THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY-FEBRUARY 7 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. * nrr.HTIPKMH.NT8 FOIl TI1KSK COI.UMNB A wllltiotnkmnntll l > :30p. m. . for the evening nd until 8180 p. m , , for tuo morning or Sunday cdl- ATudTsrlUemfntslnthptp columns IS conU ft line flrtl Inicrllon , urn ) 10 cent * it line therenflcr , or 17 per linn tier month , . Nn df ertlsemonl Inkcn for Jem limn S5 cent * for ttm flrst ln crtlon. Ternncn n In mlrnnrr. Count about 7 words to the line. Inl- tlnlt , figures , symbols , etc. . ouch count as n word. All advertisements mu t run consecutively. Adver tisers , by rcqtieMInc n numbered check , enn have their letters addro tert to n numbered letter In rare of Tlir. 1IKF. Answers so addressed "III bo deliv ered on presentation of the check. .Jeoliimns will bo token on tlionbovo conditions t the following business houses , who nro author- Itcd to tnko special notices nt the tame rntc > ns cnn bo had lit the main offlco ! Pniilh Omaha Ilrnncb onico-No. 2G2.1 N street 'John W , Hell , pharmacist , llth nd Mnson streets , R. II. Varnsworth , plinrinnclst. 2115 Cumlnv street. W. J , Himhes , Pharmacist. iai N. street. C. K. Sallcrflold , pliarmnclst , 1718 Lcavcnworlli troct. Hughes phnrmner , 31th nnd tarnam , SITUATIONS WANTED. -Ito n linn first limn and lOcallnn there after. No ndvertlscment tnkcn tor leas than ZSc. -I/AllVTlOok'KKKI KlirTHOIlOUWIl.Y , KX- pcrlcneed. two yenrs In last plnce , desires sit uation. Address II , I' . O. nor 73 , City. M9M7 * - BTKNomiAI'IIKIl. MAI.1C , KXI'KIIT. IN LAW mice. Address N IS , Ileo. MU75 8 - WANTKI ) , POSITION IIV I.AOY HTKNOO- A- with experience. Host of rcfcrenecs. AddrcssNai.llcc. MWl 8' _ MII > DI.K AIIKI ) MAN , UHKII TO OKKICi : work , wuuld Ilkon position ! cnn loan employer IJ.MJC. Address with real name nnd business. ' N 14. lice. 1UUO' * WANTKD-MALE HELP. HATIC8 Ififl n line first time nnd lOc n line there * after. No advertisement taken for less than 250. " " " -WANTKI ) , 8AI.KHMHN ON SAI.AHY OH COM mission to handle the new patent chemical Ink sraslrg pencil , the greatest veiling novelty ever produced : erases Ink llinroiiRly In two seconds ; no abrasion of pnpor : TOO lo Mm per cent profit : ono agent's snlcnninuunted to ( ino In six dnys , another 132 In two hours. Wo wnnt ono gcnvrnl ngentln cnch slnto nnd territory. For terms nnd full pur- tlculnrs nddtcss .Monroe Krnscr Mfg. Co. , I iCrosso , wis..vo. ; ? ai - - ' . . PAH ) WKKKI.Y. B-C1TYCANVAS-'SKIIH.SAI.AHY SlnKer Benln nmclilnu olllco. 1MU Douglas st. > - WANTKI ) . KIIIST-ULASS MACHINIST. > DnvlsACowKlll. 075 > -CANVASSER8 WANTKI ) . CALL OR AD- ) rtrcsi : l N. Y. Life building. M2S3 FI4 * D-WANTKI ) A GOOD HA1INKS8 MAKKIl AT .lilled Oak , la. C. A. Nelson. B.V-U * "JJ-l'Al'KH IIANOKHS AND PA1NTKHS CAN -i > ( ccnro winter work In exch.inga for rent of flvo- "oom house. Inquire3i Ilarkur block. MKCJ 8' "I } WANTKI ) . KINK CANDY AND ICE CHKAM I'nmkcr , must bo thoroughly flrst-clnas. Address N 8 , lice. 0 < U II * 11 WANTKI1. AGENTS IN EVERY CITY OR .I/county to sell Wilbur's seed mcnl , Wilbur's Iiorsc foot euro nnd Wllhur'nsuroho&ve euro. (100 to (150 per month cnn bo made at homo by n hust ler. Send for camples nnd ndvertlslng. Wilbur's teed Meal Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. 1143-10 * -WANTED , AGENTS TO 1NTRODDCB THE bent selling household article on the market ; big Inducements to right pnrty. M. H. Tyler & Co. , Muuclo Ind. H52 8 * SALESMAN DEMON HAND SHAKE Shako hnnds with your friends nnd ha receives an electric shock ; full apparatusprepaid ns sample , to aeents. fOc ; I attery ensy to carry ; never wear out. Metallurgy Electro Co. , Syracuse , N. Y.M16S M16S 7 * -PHOTOGRAPHER WA NTED ; ONE THAT IS n /nod retoucher ; would prefer a general work man , either Indy or gcntlcmnn , for gnllery In coun try town In lown , Cnll Monday between 10 nnd 11 at 318 N. 15th street , Ayer's. MU05 7 * -WANTED , THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LEG or nrm to rend their names nnd address to Geo. II. lloggson , nrtltlclnl limb manufacturer. New Unvcn. Conn. Something of Interest to nil crip ples , wherever locnted. M142 lli * B-ANA.MERICAN GENTLEMAN OF INTEL- gcnco nnd fair education wnntod Immediately tor somewhat responsible position ; need not bo Experienced In our line , but must hnvo a good Tfcord ; (20 weekly ; npply Tuesday after 10. W. T. Marshall , 12 Crolghton block. 1527 * B-SALESMEN TO SELL DRUO SPECIALTIES to drug and grocery trade ; (50.00 per month and expenses or commission ; this offers n splendid op portunity to get on the road : makes on excellent Bide line ; send stamp. AJnx Remedy Co. . U3J llnrrl- ( on street , Chlcngo , 111. ' M120 8 * - TEN FIRST CLASS TRAVELING snlciuien for western and southern states. Torn , mission llret month ; salary and expenses after Wnrds. Give reference. Imperial Portrait Co. , Chicago. 119 7 * B-AGENTS MAKING (10.00 A DAY SELLING the great trick clgnr case , just out ; everybody wnnts ono. t-nmplol5c. Twenty other fast selling novelties. Enclose stamp for catalogue. Magic novelty Co. , No. 171 Madison street , Chicago. 1307 * WANTED , COMPETENT ABSTRACTER , Stnto experience and salary wanted. C. C. Sedg- k , Bloux City , la. SU44 10 * -SALESMEN. EVERYWHERE , FOIl OUR superior whlto enamelled letters and door elates. Samples absolutely free. Send ctamp. ellcfontnlnoMfg. Co. , Cincinnati , O. 1437 * B-OUR NEXT PRESIDENT , SEND 150 FOR tmmplo komlcnl knrlcnturc ; nny candidate face S n bo made ; < 0IIOOsold In Chlcngo ; throe weeks ; fttrrltory open for live men. Chonneour & Co. . 207 boomlsstreet , Chicago. 113 7 * -YOUNG MAN , TYPEWRITER , WITH TYPEwriter - writer , to learn to keep books In olllco. Address 24 , cnro lice. IlllUU * B-WANTED , TRAVELING SALESMEN ON our ndvertlslng specialties , to retnll trade only. A stem winder for dull limes. Dnnks & Co. , 1UJ Btato street , Chicago. W7 7 * B AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE THE greatest teller out. Send (1.00 for sample. Ull- Icsplo .V Curvy , lOOi ) Penn. avenue , Plttsburg , Pa.W37 W37 * B-AGENTS , MINERAL LAMP WICKS NEVER burn nut : no smoke , no noot , no trimming ; light equal to gns ; 3 samples lOc , assorted doieii lie. T'Stuyncri Co. , Providence , R. I. MWKi-18 * B "AN INTELLIGENT , ACTIVE AND TRUSTworthy - worthy man for ono month on trial. After- Hards If services arc satisfactory will make the position permanent ; references required. Ad- ilrcm T. M.YllllamB , manager , No. 07 , Fifth nvo. , New York City. " W5-7 * B-WANTED , IN A COUNTING OFFICE A yimngman about 17 years of ago who Is quick and accurate In figures. Addrean In your own handwriting N ? J lieu. -CANVASSERS FOR BUTLER'S BOOK. AD- B 'drcsl ' ; W. P. O'Neill , 1103 N , Ibtli. Omaha. 118 7 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATES-150 n line first time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. C-JIOO.OO A MONTH TO I.ADY AUKNTS HKI ling "White's l.ljly of tlio Vnlloy. " Address "White's Toilet Co.'South llond , Ind. C7I-IJ * C-A GOOD SALARY GUARANTEED TO ANY lady who will do writing for moat homo. Ad- tlrcts In own handwriting with addressed nnd itnmprd envelope. Miss Ednn K Smytho , South fiend , Ind. , proprietor of the famous Gloria Wnter. MOOO-F25 * C-WANTED , A GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOU8E- work ; must bo good cook , washer and Ironer , \pply 2U23 Capitol live. 6.V.1 C-GOOD HOL'SE-KEEPErtllY WIIl'OWERl GOOD wiutes to the right party. U. 11. Capon , 20Hi and Ills. . South Omahn. 010 7 * p-WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL /housework. Call at 1013 N. 2Ctli street. MV7J 7 * C-LAIIIES-1'W1LL PAY LADIES A SALARV OF HU Wiper week lo work for mo In their locality at bomei light work : good pay for part tlmo : write , with stamp. Mrs. H. II , Farrlngton , Box 7U2 , Chicago cage , 111 , HIM 7 * COlltl , KOU ( iKNKUAIi HOUSKWOHK IN mull fa n 11 jr. Ai > | i.i5Clinrlf ! ; Bt. V78 > C i-WANTKI ) , COMI'KTKNT tlllllj rOH C1K.V. crnl lioufuworltaf.'lll Douglas Bt. 0846' C-WANTHIKllt8TCIAK80lllI.V01tr.BNKItAI. hoimiHOtk. llulcruncci ru'iulrod. ' UU ( Jeortila avcnuo. 113 T * C-WANTKI ) , OtKII ) COOK , U1S11MAN 1'UK. ferrvtl. if.MO Karnuni. IS7 ri-WANTHI ) . AN KM'KIIIKNCKn COIIHKT V/ ali > i oinan to net ni ntnto i\gcnt. \ Salary flOOlM l > cr wiiiitli. AiUircM Hltli rufurenct'B , t'riwt'iit Claip Wurki , Ann Arbor , Mich. _ 131 7 C-WANTKD. VOUIl AIHWKS8. KIIKH TUU' to California anil ISO per jcur frou to nil pur- chuort of uur fruit land on tlio It Initulliueiit jilnn. ( luarnnteed by boml , Wo do nil illumine , cultivation and labor. Will "Oil only a few ncrci on ttic o tornit to advortlio tlio iiroptirtr. Wrllo Walter J. Itay uiond , Ilaylon. Ohio. _ 107 i TOR KENT-HOUSES. _ ItATltd I6o Una flrit lima mid lOa line tlicro- aflvr , Mo adrertUenicnt taken ( or let > than ' 'Sc. . , 28TOUV cottate wltu batli und toweravo , at and near corner Wobiter ana iJOtu itroeta. lleduccd to I'JO each. Henry W , Vnlc . W _ D-3. < & 4-HOOM 1IOU8KS , tlOtO Mil 1IHST IlKS Ideuco dati In city. Mead lor't Co. , U Hco bide TTV-l'OU IlKNT , I10I18K 10 1IOOMS , ALT , MOD' - lrn ImprovfiuunU , JO intr mouth ! 32J nnd 1'ur- num. liomcr U Thoma n _ -NKW B-itOOM COTTAOK8 , MODKIIN liT provcuioiiH , "Stanford flrclo. " Am > ly C. U , Klguttvr , room t , N. V , l.lfo pulldlnit. m D-D-llOOH IIOUBK. J7T1I AND DAVKNI'OIIT , all coiiTcnlenco , IUUU per uioiilb. F , K , liar- llnif , llarker Uloct. 7itf ' _ _ " " ItOOM ( ICITAIIK , 2ST1I ANU CUMI NO utrcotj to. BnqulruaaBlbtli. I-\-LAKUK UBT. OKO. J. I-AUL , FAIIMAM KENT-nOUBES. D-KOll IlKNT. 101IOUSKS , tMXJ AM > CI'WAHDS per month. ThoO. H. Davis company. 010 KIO D-s-1 looVTi o us K i "MO i > F. UN ilsTs MI > NT. 123 K8 * D-UHOOM HOtjSK. MODKIIN IMPIIOVKMKNTS , 1183 N. gitli nrc. It. Knlltli , tailor , 211 N. liilli. T27 -n-noo.M itot'SK. COTTAMK , STII AND nun- ( Irttc. tT.tiO. Knqulre , Umnlia Iluek A Stationery . . . . _ _ - IlKNT , AN klHIIT-iioOM COTTAtlir D-FOIl Unit Howard street. MiKH-10' D -nooiiwILTn ? iiTn"iblftK ST. n-roum linii'cBIO H. IRth ft. 0-rooni liouto 821 H. I'Jtli ft. 0-rooin HoiitaUXI 1'lcrco l. l.II , 0. Clark A Co. , UI8 llnrnoy t. tea 11 _ _ _ _ - IlKNT , HMAI.Ti KLM1NI8IIKI ) IIOUS J D-KOIl rent low. ? MI Cnllfornlmt. M1W1I -Tt ) I'AIITV 1'UllUIIASINn KUIINITUIIK. A D ccntrnllr locnted tint , rcntlncluillne water f ll.zi. Income fc/i per month , lloonn nlwnys full. All modern convenience * . M. U , .Mncleod , 915 N. Y , [ .lie. _ " 308 D-FOIt IlKNT , TIIK Iti-IIOoM 1IOIISI5 ZI07 DouRlan si. Inquire HKatr , 1(0 ( } Dotmlns tl. * U84 -FOIl IlKNT , 9IIOO.M 1IOU8K. NO. JJH IAV- enport Ftreet. very clicnp to HrBt class tenant. Mill , H03 Knrnnm trcet. MIM 1 _ D-KOIl IlKNT , IO-1100M FUllMSlIUtl MOtlSK , 115. 8iai Knrnain street. MIDI 8 * _ - ' IlKNT , A HI'I.KNIIII ) COTTAOK. 8 D-l'Oll , larita yard nnd sliado trees , n corner , city irntur , Kni * , Roud locntlun for a ductur's rcsldcnco nd ofllco , rent I27..W ; nlso n cultniw ot fi rooms , rent tli.DO. T. O , llrnnncr , room 1 , Ware block , FOB RENT-FURNISHED KOOM8. ItATKS-l..c n line nrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for less thnn Mo , ? KU11N19I1KI ) , STKAM HKATKI ) KHONT I -Jrootns , 1817 l.envenwortti street bnth , etc. 803 20' -KIIONT HOOJI WITH Al.COVK , 7SI N.5IST. Mill 1U KOH IlKNT , N1CK1.Y KUHNI8IIKI ) , SKCONI ) story bnck room , sultnblu for single Kontlcmnn , without bonrd , 122 M , 26th street. 255 KUHN1SHK1) HOOM WITH 11AT11 , to MONTH IWJ Knrnniii. 472 E-N1CKI.Y KUHN13HKI ) FLAT. 3,4 0117 HOO.MS 1C17 Howard st..3d lloor. M8 < H 7 * - FURNISHED ROOMS , S MINUTES' WALK E-FU1 from Reo Illdg , 2013 Harney. SS5 U * FURNISHED ROOMS AT2017 HA11NEY , -lligns , bath nnd heat. ti2Q-7 * A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE for two , with board , 1715 Chicago street. UH1-8 * FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT FOR gentleman only ; gnsand bath. (10 , nt : ! 2m N , 15th. 3d lloor , lint I ) . M118 8 * E LARGE ROOM FOR TWO OENTLEMEN , furnished ; modern conveniences. 11)14 ) Chlcngo street. M157U * -2 NICE FRONT ROOMS CENTRALLY LO- cnted , furnished with board If desired. Apply to 3JO South 13th street. 1327' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. HATES 15e n line first tlmo and lOc n line there- nfter. No advertisement tnkcn for less thnn 25c. 17 ELEGANTLY FURNisiIED IIOOMS 8 f 3ljK -Lor en suite : nil modern conveniences ; llrst-clnea bonrd. 318 South VCth street. M2BO LARQK FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR man nnd wlfo with bonrd , 2047 Dodge st. 857-8 * 17 SINGLE ROOMS , WI11I 11OAIU ) . FOR -L gentleman. 192t : L'nss , M'.XX ) 10 * - SECOND FLOOR ROOM WITH HOARD. 212 So.SECOND So. 25th street. M151 0 * T7 FOR RENT TO MAN AND WIFE. FUR- -K. nlslicd room In lovely houso. prlvnto fnmlly. With or without tnble bonrd. Well located. No questions nsked. Address N IS , Ileo otllcc. 103 7 * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS' . RATES 15e n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line thereaf. ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. Hats , for housekeeping. Prices away down. G. F. llutls , 311 Pnxton block. UOJ F23 FOR RENT , f , UNFURNISHED ROOMS , 034 S. G tb strcut between Jnckson and l.caveuworth. D13 7 * - RENT , PARLOR FLOOR , UNFUll G-FOR , with board ; also other rooms. Cult at 114 S. 25th at. OlU-10 * G J-FOR RENT. 3 NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS with modern convenience * . 2027 Seward Bt. 039 7 * G LADIES WITH REFERENCES , TWO ROOMS In cottage near postotlice , (10.00. Address N8 , Bee. 089 7 * p FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS , 2542 , CAPI- VTtol avenue. B04 7 * BOARDINO. RATES-- a line first tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c.a H-PULLMAN HOUSE , 1310 DODGE , FOR GOOD board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates nnd lo- atlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 M 10 * FOB RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IIATES-15C a line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25e. X FOR RENT , STORE , 1118 JACKSON STREET. 728 I FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , Dill Farnam street , The building has a tire proof cement basement , complete steam beating fixtures , filter on nil thu tloortt , gns , etc. Apply at the ofllco of the Bee. 1)18 ) _ I -FOR RENT , STORE , 1131 HOWARD. 704 I A FINE LOCATION FOR A GROCERY STORE. Cash trndo. Address N II , Bee. Mi)72 ) M5 * _ DOCTOR'S OFFICE CENTRAL LOCATION I over I ) . C. Bull & Co' is. drug store , 13th anil .Jnck son streets. 110-7 * - FOR RENT. STORKS , SOUTH FRONT , 15X30 -Lwlth steam heat. 1418 Hnrnoy. Mill H * t COLUMBIA SAFETY FOIl SALE. OWNER leaving town. A bargain. Address N 13 Boo. P3.'l-8 * _ FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. UATK3 15o n line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. J" AuiEjtVVRMa 1 TO "lUSNU\ ( Ml T-TO KIU8T-CI.A8S I'AHTIKR. A KUIINI8HKI ) t' dining-room , cither private cr for boarders ; rent taken In bonrd. Address N 4 , lice. U35 T-lfO AOUK8 OK 0001) LAND UNIMPHOVKI ) , v ft mlk'H west of Omnhn. to lonsu for aterinofa TOnra. Cnll or aililrcm The Odell Investment Co. , 1UJ 1'cnrl street , Council llluirs , la , MUU2 21 * T-PAKM KOH HUNT. NUAH NKMOU. ANTI3 Inpn county , Nob. Call for particulars. Sponccr , room 619 , Chamber of Commerce , MI27 8 J-FOU HUNT , ZJO AOHKS. KINKIA IMI'IIOVKI ) . a miles from South Onialia. A. S. llltchle , I'M l'R ton block. ldi-7 * T-KOIl IlKNT , ONK OK Till ! IIKST IMI'IIOVKI ) ' farms In Wa hlngton , county , Nebraska. A. Custetter , lllalr , Nob. W7-7 W ANTED TO RENT. UATKS-l.Va llnollrsl time nnd lOe a line there alter , No ailverllsomunt taken for lens than 23o -TWrf ( iKNTLKMKN iVKSflllV"I'MSAfiIANT room , nlcovo preferrod/moderu conveniences , In a pilvalo Inmlly : hoard Ito | lblej refer- unces. Address N BU , lice. U5-7 K-O-HOOM .MODKIIN IIOU8K , ABOUT Al'llll. 12 , convenient to oar , permanent , for family of i. Address , M U , lleo olllca. MIWIT K WANTKI ) . TO IlKNT 1IY A OKNTI.KMAN nnd wlfo furnUlicd house : modcraconveniences. Btato location. Addron NSI , Hoe. J.1153U' -YOUNO I.ADY WOlll.I ) UICK MCK 1IOMK- like place to room and board. Address N HI , Jlee. iuw-7 * RENTAL AQENOIES. RATES-150 n line first time nnd lOo a line there- nfler , No advertisement taken for le s thnn 25o. -RENTAi AGENCY : BANK lYEFERKNCES lu C , Garrln A Co. , 'Atj tihevly block. T29 1TO INSURE QUICK RENTING , TlST WITH 1-nho Exclusive Rental Agency , Parrotte , Douglns block , STORAGE. RATKS-ISo a line first tlmo and looallno thereat- ter. No uJvertlicment taken for less than lie , " ' DUV. i M ' ' ' ' * ' ' f urnltnro.'Omkba s'toVo lU'p'alr'wof k 12U7 Tlo'u'i ! 70-J f 12 ' -OI.DKHT , CHKAI'KBT AND IIKST STOUAtIK house III the city. Williams & Cross , 1214 llarnoy. 730 WANTED-TO BUY. HATK9 ISo a line first time and lOo a Una there * nltur. No advertisement taken for lees thnn Ko. BOUGHT , BOLD , W ll , 111 ! Furnnm t 731 TO PI1RCIIA8H EXCHANGE , , . Ol.l ; ' ? llt" * otle" " ' ' " < uBk ! < Souiiile , 10 cents. Thu Ulddlrmau , Chicago. FOR BALE-ruitNIT.UBE. ItATKS lie a llu first time and lUo a Una there- after. Nu advi < rtls nit nt taken fur luis tbaa 2JC. OFURNITUUK Uf ) UUOOM litJllSlJ. C l . U FOR SAIiE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. RATES-ISe a line first tlmo and lOo n lln thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less thin S-'rc. > -A GOOD sviCEAirLE BUIY. ( AU O A -I saddle and single harness for sale. ? 52il Daven port st. _ _ _ _ MHI7 7 * t -STALLION , GKNTLK. BTVLISII , SI'liKIIV L nnd well bred , for sale or trade for wild prnlrlo land In lown or Nebraska. Address M It : , Ilee. M MS-SIS * _ FOR" ALE-"MISCEllLANEOUS. RATES- I Jen line first tlma nnd lOe n line thereaf ter. No ndvertlscment tnkcn for lo s thnn 25c. -lltf.NTING OUTFIT FOR HALE ! RIFLE , SHOTgun - Q gun , decoys , etc. Address M M , lloc. 841 7 * -A OOoTrpTYiN sToCK IN AN IMPORT. nnt company for sale or exchange for Ity property or good farms. Address C. K. Miller , : XW lice building. MB74 U _ _ Q-AT A SACRIFICE FOR CASH P1IEATON , and 2 seat surray In good order , diamond ring , letterpress , Ilnmnnd typawrltcr tnbln nnd Inrgo elty mnpofOmalin. Aildrcss N 27 lice. MU.I 7 * -CUBED ! ! CAMP. AUTIIORI/.K ! ) OFFCIAtj QCUBED state maps nf thh grenl camp , sectional nnd plnttrd , now ready. Prlco ( I each , or f 1.75 the two , 11 PBRO Illustrated nnd descriptive pamphlet with mnps. Mailed on receipt nf P. O. or oxpresi order. pnvnblo Creed Pub. Co.,20 Jncobson blk. . Denver , IJolo. MI2U 8 * rV-WANTKI ) . TO SELL OR I.KASK VAI.UAIILU vistone qnnrrles. Owner has other largo Interests requiring his attention. Call on or address C. M , Power , Chamber of Commerce building. 133 7 * -COLUMIUA"LIOHT ROADSTER SAFETY. ISM pattern In A 1 condition. For particulars call on ornddrcssJobn M. Courndt , Contlncatnl Clothing houso. 159 7 * -FOR SALE , 30 1IAUHEI. WATER POWER roller mill , good location , 10 miles southwest of Omnhn. C. Koltcrmnn , Mlllnrd , Neb. 137 7 * MISCELLANEOUS. RATES lie n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line thereaf ter. No advertisement tnkcn for less ttinn25c. l J Venn find n dcslrnhlo location by addressing H. U. llenchlcr. Illg Springs. Neb. _ SI50U15 * -WANTED , WELL IliaOlNO. PARTY TO PUT -IV down n well , brick It up , nnd tnko In payment n good clear lot. Address "Well , " P. O. box 222 , Omnhn. _ MUM 7 * 1J PERSONAL. 1)11 , X. STONE , M. I ) . . IS A Jv.ioctor. If you have throat or lung trouble of nny kind , use his bronchial wafers , 25a n box nt druggists' . Spcclnl rnto to prenchcrn , teachers , vo- enlists. For samples send loc to Stone Medical Co. , Chicago. 111. MTO-7 * _ I ) FOUND A CHANCE TO OWN A HOME ; TO J Vie | Independent of landlords and become n prop erty owner , nil for f 10 : flU Is n full payment for a nlco building lot In Oninlm's latest nddltlon ; snlo now In progress nt 1500 Dodge st.i Inclose 2e post ngo for pint nnd full Information. C. P. llenjnmtn , agent. liOli Dodge st- _ 183-7 * CLAIRVOYANTS. RATES-15c n Una first time nnd lOo n line thereaf ter. No advertisement tnkcn for less thnn 2oc. Y. WONDERFUL revolutions. Chnllongcs the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Legrnvo , dond trnnco clairvoyant , nstrologlst , palmist and life render ; tells your life from the cradle to grnvo ; unites the separated ; causes mnr- rlngo with the ono you love ; tells where you will succeed nnd In what business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Egyptlnn brenstplnto for luck nnd to destroy bnd Inllucnccs : cures fits. Intemperance and nil private complaints with mas.sago , baths nnd nlcohol treatment. Send f. . lock of hnlr. name nnd dnto of birth nnd receive accurate life -'lmrt ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initials of ono you will marry ; nlso photos of fame. Olllco 1007 South llth street , first floor : hours,1. ) a. m. to U p. m. Como one , coHio all. nnd bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. Mt < 22 7 * S-MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , reliable business medium , tifth year , at 119 N. 732 _ S MRS. MARY FRITZ , 2129 LAKE STREET , clairvoyant nnd trnncomedium ; Independent voices ; tells past and future. 57IF24 * MA3SAQE , BATHS , ETC. RATES 15e n line llrst tlmo and lOa n line there after. No ndvertlscment taken for less than 25c. -M ASS A G E. VslT THE ONLY FillST CLASS T pnrlifrR In Omaha , over ( .10 S. 13th st. M222 Fll * rp-MASSAOK THKATMKNT , KI.KCTUO TIIKH- 1-mal baths , ficalp nnd hnlr treatment , mnnlcuro nnd chiropodistMrs. l'ost,31 ! $3.15tli , Wlthnoll blk 7U3 -MADAV.K LA HUK , MASSAUK THKATMKNT 411 ! So. 15th 8t , 3rd floor flat 4. 11SK ) 8 ri' ' MADAME SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS STRKKT , -L room7,3dtloor. Alcoholsulphur and sen baths. ME34 14 * PERSONALS. RATES I5cn line first tlmo and lOa n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 2Jo U-PERSONAL-SEND lOe FOR RIO PACKAGE of cabinet lro pictures with full descriptions tlncludlng residences ) of respectable Indies who wish to correspond for mntrlmony , 5.0UO Indy mem bers every ngo and nationality , some of them beautiful and wealthy. Drawer , UI7 , Chicago , 111. 988-7 * THE FOLLOWING PERSONS CAN HAVE suits by culling at my otllcc : ILL. Kelly , C. M. RawtUer , C. E. Ilrownleo , H. S. Knchman. Harry Brown. 14U-7 * ' _ MUSIC , ART AND LANOUAOE. 1IEFORE UUY1NG A PIANO EXAMINE THE V new scale Kluitmll piano. A. Uospo,15I3 Douglas. 734 V-0. F. GELLENIIECK , BANJO TEACHER , will Hospe , or 3'il > 4 N. 15th street. 3rd floor.J42 J42 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. RATES 15c a line llrst tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. \\7--2l ) MOUTGAOKS. MOOUK , A. 401 11KK : VV 7J5 IT/- / ANTHONY LOAN ANDTKUST CO. , 313 N. Y. ' Ufo , lend nt low rates for cholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Oiiialm city property. 739 \\r-CHAB. W. HAINKY. 815 OMAHA NAT. UK. ' bldg. City mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hand. M917 HKAL15STATK LOANS. PAUL , 1G05 FAUNAM 6211 tZU' \\r-LOANB ON illCAIj KSTATK , I.OWKST 'I rates. The O.l'Mavls company. U'J F10 -LKNTItAL LOAN & THUBTCO , 1IISB IlLD'tlT 730 \\r--HKAL KSTATK LOANS , 0 TO 7 I'KH CKNT ; i no additional chargoi for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Melklo , first National bank blriif. 742 \IT-8 I'KH CKNT F1HST MOHTOAOK LOANS , M Itlchnrd C. 1'nttcrson , 1511 Knrnam et. 745 \\r-LOAN80N HKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- < ' tcral notes and mortgages bought , Heed A Selby , 334 Hoard of Trudo. 743 LOANS , a. Q , WALLACE , SI2 HHOWN HLK. 744 \\r-MONISY TO IXJAN ON IM1MIOVK1) CITY i property , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas lil'k. &T4 -COATKS.7 , U'U THADK , KABTKIIN MONKY. 738 \ \ Lr-LOANB , W.M.HAIllllS , 11. iKJ.FIlENZHIt Bl.K. 74U LOANS ON IMI'IIOVKI ) AND UNIMIMtOVlif ) city property , $1OJU and upwards. ! ) loHper cunt. No delays , W , Farnum Smith Ik Co. , 15th A llarnor , | 74I _ \\7--MONKY TO LOAN ON LONG OH SHOUT > time In sums of ( WJ to tlO.UOO. Mutual Investment Coaipanj , 7li7 - Al'l'LY TO J. L LOVKTT KOH CHKA1' W- money ; only lint ( lass accurltr , 22U S , 13th , 1)30 ) V\r WILT. IXAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK > security : strictly confidential , A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental bluck. Mr6l ' \V MONK Y TO LOAN ON IMI'IIOVKII OH UNISf. < > proved Omaha properly lu any amount : quick , f 100,000.00 niUHt bo placed ut once. Loans oil tnsldu vacant Iota u specialty. Don't fall to coiuo and see us before placing your loan , fidelity Trust Com pany , 11)14 ) Karnam street. Wi II \\r-I-OANS. CITY I'ltOI'KHTY. 1C. NKII. AND W. lowafurius. K , K , Klnger , 1511) ) Furuani.U42M U42-M < \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON CIIOIUH I1USINKHS > i property nt lowest rnto of Interest , ( iround leases made on luildo property , ( ieureu J. I'aul , luui Knniam street. Hoard ot Trade. MI24 13' MONEY TO LOANOHATTEL8 , HATKS 15o n Hue Hrst tlmo and lOe a line there , after. Nu advertisement taken for less than 250. X MONKY TO LOAN IIY 11. H. MASTKIIS ON household goods , pianos , urguns , homes , mules , vrugons , etc , , at tlio loweJl possible rates .without publicity , removal of property or change of pos- usilon. Time arranged to suit the borrower , Payments of any amount can be muilo at any time , rvdufliig both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the benefits of the partial pay. meat plan. Call ami see me when you want a loan , or If more convenient , cull telephone 1J21 ( and your business can bo transacted nt homo. Money alvtays on hnndi no delny ) no publicity : luweit rates ; nuslnesi confidential. 11. K , Masters , H. 4 Wllhnell blk , 15tlrand Harniiy , 747 V-KOH'Tl'lliTCHAHU , H. S , W1THNKLL II1.K. j\ . Tja A'-MONKY TO LOAN , 30 , (1) AND IO IUY8 ON - -iVfuriilturi- . Dull Ur cu , II. B A V barker blk. 740 V-MONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTKL8 : I1ONDS -iVaud city wurrunti bought , lloom 402Karbach blk MM Kill' X-MONKY ON la'HNITUUl ! . 11OHSK8 , 1'IANOS. Keystone Mtge. Co. , room 20S , fbeuly block. . M480 XWHKN YOU WANTACHATTKLIXAN HKB \Y. 11. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. Wl MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Omtdmtil. , AK.NKiICT ) \VHA\ll4 bldck. WiVlMlti our own money , charro nu commUslon ; It will pay you to consult us. V --MOSKT 1.0ANKl\o"l HpllNITimK. HOHSKS , Vwneons , pianos , etoIVrcd ) ) Terry , r 433 , llninge. " ' V -IH"VOIMVANT MlMKVr V If o do not fall tUHft our rates bt-foro bor- - ' * rowing. We mnke loans , wltAoat removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , liotM'f. wagons , etc. , nt the low est possible tnte. , „ There l > no unnecessary delay , but you net the money nn the snme dnVyou ask for It. Wo will carry thoii > nli as long ns you desire , giving you thoprlvlleKu/jr paying It In full or In part at nny tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd any part pnld reduces the cilst of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount pnld. Our onices nrocentrnlly located nnd nr so ar ranged that ptirllcscalllng on us cnn be wnlloJ on iliilckly nnd courteously , It nlll bo to your ndvnntngo to scous before se curing a loan. Omnlia Mortgage I.onnCo. , lloom ll Crcluhton Illock , lltli St. , south of I'Ostotllco. MI."JMtl ! BUSINESS CHANCES. IIATKS lie n line llrst tlmo and lOo n llnotlicre- after , No advertisement taken for less thnii 5. ' > c. IM'.ACTICAI , HUTCHKIl TO buy half Interest In n well established meat bus iness In n thriving city of 3M ( ) Inhabitants. A good opportunity to the right man , Apply to Heller A l.lver Co. , 1217 Howard street. MS1U-7 Vl'V TIIK COMMimClAI. , TltK l.KAIMNO J- hotel of Urokcn How , Neb. No trndo. SJI -KOU SAI.K , MKAT MAUKKT : 1)01 NO A good business , ( loud reasons given fnr selling. llox Til , Fremont , Neb. 7V9 U * Y KDI.l.V KQUll'I'KI ) CANN1NO FACTOIIV IN very best pnrt of Nebraska : capacity ai.UUO to 30.0(10 ( cans per ilny ; has mndo money last three ycnrs ; best of reasons for soiling. Address M 2.1 , Hop. an vw V FUKN'SHKI ' ) UOTKIj KOH 8AM ! OH IlKNT , JL the only hotel In city. Apply to Tlldon Hlalo bnnk. ngent.Tlldcn , Neb. 4'.ij-r-2i -KOH 8AI.K , KIUST CLASS STOCK OP HOOTS and shoes , best tradc'ln city of 15.0UU , very cheap for cash ; must bo taken at onco. Clans. K. Hrlggs , lleiilrlceNeb. 918-10" \7-FOn SA1.K. STOCK OV DIIOOH OWNKI ) I1Y i two persons , ono wishing to quit and sell his hnlf. Thu divided stock Milllclenl to ctnrt small business. Two hours ride from ( Jmnha. Terms easy. Address N 6 , Dec. til * 'j < STOCK AND KIXTUUKS KOH SAI.K ; - nil new : llnest In city ; Brand opening for right party ; write for particulars. N 7 , unmhu Ilee. 101 It * "y-t.1,000 Wlljh 1HJY AN KSTA11USHKI ) I3X- J prcm huslnt'os , horses , \vngon , fixtures. Cheap olllco rent. Address N 111 , Ileo. % fi-7 VOU CAN 11UV CUOICKI.OTR IN WALNUT HIU , -L nt $10 down nnd { 10 per month. For Information see Ailolih | Meyer , provident , 10th nnd Fnrnnm Sts. , or II. M. Mohr , tecretnry Wnlnut Hill Hnvlngii nnd Investment Co. , N-K corner IGtli nnd Webster bts. TO-16' _ _ _ _ _ _ -WANTKI ) , AT IIUOMFIK1J ) , NK11. , A HANK , splendid location. M1.1S 1U _ V KOK SAIK-tl4,000 STOCK OP.MKIICIIAN- J. disc. The Itohcrt Fulton & Co. failure , Atlan tic , In. , consUtsof clothing , dry goods , boots , shoes , hats , trunks : stock In good condition ; sell nt n bnr- gntni nlll take lown land or money. II. A. llnllls lor , mortgagee , Atlantic , la. M103-1U * Y-I'AHTNKH WANTEIJ IN TUB SHOW 1IU9I- necs ; small amount of money required ; I will put up dollar for dollar ; dramatic people In wnnt of engagement nnswer. N 10 , Dnllylllco. 105-7 * SALK , M1LLINKHY 8TOHK , KSTAU- . llslicd trade , good locution. Address N.22. The lice. Ill 7 -IILACKSMITH "StlOP AND LKASK OK groiind. Good corheron paved btrcut. Address N 2,1 , lice. i , M1I5S * Y WANTKI ) GOOD MAN FOH IIHANClIaOK Chicago company. JK'J per month salary nnd nil expellees pnld , Must Invest ? I,50U In stock ef goods. Jay H. Johnson. Wi" ) Homo Insurance building , Chlbugo. ' U.'S 7 * IIOTKL. I1USINKSS CKNTKH , OMAHA. 58 rooms , low rent , gnou trade ; lease nnd furniture nt great bargain. AHixIiMoore , 401 lieu bldg. -Ui M150 8 FOB EXCHANGE. HATK3 15c aline flrsl'tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 1'Je. } NKM tnko real cutato & money. Uox 2'J5 ' , FrankfortInd , 743 . I'UOl'EUTY FOn , y VKUY IESIIlAni.KOMAHA ; JI.os Angeles proportyfor fruit rancli In So. Cali fornia. IJnvld Jauileaant Uoo building , 7'- ; FOII'TIIAUK ' 5'focK ' * ' MKU"- , A OF auNHUAij - chandlso for lands nnd cash. Addrois K. W. Watklns & Co. , Frankfort , Ind UU7-FZ ! * Z FOIl SAI.KOHEXCIIANOK , TWO IMl'OUTKl ) Norman stallions and two Imported Norman marcs , 4 nnd 5 yearn old ; tine animals , will sell low on easy terms orcxchnngo for merchandise or clear land ; will put In isomo cash on m'dse deal If ncrcs snry. Address or call on J. W. Dolan , Indlanoln , Nob. M83I 8 FOHKXCHANGK , A VKHY STYLISH CAfl- rlnco team , A No. 1 roadsters , can trot to the polcln.tbrco minutes , gentle and sound ; good wherever you put them , single or double. I will exchange this handsome team for a good lot or Innd In eastern Nebraska. Fakirs or trndo sharks need not apply. For further particulars address Fred Sonnenschcln , West 1'olnt , Neb. Wl IK 17 WANTED , A J20.0CO.UO STOCK OF OKNKIIAI , /Jimlso. Will pay J0,000.XI ! ( caBhinnd balance good farms , ( ioods must bo Invoiced ntcost. Might trndo for nmnllcr nmountln same proportion. A. A. .Spaur , Holyokc , Colo. MOC37 Z FINK HOUSB , COHNKIt LOT. KOUNT/.K Place , for residence In llnnscom Place ; will as sume. Alex. Moore , 401 Ileo blilg. MU71 7 -HKAll YK , 1 IIAVK "A FINK STOCK OF hoots nnd ehocH In ono of the best towns In Ne braska that I will exchange for good real property nnd cash. Will Invoice flO.OOJ.OO : must hnvo at least(3,000.00 In cash. A. A. Sjmhr , Holyoko. Colo. Mi.107 -TO EXCIIANOK-IIKST LOT IN UlSDICK'H ( Jrove for property further out , 2 lots In Hnrlem I.nn . 4 iicrcs northwest of fort for house nnd lot. Will nssuiuc. All above property ( clear. J. F. Fnlrllo 101U Howard St. 1477 * ( / TO KXCHANOB , HOME OF T11K CHOICEST f-tncto property In Chicago , III. , located on the Chicago , llurllngton it Qulncy railroad , which runs 65 passenger trains encJi way dally , nnd Is reached In ZJ minutes from Union depot ; cnn be had In quantities from 2Hi nciesund upwards ; want good mocks of merchandise ) . Addresn W. X. Y. , room SI , 161 Dearborn blreit. Chicago , 111. MI'-'U * TWO 8-ItOOM I10USIM , FUl.Ij UT8 FOIl lands or vucnnt lots , lieorgo Paul , 1U)5 ) Fiiriinm. 1257 * _ V TOKXCIIANOB , CLKAH UO-FOOT IXJT NORTH /-/I71li. near Charles , for good modern lioutu ( if 8 or 10 rooms ; clear ; tO foot lot with U-room cottugo North 27th , near Cuiulng , for larger mudern hoiiec. Would assume or pay cash. W. A. Spencer , room filtf , Cliumborof Cominerco. Ml.'H 8 y FOIl SAI.,15 Oil BXCI1ANGK A NKW. MOD- f-lcrn , 8-room cottage , with garden , fruit nnd Bhade trees. In n thriving college town not fnr from Omahn ; will ( ell with biuull cash payment or trade for desirable Oiuuhn residence. Address N 15 Ileo , 102-7 * r/ FOR KXCHANOK , NICK LOT IN OIIKilNAI. A gouth Omaha addition to trndo for double car- rlagonr coupe , or for tlnu carrlugo team. Aildrua * h. Waterman , 3J5 N. V. l.lfo. 1OI7 - , CASH AND RKAI < I5STATK FOR Z-EXOIIANOB mercantile or grain business. IIBU K street , I.ln coin. MI5U 12 * Z-KOIl KXClIANflK , A I.KATIIKU TOP HIIU- bar buggy , nearly now , for good safety blcjcle. Address N 2.1 , Hce. MI2I 10' FOB SAIjE7--BEAI. E3TATEJ ' HATK8 I5c n line first'tlma and lOc n line there- after. No advertisement tnkun for less thun 25c , 1 > OII''SMM AT A"AriiVAIN. ( . I.OV 15. IIUYCK 4 J. W. U Sclby's tlritliaddltlon to Hautli Omaha. Hmull payment cluwu.itmlnnco montlily If desired , Inqulio ( i. II , TtBChuyk piiinha Ik-o , lisa 17011 SALK , HOMIJiS , A'NY I'HICK , 7ftU , fl.SM III' ; -L euiy torins ; take oiuu property us Hist piDiiiunt. G. li. Wallace , HrownjMock , lOih uud DOUBIIIB. " 17011 8AI.U. NKUIlAJiKA FA KM UNDS. II. dT I1 Wallace , 312 HroufTplock , lotu and llou-l ns. l 750 . COHNKH sWll AND IllCKOHV , 50 150 NIC. ; a bargain for u few days only , K , K , Dar ling , Darker block , * d ; M 17011 BALK , ON HJ1ALI. MONTHLY I'AY.MHNTd X' | ! ) houses. The O.ViPuvIs company. l'j | I'll ) 17011 SALK-S-K CUUtjKH l7TliT IOHO/ . fc'.H X 1 18X , 3 cottages , staulo.for C horsescau bo dlvlilod Into & lota , liiqulrotvt prouiliios. b7 b' IfOlt tfALK.CHKAl'J1O.MK IN STBWAIIT I'LA CKi near I.UWOHVU : guud.hoiiBU , full lot , will ba nold forfl.OOO.UU , less tiiuii e'OBt. If lukuu this mouth. II. G. Clark A Co. , I2IH llaruey tt. u. ! ' . ' II 17011 8AI.K , Oil WILLTHADK FOIl KAIIM i'HOI'- 1 erty , a good business pluco Wxl33 feet , with brick building co.ilng tl.UuU : a splendid site fur tlrrt-cluis liotel ; situated on block adjoining U. I1 , depot on tlm ninth , New wuter works In operation and electric lights soun. Address or cull on Adolpli Dwurak , t-chuylcr. Neb. V4I 3TAKU Till * 11KT1IOI ) OF INFOUMINI1 TICK readers of this paper Hint I make a specialty of exchanging property , both lent und personal , 1 liavuritru facilities for hundllug properly In nil parts of the Uiillud Mates and respectfully solicit yourpiitrunaice. Write me just what jou waul und 1 will du tbe rust. A. A , Spahr , Holyuke , Colo. My7UT TJAHGAIN , 8IXTY-ACHK Til ACT' CI.OSB TO -1'Omaha , splendidly located fur platting Into lots : cheap ut tJOu per aero cun oiler ut II' * ) per ucre , und take H. possibly Kin f rui land on Improved prop erty , lieo. .N. Hicks , agent , 305 N , Y. Life. MM ; * TJVUH SALK-I.UO-A'CIIK FINK K-IWK KAIIM IN -L Greenwood county. Kansas. HO acres are rliiu farm land , rot hay and grazing. All fur HZ.SOU. Hvosoiiuble terms. AUu finely equipped stuck farm In CoOey county , Kansas , tt acres. Over Ifi.Ooo lu luiprovenieuU. Mure than lU.ltKJ worth of stork. Will sell for t33.w.u. llvusuoablv terms. C. K , triuul , bt. Josupn.ilo. WHOM * PFOH SAI.E-.mtAL ESTATE. 1 > AHOA1N. VlII.I. LOT IN HANSCOM PI.ACK I'for a few days at K.1UO. Illcks , Ag't , N. V I.lfe. BAWIA1NS IN NKW. MOIIKHN IlUILT HOLSKS near Hnnscom I'nrk. No. i11220 1'oppleton nvenup , elegant frame house , Ninth front , nice lawn , brick cellars under entlro- houne. Mntlonary mnrldo wnnlntnnd , furnace , Ac. A l.eniitiriil home. Can glvo possession on short notice , I'rlep. 1/7.200. Xo , 331U Poppleton avenue , elegant frame cot tage , nlnp rooms , south fiont. splendid brick cel lars , llrst class plumbing , furnace , Ac. , lot WilUO , everj thing In complete shape , n perfect home. Price , $7.1X10. No. 3J08 Popplelon eight room house lust being completed. Nu contract work , nil day Inbor throughout , Ono of the most substantial and convenient linunes fur tlio sire ever erected In Omnhn , to bo Mulshed In Old Colonial Style , hand- omo bnth room , porcnlnln lined bath lull , station ery mnrblp nnslmtnnd , cicgjnl mnntal , llrst-rlnM furnnre , splendid brick cellars , Cnn glvo possession about March I. Prlco.f7.UX ) . Poppolton nveniin tint been ordered pnved this coming spring and the rontrnct let to Hugh Mur phy fortho paving of till * block. The parking , sodding and trees to bo dona early In tha spring , will make thh onn of the prettiest residence places In the city. The Motor Line runs within onp-lmlf block , The location nnd neighborhood nro nil that enn be desired , Will no pleased to have you call anil Inspect these houses. ( Jeo. N. Hicks , 30J N. Y. Life. 100 7 _ lI IO 1SFUIJ , PAYMKNTFOIl A NICK IIUIMIINf ! plol In Omnhn's lhle.t nddltlon. free from mort gage. Abstract nnd pint given with lots sold. 110.00 Invested liero will ho better than n J.VUB govern ment bond before the yonr pnsses. Bale nil this week nt 150t > Dodgn street. Kucloso 2 cents postngo for pint and full Information. C. P. llcnjnmln , ngcnt , 160U llodgo street. I3 7 * Y01' FAN IIUY CIIOICK LOTS IN WALNUT HII.I < J. nt 110 down and f 10 per month. For Information see i Adnlph Meyer , president. Ilith nnd Fnrnnm Sis. . or II. M. Mohr , secrotnryVnlnut Hill Hnvlngs nnd InTcatmcnt Co. , N. li. corner IGtu nnd Webster Ms , 1)7) ) ) ' 8 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rjllOICK KASTKHN NKIIKASKA FARM , wwlthln ten miles of Lincoln , owned by nonresident dent who will sell cheap on easy terms. Address M 436 , Chamber Commerce. Omaha , Nob. l4'J-7 * IfOR SAUS-KLKOANT FORTY-ACRI5 THACT close to city , only N75 per ncro. lllcki , 8U5 N. Y. I.ltobldg. lea 7 _ 640 CLKAH TK.VAH I.ANI ) FOR (1001) KQUITV In Omnhn. Address N 2.5 , Ileo. 117 7 * poll BAI.K-HRAUTIPUli FARM OF 140 * - Spring on each forty. ( lood seven room house. I.argo barn with basement stnblo. Double corn crib. Hog house. Hen house. Well nt house nnd barn , with new lluckeri ; pump In cnch. 1'lno young orchard that produced .1OJI ( bushels of apples nnd l.'O bushels of cherries the present year , llenutlful grove on north nnd west of orchard. l.nwn nnd driveway forty rods long , with trees each side , In front of house. Fnrm adjoining town with sir churches , line school privileges , bnttk nnd dally mnll. Price , ffi.OJO : r.'I.NX ) cash , balance on time , Address I ) . F. Knton , ( iranil View Fruit Farm , Mag nolia , lown. 9.117 * T > Altr.AIN-TiN ACRKS NBA It. 11KI.T I.I N 15 J'rnllway , West Omnhn. If nolil quick , only . ' > „ ' > . Hicks , 3Qj N. V. l.lfo building. 100 7 KOUNT2E PIMCK IIOIISKS 8 TO 12 ROOMS encltf5,50aoOui | ; fj'JO.OO cash , balance JlSOOpcr month : would take some trndc. J. J. Gibson , Crelghton block. VM 7 * _ F ii SALIC , A TWO STORY 1IUICK HANK building , with bnsement , vnultH , safe , furni ture and fixtures ; can control good business : town of two thousand people ; flvo railroads ; good coun try : large roller mills : throe clovntoM ; good ren- ron for present corporation quitting business. Address - dross T. Lewis , President , Superior , Neb. MI65 2U * BARGAIN-ONE HIlNDlini ) ACRKS CLOSE TO city nnd nenrto SI. P. licit I.tne. cbrnp nt f.00 per ncre , cnn oner for" 1450 per acre and tukoonoH. possibly Jj of purchnso price In land or Improved property. ( Jeo. N. Hicks , Agt. , 805 N. Y. Life Illdg. 160 7 rrillH WEKK WE ARE GOING TO HUM , A FEW JLmorolotB In Omnlm-K latest nddltlon , lying be tween Omnha and new Fort Omnhn. for (10 cnch. Thin Is good honest property , no swamp nor wet land , but every lot a nice dry building lot , free front mortgage or encumbrance of nny kind. War ranty deed , pint and nbstrnct with each lot sold , nnd (10 Is lull payment for n lot. Cnll In nml In vestlgnte , or cncloto 2c pontage for plat and full Information. Charles f. llenjnmln , , UOli llodgo street. Omaha. _ HO 7 * LOST. RATKS ' 15e n line first tlino nnd lOc n line there- uftcr. No advertisement tnkun for less thnn 25c. " " papers In brown wrapper with rubber band. He- turn to room 13 Chamber of Commerce and re- celvo lewnrd. _ MU07-8 * LIGHT MACKINTOSH CAPE WI5DNKSDAY ; Under return to 724 S. luth st. . and get reward. IOST-ST. HKItNARI ) PUP. TllHIOK MONTHS Jold. gray ; followed little girl from 1120 S 31st t. to Park nvo school. Return to A. U. Hudson , 112ti 83st ! el. and receive reward. 107 OST. IIKTV/KEN 17TI1 AND 231) ON DAVENport - port , blnck velvet hnndbag containing III ) bill. Return nnd receive rewnrd. F. Unle , MID Cali fornia. M10i)8 ) _ LOST. STHAVE1) OR STOLEN. FROM MY KEN- nel In ICnbt Omnhn. bull terrier dog puppy , 0 months old , white , weight 20 pounds , thin In flesh , ears trimmed long nnd slim , long wedge slmpcd hend. 1500 reward for his r turn to C. W. Wo tor- nibu , Union Pacific lidqtrs. No questions asked. 134 7 HAIR GOODS. HATKS I5c n line first tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No ndvertlscment tuken for lets thnn 25e. AHO KST STOCK IN "KNT1K K W KhTTil ; K AT- Jrlcnl wlirn and beards a tpcclnlty.lgs , bangs switches , hnlr chains , etc. , Hi nd for catalogue Mall orders solicited. Dnvlo * , 111 S. 15th St. , Omaha. 752 'pIIK IDKAI. LADIKS' HAIH DUKSSINO PAH- -Llors.'swltchei , bangs , wigs , toupees , jewelry and hair ornamemi In stock ; wigs to order , special attention given mull orders. VUUS 15th st. 3rd lloor , 453 F2C PAWN BROKERS HATKS 15on line llrst time mid lOo n line there- nfterNo udverllt > emcnt taken for ICHH tliun25o. ' ' EN F. jlAUTlllMOVKiy TO 'vn'ti. " 1171 MU * SNYUER'S IXJAN OFFICE , 1510 ' IOIE ( ; ST. 770-F 2U _ _ IfKBO MOULE , OFFICE I5II FARNAM ST. 823 _ STOCK WINTERED. RATUS-15c n line first tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25o. J i COLTS FKI > ANir'Allia ) ) R on farm two miles of Omahn from ( i tot ) month. 411 S. 14th street. Tel. I MO. 113 FI3 * MASQUERADE COSTUMES ETC. HATKS ISp a Una tlist time und lOcnllno. after. No iidvertl emeiit tnken lor less than 2ou. if A 1)1 KS , V o"KNTLKM KX CAS Kniff M : ASQUI5- - rudocostume ) nt III SlClh , Golden Kagle store. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. RATES I5o a line first tlmo and lOc u Una there- after. No advcrtlsoment token for loss then 25c , C ASH PAHFOl OLD ( ! ( ) LI > . Ranks , room 30 Darker block , Omaha , CUTLER Y OENI ) YOUR SCISSORS , RA/.ORS , ETC. , TORE Oground to Underlain ! . t Co. , lUil b , lull st. 75:1 : REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATII , IC07J4 FAUNAM STREET , OMAHA , NK I'rupOjiiU fur tlm Hcpiult of fiiiuU ol the Clly of Oninliii , HV illrostlon of the oily council nuulod bids will liti looolvcil nt this uilluu up to U u'cliul ( < p. in. , l-'otiriiury 1 > , IK'.r. > , fur the best rate of In- tuivHt for the iisn of fniKJs boloiiglni ; to tlio city of Uinuim for tlio purled of onu year , In ( iiinpllaiico wllli hcutlon W of Cliurtur for Mottoiinlltun L'itifs , wlilcli roada UK followu ; ( 'out lun UU , All fuiiiUof the city sliull , us tliOKitinu necriio. lie by tlio city trunsiinir ( iltit-uil oiulonosit In bticli Imnks. within bald uity , UN slialfuureu or offer to pay the bust ratoHof Inturt'st for thu 110 of micli funds MI iluiioaitud , nnd tlio pity council U licroliy ( II- iL'uldd lu uilvurtUu for bliU for tlioduposltiif Hiicli fiiuilH ub Is lioiuby contuinplutiid , Such Imiiku Hhnll ony to tna city tioasuior monthly Internal on thu dully bnluiico In na-li rcxpcu- tlvii UuiiU for tha t'lini'nt inontli , nnd Btiuli in- tortnt inonuyii Hhull bo ronortcd by tlio tious- ili c rte the city council mid uomptrollvr nnd bo covuiuil Into the Kunerul fund of Ihuolly. I'lovided. tlio bitikorbaiil < u oi > olt'ctid ( nfmli Klvu bonds to Ihu city to bo umirovcd by the oily council , for t'ui siifu Uuopfncof sulil deposits - posits In iloulilu thu n mount of monoyut liny out ) tlmo In tliulr possc sloii. Provided , uUo. flint no drposlt Bhn.ll at nny tiinii bo inado In any bunk haviim loss thun two hundred thoiiBiind lU'JU.oooi do'lnrs pill ; up capital Htock , and no dunoslt bliull bonnido In any lmnl < In excess of forty-flvo 143 ] per cent of Its Diild up cupltal block , " A tMtrllflcd c'liouk In tliosilin of two thousand ( l-.oii'J.Uj ) dollais will bo ronulrod from bldduni us uuiinttitcoof voiul fttlth. Also an ulllduvlt of jiald nil capital hlock. Thu rliihllhrfBurvud by thu clly council to roJcmnnyoriiU bids. TI1KO OLb-ICN. f.'xUlm Comptroller. KtdrMliilder'ii Notlco U heronclvun that , thu ruuulur iitinuul incetliu1 of thu btookholdum of the houlh I'liittel.nud company will bo hold at the dflluo of said company , lu Lincoln , Nob. , on tlm II rut Wednesday In .March , lbU.ljelng the second day of thu month. Ity orilerof the Hoard of Directors. U. U. l'liif.t.ll-3 , Hocrct..ry. LINCOLN , Ncli. , 1'eb. 2 , lev. . b'j uajt M WILL BUUN TODAY. AloriR tlio Shorn In Which Strug. Rlliiff Sinners .MnyTiirn , Fit-si Presbyterian church , corner Sovcn- tocnth and DoJga streets Hcpulnr services wltn prenchliiK by the p.-ntor , Kov. W. J. Hnrsha , U.D. , nt 10HJ : n.m. nni ! 7rXp.m. : ) Sabbath school at noon , \ounjt ' of Christian Kmln.tvor People's Society moot- Inf * nt 0ltu : p. in. All nro welcome. People's church , on Klghtcentli between California nml Webster. Preaching by the pastor , 15ov. Chnrles W. Snvulgo. nt 10:30 o'clock n. nt. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Subject In the mornlnir , "Tho Second Comltii ? . " Subject lu the evening , "Tho Handwriting on the Wall. " Seats free. All nro welcome. Stib- Dftth school nt 2:30 : p. m. Cynthlii Chrntlun Church l.'lts Nicholnj street , Joseph Shields , pastor. Pronchlnt ? nt 10:30 : n. m. nna 7:30 : p. m. Sundny school nt 12 in. Yonni ? People's Society of Christian bnaoavor at 0:45. : Subject of mornltiif sor- mott , "Aro You Worthy of Ktornnl Life I" Kvonlnp subject , "Mootln Oed PncotoKncc , Which All Must Do. " All scats nro free. Church of the Hood Shepheril ( Kplscopal ) , corner Lnlto nnd Nlnotounth streets. J.I' . U. Lloyd , rector. Mornliiir pray or anil holy communion nt 11 a. in. livonltijr prnyor at 7IOp. : ! m. Sortnon topic , "Tho YOUOR Man nnU His Friends. " The rector will preach nt both services. Sunday school nt 11:45 : n. m. Blulc class for men nt 10 n. in. All nro wel come. Southwest Presbyterian church. Twentieth tind Loavonworth strouts Pn-nohlnp mornIng - Ing nnd availing nt 10:30 : a. m. ntul 7-30 p. m. Sunday school nt 12:15. : Young People's So- clot ; of Christian Ktuloavor at 0:45. : Seats free. All wolcomo. First Unlvcrsnllst church , corner of Nlno- tcontli mill Lathrop streets , ICountzo Plnuo. Hov. Mary Gerard Andrews will preach Sun day the 7st hut , , both morning and oven- nip at the usual hours. Unitarian church , Seventeenth nnd Cnss streets. Hov. Newton M. Mains will pronch In the morning. Subject , "Orntltudo. " Hlshop John P. Newman , by speclnl re quest , will preach on "Tho Power of Indi viduality" In the First Methodist Episcopal church nt 10:30. : The Young Men's Chris- tinn Association will bo special guests. At 7:30 : Hov. P. S. Merrill , D.U. . will sponis on "Tho Lord First , Church Next. " Music by the qunrtctto , Mrs. Mitrtln Cnhn , soprano" ; Miss Ainsdcn. contralto ; Mr. Copoland.bass : Mr. BrocUonrldKe. tnnor. ThoThcosophlcttl society meets every Sun day nlgitt nt room 0 , Fronzor block , opposite postoflico. bubjoct for discussion this Sun day evening , "Tho Seven Principles of Man. " Everybody welcome. Cnstcllar street Presbyterian cnurch. S - tconth nnd Castcllar streets Hev. J. M. Wilson , pastor. Services 10:30 : nnd 7:30. : .1. C , Sloan , financial manager of the theologi cal seminary In the morning , subject , "Tlio Law of Induction Citizenship la Christ's Kingdom. " In evening , the pastor. Subject , "Tho Lord's ' Eternal Duration. " First Christian church , corner Capitol avenue and Twentieth street Hov. T. E. Cramblot , pastor. Preaching at 10:30n. : m. and 7:45 : p.m. Sundny scbool at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 0:4. : ) p. m. bubjoct of morning sermon : "Life's March. " Subject of evening ser mon : "Walking by Faith. " All seats nro free and nil are Welcome. Grnnt Street Christian church , Lake street , between Tvvonty-Ufth nna Twenty- sixth. Sunday school ni3:30 : p.m. E. F. Plckcrl'ip , superintendent. At the Central United Presbyterian church , Seventeenth street , between Cdpltol avcnuo and Dodge Hov. Jehu Williamson , D.D. , pastor. Preaching tomorrow nt 10:30 : n. m. Subject : "TheTostlmony. " And ut 7:30 : p. m. . subject : "Tho Inlluonco of Christianity Upon Literature. " Sabbath school at 12 m. , nndyoungpeoplo's mooting nt 0:30 : p. m. All wolcomo. St. John's church , corner Twenty-sixth nnd Franklin streets. Huv. J. O. Ferris , roc- tor. Sunday school i:45 ) : a. m. Holy eucharIst - Ist nnd sermon by the Kov. Dr. Dougherty nt 11 a. m. Lowe avenue Presbyterian church Hev. Charles G. Sterling , pastor. Preaching services nt 10 ; 30 n. m. nnd 7:45 : p. m. Sab bath school nt 12 m. Young people's prayer mooting ( Y , P. S. C. E. ) at 0:30p. : m. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening. Subjects for February 7 morning : "Tho Spirit Sovereign eign in Prevailing Prayer. " Evening : "The Reasonableness of Heeding God's Invita tion. " Hillside Congregational church , cor ner Thirty-seventh nnd Ohio streets. A. H. Hess , pastor Morm&g ser vice , 10:30 : , sermon , subject , "Adoptlvoness. " Sunday school at noon ; Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor , 0:15. : Vesper service 7:30 : : sermon subject. "But. " Clifton Hill Congregational Mission Sun day scbool 3 p. ra. Curch service 4 p. m. Kountzo Memorial English and Lutheran church , corner Sixteenth nnd Harney Hov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services 10-)0n.m. and 7:30 : p. m. conduced by the pastor. Sub ject for the dny : "Uurdon Bearing. " Morn ing : "Bearing Others Burdens. " Even ing : "Bearing Our Own Burdens. " Sun day school nt noon. Young Peonlo'n " Society of Christian Endoavor.atO:30 : p. m. Every body cordially invited to these services and receive n Christian welcome. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church , corner of Twenty-seventh street Services at 10:3U : a.m. nnd 7:30 : p.m. will bo conducted by Hov. A. H. Hill , D.D. . of Elgin , 111. babbath school nt noon. Mission schools at 3 p.m. Young People's meeting nt 7:45 n.m. Park Place Congregational church , Thir tieth and California streets Services : Sun day morning at H subject : "Enoch. " Sun dny evening nt 7:30 : subject : "God's ' Government. " Sundny school nt noon. Pravor meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. You nro cordially Invltod to "attend services ns above. William J. Pnske , pastor. South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal church , corner Tenth and Pierce streets . Hov. All red Hodgctts , D.D. , pastor. Class meetings , 10 n. 'm. ' nna 0:30 : p. in. Preaching , 10:30 : n. m. , and 7i30 p. m. subJects - Jects ; Morning. "Tho Pownr of Christian Testimony. " Evening , "An Appointment Unsought. " Sacrament nt the close of morn ing sermon. Free Church of S. M.Uthlas ! ( Epticonal ) South Tenth street and Worthlngton Place , Hov. Alexander W. Macnnb , rector. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Celebration of the holv communion , 7 a. m. ; Sunday school ana bible class , 10 n. in , : morning service with sermon. 11 a. m. ; baptism , 3 p. m. ; evensong with sermon , 7:30. : WCOK day ser vices Dally morning prayer , 0 : Wednesday , ovenlng service with address , 7:30 : ; Friday , lltnny service nnd condrmntlon class , 7:30 : p. ra. ; Friday nt 2 p. m. , meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary In the parish rooms ; Saturday at 2:30 : p. m. . industrial school in the parish rooms ; celebration of the holv communion on every saint's day at 7 n.m. At the lluuscom Park Methodist Episcopal church , corner Twonty-iur.tli street nnd Woolworth avenue , tha pastor , Hov. G. M , Brown , preaches morning ana evening , The morning subject will bo "Does a Man Need Christ ) " Evening , "What Must 1 do to bo Saved ! " Young peoplo's mooting at 0:30. : Everybody wolcomo. Scats free. Southwestern Lutheran church , Twenty- sixth H.root , between Woolworth and Pop pleton ( iveiiues. Hov. Linner M. JCuhns , pastor. Services at 11 n.m. nnd 7:30 : p.m. The pastor will conduct divine services both morning nnd evening , tind will preach In the morning on "Tho Developing Christ , " nnd In the evening on "The Long Suffering of Our Lord. " Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meeting at 0:45 p.m. Thrco new synods were formed In the Lutheran church In IbUI-tho California synod , the Koelty .Mountain synod and the German Nabruska synod , In the United Stales the Lutheran church has sixty-threo orphan bomos and eleemosy nary inUltutions. Trinity Cathedral , Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue. The Very Hov. C. H. Gard ner , dean. Holy communion , UIO : ( a. in ; Sun day school , 10:00 a. in ; second celebration of holy communion and sermon , ll00a. ; in. ; evening prayer nnd sermon , 7:30 : p , m. Su Philip's Chapel ( Episcopal ) Twenty- 11 rat between Nicholas and Paul utrects. John A. Williams , priest In charge Holy oucharlst , 7 a. m. ; morning prayer and Sunday school , 10 n. m. ; choral" litany and holy oufhnrlst and sermon , 11 u. in. ; choral oveusong with sermon , 7:30 : , Westminster Presbyterian Twenty-ninth and Mason streets. The pastor , Hov. John Gordon , D.D. . will preach at 10:30 a. m , on "Losing the Soul" and nt 7:30 : p. m. , sub ject , "Wash ami Bo Clean. " Sunday school nt 12:15. : Mooting of Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:45 : p. in. Trinity Methodist church , corner Twenty- first and lilnnov. W , K. Boatis , pastor. Preaching 10:30 : a. in , , ar.d 7:30 : p. m. Sub jects ; Morning , "Tho Illcssednosi ofbelf- Forgotfulnoss. " Evening , union meeting at Plymouth Congregational church. Sunday school at 12 m. , J. T. Koblnson. superin tendent. Epworth leaeuo mooting , 0:30 : , Seats Jrco. Everybody uaUo welcome. Dr. Duryoa lecture * on Tuosdnr evening. Sub ject , "Instinct nnd Intelligence ID Anlm h. " - Knili > nvnr Nairn , The trntuiKirtntlon com in 11 too will meet In Chlcacro on U.o 10th lo arrange Tor the groix * convention to bo hold In Now York next / July. The First I'rotii.rtorlnn soclntr has now A flourishing .lunlor Kndoavor society with cloven ncllvo members. They nro utulor the leadership of Miss Hallo , who Is ilooply Interested In the work , nna nil hnvo Brest hopes for the futures of this society. The mooting of the Ultlsldo Young Pco- plo's Society of Chrlstlnn Kndoavor nro boliif ; well attended and considerable interest - est Is being taken. Christian Hudeavor day wni observed by this society ln t Sundny. Special pxerclsos were given In the ovenlne. Mr. Chnrlos Sponr of Missouri , n former member , was n welcome visitor last Sunday. Clminhorliilii .t ( ; < > . JVuni tht Cldifoii Cumifj.tilpfiliVr , Lynn ! , la , It wns the goo.i fortune of n roproscntatlvo of this paper to visit the laboratory of this cntorprlslnp llrm nt Dos Molucn ono dny this week. U occupies four floors of a double building nnd omnloys sixty-five Imnus In the dlfTcrcnl departments , which Inchulo the compounding of the different preparations , bottling , rmcklng , shipping und printing. In the latter dopnrtmcni they have n ilnoly equipped printing ofllco , with holf n dozen presses , which nto kept nearly ronslantly m operation prUtlng Inbels and dllToront kinds ot advertising matter. Their laboratory Is especially busy nt this time , ns Chambor- Inlti's Cough Homoily , which they mnnufncV turo , bns proven n splendid romedv for the > grip , nnd in nil cases greatly relieves the patient nfter tnulng ono or two doses , whllo its continued use will oltcct n complete euro. ! ! 5 iiud 50 cent bottles for snlo by druggists. WOES OP QIIAIN MEN. lliojDnrlnro lit favor of doing Unck to Their Old OrRtinlriitlim. After the groin call on the Hoard of Trndo yesterday afternoon a very Inrpo sized her not's nest wns stirred uo nnd for n tlmo things were pretty lively. The ball was set roll I tip by B. Fowler of the Fowler Elovntor company , who called attention to the light , nttumlanco at the daily sessions of the board nnd remarked that the board ought to furnish the dnily market re ports nnd post thoni in the exchange room. "You cuii't pot n crowd together , " con tinued the speaker , "unless you hnvo some thing to interest them nnd the markets nro whnt business men are Interested lu. Wo should have the markets not only from. Chicago , but from those points whorq Nobrnska gram Is bolng sold , as Toledo , Bal timore , Philadelphia , etc. I can't see why the bonrd should not Uo this , nnd I would suggest that the gr.ilu committee ttiku tha matter In charge nnd find out what can bo done. You hnvo not yet brought in the feed , men who nro grain buvers. 1 paid S250 to got Into this boara , nud nm paying t > month dues , nnd hnvo received nothing in return , If the Board i > f Trade will not put In thu markets I bollovo tno grain men hail better do It. " C. u. Fowler of the same company and chairman ot' the grain committee remarked , that it would bo n good ulnti to draw up n written request to the board of directors and If they refused to act the grain men could then tnko some action. At this point the talk bccamo general nnd excited. rfomo ono wanted to know bow the Board of Trade could bo oxpeetcd to pay lot markets when they coulu not oven pay $25 a month for sorno ono to make tlio dally call but wanted n subscription taken up topsj the expenses. Another voice was heard to exclaim , "W have about made up our minds if wo cannot irot what wo were promised wo will revive the old grain and produce oxchaneo. " ThU remark wns pretty generally applauded. It will bo remembered that tlio grain men organized an exchange Immediately after the warehouse law wont Into effect , but owing to the Inducements held out by the Boara of Trudo they consented to Join the latter or ganization. Tbooxchango.howcvorwns never formally dissolved. The ofllcers wcro elected for u year , it helm ; remarked at the tuna that if it did not work well In the Board of Trad * they could withdraw and call a meeting ot the exchange nnd bo In full running order. Mr. Connor succeeded m making himself heard nt this point and remarked that bo bo- llovca the board of directors would grant tha request for markets if they were approached in the right manner. Mr. Miller thought that the two broken doing business in the Board of Trade buildIng - Ing were getting very full marxnts aurt on of them ought to bo paid to post those mar kets in iho trader * ' room where they would bo open to the public. It had boon the cus > torn for every ono to run into the brokers' rooms und look over their markets which was not pleasant for people who were doing busi ness through other brokers. Mr. Walsh thought IhatLomo broker ought to bo given the use of the exchange room free in consideration of his posting the mar kets. This was objected to on the ground that such an advantage given to one brokel would drive nil the others out of business. Thu talk continued as the board gradual ! ] ' adjourned by walking out into the halls , and It was some time before thi crowd dispersed. As near ns can bo learned thu whole trouble has arisen from the non < fulfillment of promises mndo by the Board ol Trndo to the grain men. Before the grain men gnvo up their own organization they were distinctly promised that they should hnvo the marliots furnished them. Forsomfl tlmo there has boon n growing feeling of dli < satisfaction among the grnm men , duo to t number of small matters rather than to anyone ono single circumstance. Dowltt's Little Earlv fdsors. oost pill } It is n curious fact thut whllo some of tin fair sex this summer will wear the masculinl neglige shirt without an abbreviation of thi tails , so ns to got the fullness about Ihovaisl over iho edge of the bolt or sash , the men on trying to do nwny with the warm woathci Irksomcness of tu&pcndcrs by utilizing tin nogllgo shirt waist with the trousers of thi outing rcglmo. Dowltt's Llttlo ICarly Risers , best pill. "My darling , " she murmured , "you know that I love you. Is this not enough for tin present. Bo nssuroj that I will seta day foi our wedding as soon as It Is possible. " "That's nil right , Miranda , " doggedly replied thu young man , "but I nonoyou will remem ber that I'vo got to bo marrlod In this dresi suit , and it won't ' last forever. " 'IMPROVEMENT ' tliG ORDE * OMH3 AGE THE BEST. WHY ? llecause we have prollluil by thu fhortcoinlngd nf thu old typewriters , und have ovoreomt many defects and , between ourslevcs. \ have added ninny Improvements of which their Inventors never dreamed , All type cleaned In ton seconds without soil- Ini ! thu hands. More manifold copies uun bo made nt ono Im- pruvthm on thuriinlth I'rcmler than upon nny other typewriter manufactured iif for catalogue. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. lUUUi J-'nrimm Street , Unmlm , Neb. J ! . It. X.tYlll'.W , . . . . MAXAUKlt. NOTICK TO HIJILDKKS. Settled pioposalH for building acourthousi utOsccolit. Clarke county , Iowa , will be re- celvcd at Ihu auditor's olllco of until county , until 1' ' o'clock noon Tuesday , February ICtli. Jbttt. I'lopnsais for steam heating of said building will be received at the same time. I'luiis and bpuolllcatlons on II lo In auditor' ! ( illk'o : and , IUM > may bu keen ut thu olllco ol I'dstenV lt'lllj ! ' , , architects , DcuMolncs , Iowa. Thu Imam rcuurvcn thu rlcht to reject uny and all bids. lly order of thu board of iiiporvltor * . frlfl V , 41. UTAOY , Aui