Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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j. _
.Ungineor .Vcimington of Omaha Killed in a
. Wreck at Lincoln ,
> Ii Iliirnnl mill Cmsliril Hoily DUrororod
willi One llnnil L'lutrliliiKtlioTlirnttla
mill tlm Oilier Holding tlio
Ttctrmn Lr rr.
< ? , Nob. , rob. 3. [ Special Telegram
Jlo THE BKK.J Lewis W. Pcnn ngton , a B. A
W. engineer who llvwl with his wife and two
'children at 810 I'lorco treot , Omahn , in lying
( dead In his coffin nt nn undertaker' * room In
, lhls city , having been instantly killed nt n
'Wcok In thooutstelrtsof Lincoln early this
Thu wrosic occurred at the Elkhorn crossIng -
Ing , Twenty-seventh and OnK streets , at3:30 :
this morning , Freight train No. 23.In charge
of Conductor IConnedy , with Engineer Pen-
/ilngton anil Fireman Perrlne lu the COD ,
came In from OmaTm nearly four hours late.
lAt the point of the roaa where the Uolt Una
witch crosses the Ulkhorn tracks , the en
gine loft the rails , ran for 200 foot on the ties
V and then toppled ever on Ua back.
The llrcman lumped from his sldo of
the cab , out Engineer 1'onnlngton re
mained at his post and went
down with his engine. his right hand clutch
ing tlm throtllo nnd his loft holding to the
reversing lavor. Ho was causht banoath Iho
wreck and his head was badly crushed ,
burned and scalded. Death must have coino
Instantly. His face wus burned and scalded
po as to ho almost unrecognizable.
Orakomaii Pexton jumncd from the top of
ono of the cars that left the track uud re
ceived n few injuries , tiono of them serious.
Trains from tbo cast wcro delayed till 10
o'clock , by which tlmo a temporary track
\vns built around the wreck.
.1'onnlngton had been in the sorvloo of the
Durlingtou road about Ilvoyears ,
The wreck was caused by the breaking of
n switch rod , which allowed thu track to
BUrcrul when the cngino passed ever It.
Verillot of tint Coroner's .lory.
Coroner Oritn bold an Inquest ever the body
Of the dnnd engineer this afternoon. An ex
amination of tbo remains showed that Pan-
lilngtoti's. neck had been broken aud that his
left arm was broken in two places. The
coroner's Jury was composed of B. L. Simon.
George liosslomnn , .1. D. Cochrano , J. C.
McBrldo , W. S. Huffman and T. J. Hlckoy.
After hearing the evidence the Jury returned
n. verdict in accordance witli the facts stated
nbove ana exonerated the cotnpauy from all
blnmo in the premises.
The wife of" the dead man was notified of
the accident , The remains are still here uud
tbo authorities have not ns yet received any
Instructions as tn their disposal.
In the District Court.
Ocorgo Botsloman , on trial for adultery ,
Was acquitted this morning.
Walter Clark and Harry Smith , the two
clothinc thieves , were arraitrned today and
tliolr trials set for February S and U.
Judge Laneing hai sot asldo the appraise
ment of the Uock Island
right-of-way on the
\ \ Vest sldo.
\ Judgci Field today ordered the following
.applicants for divorces to show cause within
leu days : AUdlo Bell , Laura U. Earle , A.
Barret and John Breuuan.
This afternoon Miss Marlon W. Smith , a
minor , asked the court to depose her
euardian , J. C. Crocker , on the irround that
bo has used funds belonging to her for his
own uso.
' Ella Fox and her husband today secured
'an injunction restraining the sheriff train
oustlnir them from their home on a writ of
Emma Greonioe today made application for
n divorce from her husband on tbt > ground of
Itoaril iirTrniisportiitlon.
The State Board of Transportation hold its
regular monthly muotlng this nftornoon. The
reports of the grain inspection departments
at Omaha and Lincol'i wcro received and
placed on IIlo. The resignations of J. M.
Marsh , assistant warehouse register and T.
II. Keasoner , assistant weighmastcr , were
received nnd accepted. C. E. Taylor was
npnoiutod assistant wolghmaster. 15111s for
talionory and traveling expenses were
allotted. Ex-Deputy Anderson Hied a coin-
plulnt to the effect that be bad not yet re
ceived his back salary , which under agree
ment was to bo paid by InspectorBlanchnrd.
The nmttor was referred to Secretary
KoontK for investigation. The chief Inspec
tor and woighmasiter of tbe Lincoln depart of
ment , who have bocn occupying quarters
"with iho Board of Transportation , were In-
nrnctcd to secure ofllces clown town.
Odiltt nnil Knit * .
Chief of Pollco Diuges has gone to Jeffer
son City , Mo. , to procure requisition papers
for a Lincoln crook who has ueon arrostoti at.
Bt , Louis.
Hon. Church Howe Is In the city today.
Thcro Is a ease of sore throat at tno oily
Jail which may develop Into diphtheria. A
quarantine will bo welcomed by all the local
nnd traveling crooks.
Milton Hooker , tbo Norfolk man who has of
given the Lincoln police so much trouble ,
us been released.
( Miiiinliflrliilii'K Cough itonioily ,
Mr. C. F. Davis , editor of tno Bloomflold ,
la. , Farmer , says : "I can recommend Cham for
1 berlain's cough remedy to all sufferers With car
colds und croup. I have used it In my family
for the past two years anil hnvo found it the
bo1 11 over used for the purposes for which on
it h intended. " 23 und 50 cant bottles for sale his
or druggists. _
Dr. Dirnny cures cuturrh. BKK bide
A Ilattlo Over Beer.
The illsputo between Store & Her and B.
Jotter was nettled yesterday In Justice Levy's
court nnd Jotter Is the winner.
Originally ( Joltlolb Sautter secured a
, license to conduct a saloon , but Mr. Jotter ,
manager of the South Omaha Brawlnc asso
clutlon. paid for the samu. Huutlcr sold out
to David Baum , who w.'shrd to use 'Storz & the
lift- beer Instead of the Jettor brow.
.luttrr got liolu of the license aud started a
1 new saloon where his beer would be sold. eral
Thu Storz & Her hero
company uullvorod It * beer
to Bttum und he sold the same , although ho
coulu uothhow a license therefor. with
The inattnr was orasniited to the council
mill the chief of pollco was ordered to oloso ions
the place that tlld not hold u llcenso. Suit of
wus ui ought in Justice Levy's ' court and the
justice decided that the plaintiff , Sautter , had
failed to provo that he was the rightful
owner of the liccnan held by Mr. Jotter , con-
jjt-quently tlio ease wetititi the favor of the
fc'onth Oiuabu Browlug association. row.
A r > < > ! nt for I'lumUliif ; ,
UolwrtOroonor , n well known capitalist ,
Is untlerarrest fordoing his own plumbing.
MUroonor hauoiiio uoUures on Tivonly.
fourth street , between I. and J. , and think- rente
lug It would he uhoapor to buy his own plpo
t Hun employ tin soldiers to do thu same 4ho
bucama his own plumber and hired a lab
orer named WllUum ICidnukor to help him.
bourn plumbers learned of this , and hastening
to the nceiio caught Greener in the very act
of wiping u joint.
The plumbem therefore repaired to tbo police -
lice station and caused the arrest of O reciter
for \ lolu'if < tuoordlnuuco which provide *
that neb dy but plumber * shall do plumb-
In ir.
Police Judge King says that the spirit of
the plumbing ordinance is to protect tbo
piibllo from tbo unhealthy effects of bad
plumbing , and consequently any person vie
lating Its provisions must suffer tbo line in-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The IlollUtcr * Itclfiistiil.
As nobody appeared to proseouta Mr. and
MM , James Holllster , the two were released
from custody. The pair were arrested on
tbo churgo of living together as man and
wife , although the wauiau baa a husband In
Iowa. As the prosecuting witiioisllod to un
known parts , it is alleged that tbe prosecu
tion was purely malicious aud that thure
tvero no grounds for arrest.
Trouble Ovur u Uoanl Hill.
I'at draco , au ex-emploje of tbo Omaha
Ptic-iug company , went to tta oftloo of the
ostabllshmont yesterday to draw $17 duo him
for past work. There bo learned that tbo
money duo him hud been garnished ! by Mrs.
Alary Kelly , who claimed that Put owed her
a board bill , A noisy demonstration followed
this announcement and Special Ofllccr Moso
Redmond found It necessary to use a club
and loavoagash on Pat's forehead that ux-
posed tbo skull.
Pat went to the pjllco station and Ihoro
his wounds wcro dressed by n ptiyslcian , A
few hours afterwards ha again appeared at
the uollco station , but \hls tlmo under arrest.
Mrs. Kelly alleges that ho had come to her
homo and raised a great disturbance on ac
count of the gurnlshco.
Tlm Oinului .Murkrt ICucrls.
During the month of January the Omaha
stock market ccllpicd all other mar-
hot * in tbo country tn comparison
with Its tradoa.voar ago. In Chicago , Kan
sas City and Bu
LouU there wai a tuarxcd
decrease compared with the markets during
January , IS'JI. In Omaha there was a
splendid Incrcaso. The following shows the
comparative figures for tbo four cities during
the month of January for the two years :
Kansas City Januarv 18' ' ! ' . ' , decrease of
83,733 hogs , from Januarv 1891.
Omaha January IS'JJ'Incroaso ' of" 39,5'JO
hogs , over January 18'Jl.
St. Louis January 1392 , decrease of 2S'J3 , '
bogs , from January 1891.
( Jhljago January lb9J , dooroaso of 91,333
hogs , from Jauuary IS'JI.
Two Stnrldilrll light.
Thcro was a rlpplo of oxcltomont at the
Stock exchange yesterday outMdo of the
usual causes , rise and decline lu prices. This
tlmo it was a pugilistic affair. A stockman
irom tbo west named Stewart came in with
stock-and for the time in two or three
weeks ho met Captain Parkhut-st , the senior
member of a well known commission 11 nu
hero. Pnrldiurst claims that Stewart had
been vilifying him and attempting to Injure
his business.
As a result the two came together this
morning Ilka angry thunder clouds ,
and after the storm bad ceased Stewnrt
looked decidedly the worse for wear.
Ho vowed revenge , and rushing to the police
station caused Purkhurst's ' arrest.
A City Hospital.
Strong pressure is being brought on the
city council to purchase tbo Isaac Has call
hotel property west of South Otimha to uo
used as a city hospital. The structure Is of
brick , is tbrco stories high and it , with the
half a block of ground surrounding can bo
bought for $15,000. An ordlnanco has been
introduced for tbo purchase of tbo same , and
us previously announced , Councilman vVood ,
Walters and Rowley , have boon appointed a
special committee to look into tbo matter and
report to the council.
The Sisters of Moray offer to take charge
of the hospital for the city free of cost.
Cmlnhy's Pliint Will Ho Knlargcil.
Mr. Mlko Cudahy of Chicago , the loadlnir
member of the family of pacitors bearing the
same patronymic , Is in the city looking after
packinghouse Interests. The visit of Mr.
Cudnny bore has a good deal of significance.
It is learned that oztonslvo improvements
and additions are to bo rnndn to the Cudahy
plant early In the spring. This will involve
un outlay of several thousand dollars , and
will increase the facilities of certain depart
ments fully 50 per cant.
Mugln City Mlntnturcs.
Mr. John S. ICnox , trafllo manngnr for the
Cudahy establishment , has relumed from St.
On Friday evening Lily division , uniform
rank. Knighla of Pythias , will elect officers
for the ensuing year.
Mr. Claude L. Talbot , brand inspector for
Wyoming cattle , left yesterday for Choy-
onr.e. Ho will be absent about ton days.
Small la size , great m results ; DaWftt's
Little Early Kisurj. Best pill for constipa
tion , best forslolc headaoho , best for sour
Dr. Bfrnoyioso ) tvnd throat. BEE bldfj. .
Siidilun Domino nfii I'liHaciigcr on the Dodge
.Street Cable I.lno.
H. A. Schraum died suddenly of heart dis
ease shortly before ! l o'clock yeseerday morn
ing on a soutn bound Dodge stront cable car
while near the corner of Twelfth street.
Ho boarded the car at Sixteenth street and
was apparently in the Dest of health , but
just as the car reached Twelfth .street , be '
was observed to partially slide and partly
fall from his seat to thn lloor , where be lay '
motionless. Ho was picked up unconscious
and borne In to Oladish's drug atoro , but bu-
fore bo readied the sidewalk ho was dead.
Coroner Maul was notified and utter view
ing the body and taking possesion .
tbo property on the person of the dead T.
man ordered It removed to his undertaking
establishment. No ono who saw tbo remains N.
could positively Identify the unfortunate
man , although a few who thought that they
bad seen him before stated that bo was a bar
tender , and one man expressed the belief
that bo had worked In n saloon on 1'oppleton
avenue. 13.
Papers In the pockols of the deceased indi
cated that bis name wni H. A. Schraum , and
that he bad relatives in Wilbor , Neb. A can
telecratn was sent to the marshal of that
place , ana soon afterward
the coroner ro- C.
ceivt 1 a telephone message from the brother
thed man instructing him to take full
charge and hold thn body until relatives
could cot bora.
Last night two brothers of tbo dead man
came to Omaha to toke charge of the bed v.
They state that Mr. Schraum came to Omaha an
medical treatment. He had got on to the Tn
to rldo down lo his physician's olliue
when overtaken by death.
Deceased wan ouite , well-to-do. Ho lived
a farm live miles from Wilbor with
family , consisting of n wife und live chil
dren. He was also a heavy laud owner lit The
Kansas , having u section in one piece. soi
An imjuost will be held this mnrnlni ; aud
body will bo taken to Wilbor for inter
If you are bilious take Hoeclmm's Pills.
Death ol Much ICuviiimgli ,
A telegram was received yesterday by Mr , not pn
Kdwln Warner , business manager of Han-
ions' "Suporba" company , announcing tbn
sudden death from typhoid fever of Mr.
Hugh Kavanaeh , the master machinist of
"Fantusma" company.
Mr. Kavauogb had been with ono or the
other of flanlons companies for sev
years , lie is well remembered
by his coworkers behind tbo .
scenes as a man of sterling worth * lbli
a heart as largo as an ox. ana over
anxious to further tbo Interests of the Han-
by conscientious baru work. The news
bis miUden taking off was received by the
aiago force of tuo "Suporba" company with SKI'U.
genuine and deep regret as Hugh was an Im
mense favorilo with all of them. An apiro-
priato Moral tribute will DO sent by them to bu have
placed upon his collln as a tolnn ; of their ser yciim
. The Interment will take place lu
Cleveland , O. from
Dowltt's Little Earlr Knars , east pilti
ItKA TUS. burs
nf jtre line r trm wultrthU licailliy / ally
; cacluuMttloiMlltMttii ftnU. death
MAltKS Alice Miir-s-uorlto , diiuuhtor ( if "
Wllllnui und Inez Murks. Wednesday , Feb duiulo
ruary a. at 12:45 a. m. , aged 0 inuiittis and 7
dnv * . funeral will thku plnco Tliiirtiluy , and
February 4 nt I o'clock , p. tn , f rum tno rosl- Its
Uonon.Ml t'outli Twenty-sixth bti-eut.
* * WOBTH A aunraA A BOX. mu 9 ed II. *
SN. . WV.XS- * , /\/\/vrv
Science held in
MEDICAL Special lution
SCIENCE ment the
has achieved wait
great triumph la Iho
the production of
BEECHAM'S geney tion.
which nlll curt Hick As
XIruilucbo cud All will
llllluu * and Ner. tlon
vuus Uliurtlor *
ftoot Impaired IllviMUon , Con year
ilrmtlaa autl Jiliartlerca Llvei'i and
I her will quickly rwiforo womru to r uiltto orea
IiwxlUi. Of tlldrugguts , MS ccnti a box.
Ne\r Vofk Depot , j6j Canal St. H Income
J'ou can f scape just
About ono half the Ills that
flesh Is heir to , by lx > lng
ready for them. When
you feel dull , languid"out
of sorts" gencrnlly then
you may know that some
of them nro coining , Don't
let them get nny further.
i Brnco the system up
I with Dr. Pierre's Golden
Medical Discovery. That
ffcvtnts ns well ns cures :
It Invigorates the liver nnd
kidneys , purities nnd en
riches tno blood , sharpens
the nppctlte , improves di
gestion , and restorer health
nnd rigor.
For nil dlwnses caused by ft disordered liver
or impure Wood Dysjicpsia , Biliousness , the
most stubborn Skin , Scalp aud Scrofulous
affections the " " Is tlio
, Discovery only reme
dy so certain nnd cITccllvo that It can lw
pimrnm'mIt It doesn't benefit or euro ,
you hnvo your money linck.
It's not only the best , but It s.tho cnraixsl
blood-ptirfOor sold , no matter how many
doMst nro offered for a dollar.
With this , you pay only for the good
you B ° t.
The Mutual Reserve Fuiul Life Association's '
Annual Meeting.
During tlio Year IKDt nt Ncmily n Oiiurlir
of u Million Dollar * The Net IiirrciiBU
In tlu < Ki'xervo
tCmurgenry or Sur-
Itliin Kiind fur 181)1 hSU8-.MKIif.l-I.
Tbo eleventh annual nioctlnir of the Mutiinl lie-
servo Kunil I.lfo Association
was liolil In tlinA o
elation' * palatial olllcps In tlio I'otter lliillilliiK. New
York.InuusryKilli. Itwa * the laoa'nt , most on-
thu'lnsllc nml the most satisfactory raootlni ; In nil
rcspccta over hold by this organization. A repreINHf
scnlatlTO gathering of bnslnusa ruon from all parts
of America was present , among olliur.s being :
I'rcslilent 1C. II. '
" Uarpur'a outran lntothe , moit-
-11 I' . M. wns tlio signal for a general cheer.
AmonK Iho gentlemen present were not lead II. II.
( illmnnMllford , Del , ! Charles 1C. Dnrcy , Uoston ,
Mass. ! K. A. Siattory , New Vork : II. A. Nuholt.Cnr-
lylo. III. ; Dr. I.M. Cnlrtwell. Urooklyn , N. V. ; W. J.
Mc.Miirray , William Wilson , Toronto , Ont. ; U. K.
Cameron , Deputy Treasurer of Ontario ; Dr. Me-
1'iicdrmi , W. Greene , Toronto , Ont. ; II. A. Wnril ,
ex-Member of I'arllanicnt. 1'ort HoprOat. .
O. M. Mtilrlieail , barrister
, Itrantford , Out. ;
T. U. McMurer , llramanvlllo. 'Jnt. ;
Horace Theme of firm of Watson , Tliornr-
Sruoko A Masten , barristers , Toronto , Oat. ; II
B. Smallprlce , business
manager Toronto Worlil ;
Ira I'crego. Warren fiardncr , O. It. WrlKht , No -
YorklJ. W T. Amsden , Bint Sing , N. Y. : Franklin
II. Ilarpcr , Urorife W. Harper and Charles Harper ,
all of Stilt 1'onit , Mil. ; W. 0 I'aice , Ualtlmoro , Md. ;
C. 1' . Harry , Kargo. Dak. ; C. C. Ilcmlrlckson , I'eo-
rla. III. ; J. J. Hamilton. St , I'anl , Minn , ; V. W. Dea
con , Itaclne , WIs. ; Warring Kennedy , TorontoCan
ada : John .1. Ackor. Albany K. Y. ; W. U lioltler.
Scdallu , JIo. ; s. W. Wray. 1'hlladolphla , I'n.iUoorco
M. KellOKif , Hornollsrllle , N. V. ; B. D. Ludwlff ,
Krlu , I'A. ; I ) . / . Itunsetto. Montreal , Canada ; W. W.
Ilarpcr , Krlo , I'll. ; David Mnrrny , U. H. Accident
Association ; U. H. lioblnson , Omalia , Neb. ;
J. V . Scott. Philadelphia , I'a. ; lion. W , C.
Jones , St. UmlB. Mo. ; T. P. Italdvrln , Daltl
more ; C. 1C. I.ohrbiirtf.ljwonsboro , Ky. : Ren. Isaac II.
Shields. I'hlludclplila , I'a. ; Kdirard M. U Killers ,
.Veir York ; II. Word , I'ort Hope , Onf ; Win. linear ,
Montulalr , M. .1. ; J. It. Spaululnir , Now York ; ( } . W.
Skolleu. Now York ; Kdwln l > . Weed , Brooklyn. N.
r.i ; K. M. Casllllon. Noir York ; K. It. Taylor , .Vow
York ; Uliarles A. Ford. Now York ; K. li. Vorrt , I'lill-
idelphla , I'a. ; A. Krohiuan , N'uwYorkR ; N. Nnw-
on , NlclioUon , ! ' . ; John Mcljiy , Toronto , Ont. ;
Hiiiih ICofltu , New York ; A. II Dennis ton. Wood ,
e , U I. ; John M.illlmn , Yonkers , N. Y. ; W. A.
lazardNeiv York ; K. W. Day , Now York ; lion. T.
. l.atluim , Memphis , Tenil. ; f. . Y.Manlng , Uoaton ,
lass. ; Win. A. llunnewell. Uoston. Masi ) . ; Col.
James Clark. Urooklyn ; Hon. Jnmcs T. Walker. .1.
W. Itoun , W. II. WlllUnm , .Voir York : Dr. fi. E.
I'rice , IJ. 8. Army , Kort Wadnworth : Coo. Schmidt ,
Now York ; A. .1. C'ntnmhiKs , whulesnlo clothing , HI
I'anl , Minn. ; Mr. Joiicn , U. S. Accident Annooln.
tlon ; A. U. Wall. Cosbcn , N. Y. ; II. 1C. Wilson.
Homer Pcnnock anil C. U. Hcntlcy , New York ;
Clinton Chamberlain , Urooklyn , N.Y. ; W. D Uor.
ton , Cieo , A. Ayrns , .1. M. Toirniend and \ , . D ,
.Mowry , New York ; llart M. Drown. Sfiilon Inland ;
. ! ' . Ilaldwln , Now York ; C , K. Illtchcook. Ilrool- !
lyn ; B. V. I.ei-ds. Now York : J. H. ( iallaghor. Trdy ,
. Y. ; W. C. Wnllaco. Now York ; U. 0. I'ottur. ttevr
York ; O.I' . Miller , KiiKlowood. N. J. ; tha Her.
James Hiigiilns , Urooklyn , N. Y ; J. 'i' . I' tlor on , In
Haifa * ! , Ireland ; .I. I' , ticott. RastOn , 1'n. : ( X II.
SmllhnnJ LoiilsSmlth , both of Urooklyn. and tlm '
followlnK named , all of Nnw York : t' . W. Ilaldwln
. Zaurlaklr , Thoma Lltts , Krnnk Mnoro , .lohii
IIaiiorty ) , .1. M , Crapion , A. O. I'erry , W. A. Hiitfmi ,
Frederick Mocllor , IJ. K. IIiniOM , Uiincnn K.
, Kr d A. Ixj.ivllt. A. Mnoaln Colyor. I-'rod H. l >
Cooper , ( Jeoreo I' . Clark. W. II. Baldwin , Charles
Holnnd , Ciroryo It. McChotinny.
Thn I'ilevrntli Aiiiuml Kuport of I'r
I''iltvnril II.
Iliiriiiir for tlio Yriu *
DIMUl , IH'.ll.
The first renl bimlni'ss of the mcetlni ; was the
roadint ; by rri-nldunl lliirimr of his annual addrova ,
followa :
Hie ( ifflcns , Dticctinn , tnul Mcmltcis nf the
UK.Nri.KMKN : The work of another year Is com- . , .
plcle , nml wn pnlor upon the aei-ond yearoftho .7 r !
euroml lec.ido of our history under orcn morn , 'JO
faromblo nunplcoa than hat ercr before oxlsied. .15
L'vur.constniit , iiRtorcoasIni 10
; march of this ns
latlon from suri'css to success , from victory to 45
victory , astonishes erun Its most entlinslastln SO ,
frlondn , while Its Am-nilrn beheld Its triumphs with
nmazi'inont and serni paralyicil with Its tiroKresa ,
The iintumlproiiilnm aystom of life Insurance a . .
cxmnpllllril by thin sssuclntlon , of which UN the
HUllKir. nrl lnator , and practical oxpqnout for the ,
t ulovnn ycHrt lift'n tented ni by lira , and It has
been found wanting ; In any particular.
Wo havn Increased our xroia n ti durlnic the
yuarlftil from M.S.MI.KK.UI to fl.W-M-'ir.t , bcliiKan twel
Inrroaiefoi the ) ar within a fraction of half
IIKSKIIVI : MiFiui.N'cv : on stTiipr.ns nm > .
Our IU.iinrniun.TBOnry ) orSnrpln Kanrt hoi been
Incrcanoil iliirlnir Iho ynnr IK91 from | i,7R,331.BO to
M.Ii5'W.H ! , a iintliirrra.Hn fur Ilio year of t332tnJ.l. ) thro sure
nniounl will bii xllll further Incrcaited
by the cent
apportionment of the liocimiber Ill-monthly Call ,
which l nol lucludud In this report. no
Our Interest rerclptii for the year have been tiSI , thu
' . An till * amuiint hat bmni reallied from In of
vestments nmdn upiin tlin orcr
payments of Iho busl
mcinlinrs and Ul'KHly contributed hy those who $ H7
been momberj of the Aasi > clatlon formally
, U will he olisorvo , ! thut to thin extent the
Association hns rnculved liifreasnd sura
payments while
ItH older inornbcra wllhont IncroatliiK but
ratcn above llm ua of entry , Thl lain
amount adiled to thu Inrreaiod receipts from the
monthly Moituary CalU realize J from nev mem. In a
, amounting to miiru than fl3i.lW3 , ha > mutorl- thu
* l > tad In thn paynmnt of the citntordluary
claims einuud Ihrunvh thooxcenlve
experienced l > y Iho Astojlntlon by reason of
"LalJrlppe , " which has almost atMiiued nnepl-
form In very miny nectlous of our country , us
has thus enabled tli Afioelntlun to maintain com
rnluniiM heretofore at the ago of
cutry and yet thus
promptly I'nrlnu ' Its death claims In full usually
before thu same nuredue. expt
SI'KCIAI , KMKHOh.NCr rtf.VII , Jura
provided by tha resolution of ( ieuural Isaac MMr
Shlelda . of 1'hlladt'lplila and unanimously adopt com
at the annual meeting held Januarys ) . 13-W , the York
Kmeriiency Fund hai bojn Increased with Islenca
the year from I J.IXM to f lOJ..U ) , which amount Is
In ( Ix of the strongest and lea Unit banking uf tallly
corporations of our country. The object of this
Kmcrnency I'und , as provided In nald reso
, Is lo eaaUla the Aixiclatloa to aiitlclpme
| iayiuent'uf lt death claims after an uuej - the
has l > eeu made without belna compelled to twelve
fi > r the paymant of such Mortuary Calls by nished
member * , and the practical experience uf ( he tuary
Association In connection with the Cpeclal llmcr- that
rund ha fully dcnionitrated the wisdom Connul
displayed lu thn adoption of the aforesaid resolu and
INVKrtrr.ll AMHLT&
will be shown by a detailed statement , which ceed
lie pretexted lo each member uf the A ocla- tha
, tlU4UM have been Invested during the past clothed
In baud and mortgage , Uolutf utlr t lien upon at
Improved properly In the city of New York , In- thu
luK the amount of such loans held by thu order-
Association to li.td7lU > , aud producing an Interest various
lo the Association of more than IIUJ.UJQ n the
. Au exatulnatlwu of tlta UetalloJ slatmuuut uieuts
will how tbodite when - ch loan was made , the
record book In which It Is'rMrdoJ by the city ottl-
clnK the amount of tho'pnndpal unpaid , the rate
of Interest , the valnoqf tliQj land uiortKaKcd , the
YUO | of the liuilillnio. till- amount of Inturnic.t
held hy the Comnany n tlWbulldln for tlio pro
tection of tha loan , ami Uuibtict location of the
property In each Inttanra s nlvcn , 10 that otery
mpmbjrof the Association m y personally exam-
Inp , urrnine to he etiinlnbVf'oTJry plp-e.ot prop
erty upon which t'ap nunrjjif the Anioclillun Is
loanoil , and thereby will , ana'ileJ lo JinUo for
hlm. etf a to the necurlty and care exercised hy
thpottlc-ets of the AssocHtltVn In iiiaklnu said In-
vestments. n
It Is n fact worthy of the Mutual lie-
servo I'niiil I.lfo Ansorlittluhla Ihc t ontr Ufa Insnr
anco coniptny furnishing simitar Information to
n < <
Special attention li called to Iho fact that rotor-
Ing the ( Mitlrc period of the history of tlio Associa
tion not a dollar has ever bean lost of either the
principal or Interest upon any loan over made by
the Association. Neither Itavo any loss ; hy rev
on of said loans nvor been charKCd on to profit and
lost account A similar statement I doubt cannot
he made by any other life Insurance oriranltiitlon In
the world ,
The cash Income during W ( from alt sources was
MTO , lai.4l , while for thu year IHrt ) It was t-l.l8il.SI9.-
8i > , ninklnK n net Increase for the year of $ .1I5 , 7T.S.V
Wo hate dUlinricil for death claims daring the
, iimklnifour total death claim
payments to Decembers ! last over fll.UtW.OOJ. or n
yearly nvcranof more than H.OOO.OUO since the rtato
of our organisation , and wo had la our Hc5crvo
Kmprgency Knnd nt the close of the year W.OUJ for
each 11.000 of outstanding death claims In process
of approval and adjustment.
SEW lIU'lNm.
During the year IKH we received new application *
for niomturtihlp lo the amount of t.VJ.OI'.ill.V ' of
which there has been accosted and written $ IISIV
UHi. Amount rejected , returned unapprovcd. or held
In suspense , fA.TtW/.VJ. This vast amount of busi
ness han been obtained without any special effort
on thctmrt of the management , nnd wo have not
the sllvliteat doubt but that the > car IS'.i. lll pro-
ducu equally as satisfactory results.
nt'MNKts l.v I'oitCK.
The Insurance In force on Di-cemborSI , I89I , was
f''lVWT.IIO ' , while on December 31 , ISO , It was
11 l > r,011,1.13 , a net gain for the year of I8ZJIIT5.
The net gain for IW9 over IBS' ) was tlS.ill.VS.l.'i ; for
liMi uver IsdS the not gala wan IIJ.IM.H.V ) , which
shows a most gatlafaclory Increase In amount uf
Insurance In force from year to year.
I'ltO(1llE ! < S Or THE ASSOCIATION' .
IIIsuranco Oiisli mill III-
Yoar. ' ] In Form. vo.stccl Assets.
IHHI 7,0.1.'lOUn 8 O.O'il 8't
ro,44i 53
' " " !
IH8-I . ! ! " . . ! ! . . 8r45s'ooo ! 350,775 or.
INHf 030.870 4t
imo.iJio n ;
I8H7 150,354,100 1,173,300 41
107,003,435 3,030,17800
Honor\ or Iritll
Yoar. KmerRoncy I'linil. Claims 1'nlil.
: _ „ .
1883 8 11,000 OS S 34,3(50 ( OO
I88II II 5,703 OO 335,075 OO
1884 471,441) OS 81.1,575 OO
1885 4 ! ! > , : l3 : ! 111 1,054,350 OO
1880 850,380 40 3,803,31)0 ) OO
1887 1,305.01)1 37 4I83O7l , 33
1888 I,7)0.07'8 ! 11) 5,701,40.1 45
I88II 3,304.5470 . ' 15 7,000,43474
181)0 S,773 , * 5 8O 0,740,03 ! ! 70
1801 3,155ijUC ) 04 13,037Oil 50
The comparison of the results of thcllrnt cloven
years ouuldu and beyond tlio three great Ufa Insur
ance companies In Anicrlcatho Kifiiltablo , Mutual
and New York Ufa wltlLtuat if other Ufa Insur-
once companion Is preposterous , and even with
these three It Is worthy olnota that thoamou nt of
business lu force upon ,1119 , books of the Mutual
the eleventh year exceed * Jhe total business for
the sauiaperiod of time o'ftticsa three treat Llfo
lasurance Companies combined.
As a further evidence of the earn displayed In the
nduitstilon of members , the economy uxcrclsed in
tlio.idmlnlslratlou of its baflness , and tbasccurlty
offeiod lor the protectloifiTf Its contracts , the fol-
lowing ratios , compiled.from the nwurii roportn to
the Insurance UopartmenU will prove most con- ,
vlnclnt' argiiiiionU upon these Important points In *
the administration at Hie SlTuirs of this association , '
and ospcclally.HO when the attention Us called to *
the fact that these compnrlslons urn madu with the
throe strongest nnd largest old ayatem coiupanlca P
In thu world. '
MortalKxpcnses Hallo of
Ity to to Kach Net Assets
Kadi 11.00 } In to Kach
Organizations. Year. Force , force. liability.
Mutual Reserve..IB1U. 1085 t4 19 tiU 43
Uqultabla 1893 It It 10 1 ! ) 12. ! 12
Mutual ln' 1345 11.10 10723
New York I.lfo.\Ki \ 1110 II 71 1252-1
Mutual Itcserve. . . 1891 1114 4 1C SJ7 71
. The gross liabilities. Including dividend , n priorl'u'
tliinment outetaudlng , and death cliilma approved '
and unupproved , and also Including aa liability
f.W,072 , being Ihu net present value of all iiollclon ! (
forcn Dcr. 31 , 18 < ) l. which liability Is voluntarily
assumed by fbn association and not required by the
] " uranco Department , ourtotul liabilities are but
With tlm payment of tlill mortu.irvoall Issued on
Fob. J last a iinmbur of our mombiira completed a v
period ' ' of ten years' lnmranca | with us.
The following tabla wilt show how nruall a sum
ttm . , Mutual rextrvo rollcctcd during that time for a
policy $ iH ( nt the given net's ai compared with the
rates charged under the old system.
Our llunres include 51 taurtuary call * and ten
year ' annual duus :
I'orcontnge of
cost under old '
system n o ur
Cost In Coat pared toaamn To
Mutual 'under old In Mutual lie-
.K8' Iteaervo. 0ynteui. servo.
. tin ; 75 $ wivj 21.1
. 48983 ' 1.11500 2 8
. 51025 liin ! 00 214
. . . ( XII CU l.OfuOO 2..D
. C7l : 75 I.CJ8 0 Kt
. -80IH ) 2'JVIOO 291
S3./ . 1.2)554 ) 2'JI550 212
1.1,7118 3.831 50
Making n total aavlnutn our niombarn by reduc
tion ! , of premiums of more than thirty millions of
I.AI'SI.\O ,
The number and mode of termination
ofKum membership In thu Mutual Itoscrvo
Fund I.lfo
Association for the past
twelve months harmonizes with tlio eiporl-
encoof the various old
system llfu limtirauro com
panies of America , showing that the law uf terminations that
allot br death Is Bcnrcoly more rigid or certain tion
the law of with
terminations from other causes.
There always will bo a certain pnrcentaKii of llm In
sured who nlll fnll to continue thulr Insurance this
through Iho tlrst year. Therenlll bu another per , nr
to whom the object of Ufa Insiiraucu will the
longer I ozl t , nnd another percentage who bo- ruml
mo unable to maku payment of thwlr prumlums the . . . . .
they desired. 'Hits Is II nstratml by the fact that .
thuoldsy > temcoiii | > anlu fism | In IHK ) flUO.TU.tni new
Insurance , yet their hluto ,
Increase In the volume of , , , .
business In force at t/ilf.nd / of the year was but these
, ' . > . " < , ! X"J , nhnwlni a "lUKyppoarauco from their
bool of nn amouut oiiia | ( Id moro than half thu In
uranco written for the Vrar , or nearly fVM O.Xi.Uli ) , flli
tholr dpath claim * ' fOr tha sa uiu period wi-rc
a i fraction greater thnatlU per cent of their ter-
urinations , and the butlngy of thu nmnofona'nl uf as
alamollle Insurance couipany li larxvlyuccupli'd Bervi
supplying freshly examined applicants lo tuku lion
place | i'f those of thUjO der members who shall Ku
terminated their njoinberihlp for the various year
causes than by di-alli' lint It should bo stated limn
such termination * irre'not un iininUvd ovll.for IliEt
the u older members fUts burs
off Iho hook uf the , . , ,
company the nuwmombubilfreiilily from the hands 42J .
the I inedlcul examl | < take their places ies
] { rj | , and ,
a constant change ta.uicurrliig.whlcb no doubt , , ) cu
explains the fact that tMlA'lortullty ' of n life lu- nrn :
(170.71 ( ,
iiirancu cumpany forty , , fr | IIIty years uf age Is
scarcely greater thaiijjbe mortality uf the name
company In the irnlh'ur ally
llfteunlli year of Its or-
Istcaco. Kor Imtance , Wu1' mortality of Ihu Nuw the
life la Us sereath aaU ti'nth year of It * ox- peu
was M percent greater than wusthoiuur. year
of the iamucorupaay In thufurly-elghth year
Its existence. they
Outside and beyond tbeslxeAanilnutloiii made by Th3
Auditor * uf the u toclnui : ( during thu pu t three
months , thu result thereof having beeu fur tioned
to the members wllh their bimonthly Mor
Calls. I urn pleased lu bolnz uble to report year
early lu thu tummer of IH'Jl lion. A. Caro/ , but
lon r of Inmrauco of IhgStitd of Dakota , Mutual
lion , \VllllumU. Mnydcn , cuary of that de lo
partiuent , tppi-ared at Ihuotllcj aftUo Aatoclallon until
undiiotltltd the I'retldentof tholr liiU'itllou to pie wcnty
ltli nn oUH'UI exauiliHtlun uf the attalr * uf
Mutuut Ilunmo rund Life Atwclatluu. Uclug these
with the authority uf law Iho books weru
once plncjd 04 tlulr dlspoial , un-l the heads of close
various department * were made subject lo their Not
orderAfter a thorough Invaillintluu of till the hium
department * of the Asiucfttlun , Includlut ready
Death Halm , Investment , and j.vdlcal Dopait ture
, uud upua thu coiuplotlou uf their rur lues we
hnnilrd lo Hip President and iifllcers of the Ansocl-
ntlon a report of thu results of their rinding * .
The Commissioners' report concludes ns follows ,
and In these words are embodied the views of both
oniccrs ;
As whole I wish to Mate that Iho business of
your association has been conducted upon strict
tmMnpM principles , with nttrrmo liberality and
promptness In paying every honest death claim ,
and simply quote f rum the report of my actuary ,
which report I most heartily cncMr c , "that the ac-
fountain thonsnutliitltin are so wpll arranged and
lt system ofchocklng from one dcpaltmi'iit lo an
delected. other o " thorough that any errors can vastly bo
I am tu well satisfied with tlio honesty and abil
ity of the management and cu'vllent financial con
dition of th < < association that I Mtall bo pleased lo
recommend the Mutual Hi-serve KundI.II As iiclii
tlon to tbt > clttrcns of North Dakota. Itpnpi'ctfully
JOIIM , ( Signed ) A. UCAIIHY ,
Comrnlfsloner of Insurance.
I'niuiliilriit lloittli OlnliiM ,
Thai there etlMs an organl d band of consplra-
tors whoso object It Is , through fraudulent emnbl
nations | , tn rob the treasuries of the various life
Insurance companies by the palming oil of sick , dis
eased and dylnittuen upon such organlnntluns by
substitution and other fraudulent means will not
admit of a lloubl. Tlio management of a Ufa Insur
ance company that falls to pay Its honest death
claims should bo branded peforo the world as
fraudulent , unworthy of respect of honest men ,
n ml | | It Is equally true that the management of n
life Inturnnco I company that will permit aganguf
Insurance swindlers and conspirators tn rob its
treasury of the money contributed by Us mem
bpr1 | 11. equally unworthy of Ihn respect or confi
dene uf the public.
It has [ boon our privilege during the past twelve
months to e\po < onnd bring to light some of these
fraudulent attempts to rob the treasury of our
[ I'roslilciit Harper has mcutlonel seine of the
fraudulent claims whnso promoters had been frus
trated by his association. He also animadverted tu
n libel suit that had been successfully prosecuted
by the association. I lo referred to the fair treat
ment accorded the Association by the Insurance
Commissioner * of other states , and ho reported
srtlsfactory progress regarding the new building
that tno association Is tu erect for Its new homo
olllcc nt thocurncrot Hroadttay and Duani ? street.
Ha then tuok up the controversy that imsntwiiys
existed between what U known , on ono side , us n
block or Semi-Mutual Life
Insurance Company and ,
on the otller shin , n I'urely Mutual Company , such
as Is the Mutual Itcsorvo Fund Life Association.
llu pointed out the advantages , us the members
understood , of the Purely. Mutual Company , and
suggested that If the Soml-Mutunl Companies per
sisted In tholr unjust and unpopular crusade It
would ba but right la tluht them with retaliatory
legislation , which public sentiment would readily
endorse. ]
Mr Ilarpcr concluded :
The foundation principles of the system pro *
sented by the Mutual Hesorvo I'und Life Associa
tion continue the same today us In the past , which
are to collect from the members the actual sum re
quired fur the pnjment of Its current death claims
and legitimate expenses , the same equitably appor
tioned among the members according to the age of
the niemncr and the amount of Insurance hold by
The < Kcservo or Kmergency Fund Is admitted to boon
an excess over the current cost , and therefore It Is
held , rlrst , for the payment of excessive death
claln . Its object being tu prevent oxccsslvo pay
ments ) from the meruhirn in any year ; second , If not
so required to be returned to the members by credit
on their future premiums , or In cash at stated peri
ods. as their contracts provide.
On October 10 , 1891 , a requisition was made upon
our entlro agency force requesting special efforts
for the next ninety days. I am pleased to report
that the following gentlemen have won distinction ,
and hnvo by their earnest efforts secured n warm
place In our hearts , aud are entitled to the highest
commendation from our olllcern and directors.
While all of our agents have done most uobly In
responding to this call , the following are entitled
to special mention :
K.I C. KAMKt ) , Kansas City , Mo.
r. F. JONICS. Kansas City , Mo ,
It. r W. ( illAFF , San Francisco , CaL
K. [ , I1. UAItllY , St. ran ! , Minn.
F. W. DKACON , Itaclne , WIs.
U. WITHKIISI'OON. Memphis , Ten * .
A. ; U. McNICIIOL , Winnipeg. Man.
C. II. WOLFHON. Haton House , La.
W. J. MUHUY. Canada.
W. II I'AULISON , Canada.
And It Is worthy uf special note that the first two
names , F. C. Kami's and I * . F. Jones , secured for the
Association within the aforesaid ninety days no
less J a sum than $1,100,000 lion- Insurance , all written
by , tholr own hands and through their Individual
solicitation. , Others hnvo secured very largo
'amounts , and one arid all of our agency force arc
entitled ' . to special commendation for the efforts
and cnUiiislasm manifested by them In the Interest
Of our Association , and thu Uoird of Directors
llllTC voted to each of the gentlemen named a
special testimonial as an otproulon of tbclr re
In conclusion , I will state that your executive
officers enter upon the year 1833 with absolute'con
fidence for the future. Our Association was never
In HTo bettor condition than today.
Tomy olllclal assuclulCH , to our many loyal and
faithful agenU In the field , aa well aa to the more
than one hundred employes in ourottlco , I desire to
acknowledge my special obllgalloiiH for the help ,
aid. and i assistance which thpy have rendered In
their ' ' respective departmrnta , nnd to the many
thousands ' of mcmbcia located throughout our
country , Canada , Cront llrltnln , Krance , Hc.'glnm ' ,
Iprmiiny ' , and Sweden , who have given us their
loyal support In the great conflict which has been .
waged against 119 , I extend my sincere thanks and
request ' continuance of their confidence and sup
P0rt Hcsiicctfnlly Hubmlttcd ,
I'rcnlJi'nt . Mutual llcserve Fund Llfo Association.
Nrw Yoltic , Jan. , 16W.
Wliut the Itcporl at lli'iiry ,1. Itrliitnniiil ,
Seconil Vice ITuolilent. .Slumi-il.
Next In order came the report of the Second Vice f
President , Henry J.
. . llelmimiul , which was heard
with close attention and manifest pleasure. It
meilt.i reproduction I nils entliety hero :
HifPicflileitt , nticctnin , und Members of the
MulH'il llattiec Wind Liff Amnetnttun :
GBXTI.MIUV Tim report of our esteemed [ 'resi In
dent , which jou , like myoell , himi doubtless been
gratllled and proud to hear , uud which Is so highly
satisfactory and so comprehensive in detail that I
will encroach upon your time enl > tu point out u
fo\v facts which Indicate the steady progress and
stability of this great Association , and which consequently -
sequently siibstantUilus thn
permanence and sue-
cess of the Natural 1'romluiu Hy lem of Life In-
The success of any undertiiklht ; h measured by
lUuchlevciniMitB and by the comparlHoii of Its re-
suits with theta of similar onterprlnes : and when
these remilt * ecllpio thono nlrciidy ii-onotiuced
auccessful wo am compelled to acknowledge that
prosperity of thu undertaking Is established ,
Therefore , In order tu Impress you with the fact
the Mutual Hoiorvo Is u iiiicccasful Institu
, I will contrast the history of Its eleventh year wo
that of the eleventh year of the New York
Htato Llfo Insurance Companies. Kllnilimlliitf from
comparison" , for the time being , the three
largest | IfVi'l premium companies , Iho Kijtiltublu , thu
Mutual and Now York Life , thus combining tha of
remaining eight Stittii Companies , wo Unit , as per
. State Insiirancn reportt , thut thu Mutual lie-
serve during the past year wrotn over H,0X ( > , ooOor
" Insurance moruthiin all the other Now York not
, Lift ) rompanles , thu tulul new hudness of you
. .
Companion for the eleventh year oft heir ex-
Utonco being IIII8J,7I2 , whun'ai the new buslnogs cnto
written by this Association last year amounted lo If
UI8.1it : .
Again , nt the onil nf the eleventh year tlti'su companies the
pauli jiml but IIJMU.Vill of liiiuraure In furcu , fa
against ( JI5.207.910 shown by thu Mutual Ho- 1:1111
nurvo'ii ntnlemeitt , as oxcean In favor of this Aaau-
of IlO,74i49. ( ! ) | Nine
Furthermore , the Mutual He-serve during the n
1691 disbursed In Death Clalmn over IWJ.OOO
than did all these Coiupaiiliii combined durr
the corresponding year of each , the suld dli-
bursciqents . by thcsu'oinpanleri amounting to 11,4)1-
s | , while thin Association paid to the beneficiar ing
of Its diseased members U..MJ.IO ) bO , and still Uj us
Income wan less than three-tiflhs of tlio combined
income . , of these Companies , thn latter bein "The
' , agalnstour Inbomu uf f.l,7ilUO.II. ) year
Notwithstanding the additional expound natur >
resulting from the excess of naw business , and
greater amount of Insurance at rl k , the ox'- ovvr
o ot management of ( till Association for the the
I 'JI were nearly U8I.UOO leu * than the combined
expense * of these IAJVU ) 1'roruluni organltalions ,
being IIII1.3JI.3J : or H.7J to cuuh JlflW of In- March
Burunru In force , while our pxpenei were but 1939- April
> i or f l.ia to eucb II.UXI In force Deo. 31 last. May
Th3lgurc * for the eleventh year of two of the Juno
largest uf Hie IMIVI'remluai \ companies men July
are not given , a * the Now York Insurance
Department hud not been established until toveral
* after they completed the year In question ,
In order tu show that tha * ucoeis hlch the
Heservc Itu * already attained li'paramuunt
that of those companies , wo llnd that It s not
the IniMity-fiiurtli year uf tha Kqullzbla , the
eighth year uf the Mutual Life , and thu oran
forty-third year uf the New York Life that each uf of
companies could * | IOK u > large un amount of
Insurance In force u * the Mutual Uesurrohnd at the thu
of Its eleventh > eur- leal
alone. In tulscouulry has Iho Mutual lleserve of
uu unparalleled * ucce > s , but the result * al
achieved lu foreUn Held * Indicate greater fu Ills
proipcrlly.uud III * with parduniblvprldathat and
point to tuu follonlujf evidence ! of our steady
* and substantial growth In other countries.
Our records show that wo had In Canada , at the
beginning of the your Ifc'l ' , Insurance. In force
amounting to I3..81 > .W , tml at Ihn close of the
year this amount reached 114.015'WJ , the mortality
on which was but t'.IJ tn each II.OU ) uf Insurance In
foreealst December last. Again wo had In force
In llreat Hrltalnnt the beginning o ( the year , III , .
MMO , and In France. Sweden niuluthor Foreign
Countries , ll,1Ui,7iU , which amounts were Increased
so that at the close of the year they reached 111-
iW.itWdmlKJrJ.MJ respectively , the-mortality for
thiear ! lu each fl,0\M of this buslnesi In force at
the end of tlio year 18JI wai respectively but 139. !
and . ) .
We begin the year ISM wlthgruis assets of II ,
aiil.VOi.O'.i. . and after deducting all actual and Imngl
nary liabilities therefrom. Including the volunla-
ally assiimpd ' valuation fur flTO.on policies In force
Hint' Dercmber last , there remains n not cash ami
Invested surplus of t3VUVJ.W , and during the past
year wo have added nearly f 110,000 tu our lleserve
or Emergency : Fund , maklnt this I'niid f.5S ) ! , > MVI
Ilojolcltig In the fact that every department of
our nu.inliMlon i Is free from oven the taint of ilia-
honeily ur fcandal , and Hint our many Bold work
ers and onico cmpluyeos are loyal , Industrious and
energetic , I can only add what bettor evidence of
the successful , economical and eoustleiitlous ; ad
ministration ' ' ufyuur KxeciitlVu
Oniccrs need be presented -
sented or desired ? Itespectfitlly submitted ,
.Second Vlcu-rresldont ,
Now York , January 27,1892.
TltKASUKlill'.S IlKl'OUT.
' .lohtiV. . Vi-ooiiian's Itcriiril of thn Year In
Treasurer Yrooman preceded his report with a
nllty and graceful speech which was enthusiasti
cally appl.tndpd , It did nut not take him lung to
n-ad hi * report , but It * Interest was In Inverse ratio
to Its length. Ills record uf nuccess In figures fol
lows :
( Mortuary and Itoscrvo rund Accounts )
llnlaiice. Doc. .11 , ISM fi,7Mnti 71
Not Itecclptn from Mortuary
Call ] , Jan. I to Dec. Ml , In-
cluslvo f
Inlrrost credited to Death
Fund , Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. In
clusive m.Vifi 61
Unused Special Deposits i.1,777 It )
Total Hecclpts 2TOrSti7 00
15.50J.713 71
Death claims paid as per dctillod list
herewith . fJ.miW 80
Ilnlanco December 31 , 1331 . $3,2I2/.J3 91
Accuiintcit fur as follows :
llonds and Mortgages ( tlrst liens un Iteal
Kstale ) . fi.5S7lWOO
Hunds Dominion of Cnuadii 5 ( or cents. . f > 2)23 : ) S7
llonds Province of Quebec 5 per cents. . . fO.OJ . ! ) 00
Heglsterod French Itentes 3 per cents. . . 30,18.1 77
llonds Credit Fonder , I'nrls , I'rniice , : i
percenls . 1 9,979 83
Hands City of St. I/ouls , 3lVIOOpcrcents. 1,000 00
Kngllsh Consols ty ( per cents . 7,500 00
Cash on Deposit with Chemical National
Hunk , New York . 100,00000
Cash un Deposit with First National
Hank , New
Yoik . 100.0W 00
Cash on Deposit with Fourth National
Hank.NowYork . l.U.StO 00
Cash on Deposit with Central Trust Cum-
pany.NewYork . 1W..1J9 09
Cash on Deposit with National 1'nrk <
Unuk , Now York
. 45,055 10
Cash on Deposit with Ciudlt Fonder ,
1'arls France
. 41,20123
Cash on Dopuslt with .Stockholm *
Knskllda Hank , Stockholm . 80,891 40
Cash on Deposit with Merchants'
K\ >
change National Hank , New York . 25,001) ) 00
Cash on Deposit with Chatham National
. 53000 OJ
Cash 011 Deposit Hlth Mercantile Nation
al Dank , New York
20,000 00
Cash on Deposit with National Provin
cial Hank. London , Kng . 17,81000
Caah on Deposit with Fourth National
Ilauk ( Mortuary Account ) . U.B59 00
Cash on Deposit with Third National
Hank , Hostou
, Mass
Cash on Deposit with First National
Hank , Milwaukee. WIs
. 3,523 IS
Catdi on Deposit with National Hank ,
Lawrence County , New Castle , Pa . 500 00
Cash In Ollice ( Mortuary Account ) . C98 6S
Ituspcctfully submitted.
( Signed ) JOHN W. Vimo.MAX.
NEW YOIIIC. Jan , 17,189. ! . Treasurer.
, .
, The ' "ccretiry'a report Bhowcd that Iho net sur
plus nbovo all liabilities was RCS.49Z2i ! !
. , , . ! ; bimlnoss
written during 18UI. H.C7I policies , iimonnted to
JHilS,9ia : ; In force Doc. 31 , 18.11 , 81,070 policies ,
amounting to f.'l3-'l > 7,9IO ,
Medical Director-I. W. Oowdon here
his report , replete with pregnant facts The presented amount
of presented for
und action by the
Mcdlc-ilDlreetornnd !
- his associates wakJr > 0OP.Ililf..aiiI
of thin amount after caruf nl examination and velum
Inou correspondence there was uccoptod m.'H8.0fi. ' > .
Th rejections wcro 1,182 , roproientlng 10.8ir,3fi : ( )
in till * class all the Ills that flash In heir to are repre
sented ; 143 of this number were rejected or rated so
lowed by thu Kvamlnern that
they coylrt not bo ocept-
ed , anil the roinnlnliiL" 710 were rejected by
.Medical Director or the Hvamlncrs at the Homo
olllci In no cane has thl.s action bouu taken hastily
or until after a due consideration of each caae on
Its merits.
In the report of Counsellor Frederick
A. Hum-
liamhosald' Ono ol the most Important matters
entrusted lo mo during the past year has been the
examination of a proposed revision or codification
the statuten of this .State In relnllrn to life In
surance , und the preparation , In conjunction with
the representatives n"nd counsel of other associa
tions , of n pioposed hill more thoroughly recognlz.
Ing and firmly establishing the principles of our sys
tem of Insurance tban any other act ever buluro
pasted by thu Legislature of thlsor any otherstatu
This bill paused unc branch of the I.cgl laturo of
this State , and lint lor an unfortunate deadlock In
the other br.inch It would era this have been a law.
n recent liitervleivwitli a member of the Commission
slun I was assured that the bill would bo relntio-
duct - and Ooubtluns passed at the present session.
iiun.T ON A uocic.
Anil tlio Waves ul Hiivloiix ( Mllrlxm Uiin-
nut Alli'ct It.
The report of .Mr..1.1) . Wells , third Vlco Trent-
dent , was now heard , nnd Its sound , trenchant du-
duellons appreciated heartily. The folio wing U a
verbatim report uf It.
Tuthe l'inlilfntllrectiii , awl Jftmlifiof the
Miittwl Itesote Fuml [ , ( fc
( ]'u.v-In ; presenting to you the Klovcnth
Annual Deport uf the Agency Department of this
AtsOclutlon I take pleasure In reminding you thut
have safely passed over hat our adversaries
were pleased tu call the Crucial Yanrof our exist
ence. Kvery uno of ymi who has taken partor
been Interested In tlm animated controversies of
last ten or cloven year * concerning Ihentlalrs
thl * Association will
remember that
upon one
point nil our enemies and rival * were agreed ;
namely , thntnn Insurance organlratlon conducted
upon tlio principles of the Mutual Itcscrva could
possibly last , moid than ten years , and iiiuny of
will rcmeihbcr that
shortly after nu com-
menrrd business In Kngl.ind a distinguished advu-
of llui uld high- premium system declared that
the Mutual lleservo outlived Its tenth year ho
would not only eoasti to oppose It , but would admit
HOiiiidiu'ss of Its pulley aud principles , That
tu I ji'ar him nut only been safely passed , but ono
o. und the Association , with un Increase of new
biirlnuts applied for In Its eleventh jear of uver
and One-quarter Millions , with nil claims paid
full , with additional endorsements by Stale Su
perintendents and 'other experts , with a Jtcscrvu
Fund of uver Three Millions uf Dollar * , with the
hearty support of almost
every Independent nnws- Tito
pnper.nnU ullh life , energy and enthusiasm unlmst
all Its departments , sfinds luday upon ground
nollJ and firm ns that of any other Insurance
Company In the wurld.
New Muslims * applied for durlug the past
amounts to & 9,019til5 , an Inrre.uo over the
previous year's New Huslnessof tUMIl9l. '
This New Itiulaois nmuuntlng , as I huvu snld , to
fM.OJO.tCJO , was received nt the Head Office of
Association ns fottuws :
January . . . . . . . . . . . . „ , . f Slu5.iV5
. J.851.0HO
. , . , . , . 4V , i40
. , , , . , , , , . ; .50IWJ
. , . , . , . il,7&GII ; )
Auguit . .
beplember . . , , . . . . . , . , , . , . . . . . . 3i8.J'.0 ;
October. . . . . . . . , . , . I.Uil.WO
November . . . . . . . . lWJh.X > Cor ,
December. . . . . . . . . . . i.Wi.BX )
Total. . . , , , . , , . . . , . . , , . . .f50OI9,06 !
average of over $103,000 fur each working day
the year.
While , of course , the unprecedented success of uvvry
Association Is largely due tu the character and
uf III ugeuts , It I * mainly due tu the soundness
Its ruck foundation * , and nbovo nil tu the supcib
buslnei and pxrtuual character uf II * President.
warm sympathies lutmrd all who are around
ubuut hlmi hi * uxtraotalnary cunHdcnce. en-
Ihuslasui aod pluck , his aurolloa to hi * work , 111 *
knowloiUn of und o ro oror the umallPit delnlls of
ercrr il y work Imro not onlr Inspired nil Ids of
ficers iml snldlors. but tint ? liaro coii'nsndeJ tha
rrsprct ml mlinlrntlon of ororjr bnslnoss nmn who
knuirs 1dm , J , I ) . WK1.I.S.
TldM Via o l'rcsl > tont.
Not followed the report of the Comptroller , B.
K Phetps , trtileli cnn bo siimmivrUoit In this ono
rlmiliiRspntpnca tnkon from lt > "I unliesltntlnulj'
Main tlint tin * Kronlput poisltilo cnrc "n titkon
lo prevent error or an Injuntlro lielim donnli alng1e (
raoinbur ; tliat ererj eontrncl or nureement FHI ear
rlod out with ciiillr | nnil fnlrncxn In alii that nil Jin
deatli rlnltns nero protnptlf palil nn or bofura thef
wore ilnc , enrcful InvcutUntlons brlnu niiulo when
npcossriry lo protect the Association , nmt tlisl when
iloulitsnrosn the honelleUrles wnro always ilten
'ho brnrllt ofsiicli doubt ) that the llesorvo Kincr-
gcucj l-'iinil wna Imn.llpil anil liiTOUoit with Iho
most scrupulous en re. "
No report renit , ctropt It bo that of I'renlilcnl
Harper , iras reeolreit wltli ure.itcr ciTlilonco of on
dorncment than of t'lialriiian 0. It. Illssrll ul
tha Inrestment I Cominltteo. AtnotiK other tlilngl WAS :
"Thefl.Mt.SWiif the HejerTO or Kmerironcr I'unil
Invested on lliiiul nml Mortgage , nnil which runt
CDintnltloe hnvo ttspoclnlljr to deal with , Is on lint
class Improvoil , anil pnylnuronl estate In tlio clljr
of Now Vork nnil represent llrst niortKnges nt Icsj
than > M per rout uf lt npprnlneil Tallin by Hon.
-Michael Coleman , "ho Is reeognlfeil hj nil real of
talc moil i u.s one of HID most competent , carnful and
ctinvmitlvc. apprnlaora In the iMIr of Now Votk. "
Tha report of O. I ) , luhlwln , Chairman of th *
Deal I Claim Doparlnirmt , nluiirnl thit diirlnf the
rear thuro linil bminniiitllud nml p.tUI TU ] bottoms
iimonntlnn tofA7AlH ) ! > 40 , nn tuecss of lllLlilUHO
ever H'.K ) . This mortnllly uliovrlnK eoinp.iroi favor
ably with previous yenr.i when thu enornioiu
tncrenso of business , nbout f liOWXM ) ( , I ) cu nslileroJ.
The < presentation of the
report ! from the fur-
elKii nieiits of the Association wna listened to nlth
Intense Inturi'st. The extension of tbo Mutual Ho
serve Kunii I.lfo Aasoelutlon to ICiiropcau eoimlrles
Is ono < of thn recent proofs nf Ilia honnlicence ami
the success of thu lilei on hlch fie Avsoelatlon It
established. It vrn ) uiailo neeeioiiry by
the rciiuest from
Kuroponn peoples that
the nilvniitniiesof the Association bo mnile nvall-
alilolo i tlium , nml thulr nlsh llrnt roae'ioil oxtctiiletl
rualltntlon upon the meniornhlo visit of I'rcslcltuit
Ilnrpor nbruail loss than two years niio. Hlnco then
Iho foieljtn biKlnoMof thurompniiy hat llourhlicit
to tho.sntlafaetlou of thu KiiropDMi uiembora anil
the benefit of ull.
TheeatUfacloiyshonlUKla Iho Auditor's reports
nnsonoof thopleasaiite t fe iturea of the meotlnir.
The follnnltiKtUuresHro , tikon from It :
Total Nut liocclpti ir'Jll,7O'J ' , ' 0
Total Ainuiintof DeathCliilins
1'iild 1S,030,141 5
suuri.u.s AS AIIOVI ; : ii7i ,7yo ot
Mortuary Fund
C.lsh In onioo 839 7
Si State Bt. . Albany. H. Y. , / . , . , , .
8AMIIKI. W.V ItAV. f Auilltor . .
119 So. 4th at. , Philadelphia. I'n j
Tlio main feature of AnMslimt Comptroller Mo-
Choiney'a report was nsohomu tiy which con hi l > a
readily ascertained Just how nny iflvon Territory
was bolna developed.
After speeches \Vurrlnjr IConnedy of Toronto ,
Col. ShlohlKof riilladelphta , 1) . A. Cainiiron of On
t.trlonnd the. Hon. It , \Vollnllm President pre.sout-
ed tnro faithful amployoa of the nnBOeliitloii.Mcssru.
llarry and Deacon with K hl wntclias. Addressee
descrlbliiK the work lu distant pnrta woroilvenb ;
Mr. Itoblson of Nubroskn , Judiio Jones , Mr. Uitrr
nml others.
Tlio meeting niljourno 1 shortly nf tor C o'clock ; .
orviaiits UI.KUTII > roit inns.
1'ltESIHKNT-K. II. UAUl'Klt.
COMl'TllOLLKIl-K. F. 1'IIKI.l'S.
UIIAIIi-MAN I ) . O. O1C1'T.-O. I ) . 1IAI.DW1N.
C. II. IlISaiCM' ,
SUI'BltViyoil OF SUl'i'I.Y DKl'AltTMKNT
ASS'T MKI ) . IlItKCT01l-Illt. II. M. UITCU-
K. I ) . I.UWVIfJ ,
A. N. nitAIlV. Albany , N. Y.
T. I' . BALDWIN , Iliiltlmoru.
19. I ) . JONICS , London , KntflHiiiI.
J. T. OIUKKIN , London , Knitlnnd. '
H. II. TVNU , I'orls , KriincB.
\VAIlUINi ; KKNNKDV , Toroutu , Out.
WILLIAM WILSON , Toronto , Out.
II. L.LAMI1. LnnsliiKburtr , N. Y.
II. A. NU1IOKK , Cnrlyle. III.
I. II glHKLDH , Philadelphia , , I'll.
W. OUYKlt HU.NTBIl , London. Kngliind.
JULES KOCIIAItl ) , I'nrls. Krnnco ,
K. LA UUHTIIB. 1'arla , Krauco.
At n meeting of the Uoanl of Dlroctors of tha
Mutual Hoservu Fund Llfu Association , held sub *
fleruont ) to the inoetlnu of the nioiiibtira , tlio abovu
otllcors wcro oloctoii for the year 18JI. ArtT.
j'Q New ) ' OMAHA'S
I dThaater.l. l''AVOUTC '
Hovuutocnth and llunuiy
Biitunluy ' uvonlnz , by Hpr-clal rciiui'st. Air ,
1'aulilliiK will prcsont Tuuln'a niutclilesj
comedy In four acts ,
Cotnlns l.aiiKlilnir festival , " ( I ami r. " Hun-
day and Monday , Prices as usual.
iYD'SiS , ! u&-r
Hovuntuuiitli and llsirnny Htieots.
Sunday § Monday , Feb. 7
funnleslof funny Irlaliinuii , snpporluil by
Tlm w/iUziui / ; , rippling , fun-rlotluic
U and I.
Tlin Louder uf Uud Hut , Itoflnod Uuinody.
I'rii-i's-l'iirnuot , t Ml : I'nrnnot C'lrulu , 7.\o and
tl.tx ) ; Hitlfonyfltif und 7. ii U tllnry , ' . ' -Vi ,
livery Night This Week.
Matr03 ! Saturday ,
lltb. and Karntm Hit.aat Uouimtai'liu Mua
IVAMPHITRITK , the Angel of tha Air.
This marvi'luiM Illiiiloa U
proiutiuid ui : a
darkuawl stage , but on u brlllUntly Huhtod a j
with scenery liolutud In simcu , iho float * In
dlrtu'tlun through Ilia air Charles Trlpp ,
armlOMartist. . '
Dr. Walta' * rliibetCo rfvldliu's
Vuu'lorlllu ' Mars
Adiulsilun Idliuo. ( > iwn , I to 10 p. in dsllr
111 ff\ INSTANT ntl-IEF. I'lusiuurn
Mil 'sV inivuijrs , nuu n r ruturut. u
I llskWIpuriK.iiuMlrB uusuppotllury huf.
f , r.r. will I j-fni ol a .11 mpl. d-