HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1892. VALUABLE LAND INVOLVED \ JmroiUnt Litigation Growing Ont of South Dakota's Interest , DECISION TO BE RENDERED SOON Ih'itiorrntu nnil Indrprmlrntn Jointly to Hinder theIrowth of tlio licet fiUKiir IniliMtry rinx Ctilturn In ? M > lir 4kn , Buittuti OF TUB BKC , ) nil ! : fiuiiTRnvTii STIIRRT , > D. (5. ( , Fob. 12. ) At the Interior deportment todny there wns n very Important hearing before Assist- out Attorney General Shields. H involves tbo title to B05 acres of land adjoining Rapid City , S. D. , located In school district l0 ! , low'nshlpS , range 7. The case is tn titled the "State of South Dakota against Lyra an Lamb nnd W. II. Thompklns , " nnd has boon before the land ofllco at Hapld City aud the commissioner of the general land ofllco for lour years or more. The land Is worth ftr 0 on arrc or a total of $157,500. The hUtory of the case shows that Lamb and Thompklns made n [ 'plica tion to enter tbo land under the mining laws and their application was re jected nt the local land ofltco. They took an appeal , nnd It was allowed bv the commis sioner of the general Und oftlco. The state of Soutn Dakota had a prior claim on the land for school purposes , und contested the right of Lamb and Thompltlns to make entry. Tbo entry was made prior to the admission of South Dakota to statehood but subsequent to the tlmo when the land had boon reserved by the government for school purposes. ] > lciix < Ml the Title , Ttio territory not having been admitted to Rtatohood , the state hod not , of course , ac quired title. Judno Goodykountz of Chum- Dcrlam appeared for the state today , and M , H. Uuy of Hapld City appeared in tlio hcarlncr for ttio ontrymou. In bis argument .Judge Goodykountz said that the declaratory statement and application to purchase made by Lamb and Tnompktus were not war ranted by the developments made by them prior to tbo application to entry ; that thn ' npplicntlon to purchase stated that it was 'for their exclusive use and benefit nnd not directly or Indirectly for the benefit of any other persons , when , as a matter of foot , the evidence showed that M. H. Day had a written contract with the claimants which provided for a share In the land In considera tion of which ho was to furnish all the money nocessiry for prospecting. The law of the state forbade any such contract or sharing wlto others and the application states that no such contract , oxisti. He added that coal had not yet boon dis covered In such quantities as to make the laud more valuable for mineral tban for agricul tural or for townslto purposes and the de partment has repeatedly bold that the proof of the mineral character of the land must bo based on tbo actual production of mineral on the tract Involved and that the mineral must exist in sufllclont quantities to make it valuable for mining and mineral pur poses. Claims of tlio Kntrymcn. Colonel Day in bis presentation for the entrymen statedthat , the mere linking of a hole und ilnding coal was all that was required in order to complete tno require ments of cntymen who makes entries on mineral laodthat ; as this nplcation was inudo prior to the admission of the state tbo state of South Dakota at that tlmo was not a party in interest. Assistant Attorney Shields said to TUB BKI : correspondent that ho would not render a decision on the contest until the expiration of the tun days allowed for the filing of a brief bv Colonel Day. A great deal of inter est is shown in the case throughout tbo state of South Dakota. Several Dakotans in the cltv were present todny , among them Major Kutli , commissioner of school and publlo lands. It was tbe intention of GovoruorMot- lotto to appear at the hearing In tbo interest of the stato. but ho arranged to bavo the state represented by Judge Goodykountz. It Is the opinion of ofllcers in Ibo Interior department who will not pass upon the case , but who understand its merits , and also of a number of South Dakota citizens hero , that the state must win the case , although the question of title will bo Hotly contested. i Opposed to licet Sugar Intercuts. ' Doubtless it will bo interesting news to the Btiirnr beet manufacturers in Nebraska aud other states interested in the produotiatuof various kinds of sugar to hoar that tbo demo crats from the northern states have entered iutouu agreement to stand togotberand bring 'nbout the repeal of the sugar bounty law. They are to work upon the ground that the nugar bounty only bcnollts the south , and i that It is not only Impracticable but vicious , to attempt to build up tbe sugar by a bounty system. They have refused to listen to the truthful statement of the fact thut the fcugar interests of both France and Gormanv were built and are now maintained bv bounties for both domestlo consumption aiid exports. It is noticeable in this connec tion that , every representative of the alliance now In tbe housa is working with the demo crats and affording every possible encourage ment In their raid upon expenditures , in cluding the sugar bounty system , and that a majority of them come from states which produce sugar from beets , cano or the troo. It thus appears that the formers have sent here representatives to work directly agalast ' their own interest * . Xuhniitltu'a Klin Between 1870 nnd IBS ! ) the flaxseed pro duction of Nebraska increased olBhteenfold , aim that of Minnesota twenty-sevenfold , while South Dakota produced sixtv-sovcn bushels of llaxsood in 1SS9 for every bushel raised In tbo corresponding portion of Da kota territory in 1871) ) . On the other hand , there was an enormous shrinkage In the lluxseed production of Indiana and Illinois , Which n tales produced 45 percent of tbo total crop of 187'J , but only one-hull of 1 per cent of that of 1SSU , Of the 751 ( tax pro ducing counties in the United States , Mower county , Minnesota , produced tbe largest amount of flaxseed 313,10 ! } bushels and Lo- nanco county , Michigan , bad tbo highest yield par acre twenty-six and six-tenths bushels. In 1840 1,871 pounds ot liber wore produced in tbo United States to every 100 bushels of flaxseed produced. In 183 ! ) 4,2'JO bushels of tlnxsccd were produced to every 100 pounds of tibor. DlllVrencci llotwren JlcKvlglmu und Kniu. KoprosontntlveMcKeighan U reported to bo endeavoring to do some smooth work with I ho democratic members of the house committee on public buildings and grounds ( or the purpose of eecurlng favorable actiou on the senate bill providing fora building at Hastings. This being n democratic and not nil alliance house , Mr. MoKeiguan is per fectly willing to bo recognized and kuowii generally ns a straight democrat In order presumably to got the favor of the majority ot the bouse. It Is reported that bo Imi Bhown u willingness to mortgage hlmsolf to the democrats for any amount of drafts in payment for a full report on the Hastings building bill and even to sacrifice hli follow colleague , Mr. Kem , who bos charge of the Norfolk bill , Mr. ICnm doesn't seem to bo 01 thrmvd as Mr. Mi'Kolghau in this regard , preferring to remain and be known and recognized as an alliance man and in no respect as a democrat. 1'bo result U that Mr. Kem is not lu a DOS I- tion to offer drafts upon either party. The two members are dwelling together bora In pparant harmony on Dataware avenue and It is Improbable that Mr. Kem will over recognize ibo.secrot power which may give MoKelKbau success , but whion does uol yield hlinielf H victory. MUceUaneoiu. S. N. Harvey of Council Bluffs Is at lurd's , Miss Emma Tbursby Is In the city for a few days and is stopping with frieuds ou K street. Senator 1'owcr of Montana , whoso serious Illness caused bis friends much apprehension , is gradually improving. The senator is nolo to sit up in bed for a brief period each tiny.Tho The house committee on judiciary bus uon Bolldatcd the two bills of Mr. Bryan provid ing for publication and sales of land in the county where they are located , and will re port them favorably as ono measure. Mr. Brrnn has Just returned from South Bead , lad. , where he has been some days. Assistant Secretary Chandler today af- flrmed tbe decision of the general land ofllco ( u the pN-emutlou contest of Benjamin 8 , Barnard against Arthur U. Ktmball from Mitchell , S. D. , accepting Klmball's proof. Mrs. Carey of Wyoming received In the largo parlor at the Arlington yesterday and hod so many friends calllntr that th'o room was always crowded , Mrs. Hansbroughof North Dakota rorotvod bar friends at the Cochran , whore stio was pleasantly assisted by the wives of Senators Pottlgrow and Allen. It was Mrs. Hans- brough's last reception for the season. The comptroller of the currency hat au thorized the Merchants National bank ot Eagle Grove , la. , to begin business with n capital of $73,000 and ttio Anamosa National of Anamosn , la , capital > 0,000 , Charles S , Mlllard , cashier. Postmasters appointed today : Nebraska At Nora , N , D. Btoxlilor , Nuckolls county , vlco G , Hart , resigned , Iowa-Fertile , Worth county. N. W. Phil lips , vlco A. A , Grove , removed ; Pleasant Grove , Dos Molnes couutv , J , Kuhlonbock , vlco J. P. Mlnnrd , resigned. South Dakota itockham , Faulk county , N. F. Schoonlg , vlco E. K. Abbott , resigned : Yann Valley , Uuftalo county , S. Moulton , vlco A.V. . Miller , resigned. The postmasters nt Mirage and Alcove , Sheridan county ; Grand Itapldi and Badger , Holt couutv : Concord , Dixon county , Goranlutn , valley county ; Jordan , Gar- Hold county ; Lomax , Caster county ; Potter , Ohojonno county ; Mills and Moadvlllc , Kern. Paha county , and nt McCan , Chorrv county , have resigned and Senator Mander- son M desirous as successors of such repub licans as the patrons and the loading repub licans of these plaros mav regard as compe tent and desirable. Unless something Is heard from the patrons lu the way of poll- tloiiB for now appointments some of thcso oillcos will bo discontinued. P. S. H , Clininliprliiln & Co. From the Clinton County AtlMrtlterl Lyons , la. It was the good fortune of a representative of this paper to visit the laboratory of this enterprising firm at Dos Monies ono day this week. It occupies four floors of a double building aud employs sixty-live hands In the different departments , which Include the compounding ot the different preparations , bottling , Hacking , shlpplug and printing. In tbo latter department they have a llncly equipped printing oftlce , with half a aozou presses , which are kept nearly constantly In operation printing labels and different kinds of advertising matter. Their laboratory is especially busy at this time , as Chamber lain's Cough Ileraedy , which they manufac ture , has proven a spondld remedy for the grip , aud la all cases greatly relieves the patient after taking ono or two doses , whllo its continued use will effect a complete euro. 25 aud 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. BEE bldgr Union soup , manufactured In Nob. Ilousolcoopora will Ilnd Quail rolled ontd the best made. ANOTHER NATIONAL BANK. Mr. II. It. .llcihiy Secures Anotlior Strung Financial Institution Tor Onmlm. The dispatch In yesterday's paper an nouncing tbe tiling of articles with the comp troller at Washington for the Western National bank of Omaha , occasioned consid erable comment among business men of the city , although it was generally known that such an enterprise was on foot. The Incornorators are : H. H. Mod ay , former manager of the Hammond packing house at South Omaha ; Robert W. Patrick , Thomas Kilpatrlck of the Kilpatrlck-Koch Dry Goods company , C. P. Wollor of the Richardson Drug company and Simoon W. Croy. The interested parties were very adverse to being interviewed on the subject as it was claimed that tbo stock subscribed bad only boon promised on certain conditions and they did not care to bo quoted until all tbo detail were determined upon. It was learned , however , that Mr. Meduy has been at work upon tbo matter for some time , his proposition being that if Omaha parties would subscribe a portion of the stock ho would raise the balance among his friends in tbe oast. It was proposed to start with not less than $300,000 capital stock , and if the subscriptions wore liberal add another fifty or ono hundred thousand to that amount. Mr. Maday loft for the cast some days ago and has writt'on that he has met with better success than ho anticipated in securing stocit subscriptions , and that enough stock had been taken to make the bank an assured fact. fact.From From reliable sources it is learned that stock was taken by parties in Detroit , which was-Mr. Moday's old homo , in Chicago and Now York , and that , about $00,000 was sub scribed in Cleveland. The Grippe Raging lu Alabama. "La grippe is raging hero and I find Chamberlain's cough remedy to bo a certain cure for it , " snysV. . G. Johns of Trim ble , Cullman company , Ala. Mr. Johns ordered a supply of the remedy to bo shipped by exorebs as quickly as possible. 1 here Is no question but this remedy Is of great value In the treatment of the grip especially on account ot Its counteracting any tendency of tbe disease toward p oumonia. It is also a prompt and certain cure for tbo cough which usually follows an attack of grip.3 ! and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. UBO Union soap. Use Union soap. * Asic your grocer tor "Quail rolled oata. Inauguration of Governor Iloyil. On the occasion of Governor Boyd'd inauguration at Lincoln , Monday , Feb ruary 16 , the Burlington Route will soil tickets from all stations in Nebraska within 160 miles of Lincoln nt ono faro for the round trip. Tickets good to re turn until February 18.W. W. F. Vaill , City Ticket Agent , Ili23 Farnara street. Union soap is homo mado. NEW FIIIE HOUSE. No. 3 Will H Located at Eighteenth nnd llurney HtrcotH. The members of the fire and police com mission held a special mooting last night and disposed of the question of the central flro station. The bid of S. S. Curtis was con sidered and a five-year contract was ordered executed. Mr. Curtis agrees to erect and complete a three-story brick building on the lot at Eighteenth and Hanuy streets , south of the Drummond buildlnc , and then rent it to tbe city nt a rental of $200 per month. "The annual reports of tbo chlefof the fire department and tbo chief of police were re ceived and placed ou file. Cblof Galilean's report showed that the force of the lire department bad been in creased during tbo year 1891 from fifty eight to eighty-eight men. Six now ougino bouses bad been erected aud equipped at a cost of $50,000. The number of jiro. hydrants had boon Increased from 1,103 to 1,102. Last year tbo expense of maintaining the department was * 'JO,817.55. For this year It was esti mated at ft 15,000. Chief Seavey's report stated that tbo police department cost the city $ ! H ) , 14'J during the year 1891. Ho was of tbo opinion that $95,000 would bo sualciont to meet tbo ex penses of 1893. Ho reported eighty-nine men on the force and was of the opinion that tbo city should have a work bouse. I''ulse Koouomy is practiced by many people , who buy infer ior articles of food because cheaper than sta ndard goods. Surely infants are entitled to the best food obtainable. It is a fact thut th e Gall Bordeu "ICagle" Braud Condensed Milk is the best infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep it. V. I' . S. C. H. AffiUm. Tb exeoutlyo committed of the Young Poople'a Society of Christian Endeavor of the state will meet In Omaha toaay to decide upon matters pertaining to the next national convention to bo bold next June la New York City. The question of railroad rates and the so- leotlou of a route for tbo Nebraska delegation will bo taken up by the coin mi Hoe tomorrow. Mr. tlolse'ibuttle of Omaha is chairman of tbo coimnittte. The meeting will bo bold at tbo Young Men's Christian association rooms. Callgraph writing machine is the best for telegraph purposes. Never out of ordor. Dr. Dlrney.tioioaiia turoiu HUB bld < j CUPID'S ' QUIVER IS LOADED Ammunition for the Campaign Opened on St. Valentine's ' Day. MODERN OUTCOMEOF AN ANCIENT CUSTOM Krpuks of rnncy nml 1'nslilon's 1'niM K * liloltoil for the liny Itlcli In node" mill Ktiggontltp In Sentiment Some llonry History. Year of eighteen hundred nnd ninety-two , 0 vcr nnd ngidn your fate rouew ; U pou the oracles great and smalt , A re wo over placed ono and all ; Rivalry , a phantom , that comes so nigh Every maiden will her fortune try : M ay the young year bonny and bold Your heart's Ideal relieve from the cold ; V nlor Is always duo the kn.ight A nd llnds solltudo far from bright ; Lonely no more , for this day , u blessing 12 ntranslngly brcathcs.sontimonU refreshing N ow gentle maid for once I awaken T ho lost faro well with thee hnvo taken ; 1 from melancholy scenes now stray , N o sorrow o'er my heart-strings piny , E vor love will cherish St. Valentino's day. i. n. w. St. Valentino's day , February 14 , Is still observed by considerable numbers of the young of both sexes , though not as generally as In years not long past. Lllto many of the pleasant customs of the hoary ages , It has bee n degraded by the vulgar , who seized upon the occasion to shower offensive prints nnd insulting Hues upon defenseless victims. Tno festival continues attractive to children nnd lovo-slck swains , oven though It has fallen from Us former high estate. Why symbols of love und friendship should bo chosen to commemorate St. Valentino , it is dlfllcult to determine. Hlstorv has it that Valentino was a priest of Homo in the third century , when Ufa was anything but a sum mer Idyl. It seems ho advocated doctrines repugnant to the ruling powers , which made short work of his career by cutting off his head. Ho suffered martyrdom February 14 , 2TO A. D. The connection botwcou Cupid and this good Christian prelate Is not ulto- gother clear , but explanations of It are not lacking. The most reasonable ono Is found in the spirit of con ciliation that led the early Christian fathers to engraft pugan celebrations upon the simplicity of Christian worsblu , finding for Roman merrymakings inaugur ated in honor of the gods a good reason for continuance in commemoration or the birth or death of .newly canonized saints. The fes tival of St. Valentino was originally , doubt less , the festival of the Lupcrcalia. At all events one custom peculiar to the latter holi day Is also a characteristic of the former the love-lottory , a curious ceremony In which young mnn draw from a box slip * of parch ment inscribed with maidens' names , each bachelor devoting himself for twelve months to the service of the young woman falling to his lot. bcinp bound by oath to perform any deed sue might desire and to do homage to her charms in tender rhymes. In England the practice of choosing a valentine - ontino oxlstod at an earl/ period and was continued until a comparatively recent ono. The manner of choosing differed slightly from the original method , however. The ballot-box occasionally played a part in It , but oftener the first gallant mot on St. Valentino's morning was thereby marked out as bor year's servant by the maid who had the good for tune ( or evil as the case might bo ) to pass his way. Among other favors gifts were expected by the "lady valentines , " as an old chronicle calls thorn , und Samuel Pepys openly re joices in his diary that while his wife's val- antlno has presented her with a half dozen pairs ot gloves , he has drawn a noighbor's little daughter who will bo content with amore moro modest present. . Chance-chosen valentines suffered the fatu of May poles , mummers , hobby horses , and the other sports and pastimes of England's merry days. The establishment of the penny post system brought about tbo substitution of the rbymlng letter of affection and com pliment for tbo moro ancient form ; and it is that letter which is the prototype of the modern heart-and-durt , lavc-and-dovo , laco- paper and multi-colored construction , adored by stationers and small folk alike , for widely different reasons thai do not require explana tion. Charles , duke of Orleans , who was taken prisoner at Agincourt and detained in Eucland twenty-iivu years , was the author of the earliest specimens of the written valentine entine- extant , and some of the most graceful. Ho has had imitators of all ranks nnd condi tions , poets who possessed the pretty art of turning a rhythmical compliment with case and spirit , and country clowns , forced to make the time-honored couplet about the rose ana violet , toll their honest lovo. On an old manuscript some ono who guarded his name tealously , wrote years ago : On pnper curiously shaped. Sorlbblors today of ot cry sort- In versos Valentines y1 olop'd. To Venus olilmo thuir annual court. I , too. will swell the motley throng And greet the all auspicious dav , Wlioso privilege permits my song. My love thus bocret to convey. Herrick and Jav and Dayton hnvo each paid a tribute to St. Valentino. Praed wrltos about the day airily and lichtly , as bo wrote about most things , after this fashion : Apollo has pucpod through the Hhuttor , And uwaKon'd thn witty nnd fair ; Thu boarding school belle's In n M inter , The txvo-penny post's In despair. The breath of the niurnliiK Is Hinging A inaelo on blossom and spray. And onokuoys mm sparrows are singing In chorus on Valentino's day. Tbo observance of tbo day in England is rapidly declining. The report of the post master general shows that in 1883 'J,770OUO valentines passed through the post in Lon don , but in 1S90 the number declined to 320- 000. Valentines that are likely to bo vary popu lar are of silver sheet mounted upon a second silver shoot or satin design tbo whole upon a gold sheet foundation. Then tbero Is an other of white lace paper on engraved litho graph lift mounted on colored or gold ground. An endless variety of what are called "specialty" valentines will bo .popular this season. Thcso include f.omo rich designs , tbo retail price of which will bo 5 ; these of fan sbaped plush and painted satin , with movable center und a painted ivorlno piece with a rich silk and ribbon border. Among these more expensive articles there are largo shirred hearts with shirred satin corners ; band painted boat tilled with roses ; fringed satin banner with shirred satin folds ; emblematic form of letter V and horseshoe , painted ; portiere effect with satin drapery and diamond plus ; silk and plush butterfly. Jewel eves , painted , nnd a rich banner with painted ivorino fold with jeweled center. The fan-shaped valentlr.oj are more elabo rate , and. Indeed , are dlfllcult ot attainment without the aid of technical skill. Thev can bo purchased in a variety of styles , and are truly elegant tritles. It Is uiadoof either fine cardboard or cellu loid and is strung with ribbons , which are visible only on the under slue. The silts through which they are passed are very nar row and the painting bides them from all but initiated eyes. The four sticks nro fastened at thonarruw ends with an oyoletor oltf rlrot and silk cords complete und finish tbo whole. Besides the leaflet valentines thorn are 10 no wonderfully dainty cards , Thov are painted In * water color on paper that 'meas ures ob ml ten Inches by twelve , are simply matted and bear In the corner of oicb a tell ing bow of ribbon. Tbo subjects nro these JACOBS Oil CURES PERMANENTLY SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. K , OgJeu , Mich. , 410 Kearney EL , Ban Francisco CoL , May 17,1690. " brother April W , 1890. "Mjr Rev. Batuuel ' Uy wife and I both , 1'ortcr , was have been nllllcteil cured by Bt. Jacobs with lame-bark and OH of excruciating anro throat , and bavo tclatlo palni In bU f.und pennant nt " cure bjr use of St. Iblgh. Jacobs Ull. J. M. U PORTEB. E. J , IUUAU * IT IS THE BEST. best suited to the dnyf Fair dome * of tlio old on tlmo with poivn Wd tmlr and Rowns of rich brocailo lUtonrnijrly , nnil with proper mnlu'en modesty to too vows which are tit- toroci bv swnlnscilia in velvet nnd Inco. Sweat , shy nnd blushing faces poop from be hind the shatter of \ > .iiotliiii DlliuU to cntcti the love soncs of rnqutroval ailmlrora , nnd n host of other upprOlrlnta ) subjects nro treated In a manner o tempting as to surely dtmra the buyer on yalcntli.o c.irJ.t Intent , Temptingly tinted note pnpor Is placed In boxes nnd tloil with ribbons Rtiy In color nnd rich In tnxturn. Volumes of verso nro bound la stilts and satins nmlqlTarcil nt the shrlno or the lalnt of the ( lay. Illustrated books ami folios nro tlod with ttcrRoous ribbons und sot forth In ROodly ) liow. Ktpor knives of silver , of brotuo nnilof , Ivory curved In curi ous acslsii nro tlod with the ever-present rib bon , nnd with one of the smaller valontlna curds will bo mnda to carry miny n mosantro of the soutlmont the any calls focth , Flowers arranged In Imndsomo boxes nro seen an ovnry side , And bonbons rando tno excuse for mouchoir cases nnd clovj boxes , ns well 03 for case * that make handsome ( juts of them selves , arc seen In every confectianor's win dow. dow.Tho The brightest , olovcrost nnd prottlost of nil the season's valentines nro tlioso ilcstlnckl for children's sending which Is Just , what should bo. Ltttlo sailor lads , rod-cheeked homines stolen from nursery tales , wooly dogs , and demure cuts drawn \vlUi utmost care and skill , nro made to boar tender mos- safjen timt will plnildon a great many small folk of both sexes on good St. Valentino's morning. Attor all , the old fellow Imn't no much to complain of slnco the young1 people hold him in such high esteem. Till * U Mount for.Vou. It has boon truly said Umt half the world docs not know how the other half lives. Com paratively few of us have perfect honlth , owmc to the impure condition of our blood. Hut wo rub along from dav to daj- , with scarcely a. thought , unless forced to our attention , of tbo thousands nil nbout us who are suffering from scrofula , salt rhrum nnd other serious blood disorders , and whoso agonlos can only bo Imagined. The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparllla for tlioso troubles , as shown In our advertising columns nulto frequently , certainly sooins to justify urging the use of this excellent mcdtclno by all wtio know that their blood Is disordered. Kvorv claim in behalf of Hood's Sursaparilla is fully backed up by what the inodlclno has dona and Is still doing , and when its proprie tors urge Its merits and Its use upon ull who suffer from Impure blood , In great or small degrees , they certainly moan to Include you. FAITH IN ALQBR'S HE CORD. Jmlgo Tluirslon ( lltca Ills Opinion < > C Keillor Dunn's Attack Political Notes. "This charge rmido against the military rocora of a bravo soldier and an upright citi zen , is news to mo , " said Judge John M. Thurston to a representative of Tuc BBK , after the former had road the correspondence attaining the military standing of General H. A. Algor , published in the telegraphic col umns of Tno BRB yesterday "General Algor's prompt denial of the Sun editorial meets the question falrlv and with out equivocation. For twonty-flvo years General Alttor has been prominently before the public , ho has boon honored with the highest position wltlltu'tho gift of the Grand Army of the Republic ; and for a quarter of a century his record lias been unsullied. Ho was a bravo nnd gallant soldier during the war : ho received wounds In defense of the principles of his country , and since the close of the great conflict ho has demeaned himself as the honorablc.upright cltizou that ho Is. m "Still there is nothing extraordinary in the ' tact that General Cu'stpr made tbo report ac credited to him. General Algor may bavo been sick , ho may have Dcon absent from his post at the particular' , time alleged , and Gen eral Ouster , not being able to instantly locate him , may bavo madavtho return reputed to him in the Sun editorial. But the prompt and emphatic dcninl of' Gonornl Algor ought to completely shatter What I believe to bo a canard , 'gotten up foncolitlcnl ourpoies onlv. Instead of injuring him in the O.VCH of the old soldiers it will have. the contrary effect , as such things usually do , and 'mako him stronger in the ranks of tlioso with whom ho fought. For his record is a'gallant ' ono. one that any man might be proud of , and his character is stalnlots. " "Do you anticipate that General Alger wilt bo a prominent candidate before the convention at Minneapolis ? " "I do not know anything about General Al par's Intentions in that matter. The presi dency has never boon mentioned by us when together. I do know no Is a warm friend of Mr. Blalne , but what Mr. Blalno's decision to withdraw bis name from the contest mav hnvo upon the candidacy of General Algor I cannot say. That will appear later. " "What effect do you think the declination of Mr. Blaine will have upon the party ? " "It will have the effect of nominating Mr. Harrison. Nebraska will now bo for the president , although had Mr. Blame been a candidate tnis state would have sent a dole- gallon in the latter interest I have not the least doubt. Of course with Mr. Blaine out of the Held I , too , cease to bo a candidate for tbo position of vlca president , which my friends have very t kindly urged mo to stand for , I shall not take any great Interest In who' secures the delega tion from Nebraska , reserving all my strength for the campaign which will com mand my services , 'for I am a republican' - ways. " From this Mr. Thurston drifted Into n dis- cusslonof the rumored change.in the cabi net. Ho thought . the resignation of Mr. Blaine was not at ull probable , but stated that tbcro might bo something in the rumor of Clnrkson's promotion to a portfolio. Ho lauded Mr. Clarkson in extravagantly oulo- gistio terras , spoke of him as a great organ izer and ono of the brainiest republicans in the United States. "And in this estimate" said the Union Paclfla general bolicitor , "tho republican party will boar mo out. " A disonso , treated as such and permanently - nontly curod. No publicity. No Inllrm- ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and otfectual. Refer by permission to Bur lington Hawkoyc. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet. Shokoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , ia. DELICIOUS NATURAL I UIT FLAVORS. Vfenllla - \ Ofipfortoct purity. Lemon ' - oi' jrraat Btrongth. Orange > " * " ' Almond E nomy ln thelr U3a Almondf Rose etCTJ F' ' * of as delicately and delicious ! * We the froth fruit Wei end tha marrrloui French Itumtdr CALTHO8 f rw , and n leeal guarantee that UAI.TIIOI will IVTOI1 DUtbcrcM A Kmlxlon * . CUIiK H | > < < nn > l rrh kVriei > r U and UEHTOItK l.o.l Vigor. ifjt ilaijfuv tfialitfied. 'Ad > W.'VON MOHL CO. . SoU AuHui i | U , CUrinatU , Oklo. UOVAT. MAtr , SrtSAMISU3. Ball ro ulsrlr durla < wlnur from PORTLAND to ; LIVERPOOL Direct. Cabin f M and upward ; avcon J caMu , tiSteerait vtlowraloi. NuOiTLK I'AliHIKii , BBUVIOQ Ol" AlaLxAN LxINB BTEAMBUIfB. Now York and Qlaixow I'o.-mlL'lillr. Cabin tin. Soooaa Cabin HL Stoera ell ) . IOAU.AN4CO. . ritleizolL tt iUJii ) . > V J'lciui umcu ; tV. V.VAItiJiKlln tua i'taxj. Right in j/o r own hands , If you'll tnko It , you bavo the remedy /tor woman's weak nesses and wo * man's ailments. And you have it on rotnnrknblo torms. Dr. Picrco's Favorite Proscrip tion is f/mimnfmi to help you , or it costs you nothing. If it tvorcn'b the most certain and cfToctlvo remedy in the world , do you think it could bo sold In any such way t Every overworked nnd "run-down" wo man mul every dclicnto nnd suffering woman , needs It , It imlliU up and Invigorates the whole system , regulates mid promotes the proiwr tunctions , nnd restores health and Btrungtli. It's n legitimate nirriicinr , not n Iwvcrngo ; purely vegetable , perfectly liarm- loss , and tnado especially for woman's needs. In every disorder nnd derangement twcu- llar to the ser , periodical pains , weak back , bearing - down sensations , and kindred ail ments , "Favorite Proscription" is gnu run- teed to benefit or euro , or you have your money back. A SOLID PULLMAN VESTIBULE FIRST CLASS TRAIN FROM ST. LOUIS TO NEW YORK , OVER THE VANDALIA AND PENN SYLVANIA SHORT LINES. FRONT ! Tlio innndale of tlio traveling public iiiuM bo obeyed and therefore the Vnmlalla nnd Penn sylvania Lines nijnlii step to the front and present their compliments bchiR the first to urTer tv sol Id I'astcngcr train from St. Louis to New York. lleiinnliiK with Monday , Kebiunry 15th , 1801 ! , the above mimed lines will run , every day In the year , n tolld I'nllimin Vestlbulo IrnIn roinposed of one Parlor Plunking car , one llrst clnss pns ngor conch , ono I'ullmnn illnlns cur nnd one 1'nllnmn sleeping ear , fiomSt. Louis i\ts.10 a. m to New York at 4.00 p. in. next day through Indianapolis , Cuyton , Columbus , Pittsburgh , Harrlsbiirg nnil 1'Iillndclphln. The Parlor smoking cars and Vestibule conches nro now features of this already popu lar service , and the fnct that these cars as well ns the sleeping oars run through from St. Louis to Now York In a solid Vestibule train , ( .iniiipti the suggestion that thcso Improve ments will come Into Immediate favor. No extra fare will be charged on this train , out only first class tickets will bo accepted. Agents ofconnectlng lines In the West and Bontlnvcst will furnish further Information , or please address CiiKSiinouait , Vandulla Line , Ht. Louis. THE KING OF ALL COUGH CURES ; DOCTOR Sold in England for Is. IHd. , and in America for 25 cents a bottle. 'IT TASTES GOOD. Care Sickness and Headacho. Small , plduant. a fnrorllo wllh tbo w n. nooKEiV&'ca ' , NEW YOUK. For sale by Kuhn & Co. , ard Sherman & McConnell , Oninhfu _ MANHOOD RESTORED. " 8ANATIVO , " th Wonderful XpnnUh Ui-nicdy , la sold nllli a Written Guarantee to euro nil Kcivous Dis eases. butli as Weak Memory , Itisa of Drain 1'owcr , Headache , Wakcfulnegfi. Lost Man- liocxl , Ncrrouine.13 , Las situde , all .drains and Before & After Use. low of power of the Photographed from life , Generative OrRanj lu _ cither er. caused liy over-exnllon , jouthnil lndlsirellons.or Hieicesilye isfoftnt'iirco. ' opium , or sllmulnnU , ulilcli nltnnnltljr lend In Inllnnlty.CVinsiiMiplloii nnd Inianlly. I'cit up lu convenient form to rairv lu th < Me t poilctt. Trice | l n iwckuge. or 0 for JS. With PI ) ' f < "I'1" ' w c Rte a written guarantee to cure or refund Ilia monojr. Henl h > nrill to iinv nddresj. t'lrciilnr free In i-lalii envelope. SlciiUou this paper , Addrcis , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , llrniich Offlce for U. S. A. 359 Denrlmrn Blrret. CHICAGO. ILL. FOB SALE IN OMAHA. NED. , BY Knhn & Co. , Co.r 15th & DoiiRlan Sts. J , A. Fuller & Co , Cor. 14th ft Douelaj S ( . A D Foster * Co. , Council Dlufl , In. _ Sore inroat Lameness Sore Ey < Soreni Cat B Cu1 Piles Female Complaints" Rheumatism AND ALL Inflammation Gold only In our own bot'lci , All druggliti , POND'S'EXTnACT CO.,76 5)h ) Ave. , N.Y. IFURG1TED YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. SHppinjT off * * tKuUlr 1 tu p o tltilr. Alk your deawrfor them or ni-iui II CO for * ra- itlo i lr tu l.ttftt Ilixk Hu.pmd.r . . T la ii Ne luvcurr.nov rnturiu. lwilltt.u < } ( M lvd J free to auy tuffar r , apr * CURE Kilpllou lu enlarge fmall , weak part * und ferula cuia for Jxxt I Vliror.KiulwIunib Vancacelo bupoteuc/ . . J , U. UOUBE. Bux SJ , Alblou.l FOUND AT LAST After Years of Unsuoo jssful Ssarch for a Cure , Martin Anderson Oats Uelloffrom the Chinese Doctor A Voluntary Tjstl monlal. OMAHA , Neb. . Jmi. 18 , 1802. To whom It May Concern : This is to corttfv that I have boon n constant sufToror for many yours with catarrh , asthma and bronchial alTcc- lions of the throat , and tried all tlio patent medicines and ronioillos I overheard hoard of , but with no success. 1 ticnteil with doctors in various parts of the country , hut none of thorn could do mo any good further thiin giving mo short temporary roliof. I sullorocl night and day. and continued to grow worse not withstanding all the medicine I had taken. I had almost givun up my cnso as hopeless when I was informed by a frlond of Dr. C. GcoVo , the Chinese doctor , and advised to go and too him in the hope of getting relief at least , if not a permanent cure for my trouble. I was slow in making up my mind to make Hitch a radical uhango in my treatment , us I known , trial with the Chinese decor - or would bring mo , but I finally con- luded to give him a trill , so I called at his nllico with that intention. I found thn doctor it clover , entertaining gentle man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and it took only n vary short time to convince mo that ho was the party I was so long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro mo , and prepared uie n snooial treatment to suit my condition , and in two weeks 1 was to much bettor that I had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my case to hia treatment. I continued tn gro\7 batter rapidly and am now entirely well. I ewe my cure to Dr. C. Gee Wo , nnd am not ashamed to admit it. I nd vine all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gco Wo. and tho.v will bo curod. For all particulars apply or write to MARTIN' L. ANDERSON , 3121 Gaming St. , Omaha , Nob. DR. C. GEK WO , Regular er.iduuto of Chinese medicine , olcht yours"study , ton yourV practice. TrotUs suc cessfully all discuses known to suffering hu- in an I ty. Roots , plants and herbs nature's remedies his medicines the world his witness ; 1.01K1 tes timonials. Call ana see him , Consultation free. Has also constantly on hand remedies for the following diseases ready prepared : Asthma , Catarrh , Rheumatism , Indigestion , Lost Mimhooil. I'oma'o Weakness. Htok llend- ncho , lllnod I'urlflnr. and Kidney und Liver. 1'rlce , ono dollar per bottle or six for flvo del lars. Tlioso who cannot call , enclose 2-ucnt stamp for question list and full particulars. Cilice , Cor. 10thand California Sts. , Omaha T/wMost Effect/tie Tonic in LA GEIPPE Thl * prppnralluu strikes at the -o.lt of Ilia evil tij rCHlorhii : ijulcklr nnd clloctually thu iiulrlllro function ) of the debilitated a/atom. Sold by All Druoo'st.s. ' E. KOUQEriA 8c OO. , Aironts for J ao , as Kcao Korth Wtllunu St. . K.Y. Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. For pold feet buy a Hot Water Bottle. We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians Prescr i p- tions prepared at low prices. The AloeSc Penfold Company 15tli Street next to I * . O. DR. J. E. McGREW , THE SPECIALIST , Is nnsnriaisu'l | In the tra vtimnl ) { 4 HO PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd nil ( llROnluri mul liabilities nf youth and inniihood. ITveiim' uximrliMicu , Ills lusuurvoi unil fiicllluos nnt pnn-tlu illy iiiillinltuil. ' ( 'tin Doctor IH locorn- niundtMl liy thu iiri" < s , imU utidorse'l In tlio btronxcst torn liy the poop o fur fair troul- incnt mill lionuHt iinifi'snldiinl advice. Thu most powerful roinudlcs known to ninilurn for the Miiccosiful tieutmcnt ot the GONOHBHOEA Immodliilo roliof. A com- Dlotornru without thu Joss of uu iionr's tlmo from tH3lnesi. GLEET Onu oflhu most coniplolo und sue- cesiul treatmcnU for Kloot unit ull annoying dlscliurves yit known to the mudlcul profun- slon. Thu ruHiilt.s urn truly wondurfiil. Tlin most stiibliorn iindylironlu cases where thu dl.icluiryo hud oxlstod for yuan ) , iintlroly coi- | Irollud In a roumrknUly short time , BTRIOTUHE-UrButust Unoirn remedy for the treatment of Htrlcturu. without pulu , i"it- tlni : , or dilatlni : , A iau troniurliililo rumc'dy , SYPHILIS No trcutmnnt for tlim turrlblu blood ( llsjnbo hunuvur been more successful , or had Htronucr endorsumonH. In the light of modern HOlunc-o thin ili oii t ) IH positively vurablu und every traoeof the polnou ontlroly removal from the blood. Tim euro la complulo and permanent , LOal' MANHOOD , und ambition , nervoug. ness , timidity doinondmiay and nil lilliflitliw uiTeutHOf uarly vloe. Kollof obtained at noo. 'Ilio weak iruw Htroux. and the dinpundent be come cbourf ill nnd haptyv SKIN DISEASES , und all ( llnoRgcanf thii blood , liver , Kidnuyn mull ) ladder are t routed Hucooasfully with thogrouteiit known reiuedlcii for these diboakca. Write .for ulrcular * nnd rjuestlon Hit free. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH Dr. McUrew's treatment for dUordurd of the Htomuch. liiiRthu unijUHllllod endoi-numunt of tliiwo wlintmvu been curod. OUHI-S that liud nuffered for year * and unable to WOIIK or I. AT without Incroiisliiif tlielr inlnnrv untirulv ourud. The rumeillvi lira jilnii" ' > I ii'il- ' ntul.lo to the most dpllpalc'v < > tli nnd I'urniun Kla. , OmithK , Nib. Eutrnuoa HI ItUcr street. STORED UP LIFE ! ! Stores up Health for You Natures Concentrated Vital- alizer. Specific Oxygen. ONK WKKK'STlCKhT AII.tOI.irmA" KUKK. DON'T tunic iine < run wish n plonKnnt cure. TIIDlISAMMbliKsllio itoiiilor working Otygon. YOU INUAl.i ; tlin warm , rich , otjr KonoratoJ IMM'KATKIV | | It niunn , Knottier cxhllnrntn. ( IIVIIS nppoUlcnild nwpelnlrop niiturnlly Hr.l'AUATKt < uclUororCntiurli In linlli. " THIS fcattiri'fdKriml unfnlllnu. Pee rut. Hncclflc lUJuen po'lllvclr cmc CATAUUIt llroncliUK Aulimv I. llrlm'O , Contmnpllon , llcnilnrlin ( Mck or IUTYOUS ) , Ojrapopssa , Ncrvoui IVoMrnllon. KMIMIN L' nhjuldnni In ch r o of Onmtin nnlMI , OtTKPii Mitnunl frro < Mhnlntlon frru nt iiltlco. Cnllnr write toiluy ; I" ) surprlnnl plpn eil T1IK Sl'KClFIC OXYUKN CO. . 610 Mieelr { Uilit , cor. 1Mb anil llowitnl streets Oinntiii , N'pbrnakn. Mnln hcndunrtcr5 ( nml LntiorMorlr' , Nnshtlllo , Tonhoaca. TO READERS OF THE SUNDAY BEE. That the issue of February 14 will bo fully up to the usual standard of ex cellence in all departments. The Arizona Kicker. The Klckor will gpoak of his Industry In lllllng Woocllawii ceinotery nnd of a llttla brush ne had with a stage llao manager. Brother Gardner. . "M. Quad" report fnr TIIK SUNDAY DEC n lecture before , the Lime Kiln Cluti by Itrothcr ( lardner , the world famed colored philosopher. Brother Gardner ponnda gledgnhammcr truths right Into his heaters. No man can gnlnsuy the force of hU oxhoitat.ons. COMIW TO JIB KBn ADVICE. Congressmen as Prisoners. Many members or the prossnt con- ereis had thrilling experiences In prison pens during the w ur. Frank li. Carpen ter L'otsome of them to tell their siorlus und the result Is TIIK SUM > AV UIK will contain one of the most Interesting chapters ot captured , nilson Hfo and escapes that has ever been put. in print. Fred Nyes Letter. In this letter an Insight Into the Intor- nnl Bijimnnlo now disturbing tlio clil- case World's Fair board , will be clearly sot forth. Vou can't get them pointers In the Chicago papers. An Embattled Rock. WaKeman describes the great Olbral- tar'ln fasclnntlug Ntyle. Mo permit ! TUP HKK readerx to sou the wonderful fortress Jmt as It la. The Wicked Lured to Death. Thrilling picture ot the cimse and the ambusli A Night of I'eacn Amid U'ar'i Desolation "M. Quail's" tor tea. Pups with Pedigrees , Omaha has more pcnplo Interested In fine dogu limn any city In ttio west , Thu o liljrh bred canlmiH will form Ihu snlijuctnf a story of Interest In Tuu fciUNDAVilKK. First Fees of 'Attorneys. Fonio of tlio lending lugal light * of tha city toll of thuir onrly i-xniTlenros in contlH when dollars weto larger than cartwheels. Hlrngiilrx uf attorneys wlionow nuino tlielr own foes , Mitsical News Notes , The musical evontw of thuweol < will ho fa thfully rovurcd In tlio musical and dramatic department uf TIIK SUN DAY HKK. The miiflluiil world U growIng - Ing day hy day In these pans , and pub- llo Interest kuuin | pace. The News. Thu telovriiphto and local uau'ii col umns uf TIIK HKK ipualc fortlujiiiHclvcs. Hut II lii not known liy uvvry ruaderof tliU p.ipnr thut tlio miirket uaxa Is without u rival wit 6f UhlcuKO. Our reports are complete and tollable. 77te Society People , TcrpilrliOTU has boon the favornil hitch prienusat whusu shrlno thu nwcill clrnJi'S bowud down thopusl wculf , Thu 1'opploion dmicu. tha ( Just HOlree daiisanto. thu Itrady luncheon , thu Loan Vc.irparty at l.rlllnit Hull , MUs Yo-it'w cotillion be 1 111 : loading func tions whhh will bavo careful trout- mttiit In tbo hoclal columns of Tim HllMJAV HliK. The Sunday Bee. iuu f . MIIIUOHM rclurut. lpuri.uo lr , noiui > pouUirx Suf- f r < Hillle rnol iliunta renirur rr e brail- drtulng TUri'LU A OO. .78 NMUU 6t..N. V . biljf.