1 THE OMAHA DAILY RttBMONDAY : , FEIMUA11Y 1 , 1802. LAST WEEK ON WALL STREET How the Howling of the Dogs of War Affected Stocks and Bondi. NO BEAR MARKET IS POSSIBLE NOW Hunk Vnult * Contain Too Much Vntrniliililc Monry l < nckawRiiim'n l.ltllo l-'lycr Ncls MnrrlV .Mllllcin Other e * of Tnulc. NEW YonK , Jan. fll. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HEE.J You cnn't have a bear market with the banks overflowing with money , un- loadable oven at 2 per cent , but you can have an Irregular market. That Is our present situation. Certain locks wilt make sudden advances , and the general list remains Mat. Hero aim there n Block will break and nothing clsobo affected. H Is the usual mark ot n waiting tlmo , n choppy market , the average movement of prices seesawing In narrow limits. In the early part ot the week wo hail the dogs ot war lotlooao in the street , and prices wore depressed under the rigorous hammer ing ot the room traders. Then the Uogs wcro called off over night , and the next day there was n lively scrambling to trot back the stocks sold. It doo.in't appear that the clogs were ferocious animals , If tholr published portraits which Wall Street Heartily laughed over , are correct likenesses ; but for the day or tw6 that they howled they were o clTcc- tlvo lor knocking fractions oft quotations In this market as any of those alarming dis patches about the movement of troops on the Houmaman frontier are effective In the Etropcan markets. r.iickiixninini Kept Soaring. When pence smiled Lackawanna continued that advance movetnont which had been started in It the previous week. It rose to 149 , by which tlmo the lust short In the stock hud been driven to cover ; and a sudden recession - cession of several points followed. The oc casion for this bull demonstration was the approaching publication of the annual report - port , showing over 0 per cent corned on the slock during the year 1501. This Is a Irillo less thf n IS'.K ) , whou IU percent u as reported. It Is said Lacawanna will go to 200 , and the assertion ought to bo bollovod by tbis time , for It bas been tnado at Intervals for the last cloven years , during which tlmo the "stork has gene up nnd down between ISO and 83. The next stock to rush up was Manhattan , which from 104 wont to 110 with sensational rapidity , making six.points advance In ono day. If ono of the Industrials had done this there would have been much shaking of beads about the flighty character of this class of securities. Of course Manhattan foil back again some points under realizing sales. There was no short interest in the stock , us it bas not been traded in spoculatlvely slnco Its crand smash In Juno , 1877 , when thu famous Juno wheat corner went to nieces In Chicago and carried down C. W. Field and all his belongings. The recant court of ap peals' decision was the ostensible motive for running up the stock and a profitable turn It was for the operators who made It , Gun Stocks Sailing. Tbcro was another sensation Saturday when the Consolidated Gas rose from 104 to 111 on the announcement that the dividend bad been increased from 5 to lipcr cent. This is a solid basis for an advance , nnd it bo asssuined that the stock will sell permanently on a 0 per cent basis. In former discussions of gas properties it has been more than once assorted that Consolidated gas would increase Its dividends and would sell up to 123 , and some day it certainly will , unless tbe growth of Now York should come to an end. In the course cf tlmo when confi dence has grown in the management of the Chicago Gas company the stock of that will sell at a figure corresponding to the divi dends it pays. Itscrtalnly does not now , if comparison bo made with other securities paying S per cent and not ono is moro sure nt continuing than the Chicago company , to lay nothing of tbo certainty of increasing that rate. Flurries In Other Htoclis. The three stocks mentioned are the only ones wtilch niado big rushes during the week , but some others had some flurries. Northern Pacific preferred baa ono during tbo covering of shorts by n prominent oper ator , who bought in his line to facilitate operations in other thlnci. When this sup port had been removed the stocus fell back. German bouses woro' large sellers when the prlco crossed OS , and they will probably bo buyers ugaln around CO. Loulsvllla has been decidedly weak on London sollintr. They got tbo news about this property over there boforawo do , bo- causa some leading English financial houses are heavily interested in it. These houses huvn probably had posspsslon of the com pany's ' December statement , not duo fioro until the last day of month , and It Is supposed the figures of not earnings caused the selling. Louisville is suffering In common with other southern roads , nearly all of which report a decrease in earnings.- HtocliH In Trouble. The latest reports of the Richmond Terminal are poor. If they po on that way it Is llkoly to postpone the Bringing out of the reorganization scheme for a considerable tlmo. Tbo stock which broke badlv Is the distillers trust. As is well known the western ofllcors of the company unloaded tholr hold ings between IX ) nnd 05 and Wall street has been entertained by a flood of boar dispatches about the property , alv/avs In the form of statements by the'leading di rectors of trustees who sco nothing but sus pension of dividends , uncertainty of trudo complications with the government and other direful things while they are trying to buy back cheaply the stock they sold. ' Kcln Morns' Million. Dtit the richest thing In tbU line came in a Chicago dispatch Saturday , and had a prompt and hilarious circulation through Wall Street offices. It was an abstract of an In terview with Trustee Nelson Morris , who says that * the mason why the trustees sold tholr certificate's was because tbo speculative methods of Wall Street ore distasteful to western members of the wnUky trust. After that them Is nothing more to bo said. However. if Nets Morris will troop at Wall streetit will square its account with him , sooner or later. So far In the deal ho Is ahead tbo usual milt Hon. All western operators , when tho\ * moko n successful turn In stocks" , roiillz'o never less thai , a million , according to the Chicago dispatches , Possibly the overflow ing abundance of money hero Just now makes it seem easy to pick up a low millions hero and thoro. Money riling Up. The bank statement showed another largo Increase In the surplus reserve , which bas risen to $ . ' 111,000,000 whlla the deposits huvo attained the unprecedented llpuro ot100 , - 000,000. This tells of tbo standing of general tr dosuob as invariably follows a great finan cial convulsion such as the Daring failure. The last tlmo the money accumulated In Ilko volume in the ban In hero was tbo period fol lowing the severe financial disturbances of 1884. . Uy July of tbo year following the ur- plus reserve bad risen to over ? M,000,000. From that level It was gradually drawn dovrn again as trade again expanded. Hut it must bo romomoerod that Wall street Is always discounting the future , and the accumulation ot money now is an excel- lout thing for the Dond market , slnco itforces investors to buy securities , which return them better rates of interest than they can got in the loan markets , and for the sumo rea son It makes a better demand for all dividend paying stocks , which again reacts favorably tbo 'smaller iion-dlvidoud on - pay- ers. As the accumulated money is drawn away later Uy reviving trade and speculation , the properties represented by tbo securities increase tholr earnings ana justify tbo higher prices , At present there U a growing de mand for bonds , und a constant absorption of thorn by investors , which takes up not only all that have been waiting in tbo banking houses there , but what Europe Is belling us as well. For example all the recent Issue of tbo Itock Island debentures have gouo off. I'OIUUCIN FINANCIAL IIKVJKW. Chill' * Ilouiti Oiilnpil Connlder.iblo on till' IUii | > | i > 'iiruiico of thu Wur ClomU , LONUON , Jan. 31 , Discounts were firmer ( lurlug tbo put week , though thurowas no demand , ' ' 'ho quotations wcro l\ percent for thrco months nndl' < per cent for short , tbo withdrawal of the gold for Utmln amounting to 1,000,000. part In sovereigns and part in Uusilan Imperials , changed tbo aspect of the monov market. 1'ntis houses continue to buy Hussmn gold. The directors of the Dank bl England , with tbo view of checking tbo outflow , slightly raised the prlco of imperials. Further Russian orders for gold are ex peeled. Remittances lo Spain and fUuenos Ay res are also probable. The prospect of a return of the recent money plethora Is therefore remote. The feature of tbo week was the sharp fall In silver on offers of largo amounts from Now York. Too lowest price touched on Wednesday was 4114 , being only one-eighth of 1 per cent below the lowest recorded In May , 1533. The ndvanco of the Bank of Knglar.d's rnto conduced to India's buying freely und caused a recovery of ono-fourth of 1 per cent , Mexican dollars command only their melting value , which Is l'4d below the price of standard bars. Rupee paper , In sympathy with silver , fell \ $ { per cent. On the Stock exchange during the week past business was oxtrnmoly slack. Prices were Irregular. The closing of the speculative accounts of Hume Webster , tbe suicide , lea to some sharp movements In prices. Several members of the house were hit severely , but the bulk of the losses , arising from Webster's frauds appear to have fallen on bill dis counters. Among the high class investments securities , Dritisb fluids were sold owing to the withdrawals of gold and dropped % per cent. Foreign securities wcro heavy almost without exception. Greek bonds lost 4 per cent on the week ; Mexicans tmd Spanish and Egyptian bonds from \i \ to 1 per cent and Argentines l } { percent. Chilians gained J { per cent on tbo strength of news that Chill's difllculty with the United States was being arranged. Dritlsh railway securities were firm , the division announced during the week equalling expectations. * American railway securities were Irregu lar , fluctuating sharply under the shift in the nature of Now York orders , adverse rumors concerning various loading kinds and thn closing of Hutmi Webster's operations. Loui'vlllo & Nashville apd Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul stocks , in which Webster had a largo account for a rlso , wore especially afTcctcd , but the immense amounts of both sold hero wcro ab sorbcd immediately. Denver & Rio Grande preferred became strong on the reports of thn road's amalgamation with another com pany. The week's variations In prices of American railway securities Including the following : Increases Denver & Rio G'-ando preferred , U i per cent ; Lake Shore. 1 > per cent ; Uoiivor & Rio Grande common and Wabaah preferred , 1 per cent each ; Union PaciHo shares , J/ per cent ; Northern Paclfio and Wabash debentures , V per cent each. Decreases Loulsvillo & Nashville , 3 per cent ; Norfolk & Western preferred , ! # per cent ; Central Pacific , 1 per cent ; AtchUon and Now York , Pennsylvania & Ohio first mortgage , M per cent enub. Canadian rail way securities wore flat. Grand Trunk first anil second profeirca both lost on the week. The securities of the Mexicau railways were considerably sold. First and seconds both suffered a doclluo of % X per cent for the week and ordinary declined % of 1 per cent. Amongst the miscellaneous securities Rio Tintas declined M of 1 per cent , and Slmoro copper < of 1 per cent , whllo Bolls Asbosto shares gained X of 1 per 'cent. Among the issues ot tbo weak was Elmore's American and Canadian Copper company with a capital of 200,000. Iliivuim Market Itovlew. HAVANA , Jan. 31. The .sugar market was very dull , closing nominal , The quotations arc as follows : MOI.ASSKS SUOAK Regular to peed polari zation , t2.\3i\iMX \ R ° 1J per quintal ; cen trifugal , 02 to Oti degrees polarization , In hoes- heads with bags and boxes , $2.903.90 . Stocks In warehouses at liavana and Matati- zas : Twenty-eight boxes , 252,000 bags and ASO hogsheads. Hocripts from the20th to the 27th inst. , 93,000 bags and 84 hogsheads ; ex ports during the same tlmo , 0,000 bags , 58.000 of which to the United States. BACON $8.75 gold per cwt. BIJTTEU Superior American , $3.00 gold , per quintal. FI.OUII American , $7.75 gold per quintal. Jcitknn BEEF ? S.50 cold per quintal. HAMS American sugar cured , $13.00 gold per quintal for northern and * 17.00 for south ern. ern.LAUD In kegs , $8.75 gold per quintal ; in tins , Sll.OO. POTATOES American , $3.00 gold per bbl. LUMIIEII Nominal. HOOM Quiet , BKANS white navy , $5.00 gold per quintal. CiiiiwiKo TOHACCO $19.50 gold per quintal. SHOOKS Quiet , FitEiniiTa Moderate. EXCHANGE Quiet and weak. Si'ANiaa GOLD $2.40 @ 2.41. On the Ilcrllii llourno. BKULIX , Jan. 31 Too early dullness pre vailed on tbo bourse during tbo week. Bank , iron , coal and Industrial shares generally were depressed. The final quotations in- cmdo the following : Prussian 4s , 10.90 ; Mexican Os , 31.80 ; Deutsche , 157.00 ; Bochu- mer , 113 ; Ilarpeucr , 143 ; short exchange on London , 20.37 ; long exchange on London , 20.30 ; private discount ! > < f per cent. It Is reported that Austrian purchases , in con nection with the resumption of cash pay- irtonts , were to raise a loan of 200,000.000 florins of gold. At u conference ID Vienna between Ministers Kalnoky and Weikerlo for the government and Baron Albert Roths child , it was decided to draw the first bullion from the btato colters , Daren Rothschild advising the postponement of the loun until 1893. A currency bill will bo introduced in the Roichsrath lu May. The mints in Vienna and ICrcmnitz have already fixed machines to turn out the now pieces on tbo shortest notice. On the Turin Hourso. PAIIII , Jan. 31. Business on the bourse during the week was exceedingly weak. Dealers concur in llo opinion that this month bus been the slackest January in many years. Tbo week's dccllnos include : Thrco per cent rentes , lOf ; Credit foncior , l fRloTlntos ; , 9f , In yesterday's settle ment rentes were easy and money was plentiful. A now 4 per cent Russian railway bond has boon negotiated amounting to 8- 000,000 , nominally to bo floated by a syndi cate of St. Petersburg and ParU banks. On the Frankfort lloiirge. FiiANKi'ouT , Jan. 31. On tbo bourse dur ing tbo week business was quint and prices wcro firm , Sunday's unofilclal quotations included : Hungarian gold rentes , 03.50 ; Italian , 90.90 ; Austrian credit , 2(50 ( ; Portuguese - guoso , 41.50 ; Spanish , 02.90. Till : SI'KCUI.ATIVi : MAUKKTS. . Win-lit Hulled Dull mill Lower , with Much . Ileurlnh Nun-H , CHICAGO , III. , Jmi. UO. Wheat ruled dull and lower today. Tbo news was nearly all bear ish ; local sentiment was In accord with It , und the olTarlngH wcro In excess of the demand. Cables woio depressed and domestic markets ttMidliiK downward , The export business for the week was nearly ll)00UJO ) Im. moro than the week previous and the trade was 'iKtirliiK ou an Increase of 6D'OX ) bu. In the vlulhlo supply. Now 'York and St. l.otiU had liberal Bulling orders bore Und bomu of the largest local lonn dropped tholr lioldlnEB through sheer discouragement. I'nrdrldgu and other local bears bold heavily for u time the purcliiibos asalnst puts and tlio covurln * by shorts who had a satisfactory prollt absorbed the property very readily , llut finally thu contlnuouB stream of oiroriugH bomui to tell , und buyers drawing out , there was n ri'coslon from early figures. Charles Wright was thu largest Individual liuyur , cov- urliiKuble line on which he lias boon short far u convldurublo tlmo while Purcirldgo was by all odds the heaviest seller. Molkmical , Hchwiirtz-Diiiiue. Lo/an und Mlliiilno-Uixlman each covered considerable wheat put out at tbo relatively high prlco * which ruled early lu thu wuuk. There was some talk of peed buylne by strnuit local cup talism , who , It was reported , were tiikhr.i wheat on nil at the breaks , but It did not api-oir thut Ihoir onerutloim weru Im portant. On thn break ( ilirord. llutoly llros. , Mitchell und bomo of the private wlro houses , were good buyuni , luruuly. It was thought , to cover short sales. Closing cubic * showed no Improvement , und In t the upon opinion of BOIHU dealers It : begins to look ua If Kuropo bud bucoiiin Indlf- I furuttt to our wheat erou movement , us stocks everywhere abnmil are bald to bo unusually lurao uud tbo uverase prleo for tbo week ao lowur , Tlio forulmi bltumton. as Indicated by lute cables , eau.cd renuwo-J mile * uud In- erousod uouknciu. May opened Jo lower at M , ie. which proved to bo thu htgliubt prlco ot IhoUtiy , worked slowly off to WJio , firmed uu a little , weakened to OJ'ic , utreujrlhcncd on covering uy itiortB near the elose , but closed OUHVUtVOUC. I Oorn thaw ; considerable firmness In tbo early part ot the nusgiou la splto ot weak cables und soiling by I'ardrldRO. but It noaltonbtl later In Njrinpnthy with tliri weak ness In wln-at. and provisions. Shorts were notciolne much In the wny of i-nvemu whllo xomu of the lutn Iniyor * were llquldnilnr freely , Miiy atArlcd He lower at , IISc. finned nptoll'ic. weakened to 40Vc and closed at . Unts wcro quiet and easy , May shows a loss of Ue. lion products were lower on the larger ro- eclptsof hoi ? * than oxpccted. anil n decline of from " > a to mo at ttio yards. The weakness In grains was also felt sympathetically , though there were snveral little rallies durlnz the nesslou nnd tlio close was at ,1 loss of only 5c In pork , from ; te to7e In laid nnd"Jo In ribs. Kstlnmtnd receipts for today : Who.-it , IWl corn , K > : oats , IS ) curs : hogc , : iu.OOO head. The loading futures ran , oil us follows : AIITUM.KN. WHEAT-NO. 2. January May COIIN No. 2 January , , . . . saw RR < < Kcbrimry. . , Mnr OATH No. 7- January Jlay. . . . . S0 } Mr.ss ToiiK Januarr. 11 To II TO 11 M , May 12 UO 1300 U M LAIIII Jnnuarr. . 637X A 40 May. . . . . . . 7J OUi G CTh SHOUT liins- January. . S7S May ( i U ) r , M 0 U5 n in Gush ( jucitations were us follows : Ki.mm Steady und unchanged. WIIKAT No. 2 spring wbciit. 83oj No , 3 aprliiu wheat , Sl'.ie ; No. 3 rod , Mc. ) ConN No. : > . ) ! io. OATS-NO. 2. 'Ma ; No. 5 white , f. o. b. , 30 ? * ® Uif ! No. : i wlilto , M'.io. ' UVE-No. Tll ! e. IIAIII.KV-NO. V , fifiiWgo ; No. 3 , f. o. b , 45 ® COn ! .No. 4. f. o. b. , S5SMC. KI.AX HKKP No. 1 , nic. TIMOTIIV SKEI > I'rltiio , II.Mai.SO. I'oiiK .Moss pork , per bbl , , * 3,4.vrj.Rr > 0 : lord , per cwt. , $ .4'J4t .421 { : short ribs sides ( loo.sol. i.-i.T2ii4.V77Ht ! dry salted Rhoulderg ( boxed ) . * 4. < U > ii3il.75 ; short clear sldox ( boxed ) , { (1.00 ® 0.0.1 0.0.1WIIISKV Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal. , $1.10. KudAUS Cut loaf unchanged. Receipts and shipments tod.iy were as fol lows ; HKCril'TS. BMU'MCNTH. Flour , barrels , . . 10.000 17.000 Wheat , bUBholi. 72,0110 32.UOO Corn , bunuola , . , . 2H.OOO OatD , buslicls. , . . 168.0UO 257.UUO lire , bushel ! I4.1KIU 3.000 llarlcy. butholB. 48.0UU 24.000 On tlio I'ro.lucu oxclmnzo today the butter market was firm and unchanod ; fancy Elgin creamery. 'JO IIu ; line western. "M4'JSc ; ordl- tuirv , .TOo' i1 ! selected dairy , .1452c ( ! ; ordinary , WXiti.'e EKBH. > . " . > ® .l3c. OIIEKSK Klrni ! full cream chcudars , 11 ® llUe ; flats , llBllie ( : Younp Anierleas , U1 ® llaC. ! ? I1IDK8 Unchanged : wet salted New Or leans selected. 43 to 7.i Ibs. , CSo ; today's 'se lected , 5J to liO Ibs. , C3c. TALLOW Unchanged. Now Vork .Markets. NEwYoiiK , Jan. 30. KLUUII Hecelpts , 3057 packuucs : exports , 1.0U5 bitrrols. l.\8."il sacks : market , full , weak ; Hales , 10,5V ) hble ; low ex tras. ftl.2tf6.183 ; winter wheat low grades , fi. ® : i.8 i fair to fancy , * - ) . © 4. SO ; patents , M.4.1ici.lA ; Minnesota clear. I.OOa4.75i ; straights ! I.O.YOJ : ; straights putoiit , J4.5IJ5.'J5. WHEAT Hecolpts. 43.740 bu. ; cxportn , 130- OOJ bu. ; sales , ca.i.OOO bu. futures , 17.UOO uu. spot. Hpot market quiet , lower and wuak ; No. 2 rod , fl.oijj In store and elevator ; Jl.UDiI.O ! ! = ; afloat ; $ l.J2 ( ® l.04U f. o. b. ; No. 3 rtdIW c3'.M ; tineraded red. OOcffl$1.04VJ ; No. 1 northern , JI.U4'/i ; No. 1 hard , H.IHSOI.KJM : No. 2 northern. 09Mo ; No. : i spring. OOc. Options declined ? jJio on weak cables and large receipts In thu north west , reacted iiSJfic. dce.lnod HUoou light clearances ; closed steady at. JiBilic under .voatcrday ; No. 2 ro-J , I'obruary , 81.01VJ ® 1.0li , elosinc atl.oi.S ; March , Jl.u2M1.0.i. ? closing nt tlMX ; April , $ t.u2M ; May. JI.OUJ Tal.Ol 1-10 , olosliiKattl.OJii : Juno. ! K599ic. ) ! closing at OOyio : July , 077 < ® OSo , closing at 07 ? i ! . Hvn Dull , nominal ; western , 0334c. ! HAIII.KV Dull : No. 2 Milwaukee , C971c. HAIU.KY MALT Quiet. COIIN Itccelpts , H2t75 : bu. ; exports. 4,840 bu. ; gales. 315.UOU bu. of futures ; Mil.TOJ bu. of spot ; spot market dull and weaker ; No. 2 , 4u > { e. In elevator ; fiOie ! afloat ; ungraded mixed , 4C50 > iu ; No. ' ' . 4l > c ; steamer mixed , 48 > i40u. Options ducllnoJ % < &lAc on weak caulos. reacted ! ( ® ? > c on covering , and closed firm J6 ® ? o under yustcrdny ; July. 40 > i4Uc ; I'ubrunry , 4lJic ; March. 4UU4jc ! ) , cloning 40 So ; April , ? : May , 48 ® 40Ho , closing 494 ! 4c. OATS HecolptB , 02.2SO bu. ; exports. 325/KJO bu. ; Rales , none of futures : 3. > ,0io bu. of spot ; spot trnrket weaker ; options , dull and nom inal ; February , 33Hc : March , 30 > c : May , 37o : pot , No. 2 white. 3sHo : mixed weiloru. 3J ® 3tlV4o : white western. 3742 < j ; No. 2 Chicago. 3Uk33Uc. HAY Quiet : md weak ; shipping , ftj.50 ; peed to choice. 7.r > - ® ' . > .0 1. lloi'j Quiet and easy ; state common to choice. 2027c : * common to choice Puclllc cqiist , ZOSMKo. SUQAII Haw , steady ; roflnlnir , 3c ; centri fugals , UG test. 37-Oe ! ; refined niilotand steady. Bl OLASSES Foreign nominal : Now Orleans , steady ; common to fancy , 2830c. KICK ( fillet ; domostio fair to extra , 4Ji ® OUe ; Japan , 4i5sC.O ? I'KTiuii.KUM Quiet nnd steady : crude In barrels uarKers. 58o bid ; bulk. ilHO ; refine : ! nominal New York. l-.4.'i ; I'hlladeluhla and llaltlmore , Jo.ratO.4i ) ; IMitladelphlii ami Daltl- moro In hulk , fU.8J33.95 ; united closed for Fobriiary. COTTUN KKKP Oir. Quiet ; crude 2o yellow 2K32U ! ! < e. TALLOW Quiet and easy ; (8,00 ( for paek- . KnsiN Quiet and steady ; strained common. to good. Ji.i/ : . Tiiui'ENTiKB Quiet and firm nt : i3'T Ho. Kona Steady und iiulot ; western , IMBr.'oc : reeolpts. 2fi97 packages. I'ditK Moderutu demand , steady ; mess , $ fl.7.'iI .73 ; extra prime , la.'fl. CUT MKAT. < Firm ; ptckltd bellies , n OS'-ic : shoulders , fie ; hams. Do ; middles , quiet and steady ; short clear. Ki.4'1. LAUD Lower , dull ; western sto.-im closed at J3.77'i ; sales. l.OCO tierces at .l.715i8.87Vi ; op- t.'ons , sains , lr > 00 tierces : February , J0.7II , clos- Irg 1110.7:1 ; March , $ J.84 ; May , M.lKXao.'JS , clos ing at * ( ! ! H. liUTrm ; Inactive , firm : western dairy , 18 ® 23o ; western creamery. 22'c ; western fac tory. I0'lo : Elgin , afc. CMKKSE Firm , moderately active ; purt skims. 0IOJic. l'ia IIION Steady , quiet ; American , , tl5.7 il , * " * ii Qnletand firm ; Irko , Ha7010.7i I.EAII Dull nnd easy ; domestic , II.-U Ti.s Quiet and steady ; straits , $19.70. Omaha 1'rodiivo .tlurhots. Fun ITS California riverside oranges , 12.50 ® I'.UO ; Washington navolH..7 | < fi < , UO ; California tangerines. I3.'IO per Uox ; Florida oranges. brlglits. KU.75i.OO : ; russets , } 2.'X2.00i ) Florida tangerines , $ . | .50I,03 ; western tipples , $1.75 ® 2.5J per Dhl. , fanny stand might bring 25c more. Now York apples , Ji va.7S. VKCIETAWXS California cabbage , 2 ! o her Ib In crates ; homo grown lettuce , 45c per do/ . dorouiruv Chickens. o7o ; RCOSO , ducks and turkeys , 010e. U AMI : No sale for rabbits , will not bring enough to pay shipping charges. UUTTEii Fair to good , I0317o ; choice coun try , 192Ie. FI.OUII Omaha Milling company's Ilollunco , . . JI.01 ; Queen of the I'antry , $2.70. llincK No. 1 green salted hldns. 4J@4Jo ! ; No. 2 green Halted hides , a@'l4o ! ; No. I sreen salted bides. 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4Hl > e ; Na 2 prnon salted hides. 25 to 40 Ibs , , 'J.Mo ; No , i veal calf. 8 to n Ibs. , Cot No. 2 veal oalf , 8 to IS Ibs , . 4o : No. I dry Hint hides , 78o ; No. 2 dry Hint blues. .72.au ; No. 1 dry salted bides. .V&flu , Tal low. No. 1 , 3Vile ; tallow , No. - > , 'J'io : grouse white A. 44U ; ginuho , white II , grease , yellow , 3o ; grouse , dark , 2He ! old but- tur.4i-Hoi beeswax , prime , lllo ; rough tal low , H4-'c' . lines Market firmer ; strictly fresh stock , ° * 'c "llAV Market over supplied ; W.003.50 per tbn. _ Oinaliit ( inilu JMurket. Prices based on delivery at MUilsslpnl river points , Nebraska tnspojtlon , und ten days' shipment , unlota otherwise Btato- . Cash grain calls fur shipment within llvudays. Wheat No. 2 spring. K > u bid. Urn-No. 2 , 78J biu ; No. 3. 7.iJ4o bid. OATrt-No. 3 white. 3lo bid : No. 3 white , .flat No. 2 mixed , 30o bid ; No. 3 mixed , .t > o bid ; No. 3 colored , -lie. CHUN No. 2 cash. 3 < So bid , : < 7o asked ; Febru ary , UOu bid , UO o asked ; No. Z whlto , 37Ho blc , Among the sales were ; Three cars No. whlto oats , Me ; 20 ours No. ,1 or better corn , 20 days. 'JUSU' . 1IOAIID OP T1UDK NOTES. ! ' . I'anlknerof Schuyler , Nob. , was In look liu over the market , KIIIIIIUH City Mitrkuti. KANSAS Cirv. JloJ.Iun. 30. WHEAT Kaslor und about lo lower ; No 2 , hard sold at 77c ; Na 2 red. 8Ju. COIIN Weak : No. S mixed , 3lu ; No. 3 whlto , - . OATS Steady ; No. 2 mlxotl , lu ) ; No. 8 white , 30o. 30o.Itvu Itvu Steady : 77oforNo. 5. I'I.AX SKKI > Slo on the b.-iyls of pur : . llitAN Kusler : suukea , avftUGc. llAV I'irni ; timothy. JHOO ; fancy -prairie. (7.CU ; good to choice. U.00aoi ) ; low grades. . ltECEHT Wheat , 10,000 uu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; outs , none. Piiii'iiUNTS Wheat , 27.003 bu.t corn , none ; oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ne.\v York Dry ( ! < ioU Market. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 30 , lluslnoss In dry foods displayed feir new feature.- * , Doing u > hort ( jay thu general movement was relatively quiet , 1'rlutn wuio lu fair dcmaud uud touo very Btronr. The MorrlmtuitOilrtlng prints will bo advnnced on Montl ; Tie 44C nnd fnrnlturo MerrlniAC fust blavfcTJtlns wll | so bo nd- vnnccd'to. Tlio dutljlcnto rixincst for spring and summer spccliilrjPs Roifcrully tend * to moro Activity nnd Ftpi-miry is U > o' rd to na [ irobnhly bringing mlt n Rlrong demand * tap'o cottons were morn iiulet. but n good many small orjer-i kept the position ma terially unchanged..i. NRW YOIIK , .Tun , 30-iptitlons opened steady at five points down to fifteen points up , nnd closed stoutly at five points up to five down : "ales. IO..TI hag . niclirdlng : February. JI3.00 W13.I5 ; Mnreh. JI2.70fflliM ! ; April , 913.40 ; May , $ l2. : Xill2.3-i : .luiio , JIB. 0 : July. M2.00 ; Sep tember , Jll.Sj ; spot , KIp. No.7. Jl3.2i Mlltrnukcp MurknU. MIMVAUKRB.VK. . .Inn. 'M. WIIKVT Easy ; Na 2 spring. Kio > . No. > northern , Wo. Cons-Quiet : No. 3. 30Se. ! OATS Quiet ; No. 2 while , 3lo ; No. 3 whlto , 30c llAttt.KV Quiet ; No,2,5Jo ! ; saiuplo on track , HvE-Enslor ; No. 2 , 8 tl.oiilsJMiirk t < < . ST. 1/ouis. Mo. , Jan. 30.-Wllc.VT Cash. U UN Kasy ; cash , , ' 10'c. OATS Lower ; ciisb. SD'ie. I'OIIK Quiet ; now , $11.70. I.Aitn-btoadyat JOO. \VllI8KV-$1.10. . Liverpool Market * . LIVBIIPOOU .Ian , IIO. WIIKAT Quiet ! holders offer moderately ; No. 1 California. ts ' 4d@ 8s Hd ( nor cental ; rod western spring , Ts ! 4d © 78 Id ! No. 2 red wlntnr. ? Ud5Ss njd. ; COHN Knsy ; doinitnd fallen oIT ; mixed west ern , -Is Cd per cental for now. CHEESE American finest white nnd colored , OSspercwt. - Toledo drain Market. TOI.KDO. O. . Jan. 30. WHEAT Lowers No. 2 cash and February , ulijc. ' COIIN Easy ; No. S cash 39c. ! OATs-Qulot ; cash. S8c. Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI. O , , Jan. DO. WIIICAT Strong ; Na' ' roil. KlUftrtlc. COIIN I'Mmier ' ; No. 2 mixed , 40441lo. ! ! OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 32&45J3C. WIIIBKV tl.ia. 1.1 VK STOCK MAltKKT.S. Oinnlm's \Vock Closes with I.lttlo llcttnr Drmnnil for Cattle Hoc * I'ull. OMAHA , Jan. HO. Itoeolpts for the past week were 10,3'J5 cattle. 39.470 hogs nml 3.844 sheep , against ii,71U : cattle. 40.M4 lioss and 3,175 sheep thn week previous , and lilHicttttle. ! ) o0.8. > 0 bozs and 2.252 Miccp for the last woo U of January , 1601. Tbo month's receipts foot tip 59,158 cat- tlc , 201,557 botis and 1I.77D sheep , against 50,021 cattlo. SSOIO bops and 10.40 ! ) sheep for Decem ber , nnd B 1.072 cattle , 102.1oi boys nnd 1I.3GI sheep for January last year. Considering the fact that compared with the week nrovlotiB cuttlo receipts show u de crease of 3.300 head , an advance lu prices of both hoof steers and bittctior stock ft some thing lllio 15e to 23C is u rather unsatisfactory showing. The deninnd nil WCOK has only been fulr , neither local houses mirshlppcrsuxhlblt- lua any great anxiety for the entile. In fact with the rather Indifferent lnqulry.lt Is re- nmrkublo that prices have bocn maintained so well. Tbo stoolicr nnd feeder trade Is sonmwhat livelier and prices 10o to 15o stronger than a week ago. Thu country Isfull of clicup oorn nnd consequently everyone wants feeders. Comnarcd with boor cattle prices feeders are soiling ut very strong fig ures. Hop" have shown some lluctiuitlon. but tno general tendency has been hlchor and the week cloaca with prices lOo lo ISehigher than last Saturday and fxJe to GOo hlRlivr tuun Jnnuary 1. There has.Jieen no m.-iterlalchnugo In sheep values. EterythliiR deslr-iblo tbat has bocn offered foKsalo lias found a ready purchaser at .sulHtikiitttilly unchanged prices. The week closed flrlth u fair run of oattlo. noariv 100 cars , and UiKlns ovorytblnii Into consideration , the quality was thn bust of the week. Conditions were pretty much tbo same us on r'tlday. both local und slilnpliu buvers having fair orders.Truillng v/na ratbor nc- tlvoand mlccs slightly unproved. Tbn ad- vunce slnco Tuesdaytbo , low day "f ( ho week , has boon rather gradual , but the fulr to Rood beef steers lire solllntri from Lie to2.'ic bettiM1 than a week ago. Good 1,1 O-lli. to 1.3no-lb. stuors solrt ut froiii- < .C > ) to CL7TSS. wlrh uno bunch of choice steer * fit S4.2.Y , Kalito eood 1,000-lb. to l.SOO-lb. olcers sold for from J3.25 to $3.50 , with common to fair stuff around from { 3.1.0 to { 3.1.5. ) j } The bettor grades"of butcher stock sold strong to lie lilslioriUi\n : Friday and from "Oo to'Ji'c bettor than Cfticsrtuy. OiTorlngs were rather liberal Including fully 1ml f tbo reel-lots , but shipping or dors , wcro iiond and looul houses were also ajctjons to Rettbolr full iiuotn. Good to choice cdwa : uul heifers sold from 12,40 to &J.OO , fair to gopd cows from $3.00 to $2.40. canners and coitininn'stuir from $1.00 $2.1.0. Dulls , oxon and slaps \ruro lu eood do- in and und stronger at from 11.75 to 1.75. Calves wore In poor diipply and firm at from fcl.'K ) to $5.00 for fulr to choice veal. Trading was rather limited In the stacker nnd feeder line , but- prices were steiidy to strong. 1'onr to prime stock sold from 11.85 to 13.20. Representative sales : STKKUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. i'r. No. Av. Pr 1. . 770 J3 00 2..1010 S3 35 13..1170 J.IOO 7. . filfl a 10 7..1007'3i5 ' : 82..1200 300 04. . 1)15 310 5.1042 333 22.1104 300 17. . B45 II 10 II..1103 335 II. 11411 3JO ( 13..1103 315 18. . 938 335 37..1247 307J4 20. . H98 315 16.1050 3 37',4 ' 21..1101 370 3. . 080 3 SO 8 , . 007 340 81..1300 1170 10..1032 320 22.1163 340 44..1141 375 2. . 700 320 56..1173 35) IS..1315 : t77'/ 11.1057 325 23. . 1002 350 17..JS33 425 21 Btoers , corn-fed Tcxans 1171 335 cows. 1..1130 100 4. . & 4.i 200 3..1170 20 ! 4. . 705 125 3 .IOSC 2 00 3..1170 2110 3. . 800 1 : i5 1. . r&O 200 16. . P4 230 M. . IKU 140 10. . B04 201 fi. 8JIO 23.J 1. . 040 150 1..1010 200 3..100(1 ( 240 B. . FSB I'M 1. . 071 200 23 BliO 240 3. . OKI 150 2. , 070 200 13..10111 240 5. . 0i4 : 153 1..I070 200 12. . WI7 24.- | 8..1021 150 0. . 871 201 U. . ft.1l 250 1. . 570 1 W ) 11. . 997 2 10 2. . 1245 250 2. . 750 1 Ml 5..1144 210 14..1140 250 3. . BOO 100 1..11)30 ) 210 14. . ( . ! ) 250 2 .1075 1 03 11..IOX. 2 II ) 1..1I70 250 7. . 0112 1 05 28.1040 215 22. . 070255 3..10RO 103 10. . W8 22. ) 15..1130 255 7. . 704 175 1. . D50 220 a0..10iO 2BJ 1..1WIO 175 6. . : S88' 2 30 25..1012 200 fl. . 1)38 ) 175 10. . 020 220 20..1017 2 CO 4. . 870 175 1..1SCO 215 5.11115 20.1 25. 8:17 : 175 17.075 225 IB. . 07J 203 1. . 760 175 2..1040 225 IS..812 2C5 2..1IIO 185 23. 1014 225 15. . ISO 263 7. . 892 I KO ID. . 801 225 21. . 037 S IB 22. . 745 185 7..1042 2 2.5 21. . OsS 270 5..1148 1 DO 2..1023 225 2..1210 275 1..1I70 1 OJ 1..1280 230 HI. . 1010 275 2..100 2U ) 1..1000 230 13..1123 275 3..llf,0 200 15. . 1128 < ! 33 27..1KO ' 2 60 2. . 000 200 1. . 710 230 13. 070 285 1. . 050 200 14. . 083 230 18..1008 200 3..1010 200 4. . 083 230 5.1220 300 3..1000 200 10,1178 210 38.,1031 300 IIKIFKUR. 4. . 502 1 75 1. . 580 2 25 MH.KUII8 AND SI'IIINOUHH. 1 cow and calf , 210' ) 1 cow and cajf.v 20 OJ CALVES. 1. . 230 a 00 2. . 115 40 } 1. . ISO 509 IIU M.S. 1..1230 1'(5 1..1370 223 I..1270 250 S..130) 175 1..1800 225 2..1705 250 2..1250 175 1..14H ) 223 2..1550 250 2. . 570 1 HO 1. 1370 225 1 .1510 250 I..13(1) ( ) 1 85 5.154) 223 1.1200 200 1..1510 200 3.1500 233 1..I590 280 ' 4,1230 205 1..1830 331 I..1710 21/0 1..15811 2 Oi 1..1000 233 1..I400 300 1..1230 210 1..I250 2 Si ) 1..19IO 3W ) 1..140J 223 1..IOIO 2 fiO 8..UGS 300 1. . 150.1 223 1..1440 250 STAQS. 1..1510 375 , , | J BTOCKB 9 > ND reensn ) . 0. . 370 283 1..700 270 1. . 690 300 1. . 700 225 14.3lWa ! 275 2. . 813 300 1. . 493 250 , , , > iy 275 4. . 725 3 DO 2. . 850 25) S.ftfO 28.5 3. . 600 310 2. . K 2f > 0 ! . , , ; 200 5 , . OliO 310 24. . 717 209 10-f4li'i ? U ) 1. . 7W 315 rt 4. . 677 320 ' lions The supolytwas not very huavy , full- IIIK fully 3.00U bhort pi last Saturday. The iliuillly nf the bos was about the connnonujt of the weok. ultjiouahAhuhois could not by any moans bo called cqminon. Shipping ordei.i were llnlil. the Huppiy win umplo for local ro- iiulioinenls , and adviciib fioin other market conterH were decidedly bearish. The lr.ido opened out slow miditower. A few at the ln-st hosssold aboutsteart ) ' right at Iho oponlng , but early biislneHs Vab at prlcos u bhado to 5u lowur than Krlday. 1/'rIccs / rather wonkunoti UH provisions opened lower nnd Hblppoii nnd fresh men dropped-'out , loavlng a clear fluid for iinukera. The ujof * ' ) "as weak and fully f > u lowur than I'ridayiipd In occasional 'nsttincos. especially on pooil'IRnlvy ' hogs , closing prlci-s wuiu 5c to 10o lowert'JUtiod heavy ho s hold ut 14.25 to 11.30 with a few t'arly satca ut l.im : to fl.i5. : Uonunon heavy and mixed pnckcru sold nt fl.L'i ) to fl-25. Unlit and light mUcd loads from 14.10 to I4.3J. Sonm common light stulTsold at flieji to $1.05. Kvorylhluif Mold tbo bulk at ; iCOtifl.:3 ugaliiBt 14.25 lo II 30 I'riduv. The average cost wns $1.21 against ll.27U'I'rlday und II.10U lust Fntuitlur. Tlio week and month close with prices | no to 15c hlshor than n wt-ok n ii. 'flo to fiOo hlihor than u month ago and nbout'fiOc ' higher than a year itgo. Hcprcsoiitittlvo sales ) No. Av. tih. i'r. No , Av. eh. 1'r. K1..1BI Hi' ) 3Wii , C5..2rJ hO 42.1 03 150 4 05 72 , . . . . 24 ! ) 20J 423 6 3.14 40 4 IJ ' < B27I 40 423 CO 213 241 410 & 2..3iO W ) 425 20 . . . . KM hO 4 10 M 2ifi ! 40 423 113 ISO llW 410 40 310 - . 425 75 21 ! ) 140 415 73 VJI 80 415 03 . . .UO 12J 415 CO . . . .231 2bO 423 01) . . .221 24) 415 W. . ,24 * J.f.0 425 ftt . .2117 21) ) 4 15 W SI 200 425 05 . . . .2M ) 249 415 77 2Ui 2SO 425 53 227 2JO 415 60. . .328 - - 425 n . . .210 40 4 17M 31 87 425 08 217 feO 4 I7J ! OJ.X 'J 81 425 04 . . . 251 120 420 72 2.V1 120 425 7B..23I 120 420 51 26:1 : 40 4 23 U7. 218 60 420 M 23U 40 425 101.2ia 4 20 70..2JU 120 423 ( Jcotlic's Visit to Cnrlsbml. There Is no doubt. Unit the llfo of the great l oet wns greatly prolonged by drinking the waters , of the i-prudol Spring. Wo have the HpriitlM Spring brjught to us In the form of salt , which Ii ubtnlnnduy ovnporatltiu from the waters of Carlsbad. TlioCA1ll.su A I ) SI'Ill'DEh SALT , ( powder form ) < llssolvostenacioushllc , allays irritation nnd removes obstructions by aiding nature. It acts soothingly and without pain , The BciiHliio hni the signature of Klf NKK.t MKN- Dbl.bON CO. , Agents , Now York , on every to'.tie. NO OTIIJDX6 LEAVES A DELICATE AND LAST-TWO ODOR. For snlobr nil Drug nnd Fancy Goods Dcnlrrn or II nnntilo to procure this ivomlcrfiil < m | > senrtsn < In stamps and receive n cake by return mall. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. RPKOIAI * Shandnn nrlls Vfn\tt \ ( the nopulM Society Wnltt ) pcnlKltKK to nnyono BenUUif u hnio wrappers ot Hhonclon IJcils Bout ) . Lo Duo's Periodical Pills. The Kronnli remedy acts directly upon the Rencrntl vo organs and cures suppression of the mensem. (2or throe for $ * > , and can bn malloiL Should no tbo used durhi pronfiiiuy. .Tobbori. drngKlstii and the public supplied by Goodman UrunCo. . ' ' TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. 'F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEN8. _ _ < io iifi-honi. iicat inl I ornr ( ; . ! cured In 2 days liy the Kronen Komody entit led the 1C I NCI. It dissolves against and Is ab sorbed Into tbo Inllainoil parts. Will roftind money Iflt dom nut eur i. or rnu i > s striutura Gentlemen , bore Is a rnlliihlo nrtlolo. $ ) a package , or 2 fur % > per null prop.ild. Mcuor- rnlck & Lund , Oniatia. 70 227 8) 420 80 121 ! 4 25 00 27 : . ' ICO 4 20 CO..25) 40 425 71 I'M 10 420 i'5 . . . . 270 30) ) 425 ; > 4 2114 100 433 05 II2S .MO 425 08 2J8 1'i ) IV. . ) 02 : 7 40 425 70 251) ) 81) ) 4 ffll lEI 254 120 I 25 57..202 20) 42) OS . . . . 272 M ) 4 27t { 77 ! 1M 40 4 ' . ' 0 02 2.V ) 40 42 ? } } 65 2.VI 40 4 20 05. . 208 4274 ! 69 2411 0 4 2C 111 270 M ) 4 27 ! * 64 271) ) 40 420 57 112. ) SOI27' > 70 240 20J 4 X'U 01 IHI ! 100 427' , } 75 218 100 420 fiO 27J 80 427 ! ' , 1 400 4 21) 71 281 bO 4 27'S 15 : K > 3 120 4 20 au : ni : 4:10 : 274 420 02 225 4 : U 2V7 10J 420 47 4III SO 4 DO yf.n uu 4 22W 02 20S 40 4 III ) 240 4 2'JJi U . . . .a.VI 4IM 55 2I7 ! 1110 4 22'4 ( it ) 27U 20il 4M 77 ; iJ i 11)0 ) 4 22 > i liS 2SJ 210 4 It1) 53 245 SO 4-25 M : :09 : | 2U 4111 147 : H4 041) ) 425 50 4''S 2 > iO 4 M 01 251 40 425 102 IWfl 4 iW l4 ! 272 4) 42.5 05 2C.O . < 0 4 .13Ji ( 240 80 425 S 271 120 4 : I5 7i ; 20-i U'O 425 55 : i')7 4 IU ( K ) 2l > 5 k'HO 1 25 (17 ( 2.V > 4115 .SIIKICP Ileeulpts were liberal onoiitili , bin tbo uulU vvrro oonsl nod tbruuRli nnd mil. olVereil on tbo ninrltet. i-omu mlxo.l westurns. mostly nweti broiiKbttl.00 and u stnull bunch of ml.ved natives bronchi J4/ ) ) . I'r cus Morti fully steady. Quotations : Natives. $ .t7.i ( < 4f'.2."i ; westerns , ji.5ir ; ! ( 5.0. ) ; eommoii "nil s tor I ; e is. $2.50i.iO : : 40 to SO-lb. lamlw HCO © " ) . : * ) . Itcpre- scntatlvo bales : No. A v. Pr. 2S native mixed . * Hi $1 'fl : : > ) westerns , mixed 1)7 4 ra 1 goat 500 ICrcclpt.s and lIsinsltlon | nf Stuck. Olllclal rceolnls und dlspmltlou of stoeli as shown by tbo books of the Union -Mock Vards company for tlio twenty-fourbouiy , ending at So'cloel ; p. m , January ,1) , k'J' . ItKUKII'Tri. CATTI.I : . HODS. ItolfDS.l .M'l.s. Cnva. jllcnd Carl , llonil Car Cura. I lload. l | 2.ISS nl U'.4 ' DISPOSITION. UVVKU1. I'ATT'K OmaliH rocVlnycompany. . U. H. Jlainnionilcompany. . 5J Swl/l \ Co. . SU7 Cudahy l'ncklnicoiui'iiy. | ! . ( perry A H Shipper ! * anil tvi"jtii \ UJ'J 1UT Lett over. , ' , Totnl n il.ISS < ; iilciiBi ) llvi.SIiiU : .M ClliOAH ) , III. . Jim. : u [ Bpuulat Tolturam to THE HEK. ] Tlie'ro was hut little -itool ; In tbo yards today , nor was miieli wantud. In vnluoH there was no nppreulablo rIn 111:11. Holders asked full Jirlees and tiot tliinn , tbu pens belli ; : elr.-iroil on u banU of from } I.'J5 to M.25forlnfurlor to u.vtr.i cows , tl.5) ) lo t .7. > for Inferior to uxtni bulU , , 0 to t.im for stouk- era and feeder.- , and tl.10 1.0 W.U' lor vury com mon to extra dressed beef nil I shipping steer.- , . Asa consi'iiic'nco | of tbo leeont iidvanen In prlucs , iniven are antlidpntlii ) ; a lar uly In- erensoil supply for next weuK , Ycsteriliiy'ii ndvanco In IIOIH was not. sus tained tod.iy , TlicriTIU eonlliineil activity in the oaatorn iKiniand , but loeal paukur-t hcemcd IndllVoront. and tslinv and iiiimitis- factory in.iiuct was oxnurlunceil , I'liok-u ' lioavywur hlasoltl elf to ( Ul ) , and thu best IlKht soils wt'ro not wanted at over ii.M. l-'rum those ( Inures bales r.niKed ilowiin.nd to from H10 to M.2) for poor buavy. nml In f loin II.UO to f 1.1(1 for poor Unlit. Tbe o iiuol.itlons Indlcatoailpulliiuof fioin IUo to I5e. the close 1'oliiK viny bad. 'I ho iiuallty was vury poor ; tbo poorest for any day of tbo present SIMSOII , Only a llmlteil amount of biihlnes. | was transnc ed In the ibeup inaikut ; l.i'OO ' head comprlseil Ihn day's Kiipply. In values HUTU was mi porooptlbio ohnir o , tbu market inline stu.idj-nt fiom J.l.M to ? l.r.O for pour to fair , anil at from M.75 to t.i.4 i for eoo.l to uxtra. I.limbs were ( jiioli'd nt fiom il. - ' . ' to ilL41. Keculiits weic ! Cattle. J. > , uO ) ; ho.s. 2)OJDj 'J'bu' 'i'.veiling Journal renorlm ( 'ATn.K Hecelpls. ) .5SOj Bhlpiiiciitii , none ; best uraiies steady others strop ; ; ; natives , J .U.iiJI.IlJ ; stoulii-is. liOiffi .75 ; i-ows , * l.5' ' > a'l. ; > 0 , llodji Hi'i'clpls.U' ( ; Hlilpments , nonu ; marUet 8lo\viiud lower ; riiiiith und eoinmon , fLU.vjSI.U'i ; niUod and paeliera , 14iurc4.45 : ; pi line huavy and butuhuiV wel lile , JI.Vi5 : ) 4.5Ililit. ; . * ) . JiH.iO. HitKKi'--lli'i'ilpla , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; market steady ; no cbaiivo from ye.slenlay's native ewe < . { L5Cii.OO ; mixed. 5.25j webturns , Vx ( ii'i.'IJ ; lambs , 5.V& Kuinna < ; ity l.lvo SIot-li .Murkttt , ICAX8A8 CJTV. Mo. , Jan. 3' ) . OATTI.B-UC- cnlpts. II.W ; shlpmi'ittH. 2i | i. Hleurs ivuru S0 15o lower ; cows steady and leoavr * nulot ; druisod beef and Nhlppliw 'leei'J , ? .l.2.'iiil.vO ; cuws aim hnlfers , il.io ; lUJ ; Btoc-Uurv and fcodurs * fXiri i-'iGi ) . IIoa < Kscolpu. 8.100 ; blilpinenta. 00) ; the inarKHt. wan dull mid 50o ! lowur ; all-grades , j IteeoluH. 200 ; shipments. 100 ; thu nmil.et wasiiulel and iineliail oJ. Binllh col logo ( jraduatod last year a class of clgbty-thrcu woiiion , and lu onterlntulasy this year has increased tbo numnor of stu- deuts to nearly 700 , An interostin feature of the follcRo lUe Is the substitution of "cot- tues , " or separate houses , for the accommo- dutlon of IU studonts. Kaca cottage accom modates from forty to sixty pupIU , and Is a most qulot and delightful ilttlo home , presided - sided over by a lady lu charge. OMAHA 11 its' and AWMNGB ANI > TUNTS. Umahti Tint A Co. , Kings , lininmock' , oil and rubber clothlnir. ? < > tul for cntnloguc. 111.1 t'nrnvn. IIAUS AND TWINIW. lltmtt Omn/iii nag Co. Importer * uml mnn.ific- tnron. flour Back * , llurlnni niut Twlno. lUOYOhHS. A , 11. ftrro < < . .1Co. . , .M O. Damn , UU ( DoilRO street. Illcjclcs solil un monthly pnyincnt * . Send fur our cntnloguo nnd prices. HOOTS ANl > SIIOKS. Morso-Ooo Shoa Oompai ; , 110.1 Howard BtroiU Kaclorr corner lltti niul Doiiglf' treoli. to nklim clo o jirlcos to cnOi b iyor. , nrt arc n clasi or irooclt whlcli Is vcrr l- OBblonllh mcrclmnts. nii Atrnam i JOHW A Co. , , t limit , \Vhole nto Mr\niifnclirr < . Aiirnts for llosloii Huh. 1212 Hiirncj street , t > cr Shoo Co. , 1IU2 , 1101 Omiih.i , Net ) . nnd 1IUU Hnruey ulrccU Atntilcan Hand Ktu-td ftltne Co. , tloota. Khoc.1 , rubbers nnd felt K OIS , ITOI-I ) llnrnor stroct. CAIUMAGKS. | Ci.O.lliNG. ( idmmc < ( Unlit , Mnnufncturcrs nmt Jnle Clothiers , 1IO.I llnrncr street . COAI ; , COKK , 15TC. Omaha Ooaiolidatid Eliotrioil Oi. , Klcctro Dmainoi t.nmni. Wlru und KlectrlcM Hup- plICJ of All Kinds. 1112 iiutvur.l Btru.'i , uuulia. ll'olKlefrttnl Ca. , lllustrntoil cntnloguo frco. 1C ! I Cnpltol Avenue. AND C All PUTS. GUAIN AM ) I'HOVl-'IOAS. S. A. McWhuitcr , Ilrokcr.1 nudcnsli liuycrs. M llnnnl of Truio I'rlvnto wlioj to Ncir Vork , Chlc.iK" , nnd SI I'mkor In Krain , ' provl- . . . lonrd uf Blonsiiiiiistoeki. I'rlvnlo l.tnili. 10-1 : . wired lo N. V. , ChlniKO Trade. anl : HI. I.ciiil ) . Sands ( 'ominfuifuii Cn. llrokor. . Direct irlri ) todilcuKO , New Yorlc.nml SI. I.oiil . N. V. l.lfcl Uulldlni ; . . Hobb's Are tlio Best on Earth. Act gently yet prompt ' ly on the I.IVDll , Jtll ) . OR. HOBB'S NUVS and 110HKKS , din- pelllnR Headaches , Fev- rra and CoWn. thorough LITTLE ly cleansing tlio Bystem of dlbciiae , and cures Vegetable habitual conatlpntlou. They nro sninr coated , do not Krlpo , very email , easy to tiilio , and purely louetnblc. 45plllslncacli vial. 1'crfect digestion follown their uio. They ntisolutolv cure elrli hrnil' aclii * . auu nrorcrommcnJ- ed by leadlint plijUrlons. For fiUlo by IcadlnR druKelats or Kent by mull ; 5it . n ilnl. Address HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Props. , San Francisco cr KOIl SAI.K IV OMAHA. NE1) . , DV Kutm A Co. , Cii.r IMIi & DoiiRlai KIs. J .A Fuller & Cii , , C.ir , Ulli & DouKla AD Fobtcr & Co. , Couutll Hindi. , la. AN OLD VETERAN. II , HerlAocutcr , Stuvrnu' 1'olnt , U'ls. , eulTured for 25 years of Ner vous J'roetratlon , Imoin limn toiiL'iio can lull. I'liyslcl- ana availed noth ing , ono uotllo o ( DR. MILES' RCSTORATIVC NERVINE , o Teun. , BiifferiMt from periodical uervotia attackf , hat found effcit after ueiuj ; ono boltlo of Hervltio , Trial bottlu uud ulesunt hook FJtKU ut driiggletB. DR. MILKS MEDICAL Co. , Elkhart , Ind. I'orsalo by Ktiliii & fX , ( Mil und JAPANESE : i A now ami Coiup)0to ) Treiitmunt , luntUtlnir of Nupponllurloii , Olntniiiiit In ( 'ui ; ulc , ulno In Ilex nnd I'lllti n I'oiltlvu turn for KilLTiiul , lutornul , lllluit or lllt-odlny lU'libiK , I'lirunlo , llccc-nt or llcieilltary 1'llui , Thli Iloiuody li > nvvur ticon KIIUKJI lo lull. (1 iiurbox.ti forl'l * cnt bmall. . Wliy milter from tliU lorflblo dltouia wlicn a writ ten uuuranteu Ii poiltlvuly utvvii wllU ( I boxoi , to refund tlio muiioy If not ourod. Bend tamp for fii-u Hnaiplo. ( iiiarantoo l uul liy Knliii \ < 'o. , DrniuUli. fold Auuit , corner llth und Douitla * tivcU. Umalm , Neb. A OKNUINK MUIUHIK ICII.I.Kllll KIIIU'H lillAIIICATOIluroalliltikcimii buoiuio It kllli tliu microbe urv rm Tut upand retailed In IJ , IliiU'l liiiu , thu hittiir I k-allom. Heut aiiywlioro prw paid un receipt "I prli-e or C. O. | > . Weltiuo u gunr. HATS , nro. | limns , ir. a. ij. tlta. Orticnis A O ) . , lint" . rnp. , otrnw irnoil. % Huron of td'loi ' , wojl , lilovoi nnd mitten i , tnlloir niul fiirj. 12lli nnd Hnrnor , 61,1 South ISIh-sl llAUDUAlti : . Iltctcr A iril/if / JimCH. / . A li < 1in , Cor. 10th nml.lnckionStv Ilulldcm' hnrdif.trn nn tnicliitilot tin I . Omnhi. 1401 Doulns St. IICUNVOItKS. . Wrought nn.l past Iron tiulldliiK nork , vnilnoi , br j work , Kcnurul i lltr A Co /f. It. HffifJf , Manor Merchnnti , Importer nnd .lobbsr ot IIU llnrncr Htroot. Wtnoi nnd Llauori. Mnniitactur'ri Konnodj'i 1070 nnd 102) Knrimm-M. Kutl IndU IMtlorj. 1'rlco Hsu on application. FrtkA llrrlidt * , \Vlmlojnlo liquor ilenlerj 1001 KnrnnniM , CtrIf / It. l.te , Jn/in.l. / Hnrdvrood luiiiber. wood carpet * i.nd parquet Imto-lol. Amerlcin I'ort tloorlUR , land cement , Mllw.iukcn hydrnullc ceiiu-nt nnd. Oth and Doimlar , ( julncy while hue , 1NKKY. C. A. munch 'II , . Jr. Millinery , notionclonks Pianos , orcnni , nrtlsta' etc , mttcrlnl ) , etc. 110-118 S ICth ft. Oaialm .itreet , OYSTKIIS. A. Uo > itli I'ackiiw Co. / ' ! < ! ! ( A Co. . I'nokcrs of oyntorj , tlsli Ojsters , Flih anil I'olo' nn.l Celery , 819 South I0ti ! St OOSLearoiiffortli St. David Cole , .Man.ior. OILS. CoiolMatcd 7"nnk Line Co. , Itcdned nnd lubrlciitbiK oils , axle grease , etc , PKODUCIO COMMISSION. Jtmnc/i A Co. , IMMl A Smith. Dealcraln country prod Traduce , frulti ot all uce , frult.i , vcnutubluj , etc. kinds , oystari , 120 ? Howard Street. I3tli nnd Hnrnor Strcoti. uii . .1Sons. . Jos. A. Olark & Co. lluttcr , cbccio , eiii'i Butter , tegt and poultry. poultry and Kama. 1400 Furnam L COO South I3tli Street. Eiddell & Co. , 6. Pegau. onmilssloMM or chant , nutter , clieaso. eggivoz- 1'roduco , lluttcr , KKHI ctablos , f rulu. poultry Chco'O and 1'oultrr. I''tli and Howard Sts , , nnd Kauie Omnlin. Mnllin & MoOlain , Bingbnm , & Son , Spcclnltlca. buitar. our i. Scud u > your Kngi , Hut. clioc o. poultry , eta No. t3r , 1'oultrr. Came , 15M. IK.l. ( tot. Ut N4t. 111dm , Kto. bank. 1TOI-3 I.oaic'nworlb St. PAI'KK. Carpenter Paper Oo. , King Papjr Oo. Cnrrr n full itock of Wrapping paper , all klndj prlntlUK , wrapping and ot twlnufl , etc. 1403 Howard t. writing , card paper pa- pur , ate. Tel. 17.W. SJOVK HKI'AIHS. James Hughes , Omahi Siov3 Bapair StoTei repairs of all klnli Wof B. Cooks nnd Ho.itori Stovn repairs and w.itcr for mila. aitnchmeiita tor 11117 kind of atororando. nthStrojt 1207 SASH. I 10 VS. M. A , Disbrow & Oo , H. Hardy Co. , . Mftnufncturor > of insh , Ton. dolli. album * , do on. blludi nnd fnnof 0ooil4 , houiofur * moulding * , llrnnch of- nl blnit KOO.II , child * flco , nth nnd linrd Sit. ron'4 carrtftKOii. 1311) ) Karnnm Htroot. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT' ' . Al'cn ' Root & Oo , Gasmiu & Da 11)7. ltooni.1l IS.\chanxo llulltl- llooim , U ) nnd 01 El- llulluiui ; South ch.tnxa buildup. Omaha. Bo u th Ouaix ! RH1LWHYTIMBOHRD InvoT"TiII | 10TfToTlUUlitN'iTi'ON' & < TfArrlvo. tmilin. ) : I Dt'pot IQlll an I .M uui : HU. I Oninlin IA-HVOI I K. ( ! . , SI' . .1. ,1U. II. I Arrive ) Omjthu. I _ 'put lutli aal .Mi.s'jn HU Oiuuhii Tiju ni | . . , .Kiinaj City Day Kxiiroin. . . . | ! > ! > < p ui H.4i p in | k' . ( ! . NUlit H.ip vlu U. I'.Trniul 11.4'J a m lenveii I UNION I'AC'IKIC. Oinalm. [ Union DcpotlUth anil.Murcy bin. H. : J H n , . . .llontricii Kxpri'M KIWI a in . , , Denver ICxiircM. , 2.15 pm OTerlundHyi'r , 4.110 p ill IHuuHpYit.V I'ultlluUIKx ( i.30 p 111 I'aclllc K | ifi "ooimt" i oiiTiJA ( ! o7nriri pA7T'l& Un l. I Union llcpot Idtli A Mnri'y bt . ItTuTli nTl .Alliinllu KxpruBH , . . . . . . 4.0.-I p ni Vi'ullhuli ) Kxproi ! ) 11.10 p ml . . . .Milit | KxpniM C.iliU . I ClIKMtiO. It. I , X I . . . . Wust. I Union Depot lUtli nmlMnrcy \Vont. i'.irp"iii ] . . . . , . , lTnvur I.liiifnjil,7 , | il.tolT m 7.03 p in | . . Denver HxproM . | 7.iO : n in U'nven f rilO .XCITV& I-ACIKH1. Omalml Depot. lUlh niul Mnrc ; 7.-'J iTiiilT.Slum City ti.tj : p m | t-l. I'uul Kxprtm f.U.lVL-i HIOUX ( HTV . \ I' 'Omnlin Pepot. I .Mil ii nd Wrbnter l . _ . . . .Hi. I'uul Lliiiiu-d . , . | Lea vci " fcill OA(1 ( U'ft'NOI lfiT\V KHTKU N I A > rlvei Onmlmll ) . 1' . depot , IQtli nnd Marry Mi , I Oiimli 1MX ) H iai-l > vidwood Kxprv * , . . . . . . li.OO a m'Uix ' , Hut. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( K . Moil. ) 6 2) p m A.1U p ml Norlollc ( Kit. Him.lay. . ) ll.lOu ui i.j p nil Ht. I'uul Kxpruit. . _ U.iil a m 'j ( ! . , hT , I1. . M. A O. \Ait\ve \ \ OiiiuUnl Depot , litli und Webulurati. I OiuuUa s \ ,