Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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K. HGSKWATr.rt , ElJJTon.
Dally lire ( wit hunt Silmlny ) Ono Year. . . .I R
lliillvniicl Hnmlny , Ono . M
( iiMnnllH . . . <
'I liroii .Months. . . -
Mmdiiy Urn , Onn Vrir. . . j
hjtnruny Hoc. Ono Year . {
lice. ( JnoVoir. . '
Omnlia. The Hoe nnlldhiR.
PniifhOniahn. corner N iindaith Street * .
t'oiinull Illiitrs. liM'rmrl tUroeO. .
( ; lilca.oOlllcc. : i 7 i hum her of Coimiiorco.
.Now Vork.IiooniM' , l4nmli : > .Trlbiino tliillill
WiislilnKtoti , r.I.l Poiiriopntli Street.
All coiiiinnnlcat'ons ' reliitlna to now * a
editorial mnttcr should bo addressed tc I
1 dltorlul Department.
IU'8tNF > 8 U
iinm-fwIoUrrsiiml rotnUtniicei shou
Ir-addrrssrd to The llfo I'liMlslilnir Comimt
Oinnhu , Dmfts. checks mrl posUifllcu rll <
tl > bo nindn piynbln tn the ortlorof tlio coi
The BccPuIshini Company , Proprieta
run inn : BUIMHXO. _
itatunt Nohrusldi ! . ,
County of Douglas. ( "
Ceo. II. Trvliuck. secretary of Tlio II
. does solomnlv swo
I nlilUlilne ininpiny.
thnt ttio nr-tunl olreiiliUlon of TUB luit.v II
for tlio wobk ending Jununry 'M , 18'Ji , wus
follows !
Hindny , .Inn. SI . ?
Monday , .Inn. 2J . . - '
Turndny. Jnn.'il . '
Wednesday. Jnn ' , ' 7 , . - < >
' 1 tut rsdnv , .Inn ! M . . . -
I'rlday , .Inn. in . p-
buturdny , Jan. ! K ) . . . . . - '
AvornB * . uKaii/T/stmiio. / . '
Sworn In 1 oforo me mid subscribed In i
prmenco thlHliUlh day ofJiinunry. A. I ) . I81C.
BKAI. N. 1' . Km.
Notary 1'utillc
AviiniK" ( HriMiiiitliiu for .liinimry 'Jlt' : l
IOWA ropublleanHcniinot iilTonl lony
to curry tlio prohibition lucubus.
SKNATOU HIM. Is ncUinUy mnlti
BOino heiulwtvy in his tittotnpt to transl
the ponniit politics of Tammany to t
national headquarters at Washington ,
Si'UiCK'ii.s : : asrain elonloa that 1
Riifrnr rollnory has boon absorbed by t'
trust. The doniul , at least , is not tru
worthy , whatever- may ho the fact ro
llvo to tlio sittfiir king.
JOHN IF. PoVHHS would doubtlc
now ho clad to withdraw hin letter
L-onirratulations to the World-IItral
When that shoot was booming the al
unce candidate Governor Boyd was si
posed to bo loading ti forlorn hope.
SIIRRMAN HOAH , the young congro
man from Massaehusotts , is vorv inn
like n young congressman from
western stvto. Ho roalixos that I
congressional career is limited to t
years and ho desires to make the boat
his opportunities.
PADDOCK'S pure food bill has bo
temporarily sldo-tracKod for the pu
printing bill. In the minds of Unit
States senators tlioro is more Irroguh
ity in the umke-up of the printing t
pondlturcs than In the composition
miiibiMiuled food products or drugs.
TUB council by a vote of 10 to 2 <
cidod to btand by the contract for c
advortirting which had boon aware
to TUB Biu more than n week a
Under this contract the city will fi
at Inast $000 during the present year
compared with the rates paid for IS
TllK insurance companies of Chicii
have probably Hounded the death Icn
to skyscraping bulldlnga An adi
tlonal premium is to bo charged on
buildings towering above 100 foot. 1
now insurance trust is not in butrin
for the bonelit of its health. Kxau ;
for advanced rates are likely to b ; co
O children and holdi
thorn for ransom is a recently rovh
relic of tiio dark ages. Unhappily
baa been altogether too profitable. 1
Kansas City villains got their moi
und the wealtliy father received br
his child. Tlio more recent case
Connecticut has not turned out quite
well , but the denouement has not
Tin : proposition to increase the ]
of postal clerks , which htm boon rofan
by the house committee on postoHl
to the postmaster general for his 01
> ion , will undoubtedly receive the
proval of the Inttor. Mr. Wanamal
hns Hhown a hearty interest in
employes of the railway mail sorvi
and under his administration that i
vice has been brought to a very h
standard of elllcioncy. This is duo
altogether to the introduction of sot
buHlnoss principles and insistency tu
thorough discipline , but to the uncc
ngument of application , interest in
work , and a proper rivalry In
attainment of oflleloncy and proflcien
The postmaster general in fully nw
u ( the arduous work performed by po
slerks , and also the perils of the s
vice , and no other head of the l' <
ollice department has spoken so in
and so strongly in behalf of the oinple :
In this service. It is therefore safi
say that Mr. WantunaUor will nppr
the nroposod incrouae of salaries
postal clerks.
Mil , HKUIIBKT , correspond
tourotary of the Indian Rights nsso
tlou , and a well known worker in
cause of the Indian , in a communtc.ii
to Tine HIK : , rcquosta this nowspnpo
oppose the removal of the southern
Indians from their present roi > orvntio
Colorado to one In Utah. Ho urges
behalf of the Indians that their prei
reservation contains much arable 1
i and the one to which they would be
moved Is tnountalnous and suited <
for grazing and hunting. As Urn Ini
olliuo recommends that the lands of
present reserve be allotted to the
dluns In severally , and this would It
the residue for the whites , Mr. W <
regards the elTort in congress to roui
the red men us tv violation of faith
unnecessary to the welfare of Colon
the Indians being peaceably dlspo :
TUB HUB Is not well enough tulv
upon the merits of the controversy
take sides for or against removal , bu
first blush is disposed to the opinion I
the allotment proposition is a fair c
promthO which should take the quest
out of congress entirely.
. .i fM/.v ran THK cornr.
The supreme court of the Unite
Status has not at nil tlinos command ) :
the fullest confidence of the poopl
Tlioro have boon periods In its histot
when It has sootnod to bo largely Ir
fluoncod by pirtlunn view * and Intc
osts , and other times when it appoari
to bo more friendly to monopoly tlrin t
the public welfare to the wonl tl
corporations than to the paoplo. Bafoi
tlio rebellion the charge of partisanis
against the supreme court ' .v.w comiuot
It was then dominated by men who hn
learned law ana mor.xls . under 111
shadow of slavery , and were thoroughl
Imbued with the doctrlno of stnto rlgh
In its mint oxtt'omo form , After th
war thnro was Introdnued into tl
tribunal a dllTorent class of nvm-
broader In their vlowa and moro nation
In their nsplratlotu. They may nt
have oconsuporiorlntollcctually to son
of thulr proiloiQSsorj < , but they were frt
from the restrictive Influences of tl :
old regime.
The supreme court grow in ponulr
respect and confidence. The sono
security which it ought to bo possible t
feel nt till times and In allcircumst'itici
regarding the highest judicial tribuui
In the country became gonoral. Hi
there ensued a porlod ofdlstrttst. Tl
second legal tender decision caused
loss of conlidoiico , and for some time tl
supreme court was not regarded by
largo p.irt of the people as being irr
proachtiblo. Some of the subsequent a
polnlmonts to the court , unmistnkab
duo to political or Boctlonal consider ,
tlons , also had an unfavor.iblo olTc <
upon the public mind , The appvroi
favor shown to the money power and
corporations was another cause of di
trust. Tints for one reason or nnoth
the supreme tribunal has for many you
failed to command tlio constant and u
questioning confidence of the people.
The decision of the court in the mo
important case It has passed upon in r
pent years the Hoyd-Thayor case
ought to go toward restoring publ
confidence in the tribunal. HO far as at
suspicion of partisanLsm may have bei
hold against It , As a loading republic :
journal of the east observes , that de <
sion will bo regarded as Illustrating tl
superiority of that great tribunal to pit
tisan influences. The court is compos
at present of live associate justices , wl
were appointed as republicans ; and of
chief justice and two associate justic
who were appointed as democrats. The
was no dissenting opinion regarding tl
citizenship of Mr. Boyd. Tlio ropu
llcan members of the court were unur
mous in the opinion that when elect
to the office of governor of Nobrnsl
Mr. Boyd was ti of the atvto : ni
of the United States. They did not t
agree as to every proposition ostablls
ing his citizenship , but they wore a ur
in the opinion that his claim was ad
quatc and complete.
Grant that there was no distinctive
political or partisan question involv
in this case , still it will hardly bo deni
that partisan considerations might ha
influenced the decision. They did 11
do so , and the fact is a gain for the clai
of the supreme court to popular con
A mnrkothouso has boon a long-fi
want in Omaha. That is ticknowledg
by all parties not airectly interested
the trafllc in vegetables , moats , poulti
game and edibles rai'en by the furrr
and truck gardener. But while the i
tall grocers as n class have horotofc
opposed aud defeated all market-hoi
projects they have really stood In tin
own light.
Omahu never cau hope to become
great manufacturing center until s
can place the factory man and factc
woman in a position to reduce the ci
of living. Factory pcoplo in Oma
must receive higher wages than a
paid in New England or Penusylvni
unless they can have chruper living
Omaha than that class of workers c
procure in the east.
Onmhn ife in the Heart of the meat p
dttclng region and in n most proli
agricultural section. It stands to rous
that moats , vegetables , butter , eg
etc. , should bo cheaper than
distant points that draw the bulk
their moats and provisions from Omn
and Nebi nska. Now assume that I
retail gro ( era' trade with working pi
pie would bo materially reduced by pi
lie market ? , it is almost certain that <
dealers would moro than muUo up
this reduction in sales by the purcha
made by mill and factory owners a
their salaried employes. In oil
words , ehoap living for working pee
will largely Increase the number of c
factories and that will stimulate
other branches ot business con
quutitly improve tlio retail trade
btaplo goojis and largely iucroaso 1
sales to the middle and wealthier ohiHt
The establishment of markot-hou
would also lend to stimulate truck g
dunlng and fruit raising in our immc
ate neighborhood and mike suretl (
our population will always have
nbiindantsupply of vegetables and fru
Tlioro is no doubt that the right th
for Omaha would bo to build and sup
vise her own market-houses. Ol
western cities derive a handsome ro
nuo from market-houses. But if Oms
is not in position to build her own in
kot-houso she should do the next b
Uiinir and let it bo undertaken by |
vale enterprise , providing always t
the market-house privileges are coit } :
with restrictions us regards marl
stall charges , which should be no hil |
than tlio rates now charged at St. 1'u
Minneapolis and Kansas City.
It Is doubtful whether the city ha
right to exempt from taxation marl
houses owned by private parties ,
tiny rate the city would have no righ
guarantee such exemption so far
county and elate taxes are concerned
1'HKI'.IHIXH PtHt AnillTHATMti ,
'llio British and the American Bur
sou commissioners are in Washing
for the purpose of preparing report
their investigations to bo submitted
the board of arbitration. It apjx
from what has been disclosed that
commissioners of the two overtime
rcnchod entirely dllToront conclusl
us to the result of their obsorvath
tuuen of courbo from essentially dit
out points of view. Thin was to h
beou expected , but what will bo
effect upon the arbitration ? Obvious
t must bo perplexing , and it is possll
that the arbitrators may find it ncci
snry to ask the two governments
aeroo upon an entirely disinterest
commission to visit the sealing groun
and report the situation. Tills won
lecoisltato n delay of perhaps atioth
, 'o.xr , but this would bo bettor than tl
iilluro of arbitration by reason of t'
rroconcllnblo character of conlllctlt
nets presented by the commlssiotic
who , have investigated the state
ilTalrs In Boring soa. With two equal
osponslblo statements before thoi
showing conditions wholly dllToront ,
vould seem that the arbitrators wou
> o compelled to put both nsido , sin
they could not with fairness and tmpi
tlallty discredit either. But the chr
tutor of tiio information to bo suppii
> y .thoso commissioners is imperial
mil it may therefore yet bo found nc
cssur.v to send out an entirely dlainte
oatcd commission to obtain it bofo
arbitration can urocosd upon a trus
worthy knowledge ot the facts of t
The present arrangement between t
governments ot llio United States ai
Great Britain for the protection of tl
seal will expire May 1 , anil the soalli
bcason will open that month. It is cc
coded at Washington that the urbltr
lion cannot bo concluded In timo. to
olToi'tlvo during the coming season , HI
stops are to bo lakoti at once to secure
renewal of the arrangement. The
will prob'ibly bo no difficulty in nccom
ishing this. It is to bo presumed tli
, ho British government is not less an
ous than our own to provnnt the ind
criminate slaughter of seals , pending
'ull ' and final .settlemotil of the matlc
ti controversy , and If so that govor
mont will agree to continue the mod
vivondi now in force , with perhaps su
idditions or modlllcalions as oxperion
: ias shown to bo de.sir.iblo. If 11
should bo done at onus noithnr govor
mont would find it necessary to keep
urge a force in the sealing waters
was required last season , aud a conside
iblo expanse would thus bo saved ,
the British government has agreed
make good to the Dominion sealers a
.ossos incurred from the operation of t
modus vivondi it is especially interest
in giving them timely warning of a. i
noxval of the arrangement. It is not i
llkeiy that it will ba at least u year I
fore the Boring sea question is final
disposed of , but there is no Idngcr a
danger of its being a cause of soric
trouble between the United States a
Great Britain.
. HATUS TOO man.
The railway managers in their olToi
to make the interstalo commerce law
unpopular as possible manage to cc
struo it wherever possible into ti hi
don upon the communities. In the in
to r of theatrical rates cities west of CI
cage tire made ospscially to Buffer. ' .
torprotiny the provision which is
londed to prevent discrimination in p :
songcr faros as a prohibition of spec
one-way or round-trip rates , the bait
class and. larger theatrical compani
are forced to abandon the usual ciroi
which includes St. , Minnoapol
Omulm , Lincoln , St. Joseph and Kam
Omaha being' on Iho route to S
Francisco , whore stands of from twn
felx weeks can bo made with profit , s
fora less from Ibis discrimination tl
her northern neighbors , but in sovo
cases the high railroad fare has e
privcd onr amusement-loving people
some first class attractions. The the
rical business has been in a doprcs >
condition for two or moro years and I
prospects for next season are not s
liciontly bright to warrant managers
taking trrout chances. Consoquon
companies playing in these cities
good houses this year are cither ref
ing to conltacl for next season or lie
tate lo onlor upon negoliulions. Wo ,
common with our neighbors and t
people of the coast , are in immini
danger of a dearth of good perform UK
Tlioro is no good oxcmo for ti
cither , except the arbitrary rulings
tlio Western Pussongor nssocinli
Attempts to hecurt ) reasonable modlfi
lions of the regulations in the inlet'
of the larger companies have hi
blocked. Local managers in ail th
oitics have been forced to pay Inrf
and larger percentages during the p
few years , and u good part of the log
mala prollls of both Iho theatrical cc
punios and the managers have fou
their way Inlo the treasuries of
companies. East of Chicago there
no complaint. There is u positive V
crimination against the people of
territory controlled by Mr. Finle
association , with headquarters in C
en go. Tho. ultimata offoot will not 01
be disastrous to our amusement. , m
tigers and the companies , but will li
wise react upon the railroads. Wn
still , It will force a class of porfoi
uncos Into the the itors not up to '
standard which the metropolitan oh
actor of our cities and the culture of <
people demand. Tiio Western Pass
ger association is not winning trie :
for the railways of which it is c <
posed by ltn illiberal policy. 'J
shrewdness of the passenger agents
this association is impeached by
excuse olio rod for refusing to mi
party rates for theatrical companies.
Among the many inlorustlng ft
cited by President. Beers of tlio I >
York Life Insurance company to
policy holder * , none lira more instr
live limn Iho exhibit ho makes of n
live values of the company's real est
investments at homo and abroad. Th
investments have boon regarded a :
drawback to the company's prospoi
and doubtle-ss have in some instan
disappointed the expectations of the
rectors. This is true chiefly of
superb and rosily buildings erected
the Now York Life and other Amorl
insurance companion at Hurupoan ci
tals , where people are not yet oducu
up to the luxuries of a modern of
building. It will doubtless bo m
years before such structures can
mndu to earn fair interest on their c
The exhibit made by President Bi
of the com puny'u investments in the I
progressive wtmtorn cities Omahu ,
Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas Oil
o'.Tori u more Hopeful proauoct. Wl
the Immediate Income from thnso pro
ortlos is no , ( ' $ remunerative as an I
vestment innimnrtgago loans would b
there is n vdVjf fair prospect that tin
will In the "noiidlatant future swell 11
company's dividends vo"y tnatorinll ;
In fact , the Oifiaha building is nlroai
yielding a vary o.illsfactory porcontag
Mr. Boers' conlldonco In the future
the west Is tvpVl founded , and his Ido
regarding llio/wloctlon of sites for olll
buildings in our largo western cities a
eminently sbuljd at'.d bajod on expat
onco. , , t
Mr. Boors pointedly and truthful
calls attention to the fact that the bull
ings In thuso. western cltlos were bcgi
under normal conditions , but were cot
plotod In a porlod of business doprcssto
The buildings were locntod with n vlow
f uturo developments of their respective cltii
Any oilo who 1ms [ observed the rapid prow
of the west will appreciate Iho necessity
considering the future oven moro than t
present In the location of aa oftlco bulldln
Present revenue was , therefore , not so mn
of a consideration as Unit the bulldln
should bo so located thnt the future nmv to ;
const nutty to iucroaso and not decrease t
< -ont-procurlnff power and iwluo of the ui
party. 'Investments ot this character n
valuable bbc.iuso the element of risk in I
vestment Is practically eliminated. T
money expended In tuls way Is a fixed lie
fornvury long porlod of yours. The fi
wisdom or folly of .such a transaction Is i
volonod only by tlmo.
Mr. Boors Is equally correct when 1
declares that the only theory on whit
those buildings can bo rated as i
oven doubtful Investments is ono whii
discredits Iho future growth of 11
western states.
On this point , there can bo but 01
rational conclusion. The great west
-still in its Infancy. When Us alme :
unbounded resources are fully dovelopi
tind when Its rapidly- growing commor
is focalized , Omaha , Kansas Citv , S
Paul and Minneapolis tire destined
rival If not distance Cincinnati , Clov
land and St. Louts , and great olll
buildings in such population centers w
always command fair returns on capit
CnANCf.Li.OR CANKIKLD of the ata
university is announced for an nddro
nt the First Congregational chun
this evening. As this will bo t !
chancellor's first formal introduction
the pcoplo of Omaha Tin : Bnt : bospoa' '
for him a cordial reception by a larj
and representative audience. Uud
his administration the stito univorsii
is rapidly taking a high rank amoi
the great educational institutions of tl
country. Citizens of Omaha in comnu
with Nobrnsliun's gen orally look wl
interest and * prdo upon our slate i
stitulion of learning and are in hear
sympalhy wltH ° its present broad gait ,
management. ' , * The chancellor has t'
reputation of tboing a , very intorestit
platform spoaliisjr ay well as a loadit
educator. * ,
TIIKKIS may. bo nothing in it , but tl
statement of a rival firm that the coi
puny which jje 'ured ' the contract f
vault fixtures was guilty of gro s frau
is sutrgostiviV'u'tidugh to warrant i
vestig.illon. ' „ " { ) ' ' '
than a year trying to negotiate for :
payment and may yet bo obliged to se
tlo his hoary-headed street sweopii
bill in the courls.
Tin : now stieot commissioner has t
opportunity ot distinguishing nimbi
for enterprise and efficiency. The stree
have seldom been moro in need of bo
thcso qualities.
Tan movement for a public mark <
deserves encouragement , whi
over fault may bo found with the ilotu
of the special schema proposed to t
city council.
Ilia ground hog nor t
woalher service office is infallible. V
shall continue to take our woalhor IIH
comes regardless of signs and prcdl
Tut : JacUsonians and the Samose
are ItimMlng ever each other in tin
earnest endeavors to secure Hituhcocl
application for membership.
MAYOR BKMIS is far tnoi-o patient
the mailer of his appointments than t
hopeful gentleman who are waiting t
puclant for lib action.
OAK cross walks would bo an oxpt
slvo luxury In which the cross walk fu
cannot afford to Indulge.
OJIAIIA must fish or cut bait on t
base ball question within lhlrly-s
Junt tlio .Han.
Clilcnun Tlmti ,
Wo rise lo nominate Judge Botkln of K
sas for socrotury of wnr.
Nut Up to tint AilviirllxoiiKMitx ,
It In rapidly dawning on the minds of I
careful objorvori tnut the third party ex
grosslonal combination wai outragoou
llolp/rnr / tlio llx'it.
Ex-Governor jjjivu.v ° ' Indiana and ox-Gi
ornor C.unpl'olliOt Ohio uro potting a go
deal of Indirect liolp is prosldouttal usptrai
from the trluncry of David 11. Hill.
' nir m
01 lUJoTo.
iSVil1 Yoitt SIHI.
The inugwump Jtian go to the Columbli
or in Ibe illcue'ua as tboy ploaso. Th
IKJworofovil wiUJ tha democratic party
ondod. StrnlchUderaocraoy ana plenty o
U the cry once tftf.Mn . ,
.fl 9
\\V THlk uV Micxit.
' ( ? | | ' | ( Commercial ,
Tbe Kngllsh diploma's regard Prosldi
Harrison's meiipgp as lacking lu elellcu
The ISnglUh paunot understand why Ami
cans should not follow the definition of ' .
loyrund that "ipoajti wai glvau man to c
con ! hl thought1 but tt U a habit w
Americana to apeak thulr tuoughU. ' ,
president simply followed the American c
lorn , not that In vogue In Iho old world.
Mr , Thumtoit'i Itumllnip.
CMniuii JVfirii.
Hegardingonoof Iho latest political rum
It may ha suid that John M. Thurston of
braska Is nuo nf tbo brightest men In pu
llfo In the west ; but bo will not bo lion
atod for vlcu proildont. Mr. ThuriUn
brilliant , u.igacloui , with not a tittlo of i
aonal distinction and that cowtnandlni : qi
Ity which U 10 valuuhlc In poiltlut. Hut J
Thurston Is thouttornov ot iho Union 1'ac
load an offense not , condoned in Nobrai
Very lluoly nn analysis of the polltl
nnnnls of thnt rcRlon would dUcl <
; hftt ft surreptitious railroad conn
tlon hns mndo tbo way to polltl
preferment brond and long for many
candidate. Hut oven a casual survey ot t
satno annals will show that an avowed re
rona connection is , it not n fttona wall ,
least n hodpo fence In the path of the poll
cnln'plrant. The first political tonol of A
I'hurston's nolphbors Is Ihnt n railroad \
so Is nn Inliiutty. Tbora is no mollifying tl
bollof nor hoodwinldnR it , as Mr.1 Ttiurst
elonutlcss knows and ns n pranlor than
riutrston discovered on n mumornblo oci
slon noarlj four years ago. Upon thnt oce
sion Ur. IJopovv , with all hli tranBcondc
virtues , wont down bo f ore the grange
railroadphobln. without tiring a.shot. It
not who , but It Is a great fact , and the tick
linkers wilt of course take cognizance ot ll
The MlloOnii I'nriittoY.
Xcw \ ' < > rk IVtlwiic.
Neither the coutomnluous attacks ait
upon thorn by London Journals , nor the li
plied tlattory which Is loitlcnlly Involve
on c tit lo blind Ihclr eyes to tho. nnomalo
position taken b.vlrhh Aniprlrftus In Amorlc
politics. When nn Irishman Is In Ireland
nns only to know what Knglimt wants and
opposes It. When ho comes to Amorlca
tins only to learn what Kngland wants n
10 doc1) It. LCtiKland can do nothing wi
Irishmen hi their own country. Whan
fore-oi thont to cmlgrato to Amorlca It mail
Rood lisa of thorn. It Is the strangest nnonti
of the politics of the world.
Tin * ( ill ) ;
.Yen1 Voiff Still.
'Thcro may bo statesmen In Wnshlnct
and elsewhere who would llko to prott
thomsolvot nKaltut rUicuio and criticism
onuctlue thnt rldlcitto and UoJtllo crltlcf
are blackmail , but wo do not believe tl
fooh of that sort ara tn n majority cither
the semite m In ttio nottso ot roprosonlnliv
of Iho Klfty-iccomt congress. Tim hill a
| iasod the house 1s simply theoxlraordlnn
result of Incomnrohonilbio hcedlossuo
"Congress shall miilio no law , " says t
llrst amendment of ttio constitution ot t
United States , "nbridcmi : the freedom
speech , or of the press. "
; \ r ov TIII : i
Chicago Trlbuno ( rop. ) : As the Trtbu
baa proviottstv said , the derision In tills lie
cano Is a ] u4t ouo ami It Is a pity it was i
made aoonor.
Chicago News ( ind. dom. ) : In brief , t
vindication of CJovornor Boyd by the hlRh' '
of Oiir courts Is n truniih [ of common set
over shallow trickery for partisan purpos
( Jlilcaco Post ( dura. ) : It Is In the hlghi
dORreo satiifuctory to observe thnt nmo
Oovornor's Bovd's political antagonists the
Is general satisfaction nt the outcome of t
( Irand Island Independent ( rep ) : Con
cnnp the political complexion nf the suproi
court of the United States , there can oe
fhargu of nolltteal bias In t'ao case of t
Hovel decision.
Columbus Telegram ( dom. ) : It Is donbtl
If anylhing which the supreme court has
tn Its power to do could give as much sal
faction tons many people , as this rlnlitl
seating of thn rightfully elected governor
hU proper place.
Fremont Herald ( dom. ) : This final do
slon will commend itself to every fair-mind
man as an act of justice , outside of all lot
considerations , as restoring lo his ofllcc
man who was undeniably elected , and ot
kept out of it by Iho meanest subtorfugeo
place-bunting politician.
Kansas City Times ( elom. ) : If this C
cision arouses a sense of justice , so It
horaaftor tlio will of the people as express
at the polls may moro certainly preva
Governor Hovd's wrongs will result In go
tn thn country. Ho and bis state ) are to
congratulated upon the outcome.
Chlcacro Inter Ocean ( rep. ) : There
no doubt as to Boyd's election. The po :
was as to his citlrenshlp , and the suprci
court holds that thoconstltutlon of Nebrns
made all residents of the territory clti/cns
the stale. This will settle the status
many residents in thn newer states.
FionfontTribune ( rop. ) : The equities
Iho case were all in Boyd's favor Mid tl
doubtless hid weight with the court. Bo
had fully intended to b ceo mo n clti/.on ot t
United Status and was ono for nil inter
and purpoiot. it may bo that the judgi
who uro only human , were swayed by t
Lincoln Journal ( rop. ) : Personally , Uovi
nor Boyd n in dvery way worthy ot the oftl
und the records show conclusively that !
wits elected thoroto. Having been dccld
to bn a citizen of the state and of the Unit
States bv the highest court in the land , :
good people will welcome him to tbo cap :
and to the executive chair.
I'latlsniouth Journal ( dom. ) : This t
umph Is not all Boyd's victory. It will
suit In restoring to place and power t
rightful claimant the peoplu's cholco-
vimllculion of popular government and i
overthrow of aa unseemly , not to say a vi
usurpation. In this till honest mm w
mciinlnc clU/ens rejoice , rogardlosi of p
.sonal or party prejudice.
Chicago Herald ( uotn. ) : It Is to the ere
of the hetier class of republicans in T
braska that they have novur endorsed It ( I
state court decision ) and that in the cc
gratnlallons to Governor Boyd which u
follow the goucrons formal acquiescence
the United Stales siipromo court in its i
conventional decision , they will join with
nonpartisan find patriotic enthusiasm.
York TuiiiiS ( rop. ) : Mr. Boyd v
elected govornor. Ilo received moro vol
than any other candidate and there arc
largo number of citi/ous of the slate w
dlltor from him In politic ) who will bo R |
to have the will of the voters onforc
Boyd will probably in.ilto as good a govon
as liny man. lie p.ivo ovidnnco of this ft
during llio brief porlod In which ho ocrupl
the gubernatorial clmlr.
Sioux City Journal ( rop. ) : Ttio nvmpa
IBS of the overwhelming majority
Nebraska pcoplo without rnsjard to ; a
have undoubtedly been with James K , Jtc
In the litigation to deiiormlno his cliglbil
to the ottlcu of governor. While It has be
n hardship to Governor Boyd lo ho doum
so lonp of his oDIco , the litigation I
resulted la clearly Bottling Important po !
and In establishing satisfactory pruuedu
which It was desirable should bo done.
MtMK Tlll'K ll'Oltltft f rUKK.IX JK ,
Waslilnstnii I'o t ! Thu JUK of the Jn
Aiiicrlcan Ur will no lonsor bi > Irnulud u
Impunity by tlio Vulp iraisci liood.uiiiB.
Kimirrvlllii .Iniirnitt : TliuUlillliiiiti uros ;
tu bo aury urllko pooplu Kvun thu won
ui nl.irly It.uii their lialr.
In front ( if a Dunvnr , Col. , liusliuss liousi
n Hluii boar. nff llin follow nx luioiiil : " .Moi
U Iho Uout ( if all Kvll : eilvu us a few Until
llustnn Junior : TIcUi. Oil , Ml s awe
cooil iinmich diuiciT. lint I Intlo U ) danuu w
her , Hlm'sso short , Why thti tun ot her IK
only ciiiucs up to my dim.
WiuUlnn-'Oli , wuil , I hhonld think you ml )
ovrrlnoK thai.
I'ncK ,
Tlio h ind Unit rooUs tlio criidlo ,
AH thu yi'iirs go ipeuilii'4 | Dy ,
lit thu liund tint spjnks the Imbyi
And that niuku * t'lu ' batiy ury.
JndKo : OnUlno the unto ! I'lrst shudu-
you expect to uut Insldei ?
Socnnd Hh.ido ( it joiinuilUt on oirth ) V
coinu In , l' > " XOl : i piss fur two.
Hmlth'a Monthly ; MUs Hlmpllcltv Ilo
you think Ml i I'onn oxtr.iordlnury KlrjV
Ml Hnt > Hr Bll-\Voll ! I don't care to do
elrl un Injustleu by cullliin lujroitra-nrilliui
lull slits' * ordinary enough , the dear o
know * !
I'tiok : Shlvvur-TliU Uoneof thosw Ma o
room * . Isn'tIt' /
Mis. liofrous What do you iiiuun , ulr ?
bhlvver It uovcr
New Orluun * I'lciyilnet Tliiniveniso nn
HitMIrd with Urcpliu upvUli llio prix-i'Hi
If U Is .1 ( iimtrul | iroi'044lon hu doon not ute
to lie at the he'.id of It.
llliiKhunilon Kuputillcnn ; A i laii'n troul
iln not e'Oiuu Hlnjiy when hU wfu | prt'it
htm w Itli twins.
< ; tcn l'i IN lluiiiiDllu.ui ; When u bull
fitlU to ito up m aniioiiiu'uU ll U u nourdU
uulnliiicul lu many.
Trom the Appoftranco of the Books Dopes
itora Will Lese Little.
\V. I * , rirliprlng Wilt frnli ttily Uo Appnlntr
ItrcrUrr oT tlu > timtltiitlon Vlrws of
a l.onil riiiiniclrr Othur
Stiito Nrnn N'otrn.
Nob. , Fob. .1. [ Sooclal Toll
gram lo Tnr. HKBBank Bxamlnor H. M
Wells arrived last evening mid tootc rlmrg
of the Commercial and Saving * bank thl
morning. Ttio safe hail boon locked fo
forty-eight hours and It cannel bo opcno
until tomorrow morning. The doposl
ledger showed a balanca ot f-W.ODO In favo
of doposltors. As near as could bo ascot
talncd Iho nssols amount to over $70,00 * :
This U In securities alone and constdorabl
of the paper Is not good onouah for con
morclal purposes. A conservative bankc
sahl today lhat depositors would iccuivoS
per cant If thu business was handled cart
fully. County Treasurer layman Carey wa
caught for a&UO draft which ho hud take
instead of money when ha withdraw th
county funds from the batik. Tnodrntt wa
returned protested.
A receiver will Po appointed tomorrow an
from present Indications W. R I'lckerln
will rccoivn the appointment.
Nrlininku .
Ai'itotu , Nob. , Feb. U. JSpoclal to Tn
ButTho ] mortgage Indebtedness record c
Hamilton county for January U as follows
Farm mortgages Hied , ft.i-iai,40 ; released
ftMlW.iU ( : ; city mortgages tiled , $3.VJl..l ! )
released , $ llll'l.50 ; chattel mortgages lllot
$ IS.740.riS ; released , * , I..S ) < U.SO.
The record In this county shows a stead
decrease In the amount ot tueioblodufljs. 1
Is n well known fact that n largo proporlloi
of chattel mortgages are not rcloasou who
paid.Yoittc , Nob. , Feb. a. [ Special to Tu
BKII.I In Yorii county during January thei
were tiled mortgages on real estate to 111
value of ? r , fiK ! and fSl.OO'J worlh rolnawoi
iboxvlng that Iho mortgages had decrease
? ) , IS'.l. The cbaltcl mortgages showed a
incroasa of $0,5H ( during the same month.
Arn'ntml for I'orK < 'ry.
CoiUMtu-9 , Nob. , Fob. .1. [ Special Tolt
Kratn 10 TDK Bet : . ] ( Jus Kohlni- was nrroatc
In Schuylcr about tl o'clock tills ovonlng b
Deputy ShoritT Andv Campbell , on a wnrrnn
sworn out by U. W. Shaaf , charging him wll
forging Shiuif'3 iiumo to three notes to th
aggregate amount of $ .100. The prisoner wa
brought to this city on the 10 o'clock trat
and lodged In the county jail , Slmat It
fruit tree agent hero , and ICohlcr worked fo
him. The prisoner docs not ( tony his guilt.
1'rcpnrliiK for thi < Htnti ) Knciimpmnnt.
COI.UMIIUS , Nob. , Feb. 3. [ Special to Tn
BEB. ] Tbe Grand Army post hero has re
colvod a new stand of arms consisting o
t \\olvo gun.s , five sabres , accoutrements fa
both and eighteen corps flags for use In th
state encampment of the Grand Army , Son
of Veterans and Women's Iloliof Corp :
which convenes hero February 17 , 18 and 11
Hodurod rates of ono-nncl ono third faro fo
the round trip have boon granted by all ral
Narrowly Ksrapril O nth.
BRATniCK , Nob. . Fob. 8. | Spootal Tote
iram to Tin ; BitE.J The family of Honr ,
Bozarlh , three mlles south of the city , nar
rowly escaped death by asphyxiation las
night. Soma miscreant had anchored
boaru over the top of the chlmnoy aud th
house was soon tilled with gas. Aa opei
window permitted the poisonous fumes t
oscapo. Two members ot tbo family ar
lying quite 111 a * a ratult of the escaping gas
HrleitHuil on Ills Own It
PLVTTSiiotrrii , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Special t
Tut : BBE.C. . W. Avery , who was brougl :
In from Greenwood Sunday and lodged In til
county jail on a charge ot seduction , has boo
released on his own rocoirnizanco toappaaru
the next tot-in of the district court. Ho guv
nmpln bonds for oasts and obligates hlmsel
to taito care of the child and support It
mother , which releases the county from an ;
furtner expense.
Sritrlut Fuvcr
YotiK. Nob. , Fab.Special [ to Tit
BKI : . | Scarlet fever Is raging in the south
cm part of York county. Yesterday a chit
of Air. Wllhelm's died and whllo some of th
neighbors were In York getting a coftln the
got a telegram to brine another coflln n
annthor ono of tlio children was dead. Th
schools are nearly all closed In the lowe
half of the county and grout dread prevail-
Clny County' * Court Hume.
Ct.xv Ci' , Nob. , Fab. 3. [ Spaolal ti
Tut ; BBK.I A special commlttco of th
County Board ot Supervisors mot yostorda ;
to lecoivo bids for papering and docoratin
the walls mm ceilings of all thu offices ( n th
court houso. Mr. F. A. Thompson of thl
place was awarded the contract to furius
material und Mr. Davenport of Sutton wll
do tlio work.
Ilitiith Itoll.
Gt'.NEVA , Nob. , Foo. 3. ISpecial Tclograt
to Tun Biiu.J Major I ) . WilliBtns , ono of th
first settlers of Fillmore county died hero thl
morning. The mnjor was well known I
Grand Army and military circles , bnlng
prominent raombor of the Grand Army an
for several vcnrii drum major In the Flra
Regiment band of Nobnuka Nntloni
Kxtnnil tli I. Inn.
ICiivitsi'.v , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Special Toll
gram to Tin ; BRK.I Tbo diioctor.i of tl
Kearney & Black Hill * railroad hold the
annum mooting here today , and the part ;
together with a number of stockholder
mndo a tour of Inspection ever the line thl
afternoon. Tbo company contemplates o :
tending the line lo Gaudy in Iho spring.
Senator liny Injurnd ,
Bimwi' ! . ! . , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ opoclal ToU
gram to Tin ; Br.K.I Hon. T. J. Day , slot
senator , was the victim of a severe accidoi :
hero today. Whllo drlvhur a pair of fractloi
horses the team became frightened and M
Day was thrown to the around , brooking hi
arm aud bruising him seriously about tt
lieiid. _
In Hcrlont Trouble ,
BHATIIIOF , NOD. , Fub. 3. [ Special Toll
gram to THE Br.ii.j .Inmua H , Dukohart wr
today bound over In the sum of $300 on
charge nf criminal Intimacy preferred b.
Leila KatllTinaii. The parties hull froi
Holmesvllle , this county.
O'.SVIII ( i tM It KlMllHlllKlltlltl' .
O'NKll.l. , Neb. , Fob. 3 , [ Spoclal Tolocrai
toTiiK HKK.I B. A. Stewr.rt of the Bla
ICeolov Instlluto came up tonight lo chno
deal with O'Neill people for the lnntllul
hero. This was practically done and O'Nol
gets Iho next Institute.
AilJiKlK1'1 lii ii" <
BBM-itie-K , Nob. , Feb. . [ Special to Tn
BKI ! . ] ( Jeorgo Fisher was today adjudge
Insuno and taken to the Insane asylum i
Lincoln. _
Arrn l ilu Itunclimiin.
PI.ATTB CftNTtii , Nob. , fob. i ) . [ Spec !
Telegram to TUB BBB.J A ranchman by tt
name of ttabrlcl , employed at Mlko Ucagnn'-s
ranch , three mile * wost. Is now under nrrost
for nttompting to kill John Ko.ienn , n brother
nf Mike's.
l.ookn r.nroiintRtiig for Klilrr.
NoitTit I'HTTB , Nob. , Feb. 3. JSpcclnl
Telegram to Tin ? HBP. ] W. C. Kldor ol Ihli
city Is In receipt of n tolr > gr tn from Senator
Paddock nsklng him it ho will accept ttio
position of roglstor lu the North 1'latto land
IlKADY fOR .1 HKro(7TIO.V.
rinnnrlal und Coniinrrrlnl CrNU In I'nrlilo ,
> I ' \l < 'i > , unit 1'roptr InriMisril ,
L\nnt)0 , Tex. , Fob. 3. Advices received
from La 1'uobla do los Angeles , the capital ot
the stnto of Pueblo , seventy-su tulles soulh
of the Citv of Mexico , says n tluaiiclal and
commercial crisis provalls there and many of
the business houses havojcloioa their doors.
In addition much dissatisfaction is expressed
with the local and federal nuthorltlos. The
clerical party , which is In a largo majority tn
Puebln , ara still sere ever the late attempt to
drive ( ho monies from their cloisters , and It
is Mild that If the bishop had not advocated
prmlonco the people would have risen on
musso and overpowered the troops and the au
thorities. It Is nu undanlnhlo fact that If over
a revolution starts In Pucbla the people will
join It. Ills n known fact thai manyoftba
forulgn enterprises ara at u standstill and not
a few foreigners uro trying to soil out and
leave tro country , fearing for their safety as
well as their pioporly. The attempts thiitnro
made to deny that Mexico Is In bad straits
are tnada by thu people who nro not trying so
much to defend ( no country as to protect the
vul'joof ' their Investments. Thura Is no
revolution yet , nor Is It bcllovnd In Puobln
lhatGarzals the man to head one , but no
frontier IIQWS Is published In Pnobla nuws-
papers , their owners not dnrlng to autugo-
ilzo the government.
ro .i/j.t r.iMr.uiM ; intKcir.
A ll\cr ) Starts nil , loh Which HIM Coit
Four I.UPI.
AI.I'KKA , Mich. , Fob. 3. M. P. Chalk , an
export diver of Detroit , has arrived hero la
attotnpt to locate and raise the wreck ot Urn
Powablo , which sank Jin Tnundor bay In
120 foot of wii ortwonty-'llvo years ago. Four
attempts have been made tn rnlso the vessel ,
In ouch of which tlio diver lost tils life. The
depth at which the work was to bo done was
so great and the consequent preisuro of li-y
water was .so enormous that the llfo was
squeezed out ot them. Chalk has behind him
several wealthy men , who pay him $1,000 for
the nttunipt , guarantee his life iimuunco In
case hn dies , and in catu they uro able to
bring up Ihu wreck they ugroo to d'vldo ' the
cargo equally with htm. The Powablo Is
loaded with pig copper valued nt tlttt.OOO.
Iho diver has had a helmet mudo that will
resist a prossuru of 130 pounds lo the square
Ann Arbor I.iiw Stiiilrntu Can Uuy Itvporti
, for Six Crntft.
ANN Aitnou , Micb. , Fob. 3. The trouble of
the last few days In the law department , duo
to the conflict between the faculty and
sludcnts In rezard to tbo reporting of lec
tures , has passed over , and C. D. Griffin , the
expelled student , who has boon printing and
furnishing tbo lectures to the students , has
not appeared on the campus since Friday.
The faculty announces that tbo policy ot
opposltion'to this custom will bo maintained ,
but tha students are still furnished reeu
larly with typewritten copies of locturoi. i
There are a score or more of stenographers 1
In the class. GrlRln , who has an oftlco nnar
the campus , continues to get shorthand re
ports of lectures and in turn furnishes them
to his customers as boforo. Ho sells the lee
lures atGcontsa copy and dorlvos a band
some income from this source.
Worknil on u Church on Hunclny.
nocKfoun , 111. , Fob. : i. Quite a stir In re-
llglous circles here has bean created by the
disclosure of thn fact thnt work has been douo
on the Interior ot the now Second Congroga
tionnl church on Sunday. The now church
is a $10,000 odlllee and was to have been completed
ploted In December. The contractor U behind
hind and is crowding the work. For several
Sundays artisans have been at work behind
locked doors , and the disclosure of thu fact
has caused a shock nmonc religious pooplu
and broad smiles among iho ungodly , wlm
uro moan ouough to roinlnu their Congrega
tional brethren that resolutions have ueeti
paisod , bv their church asking that the
World's fair Lo closed on Sunday. The
church ppoplo deny any knowledge of thu
llrct Mo\i-H In Utah.
BN' , U T. . Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUR.- ) The Ogden chamber of com-
mcrco has passed two resolutions , ono asking ,
the Utah legislature to niomorallzo congress
to establish a sutrar beat chair ot chemistry
In the agricultural college at Locan , U.T. ,
and llio other embodying a call for holdin
n sugar beat congress in Ugdou next April.
vir.tiiLKH n. si'iritnaofr.
Now York World In the death of Spur-
peon the world loses * ouo of Its greatest
Philadelphia Proas : Ho has ooon for agon-
oration the personal center of such wldo or
ganized act ! vllles und usefulness us have
boon exceeded by nn olhorChrlstlun preacher
In England or In tills country.
Chicago Tribune : His beautiful character ,
his grant work of humanity , and his solid ,
unswerving honesty In a pi roil the hiuhust re
spect among all classes ot people. Now lhat
the indotnitublo worker bus gene tohta rest ,
ho will bo mourned us few of his profession
have been.
Now York Tribune : Mr. Spurjjeon was a
man of original force and wloldou nnlmmciuu
inlluonco. Ills methods were udiniralily
adapted to Iho class of pnopio whom ho faced
Sunday uftor Sunday in the big house of
worship built for him thirly voars uco. Ills
doiith creates a vacancy that cannot bo Illlrel.
Chicago Post : Spurgonn had the dual gift
of oloijuenco aud affairs words and deeds -
mid thi ) conjunction In ono person of tlieso
tnlonts has noveir failed of grand results. Hn
was llko our own Moody , though with it
greater refinement npU u moro oiiKaidng
speech , and perhaps a smaller genius for
Kunias City Star : It Is a cheering thought.
and ono that should greatly itupiru young
inon , that Mr. Snurgoon achieved n tn-eat ,
place In an ago which so many pooplu affect
to oollnvo hopolussly wuak aud wicked by
prcucliiiiK steadfastly , und in language tnut a
10-yoar-old boy might undotHtnnd the old
cloclrlnos of goodness aud moral roiponslbil
Ity , man'i ability lo do right and the neces
sity of his doing it.
OI-K.V Till ! IHIOK.
Ifmrlct Sintuil in Vinifice lllodc.
Open tha door , lot In the air ,
Tlio winds uro HWUOI und thn ( lowers lire fain
Joy Is ulirn.Kl In tint world today.
If our door Is wldo ho mny comu thin way ,
Upon thu door ,
Opnn thu dour , let In the nun.
Ho liulh a Hinllii for every one ;
Ilo lias iiiudei of thu raindrops Kold und Kullli
Ilo limy chuiiKii onr tours to dludoins ,
Upun the door.
Oprn the door ot the neil ) , lot In
Hlroii' ' . pure thoiiKhlH wlilcli hlmll bunUliB
Tliuy will grow and lilooin wllli uurui-odlvlno ,
And their fruit will bu vwuutur thun thuteil
thu vino.
vino.Upon thu door ,
Upon the door of tlio heart , lot In
Hyinp4tliy Mvret for Blranucr und klnt
It wlllmuko tlio hulUut thu lioitrtso fair
That unsoU may outer nnuwuro.
Open the door.
her Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
r/ .
1)11. I IS
Ill ) Powder
ill ) ) ) J&S& & ®