Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1892, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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    nTlTATTA T4ATT.V 117.1 ? . 1717.11)17 A DV 1QO9 C1VT1717V ! > Ani7C I
How Once Again the English Championship
. Was Won and Lost.
Itimo Unit ( liKslp-ThnllykcM-Tlio Illllluril
Tonrnniiirnt nnil nn Intercut-
Ing II n duct of I.ocnt
. Fertile KtiRlUli Clmniplninhlp ,
Nnw Y'IIIK , Fob. 5.
vTo the Sporting Editor of THE .
0 NOCKED out in
throe hour * was
the story of the
Uroorao-Ormo bat >
tie. The same year
that Nat LauRham
Oofoated Tom Say-
crs , Nat's con-
querorllarryOrmo ,
thrbw down tlio
gauntlet to Harry
IJroomc , the then
champion , for Ji'iOO
nnd the chnmplonsblp of England , Two
years before the Tlpton Slasher lost the
championship to Droomo by hitting Harry a
foul'blow. Ormo boat Anron Jones In 1S49
nftor a Rama battle of two hours and forty-
ilvo minutes and again In 1S52 , and Lnnghitm
in isr.i.
liroomo was n flno built young follow ; ho
Mood two and a half Inches over Ormo , ho
had a Hamait nose nnd rather a hatchet face ;
In sclonco.ho wn A 1 and was a good wrest
ler and good loft-handod fighter , lie was
rather too lloshy , but showed a good muscu
lar development , nnd bis attitude as ho toed
the mark was perfection ; his weight * Was
about 180 pounds , nnd both men were 20
years. Ormo WAS snid to bo a very cjulot
follow who T novnr bragged about bli llstic
nbHlUea ; in height ho was barely Ilvo feet
olght , nnd was of a dark gypsy blown com
plexion : bU shoulder * were Unusually broad
and powerful looking , n perfect bull nock , n
broad deep ohost covered with co.irso black
hair , long thick muscular nrms , and a pair of
legs fit to support an Atlas ; his weight was
102 pounds.
The first round lasted eight minutes , and
at once showed tbo sooctators that Ormo
was much bettor on his logs and more clover
at stopping than the nubllo had glvon him
credit for.
In the fourth round Ormo planted his right
with torrlllo force thrco times on Uroomo's
libs , nnd received heavy spunKs In rolum On
the right eye nnd month , drawing more
clnrot , and in the end as Ormo lunged out
with his right' bis head came forward and
Brooino administered a tnrrillc upper cut on
the mas If which doubled him up completely.
Orme turned round and gradually fell to the
ground. It was thought to bo all up , but
Ormo bolng In good condition quickly rallied.
The next round lasted sixteen minutes and
was a tremendous one. Ormo battered away
with bis right on the ribs and caused
Broomo to straw himself up with intense
pain. Ho also caught Broomo a tremendous
hit on tbo left eye brow with his right , In
flicting a deep perpendicular cut and draw-
1 ing-tbe ruby In torrenU. After some rat
tling exchanges Ormo was down amidst the
vociferous cheers nf his friends , who consid
ered that in this round bo had Infinitely the
best of the hitting. The eighth round lasted
twelve minutes , uud tbo Hfth was a desper
ate ono. At tbo tinish heavy bits \voro ex
changed left and right and in tbo end Ormo
caupttt Broomo full on the point of his conk
drawing the clarot'm urolusion and kuocknlg
the oharapion off bis legs. First knock down
' tbelug uXvurdcd to Ormo amidst loud ohei'rs.
'Ormo continued to batter away at the ribs
' nll.throiiRh tho. contest , while Broomo plant'
( id straight , left banners on the dial. At
length in tbo thirty -first round it became evident -
dent ' that thoueh Ormo wa tolerably strong
o'n bis pins , he was nearly blind and tremen
dously punished about tbo head. Ho
led off wildly , but of course was out o
distance , Liroomo then want to him ant
nilnlstored the coup do grace , in tbo shape o
a gentle tap on the nose , and tbo bravo fol
low wont to earth ulmost insensible. Tom
Bayers throw up the sponge , and Harrv
Hroomo was proclaimed the victor , and stil
champion ol England , amldac the cheers o
bin friends. The battle lasted exactly iw
hours and eighteen minutes , and was tb
1 best championship fight that nod taken plac
for yours , in fact it was the tlrst ono i
many years that was not decided by a fou
The rounUs often aimed in a long struggl
for the tall , which Brcomo who was an ex
port wrestler , generally gained.
The editor of Dell tn the remarKs said
ISroomo bad lost none of his scientific uc
quirements in straight delivery nnd wrest
ling , but bo was extremely awkward li
getting out of dillluultios , instead of Jumping
back , tbo usual practice of pugilists , hi
turned tall and ran round tbo ring , bo sun
Ormo had had raoro dash ncd devil In him he
might have followed him up and pupperei
him On the back.
"With this glorious defeat closed the ring (
career of tno gallant Orme. He was fo
many yours lanulord of the ' 'Juno Shore" in
Saorodlth. Both Paddock and Pouisoi
tried to got on a match with him , but Ilurr ;
foupd his bnsmoss too prolltable to leave ant
risk his fortune in tbo ring. He died on the
Oth of June , 1801 of gastilc fever and win
burled in Abuoy cemetery. Harry Broomo
also became a publican and opened a house
In Portsmouth nnd waxed fat and corpulent ,
in fact became nearly as lustv an John L. It
was thought bo hud retired , but wbon tbo to
now championship boll was made , tbo one
that Savers won and Muco now has *
"Harry declared that ho was tbo most en
titled to It , because tbe candidates for tbo
championship bad all been beaten by htm or
by men tuat ho had beaten. " Tbo old Tipton
it was thought bad retired , but ho an
nounced hU intention of detying all comers.
Droorae forfeited jU)5 to Tipton. Anron
Jones 70 , und Tom Paddock 80 , BO It looKed
ns if tbe Old Slasher was going to bavo a life bo
lease of tbo championship. Subsequently
Paddock and Hroomo had some words , which
ended lu a contest In 1850. Both man had in
nint the Tipton and It was thought Broomo or
made the most oroaltiiblo performance , so ho
was tbo fuvorlto lu the betting at two to one ,
but tbo knowing ones were All fooled. The
ruddy and liery Paddock was in splendid
condition and was full of dash and devil.
Brooma's tollows were soon in motion and
tie puffed like a grampus. Paddock came on
tilttlng out viciously , and whenever Broomo
closed for the fall Tom peppered away with
Doth hands until bo had to lot go. . Finally
Harry , whogiow weaker every round , was
kuocliod out of tlmo at tun end ot an hour ,
and was unubla to return tn London with tbe
train. Poddorlc was as strong in wind and
limb us at tbu beginning aud nhowcd up at all
tbo principal sporting houses the same night.
That was poor Harry's last battle , after
bi'lnf the popular pugilistic idol of the sport
ing swells , to add to hu muory , hovas
dUgustea when the middleweight Bayers be * can
en mo champion in 1857. The saloon business nud
and luxurious Jiving took all tbo steel u
out of Broouie , Ho said he could Ing
not train without
weakening on
, no-
count of bis fat nnd corpulency. a
If big Ben Gaunt was disgusted at the chain- the
plo-ship und tba belt being worn by such a
Ilttle-un , Hroome was still more so. Harry
wus insanely jealous of Bajers. He knew
that although ho and Savors \vuro the sumo
PKO , boiu more stale , so ho .triad to have
Tom overthrown by bringing out Bill Deujt- the
inln and Aaron Jones. But llttlo Tom held
bin own , notwithstanding Uroomo's teaching for
und Nat Lan ham's uud Boudigo's trainln" tbo
Broome's cup of bitterness was full who. . for
Haycra defeated Broome's conqueror. Pad
dock , In It&i. Harry afterword * wrote a letter -
tor to Heonan asking him to mauo bis uouio
bis homo and ho would help him a'.l bo could It
T. C. K.
The Spring M
Already there is a manifest uneasiness us
- rnony tbo sportsmen. Wild geese have boon
seen flying north at diver * times durlug the
post tea days , which fact aloao lj ample In ers
accounting for the roulessuoss of tboso who
love to gn allcld with dog and gun. At every
rendezvous wboro thli class oongregatos o'
t eyur.ings , the ouo topic of discussion uow la bo
order is the tpriujr hooting , when will it
commence , whnt will lljamount to nnd how
long continue !
The blnnd weather of a few days sincetoo ,
had an exhilarating effect upon the spirits
nnd Imagination of men who shoot , and acted
Illto n lode stone In drawing them together
nnd opening up tholr lloqulstical batteries.
The hunters moon also rltloi the evening
sky Hko a silvery canoe , a never falling
nugurv of tbo near npproncti of
tbo shooting.season , So there Is abundant
grounds tor the onvor anticipation of the
sportsmen. Anxiously thev nwnlt tbo vor-
nnl piping of the bntrochlsn family from Iho
lowlands nnd swnmps , a sure sign thnt the
frost Is leaving the ground nnd that balmr
wenlhor may beoxpectod. . Anxiously they
nwnit the time when river , marsh nnd chan
nel , scarcely distinguishable now ns they lay
locked In their fetters of lea and snow , will
peep forth with eves of blue nnd break into
sheeny ripples 'noath the breath of the
Roulhorn winds ; when the robin sounds bis
sweet but homely melody 'mitlst the red
twlgtred mnplos In the kholtorod coves ; when
the saucy Jay scolds at every passing broo/e ;
when tno pintail's wing cuts the nir with Its
sibilant wblstlo. when the quack of the mal
lard echoes through the timber and the bonk
of the Canada resounds upon the trenchant
These nro the concomitants thnt makes the
tportsmnn's existence a Joy nnd n dream ,
the sights nnd sounds that proclaim nnolhor
spring Is nwnkonlng , and that It will
shortly bo time for blin to renew his lease on
life , nmidst the bursting beauties of foroit ,
field nnd stream.
Shortly , .ow sny one brief month hence
nnd tboso anticipated glories will bo rcnllzod ,
nnd not to DO dolnyud by reason of nny Inok
of preparation , the gunners nro busy every-
whoro. The fnvorlto old Le Fever Is un
socked , the murzlo uncorked , n searching
glnnce taken through the polished barrels ,
the break tried , nud then brought to the
shoulder und held ngnln nnd for the hun
dredth ttmo repented upon some Imaginary
swiftly Hying cnnvasback , roadhoud or
wldtrcon. Then with n sleh It Is slipped back
Into the case , nnd the hunting suit nnd
wndors hauled forth nnd carefully Inspected.
Everything in this line found to bo O. 1C. , a
trip Is shod or stable where the boat
nnd decoys nro scored nnd they are searchIngly -
Ingly looked over and felt of ;
o cherry call to old "Don , "
chained lo bis kcnnol near by , , follows , but
tlasplto tbo dog's eager upsprlnglng , and tbo
action of oars and tall , bo passes on out the
gnto nnd down town to counler.dcsk or ofllce ,
with n heart lighter and moro buoyant for all
thoos tntlo thoughts these various in an oeuvres
give rjso to.
But to speak of the spring season Itself ,
stripped of til poetical sentiment. If this
woatcr softens up u bttgood wild fowl shoot
ing inav bo looked for as oarlv i s the tlrst
week In March , for on the warm winds , uftur
the first bard spring rain , the pintails our
Initial visitorswill comaup , from their sunny
southern haunts In myriads , a llttlo Innk nnd
loan from tbolr long Journey , yet neverthe
less affording the best of practice for the
ambitious sportsmen. In tbo springtime they
uro moro plentiful than nny other species of
the duck lamtly , especially on these western
grounds. They nro a beautiful bird , very
iwlft of wing , but not nn overly good table
jird. They Jly high , maintaining
nn incessant whistling nnd duell
ing ns they pass , like .graceful
shadows , through tbo icay , morning air ,
but under favorable conditions decoy
splendidly. They nro grda.t friends of the
mallard nnd often travel and feed with him.
nnd nfter the snows have molted and the
backwater on the plains nffords thorn facili
ties for rest and food , great sport is to bo bad
north of Clarks , at Valley , Fremont , tn
Cherry couuty nnd numberless other well
known resorts. ,
The can vnssback , too , Is one of our earliest
spring visitors , as ice and sleet , wind and
snow , and pestltoroui xvoather of all kinds
seem to bo bis borthold , nnd It takes a handy
nnd crafty hunter to make much of n bag
these days , on any grounds or any waters.
Tbo canvusbnck U the mostly prized gniiio
bird in tbo world , although It requires tbo
most finished epicure to distinguish much
superiority in taste or ilavor overa , well
roasted mallard or redhead. Much of the
cnnvassbaok's , vaunted excellence over his
teal. Is puicly imaginary , still bo Is un
doubtedly u superior * bird tn them nil. They
arq not only the scarcest of the wbojo duck
family , "but the quickest , in . the .air , the
wariest , hardest to 'decoy and most difficult
to kin. Occasionally on good feeding grounds
they will decoy readily to a stool of their
own species or of redheads , but this is the
exception to the rule , aud a scratch bird or
two is as much as uny gunner can expect on
most of tbo waters in this'v'.cinity. I shot
ono afternoon nt ICoshkononc In T8 over a
stool of 100 decovs and bagged rocty-ono
birds , which ts the best canvas back shooting
I over bad. At Lugenbeel this full , notwith
standing tbo feed was excellent , but flvo
birds foil to four guns In four days' shoot-
Ing. However , they are malnlv n spring
bird horo.nnd It la a rare thing to accomplish
anything wifn them In the" fall.
After thu pintails , mallards and canvasbacks -
backs , nnd frcuncntly with them , comes tbo
redhead , then bluobllls'and blackheads , then
the widgeon , leal , buttoroall golden eye ,
spoonbill andy ethers , all strangling in ,
In greater or lessor numbers all
through the month of March and well
into April , the teal and mallard often llngor-
ing until.sutumoc burst upon us in its fullest
fervor. Some few birds nest and brood in
and about our local waters , ' but the nmln
body continue * on to the wild and un broken
fastnesses around Hudson's and Ballln's
bays , whcro they roar tholr families in so-
cn'ritv from molestation at tbo hands of man , .
nna his bammerlcss. _
Of all wild In this region , the mallard
Anas Boscbas ) U fho most familiar , the
most highly priced , and affords tbo host sport.
An old drake , In the full blazonry of bis re
splendent plumage , Is a royal bird indeed ,
and when hanging side by side with his
mate , the rufous colored hou , make * a plo-
turo of bcuutythnt would bo bard to sur
pass that is in thi > eyes of one who loves
nature as all gonulno sportsmen do. How
ever , tbo graces of the mallard , bis tooth-
Bomo odlblo qualities , and habits
and characteristics are so tvell known
all intelligent local gunners , It would
scorn Ilko adding surplusage to animadvert
on them hero. Suftlco It to nay , they ap
preach nearer the domestic duck than any of
tbu wild fowl family , decoy more nudity and
afford finer sport than any bird that cleaves
the air.
The geese shooting will open up cvoti
earlier than thu. duck shooting , for already
the advance guard of the honkers'columns
buvo put in nn appearance , and will shortly "
followed by the main body. Just yet
awhile It would bo foolhardy to go niter
them , as tbo lakes and rivers are yet bound
Ice , uud the birds could not bo approached
The snipe shooting rarely begins before on
tbo 15th of April , but when ltdoos conio , ranks
only second to the wild few | sbootlng ,
( Urtho Oltl Time Trill * .
Ono of tbo munv reforms tbo now Western
league will put into operation this year , is
tbat both teams shall dross upon the local
grounds , and thus do away with the expense
necessary in coiwoylng the visiting team in
uniform from tholr hotel to tbo park. This
season the manager will simply provide bis
men with car fnro aim fix the hour when
they are to show up. This rule originated
with the big league , In which it will prove
bcnetlclul In a nuincur of ways , but I hardly
think U ono of the needed changes in this
league. In tboso new western cities there
tc co possible advertisement so catcby
effective as n uniformed ball team u-top
tally-ho coach or omnibuss pass-
through the streets on their way to the
game. Evoryuody has tlmo for a halt and
look at the passing ball playeri , wbilo to
small boy there Is no more exhilarating Il. !
Bight unless it bo a circus par.ido. They will
follow the vehicle for blocks mailing tbo
woluln ring with tbolr shouts of derision or
admiration. Just a ; thu spirit moves them.
Unquestionably this is on advertisement of
game for tbe day , unequalledas far ns it uro
goes , and much more than offsets the expense
the conveyance. And than It wa * ono of
old day features of the great game , aud
this sake alone should ) ba preserved , for
gradually they are disappearing and soon tbo
sport will bo stripped of all tbo old
tlmo preliminary frills that once made
so dear. In the big cities , like
Now York , Boston , Brooklyn , Philadelphia ,
Cincinnati , Chicago and tbo balance of the
major league , tbe doing away with this lux a
uriant ride to the ball parks is all well enough off
the nioro announcement of tbo game in the
newspapers Is all the advertisement neces
sary. 'I hen tbe sight of a gang of ballplay
, 'generally a loud crowd they are , too , Iho
togged out to ( trlpoU wammusas and kulck-
erbootcers posing , nud promenading in the old
oftlco and about tbe corridors of the hotels Is
aouo away with. The men are quietly pre
sented with tiioir little car faro , and told to
on baud promptly at whatever hour the City
manager docldton , all ot which Is very dls * leoa
pustlng and very niggardly to the ball
player , who comas about ns nenr being n pork
as anything in human mold. Thai Is , a ma
jority of thorn.
No Ilolllnc J ntn no Illci. ?
Some of the boso ball patrons , the stripe
who never put a dollar Into the came , nro
criticising the now western longuos salary
limit , which U $13,000. They sny that It U
too low , nnd that only inferior teams can bo
soourcd nt thcso figures. That Is where they
are mistaken nnd shows lust how llttlo they
understand the situation.
It Is n proverblnl fact that ball plavcri do
not like work , nd rnthor than go nt It for n
livelihood they will do almost nnvthlng else
lot the revenue bo what It may. To play ball
Is tbo ono nmbltlon of their lives , nnd before
tbo coming season wanes , there will bo n
good many tender his services for his bonrd.
$1,000 per man Is n much 0.1 tbor are worth
to the western loiiguo , lot them bo who they
may , anil while the offer ot such n sum n
.yewr ago would hnvo thrown the majority of
the players Into n cataleptic fit , now they
will jump nt It liken hungry trout ntnn
April grasshopper , nnd a largo porcoutago of
them get loft at that.
The most that can possibly bu payed a
slnglo player in tills association this year U
$1AX ! > , nnd it will bo proclom few who receive -
coivo this sum. The lowest that n player
will rccoivo will bo $750 and It Is snfo
to snv that each loam will contnln sev
eral I'M ) men. It is A sail commentary on the
tnct nnd wisdom of the profession , that Midi
a cut has boon mnda possible , when but a
few months since the nvorago bnll plavor de
manded as much In advance as ho will now
receive fat the whola season.
Cnntonu Culls u Mcutlng.
LIXCOLV , ftob. , Fob. 4. To the Sporting
Editor of THE Une : The outlook lornatato
leapuo tins season Is very promUIng , nnd 1
suggest that n mooting bo called soon ns
possible nt the Cnpitol hotel this city ,
February IS or 19 , Lincoln being n moro con
venient plnco thnn cither Hnstmns or
Omnlm , and n substantial six club lenguo
formed which can piny the season out , at a
low salary limit could bo made a success.
The project has boon agltatod for tbo past
two yours , but for some reason nobody has
ventured yet. Now is the tlmo to get your
foot wet , wake up you base boll enthusiasts ,
and decide upon n place to meet , to Wo can
stnrt the bnll rolling for 189.2 , nria hnvo a
good und prosperous Icnguo.
Last year tlastlngs , Beatrice , Fremont
and Plnttsmouth nil had good clubs , and
wore well supported , nnd will bn on deck
again this season. Norfolk nnd Grand
Island nro only walling for a mooting to bo
cnllod. Now wo want to hear fromKenrnoy.
Will tbe following elites send n delegate to
n meeting called hero If ngrounblo to nil ,
February 18 or 101 Kearney , Grand Island ,
Hastings , Norfolk , Fremont , Beatrice ,
Nebraska City , South Omaha nnd Platts-
mouth. Answer in TIIK BBK.
Git6iioK W. C.ISTOXR.
Aft IT thu IliuiKhty'lturon.
When the Omaha club under the manage
ment of Uncle Dick McCormlck caved In last
season nil the other magnates believed In the
live and let live idea. They wanted to keep
Omuhtt In the Held in order to sustain interest -
est in the fight for the nonnuntand with that ,
end in view Hy Hach of Minneapolis , Gil
lette of'MHwaukeo , Johnny Boons of ICansas
Citv , U. E. Mulcnhy of Sioux City , nnd D.
E. Packard of Denver , agreed to subscribe
$ oX ( ) each , to be paid after On-nun bad raised
$3,000 for the support of the now Omaha club.
But muu proposes and magnates dispose.
Neither Milwaukee nor Minneapolis bnvo
come to the front. Kansas City and Denver
have paid up , and Sioux City $200. Hy
Hach is ready to put up $175 for Minneapo
lis , while W. H. McCord of Omana , wants
him to pay S350. Botb sides stand1 firm aud
a suit In the hcnnoplu county district court
is hinted at , but a compromise Is probable.
Hach savs tbo Omaha peonlo never ex
pended the full amount of the $3,000 contin
gent fund , and while ho Is ready-to pay
something , If ho put up $350 he woUtd pay
far moro than any other purty to the agree
ment , which bo docs not care to do , and all
of wbicu is bosh.
Grand laluuil ou thu I'ush. '
GIUND ISLAND , Neb. , Fob. 2. To the
Sporting Editor of TUB BEB : I sco by
BEI : that there is a suftlclont number of
cities to make a tlrst class circuit , anxious
for a stnto league , providing the salary limit
Is not 190 hign. This is an important matter ,
but of course will bo satisfactorily arranged
at a general meeting , if ono U held. Omaha
is the only city that could afford lo pay any
thing like a high salary , but I ao not think
she will go beyond any limit established nt n
meeting , that is If sbo comes in the leagtio ,
which is doubtful in case of a now Western
louguoclub. I sco some of the cities''men
tion Omahu as a good place for the state
league mooting , but I do not. ,1 think it
should bo at a moro central point , sav Colum
bus , Hastings or Beatrice. I would urge
action on the part of Hastings , Kearney ,
Fremont , Beatrice and other cities , as there
isn't much moro ttmo to spare. Send in the
names of your delegate and lot us 11 x a time
for a meeting. U. I. B. B. C.
The Ilalk-r.lnn Tournament.
Thobalkhno-bllliard tournament , to bo hold
in Konlston's ] rooms tbo week of thu IStb , for
tbo championship of tbo state , and glvon
under the auspices of the Brunswi'ck-Balke-
Collcnder billiard company , is oxcittuir a
most encouraging amount of interest umont ;
the lover's of the gentleman's gamq , and the to
prospects are good for some rare sport.
Lieutenant Arrasmith enters on condition
that nny prlzo bo may win Is to bo donated to
some charitable limitation , the snmo to bo
named by THE OMIIIA. BKB , The cold
mounted cue , emblematic of the championship -
ship , is now on exhibition in tbo show win
dow of C. S. Raymond's Jewelry store. This ,
with a cash purse of $ .50 , constitutes the iirst
prize : ; MO second , $30 third , & 5 fourth , $20
lift , and $10 sixth. Among the entries from
Omaha are Lieutenant Arrasmith , . Frank
Konlston , Hnrry Syinos , Air , Wancr nnd
others. Thora Is nUo u gooil entry list from
abroad , and altogether the tournament will
undoubtedly prove a brilliant success.
N wn for th .Shooters. at
CMKKS , Neb. , Fob. 6. Sandy Grlswola : B.
Our friend Chnrllo Hoyt , bolter known as
"BIngs , " brought in the first goose of the sue
season yesterday for this locality. From
daylight until 0 o'clock , about two hours , bo
was "decldeuly In It , " bringing doiVn thirty-
two largo Uanadas. Our sportsmen , are now hou
tno qul vivo , scouring their guns and oil &
ing the rusty locks , preparatory to a general hou
onslaught upon tbo numerous Hocks of geese and
that tbo recant warm weather has brought * to
tbo Platto. J. C. MAKTIXI , hoi
A CliiilloiiKU from the Huuilrg , , day
OMAHA , FoD. 0. To tbo Sporting Edltorof moi
Tin : BKK : Tbo Swedish Lyl
tug-of-tvar team sta
hereby challenges the Omaha Atbletlo club stali
team to a match contest to take place within don
two weeks after tbo signing of articles in her
the coliseum , under tbo following conditions : chu
The Sxvedlsb team will pull against the club tbo
team for fSOO to their $300 , or the Swedish BOO
team will put seven mon against tbo club sue
mons eight for oven money In any reasonable
Captain Swedish Tug-of-Wnr Team.
Annuiil Stnto Trap Shoot.
Tbo annual shooting tournament of tbo forV
state sportsmen's association will bo bold wh
this year at Grand Island , May 10 , 11 , 13 and
. Every effort will bo put forth by the u"
Grand Island club to make the meeting the
largest and most successful of any of the an
nual shoots held under these auspices , 11,600
will bo bung up In prizes , and tbo bwoep-
stake contests open to nil. Tbo committee
already engaged In the work of securing
birds , as in tbo neighborhood of 0,000 will bo
necessary , and none but the best will be
The Wren tiers Wiiut un Inning. go
Floyd Hurshinan of Avooa , Neb. , ana
Frank Leahery of Wisner , Nob. , signed
articles for a wrestling match , rtaa holds ,
Friday evening last. The match Is tor $200 M.
side and tbo gate receipts , ana will como ro
on tbo 27tb at Goruiuula hall.
llrrukfuitfor the Crunks.
The Sporting Noivs thinks Dave Rovve U last
very man for Omaha. were
They say that Anson wants Big Wllson.tbo dent
Omaha catcher , the mere mention of
which fact bos senttha vrfndy city's brewery
stock up like a rockot.
Jimmy Manning Is very popular In Kansas
, and It Is not Improbable that bo will bo thu
btac there again tbU season. Just uow
ho Is ! manufacturing prm At Llttlo Falls , K.
Y ,
"I'coicauoo" Vouch1cliilms to hnvo discov
ered n linnmcnt thaUWvill Knock the Charley
Horto Into n cocked Jiat. It was Wllllo's
penchant for hOrse Hptunoht that Bpollod a
Bood ball i.
The Milwaukee moguls deny thnt they hnvo
been trying to purchittb' the Loulsvlllo fran
chise. They hnvo hnu nil tbo oxporlcnca
they want lu this Una that they cnro about
about for the prcsonVBlftl hereafter will re
main tn their ownclitSs1.1
If nnybodv thinks thnk Van JJyko will bo
unable to hold up his ami ID the bin lenpuo
they wnnt to dlsiibuso themselves of the Idea
before bo boffIns to i\\hyf \ \ Ho Is n sprmtor
nnd n run-Rottor ; In inot , n flno bnll player in
every detail , ns well ns-n pontlommi ,
Norman Bnkor took'fl Job ot Juggling hams
down nt the packing house last week , but n
counlo ot days' experience convinced him
thnt ho was too strong for the Work , nnd ho
gave It iip , It thorq Is n ball club in the
country wantincn Rood twlrlor , or n rail
road thnt needs a pi'Jslaont , Nortunti will fill
the breach.
llnliblo < if tlio Amiitmr.
Morcnrlty will do the Monoarolls1 bench
warming net this season.
Meyers , the Dos Moinas second baseman )
would bo n uood pIcK-up for some team.
Uouulc-Jolntcd Williams will pitch Chad-
ron into fame or the Nlobrara this year.
Jnko Thompson , bettor known nsI'lgboof
Jake , " is n regular Tip O'Noil with the club.
Jcllon is the Instructor nt the Nonpareil
club room , and ho knows how to do his work.
Dnrnoy Monngban covers lots ot nrouud
ho wears uo ys and is very speedy on the
Sauo will oat 'om up nt first the coming
season for the Sparks bettor known as the
Hinchoy will got a loam tonolhor for Pa-
pillion ns soon ns the llttlo dickey birds be
gin to sing.
Pitchers Jerry Edlnc-cr nnd Hnrry Howe ,
ntsc Cntcher Tim ICoofo , are hibernating nt
LcMnra , In.
Unstono will undoubtedly resuscitate the
Lincoln giants lu caao of the much talked of
Nobrnsxa league.
Lacov is about as small n catcher ns you
will sco In the business , but ho is a reliable'
bitter for all that.
Paterson will put n strong team In nt
Plattsinotith , nnd Yapp and Miller nro likely
member * of Iho samo.
Second Baseman Uohor of Hastings Is n
roarer In every sense or the word that Is ,
when his team losos.
Snapper Kennedy Is n fine hitting In-
lloldi-r , and ho ploys third with the vim nnd
dash of n Denny or n Nosh.
Contorlloldor Wlgnam savs the Crnnos will
bent the Nonpareils out of nil tholr honors
this year. But will they I
George Taylor writes from Denver that ho
has found n corner lot Holder who will make
'om nil husllo next season.
Grand Island Is sure of a great team with
Uourke nt tuo holm. Ho is xvell posted und
will sign none but ball rjlnyei-s.
There wes the'Intonsest rivalry between
Hastings and Beatrice last season , nnd what ,
n light they would put up In a stnto league.
All tbo cities talking organization nnvo
good parks , nnd judging from tn'o signs of
the times , cau secure good teams at n moder
ate iiguro.
Kid Mohler Is shovjling snow at Topeka to
keep in trim. He says bo will "trun 'om
over" in the spring in u way that will curl
your hair. / .1
Tommv Poorman of last vear's Sioux Cltvs
would like to munBfce'or.o of the Nebraska
Stale lencuo cluos. So ho writes from
Wuvorly , N. Y.
Irish McGee has gquen so far through the
season \vithout gettiu'gllk'kod. However , ho
always tnkos the opposite side of the street
to that on which Barnt > Taylor ptomenados.
Van ArnoBi , short sfa for Salem , Ore. , the
past season , bad n bailing average . & ! . He
will spend tbo balance nf tbo season in this
city , and ocxt seasonr probably go to Los
Angeles. -
„ tttai
There are four ball players In the Mnhony
fatnilv. nnd a quartott ref good ones they
mnkc too. Frank nmkJorrv play .with the
Nonpareils-nnd ; Spllnt r with Iho Juniors.
Dave has retired , but Ub was "u member of
tbo Union Pacifies In the palmy days of
ot the Wheel.
John Blakosloy is on
. ,
. Frank Clnrk Is going to ride ngain.
"Oscnr Eponotor has gene to Chicago.
Fred Penrco bos improved wondofully tn
hill cllmolng. ,
Eighteen new members for the Icapuo from it
Nebraska this week.
Harry Head , nn old member , hns been in
the cltv for tbo past week.
If you do not think there is nny fun ou tnp
coma in some night when the debating so
ciety is in full blast.
Tom Patterson , the Plnttsmouth cyclone ,
was up lust week. Ho will ride n pneumatic
this year nud ho promises to bo right In It.
Walt Morris Is celling so strong that bo Is
has to weight bis wheel with a horse block.
Ho appropriated onu Sunday from the Grand
hotel. '
Zimmermnn hns baon , suspended by the
racing board , pending the investigation of 'Jj
the charges as to his violation of clause D of
tbo amateur rules.
one for 189.3 , was well attended. It was an
ideal day for a ride. The road ofllcors fulled
show up , as usual.
Election is near at hand. Como 'round to In
the club house nnd talk up your men ; If you Oil
rrr can't talk como anyway ; wo would like to
see some of you strangers. off
Tbo outgoing oillcori have done well and nt
the only fnult possible to find with them is
the laic of a little moro vlgoror snap. They
have boon too prone to lot well enough nlono.
Mr. Arthur Shumway wns hero last weak
with the lightest , airiest , fairest nnd slickest
running wheel In tbo world , the Century Co
lumbia , luutman , Lytle aud Livery have
each ordered ono.
Tbe Nebraska division. League of Ameri
can Wheelmen , how having over 'JOO mem- B.
her and entitled to another representative a
large. Chief Consul Perrlgo has appointed
' J. Scunoll to tbat oDlco.
The social part , wo must bavo , but to bo a I
successful wheel club , it must have uliccl- nm
inoi , and active ones , at us bead. Without
them it will gradually deteriorate and dis-
baudment is uuro to follow.
Tbo plans and sketches for tbo now club
house , which are being prepared by Burdlck
Boiler I , will bo on exhibition ot the club
bouse ull day Sunday. Do not fall to como
! got Interested In them ,
Cyko Lytlo gives an hour's ' talk on what
knows about cash prizes every Wednes are
evening nt 7'W. : Some of tbo argu
ments advanced In the Informal talk after
Lytlo's lecture wou 'atapgor some of our
state senators. aico *
In the coming cR IIon , which will no are
doubt create more interest than the ones
heretofore , ns the t w officers will have
charRQ of the orocil6libf. the now club bout o ,
members should * , ho carolul and select
good , active riders au d > these who have tbo
success of the club afttTwhaolIngat boart.
Who cnn answer these ? on
Will we have n "hWotinifs smoker ? "
Will Charllo Peabody patent his now tire ?
Will Cyko Lytlo bayja Columbia or Hurt-
ford ? jT0i
Will E. B. Smith ever learn to play the
whist ?
Will Dr. Connor dvW como 'round to see
" ?
Will LQU Fleschor 'dyifir get his saddle ?
Will the Fronzor mj'jw ever bo returned ? m01
Will Harry Smith riuo a tandem this year ? iti
cal Spurts.
Fifteen or twenty largo flocks of wild geese
passed over the city Friday evening , Hying last
north ,
Tbo Omaha bwodlsh-TuB-of-Wor team will
down to Lincoln1 In tbe morning for a
match tug against tha winners of tbo Fre
mont tournament , which closed last evening. liavo
Tom Eck , Bonator Morgan , Dick Howell , the
Wllllo Word , Wallace Stage , Hilly Lamb ,
J. O. Flanagan alid 'Qyclono" Anblngor
In 'Frisco preparing for their great ( ? )
International bicycle chase which opens up
the 15th.
At too mooting of tbe Omaha Kennel club
Tuesday evening , the following ofilcors tbo
elected for the current year : J. T.
Evaus , president ; Jock Morrison , vlco presi
; w. F. Cudgeon , secretary , and A. W. la
Waterman , treasurer.
J. C. Martin of Clarks U tbo possessor of a but
hauUsomo big Newfoundland puppy which bo
wishes to dispose of , one year old the 2Gtu of could roses
uiot-th. weigh * 125 pounds , has a good
disposition and U fond of children. Ho has
a beautiful cent of jot blnclc ctirlr hair and Is
a graceful , symmetrical animal every way.t
A branch of tbo Amateur Fencers League
Of America , whoso headquarters are tn New
York city , wns orqanUod nt tbo Omaha Ath
letic club ono evening tnst week. The fol
lowing o 111 COM were then elected : Ucorgo
W. Ames , president : F. J. Daspochor. vice
president ; S. 1 . Morse , tronsuror ; E. P.
Mullein secretary. The proper papers -will
bo forwarded to tao loAgua headquarters. Its
rule nnd regulation governing contests and
exhibitions wcro ndrptod.
QupstloiM nnil Answer * .
Ti the Suortmg Editor ot TIIK Ben : Can
nny of your renders Inform mo who wns tbo
llrsl pugilist with n mlddlo numo ? In the
history of the > prlo ring wo hnvo no record
of any pugilist with a middle nnmo before
John C. Heonan tn 1S5S. Previous to that
tintc they wore nil Jacks , Joins , Bills , Toms ,
Dicks : and linrrys. Some years ngo the llfo
and ndvoiituros of n wealthy English sportIng -
Ing squira wcro published In n London sportIng -
Ing piper. The writer snld ho wns the
owner of some UO.OOO ncros , and had a podl-
grci thnt throw most of the titled nrlsto6-
rncj qulto Into the .shade , "nnd , " mldccl tbo
biographer , "ho was nhvnys called < lnck. "
John or Thomas , ho said , sugpcstod n prig ,
but Jack or Tom were Invariably bluff ,
honest , hearty , Jolly , good fellows.
Jack is a fnvorito nnmo among the aris
tocracy , popular writers of fiction have gen
erally a hero cnmcd Jack. Among the En-
gllshnnd Irish champions wo have had Jnok
Gulloy , the member of parliament : Jnok
Shnw , the Hfo gum-daman , who was killed at
the bnttlo of Waterloo ; Jack Slack , the
champion ' In 1T50 ; Jack Kandall , tbo chnm-
plot of the lightweights : Jack Ltingan , the
Iris champion : Jack Grant , wbo fought
Ton Snyon two hours nnd n half. And in
our own tiny wo hnvo "tho Nonpnrlol , " Jaok
Dompscy , who , according to nnd on-
thuslnstlo < sporting writer , assorts the fol
lowing wlndv effusion concerning the latter-
"As the ideal lighter , the brilliant tactician ,
the consummate gonoml , the hero of halfu
bun rod tights , Dempsey Is far nway Non-
btiroll , nnd will bo handed down In Malic his
tory us the greatest lighter who over lived I"
La Blanche , Mike Donovan hiid rod headed
lanky Bob , ao nnd lildo your diminished
bonds. Whv Is not "tho Nonpareil" called
John P ) ns "tho champion ot champions is
Job Li. Nearly halt n century ngo n inoclc
tournament was produced at a theatre nnd
the knights , who were nrmed and mounted ,
wcr Introduced to the nudloncc
nsBar 'Sir Benjamin Gaunt , Lord Brassoy ,
Baron Bondlgo and Sir Slasher do Tipton , "
"What's In a numo ! An advertisement ap
peared once In tbo Times from n storekeeper
informing his customers that nftor n certain
date ho was col tig to drop bis ploblan name
ol Jones , nnd adopt tuo anstocr.itto name of
Howard. " '
That was n curious wav of obtaining no
toriety , but not anv worse than the vapor
ing wind bag challenges of some of our
modern theatrical pugilists , who decline such
purses ns $3,000 us bonentb the.r notice.
Tendon Paddock lost the conlldonco ot ' Is Lon
don backer. ) through his llroy temper , and
ho wont.oaek iuto the provinces and fought
a couulrviniin for > u side , n tromoudous
blood spilling bnttlo at Unit Jack Slack.
lIUATUirt',1 Nob. , Fob. 2. To the Sporting
Editor uf THE Hilt : : Will you please nnsnor
the following In KIINDAV'S 11 RU : Has there
ever hocnntiy Invention yet discovered which
notiA run perpetually ? 1) . H. Iilnelu.
Ans. There has not , unl6ss It Is Charllo
Mitchell's - norvo.
OMAIIA. fob. 2. To the Sporting Editor of
THE Iltn : In draw poker. If the dealer faces a
c'iril. must the pliyur accept the sumo or docs
the dealer deal over ? Ante.
Ans. Ho continues the deal , then gives
the man who received the faced card another
attc all are helped.
IIUATitict ! , Neb , Jan. .10. To the Sporting
Editor of THE HUB : Would you bo land enough
to send mo or let mo know If there nro any
printed rules on "tugof wsir. " There Is some
11 lie of contests here , but no ono Is familiar
wltlrtho gamo. All wo wish Is to know enough
toe.Ai . . on the contest. O. C. K ,
Ans. The
teams consist of as many men
as tbo captains ugreo upon. The length of
the pull is seven feet. The rope is ono and
oue-fourth Inches. Tbero nro no regularly
recognized rules.
Editor of TIIK HKE : I notice a question In
lust SU.NDAY'H HKI : asking about I'm n It or KM
biilllviin , the sprinter , lie will lie 18 years ot
nso April-I. Ho h is run several races , the
last one In O-inuha : i .ilnst George iJ'ivlg , nnd
won them all. Vou wore the stiilco holder In
the Oiniiha rnco , und Sullivan's tlmo was 10 % .
Me Is I now attending the H-ithbuii business
collage In Omiihiu John J. Sullivan.
SOUTH OMAHA. I'ob 4 To the Sporting Edi
tor of Tiiii HKI--To decide n hot , please answer -
swoi the enclosed : Inn six-handed game of
casino , A , II nnd O ns.ilnst. I ) , 13 und V. A , B
in d C uro sixteen and make oarJs , spades and
one ace , I ) , K .iiul I'are 1 ? and irnke big und to
little ! e.islno and thrco aces. Who wins , or Is
* a JriiwJ"Header.
Ans. A draw.
rAHFwnr.r , . Nob. . Fob. I. To the Sporting
Editor'of TIIK HUB : In a. game of Jilsh Ilvo , 5J
name. NAaaln-t ! II , A 51. II M , A iiiakos hl'h ,
jnck. II low , game , Which wins ? liurk's I'ul-
HCO Saloon.
Ans. A.
KANSAS CJTV , Mo. . Fob. 1. To the Pportln ?
Editor of TIIK HKK : Who Is H. I ) . Tulforl. the
teluhriiUMl wlnrshot. who recently polished
oir Ilnll-Do Ilroucrin such handsome style ?
no an ntil shot , -and what has ho ever u'onn
besides these Urewor matches ? Trap and
, Au8. Ho Is a Now Englumlor nnd was
born Fobrnnrv 8 , ISfiJ. His height Is 5 feet
inches nnd weighs about 17 : . ' . His first
match of nnv importance wns In April last
against C. AI. Hedilen of Newark , N. J. Ho
won by n score of 03 birds , when Hodden was
shot out. Ho then defeated Frank Class , the
Now Jersey champion , for $ J.)0 , und recently
added Captain Brewer's scnlp to his girdle by to
beating him three times out of four matches.
tbo first ho scored 100 birds to Browor's
; the second , fl ! ) to Broker's US : the third go
was a tlontlX ) , BreWer winning on the shoot-
by n score of 2.5 to St. The last match was
250 birds , Fulford winning by 7 birds. of
Soimt OMAHA. Neb. rob. 3.--To the Sporting
Edltorof TIIK HUE : I'luasn stnto In Sunday's
UKU the ( Into of John 1 * . U OW'H death and the
nnmeoftlio man who shot him. Also , the
date of Joe Cobiirn'sund 1'at Klllon's deaths , got
Ans. Decomcer 'J , 18JO. F. C. Marshal.
Coburn died December U , 1800 , and Killon ,
October lit , 1801. I
Couxcir , BLUFFS , la. , Aug. 8 , J8TO. Dr. J.
. Moore : I feel it not only a privilege but and
duty to say a good word for your catarrh u
euro After doctoring with several of the
best specialists of the country without rollof ,
was advised to try your catarrh euro , and
pleased to say I am entirely cured.
Yours trulv. W. A. STIIONO , her
Traveling agent Fairbanks Scala Co.
For sale by all druggists.
J-\tl.1 IX - " ' ' " ' - ' cou
A gold bat with a sappulra body Is a a slg- the
nltlcant scarf pin.
Enameled ribbons gathered into rosettes of
used as lace pins.
Mustache brushes with Russian enamel ble
backs are for tbo luxurlants , "
Terrapin dlsnos in sots with roponsso
edges and handles and resting ou tiny logs
Oesired about this tlmo of the year. our
There is an effort to Introduce round nine- '
thyst and topaz pins. They nro veay pretty. who
Tboy are not in chased gold with an Inner
banu of tiny pearls.
Great vogue has been given this season to
little heart-shaped lockeU. They are worn
fine chains , and seamed to bo called for by ally
Eomo sentimental considerations. tbo
The round enameled brooches with flno in
terlacing * and powdered with colored stones over
come next to the llower jewelry In rivaling "
bow knot. Tbe use of ruby spinels and ouo
olivlnos limit the expense , the
Gold rosaries nro now ready for the eastern
trndo. Some rosarlos bavo tbo beads con out
nected by links. These make tbo rosary tbo
ir.ora flexible , and as it Is often held balu
tbo palm of the band the links and
make it more pllablo and raanagoablo. buck
Plain gold crosses without the figure are also
used.Manufacturers a
Manufacturers say that tbo bowknot will In
another season. H has crowded out
many other styles , mainly because of Its that
adaptability. It is very commonly used to
fasten watches at the bide and for pinninjr
draperies. Bow knots five inches across plain
boon made for fastening drapery on with
hips. It is polka dotted with tiny bril
liants. being
Van Ho uton's O ocoa Best , and goes far
thest. " dead
No orange blossoms were wreathed about
brow of lovely Gretchen Doerk , says tbo the
Chicago Poit , wbon she stood in one of tbo but
parlors of tbo Hunkluton house , Milwaukee , war
i Tuesday afternoon and listened to the of
words which nude her Mr * . J. II. Berry , Jr. , It
no flowers are fairer than were the view
of her chocks , and no bndo's heart ous
, bavo been lighter than her * .
Dr. CuUltaoro , oculist to Mo. Pac , Ry cure
The Story of His Brilllnnt Legal , Political
and Military Oarcpr.
Homo r.lfe of Ilia
Wnrrlnr-Slatr iiinn Ito-
lillos lo Vlllllcntlfiiis nf the I'rc n
Klocto < l ( 'oiiRrrssiiiiin nnil
( Jincrnor.
One of the most ronmrknblo books In thl
ago of remarkable lltornturo Is the "Autobi
ography nntl Personal Kcmlmsconcos of Bcnjnmln F. Duller , " to
Which tbo nulhnr lias nlso added the unlquo
title of ' 'Butler's Book. " It Is n IMXO vol-
uino , comprising 1,154 tmgcs , Illustrated with
li'i engravings , maps and pholosrnvuros of
onilncnt persons , and Is very appropriately
dedicated to the good anil bravo soldiers of
tuo Grand Army of the Uopublla.
Among several other ruusous Jar writing
his book tbo general says wns thntho desired
to correct much of the wrong-done to hlmsulf
by a prejudiced misrepresentation of facts
nnd circumstances as to his acts In the ser
vice of this country. Hu also adds that
Wherever facts nro not out that ha has In
tended thai It should bo dona with literal and
exact accuracy. Ho further stains ns to hU
porsonul acts , and doings nnd omissions that
ho lias "In naught oxtommted , " but tbat ho
has reserved to himself the privilege of ox-
plululng and exhibiting his motives and feel
ings. In regard to others , ho says , ho boa
"sot down naught In nmllca , reserving to
himself , however , the privilege of saying In
regard to any man personally what hu thinks
It is right to ay of him , liowovcr tbo
criticism may bo , and of glvlhg u Iruo doilnl-
tlon of character in whatever distinct terms
tbat criticism , In his opinion , calls for.
Tbo first chapter is devoted to the lineage
and education of this oxttaordlnary Ameri
can warrior aud statesman. Whllo boldly
assorting that all men are not born equal , ho
has no inltb whatever In the blua blood of
ancient aristocracies. "Tout blood docs not
and cannot of Itself maintain a class cither of
Intellectual sunorlorlty or of physical viper
uy 'breeding in and in' is potent , " bo says ,
"from tbo well known condition of tlto royal
fumilloi in Europe.Vo nro llkuwtso Iroated
to a very Interesting sketch of the early sot-
tier ! in New Hampshire , tbo Itutlor lumily
and the childhood and llrst school dajs ef tao
autobiogrjpbcr. Ills college Hfo , theological
and legal studios nnd experiences us a teacher
are all entertainingly touched upon.
General Butler makes very lender refer
on cos to his wife. In writing of her ho says :
"My wife , with a devotion quitn unparalleled ,
guv a mo tier support by accompanying me ,
at my earnest , wish , In every expedition lu
the war of the rebellion , nnd made for mo a
homo whorovur I was stationed in com
mand. " It. appears that she bravely suffered
great privations und hardships In order to bo
with her busband during tboso troublous
Tbo general was apparently n natural-born
politician und too * Interest In political
questions at the tirno ho cast tils lirst vote.
"From my earliest youth , " ho retimilcs , "I
bad boon taught to believe In democracy , of
which Jefferson was tbu apostle , and to abhor
federalism , of which Hamilton was tbo ex
ponent , " His llrst political notion was an
endeavor to procure from tbo Massachusetts
legislature an enactment making ton haul's a
day's work In manufacturing employments
and bo gives a very graphic description of
bis struggles In this direction. At tlio ago
of 111 General Butler was elected a member
of the houso'of representatives of Massachu
setts and took a very active part In ull the
momentous issues that were agitating the
people ot that time. Ho was always utterly
opposed to knownotbingism and fought it
from start to tinlsh.
Ho gives some historical data regarding tbe
rise of tbo free soil party and tbe fore
shadowing of secession. Ho also gives an
explatidlton of his voting for Jefferson Davis
and tells us something about Horace Ureoley
as a secessionist ,
His book is brimful of amusing incidents ,
showing that the author was n man who
tborougblv appreciated a joko. vVhilo sta
tioned at Annapolis ho was visited bv Lieu
tenant Colonel Keyos , who introduced
himself as a member of General
Scott's staff and made himself very
ofllclous in giving the general Instructions in
tno art of war , and frequently took occasion
do so in tbo presence ot uny distinguished
man who happened to call on the general.
Butler found out tbat ICeycs bud no author
ity for dolnjr this , so tbat when Koyos next
undertook to give him some instructions , the
general led him on to give the full details of
ttio qualltloatlon necessary tu make a good
ofllcor , listening with great gravity and ap
parent Interest , Senator Wilson of Massa
chusetts also being present , and tlion bo
asked Keyes :
"lo you think of any other quallllcatlons
besides those you have described lo mo aud
Ibo senator ! "
"No , " w ld ho. ' , ! don't think of anything
Hint I need to add. "
Well , " 1 said , "colonel , I think there Is
one tuinpr ruoro that is necessary which you Is
have not named and which you evidently
don't know anything a bout. "
"Ah , general , whtttis that ! "
"Bruins , Colonel Koyos , brains 1 You .
haven't any , and you have bothered mo hero
long enough. I bavo reported you
General Scott , and here Is
yout order to report to him iorlhwlth , and
bora Is u pnss for you logo , and if you don't '
by thoi next train I will send you under
guard. Gcod morning , sir. " <
A funny little incident occurred with re
gard to a Connecticut regiment tbe account
which is worth reproducing in Butler's
own language : :
"I never bad any serious trouble with the
Ninth Connecticut , " ho says. "They would n i
a lllllo liquor , but thai was done vary In
geniously. Generally my olllccn of tbo
guard found them out. Ono ot their tricks , '
romomoor , was very curious. A great the tin
portly woman used to come In to see them
and they would gather about her chatting
evidently In perfect accord. But the
111 cor of the guard observed that ono or two of
who stood behind her scorned to bavo their cur.
heads bowed down. An Investigation icm
showed him that our visitor had a very con and .
siderable sized ruboOr tube wound ull around
person under her dress. This tuba had olTe
boon tilled with liquor , and wat , provided The
with a faucet which was concealed under com
capo , and for a consideration anybody tiKi
could take a pull at it long anough to got a Mot
good drinU. She was cautioned uot to vUlt fSUL'l
camp and dismissed , " for
The general's description of his occupation DIE
Noiv Orleans und tbo uccldonU und inci HKll
dents connected with it , form a very reada thrn
chapter In a very readable book. miff
"Tbo hotel-keeper , " remurus the general , will
"informed my adjutant general , Major cun
Strong , tbat ho was afraid to bavo us como at
tboro Test some of the wallers should poison Vv
food. Strong observed in his bearing ; and
'Weil , general , It wo are poisoned , the ono olt
survives tbo longest will bavo a lively
recollection of him who keeps ibis hole ] . ' "
Tbo women of Now Orleans acted very In-
sullinuly toward the ottlcors of the United ( on
States unny , but General Butler was gener inoi
a mutch for them , as will bo soon from Who
following sample : drn
"Thero ware 11 vo or six women loaning Urn
u balcony on ono occasion , " bo relates ,
"when 1 was riding along qulto near it , with
ofllccr only between me und
balcony , I was face to the '
front nnd , of course
, people turned Mr
to sea mo more or loss as I went through radl
streets. Just as wo wore passing the J.K
> ny , with something between a annul : war
u sneer , the women nl ( whirled around ollt.
to with a flirt which threw out their curt
skirts In a regular circle Hue tbe pirouette of la/
dancer. I turned round to my old , saying H.
full voice : Tboso women evidently know
which end of them looks best. ' Tbat closed
exhibition. " eur
General Butler's farewell address to tbe led
citizens of J\ew Orleans is couched in very tor
but effective language and will bo road Oer tnoi
great Interest at this lalo day. line
The writer clvos a succinct account of his tulc
proclaimed a felon and an outlaw by
late President Davli and of tbo 10,000
reward offered for his capture and delivery ,
or alive , and throws additional light ou
execution of Mumford.
Of couru hU naratloa of tbo operations of I
army throughout the civil war cannot
possess immocsa value , and naturally
history forma no inconsiderable portion
his book.
U Impossible in a brief newspaper re
to oren merely mention the multifari
questions touched upon In Urn extraor
dinary and fascinating ttolume ; but tbe
reader I * recommended to pro
ft copy and carefully read It
through nml ho will then , perhnos , find il
iu'co nry , la order lo do the autobtOfffApIibi
Juntlco , to form qulto A different opinlar * ol
General Benjamin F. Hutlcr and the pnrtiln
has performed ( n the formation of too history -
tory of the United States. I'nblUhcd bv \ .
M. Thayer & Co. , Boston , Mass. Tno book
is sold only on subscription , and the publish
ers give n written guarantee to every sub
scriber that It will bo soli ! In no other \\ny.
Ur. Cullimoro , oculist , l\ao limltting
The Successful Obesity Bpocialiat.
Slrn. fit M. Campbell , Arxrln , WIs , hofora in J ittw
trottnifiit by Dr. Bnjdcr.
In biff , bmr , bnxtllne ChlcaRO
A . pnclnll l ilntlulnellt
lln nnino l > Dr. Dnrtlnr ,
TU of I him I whh to loll ,
In thl > itrnnt worlil nf ppoplfl
How mimr llmro nro wo TO known.
Whcuo mn < i < if Ilitsh nnn n Iiurilrn ;
Who wcro bulkr nniliiTorKruwn.
Tlioiolinvlnn trim , nhtpolr lUurot >
Know nnnuht nlmt inch Imvo to boar )
In'tonit of Iho pllr thcr merit
Utt rlillciilo l < their ilmro.
Kind Nature , ns If In atonement
For ttioniltchlof which nln > lins nnilht ,
Hnsiicnt tlioni n frlonil In the Doctir ,
\Vhum luimlio Isnlroailr hnvu nuuxht.
Senros who wore oneo thni nllllctiul
.Now , tlmnk < tu tlio iloclofn Kklll.
IVuiurK jmt n < neat nnil trim n urn *
Anyou II limit you wny Konroli whuro j-ou will
Anil the lift | inrt of nil h. It'slinlhu ;
Your Inirdon of lle li'n none for < nti ;
TlialroitnuiiitrourhcnUli hii mule bdtteri
Tlio blo lriK U with roll to stnjr .
The doctor oich ninll
Krotn pntloiitn his trcnttm'iil Im nircit.
Onrtlowlnewllh prnMo Hint forever
Thor'ro frro from tlio UN Uu'jr oniliitoil.
If you're nnjr frl , i1 thiM nlllli'li'il
Ailrlio tlioni lo wrltohliu nreilli
Tlio doctor ctu nuruly rollavo thuin :
11IU tlioinconio , old tiul younif , tkim anil nil *
lioiturrlnit , no Incnnvmilemce , linrmlewisil no Iw4
offocti Htrlclly contMnntlnl. 1'nr circular ! aadtg * .
UmoiilaU ndtlrvna with Go. In fttninixt ,
McVtckcr's Theatre Bldg. , Chicano , III
N. M , RUDDY ,
SI'i South mil Sr. . rnrnnin Hr. The itor.
Pitted to remedy nil defeat * ) of ovu
Right. Steel spectacles uf gnar.iiilood quality
$1 and up.
Solid ( Jolil Siiectnult'i nnil Ilyoglassoi t
and upward. Occullst's proscriptions for
classes tilled correctly siiine Any i\n ruuulvuJ
DR. J. E. McftREW ,
nnsurp.issud In the treatment of all forms ol
PRIVATE nlSHASHS. and all disunion jinil
lobllltloB ! of youth nnd minhood. IT v oars'
xjierlenco Ills f.icllltlcs'iiro
iinictlu illy unlimited. The Ilnctnr Is-tecnm-
mended by the pres ? , nnd crulorhivl In thu
stroitKcittorini by the uonii e for fair tro it-
ni'iit und boiiust professional ndvlce. Tim
nest powerful remedies Unown tu mo'torii
lulunca for thu succosifiil tru'iumcnl of .the
Followlngdlseaaos :
aotomtlltHM ; lintnoillAlu relief , A com-
plot cure without the lens of nn limir'rt tlin
From business.
OI.KK'l One of the most complete ancl sue-
osstil treatments for xluut anil all annoxJnX
Ilsolmraes yet knoHii In the medical profe-
sloii The rctiiltH .ira truly womloifnl. Thu
most stubborn nndchrunlu cases where 'tbt
Jlsohanro hud oxHtocl for ye us , uiillroly con
trolled In a remarkably Hliurl tlmo.
b'fitiin VIlK 'tha i cntcst known remedy foi
treatment of strlctiiro. without piln. nit-
HIM , or dilating. A
* moit romiirliihli ) ruim'ily.
No troiitnii-nt for this turrlhlj
blood dlssHSO him over boon more success fill ,
or hud stronzor ( indorsements. Inthulhht
modern xcluncu this dlHonsii Is positively
LMirahlound uvury Iracoof the poison entirely
lemoveil from the blood , 1'ho unru U complete
poriimnoiit ,
HiHi * A . > / < < > //OM/j.nnil ambition , norvom-
, timidity , doipoii'lmioy nnil all hfihtl'ii ) !
DlTects of uurly vice , liollof obtained at MIIUU
weak Rrovrstrmiir , nnU the donpomluntbu'
L-uineohuerfiil and lupi.y ,
Kl.\ 1HKAI'.H , mil nl | iJIsritos of ilia
blood , liver , Ulilnevs undi ) ladder are tnmtc'il
siu'crs'-fnlly with IhusrreatOKt Unown romudlui
those dtscniscs.
MrUrow'd tre.itmont for disorder * of the
Htoinaoli , IIIIH thu nniimlllk | > d i-ndorsornenl ol
throe whohuva boon cured. ( Jnttn hail
niinMrud for ytmrs uml nimble to WOIIK or UAI
without liicroualiii ; tnulr misery , entirely
cured , These uro fuels wli Idi can ho proven
alunytliiiH. The rornodles are ploufcant nnd
piiliitalilo tn the moit dfllc.-tlo stomni'li.
WrlKi l ' forclrriiliir iiniliii04tloii | lUtfroo. lith
1'urninn Htn. , Oimilm , Neb , rntranoeoii
either street >
Lo Duo'a Periodical Pllh.
The French remedy ncU Ufroctly upon thn
oaeratlveorjunaanilciiroi mi ppreMlonnf tbii
inontius. t-or throe for Ji , and luii bn miUlocl
Hhould not ho usoj diirln. ; pro/nniioy. Jobhar *
driiKKlituand the publla suppllud by
'When I or euro I do not room mereto ! > top tlitiu
r a i lime and than hava them return ftf ( ] a. I mudn a
ridlcul euro. I bare made llm il teftM uf PITH , Kl'f.
J.KPSY ; ur FALLING 8IUKMK8H a life Ion * ttudr. t
warrant laf rcmed/ euro Ilia worst cum. Beauto
other * havfl failed il no remon for pot now rvcttlitntt *
, ifenil lit for a trtutleo and a 1'ruo Jlultta of
Infallible reinedGlvo Ki ptou and I'utt Oflim.
. O. JIOOT , St. V. , IHU IVurl Hi. , N. Y.
( Jlc.t-tiiinl
eurud Iii3 dny liy the Kroiiuh Ittiiniuly cntlt-
thu 1C I NO. H dUiolvo * HKaliut and 1 * absorbed -
sorbod ! Into the IndiunoJ paits. Will rufiintl
money Iflt duoj not o'iru , or eoiucs strlctura
Oentlotnen , horn li a rnllablo article U ft
imokugq , or8 ! forJ per mall prepaid.
tulcUA Lund , O in all a.
J CAPITALE : 100.000.00