Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Dciltctcd by Carrier to nny pnrt of the City
Hinlnc Office . No 41
NIKht Editor . No S3
N , Y. Plumblnc Co
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , cpM.
Craft's chattel loins. 204 S pp block.
A gold headed cano was presented to W.
S. Axtell , foreman of the grand Jury , yostor-
flay morning by his fellow Jurymen.
Tbo funeral of 1'amftlln Marleot will occur
this morning from tbo residence of her
flaughter , Mrs. James Jacoby , 030 Uluff
Regular mcotlng council No. 1 Commer
cial Pilgrims of America tonight at Uoyal
Arcanum hall. All members In the city are
ezpoctod to bo present ,
Jack Hull of Creston was brought Into the
city yesterday In the chnrgo of Deputy United
SUtcs Marshal Itlchard * , accused of selling
liquor without a government license.
Miss Klttlo McKonzlo entertained a party
( it friends Thursday evening at her homo on
Bcott street. Dancing and cards were the
features of the evening's entertainment.
Marrlnco licenses were Issued today to
Oils Fisher and Emma Henry , both of
Omaha , and to JoMah Waller and Amanda J ,
Donhfttn , both of PoUruvnUnmto county.
Edna , the Ill-months old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William \Veston , died yesterday at
the family residence near Munawa. The
funeral will occur this morning nt 10 o'clock.
Next week the grand ledge of Iowa of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen moot In
Council UlufTo. Thore'will probably bo 100
delegates present , representing various parts
of the stnio. The gathering will bo an Inter
esting and Important one , and stops should
bo taken to show duo hospitality to the vis
itors. The ledge will bo In session Tuesday ,
\Vedncsday and Thursdnv ,
Ki nun' Shoo Store Clunril.
For the roinulndor of this week Evans'
Ghee Btoro will bo closed between the
hours of It ! und 1 o'clock each. This is
necoBsnry for the purpose of clving the
olorkH n , chnnco to got their dinners and
straighten up the store ,
\VoodburydontiBtsnoxt to Grand
hotel ; fine work iv specialty. Tola 145.
Swnnson Music Co. , Masonto tomplo.
Jnrvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best ,
I'KlllsOIfAI. 1'A It.
O , H. Gable returned yesterday from a trip
to St. Louis.
Attorney General John Y. Stone has re
turned from a visit to DCS Motnei.
A. S. Beck ha * boon called to Lonvonwortr
Kan. , bv u telocrum announcing the death 01
his father , Christian Beck.
J. L. Vesey has returned from Hastings.
Neb. , whllhur ha wont soverul weeks ago to
assume the management of the local opera
houso. For lomo reason or other ho failed to
make both ends meet and ho has letircd from
the ontorpnso.
Jnrvls wild blnckborrv is the bast.
E. II. Sheafo has eastern m oncy on
band for real estate loans.
The dnly reliable treatment known for
diphtheria is Dr. .TotTeris1 treatment.
For sale by Do Ilavcn , Davis and
Beard sloy.
Vocal Mimic.
Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice
nd note reading. Lessons private.
Call or address at Grand hotel , Council
Result of the Qcnrrnl Conference of the City
CinicliilH Change * In Laws.
Mayor Macrao , Aldermen Pace and Wood ,
City Attorney Stewart and Surveyor Toste-
vln returned yesterday noon from Des
Molnes.whoro they wont to attend a moot
ing of the ofllclals of some of the lauding
cities of the stato. Most of tbo time was
spent in deliberating upon questions con
cocted with municipal affairs , and a number
of stops were taken which will bo apt to
lead to Important legislation In the near
future. The question of allowing cities hav
ing a certain population to levy a tax of
C mills or less for city lighting purposes was
brought up , but n resolution favoring It was
defeated , on Ing to tbo decided stand taken
by the Bluffs delegation.
"In looking around , " sala Mayor Macrao
In speaking of thli question , "I llnd tbnt
Council Bluffs Is In a much better condition
In every way than almost nny other city in
the state. Many cities are heavily In debt
and would like to hiivo a way invented for
raising ( ho necessary funds to carry on their
running expenses. Wo uro not troubled In
that way , and so our delegation opposed the
plan with ull our might , and Induced the
Burlington and several other delegations to
look at the thing In our wuv. "
This plan did not work , however , In con
sidering tbo question of allowing cities to
levy a tax of 5 mills or loss for lire pro
tection , for a resolution favoring It was
On comparing notes the various mayors
found that they bad all bad trouble In recon
ciling Ibo ofllccs of marshal and chief of
police , there being considerable friction be
tween the incumbents , A resolution was
passed favoring the pnssago of a law uniting
the two ofllcus In one and allowing tbo cblof
of police to perform the duties of both , pro
vided bis appointment should bo left in the
bands of the mavor and not the pooplo.
The Bluffs delegation speolt In high terras
of the way In which tnoy were ontortnlnoci
by the people of DCS Monies. On Wednesday
evening they wcro entertained at a banquet ,
an almost unheard of thing In DCS Molnos ,
which has a reputation of allowing visitors to
ook alter thotnsulvcs as a general thing.
Wo hiivo our own vineyards in Califor
nia. Jarvis Wine company , Co. Blutfa
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
Utli avenue
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. ,
closes every evening at 0 p. in. , unless
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays U p.
in. , Saturdays 10 p. in. Fothoringhara ,
Whilolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
Hurt Inturmilly.
David Proctor , who works for Hollonbeck
Bros , was seriously hurt Thursday night
about 10:30 : o'clook. Ho was engaged in mov
ing a house on Grace street , when n clevis
broke and lot the whllllotreo lly against him
with considerable force , striking him In the
lonmcu. Ho was knocked to tbo ground in
a Bonsolosi condition , ana had to bo taken to
tils homo on Seventh street in a hock. A pby-
elcian was notified and ho was made to rust
as easily as possible. Yesterday bo felt con
siderably better , but is not yet out of dan
ger , as bis Injuries are Internal and Inflam
mation Is liable to sot in at any time.
Tlohots for Ell Perkins' leoturo , Feb
ruary Kl , are on sale at the drug store of
O. If. Brown , Main street ; J. D. Stuart ,
Broadway ; Fnirmount pharmacy , Opera
House drug store ; Brackott's. Hoinoiu-
her that this entertainment is wholly for
the benefit of the Homo of the Friend-
Ices. Buy your tickets early and got a
tjood seat. _
11 nl for tiin Murdl ( Irani
At NOW Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 , for
round trip. Tickets on sale Fob. 22 to
8 , For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent 1C. C. , St. J. & O. B.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John
ston ft Van I'atten , Everett block.
Walnut block and Wjomlng coal ,
fresh inlnud. received dullv Thatcher ,
JO Mulu.
Grand Jury Returns live Indictments
Against Kimball and Ohamp.
( Irond I.nrcrny Ainu Incliiilcit Wlmt tlio
Hpcclllcntlonn Arc Unit rurnUliod
for tlio Aecuncd Attorney Iturko
Outlines thu Defense ,
The grand jury , which has boon In session
tor over four weeks , made Its second and last
report yesterday morninf ? nnd was dis
charged. The session has been tbo longest
iiuld In this county for years , the cause of
the length bolng thu vast amount of business
connected with the Klmball-Cbamp cases.
Five indictments were returned against co'ch
ol the two men , four being for larceny nnd
ono for embezzlement. The warrants were
served on them al the office of their at
torneys , Ilurlto & Casody , and ball was nt
once secured , their bond being 'ixod ' at $10-
500 and signed oy J. F. ICtmball , Gooreo H.
Champ , D. Carrlgg , J. ,1. Shea , C. E. H.
Campbell , nnd James Soguln ,
In the various Indictments they are charged
with embezzling WOO belonging to George
Olcott of Cbnrlcstown , N. II. , and the lar
ceny of ja,83'.ai ! ; from U.V. . Archer , of the
Keene Five-cent Savings bank ; $1,485 from
the Littleton , ( N. H. ) , National bank ; $359
from J. C. Teller ol Denver , and $143,000
from the Klmball-Champ Investment com
The defendant * claim , with reference to
the chare-o of embezzlement , that the > 00
had been fully paid back to its rightful
owner before tbo case was submitted to the
erand Jury , and that they bold n receipt for
the amount. In regard to the Archer claim
and tbo claims of the two bunks , they state
that the shortage Is fully covered In the truit
deed to the Manhattan and other Individual
property which they executed on the day
they made their assignment , and that the
amounts t ' .aimed to have been stolen repre
sented money that was in tbo bauds of the
Investment company standing as credits on
the books , but not remitted to Its owners.
Jn connection with the case , Attorney Fin-
ley Burke , who roproseuts the defendants ,
spoke as follows :
4 It is evident from the Indlctmontretumed
that the complaints used before the grand
Jurv are not of alleged wrongs to our own
people , but alleged wrongs to eastern capi
talists. Tbo acts are nets of the investment
company , which , In the nature of things ,
must have been known to the other oftlcors
and employes of tlio company. In ono ease ,
that of Teller , the court has already paisad
on it ho case by making an order on the re
ceiver of the Klmball-Champ Investment
company to pay the amount out of tbo assets
of tbo company , The chief charge purports
to be made on behalf of tbo eastern stock
holders , but wo claim that the stockholders
have not authorized such use of their names ,
nnd It Is known that Messrs. Kimball
& Champ put in the hands of
Mr. Milton JacUson , nn honorable man rep
resenting holders of $311,000 worth of invest
ment company stock , for their use and can
celed $35,000 so that the effect is to reduce
the stook $124,000. We also claim that thin
overdraft Is greatly exaggerated and that
there Is nothing criminal in it , but a moro
matter of the difference or opinion as to the
advisability of building a hotel In Council
Bluffs and that If a mistake it has been more
than provided against by tbo deeds to tbo
company and transfer and cancellation of
stock. The company had a capital of $300-
000. If Kimball & Champ surrendered
and canceled $124,000 , this reduced the stock
by that amount so as tomakolta company
of $170.000 , arid this covers any Impairment
of the balance of stock. "
In addition to tbo above indictment * were
returned as follows : E. G. Tobln , who stole
$17 from the pocket of J. HondricUs of
Shenandoah at the Kiel house , larceny in a
building ; William Criss , who stole $32.50 be
longing to Mrs. Anna Pralor , larceny ; E. H.
Ho wo , embezzling $104 belonging to W. A.
Edwards & Co. of Des Molnes ; William
Probstelo , soiling mortgaged proparty. It Is
claimed that Probstoio mortgaged a couple
of billiard tables to N. Schurz , which after
wards turned out to be the property of the
Ogdeu livery stable.
Three-Storj ItoHliltinca on Woolworth Ave-
11110 I.lckcil Up Tills Morning : .
This morning an alarm from box 125 called a
part of tbo fire department to Twenty-eighth
street and Woolwortti avenue. Wnen the
firemen arrived there they dlscovored a
three story frame dwelling , owned by E. E.
Loavcnwortb , a mass of flames.
It was almost a waste of energy on the
part of the firemen to endeavor to do any
thing more than keep the llio from spreading
to adjoining buildings , and as it was Mr.
Loavcnworth's house was completely de
stroyed , entailing a loss of $0,000.
The house has been vacant for throe
monthsand It Is supposed the lire was started
by tramps who have used tbo place as a
lodging house.
Bad roads delayed the fireman from mak
ing n prompt response to the alarm.
Gleaned Them Out.
At2:20llro : was discovered In n row of
frame houses at North Thirtieth and Uar-
flold avenue , owned by Mrs. Bochcl. Two
one story cottages , occupied by laborers , and
a two-story frame , occupied by Ed Brooks as
u general store , were totally destroyed. The
loss will reach about $3COO to $4,000.
Killed nml Injured In n Scries of Accidents
for u Day.
LEATIVIU.I ! , Colo. , Fob. G. A run of acci
dents and tragedy bos struck tills place and
vicinity. Hans Sorensen , a miner in the
Evening Star mine , was Instantly killed
today. Ho was at the bottom of the shaft
waiting for n pleco of timber which was
belnz lowered into the mlno. The rope broke ,
letting the timber fail , striking Soronsou on
the head.
Later in tbo day another accident occurred
In this mine , Joseph Allison and Charles
Johnson uoro working In a slope when the
walls caved in , completely burying them.
They were taken out alive but were badly
Injured. Thov will probably recover.
A cutting affiay occurred here this morn
ing which will result fatally. Owen Lane
and James Doyle Quarreled , and tbo former
stabbed Doyle three times. Lane was ro-
loaicd from the penitentiary but a short
time ago.
Yesterday afternoon the end of the
Ivanboe-Bulk tunnel , on the Midland , caved
In. Foreman John Koach was caught in Iho
crash and Instantly killed.
3IVH1 > KHK ! > 8.
Alien Mitchell Will lie ixuinlncil : to Her
MEMPHISTenn. , Feb. 5. Miss Alice Mitch
ell , the Blayorof Freda Ward , when Informed
by the lawyers that she would escape the
eallowt , brcamo frantic and said that eho
looked forward to tbo day when iho should
bo banged as the happiest of all , as beyond
the gallows sbo would once moro meet Freda
Ward. She became terribly despondent and
tears are entertained that she will commit
suicide. Last nlghl sbo was watched In her
cell by ono of her relatives.
In the criminal court this morning tbo plea
of "present Ins&nity" wa made in the cuio
of Alice Mitchell. An inquliltion of lunacy
dueled in open court , but if all reports as to
the nature of tbo evidence to be produced have
will follow , Tbo lunacy trial will bo con-
any foundation la fact tbo newspapers will
scarcely publish It In full.
ATLANTIC CITIT , N , J. , Fob. 5. The alcainor
ashore al BrlKantino suoaU is tun Venezuela
of the Hod Line , from LaCuayra , bound for
Now York , with a crow of forty-ilvo and
cloven passengers. Her cargo consists of
coffcs and hides. She U under command of
Captain J , Zuhuuicrs. At the tluio tbo
steamer went oh the shoals sbo was under
full steam , and during the heavy snow storm
thooaptalu wai unalilo to slfiht laud. 11 U
doubtful if she can bo floated , and If not , the
passengers will bo landed on Brlganllno
bench tonight by the crow * of tha life Raving
station. The Venezuela Is owned by Bolton ,
BliM & Dallott ot New York Clly.
Union Torlllo Trainmen Unto Their Clnlinn
Itrjectril by Mr. Dickinson.
The conference between Asslttnnl General
Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific nnd
the Jolnl grievance committee representing
the Order of Hallway Conductor * nnd the
urothorhood of Uallrood Trainmen wns short
nnd Inconclusive. A prois committee ap
pointed by the employes makes the fellouing
statement :
"Tho committee called on Mr. Dickinson
nt the appointed hour and was kept waiting
thirty minutes before gnlnlng nn nudlenco.
The committee last week submitted n now
schedule of wages , nnd nt the conference Mr.
Dickinson made n statement purporting
to give , the aggregate Increase of
wages under the proposed schedule.
According to his own statements his figures
were based on the service of three of the
busiest months ot the year. Careful esti
mates made by the committee indicate that
the aggregate Increase will not exceed GO per
cent of the sum named by the assistant gen
eral manapor.
"Tho committee proposed discussing the
now schedule article by article , but Mr.
Dickinson positively refused to entertain a
proposition for an inctoaso of wages until the
schedule was withdrawn. Tbnt would have
left the committee without n causo.
Will Appeal to C'lrtrk.
"Its members felt aggrieved at the scant
courtesy shown thorn ns the representatives
ot two great organizations of railroad men ,
and they loft Mr. Dickinson resolved to ap
peal to General Manager S. U. H. Clnrk.
Telegrams have bdon sent to E. E. Clark ,
grand cblof conductor of the Order of Hall
way Conductors , and S. E. Wilkinson , grand
master ot the Brotherhood of Hallroad Train
men , and they have started for Omaha. Gen
eral Manager Clark has also been wired , aud
wo expect ho will moot our grand olllcors In
this city next week. "
Members of the committees think a confer
ence with the general manager will bo
reached by next Wednesday. At ono time
Mr. Clnrk was expected in Omaha this weak ,
but It was given out at his onico yesterday
that ho contemplated n trip south from St.
Louts , nnd the dnto of his nrrival
in this city was said to bo very
uncertain. Tbo committees nro confidant
that Mr. Clark will promptly respond to
their call to como to Omaha , but they will
vouchsafe no reason for their filth beyond
smiling assurances that they "know ho will
bo horo. "
Ono of the grand officers who have been
called to the assistance ot the committees
was in Baltimore nnd the ether in New
Hampshire when wired , but both started
westward yesterday.
Lnbnrcrs Sent on Wild ( leone Cliase Hard
ship * S u tiered.
WICHITA , Kan. , Fob. 5. Twenty-five labor
ing men passed through hero on foot today
on their way from Oklahoma to Kansas City.
They tell a pitiful tale of deception
by an employment agent and sub
sequent hardship and suffering. When
Iho announcement was made in tbo news
papers that the Hock Island was extending
its line through Oklahoma to Texas , Employ
ment Agent Pay no of Kansas City advertised
for men to work on the line. Twontv-flvo
men answered the advertisement and on pav-
mcnt of $15 wore promised transporta
tion to the place of work and em
ployment when tlioy should reach
tboro. Tbo men say that when they
arrived in Oklahoma they found that the
contractor had all the men ho wanted nnd
that ho hnd not authorized the employment
agent to secure workmen for him. The
twont.v-flvo newcomers could find no means
of subsistence In Oklahoma , so they pooled
what little money they had to buy food with
and started to tramp it back to Kansas City ,
000 weary miles. They passed through here
today , all of them In a terribly destitute con
dition , nnd some barely able to drag them
selves along. They nxpoct to bo on the road
for twenty davs moro.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 5. Inquiry in this
city located the employment agent to which
the Wichita dispatch referred , but tbo pro
prietor declined to give any information to
Thoj Hold -\Vlillo < ilrl Ciitl\c A Tumult
PUESCOTT , A. T. , Fob. 5. A sensational re
port reached here lodav from the vnlloy to
the effect that two Indians had passed there
yesterday , going In the direction of San Car
los , having in captivity a white girl U ! years
of ago , whom they bad stolen from near
Flagstaff. Captain Jackson , who brought
word to Prcscott , Is an old and reliable citi
zen of this rountv. Ho stntcs that the
girl and her captors stopped at a ranch , and
the girl was pormlttod to go into the house
and iiol something to , when sbo told her
story , imploring them to rescue hor. Ai
thorn was no ono.ln the house except a boy ,
ho nould render her no assistance , but ns
soon as they lefl ho gave the alarm to. the
neighbors , who ortranizod a posse for the pur
pose of pursuing the Indians. Ofllcors from
Flagstaff reached there soon afterwards and
it is thought her rescue will soon bo effected.
htriiint-r Ariiviiln.
At London Sighted BoHtonlan , from
Boston ; Wheeling , Monarch , from
Now York ; Peruvian , from Boston.
At New York Albora , from Hlo Janeiro.
At London Sighted Friesland , from Now
_ _ _ _ _ _
CHKSTOX , In. , Fob. 5. [ Special o TUB
BBU. ] The happiest eventin social circles
In Creston this season was the murriago last
evening of Mr. Crado Hum and Miss Carrlo
1'assaux , Both are social loaders.
.YEH'A Of YKHl'ICIll > AY.
Kan Jose , Cal. , has bcim visited by n Blight
Hhoek of earthquake.
Simon Hush has boon hunscd ut Clay Clly ,
Mo , for the murder of hlx u Ifo ,
Thu I'lttsburj street oar strike Is ut an end.
Tbo men liavo unconditionally h-irremlercd.
The barb wire trust has boon dissolved. The
collapsoof the trust Is attributed to overpro
Tim report of nrrnngoinontH made for con-
sollilatlnc the IMiHon and Thomson-Houston
companies w.ia olllulally continued.
Tlio report that Kltzslninions , the IMttsburR
murderer , who cmnniltte.l Hiilolilu In Now Or
leans , was Wllllo Tasuott bus been denied.
The Law and Order league has succeeded In
.convicting Mivorul I'lttsUnrnowsilenlers for
bclllni , ' papers on Sunday. Appeals have been
taken In each case.
Hoomors have commenced flocking to the
Cherokee btrlp. and lar o numbers of them
uro already on the border avvaltliiK tbo proc
lamation opening It to boltlcmcnu
The lloaton i\enliik' : Mows doi-luros that the
Massachusetts democracy lius for years U'en
drawing on the Louisiana Lottery company
for funds.
The committee- fifty appointed by Presi
dent Hmlth of tlio Now York Chamber of Com-
jnerui to raise funds for the relief of the Kus-
Hlan famine sullercrs , have already rultnd
II , aiostor Armstrong Is In Chlcauo negoti
ating with the World's fulr olllclnls for live
acres of spuco on which to ronioduce the hls-
torlo Tower ot London. The proposition la fa
vorably received by the olllcials.
1'ntrluk Hnrsl , u In borer of Chicago , III , , at
tacked hU wlfo with u knife while t > ho win
sick In bed , stnbulnz her attain und asaln ,
until bo bad slashed' her thirty-eight times.
Many of tbo outs were Intthted after tbo
woman had suconmliod to tlio frightful hack
ing , Hurst lias been arrested.
Leo B. Lynch , special commissioner of the
World's fulr for the south t > e.i Islands , has
started for San I'raiielfico and will mil by the
first itoatnor for Yokohama Ho will visit the
1'hllllplnu Islands , Juvu. Sumatra , llornoo , the
Fiji Islands , the Kilcndly Islands , ttio holonion
Islands , Now /.ealand und ether members of
thu Malayan und 1'olyneslun iroiips ,
nmln 1'asha , writing from Msua , confirms
the story of cruelties practiced by the sltuo
hunters. Kmln says that tin pursued one
hunter for six days , d urine which he counted
fifty-one bodies of slates who hud been re
cently killed. Tlio bodies of ull were Horn to
skeletons und the skulls of thirty-nine had
boon boatcu la.
11 K I
niiviii nTiMiiN UT IM t PTinvn
11 oj
Louisiana Democrats1 Feeling Themselves
for the Qolilng Contest.
rrepnrliiK for 1'iunjljlr Contlnceiiclr * Hltnl
J'net Ions In the UiUt of n 1llg Itnu
Arming In Imliirci 1'nlr I'lny
l.ltrly Tliiiex In 1'ronpcct.
Nnw Onr.EAXS , La , Tob. 5. The stcsmor
El t'nso nrrlved from Now V'ork. Her cargo
Included forty cases of Winchester rifles nnd
thirteen boxes ol cartridges , nddrcsjod to
"A.V. . Crandall , Chairman CaiupalRn (2om-
mlttoo , Now Orleans , La. "
In nn Interview concerning these arms
Colonel Crnndall says : "Yes , It Is a fact
that these arms nave como to Now Orleans
addressed to mo as tbo chairman of the dem
ocratic oxocutlvo committee. There has
boon absolutely no attempt made to conceal
their shipment , and tbcro Is likewise
no effort being nmdo by us to dls-
gulso why the arms have boon scoured.
\VouroprovIdlngoursolvoswlth them slrn
ply to protect ourselves against any scheme- ,
armed or 'otherwise , to deny us a
free ballot nnd n fair count In the coming
election. Since tlio nominating convention
at Baton HOURO wo have boon mot on all
sides with statements from the frlonds and
supporters of Mr. Foster that It was war to
the kntfo and Itulfo to tbo hilt , and that the
machinery In the hands of the existing state
administration was to boused In counting K
the Foster ana In counting out the Mcr.ucry
ticket , liolloving therefore that the stale
and election machinery under the control of
the present state administration are to bo
employed In frustrating , If necessary , a free
expression of the public will , we determined
on the principle that an ounce of prevention
Is worth a pound of euro , to take such
means as would protect us from an
illegal and unwarranted Interference
with our rights under the law. As I said
before , wo are not cndcavorinc to conceal
anything whatever , Tno arms have been
openly shipped , and there will bo another
consignment shortly , of which our friends
may take notice if they desire. There is no
intention on the part of the regular demo
crats to precipitate troublo. Tlioro is no
desire to provoke the shedding of blood. It
has boon our aim to scouro a perfectly poaoe-
able election and to abide by the result.
All wo have asked for ana all wo
mean to secure Is the privilege of
every voter to vote as ho chooses In the com
ing election and the assurance that his vote
will bo counted as It Is oast. Wo have never
Intended to bulldoze or blnff , but we are firm
in our determination'not to bo bulldozed or
bluffed. Our propagations nro simply with n
vlow to insuring an lionesl oloctton , and wo
have merely accepted in earnest tbo throat
made at Baton Kongo by the state house and
Foster ring , that po administration will
elect tbo.Foster tickqt , even if a resort to un
fair ballot and an unfair count are necessary ,
a contingency wo rive- ( determined shall not
arise , and wnieh wWhot arlso unless wo are
' '
disappointed In tbd'm'jinhood of this state.1'
Judge of Crimea r < iittrn Sentence on tlio
Chilian Itlotcrs South American XCUH.
LCoj > ir/y7ifcil 1S9 , " bu'Jmnca Gordon llcniutt. ]
VAU'.UUISO , Chili ( via ( Jalveston , Tex. ) ,
Fob. C.By [ Mexican , ' Caolo to the New
York Herald Special to Tim BBB.J Judge
of Crimes Foster assured mo today that
his entire rovlow of the Baltimore case occu
pied ton days.
"I have rondoiod sentence upon Arana ,
Ahunmda and RodrlKuebo said , "In strict
accordance with the Chilian law. The only
regret 1 feel is that there was no direct evidence -
donco showing the immediate cause of
Cnarles W. Ritrgin's death. I have done the
utmost in my cower to fix the responsibility
for his killing upon some one. "
The court of appeals , which will review
the action of Judge Foster , will convene next
On all sides there are renewed expressions
of hope that tburo.wlll bo a speedy resump
lion of friendly Intercourse between Chili-
and thoUiilted States.
Want ItrttiT TriuiHportiitloii lucllltlt > < i.
Since the loss of tbo steamer John Elder
tboro has been a great deal of talk among
the residents of this city against the 1'aciflc
Stoum Navigation company. Many people
here , In view of the approach of the World's
fair , are desirous to see a line of American
steamers between Valparaiso and Panama or
direct to San Francisco. Some arc oven In
favor of'trafllc with Now York by way of
Argentine Republic and Uruguayan ports.
There seems to bu no doubt that the opening
of an American line along tbo Chilian coast
In conjunction with the Chilian Steamship
company would prove n paying Investment.
Argriitlul in Xucjfi'tH.
There wcro no bidders at the sale of ths
There is no diminution of the fever
scourge at Uuynqull.
The American squadron is coaling at
A number of commercial firms at Mendoza
have petitioned tbo government to admit ar
tlnlcs from Chili to relieve the distress In
that district caused by locusts.
The minister of finance has resigned , as
signing as a reason his disgust at thu numer
ous political fouds.
President Pellegrini visited the military
camp at Palermo today to ln.ulro ] into the
cause , of so many dosortlons from tbo army ,
Great alarm Is felt and trouble expected at
the approaching election. A Herman paper
advocates the substitution of lynch law
owingto tbo impotence of the authorities
au'l their utter Inability to maintain order.
Tboentlro Britlsh equaaron of four snips
Is stationed at ttihf p
Jliul n Trrluulu Ksnerlcnro.
l'liit .Tamil diinlun llenw-tt. ]
Unussui.s , Fob. _ 5 [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEB. | The steamer
Aicassa arrived at'AnUvorp today from thu
Congo , nftor a torrjblo voyage. Shortly
after sailing from Dorna the chief engineer
died from Aft lean favor. The following day
two passengers , ah Englishman and an
Italian. succumbc4to the saino disease. Bolero -
lore the steamer .reached Lai Palmas ,
Canary Island , lutcori negroes of the ciow
died of the fevor-Tlie ! ' ' captain und two
passengers wore loiill ttioy had to bo landed.
Two days after loayiiifr the Canaries the
steamer went ashore. ) on the African const
and tbo cargo , mostly barrels of palm oil ,
had to bo thrown overboard. She was res
cued by tbo steamer Benin and continued her
voyage. Tbo hair of two passengers turned
gray through auxloty.
lnVlim Airiiln.
HAVANA , Feb. 0. Tscnlgorin opened the
fifteenth game of the championship games
against Stolnltz with tbo Evans gambit
today and wou after forty-eight moves.
Scjro : Tschigonn , ti ; Stoiultz , fi ; drawn , 4.
bho'H .11 1 out
( Copyrtuhttd IKK tiu Jamt * ( Ionian ihnntlt. ]
MAMA , Fob. 5. [ Now Yoru Herald Cable
Special to TUB BBB. ] The British man-
or-war Victoria floated off the rocks this
morniug. Sbo will bo towed here for repairs ,
I own Mipn'iuo Court IH'tUloni ,
DCS MOINKS , la. , Fob. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BSE. ] . Supreme court opinions ;
James A. Williams et al. , appellant , vs Chicago
cage , Uoctt Island & PaclUo Hallway com
pany , Polk dlttrlct , roTonod ; D. C. Lamb v
J. II. Hots et al , , appellants , Turn * district ,
dismissed ; Surr ft Hullooit. appellants , vs
Inphftm fivnrron ct al. . Kossuth district ,
Rfllrraod ; M , J. Farvcro et al. , appellants , vs
K. Gtllmnn ot al. , Marlon district , aftlrtucd ;
Uoslnn Uollobolslck. appellant , VA U. S.
Ilalnbono , sheriff , Shelby district , reversed.
J-'OVlt t.OXK ! > U3IK STlt.t.MKllS. I - 1
Hole Itrprcsriitntliri of Atiirrlrn'n Mer-
rhnnt Mnrlnc I.vitTltif ; Now York.
NEW YOIIK , Fob. G. Special Telegram
to TUG BF.B.J William B. Ferguson , secre
tary of the New York Produce exchange ,
who Is a recognized authority on the statis
tics of the grain export trade of this pert ,
has just made his annual report. The table
complied by Mr. Ferguson shows the enor
mous increase of the grain export trade of
Now York and the dwindling away of the
American marine. The American merchant
flag Is being driven off the seas by Great
The completeness with which steam Im
superseded sail In the ocean carrying trade
may bo seen from the fact that of I'il3 ves
sels which carried cargoes of grain from this
port during the year 1891 , only fifteen were
sailing vessels , There were shipped from
Now York during 1S01 CS , 22G23 bushels of
American gram to feed the hungry mouths
of Europe. Not Included In this wcro UGOJ7" !
bushels of buckwheat \vlilch appears In the
statistics for the first time , buckwheat never
having been exported before in any quantity.
Kind nml
There wcro 47TOU,2b5 bushels of wheat ,
11.t3l.f : > T2 bushels of corn , 4,401 , GI3 of rye.
2,707,7Ti : of oats , l.041.0IO ! of oarley and
! i,18SUKi : of flax serd.
This 03.4b.Hr ) ( ) > bushels of grain was carried
In 1.22.1 steamers nnd fifteen sailing ships-
five British , five Italian , four Australian and
one Norwegian which , amonc them , loaded
000.904 bushels. Of the 1.U38 ship loads onlr
twenty-five were carried under the American
There nro only four American steamers loft
in tbo grain carrying trade. They are tbo
old passenger steamers of the late American
line which used to run from Philadelphia
under control of tbo Pennsylvania railroad.
Thcso four lonesome steamers about all that
Is loft of the American transatlantic mer
chant marino made twenty-live voyages
during the year.
( lots the Mont.
Great Britain has the lion's share of the
world's carrying trade , and no loss than 71U
ship loads loft this port under tbo British
flag last yoar. This was nearly two-thirds of
the entire number. Next came Germany ,
with 1411 ships ; Holland , with 74 ; Belgium ,
with 01 ; France , with i)4 ) ; Norway , with 29 ;
Denmark , with 25 ; Italv , with 24 ; Portugal ,
with 1G ; Spain , with 10 , and Austria , with 5.
Of the grand total of US,4S3.Hri { ) bushels of
grain , America carried only 1,273,7 4 bushels.
The British lion's shore was 4SnU9iOri :
bushels. Germany carried 5.117,1 ! . ! . ! bushels :
Bclcium , 3,379'JbS bushels : Holland , 2,48J,0'JJ
bushels ; Franco , 1,711,700 bushel * ; Norway ,
1.M7.0 , ' ! ! bushels ; Italy , 1.410,909 bushels ;
Denmark , 9b2. 770 bushels ; Portugal , 881,797
bushels ; Spain , (117,434 ( busnols ; Austria ,
129,202 bushels.
In Ten Yrarn.
The shipments of American grain to
Europe during the year lb',11 were larger than
they have been for any year for ton years
past as tha following comparative table , pre
pared by Mr. Ferguson , will show :
Your. Amount.
18M . fi9,37UI3 (
183. ! . 40 1 IV.rJO
If8l . 4M.4',7mS
lsS4 ( . 45.KU.7f7 :
H8" . 42.1111,204
ISHi . VJ,5.VI7i ! :
1HS7 . . . fl..254,4S7
itvss . 2.t.t.v > , mi
ly ( U. . ' . . : i7,40i.2G'l (
1800 . 44.ri9.ViK9
1891 . 03,483,903
He Outlines 111 * I'ollij t u Dinner Gl\pn by
I lie ItvCorm Cluli.
NEW YOIIK , Fob , fi. A dinner was given
tonight at the Reform club to Hoger Q. Mills
by President Emory Anderson and Thomas
< ! . Shearman. Ex-Secretary Charles S.
Fairchlld , Francis L. Stetson , Congressman
A. I' . Fitch , Everett B. Wheeler , Louis B.
Wlndmlllor and other well known Cleveland
democrats wcro present.
Mr. Mills-was the speaker of the evening ,
nnd for the first time indicated in a public
speech the line of action to bo followed by
himself and friend. " in the present congress
regarding the tariff. His first words
wcro In reference to the chock which
tariff hnd < rccoivc.l in the bouse
of its friends ot a time when
to waver was dangerous. Ho declared bis
Intention to oppose tbo proposed hide-away
and stand-still measure ! that some demo
cratic loaders advocated. He scouted
the idea of going b.icK to the tariff
of 167,1 and accepting that as n final
settlement. Ho said tbo democrats had
been figbtine that tariff for voars
and ho was for carrying on war , eternal , un
compromising war. At tbo close of bis
speech Mr. Mills said : "I will follow whore-
over tbo Hag points to fair trade ; I will fol
low wherever the Hag goes , no matter who
carries it , ana I will tight wherever the battle
is pitched. " _
HIT llimlmiKl.IH
CHESTOV , IB. , Fob. fi. ( Special Telegram
to Tiir. Bhr. . | Mrs. C. W. Mvors , living In
the northeastern part of the city , took an
ounce of laudanum last evening with sui
cidal intent bccuuso of the faithlessness of
her husband. A physician was summoned
and a hvpodormic injection of apomorphia
x\as given. Twenty minutes later tbo
poison was ejected and she became con
scions. An overdose of the poison saved
her life. C. W. Mjers is liavcllng with
Taylor's Creston circus. Lust season when
the circus tame into winter quartets hero
Myers put up at the local boarding bouse
with u woman who claimed to bo bis wlfo.
Two weeks later his ical wife appeared. The
first woman then skipped and Myers lived
with his wife hero forucquplo of months ,
when he loft town.
I'llrnil'N .WiiHiiivraili | Hull ,
FHIESD , Neb. , Fob. fi. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : ] Tbo volunteer ( lie company
of this city bold tonight one of tno grandest
mubquorndo bulls in the blstoiy of Friend.
The opera douse Mas hllcd until standing
room was at a premium.
UoWitt's Little Karly lasers for the liver.
TIMIIIX mill Tools.
Good touiiH nnd the most approved
implements nro essential factors in
fin-mini ; , und both should lie provided
before tlio buby boason opcis. : No
Inrnior worthy of tlio naino will botfiu
hlh bprlni , ' work with weak , crow-butt
toninp , or old style , hluifkly machines.
Tlioroforo , lot working animals bo put
In tfood condition for the heavy labor
they will soon bo icquirod to perform ,
and all farm machinery bo prepared for
use when wanted. Now , iilbo , Is the
time to purehiibu or ongngo fauch new
toolB and implements as may bo needed.
Farmers who trlvo these matters limply
attention will bo likely to make progress
in the light direction.
OOHNL-II , lll.UlTd money on baud for
luiiin. W. A. Wood .V Co. . SJO Muln.
IorKKIt tlio follonliu cliolco bark-aim In
fruit und % eRitabIo lands : 07 acres uu rods
north of the Uliutiluiiiiiia grounds , eastern
Blope. line sprints nnd line aurlng-brook , land
very rich arid well .tduptod to fruit.
1M ucres on Grand avenue , line oroliar d ,
windmill und flnagrovoi bltu.ituil on Mynstor
proposed motor 11 ne , ono nntl one-half mllua
from Council II In ltd postolftce.
U acres of very choice plowed land on Grand
avenue , l > f mile * from uostolllue ,
110 aeit < i U5i nillus from city limits ; good
lioiibe , barn and outbuildings ; line a
Kruut bargain ut t"i . ' W. Easy terms.
L'B acres , choleo fruit farm , a itcros In blacU-
borrlu9 , COJ yonnu' fruit truoi , 3WOirapo ( vlnoi
House , barn und outbulldliu * A very choice
bargain. JO acres adjoining ully limits.-story
lioiiso. good barn , oruhurd , grapes and small
fruits.V. . C. htney , Itooni 4 , Opera llousu
blook. Council ItlulTa. la.
TJ1AKMH , garden lanilj , huuiei , lot ! uiU
- * - butlnuii blocki for Halo or rent. Day &
iloi * , tU 1'carl itrcut , Couuoll UlulT * .
Which prom to be nno of tlio moM In-
( cresting of the best scries Catarrh
dangerous with chllilrni.
In the practice of modlclno many Intricate
questions present thoiniol os for solution.
Ono of these rcinnrkubla cases IK found In tlio
person of Master I'-linor Dullard who resides
with his parents at M0 Ho.iuldlns street , this
Muster Kltnor Is twelve ycnrs old and for the
onst seven yours lie litis been n sufferer from
hondachcs , a constant piercing pain Just OUT
the eyes , extending to tlio back of tbo bond. It
) W".s.xoro llmt ll * 'eim-d ns though the
llttlo fellow would lese h.n ronsoii ! ho was
pABiiilncd by mnnv plivsldnns , urn ! wns uinlur
thulr constant cure , trying If possible to gain
floino roller , us | ils milterlin ; wns Rnidimlly
vrtiling iiwuy his yonnx llto.
. . . . .
Master Dnlltird Isu very bright child for one
of his tue , anil lit his oun MO Rlxohls
description of his terrible sulTurlnir. ll suvs :
" 1 liavo suffered so much that life scorned u
burden to me. I don't remember how the
troub'o liogan. but It nmnlfustod Itself In
racking head p ilns , Thu pains seemed to oan-
toro\or my oyo. Every day 1 had those headaches -
aches , and they
"Thnn my whole head was stopped tip. My
nose emitted u yellowish iimttor that was
bud smelling und very offensive. .My throat
was choked \\lth mutter ul o. MJ that I could
scarenly broitlio when I lay down for sloop.
My hoarlng and HtiiollliiK became poor , my
throat was sore. 1 wivsiestless and could not
sleep. I lost all-desire to out , nml when I nto
nlwnys suffered from utter effects. In this
condition my parents took me to Urs. Copo-
land. Shopard.I Mansfield. After a thorough
examination they said they could ciito me.
und they did. My parents are highly elated
over their success , and I am only too glad to
recommend them to all who might bu In mv
condition. "
Wht tha Discharge fr m the Ear Cau el
by tb.3 Catirrbal Trouble Ind o.t s.
Catairh Dangers wi h rhild en.
"In the rxtons'oii of catarrh to the oars. "
said Ir.V. . II. Coocland to the writer , "next
to the ringing and bu/rlni ; noKes so often de
scribed , the H ) mptom most f rc < iiiently met
with by the specialist Is the dlsch.rKo or sup
puration from the car. "
"And It Is Indeed , " continued the doctor ,
"a symptom that demands prompt und skill
ful attention. Kspcclally In the cascB of
children should the appearance of thin dis
charge from the lie taken as u warning
slun. It Is met with often In connection with
catarrhal conditions following scarlet fever ,
me.isles or diphtheria. In these discuses It
should bo remembered tha * the delicate Inner
ilnlnz : ho mucus membrane , as well us the
outer lining the sKIn Is Inflamed und Irrl-
tited. I'rom the and nasal passages ,
the condition becnmliiK Mib-acuto or chronic.
Ions after the acute symptoms h ivo passed
nwny , process extends alonr the
Kust ichlan tubes to the cur. Sometimes It
uffcits the bom 8 of the ear. c.iUblnK their de
struction or necrosis. A peculiar fetid .odor
from tbo disch.irgo Indicates that necioals
IMS set In. bumotlmus the brain Itself Is
reached , and ahccsscs of the brain eiHtie. You
must remember that the nilddlu ear Is separ
ated from the bra n only by u thin and deli
cate partition.
"The reason I fiav thcie Is bo much danger
from supuratlon ] of the ear In children Is ,
that often In childhood partition to-
tween the and the brain amounts
tohnrdly moio than u delicate membrane ,
and how easily the biatti muy be effected and
death ensue in a few days' time may ho read
ily appreciated ,
"None but the physician know how baf
fling and exasperating RIO thosecascuof btip-
puratlon In older people , or how frequently
they lead to fatal results , producing uiustolil
-licenses. Th case of tlio late Kostoo Conli-
llng Is M HI frcshln the momoiy of the piofov
slon Tlio worst uro of the illheaso Is the
Mo.iltliv und Insldiious mannerof ItH itttack.
'I he suppuration muy continue for ye.irs
without serious results , und In other cases
with hardly a day's warning an ubsccae
foim and ueiith follow , "
Drs. Couclanil , Sho.iird ) anil Mansfield
can cure mlnrrli.
The signed Rtatoinrnt of Mr. A. (1. ( Hol
lander of l.'iO ! ) S , : trd street , is con-
olduncc of tlus alo\c faol.
"IsthlsMr. Hollander } " nsKcd yeurcono-
spondcnt of an elderly gcntlemiiii us he UBS
entering the Now York l.lfe liulldlng the other
"Yes , I am .Mr. Hollander. "
"Well , 1 iijideistand you liavo been tieullng
with 1)1 ) s. Copuland , hhepaid.'L. .Muiifilltld. "
" Is true. "
"May I ash yon If you luno been bemihttedf"
"You may usk and I will ansuer you very
cmpliatlciilly I h.ive reuehod giunt benefits
while under their piofcssloiul care ,
bomo years ago mv trouble begun a
fiinerucold which t > eltl d on my lungx , at tlral
It did not mnsu much aim in mall 1 contracted
H cough that was so severe that H racked my
whole system , bharp Hhoollng pains \\ould
take me In the tthcht and extending h.iuk to
tlm Hhoillder blades.
.My nebo wiiKioiistuiitly stopped up first one
sldn then the other , ronrlng noises In UIOO.IIH ,
dull , heavy headaches ovei the eyes an. ) In
tint buclc put of my head 1 UUH ulwivs
liuwklnnnd sulttlng. liylng to ralsn the bill- )
bianco that seemed to he constantly filling up
my throat.
I could not sleep at nljit and what lltllo
sleep I did get seemed to do mo nogool.foi
upon in Isliu In the iiiiirnlng I would bens
tlrnd us when I went to bed , I wa gi.idu.illy
losing flesh and us my eolith was NO much
worse , I decided to consult- physician , but 1
was not through with onn for * -evertl otheru
treated mo but e ih fulled to llnd tlio light
c.iuso of my troublo. In reading the papers I
rind of u friend of mine who had lit 1111 cured
by Drs. I'opcl.ind. Miop.ird mid ManMlold and
decided to call upon Ilium , I did an I can nay
they hitvu dune mote formo than I could hope
for and can tioaitlly rocommeiKl thorn to tlio
A. ( J. HOI < I.ANIiiC. :
Mr. llolliinder 1oa 1 ut I1J1 ! South .Ird stitcl ,
where liu can bo seen und will readily \erlfy
his slatemcnt ,
Tholr Oi-citontliils.
AshiiK been Bild , I ) ; , W. II. Copelinid was
nriu'ilent of liU cbim ut llellevuo Hospital
Medlcnl Colloc. New York , where he grad
uated. the most famous Institution of Its klnJ
In the country. Ills diploma beam Ihu written
endorse i.ent of the uuthorltlei of
New YorK , of the doini of prom.nent medical
colludes In 1'onnsylvanln. lr. T. 11 , .Muiufluld'd
credentials are noot ubundunt und
Ifled. lie ulio U formally Indorsed by tha fluoT
rutaricsuf various county a mistily mediua1
foclotles , These uciitlomuii , after thuroudi
hospital experience und practice , have devoted -
voted their liven to tlio practice of their spo3-
tied , with wlmt buccoai the coluinns of Hie
dally papers show.
UU. O. a. bllEl'AUD , who was preslilent of
hU clubs ut Itiibh Medical ctjllugu. ,
which U auknowlodgtd to bo the leading In
stitution of Its kind In Hie went , Is now usso-
claiud with the Couuluno Mudicul lustltuto.
lit. tihcyard's thorough hu illal ) oxpuri-
enco and fcpcdal ludr of the ill mos of the
fvn , ear.nosotind turoit , u aeo blm Btnong
the lending MiCClMlm , In tlio no t.
Copeland fafal Institute ,
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Bulletins ,
Cor. 17th niul Fnrnam SN. , Oinnlia , Neb.
W. II. COl'KI.ANt ) . M. 1) .
C. 8. SitKi'Aiit ) , M. I ) .
T. B. MANSFIKLIJ , M. 1) .
Consulting Physicians.
Speclaltos ! Gitarrli and all dlsu < nf tu
I.j-i1. Eir. Throat an I Limit * . Nurvous DIs.
i-nses. skin Diseases , Uhronlu Dlso isos. Onieo
Hours B toll a , in. , 2 to ,1 p. m. , 7to0 i > in ,
buniluy Ul u. in to 4 p in.
Uatarrha ! troubles nnd kindred cllsomoi
treated succoMftilly by in-ill. Send to In
Mamps for nilestlon clroiilurs Adilrosi all
letters to Copnluml Institute , Now
York Llfo Hullillni : . Oinahn , Neb
A .MONTH UNTII , AI'lllL 10TH-Miil- :
1 * KKr *
Of Council
1 M. STOCK $150,00)
DlllRCTOrn I , A. Miller. P. O. Olo-uon. Ii k.
Bhueurt , K. K. Hurt , J , IX KJmiindson. Uliarlei
K. llanntn. Trannct Konur.U b.inklii ? biisl-
nets. LtriosteapltM nJ surplus uf nor ban *
In SontlnTostorn IOIY.I.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
than the best ; it is what you pay
for , and expect to have. Take
railways , for instance ; the best
line to Chicago and the East
is the Burlington Route ; it has
the best sleeping1 cars , the best
reclining chair cars , the best
dining cars , the best road-bed ,
and the metropolitan system
of checking baggage direct
from one's residence or hotel ,
which was inaugurated three
years ago , is the best. Every
thing in connection with the
Burlington Route is of the best ,
than which not/tins can be belle ) ' ,
Trains leave the Union Depot ,
Omaha , at 9:50 : a m. , 4:30 : p.m
( The Vestibuled Flyer ) and
9:20 : p.m. { The Omaha and\
Chicago Limited ) , and run
through solid.
Cfty ticket office i223Far-
nam St. , W. F. Vaill , Agent ,
Telephone 250.