Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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\fi\A \ Rumors Circulated About Trouble in
tr *
the Cabinet ,
opttiiiiiMcr ( InnrillViinitimhrr : Arriidf
cil I'.ntrrlalnliic lilriM Nol In Arrnrd
AVIth thn I'rrililml AVIirro .lay
donlil rij"r ( < ' " In thn Cn r <
ntnp.\u of run Une , )
WARIII.VOTOV , ! > . C. . . Fob. 11. 1
TliU Ims been imotbor of Postmaster Gen
eral Wunnmnitor'a any * for falling Into the
htKti uarntvnl of doinocratio llnrs. The lies
hnvo mostly related to his nllcKOd rotlrcmoiit
from tljo cablnot , unnotinccil probably for the
twentieth time on crcditnblo nuthorlty. The
reasons for this certain retirement nro proba
bly moru amusing now than over. The "al-
logod roason" was that Mr. Watiamakor had
cut down the pay of Ihu .small postmasters , n
thine which Is regulated by law , mid with
which ho has no nioro to do than the wlfo of
thu man In thn moon. Another alleged roa-
on was thut ho hail discontinued too many
country pu.stolllces to suit the president ,
whan the records of the department show
that never before in the history of the set1'
vlco have so iimny nculcd postolllccs peti
tioned for br patrons of thu malls been cs-
A third "reason" why the postmaster gen
eral \vnsto \vnsthnthoninstinaUo room
fot'.l. S. Clurkion , lately thu tlrsl assistant ,
\vhon It Is \\ell Unown by his confidential
friends hero that the chulrmnn of the national
committee \vould not , If ho could , accept any
plnco In the giftof the administration be-
causu of the position ho holds us party chulr-
Another AlU-Ki'il Itoiison ,
Still another nllcfed reason why the presi
dent was duturmlned , was that Juy Gould ,
who Is opposed to postal telegraphy , \vhlcn
Postmaster General WanamaUor advocates ,
luul talton the president Into o.imp and had
done vlolonco to the Intoprity of his oiiblnot ,
\vhon the fact Is that the
master gnnoralU lljht ; for postal tele
graphy was never so warmly supported
by the prominent members cf his party as It
is now , anil that it is stated on peed nuthor
lty tbat .lay Gould himself is moro convinced
now than over before that postal telegraphy
under .Mr. vVanunmltor's limited contract
plan , wlioro no extra expense or omploymunt
of people by the government would bo In
volvcil , would not only bo a great public con
venience to millions but an almost certain
source of revenue to the Western Union.
It mnv not pluasu the carnival of demo
cratic liars to know It , but the
president and the members of his
cabinet , especially Ins postmaster general.
tno chairman of the roinihliuan national
committee and the leaders of the party in
general , are on the best of terms. Mr. Wan-
n mu It or will stay nnd will continue to advo
cate his postal reforms to the end of 'his
term , it not longer , and Mr. ClarKson will
continue to discharge the laborious duties of
pirty chairman. Those statements nromado
on good authority , sure enough.
In thn IliH'rcHl of Vctennn.
Today Congressman Soorley of Iowa , In
speaking of the bill which passed the house
yesterday for the extension of the charter
for the tirldgo across the Mississippi at liur-
lineton , suid that the company had not had
money enough to build the biUgo , but by nn
extension ot two years they will have an op
portunity to erect It. Mr. Soerloy was
nskod about the amendment which
ho introduced in relation to evidence
in pension cases and ho replied : "As the
law now stands an applicant for a pension
must havu evidence from the ofllccr of his
company of his rrgiment nnd it Is a very
Uitllcult thing for olllcor.s to remember the
men who served under them twcnty-
live or thirty years act ) . My resolution
provides tnat the evidence of n private
soldier shall bo received in such ca es
just as the testimony of oftlcors is ro-
celvcd now. I understand that the pension
roinmittcu will bring oatn hill incorporating
this Idea Into a proposed law , amending
many of the peculiar features of the present
pension laws nnd I feel sure it will got
through "both houses of congress. "
On Wi-ritiTii UYiltlMT.
Sanator 1'ottigrew some time ago sug
gested to the signal olllcu ifi the Agricultural
department that the oflico collect data of cur-
tuin states showing what the weather had
beet , nnd everything in relation to it upon
which could bo based predictions in the
future. The weather oftico has prepared a
report upon the invoatigalions thus far made
covcnnc the states of Minnesota , North and
South Dakota , Montana and Nebraska and
will in a short time submit it to congress. It
Is said to contain some very valuable statis
tics and It will open up for the sicnal onlco u
wider Hold than it has heretofore occupied
relative to the influences upon the weathcrof
the past year at subsequent periods.
A favorable report has boon nmdo to the
nouso from tbo puullc lands committed upon
tlio bill for tbo relief of the Inhabitants of
the town of Ferron , Emory county , U. T. ,
and tlio committee In mulling their report
and recommending the adoption of Iho measure -
uro , say : "Tho committee , upon duo invcs-
tiuution , Hud tbat the prasont town silo of
Forron It Immediately contiguous to moun
tainous tcrdtory wllh no possibility to ox-
tctid their town only by obtaining soctlon Hi ,
contiguous to the present town slto. Inns
much as Ibo lands in question are school
lands no ndvorso title can no urged. "
The bill contemplates ihatothor lands bo
selected by Iho proper ofllco In another tmrt
of Iho territory in llou Ihoreof for school
Alex Nlnlormuto bus neon appointed post
master ut Plato , Sallno county , Nab.
H. H. Mctlay of Omaha was n visitor at
tlio capital today. Ho has porfactoil all
arrangement * for tha ostnullshmont of Iho
Western National bank of Oraulm.
Tno Henderson resolution , providing for
the employment ot two minority messengers ,
IIUH resulted in tlio renppolntmont of Captain
O. L. Currier of Independence , la. , to place
as a inessciiKcr.
Thu preliminary papora for Ibo now Western -
orn National bank of Omnlia , reccnlly mon-
tloncil In TIIK BBC , were filed wllh Ibo
comptroller ot the currency today. IU capl-
tal will ooSWO.UUO. The names of the or-
t'ani/er * include those of Honrv H. Modav ,
KobortV. . Patrick , Thomas IClrltpatrlcIt ,
Simeon W. Uror und F. lVoller. .
Senator PaddooK today Introduced a bill to
pay A. J. Campooll , n Dakota Sioux Indian ,
boi'i of ticott Campbell , ? 10,000 duo him under
tronty provisions.
II. Itobblim was today appointed postmns.
tar in Coltonwood , Idaho county , Idaho , vlco
A. M , Turner reslgnoJ.
It is reported hero that a syndicate bonded
by lions CluL'golt and Dohunar of Idaho
will bbortly purchase the Idaho Statesman
of Holso City.
lion , M. H. Dav of Kapid City , S. D. , Is
lii'ro lo appear In bis coal laud contest before
the Interior department tomorrow The
contest involves a large body of valuable
land lying near Uanld City and claimed bv
llio slate of South Uuliota.
Hoprosontativo Uolllvor lodoy Introduced
n bill lo tiranl to the stale of Iowa u cerulu
pond known us Ciooso laUo , situated In Green
i-ouutv , Iowa , for Iho druluaqo of the sur-
rouudlntr lands.
Tbo bouse commltteo on public lauds today
directed u favorable report on tha ulll author
izing tbo purchase of lands m the public do
main , principally of valuu for stone , In HW-
ncru tracts ut fJ.50 per aero , under restric
tions which will nrovunt their absorption by
corporations ,
TUo Uhoyenno.Vyo , , puollo building bill
upuroprlutiiiB fl.W.OOO instead of tJOII.UOO ,
passeu the suiinto today , cugiueerod by Hi'im-
tor Uaruy.
A. W. Harris of Slbloy , la. , Is In the oily.
Secretary Chttoulor today afllrined the do-
cislon cf the general land oflico rejecting the
application of Jerome T. L'oulu to uiiiUo tliu-
. ber culture entry upon n hoinostcaa entry
made by A , H. Muller in the NellU ; district ,
contested by Charles Knull , A bearing Is
The decision in the case of Svvabell , trans
feree in Ihu cose of Lev ! W. Ilurlbert , from
Huron , ri. I ) , , is aDlnncd , holding for cancel-
Utlou Hurlburl's pi-o-emptlon cash ouiry.
P. S. H.
The Single Tax club hold a mooting at
fUte City ball last night for tha purpose ot
reorganizing , but it was decided to retain the
present ofllcors , whoaro. Hufus F. Parker ,
ircildont ; Charles Stevenson , vlco pros !
dent , nnd .1. W , Kvans , secretary ,
IV hllo the club retains its old nHloors It
iroposos to put moro llfo In the reform motro-
ncnton thoslnglo tax question ,
A committee , comprising Messrs , Stovan-
son , Fawknor and Qulnn , was nnpolntcd to
secure uow quarters In which meotlnits
bo held. The commlttoo will iniiko Its report
icxt Thursday night at n meeting to bo hold
at the Labor Wave olllco. At thl meeting
Alfred Fuwkncr , editor of the Labor Wave-
will make a stiooch on the slnglo tax quos-
.lon ,
MHTJf O.IMf/.l.
Aftur llolti-r SI id ( IliitP * .
Don McN' . Palmer , superintendent and
icncral manager of the stockyards ot SU
Louis , nnd C. P Patterson , general travel-
ng agent of the Kansas City yards , wore the
; uosts of Manager Babcook yesterday
i'helr visit Is stated to bo merely for the
lurposo ot looking over the South Omaha
rards. It Is known , hownvar , that at n re >
cent meeting nl bt. Loula Manngcr Uabcock
made an effort to obtain an adjustment of
rutos which would bo favorable to this city.
M rrosont the rate from Toxns
iwlnt.s to St. Louis nnd ICansss
Jlty Is considerably lower than the rate bo
twcon the same points nnd South Omahn.
Mr. Unbcock Is cndravorlug to secure nn
equality of rates from these points nnd Itln
thought that the visit of the Kansas City ar.d
St. Louis oflklals has something to do with
the matter ,
Mr.Patterson expressed gratification at the
rapid crowth of the South Omahn yards , but
.smiled Incredulously when the prospect of
Kansas City being surpassed \\as mentioned.
Wlint .Air. Sulrt'M CitnUliK. Mrilns.
The news that L. F. Swift Is soon to take
personal charge of thu Interests of Swift &
Co. In this city Is regarded us of considerable
Importance lu panting house circles.
The fact that Mr. Swift inlands to dcvoto
himself to the development of the South
Omaha plant is thought In itidiuito his opin
ion tbat the Maglo City is dostlnocl to bo the
most Important packing point of tbo com
Mr. Swift Is now In California nut Is ex
pected to arrive in South Omaha some time
this month , lie will superintend the cxtun-
-sivo Improvements contemplated by the com
Daily , nnd will make the city his homo. Mr.
K. F. Swift , who has been In charge of the
Kansas City plant , ivlll bo transferred to
Chicago. _ _
Not Srurril ut liulliin M'nr VI-UH.
J. M. Dolmnnt , a well known Colorado
ranchman , was at the yards yesterday.
Ho Is nujold resident of Colorado and New
Mexico and did not attach much Importance
to the reported outbreak of the Navajo
Indian near Coolldgo , N. M.
' 1 have become pretty familiar with those
Indlnins. " said ho"nml I do not bcltevo they
will ever light except to the extent of potty
depredations. Tuo same circumstunres re
ported In the morning papers have existed
lor years. There have always been bad
blood between the Navajos and the cowboys ,
and there is scarcely a year when it docs not
result In trouble. It never amounts to anv-
thing moro serious , however , than the theft
of n few cattle , and I 00 not bellovo that it
will bo nny different this time. "
I'ltlsroptil l.uillrs inttrtiiln. :
The ladles of the Episcopal church gave nn
enjoyable social at the residence of Fred M.
Smith on N street last evening. There was
a largo attendance and the reputation ot the
Episcopal society as entertainers was fully
sustained. There was n delightful program
which wus followed by cards and refresh
XotfH About tin * City.
Mrs. Dave Loeschor left last night for
J. II. Van Duson leaves today for a busi
ness trip to Fremont.
K. \Vhltson left yesterday for n month's
visit at his old homo In Michigan.
H. H. Dorsoy of Wahoo and D. B. Palmer
of Sownrd are ut the Transit house.
Arthur Marshall of Siiribnnr , Nob. , is the
guest of C. C. Vaughn of the Tribune.
A social party ut the Lee house lait ovon-
inir was enjoyed by a largo number of young
L. C. Finch of the United States mall
service is visiting his father-in-law , S. W.
Mrs. A. N. MHIspaugn left last evening
for nn extended visit with relatives at
Poortn , 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall , who have boon the
cuvsts of City Engineer King , have returned
to Missouri.
Lou Tibbattsof twenty-fifth and M streets
sustained a severe sprain of his back jester-
day. His condition is serious.
Aloha lodge No. 44 , Daughters of Uo-
bokab , will glvo a social at Masonic ball on
Friday evening , February 11) .
The regular party of the young People's
Social club was given at Knights of Pythias
ball last evening. Thu usual pleasant time
was enjoyed.
The funeral of John Stanmol , 24 , of Six
teenth and Brown streets , will bo held at St.
Acnes' church at 8 o'clock this morning. In-
tormeutat St. Mary'a cemetery.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O.
Ullov of Twenty-eighth and T snoot" , died
yesterday. Tne funeral will bo held ut St.
Agnes' church alt ! o'clock this afternoon.
Tno local ledge of Odd Follow * nro pre
paring to recognize the Seventy-third anniversary -
vorsary of the orguni/.ation of the order. A
cummittoo of arrangements was appointed at
n locunt meeting.
Mrs. W. C. Van Gilder of Omaha was
present at the meeting of the Modern Wood
men last night for tbo purpose of organising
n lodge of Koynl Neighbors. Tbo latter or
ganization is the ladies' branch of thu Modern
There was n vorj p'oasant ' gathering at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy , Twenty-
third and H streets , Wednesday evening.
It wus Airs , Muiphy's birthday nod about
twenty of nor friends assisted her to celo-
briito it. Progressive high five occupied thn
evening after which refreshments were
.Spoopi'iulyltu llti
and ho spent thirty-two minutes try Ing to
tell his wlfo to go to thunder and got his bottle
tle of Dlxort'B Asthma Cure , and slio ( poor
thing ) Muttered around and brought some
broth and a hair brush and things , and
Spoopondyke nearly died , but ho got the
Asthmu Cure llnally and then well , I'm
orry far his iv Ifo.
rolled Noli'4 ,
A young man who gave the name of Paul
Ballman was taken in charge yesterday after
noon by the poll co while attempting to pawn
a gold monogram pin sot with diamonds. The
initials ou the pin wnro A. K. D. It was sup
posed by the police that tha pin had" been
stolon. After talking to Ballman for n while
the chief allowed him to dupurt , but retained
the jewel in hopes of finding an owner If the
property hud boon stolon.
Dan Gelsor nnd William Nostlehouse were
tried In police court yesterday afternoon on
thu charge of being common gamblers and
wore held to the district court In $100 ball ,
Dili ) Minnie ,
One iniuuto tlmo often makai n groit difference
foronco a one minute remedy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
oursu is a blessing , Cubeb Cough Cure l >
tuch a rouiody. For sale by all druggists.
Cubeb Cough Cure Onemlnuto.
Aiming Military .Men ,
Tbo Indian diflloulty m Now Mexico
created no especial interest at the army
headquarters , U appeared to bo the
prevailing opinion that It was nothing more
than a scrap between a fmv cowboys and
some of the moro troublesome of tbo Nuvpjo
tribe. The Navajo Indians are largely en
gaged lu sbuop and cattle raising and they
frequently have trouble with rowbovs ,
Dr. Dacha returned yesterday from Fort
Ladies who value a retinoJ complexion
must uio Prtzani's Powder. It produces a
soft and beautiful skin.
Cull for tlm diiiiriU.
All mouthers of tbo Omaha guardi , native
and honorary , arti requested to meet at the
armory at 0 o'clock a. in. , Monday , for the
purpose of unending the inuiigural cere
monies of Governor Jamea K. Bcyd ,
Mrs.Wlnslow's sootnlcg syrup for cull ,
drtiu teething produces natural aulot sleop-
35 couU a boltla.
How Governor Boytl Fcols on tlie Important
InlcrrsU of tlic 1'rnplo of Nrlir.Kkn to He-
1'lrit Comldrrnl I'liMHon oftlm Al-
lliinrr Dcllnrd In 1'uvor of
Ihu Id rit.
Lixrot.v , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special to Titr.
Bnu.1 The talk ot nn extra session of the
legislature is becoming moro emphatic. As
yet Governor Boyd Is noncommittal nnd to
all Inquiries makes answer either that ho
wishes to Uo only what the nooplo want or
that ho desires to consult with prominent
members of his own party. It is a signifi
cant fact that ho has today received calls
from several domocrntlo member * of the last
legislature , nmonir them being U'lnlo and
Shyrock of Cuss and Ames of Oloo. Taoo
Castor , the domocrntlo warhorao of Sallno
county , was also a culler. A prominent dem
ocrat who is , it is bollovod , in the
confldonco of Governor Boyd , sain
this afternoon thnt the only thing that
may possibly deter the governor from calling
an extra session was the uncertainty as to
Just how tractable thu Independent majority
may be. it Is understood thnt the two piln-
clpal points to bo Included In the call for the
possible oxtru session Is n bill lor thu regula
tion ol freight tariffs and another for a now
apportionment of the state into logisUiUve
districts. Thoiomny be other matters in
cluded in thn cull , especially a proposition to
"Mlohlganizo1' the stiito : but at least ono
dmnoorat , who is in a position to Icnow , as
serts positively that such a proposition will
not bo considered.
Anothrr SlKiiHIciint Strnw.
It has generally boon supposed that the
loading members of the Independent party
would bo opposed to an extra session. The
Farmers Alliance , a newspaper generally
acknowledged as the mouthpiece of the
Independent party , is out this evening with
thu following significant editorial reference
to the proposed extra session :
"Tho constitution Is mandatory as to the
duty of making a ruapportlonmont after
ovary state and national ccnsns. As n matter
of fact the ituro at Us first session
could not constitutionally have passed an
apportionment bill , for the reason mat
it had no knowledge that un enumer
ation of the population had ooen
made. Alter the session hud been well ad
vanced unotllclnl Information was resolved of
the number of Inhabitants of the state and
counties. Wo cannot ascertain at the state
department that oftlciul Information as to the
census has overset been received. A culled
session , therefore , for the purpose of an ap
portionment , would bo legal and reculur. In
fact , It scorns to bo mandatory npon the gov
ernor to call it. If it Is nut done no appor
tionment can bo made until after the state
census of 1W5. The governor can include
some other objects to bo a clod upon if he
chooses to do so. But as wo now understand
it , it is imperative that ho should call the
legislature together. The plain Intent of the
constitution cannot bo othonylso fulfilled , "
On u Iliislness Hauls.
Ono of Governor Boy it's first olllcinl acts
will be to bring about the reorganisation of
the grain inspection department ut Omaha on
a business basis. Ho will appoint H. P.
Thompson ' , the present deputy , as chief m-
spocto'r. Ho said to THE BKK representative
this afternoon that bo should certainly not
appoint any but a practical man as chief In
spector. The difficulties which have been
encountered In the cram inspection depart
ment of Omahn will doubtless bo done away
with. Mr. Thompson Is acknowledged to bo
a practical and experienced man nnd his
appointment it Is bollovod will give general
satisfaction to the gram men of Omaha.
The friends of Fred Ilaro of this city are
petitioning Governor Bovd to appoint him
chief inspector for the Lincoln department.
Before ttiu governor makes this appointment
ho will ive tno construction of the wuro-
house law a thorough consideration from a
practical standpoint. He will not , however ,
be able to give the matter any attention until
next weeli. Although the warehouse law
evidently contemplates the appointment ol a
chief inspector for every city where the law
goes into operation , tuoro are many good
reasons for having but ono chief inspector ,
who shull have supervision of the entire
iiilrr : Ifono f'.i'tulni'il.
The changes In the state institutions re
sulting from the navout of Governor Bovd
will not affect the position of Elder How'o ,
who has for so loug a tlmo been the chaplain
of the state penitentiary. Lust spring when
Governor Bovd appointed Father Corbett to
the position ho did'so , he. savs , without un
derstanding the popularity of the elder in
this city. Ho says now that ho desires to
please the Lincoln people in this rospout ut
Elder Howe's fatnil-
least , and consequently -
iur facu will make its rccular Sunday appear
ance at thu state penitentiary.
Frank Morrlniiiynt Work.
Frank H , Morrlssoy , the Omaha Journalist ,
arrived in Lincoln last evening and this
morning went to work at the desk in the gov
ernor's olllco which has so long groaned bo-
nealh the herculean labors of Colonel Tom
Cooko. Commencing next Monday , Mr. Mor-
nsoy takes the position of private secretary
to Governor Boyd.
Commlnttlonor ( iri > ir l'.vri > | > ts.
Commissioner General Greer takes ex
ception to thu statement that ho opposed the
resolutions adopted at thn mcctini ; of the
Nubruslin World's fair commission last Tues
day. He protests that his opposition onlv
wont so far ni to say thut the resolutions
wi > ro a confession on the pnrt of tlio commis
sion that it hnd not bocn doing its duty in
thu past. Mr. Sawyer , another member of
the commission , bears him out in the asser
tion. A friend of the commissioner general
states bis position with reference to appoint
ments as bolng as follows : "Tho law creat
ing the commission gives the commissioner
general pownr over all appointments and be
cause the six commissioners or some of them
thlulc proper to attempt to usurp this power ,
ho is charged with antagonizing the uoard. "
< io iilt | ut llioStatu llonxd ,
State Superintendent Gaudy Is gathenni ;
statistics in ratorcncu tu tno attendance upon
tun private schools of the state.
The Bloomlleld Milling company was In
corporated today by J. T. Pierce and olhora
with u capital stock of > 0,000.
The dci-roturles of the board of transporta
tion visitor ) Pawnee county today fur the
purnosu of investigating n complaint.
From DUtrlrt Court.
Judge Hall's court was the scone this
morning of a rnthoroxclting Incident. Robert
Boulding was on trial for assaulting his land
lady , Mrs. Kittle Mack , nnd had ylvor. ' oino
nvluunco directly contradicting hers , when
she Jumped to her foot nnd called him u liar.
at the same tlmo starling for him with blood
in her eye , and would probably have at
tempted to give him a thrashing had not u
bailiff interfered. Boulding was afterwards
found guilty.
Charles Carlson , charged with stealing a $100
watch , wus declared not guilty and discharged
from custody , Lottie Hummel was given n
dlvorcu from bur husband Albert , who had
neglected tosupport hur. Amanda Madison ,
Into of Jefferson county , asked a divorce from
her butbanu Calvin because ho had fulled to
support hur.
The numerous cases against Iho Lincoln
City Electric railway , known as the North
, Lincoln line , will he called In oquitv court
tomorrow morning ,
Thomas Dennlson of Weeping \Vntor
wanted f 10,000 from thn Missouri Pacitla for
injuries sustained by being tossed off a hand
car by a wild engine , but came la court Ibis
morning and soltlou it for J100 cash
Lincoln Spring I'lilltlix ,
The republican politician * are at work tlx-
luir up thH ticket , but it Is rendered dllllcult
bv the unusual number ot candidates , The
ofllcos to uo rilled are pollco Judge , city at
torney ana walor commissioner. For Iho
former there are 11 vo uvowoil candidates , K.
C. Uovvick , F. W. Collins , W , B. Com
stock. F. H. Waters and W B. Price.
For city attorney , A. W. Scott and 11. li.
Wllsou uro named. For water coniinhslopor ,
L. J , lUernnd I. L. Lyman , But the real
ataluhinen coma to the front la the various
tlgbls for couucilmttnio honors. In the First ,
A. Halter and Thomas Carr will contest ;
Henry Ytlih has little opposition to ru ulcc-
tlon lu Iho Sououd ; in the Third in era are
James Mahoney , H. H , Duau and H , W.
Wlnnelt ; In Iho Fourth , W. A. SoliecU , O.
W. Webster and H. B < Patrick ; Fifth. A W.
Lane , D W. Mose > ley4nnil George M. Trnvor ;
lu the Sixth. Walter Hdijo nnd L. r. Puce ;
In the Sex-onth , E. L.'Holyoke. H. B. Kawvor ,
P. F. Clark. S. H. Beedon , John ( larrup and
ludco Woitcndykc.
Xulilicd Illfu In Time ,
FrntiK Mitchell , n notorious rolorcd fellow
whoso tlmn Is spoilt principally behind the
prison bdrs , was , sontup for thirty days this
morning. Mitchell attempted to lure llltlo
Ho a Lovl Into n b.lrrl nt Seventh and M
streets by Iho promise of a nlco present.
Two policeman happened to notiro the two
going toward the barn and hnltea th > )
lecherous negro. Mltclioll had been worKing
for the nitl's parents , Xvho run n European
hotel on North Tenth street , nnd the lltltu
ono had full confldonco lu Iho honcslv of his
Intention : ! , Hoia is n very pretly child of 10 ,
but \\oll developed for her ngo.
( Mils mill Kudu.
Judge Lnnslng sent nnothor Lancaster
county delegation to the Kenrnoy reform
school Ibis nflcrnoon. They comprised
Harry Smock. Ocorgo Bluuvoll , Willie Bron-
nun nnd Charles Smith , u quartet of youths
who have bocn several times convicted of
potty itoallng , but allowed to go on promise
of bettor behavior.
Tho3wlft ! Packing company of Omaha has
decided to build a branch house In Lincoln ,
and will push Its wholesaling from this
The Walto-Bnkor contest was on again
todav. Four more precincts were canvassed ,
mnkini ; twenty-four in all. Wnlto's gain
has been fifteen. There yet remain thirty
products to count , but Baker's attorneys
have tiled objections to that procedure , claim'
ing thut ns the returns wore stored In n vault
in the court house cellar , where they were
accessible to anyone who cared to see them
ulnno , they should not ba counted. Argu
ment un this point will bo made holoro Judge
Lansing tomorrow morning.
A meeting of the Lancaster County BIT
association was hold nt President Wilson's
oflico this evening. The principal topic of
discussion was the division of federal Ju
dicial districts.
Tho.Llncoln Normal university has secured
seven Instructors from the Into Westoin
normal at Shcnamioah , In. , nnd Prof. Croan ,
who was announced to build nnolhor normal
college southwosl of the city , has dropped out
of sight.
Tlir ( irlppo Unplug In Aliilmnui.
"La grippe is raging hero and I find
Chamberlain's cough remedy to bo n certain
cure for it , " snysV. . G. Johns of Trim
ble , Lullman company , Ala. Mr. Johns
ordered a supply of thu roinody to bo shipped
by oxorchs ns quickly ns possible. ' 1 hero Is
no question but this roinody Is of great vnluo
n the treatment of' the grip especially on
account of its counteracting nny tendency of
' '
the disease toward p eumunin. It is nls'o a
prompt nnd certain cure for thn i-ough which
usually follows an attack of grip. - . " > and 50
cent bottles forsnlo by druggists.
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. BKI : bldjj
The Presbyterian ladies will serve n
25-cont lunch Friday noon in the Uningo
Lively Times ut tint Hi-dnl.
There inuat bo merit iu a medicine
that hna met with the success that Iho
Hodal gold euro treatment at Hlair has.
The business has increased so rapidly
that it hiis proven necessary to enlarge
the quarters of thai Jargo"plant. . The
result has been a cure in every instance.
Fifty patients are being treated. The
habits of liquor , morphine , opium and
tobacco permanently cured.
- o
( Jot Ills Injunction.
C. A. Christiansen has brought suit In the
district court to restrain Ea T. Callahan
from removing him from land which hoovers
is his own. In his petition the plaintiff avers
tbat on April at , 1SUI , he leased from Martin
Quick 100 acres of land that Is located in tbo
disputed territory in the vicinity of Cut-OfT
lako. During last. November Callnhan insll-
tated proceedings in ojcctmont , claiming that
ho owned the land. December Ifi the case
was board boforc Justice Shaw , who decided
that Callahan owned -tho land. A few days
later a constable appealed upon the scene
with a writ of ejectment. Christiansen's
wlfo , who was Mck , was put out doors , and
overythlng turned over to Callahan. Later
on Christiansen' moved upon the land , and
now asks for an Injunction to lustinin Culln-
hun from Institutinc nuy further proceedings
until tliu question of title and boundary can
be settled.
Judge Irvine has Issued a temporary restraining
straining order , on which arguments will bo
heard one week from next Saturday.
Tlio IVople's I'rolfi'uiicp ,
"The people of this vicinity insist on hav
ing Chamberlain's cough retnodv and do not
want any other. " savs John V. Bishop of
Portland Mills , Ind. The reason Is because
they have found it superior to any other ,
especially for the grip and the rough which
so often follows an attack of the grip. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists ,
Dr. r > irneytio3oand tarjit. DUE bldg
Hotbed sash in stocic. "M. A. Disbrow
& Co. , 12lh and izard. Telephone 771.
Tlio Presbyterian ladii.-s will serve a
2o-cent lunch Friday noon in the Kanigo
Notiro ol Said oT
Notice is hereby uivon that the un
dersigned , John Hood Sherwood , hiis
purchased the stoo , business and the
good will of the mantel a id tile business
heretofore conducted by Charles A ,
Ilnrvoy ut loll Furnaiu atreot , Omnhn ,
and will continue said business at said
plnca The said Charles A. Harvey
cordially recommends Mr , Sherwood to
the favorable patrotmgo of his friends
and former customers.
7llUl < MOIllllllS Will ( ill.
At a meeting of Hie Jncksonlcn club hold
last evening It was decided to attend the
Boyd celebration on Monday next In a body.
The c'.ub members will wear their usual
badges and carry a largo banner. It was
also decided to take along a band of music.
Every member will wear a black slnuch hat
nnd carry a hickory cane Another meeting
Is called for Saturday night , ' at which the
final arraiiBomnnts for the trip will be maao.
Murk Twiiln
says "somo folks are so stubborn that all
they need Is four legs ana they would pass
for a mule. " Maybe if poonlo use moro of
Hallcr's Barbed Wire Liniment mules
wouldn't bo so stubborn.
llroldtiilllii None.
Stewart Cuttlor , a Union Pacific switch
man , met with an accident yesterday which
may possible dlsligur4'him ' fur llfo. Cuttlor
was working in the yards coupling cars ,
when ho was struck on the nose by u coup
ling pin , Tha pin t-uVa.doap gash and hroko
the bridge of hU 119 0. After thn accident
thu man was taken IP ; his home and a doclor
called , Hu will bulald , up for a couplu of
weeks. „ i
Vanilla A Of pertoot purity.
° "i ° f err ° at 8trongth <
Or rf
Almond I Eoonorny 'r ' > tholr usa
Rose etcj -j Flavor as delicately
end dollolouoly aa the froch
A Written f uarantee to
Our euro h permanent anil not a pateldnii up. Ca c *
rnlpl p pn ypni nno hare neror een i > rmpKim
< lnro. lly iK iribliiir.i > o fully wa fan iront yon by
mall , nn.t ffpvlvptlin ( aim lron Riiarantro locnro
orrcfnnil allinonpy Thoiewltn prefer to eomu hero
fnrtrratniont nnilo xian.l no will pay rnllrnatl fnra
bolli wny nnil hotel blll whllp ticra If wp fall Inoiirn
\VnClinllentp the WurM for n cmo llmt our MAOIU
IIKMKIIV will not cure. Wrltp for parllcii ! * " * nml
RpllliPCTlilpncp , In our oren yo > r' ' prncllee with
IhlOlAOIC1 IIKMKDV It lm boon ni'iU ittnicnlt to
ItiilHiilprnnr trnnii Ritnrnntei tlniiKnn 1 * nrj tr/lni
Itnml bPlnii euro I. VVo iurAnt.m tti c irj or rot .in I
evpryilollnr , nn I in tra hjva n MJ itntlni tu iirotaj
nl'iillnniirhil tmcklntnf $ .YU.OU It Is pprfectlr fnfo to
nlliTlm will try UiiMri-ntiiH'iit. llorolofii-o you Imva
bppn putting up nn I pnyliitt out your money forillrtor
fiittrentniont , nnilnUlui'.uh you nro not yet carol
no one tun pnl I Imckyonr money. We will ini lllvpjr |
tiiruyou. UM climnlr , tloop oMe.l cnvMrural ln.1l
to V ) ilny * . InvoMlgRta our llnnnclnl itnn.lliu. our
reputation n * business men. Wrltu tu for nmno * nn.l
niMrc eof tlio o wo IIHVO cure. ! who Intro lilron
p nnl lon lit rafer to thorn. HroUi you unlr poil-
into to do ihK If your symptom nro < jro throit ,
imtcom pathus In mouth , rlimrimth n In tioneinnl
JointsImlr fnlllne nut , eruption * on nny pnrt of tin
lioitjrfccllim of ni'iu'til clB | > roi lon , pilrn iti lien I or
tioiics. Yo I IIHTO no tlma to nit9. . Thotc who nrj
eonMnnlly tuVlnn.mercury ntvl potmh 1 illteim *
tlnnn It. CorntMit u o of thu o < lru < will vircly brlnz
rarer anil entlnn ulcrri In the en I. Don't full tovruo
Allci > rrd pontlonco suiit Mnl < Kt In plain pnvolopm.
\Volnrlto the limit rlijM lnvi' tlmtli > n iinl will do nil
In our 1 urn or to nl I you In It. AililrcM
OOOK EEMED ? 0. , - OnnK Nobm'ta.
WfSIHI torn ASO of I.o T or I'.UMMI .MN -
noon , fJomi , ur Nuivotm DKIIII.ITV , wciik-
nrsiof ntlyr .nlnd , tliu eltVeUnforror-iur i > x-
COSSOH In am or yoiitiK Hi ill \\uc.kii not IMI ro.V'o
puiir.intoo uvory ease or rnfunil ovoiy dollar.
I'lvo diys trial treatment i l , full CUIIMU . " .
I'orL'optlb o bencllts roillred In thrcu ilnyn.
Hy mall , fiiictiroty picked from obiurvallon.
I'ntiK KKMBDV Co. , OMUU , Nnii
UARIP I'UMAM : ur.un.AToii. ? fo anil
fnnUlU rorl.iln to n ilny or mimoy roruiulod.
Ity miill T. . Sopuroly Hoalo 1 from obsurvn-
t on. * ' iOh Itt-.Jlf'l'Y < ' ' * . . Uinuliu , Nol ) .
which cUloi In nml Inll.imo the nlr tublx lenlliu
to the hums It t.i thu tirulnnlnK of
Bronchial Consumption
Anil If iipilpptoil Ipmt * to thit license voryipeoillly.
A Hlmrp , iiH'tultlo counh nrvotnpinlo * It Tnko It In
tlmunna you can certainly euro It with
Which is Without an l ? < ( iml Fur
anil for nil dlji'.mu le ullne up to mid IncliulliiK
Dr , Suliciick's No iv Buok on DUonspsof
tiic Lun t , Iihor nml Stomach , should lie
in every IKIIIIO. Sent fivo.
Dr. J.II. Schcnrk Soiiriilulelphia.P.i !
1)11. n. 0 XVKST8 N'KIIVK AN'I ) liltA1N TUKA.T-
MKN1' , n pcclilo for Ur torln , Dlz/lnaii. Klti , Nau-
mlKla , Iloiidnoho , NITTOIIS I'ruitiAtlon cati-oa by al
cohol or tobacco , XVakefulniMs. DupraMton ,
HoftcnbiK of the liruln , cunliu ln 'inlt > . mliurjr ,
ili-c ijr , ilotth , l'riii ] ituro Old Aito , llnrronno t , hu
of 1'owor In ullhorHox , linpotcncy , Loucorrlioui ftti 1
nil tomnlu XVuiknciHot , Involuntnry IxistiM , Sitar-
niatorrhooi oiusoil by ovL-r-oxortlon ol tlio hriln ,
Si'lf-iihus1 * , oTur-lnilul i'ncj A * iionih'ti trcatinont
f I , li for $ i. liy mull. VVo liuarjntua nil hnxei ti )
euro llich order ford boxo' , irltliti will auml writ
ten KUArantoo tu rofuntl If not cun'J. ltiinr.tnttui
Issuuilnnly hy A. Schrntor , Druvulit , " "lo it unti , S.
K. cor. Iiitli anil furnani ati. , Oni ilin. Noli.
1 Sold in England j
for Is. IHd. , and :
I \n \ America j
for 26 cents a bottle. j
Dr , Aoker'sEngish ' Pis
i Cnro Sickness andllcadachc. :
I Pinull , iileukunt. n fuvorllo ullk tlio >
1 W. It HOOKEK&'cO. ' . NEW YOIIK.
V . . . . . . . > itnco iicBea < ff tfBifl > iiBti.i.ttir
For sale by Knhn it Co , , and Sliorinnn
& McCunnoll , Omnhn.
There un ino E/A t'lJlc' , rurh ut " " '
Ihe lieil vou can buy ,
E/A HnUer la llexl ofAII.
6/A Uxlrn Tent ruiku na t to 5/A Ilaker ,
Horeu lilanlii is sold by all drtUero.
knoivn to lull. f | forln until l > f in all'
\Vliy miiTt r f rum tlil < lurrlblo itlaaam lion u writ-
li'ii Kimrnntvii It i i ltlvol Klven wltlid liuxoj , to
riifiincl tliu inuniiy If not cnrjil. Heart tamp fur
fret ) .SaniplH liiurantuu tBiii'Jl by Kulin A Co. ,
lirunKlhiH , hole Ak'u'ils , lilli nuil llouihu
tU'ela. Omuliu Nvb ,
Kb ot Kir.Ul.
ht.itoliidlan Mirvclu. Pine Klitae
Auency , r oiitli Dakota. I'oluiiury 1th , IHlfi.
r-ealeil prupusiiih , mull ned " 1'roposals fur
l''luuliieds" ' 'mil nddreased tu tliu uiiilcr-
fcljiieil al I'lno Itld 'u Atreney , houlli Dakota ,
will lie lueu \ oil al tills agency until 1 o'clock
p , m , of Mu ; t'li * lli , < br. ! , for fuinlxhliiK ami
tlullii < rliu at liiihlivllle , NubrusUu : W.H 0
pounds > oid mis , 4\uiKJ pouiiiU bend wheat ,
lil.jUU puiini's bt-eil oiirn , II.WW imiinds heed
polatoii ! ) , I.Uiil pu'inds ' seed ( liTinan millet ,
'M ) ponnilH timothy hi-ed , ' . ' 01 lidiliuls blutKra > d
seed haulm o h lit liuuruwn In tlioKectlon of
I'ouutry c'linil , . un i hi HID pi. icu uf delivery ,
ItldilciH will Im required ti ) state Hpeclllo.illy
In tholr bills the proiu | > eil prlco of uncli urllclo
ollered for delivery under u contract. Tlio
il.-bl lan-ieru'd to it-Jcct any or alt bids , or
iin > part of nny ' 'Id , K dimmed for the best In-
terealuf tboicrvleo I'urtlllud Oliuukii. Kuch
bid iiinut : til by u ceilllk-U check
ordr.ifl upon nuinn I'nllel Status Dunosllury
or Solvent Nalloiiul Hank In tlio vlelnily of
the residoncuor Hut bidder , muiln puynblu to
lliour 01 nf Ihu CoiiiinUsi oner of Indian Af-
fiilr , fdr at Iist II vo per cent of tliu amount
of Iho prjposil , whi'-li obeck urilrafl will bo
foifeiU'd lotlui 1'uileil Slates In case any bid-
dur or bldilcrn lu'ulvlnv un award abnll fall
to Inoinplly uxn-ulua conlracl with oed and
siilllflrin sur tliM. utlierivlso l-i In returned to
tliu bidder. Hid * ucciimp.inleil by cash In Hen
of .1 felt Hied cheek , will not ho considered 1'or
further n n "liny lo UAl'I' IN
( iilUUUK i. . ItDV IIUUW.i , U. & A. . Acllng
U. a. Indian l'-ll-lil iu.
That the issue of February 11 will
bo fully up to the usual standard of ex
cellence in all departiiicnls.
The Arizona Kicker.
Tlio Kicker will spo.ik of his Industry
In \Vooilliu\iicomutery and of a
llttlo In inh no bad \\llh a stage line
Brother Gardner.
"M. iJimiV roporf for TIIR StJ.Nl\v
Hrun li'Uurebt-'toru tbo l.lmu KllnOub
by llrothor tlniduer , \rurld-fiiiiiuil
colored philosopher , llrothrr ( iiirdm-r
pounds slodgi'hammur tinths rlnht into
Ids hem or' . No man van gainsay the
force of his uxhui latlou * .
Congressmen as Prisoners ,
JIany members of the prossnt con-
gioss luul thrilling uxpeileuces In prison
puna ilurlm ; thu \ \ r. Frank H. Curpon-
ifruotnoiuenf Ilium to tell ihelrstorlos
nnd the rjsnlt Is I'IIK SUNDAV HKIlll :
contiitn oni > of. the most IntortstliiK
chapters of captures , pilson life unit
* that has ever beuu put la print.
Fred Nycs Lcltcr.
In this letter an Insight Into the Inter-
nxl siinaiiolo now illiturbliif ; the Chicago
cage XX'orld's I'lilrlioardvli ba clo.irly
Hut fotth. Von cnn't ijottliBso pointers
lu thu Chicago papers.
All Embattled Rock.
XVnKoman iloarrlbns thu Broall Olliral-
tnr In r.isclimtlntc style , llu permits
TIIK llhK renders to t.eo . the svondorml
fortress Just us It is.
The Wicked Lu > cd to Death.
Thnlllnt ; picture of tlio cnnso and the
ambush A NlK'htof 1'eacn Amid War's
Jenolatlon " .M. Quail's" stories.
Pups with Pedigrees.
Omaha has more ] icoi > lo Intuiesloil In
fine docs than ai > v city In the west ,
Thi'fo hlah bred canines will form the
snbleotot a story ot liiti-iost In TUB
First Fees of Attorneys.
t-onio of Iho leading legal lights of the
city toll of tholr onrly i-xnoiloncos in
courtH when dollars urio lurKer than
ciutwIiooK. Struggles of allornoyn
whunow name tholr own fuc.s ,
Musical A'cws Notes.
The musical ovonls of Iho wcuk will
ho fa thfnlly iineiod In the inimloiil
and ( Irainiillii ilop iriiucnt of TiiiiSlfN-
IIA.V Itci : . Tlio musical world ISKIOW-
\ny \ ilny hy day In these puns , and pub
lic Intelcsl Keeps pace.
The News.
Tbn tolnsniplilo and loeal news col
umns of TIIK HIK : spuaic for thuinsolvus.
lint It Is not Unown by ti vary ro.ulor o f
tills paper thai tliu inurliot imco H
without a rival west of iJlilcutin. Our
reports are complolo and rollnhle ,
The Society People.
Terpslehoro has been ( lid fnvoind
hlKb priestess , nt whoso uhrlne Dm
Hwell circles bowed down thup.iHt wi'ok ,
Tlio I'onpleton dance , thu ( lost Biilreo
dansante , Iho Brady luncheon , tliu
J.i-m ) Vearpurty at r.rllliiiC Hull , Allss
Yosl'H cotillion bolm ; loading func
tions whlrli will havu I'liiofill treat-
nieiil lu the r-oclal of TlIK
Sll.M > AV IlKB.
The Sunday. Bee
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
IB the b/Ht for all purpoaos , be >
oiuso It IB positively pure and ma-
turo. Ic ! s Gxoosdiiiffly pleasant to
tbo taste ana has a claliolouj bou-
N. B. It doesn't burn nor scald
the throat or ntcnrnoh like inferior
whiskaya. It la rocominondod by
the beat phyololuna.
Sold on y at lilsh olueu hotels ,
druar and liquor Btorf B.
DAl < M\lANli : CO. , OIIIOACO.
B.iinpics can bo huil ut the Mlllaul llotul , ut
Thuiiipson'H. at J. A. TiitlilU'H. utj. A. Wood
& .l'.o. , llotul Dollouu , Moynlhau'ii , The Dlu-
muuil ,
Evoi-y Night SAM T. JACK'S
Mntlnco This Week. Creole Burlesque Co.
Snturdny. ? n HAM1 IM'.N. rn
! 't Parisian HniuttUt. ! i"t
Seals mm on sale nl 'iV. Mt1 , Me , ? .n %
Ono IVoi'lf , HoKln nil M't iluy Mut
Ini-r , l > \ bi-i. i y 1 '
Tint Cuniocti
_ In I'm N'pn Kiit'lini ) i n it/ ,
Cor tltli unit I'nriKim SU. tVeok of fultrunrr filli ,
K | iilnmux 1'Ainlljr
D nve > M rloimltl > <
'Ihe ( Jrntoi. l'iinlurtlotil t .
l'niil > Dramatic Co
Tlui lllu lon , Angel of thn AU
AiliiilMUmOiioillnio Open , I lo 10 p , m iln lr. |
National Bank.
Capital $100,1) ) ! ) ! )
Surplus ( id , " > 0'J
Olllccr nn I Dlri'clorj llenrr W Yntoi , nroililont :
It C Cu liln > r , vlco pr > Mlili < nt. C. S Mnnrlco XV V
.Monti , .lolm H. Culllnr J N 11. I'ntrlck l-owlt H.
HOIllI , I'lKllUT.
Corner lath and Fnriuni St3.
The Leading
Deiitis t
Third Floor , P.ixton Bloa'.c.
I'lrplionr * 1 085. llilli I'lid ' 1'imiiun Ms.
A full'Clot tcolb on luliticr for $5. Period lit.
Tuelli without iilntm or reniovnMo brl Uo wr.rk ,
Juit tbo tlihu lor sln/ori or publlo spoikori , njrjr
drop ilown ,
All Illllinri ill miHiiiiibta ratui , nil rork\r irr.m'.jl
Cut tliii out lor a unMe
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat ,
Oliissi-s adjusted In all visual tlofocti.
C'at.irrh Miicci-osriilly ttuatnd.
Room 18. BarKcr IjlocK , 15th ; ini Farnam
bqit anil only ciimilin pnisrlliuit by
leffular pliy-fkhin-i fur thu riira uC
( Jon irrlni ) ana I IsclmrKin from tlio urlnury i
\erc t eiisosln ! ilnyi. il.W rur lov , Alii
DR. J. E.
Is uns'ir 1 1 I i i ,6 n i i , . v H-i
PRIVATE DISEASES , anil all disorders
anil dnlillltlrsiif yoiitli and in inhooil. ITvoaiH'
I'xporlonco Ills ii > uoiirrcs ( mil facilities are
pntutlc illy iinllinllod Tlio Doctor Ix recom
mended hy thn oresi , nnd cndnisojl In the
htriinseHtliirniH hy tlio poop for fair Irciil-
mi'iit and honest inofi'sslonal ailvlei * . Thu
most powerful reiniulloH known to ino'lurn
Hi'luiieu for the successful tiuatmenl of tlio
following illscahos :
QONORRHOEAInunodliiln rullof A rnin-
plotoi'iire without the lo s of an hour'tl tlmo
from bualuess.
GT-iEET Ono of the most complotu nnd MIO-
ce sul triiHiineiilM for K'eel ' ami all unnoyliiK
illHChanoii yi't Known In the in oil leal profes-
fcinn. The rosnltH urn truly wonderful. The
most Htuhlmrn andehronlu oasei wheio tbo
ilUnliar.'o luul nxlslnd for you is. uiitlroly con
trolled Ina leinarkahly Hhort tlmo
STRICTURK-drculOHt known roinody for
tlio treatment uf Htrlcluro , wllhiiul pain , i * < il-
tliiL' , 01 ililallni ; , A moil nmmi lialdo ri'incdy.
SYPHILIS No trealinenl fur thm terrllilo
blond illsaiiMi luiNUMir been moio Hiiecessful ,
or had Htronciir endorM'iiienls. In the Unlit
of modern sclcnco IbU dlHoaHo N positively
uurablu nml < ivi > ry Irauoof the pillion entlroly
leinovod fiom the hlooil , I'lm euro Is complete
anil peiiiiiineul.
IiOST HANJIOOD , anil anihllion , noivous-
MOSS , timidity , disiiuirlenoy mid nil lillulitlnj
ellerlsof imriy vlco. Itulliif obtained at oncit.
The weak KruwHtroiiit , mid Iho dusponilent hu-
rnme chei'iful mid bii.y. : | |
SKIN DISEASES , unit nil illscaxoHOf thn
blood , liver , klilneys unUli ladder are tioatnil
sufcessfully with IhuKruiilOKl known lomcillos
fur Illl'hU dlSCI , IHUS.
Wrllu for circulars ami rjiioul Ion lUt free.
.Mclirow'n liautnibiil fur disorders of the
htomiich , hits the nnriiiillflod | endorHuinont of
those wlinluivu been cured. OUHUH that hud
suirurod for years mid nimble to WOIIK or I < AT
without InoruiiHlni ; tlielr mlnery , entirely
rurtid. Tliu reiuoJIes aru plmiHiint and | inl-
ulublo lo Iho IIHHI ilellealuHloiuaeh , lllli
und ruriiuin HIH. , Uinuhn , Neb , Knlranconu
either street
uad . . . ,
' *
) rffiiiul uafomT VvoHtiH ; fa
Uruu'lt far CHUkttttrt Knglltk 'l > U *
boin. K leJ thlt blue rllloa , Tttbe
n Ikrr , K u < * Ua BW9UJ * udl/u *
* fi t < i4UHj tmitntitnt At Urutf lt < * . r eQ4 u
lu l io | for l witouUra. iMllKuuUU Q't
' * lit Ilrf for I. dk , " < Uttr , Ij return
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