THIS OMAHA DAILY HKK : FRIDAY , FHlWt'ARY 12 , 18U2. HOUND TO HAVE A ROMANCE Children of Wealthy rromont People Olan- destinely Married. SECRETLY MET AT COUNCIL BLUFFS TliniiRli No Olijrrtlnin Worn OlWrril to tlin Alntrli , tlin Voting Omiplo l'rl -rrct ( lo-SiirprUp'riirlr rrlrnils-No- brankn New * NutM , FIIRMONT , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tolo- Brnm to TUB line. ] A big sensation was created hero tnls forenoon when it wai Itarnod that Pnul CoUon and Nellie Hlcwolt were married yesterday ut Council UlufT.s. Those younc people nro from two of the oldest nnd wealthiest families of the city nnd nothing hns created so much surprise In society circles for many n day as the announcement of their clandestine marriage. The two families hnvo llvod for years in line residences ndjolnlng each Other. Uurinp tno tlmo Paul nnu Nolllo hnvo rown up topotppr with & fondness for oaoh other from child hood. Their pnuaijoinont hns boon an open nocrot for some time , but the members of neither family had nny Intimation of the marrlnco the young poonlo hait aoorotly arranged. 1'ho brldo loft yoiteiilny , ostoiulDly to attend the Boston conservatory of music , and draw n sum of money nttho bank to pay her expanses. The groom has been nttondlnp school at thoStnie university nt Lincoln , nnd mot his nf- Danced at Council UlulTs , where the ceremony was performed by u Justice ot the peace. Up to noon the parents of neither ono had received any notice from them of what had happened. The match Is agreeable to the families ot both , onlv tlio younp lovers wo'ndvlsod to wait until they had llnlshed their schooling. Hotli nro exemplary - omplary younir people nnd they will doubtless - loss bo cordially received by their parents when Ihoy como homo nflor their romnntlc exploit. Work of County t Sinsr.v , Neb. , Fob. 11 [ Special Telegram to Tin : DCK.I The Cheyenne County Farm ers Institute which hns been in session for the mist two days , closed tonight. It was larcoly attended nnd very successful throughout. Many Interesting papers were read , tun principal ones bclni : from Prof , C. I. . Ingorsoll. Chancellor Canliold , L > . A. Gannon , 1 ! A. Jones nnd Or. II. D. Stowitts. The farmer and business men icnariilly have been ably Instructed nnd they hope tlu t tnu Konllciiien" soon bo heard hero again. FAiiimin , Neb. , Fob. II. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bni.j : The Nohruska State Farmers institute ueirtin a two days' session hero this afternoon. ISx-CJovornor Furnas , Hon. J. O. Crambt , Prof. U. L. Inpersoll of the State Apricultural college and II. C. I5as- sott of the Stiito Dairymen's association will deliver addresses. l Vlxlt Lincoln liinilay. NmiiMsKCITV , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ bpeclal 19 TIIK net : . ] About forty of the leading democrats of this city mot at tbo Hotel \Vnt- Bon last night to take stops toward attending Governor Doyd's inauguration nt Lincoln next Monday. C. M. Hubnor called the mooting to order. Hon. Frank P. Ireland was made permanent , chairman and a num ber of short nddroibcsero inado. A proposition to run n special train over the Missouri Pacitlc , lowing both places nt the time the meeting should decide , was ac cepted. A committee was appointed on music nnd tlio Nebraska City band ongitgod. A rodhot democratic club was orgaoi/od , after which the meeting adjourned to meat Friday evening nt 8 o'clock. < ! < Count } ' * Nv Court Iliinsn. BnATiuri : , Nob. , Feb. II. [ Spoclal Telegram gram to Tnr. HUB. ] Thu Gage county board of supervisors has boon in session for two il'ays past considering the acceptance of the new court house just completed. The ques tion of acceptance hinges on the allowance of about $5,800 for extras nnd it ispossiolothuttho u.mi will got Into the courts before a settle ment can be effected. The now structure is built of Kuwlins stnno , of Komunesquo design and has a frontage of 1UO and -Kl.xM ) feet on Grant , Lincoln , Sixth and Seventh streets. A tower li0 ! feet In hi.'itrht spiings from the center ot the main on Grant street front and the building is deemed by exports one of tlui handsomest in. the wost. Thu builder Is M. T. Murphy of Omaha. Absorbed the Mri't'l Car Company. BRATIIICI : . Nob. , Fob. 11. ( Special Toic- yram toTni : Bii.j ; An important aeal was consummated last night in this city whereby the Beatrice Hapid Transit and Power com pany Becomes the purchaser of the fran chises , personal , real and mixed property of the old IJuatrico Street UaiUvav company. It Is not a consolidation but n complete ab sorption , the old company going out of ex istence. The now company will ut once begin the extension of electric motor lines to all the principal purls of the city , ns well as enter thu Held ns contestants for Uzbtlng the city by electricity and furnishing electrical power lor all mechanical ami manufacturing purposes. I'm or ll 1'ullDUUIoii. . KEAHNUV , Nob. , Fob. 11.Spoclal [ Tele gram to Tin : BIB.TUO : ] resolutions adopted by the congressional committee yestsrday nt Its meeting hero urged the alato conti'al com- inlttpo 10 name Kearney as thn place for holding the stnto convention * * to nominate delegates to the Minneapolis convention. As there are two stnto convnntlons to bo hold this year , it was tlio general sentiment of the coinmlttcemcn and politicians present ut the meeting that Kearney Hbould bo given the delegate convention uuil the convention to nominate sUto ofllcers should bo allowed to go to Omnhn. r.lopnl With HlH Cousin. NFIIIIAIKV Crrv , Nob. . Feb. 11. [ Suoclal to Tin : UIK.J : John \V. A. Hlrd of Indiana and Mis * Cltn Bird of Union came to this place yesterday , got. the necessary papers and were married. It wns learned Inter that they wcro cousins and had olop&d , The girl's parents live near Union nnd John was visiting with his uncle. They loft on the iiftornoon train for Delaware county , Indiana , where the groom lives. Dim iVur lor roigi > r . jCouMMLN , Nub. , Fob. 11. [ Special to THE 'Hun. ' ] The unso of Gustav Kohler , charged with forgery , caino up for hearing in the dis trict ccurt today just before noon. The prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge nnd was sentenced to ono yoarnt hard labor In the penitentiary. Judge Allen lot Him off thus easily by reason of the prisoner's youth n n d the fact that ho had no parental training , After a Itnilrimil. GoTiii'.xmmo , Neb. , Fob , 11. [ Special 10 Tnn BRI : . ] A delegation of citizens loft yesterday morning for Norfolk to have a conference with ofllcers of the Dulutb , t Pueblo railway with a vlow of getting the road for this point , bollevlnc that they pan offer them Inducements and a business for future years suoh nn uo other point In this vicinity can , _ < < si | iu < l ) < > ntrnjril , CQI.OV , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ bpuclal Telegram to TUB BKE.J The house ofV. . Fanninff , a proiporous farmer living uoar here , was dls- corered In flamc today nbout noon during bis absonco. The building was totally uo- stroyed with the greater portion of the con. tentt. The origin of the bla < < > U uulcnown. JUwas purtlally insured , 1 I'eum for .Si r l.r of Stork. COLKKIDDE , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special to TUB BBK. ] A terriflo bliwnrd blowln ; ; from tha northwest struck hero about noou yesterday. Soma opproboiuion Is foil for a took , whlob. owing to the suddenness of tbo term , Is wltbout shelter. Small llluiu at I'rvnionl. FHEMONT , Neb. , Fob , II. [ Special tu THE , IKK. | A tire broke out at 10 o'clock lost nlxht in the hurnesa shop of J , A. Brink meyer , on Sixth street. The loss was about $ ' . 100 , dona principally by smoke and water. l 1 1. Kill IUm clf , Conn. , Feb. Jl. CUarlos AVatorburjr , the kidnaper vrho U oonllued la Jail here , inado nn unsuccessful nttompt to commit suicldo. Ho had nearly succeeded In hanging himself when the Keener dUcovorod him. I'lt7 rrrpiirlng fur n Mrklng. Nniv Oiti.i\\s : , Ln , , Fob. 11 , Tuo proposed battle for the * I'-OJO purse offered by the Olympic club of this city , for Hob Fllztlm- mons , the champion middleweight , nnd PotcrMnhor , the Irish champion , to light for , Is already creating considerable Intoiost. FlUslmmons wont Into training nt Bay SU Louis on February ! 3. Ho wont through the following training routine on Saturday ; After walking twenty mlles , on his return to Robinson's , his training quarters , ho was rubbed down nnd welshed I0. > pounds. In the nfturnoon ho punched tlio ball for half nn hour , and boxed about ono dozen of the best boys of St Stanislaus college. Fltz delights In punching tlio bull , and unlllto many others , who do this work , ho uses every muscle ol his body equally. His feet and legs nro brought into play with his hands and arms , nnd his ball boxing Is worth .seeing. Ho t exceedingly active In every movement , nnd hns n quick eye nnd cool head. The indications uro that ho will load Peter Manor , the heavyweight champion , n dunce around thu ring tor an hour or two until ho wears the Irish champion out , then trv to end the contoit , by n knock-out blow. The mnjotlty of sporting mon hero will back Fltzsimmons In splto of the fact thiit advices from Now York stnto thnt there Is ) behind Maher. ' Match Miulii forMilly. CniCAno , III. , Feb. 11. A private coin- munlcntlon bonrlnc the signature of John L. Sullivan , received by u personal friend of the king pin slutrgor In Chicago today , states that Sullivan on February 0 attached hU nnmo to articles of agreement to fight to a finish with flvo-ounco gloves , Queonsborry rules , with Peter Manor , for a purse of $ : ! . ' ) , UOO before the Metropolitan club of Now Orleans nnd n sldo hot of $10,000 some tlmo during next August , pro vided that Maher whips Fltzslmmons. Sullivan does not underrate the Irish bov * In the least , and .says ho thinks ho will doFltzslmmons In loss than .If teen minutes. Sullivan's theatrical engagement , expires next .luno , and ho will go Into training immediately on tbo expiration thereof nt some point near Now Orleans. That the metropolitan's agents have boon exerting every effort to secure the champion's signature to a sot of conditional articles , to hold good In the event that Mnhor wins against Fltzslmmons , leaked out today , when the fact became known that the agent had stuck to Sulllvan'H sldo nil the way from the to Ogden nnd Salt Lake. ltr < iiilts at ( ilourritiir. GI.OUCCSTKII , N. J. , Fob. 11 , Halnmgtrack heavy. 1'lrst race , nino-sixtcnnths of a nilln.sulllns : Defendant ( thu fuvnritt-lwon , Mnrrls-ilnim second end , BarrhmtcH third Tlmo : uU ? . Second nice , llvu-uliihths of a mile , soiling : 8-yonr-ohNi I' cell won. Umllta seu- Diid , Knap ] ) ( the favorite ) third KJdlo M 'ind Comforter dr.iwn , Time : lflt'i. : ) Third nice , one imlo. dulling : Sam 1) won. lloheiiilnii ( thu fuvorlto ) hucond , Sinmrltnn third. WheulnrT , Kdgnr Johnson , Woodburn nnd 1'raiK'O ilr.iun. Time : 1 : " > I1 ! . 1'ounh race , thlrteon-slxtuenths nf a mile , hundlciip : llrlKarlns Itlio favorite ) won , I'llnu' second , I'.i 'un third. Mabel and Drown Charlie dra nn. Tlmu : l.0li. : I'lfth nice , ll\i-elahths of a mile , soiling : ( iiinrd ( thu favorite ) won , Censor soeoncl , MuullaKo third. I'aiollna and Curlotunns drawn. Time : I'.tMJ. Sixth race , six and onn-iiiinrtor fnrloims. selling : Algonquin won. I.lttlu Addlu ( the favorite ) second , iJlukens tlilrd. Tlmo : l-'T'i : , ( iolng at iiiittciibert ; . GUTTESIIKHO , N. J. , Fob. 11. The track was in bad condition today. The attendance was small. 1'lrst race , four and one-half furlonzs : Jo- lianas won , Mollm H.ivis second. Standard tlilid. Time : r.74. Siu-ond race , live furlongs : Onto Again won , /.enotilanccond , Ad'lloT ' third. Tlmo : lU3.i : ( 'I lilid race , nno-hnlf mlle : Miss Hess won , Uerty second , Vocal third. Tlmu : 5iy , ronrlhi lave , s'x furlonzs : Itlltrun won. Itnnc.'ociis second , Url/zln thlnl. Tlmo : 1:17. 1'Mth race , sovuti and one-half furlongs : .Joe C'onrtnuy won , Justlna second , llavlor third. Time : : ! : tilU. Sixth race , six nnd one-half fnrlones : Oeoreu C won. Cascade spcond. lirooklyn Ihiid. Time : l:2'i. : ! ( ) iitr in at NMV Orleans. Nr.w OIII.EANS , La. , Feb. 11. Results : rirst i ace , live furlongs : Abandon won. C'llflon second. Johnnlu Greener thlid. Tlmo : 1:1) : ) " . . Second race , solllnc. live and one-half < ur- Irni0.oolln : won. Hob , lucobs second , AsUey third. Time : I : OS. Tnhd r.icc , sulllni ? , seven fnrlonzs : ( Jastont won , J , T. second , Yankee Hey third. Time : 1 : . * . > . Fourth race , handicap , mlle nnd twenlv yards : lieiidnrmo won. drnmlp.i seuond , Gen eral .ManliiKe ( liir I. Tlmo : 1:15. : Tips for Toil.iy. These horses nro counted on as good things in the races mentioned for today : OUTTLNIIBUO. I , Sir Ijimeelot Tnhsii - . ' . Siivlll.i llllr-AruhluCollIn * . II. Sandstone arrlson. 4. lleiij.iiiiln I'rlnca Howard. fl. Muhollu Vagabond. 0. I.ongstrlde I'elo. m.oucEsrun , 1. Crispin Topmast. 2. West l''nrms Mllloilnn. ,1 Penzunco I'ornwood. 4. Birthday Judge Ixolson. fl. Hllunco IMelileno. G. Kblls-JuuKstulT. Indigestion. Uizziness. Take Boaoham' Pills. _ Van lloutcn's Cocoa Pure , soluble econ omlcal. A .V.YO D.VC/.WB A Aaron II. Wooilbull , the gifted and popular comrdlnn , will enter on a week's engagement at the Farnam street theater next Sunday afternoon , presenting his highly successful Yankee play , "Uncle Hlrnm , " which has made a series of pronounced hits the past three seasons throughout the oast. The play is a healthful domestic picture of the rural order with n natural and effective pint nnd with plenty ot just such episodes ivi would bo likely to happen. Miss Troja Grlswold , the sweet slngor , will appear In the support , in cluding a well selected company. The Paris Gaiety Girls , under the manage ment of Kush & PicKutt , nro booked at tbo Grand opera house for three nights and tno matinees , beginning with a matlnco on Sat urday. The olio Includes many novel specialty performers , among whom may bo mentioned , Pit-kult nnd Primrose , the Tliroo Nonpnroiles , Miss Hose Sydoll , Edward F. Hush , Campbell and Shopp , Miss liarton , the La Hose brothers , Bryant and Clifton , Manning and Wooley , Miss Minnie Dunne , and a host ot others. An entirely now and original Jlrst part nnd burlesque Is nn addi tional novelty , DoWolf Hopper nnd his excellent organiza tion in Goodwin nnd Morso'j clover musical conrolt. "Wang , " for the past three weeks attracted immense audiences at the Chicago opera bouse , and thn big comedian and hU lolly crew of fun makers and singers achieved u notable success In the "World's Fair City. " The Hopiwr-Waug engagement at the Now Hoyd Is limited to three nights , and as this ono ot the grontrst treats of the season thnro will uo doubt be a succession of crowded houses. Tbo sale will open Saturday morn Siiff. Siiff.Thl Thl evening M B Loavltt's ' gren spectacular pantomime , "Spider nnd Flv , " will be the Attraction nt Boyd's Now theater. The sale of seats opened tht morning and the demand was very good. Thii superb or ganization comes to us heralded as the most complete and costly production soon on the American stage In years. The company numbers forty people , and embraces the choice of American operatic , pantomime and vaudeville stars , and several of the luteit ICuropoan novolUot. The story of the "Spider and Fly" is not only deeply Interesting : , hut ' tenchoa u peed moral , and serves as the i foundation for n delightful evening's enjoy . ment ; catchy muslo , funny topical sontr * , inacnitlcont scenery'and half a dozen Impos , ingly gorgeous ballets. Maeglo Mitchell , in bur now play , "Tho Little Maverick , " will bo iba attraction at Boyd's New tlioator the latter purl of next week. It Is very likely that the railroads center- lug la Omaha will mulio a special rate for the bunollt of pcoplo who want to hoar the ! I great French actre s , Sarah Bernlmrdt , nt 1 Boyd'iNew ' theater on Muuday ovoulag , the - T1" fl,2d , inst. She will appear In Sardou's piny , "Lii TCSC.I. " i / ; .su.vTui j"i George \V. M.irtln of Kearney' Is nt tlio Mlllnrd. F. N. Prout of HciHrlco wns among tlio ar rivals yesterday nt the Millnrd. V. Abrnhnmson ntul SJ. . Johnson of Mln- Uun , Nob. , nro ill llio Mlllurd. ' K. P. Holmes of Lluuotn Is stopping at the Mlllnrd. K. Thompson of Hastings U at Itio Millnrd. F. ( } . Simmons of Seward WAJ at tlio Mil lard yeslordiiy. W. J. Crane of Arlttmton , Nob. , Is at the A ran do. G. 13. Fwor of Clmdroti , Nob. , Is registered - torod nt the Arcndo. G. A. LtnKnrlnnd 1' . Mlchaolson of Tildcti , Nob. , nro domiciled nt the Arcndo. C. F. Ola/lor of Edgar , Nob. , Is stopping nt the Arcudo. Gcorgo Jones of Fremont U registered at the Oollono A. B. Donn of Hastings b nt the Uotlono. Senator C. H. Cornell of Valentino Is se questered nt the Dollono. .John II. Potersoti of Beatrice U among the guests nl the Dellono. Wllllnm Collins of U'alioo , Nob. , Is nt the Murrny , lohti Wood uud wife of Grand Island nro nt the Murrny. P. R McClure of IMnrro , S. 15. , Is nt the Pnx ton. R 13. White of Plnttsmouth Is registered nt the Pnxtoi. : H. E. Krugor nnd D. Hitchcock of Ncllgh , Neb. , nro stopping at the Puxton. U. \Vnhlqulst , editor of the Hustings Democrat , Is , it the Pnxton. llo Is on tils return - turn from Washington city. Charles U. Groan of ICnnrnoy was at the Pnxton yostorduy. 13. 1' . Reynolds of Wyinoro , Neb. , is stop- pint ; at tlio Pnxton. Huron 13. Kooly O. von Hollobon , envoy pxtrnordlnnry and minister plonlpotontlnry to the United Stntos from Clorninny , passed through Omaha list , night on his way to Washington. Ho caino from Toltlo , Japan , where ho had boon stationed In n similar ca pacity for llvo years , mid was accompanied oy his wife. Judge Soarlos of Ban Francisco nnd n party Interested In mining Industries on the coast will pass through Oiiulni tonight on tholr way to Washington. Air. Will \V righter , po lumstor nt Stiori- dan , Wyo. , is hi the city the guest of A. J. lioiiclc. Mrs. G. S. Gould returned to nor Hoilwood homo yesterday bounuso of the sickness of her husband. C. O. Valentino , court' stenographer with Judga Doano , is in Chicago. During his nhsonco tlio vacancy is being lilted by C. W. Ptoruo , who is with Juitgo Harrison of the Eleventh judicial district. M. J Groovy , traveling n-mongor agent of tee Union Pacific railway , wont west yesterday - day on n business trip. "Mr. CJreovv has the reputation among railway mon of being one of the shrewdest passenger solicitors in the business , llo began sorvluo on the Union Pacific in IbbO as secretary to .1. W. Morse , general passenger agent , and has scarcely lost n day since. For years ho was transfer agent , where ho did excellent work ana inado hosts of friends. After Mr. Morse left the company the Ppttor management made Mr. Groovy traveling passenger agent. The young man has hold his position by sheer merit , without the backing of inlluontial friends through four changes In administra tion. _ Gcsslor'sMagioHoadaehe Wafer euros all headaches in 20 minutes. At all druggists. Thill-low Wruil'H ( iciiuroilty. When Thurlow Weed wis : a little boy in Ciitskill , where ho wus born , ho laid as a playmate another lad , says the St. Loul.s Kopuhlic. They mnt in early manhood afterward when Weed OH tlio editor of the Evening Journal in Albany was lighting the battles of tlio whiffs and William II. Sowurd , and when this man , Edwin ( Jroawell , as editor of the Argus , was one of the princes of the Albany regency. The political con troversy became personal between those Uyo uion , something that was very rare with Mr. Wood. For more than twenty years they wore personal enemies and were as strangers to each other when they mot. After they reached mature years , a reconciliation came , the tender of it being inado by Mr. Weed. Mr. Croswcll , when an old man , wont , to New York and entered into business which proved dihastroub. Ho bouiim impoverished. Mr. Weed hoard of it in directly. Ho was then living in Now York in delightful rotiromont. Ho bo- btirrcd himself at once to help Croswoll. Among others whom ho saw was Mai-shall O. Roberts , Mr. Kobcrts at once bought the house adjoining hiso\vn on Fifth avonno for $2),000 and presented it to Mr. Croswoll. find on a Christmas day Mr. Weed called upon his old enemy , hut then friend , saying that ho had brought him a. little ( Jliristmas present , and ho put into Mr , Croswell'a hand a chock for some $10,000. Croswoll was HO n lice tud that ho cotil.1 not spcalc , but ho wrote Mr. Weed a note afterward , in which lie said such experiences as that made men rejoice Unit they had lived and had discovered the goodness which was in the heart , of men. Origin l Hoodlum. An old resident of San Francibco tolls tli Portland Oregonian that ft great deal of time has boon wasted in search ing for the derivation of tlio word "hoodlum'and it hits boon credited to many dlllerent languages , but all the derivations given nro wrong. Some twenty or twont.v-llvo yours ago there lived in that sot-lion of San Fran cisco known us the Harbnr Coast a cou- pie by the niunu of O'Houghlilians , who wore blessed with a family of hoys who wore the terror of that uiisavory region ; ignorant , brutal young toughs , wlioao wolo delight was getting drunk , whoso only pastime was tormenting , abusing and boating all other youngotors in the neighborhood , They were BO much dreaded by the neighbors Unit wlion they were soon approaching children were called in door * and kept ihoro till they had gone by to n safe distance , and it wan easy to know when they were in algtit by hearing the women catling : "I'atsy , Mary Ann , comoin ; tlio Hough- lihans is coinln' . " The Owns dropped in the haste of calling the young ones , nnu after a llttlo the muno , a somewhat dllliiiiilt one to pronounce at the best , was in the mouths of t m Germans , Itnl- iniiH , Chinese and nationalities residing on the Bat-bar C' corrupted into "hoodlums " and the , ilouglihan buys and their associated became generally known as the hoodluinH. Judicial Ulgnltj. Certain Oeoi-glan judges luvvo a pe culiar way of defending thoir.dignity. The other day ono lined a lawyer for being Into in court , for whiuh the latter characterized - actorizod him as no gentleman , Where upon the judge , it is related , stopped from the bench anil knocked the lawyer down. lie then returned his boat , had I ho olTondlng lawyer brought before the bar and put him under heavy bonds to iinswor for disorderly conduct and con tempt of court. Suii | anil Alcoliul , PINK Crrv , Minn. , Feb. 11. A bloody battle - tlo between two squaws took place test night at it small Indian colony at I'okogama crook. The squaws of the colony procured , u largo quantity of alcohol and indulged in a sproo. Two of them quarreled. Tbo youugor woman drew from her waist u butcher Hulto nnd at tacked her companiop , who trloil to defend hortelf with a smaller weapon. Doth women wore terribly out uud mutllttcd. Outh squaws Iiavu disappeared and it is believed have died of their injuries. A coiniiilttcu from the Ulo ( Jnuulo railroad linsmadn an uiinlKMtlnn ut litmiliinjrturx to linvu ihulr puy inuroiiseJ , and Ihruuton to Ntrikouhould their denmud * uot l > c ct > m | > lled with. SKl'MXH KIllTIOV. I TAKING ON TANGIBLE FORM Proposals for Oommorcinl Reciprocity with Franco Given Definite Shapa , SPAIN'S ' SOCIAL QUESTION RAGING I'l-iir * of Auolurr Itopiilillr.iii Mim'mi'iil UriMilm ; Out ftil tlin Xrrrs lIstM-illlmu ; ' | In II Close I'liirn OtbVr 1'iirrlKH Nons. 'lji/.Amin ( Ionian Iteimtll. ] , Feb. 10.- [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BKI : . ] The commercial arrangements between Franco and lLo United States nro nuking good progress. Franco asks for a diminution of American customs duties on merchandise worth f 12,000- 000 , (10,000,000 In hides and $ J,000,000 In sugar. In return Franco will grant a mini mum tariff on American merchandise worth * IL'.OOO.OOJ. The necessary details In roaurd to such merchandise form the subject of the present negotiations. The Morocco question appears to bo com ing to thu front again. The sultan of Morocco hns sent to all the powers n circu lar In which ho complains of the conduct of Franco in the Total affair. Ills evident that this Is not tno sultan's own laoi : ntul ho Is acting nttho Instigation of some Kuropoan power. The outlook lu Spain Is bad. At Barcelona a great disturbance has been caused by the execution of the anarchists of Xoros and the government Is afraid that u republican move ment will he the result. In Belgium the parliamentary situation Is more or lo < s at n deadlock. The king desires to Introduce the referendum Into the consti tution. The parliamentary majority , how ever , wns opposed to this proposition until this morning , and only gave Its consent after a secret , meeting , nt which the minister spoke earnestly , referring especially to the imminent danger in which the king would bo placed tiniest harmony wns restored. The royal proposition will bo submitted to a vote of the Chambers. An important robbery took place last night in the Cluny museum. The value of the articles stolen has not boon published. Among the treasures stolen are costly brace lets , necklaces und ancient coins , all of mas sive gold and weighing at , least two kilos. The entire pollco force is looking for the thief , who escaped by n window , and of whom no trace has as yet boon found. JACQUES ST. Cum : . Siu-kliig for Oiilel. iCopurloMctl 1S32 > > ll Jiimn HanlonJ'iniett.1 Bi'i.xos Avui : , Argentina ( via Gnlvcston , Tex. ) , Feb. 10. ( By Mexlcar..Cable to the Now York Hcrfild Special to Tun BKE.J President Polli'grlnl yesterday hold n con ference with his cabinet and Generals Uoci and Mitre. Tho'objcctof-tbo mooting is said to have been- ' the discussion of an avail- nbla candidate- for the prosldoncv. It Is reported "that the main reason for the cpnforonce wus to adopt some plan to end the political strife and put u stop to the rp.vo\utlonnry \ spirit wbich Is now so strong In all parts ot tbo republic. Advices Just received from Montevideo state that fourWvgoants have been arrested for inciting the recent revolt among tno Uruguayan trdopfe. The prisoners will bo given a trial hoforo a military court. KIo CrmrdV tlo StilS KrvoliitTon. LCojij/i talitetl ISUi tin Jiwit * Giinl'tn llcniiftt. } Hio GiiANi Eufirail' ( via Gnlvoston , Tex. ) , Fob. 10. [ BvQMoxican Cable to the Now York Horald-Speclul to Tin : Bun. ] Vis count Pclotas hns assumed command o * the province ot Uio Grauilo do Sul. At Corumbia the garrison deposed Gover nor Martmho and declared Corn in oa the capitol of the stnto. They nominated Dr. Kocka in Martinhn'a place. Tlio revolution ists are now marching upon the city of Cuyaba. The rebels in Santa Cabaling liavo deposed Governor Muler. /oir.r.s Third liluunlul Sen-dim of tlio AHsorlatloii at DCH .Iliilm1 * . DBS MOISF.S. la. , Fob. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKU. ] The third biennial re union of the lown Pioneer Lawmakers asso elation began in this cit.v today. The attend ance numbered sixty-live and it was ex pected that nt least thirty more members would uu on hand at tonight's session and fur the business meeting which will be held tomorrow. Tno session was called to order bv Charles Aldrich , .secretary , in the absence of Vice President H. H. Trimble. Judge P. M. Cassady was then railed to the cnalr tem porarily and later Judge \\'rigbt \ was elected chairman of this reunion und made brief re marks on the purposes of the gatherings. Judge C. C. Nourso delivered nu address of welcome. Judge Wright spoke for fifteen minutes on 'Glimpses ot Early Iowa and Heminiscences of the lown Bar Since ISJli" On motion nis speech was ordered printed for presentation to the state library in the Aldrich collection. Prof. T. S. Parvlu o Cedar Hapids road a paner on "Early Life In lowu. " The following officers were elected : President , Gnorgo G. Wright of les Molnon ; vice presidents , Edwin Manning of Van Huron ; George C. Shlpman of Mus- cntino , F. M , Knoll of Uubuquo , Kuebon Knoll of Clayton , John Kussell of Jones , James Hilton of Monroe , LewisTodhunlernf Warren , Wurrou S Uungau ot Lucas , W H. M. Puso > of Pottawattumlo , Ira II. Tro maine of Hamilton , H. A. Smith of OiuKcn son ; secretaries , C. S. U'ilson. Lafu Young , Polk nnd Lewis H , Smith. The afternoon was spent in n visit to the legislature and nn evening meeting was held which wus ad dressed by ljX.-Governor Carpenter of Fort Dodgo. Stint ray lor tint l.l < | iior. ICr.oi.rK , Ii. , Feb. 10. The case of Nolle und Kan no. a William Lafedre was de cided in the superior court today. The case Is Interesting because of the Interests in volved The defendant Is u saloonkeeper , and the plaintiffs are St. Louis wholesale liquor dealers , who brought suit for ) 'I3on account. Tin defenOanl contended that the liquors were sold In violation of the prohibitory law and consequently hp wiH under no lecnl obli gations to pay , ujifLlllcd a claim for SI..KX ) , assorting that he. , .Aiad paid that much since the passing of tb ejirohloltory law und wai entitled to recoy r t , as thu amount hud boon paid illegally. The judge Instrticjod the Jury to return a verdict for the plaintiff , which wa < done , it having been shovvii.thal the liquor wus de livered In original fuekafros , oilheral Ivookuk or ul Alexandria , Mo. , from which point it U-RS hauled to by the defendant. Coses involving fiwllur points nro on trial. lowu Atlormty ArrrMtnd. Ceiun lUpin * . la. , Fob. 10. [ Special Tele gram to THIS BK , J Charles C. Woods , prominent attorney hete , was today bound over to the grar.d jftry In the sum of < T > 00 on the charga of obtaining money under false pretenses. John H. Shaver of Shaver < t Dews , the plajntlff , claims that Woods went to him recently claiming ho possessed a tux certificate issued by the treasurer of Linn county , Iowa , on the property of Shuver . Dews and hod bought the property of Shaver & Uows ul a tax sato nold at Marlon , In. , December 7 , , for f.'OlUM. Mr. Snaver declares that ho pave Woods a check for $ J18.2I , but that as yol Woods hud failed to turn over the tux certificate , always claim ing he did not linvu U but would got It and turn It over to him. I'urklug lIoiiMi fur t'rimtiin , CnesTov , la. , Fob. 10. [ Special Telegram toTnii HEI.J : lion , Thomas U Muxivell , acting In the capacity of attorney for Chicago and Omaha capitalist ! , announces this eve- nlng thai ground has beeu piiruliasud and a packing house casting f.tlO.UCM ) will be erected hero ( n thu spring. ( 'luir rd nltli Votinc ( ilrlK1 Itnlu. CriiAit lUl-iii * , la , Feb. 10.- ( Special Telo ( jrum to TIIK Bee.l KIIU , u nmn of nearly ( M ) yeArs , was arrested last ovonlnpnrjd todnv bound over to the grand Jury In bonds of S.VW on charges by Mrs , Kttn Flynn of nccompllshlnp the ruin of Jessie Holton , her 13-voar-old daughter. H Is also charged thai ftllls enticed four other llttlo girls , none of them over ! , " > ycnrj of ago , and tha youngest hut II , Into tha bnrn of John Thnmns , for wtiom bo worked , where no has accomplished their ruin. Thi'ro Is conslppi'.ibio excitement , and lynching has been hinted , but Ills not be lieved that anything of the Itind will happen. DnlorrliiR louik l.n < . Dfiifi ur. , la. , Fob. 10.-In the dlstiiot court today Injunctions were Issued against fifteen saloons under tlio provisions of ttio prohibitory law. SI'tHtllXtl AO//'S. \Vooih\nrd , Vr Slianldln Dltpnsn of Sonio .11 onValiialilo llili'lnc Aiiliniils , LIIMMIIOV , Ky. , Fob. 10. Flfty-threo horses nt Woodward & bhanklln's sale todnv brought fl.1.000. Some of the moro notnhlc sales were : Volusln , bay mnro. by Nutwood , dam Augusta , by Hvsdlok's Hollcfount , J. S. Coxoy , Luxtngton , Ky. . W.OK ( ) . Lornn , bay mnro , by Electioneer , uam Lirzlo , by Wild Idle , 1'Mcs t Honnker. Lebanon , Ky. , M.OOO. Dictionary ( J0) : ! ! ) , luv stallion , S-yoiir-old , by Dictator , ilnm Sam Waw. by Admlnlstrfttor , B. It. Latin , Tecomn , Nob. , 2,000. Eight oilier horses wcro sold for upward * of fll)00 ) each. Work of Hit- Trot ting Congrrst. New YOHK. Fob. 10. The commlttco on rules of the National Trotting association have spent thu last three days In compiling a new sot of rules and regulations for the ensuing - suing two years , and the probabilities are thai the congress will take three more dnvs to ratify tholr action. The fol lowing ofllcers worn uirinlmously elected ! president , P. P. Johnson , Lexington , Ky. ; llrst vice president , David Homier , Now Yoric : second vice president , F L. Coombes , Nnshvlllo ; directors , eastern district , George M. Stourn , H. G. Hulkoloy , O. I ) . Palmer. Atlantic district , George W. Archer , J. C. Stbloy , Frank Bowers. Central District G. M. Foog , William Edwards , W. H. Allen. Western District W. C. Blake , John L Mitchell , Charles Schwartz. P.icitlo District M. T. Smith , .1. D. Carr , E. S. Uothschlld. The new sot of by-laws is almost identical with the others. What changes were made were of minor importance. Iti-xnItH at Ulmir.'sU'l- . Gi.ot't USTRK , N. J. , Fob. 10. Clear , track good , 1'lrst nice. snon-eljthtlnof u mile , selling : f.nmins on. C'ortli-ulll itho favorite ) second John Jnv I third. Time : I.Hi3. ; , . Second race. tliiiMi.iinirlers | of n mile. sellIng - Ing : rnuii.i J dim fnvurltion. ) . Jeisey sec ond. K'etelinin third. I'nroar colt drawn Time : 1:11. Third race , onu mile , selling : Umlltiivon , VondPltast'iond , Alan Archer third. Illrth- day mid Ham Ddr.twn. Ciispln ttlie favurltt-i rin nnp'ni-od. Time : 1.VJ. Tonrth rice. thlrteen-sKtei'iithsof : i mile , special weights : Cluster won , Muhel ( the fitxorlto ) second , 1'ddli1 .Si thlnl. Sulahdrawn. Tlmo : l : ' > 't. I'lfth r.iL-o. iiliio-slMoenths of mill ! , sell- lux : IMoldimo ( tlio faxorlta ) on , Itarry tins- sell seuniid , l.omax third , ( llrondes and Hn- gunK Hiodlp drawn. Tlmo : .WJ. Sixth r'lee , six and one-iiuartor furious- . Rollln ? : Hiina won , I'rlncc ( Jliarmlnit see-on I , Twilight geldlnx third. I'llcrlm ( the favorite ) ran unplaced. Time : ! : " ( ! . < iolng at Cilllcnlicri ; . Gi'TTK.s'iiKHG , N. J. , Fob. 10. The truck was not in very good condlton today , the attendance - tendance was largo. 1'lrst rne.e. four nnd one-half furlongs : Longing won , Archie Collins second ; S.idlu Somors thlid. Tlmu : Gs5.j. Second race , six and one-half fnrlonirs : Illlt/en won , I'rlrzle second. Uydu third. Time : 1U7' ' , . Third race , mlio nnd-ono sKteonth : Vlrsio wonAIonion ( sec-ond , bp.irlliK . third. Time : ; Fourth race , six and om'-nalf fiirlongH : Mo- hkianwon , Text seeonil , M.ibellethiid. Time : l'J4. : l'J4.ritth , five furlongs : llniijainln won. Mnrlo Lovoll necuild , DnUi'.lohn thlid. Time' lOI : > 4. Sixth race , seven furious : l.on-'strhlo won , Salllo Harper second , -liotovor third , Tlmo : 1:31. : Omaha Do s at Clilcago. Among the lifteon entries in the open nuis- llff class , comprising the best dogs in tha world , at the Muscoutah Kennel club bench show now In progress at Chicago , Mrs. Dr. Ayers' dog Wellington of tnls city was awarded the second prize yesterday. Wcl lington is by Lord Kaglan out of Waueonta Donna , nnd one of the handsomest specimens in the country. Clinton N. Powell's dog , Edrie , by Jaclt Thyr , took fourth pri/o. MAGNIFICENT SIGHTS PORTRAYED. rlr t oftlmSiTli-K ol Itlshop mill Mrs. N < - - lllllll'.S Klltfl't.lllllllClltt. What Bishop and Mrs. Mowman saw on tnoir trip around thn world was niiifiilll- coutlv jiortrayod on canvas by steroonticon views last night nt the First Methodist , L-hurcli. H was the initial entertainment of a series of three cousccutjvo ones to bo given at that churcli by the bishop and his wifo. The audlunco last night was large , and Mayor Bouils mudo the introductory remarks after having been presented. He said ho had gir dled the earth , but had como to the church for the purpose of again scoln ? the world , as HiMiop and Mrs. Newman would present It. The tour last night aid not complete the trip. It wont as far and Into China Tha views of their travels were superbly shown nnd entertainingly presented to thu largo aud ience , The start of the travel * of Bishop and Mrs. Newman , after tlio treat American caglo was shown , wus ni'iuo ' at Omaha. Tli' entire city was shown Hi all its picturasque gran deur. Tlio train wus boarded. A palace car was taken und its iiiagnlllcuni Interior was shown. The next view portnyod was the Rocky mountains , thu simw-wlnto peaks and SpiM- tro lake. From the range the saintly cit.v of Iho Mormons was reached. Tha world- famous tubornuclo , for Us wonderful nro 111 tnctural design , wus visited. Continuing' the trip tlio Sierras were reached. From the mountains the run was made to the coast , passing through the Yoaomlto val ley und into Sacramento , A large Pacific ocean steamer was taken to Japan. Of all sea voyugas the bishop said he preferred a trip on a P.icittc ocean steamer. Schools of flying tlsh weio soon in the waters ns they bobbed lip from the so.i , Japan was finally reached , und u mount I'l.OOO feet in height was viewed with adinlr Ing eyes. In a bay the royal burgu of the emperor of .lupan Huatod along on the palacld waters on the canvas. A view of Yokohama W&s next presented , and then tno style nf traveling in Japan wns graphically described. The novel and very puculmr nrchitcoture In the buildings , ploa'suro boats , the grand canal nt Toltio , the naval academy , nnd a Japanese cemetery were among the Interest ing VIQWS in Japan. The picture * of his mnjnsly thomnpcror and thn ( impress wore also shown. Views of Japanese wedding parties , their fewsls of tlinbiellas which meant n decora tion of all the houses with rain protectors , the priests al prayer , the ladles In full dross , and other characteristics were ull vividly portruyi-d. Bishop Newman , in describing the customs and habits of the "Japs , " suid their char.ic torlstlo wuj industry , and among the educated catod they were very intellectual , A picture of Grant was shown and there was ercni upplausu. Tlio trip was then continued Into China , The great walls around thu empire were next viewed , und Iho cities of Poxin , Sli'nu- ' bal and Canton were visited. A rest was then taken until tonight , SIcaiiii'rrrlMln , . At LondonLake Ontario , from Boston. The North German Llo > d Stoumshlp com- p. ny huvo uccided to continue tliylr service to Gibraltar throughout tnu your. At Southampton Truvo , fiom Now York. Al Philadelphia Munitobin. At Now Yoik Ephobia , trom Glasgow. * rulMiluiuly Itlrli Tin DUcou-ry , UBXVKII , Colo. , Fob. lO.-Tho dUcovery of a vein of tin Is reported from tno mountains about fifty miles north of here , Thu vein Is suid to ho 100 fuel In width , and to run in per cent in tin. Tbo discoverers are keopliur it quiet , hut a iwiinuny wus orgaul/od today for thn supposed purpose ol working thi discovery. _ Dfillll Idill. C.Vi.\sui | , O , , Fob. 10.-A Wooslor , O. , dlupatcji says that Dr. O. H. Btoddard oiuoritub prufe > or of unturul ncloacn lit i Woostor university , died suddenly nt ,1 o'clock this morning , aged S < 1 yonrs , Ho had been at Woostor university .slnco 1870. Tor R Ion * tlmo ho wns professor of naturnl nt Miami university at Oxford , O , 1'rof. Moddurd had among his pupils at Mlnml university I'rosliliint llnrrltnn , Hocrotwry Noble , lion Whltolaw Hold , minister to I'mnce , nnd t-onntor llrloe. \Vlinl MlniK-iipoll * Is Onlng In Arranging lor 'I'lirlr Nutlollill ( 'illt iinllnn , Mt.ssnAi' , Minn. , Fob. 10. Convnntion mnttors nro progressing rapidly , nnd the plans for the accommodation of the great crowds which will nttund the republican con vention nro crystnllzlng. Mr. Aildlcr , the world famous I'cslgnor of the Chlcngo Audi torium , nnd for many years past widely colo- b rated ns the special architect fnr the national political conventions of both loading parties whotovor held In the United States , today handed In his report. Ho says that arrange ments for the conversion of the Mlnnonpolls exposition building Into n hall fur tno repub lican national convention hns progressed sufllciontly to Justify the prediction thai Minneapolis will furnish the republican party the belt , convention hull yet constructed In this country. The exposition building , ho says , Is being reconstructed to scat between UMXK ) nnd 1 1- QUO spectators , everyone of whom will com mand n full vlow of the entire space , occupied by the delegates. Every spectator In the hull will ho able to see and hear ovei'3'ono who miy rise to speak in thu body of dele gates , or from the rostrum. In n general way , thn arrangement of the hall may bo described as follows : In the renter will ba n space nearly square which vvlll bo occupied by tlio delegates for whom settees nnd opera ctialrs will bo provided. Tha aisles will ba MO arranged ns to render easy tue approach to the scats themselves , and communication botuee.i the dltTerent delegations. Immediately In from of Iho spare occupied by the delegates and extending across Its entire width will bo nn elevated rostrum , in the center of which will bo another elevation , which is to bo occupied by the chairman of the convention , the clerk of the convention and the stand for the speak ers. Immediately behind this will bo seats lor tlio national committee and for the hon ored guests nf the convention. To each sldo of the lostrnm for the ofllcors of the convon tlon will bo tublus , for the representa tives of tbo Associated Press and for the chief ruprospututlves of thu Western Union and Postal Telegraph comp.inio * nnd then for the reporters of the lending dallies of the country. In addition to those will he chairs for ttioso renrosentutlvoj of the press not en- gaqediln the Immediate work of making verbatim reports of the proceedings , but en- ciitrpd In description writing , etc. The scats for tua nnectutots will nsu in every diioctlun from the central space before described upon a method of stepping tuuh- nlr.illy known us the "uacoustio curve , " thi' purpose and effect of whlcti is to glvo the best and most cflcctivo combination of sight und soiiml lines Known to modern science. Hariing the difl'erenco ns between tbo curvilinear und the rectangular plan , thu conditions rodomblo moro the Roman amphi theater limn those of the Interior ol nny modern structmo. The nu'.anr ol ingress and ecross will bo similar to these in use nt the various music festivals und conventions held in former times in the exposition building , nnd now In use at thu Auditorium. The seats will bo .subdivided into comp ir.itivol.v small suctions , each with a separate entrance. nnd such arrangements will bo made in tlio printing and designing of the tickets thai the nntlre mummoth audience can bo seated ns rapidly as the audi ence of im ordinary theater. The arrange ments made for oprcss from the house In volve the election of now stairways , nggro- irntlng 120 feel in width. Work" upon the drawings is being prosecuted wllh the ut most diligcnco and it is expected the work will bo ready for letting contracts within two weeks. Thu citi7ciu of Minneapolis have taken hold of the preparations for this con von tlon with a xoal and enthusiasm that promise results. To supplement existing hotel accommodations arrangements are being made to convert a number of new and not us yet occupied ofllco bnildinizs into tcmpor ur.v hotels for the time or thfl convenllbu. This plan will triple tuo ordinary hotel ac commodations of the city. vin'oiM roit OMAHA. Wahmli Kullnmd l.osf > M Its I ighl \ imml Xohiiihlm shipper * . WvsniNmov , D. C. , Feb. 10. Tlio Inter state Commerce commission today announced its decision in the case of Murpny , Wasey Jk Co. nirninat the Wiibash nnd other railroad companies in favor of the complainants , who ship chair stuff , hod and matuoss material in mixed car loads from their factory In Do- trolt to their other factory in Omaha. Oi : chnfr stuff , for example , they nto uliu'-ged s much per hundredweight under the western classification for the transportation from CulciiL'o to Mississippi river paints as fertile more bulky finished articlo. The commission reaflirms Its power nnd duty to fix maximum charges in cases where complaint is made nf uniiiusolmbln lates. M ha points decided are briefly ns follows A carrier should receive a greater compensa tion in the aggregate for hauling near loud of largo tonnaga tliun one of less tonnage , hut other things being equal us a general rule the rule per hundrcdwolghl should he loss. , in the former than in the latter case. A maximum rate Is proscribed for com plainant's shipments in mixed car Io < ids of chair stuff , spring bed and mattress maioilnl , all wooden , minimum weight 'i',001) ) pounds , of uot exceeding ' - ( > cents per 100 pounds from Mississippi river points to Omaha , re- sulllnc in a through' rate from Detroit to Omaha via Chicago ot " 0 conU per 100 pounds mid via Mississippi river points , not through Chicago , of Jll'j cents per 100 pounds. .M\VS : nut THI : AHMV. Ciiinilrli | > I , Ul ol ( 'li.iiigfs In the llrgiilar .XciiJn * V sl m ihi ) . Wisiiixi.ios , D. C. , Fol ) . -Special [ Telegram to Tun HII : ; | . The following assignments to reglniPiits of olllrora recently promoted und transfers of olllcors are ordered : Cuviilrv Arm -Colonel Caleb Carlton , ll. promoted from lieutenant colonel , Suvontli cavalry , to the Eighth ouv- ulry , to dnto from January : ' 0. iS'.r. , vice Up- liiini , retired ; Liouicrnnt Colonel Guy V. Henry , promoted from major , Ninth cavalry , to the Seventh cavalry , to duto from .lanii- nry ' , V > , I W , vlco Cnilton , piomotcd ; Major Charles S. llsloy , piomotod fiom cuntaln , Seventh cavalry , io the Ninth cavalry , to date from .lAnunrv ! t ( ) , ISlfJ , vice Henry , promoted meted ; Ciiptuln John W. Wilkinson , promoted meted from II "t nontenant , Seventh onvnlry , to the Seventh cavalry , troop E , to dnto trom January 110 , Ihtl. , vice llsloy , promoted , ho will Join his proner station upon thn expiration of his jiiesen' . sicit leave of absence ; First Lieu tenant Pnilip A notions , jr. , promoted from second nontenant , Ninth cavalry , to tue Sev enth cavalry , troop F. to duto from January W , lMi ) , vlco Wilkinson , promote 1. Infantry nrm-Caplaln William J. Turner , promoted from first lieutenant und regimental qimrlor- maslur , Second Infantry , to tbo Second in fan try , company I , to duto from .Unimrv 13. , 1SU ! , vlco llulnos. deceased ; First Lieuten ant Austin II. Brnwn , promoted from sou- end lieutenant , Fourth inlanlrv. to the Twenty-st'cond infantry company F , lo date from January HI , 1W , vlco Jones , appointed roglmentnl ndjutnnt ; Flwt Lieutenant Alnion L , Piinnontor , nromoti'd from second lieutenant , 'J'wonty- llrst Infantry , 10 the Fimrtcoiith infantiy , company U , to duto from January 111 , IMii , vlcoCuliill appointed recimuntul quartermas ter ; First l.louteimnl Frank Du\v. liumsey , promoted from second lieutenant , Ninth in i an try , to thu Second infantry , company H , to dnto fiom January ! i , Ib'.t. ' , vu-o Webster appointed reglmenlul quartcrma tHr , Transfprs ; Cavalry Arm First Ltoutqn ant William H. Baldwin , from lha Ninth cav alry to the Sovmuh civalry , troop F ; Flni Lieutenant powhuttun II , ( yiuike , from the Ninth cavalry to thu Tenth cuvntiy , troop B First Lieutenant John M. Canon , jr. , from the S'jvontli cavalry lo the Filtli cavalry , troop ( i ; First Uoutetmnt Lewis M Koohlor , from the Tenth cavalry to the Ninth cavalry , troop M , no will remain on duty with the Sixth cavulry until further order * ; First Lieutenant Robert K. L , Miohlo , from the Fillh cavalry to the Seventh cavalry , troop I , ho will remain on duty with the Second cavulrywlll further ordwrs ; Firal Lieutenant Philip A BetU-iu , Jr. , from the Seventh cavalry to thu Ninth cavulry. tioop 1. Artillery arm -Fir t Llcu- teuantKdward A. jMlllor , Iron Iho Second I artillery to the Thlnl arllllorv , battery O ; First Lieutenant Arthur F. Curtl * . from the Third artillery to the Second artillery , bat. tory E. Ho will remain on duty nt Fort Monroe , Va. , until further urderi , In fantry arm First Lieutenant Tromlwoll \ \ . Moore , from the Ninth infantry to the ' 1 wanly second Infantry , company U , First Lieutenant William M , Wright from tha Fifth Infrttitrv to the Second Infantry , com pany E ; First Moil ten ni\t ( J. Andrew Brow stcr from the Second Infnnlrv to Iho Ninth inlnntrr , company II , W hippie Barracks , ArU. ; Flrsl Lloutennnl Mlclmol .1 O'Brien , from the Second Infantry to the Fifth In fantry , company ( ] ; First LlcutenanlChnrlci H. Mtnr from the Fourteenth Infuntrv to tha Second Infantry , company H , Fort Omaha ; First Llcutoimnt Frank D. W. Krunsov from the Second Infantry to the Fourteenth In fantr.y , company F. The appointment of Powell Clnyton , Jr , In bo second lieutenant of cavalry to rank from January 13 , 18' ) . ' , is nnnounrcd , nnd ho U ns si died to the Fifth cavulry , troop I , to taku effect nl thu dny of his appointment. Thn lenvo of nbscnco prnnted First Lieutenant David C. Shanks , loglmnntnl adjutant , ElEh < tocnth Infnnlry , January ! 33. IhOi , Doparl- ment of Texas , is extended ot.o month , Tha lonvo of absence granted Captnln Jamot O. Mnckay , Thlnl wxvalry , January 14 , IS'.U ' , j Department of Texas , is extended onu month. Major James W. Scully , quarter' master , will proceed from Atlanta , Ga. , to Mississippi City , Miss. , to attend the United States circuit court In thai ntv ns a witness on the 18th Inst. , and on being dlsohnrgnd ' from further nttondancn hafure the court will return to his proper station. . i'tin : itr.cnitn , v Clorllilliltl ItrrrltiM a I'lrry Vlsltatlon- ( Illler ( 'iillll.lKi'iitliill * . CISISSATI , O. , Fob. 10. A lire started early this ovonlng In tbo building occupied by Mossri. Ifroklol it Ilornhoun , auo. tlonucrs and Hturngo commUslon dealers , It Is situated on tlio oust sldo of Main street , fronting on that btrout twenty live foul nnd extending bacK ISO feet to Hnnnnond .street. Next door north of II is the warn nnd salesrooms of the American O.ik Leather company of tlio same dlmen slons. Two buildings constitute n block und they nro live stories high. The lire prottv thoroughly destroyed the portion occupied by Ezokloi & Bernheim nnd bndly wrecked the portion of the building occupied by Iho American Oak Leather company. On Main sticet , south of llcrnholm's is the Commer cial National bank. Also adjoining on Iho south of thu sumo building , on Hammond street is the Ha ninond street pollco station The roof of the Commercial bank has boon crushed in nnd tlio building is nn tire Thereof roof nnd walls of Hammond street pollco station have also been badly crushed In the same manner. The loss on thoj Iwo structures will bo probably $00,000. In the E/oklol & Born helm building there uro storages of valuable painiings In small lots. A rnitgh estimate of the loss In the auction and storage building Is $1:20,001) : ) . U is also estimated that the lessen on thu American Oak Leather company's stock is J. 0.000. The insurance of the .auction nnd storage rooms was made principally by the owners nnd consignors. Other Insurance is not ob tolnablo at the present wriling. All the prisoners \vero removed early from Hammond strqol .station. The Commercial bank building wns a two- story sttucturo and is totally destroyed , crushed to the cround by fulling walls. Loss , $3.000 ; Simon Fletcher'dealer in government goods occupied thu llrst story of the bank building. His loss bv the destruction of the building will bo ? 10,000. The lire at 10 o'clock wns under control. CoM'Miit s , O. , Fob. 10. Shortly before midnight lire was discovered in the McCuno block. Miss Cora Blair , a young woman , Jumped from the second story and was futility injured. Loss , about $100,000. The indica tions are thai adjoining structutos will also burn. ( JIMMuiioy , Colo. , Fob. 10. The Denver & Kio Grande roundhouse burned nbout I o'clock ' this morning , destroying four engines and doing other dumago. Hiu.r.n ix A , > / / ; / ; / ' AnntluTilniK | < > Clinshlf ; Accident III \Vlurli Thirteen IVnplo AnInjured. . CIIK Koo , 111. , Feb. 10. A street car wns run down nnd demolished at Stewart avenue and Thirty-first street today by a fast passenger train , inbound , on tlin Fort Wnynn road. Of the twontv-four tinssongers In tlio street car almost half were Injured , several sorlouslv and Iwo probably fatally. The injured ate : John Myland. Andre Burdoy , John Motcho , Julius Strlvlnsloy , Tliomns Schumso , E. Wlllurd , Joseph Mets- gen , Mrs. Ellen Hnnnon , Miss Hannon , John IIowo and Julia Madloy. These who will probably dlo are : Mr. Metsgon and Julia Madloy. The grade cross ing system is held to be the causa of tno au- eldunt. 1'rolttHol Inventions. Ail F.nglibli pnpor gives ? omo intcrcst- iniij statistics us to the pecuniary ruttirn of n few inventions. The Btylofjrnpliio I > PH for u while brought in llOUO ( , u yuur : the Indi-i rtibbor tips to ] ) oncils , t'20,000 : inotnl plate- ) for protoi-tiii" ; the boles and licols of hoots brought in ( . ' "oO , 000 in all ; the I'oHoi-Hk.ito , riiOO.OOO. A rlurgj man roitli/.oil 100 : t week by the iiivonlion of u toy ; another toy , tlio return - turn hall , hrounrlit in an iui'oim- Clll- 000 , the "IantMii.liiii } , Crow , " ilo.OOO : i year. Tlio inventor of a coppnr cap foi" L-hildroii'H boots was aliio to leave his heirs i ; 100,000 , wliilo Siii ror. of sowing inncliini' faino , loft at , hiH death nearly jc)00,000. ; ! ( ) _ Hiltnlnth flirnu llnlif. Something so near it could not nearer bo , Something so dear It could not dearer bo , A ntar , a wish , a flower , A breath from seine fur shoio Whore Innocence nnd Truth Are lovers evermore. A messenger whose tiniest whisper may Do further heard than cries from men who pray. _ . \/ir.s or r/s nitit. n : Union , - . I ) . , Iris evpurloiiced a turrlhlo bll/- /nnl 'IVstliiionv In tin ) Overman cuin-tnrirlliil ut Cliivuliinil , O , Is all In Tlio Km IK Iron work * of lltit'na Vi tn , Vn has Hindu nil , ihslninunt. llillllties. ISJ.O 0. 1'intlier Hoarcli of thn ruins of the Hotel Koyiil huvn not resulted In the discovery of of nny more hndlo . Mnimshliipih nutir I. idonla. Ala. , culled nt Ilin hniisii of Jami's .svveulnam anil , nut find Ina him ul homo , klllod his wife nnd u-yit.u- olil liny. Mr . l r fjnnes Ims arrived ill C.tiivon Cltj , I'nlo , to \ islt her liiisli.ind ul tin ) prisun. Mm K \rrv sh'U und nniiblt lo inovii iv tliout us- HlSllllll'C. MestMlluni Apiuhi-s on tlioVliltn O.iU ie-Mrv.iliiiii. ! iNinv Mi\lco , fol drunk , nnd foiu'ln IIIIMIIIV Ilieinsulvns. I'uni hnrUs nnd dim siii.iw | woio Mlluil and u niiiiil > i > i wiiiindt'il , J.ot Jiimplnx on Ihu I'meniali eliilms ut I'.l Iti'iio. ( ) | % | M ceased us aiiildiin y ns It liuxun. SuiTiduiy Nohlu'H oirtur liiouulit Mm Jiunpuis in thulr hensos , and they buvo siisiiiiniled n < nilliins Tim piojput in brliiR wutnr by a ln-ifi > ditch lulu Uu Sun liiiU valley , Colorado. H Illtnly to fall nwln'X to the troubles of llm Western Paini Mnrlpiiiii ciiniKiny. | hli-h , II Is under- stiind. ! s liaclJni ; tlio piojui-t. Tln > I'nlU'd Mine norli'i ' > . In sosiinn ut Co- liimbnt. . ( > „ huvo elected the following ofll- rurs' lion , .liiini Mcllrlde. roniiiil nloniir of liihor of Oliln , priisldonti I' . II I'omi.i of In diana. lee picsldonl , und I'airick Mvllrldoof , nurrotnry-l iitasnier denr o MeKlnslev In a Hi. l.onh hlniot cur sn.itriiKd u Millso I'diiUlnlus il.'i < \ "lilch W.IH buliiKcairloil by It. l > . Jcnnliu's , layuiimtur of u otriMH our lliii ) , und Hindu an iiilnmpl to pel uuny In liln tillorls to c ciin : | li > : hvrlouHly uonndcd Arclilliald llrnni'r , who uflorwardi shot him. I'lillowlnif uru the olllfoM ulci'tuil bv Iho Nuw Vorl Illsuuit coinjuny : I'ri'Slilunl. W. Jl , Mooru. Iliiliio piesldunt Henry J. Ivv.ius , licainii'i. lii'iiiKi ) I1 Johnsim ; hcereUry , ( Uor.c K Ucil Thn Iliiiinulal hlalemi'iit bhoHiitl a sniplns iiml inidhlili'd ' profits of JH'j.Ti" ' . Nut uuinliiKs , 4luiIU : ) . ( iitnut't'li fitfulii'tunil uiirwl In 2 days by the I'lunuli Hiiiiiudy unlit- It-d the ) KINO It dlsiolvej ncnli-ot. iiuJ U ut ) . orbuil Into HID Inlluiund pailn , Will refund inouay Ifll deus not euro , or i-auici atrlotura ( hintloinun , lii're In a riillablo , irtloa ! tl paokuic , or S for is p r mall pruMlu. | MoOor- uilck.V ; l.unJ , Omulin. Bdil lf drupKl t ( or unt hr mall , We. K. T. ilflielll