Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Italhtrrd hy Carrier to nny part of the City
II.V. . TII/TON , - MANAUr.U ,
111 . n > iin\rsJ ItiiRtnciR Ofllco . No 41
11 I.I.I HONES ' .
} NBlll , K(1ot | , . jj0'l !
MlfiOll M
N , Y. Plumbing Co
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crolt's chattel loans. 201 Sapp blocf.
Ynlcntino social at Mrs. J. C. Hlxby's
Thursday evening.
Miss Laura Covatt entertained a party of
frlomls last evening at her homo on avenue -
nuo A.
A meeting of the Merchant n and Manufac
turers associations 111 bo hold tills evening
nt the Kuponor court room In the county
court house.
The Ladles' Aid souloty of the Borcan
Ilnptlst church will moot tomorrow nftor-
noon at the residence of Mrs. Sllcolt , 10.20
Third avenue.
Insurance or other solicitors who are now
making loss than $100 per month hould call
on ] { . U. Uooth , 4 Pearl street , Council
lllufTs. This Is worth Investigating.
I . . 'lio Congregational ladles will plvo a
[ /Valentino social at the nome of J. C. lilxby
' Thursday evening. Somii novel and enter
taining features nro uolng nroposud. Every
body Invited.
A special mooting of thu Potawattamlo
County fruit Growers' nnd Gardeners' as-
soclotlon will bo hold Saturday afternoon at
thocouit house lor the purpo o of opening
the bids from manufacturers of b < rry
boxes and baskots.
The case of John Waterman , charged with
cheating bj false pretonsos. which was to
hnvo had u hearing before .lustleo Haulier
yestciilfty , was continued until Monday by
agreement of the attorneys.
An Invitation has been received by Presi
dent .1 , H. Dietrich of Iho PottnwatUnilo
County Dcmocratio association to bo present
nt tbo Inaugural rorcmonles of Governor
lioyd at Lincoln next Monday.
Pottawattnmlo tribe No. 21. improved
Order of Hod Men , will moot this evening In
egulnr council at their wigwam , corner of
Hroiuhvnv and Main street , at 7s30 o'clock.
It Is desired that nil the members bo pres
ent. Visiting chiefs nro welcome.
Robert Untnsoy , a constable from Sodnlln ,
Mo. , arrived In the city last evening to take
in charge George Jackmnn , the colored man
who was arrested last Sunday for forging a
chock for $17 In Seualln. Jackman m.ido a
confession and will DO taken back homo this
morning , rcpulsition papers already having
been scoured.
The water mains In the Western house on
East Uroadway froze and bunt last uvcning
nbout half hast 10 o'clock. Hooding the \\holo
tlrst lloorto a depth of three Inchoi or moro
before the Mow could bo stopped. The guests
wcro routed out of bed by the cold bath nnd
n very dlsag'-cnable tlmo ensued , but there
was nothing In the house that could bo dndly
lamnped by the wetting excepting the tem
pers of the inmates.
Wo hnvo our own vineyards in Callfor
nia. Jurvis Witio coinnvny , Co. BltilTs
Reitoi1 , tlio tnilor , 310 Broadway , lins
X nil the latest stylon und newest floods.
Satibfacliou guaranteed.
Jurvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
W. Marvel of Greshnm , Neb. , was In the
city yesterday on business.
A. B Crawford , a prominent business man
of Nelson , Nob. , was In the city yesterday.
H. Lnndjnstor of Cedar Falls , who Is in
the city attending the grand lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen , is a
member of tlio Hi in of Landcastor & Corey ,
which was appointed by the commissioners
of the World's Columbian ! exposition to tauo
pictures throughout fowa for the Worm's
Dro. Woodburydontistsnoxt to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tolo. 143.
Walnut block and Wjoir.lng coal ,
fresh mined , received daih Thatcher ,
10 Main.
Threatened ulth Contempt I'roci-oiIlngH.
C. It , Epperson was summoned into the
superio rcourt yesterday afternoon for uu
examination as to his personal property
upon application made by T. J. Hartwcll of
Oakland. Uartwoll , it seems , secured u
/ ] udgmcnt against htm some tirao niro , but
when an attempt was made to find something
n , upon which to levy execution everything
, proved to tie out of sight. Upon examina
tion it was found by Judge McGee that
Epperson had u watch and ring , und as he
was an unmarried man this property wa
not exempt. Leo Swearlngen was accord
Inply appointed receiver and bis bond
lixed nt ? -00. Epperson refused
to hand over the property. but
was told that unless ho compiled with the
order of court ho would have to go to jail foi
contempt. At his requcbt ho was allowed to
go to the ofllco or an attorney for advice , iti
the custody of a dcputv marshal , but aftoi
he had consulted the attorney ho came to the
conclusion that the cheapest way out ufthc
diniculty was to settle , and tm paid the
judgment , which amounted to about $ J5.
Swimson Music Co. , Masonic totnplo
Vocal .Munlc.
Prof. T. W. Davis , toucher of voicu
find note ronding. Lessons private.
Call or address at Grand hotel , Council
Itrtnijcd by Ills
Deputy Marshall Aldrich of Atlantic ar
rived in the city last evening having ir
charge 11. T , Kobliison , a young man who 1 :
charged with selling intoxicating liquor :
without u government permit. Upon exami
nation ho was 'omul to tally ulmosi
exactly with a description whicl
had been sent out a day 01
two ago by the nutboiitles of Omaha In th <
liopo of capturing a man who burglarized i
house last woclc , securing an overcoat , sill
of clothes , a couple of revolvers and about f ;
in monov , A telephone mossngo was ' cut u
Omaha and Detective Vaughn came to this
sldo of the river with the man whoso prein
Isos hod boon burglarized , None of thi
stolen stuff was found on the prisoner , til-
i , thoush bo admitted he had been in Omaha 01
\ the day when the burglary took place.
H. II. Sheufo IIIIH eastern money 01
hand for real estate loans.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In. ,
closes every even intf at 0 p. in. , unless
Mondays and Saturday B , Mondays 0 p ,
in. , SaturdiiyH 10 p. in. Fotlioriiifjluun
Whitcluw & Co. , Council Bluff * . la.
Thlines A 1 1 IT Nicotine.
Burglars visited V , W. Lamb's cigar fnc
tory , WJ Droadway , some tlmo Monday
night. Thny gained an eiitraneo by twistini
off the Iron bars at n roar window , Tn <
plunder fcci-urcd consUted of cigars , cigar
otU-s and plug tobacco , the vuluo of all beini
about (10 ,
An attempt was also made during the nigh
to enter a cigar store kept by Peter Jensei
on liroudwa.r uoar the corner of Hryan
street. The back dcor was nearly force
open , a Loon at the top being all that stoo
In the way of the burglars entering , The
bad evidently been frightened away In tb
midst of their opetations.
llcail In UU llfil ,
Patrick McCann died yesterday inornin
Rt Uln residence , Ol'J Stuumuu street , froi
lUo cffouts of a atroko of paralysis which h
lultorod about thrca years nio. Ho ha
been practically helpless ever since bt
nflllctlon , but on Monday bo did nn
appear to bo feeling worao than usuu !
Early In the morning ho was heard taluln
to himself , but when ono of tlio inombeN o
the family went to bis bodslda at 7 o'clock b
was found Ivlng dead. Ho was 07 years a
tgo and had been employed by J. T , Olive
for some tlmo previous to his illness. H
leaves four daughter txoil a son , Announce
inenv of tbo funeral will bo maju later.
Juryle wild bluckborry U the bust
Members of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen in Session.
SOIIIP Illstiirj C'liiii-priiliiR tin-lilt Islon of tlio
Order I'limiM Inl < illllnii oMIir Or-
Inn Onlrr of llM I-
i Di-tnltril.
The mooting of the grand lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen onencd
In earnest yesterday morning in the Uoynt
Arcanum nailors , with Grand Master Work
man W. It. Graham of Ccuar Falls pre
siding. Thoio wcro 121 delegates present ,
cveiy ledge In the state bolng roprosontcd.
Tbo iriornlng was taken up mainly with the
hearing of reports from the officer * , which
contained a great many Intcrouing facts.
On January 1 , 181U. the membership
of the combined lodge ) of tlio state
was 1,28:1 : ; durln g the year thtro was n
gain of 1OU2 , which brings the total mem
bership at the beginning of the present year
up to 5,88. ) . In the past nine years there
have boon 182 deaths In the order , tbo timu
elapsing between doathand payment ranging
nil the way from 118 dnys , in li > S4 , to thiity-
llvo days , In 18SS. Of this number over'JO
per cent , were caused by violence , such as
accidents , suicides and murders.
With roffjreiico to the split In the ranks
Grand Master Workman Graham In his report
port stntos that at least thirty of the "dis
loyal" lodges are knocking for roadmlssion
to the order llouly bus ueon made that as
organizations they cannot bo admitted , but
that every member who was n member prior
to April 1 , 1882 , who Is under f > 0 venrs of ago
mid can stand a medical examination can try.
Six now lodges have been instituted in the
state , two of which are nt Des Moino ? , ono
ut D.ivenport , onont Leeds , ono at Sioux City
nnd ono nt Ottumwn , tbo combined member
ship being 228. The receipts in the bene
ficiary fund have been $84,10. ) , and the ox
pomlituros fcjl,079. In the general fund the
receipts have been $14it4 ; , and the expendi
tures * 12U. > 1. The reports of nil the olllccrs
show that tbo order Is In a vorv llouilshing
condition In every way. and the members
are groatlv cncouraireu over the outlook
During the morning session degrees wcro
conferred upon forty past master workmen.
The afternoon session was clvcu up to dis
cussing proposed amendments to the consti
tution , all of which wore finally referred to
committees who will report on them today.
No evening sessions will bo held during the
The following Is the list of ofllcers of the
grand lodge for the current yeai :
P. G. M. W. , L. L. llamlln.DoB Molnes ; G.
M. W. , W. U. Graham. Cedar Falls ; O. K ,
H. S. Howe , MubcMtino ; G. O. , W. W.
I3mgbara , Waterloo ; G. recorder , L. A. How-
land , Cedar Falls ; G. receiver , William
Wilson , Jr. , Washington ; G. culde , A. Har-
tung , Des Molnos ; G. W. , J. J. Koth , Bur
lington ; (4. M. E , Dr. S. N. Pierce. Cedar
Falls ; G trustees , W. F. Elchboff , Musca-
tirie ; J. D. Vail , Marahalltown ; Edward 11.
McICee , Indlar.ola ; committee on laws ; M.
C. Mathcw , Dubuiitio ; Cash Lohmnn , Burl
ington ; J. U. Copcland , Charlton ; committee
on finance , D. w. Cronse. Waterloo ; L. B.
Lehman , Des Molnea ; William Elson , Des
Moino : supreme representatives , I' . S.
Towle , Clinton ; A. W. C. Weeks , Wintorsot ;
L. L. Hamlin , Dos Molnos.
Ho ! ( or tlif.Miinll Cms !
At Now Orleans. One faio , $31.45 , for
oupil trip. Tickets on sale Fob. 22 to
28. For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent 1C. C. , St. .1. & C. B.
Tickets for EH Perkins' lecture , Feb
ruary 1U , are on sale at tlio druir store of
O. II. Brown , Main street ; .1. D. Stuart ,
Broadway ; Fairmount pharmacy , Opera
House drug store ; Brackott's. Hemom-
ber that this entertainment is wholly for
the benefit of the Homo of the Friend
less. Buy your tickets early and got a
creed scat. _
Lincoln Man < iets H Taste of Iowa High
A bold robborv took placom Council Bluffs
ntalato hour Monday night , n young man
.ivlng . near Lincoln , Neb , , and giving his
mo as H. P. Griffith , being the victim.
Ho spent the evening running around the
streets seeing what ho could see , and
finally took a drink or two in company with
a couple of rocky looking individual * at the
' 'Court , " u saloon kept by Frank Carroll
across from the postofllco. Ho loft tno place
by the back door , and just as ho reached the
niloy outside ho was confronted by thg , two
fellows ho had been drinking with. Not wait
ing to asi < his leave , ono of them grabbed him
by tbo arms while tbo other went through
his pockets and made a clean sweep of nil the
valuables ho could dud. Among tbo stuff
taken ivoro ? U in cash , a pass over the B. &
M. road and a pocket knife. Alter Grlfllth's
now found friends had loyed with him to
their hearts' content they lot him go and dis
appeared In the darkness.
Grilllth reported the case to the pollco and
swore out an Information In the superior
court charging Frank U llllams and John
Labor , two well known gamblers , with the
robbery. Ho did not know their
names , but furnished , excellent descrip
tions of both men , by which they wnroeasily
recognized. Williams in-rested yester
day afternoon and locked up In tbo city jail.
Grilllth was also hold as a witness in order
to prevent his oelng run out of the city like
so many other victims of the gang that hangs
around tbo saloons without molestation.
Ciipsrr U Indicted.
Constable Charles Nicholson left last even <
Ing for St. Louis to talci Into custody Wil
liam Cupsor , who ns indicted by the grand
Jury on the charge of larceny from n uulld
Ing. Tbo cnino was committed about three
months ago at Taylor Woolsoy's restaurant
on Unpor Broadway. Cupsor worked at
tha restaurant for some time , but ono day he
disappeared , A line gold watch belonging to
Frank Schiferli , an overcoat to Bert Brotz
nnd n pair of trousois belonging to ChrU
Chrlstenson disappeared nt the same tlmo ,
and llioro was strong evidence that
there was a connection between
the two events. Cnspcr was traced
to bt. Louis , but after Uo got
thora ho was lost until a few days ago , when
a toloeram was tecoivod stating that ho bad
ooon once moro located. The witnesses at
once went baforo the trrnnd jury and bo wai
indicted , after which word was bent to the
St. Louis pollco to arrest him , Wlion he
was taken lie admitted his guilt aim stutec :
his willingness to cotnu buck without a requi
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
W. C. A. hospital , corner Uth street anil
Oth avenue _
Monov to loan. Lowest rates. John
bton & Van Patten , Kvo-ott block.
,1. W. Cliulllu I ) } Ing.
Word has been received in the Bluffs stat
Ing that Hov. J. W. Chnntn , formerly of thii
cltv. Is lying at the point of death at hi :
homo In Marlon , la. Ho will be romemberei
by many as the editor of the Council Bluff !
Advance , u weekly paper which was after
wards chanced Into tlio Council Bluffs Dall ;
Herald , After leaving here ho went to Hei
Oak , whore bo lived a short time , and thei
moved to Marlon , which has been bis bonn
over MUCO.
Anil Only IVw I.lnoitVrlttrn Alionl III
At the corner of Fifteenth street am
Now York nvonuo yesterday u man ro
leabcd n cage of rats to ho killed by doj.'f
tays the Washington i'ost , Ono'of tin
rats ran under the skirts of a ladyht.uul
ing on the corner , und disappeared. In
stead of fainting or bcroamlng bin
slightly raised her garments and gonth
shook the rat to the ground , after whici
she calmly hoarded a far. The rat wai
killed. The im-idont was witnessed bi
an interested crowd.
An Oklulioum Towiultr.
El. HEXO , Okl. , Fob. 9. Hogardlng the do
clslon of Secretary Noble , reversing action o
the cojnmlsslouer of tao general laud o&ld
Program for
My sales have been farge the last week"but ? I have thousands of dollars worth of shoes that are clean and new. I have
bargains to offer that have not been on sale before. Shoes of all kinds and prices. Fine shoes , medium priced shoes ;
cheap shoes , and all of them good shoes- they will will be sold cheap , and cheap msans at a lower price than ever of
fered in Council Bluffs or Omaha. 1 HAVE NO COMPETITORS. There is not a shoe stock in the city that has the good
solid , serviceable'shoes in itthat mine has.I have never had a cheap or shoddy shoe in the storeand as no one can com
pare prices with mine wheh. they can't compare goods. REM EM BER , all these goods will be sold at old prices as soon
as this sale is over' It will pay you to buy now.
TO RAILROAD MEN. You can buy the $5 calf box toed shoe , in lace , congress or outton , for $3.50 , and it is the best railroad shoe on earth. Thesa
shoes have not been on sale the past week , but they will all go this week for $3.5o , and nvery pair warranted.
MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. I have a few dozen of those fine silk vesting top , patent leather shoes',1 , the same shoes that would you $8
arid $9 in Omahn , for $5.50. If you waut a dress shoe don't overlook this chance.
LADIES' PATENT LEATHER SHOES. There is a few dozen of the choth top , button and lace , patent leather shoes left , $5.50 , reduced to
$4.50 ; $6 , reduced to $4.
A FEW OF THE BARGAINS YOU CAN GET THIS WEEK. Ladies' $5 shoes for $3.50. Ladies' 54.50 shoes for $3. Ladies' $3.50 shocg
at $3 5o. Ladies'$3 shoes at $2. Ladies' $2.50 shoes at $1.75. I also have a few do.xen of Laird's hand turned shoes. The ones Morse of Omaha sells for $8 ,
for $4 50. These are all genuine bargains , and these goods will all be sold at rcgu'ar ' price as soon as this sale is over.
THURSDAY. All $2.SO shoes go for $1.78. These are as good shoss as can be bought in any store for $3.OO. 1 have
a big lot of them in all sizes and widths , but they will all go for $1.76.
I HAVE A FEW OXFORDS LEFT And they will be sold at sold at some price this week. You will need them soon ,
Get a pair now and save half price.
STACY , ADAMS & CO. Men's $3.OO calf and kangaroo southern ties at $3.5O. Everyone knows that Stacy &
& Adams' shoes are the very best.
best.F. . H. EVANS , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
npprovlnR Foreman's ' on try of a part of the
townslto of El Heno , the citboiis and the
property owners have determined to iraintalu
the statu quo until the olllclal action or the
secretary of the Interior Is receivoJ , as It is
conlldcntly expected that ho will point out
a way by which titles may bo conllnod to tha
owners of lota. The worst , class turned out
yosterdav and drove staltoson all unimproved
lots. The owners who bought in good taith
will contoU Iboso entries.
ITS t5iNiilAI. : Al'l'
Detailed Description nt the Di-slcn for tlio
Nebraska Imposition llnllilinj ; .
Nebraska's building at the World's Colum
bian exoosltion will occupy a commanding
position In the northwest part of the nark.
It , is located a few hundred feet north and
west of the raagnlllcent art building , and
will bo surrounded by streets on three sldos.
Across the street on the south side will bo
ocated the South Dakota building , while the
Minnesota building will be directly opposite
on the cast. North Dakota will adjoin Ne
braska nn tno north , while Kansas is still
farther north. The Nebraska building is on
ix piece of elevated ground und will bo a prominent
inont object to all passengers on the incom
ing ttalns on the Illinois Central railroad.
Tbo architect had this fact in view when ho
surmounted his builaing with a handsome
dome , Using to a height of 100 toot from the
( round ,
The Nebraska building was designed by
A. W , Woods , principal of mechanical diaw-
inir In the Halsh Manual Training school at
Lincoln and ono of the prominent architects
of the Capital city. Architecturally speaking ,
the uoslgn may DO described as Romanesque ,
a style admirably adapted to a combination
of tbo qualities of beauty , utility ana cheap
ness. Its dimensions are 100 feet from north
to south and 112 foot from east to wost. All
four ilnos of tbo building will bo finished
alike , except that the east and west sides
will have a projected roof covering the veran
da : .
The main entrance to the building will bo
on the east , through two large pair of double
doors swinging outwards. Over the entrance
is a small balcony of ornamental design , back
of which are largo arched windows covering
the full width of the entranco. In the gable
over the east entrance the word "Nebraska"
appears in largo review letters , while In the
west gable the architect has placed the seal
of tbo state in a prominent and commanding
position. The entire structure is surmounted
by a xvell proportioned dorao , the holeht
from the ground to the flagstaff being 100
Entering from the east the visitor finds
himself in u commodious vestibule from
which ho passes into the main exhibit hall
containing" agricultural display. This
hall is practically rectangular in shape , its
dimensions being lllxlOU. On the west side
of the first lloor are three oftlco rooms , the
largest 21xW ! and the others 17x19 each. Ono
of the smaller olllce rooms will bo utilized as
a postofllco and general intelligence ofllco.
On the tlrst lloor is also au open reception
room , 20x89.
The second story Is reached by two broad
stairways nine foot wldo. The largo room on
the second lloor 43x100 feet in size will bo
devoted to the art nnd educational display.
On this floor is another lareo reception room ,
28x30 , a gentlemen's smoking room 17x19 , an
ofllco 21x21 , ladles' private parlora , etc.
Particular attention has boon given to tbo
question of light for Uio art and educational
exhibits on tbo second lloor. In addition to
the Jarco windows on all four sides , twenty-
eight windows hnvo neon lot in from thereof
roof , thus affording an ample amount of over
head light.
Tbo building will bo constructed of wood ,
glass and iron , all combined to produce an
imposing , us well as a graceful , offoct. Thereof
roof will probably bo of putontllax asohalto ,
painted whlto. Taken altogether , the Ne
braska building will not suffer by compari
son with those of other western states. The
Nebraska commission fools that it has demo
ns well as it possibly could with the limited
amount of money given it , and the gen
eral public will not bo disappointed In the
structure which represents Nebraska at the
bis fair.
( HiuHtly nisnuiTli'H Muilu lit tlio Itulns nt
tin' llntnl Koyul.
NBW YORK , Feb. 9. At a :23 : o'clock the
workmen at the ruins of the Hotel Koyal dis
covered a foot near the spot where body No. 7
was takeiTfrom , The coroner decided that It
was ono of iho inlbsing portions of that body
and ordered it to bo placed in the coBln con
taining It ,
A little distance from whom tbo foot was
found a quantity of clothing was found. O n
It the n a mo of U , A. Fordcs. In the base-
muni Just back of the ofllco the diamond-
Mrs , Mattlo Von Nordou were found In a
silver , gold-lined casket. Tboso jewels wro
Identified by Henry Von Nordcn as the
property of his missing wife.
At ! l:45 : o'clock body No. 17 was received at
the morcruo. During the aftorr.oun a gentle
man IN ho said ha > vas W. L. Lewis , who was
reported as tnlsslnir , called at the morgue
and wished it understood that he was very
much alive , and that he still resided at
Mount Vcriion , JN. Y. The night scenes at
the ruins contained all the wolrdness and
horror of the Park PUce disaster , lacking
onlv the fearful stench which was so un
bearable. At a late hour no moro bodies bad
been recovered ,
II 9:45 : another Identtllcatlon was maJo. H
was that of the body In box Xo , 17 , which
Mary Donobuo idontlllud as Elizabeth Uono-
line , Uj years old , a chambermaid at tha
The total number of bodies which have
been brought to the inorguo trom the ruins
up to iiitJiiicht was bevontoun , of this num
ber eleven weto women and blx men. Three
men and four tvomun have been Idontitled ,
making a total of seven. Three of this num
ber have been removed by friends and there
now rmnalus nt tbo morgue fourteen bodies.
Hud ii ( iooit Ttini' .
Theludies of J'eerlcbs Auxiliary No. 1 ,
Daughters of Fulton , word rcuponsiolo for
tbo festivities at Pubn hall last evoninir.
The hall Is the largo room of David Ollchrist
council No. 2. American Order of Btatlonurv
Engineers , The ladles were tbo wives and
daughters of the euelncors , und tboy bad
planned a social surprise und it was u great
success. The exercises cloaca with a musl
cal and literary ontortalnmpiit , after an
abundance of sandwiches cake and colTco
had boon put out of the way.
riiM/fH ritnxi > s.
Prominent Alllunrc I.c.ulrrN ClinrRoil with
Hclng Untrue tnTlirlr Trust.
CHICAGO. III. , Feb. 9. The Inter Ocean
will publish tomorrow a two-column expose
of a scheme whereby the National Cordasro
trust , through connivance with a number of
leading alliance olllclals , is attempting to got
control of not only all the present alliance
stores In the country , but 4,000 additional
ones the trust purposes starting. State-
msnts are made by D. M. Fullwileri slate
business agent for the alliance m Illinois , E.
E. Wbipplit of tlio Wblpplo Hairow com-
panv , St. Johns , Mich. , and William Dcering
ic Sons , Chicago , that places certain promj
neat alliance leaders in a compromising posi
tion. Alone Wardall , member of the na
tional executive committee of the Farmers
Alliance and Industrial union , so says the
Inter Ocean , is hired by the National Union
company , the aeonoy through which the
cordage trust is operating , and also that ho
admitted to E. E. Whipplo that hr thought
the National Cordage company was behind
hind or largely interested in the Na
tional union , as bo ( Wardall ) know
that Mr. Watcrbury , tbo. National Cordage -
ago trust president , gave his check
to the Union company last summer for $12. > . -
000 and be ( Wardall ) bad it in his possession
several days showing , tho' boys while they
WPro in Now York last Juno. This Juno
meeting referred to was a secret one , the
National Union company had called to Now
Yorn all the state alliance business agents It
had Induced to go into the ohenio nnd the
company paid all expenses.
At this mooting McCune , the chairman of
the national executive committee , ana editor
of the National Economist , Coffin , state busi
ness agent for the Farmers Mutual Bonolit
association of Illinois , ( joorgo E. Close ,
asjout for Dakota , Alonzo vVardall ,
Cole , the president nf the Michigan allianca ,
and the various agents for a do eii other
states wore all present and in sympathy
with the scheme and conversant with the
relation of the National Cordage trust to that
It also Is staled that Mr. Whlpple has a
letter from Mr. Waterbury , president of the
National Cordage company , stating that
they wcro largely interested In the Union
company and highly recommending it.
The part of the schema that has appealed
so powerfully to the alliance agents is tlio
commission of ono-half of 1 per cent allowed
to each state agent for the goods sold in
his territory , ft Is claimed that the National
Union company is preparing to capture the
St. Louis conference on the 2.2nd and got an
endorsement. This will DO strongly opposed
by many alliance men and some of the stiong
est pupcrs in the organization , whom the
National Union could not control.
A special rooort from Dun's agency is pub
lished showing that October 28 , IbPl , the
company had not made a satisfactory show-
Ing. H" II. Balnh , the president , is charged
with being a former lobbyist f rtho National
Cordage company at Washington.
North Slilu 1'iirliK.
At the regular meeting of tbo North Omaha
Improvement club , Chairman Peterson of
the park committee , road a letter urging de
cisive work to secure too carrying out of the
plans of tlio park commissioners as submit
ted in the bond proposition last fall. He
also btatud that tbo committee went boToro
the Board of Health and obtained assurances
that tbo sanitary condition of the locality
near Amos avenue and Thirty-filth street
would bo at once attended to.
Mr , Pratt , of the sewer committee , re
ported having conferred with the ward coun-
cilmcn and ascertained that $ . ' 10,000 would bo
expended on north side sowars this season.
Mr. Roberts scored tbo last administration
for the reckless laying of sidewalks without
The question of ward division was dis
cussed , and thn club decided to attend en
masse , the mooting of the Sixth ward clue
at Twentv sixth and Lake , Friday evening ,
to endorse an cmt and west division of the
ward with uu equalization ot the voting
strength of Iho two now wards thus created.
Montt's Trip a
uJitmei Qnnlnn HrnnrUA
VAI.PAIIAISO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tox. ) ,
Feb. 9.Hy [ Mexican < able to the New
York Herald Special to Tliii UEB.J Proal
dent Montt returned today to Santlngo from
his tour through theSrjuthorn provinces of
the republic. His reception everywhere
of the most Mattering kim > . Ho will leave
the capital tomorrow fqcir.Valparaiso , where
all the ministers have tompoirv ofllces dur-
Ine tbo heated termi , 41 Is expected that
terms of indemnity willJ > o.dollvarnd during
March , with an ordu ; ' , to present same to
congrois at Its sassion In'April. , '
DiiStcnri Dl otVi , Suit ,
Siot'\ FAI.I.S , S. D. , Fell : ( -Tho I evidence
has all been submitted .in the do Stuors ill-
vorco case , but the case .will be hold open lor
thri'o weoki to receive Alp lit depositions the
dofenbu bas taken yca'Ojrdav and today In
Now York and Uoston. .JT e general tmpros.
sion bore Is that tlio dacreQ will be granted
and that the court will.award the daughter
to tuo mother.
Mill THlkhii , ' Politics.
[ Oijii/i tulitnt lift ! hiJvnt < 3 ird 11 litiw.'t ]
] ) u.vos : AIIIKH , Arpentlnp ( viu Galveston ,
Tax. ) , Fob. 9. [ Uv Moxlmn Cable w the
Now Yorn Herald -Special to TUB Hun.- !
DurliiK iho coming ween a caucus will be
held to discuss the clulms of tbo candidates
IliiH wonderful Ionic nnd Nutrl-
tivo quail Ik's thul liuvo iniulo It
popular , Quito nitUir.illy lini-
Ititois huvu como into the tnur-
kot , ngnitibt which thu public
should bo warned. Sue that
'Mohutin Holt's" sipnuturois o
thu iiL-cl ; of thu bolt la Kianur
Mciululbon Co. , solo tigotit * , 0 Barclay
Street , New York.
Sold in England !
for Is. U d. , and :
in America |
for 25 cents a bottle. :
Dr , Acker's ' English Pills :
| Cure Sickness and Headache. :
lURt hmull , pleuiunt , 11 fuiorllc ttltb tlic
( INK , lutllri I
I ILLS W. H. CO. , NEW 1OHK. ;
% hdaai Jiiaiit.i ttv.BDtiBttl ttaititur
For silc : by Kuhn & Co. , anil Sherman
& McConnell , Omaha.
" 8ANATIWO , " Ilia
Wonderful s > pnnlnli
Itraieily , Is tnMllh a
Written Guarantee
to cure nil Nciumi Dii-
fusrs. euih niVrnlc
Memory , I/tea nf Hi&lti
J'ow er. Headache ,
WuVcruliifiI.os t.M mi
liood , Nf r\oii ne 8,1as-
Fltudc , all dining and
Before & After Uso. loss of | > oncr of tin
Fbotoeraphcd from life. Generative Digam In
cither PCX , cimsci ! by
oter.pxortlon , joiillifnl liiillscrclloiwor tlic fi " l\e
Qflc oftobacto , uihrn | , 01 stimulants ulildi ultimately
lend In liitliiiiltj.CiiiiMiinptlnn nnd lii'imlu I'm up
Inconvenient foini to inirv In tin-\is-t pmkit I'yiiu
11 n package , or 0 for Jf > . \\illi e\n > { Snulii rci\ n
written gunrnnteo to cure or refund the
money , suit bj mail to tan ndilien. < liinliu fice
In I'lnlii ' envelope .Minllon Ilils piper Art < lirs ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , nrniich office tot v. s A.
35 ! Denrbnrn Mutt , CHICAGO , 11.1 , .
Knhn & Co , Co.r IStli 4 DoiiRlan bts.
J A Fuller & Co , Cor. 14th 4. Douglas St * .
A D Foster A Co , Council Bluff * , la.
A nuw anil ComplPto Trentniont , conslhtln of
Supposltorlci , Oiiilini'iit In Cnisuk' ; , nlto In Dux
nnd I'llls' a PoMHvc Cure for Kxtcrnnl , Internal ,
llllnil or IHi'iMlIn , ' Iti'libn ; . Chronlu Hi'uml or
Hereditary 1'llw 'lliU Itumpily Inn never bei'n
known to fall fl pur b \ li fort" ) , aunt \ij \ mull ,
\Vli > aiittur Irotn tills tetrlblu illetcaso nliona nrlt
ten KiiarntitPd la positively Klien Hltlio IIOXDI , to
rctunittlio niont-y If not omi'il Hen 1 ttuinp for
free .inipie ( itiuranteo l uo I by Kuhn & l\ ,
llriitrulsts , > ole A enin , corner 13tli ttnd DoiiKbu
trceta , Uiuaha , Neb ,
Wo pcml tlm mnrvolotis rrrncli
llcmcily CALTHOS fr > ' < ' , mid n
Iccnl fjuarnntrelliut CAITIIOS ulll
STOP DUoliarecii A FmUitlon ,
CUIIK Nf < rmattrrlua.arlcofrlp
and Ili : TOIi : l.o > t \ leur.
L'seit and pa v ifsalisfieil.
Ar)0rn , VON MOHL CO. ,
Role Amrrlrln itrnU , ( IntlDnill , ( ILlo.
o cat Ml
lin wlsliiM. Tlii-y I-IIIIKU llui food Ions-
shnllat.uiiul nourish the lioily. K v
appetite anil < ! < clop Ili-xli. l'i Ifr , U5
fcnts. KXIII t sl/c hlionii In bonier.
Never fallt lo give ln t nt relli f In tlm uorat
Trial r tli (
liinm Da. n
for the presidency. Tlio frauds In last Sun-
dny'a elections conllnuo to engross public
attention , Advices fiom Montevideo fct.Uo
that the rovnlt of troans Iliero has been sup
pros Mill , and that tlm loaders hnvu been
placed In jail.
Strainer AriltiilH ,
At London -Sighted Majestic and Moor
ish Prhico , from Now York.
At l'hilndclihla | Ctiodhnlt , from Ulo Ma-
rinu Maiitob n , from Clu > Ko\v ,
At Drcmcr Uavcn-Aliler. from Now York.
A/JII.S or vi :
esllniales of losses by thu Memphis
lire pluccb them at fXO.Oji.
( ilthuiis . .V Austin , liiiul'ur merchants of
rhll.iilelijlil.i. hne : fal.uft foi K-'i.UIJ
D.irllnj 111o1. . , rnnli ictoih \Voreeslei. .
Mas > . . have iitilpued. Auts , J.'jO.OOOi liabili
ties , IIWUOJ ,
1'ortv pcoplu ttmu poisoned hv drinking cof
fee ut nn ontertulnmiiiit vhon by the luuih- )
temof Itoboluih ai 1)1 ) Dorado , Kun. .None nf
Ilium illcil.
Tbo Alliance Advoeat" , tbo orsan of
the Kinsnh I'aiiners ailliuice , in HH next Isiiie
> | | boldly favoi | he foriuutlon of a natlonul
people's purlv.
Thuiniis HoherK ami James A. lll.tou have
lit en urreslcil foi liiio'iidlurlniu at liurbour-
\lllc , Ky. and fo.iri iiruunlurtalned that they
may bo lynched
Mi. Mcl'onnell. a Color.ido banker , duclitrcs
that bo nae proof positive thul the Hliver market -
ket Is controlle'l ' by a small clique , who rulso
or lower Ihu price tohiill Ihelr con\enlnnce.
Carniun V lion I/en luu neen arrehttil In ban
Antonio for Violating the neutrality luus. He
hat been re'/ojiilzcil / u the man who led the
attack on thu Mexican troops sometime nt'o
at I.orrlllas.
The prints os the illocTbu of HI. I.OU.K have upon Archbishop Kcnrlck to iiecept
a eouiljutator. The archblbhop Is now Mt years
old , In feoblfi health , ami has coiuunted to iho
selection of a rnun to bucceeil him wheu ho
ahull uaiij uwuy ,
G. A. Ssho3d = ; ack , Proprietor * , Offices 021 Broadway , Oo.iti3l
Bluffsand 1321 FaraarnSt. , O/naha. Dye , clean and rafinlsh goods
or every description. Packages racaived at either office or at tha
WorksCor. A and 26th SU Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have -.hop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character win have
them redvod nnd lltiishd. ! equal to new.
nd most up pro veil michinoi'yatost : sit leas cojt thi'i yo t ovjr piil bjfo-i
Of Council Bluffs.
7AL STOCK . $150,03)
1. A. Mll'er. ' P. O. Oloison , II Fj.
Snuirnrt , li E. 11 irt , J. 0 EOmumlson , Oliarloi
K , Ilunnuii. Trans.ict Kuuoril 1) mklii { tjiul-
uo > s. Lnr ostu.ipltal and surplus of nay buic ;
In South western low.i.
Chas. Lunkley ,
I'uiicnil Dlnu't'ir and UiultirtaKcr.
; ill Broadway. Council Blufls.
Telephone- ! .
To promote health ,
preserve and length
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stomach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious fl a v o r ,
smooth to the taste ,
mellow , mature
and of richest qual
ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it
will not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and dniK stores ,
Samples cm le hail .it tlm Milliud hotel ,
at Thompson , at .1. A Tntblll. .1. A Wood A.
I'o , Hotel Dollono , Moyniluin's Tlio Diamond.
" . GLUCK ;
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat ,
Glasses adjusted to all visual defects ,
l.'alanh successfully ticatnil ,
Room 18 , Darker Dlock , 15tli anil Faniam
MKNI' epoclllo for llT'Iarlo , liltzuiux , I'ltn , NJII
rxlitln , llenilurlio , Nervoui rruilntlon ciuauil ! > / ill
u > liu ) or toliaci'ti , Wnkufulnoi * Meiitttl I ) i > rciyun |
Hcitlcultu of the Drain r.iuilnInfinllf inliury
Ui-c-ijT , rienlh , 1'reniaturi ) O1J Aia llnrrninoii , I JM
( it I'uniT In cllliPr o linpotuiic'X l/'iiorrlioi'a ' tin I
oil Krmiklu Woakn.'sjoi. Involunliry ) . ( ) ( , , Sujr
luatorrhuca utuxid UTur-uxirllmi of thj liralu ,
Relf-Hlm > xiiv r-ln > liiUeiio } A iiunlli'i Ircatuunt
II , b fur > 'i. by nmll Wo ( Juarantce nit lxne < to
Hire KIK-II older fori ! | HJ > CI , wtthl will iciul writ
ten Kiinrantce tu refund If nut cnri'il , ( iiinrnnt > g <
lnui'ilonlr hy A hclirotcr , lir irtl ! t "Olo n.-onti , 8
K. cor H'lli and Karimiuiti. . Oinilu. Nell.
Nollco U heruDy lvi > u tliul the rt'uulur
uniiiiul iucotln { of tlio HtooUliolilors of tlm
t-oiitli I'Ultf I , mil company will buhuldul thu
olllcH of mild couip my , In Lincoln , \ub.on the
flrM Wcdnt'jdiiy tu Miircli.lti'.c'.buInK ' ilio bi'coiiil
iluy of the month
lly ordur of thu llo.inl of DlrotorK. .
K O. rnil.l.irb , Sc < ) rut.ry.
LINCOLN , Noli. , I'uu ' . ' . loii- . t'.ldut M
ICU'THK the fjllovrlo. chuloo h.irK'.ilua In
fruit nnd voict.ililo lands : "i ? uiircs riJ roils
north of the. Clmutimnm ; Rrnonds , oasiuru
blopu , llni ) sprlu s nnd duo siirlnbroiik. . Inud
very rich nnd well suluotoil to fruit.
SJ ucrus on Gr.ind avonuo. tlno orohar d ,
windmill un I line ( jrovu : sltuiitod on Mynstor
liroioscd | motor line , ono anil onc-h If riillca
from Council Hlnn"postoinou. .
I ) acres of very oholoo plowed Inn I on CJr.uiU
avenue , \ \ inllin train Dintollloo.
110 ucros ,1'j inlHH from oltv limits ; KOOI ]
house , burn anil outbnlldlnzs ; Una ornhttr i ; a
( treat birn'ihi : : at } > . .r > JO. Il.isy terms.
' 8 ncros. cholco fruit fnrm , 0 iiuro-t In lilnck-
bunlus , ( fl ) yoiin'.1 fruit truos , .1'ji Dfi.ipu viuas.
House , burn and outbnlldln/s , A very choice
biirKiiln. 10 acres adjoin Ins city llmlts.-atorr
oils e , Knod burn , orehuru , Krnpcs nnd Hiniill
fnntV. . O Stacy. Hoom t. Open. Ilouso
block , t'oniicll HhilTs , la ,
FAKMS , irar.lun InmU , IIOUSQS , lots anil
biidlncss blocks for s ilo or l.iy It
Host. i'J I'onrl struul , Counull
10) ) low. i farms nnd millions for sale. Several
stocks of niercbanillsn to excnaiuti for
fJounull Hlulls projicrty or Iowa land , Iohu
bton fc Vim I'atliMi.
/10UNOII. IIMTI'S money on hand for
V-/ louni.V. . A. Wood & Co. , MO Main Htrcrt ,
EUIH ) druuclst down ) wants po
ll sitlon. Hnto wanes. Address K H , llee ,
Council IHullh.
14 N. Mnin , Counoll Buffs.
All Mnilbof Dyoln ; ; und ( 'lonnln done In the
highest style of the nit Kadod an I htalneit
fabrlch made to look us good as now , lleil
fn.ilhers cleaned by Mourn In mnn-
ncr Work promptly done and del voted Inall
purtsof ihu i ountry. bund for prlcu llxt.
( J. A. MACIIAN. - - I'HUI'lllia'OH.
1011 Iliu ulw-iy , .Near Northweu em Depot
Attorneys .it law 1'rao
tlco In the stitu uml
fudoral courts. Un mi 11 , I aiU i Shujiirt
Ileno block , Counull Iliuftj , li
Council Bluffs , IOW T ,
Now , modern , woll-appolntud , then
oufhly woll-Uopt , $ ' 1 a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop ,