I If ] THE OMAHA DAILY BKK ; TUESDAY , FKRHITAJIY 11 , 1M > 2 IDE SPECULATIVE HABKETS Rumors Concerning the Anti-Option Bill Largely Influenced Prices. DULLS AND BEARS WERE ON A STRAIN I'rlrrn irr Vrrj KnRKeil nl tlir OilU < > l ( mid , In tlu < Ctcllviiipnt of lcll\rr > , \nrjliiK 1'rlrrs Were Slmlo ThroiiRlinnt Hie I'll. OnirACKi til. Tob 10. The anti-option bill which Is nencllnn In congress had moro to do with the prices on the bo rd than all other Inlluoiifcs combined. With the fluctuation of sp'nlon and the circulation of ruinoM tend- InttUishow that It won ii or would not bo- some a law prices went up or down , The mar kets. I'speolully whom , were nervous and "slinkj " subject to periods of ttrunt activity or dullness , followed by derided dullness ! without uarnliiK prices would ihoot dp or down , nnd then for i-onsldorablo lengths of time \\ould remain xcrv steady. Hulls nnd bears alike were on a strain , nnd ready to run ut llie first sign of danger. On the curb yesterday afternoon. iMny wheat which ha 1 closed nl Ml'iC. sold off toST'if , and tills , toelhur with a reduction of from 4d to 54(1 ( In values at Liverpool , made the tnarUet weak at thu st.irt Ibis inornlnz. 1'rlccs. liow- o\cr , were vorv tagged at the outset , and In tlio cxcltonicnl of dolliery varying prices were madu In dlirotcnt parts of the pit. Those who had not lecoverud from the scare of the day before mndolow otlerlncs while many of the eool heads tt bo did not much fear a pas- Hngoflf the bill , and who wnntod to forestall anything like a pnlc \ at the start , bid \\ell up. | The result wns that the ( ( notation from the dllTercnt paitsot the pit ranged from fo to ! Ml'ic. The buxcrs , IIOWUMT , were In a major- i Ity. and In u short time there was an adxanco to8'l ' fe , miinv scalpers talllne on In the bny- IIIK inoveinent at the prlco mentioned. They undertook to realise their profits by unload- In , lint the denntid havlni In the nieaii- tlme been about s itlsfled there w is no ono to j -.ell to. and prices plunucd iloun In tno min utes from KS'e to Skc. Then followed a lierlod of Inactivity , followed by an iiiUiuico to Wl'ic ' , then a biu tk to SS3 c. Dining the last . hour the market continued nrrvoiis. but with I llcht tradlni : , passlnu nnd lluctuatlons ranc- Int ! at from h'-'io ' ' to S'lUc Near the clo-o It was reported that hamson llros. bad recohi'd n dlKpateh trom some ono In authority In WahhliiJtnn that ItMIS extremely doubtful whether the committee would over leport on the anti-option bill , and that then ) was no j ( liuicurof Its pissliii ; On this there was a ! rush to buy , and tlio prho went up to WBc. Near the eloM. > it cased oir some and closed at l- ! ) ' e. mi adMinco of ' 40 compared with jesterd ij's flciircs 1'ardildzo boughtconsld- erablu wheat early around Me , hut on the milsequent niuancoho put It outaialn. Asa rule. liouc\er. there was a blir ti.idlnc diiilnj ! the day llradstiecl's reported an Increase of 0.10 HI bu. In thu available supply of who it east of the HocUles , but a decrease of MJ.'XiO ' bu.ou the I'aeiflo coast ; the receipts In thu i northwest were liberal anil the clearances from thu seaboard ll.ht. Corn opened nulet , nml weak at from 41 > c to 41'c for flay. HRnlnst4tTiu at thocloso yustorday , uilv meed nulekly to 4.3tc. but biokc atiiln to4114C. Ihetu w.is but llttlo business and nothlni : in the w ly of inlluentl il news , the nrirkrt helnj ? dominated wholly by an uno isy and nncert iln fcellnK winch has uiownout of the pioposcd loKlS'iitlon in NVashliiRton. Near thu clo o ( hero was a rally which bent wheat to 4'J'ic ' and the close wiih4JJ i\ Oats were dull and comp'irathelv ste idy i and closed with H gain of from 'ncto'ju. 11 OK products llnctuaied so MI nil times nlth- 1 In a nai row ratine , largely In sy nip ithy wltb Krilns. II oiiKh Ini'riMsoii receipts nnil lower prices foi hois had a weakening effect. The prices were higher. Intimated retelpts for tomorrow : Wheat , s : corn , 14J cars ; oals , 112 cars ; ho's The loading futures ranged as follows : "AIITKIIS \VllVAT NO 2 February . Mny 83 9UH COIIN .No 2- Fthrunry.4 404 41 March . . . . . 4141M Mny . . . . 421 , OATH No l- 1 cbrtury. . . JPHf * il3i lll > H I'OHIC- frebnmry. . 11 70 11 83 11 ( ,2 > 12 V& 12 03 11 'M IMIIII tebruary . . ( i 4r > fi 60 C 4'j t , 4T4 Mny l > 7i > i UC7 a ; o EllOHT Itlllb- I'Cbruary. C SI 5 8r > C 01 t > U C 05 0 10 C ish ( | iiotntloas were as follows : I'l.oun Dull : in.So lower : sprlnir patents H.Wffi4iO : ( : w'utcr patents , J4.aoit4r ( ) > ; bakers , tl ) ? { ! 00 ; HtrAUht , $1 aoat.TO. WHEAT No. 2 spring whoat. Sfi'lc : No. a print ; wheat , 7 > i4' > 7U1ic : No. 2 red. fiO'ii' . COIIN I'lrin : No ' . ' . 4.3ic : No. : i yellow. MUifc. OATB-NO 2.WU2'i'ic ) ' ; No. 2 wnlte. y' ' ) aa5e ; No .1 \\hlto. . 2i.ll'e. ' Hie No. 2,700. HAIII.KI No. 2 , 50Ur > 8e ! No. 3 , 45ttl8e ; No I , Mi&Ki'/iC. FLAX SKFD No. 1,0'SO'Syc. TIMOTIM HKH > I'rliiiC , 1 2" > ® l.30. remit Mess pork , per bbl. , J8.6J ; Inrd. per rwt , tn.r > 0U U > i ; short ribs allies ( loose ) . J.l.hT'i ' ftSW ; dry silted shoulders ( boxed ) . J. " > .00 ® ri2'i ; short ele ir sides ( boxed ) , jfi.205.2" > . WnibKV Distillers' finished gooJs , per Kal. Itecolpts and shipments today were as foi- On the Pro luce oxchanco tod.ty the buttoi mniket was unch.ini'od ; fancy creamery , 1'bffi'Ono ) western , 'XiCeordinary , 21 © 24c ; selected d.ilry. 21'Sc ' ; ordinary , ! ! jsio E.'KS. 245i2So. OIIKKSB flrini full cream choddiirs , lllUjo ; flats , IKTill c ; Young ; Amorli-as , U'4clJo. Kdos l.nvMir : fresh , 245J..1jc. HiliKS TAI.t OW I'lu'llllllKiMl. Ni > u Ynl'lc Miirknts. New YOIIK , Keb. 10. Ki.oun Receipts , 220,091 packages : export" , 0,101 hhls , 7UOH sacks ; nmrkut unsuttlod , eloslni ; stu.idy , inodur.Uo trude ; sales , 2 ,700 hbls. t'oii.v Mi'Ai , I'alr demand , steady. WilKAT HceolptH. 70. WO liu. ; exports. 212.- 4M bu. ; bales , H , , 15,000 bu. futures. 2iH(0) ) ( ) nil. Knot , hpot ninrkut unsettled , oponlni ; lonoi , rloslnp ; flriii ; No. 2 red. $1 0 © 1 ir.1 * In alura niul ule\ator ; il.WJ.iJl.UIH ullo.it ; * I.U1' , 1,0' ) f. o b. ; Nn : i red. Wllsa'iU ' e : unsriili'd red. Olcfttl.OO ; No. 1 northurn , Jl.iiJJ.ttl.i 4 ; No llmril , itl.lX l.iib'J ' Options declined ' 4r ( % , u on lliliililutln'- . advanced 'uQl'jO on llradstieoi's docroiiNulnsupp lusoii Paultlo coast , and local coloring , declined from yoai' e on weak lale cables , advanced IVt9t.iu on an oxpectatlon that the anti-option lull will bu defeated , i-losiMl firm at 'idtlju oror yostorday. No 8 red , robruary. Jl.o.OI.Oi'i ; March , $ l ui'n i.u. i ploslni : H.02'4' ! April. SI.OIOJl.OJ'J. olos- InX H.OJV : Mny. r i eii ( I.OI ! , . o osinit fl.ul ; JuneS'fit99 ! ) ' coloslii { OD'io ; July , UdliaUT'iu conlil)7e ) Hti : ririnor : fiilot | ; ttcstern , lUiti.Kr-Qulet ; steady , lUlll.UV MAl.T-DlllI COIIN Itecolpts , lUYTS bu. ; exports. 50,17.1 Im.i Halt's. ld7MOj bu. of futures ; lUT.OOJ hu , of M > ot ; kliot iniuket opunodMHI l ( , but olosed linn ; No. 2 , 48 4il'j'iu In elevator ; .VxaWit ulloatt uiiKrailcd mixed , 47-Mo ; No. \\hlte , f > 3o ; No. a , 4si o ; steamer nilxoil , 4s'4e , Op. lions wirlml with wheat , deellnin aijo , nil- vancod UWSii' , closlnz unchanged to ' { c up : nindorato y uotl\ni ruhriiniy , 4S\l'4e. , cloa- liiu. 40Up ! MHrch , 49 } ® u'.c. cloalnif , 41l'u ; Amll , 49S5M3HI' . uliikliiK , Moi ( .May , 4U'4 ' IIV . olosliiK , 4U o ; Juno. 40 > , irJnly. ; 4Uc. UATB Uoculpts. ia4,2j ? bu. ; exports. 810,0:0 liu , ; sales , : ,0uo bu , of futures ; 7,000 bu. of spptj bpot market woalc and dull. OutloiiM o ; No. 2 Chlougo , llAV Stonily. lloi'H Easy Hiul quiet , burMH lluw , nulot und steady ; refined. qutot and steady , MOLASSES Torelgn , dulls No * Orleans ttuady and < iult't. KICK fetoaoy i fair domand. I'KTHOLKUM-Stoady nnd quiet ; Unlli i closed at Mho for March. 'rAitow hloady. KOSIN Qulot , TunrKMiNE Quiet nnd steady at lUiiOJIc EOOB Qulot , unsettled ! wostoru , 20if } ; rrl colpls. 1,200 pltgs. roiiK Moro nctUo and firm ; mess , ItX'&Q 10 Ml ; uxtru prime , 10.00. OUT MBATH Dull and fir in ; middles , firm abort clear , M.77H. LAUD About steady nnd quiet : western Btoum , ( J.K5 bid ; Blfs. 1,600 tluncos at ! tl.B7Vi ; option sulos , 3,850 tierces ; Kubrimry in | ; March , ILtm , uloslng at MbO bid ; May 17. W17.W , closlnir at (7.00. llDTTKii Dull und wouk ; western dairy WitTJo ; weatorn crotimorr. SllStllo ; wcstcn fuutory. ina23u ; Klein , ; i'Jitlc. ' ( . C'liEEKii l-'ulny active and firm ; part skims ( ® 10 tic. Pie IitON-QuIot and steady ; American . CoiTKii-Oulot und wean ; Irke , 110.60. I.EAliDull and UUKV : domestic , II ! . " { , TjDull andmomfy ; utrulti. HV , < i > \ \VlioutMarkct. . Ulna , 1'ob. 19. Wheat dc ellncd \ > ic before noon today on the con tinued disturbed condition rcsultlne fruiii the uncertain feollnR M limit the Wn hbiirn Hntl- option bill. The prke was plutislii > ' ho.idlontr and went bo ow Me. ndtcllnu from the hluh- o t prlto yestrrdHy of lie. when \Vnshln.ton dispatch lo the efTcct 1h.il ccntlment was Rrowliijt nsnlnst the hill pa\o this horts courufu and they proceeded to cover , which enined qulto an not' nco. May wheat opened at MV- . The prlco rail cd to & " > twice aftnr Rolnz toM'io. ' and then dropotd lo fromSI'ic toM. Tliocloso w.m at Ki' e. Cash wheat was fairly HCtho and No. 1 northern sold fiom hl'ic to We. A Rood deal of low itrndi' stuff was sold. Hocolpts wore ifl.1 curs hero an ) at Dulnth. nnd . upntlor 12fi cars. Oioslng No 1 northern , Pobruary , closing W e ! May opcncil ut f4'tc. highest WiO. lowest t > l'4C , closlnB ted iy at S'lUc. On tnek. No 1 hard , Mcj No. 1 northern , blc ; No , 2 northern , if < 3 We. _ Oiniili.i I'roduii' MuikPtn. Ill'TTkiiVIIIIK \ ; bulk of best country roll gillim at I0o ; fulr to Rood , HOlSi' . Knos A Rood many s.ilcs reported ntlno ; receipts Inr or ; market unsettled. POUI.TIIV t'hlc'tcns , waiOc ; KeC1 * " . ducxsand turkovs. life I2o. I'litiiTS Uallfornla riverside oranies , IJ. 5 ® 2.UVVnshlneton mucla , M : > ; i-l.7.M t'rtllfoinla tnnrcrlnos. } t.U ( per box1. Plorlda or.mees , brlKhtH.J.1.00 ; russet' , 2.Gf > a.2.7fi ! I'lorlda Inn- Kerlncs. . ! > ftl.OO , half boxes ; western apples , choice. l..W'fjj.M ' per lib ) . , fancy stand mlpht br n-t more : Now York apples. i7.'i ® 100 ; fancy lemons , t)00ftt9.t : choice ntorlcs , JI.Mftl 7 ; > : eiapeo , per bbl. , tawv'i'100 ' ; biinanas , cr.itcd. * . ' Oina2 SO ; cranberrlps. $ 1 -7.00. . VromAin.K < California cnbbiiRe , 2'5-i2Vc ' ( per ib. In uritos ; home itroun lettucr , 4ic per depot lce , dull ! California cauliflower , JJ iNJl2M , ; onions , tocjj'l.oo per bu. ; Nobrnskii hitml picked tinaii" , } 1.PO2.00 ; medium , f l.iVXii l.7i ; celery , Ii.VB.IOrt sweet pofitocs. l'.yVQ,1 , 5) ) . Kt.oun Omaha Milling comp-iny's Uollaucu Patent. Jl.'iO ; Iiivlnclhlo Patent , * -.4U ; l.ono Mar Superlative. IJ.VB ; Hnowfl.iUe , JI.OJ ! riiucv I'liihllv. JI.M ! S. P ( Jlltnan'sOold Medal , ! iV : Fnott While , TilW ! HnowllaKo. IJ.OJ ; low Rrado , tl.01 ; Queen of the Pantry. t..OO. Hints No. I Rn-Pii salted hldps. 4UO4'C ! No. 2 croon salted hlnej. JlCtl'iu ; No. 1 Kreon salted hides , 25 lo 401bs . 4'4 < i541iu : No. 2 ttrecn wilted hides. 2i to I ) Ibs , ; ) % ) ' > ( : No \eiil I calf , 8 to 11 Ibs. , flc : No 2cal c-ilf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No 1 dry flint hlilts , 7 < a8c : No 2dry flint hides. .Mario ; No t dty salted hides. iVSOc. Tnl- low , No 1 , : i'i ' < ! l4o : tallow. No. 2 , : i'4c ; ( Jrease , wlilto A , 4ttl'5c ' : crease , white II , I'-Sftl'.fc ' ; crease , yellow.lo ; Rteasc. dark. 2Hc ; old but ter. 2(3.2 ( rie ; beeswax , pi hue , ICc ; rough tallow. Kiiiisn City > ! irkrts. KANSAS Ctrv , Mo. Tub. 10 WIIKAT Very dull ; No 2. Iinrd.7.va7re , ; No 2icd. 8.lc. (3ou\ Was steady , mixed , tH'fQ.IHe ' ; wh to , It.va.niic. OATS Were sloady ; No. 2 tnt\ol , We' No. 2 white , I'oaiJ'sC. ' lit n Lower , No 2. 71c. I'tjAX ShKii H"ic , on thu bacls of pure llinvVonK : sacked , d. " > c. \t-WoiU but unchnnKed : tlmotlir. J50 per ton ; fancy pi.irlo , ffiOO ; goo.l to choice , T r > 0. HBCI.IITS Wheat , 3,003 hu. ; coin , 12,000 bu. ; oats none. hiiii'Mi.sTS Wheat. M.OOD bu. ; corn , 2,000 bu. ; oats , l.OjO bu. _ l.lM'rpniil Miiikrts , Livpitpoou 1'eb. 10 COTTON ' 'pot steady. with fair demand ; inlddlliiR. : iMd : s lies. I2.UOJ bales , of which l.ODJ nero foi speculation and ineludnd I0,00 ( Anicrlcun' ) futures closed quiet but stuiidy ; Atnet lean middling low mid I line crade. I'uliruary , .1 4114alno : IVbriiary and March , 24-M ; March and April. 349-04 ; sellers. April and Mav. : i 52-01 Miluc ; M.iv nnn June , II 55-01 buyorsfJune and July. I : > Se4l ! > a-l4 ( WIIRAT Qulot : holders olfer moJerately : No. 1 Cnllfoiiila , ( is ii'idiiTs ' lO'i'l ' pur cental ; No red westet 11 , 7sfl,7s 7' id. COIIN Dull and lower ; mixed western , 4 4d nor cental. POIIK Pilnie mess western , fs pur bbl. Dlllnlh Uln-.it .tlarkft. DUI.UTII. Minn. , rub. 10 'I lie m irkot opened weaker today , 1-irsolv owlnc to the pnibablo piss tcu of lliu Wimlihiirii bill Later repuils. howoxer , caused a lit inur feclliiR towar.l the end of Ih" session .iml pi Ices aih aneod. Clos ing prices were : No haul onsli. M jc ; Pobru- niv , Si94vM.iy. ; h9'4e ; No I northein.c ish. S.c ! ; Pobruarv. I' ' c ; Slav. 8Sc ; No 2 nortliein. casli , 77i" No .1 norlherii , 7-'c ; rejected , ( ,0c , ; on track , No t haul , hj'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , t4ic. Mii.vrAUKPP. WIs. l'eb 10 WIICAT Hx- cltod ; May , S7"ic ; No 8 spring , f > 5o ; No. l not th em. ! Wc. COIIN rUni : No It. JlS'j ' © ! ' . OATS Steady ; No. 8 white. IlI'.IWIc ' ; No 3' ' white. : UHc. ! HAIII.KV rinn : No. : i. M c ; sample , I Klli Quiet ; No 1 , Ttilf fcc. Concn Aliiiki't. NEW YOIIK. Pob. 10. Options opened flrm at from 5 to 15 points no , closlrjz steady at from 5 to 1" ) points up ; salts. 11.0 0 bags. Including : robiuurv. ( Ufuiai LOO ; March , $ : U3 < an20 ; April. $11 0" > ; May. ll..S © 12.90 : June. * 12.fi5 ; July. JU' V > : Peptemher , $ IJ43IJ50 ; spot KIo. quiet and fliiner ; No. 7. Jll.T'i. St. I. mils MurhoM. ST. Loui . Mo , Pob. 10 Wi AT- Irregular ; May. Ulc. O UN IrroRUlar ; cash , IIO'nc ; May. 38'jjc. OATS-Casli , ; ,0c ; May. .IPc. POIIK Dull ; now . $ ll.7 > at $3.4" > . Ni' York Dry t.uods Market. NEW YOIIK. Pob lO-Huslncss In dry goods was app ircntly on the mend , although It i < still uneven as to makes and qualities of Roods. Bids win o In for round lots of plain cottons , but all transactions learned of weru at unchanged prices. Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI. O , Pob. 10. WHEAT Easier : No JroJ. 9'i)4c ! ) Cons Weaker ; No 2 mixed , 41'c. OATS E-islei mixed , : i2U(3J-'iC. ( ' \\nibKY Klim ; KI.I4. I ' ( III-IKII Oil Markr t , LONDON , Fob. IO KEHNKI > PLTIIOKKUII 5 f © 734.d per gullon. Tuill'KNTlNK bi'llilTS 21s per cwt. ANTWLIIP. Pub. PI.TIIOI.LUM 10'if paid , and sullurs. _ IIiiMiu.i SiiKiir larkrt. HAVANA , Pob. 10 Maikot quiet : "ISO " hags ccntr fiiRiil. Ill'/i decrees uoliul/atlon , were sold atW.I954)2 ) 34 ( 'old per quintal. Trailers * Talk. CHICAGO , 111. , Pob , n. Counsolrnan & Dny to CouKiull Bros. : Wheat opened unsettled with trades madu at I'tC vai lance In dlflerent parts of the crowd , llio hulk , hoHiner , atb'lcto ' b'JUo for Mav , The fe\eish ! tone ptovalled until within the last hour when icpurls fiom Wnshliuton prophecyliiK thodcfoat of tin- adverse - verso legislation against the trade In farm products restored conlldi'iii'o In a measure and pinduccd a flimer clos- Inu. Cables bringing huvliu ordcis from the continent of I. uropu caused 2o rally , anil tlio in irliut olosed ] 4C highei than yoiterduv with the p inlcl > > ftellng allayed , but nut full .eontiduiuo rostoiu I. owing to the uncertainty about the anil-option bill , Corn and oatb were Homuwhiit unsettled by the rai'kot In who it. but a\uiigi'd ! steady to 111 m nnd closed from Ve to ' > o higher foi loading futures Sample lots in good domiind and an Incioiibod attendaiiLOof hujeisof Hhlppln ; guides. Pro- % Iblons opi'iio.l easier , but quickly llrmoil up on huj Ing by iiaol.eis. Ono soft spot occurred diirlnx the laid In wheat , but packers again htipported lliu marUel and thu final closing wab.'iu hUhui for purl. , with laid and ribs firm and ntuady. UlllCMU ) . III. , l'eb 10.P 0 Lozau A. Co. to J , rtiindsComnilssliiii L'ompuny ; 1 ho fcollui : pie and con regnidlng the passage of the anti- option hill was the predominating Inlliienco In the wheat and corn rmiiKet. In the former all the features o\ccptii.g thu distrust eiuun- dured bj yesterday's dui'llnu and Us caitkc. wuro strong ; unusually so , wo would buy , con- bldorliu tliu teporlb of heavy puiuhasosof flour fiiruxpiirl at Minneapolis , u heat at Iu- ) luth anil Mlnnuapolls , anil wheat , both cash and futures , at thu seaboard While wo haidly uipcct to bee nny largo operator 01 sot of op erators take thu long shlo with thu action of congress hiinclir.- > ur ihc in.iiKCt , yet vro fuul that the hand which the foreigners shouod today is quite Important. Corn was bought heauly early hy local tradeis. Thu uiospoct U foi lighter ruculpts. 'I'iiu sumo remark up- piles to oats. Provisions opened weak on lu- cruubud receipts of hogs Later on I ho Ktrungth In grain and coxurlng hy slmrts Im proved thu market , \\lilcli closed at about the outside prices of the day. Tiado was liht. STOCKS AND IIONDS. Traniuotlniis In Itrailini ; Kcc'iirltU's Con- uuini'il llio Atti'iitloii of Operator * . NKW YOIIK , Peh. 13 , In view of the facts In the "coal deal" which were given out toil a v , the stoclc market sales were llttlo moro than h tlf In Heading , both in the stock und bom ! list. Certainly thu transactions In thu Head ing stocks and bonds were moro than half the entire business In both the departments. Ol tbu other coal slojks only Jersey Central nittdu any response to thu stimulation < uii the gcner.il lUt was comparative ! ) qulot and lomaineii foverlih and Irrogului throughout the enttro day , 'lliogonor.il ten dency wu > upwards , hov\evur , miner thu Inllu encuof the Immonsu rlso In the Heading sc ciirltlca , and , whlln the profosslon.ils am traders uro still bearish on the general Us their efforts to got prices down uuro ontlrolj iiuutrnlltcil , und most stocks show sllch Kalns n the result of tlio day's operations lly far too largi'st proportion of the huslnos wut donolu the lust lour , uftcr the announce nioiitofula trno nut uro uf the ill-ill whlcli hui ysMlcaiho bticet for m Ion- , and Krlo a thl l * tliiio pecamo moro proinlnunt In the trad Intf whlln r' ' lng fractionally. The ohenlnii l of the market was madu on i looluiuo of business , with prices generally lower t'lai those of lint uvfiiiii' ; , and u rumor that t'aul couUicplatoU an Usuo ot IIO.CCO.WKJ u i stock opened that stook off 'i per eont. The rdslof the list were irregular within irirronr HinllR , Imt marked strength was soon devel oped In Heading , Licknwnnna nnd > lcr < ey Lentrtl The Inilustil.ils followol at a dis tance , hut the change * In quotalons were Insignificant us u ruin except In the few stocks mentioned. Prkos ro o or foil iicinrdlnit to the pruv.iillnR temper of the coalers nnd the geneial tcnuonuy wns upnard. In the last hour , how- ex er , Handing went up with n rush , hut with out bringing the general list along to nny tnnrKcd uxtcnt , and Lauxawnnna was espe cially sluggish Inflict , the Industrials and those stocks whlcli ha\o any oiinectlon with the coal trade , direct 01 Indirect , were the only onus display Inn anv roil slieiu'th throiuhoul the day. The eloso was nctlio nnd firm , with most of the list at eloso to first ptlcoi. Thu nut gain In lioadlnir was G per cent , though ltsld 1 percent hUhor than Its last price , and.lersoy Central rose2 ucr cent , Distillers \ > i per cent. New Kngliind IJ per cent , and Delaware A Hudson nnd I'hluigo II hid + e dlv Jnsked Thu totalsilus of stocks to lay were 7TU'T40 shares , Including ! Atchlson , aj ( ! u , fB.1 0 : Chle.iKo i , Kasturn Illinois pre- furrod. : i.VT ; Dulanaru. I. icltawanna A.Vest - orn. ' . ' .Wli nrlu.4lVJ.Vi ; Louisville & Nashville. 14,000 ; Missouri 1'aulllc. in0 : Now .Ier-.ey Cen tral. S.OOO ; Now VorU Central. J.40I ; Northern I'aclllc profei rod. 1V > 00 ; KeadliiE.4IVJt : ) , Illch- inoiiil A. West I'olnt. , IOi ) ; St. I'aul. iW.nj'i : Texas A. I'aclllc. AftUaj Union PacIIle. lO.TJJ ; VVebtern Union , 4,450 , NEW YOIIK. Teb 10 The I'ost says : To day's further advances In e\ehanio bilnss sterllnjt rales within Ic of the Rod e\port evel. As Ins been the c.iso In every previous KUaneoof stcrlliie. a superficial explanation s easily found , while the f uiidamuntil causes pu7lo oxoryboJy. Kuropo has been a busy seller of certain lines of our sejurltlos this weeU , p irtlcularly Ke.idlni ; stocks , and this las , doubtless hastened the tradlt.oual sprltiE nuixuiiienl" on cxch injio In an up ward direction Hut , If our securities hive utelv been sold foi lluropu in account In such luantltles as to reverse the app irently los- cul mo\cmentof e\clianiu , the selling has not at any rate been done In thu open London ni irKot , As \\hatsecurltles and how many , c ir.-led In this country for foreign account. : nav have neon roallrud on by the foreigners s necessarily a matter of slmplo con- lecture. Courageous thcor.sts may bo ready to connect a hypothetlpi.l movement of tills kind with headings and winnings of thu stock niurkct after e\crv successful advance. ) n the other hand the professional operators who ha\u cxporlmcnto.l largely on the bear side ha\o not found their operations furthered by liquidation from outsldo sources on such a scale as this The obvious trouble with the stock market has been the .aclc of any orders from outsiders rather tuan the prosoncc of outsldo oruers to soil. I'ln.incl > 1 Nntoi. PABIS. Fob. 10. Three per cent rentes. 95f 7Sc for the account. NKWYOUK. . Pub. lO.-Clearlnss , $15D,598,7A- ; balances , tb.T < lT81. KANS\8OiTV- , Fob. 10. Todiy's clear ings were JIfi7 < > , 'J50. IIALTIMUHE , Mil. . Fob. 10. rioarlngs. 52,581- TIW : balaiiL-cs. { ( 'JO , ' . ! ) ! ; rate , ( i percent. NKW Oiii.EAvs. I , i , , Feb. 10. Clearings yesterday , fJ Ol72. Cle.uInys today. Jl.ulO- tL5. tL5.I'Hit I'Hit ADBM'iiiA , Pa. Feb. 10. Hearings , 117.- 4.XI.15J : balances , $ J , 157OKI ; money , ,1'i ' per cent. MEMPHIS ! Tonti. Feb. 10 Now York o\- cliaiiRo sellln ? at par. Clearings , t49J.U41 ; bal ances , $ J4 , lJi. ( CINCINNATI , O. . Fob. 10. Money , 'Iffifi per cent ; New 'ork cxchango , l-'Sajjc premium ; clearings , JViHr/iOO. ST. Louis. Mo , Icb. 10. Hank clearings. $ la ± Ji."lfl : balances. $74\b07 ; c\chango on New York , MXacOe premium. HnSTOv , MJISS. , Feb. 10 Clo'irlngs ted ly , $ lr > , ( ! 4l'IJJ ; balances. J1.55SOd : monoy. ' . 'feilS per cent ; exchange on Now York 12(317c ( dis count. CHICAOO. II . . Feb. 10.- Money casv at ! i@ ( ! pel cent. Cle irln-'s , $ Ij43SII. ) ( New York ex change. lOc discount. Mcrllng exciiansu steady atll.H'i'J ' for sixty day bills and $ J.b4 lor sight drafts. Now Y rk Jlom-y .Market. NEW YOIIK , Fob. 10 , MONUV ON OAr.r , Hasy at IQ.pur cent ; last loan , I'.j per cent ; closed offered at ! ' , per cent. PIIIMB MKIIOANTILE I'Ai-Eii 'I'idJVi percent. bllJIlMNH EXCIIANOK Qlllot but StrOIIH at J1.8V.1 for sixty-day bills and JI b71i for de mand. The closing quotations on bonds ; l.iiiidiin Stock .Market. [ Ciipy ! fu/iinJ / IS'Jl l > u James Qorl-m liennttt. } LONDOX Peh. 10. [ New York Herald Cable bpeolal to Tun HEK.1 The tcttlumout en gaged the attention of the Stock oxuh.in.o today , bo fur It has made satisfactory progress. Kites of continuation h.ivo boon goneinlly easier than on previous occasions lloino railways WITH backward. Consols were stiiiuly. Porulgn go\ernmi'nt securities me dull. A feature Is the fall of J lo . ' ! per cent In Greek bonds , Homo ralluajs were bomnwhut heavy , notwithstanding tlio scarc ity of the stocic. Ilrlgliton deferred has fallen 'i per cent , and several others ' , to Ai per cent. American , after being dull nun hoivy , nas bhown moro strength during the lust hour. Philadelphia & . Hcudlntc has been largely huiivht. Thorn WIIB an advance of Kg per cent In Atchlson , and others urn only partially ro- LOMiriMl from the fall noticed dnrliu thu d ly , 10 that us compaied with last night prices aio mostly lower. Denver preferences nro excep tionally flat , with a decline of 1'Jporeent. ' Catiaiiran llncc ha\o boon llttlo di'ult In. Can adian Piiclllc Is 'i per cent better. Giund Ti link Usnes uro somoHnnt lower , Owing to tlio Block uu'lmngo sottlemcnt n onuy has been mote wuntod. bhort loans h-ivo boun charged for at l > t percent. The discount mar ket was slightly lirniur T o and thtco muntlis' lillU WIMO quoted at 2 poi cent. LONDON , l''ob. ' 10.--Thu folluvln ; were the London stock quotation ! olojliu ut 4 p m , : llio rlnttnt prliuM < n on tlia 1t33tii stock market to l'iy : ' Mm rrnm l cc > 31111111) ) ; ( Junta ! Ion * . PAN riiAvcfsCo. Oil , , il'oh lO.-Tlio umcl.it closing ( imitations fur mining stocks ted ly \vcro us Xrmijo . fi Ophlr . .115 1'otosl . HU Savant ) . . . . . I .VI Slewi NovntlR . 170 Union Con . led Utah . to Vollow Jacket . . . 10" > Yuiiia . . . . 40 N. g . M II. I . SO Now York MlnhiR Ount ttlntu. Nitw Voim. Tob. 10 The following are the closln ? mining stoott ( | iiotrxtliiiis : Allen 115 Horn Silver IV ) Asprn 3JO Iron Mhcr 1J > lest .V llclclicr . . . . 3ii Motlcnti 1BO : iiollnr | 4D Unmrlo 4JUJ 'rown Point . . . . 115 Ophlr I'M ' : on CilVn. . . . . . M7l I'lYlllOlltll ( US > pmlwuoil T 2UO < av < iite l'5 luri'kn Con 1V1 Merrn Niuudn . . . . llo oiilil A Curry . . . . li > ) Stnmhiril IOJ Inlc * .Norcroj . 10J union Con . , . , 170 lomcstnko hue \cllow Jacket IUO Vi : .STOCK JMAKKKTS. Cuttlo Coining to Omiiliit 111 I.llirral Siiiplj | YpHli'nlnj'H I'rliPHiiml Sales. OMAHA. Tub. 10. Hocolnts for the n ist three Inys uro 7,713 o ittli. 1B.7BI IIIIKS nnd L' . :4 sheep iirnlnst.V-7 ( > oiittlo 1H.101 hess and 1/O8 sheep , thu first nnlf u ( lust week. An Incro.iso In three days of over " , ! > 00 oittlo mil extremely uiifawir.iDlo reports ( ruin 'lilcaKO caused a very weak feeling here. Diesiod beef buyers appeared to want tlio cntl o and tl.uro as a fair shipping ( luiniiiul. jut all liuyors wore bldilliu lowur. On nlc-o uitiily fat steers Just suited to the Ulllur'i tnsto there was soinu competition and prices consequently \M-IO fairly wi'll ni.iliit.ilncil. Un -'i)0l cattle nuUhlnc 1 , IV ) Ihs. nnd uuwnrils Mich as shippers wantot ) , prices wore not n. : ro.it deal louci , but on fair to KIWI ! l.iuj to . .MJ-lh steers prices wuro itu lower than Tuos- 1 iv. ( lee I l.'iin to 1,1'iU-ib steers sulil from $1.70 to $1.2-1. fulr to Kood 1.051 to I.V'OIb. . at curs sold from f.l'J. ) to M.DU and common llglit thin steers sold at Rood feet ei prlcus from $ ,1.00 to J.I.1.1' . Trmllne xv.is naturally slow nnd the close found ( | ullH feu bunches still unsold. llutchor stnfT.is In llliiT.il supuly and there wore plenty ofery irooil cows and holf- LTS jinona thu oiler IIR = , Ontsldo ordurs wore lUht and loual butehers and canncrs , having i clear Held , \\cro Inulliu'd 10 bu rather Indif ferent and bearish , Choice futco\\s nnd holf- crs sold ubout steady , but on medium and common RradOs prices were \ary uno\en , lOo ti l.r > e lower than Tuesday and l ! > e to "is lower than Monday. As \\honthuiolsablf ; run rough and canning lots sold at all sorts of mean prices. Tliero was a pietty KOOI | de mand for bulls. o\cn nnd slacs both troin iMitchers aim footers bales wore from ll..Ti to ! I'J Calves were In moderate supply and steady at from IM CO to $1 ( K ) for choice x oals. Theio was a tolcrablv active trade In stock- : rs and fucdcrs , both oitslde | and local speeu- ators taklni ; hold fruuly at Kood , stions iitiuH Tlieru was very llttlo traulni ; at under Mttl. and s lies were mostly fiom $ . .01 toJ25. Ki-piebontatUo sales : STEEitS. MII.KLIIS AND SrilI.Nfiiil.- : > . No. Pr. 1 cow ami calf JJs W ) 1 cow and calf 2J 00 1 cow and calf 2,1 OJ 1 cow mm calf 2.1 50 1 mllUor JJ OJ lloos Tlio run was again libor.il , bringing the receipts for the Hist half of the week pretty close up to tliu same three days of last week , In thu quality of the olluinigs not much ch ingo wtig noticeable , although us a rule the ho s were haidly so good and there woio not so iimiiy choice hogs us on Monday and Tuesday. Business opened rather dull , with prices ranging from steady on the bust light und uutchor wuUht hogs to 5u lower on packing grades. In fact , packers'o irly bids wore from 5 to 1 o lower than Tuesday. Iloth shippers , and fresh moat buyois wore too lib eral buyers to allow such a break , and the market finally sett ed down to a 5c drollno , ou uh cli basis liHiling was tolerably net.vu and the pens finally cleared. Tlio hrst heavy IIOIM sold at from $1 55 to il.UJ : common heavv and mixed p.inkers nt from il.bi totl.V ) . "Light and ImUhor wol.'hts aialii sold at the ux- trcmo limit of from tl.40 to $4 ( .0 ; tlio bulk at $1 55 Tiudlng wits largely at from il r > 0 to $4.55 , against at f roui } l. . ' . . ' > tojl 60 Tuesday , thu average - ago of prices nild boliu flA'l'i. against JI.'Hl Tuesdiiv unu IM.20' IfistVednesduy. . Hepro- ' . .ion ni . 2 n .10 } l M 4 : niso 2IS 80 4 Ml .JO 4 4) so t < 0 4M i.w 4 4J . .MIS 4.V. 4 41 fvS .312 203 4M 4 41 tote 103 .Ml 4 47'S to 2.V1 2lfl 45.1 4 47'i ' 200 i no so 240 4.M 231 210 7-1 2J ) 4 , M .261 120 4 M 71s ; 4 1.1 11.0 4 V ) cs 40 4M ! 828 41) ) 4 5) ) csoki an 451 . . 211 4 53 oki . .SC1) ) 4 SJ . . .bl 40 4 CO bft .2-9 10) ) . . SiO U'l 4 53 Si ) 10. 120 4 W 21(1 ( 4 SO ni 4 .V. 120 4 50 100 ' 247 210 4 M 01 ! 40 4' : ( ; . 21.1 iso 4 C ) . . 2J7 40 4 r.i . 440 4 S3 . . 2- : 4.V. . . 17.1 4 S ) . . . 2.JIM 200 4.15 . . .27S 4 51 01 ' ' ' 203 4V , . 214 21) ) 4 SO ( .5 , . . 'in 4 .11 .205 100 4 no 57 . . . , t2l 4 r > i 100 57M . .30 I.'O ! ! ! siu 210 4 SJ'i ' M .201 40 451 . . IH7 11.0 4 MU fH " bO 4,17'i ' . . 241 120 fHM . is i 40 4,17" . . .31.1 210 4 52'i 70 . 2 8 4 57'i ' 210M 0.1 . . .117 4'J 4 17' ' M 4 Si't ' 111 ? ' ? 4f,7'i . . 307 40 4 SJ'i 04 ' ' IM ) Hi ) . . . ' .VI 43 4 52'i ' . . . : lei > 103 " 40 4 r.'i ; ' SO , . . .nn liio 400 40M ! V4 I M ) 4 SJli 0' ' ) . . . . ' 17 401 ' 101 4 M'i . . . .274 40 i.'sos 120 4 MI , to 4i ( ) 12i ) 4 M toM 40) ) K ) 4 51 M 271) ) SO 4(0 ( 2"0 4 5,1 rum AND notion , 2 510 - 2 53 Mil up The olToiliigs were nboiit the snino as Tues lav us to iimuitltv , mid not very iiiueh dllfcruut as to qunllly. 'I ho demand uas fair , hut thu fcollnu was rather o.isler. althoiuh neArly u\orythlnusnld out at siilnt.-intl.iHv stoulr nrlcos. QuotatloiH ! Natives HTVfi 521 ; westerns. ( .t/io VO ) ; eotutuon and stoi-k- ers , $ . ' .5 ( ft I7,1 | laiuhs , $ IOQ1.1J. Keprescnt.i- tl\u sales : No. A v. Pr. 105 natives , mixed bt J4 f > 0 100estern wethers 101 f. W ) 1US iialho ones bl 4 411 I.io Ool-Pox. . mixed St 4 .15 I.M UolTcinlNvil 84 4 in IU Col-Tov. , mixed 81 4 , r. Knrolpts ini'l DlspMltlil of Stock. Olllchit rocoluts uud ilispultlon of stoaU is shown bv the hoiUi of thu Union Sleek Yards company for thu twenty-tout lio'ira , ondlirat Bo'clock p m , Kobruary 10 , I-U. ' . IIK nl'TS. DISPOSITION' I.UcMork Maiket. CHICAOD , 111. . Fob , 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB HFP.I Sellers of cattle today ere at a big dls ulviintase. Thuro was nothing In thu slianu of a bulkuK for \\hlcli ' 1 uesd iy' prices could bo obtained. Choice cows and bulls held better than other descriptions , but they generally sold at a decline of lOc. Other sorts were olT fully IPO and there vote not a fuw lust , unitshuru the decline amounted to 2 c. I hu pri'va once of a heny snow stoim aid not add to the cheerfulness of the situation , and t il.cn alt In all It uas a most uns itlsfautory marUot dny. Sales were princlp illy at from tl.h'i to lr.7" > for cons and bulls , and from $ .150 to1 40 for dressed beef and shipping steers , Co irsehe i\y c vttle. anj Ih n weuhliii oer I , IOJ Ibs , were especially hard to sell. Nobody appo irs to want that trade , and they arc selling at shock. n jr.lv low juices , as compared with those paid for lighter weights Forty thousand was posted as the day's re ceipts of his. This was at least 10. ' 00 In ex cess of tliu n umbel general v looked for nnd conseriucntiy the opening was \erywcik. Hut It was soon learned that tlio arrivals won d not uuarly ruith those figures and then , i stcadlui fouling took possession ot the market. bales were at a reduction of from 5c to lOc per 10) ) Ibs. The closing quotations woru from JI.VJ to $5 DO for poor to choice bca\y and medium weights and from J44I tofl.5for ' light. Tlio proportion of uriiuo bogs I oing stm.ll , there were fnw sales at the outshle figures , but the bulk changed hands above $4 05. f-a'es of culls und young pigs were anywhere - where f lOin JJ.UO to $4 10. Ti o sheep land lamb market lackc.l the buoyancy clinracterl/lng that branch of tnu trade on the preceding daysof the week. 1'ho demand continued fail , but thu supply was Increased hejoml expectations , and buyers Insisted upon concession- , . The average of prices was about fiom f > o to lOc lower than for yesterday. $4 7. > to $5 T > buying the bulk of tlio sheep , and few lambs selling aho\o $ ! i 40. The receipts were : cattle , 'Jl.OOJ ; hos , Uj.OCO ; sheeu , li,000. ( Tim Kvi-nlng .lourniil reports : CATTLE Ite- culpts.'l.iu.i ; slilpmontsr > , iiuii : markets owand steady to lower ; best stours. $1 5 & " > i. " > : others , 8) miQj4.Jo : stockors. $ l.70.l.o'i ; cows. Jl/i @ -i 0. llo-.s Hcceipts. Jll.uoo ; hnlpments , 11,101 ; market fairly actixo and f > ® IOo lower : rough and common. J4 r > © I.Wmixtd , ana puckers , * t 7o@4.S.primo ; heavy. } 4 B5l.9j : light , ifl.OOis 4. ' ) > . SliEEf Ueceipts. D.001 ; shipments , .1,00) ; market a the : lambs hlghor ; owes. ? l W ® 42" > ; mixed , * 4.7ai. . 0 ; wethers. $ l.95ffl5 4J ; westerns , 15.15 ® ' ) 40 ; lambs , $ V)0 ® ( > 8T ) . New York I.Uo Stock Slurket. NEW YORK , Fob. 10. HKBVI-S Hcculpts , s , ! ! ) " ! head , Including 'IS cars for sale ; muiket steady ; nalhe steers. * .l.fOl " ' > per Ku Ibs ; bulls nnil cows , $ I..VS4.H ! ( ) : aresjed beef steady atGSS'/jC per Ib.t tomorrow shipments will bo .Til beocs and ! I5 tieop. | Shipments today , 5,70' quartets of beef. Ctvi h Heeulpts. ( > - ' ) head ; market steady ; veals , $ . - > uOiSS.OO per IUO Ibs. biiEKi'-ltecelpts , lido ) head ; market dim ; sheep , $1 5 < & ( ! ! iO per IOJ Ibs : lambs. iK ® 7. Mi ; clrcssol mutton , steady at 7ffl'je ! ' jioi Ib. : diossed lambs , firm at 'KSIU'H' . lions -Itecolpts , 7.14 , ho id. consigned direct ; nominally stonily at $1 1031 75 uui IUO Ibs. Kalis is City M\o stuck Murkof. KANSAS CITV. Mo , Fob. 10. CATTLE Hc- colpts. 4 , IUO ; shipments. 'I.IKIO ; stcuis were dull and < io to Mo lower than Monday ; cows and feeders were steady with yesterday ; dressed beef and shipping steers. ( .I.ViQ.l.hu ; eows nnrt holfors , ifl " > af 15 ; stockers and foodors. - ' aVW ( 75. IInn < Kecolpts. lO/OT ; shipments. 4.60D ; the miirkut opened fie lower and closed 5o to luc lower ; all irrartos. W.iiOCil (1) ( ) ; bulk , JI.40I.W. Slitsup Kocolpts , 000 ; shipments. 1UJ : market uncbnngod , St. I.mils I , I vii Stork .Harknt. Rr. Louis , Mo , Kob. 10. OATTI.K Kuuolpts , l.UOO ; markut lower ; fair to good stuurs , Mwdt. t.'M : gooil haimy loxam and Indian steers , lodb liecelpts , 4,003 ; mnrlcotnpenod steady ; heavy , J4.70ai.OJJ inUod , J4.2.iai.a5 ; light , tl 01 @ 4.81. WBSTIJKN PAUIIINI ! INriitl : > TS. Opitiiitliins for tliu runt U'ci'k Very .Mutcii- allj Itriiuri'il. CINCIMTATI. O. , Poll. 10. ( fcnrelal Tolo&rr.im & toTilB llKtc.1 Toiiioriow's 1'ileo ( Jurrent will HIV : 1'ucUiij operations atuvonsldui.ibly iu- dueod , Thu total foi thu west thu past ueok lsIU5OJO hozs , UKalnst 4')0UO ) ( tin ) preeoillii ! { ucok and 410.910 last year. inaldiiK 7,181. no since No\cniher 1. nn.iinst 7I9"UOO a year ago. I.Diulins places now operating coniparo as follows : Slrkiu-SH AIIIIIIIK'hlldrcMi. . Especially Infants , Is prevalent more or loss at nil times , but is largely avoided by civiiiK propur nourish incut and wholesome food. The most successful and rollablo of nil Is the Gall liordcn "Eagln" Urand Conaeusod Milk , Your grocer and urutrgist , Uuop it. VAN PLEASED READ THIS. 00 Cents a pound for VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to be high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee : 1 Ib , of good coffee costs at least 30c. , makes 31 hall.pint cups , 3 ' " " " therefore 90c. , " 03 " " " 1 ' "V.H. COCOA' < also 90c. , " 1EO " " " Which is the Cheaper Drink ? J 93 cups of Coffee , RETAIL MHOB oo AO UO ctoli | " r K ( Kigail. " 90c > = = 1l60 " "V.H.Cocc IS S " " "X " ) ' " SoM by every Grocer. in > \ OMAHA I ( III UK ! JAIK1U AAVNINOS AND 'IT.M'S. Omnhit 'I nil , { . Imiiiinnckt oil ami iml fur UAUS AM ) T\VIMW. /fiil ( OmalM tlttti fit. Importer" ntul msn'if * < - - turcr . Hour arkii , llurlnpi nml Twlno IIIUYlMiUH , A. 11. I crrluo A Co , M O JMloil , KOI ftroot IIU clp million niontlilr | inyinoiit < . eml for our ot nml prlcei liVfthj rnrnnrn ( , Umnli > MOOTS AXI > KIIOKS. Moraoco Siios ' 'onnai/ , llOt llownM Street Knrtorv porntr llth nnil Donate lroot \Vc nrp nmVinit clo o ptl < o to ci li ti ijcrs , nml lire fflllntt n UnM of iioocli wlilcli H > err nil- i-ft'jlo with meritiMit .linnl ni Iliiivl S KliheixlaUoiif / * it ( ' " . Shiir t'i > , ' Mnnufnrlii'f' \Vlioli"nU' Itnot" , hoe , riibberi Am > nt < < for Ho ton H t' ' ; mill ( vlt KoiiiM bur Shup I'o , 11U1. ' HOI 1)11 ) I lU-nir utrout nml llOullnrnc ) 'troot COAIj , COKK , OiiKt/in / fii Outilnntil Sij llnnl iiul foil tonl * hlp Ilnr.l nml * ofl conl S K per rnriiLT Hith nnd IKinitU 130 Knrnnni i-troct , tlrccH Omnlm Jiilin nii llnii- , 1014 l-'nriinm stro ot , Nott. | OI.O I'll INO. Ktiulf < ' tnir H'or/.H / ( illmntr it IliiM , .Mnnufiiciurcrt of (5il- ( Manufiii'liircrn nnil vnnl/ccl Iron Cumin * [ Wlnilow nips , ini'tillc \Muilu < nl ClotliloMi akrll Iiti , rto. 111U ami 1101 Iliirncj street IHIY . . ; ; . sihi'hACn. hUpatnch Koch I'iiu ( Itinilx I'o . Dry ( tooil , notion * , fnr- Hry KuiMKimtlmu t-euts' nlohlnK Kood * fiirnlililnK Rood- ( .or llth ninl llowiirdsts. Corner llth nnd llownnl Omabi Ooa licht 11 Eleotchil 0 ) . Ulcctro Djiiimoi. I irapi Wl-i' nml Hlcctrlcnl hup pllo < iil All KhuN 111. ! lion ir I itiU'U , Onuh i llrtlci .t irilhtlmv C'a < t MUM , Our loih nml.tnclMonSK llulMcrV Oamlin , IIION A Tin 1(117nn ( / WroiiRliI nnJ rn t Iro'i liullillnu work , rnnlnoi. brnt work , unnural I Her , It. II. ( } nttr , J Iqiior Imporlor on I .Inbbor of Wlnoi ntul l.lqnor 1070 nml llM ! Knut I ' l'flccllit < on / ' / ch .1 llnlicrti , \ \ liulonle Iliiunr ili-ilcri lOUt I nrnamM , ( Viurt ( / { . l.te. Jo/ill / .1. i | , lUrrtwooil luintirr. wont cnreti ! nnil pnr < | UU ilmio-tol Amorlptn I'ort floorlnir , Innlivmot Mllwniikivi lirilrni llo loinrnl nuii Fill nnil Doualnr , nlilti' In. ( i 0. A , i Millinery , nollorn.clonki | > | nn , , , orKiun , ' miterlil < < l < Ilit-llfl h loin M Uimhn n "Iteet , OYSTIJUK -I. tloitli I'nclnnu Co , /'Id I A f ii. I'nokcrnof oyitorJ , fish Oystern Klih nan Ccl 'f , n lid Celery .IIOHonth 1011 bt nOBhisivimworth St llarld Cole Mniinjor Jank Ijine Co. , llpflne , ] nnd Inurlrntlni ; oils , nxlo sro.isi' , etc. pitoimcij COMAIISION. . { Siillicli .t Co. , ltililiHA SwHh. Donlpriln coiintrprod - rrodiiro , frulti of nil lire , frulti , veitatatilat , etc. klnd < ojitcrj , IJ07 IIo nM Stroot. nth and Unmet l\ilfil ! > raiiit A four , Jos , A. Olnrk& Co. Hatter , chooo e/iis , Butter , eggs nnd paaltr/ poultry nnd Kntno 14V ) hnrnini at. CWJ South 13th btrocL Riddell & Co. , G. Pegan. ( oiiiiil ] lon M o r p Ii n n t , Huttcr ihoso CIJSI.TOJ- Prodimliutter I'tnblei frulU , poultry flii'p o nnrt I'miltrr. Uth nd llinvnrd Sts. nnd Kinio Oiimhi. Mullin & MoOkii , Bing'aam & Son , Specliltlcs haitjr Oftxs endtinjoar KKKS Hat ohooe poultrj.eto. No ter , 1'onttrv. ( .nine , 1'iS Mil itoi tic Nil llldin I'lc bank KOI J I.e ivtMiwurJi 8t. Carpenter Paper Co. . King Pnp r 0) nil kinds Curry n full tock of prlnllninrnpphiK nml . cte Hlls HoiMirrt writing paper , card pi < per , otc 'Icl 171) ) liKI'A.I S James Hughes , Omalu Stove Eopair StoTcsrcpnlrn of nil kin -li Wor a. CoukK nnil UoMori Ptovc ropilrs inil watef for tinlo nttnclimenlH for any kind uf stoxum ule WS lltli Sires' SASH. 'JO VS. M. A. Disbrow & Oo , HTHardy Oo Manufacturers of inili Toys , flolli nlh 11 < ff " " ' nl-lilng eel nioulillniri llrnDCh of Dee , ISth nnrt Usril Hit , SOUTH OMAHA. UNIOS STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Al'tn ' Eoat & Oo. & Itoonill r.\chnnL'o llulld- Itoonn , l. ) nnil 61 K - llulldln buiith ch uua liiliilHJ [ . Omaha. boiilh Oinliu Every MAN ran he I STltONO anil VIG OROUS m all reipirii _ - _ _ by nsinc SPANISH N1JH.VINB , thegreat Mpnnlnh Jlemeily. YOUNO M1SN OR OIn bullrriint from NBRVOUS DBniWTV , I.O3T or FAII/INO MANHOOD , niKhllycmlssiolis.ronuiltlont , nct\ou3 piof ( ration , cans'il hylhunse of opium , tobacco cir alcohol wake * fulness , menial depression , loss of power in cither sex , sperniator- AND AKTFK USK , ilm a caused hysiilf abuse ami over indulgence nr any pi i ion.il weak ness can be restored lo perfect lii-alih ami the NOI1IK VITAI/ITV OF STRONG BII5N. We give a wrillen RiiaranlFe uiih c bates to cure an ) case or refund the money , } l a hox.O boiee Jj For s.tlo in Oiuahii by MoCormk'k & Lund , lotli & Furnamsts. Btnntl ; flops the molt pkCTiiclitiiu palni ) ncvor f illi lotlvo CHID to the iutTer > i. For spniins , hniisdi , iMc't.tc.'ie , | uln in l'ia ' rlimt or sltlji lii'.il.te'p. . ( iiil'i'ic'iOj or any oxtonial pnln , a few applications , ruboo 1 on by hand , act like ma ic , can itir { tlio jKiin to instuitly stop. For roii 'stiitin , lullitniiiilio it , rlic l n itliin , ncu rnlifln , liiuiliii ii , 8''l vtii'.i , | ) .ilin In ( litM'ii ill of till' lur'c ' , ino-o ovto-nlo.l and ro- pe.iled njiplluation are iiuuossary : All Inhrtiil pilns. illiirrlniUi drso il'U' ) ' . colic , sitiisins , niuist'i , fiviiitiiu' s soils , nnrviiii-iio. , s'c ojiloimioi4 | m-o rollovoil instantly and qniokly cured by tukin-j inwardly J ! l toO ) droiw in half n tumbler of wntop. 60 con U a boitlo ; sold by driii.'t'ibK With KA.DWA Y'S PI I.S lltoro is no bctto * cure nr preventive of I'cvrr unil A' IIP. BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE CAPACITY OOO.OOO BUSHELS. for All Kiuti of Grain HONEY ADVANCED ON CONSIGNMENTS. All pr.iln woljlind , Inspected and btiir.i.'u riito iblaullshed hy hl.ito olllutu * , . Willo for rate * and fu.l paitloiiiais iiiu ) I'onhljn bhlpinonlHeaioof $ WOODMAN &RITCHIEC O OMAUA , MOM . 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. 1 lie eminent > poiallit | In IUTVOUI , ilironlr , iirlvulo blnol , > kln ami urinary illii'nos A rivular aaA , . rrifltlrred vrailualo In uiiMclnu. a * illp ( uu mill itnlll cxlt's thiiw. It mil treuilnt : wilh the greitrn I'ici'eii catirrb.ipfrumturrhoeu , luilnianhunJ , tunilual wmkn i'js. nlUit Insiai.luipiiiitiicy , yplillli , niloliiic. sonk crrlioeB , gleet , vorlioielu , tic. .No iiuriurj UKJ Nfv , Irealiiji'ni lurlOM of vital puwir. 1'artloi unu bio ro Tlnti rae may to tr atu I nl honiv by loircM'omli n < i' . MuiiUliif or oftrumvnti rant by oarelr packeil , ao luitrki lo fnilt uti * ( unttjul * or kt'iulHr. 1)110 personal lulurvlvir profcrretl litf. torru'puaJciiro nlill ; prlvulr , Uuok ( UyiUrlti of Life ) aiit li < n. unice uuuriila iu.tovp.lftk I