Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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The Local Retail Trade is Gradually Grow
ing Better ,
Till ) .lolilirrn Itrport > rrj Siitlslnttory Out
look In Nearly All lliim ( Iriicrnl
1'ronpi'cts In the West Im-
The business situation brlghloni as spring
approaches nearer and whllo somu branches
of Omaha's retail trade foci Iho reviving in-
flucnras more than others , It Is safe to SOT
that thcro Is a general Improvement all
along tbo lino. Local collections are consid
erably bettor than thev were two months
ago , which of itself Is a very Rood indication.
A Wall street authority In commenting on
Uio general business situation remarks that
In the west thcro are Indications of creator
activity than for a number of 3 cars past , duo
doubtless to the great Increase of values In
that section arising from the remarkable
production of wheat and corn , but in the
south thcro is a frollni : of depression , and In
'this icctlun , whllo the accumulations of
money are abnormally lanro , business is in
active. During the past \vcok there has
boon an increased domain ) for dry goods In
the west and tnls Is looked upon as a token
that other brauchos of business will soon
show a like Improvement.
In the absence of dollnlto Information as to
the transactions which occur over the coun
ters of stores it is impossible ] to form accu
rate conclu < Uons as to the business situation.
Tlicru ate a tew facts which ara made mani
fest by the ordinary comment of business
men , Indicating activity or dullness In trade ,
and tlieso uro supplemented by dollnito
figures as to "tho condition of the Dinks , the
situation of the troasurj und the extent of
the clcarincs of certain localities. The stock
nnd bond markets ulso servo to throw Unlit
upon which safe conclusions may bo based.
At the present mpincnl wo are confronted
with statements that thcro Is an abundance
of money in the west , and wo also have at
band dullnlto figures indicating the mass of
idle capital resting at the commercial centers
of the cast. It is 'llnicult to reconcile- these
statements , except upon the assumption that
a much larger amount of money Is now In
circulation than thnro was a year ago , and
the statements of the treasury indicate that
this Is a fact.
The probable explanation of the activity in
the west and the accumulation of money In
the cast , asldo from tbo fuels already indi
cated , is to bo found in the statement that
collections , which for more than a year buck
have been difficult , nave now become ousy ,
and the west , which has suffered during the
nast two years , has been paying debts of
long standing to tbo cast.
In turn It is also trading on its improved
credit , and hence , while it js making up for
the waste which until now it could not ro-
palr , the real evidence of its recent thrift Is
shown in the enlarged bank accounts of the
eastern merchants. With moro money to
apond tboro Is reason for the belief that.'both
sections will contribute largely to the work
of increasing production of all tnat goes to
satisfy the wants of men.
Tlio I.ticiil Jobbing Trmle
continues in a generally satisfactory condi
tion , though heavy roads have undoubtedly
interfered to some extent with the movement
of poods in n retail way In country towns.
The movement of grain In Nebraska from
farmers' hands is now very light , and it
would not bo surpribiug if thu did not act to
oineextent to reduce tbo purchase ot goods
by farmers and delay collections.
In hardware prices have shown a tendency
to strengthen. The prices on staples in this
line box o Deon extremely loxv and manufac
turers begin to show a disposition to advance
prices auovo the actual cost of nroductlon.
Tboro is , however , 110 signs of"a boom in
prices. During the past week barbed wire
advanced lOc per 100 and wlro nails lOc per
keg. Collections in this line in the city are
better than they were , but still they are
nothing to brag of.
The grocery trade of the past week has
been very satisfactory in a Jobbing way , and
upon tbo wbolo bettor than a year ugo. The
prlco on sugar remains about the same , the
coffee market is firmer , Some Huts of canned
( roods are vary much hlguor , notably , corn ,
tomatoes and string beans. Not onouch goods
of this character were packed in the west
last season to .supply the demand.
The Now York Bulletin says of the grocer *
trade at that point that buyers almost with
out exception refuse to bo hurried , and their
slow methodical action at times becomes
Boroothing of an annoyance , with complaint
accordingly. Vet there are many operators
s when brought right down to a point of frank
' ' acknowledgment , who admit working out
about as full an uvcraco trade as last
season and on generally advantageous
toims , as no run of custom has objected to
tbo payment of fair rates. The south and
southwest is expected to bo somewhat back
ward In development of wants , owing to the
low price of cotton and the consequent econ
omical methods pursued by consumers. Advices -
vices received from piimal points tuis week
contain Information , as a rule , about in ac
cord with what might have boon expected ,
the strongostaccounU coming from the coffee
countries und acting more or less as a stimu
lant. Sugar promises well , und the West
Indian crops are uow moving with greater
The local dry goods Jobbing trade does not
present any especially now features. The
volume of business is quite satisfactory nud
nil that rould bo asked for at this season of
tbo year. In reference to this brunch of busi
ness the Now York Bulletin suys that not
withstanding that the period under review
bas marked the ending of ono month and the
beginning of another , the business effected by
agents and manufucturois has reached a
largo amount ; and whllo It has been con
ducted In a very conservative manner , that a
largo trade has boon done uy Jobbers and the
various branches of the manufacturing trade
is supported by the frequency of orders re
ceived by tbo former for assortments
of miscellaneous merchandise. Heavy
remittances by package purchasers
is good collateral also of the largeness -
ness of the trade north of the Ohio. In tlio
southern tier of states , and tbo cotton bolt
particularly , tbo package trade lias been moro
frightened than hurt. The tobacco , sugar
and rlca crops are of full average quantities
oud prices , and food products have been
raised In larger quantity. The commercial
depression in consequence of tbo low prices
for cotton bas been so magnified that
farmers bavo become /lightened and hoarded
our surplus funds to tldo them over until the
maturity of the next crop. Failures through
out tbo south have Involved no greater In
debtedness than last year , but , whllo tlm
public mind is moro critical , it is much moro
conservative. , and , borrowing tbo oxumplo of
more favored sections , the demands of
dealers and consumers ara being directed by
actual requirements.
Onmlin C108PI tlio Wvrk With Cuttlo Uu-
ettlrd , Hogs Steady iiml llolli Higher.
OMAHA , Tab. 0. Receipts for the week. 12,310
cattle , X1.0iSof \ \ * and 2. l sheep against 10,308
cuttle , 30,411) ) hogs and 4,8lt sheep last xvook ,
and 13,063 cuttle , 30.811 hogs and 2,673 sin-op tbo
corresponding wcok of I'ctmmry 1601.
Tlio market tins week has been character
ized by light receipts anil generally advancing
prices. Cattle started out rather weak but us
the offerings continued Unlit a ( Inner feeling
developed , und on 1'rlduy both beef sto r
nnd butcher tUockweroiollinirut from We toauc
higher than last wcok. Hilppers found price )
ton liluli for profitable speculation and
the dressed beef men bavo been practically
tlio only buyers , but they bavo bouuht very
freely. Tlio benvy run today , the heaviest In
oyi-r four weeks , gave the market somewhat
of a set-back , taking oil from lOe to Uo of tliu
advance nt the early part of the week. In the
present sonsltlxo condition of tlio market
u\ fry thing depends on the receipts , und ono
liberal rim OUUIIM u Uofllno tlilou two or
tbrco davu of light receipts can hardly re
cover , btockcrs und feeders are soiling at
very strong prices , wholly out of proportion
to beef euttlo values , uml showing that there
In plenty of cheap com lu the coun
try. Tlio continued light runs of hogs
liuvo had u xory marked tendency
to ttliTcn values , ns dealers uro
beginning to think there are not so very many
inarkiitablo hogt lu tno country , blilppen
continue toubtorb uRotd shuroof thooifer-
loBmandUkouall In all tlio market appears
toboln a very natUfuolory condition The
ain once In price * lias boon gradual , but values
arc from Me to I5o higher than a week ago.
BhccparOBelllua from lOo to lie lower than
last week , but there are so few coining that
really desirable muttons would hardly sell
that much lowvr , local houiei wautliu them
badly and standing ready to buy them at any
Condition * favored lower prices for cattle
today. Ilccolpts were moro liberal than for n
month pnst , ulilppers could do nothing , nnd
eastern atlvlcos were very decidedly bearish.
Dealers nro looking for hciix-y receipts , both
nt Chicago nnd bore , nnd this had a xcry de
pressing Influence , In fact , wus the main
reason for tbo pounding of vulites. Dressed
beef buyers having n cli-ar Held nnd plenty to
select from , bad llttln trouble In nilln * their
orders at prices nnywhcro from
Hie to I5o lower tbim Thursday.
There wore plenty of good hcaxy beoxos hero
nnd these suiTcrod the most , as thora were no
shippers to compete for them. On the other
hand handy fat catllo wolcblnp around 100
to 1,1V ) pounds wore In ncttxo local deiunnd
nml dlif notsoll xorv much lower ( JoodM \
to i.fao-tb steers Mild from J.IGO to 11.55 , steers
weighing 0V ) to ] , IV ) pound * sold from I. ) as to
W7i > . fromo common light stuff sold around
l 0) ) to U-'S. Trading was dull and dragging
All day , sellers being slow to accept the sltu-
HutcliorstulT was In liberal supply tml sold
nt prices from lee to 20o loner than Thurs
day nnd I'rlduy. Local houses were
the only buyers and consequently sellers
Rot tbo worst of It fiom stnrtto llnlsli. Hood
touholco cows anil hnlfprs sold from ( L'.OJ to
M 10. fair to good stiHT from tl.DO to l..o' . cotn-
iiKin and canning lots from f I.OJ to KM. llul ,
oxen and sings were \nry Mow nnd considera
bly loner fniniJI.I ) to (1'J.V Unlxes were In
me igor supply nnd about steady on the basis
of II.M to jv.00 for common to good % o.ils.
( jultnugood deal of stuff unsold at the
Ndtwltlistandlni thobroik In beef oittlo
Millies iinylblng In the stocker and feeder
line sold fully as ( illicitly and us well ns at liny
tlmo during the weok. There neotus to bo
llttlo nrmputliy between beef steers nnd
feeders , tlio latter brlnxltu prices thnt leave
little inarjln for the corn they will cat fur the
next two or three month" . I'oor to prlmo lots
sold for i..53 to JJ.53. Uoproscntatlve sales :
No. Av. I'r. No Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 1180 : iUO 0 1123 3 40 Ti tail : iTO
1 .KITH .ID ] u iurn : i 10 18 KOI : ITO
s. urn : i r. 10 n.'o : i 4 ID uifi : i7o
0 fc'Ki ' : i20 ari.iiTu : i : > o r.i uxi : IM
7. . 847 II 25 ! l ll'H ' 'I . " > 20. UW II8) )
2(1. ( 10IS ! 1 230. . . 1)58 31 > 5 ID 1.101 1180
2 127 JM IS.iU''n ! liV 21 IIS2 IlbJ
2.1 i > < : in : os IKi57'j ) ' is 1402 IIM
4 IM : in : 10.112 : : ice i5..uj : : i8'
2.1 870 : u t. iw > : ioj 20 tw 'irest
: i..i : ci ; ii : ] ; n IUTI : i w : io i.Kn 400
41 1093 II 111 18 1244 .1 00 41. I.LI ! 400
2J 117.1 340 19 I-MS 300 70..Hid 4 UO
3i : i40 12 : im it un 410
12 im-i 343 I'l Ult 31.- , IS r > l410
5. 1J40 J 40 10 llllj 370 10. 1158 425
18..12.0 300
1 9'fl 1 a' . 10. SOI 200 2 1015 2 M
i ssu i : r > i iiv ) : i uo 17 ion u.v ,
20 724 1 4& 20 123 210 2J Ul'i 2.V
1U OP 143 3J 7fS 210 20 841 20J
10. 713 149 14 lOl.l 210 11. ! 7 201
8 717 IN ) 2 . UV5j ' . ' 5 10 1110 203
.1. 1117 1 liO 15 l(12225 ( 12 10S3 2 (15
1 .1110 17.1 1 1010 225 II 900 2 lu
a OUJ 1 V > 1 H70 2 25 1 12110 2 0.1
1 1UJ 175 1. O-'O 230 1.1 959 275
8 0.10 1 73 9 ,10.11 2 JO 1 9TO 2 75
0 911 ISO 21 9JO 240 23 1UO 271
II 89i 180 11.1070 240 'I 1121 275
1 llliU 180 11 IU5J 240 8 1111 280
2. . II10 1 5 21 9.11 240 17 941 280
7 7.1I I 85 11.831 241 13 10GI 283
5 898 1 P.1 0 1125 241 2J 977 2 Rl
9 877 1 Kl 7.11.11 253 II 914 2 85
2. ) 1X12 190 1..1ISO 2 .VJ 29 101' ) 200
8 D2J 203 2.1010 250 2 I.M5 3 UO
3 1I2J 20(1 ( 4 . f-.U 250 14 1J21 II00
1. . 793 21)0 ) 1(1 ( KM 2f > 0 20 1158 315
2..1(1.10 ( 200 5. StvS 250 54 1244 320
L.llbO 200 1..1I40 250 11..U 330
12..10.4 323 1..1320 3 40
i ; . 40'1 1 50 1. . 410 2 7.1 J. . 130 300
4 . 312 200 1. . 240 275 1. . 170 300
1. . 150 2 73
1..1010 t 40 I..I2U ) 2 10 1. 1550 275
3. 1177 1 M 1 1MO 2 10 L.TiW 273
1 1.170 1 M 1 1480 2 11 1 158) ) 273
1. 1570 1 liO 1 .15.10 a 21 1..15SO 271
1. 1.180 100 1 1.110 223 1. U'iO 273
3 1140 1 Oo 1..1440 2 50 2..1910 sB3
1 , UH ) 2110 1. 1UVO 250 1 I'llO ' 310
2. l.05 2 OU 5..1202 250 1 .140) ) 30J
1 1210 2 03 1 1700 2.10 2 1241 .100
1 1250 210 1 .1(110 ( 250 1 1930 310
1 .lO.'O 210 L.lblO 200 1.1910 320
1 . 703 2 00 15 8.JO 2 85 3 700 311
1. 8tiO 250 0 7t > 0 2 90 17 081 315
20. . IS 8 70 U 3S5 2 IK ) 19 . 1KB 313
1. . 01) ) I 271 1 810 291 8 SO. ) 311
13. . Sill 275 9 091 201 9 OU 320
1..1100 275 20 514 2 9J 14 1008 320
7. . fi5.l 275 2. 820 300 I .10)0 ) 325
1 850 2 73 20 017 30) 2 900 .130
0. 711 275 1. 800 300 30. . 955 33'V {
14. . 740 280 3. 780 310 9..10C1 331
5 . 7JO 283 4. 7,17 313 12..1083 350
0. . 903 2 80
No. Av , 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
30 steers 1242 JJ 00 10 steers * . . DS2 J2 15
Ilona The supply of hogs was the lightest
of the week. The week's receipts fall fully
5.50J short of last wcok und uro u bout.1,000 less
tbhii wore received the first week of I'obruury
last year. Monger offeilngs. a spirited Inquiry
from shlppuis and speculators nud a fair
p icklng ( for mud ituvo us u good strong nrir-
ket from tbo stirt with prkes strong to 5 ?
higher. Oood light und medium weight hogs
were In tbo best demand both from locul buy
ers and shippers , and ns the proportion of
thuso wus as usual rather limited prices
sliowed tlio moat udxuiico on tlieso grades.
The ratine was very narrow , prucllcfllly
eery tiling soiling from } 4.35 to ft 41. The best
heavy lions Bold from JUO to $1.45 ana light
and light mixed lo.uls from $1.33 to 14.40.
Tr.ulhu was brisk and the puns cleared early.
Tbo Kvorugu of prices paid wan $1 39 ! ( . against
$4 , . ! 'i I'rlduy und H.24 last Saturday , Hopre-
suntiUUo sales :
No. Av. Slu Pr No Av. Sh. I'r.
7 . . . . 3J2 200 $1 23 fiO . . 310 100 J4 40
A 272 120 425 70 . .241) ) 83 440
81 201 431 CO . . 300 1'JO 440
00 . . . . 251 200 435 77 1.91 440
CO 218 2SO 4 J5 78 . . . .274 80 4 43
79 . . . .204 4 3.1 . M . . . . .91 120 440
49 281 83 435 fil 3J2 120 440
70 214 240 431 71. . . . 251 83 440
07 211 103 435 CM . . . , ! L73 40 440
71 254 210 431 02 291 120 440
57 2JI 80 4.15 01 271 80 443
OJ . . . . 285 100 4i5 : 0. . . . .250 203 443
121 310 400 441 b.1 . , . .301 203 440
103 . . .174 200 431 41. . . .311 200 440
Ui 208 240 4 J5 51. . . .29 1.0 440
( II 233 80 4 37'5 OS. .2.11 80 440
70 W ) 80 4 37i ! II 148 440
07 218 40 4 37'i ' 80 210 440
05. . . .2i.l ( SO 43714 OJ . . . . 31.1 S20 440
58 2(15 ( WO 4 : i7J ! 57. . . .2 0 l.'O 443
27. . . .218 100 4 37SJ 7 . . .308 4 40
51 2'l ' ) 200 4 3S > J 79 . . . .201 80 4 40
27 . . .218 100 4 37J ! 51 304 4 40
CO 243 129 4 37'i .tiJ 293 4 41)
59 283 120 440 S3 32. ! 83 440
58 . . . . 280 120 440 01..22J 120 440
CO 293 120 440 00. . . . ! IOO 4 40
OJ 311 40 440 51 3J9 203 4 42)1 )
70 218 200 4 < 0 00 . . . .317 441
02 305 20 440 OS. , . . .305 .03 441
50 211 4 40 49. . . . 410 443
03 244 123 440 64. . . . 348 BO 445
CO 129 100 440 01 282 80 441
59. . . . 2ol M 4 40 4. ; il.9 80 4 45
74 2U 120 440 05 . , . , , JI3 120 445
OS. . . 3U 80 440 69 283 4 43
70 208 80 440 Ui 314 8) 445
via ? AND itounii.
29 03 3 80 97 HD 210 403
2 370 400
SilEEl1. The market was bare of sheep
although desirable muttons uro In active do-
niiind and would suit at prices not n great deul
If any lower than last week. Quotations-
Natives , from tJ.75 to 15.00 ! westerns , from M 50
to * 1.73 ; common und stockers. from f..ftO to
M.50 ; good to choice lambs weighing from 40 to
93 Ibs , (4.00 to tl 50.
llocnlpta anil l > l p tltl < m of Stock.
Ofllclal receipts Mid disposition of btool ; as
shown by tlio books of tlio Union Stock Vurds
company for the iwenty-fonrliours , ending at
So'clouk p m. February 0 , IbO. .
Chicago Lit u Stock Murkut ,
CHIOAOO. III. . Fob. a-lBpoclal Telegram to
THE IlKK.l-H did not take salesmen long to
empty the puns of tlio few hundred cattle they
contained , there bolnc ready buyers ut Frl-
duy's ijuotatlons for all tbo offerings. There
xvus llttlo bore but bulchoiV and canners'stock.
It sold on u busts of from H.23 to 13.50 for In
ferior to extra cons und heifers , and II.M to
M.75 for bulls , frlilpplug btcers xvero nominal
ut fromJtlStoM.75 , uiid stookers uiid fecdors
ut from J-.OO to * 1.7.X lluyeruntlcluuto IIIMO
receipts fur Mouday and predict lower prlooi.
lluyers fairly tumbled oxer ouch other this
morning In their husto to secure u shuroof
the U.OOO hogs that conatltnted the day's ro-
celpts. The wants of the eastern trade ulouo
ciiuulod tbo entire supply , uud , of conn-i ; ,
many orders wont unfilled , fales were
nt an udxanco on yesterday's prices
of from So to loc. Scarcely anything
kold below tl.50 , ami from 11.70 tot I 8J were tbo
populur prices for hoaxy und medium
weights. In ono or two liibtuucoa tl bJ was
paid , and thorp Is no doubt that something
strictly prlmo would have fetched Il.UO. Quo
tations , are from II.5J to (1,75 for poor to choice
light uud 14.76 to H 65 for heavy medium
weights. Culls an ! pigs wore salable at from
liooto M.2.V
For the lust day of the wcok the supply ot
nhooDiras liberal. There wnsdomnnd forovory-
thing on sale nnd tha market was llrm at from
H.V ) to f3M for poor to cholco ( | iialltlcs ,
Lambs were quoted at from (1,25 to to.30.
Kocolpu were : Cattle. 1,000 ; hogs , 13,000 ;
hoop. ii.'iOO.
The Kvenlng Journal reports : CATTI.K
Hccolpts. A.uuO ; shipments , MJ ; market
steady ; natives. M.0 , < 3l.'i ) ; stockers , tl.M ®
2.00 ; cowi. JI..Vi5. ) ! (
lions Hccolpts , 11.000 ; snlpmcnts , " ,000 !
murkot steady and .VSIOc higher ; rough nnd
common , ( I 'i"v3l.v > ; mixed nml packers. ! 4 O.V
4.75 ; prlmo heavy and butcher * wclahls , II.W
< 34 : llnht , ( I.COV34.T.M pigs , II 003H.40.
, 2,5 JO : shipments , none :
market active und higher ! owes , I.100IKJ ( ;
mixed , fl Ml.75 ! wethers , SI oua5.40 ; fed Texans -
ans , SI.Oa4.SO ! Iambs , tl.50 < ai.30. !
Knnsiis City LUo Stock .Alirknt.
KANSAS CITV. Mo , Fob. 0. OATTI.E lie-
coltits. 3.0X ) ; shipments. 700. Murkot nctlvo
nnd strong : dressed beef and nblpplng stoors.
ut ( .17)31501 ) ( "ows ant holfors , J1..I5S.13U ;
stockers mid feeders. i2 53ii&l. ( > 5.
lion * lUcolpts. ft.400 : shlpmonts , 3,00)1 mir
kot uctlx o nml ccnorally 5o higher ; bulk , (1.35
© 1.4" ! ourcmo range. ( .1 13l sa
BiiEM' Kocelpts. 2,000 : shlpmonts. r.,003.
The mnrkn xvus qnlot and nonilnully steady ;
muttons , II. M ; stock , JJ.75.
SI , f.ouU LUo Stork Market.
ST. LOIIIB , Mo. . Fob. n. CATTi.p.-KccolpU ,
xory light ; shlpmonts. SO ) : no market on no-
count of the scarcity of available grades.
lions Hccolpts , 2.2JJ ; shipments , 1.1KW ; mar
ket higher : heavy , 14.5 4 ,75 ; mlxoJ , (4.20 ®
4.0J ; light , } l 40SI.CO.
Chainlierlaln'.H Cough Iteincdy.
Mr. C. R Davis , editor of ttio Dloomfleld ,
la , . Farmer , says : "I can recommend Cham
berlain's cough remedy to all sufferers with
cold * nnd croup. I have used itln my family
for the past txvo years and have found it the
bou I over used for the purposes for which
It Is intended , " 25 and CO cent bottles for sale
by druggists. crr/f3.
The course of true love may never run
smooth , but It gets thcro Just the samo.
When a young man is first married nil
the calto nls wife maitos is angel-cako to him ,
no matter xvhat It may sooin like to other
In Ireland Dennis Kooroboo died possessed
of 4S children , L'3'j crandehildron und 044
great grandchildren. Ho hud been married
seven times.
STio xvas xvorth a million , nnd when Hor-
bcrtfiaid , "Willyou bo mine"sheansivcroa ! :
"No , Herbert , I xvlll not ; but you may bo
rnlno if you wish. "
The marrlucc of Miss Salllo Floyd-Jonos
of Noiv York and Captain Darnardiaton ,
grandson of the earl of Dartmouth , will take
place next Juno.
When the careful father's daughters got to
bo of marriageable ago ho xvlll do well to
taka tbo old timepiece out of the parlor and
put in a striking clock.
It would often oo very hard to convince a
younc man deeply In love with , n delightful
irirl that the tlmo will over como when bo
xvlll refuse to cat her pio.
The vounc man In search of a wife pees
about looking for an ideal xvomau. The older
man goes about looklnir for a practical xvoman
whoa ho wants to wed.
The marriage of Miss Mattie E. Mitchell ,
daughter of Senator John H. Mitchell of
Oregon , to Francois , duo do la Rochefou
cauld of Paris xvlll take place in Paris Feb
ruary 11.
Anxious Parent Doctor , my. daughter ap
pears to bo going blind , and she is about to
bo married. Doctor Lot her go rleht on
xvitb the wcadluir ; if anything xvill open her
oyes. marriage xvlll.
"t was bound to marry a nobleman or
nothing , " remarked an American girl return
ing with a foreign husband. "I guess you
got both , " said her father , and be wont on
making out a check. -
Ttio ongngomont has boon announced of
Grace Chandler of Jamaica Plains , N. Y. , to
Ilobert M. Fullerton of Wultbam. Miss
Chandler is the daughter of Horace P.
Chandler and a granddaughter of the late
Pcleg W. Chanalor.
MtssTxvittor I xvanttoaskyou something ,
Mr. Ponn. I hope ( blushing ) you won't think
me too forxvardi Steclo Penn Have no
hesitation , Miss Tivlttor. Miss Twitter I
am going to have some handkerchiefs em
broidered , and I xvas wondering if it would
bo safe to have tha initials of my maiden
name placed on them.
A Yorkshire vicar once received the /ol-
loxving notice regarding To inarriago from a
parish house : ' 'This is to give you notls that
I and Miss Jemima Arabella B ready Is corn-
in' to your church on Saturday afternoon
ncx' , to undergo tbo operation of matrimony
at voar hands. Please bo promp' , as * the
cab is hired Dy the hour. " The "operation"
was performed in duo courso.
The engagements are announced in New
York of ( Jiraud Foster and Miss Jennie Van
Is'cU ; of W.JK. Bond Emerson and Miss
Maria Holmes Furman , a sister of Mrs.
Frank Lazarus ; of Mrs. Jamas M. Waterbury -
bury and John Furman ; of Dr. Shoi'ivood
Dunn of Pans ann Miss Knapp. and of the
Baron do Solllerc and Mrs. Charles F. Llver-
At an electric wedding recently given in
Baltimore a series of magic transformations
reminded the guests of fairy lore. Floods of
Incandescent light , gloxvingIn all thcruinboxv
colors , filled the rooms as the bride entered ,
to tbo music of the eloctrlc instruments ,
playing xviordly of thomselve ? . like the far-
famed organ of Gorman fairy lore that of its
oxvn magio played , when groom and bride
were in God's sight well-pleasing. Electrical
xvcddlng bolls rung with no hana touching
them. And suddenly , nt the feast , tbo room
was plunged into darkness for a moment as
the light Hushed out from tbo xvreath 0:1 : the
brklo'3 head and from tbo iloxvors about tbo
room , in whoso hearts blazou tiny oloctrlo
lamps in globes the tint of tbo Iloxvors ,
Blalno was 03 lest Sunday.
Mr. John D. Rockefeller , xvho is now ono of
the very richest men in tno xvorld , is a firm
and devoted Baptist.
Ex-Senator Ingalls , it is announced , will
settle doxvn to the practice of law alAlcbi-
son with his son Ellsworth.
Horace Greelov's onlv brother , Barnes
Grooloy , lives on the old family farm In Cbau-
tauqua county , near Jamestown , N. Y.
Sir Charles Kussell is a valuable friend to
his clients , for bo always tries to dlssuado
them from going to law if tbolr case cap bo
atrangcd out of court.
Gounod , the composer , is a fino-looliingold
man with xvblto hair. Ho Is an erratic
xx'orkcr , and derives his best Inspiration
xvlieu ho Is In a church or a cathedral.
Uoorgo Subor , aged U4 , residing near Bar
ney's Corners , Ind , , fought with General
Jackson at Noxv Orloaus. In August last ho
was married. The old man is still stout and
Governor Floxvor Is qulto as much of a
sportsman in his line as is ox-Picsldont
Cleveland. At trap shooting Mr. Flower is
said to have uiado u scorn of DJ out of a pos-
slblo 100.
Cardinal Manning xvas , to use bis oxvn
phrase , "a formal skeptic" about medical
science and n pusslouuto too of the cruelty
wroughtm Its namo. Ho hated physic , ami ,
although ho took great care of his health , ho
guided himself by the light ot nature.
Senator Brice of Ohio , wears bis hulr In
almost the fuo-Mmllo of a curly auburn xxlg ,
xvhilo Senator John Sherman's wig is adjust
ed \vith that cureless nonchalance supposed
to bo charaetoilstlo of people who have so
much hulr they don't kuoxv xvbat to do
with it.
Kyrlo Bolloxv is greatly changed , says
Labouchoro in the London Truth. Ho Is no
longer , the dapper , xx ell goomod llellniv who
xvas known by the matluoo girl as "Kyrlic. "
Tuera Is noxv a touch of the shabby genteel
about the once debonair beau and'ho has
changed irreutly. the hair which used to bo
oulv streaked with silver being noxv almost
entirely cray. Warden , ono of the thirty-seven
rear-admirals of tbo United States on too
retired list , commanded the Monitor In her
encounter xvlth the Mcrrimao in Hampton
Uouds. His nerves are said never to have
been Just tbo same slnco.thut memorable day
xvben In the course of the cannonade u shot
struck the turret Inhieb ho sut directing
tbo baUIo and knocked him blinded und
bruised to the floor. Tbo dauntless old sea
dog uitln't mind it much , but tils nerves
never recovered from the ( .nock.
DoWltl's Little Early linen , lion llttlo
pill ever mado. Cure coaitlpatlou ovor/
lime. NoneoquaU Use them now ,
There are 3,004 languages in tbo world and
more than 1,000 rcllgluns.
Tbo net indebtedness of the world in JMX )
aggregated t J.W.OW.OOO . ,
- - -
n -
Wheat Was Extremely Nervous and Closed
Under Friday's La Figures.
i t *
IlnulstrcPt's Itcport of the KnporU from
llotli Consts for the UVeli , Is Alleged to
llo Inaccurate Activity lu Stocks
nml lloiuU ,
CIIICAOO , III. , fob. 0. Wheat wunextremely
nervous today , an'l though It avcrngcd higher
much hUlior at times It closed at : i slmdo
under yesterday's lust figures. The news was
only ot n bullish character , though some ot
the items of Intelligence calculated to affect
values , both for and ngtilnst higher prices ,
were declared to bo inaccur.ito or untrue , nnd
bore wurosuiptatoni that the no vs miniifuo-
tory was In operation. Tor Inst-inco , It was
alien out by ono of those that the story about
winter wheat damage from frosts In Trance
could not bo true , Inasmuch Us Its Trench
correspondent nail furr Islioil the recent tem
peratures In that country , showing that
tbo frost line had not been reached. On
the other bund , while Ilradstrcot's reported
the exports from both coasts for the week nt
substantially the same figures as for tbo pre
ceding week u statement was banded around
thnt tills was Incorrect and that there was , In
reality , tin Increase ot about ' . 0,000 bu. The
marKct wus In such n nor\ous condition that
It responded readily to such Influences , 'lucre
Is understood to bo u lares short Interest and
the steady upturn for tbo p ist few days bin
created some alarm and there was moro dis
position on the part of shorts to cox or und
o\onsomoot the most stalwart hour1' were
proceeding with moro caution Kven 1'ard-
rldgo wua not plunging with bis usual reck
lessness ; In fact ho boiluht some until tbo ad
vance culminated , when ho turned seller
ara In.
At tbo start there wus a good doil of nerv
ous strengto loft oxor from vesterdav und It
was reinforced by the bull news. Cables were
all quotoa higher , Paris showing the most
advance. This was said to bo duo to sorlous
dutmigo lu tlio I'rcnch crop nnd four of mure
to come. This was In fuel the prlnclnal anui-
nltlon of the bulls and It wus used for nil It
was worth. At the start prices were from
"no to JJo nbovo yesterday's close but
the advance led to heavy roalMni !
s.ilos by the fortunate longs and under the o
offerings there wus u quick drop. When this
pressure wns off , however , the market showed
Its buoyancy by u speedy reaction but Inter
weakened ugnlii and lost the gain. May
opened nt from 92o to 92Mc against 91"io nt the
close vcsterday. gold off to 'JltC. advanced to
BJ'ic , broke to91V4c. rallied to9iJc ! , fluctuated
several times within the established range ,
broke tolll c again but closed IIrm atOHJc.
Corn was moro subject to the Influence of
wheat today tlrm It bus bean for some tlmo
past. It opened oxcltod and blghor nt ,
ngnlnst 42iO ? at the close yustcrday. sold off to
42ic. ? advanced to 4)Kie. broke duriiu the lust
hour nnd closed at 42l.Ju. The trade wus
broader and confluence more , and not
only were the belated shorts coming lu , but
Investment buying wns on the Increase. The
situation lins not changed materially , ns It
wns apparently strong enough before , but the
feverish condition lu wheat bus Imparted a
similar tone to corn. ,
O.Us were more active and strong , but de-
\olopoo no ospocl 11 feature
Eurly In tbo session "bog products were
r.ither more active and firm In sympathy
largely with the buoyant feeling In tbo other
pits , but weakened some later and closed at
slight advances. ,
Estliiuted receipts for Monday : Whout. 100
curs : corn , 2JO cars ; oits , I'M c.irs ; hogs , 20,000
Tbo loading futures ranoa as follows :
February. . . .
* cbruarr. . . 12 ' 42
March 12If
May. , < 3 > (
OATH No. i 1 1
Kctiruary. . . w 29
May. S1J < J2 314 3IH
Fcbrunrr. . . . 11 75 ' 11 11 C3H 11 75
May. . 12 UO It 1)0 )
February. . . . 6 IS 42 C 45
I ! TO 0 05 C C7h
February. . . . 680 S8S 5 75
May f 05 6 10 U 05 007H
Cash quotations xvoro ns follows :
I'LOllii rirm : sprint : patents. ! 4 304 00 : winter
tor patents , $4..K4.55 ) ; bakers , tl.HOiil.GO ;
straight. 14 03450.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat. 87 c ; No. 3
spring wheat , 81 © Vic ; No. 2 rod , illo.
CoiiN-HUhcr ; No. 2 , 40 o : No a yolloxv , 38'i
OATB No. 2 , 2flo ; No. 2 white. 32Ko ; So. 3
xvblte , 3l'io.
llVE-No. 2 , 704C.
UAIILKY No. 2 , 50S.r)8c ; No 3 , 4551o ; No.
4 , 31(3,120. (
I'LAx SEED No. 1 , 05Hoac.
TIMOTHY SKEP I'rln.o , Jl 2"1.2B.
1'oiiK Moss pork , par bbl , $8.50 : livrd. per
oxvt , } fi 4r > : short ribs aides ( loose ) , | . ' . .82'St'i.a'i ;
dry silted shoulders ( boxed ) . M.02H@I-T5 ;
short sides ( boxed ) . ffi.O'V a.lO.
WHISKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
SuoAiis Out leif unchanged.
CHEESE rirm : full cream Cheddars , II ®
ll'Sc : Hats. IKQtll c ; Young Americas , U13o
HIDES Uiifhuiigoil.
' | 'AXI.OW Uncb med ,
Hccolpts und shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the ProJuceoxclmnzo today the butter
murkot WIIB easier ; fancy croamorv , 28S9c :
line xvestern.SjIWi'oiordlnnry , ll4cboli ! ; > ctcd
dairy , BlO-'bOj ordinary , iiJOJUe. Eggs , WO'-iac.
. New York .Markets.
NEW YORK , 1'ob. 0 Ft.oun Hccelpts , 10.118
pucUnges : exports. 4.U47 bbls.5.U ? sucks ; mur-
Uot steadier , xvlth moro domund : sales. ' "J.10J
bbls. ; low extras. M.rx&i.7.l : ; winter wheat , loxv
grades , f 1.172175 ; fair to fancy. tlOKfil.75 ;
patents. % t.&i ! < .W : Minnesota clear , (4.0031.05 ;
straights , ? I. - ' . ) &I.S3 ; strulght patents. JJ.lua
5.'J.r > : rye mixtures. $4.00I.I3. (
Cou. > MKAL Qulot und steady ; yolloxv west
ern , W.5"\10.
WHEAT Receipts. 17.2.X ) bu. ; exports. 45-
381 bu. ; sales , U.HJO.OOO bu. futures. 81,000 on.
/pot. ( Hpot mnrkctblBbcr , but quiet und unsettled -
settled ; No 2 red , fI.U. ) ] OI.04U In store uiul
cluvutorl.ovai.0li'i ; nlloat ; $ l.oJ.s < ai l)7Ji ) f. o.
I ) . : No. U rod , ll.ul'i : ungraded red. OlcS1.01'/ ( ;
No. 1 northern , Jl u'i'iHti.coy Na 1 bard , tl.OUi
tel.(0' ( : No. northern , J1.U1'Options ad
vanced ' ; < iiie through strong foreign mar
kets ; declined Idl cou reull/lng by foreign
ers and locul operators ; advanced ! iOlJu ! on
bettor 1'urls cables ; closed llrm ut from tiW.o
over last nights No. ! ! February. tl.i'ntl,0l'i ,
closing ut Jl.OI'i ! March , tHitfi , closing nt
tlMH ; April , il.ulitil.OI'closing nt tl.04il
Muy. ll.u.'OI.OJU. closing at II.08U ; Juno.
Jl.ii)15 < ai.OI , closing ut ( l.OI.Si July , IHJUc ®
ll.oo. closing at Jl.oo.
KVK I'lrm ; xvcstcrn , 00i92o.
lUiiLKV Dull , steady ] No. 2 Milwaukee ,
70 < 2.71c.
llAin.EY MALT Canada country made quiet ,
b5o. N
COIIN Receipts , lOO.OtO bu , ; oxportd. 15,410
bu , ; saloe. 10,04 > , ( X)0 ) bu. df futures ; : iOOJ bu. of
spot ; spot market stronger , qulol ; olferlngs
light ; No. S. 5lM'io Itfk Blovator ; fi'JUttSSKo
ulloiit ; ungraded inlxcrt ? < v ; < &Vlu ; No. . , 40c ;
steamer mixed , 50'iCi'ovd Options strong
und He higher on hotter oubjcs und following ;
I'obruury , AIQ l c , oloslni ; ut 5l\c ; March ,
BqiiiWiyc , closing nt MVio : April ,
c'loslng ut 5Uio : Muy , 5USV > } jc , closing ut
MJo : Juno , 4i > 349Uc. closing ut 4UUo ; July ,
4l < a4USlc. closing at 4'Jic. !
UATU-Itocelpts. C3,5W3tU.t exports. J.IOtt
bu. ; sales , Ui.OJU bu. oQtuturos ; S..OXI bu , of
spot ; spot marKet flrmer.aud qulot. Options
dull und Irregular. closliiK-nteady ; February ,
aa'ec ; March , 37o ; .May , U7.c : spot No. 2 white ,
ib'/ift&Mi mixed xvcslem. WlYuwhtto \
wiislerii. 30iilJo ; No. 2 Olilnigo. J7Vio.
II AV btcady ; bblpplug' , jaMj good to choice ,
iUi0 *
Hot s Oulot anil weak ; .state common to
choice , 2 ft2lic } ; I'ucllloronst , IU2C > o.
t-uoAii-yuiot but stead } ; fair rollrilng. S ®
31-lficj centrifugals , uo test , ut 37-llio ; roUneU ,
( julet und Httiidy.
Moi.ABaES-Korolsn. nominal ; 60 test , 12 > { @
l.'j'c ; Now Orleans , und steady ; commou
to fiinoy. "btHMc.
KICK Hull und easy ; fair to extra ,
January. .V.fttSS.e.
I'ETjioi.nuJi-Qulet nnd steady ; crude In
bblb. I'Hrkoi's , F > bU ; crude In bulk , t3) ! ) ; re-
llned Now York , Y0.40 : I'nllailo phlu ami llal-
tlmore. Mitmu : I'lilludolpliiii nnd Haiti-
more In bulk , M.S.V&IU ; United closed
for March.
COTTON M.CD OiL-ttpady and uulte ; crude ,
25 > ic { yullow. Jutftuifu.
TALI.OW Hull ,
Hosi.N Dull and easy ; steamed , common
to coed * l.'J."i(2.l ( 3T'i.
TuiU'ENTlNK iJiillnnd steady at ItMifUlo.
UoiiH-1 resb scarce , iirmvr ; western , 3ij2c ;
rccelptu. L'.iH'i pi , us.
riiHK-ijulut mid steady : mess. ta75l0.7i ;
extra prime. IJ.50.
fur McATS-yulct ; pickled Lollies. O'c :
p'oklca ' shoulders. 5o : hunu. Uc ; middles , iiulut
und stondy ; snort clear , IU.4 > > .
I/AiiD-l'I'iiier. ( | Ulet ; western stoim , I1.RO ;
option bales. 1.2SO tlercesi 1'cbruHry , 18.77 ;
M ureli , UWiaoW ; Muy , < iUiiiO.W , closluf ut
Ti-Qulet and tteadv ; straits ,
u luactlvo und wuuki western dairy ,
wrstorn crcnmory. Zixail'iCi western
factory. IftftHo ; Kluln. aiHc.
CitKrsE 1'nlr ; domnnd , Hrm ; p rt skims , ti ®
Pin ttiON Dull , steady ; American , ilS.TJA
17. 'A
( nrren-Iiull nnd weak ; If kp. 110. 7J.
IiKAti Qulot and easy ; domestic , Jl.l2'i ' ®
( Ininbn I'roitncn Miirhot.
rnuiT8 California rlvorsldo or.inzos. fJWa
2 , . ' < 0 ; Wnslilngton navels , f.l..X | California
tangerines , J.LOO per box ; 1'lorlda onuses ,
brl.'hts , tim ; russets. K.OXii2 7J ; I'lorlda
tnncorlnos , MMill.K ( ) : half boxes western
apples , choice , JiOCViW/iO per bbl. , fancy stund
might bring moro ; Now \ork apples , JJ.T.'i
VKnnrint.m California cabbugo. 2Uo per
Ib. in crates : homo grown lettuce , 4jo per doz ;
potutocs. dull ,
GAME No sale for rabbits , will not bring
enough In pay shipping charges.
n.otmOmaha Mlllhut compmiy's Itellanco
rntont , K.V ) | Invincible I'utoiit , S..4l ; l.ono
i Star buperlntlvp. tl S3 ; Pnowllako. II.1W ; 1'ancy
riiinlly. * I.SO ; H. I' . Oilman's Gold Medal , U.M ;
Snow White. W3d ; Snowlluko. $ ' .OJ , loxv grade
JI.PO : Queen of thn Pantry. IJ.O ) .
HAV Market oversuppllcd ; K01O5.50 per
ton ,
Ilmr.s-No. I green salted nldcs , l ftPi'c :
No. Screen silted hides , mtl'lc ' ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs , 4'jftl'Uu ; No. 2 green
saltud bides. 2i to 40 His. . 3l > ( ni No. 1 veal
calf. 8 to n Ibs . Co ; No. 2 veil calf. 8 to 1.1 Ibs. ,
4ci No. 1 dry Hint bides. 7a ot No. 2 dry Hint
bides. WlOci No. 1 dry salted bides rrtiOc. 'I al
low. No. 1 , HHftlo : tul'oiv , No. 2 , .1lic : grease ,
white A , 4l'io ' : groaso. xvlnto II. U'jffi-lUe ' ;
greuso. yellow , 3o ; grenso , darlc , 2'4c ; old but
ter , 2Ct2lc ! ; beeswax , prlmo , IRe ; rouith tallow ,
it rnlr to good country , 17IOo ;
choice , 102lo.
I'oui.Tin Chickens , good stock , 8c : some
sales reported ut Uc : coeso and ducli , lOBHu :
ttnkoys , 10'J.I2c.
noos Dealers xvoro asking 2051280.
llOAlll ) OF TltADE NOTES.
Samuel Cox of 1'arrugut , la. , xvas on the
board ,
Inspector Thompson Is reported as bolnc
very sick xvlth tbo grip.
O. P. Moreliouso of Ilonvor Crossing , Neb , ,
was among the xlMtors on the board.
Mr. I'lshorof the linn of Plshor & Slmanok ,
I'raguo. Nob. , was lookliu over the situation.
I * U. Cottrell of the CottrollGrsitn com
pany , Sownrd , Nob. , xvus looldug ever tbo
C. II. I'owlor and P. C. Swartr , txvo well
known Omaha grilu men , bavo associated
themselves together under the llrm name of
roxvlcr&Sxvnrt ? . Tlioybuxo nn olllco In tlio
Hoard of Trudo building nnd xvlll do u gru- griln nnd commission business Mr.
I'owlor will still hold his interest In tbo I'owlor
Elevator company.
Oinulin drain Market.
Prices based on delivery ut Mississippi rlvor
polnt.s , Nebraska Inspojllon , nud ton duys1
shipment , unless otherwise stated. Cash grain
culls for ship uont xvlthlu 11 vo days
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 85io ! bid ; No. 3 spring ,
SOc , llaltlmoro terms.
lUE-No. 2 , 70 o bid.
OATS No. 2 xxblto , 3l Jo bid : No. n xvblto ,
301io bid , Illc asked ; No. 2 mixed. 30o bid ; No.
3 mixed , 30c bid : No. ; i colored , lUc bid.
Cons. No. 2 cash. 37yo bid , Mo asked :
Tobruiiry , sr'Jcbld : No.2 x hlto , .19'sc bid.
Amonir the s lies xvoro : 2 cars No. U sprlnc
wheat , 8'c ; 25OJO No 3 corn. Bt. Louis , p. t.
Noxr York Dry Goods Market.
Nr.xv YORK. Fob. 6. There xvus again a fair
Saturday trndo In dry goods ut first bunds.
omo agents reported Improvement In the sire
of orders. The demand continues Irregular ,
though the condition of the market does not
disclose uny corresponding Irrogulurlty in
stocks , goods being coucially In inthcr moder
ate supply , Exports of spooln from tbo port
of Noxv Vor lust xveok amounted to S1.24S.U.I7 ,
of which J.UI.OOn xvus gold and $8'J1I,0,17 silver.
The Imports of speolo durln r the xvcok
amounted to $ . > 7-,715 , of xxblch J.45,2 5 xvas gold
nud $ JJ,450 silver. _
Duluth Wheat Market.
Ptn.UTii. Minn. . Fob. 0. The market opened
strong this mornttu on bullish curly cables ,
Indicating an Increasing foreign demand , the
first sale belli ? made utf > c above yesterday's
closo. The following were the closing prices :
No. 1 hard , cash bGa ; I'obrniiry ' , 85'ic : Muy ,
91'io : No. 1 northern ciiih , 84Vic ; February ,
R4JiC ! Mny , S9'c ' : No 2 northern , cash , 7co ;
No. . ) . 71c ; rejected , file ; on track , No , 1 bard ,
87c ; No , 1 northern. SOc1.
Kinisiis City Markets.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . Fob. 0. rr.onn Un-
cbungod ,
WIIBAT Dull ; No 2. Imrd.TBc ; No. 2 red. S4a
COHN rirm und about to hlghor ; No. 1 ! white ,
OATS Strong ; No. 2 xvhlte , 30334o. !
HVE Steady ; No. 2. 7. > c.
1'i.A.x SKKU 8o ! on u b isls of purs.
lliiAN Steady at O-VaoOc.
IIrorpool Marketn.
LiVEnroOL , Fob. 0. AVilEAT rirm ; de
mand poor ! holders offer moderately ; No. 1
California , 7s 10Vd7s ll ! d per cental ; red
western sprlns. . 7sOd7s 8Hd ; No. 2 red xvln-
ters. 7s8d7s8iil.
COIIN Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
4siid ! per cental.
TALLOXX' Firm ; American , 23s Od per cxvt.
St. I.ouls Markets.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Feb. C. WHEAT Unsettled ;
cash.OiJic : Muy. UJUQOJiic.
O"iiN steady ; cush , 37'/5o : Mny. : i8io.
OATS Stendy ; cnsh , : ilc ; May. ; ilXt&il > , io.
POIIK Steady ; noxv , tll.tU'i. '
LAKD-btOHiy at ? 3.1.V3l.L'j. (
WlHSkV 11.14. _
Colleti Market.
Nnxv YOUK. Tob. 0. Options opened steady
at from 5 to 20 points doxvn and closed steady
nt from 10 to 5 points up ; s lies. 20,0 U bugs , in
cluding : February. * U20lt J0 | Mureli. $ 2.93
© 1105 ; April. I23J ; M-iv. Jl.'J.vaiia.TO : Juno.
$12.45 ; boptembcr , 112.20 ® 12.25 ; December.
tl-l.Ol. _
Traders' Talk.
OiilCAno , 111. , Vob 0. Logan it Co. to J.
Sands Commission Co ! Whout cables came
better nnd brought buying orders , opening
our market higher , but thcro were largo offerIngs -
Ings of long xvbont which carried the maikot
down Ic , but the closing a iblcsagnlii took the
market aDovo Wo for Muy , bringing out an
other Hood of long xvheut. Wo think thcro
has been very lur o liquidation by the long
Interest today. Any news of Importance
would hardly find as larco u volume for sale
In our opinion , und xvo feel frlondly to It on
ull tlieso o.isy places. The corn market fol
lowed the load of wheat with fair trades und
considerable variation In price. Wo think It
should ho bought no ir these llgurcs. 1'iovl-
slons were llrm und there was a fair specu
lative Inquiry. The opinion Is Ruining ground
that receipts o' ho s xvlll continue to show a
f'llliuoir , which will eventually toll favora
bly upon tlio price of tbo product , nnd xxo bo-
Hevo In buying It. With easy inonoy ovoiy-
where and with national prosperity ut hand
the Investors of the world , xxo think , can look
forxvurd to an active speculative murkot.
ClllCAKO , III. , 1'ob. ( I. Couiibolmun & Duy
toCookroIl llros. : May wheat upcnod at about
D2 ? ic. where yesterday's curb bulge loft It ;
declined lu on realizing on the denial of ( lam-
ago to the French crop , became firmer on
llrudstrcot's showing of Increased weekly
exports , advanced sharply to UJ'Jc on
shorts coxcrlng , when the second pub-
lie cables quoted Llxorpool , London , llorlln
and 1'arls markets from ! ic to 2'ic per
bushel higher , but lost the ( lay's ad
vance at the close on locul solllnir to
sccnro profits. The advance xvus fully 5u
from the low point of three days ago und this
caused local bulling enough to xvlpo out the
early advance. Wo think wheat bus ROOII tbo
low point unless tbo coming crop promises u
much larger yield than any llguros yet
shown. Corn xvas ugulii active und strong
early but broke after the February and
March short Interest wus reduced ,
Mny corn sold J o higher and closed Uo
loxxor than ycsteiday. OuU xvoro strong.
udvanotng l/to butolosmir llrm xvlth the ad
vance lost. Provisions wore steady and llrm
but the tendency to advance was checKo : ! by
elm discouraging news from southern points ,
owliu to further depression In tbo cotton
nrirKot. Weekly rocolpts of hogs uro falling
olT und puckers Konorully uro looking for
higher prices of product tutor In the season.
CillCAilii. Ill , I'ob. a Ivennutl , Hopkins &
Co toS.A.McWhortor , The opening In xvhoat
was st ron ; and nervous , shorts anxious but
longs Just as anxious to supply tbo demand.
On heavy , reall/lng sales by the latter the
prlco full ntr lu xxbon these who had unloaded
early tuined bnyeis on u lur u scale. About
this tlmo u private cable roportcd the
i'nrls m.irlict strong and exeitol
xvtli uu advance of 1itl' { francs
which stalled sliorts und longa almc.
The inrrkottudvancod quickly about Uic. On
every r.illv longs hold und shorts filled tno
market ovonlng up und becoming quite dull
Near the close there WUH frco soiling , result
ing In u sharp break. It don't look or net lll > o
u pronouuLod bull muiUet. ( Jloaruncos are
light und thorn'H un Imnroved foreign demnml
but foreign markets do not lospi.nd satls-
fuutorly to 0111 advance tlioiuh they turn
xveuk \ cry suddenly when prices docllne here.
Corn und oats xvero strung most of the day lint
ease' ! elf lulu on realizing bales. 1'osslbly
prices may roxct homo moio but on u fair
break we advUo purchasers of corn , 1'rovls-
lens moilcTitoly higher with f ilr Investment
buying und a tendency to work upward ,
OiiciiitloiiK Were Led by tlio Coalers
lliroiieliout Iho Da ) 'n lliiklueii ,
I\txv YOIIK , I'ob. tt It xvns known today
Unit the piesldonts of tha Central , Heading
and Leli It'll Valley were In confeicuco.und this
fact , xvlth the addition that u largo order to
buy Knadlng han been placet ) lu 1'hlladolpblu ,
n lur u portion of which xvau execulud lioro ,
und wblcli WHS bolluxed to bo buying for con-
tro' , made tbo coal titooks Iho ono fout-
nrn of the slock innr et today , und their
enormous transactions and extremity rapid
rlsooiershudowcd the entire murkot xvlthout
giving uny of the strength manifested by
them to the rust of the list , The ciimural
murkut opened utronu but ( julot. and after
slUht valns | n syniputhy with the coulors ,
realizations and considerable short belling by
boars , who bvltevo that the pace In the eoal-
crsls nlloiotlior too fa t , caused n full rc c
tlon , nnd the final changes In the pt-nirnl lltt
nro nil for small fractions nml Kcncrnlly
The trading In Reading xvas xntncthlnR un
precedented. LiicKfixanna xvns ulto extremely
Motive , but Its transactions were fur behind
the o ot Kcndlng. AH the coilcrs , however ,
nero unusuallv active and strong , nnd Jersey
Central took tlio lo-id In the upward move
ment , rising from I.M to 12014 ind losing only n
fraction from its best prlco. Luokuwniiim rose
from I4S > { to 15. ' , xvhilo Dclaxvarc .V llud'on
and Holding xvoro moio moderato In their
inlvanccs. Ulsllllors nt ono tlmo "luiwcd
n culn of t per cent oxer lu Inst
night's price * , but failed to bold , and the
oilier Industrials were qtilct mill wltho it < ca-
ture. Among the railroad stocks Atchlson
nnd Loulsxlllo xvoro Inclined to xxouUni'S . but
whllo with irlu : and \Voslcrn Union they wore
active , thulr fluctuations were unimportant ,
the rest of the market xvns absolutely fo iture-
less , and while after the first spurt prices M't-
tlcd down slowly , the flniil rally closed the
mirkot llrm with great activity at Inslgnitl-
The totals ilns of stocks today xvoro : r > Ct > TO
Aliaros , Including : Atchlson. ir,0k'i ; Chicago
Otis I , ! ' ) ) : Ijjckuxvniina M,3jn ; Dulawaro &
Hudson , 7..YM : Krlo , . ! 50 ! Loulsxlllo .V Nnsh-
vllle. I'.CO ) ! Northwestern. .1.4 K ) ; Now Jersey , 1G.MO ; Uoadlng , I'.UO'.K ) ! Northern
1'uclllo preferred. 2.MO : St. Paul. n.WO ; Union
ruolUc , \\cstornUnlon : , 8,258.
riimncml Ko\linv.
Nr.w VOIIK. 1'ob 0. Tlio I'ost says : The stocks absorbed no.irly till of the Interest
In today's market. Yesterday afternoon's
adjournment , of Iho sales agents' ipcottng
was understood to confirm the belief that u
general und radical overhauling of the coal
companies' relations Is In pro ross. evidences
of such negotiations h.ixo not been wanting ;
Indeed , something of the Kind bus been al
most Inevitable in vlow of the Heading's
altered position In the coal market. Thn
secrecy maintained by parties to the
"deal" has glxon opportunity for u multitude
of moro or loss extr.migunt theories , all of
wblcli must , however , ho tuken xvltb tbo quul-
Ifioatlon proper In tno case of tiny stool ; ox-
chungo rumor. N'.ilur.illy enough this vlo
lent advance from 2 to 5 points upleco
In ono group of stocks rostrlctcd aotlvlty In
tbo rest of the list nnd prices outside of the shnroj closed xvlthout material
change. Thnro xvoio oxon some Indications
of weakness In the onrllor trading , and efforts
to engineer special advances In tbo cheap
stocks xxoro not nt ull successful. This may
have boon partly duo to Iho disappointing
character of the bink statement. It will ho
xxoil to remember that If the "coal deal"
shoiildibo one-half as furreuchlng us common
report assorts It must , lu the nature of thlngx ,
Hssort u poxvorful influence for the bettor on
the general list.
Ncxv York Money .Market.
NEXV YOIIK. Fob. 6. MONEV ON Oxt.t. Kusy
with no loans , closed olfored u ; 2 per cent.
Put lie MiitrAr.Tiii ! I'APEII 3 @iH percent.
STEHMNO E.xclIA aE Qulot but steady ut
Si 83 for sixty day bills and SI.87 for de
The closing quot itlons on bonds :
London Stock Market.
[ Copi/rlghtol iS32 tin James Gortlon Jlemutt. ]
IJOKDOV , 1'oti. a [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE HUE. ] Tbo Stock exchange
today xvas quiet The markets have pro-
Honted few features of Interest Consols have
Improved 1 1-10 to l' per cent for money ao :
count. Homo railways have been rather
uncertain und the close wus some
what Irro-'iilar. A decline lias oc
curred In llrlghton preferred. Caledonian ,
Metropolitan. Northeastern und Southeastern
preferred , xvhilo several others uro ' 5 and J-.i
per cent hotter. Amerlcnn nillxvuvs have
shown moro strenctli In response to the Im
proved tendency In Noxv York , xvbilotboro up-
pours to bo no truth In reports of dlHlcuItlos
at Iloston. Tbo market closes not cxuutly
firm , but In good tone. Alcblson Income Im-
prox'cd ? i per cunt ; Atclilsou ordinary ,
% per cent , I'lilludolplihi & Itoudlng.
nnd Loulsvlllo & Nutihvlllo three-fourths of 1
poi cent , and many others from ono-olgbtli to
ono-halfofl percent. The rise In Loulsvlllo
k Nushvlllo ut ono period wns li ! per cent.
Canadian lines leavoolf modoraloly llrni , es
pecially Canadian 1'acillc , wblcli advanced
live-eighths of 1 per cent , Urund Trunk Is not
materially ohungod. Mexican closed dull und
lower. Owliu to u slight rolupso In silver ,
money bus boon llttlo Wanted in the street to
day , hliort loans have boon obtuined at 1 per
cent. The discount market bus been qulot.
Two und three mouths' bills are quote J ut from
IJi to 2 bur cent.
LONDON , I'ob. --Tho following were the
London stock quotations closing at 4 p , m , :
UAH SU.VPII 41 l-iod.
MONEV lOIJi per cunt.
riimiicliil Notuj.
PAIIIS , Tob , 0. Three per cent rentes , 03f :
S''Vio for the account.
llAi/riMoiiK , Md. . Fob. a Oloarlius today , : ! ; balances. M'.O.OT. ' . Hate , U per cont.
KANSAHOITV , Mo. Fob e. Today's olourlngs
xvoro l,82in i : oleurlius for the woolf , 58'JJI.JIO ;
today's balances , f.'JO.n1 ,
NKXV YOIIK. 1'ob. 0 Olourlugs , toduy ,
JllU.WW.OaJ ; buliincos , fr,2.W. 7l. I'or tbo xvook :
clearings , * * I.7I.I'II ( ) ; balances , fll.'JSl.HIO.
I'llll APEM'HIA , I'U. . Tel ) . 0. CloiirlllgH , III-
I77. : VS , balances , JIM',7(1oloiirlngs ) ( ; far the
xvook. J79. 'i2JJIO ; balances. J1I'J77,10I ; money ,
Ji per cent ,
CiilCAno , 111. , 1'ob. 0. Money easy at , ' ® (
per cent. New York uxohung'o. IUu discount
to par. alorllng exchan-jo dull at * I.H'i for
sixty ( lays bills nnd flH7J ! tor sight drafts.
Hunk clearings , for the day. IIU.VT-.SO.1 ; for
the wcok. JWfift7. ! .
KT. LOIIIB. Mo , I'ub ' , n Clearings today
II.O.U.Oil ; balances , JIM , Ml. Money , ( VQ > 7 per
cent , Kxolinngo on Noxv York , file premium.
I'or this weok. olonrlngs , $ .Mj22.r ( > 80 ; balances ,
forliibt wnok , olcurlugi. , t.'J..Wi
balances , f l.r > ( ) ,0'i , ' ; for the corresponding
xvcok Inst uloarlus.OJ.'BI balaiacs
your , ; , -.OJ.'BI ; ,
t..3SOOJ8. _
lloxtiin Ktoi'k .Murkot ,
IlosTON. Muss . 1'ob. n. The folloxvinz xvoro
the closing prices on Htouki on tbo Iloston
stock market toJuy ;
Hau I'ruiicloco Mining ( imitations ,
SAN I'UANCHCO , lul. . Fob. o. Tlio oillolul
cloilir ; quotations for mliiln ; stocks today
were us follows :
New York Mining QnntMlntK.
NKXV YOIIK. rob. 6 The followln * arc lh
closing mining HOOK nnotixtloi ,
Thn I'poplo's I'rpfercnrp.
"Tho proplo of this vicinity insist on Imv-
iiiR Chamboilaiti's cough romodv and do nol
want any other , " says John V. IHshop of
1'ortland Mills , Ind. The reason is bornus *
they have found It superior to an.v other ,
especially for the pnp and the cotiRb which
so often fclloxis an attack of the prlp. 28
and IX ) cent Dottles for snio by drupglsts.
Dr. Gulliinoro. oculist to Mo. P.vo.Hy'
Major ( Senerol ,1.lines H. Carnahan of th
Uniform Utnk ICnlRhts of Pi thins has
protuulRatod an oniclal orJor relative to the
btonnlal oucaniiimoiit to bo hold nt Kansas
City next August. It states that the required
fJO.030 was guaranteed by the Commercial
club of that cltv for the purpose of paying
prizes. puttliiR the camp ground In order and
fmnlshlnir. erecting and floorlnc touts for
the accommodation of the visiting irknlthU
and free of cost to the uniform rank. Ttio
following arc offered :
DIVISIONiMiizrs. .
Tlrst Prl/o-ror proncleiicy In drill . . . .JIMO
( And tcioncb momborof tbo drill loam
a sir knight Jewel , )
foeoml l'rl ' o I'or proficiency : In drill . . 1.MO
Third '
I'ourth " t > 00
Plflli WO
Hxth ' fiOO
Soxonth " 4CO
n Rhth " 300
Niulli "
Teulli " . . .
I'or best commission commander Jewel
lor division traxollug the longest ilU-
tiiiu'p by shortest route to
reach Kansas Oily 400
I'or best bittallon dilli , hy battalion oou-
Hlsfliijor not les * than four tllvls ons.
nud full complomoutof ro lmontal , Hold
ami stutl olllcors . . J50C
1 or best u itlullim commander there will
boglxonbvtho major general u Hold
ollloor sswonl 50
rorthosli Uilght oldest In ace who shall
tuku part in the pur ide. Hold day und
roinpotlttxodillls will boglvon by ! ? . K.
K. \\hlloajo\vol BO
All divisions competing to consist of sir
kus : its cuptilu. lieutenant nnd herild. sir
knights guard und sentinel und tweutv-four
sir knights In line This number Is nUo re
quited for the divisions lu liatfillon drill nnd
for the division clulmliu the long distance
prize. Tactics to bo used , U.irnah.m's tovlsod
edition , IBS' ' ) .
The prl/cs for mounted divisions xvlll bo de
termlnod upon in the near future ntiJ xvlll ba
announced In orders.
The major general urges all divisions which
can possibly do so to attend the oncampmout
and take along theit Irlonds hnd families.
I. O. < > . ! ' .
Missouri Odd follows are ospoclnlly anx
ious that the members of tbo late Odd Fel
lows' Mutual Aid association pay their
assessments promptly and xvipo out the debt
us n matter of fraternal pride nnd Justice to
the widows nnd orphans of deceased mem
bers. The prominent members urd olllcera
of the order hope thnt the State Insurance
department xvlll not use too much lul tape la
winding up tlio affairs of the association , but )
give tlio members ttio widest , latitude nnd
every possible encouragement. It bus been
learned that some fraternal Insurance asso
ciation is negotiating to reinsure the members
of the dissolved company that are Insurable.
There nro about 150 members who mo so old
as to bo noninsurublo but the remaining
1'JOO members are considered a good risk.
A. I' , nml A. M.
The Ancient nnd Accepted Scottish Hitfl
Masons of the southern jurisdiction are ar
ranging for their annual reunion on or about
tbo 23d inst. A largo class , numbering
txvcnty or more , will bo iustructod on that
The commlttco appointed bv tbo Knights
Templar of York to co to Denver nnd nrrange
for quarters for members of Joppa Command-
onNo. . ] nt the triennial conclave to beheld
held in August have returned. Tnoy have
made arrangements for the accommodation
of 100 members. The commnndory xvlll be
ono of the foxv mounted bodies at tbo con
clave , ana expect moro than the number ar
ranged for to attend.
C. I' , of A.
Tne noxvly elected officers of Grand Island
council No. 0 , Commercial Pilgrims of
America , tendered their brother pilgrims
and visiting members a reception and
banquet at tbo Knights of Pythias hall. It
xvas a most enjoyable affair nnd about fifty
couples dunced , played cards , and feaitod on
the dainties prepared by tbo peed xvivos of
tbo noxv ofllclals. This noxv order Is gaining
wonderfully In strength all through the west
and the many social affairs indulged in only
tend to make it moro popular. The ofllcora
nro , William Murr , W , P. ; W. H. Chapman ,
W. V. P. ; D. A. Pinch. W. C. : H. H. Louch-
ridge , W. twasuior ; W. J , Campbell , W.
secretary ; LJ. D. Mini son , W. T. : Thomas
Connor , K. of I. P. ; P. H. Fuzler , A. ot
O. P.
N. U.
The following results in connection with
tbo order of the National Union for the year
1691 will prove interesting to all members !
The number of councils in existence Decem
ber 31 , IbflOir.7 , ; nt the close of 1801. S ! i ; In-
crcaso , 0i. ( Number of members December
itl , 13'JO , 120,477 ; ut the close of 1SSI1 , U2,500 ;
increase in round numbers , 0,00) ) . The
amount paid , for benefits during 1801 was
f" > S4UX ( ) , making the total paid sincu organ
ization $3,112,143. The number of assess
ments during the vcar xvas fourteen , being
tbo same as for 1800 , whllo thothtoo previous
years had thirteen each. The cost lor 81,000
insur.iuco for the pail txvo yuura nt tbo uga
of 40 1ms been $ o.f > 0 , and for other ugos la
proportion , showing an unprecedented icsull
xvbcu compaiod with all orders of this nib
It. A.
Charles F. Loring , supreme repent of th
Royal Arcanum , died Jununry 20 , after sev
eral month * of nemo suffering. His death ,
although partially anticipated , caino as
shock to the members of this jurisdiction.
The genial presence of the man and his broad !
spirit of fraternity bad endeared him to tha
hearts of all the motnbor.s , and his death I *
felt at a porsonul loss throughout the grand
jurisdiction , formal action In the way of
resolutions will bo taken ut tbo next mooting
of the grand council.
I , O. O , T.
Grand Chief Tomplur Uriah Copp , Jr. , not
Issued a totter to the loduos uiplnn the mom.
bars to Immediately petition the World' !
Fair Columbian commission against the said
of liquor at the World's fair. Ho sa > 8 ,
"Whatever 1 < done must bo done quickly , so
our protests may PO received bforo'ilnal ac
tion is taken , " A form of petition has been
prepared for the use of the lodces , and tnay
PO bud by application to the deputy grand
chief templar.
Dr.Cullunoro.oyo mid cmr.Boulnillilliiflr
TIII : inu/rv .MAitiur.
rNBTUUMUNTS placed on rocor.1 February
JC , I HIT. !
Bamiiol Kat/ and wife to H A Blomun
lot U , bloolc 0 , .Icromo pirk . . . .t 5,000
Bamo tou.iinc. uiiillv 'i of < )3I feet , lots I
uud 2 , Ainnlroiu's Ut add 0,000
0 W l/yimm nnd wlfu to \ > T Williams
lot H , block 7 , I > ym in nluuo , , , . , . , . , , . , 1
G N Illcks , ot nl , to McUu'iic > f-uxl n us
bunk , o'Jl feet of wild foot , lot 7 , block
74.boutli Oinnlia 1,508
Julia Iliighuv to Aiuilo I'laiinory n 'i of
xv ' / lot J , block 14. H I' Iucr'n ! add. , 1
tiaiiio to Julia lleairoy s H u.uuo . . , . , \
( jtirr ciaiii iiKKns
J A Ixivsron and x lfo to W A Anderson
undivl-iaiots Uiind II. hlnlob . . . . . COO
Mury I'otorbon et al to ) S Obi iHtoiucn *
/ w'-- , o ! i , iiw 7-13-11. . . . . . ' . , . . , . . . JOO
J V lloyd riitiorim to 11 U Clark lots la , M
und 15 , llnoll pluco , , , . , , . . . 351
Total amount of transfers , , , , . , . , . , t J'J ,
HOBTONMass. I'eb. n. Clearing * , IIBC87C03 |
lialunces , ll.Wl.tCU Money , 'JiK'/iuer cent.
Tor the xvook ; oliiarliign , ( lu.UI' ( > , Uij | ; balnnoeii.
II2. < I,1W , Kor the corrcsjiondliiK week lull
years oloarlnzi , lA'JJf.UOOi balances ,