Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Embroidery and Lace
Wo will put on sulo Monday morning
another lot of our manufacturers'
lengths of embroideries.
Lot 1 , 4\ \ yards of embroidery for lOc.
Lot 2 , 41 yards of embroidery for 20c.
Lot 8. 4J yards of embroidery for 30c.
Lot 4 , 41 yards of embroidery for 35o.
Lot 5 , 4 } yards of embroidery for 40c.
Swiss Embroidery
50 yards 10-inch embroidery ISe
worth aOo.
125 yards 22 Inch ombroldory 33c ,
worth OOo :
160'yards" 40inch"ombroidory , GOc ,
worth $ t".i *
Our fine cambric Corset Covers
trimmed with embroidery and lace , also
having the arm holes trimmed and fin
ished with the feather stitch , will soil
at $1.40.
Our $3.25 Val lace and.torchon . laco.
trimmed nicely , wo will offer nt $1.0. " ) .
150 yards 40-inch embroidery , OCc ,
worth $1.
200 yards 40-inch , embroidery , 31.10 ,
worth $1.65.
175 yards 40-inch embroidery , $1.75 ,
worth $2.50.
Hemstitched flounclngs at 70c which
were $1.50.
Colored embroidered and zephyr
nounolngfl nl $1.10 and $1.75 , which
wcro $2 and $2.50. -
Corset Covers : nicely trimmed , go at
JOe , 25c , ilSc.1'
A flno line of Corset Covers , trimmed
with embroidery and lace , low , square
nd V shaped , having all sizes up from
82 to 42 inches , will close out nt 50c , 05c
0ml OSc.
Experts "Will Visit Nebraska to Explain
the Subject.
Ituanons Why the Plant May Mo .Successfully
CultlviiliHl In This Uegloii Woman
KufVruB Defi'iidiKl Hy a
WASHINGTON , D. C. . Fob. 0.
* Ou last Monday Senator Mandcrson ad
dressed a letter to Secretary Kusk inquiring
whether it was proposed oy the Agricultural
department to establish any experiment sta
tions throughout the northwest for the pur
pose of testing tbo soil and climate as to tbe
conditions of tobacco-raising and presented
tbo claims o ! Lincoln county In the vicinity
of North Platte as the proper place for such
Senator Mandorson has just received n re
ply to his letter , In which Secretary Rusk
a ay a :
"It is not the purpose of tho'department
to establish any nucb stations. It has not
tbo funds to do so and would not bo war
ranted In establishing tbo stations except by
the direct authority of congress. Each state ,
as you know , bos an appropriation of $15,000
a year from congress , for the purpose of sus
taining an experiment station department iu
connection with the Agricultural college or
tbo universities with agricultural depart
ments In their respective ntatos. These ex
periment stations might. If they saw fit , use
i portion of said $15,000 for experiments in
raising tobacco. Of these fundt tbo depart
ment has no control , whatever.
Ni'liriiHku I'liriiierM liitnrcatnil ,
"I received recently a petition from Ncrth
f'latto expressing the wish that If wo were
to establish stations , their vicinity might bo
( elected for one. The petition was answered
In substance as I have answered you. Wo
> bavo had some correspondence with Prof.
Ingmoll , the dean of the agricultural de
partment ot the University of Nobrasko , on
the tobacco question. Ho iu formed us that
great intdrcst had recently grown up In the
ttate over tobacco raising and wanted gent
him some tobacco seed of different varieties.
We ent him at once olghty-fivo packages.
. I was very much pleased over tbo interest
nmnlfe/tod , as 1 bollevo firmly that it Is an
i industry of great promise , ilnancliUlv , for
the state. I bollovo that It Is within the to
bacco growing region ,
' This department , under its representa
tive , Assistant Secretary Wllhls , Intends to
nuke a comprehensive exhibit nf tobacco at
Iho Columbian exposition which will cover
tvory state In which tobacco is raised , and
ihull cover a study of the climates and condi
tions of the states that hare not heretofore
cultivated It to any great ox tout.
InvrntlcHtliic the Subject ,
"Ho has an export who has charge of that
exhibit , paid for out of the exposition fund
allotted to this department , lie was at once
, listed for special study of Nebraska. Ho
had already vltltod tbo southern tobacco
trowing states and many of tba northern
pucs. Mr. Wllllts took occasion to send him
to Lincoln , Neb. , at tbe tlroa of the meeting
of tba Slate Board ot Agriculture , January
IV , with instructions to consult with Prof ,
lucersoll and with the various parties In at
tendance upon tbo mooting. lie conferred
with the parties , and at thulr request visited
several localities in the atato.
"I do not know which , because be has not ,
as I am informed , yet nude bis report. I
nreiuiuo that tbo supposition that wo were
to establish experiment stations grow out ot
( ha fact of thu expert' * visit and probably
froiu tti'j unexpected fact that the govern-
, > Mitwa taking an Interest in tbe subject.
DotiilU ol Touurco Culture.
" 1 will merely add that anything that I can
to to assist your people In this or any
thor subject , I shall bo most happy to
do. Instructions have been glvon tbls expert -
pert to make a manual , simple , clear and
concise , of the manner of planting , cultivat
ing and curing of tobacco a manual not to
exceed o'itrht pages of which we expect to
print 3,000 copies. The manual is being prepared -
pared at the request of Senator George of
Mississippi and others , especially In the
south. When it is printed I shall bo happy
to tend to Prof. Jncersoll for your experi
mental station UOO copies for distribution
among farmers who desire to begin the cul
tivation. "
Woman SilfTVn o Defcmlod.
Mrs. Clara B. Colby of Beatrice has in this
evening's Star a communication on tbo sub
ject , "Is Marriage a Failure in Wyoming ! "
in answer to a statement of the Star last
night that In Wyoming , whore there is
woman suffrage , there is one divorce to
every six marriages , a greater proportion
than found in any other state.
After denying the truth of the statement
on uODoral grounds , backing up her position
with Uguros from the last census returns ,
Mrs. Colby says this , which will bo of Inter
est to THE BUB readers In Wyoming , espe
The avortiKO duration of marriage before
divorce In Wyoming , when persons have been
married ut'l : yours or over. In considerably
longer than In the uvoraco of the western
rnnp und In tbe avnrugu ot the whole United
tntes , showing tno married condition of oven
the unhappily mated U moro buarublo In Wy
oming than elsewhere. Tbo per cent of di
vorces granted to wives In the United States
Is very much larger than to husbands , wlillo
In Wyoming the difference U much hinullor
t tin n the average. AH It must certainly bo for
tliu safety of domestic relations that the
bonds Klmuld Ini us bourublo to ono SOY as to
the other , this Is certainly a point In favor of
woman HiilTrugo.
Wo nUu Und that of tbo fnw parsons seek
ing divorce In Wyoming u much simillor per
cent than Is round In other woitnrn state * are
of pontonH rrlm have married under these con-
dltlansof legal and political equality. Kta-
tlstk'H show that tbo obnnccs are on the whole
nearly Ml nor cent hotter for your staying
married it you marry In Wyoming. Thura Is
very much In the legislation and In the con
stitution of Wyoming which shown a distinct
gain from the Influence of women voting.
Senator Kyle Itenpoiif Ililn.
In replying to tbe above the Star says ;
The Star stated that this was thiu on the
authority of Senator Kyle of Houth Dukoti ,
having Implicit conlldenco In that statesman
us u friend of the online ( if wnmnn and an expert -
port In divorce HtntlstlcM. In liU speech on
"Marrlaco anil Divorce , " delivered In the senAte -
Ate Wednesday. February 3 , rnator Kyle
sayH ! "One nut of overv twenty marriages In
the United Stitos results In a cllvnrco. In
Idaho , ono In ton ; In Maine. Itbodo Island and
Vermont , ono In oljiht ; In Nevada anil Wyo
ming , ono In HlX. "
If Senator ICylolms bcon circulating u moan ,
statistical lib about the Women of Woymlng
ho certainly deserves to bo overwhelmed Iu a
flood of Indignant fomlnlno uloqnoncu.
Tbe subcommittee of the housn committee
on public buildings and grounds huvl.ig the
moa uroj in charge has agreed to report to
tba full committee with favorable recom
mendation , bills providing public buildings
atBolso City , Idaho , and Cheyenne , Wyo. , to
cost with sites $100,000 each , and at Helena ,
Mont. tl&O.OO'J Instead of 00,000 , as pro-
vldod by tbe original bill.
II. S. Korlds of Omaha is at the Eboltt.
Thomas A. Whlltlngtoii of Nebraska was
today promoted to a f 1,200 clerkship In the
ofllco of the second assistant postmaster gen
Mrs. Guy V. Henry of Port Myor is rocov.
ering from her long Illness , but will bo
obliged to decline all social engagements
during tbe season owing to tbo recent death
of her father.
Senator Paddock ba * been notified that
letters authorizing the Insertion of an adver
tisement In the Beatrice Express aud Demo
crat and technical journals elsewhere ( or
blda for the erection and completion of tbo
Beatrice public building bavo boon mailed to
their destination * .
Two or three years ago Senator Mander
son Introduced a bill to pay tbe heirs of Cap
tain Kmtnott Crawford , the cavalry officer
wbo was shot by Moxicau guerrillas whllo
under a flag of truce , 110,000. Attorneys for
the heirs of tbo deceased officer finally con
cluded to apply for relief through ihn State
department and upon tbe request Senator
Manderton withdrew his bill. All efforts to
secure relief through diplomatic channels
having failed , the Mexican government re
fusing to make any honorable settlement ,
Senator Mandersou has prepared another
bill which be will Introduce , giving tbo uolry
* i5,000. P. S. IL
Ladles' Drawers with cluster of tucka
nnd Chotniso to mutch , will go nt 2oc.
Lndlo3l Drawers nt 45c.
Ladies' nicely trimmed drawers , with
ombroldory , wo will offer nt a special
bargain at SOc , GOc , 73c.
They Find Heavens to Suit the Varied
Wants of All.
Latest Scheme Which Comprises a Three-
Act Combination of Ifurco ami Melo
drama Tom Major * Accused of
Harboring : n Deep Design.
Tbo political reporters have boon busy the
past twenty-four hours runnlngdown rumors
in regard to the gubernatorial squabble.
Every man you moot has a fresh and plausi
ble story to unfold , and , ho Imparts bis ex
clusive Information with an air Indicating
that ho has just oraorgoJ from the Inner
circle's and Knows a deuced sight moro tlian
ho cores to tell.
But In nine casoi out of ton It transpires
that ho realty didn't know anything.
Hero are a few samples of what Is drifting
through the hotel rotundas , over the curb
stones and Into the various political camps-
each of which latter is located iu close prox
imity to an irrigating ditch.
Wlmt Tluty Think Tliny Know.
The impression appears to bo gaining
ground in Omaha among politicians that General -
oral Thayer intends to vacate the ofllco ot
governor within a few days , and that Lieu
tenant Governor Majors will assume the re
sponsibilities of tno odlcc.
"The railroad people arc urging thin matter -
tor on , " said a * leading republican to a BUE
man yesterday. "Tho scheme Is brilliantly
planned aud the only question now is will
Majors push it through. It will bo a play of
throe acts a farce in the gulso of a melo
drama. Tbayor , Majors and Webster \vlll
anpear In the llrst act as leading characters.
Tbayor will till the role of a great abdica
tion , leaving his throne. Majors wll1 appear
as the heir-presumptive stepping in ahead of
tbo heir-apparent. Webster tills the place of
the royal counselor.
Whore tlio Courts Comu In. ,
"The second act will open with a co'irt
scone. There may bo u couple ot court
8COUUS before the play has proceeded very
far. Onu'wlll bo the Usulngof a mandate by
the supreme court of the United States to
tbo supreme court ot Nebraska overruling
the decision of the latter In tbe JJoyd-
Thayer caso. Following bard upon this
scene will bo ono located at the state bouse
in Lincoln. It will consist largely of a nro-
cipilate adjournment of the state supreme
court until tlio latter part of July.
"In the third act the curtain will rise on
Lieutenant Governor Majors seated in the
governor's chair In tbo executive ofllco at
Lincoln. An expression of 'wo are tbo poo-
pie' will appear in prismatic brilliancy all
over his classic feature * . Ho will ba dic
tating to bis private secretary a startling
proclamation a call for a special session of
tbo sliito legislature and In that call tbe
matter of mirulatlng railroad rates by a
maximum rate bill will bo very conspicuous
by the fact of its on tire .absence.
Whim thu Kuil Will Come.
"Later in tbo same ao < . the legislature is to
meet , find that , there is nothing under the
call of any Importance to be done , and ad
journ disgusted. When the tlmo eventually
arrives for Lieutenant Governor Majors to
vacate the ofllco for the rightful governor ,
the fall campaign will have bosun , 'thu people
ple will not stand the expense of another
special suasion , because thu next legislature
will meet In January , Ibttt , onlya few months ,
as the story runs , from tho. date
of Dpyd's reinstatement as governor. It
Is a railroad play , you auderumid. and tun
authors expect to make money out of It , "
Will Tom Do TliUT
The man wbo wlibes to deal In political
rumors can bare his taste auited by detecting
from the stock that is kept on band.
"I understand thfl situation , " said a young
and promising poU'iclan u a BEK mm.
"Lieutenant Governor Major * Is going to
play a great card when ho gets control of the
French Em&oideries.
Wo wish to call spocfal attention to our
line of French embroideries. Wo have
them In match-sots , , in all widths and
ut all prices.
Match poods in Swlas nainsook nnd
cambric beadties ! , nllovor embroidery ,
tuckingJ llnost braids , etc.
Ladies' Skirts , with horn and tuuks at
Ladles' Underskirts at GOc.
Ladies' cambric Skirts at fi9c.
A flno lot of Night Gowns 73c , having
V front and double back voko.
Wo are closing out a lot ot check
nainsooks at 5c , 7c , lOc , 12jc and 16c ,
that are indeed great bargains.
The Rush Still Continues.
Special for Monday :
'Another shipment just received of
those two and a.haj yard cloths at $2.50
each. They arct tjjp wonder of the
tt&e- ha !
governor's chair. As soon as Thoyor is out
of the state ha will telegraph Governor Boyd
to come and take possnsstou. "
DeWitt's Uttlo Eany Kuori ; best llttlo
ills ford vspopjlo , sour stomach , oil breath ,
Dr.Cullimorooyo and oar , Boo building
Anthracite Cnin | > nlen lluvo u Now IMnn to
Ki'ep 1'rlces Up.
NEW YOUK , Feb. 0. The position of the
anthracite coal trade has boon an interesting
factor la Wall street gossip and speculation
for a long lima. It was particularly exciting
yesterday because of activity , and advances
in the coal stocks at the Slock exchange aud
the multitude of rumors which wore la cir
culation. The most startling of rumors came
after the close of business , and , strange to
say , It was of a lilnd which had been moving
about while the stock market was open. The
report alleged that the Lohlgb Valley rend
had secured control of tbo Central Railroad
of Now Jersey , with a guarantee of " per
cent on the stocks of the lust named road.
The story was denied bv President Maxwell
of the Central of Now Jersey nnd by George
F. Baker , president 'ot the First National
bank , who Is a director In the Jersey Central.
Tun preceding reports saia a now combina
tion had -boon formed among the anthracite
coal producing companies and that now plans
had been agreed upon by whicli there could
bo a bettor maintenance- rates. Tlio lively
circulation of rumors kept stock Brokers and
newspaper mon hustling in the way of Inves
tigation ana the only outcome was a .sharp
rise in tbo stock market of tlio principal
anthracite coa ! shares. Jersey Central rose
about il percent aud Iteaulnp and Lacka-
wanna 1 pur cent each.
1'rosldont J. Kodgors Maxwell of Now
Jersey Central , said : "There Is no truth In
the report that this company Is controlled by
the l obigu Valley. It has no foundation
whatever. I do not know of any now agree
ment amonc the coal companies or of any
change in the situation. The question
of percentages will of course bo
settled , and u will bo done
amicably , but It bos not been
settled yot. 1 bavo not scon Mr. VVllbor of
the Lohlgh Valley or Mr. McLeod of Hetid-
Ing in many weeks. Tbo coal question will
bo decided and It may bo dona without thorn.
I know of no call for a mooting of the presi
dents. There has been a better demand for
coal Iu the last few days , and the salesmen
nro sullsllou that prices are mnmtnliiod ;
therefore they hud nothing to do In partic
ular at the meottne tddoy. The coal securi
ties are low level Investment. "
Mr. Maxwell emphatically expressed the
opinion that no prominent stocuholders of
Jersey Contra ! had be'ell'se'llng ' out to uny-
ono in the interest of'Eubigh ' Valley.
Complain * of llondlimix.
OMAHA , Feb. O.-Td' the Editor of THE
BEK : It would seem aUout time the police
or city authorities wore * taking sonio steps
toward removing wna't has coma to bo u
nuisance. A crowd otuien and boya congre
gate nearly every ova.nlup , and on Sundays ,
in front of the SalvatlpjjArmy , headquarters
on Davenport , between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth streets , Wnora they block the
sidewalk and proplo h ro to edge their way
through the crowd or srq put into the street
to get by , and if a lad/ should pass In the
evening , unoccompanlud'by a gentleman , she
Is to bo Insulted. 'Something should bo
done to disperse this crowd of roughs , und
cither compel them to attend services Insldo
the church or keep ontrely away from tbcro.
Dr. Culllmoro , 'oculist , Moo building.
Prominent C'hurrhMan
Tnor , N , Y. , Fob , 0. It was found today
that Charles H. Upribcllct , confidential dark
aud bookkeeper Jor HClay Dascom of this
city , Is an embezzler , Ho dliappoarud nearly
a month ago and U botlovod'fo oVin Georgia.
Tbo extent of His erabfzzluuiunt , u la bo-
llovod , will roach &W.OJO. lie aUo forged n
note tort 1 , 500. lie U a prominent cburcn-
maa , and a cornmitteo appointed to examine
reports of bis misconduct havu found ovi-
den co warranting ntt expulsion from tlio
Dr. Hirneyno-ound IV'M bid ; ;
Laces. Laces.
The loading laces for spring and
summer wear will ho I'olnto d' Iro-
latidlas In ecru and black. Theuo wo
have in all widths from a 3-inch to a
tloml ndunco.
Ladles' gowns at 49c and 09c. ;
Ladles' Gowns at 75c , 89c and l)8c ) , all
trimmed with embroidery.
A full line of Infants' Outfits at a spe
cial bargain.
Still another shipment of bed spreads ,
have you seen thorn , at 02c , $1.17 , $1.45 ,
$1.08 and $2.05.
Just arrived , a groal bargain in nap
kins , 3-4 size for $2.75 and $3.75 per
Do not let this sale go past without
laying in a stock of our
"Old Bleach"
Jewels , just ask to BOO them , 25c , SOc ,
Dr. Bedal's ' Gold Oure Discovery Proves to
Bo au Immense Success.
An Army of Men King Their I'rtilies of the
Iluilnl ( iolil Cure VrogroH ! * of ThU
1'opuliir Treatment nt Illiilr
mill IClsonlinro.
Early in October last a representative
of THE BEE was assigned to go to Blair
for the purpose of looking through -tho
Bndal Gold Cure itibtituto and learning
something of the merits of the treatment
administered at that place for the habits
of liquor , morphine , opium ind tobacco.
At that time the number of patients was
limited to loss than liftcon. but the good
work was going on in n metropolitan
way. Dr. Ocdal , the gentleman who
made the discovery , was at that tlmo
perfectly confident that ho had found a
scientific raothod for the euro of the
above diseases , and his putionU and the
few graduates were cntliuhibtic in their
endorsements of the modicino. What
Doctor Hudul told TUK HKK man in Oc
tober has proven true.
Today ho is treating fifty pntlonts.
His success from the very beginning turn
been phenomenal , and the good news
has not only spread through the dltTitr-
ont towns and counties in Nebraska , but
throughout the on tire United States ,
reaching from const to coast. Nut only
is the Uedul modiolno bo In ? used In No-
bruslca , but incorporated companies
hnvo purchased a Jrunchiso and are
treating patients with it in branch in
stitutes in a number of other states.
The result of treatment at other Hedal
institutes has been the sanio olsowhnre
as in Blair , although the number of
patrons is naturally at present fewer
than at the parent Institute.
The growth and prospjrlty of the
Bednl institute at Blair lias boon far
ahead of anything over dreamed of by
the gentlemen who nro Interested In It.
And yut when onn stops to consider
what u wonderful discovery Dr. Bodal
has made , it is but just and natural that
his treatment should at once become
popular. Ho has a euro for the luiblts
of Uquor , morphine , opium and tobacco
that is attracting attention in the most
bciontlfic quarters of the world. It is HO
fur superior to all other treatments tiiat
it nt once takes the load and nil other
uoraons who have speculated iu a simi
lar enterprise mubt hereafter follow.
Medici Lace.
1,000 yards -Mitch modlcl lace lOc ,
worth L'Oc.
' ' '
1,000 ; yards.5-inch modlcf lace 12o ,
worth 2oo. .
Special Corset Sale
I Customers can take thotr choice. Thla
A lot of odds ana ends worth 81.2 , , , $2 , lot ifl ,
n ot of brokou Unos AnA Ola ] Bloa
$2.25 , at the uniform price of 8o. ! ) nof \ \ wnlch wo will close out nl about
1 half regular price.
This favorite department is now com
plete with the best selected novelties
ever shown in Omaha , wo are , indeed ,
Loadquartors for white goods.
Wo will mention only a few bar
India linens at 85c , lOc , 12 } , 15c , 20o
and up to 50e per yard.
Victoria lawn at.SJc , lOc , 12e } , 15c ,
85c nnd up to Me per yard.
Plain nainsooK at 25c , SOc , 35c , 40c ,
45c and up toCSc per yard.
Jones' cambric nt SOc , 25c , SOc , 35c,40e
and up to 50c per yard. .
Plain Swiss nt lOc , 12c , 20c , 25c , 30o
ana up to SOc per yard.
.lust opened up , a great line of hem
stitched lawn , comprising the plain
homstitch. also hemstitched lav/n with
tucks , they are to be greatly worn this
season for children's dresses.
Horoiswhcro you find your dimnl-
ties in the greatest variety , chocks ,
stripes and Inco effects , ranging in
price from 28c to 50e per yard.
25 dilToren't designs in this popular
muko of goods at 20c and 25c , all now ,
GOc. 76c , 85cl , $1.25 and $1.35 each.
Thov are beauties.
' See our bleached damask. 6G inches
wide , at 75o ; worth $1.
See our bleached damask , OS in clios
wide , atl ; worth $1.25.
Sco our bleached damnsk , 72 inches
wide , at$1.10 ; worth $1.50.
See our bargains In towels , at 12Jc ,
- Torchon Lace.
2,000 yards 4-inch toruhoa lace 10of
worth 20c.
2,000 yards fi-lnch torchon luce , 12lo ,
, ;
worth 2-jc.
N ; B. FALCONER , 1305 , 130 | and 1309 Douglas St. , Omaha
The medicine is compounded by Dr.
Dedal. Ho prepares every ounce of
Dedal medicine that is used , and nt this ,
the parent institute , ho administers nil
of the medicine. The doctor is nn ex
ceptionally good judge of character.
Pie studies his patients daily. Ho is a
physician whoso superior ability Is not
only aclfhowlodgcd by tlio State Med
ical society , but by a national fcocioty of
the same sort His treatment is per
fectly free from danger. Ho knows
what drug ho is administering and
knows what the result should bo , and is
tbcro to bo an eye witness to the ofToct.
Each patient , is constantly under his
caro. With all of those and many moro
advantages it is no wonder that ho has
witnessed the happy result of a
euro in every instance whora the
patient has taken his full treat
ment nnd adhered in detail to
the instltuto regulations. The restrict
ions at the institute are not radical.
Tlio regulations are simply moral , noth
ing more. Not a single rule is enforced ,
but that the result is for the benefit of
the patient and not the company. The
terms are roaeonublo. The surround
ings at the institute nro cheerful , and
the olllcors and attendants in charge are
kind nnd accommodating to their pa
The good people o ( Blair and vicinity
h\ve watched with a great deal of pleas
ure the growth of this now immense m-
slltuto from its Infancy. Prom the day
that the first graduate took his
last dose of medicine up to the
present time , business nt the Dedal
institute headquarters has gradually
grown and so increased that thteo largo
rooms nearly 100 foot deep ave now oc
cupied by the company. None of the
patients are boarded .at the institute
building and only a few cots are used for
these who are temporarily sick. Tlio
Dedal Gold club , which is n society or
ganized nnd conducted by the patients
meets rcjrulnrly each Saturday evening ,
and special mootlngs are hold during
tli3 week wlioiiovor a brother graduates
and says his farewell words. This elub
has very comfortable apnrlmonlH.
There is music , speech making ,
story tolling , and other attractions to
occupy the minds and attention of the
gentlemen doing their brief stay. All
tlio rooms are arranged for the benefit
and comfort of the patlonts , The apart
ments have boon enlarged recently ,
making it convenient for tiio company
to comfortably euro for many moro pa-
tion 18. Although tiioro is a small army
of men now bolnc treated , there is still
room for a few moro. For terms and
full particulars address the Dedal Gold
Cure company at Dlair and you will ro-
colvo n prompt reply. Itead the testimonials
menials of your noighborrf and you will
at once bo convinced that the Dedal In
stltuto Is the place to send your friends
who need the treatment.
Tlio company directors are D. M.
Dedal , president ; John W. Boggs , post
master , vice president ; F. 11 Clurldge ,
cashier of CiietoUer'a bank , eocrotnry ;
W. C. Walton , county attorney , treas
urer ; A. I'Yonoh , real estate , and John
McQuamo , lumber and coal dual or.
Dl vilt , Nebraska.
To Whom it May Concern :
This In to certify that wo are person
ally acquainted with every momborcom-
poslug the Dedal Gold Cure company
and know that'll Is composed of reliable
business men , und further know that
the "Dedal God ! Cure" will do all that
Is claimed for it , us wo are personally
acquainted with u nnmbor of patients
who have taken tlio treatment and are
entirely cured of the drink habit.
Hoapectfully ,
J. W. IlKNmciifiON ,
County Supt , Schools for Washington
County , Neb.
15c , lOc , 25c , 50e and 7oo. This is n
Wo have yet n good assortment ot
Belfast Cloths
loft that wo ara
closing out at. $8.75 each , remember
they arc worth from $9 to $18 each ; 3 ,
3j and 4 yards long.
County Clerk Washington Co. , Nob.
Pastor M. E. Church , Dlair , Nob.
Pastor Congregational Church , Dlair ,
H. T. Ui'DiKK , v
Pastor Presbyterian Church , Dlnir , Neb.
J. R WIHKMAN , Lumber Dealer.
M. H. D. HosKNUAi.M , Merchant.
C. Ij. FASSNACHT , Merchant.
LUNDT & Aimm1 , Hardware.
W. K. DAVID , Attorney.
W. H. HILL , County Surveyor.
PKUKY SKLDKN , Editor Pilot.
MATTHIKSKN Duos. , Merchants.
A very a mall plli. buna vary good one. Da
Witt's llttlo Early UUon.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , D co building
rrrpurntloiiK fur thu ColiiinUliin litpojltlon
Onmlm Surluty N trn.
The Gonnnus nro _ preparing for an exhibit
at the World's fair of the Gorman Industries
which promUos to bo of exceptional Interest.
It IB proposed to build upon an ample space
tbal luis alreauy been secured a Gorman town
with all its ncturo ! < iquu adjuncts. Although
this exhibit is to bo credited to the general
exhibit to be mndo by the Gorman empire , il
will bo managed by n private enterprise.
A space has been sot apart of about 170,000
squnro foot , twins' 700 feet Ions by 250 fcot
It Is proposed In ono portion of tills apace
to build from thirty to forty housoa to repre
sent a Gorman moilliuval town , planned after
such architectural poms as may bo found in
towns like Nurcmburg , In tbo houses urn to
bo JltUxl shops ana stores , which will bo lol
to prominent German manufacturing firms ,
especially those onirazod In Industrial arts.
The exhibitors will demonstrate in public tliu
manner of manufacturing their floods , and
besides exhibiting thom , they will bo allowed
to soil , Ono building will bo patterned aftuo
the town hall at Hollbron , and in it will bo
placed a Gorman inineum. Kutronco ? to th
town will be marked by gateway * mudo In
exact Imitation of old-style constructions.
Connected with the town by another eato-
way will bo a little stretch In miniature ot
ruial Germany , In which will no built farm
houses typical nf those used by the various
Gorman tribes. Adjoining tbo town nnd tlio
country strip will DO a largo Gorman castle
which is to bo mudo not only picturesque but
useful , In that U will probaoiy bo placed In
the hands of a caterer who will undertake to
furnish Its cellars with choice old German
winoj. Gateways nro to lead also to a con
cert garden capable of seating at the tables
10,000 persons , and In which only German
drinks will be sold. Two bands of music ,
broughlover from Germany , will furnish en
tertainment afternoon and oveulug In tbU
Tbo Coucordta Kinging and Arlon society
will give Its proposed concert , for which
rehearsals nro now being had , on the night
of March 13. The Concordla has nUo joined
the Central EiunRorbund which Is composed
of the leading singing soclotles of the prin
cipal cities of ' , he country. The beau-
quarters have been located at Kaunas City
and It is proposed to bavo the suMieerfo t on
n largo scale seine time In June.
'I ho ladles of the Turnverqln will glvo n
leap year party at Germaula ball , Febru
ary 29.
The Plattdoutsuherverotn will hold iti
annual masquerade ball February SI. at
Gormanla hall. The tumors have postponed
their masquerade to March H.
The Saxonla xvlll give a concert and ball
February ? at .Metropolitan hall. Thodiffor.
eiilulnglntr societies will asilit thorn In the
"Tho .Hoars" of the Turnvoroln will rolo-
brato Governor Uoyd'n victory next Thurs
day night at Germanln hall. Tbcro will ba
speech-making and singing.
Tbo ladles' society of turners arc arranging
for u children's masquerade ball , which will
take place some tlmo next month.
Da Witt' * Little ICany Kisori ; thaonly pill
to cure sick headache nnd regulate bowels ,
Dr. Cul limoro , oculist to * lly-