc n line there after. No nilTortlfomp nl t kcn for 16 tn n I. " > c < ViiroYi : ; riuviNO A "PIANO Vn ccnlc Klmbnll plnno. A. llonpo.1513 Douglas. V 0. K. GKLLKNIIICCK. UANJO TKACHKH , with llojpc , or MH < N , 15th street 3rd lloor. 942 MONEY TO LOAN- REAL ESTATE. UATKS-Tsc a line nrstrilmo and ldo"ii line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25o \\r UKAL KSTATK IXJANC , TO 7 I'KIl CKNTs 'l mi additional charges for rommlssloii or attor ney's feel. W. II. Mclklc , first AallonaJ bank Iddg. \V-ANTIIONYLOANANDTUUSTrO. , 318 N. Y. l' Life , lend nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa forms ur Omalin city property. \ \ r UKALKSTATKLOANS. PAUU 1005 KAIINAM ' ' AXr-COATKS,7. B'D TUADK , KASTKUN MONKY. \\T tKNTUAL LOAN & TUUST CO. UKK 7Sfi \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON LONG Oil SHOUT time In sums of UI ) to f 10.000. MutualInvestment Compnn ] , 377 \V-APPLY TO J. L J.OVKTT KOU CHKAP 'I money ; only Brat class security , 220 S. 13th. 980 Yir LOANS , CITV PIIOPKHTY , K. NKI1. ANt > W. 'I IOWA farms. K. K. Ulngor. 1519 Karnam. \V-I-OANSON 11KAT , KSTATM AND COI.IiAT- I' ternl notes and mortgage ) bought , Itced .i Sclhy , 334 Board ot Trade. 743 \V MWRY ; TO 1AMN ON I.MPUOVKD CITY I' propertr , low rates , A , C. Frost , Douglas hl'k. &U AAr LOANS , W.M.HAUU1S , H. 20KUKN/.KU lll.K. \\f 6 t'Kll CUNT FI1IST MOUTdAdK lAANi , ' < Itlchnrd 0. 1'atterson , Kill Karnam st. 745 \\r-LOAN3 , O. 0. WALLACE , .112 1IUOWN LK. ' > 741 _ \\r-CIIAK. W. 11A1NKY , 31S OMAHA NAT. UK. liltlK. flty mortKaKcs. Lonest rates. Money on hand. M817 \V UANS ON I.MI'IIOVKI ) AND UN'tMI'ltOVKI ) ' city property , f 1,000 and upvrards.ll to b per cent. No delays. W. Karnam Smith A. Co. , ISth'i Hurney. \r--2 II MOUTOAUK3.MOOHK , A. 401 UKK 1U.DO. V 735 _ _ \V-WII.L LOAN MONKV OS ANV KIND Ol * 'i security : strictly conlldontlal. A. K. llarrl , room I , Continental block. SltBI \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON OIIOICI ! * T property at Ion-eat rate of Interest. Uronnd leases made on linldo prnperty , ( icorge .1. raid , 1(4)5 ) Karnam street , Hoard of Trado. MI2I 13 * " \ \ r-TO LOAN. K.500 ON OMAHA ItKAL KSTATK ' nt per cent. Address N IX ) lice. M2IU 14 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 11ATKS 15c a line llrst time and lOc a line thcro- nfler. No advertisement taken for less than SSc. X DO YOU WANT If so du not fall tu Kct our rates before bor row Ina. Wo niako loam , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses. WIIKOUS , etc. , nt the low est possible rato. There Is no unnecessary dnlny. hut you get the money on thn sumo day you ask for It. Wu will carry thu loan ns lom ; as yon desire , KlvbiK you the prlvllexo oCimyltiK It In full or In part nt any time to suit your convenience , aud any part paid reduces the cost of carrying thu loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our oRlccs are centrally located and are so ar- rnnetMl that partlcscallliiKon uscau bo waited on quickly and courteously. It will bo to your advantage to see ns before securing - curing a loan. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . Itooui It , Orelghton Block , 13th St.outh of Pnstollico. MI3T.MH X MONKY TO LOAN BY U. f. MASTKU3 ON household goods , planoi , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmo arranged to suit tbo borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patruns nil the benefits of the partial pay ment plan. Call and sen mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone 1MI and your business can ho transacted at homo. Honey always on hand ; nojlclay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. II. K. Masters , U. 4 Wllhnell blk , 15th and Harncy. 747 X UOU'T PUITCIIAUD , U. J , W1THNKLL BLK. [ 743 V-MONI5V TO LOAN ON CHATTKLS BONDS - < -uud city warrants bought. Itoom JUU.Knrnncli blk X MONKY ON KUHNITUIIK. HOIISKS , PIANOS. Kcystono Mtgo. Co. , room 204 , Sbccly block. . M480 X WHKN YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN HKK W. U. Davis , room W , Continental block. S'.H CHATTKL LOANS , I1KNKDIGT * WUAY.BI4 Puxton block. Wo luan our own moneyschargu no commUston ; It will pay you to consult us. M BVJ-M2 MONKY LOANKD ON KUUN1TUBK , HOltSKS , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , r 43J , Itamgc. 204 X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. m. W DAYS ON KU11NI- turo , llvo stock , etc. Dun Ureon. removed to Itooui H and V. Darker blk , 183 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES 15o n line tlrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o " * " " ' V llify Tl7i7"c7)MlTKirCL\Tr"TTHi"TJK'AT ) G Ihutol of llroken Dow , Neb. No trado. S24 \T-KULLY KQUH'PKD CANNING "FACTOIIY IN -L very best part of Nebraska : capacity 25.0UO to 39,000 cans per day ; has made money last throe years ; bestof reason * for soiling. Address M 2.1lleo , 042 KM Y-KUIINIS1IKD HOTEL KOU BAM ! Oil KENT , the only hotel in city. Apply to Tllilon State bank , ngontTllduu , Neb. 4 5-f-2. ! Y-WANTKI ) , AT I1UOMKIKLD , NI3II. . A .HANK. splendid location. MI.I5 IU * y KOU SALK , HOT4JL , 8HKPHKIID HOUSK , AT Ansley , Ctistcr county * Neb. Two-story frame building , about 24x100 , nlth good barn ; 18 sleeping rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply to Dr. J , a. Thomas , Wood Hirer , Neb. M220 MD * y' KOU SALK. KUItNISIIING GOODS DKPAUT- ment In best located store In Omalm , will rant the space on porcontagu bails ; Hue klock and Una trade. Address N 47 , Ueo ottico. 2.10 12 * Y KOU 8ALK5MX)00 STOCK OK ( IKNKUAL merchandise for cash or part on tlmo to right party , Trade and custom established and second to none. Good reasons for selling. Location the best. Kino opening to make money. Address J. H. .Mitchell , manugor , Sidney , Neb. Mill-Id * V HOTKL KUUNISHHD IN CO. SKAT TOWN J-for sale or rent. Address Garllold Co. Hank , llurwell , Neb , 25(1 ( 22 * V-KOll SALK AT YOUIl OWN PHICK , ONK 1 Tuft's Alasktt noda apparatus In perfect order , faho'a got to go. II , 0. btokea , Harvard , Neb. 254 13 * Y ' A YOUNG MAN WITH TKN YKAHB' K.V. pcrlenco In U. U , headquarters. Has cash to Invest In good business. Address , N M , Hoc. MMI 13 * Y JNYKST TWJ CKNTS AND LI5A1IN J1OW you can make from (2.00 to C5.00 per day. Ad dress M W ) , Omaha Ueo , 26.112 * V-FIIISTCLASH PAYING HUSINKbHi OWNKH J leaving city ; about (5,000 required. Hutclilnson A We d , 1524 Douglas st. 272-14 V-KOll 8ALK , THM I1K8T K8TAUL1HHKD HA t J and men's furnishing goods store In Topukn , Kan. If you mean business address P. llonnett , 1254 Van Huron street , Tupeka , Kan. M7Jt 15 * VK SALK. HOTKL , KJJKNI8UKD , 17 IIOOMS , Ldologa good business ; terras oaiy : location best. Address lIox4M , Chadron Nub. M28O18' FOR EXCHANGE. HATES 15o a line flrst tlmo aud lOo a line there- after. No advertlscmoiit taken fur lets than 25o. Z V BuTiKS I HAIILK.OMAHA I'ltOPKUTY'KO Lo > ngolo * property or fruit ranch la Su , Call. fornla. David Jamloson , lloo building , TUJ y-CtlbTKH COUNTY KAHMB ( IMJ'UOYKD ) KOU / trlctly modern 7 or 8 roomed lioiuo la good res- liluncopirt uf Oaiah ; will ume. llux l , l.lci- ' /-KOU THADK , A STOCK OK UKNlUtAL MKIt- A/clmndlto for lands and raili. Addriui U. W , Watklna A Co. , Krunkfort , lad , UV7-K2t : > OMAHA I'noi'KltTY KOU MKIt- /chandlso / from (1,000 to $ IOOMX ) ; will pay some cash for good stocks. E. K. Itlngor , 151'J Farnara. ldil-15 * _ y-KOIt KXCHANGK , A VKUY STVM8H CAlT- < urt > ce team , A No , 1 roadsters , cap irot to the polo In three mlnuto * , nentlu aid sound : good wherever you put them , elnglo or doubla I will o < chmigo thli bandsomo ttum for B good lot or land In eautern Nebraska. Kaklri or trade sharks need not apply. Kor further particular * address Krud tjonaeaschclo , Went 1'plut. 6'ob. usi IU -TO KXCHANGK , BOMK-OK' TIIK CHOICKST Z acru property In Chicago , 111. , located on the Chicago , llurlluutonUulncy railroad , which runs 65 passenger trains eacb wuy dally , and ! rvached In 2J inlnuU'i from Union depot ; can bu had In quantities from V > t acres and upwards : want good stocks of merchandiser Address W , X. > ' . , room 31 , 164 Dearborn strut t , Chicago. 111. Mm 13 * _ -KOU BXCHANGK. VALUAIILK LOT IN SOUTH Omaha for double carriage or ooupa , or CirrUge team ; alio clear lut tu trade for good tnainand milk cow. L. Waterman , 3U5 Now York Life. m U _ -IK YOU HAYK A UOOD UI'UlflJIT PIANO TO tr do for lot 411. block 1 , Armour Place , South Omaha ; clear uf all lucuiabraucv. Addrtis N < llco onico. . MS3J r/KOU KXCHANOK. 100 ACUKS , UKAUTIKUL /Jtract clone tu Omaha ; cheap at KM ) per acret can otter fur I45.CUO ) lllUUQcs h ud tuortgoeit bal ance ; good land or tuiprovod proi > > ( " . UeurneN' UlcM.WUN. V.Llfi. UulIUIug.V um\i \ FOR f-t\n \ Pancrn Nebraska , fnn a stock of dry good * , clothing , boots and MioCJ lints and csp . Address builOlV. Nebraska City. . ? r.l ) ) ( , 255 MIO * r/-CI.HAN PTOCK OKCIMNKUAt. M'D'SK ! WtLI , /Jtnko real estate A money , Ilex VX , KrnnkfortJnd , Z-A VIXK KAUM Og tto ACItKS IN PLATTK county , for good OmnTi * rental property , P , W , llenrlch , Columbus , NcMv ) M3 It 17 FOIl KXCHANOK. A , NCM1IKU OK NKAT , /Jwell built nnd well lW- ted eotlnees. good title , Iu lh city nf Kearney , WtlL for a clean stock of goods , worth from fuOi > 'tti ' (5,000. Kor particulars wrllo to l * . A. Collanl. ir otpey , Neb. M i5 13 * STOCK sr-DVi : . WILL TAKK /Jcash , balance Clear rt'a | estate lloxiSOSchuvlor , Neb. i M830 H * VKOlt KXCIIANGF. ALL KINDS OK IAl > IKSOIl /Agents fnrs for household furnlturo. Address Gt-urgc. cnro Letter Carrier. N 5. M 298 U * _ IrOlt WALK Oil KXCIIANGK , LA1IGK DOUIILK /Jhome with plcgant grounds , on nne of the finest resldencn streets In thn cltr , lleautlful shade trees , carrlngu house , leu holme , paved streets , with sewerage , water nnd gas. The south half has the larger share of ground , barn , etc. ; will make n splendid home , and the other house will yield a nice Income. The whole property will bring K ren tal of ll.iuu.OO to II. TO. 00 per annum , nr 8 per cent on price , ( Will take onc-foiirlh. ponslbly one- third , of pn'chn .d prlro In vacant lots or farm land , balance cash and mortgage , ( ieorgo N , Hicks , 805 N. V. Liftbuilding. . M301 14 _ FOR SALE nEAlT ESTATE. UATKS- a line llrst tlmo nnd lee n linn there- ntler. No aiUcrtl eincnt taken for less than 25c. K , ' r"iicKoliv5iw feet ! a bargain for a few days only. K. K. Darling - ling , liarker block. 751 _ Ifim SALK , NiniUASKA KAIl.M LANDS. O. 0. -L Wallace , 12 Drown block , lutb und Douglas. 7.10 _ VrOll SALK. Oil WII.LTIlADi : KOlt KAUM t'UOI' , erty , n good business plnco 50 > 132 feet , with brick building costing t.UUU : a splendid site for llrst class hotel ; situated on blotk ndlolnlng Ui P. depot on the south , New water works In operation nnd electric lights soon. Address or call on Adolph llHornk. Sch iiyler. Neb. _ 1U1 VOU SALK AT A 1IAUOAIN , 1X > T 15 , IIUCKT -L \ \ \ U Solby's llrst addition to South Omaha. Small pnj merit down , tmlance monthly If desired. Inqiilru G , II , Trschnck , Omaha llee. : ( S.1 1'Olt SALK , HOMKS , ANY I'ltlCK , CM , 11,250 UP ; -L easy terms ; take clear property as llrst payment , G , G. Wallace , llrown block , ll > th and Douglas. _ _ 750 17011 SALK , A TWO rVTOHY 11111CK HANK - building , with ba pnent | , vaults , safe , furnl- turo and tlxtures ; can control good business ; town of two thousand people ; tlvo railroads ; good coun try ; large roller mills ; three plnvalors ; good rea son for present corporation quitting business. Address - dross T. Lewis. President , Superior , M'b. M 15331 * POIl SA1.K-S-K COIINKU T'TIl , DOUOAH. 824X -L 138 , : i cottages , stable for I , hnrsevcan bo ill vlded lnto.1 lots. ln < | iilroht premises 847 15" OOD HOUSK WITH LKAHK PAVING 13 I'Ull cent on price nsked and good | > respects of selling Inter at nlroi profit. JMJO ecuro deed. Illicitly Trust company. M2U2 12 _ _ T LKGAN'f NKW HOMK. ALL MODKItN IM- -Improvements , to be completed about March 1st. near Hanscom park. HlcVsngt. , .W N. Y. Life bldg 227 12 UKLtAllI.K GKUMAN OK SWKDK MKCHANIC can sccuru bargain In desirable homo. Knsy payments or vacant lots taken. Kldollty Trust company. Hill Karnnm , M20.1 12 _ AUGAIN , 1C ACHKS ' 'CLOSK ' TO CITY , ONLY Jli.OOO. Illcks. ngt.SOi.V. Y Life. S27 12 LK CllHAI'.MY UKSIDKNCK PItOPKIlTY. -L Olio of the best 10 room 2 story houses In Coun cil UlntTs. Would take small hirnsu In Iowa or No lirnska In exchange. Address , Addle M , N 45 , lice , . .y 2AI 12 * 17LKGANT KAUM. ( XXT JAfUKS , SAltPY COUNTY J-'nlne miles from t'outll Oiuului. Hicks , agt. , 'Mj N. Y. Life. , -V . 22712 FOIl SALK , 8-UOOM HJKtSK AND LOT. MODKItN Improvements ; lut ; S Zl'tli ' st. , lianscom Place , (4.COO , 2.11 Hi * pOUNKU IN PLAlNVIIfW.-d.OOO. VJ Aero on hill near Ktj Omaha , ( .ViO. Ueautlfnl east front | on , Georgia avc. ( . ' 1,000 ; .T room bouse nnd half lot on 27th and Douglas. 2UOO ! (200 cashrbStanco NO per mo ; horse taken In part pavment."Wn lot 41st , near Ames nve.frontlng now park , ( JJO.Trackage lot (1.500 will oxchnugo for bulldlug luLJIiitcblnsun > V Wcad. 11.4 Douglas St. ' . 272-14 You CAN nuY moicMLvrs IN WALNUT HILL at (10 down' and (10 pet-'nlonth. Knr Information eo Adolph Meyer , president. Itith nnd Karniim Sts or U. M.Mohr , tecri'tnriMVolnut Hill Savings nnd Investment Co. , N-K cotnur 10th and Webster hts. II. .5 , IM2U9U * _ "IJUItT COUNTY" KATt'Ms FltoSl'jSO TO fIO J'ncrcH In the Logan Yiillcy. Write for our list' Hiintsbergcr & Clemcutif , Lyi ns , Neb , . MM 15 HAIR GOODS. 1 IIATKS 15o a line llrst time and lOc a line there- otter. Nq advertisement taken for JOBS than 25c. T'AUOKSTSTOCK IN'"KNT1UKVKST : THKAT- JUrlcal wliiH and beards a specially. Wigs , bang * switches , hair chalhs , etc. , send tor catalogue Mailorders solicited. Davles , HI S. fitli St. , Omaha. _ _ . _ 753 'FHK 1DKAL LAD1KS' HAIIl DllKSSlNO PAIt- -Lloru , swllchoj , ballon , Wigs , toupees , Jewelry nnd hnlr ornaments In sloik : 'wigs to order , special ' attention glvon mall 'orders .VJSIithst. ilnl floor , I ' . t 45.1 K . _ _ PAWN BROKEB8. UATKS 15ca | lno tlrst tlmo and lOe n ilno thcro- after. No advertisement taken for less , than 2.r > c. " ' K 371 Ml' ' LOAN'OKKICK , so DODGK ST. S. . -t 770K21I * MOIILK } OKKR'6 15llj KAUNAM ST , 829 LOST. UATKS l.lo a line flrsl tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken fur less than 23o. OST ST. II IS UN A H D T'UlCTil UKK""jToNT if S Jold.gray ; followed Illtlo girl trom H2 SHl t it. to Park ave school. Itcturn to A. H. Hudson. HZil S3lst at. nnd recclro reward. ! U7. STOCK WINTERED. UATKS 15o n line llrst tlmo and I0o n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c AND COLTS PKD AND OAltKD' KOU HOUSKS on farm two mllm' of Omaha trom (1 ted mouth. 411 S. 14th street , Tel. 1590. MSB KU * MASQUEKADE COSTUMES , ETC. UATKS 15o a line first tlmo nnd lOnallno there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. i -LJrado cuBlumuy at HI bltJth. Gulden Knglo store , MANUFA CTURINO JEWELERS. UATKS-15cn line Hrst time nnd lOo aline thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than-2. > c. ASH PAID Ko" OLD GOLD , CAloN" CAS Bui room SO Barker block , Omaha , 754 CUTLERY QRINDINQ. 3KND YOUIl SCISSOIt ! > , ItA/.OIIS. KTC. , TO I1B ground to Underlnnd A Co. , 1UH S. lull it. 753 PKOI'OHALH IOK Mrr.CH COWS AND Jbulls. . Department ot thn Interior , Ofllco oflndlan AITulra. WnnhliiKton. It. U. , Feb ruary I , IhO ? . Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for Cows or HullH ( an the on BO may te ) and addressed to the comniisslonorof In dian ultalni , . Waablngton , 1 > . C' . , will bo re ceived until I o'eloek p. m. , Saturday , March 5 , 18t ) . ' . for furnishing und dollvurlnt ; at Pine Itldgo. Hoscbnd , Choymmu Itlvcr , Crow Creek and Lower Ilrulu ujumclcs , South Dakota , titandltiK Itock une.noyj/Nortli Uakutu , Hanteo and I'onca aRMiiDled. , Nobnisldi , Mundrcan nu-oncy. South Dakota'nttd the Draw agency , Montana , about ll.O.q-tnllch vows and 400 bulls. Kcguliir blunkp./or bids are not re quired , Schedules ( wfilrn will bo made u part of Iho proposals ) showing the number of cut tle roijulrcd at tno vjrrlous azoiicles , condi tions to be obiorvcn "by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery , tm-iAiibf contract and pav- inetit. and all other .ilooossury Inbtruetionu , will bo furnished upoH'uupllcutlon lo the In dian Oilico at WusnlnHUui , Iho commissarie ol subsistence. U. S , A.yJ'1 ChleuRO , St. I'aul , Omaha , Nebraska , niiu7C'hcveniiu , Wyoming , to the publishers of tmiStook QroArora' Jour nal of Miles Ulty , MorVlSUia. and tbo Journal of HoloiiH , Montunu , alAlc the suvorul Indian arenta. The rlxht U irruorvcd to reject any or all bids , uruny pnrnf ) any bid , If deemed for tbo best Interests uLtbo Kovcrnniont ; also , the further right In i\a\fl\K \ \ the awards to In- eroiibo or dlmlnUh tuuiiy extent the number of animals culled for'mjhn schedules ; also to require a delivery qfTtwcnty-Ilvo pur cent , moro or loss , ibatrthaUjuvounl specified In any coutruet. ' 3 CU ) * CEtiTinert'ciiKCKS. Each bid in list bo Accompanied by a certified check or draft on boine Un'ted ' Htutes depos itory for at least UTU percent of the amount of tbo bid , mudupHyablo to tl.o order of the commissioner of Indian attains , which check ordraft will bo forfellul.Uj the United States In cane' uny bidder rvcalvlpK an award Klmll fall toprouiptly exucnto a' contract with good ! and Biiflloluitt'Hurotlcs : otherwise to In rot turned to the bidder. T. J , 51OIH1AN. Uonit mUiloiicr. 1'IOd'JltM _ 1'ropoiHlii for llonds. Sealed bliU will bo received at the ollleu ol the City Trojsuror , Omaha , Nob. , up to U o'clock March lOili. IsW. for the purchase ot tl7lV.QOO.u02J years pur cent City Hall llonds. ' The principal und Interest aru payable ut Kountze Jlrox. , New Vork. Intercut payabld seiui-annuully. Each bid must tuto tint prlco nnd the amount of bnndxsouitht for anil must Include Interest uptodatoof delivery. Issued under authority of Charter ot mot' ropolltan cltle ana Orulnnnce 21MD approved Jinunry UOth , 1 32. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bldi. HENKV IJOLtrf. city Treasurer. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P/MEGEATH , KAHNAM STUKKT. OMAHA , NF.n RRILWRYTIMEORRD Leavps JHUIII.INUTO.S A MO. ItlVKU.I Arrive ? Omaha. I Depot 10th anil Mason Sts. I Omaha. Leaves I UNION TAl'lt'lC. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union llepotlOth aml.Marcy 3ts , | Onialia. Oolng I CI110ACO. It. 1. A 1'ACmU. I From Kast. Minion Depot 10th A Mnrcy t-ts. | Kait. 1000 a nil Atlantic Kxnres * li.-JJ p m 405 p m ' Vostlhulo Kxprc s 1.10 p m fi.10 p ml . .Night Kxpres * D.40 a m ( ioltiK I OIUCAtK ) , II. I , A PACIFIC I From Weil. I Union Depot loth anil Marcy Ms. | Woit , 1.20 p ml Denver Limited .1.1.40 p in 7.05 p m | Denver Kxpross | 7.SO A n Leaves IClllUAtiO. M1U A ST. I'AULIArrlvo Onmhal U. I * , depot and Marcy Sin. | Omalm C.20 p ml Chle.iKO Ktpres * lli.M n m I.U ) p ml , nileano Knproia . . . . | ft.4'i p ' Leaves I SIOUX CITY A. Arrlvpi Omnhal Depot. 10th ami Mnrcy Sts. Omnhii 7TSJ a nil bloiiT City 1'assuiiBor. . 102jp m [ > . : i'i p in I St. Paul Kxpress. , . , 1U.UU a m Loaves I S1OUA O1TV A I'ACIUC. lArrlVPH Omaha Ilcpol. IMli nnd Welnter sti. Omaha 6.4i p mt St. I'nul l.linlleil. Leaves ICllIUACO.V MIKTIIWIteTl < : UNArrlvei | OnialiajU. I' , depot , loth and JIarey S < ts. ' ( Kx. sun'y ) ( 'arriill 1I.3) a m . .Chicago A.OO p m .Vestibule Limited. . . . IMS p m .Knstorn 7.00 p in ( Kx. Sat. ) Clilc. I'im. ( Kx. Mon. ) 8.04 n m Loaves I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. I Arrive * Uinnlm U. 1' . depot. 10th and Marcy 8t . | Oiiniha 4.10 p m | M. Louis Cannon Sail II2.VM' m U'avea I K , K. , t .MO. VALLHY. ( Arrives Omiiliiil Depot. 15th nnd Wubstur Sti | Oiuaha n.uo a nil IKMdwood Ktpress I * ) P m 1UK ) n m ( Kx. Hat. ) Wyo. Kip. ( Kx. Moil. ) ftStfp m r > .IO p m . . . Norfolk ( Kx. Sumliiy. ) . . 11.10 n iu fi.4i p in St. I'aul lxpro ! < I 'l- ' a m A'avoH ! U. hT. I' . , M. A O. .Arrives Olimlml Depot. 15th nnd Woliitor Sts. | Omaha 8.10 n ml .Slcnx city Accommodation. . ' U0 > p m 1.00 p mlSlotitClty Kxprost ( Ur. HtinJ'ytlliO pin fi.i : > p ni . St. I'aul Limited . i ' .I.2J n m S.I5 D mlllaniToft I'niaunnuril.x. ann.l'yll B.I5 ft m IJIVCB I MISSOUItl 1'ACiriC. I Arrive i Omalin | Hopot 1 5tli iiml Webster Sti. Oiuahi 10.Un : in ] Louis Kxpress l ! . . ) a m 1 n.liO p mL. | . . „ 5.10 p m l.euvei | ( UIIUAiO. U. I. A p Arrlvm Trnnsfurj Union Dcpot.C'ouncll llliill < . Trnnsrcr It.IW p mi . Night Kxprnsi 0.20 n m lO.a ) ii m . Atlantic Kipr Hs 5 55 p iu 4.110 p m . Vestibule Limited. . . . . 12.'iO p m Leaves I K.TirsT. JOH \ C. lC ArrlVM Transfer ! Union Depot , Council HlulTs. Transfer 10 00 n m , , . City Day Ktproii. A 25 p m 10.15 | i m . .Kansas t.ltv NUht Kvproju. ( WO a m leaves | UHli.VGO : , BUIIL'N * ' UY.IArrlvo * Trnnaferj Union Depot , Council B' " s jTrainfe 9.50 a m' ' Chicago Kxpress 5.40 p m 1000 p ml Chicago Kxpross /r > a m 7.05 p mj CrcHton Local . , .15 n m leaves I U.MAUA A ST. LOUIS. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council IllulTa. [ Transfer 4.40"'jm | St. Louis Canon Hall 112.15 p m Leaves I hlOUX CITV A 1'ACmC Arrives Transfcrj Union Depot. Coimcll lllulli. Transfer 7.43 a niMoux | City A"t-eoniiniidatlon IUOO p m fi.fiO p ml. . . .St. I'aul ICxpraaa 0.40 a m Leaves I ClilCAtiUA. . N'lArrlvei Transfer ! Union Depot. Council l I't'rnnifor 1201 p m' Chlcnuo Kxpress ri.0 : ! p m 5.15 p m Vestibule Limited. . . . . . . . .i. 10 n in lOOO.p III Knstern Klyer 1.IU : p m 8 00 p III ( Kx Sat ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx .Mon ) X > a m 7.40 a m Carroll rustcngcr 10.00 p m SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. J084. An ordinance levying a special tax and as- scsiiuent. on certain lots and ruul estate In the city of Omuha. to cover the cost of urad- Ini alley north of Dnpont 1'lnce from 20th street to east line of Dupont I'laro. linvlnjr l/ccn , and holnc hereby adjudged , ( leturmlnca and established that i no .several loth and nieces of real estate hore- 'iiAfter referred to have uncli been suculally -VOiicllttod'to the full iimoiiiit lieroln levied : iiid : i35rsscd UL'ulnsi. ouch of suld lots anil pieces of real estate , respectively , by reason of tlicgr.idliie of that part of alloy north of Dnpont I'laco from 2ith ) street In east line of DiiDont 1'lnce , doni ! iiiulcr contract wltn Ktitz & Callnhiin , Tliercfoie , for the purpose of paying the cost of Mich ( jradlnv ; : Ho It oidalnecl by thu city council of tin ) city of I'maha : Section 1 , Thnt the cost of itardlni ; that part of alley north of Dnpont Place , In thu city of Omaha , from 2 th street to line Unpont. place. In ( ir.idlui : District No. 20. said cost , belni ; the mini of * . > " ! . (2 ( , said ur.idlm : being done under contract with KuU & C.illahan , bo the same la hereby levied and assessed , according to special b n- eflta by reason of said Knullnu , iipnn the fol lowing lots and real estate , its shown by thn generally reco 'nl/en inni ) of the city of Uniahii , IbSO , lilho raulied itml published by U. . 1C. Mayne ; said cost bolua so levied on H.ild lots ! and real estate , respectively , u follows , to- wlt ; Jacob C.Tueobscn C.Tueobscnw w , ' It 0 blk 2 Arbor I'laco f 13 nt CUnsP White ctnl wmt 10 blk a " 2 r > 2 Jicob H Hendrlxsi | : filuii KurrOak AM Koiinin Olx7owski Itft 100 20 Christian Wilt HIM f t It 29 " 70 01 O M Jenny Tr AH It 2D ' 42 47 MrMThosIanKtruuiiHaitltS ! ) " 212:1 : John .1 I.anktice Bni4 US7 " JS H4 Jlaiynret A Klonreh It Iblkl Dupont l"lo ii : 70 H O Clark It 2 blk 1 22 All 'OeoJ I'oxe ! ' , Itaiilk 1 " ' ia HH Clara JlosscncrvtW Itablk 1 " III 27 Win It It 4 blk 1 -ti r > 5 11 U L'liirkltAblk 1 " in 01 Helen K Clark It 1 blk 2 " 211 At M WaybrlKhtlf-blk2 ! " 21151 Hiisinus Ulcaon It a blk 2 " 20 M llnuiio Anderson It 4 bile 2 " 'M Ki liaTulk nH UAblk2 " 111(1 ( Ituchacl A Crovor mld'j 115 blk2 ' 7 0S II UOmrkHii UAblk2 " A III' IITVulknHltOblkS ' 14 10 Itachnel A Crovrr mid ! < ; H (1 ( bile 2 " 7 OS A UUlarksH UO blk 2 " 7:11 : Tolal . * 5"1 02 Section 2. That snld Hpeclal taxes levcd aforesaid , on said lots ie i 'cllvoly , shall bit- conio dollnijnent uh follows : one-tenth of the lotal amount s < i levied on nncli of uald lots ilmll become delliuinent In llfly days from the passauo and appiovul of this ordinance , ono- tenth In ono , ono-lenth In two years , ono- tenth In three years , onii-lenth In fonryoai-s , one-tenth In * live years , oiio-tontb In six year.- , , one-tenth In koven y en rs , one-tenth In oliht years , ono-tenth In nine years after said lovy. and bMuif from the imssimo and approval of tlilsordlnancu. Kacb of said Installiiiiints , ex cept the tlrsUslmll draw Intoi est at thu rutoof seven pur cent , per annum fiom tnu tlmo of thu levy iilorcsiild , until the sumo shall uucoiuu dulluiiuunt. Interest at the rate of one pur cent pur month , payable In advance , shall bu paid on each cleliiniuenl Installment , Hocllon ! L That tbo entire amount of tix so levied and assessed on any of sild lota rimy bu paid by the owner of any lot. or thu untlro " pro rulu proportion ol salu tax on any o snldlou. may bu paid by any person on any narUjdf said lol-s within fifty days from said lovj. and llioreupon such lota or purls of lots , shall bo exempt from uny lien orcliurr'o there for Koctlon a. That this ordlnanco shall take uiruct and bo In forcu from and utter Its pasa- UI70. 1'asscd January 20th , JH'C. JOHN GItOVT.3. > , City ciork , E. l > . DAVIS. 1'rcsldont City Council. 'Approved January autb , iM > 2. GKO. IM1EMIS. Mayor , Tbo above t x Is now duo and payable ut the olllco of the city truakurururid wlllbecoine delinquent unu Iwur Interest after March Ath , J8W , oaseen Iu section 2 of nbovoordlnnnca ' IIKNUY.IIOLLN. Treasurer. Stocklioldcr' Mrettug. NotlctuJs Jioroby ylvcn that the reKtilur iinnuul muotliiK of tlui stockholders of tbo bonlli i'latto Land company u 111 be held at the allies of said compuny , In Lincoln , Noli.on thu IIrat Wednesday In Murobltb2bolng the second day of thu irionth. liy orUerof the Hoard of Directors. It. L ) . riiir.Lii'a , Sucretr.ry. LINCOLN , Neb. , 1'ob. 2. Isw. faa Mt M I'roponiil for Land for Purkf. Boalod proposals for land for 1'urk unrnoset will bu received up to 4 p. m. . March 4tli , at thu olllce of the t'ark Commissioners , Hnoh land must bo ut no creator ( lUtkoco ( rota tha oily than the trocU now under contemplation forpurShnbe. TllEO. OI.HKN. 1 > 'U-2J-3T Oomptroller. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1G7& An ordlnanco levying n s | > ecml tnT anil nsiess- : mrnt on certain lots nnd real oslatolntho city of Omaha , to corer the cost ot dninnftcs for chatiKo of grndo of I'lorco street from alloy east of totb street to 20th street , and 1'ith street from Mason street to Union 1'ncl- llo right of way. Whoron * ) , It having been nnd bnlntr hereby adjudged , determined and oUabllshtd thnt the several Intsnml pieceof ronl estate hero- Innftor referred to. have each been specially bunallttod to the full n mount herein levied nnd assessed against each ot said lots and plocosof real estate , respectively , bv reason of the damages for chanze nf grade ofthit part of I'loreo street , fiom alley en it of 19th to .Mth slreot , and 10th street from Mason street to I1. I' . Hy Co. right of way. Thcroforo for tbo purpose of paying the cost ot such damages for said change of grade. Ho It ordained by thu city council ot the city of Omahai Section 1. Tbnt the cost of nnmagos for change ot grade ot thnt part ot I'loroo street from alley east of unit street to 80th street , and Mill struct from Mason it root to thu Union Pacific right of way. said damages bolng the sum of $ .81.00 , bo and the same Is hereby levied and assessed , according to special bcnolHs bv reason .if snld damages for change ( if grade upon the following lots and real citato as shown oy the generally rccognlrcd map ot the city of Onmliii. 1NS.I , HthoxraplKxl and pub lished by U. Ii May no , said cost being .so levied on snhl fols and real estate , respectively , in follow * , to-wlt : Martin Dunham It 1 blk II Kountzo & Uuth's ndd tf ' do It 4 blk 11 " Bit" " ) Rosalia Daemon IIS blk U " B ) do It 8 blk 11 " BBI : do 111)blk ) 11 " S : R ) PatrickO'Donoll It 12 blk II " B : i do it ii ; blk n " BH : .1 Hart It 10 blk II fill ) John llegtin It 17 blk 11 " 6 tfl do It a ) blk 11 " Bin ) August us Kountzo It 21 blk It " Sis ) do UV4blkll " B IM ITodMoohlolfiMilk 11 " n 40 lt2Sblk 11 " B 18 .lohn llorunlst wM If.1 blk 12 " 2 t S Olnra llawmtin w'.J mUHi 112 blk 12" n OJ Nels Amluisoiio'kmld'i IfJhlkrJ " DM John Swot-soy o > $ H2bli < 12 " 1 " 3 Curl Johnson w > 3 It it blk 12 " 2 SS Cliu-i Itowman wli mlil'i It V Id ) ; 12" I ) ! W Ne.s Anderson o4 ! mltlM It ilblk U ' U 511 John Sttec.snv oJa It a blk 12 " 1 OS Augustus Kount/.o ltd bile 12 " h y : ) Jacob I'flug 117 blk 12 ' 5 IK ) Andruw HiMiry H 10 blk 12 " r > ; i ! ) do It II bll ; 13 " B ! ! . ) Oen Krnuso It U blk 12 " f > H'l Herman Solinltor It IA hlk 13 " fill ) ( Jims T Taylor It is blk 12 " BUI It IU blk 12 6 ! M Timothy L-Parsons It 22 blk 12 " Ban IM Wlttls It2i : blk 12 " 5 IM D.ivld KIpi-r.tB blI ; 12 540 do It 27 blk 13 ' BIS John M Wilson It 2 blk 10 " B 40 do it : i blk 111 " BW ; llcrm.iii Jvonnt7.o ltd blk in " B ail Augustus Kounuo It 7 blk 111 " B IF. ) it 10 bik 10 r. ao Lnthor l\ouiil/t < lt 11 blkir , " B W O H Kountni n 44 ft It 14 till , 1C " 4 74 J Ullrenimn si ! ft It II blk 10 ' Dill do It r. blk 1(1 ( " f > > do It 17 hlk 1R " f > : .0 do It 18 bile III " B 'l ! ) do It ID hlk 10 " 5 39 II ICnutit70lt 21 blk 111 " 4 10 lltmnun Koiint/elt 1 blk 17 " ' < < 0 Augustus K nnt/o It 4 till ; 17 ' B : i'l ' do It B blk 17 " B III ) Jusjtarkcrct alltSblk 17 " B ) do ItUb k 17 " B : , ! l Ii Kountzo n'-i It 12 blk 17 " 2 70 OHKotliit/us5 ! U12blk 17 " 20' ) A Konnt/t : Itlllblkl * " B If I do It lit Idle 17 " BUD do It 17 blk 17 " B I ! ' ) I. Kountro If.Oblk 17 " 6 31) ) A ICunnUo It 21 blk 17 B It ) do 1121 blk 17 " SIP ) do It 25 blk i7 " 5 8'l Total -.JC84 01) ) Section 2. That thohpeolal tuxes" and as os < - muntslevle I and assessed as aforosald , sh ll be Uuo linmedl-ituly upon the pussuuo and P p- proval of this ordinance , and shall bccoinodo- IInnent | If not paid within fifty days there after ; and thereupon Interest shall bo mined nt the rate of one pur cunt a month , payable In advance from the time said taxes become so clellnnnent. Section U. Tliit this ordinance shall t-iko Plfect und bu unforced from and after Its pas- I'a'vscd January 12th , 1RB2. JOHN GKOVF.S. City Clork. E. P. DAVIS. President City Oouncll. Approved January 14th. iwi GhO l > . HEM IS. Mayor. Tim above tax Is now duo and pay.iblo at thaofllcoof the city troasiirorand wllf.becoino dolliiquont and boar Intori'st after March 5th. ISH2 , a suoii Insoctlnii 2 nf above ordinance. HENRY HOLLN. Troasuror. nil. K. 0. WEST'S NBIIVK AND BUAIN TltHAT- MENT , a specltlo fur llyiterla , DlKlnon , fits Nou- rnlxla , Headache , Ncrvuus frustration citiuod brul- cohul or tobacco , Wnkefiilnois , 5lental Uopronlun , BoftenlnK of the Brain , causing Insinlly , niKory , decay , death , I'romaturo Old Axe , Barrenness , Lou of I'ower In either sox , Impotcncy , Loucorrhuon aiid all Kcmalo Wo.iUnessoJ , Involuntary l osoj , Snar- matorrhuea caused by ovcr-oxorthm ot tliu Lr.iln. Bolf-abuse , ever > lndiilKonc3. A munth's trcatniont II , lifer fj , by mall. Wo ( iu.iruutou six b xei to euro. Kuch order for < > boxes , with S3 will send written - , ten Kiiarnuleo to refund If not cured. Cuarontitut Issued only by A. Schrotur , Druittflrit , solo agents , . B. cur. and Karnauisti. , Ouiaha , Noh , SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1071) ) . An ord nanco levying a special tax und as sessment on all lots and real uslutu within street Improvomontdlstrlot No.IITil. In the city of Omaha , to cover thi > cost of Improving I'u- I'llle street from Twenty-ninth street to Tnunly-nlnth n venue. Whereas : It having been nnd bolnj ; hoiu- by adjudifod , dotorinliied and estiibllslied that the sovural lots and pieceof real cstato h'oru- Inaftur referred tohavu each been spoil Illy boneflttcdto tbo full amount Injroln lovtud und assessed iiRiilnst e.iuh of .ild lota and pieces of real estate , respectively , by reason of the Improving of that part of I'liolllo street from Twoty-nliitli strool to Twenty-ninth avonui * . In street Improvlnt ; district No. IIT'.i. ' Thuio , for thi ) purpose of paying the cost of said Improvlnt : , , He Itnrdalned by the city council of the city. ot Omiibui r-uctlon I , That thu cost of Improving that part of I'nultle street , within street Improvement dlsttlct No. U7U , ! ' thu city ot Omaha. from 'J'wonty- nlntli struct to Twenty-ninth avoniii1 , Huld cost lielnn tin-Hum of * .l..t.Ti.7li , bo and the K.I mo IsbLTdiy lovlcil und assessed , In picpur- tlou to tint nut front nloni said p.tvlng , and according t < > special bonulltx by roasnnof said pavlni : . upun the following described lots and rualtislato. uHNhownby tliu generally TOCOK- nl/od map of the ulty of Unialin , I.MMi , lltho- Kraphud and pubiiiliud by U. I' . Mayne , said cost bolm ? so levied on said lots and real es tate , respcutlvely.'as follows , to wit : Christian U Eiimpson It 1 blk U lluniom.l'Iuci > $2Ml2l Jolin A Hwobo It 2 blka " JKl 7l ) John .swoiiuita blk a in : as Emma K riperlt4blki : " - ' . ' Uharles II I'urklns ItBblkll " 82 r. Mary .I K'ln ltUblka ' tu Zl NellluA North ItlUblka " HI 4 ! ) EllaM ( Joodrlch If.Oblka " KIM ) llfiiry Uloublt2ibllti : " HI W ) EllaM Wllcox It 2J blk3 " . 131 14 Allied Mlllanl Itsublk.'l " III. us Wu Ol'altufKonlt24blk3 ' SHIM KlUa It Moorolt 11 Kiics'l'lacu an IU ( In It 12 IMl Kt do It ia 1:1170 : ficor ullaxtorlt 14 " US 77 Darvln II Hulllt IA " W 77 J M lives Kstato It88 " 10H1H Merou A Henderson it 27 " KM ) is ItalphKduylor.l lt'S " Jami'sKldeHiil'i 112U " UlmrlexU llnniissliH-3 " Total , . , . . . . . . , . , fi.K , TO Hoc. ' . ' . That said xpuclnl taxes levied afore- aulil.on mid lulu ropuctlvuly , .shall bouomu ( ltillniuunt | tui follows ! Onn-iontli o tbo total ninoiint > o levied on ouoli of N'Id lots bliiillbcomudulluiuunt | In fifty duyw from the pasiaKo and approval of thin ordlnanco , one- tentb , onu-tunlli In ttfo yuara.onu. tenth In thruoyearnonn-icnlb In four years , onu-tuntli in llvuyonr , onu-tnnth In six yeiii-s , one-tentli In scuun yenrn , one-tenth In clxht yuan , one-tent bin nine years aftur sold levy , and bolnx from the inmsiixo und upprnvut of tlilu ordlnanco. K.icli of nUld liMlallmcntt ) , except the tlrst , shall druw Intcruitat the rate of seven porcontpor annum fiom thu tlmuof Ibu levy iifoiiiHula. until tliu HIIIIIII tbull bu- uomodelinquent. Interostattbu ratu of onu purcunt purmnnth.payabluln advance , chull lie paldouenuh delliuinent Inn tali ment Hc'ctlonX That the untlro amoit/it / of tax so levied and assessed on uny of bald lots may bu paid by the owner of any lot , or the en tire cuualpro ratu proportion of snld lax on itnvof saldlou , may bu paid by any person on any part of said lot * within fifty days fiom said low , and thurounon siicblotsor nuiti oflos. shall bo exempt from nn v Hen or ciarn-u ) thure- for. . 4. That this ordlnanco shall takoetfeet and be In force fiom and after Its pastuio , I'usaod January I2ih , Itfti. . JOHN UltOVKS , Oily ( .k K , 1' . DAVJB. I'ronldciitOlty Couuell. Approved January Ulli , 1892. ( JEOUliK I1. llKMIf , The above tax Is now duo and payubluutt'hu ( illlcoof thu city treasurer und will bocomudo- llo'iuunl and bear lnluruf.t after Mun-li ( , tli , ItifJ , IUSODB Iii vuctlon" of nbnvii ordlnancv. IIKNItV 1101,1N , Trv.uurur. ARCHITECTS AND FURNITURE Two Important Subjects to bo Oousidorod by tbo School Board. PLAIN TALK OF AN ANTI-TRUST FIRM City Cinitrurts IteltiB Onnnlilcrpil lijr UK ( Irnnil .lury Vnluo of Proposed 1'nrk l uuls Ne v iiiliin ; ) Hditso Slto Thrro nro nearly thirty bids now In tha bands ot the secretary ot the Hoard of Kdu > cation , scut In by Omalm nrchltoout In response - sponso to tbo ro > 1uoat of tha bonrtt asklni ; for propositions for iloluK the nrchilootiu'nl worlc for tbo bonnl by thu your. These propositions will bo oponoil next Monday night , nnd It Is bollovod they will run all the way from fJ.OOO to W.OOO. Tboro was a tnovomcnt on fool n few tiny * npo among architects which was Into ml od to frustnUo this whole plan on the part of tha Bonrd of Education. Soieral of the con tractors were llKUrlng In the donl and the In- tontlon was to bavo nil the architects with draw their propositions sent to the bonrd , so that thn board would bo obllKod to pay for the work by the nloco Instead of hiring mi architect byi ho year. The plan fnllod to wont , however , for so many propositions had been sent In by Ouinhn architects that they could not ba headed off , and thosa who were willing to withdraw their propositions were afraid to do so becnuso It would hnvo Increased the chaucos of tboso who stayed In. Alioul dm Honk Trust. Secretary Conoyor received ilottot yoitordnv from the American Desk nnd KontliiK company of Chicupb , that is u corker lit its way. The loiter says : "If your school hoard hi- tends to award the contract for furniture to thu lowest bidder wo would Hko to put In u bid , but wo hnvou't time to send bids about thu country simply ns a formality. , Vovi nro doubtless nwiiro of llio fact thnt there Is a school dusk trust. Wo are not members ot that trust. Our goods arc , wu bollovo , superior to anything of iho kind In the mnrkcl nnd where wo hnvo n , fair Hold wo are willing to compote with nil the factories In the country on our line nf ijooiis. " It Is tiilto | evident Ihnt tbo Chicago liouso has siilllud the bnttlo from afar. The trust In school desks has put Urnilia on IU list and tbo dovolopmonUi will bo watched with Interest. Then ) H a difference of opinion with regard to tbo iMirclmsu of school de ks nmoni ; 111011)- ) bors of the board. Some are In favor of using the old dusks now In use in the HimiU build ings ut tbo KoHoin suhool situ , whllo others want now desks for tbo new school liouso. The board will urobnbly purchase about 1,000 now desks for the Kollom and Clifton Ulll schools. The prices have usually ranged all the way from SJ.IU to $ J.-10 each. People will not have a now coupli wmcdj whun they know the value of JJr. Bnll'a Cout'h Syrup. She stood at the gala In ' the late spring twilight , nnd when she sai'il good bye sha fell neuralgia kiss lior rosy chcok ; bul she only smiled , for her mother had invested cents iu a bottle of Salvation Oil. Colonel Cody Will rnrll ltiito. | Hon. W. F. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) is In Chicago - cage making arrangements for the appear ance of his Wild West show at the World's fair. Nut Brown telegraphed him yesterday asking if ho could not bo hero Monday to go to Lincoln to join In tha general Jollifica tion over Governor Boyd's victory. Inside or an hour a reply was rucoivod from the valiant colonel stating thai ho would surely come and asking wnat tinio ho must uo here In order to go clown with "tho boys. " Another toioariun wan sent informing him thnt he would bo the special gueM of the Hamosot club , and a place would , po reserved for him on the special train that loaves the union depot for the capital city at ' . ) : ; ) o'clock Monday morning. Colonel Codv will leave Chicago at 10:30 : tonight and wll | arrive - rive in Omuhu at 2:15 : Sunday afternoon pre pared to do as much colobraliog asany othur good , healthy Nobraakan. Coi'xcii.Bi.rri-- , . , Aug. 8 , Mil ) . Ur. J. B. Moora : 1 feel it is not only a privilege , but a duty , to say a good word for your Catarrh ( Jure. After doctoring with several of the best specialists of the country without relief , I was advised to try your Catarrh Cure , aud am pleased to say 1 am entirely cured. .Yours truly , W. A. SruoXd , Traveling Agent Fairbanks Scaio Co. Forsulo by ail druggists. TIIK KK.YI/TV .M.YU1CKL' . rNSTKUMnXTS plaued on roeori robruary L u , ISO- . ' : WAllll MTV DEKtH. I , II Hall to Ann Uel uy , uIKl fuel lot 10. iiaii piaco . . woo W F ; HIIRO to K V Save , lot , block 1 , Uwightfc l/yiniiu's aild 1 OS Hoynulds to Wilson Koynold < > . s' , no M-15-10 1,1)01) ) ) Hoynolds Itro-i to sunn ) . MW l.M-15-lii . . . . il.'JO Wilson Itoynold aiul wlfo to .Ins Wulsh , -uxccpt ( 1 MI n arc aero In so cur. ; mids' } no SS-I.VO 5.00i ) 1) ) I , Thomas and wlfo ( o Anton ( juttor , lots IU nnd 15 , ICnnslimton .V.'OO Kidney .Smith , ovoc'Utor , to .1 U IlariKinl , lotbfi and il. blook T. Lincoln plaea 700 Willis Vim Valkenliuri : iind wire to si T Pottur , lot 1H , block : . ' , I'ottor & CobhV 3d add toHoulu Omaha j Haiiio to 8HIHC , lot * IU , lllock L' . sittno . . . . ST I'ottor and wlfo to A S Potter , lot 18 , lilocU' ' , sumo J W Woodward and wlfo to O I1 Totler. lot , r > and u ' . ' , lot I , bloul'8 , IlllH'.do add No. 1 , 4.0W yuir CIMIM DIII : > S. , JS Hand , trustuo , to K 1 ThoimiH , lot 8 , block U , MuOornilcU'd ndd , lot ( Kl iind s ! i lot 41 , Nelson's add , ouO ucit'S sw ! M- lO-i'- . loin IU and IS , Kensliriton , lot III. block 1 , loin H nnd II , block ! > , Wt-st UcnnliiL' iiclil. lots 1 nnd 14 , block L , lots lv ! umril , hlook : i , lots o to u. b'.ook I , loin H , 1) ) , IU , 11 and n 10 foul lot it : , block I ) , Lincoln place , . . . . , . . . 'i Tlirodoro Podolsk ! and wlfo to David Alutror. lot .1 , bloek 2 , lots ! ) . 11 and U > , blouk 4 , lots A. U. 7 , h and I' ' , block I ! , lots 4 , G. U , I' ' , block 1 , and nndi lot 8. block H. | > wlght& Lymau'n udd , [ 1 Total amount of transfuri. . } 17,7u ? PROPOSALS KOII rii.r.nsnniis-UNiTK'n ' ritatos Indian r-orvole. 1'lno HliUn Agency , Honth Dakoln , I'ohruary lllb. IhCfi Healed proposal * , endorsed "I'rnixmilH for Klnld Hocdi" 'iml udurt'Hsrd to thu nnder- blgnnil at 1'lnu Kldgo Agency > Houlli Dakota , will b received ut this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. ( if March 7th , Wfl. for fuinlHlilui ; and delivering at Itiishvlllc , Nebraska : 'W.iiuj pounds seed oats , 45,000 poundfi send wheat. 10,51)0 pounds heed cum. 4.'iuud potindH seed potatoes. J.Olli pounds sued tlurman millet , M > pound * timothy need , aw poiiniU bluegrass hoed , Hald so as ID bu grown In thn sect Inn of country contiguous Id tbo place of dull very. Didders will bo required to Ktuto Mioclllcaify In lliolr bids tbo proposed prlco of uaoh artlclu ( ifferod for delivery under a contract. Thu ilnht Is reserved to reject any or alt hilly , or any partof nny Mid , If deoinud for thn bcul In terest of thoicrvk'u. Certified t/'hucUs. Kuuh bid must ba accompanied by a certified clioolc or draft upon somn I'nltnd Hlulos Dutiosltory or Holvent National Umilt fu the vlrlnily of t ho rcMldancu of iho bidder , nmdo puyaliln t < > thu order of thuG'ommlss'imur nf Itidliin Af fairs for at least five per cent of thn amount of the proposal , \vhluh check ordrnft will I HI forfeited to thu United a tat us Inc.iuo any blu- der ur blddpih loculvlnic an award uliutl fall to promptly oxnoulu a contract with KiKwIand Hiilllelenl surltlex , ( ithrrwUe tobn nMnrnod Ut the bidder , Illds accjnnpiinled by eiixb In lion of n c.crtlllod chccl. will not beconsldnred. 1'or fiirtlidr Informntlnn niiply to OAI'TAIN ( IKOItOK L. ItOV IIUOW.V. U. H. A. , Aotlrrs U. M. Indian A none. I .H-ia-t-iii. 1'HOPOSALS FOIl 1'KUMANKiNT aiDKWALIC CONSTltUOTION. Scaled propovars will be received uy the tin- durklunod until \'M \ : o'oliwk p. m , , i'ubriiury SI , IHU. ' , for the coimUiutlloii of all pernuinei'b bhlewulks ordered laid by the mayor uud clly ttiuncll until Junul , IH02 , In Ibecltyof Oniaba , Kuuh Blduwalks to bo constructed of stone , nrtlllclal itono , brick or tiling , according to pluus and t > peullle.ttloiu on Ul In tbo olllco of ( ho llo.irdol I'ubllo Works. Kuch bid to specify a price per superficial HilUurn foot fur the sidewalk complete. , and to In ) accompanied by a cortllluil cheek Iu thu sum of t.VW , payable In tljo city of Omaha m an ovldunc'odf irood fulth. Illddorx must fur- nlBli a sainpltfof stone , brink or tiling , Thu hourd rutenro the rlxhtui liwurd a con tract for nil tliu dliroruut klndi of umlorJul. tO4utbnr or separately , or for uny one ultid of mnutrlal , to reject any or all bUNnitd to wuvo | Uofccli , I'.W. UIIlKHAUHKlt , , t'linlrniati of the Hoard of I'ubllo Work * . Omaha , Xob , I'eb. ItKii. JT-B-U"- *