8 THE OMAHA DAILY BE EH SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 0 , 1892. WILL DENY THEIR DEMANDS Union Pacific. Officials Will Reject the Claims of the Trainmen. CAN'T ' STAND AN INCREASE OF WAGES Itcmlirrn of tlio ( irlovnnco Coininlttrc Unto Taken Their Cnno to Their ( Ininil Unicon nnil General Man * tiger Clark , The conference between A&ststnnt General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific nnd Iho Joint grievance committee rnprcscntlnR the Order of Hallway Conductors nnd the urothcrhood of Hallroad Trainmen was short and inconclusive. A press committee np- pointed by the employes makes the following statement : "The committee called on Mr. Dickinson nt the appointed hour and was kept waiting thirty minutes before gaining nn audience. The committee last week submitted n now schedule of wages , nnd at the conference Mr. Dickinson tmuio a statement purporting to Rlvo the ngijrcpato ineroaso of wages under the proposed schedule. According to his own statements his llguros were based on the service of three of the busiest months of the year. Careful esti mates made by the committee Indicate that the ncgrugata Ineroaso will not exceed CO per cent of the sum named by the assistant gen eral manager. "Tho commit I co proposed discussing the now schedule article by article , but Mr. Dickinson positively refused to entertain n proposition for nn Increase of wogos until the lohodulo was withdrawn. That would have left the committee without a cause. Will Appeal to CItirlc. "Its members felt aggrieved at the scant courtesy shown them ns the representatives ot two great organizations of railroad men , and they loft Mr. Dickinson resolved to ap peal to General Manager S. 11. II. Clark. Telegrams have baon sent to E. E. Clark , grand chief conductor of the Order of Hall way Conductors , nnd S. E. Wilkinson , grand master of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men , nnd they have started for Omaha. Gen eral Manager Clark has also been wired , and wo expect ho will moot our grand .olllcors in this city next week. " Members of the committees think n confer ence with the general manager will bo reached by next Wednesday. At ono tlmo Mr. Clark was expected in Omaha this week , but it was given out at hU ofllco yesterday that ho contemplated n trip south from St. Louis , and the data < xf his arrival in this city wa said to bo very uncertain. The committees are confident that Mr. Clark will promptly respond to their call to come to Omaha , but they will vouchsafe no reason for their fnith beyond smiling assurances that they "know ho will bo hero. " Ono of the grand ofllcers who have been called to the assistance of the committees was In Baltimore and the other in New Hampshire when wired , but both started westward yesterday. 1'ccl Itatlicr Soro. The committees deprecate all talk of n vatrilio , but they express n firm determination to have their complaints heard and dis cussed. They nro angered by Mr. Dickin son's curt reception , oven moro than their statement Indicates. They particularly re sent n sarcastic remark of his about "giving the road to the men and Doing done with it. " Vice President Kimball was called to the conference by Mr. Dickinson , but toolt no part in the discussion. When the chagrined cinplores got up to go ho asked ono of them if they had adjourned. "No , " was the ' response , "wo have simply unhitched , as 'they did in tbo Nebraska loeislaturo last winter. " The now schedule submitted by the con ductors nnd brakemen proposes a qulto gen eral Increase of wages. Mr. Dicldnson said in his loiter to the committees that ho would not entertain such a proposition , and at the conference- nssertod that the aggregate 'ncroaso was so largo his company could not Maud it. Grievances Admitted. A railroad man who has an olllcinl connec tion with the UulonJ Pacific , with insldo sources of Information , says : "Undoubtedly there are a great many apparent irregularities and some of them nro likely to bo cor rected , but the committees propose changes that mean n largo increase in wages , and most of thcso will bo denied. Indirectly the brotherhood of engineers is n remote cause of some of the dissatisfaction among the trainmen - men , and there scorns to bo considerable Jeal ousy between the two classes of employes , "Hero is an agreement the engineers got out of the company in April , 18S7 , " exhibit ing u little four-page leaflet , "and you will observe that some important concessions were made to them. For example , when a train Is delayed or laid up during its run be yond a lixcd margin the engineer is allowed for ouch lost tlmo at the rate of one-tenth of a day's run for each hour. Hero Is au engi neer getting KI.S5 per hundred miles : jin on a standard locomotive , which s considered a dav'e ' week , nnd bo IsulloWou 35 > < Sunls per hour for over time. An engineer on a mogul guts $4.15 per 100 miles nnd 42) cents per hour for over time. "In the case of conductors and brakemen It is dllTcront. A dispatcher may sidetrack , a train for hours , but the train crow got no pay for the lost tlmo. They nro paid accord ing to the number of miles run. Tbo train man would bo less titan human if they did Tiol complain of unTall1 treatment. The in justice of this mlo is so glaring is is hard to BCO how tbo company can with any show of reason refuse to give the trainmen a square deal on that point at least. "Fireman are nUo favored by the compa nies , and it is ono of the complaints of the conductors that the man who merely shovels coal Into the firebox of ton earns bigger wages than a superior who ts responsible for the handling of a whole train , The engineers have succeeded at successive conferences In keeping the agreement of 1SS7 in force , and that aggravates the trainman. The cngl- hcors1 grievancecoramitteo had a forty-seven day session last September and October and wont homo satisfied. The conductors and brnkomcn naturally feel that they are being discriminated against Question of Iliini. "Ono of the most important points to bo considered by Mr , Dickinson Is n domaud that nn mountain divisions eighty miles Instead of 109 shall ba considered a day's work. The trainmen argue that the work Is harder on mountain runs than on the plains , nnd they assort that they are Dslilng no moro than has boon granted on tha Denver & Hlo Grande and other mountain lines. This proposition moans an Increase of 5 per cent In wages on the divisions nffoctod by It. nnd it is a foregone conclusion that Mr , Dickinson will not maUo tbo change. "Tho committees have called attention to the fact that In many casen there are two and ovou three engine crows ou a run covered by ono train crow. They complain that this is unfair to the latter , and they want n remedy , In some cases the crows of fast trams run several hundred miles but are allowed no moro than they would for a slow run of 100 miles consuming the same tlmo. The train- iron insist that there is moro danger and A greater strain on the fast run and there ought to bo n higher rate of pay. "On the now line bo two en Denver anil Fo't Worth there u a number of grlovancas , rlati.R perhaps out of the change from the old management to the Union Paciflo. Ono of the complaints Is that the men have not boon properly credited with overtime. 'There is au clement among trainmen who pro always ready for a shindig and talk Btrike , but the conservatives are in the as- cenaout. They realize , too , that the ongl- noon , having no grievance , would not sup port them. Members of the committees now bore my , however , that if the company does not grant their requests they will carry the jaaUer up to tholr grand ofticeri. " Will Simplify Aluttcri. At the ofllco ot General Trafi'o ' Manager Jilollon it 1 * tacitly admitted that the Union i'Boillo contemplates withdrawing from the Colorado and Utah asioclation , but it was Riven out yostoruay that detlnlto action hue not been taken. It was explained that tha bropoied withdrawal it mereiy for Die our- 100 of simplifying the offlcial machinery , anil will have no material effect. Notes nnil rernnnnlfl. L. II. Korty , Union Paciflo superintendent of telegraph , ts in Chicago. I ) . A. Branch , representing the Erie , J. H. ' .attlmorof the Naohvillo , Chattanooga & St , Louis and B. J. Marks .of the Southern Pacific are in the city. At the meeting of the Transmlssouri freight association in Kansas City Thursday n concession of great value to South OniAhn inckors was mndo. At certain seasons the igunls ot Omaha buyers go to the southwest 'or cattle technically known ns "cannors , " which nro shipped by way of Kansas" City. Heretofore the proportional rate from that -joint lo Omaha was $ ' > per car ns against n ocal rnto of KiO. Tbo proportional is now reduced to 20. A humorous fact about Hoods Snrsapnrtlln it expels bad humor nnd creates good humor. Bo sura to get Hood's. Dr. Culllmoro , oculist. Boo building Union sonp , innmifncturcd In Nob. Lively Tinier at tlio Hednl. There must bo merit In u mcdiclno , hat lins met with tlio success that tlio icdnl ? gold euro trcnttncnt nt Bluir hns. The business 1ms increased so rapidly .hut It hna proven necessary to onlurRO , ho quarters of Hint largo" plant , The result has boon n euro in every instance. [ < 'ifty ptitlonts nro bolnj' treated. The Imbits of liquor , morphine , opium nnd tobacco permanently cured. o Anv procorcan supply you with Quail rolled oats delicious for breakfast. Jack D < nrllii'fl | I'liul , An insldont occurred at Boyd's now theater Thursday evening which illustrates the rare lonosty Oi n railroad man , and tbo fact Is still moro wonderful when it is known that the hero is none other than the redoubtable Tack Dowllnp , city passenger agent of the Burlington. Mr. Dowllng was witnessing Frederick Pauldlug's of "Tho great production Struggle of Life , " and was sitting near a nicely dressed gentleman who left his seat before the end of the play. Now , JacK is a man who does not overlook very much , and Immediately after the stranger loft , the lynx-eyed Jack osplca n fat wallet lying under his sent. Inspection re vealed that the purse contained $2 0. Fol lowing the Inclinations of his early training the railroad man reported his find to the box Dfllco , nnd It was subsequently called for by B.'W. Browne , n traveling man from Cleve land , O. , who travels for the Great Western Oil Works. There wai an affecting scene in the lobby of the nuw Boyd when the railroad man and the drummer embraced. ON' , la. , April 4 , 1891. Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have bc n Touulotl with catarrh in my head and throat Tor throe years at times Ans unable to sneak , tiad a constant ringing In my oars and for two years wi.s almost deaf. Have tried several - oral so-called remedies and been treated by regular physicians and noted specialists , but Failed to got any relief , I tried ono bottle of Moore's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave immediate relief and effected a permanent cure. I heartily recommend it to alt suffer ers of this disouso nnd will cheerfully give any further Information on bom ? addressed nt my homo , No. 223 Sweeney nvo. , Burling ton , In. For sale by all druggists. Respectfulllv , U. L. UEID. Bo sure to try the Quail rolled oats and take no other. Union soap la homo mado. Anioni ; the Kducators. * Chancellor Canflold spent a part of yesterday with Superintendent Fitz- riatrick. They nro old acquaintan ces , Mr. Fitzpatrlck having boon ono of the board of regents of the State University of Kansas when Mr. Canflold was chancellor of the said institution. The architects of Omaha are responding to the advertisement of the Board of Education asking for propositions to do all the work of the board for the coming year. The 1'eojilo's 1'rcfcrcncc. "The people of this vicinity Insist on hav ing Chamberlain's cough remedy nnd do not want any other. " says John V. Bishop of Portland Mills , Ind. The reason is because they have found it superior to any other , especially for the grip nnd the cough which so often follows an attack of the grip. 25 and CO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Every grocer handles Union soap. Ilousokoopora will find Quail rollol oats the best mado. Sncnlt Thieves Fined , Sol Motzner and Will King , the two youth ful burglars who were arrested Thursday for going through houses at which they roomed , wore each lined JSO and costs by Po lice Judge Dor It a yesterday. In default of payment of the tine they were sent to jail , Morris Kopald , a youth who nas tilso men tioned In tbo arrest , was simply n witness In the case , ns ho baa been associating with the other two , Keonomy Ispracliced by many people , who buy infer ior nrticles of- food because cheaper than sta ndard goods , Surely Infants are entitled to the best food obtainable. It is a fact that th o Gall Borden "Eaglo" Brand Condensed Milk is tbo best infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep It. Aalc your grocer lor Quail rolled oats. Use Union eoap. Use Union soap. rnnsoy.li. r. Q. A , Bush of Lincoln is at the Dollonc > M. II. Tilton of Lincoln Is at the Murray. W. F. Wiley of Kearney Is at the Paxton. E. N. Halo of David City is nt the Arcade. Henry Routlon ot Talmago , Neb , , is at tbo Mlllard. S. E. Osgood of North Platte is at the Pbxton , B. T. Hallott of Blair Is stopping at the Pnxton. L. H. Cottrell of Seward , Nob. , Is at the Arcade , M. I. Altkon of Lincoln was at the Mlllard yesterday. L. H. Guernsey of Hastings is registered at the Mlllard. T. J. Stnpleton of Ulo Janeiro is rcgiitored nt the Arcade , M. O. Keith of North Platte is registered at the Paxton. George S , Munson of Beatrice is registered at the Dollono. H. M. Jotios of Lcmars , la. , is registered at the Paxton , Alden Ferris of Elm Crook , Neb , , is stop- plug at the Arcade. A. J. Kuhlman of Nebraska City was at the Murray yesterday. H. H , Uobintonof Kimball , Nob. , , was at the Paxtou yesterday. C. II. Davis and wife of Grand Island nro stopping at tbo Dollono , John I. UndorwooiJ , an insurance man of Lincoln , is at the Millard. II. S. Summers and wife of West Point were among the Nebraska arrivals yesterday nt the Paxtou. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK In Spite'of Mnoh Dullness Trades Grad ually Enlarging. OMAHA'S ' PROSPECTS ARE EXCELLENT Sprlnj : Jobbing Trnilo Open * Well nn < l In Miiny ItcRlniiH I.nricly Kxcccil * Thnt of I.nst Vcnr Western Iliul- Lend * . NEW YOHK , Tob. 5.-U , Q. Dun & Go's wcokly rovlow of trndo will sny tomorrow ! In splto of much dullness nnd complaint In Bomo Important branches trndo ts gradually enlarging. The cast iloos not got tbo full benefit , bocnnso western biulnoss Is largely mot by western distributing centers , nnd thatalono is Increasing heavily , whllo south ern trade , which Is moro largely mot by dis tribution from the cast , Is unusually dull. Hut the west ii steadily Increasing ordow for manufactured products , nnd Is llkuly to buy moro largely In the next five months than ever boforo. Eastern consumption U also fairly up to the maximum , as labor is well employed. The stringency at the south , owing to the overproduction of cotton and hurtful speculation In the past , Is nt present thn only force retarding the general improve ment. Exports of merchandise continue to greatly exceed last year's for live months , at Now Yorir by about 38 per cent , while In the value of imports the Increase Is very slight. I'livarnblo Itcporls of Huslni'sn. Reports of business from cities are a shade moro favorable. At Boston the dry goods Jobbing trade Is quite good and moro orders for woolen goods. At Hartford larger sales of wool and fair trade In dry goods are re ported. At Philadelphia moro orders are scon for manufactured Iron and Increased business In dry poods. At Cincinnati tobacco is actlvo at good prices ; dry goods orders ore brisk nnd building prospects llattorlo ? . Cleveland reports improved trade with rolled products In largo demand. Detroit reports January trade fully up to last year's. At Chicago sales of merchandise show n fair ineroaso ever last year and collections are satisfactory ; receipts of flour , oats , rye , barley , lard and cheese show some Incronse , while wheat nnd corn have doubled , and ro- cointi ot dressed boot uro four times last ynars , but some decrcnso appeared in cured meats , hides , wool and catllo. Open weather rotarjs collections at Milwaukee , but trade is fair. At St. Louis business Is not quite as strong , distribution being checked and stocked in the cotton region. Omalm'rt Trndo Ooml. At Kansas City , Denver and Omnha trade Is fair with good prospects ; at St. Paul the spring jobbing trade opens well , and at Minneapolis largely exceeds that of last year. At No.v Orleans business is somewhat dull ; cotton being lower with heavy recoints , out sugar is 11 rm and rice in fair demand. At Savannah busmnss is better nnd money easier. Speculation in products has econ moro active , but In spite of the abundance of money the tendency of prices Is lower. Wheat fell to 'J'JKc ' here but recovered over lo , and after sales of 33,000,000 ba. isle lo lower than a week aco. Western receipts diminish but exports diminish still moro. Corn closed only % c higher after sale * of 15,000,000 bu , and oats j o hiRhor , but , pork products nro a shade lower. Cotton Is l-lOo lower for spot and February has sold below 7 cents ; receipts continue enormous. Oil has fallen 3 cents , but coffee is n fraction stronger. In lead trade is moderate nnd in tin tame without change , but opper is weaker , Lake at $10.75. Silver has also fallen to about the lowest price lever quoted , -lls Ga per ounce , recovering slightly to 41s 0 * d. Considerable 1'rogress Mndo. The great Industries make progress In splto of low prices and a production which scorns to threaten attraction. Pig iron shows a little 'concession at Phila delphia aud some shading hero by southern concerns and bar is as dull as ever vtith a light demand tor plates. Structural iron is unsettled by the collapse of a steel beam combination and tbo price has fallen 2 > < f cents. The coming expenditures by the great railroads promise an unusual demand and news comes of the opening of additional furnaces. At tbo high price demanded by agents , coal is exceedingly dull. The boot and shoo buslnoss is getting better with more orders , but in some cases prices ara a shade lower. Moro activity is scon in dry goods and a largo number of western Duyors are doing n fair business. The demand for spring goods is growing but clothiers uro still in the dark. Cottons are uft'cctcd by the poor southern trade butnrlcos of some prints and shootings have boon advanced and orders for knit goods are fully as largo as a year aso. The business failures occurring through out the country during tbo last seven days number 3)9 ) , as compared with 297 last weak. For the corresponding week Ian year the llgures wore 300. IWAUSTUISUT'S WKKKIA' ICKVIRW. Indications of Horn Active Speculations In AH Lines of Stuck. NEW YOUK , Feb. C. Brddstrcot's weekly Wall street roviowsays : Wallstreotseomcd during the past week to bo losing belief in the proximity of a bull market. For some months past speculative opinion has shown rare unanimity on that point. The material and economic facts were all interpreted ns Indicative of the approach of a wide , active and higher speculation In securities. The feature of this week's market is not found In the actual fluctuations of securities. Prices have been feverish rather than weak and unsettled speculative conditions were more noticeable than the actual declines. It would scorn , however , that speculative In terests have awakened to the fuct that the condition of the foreign securities marltot constitutes a tangible obstacle to the de velopment of further improvement here and that from that quarter has proceeded and is still proceeding the main pressure which has checked further Improvement horo. Clearing Awny of the Clouilg. Under these circumstances the narrow and professional , but still inherent bullish , mar ket has undcrgono n change of sentiment , Involving a pretty general acknowledgment that speculative developments here must bo preceded by a clearing nwav of the clouds which hang ever the great markets of Europo. The fact that on Friday the reap pearance of buying for London account had considerable effect in sustaining prices , and oven produced a rally , was considered as significant on this point. Tbo London market shows , like our own , a plethora of idle money , but this is appar ently the result ot timidity on the part of capital , li would , furthermore , BOO in thut there U a mais of undigested losses , particu larly In connection with tbo so-called "In vestment trusts , " lately so popular In Great Britain , The effect of this is been In the continuance of enforced Ecllmgby foreign in terests of holdings of American securities , to which may bu mainly ascribed the steady , but otherwise inexplicable , rise In exchange rntos which , Itself , contributed to create an unsettled feeling ia speculative circles. Speculative Sliaren Declined , It is accordingly natural that tbo leading speculative shares should display declines during tbo week , Louisville & Nashville full. Ing from 74 % to T2St. . I'nui from 60 % to 78V and Atchlson from 41 to 37 . ur- Ungtou was freely sold. I1 ho Vundorbllts 'Csed ill Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. were dull and rntbtor heavy And the Gould stocks lacked support , though Manhattan ro tnlned It * strengthand Western Union ad vanced n little. Thbro.il shares acted some- whnt independently. . Rending rising ( on tha completion of thtfl'ouRhkcopslo bridge deal ) nnd Lnckawnnnn ndrancing on manipulation , Among the specialties Consolidated Gas was conspicuous. The so-called "industrial" stocks were n feature of the wpck's market , nnd of them "Whisky" attracted the major share of at tention , The manipulation In this cnso Is of n vnry flagrant character. Tha annunl report - port of the Nntionn ! Cordnga company did not have a good alTdet on the stock , which : lsplayod ! n declining tendency. Chicago Jos was also nctlvoand declined. CI.KAltIM ) HOUSi : TOTALS. Itrnilntreet'ii Shown n llnnilRonip Growth of HiiAlm1 * * , l > peclnlly for Oinnliii , Nr.w Youic , Fob. 5. The following table , compiled by Uradstroot'n , gives the clearing louse returns for the week ctnllne February 4 , 1892 , and the percentage of Increase or decrease , ns compared with the correspond ing week lust year : Not Included In totals. Another .Sneak Caught , An alleged sneak thief , known ns Charles Parker , was arrested yesterday afternoon on the chartro of having stolen an overcoat one wool : ngo from L. W. Koody of J18 ! Nortn Sixteenth stroot. Parker , the police clnim , is nn thing more nor less than nn ordinary thief , and hns dona time In status prison. He will be arraigned this mornlup. Look over those symptoms : hcadacho , ob struction of noio , discharges falling into throat sometimes profuse , watery , nnd acrid , nt others , thick , tenacious , mucous , purulent , bloody , putrid nnd offensive ; eyes weak , ringing in ears , deafness ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired , ami general debility. You won't have all of them at once ; probably only a few of them ; but they mean Catarrh. And the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy mean to cure it , if you'll ' let them , no matter how bad or how long standing. If they can't , they'll pay you $000 In cash. They mean that , too , just ns it's printed. They offer yon the money or a certain cure , if you'll ( alas their medicine. But if they weren't certain of the cure , they'd never offer you the miney. It 19 not to medals , badges or the ot royal favorTnnt the qreat- specialists DRS. BETTS & BETTS \ Owe their wonderful per- / eonal and prolesslon- * nl popumrlty.Tliey won their hon ors by their merits. , In tlio uclentlilo treatment nnd successful - ful cure 61 over 86,000 cases ot 'those NERVOUS , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which are so for midable to itho medical profes sion cln general , DRS. BETTS & BETTS have proven that they possess extraordinary ability and BklH. vatoDlseases as well as Htrtc- . . ture , Hydrocele , / Varlcocelo and Rectal / troubles , their success / baa been truly marvelous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the high' cat honors , for these they have richly won by their own efforts Send 4c lor their new book of 12O pages. Consultation ia also free. Call upon or address with etamp. DRS , BRTTS & 119 S. 141.11 St. N. K. Conic Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. MILK CRUSTON BABY Kept spreading until Ills fnca Vint n raw sore. Ho scratched until blood nut. llcsl physic-Inns said no euro nhllo teeth- Ing. Ho tins cured promptly by Cutlcimi. SnmclMtiR over two ro.irs ago , onrbor , then lo limn one Tear md , was troulio.l ! nltli nn eruption on Ms licml , pronounced bj our best pli j-Mclnm to t'O * case of "milk crunt or Infantllo ociemn. " Tlior nlno onlclthnt It would be Impossible to euro It until nttcr lia lm < l llnlslicd trcthliu. Tliln mnladr kept M'rcndlnK until lil > fneo WAI n rnir note , nnd CTcrr fcir dnjrs lia would draw his ( Inner nulls down on bolh cheeks , removing tlij cnb , nnd the blood runnlnK dtwnon liU cliln mvlo him present yhnrtlr "liilit , Wo commenced uslnu tbo Cl'TtrimA It > : .MF.niKS , nnd In two nccki no noltccil n wonder ful Improvement , ntid In two months | , h ftlro wns fre < h nnd fair , nnd hm been perfectly well over sinso Wo unhcilltlnitlr Rive nllcro lit to CUTICUIIA. a It. Wll.l.lA.MKurt ! Djdno , Iowa. Scaly Humor 17 years 1 wnnnnilclcd for ncvrntccn years wllli n e ly nndblotcliy humor over my entire brant. At times 1 would ncr.itcli till Boronosi ennipDlled mo tn re.no , After rending your advertisements nt dlllcrcnt tinier , I concluded to KlvnCimrt'iiA n trlil.nml to my nMnnlJhmetit ns well in imtlsfnctlon. I wni cured with of Cl'Tli'i'ln ' . ' one sol Hi' IK Ml in , In nliout two nn I n hnlf weekr Tlmt lint been MiMtlr tfojrcurs Unco , and no fymptoms or return. .lACOIt bTOKCKljK , fkllQ I'nlm Street , St. Kouls , Mo. Cuticura Resolvent Iho now lltood nnd Skin I'nrlller , Internnllr , nnl t'lTTirtnu , the im-nt kln Cure , and CUTICUIIA SOAP , I lid oxciulMto skin llonutlllcr , nUc'nmllr , ln tniitly relieve and iipoeuliy euro every dl en o nd liuninrof tlin nkln , iic.ilp nnd blow ) , Mltlilixint liulr , from Infuncy to ago , from pimples to acrofuln. Sold ovary whuru , 1'rlcr , UUTICUII * . . Me : SOAP , 2 * > c ; HKsot.vnNT. Si. I'roiutrud by the I'OTTKII UlllJO & CHEMICAL COIU'OIUTION. IluStUll. { ° fr"iluwtoJuioSI < ln Diseases , " ( It pncoq CO Illustrations , utul 10J tusllmonluls , mailed free. ' - Wuok ) iotK : ( red. musli. chapped uiUolly skin cured by OUTIUUIIA SOAP , HOW MY BACK ACHES ! Ilaoi Ache , Kidney t'aln , and Wonkne-m f-orcne" . I/mienes * , Strains , nnd I'Hln relieved In nnu minute by the OimcuiiA ANTI-PAIN 1'LASTEll. [ WHY DO YOU eora ? ! : Io you know lltnt a little CousUJ U a daneeroii-i thlnir 1 " DOCTOR j Will Stop a Cough at any tlmo : [ and Cure the worst Cold in ; ! twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle ! may save you $100 in Doctor's : ! bills-may save your life. ASK YOUKD'-ftUGGIST FOR IT. IT TA.STJ3S GOOI > . j Dr. Acker's English Pills : ; CURE INDIGESTION. : Pmnlt , plcunnnt , 11 Cuvurlto with the ladlcn. I W. II. UOOKEIl Jt CO , 46 West Ilroadway , N. Y. ; t . . . " > . . . . . . . . . .in For silo : by Kuhn & Co. , and Sherman & McConnell , Omaha. To promote health , preserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of richest qual ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. For sale only at high-class liquor and drug stores. DALtEMAND & CO. , OIIIOAGO , Fen CONSUMPTIVES I.NT.ll ! USE or WILBOR'S cod i.titsion < imf M.tnic , It Is worlhy of nil confidence. It cures Coiisiiinp loiii Co.ijrlis , Coltlfl , Asllima , Piiciimonin , Influenza , HroiidiHls , Debil ity , WnsHns * Diseases and Scrofulous IllllllOlV. Uoxurc , ns you vnlno jour licnltli , nnil cct tlio Kcmilnu , nn brio Imitations unlcl to bu food m COD LIVER OIL & PHOSPHATES nro Btlcmiitcit to bu Mibitlttitcil by unprincipled mmlrrn , 'Ilieynro not.biitliicU tli i > i-cullnr vlrtminf this tirrparatlun. If r" r DruirnUt ilnoi not keep It , Hond direct to A. II. WlLIIOlt , UhuiiilM , lIuMon , Mus , , the only Mnnufnctiirnr of thin priiporiilloii The Most Effecvtle Tonic in LA GRIPPE Dttci'o'5 ' ' Alinitarf Elixir. Tills prop-trillion dlrlkus at the -ost of tlio orll by rottorlnt ; quickly and rtToctunlly tlio nutrUIro function ? of the debilitated nyitoin. Bold bu All DruotJlsla. 13. KOUOI5IIA Kc OO , , ARcnls for U. 8 nu , ' _ iB s.uo North \v'illmm Bt. . . N.v. AllanLane UOVAI , MAIIj SI Bill resularly during winter from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Pircct. Cnliln 110nnd iinwarrt ! ircond rubln , $ at Ionrutoj. . .No lAfi ri.t CAHHltii , § ? Ei -i AL-.UAN L-.INB .LlHUXl ( BTliAMSHII'B. Now York nn.l ( jlaiirow rorlnlKllllr- Cabin tin. r-'ccun-l Cubln I''i. hltsortna ID. Applr lo AU.AK t CO , Cl.la uo 11. M. MJJ.fi , Wnuiili J'lrkel Oinuji W. tf , VAlUilurlliutou Tle < 3. > > J1 < > VD n > lcbcrti > r' > Knjllih I'Uinunif j- > -no. 'NNYROYAL PILLS , -v > 7v - f . | ' . ' ' l Il..V'r ! ! ! . hli' . ' ttk A Arr. ! ; rtlUI > l IADIC * , llrucxlrt. for ntetttittfi t'uattlk. IHA-A . < ( * f < iiiJ In l ( d n1 tf H lu ulU \ JUolvl itilt-l will * tU rll Joa. I like n * r uii7Jj lmlruil < i.i. tUru2cUt > .nrKoil le. "llrllcf fur I.aclU , " ( alrlKr , bj rrluru MulL | II , OU firtliuonlill - - - bANIUUVOJI ) CAI'-it'IjB-i ' nro the D06UTA Loil nuU onlr oii'iului ( iruirltiua U/ regular plirilrluni lor tliu euro of ia dl.elimrKO * fi"jnHli9 urlnir. la ( > ( ljHMyei * All ' Odd Suit Pants. This week we hold our regular semi-an * nual sale of all the odd suit pants that have ac cumulated during the past season. This an nouncement will be read with pleasure by hundreds of our customers , many of whom have allowed the fringe at the bottom of their pants to form itself into a graceful pair of lam brequins while waiting tor it. This sale is as different from the ordinary pant sale as black is from white. We buy no pants for it. We put no _ pants in , it from regular stock at regular , ' marked up or marked down prices. We simply lay aside all the pants that accumulate from suits to match , where only the coats and vests have been sold , for a whole season , wheu we sort them into different lots , mark a price on them and put them on sale. At the prices we make on them they gowith a rush. We are never compelled to mark them down a second time to dispose of them. The sale this time comprises - prises something like two thousand pairs of pants , mostly from fine suits , as it is seldom WQ have to break a cheap suit. Hundreds of pairs ol pants , in all wool and silk nnd wool Ht $1,50 casslmoros , cheviots , etc. , worth from $12.50 to &l. Over nlno hundred pairs of pants , comprising worsteds , all At $2,50 wool nnd silk and wool casslniercs , cheviots , twocds , worth from four to llvo dollars. As many pants In this lot are from fourteen and fifteen dollar suits , you can judge how cheap the pants are at two lif ty. 'ants ' in beautiful poods , meltonschoviots , tweeds , all wool , $3,50 casslmoroj , slllc nnd wool cassimcrcs , homospuni * , flno worsteds , etc. Many a pair in this lot worth seven dollars. > finest kinds of pants. Pants loft from suits at $4,50 S * 22P and $ 25. Pants that In a regular way would cost /VJ VpTllVJ you Up tO In these four lots you can find almost any style or pattern you happen to want. JF BY MARK TWAIN. "J ! ? ill t 5- LEANNESS , FATNESS AND AM , TUB JIKST. The Sunday Bee. \ Sore Throat Lameness Sore Ey < Sorenj Cat , Brufe Cul Piles Female Complaints' Rheumatism AND ALL Inflammation GoW only In our own tot'lcs. AU druggliti , POND1 S EXTRACT CO.,76 5th Ave.HY. H itfii leDaiivBuBiyiiB-aj jdMtutoiiMiioci itiva. COKiMiSSIOH MERCHANT , B ! Seeds ft 9 , and HOB , 2 and 4 Sherman St. , Roomi 68 & CO. CHICAGO. K1"t-cli facllltlcK for the Imndllnijor shipments of tirnln , Meld unit Kin * Hcud . lIcfeienri-H ( 'urn fcUcbautfvnaUAiuvrlcunKicUuncvKutluniilllauk * GOLD HIDAL , PAHI3,1878 , W. BAKER &Co.'s 1 Cocoa I from which the excess of oil Ii.is been removed , la Absolutely JPure and it ia Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in its ) ) rcjmratlon. It has more < / ianirce tlmca the strength ol Cocoa nilxutl with Starch , ATrowroot or Sugar , nnil is therefore far more economical , coa'.imj leas than one cent a ciij ) . It Is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , IASU.Y : DIOKBTED , nnd admirably adapted for invalid * as well as for persons in health. Sold by Orocoro everywhere. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass , Connltlonaof tliuliiinian form Bu < cn iulijr treated to develop , Btronuthon , fiilari.'O ull weak. Blunted , undeveloped , footiloorpunnnd piirli of llio body wlilcli buvu lo t or never nttiiinert a proper mud natural liu. ituu to III health , iibutceicciiei.ot unknown cuu e . Tlicru In ono infill oil unit oiilr on ' ! l > 7 "Iilcli Hill mar In uccouiplUbed. IncreatedUo-T fit Mooil la anf imrt , produced by tiliiiplonppurfttna acllnv autoiaulltullr.crcuteinoir tu u.tJjiiuuiHl vlKorJ'T Hio inmo ruiiurulluwta * tliolncit'Hio'if uliu uli'l Hlrenullioriuui'CK' . Uon't bo prejudiced beoiuiu Illtla quarbi i > ruiHir l > r llljf meiim to do llio umo. INVUKTHJATK. ' ! 'lie ro'u no ITHP liiiru orniirullfrii. Our pay will CDMIO Hlmu Ilia public knowa clcarlr clcnc Ironi fraud. Write ti for Inilructloni. full d tier I p. tlon , proof , reforoncoB. etc. Allaentyou la plain nnlprt letter without cot of nnr kind. i ERIE HEDIOAL CO. , BUFPALO , N , 7. ' J.