THE OMAHA DAILY LEE : MONDAY , FEBRUARY 1 , 1892 , FROM YKsTUnPVTS SKPISHRDITIOS. I LITTLE Fqw Oongressrnen Attended the Democratic i Caucus Yesterday. RULES THAT DO NOT GIVE SATISFACTION > t/'rlup Support * the Work of III * Committee Ktrctloti of ITnltpil Stntrs HoiinloM A Fiiruirm AtlLuiro Jlrmnrc IVc v Notcn from WnnliliiRtan. WABHIXOTOX , D. O. , .Tnn. 80. The demo cratic caucus which was called for tonight for the purpose of considering the notion to bo taken upon the proposed codoof rules , was very poorly ntlondod , Whoa the appointed hour (7:33) ( ) arrived , thorn were not a do/.un members In the hall and the now arrivals cnmo In very slowly. Chairman Holmun nrrlvod In duo time , but alter glancing over the larRo array of empty cats , did not im mediately c.ill the assemblage to order. Gradually the members dropped In , ono by ouo , but at no Unw before 8 o'clock did the attendance exceed scvofity-llvo. Then Chairman Holman rapped for order. The roll call showed the nttondnnco of 121 raora- born , moro than a majority of the caucus , and the following oOlcors were elected to servo during the ensuing congress. Mr. Holraan of Indiana , chairman ; Messrs. Aldorsou of West Virginia , and Uobortsou of Louisiana , secretaries. Although tlioro was no organized oppo sition to thpso ofllcors thcro was a great deal of speech making indulged In. Mttdu'ii Cant-Iron llulc. A cast-Iron rulirwas adhered to , that no cards should bo sent Into the members during tbo progress of the caucus. The proceedings were devoid of Interest owing to the small attendance. Tbo dis cussion wns oontlnod to a con sideration of the proposed rules , and es pecially that which confers certain powers upon the cnmnilttco on rules. After a few llvo-inlnuto speeches wore delivered with perfect good nature , Speaker Crisp toolc tno lloor for twonty-flvo minutes In support of the code of rales recommended by the com- tnlttoo on rules. The greater part of his tlmo was consumed in answering questions relative to the effect tbo rule conferring cer tain privileges on the commlttoo on rules would Imvu upon that transaction of busi ness by the house. His romu'lcs were vi&or- ous and commanded ducp attention. A f tern great deal of .debate tbo rule was approved by n vote of 'eighty to six , and when some opposition wns raised on the ground that there was no quorum the caucus adjourned. Dinner by the Gridiron Club. Tbo sovcntn annual anniversary dinner of tbo Gridiron club , given tonight in the largo ball room of the Arlington hotel , eclipsed nil Its predecessors In the number and distinc tion of Invited guests , among whom wcro the president and all the members of the cabinet except Messrs. DIaIno , Tracy and Wunn- maker , aud also in the elegance of the dinner and Us appointments. Besides the presi dent and Socrotnrys Foster , Noble , Husk and Elkins and Attorney General Miller , tbero worn tbo following cucsta : General Schodcld , Captain Schloy , Ohauncoy M. Depow , Senators Hawley , Allison , Blackburn , Gibson of Maryland , Casey and Uubols ; Representatives Hood , Boutollo , Springer , Harper , Coburu. Weadock , Uayner , Allen , Caruth aud O'ForraU ; J. Russell Young , George \V. Boyd and U. A. Park of the Pennsylvania railroad ; H. Fulloa of the Chesapeake & Ohio ; S. B. Hedge of the Baltimore & Ohio : General Felix Angus , H. B. Morohcad of tbo Cincinnati Commercial Gazette , and Edward Bodloe , Hugh Hastings aud others. Some Itnllroad Statistic * . The census bureau todayiissuod a bulletin - giving an exhibit of the operations of rail ways for the years 1880 to 1880 inclusive for Umt portion of the territory of the United , StntJs designated as group P. This group i embraces the states ot Illinois , the northern penensula of Michlgln , Minnesota , Wiscon sin. Iowa , North nr.a South Dakota , east of the Missouri river , aud Missouri , north of the Missouri river. During tno period men tioned , the number of passengers carried In creased 119,000,000. Sons of freight moved increased 49,000,000. .Earning of the passen ger service increased $20,000,000 , and from freight service $40.000,000. The total earn ings and income Increased $30,000,000 , and the total expenditures $00,000,000. , ChlU'K MlnlMtor. Whllo It Is not altogether improbable that Chill mav change her diplomatic representa tive at Washington , It is stated authorita tively that this government has taken no Bteps looking to that end. That President Harrison has no 111 feeling against Minister Montt Is shown by the fact that ho has sent him a personal Invitation to uttond the state dinner to bo given at the white bouse next Tuesday In honor of the diplomatic corps. I'utcnt JLuwi. Commissioner of Patents "Slmonds , made his annual report to congress today. Ho recommends several amendments to tbo patent law , among them the following are of the most Importance : Providing tnat a patent snail not expire with the expira tion of a prior foreign patent ; compel ling applicants to take action every six months , and no patent to live more than twenty years after the date of the original application ; requiring to make or use an Invention to bo recorded ; allowing nitons tolllo caveats ; relegating Interfer ence contests to the court providing that no damages for Infringement shall bo recovered , except such as occur withlu six years next prior to uringmg suit , and allowing the registry cf trade marks which are used in commerce between the states. Hecrutnry Foster. Socrolarv Footer nrrlvod lioro this after noon from Fort Monroe on the lighthouse tender Violation. The fact that bo will attend the Gridiron banquet tonight Is known as uu assurance that his hoaltb Is fully restored. Kntcrtuluuil by Mm. Harrison. Mrs. Harrison entertained at dinner to night , at the white house , Mrs. John A. S. Lolchor , wife of the editor of tbo Now York Mill and Express ; Mrs. W. J. Arkeil , Mrs. Bernard Glmall and Mrs. G. W. Daniels of Now York , together with Mrs. Hussoll Har- rUou and Mrs. DImmiok , and after dinner the party occupied a box at the National theater and ( Intoned to Kostnu Yokes and her company.Will Will Cunrol tli Contract. An oftlclal of the Internal Navigation com pany , the owners of tno steamer Ohio , which wa chartered by the government for use as a transport ibiu In cose ot trouble with Chili , will confer with Secretary Tracy next week with the object of securing the suspension of the contract which the government guaran teed for tbo use of the ship for throe months ut 1500 a day. The contract will probably be cancelled and the ship restored to her agents with pay for the number of days she has been In the government's service * . U12NIKD 1IY 11LOUNT. ] ! Again KiinUliii the I'reildeiit ami Dunlo * un Ugly Humor , WASHINGTON' , Jan. WJ. The Post tomorrow will say that the story that Mr. Blaluo waste to be summoned by tbo house committee on foreign affairs to toll how it happen * that there was such alleged delay In informing the president of the reply to his ultimatum , U denied by Mr ! Ulount , chairman of the committee. "Tharo U not a word of truth in it , " said Mr , Blouiit to a 1'ost reporter , "nor was there any foundation for such a report. I do not for a moment believe there was any con nivance In this matter , and I am sure that when tbo president sent hU message to congress - gross ho did not know that reply to his note to Chill hod been received , nor did. anyone clip , lor , according to the best information I lnvo been able to obtalu , I am convinced that tbo report had not come until Tuesday , alter the reading of the message In the house. "Toe house commlttoo on foreign affairs was. Immediately afiur the reading of tbo message , commanded to meet tbo next mornIng - Ing at 10:30 : for consultation. The gravity of the situation demanded prompt and careful consideration of the subject. The committee had been In consultation butn Tow moments when Mr. O'Dounoll ol Michigan , n member ot the committee , who had been to tbo white house on buslnoiwlth the president , entered the commlttoo room and called mete to ono aldo. Ho then gave mo n message from the president to the effect that n cable gram had boon received from Mr. Egan , but Its contents were unknown. Mr. O'Donnell cautioned mo that the mcssogo was for my Information only and not to bo imparted at Umt tlmo to the mcmbcM of the commlttoo. So you sco. upon the State department and OKccullva learning that n note had boon re ceived from Chill the Importance of the net was at oiico communicated to the chairman of the commit too on foreign relations. " III3ISI * WATKll OX Till ; L.YKKS. Appropriation * for Iniproxriiieiits AsUoil of the Ithornml llnrlior Committee. WASIIISOTOX , D. C. , Jan. SO. A largo delegation of roproiantatlvos of tbo doon watonva } convention hold in Datrolt In Da- comber last was given a hearing today before the house committee on rivrs and barbers nnd'tho senate commlttoo on conimorca In Joint session , these committees having In ohnrgo the preparation of the roc- ular river and harbor appropriation bill. The purpose of the delegation wai to urge the construction and maintenance of a t'.vouty-ono-foot channel from lake Superior through the variousconnectlnglinks between lakes and through the Erlo canal to tno sea. Ely , president of the convention , said the principal object was to secure the authoriza tion of the contract for twonty-ono foot of water from Duluth to Buffalo. Tno esti mated cost will bo only $3,394,000. The effect of the water rates over the lakes waste to greatly reduce the railway rates through out the countrr. S. A. Thomnson , secretary of the Duluth Chamber of Commerce , then had the atten tion of the commlttoo for an hour. Thomp son declared the total expenditure in Im provement on the great lakes had boon loss than $30,000,000. The saving In the last year duo to lake transportation was $150,000,000 , nero than the cost of the proposed improve ment , All that baa bean accomplished in the past , by giving sixteen feet of water would not only bo duplicated , but enhanced ten fold by tbo expenditure of something over $3.000,000 to secure 11 doutli ot twenty foot. Ho thought very little need bo added to sccuro the appropriation desired. KlRht Still MIflslnfr , Nrw Yonic. Jan' 80. The schooner Everett - ett Webster of Boston arrived at Vineyard tlaven , Mass. , yesterday , with Captain Clark and the crow of the tug boat Webster , which was driven out to son with four scows on Tuesday. There are still olcht men not rescued out bf the number who were blown out to sea. They were on n garbage scow that is still missing , and It is now feared that they have been lost. However , the search has not boon abandoned. HUl'l'OKTfftO TJIKIlt Vr..lS$3tATK. Anil Arbor fStiKtenU I'rotoko tbo Ire of the Faculty , ANN' AKIIOR , Mich' , Jan. W. Atthe beginning of the .year tho'lnw faculty passed a rule that the practice of taking the lectures In short .hand , transcribing them an a type writer , and then disposing of copies of thorn nmouc the students should bo prohibited , nud any student offending snould bo ex pelled. The practice , however , was con tinued secretly by C. T. Griflln. nnd upon discovery bo was suspended. Griffin con tinued to attend the ralloge , however , and furnish the lectures to the students. Wednes day the faculty bad an officer on tbo Grounds , and as soon as Griflln entered bo was ejected. Yesterday the law students promised him their protection , and GOO stu dents were in .front pf the department , all well prepared for trouble.and claiming that it wonld faro lllfortboonicor If he attempted to molest their classmate. The deputy .sheriffs placed themselves In front of the1 building and waited for Griflln. But , in stead of coming from tbo.usual direction , ho took a roundabout course and entered the 'building unnoticed. The 'officers , believing that no bad failed to appear , went awav. During the course of the leoturfaProf. Con- ley was interrupted by the entrance of Librar ian Vance , who Informed him tliatGnflln was in tbo room. The lecturer inquired If such was the case , wliahTthe president of the class arose nnd informed him that they were not thereto spy upon their classmates. This broke up the lecture and the students wore dismissed. Prof. Conloy stated that be would not lecture turo as long ns Grjftin was In the room. It is leared that.a serious conflict will take place between the students and officers Monday , as the students art ) determined tnat Griflln shall continue tp take their lectures for tncm , while the authorities , on the other band , maintain that .tho .instructions of the .faculty must bo carried out. a-irKA'rr JURIES n'juiu ! LOST. "Wreck of ji LtrltlBh \ > ssi > l Off tlio Coast of AsTonu , Ore. , Jon ! ! 0. The British ship Ferndole , coal ladbn , wont ashore yesterday. "When , iho Forndalo wont nshoro sbo was seventy miles north of the mouth of the Columbia rlvor , near Gray's harbor. The wrecK occurred at anyllght. Twenty llvos were lost including that of Captain .Blair. Three of the crow were saved by being washed asboro upon pieces of wreck age. Tbn vessel Is reported a total loss. fcihe was coal laden ana palled from Newcastle , N. S. W. , November 4 for Portland , Ore. She was consigned to Balfour. Guthrlo& Co. , Portland. Thescouo of the "wreck was a mile nortn of whore the Abercrom was wrecked. Owing to lack of telegraph facilities furtber news is unob tainable nt prcsonf. British Vlco-Consul Cherry of this city has telegraphed to Urny's harbor to care for tbo survivors until they are able to bo brought hero. Tbo Ferndalo HAS spoken last Sundav , fifty miles off tbo entrance to the Columbia river. Captain Nicuolls of the ship Scottish Isles , who arrived this afternoon , roj orls when ho was In tbo locality of the wreck , yesterday afternoon , a strong wind sprang 11 D from the west. Ho tacked shin and stood out to sea. Ho supposed Captain Blair of the lost ship must have tacked on tba other quarter and stood ou toward shore nnd "was caught by a fatal-currant aud was carried in tbo swirl to tbo northeast. The sea was the highest over known on the coast. IN A ( lurza Said to lie Hulnj ; for J'tirilnn lie Will Visit ITcnlclrut Dlnx. SAN A > ( TOXIO , Tax. , Jan. ilO. Cantatn Bourke , United States army , tbo famous Indian fighter , who , while In pursuit of Garza , wa himself captured and detained by the Mexican authorities , is hero , and says ho will try to capture Uarza , but doe * not an ticipate succeeding In this unless the grass raise * sufliclout to feed ana nourish tun bones of CJarza's jnen. who ore scattered into small squads of flvoor sir , and will not como together again until grass Is cood. CITY OF MEXICO , , It Is not denied thatGarzn has begged for pardon from Prcsl * tlont Diaz , offering to betray bin followers. It is stated that Garza will DO hero shortly with the intention of arranging the matter , Several of Dana's lieutenants are petition ing for pardon. It Is rumored that the death sentence pasted on Colonel Horinjudez at Monterey has already been confirmed by the supreme court ot military Justice. After Alonluim lIornothloirB , ' HELENA , Mont. , Jan. Jto. Tbo depredations of horsethioves have become so extensive in this vicinity that a gam ; of citizens was organized to hunt thom down. A few days ago , In an encounter , four of the thieves were Wiled. Tno thieves outnumbered the citizens , and a call for reinforcements has , been made. An effort is being made to rals > o a fund of f-.OOO to aid in the capture. KfTecU of thn Kv Turlir. PA.WS , Jan , ! , A decree , putting into force the now tariff law has boon signed by President Caruot , It 1 $ preceded by a re port from Foreign Minister Ulbot , inwhich It U stated that the trial of the new regime Is being rasao under more favorable con. ditlons than was expected , Enormous quan tities of Spanish and French merchandise are accumulating at tbo frontier and tt in hoped tbut everything will pass through before - fore February 1. The brassori saloon keepers of i'arls met lost evening to discuss the consequences of the now tariff ns regards Gornnnn beer. The increase of duty has the effect of raising the prjco of'bock boor a halt'ponnyl Some favor reducing this to compor.snto for tbo Increased .Cost of beverage , but the majority were con vinced that t would bo compelled to ralso the prlco , Tbo cbango bonollts retailers nt tbo expense of iho public , nnd will do no coed to French brewer. * , because Parisians decline to drlnit French beers. 'Thoro U al ready n crcat outcry on the part ot the public. ooiniLun jiv run v < istRinin/rn. Vnlunbln Coimcrtlnin Snvrd from thu Cnnn- illiin Compnny'fl ( > ni p. CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 150. H Is reported upon what seems to bo good authority that n , deal has Just boon consummated whereby the Lnko Shore & Mich I can Southern Hollroad company secures control of the Detroit , Lan ding & Northern , nnd the Chicago A ; West Michigan roads. A prominent railroad otll- clal of this city said today that bo had no doubt of the truth of the report as ho had hoard It from n reliable source , although not nt llDortv to plvo the nnmo of his Informant. Besides , It Is known that the Detroit , Lansing & Nonborn nnd the Chicago & West MlchUan have boon In'tho market forsomo tlmo. Tuoy-cu'O both owned by the same company of which Nathaniel Ttmycr of Boston Is president , nnd tnoy form a system that covers a largo territory In Michigan , with a line runnlng'north to Traverse City. Thov hava Ion * boon valuable conu'cotions.of the Lnko Shore and Cnlcogo & Grand Trunk , and , Indeed , tlioro has been considerable itpcculation as to wbothor the property would eventually fall Into the hands of the Vnndcr- t > llu or be gobbled tip by the Grand Trunk. Tbo secrecy with which too negotiations have been conducted IhdtcatcTthat the Vnn- dcrbllt's were alive to the faot that a power ful rival was ready to compete for the pro- party at the first intimation of u prospective deal , and the result shows that that they wore successful stealing'a'march 011 the Canadian company. It Is predicted that ab sorption of tbo Detroit , Lancing & Northern system by the Lake Shore will send the stock of that company up to par. [ t is a most valu able accessor to tbo Yundnrblll line , and the deal Is regarded as a most important ono. At the same tlmo It Is likely to provo n rather severe blow to the Grand Trunk , which had Just as much to gain in securing these feeders for Its own lino. Appeals have boon taken In two cases "by tbo Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road from decisions raado by Chairman Fin- ley of the Western Passenger association. The flrst of these cases aroso' from' a charge made by the Onmha against the Mllwauk < o & St. Paul , In which It accused Its competi tor of having sold n ticket'from Duluth to Chicago , via St. Paul ; oolow the tariff rates. The Milwaukee & St. Raul denied the charge and made a counter charge ptmalicious -pro'ocutlon analnst Its Inccusor. Tbo chair man dismissed tbo chnrgo against the Mil waukee & St. Paul , ana sustained that against the Omaha road , which ho ilnod$100. , Tbo Onmha appealed to 'arbitration , and James .Barker , B. T ) . Coldweli nnd t ) . G. Edwards were chosen' to hoar thh case Tobruary 5. In the other 'ca&o the npponl late to the association , Chairman Fiuley having ruled that the Omaha must redeem at full tariff rates a ticket Issued by ata mgont in exchange for ono issued by the Northern Pacific and afterwards found In n broker's ofllco. .Representatives of the lines interested in Kansas truflla bavo been In session hero two days considering the order recently issued by tbo railroad commissioners of that state to reduce freight ratos. Unless the reduc tions ordered by tno state authorities are put Into effect next Monday tbo commissioners have given notice that they will themselves reduce tbo rates by February 10. The man agers wcra wjdo apart on the Question of whether it would bo advisable to resist the order by appealing to the courts for protection , and prolonged dis cussion failed to bring them ; nearer together on that point. It was finally de cided this afternoon to hold conferences sim ultaneously in Chicago and Topeka next Monday with a view to asking the commis sioners for a raboarlnir of the caso. " The end of thb.boycott against Iho Chicago & Alton road was , reached today , when no tices were received i bv'Gonoral ' , Passenger Agent Ctmrltan that tlw Now York-Central , the Mlcblgan-Ceatral , jhq"'Lako Shore .and the Pennsylvania lines bolu east andwest ot Pittsburg haa nirantfed to assume nossqnger relations with the Alton February \ . JUoiil 8 the Story. GnAsn RAPIDS , Mich. , Jan. 30. Division , Superintendent A. B. Newell , of the Lake Shore , son of President John Newall , 'when seen tonight , as to the alleged -purchase of the Detroit , Lansintr & Northern railroad , said that thorn was not a word of truth In tbo rumor. "I beard of It,1' ho said , ' "last "Wednesday , in St. Louis. I saw Mr. Agnew of tbo Chicago & West Michigan , today , and ho said nothing about It. lie was tntcr- vlowcd in a sleeper bound for Chicago , but denied that his visit bad any special signifi cance. This cltv is headquarters for the Detroit , Lansing & Northern system- but all olllclals uro out of town over Sunday , nnd nothing further can bo learned. Work of the Hate Committee' . ' ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan , 00. Tbo rate committee - too of the Southwestern Hallway association adjourned today after a two'weeks' session. The lust day's ' -work was of routine character. Tbo executive committee will now moot to review tbo rate committee's action. . D.U1LIKU. Disgraceful Scene Created byuii Aged Jinn's IVlfo. * NKW YonK. Jan. 0. "Polled ! * Police ! Arrest this man. Ho is trying to steal my bag and umbrella , " screamed a handsome , well dressed woman , while at tbo same tlmo sbo struggled with an elderly man at tbo cor ner of Sixth avenue and Forty-seamd-streot at 8 'o'clock last night. The woman wns short ann stout and had a wealth of reddish golden buir. Sbo were a longscalskln sucquo and carried n pair of solitaire diamonds. She was about 23 years oldt , The man with whom . ho was strugg lin was tall and good loaning , nboutJiO years of ape. He were gray slue whiskers. Policeman Ueardon hoard the cries of the woman and ran to her assistance , grasping the man by thn arm. v . "Tako him to the stationI' , ska euld to the policemen , "I will inatte a complaint against Llm. " ' OlWcer , " said . . , " .this , woman is my wife. She wants to go away , by nersolf tonight , but I want her to go homo with me. We live in Philadelphia. " The policeman decided to take jtbem to tbo West Thirtieth street .stajion and. have tbo case investigated by Sergeant Cooper ! . To tbo sergeant the man described himself as Algernon Douglas , f > U years old , of 70 Pine street , Pliilpdolphla. "This woman Is my wifo"sald tbo man. "I am not his wife , " said the woman. "He tried to steal my bag and umbrella and I want him locked up. ' Tue sergeant took the roan into a private room and asked htm to toll the trao facts of the caso. "Sergeant , this woman Is ray wife , " said ho , "wo cnmo from Philadelphia on Thurs day and Intended to rotum to our homo in Philadelphia tonight. When I spoke to my wife about catching the train she refused to go. I-was trying to induce her to go , when uho made the disturbance on the street which' attracted a great crowd and caused ray wife to call upon th.o police. I am a wealthy man , and bavo spent mote tnan $00,000 on ray wife. In Phlladolnblasbohasoverythlng- she wants a beautiful house and everything febat wealth can buy. " When questioned by Sergeant Cooper tno woman said that she was the man's wifo. She acknowledged all ho said about tbo money ho had spcnr on her. "I was married to this man seven years ujo , " sue said , "on Governors Island , I was the daughter of an armv ofllcor who was stc- llauod on the island. No , I will uot tell you my niuldon nauiu. " "Ilelg too old forme. I don't Ilka being an eld man's darling. " - Mr. Douglas was very affectionate to bis wlfo in tbo station house , calling her ' 'Gertie , darling. " At half past 0 o'clock the pair bad appar ently patched up all differences and loft the station house arm in arm , the best of friends. JtKVLAHKl ) .1 UUYCOTT. Hebrew Itetldeuts of Cujio BIhy OrunuUu for 1'rot cotton. CAIT. MAY , N. J. , Jan. CO. The Hebrew oolony at Woodblno on the Vfost Jersey rail road bo * begun a boycott on the storekeepers ot DenuUvllle , which is about three miles from hare. The village barber at Donuls- vllla Is the cduso of the trouble. Ono of the Hobrtveenionbts wont to the barnor and had his long locks cut In such an nrtlstlo mnnnor tbat the barber soon bad a rush of business ffom the' colony , Some of the barbel's regular customers In Dcnnlsvlllo \ expressed displeasure nt meeting Ulp HGbfcws In tb.9 bar ber shop , anil finally thcro wore so many complaints neatest them that the barber ex cluded thom TtCm his shop. Tbo Hebrews became indignant , nnd to thoroughly test tbo barber's IntcuilLons toward thorn , ono ot the colonists presented himself In the shop to bo shaved and to bavo hU hair cut. The barber firmly refused 'to ' do the work and the Hebron * wont axtny indignant nnd Informed his fellow-countrymen of the barber's action. The Hobniwctil/my then declared a boycott , not only on the barber , but also ou the vil lage doctor , undertaker and storekeepers. Tbo colonists declare that not ono dollar of their money nhall go Into the bands of the tradesmen of Dennlsvlllo. They are doing all their business with the storekeepers of Tuckaplo , six miles away , nnd must walk or rtrlvo over u very rough country road. Onnnf , Amrrlvn'ft Crnck Cllppprx. New YOUK , Jan. 80 , The mngnitlcont American ship Stienandoah nrrlvod today , after n passage of thirty-six days from Havre. She came Into the narrows flying a commodore's pennant 100 feet long , presented by Iho merchants of San Francisco Just before - fore her departure far Havro some tlmo ago , on which trip she distanced five of her com petitors. She experienced west gales in the channel , lasting olcht days. Her actual passage - sago was matin In seventeen days , and on January ,1 and f > , with a modorrto northeast breeze , she ran 270 Knot each day. She will bo laid In a berth for Bun Francisco. FlnnnrrR. ST. PnTEiisnuiia , Jan. 80. The Hussion im- porlal revenue for the first ton months of 1801 is 87,000,000 roubles loss than the rev enue for the salno time in 1803 , while the total expenditures are 27,003,030 roubles moro. _ _ ItUMOHS AND GOSSIP. Chill in Still Very Much Unsettled Over the Little Uiiplcu-mntiicgfi. lCoi irf/if ( ? l IStt by Jama ( Ionian Jltiincit , } SANTIAGO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tox. ) , Jan. SO. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to TUB Bui.1 The rumor that the United States government will Insist ou n salute to the stars aud stripes has caused a revival in some measure of tbo excitement hero. Such n demand would certainly bo resented by the Chilians. The belief has boon , generally accepted that the reply of Chill to the ultimatum had mot with the approval of'tho United States , and to demand a salute in the present state of this country , which Is full of adherents of the late President Balmaceda , only awaiting n chance to ralso riiiotlior revolution , would make it appear , that tbo United States is nnxioUs to minister to the "wishes of these people , who are every day endeavoring to spread dlocord. Minister Kgan Upheld. The present government has dealt lenient ly with Its opp'ppp ts , and but few are now in Jail. It is ttyJ earnest deslro of President Montt to have ft.fluiot. reign , but the fact remains tbat political parties are not In good shape and a disturbing olainont pres ent. ) / -5 Minister Egauj today received a oablo dispatch from 18.00. rotary Blaluo , stating that the charge the Chilian government that bo had raqdejt misrepresentation to his Rovcrnmont lUiSUUlncr that Minister Porolra had granted safe Conducts to tbo refugees Is untrue. The -United States through the entire - tire affair has nothing to complain of Mr. I ganjs , actldij's'.j' On the Contrary , his course IJTcouslojorgd highly commendable' . Mr. Egan nas transmitted > tha mossagp to the Chilian cabinet for its , information. . , . .o r. - , , Ex Mlnl3terfof , 'Forelgn . .Affairs Malta. German 'Minister ' Gutachimdt'and London Times Correspondent Thompson are , three of tbo most thoroughly/ discomfited /pen in ' ' Chlll'today. 'Their schemes to foil , the nego tiations with tbo United States .have failed absolutely. ' The moraine , newspapers in commenting on President Harrison's last message have oil turned and.contaln eulogies of the "grand republic of the'north. " , A peculiar point In this affair is that Au- gustin Edivarus , who owes bis life and prop erty to' the intervention of Minister Egan , Ehoul&Vhavo been foremost In the bitter fight ngalnst'hlin andtbe North Americans. ( There is any , thing out a coed feeling among the powers at Santiago. Sen ator D.omlngo Terra Horrora told me that the ministry sprung both the ultimatum and the reply at the council of state on Monday , much to his surprls'p. Adylcn Is'ot Heeded , There was no disguising tbo fact that the government thought that the matter could bo handled with Blalno and Egan. Senor Terre Herrara Is a graduate of the George town ( Colo. ) School of Mines and speaks English perfectly. Ho remarked that all along he had opposed the action against Egan , though bo did not agree with him. tils advice , however , bad not been heeded. Exchange , in response to the solution of tbo trouble , is rising. An appropriation has peon voted to raise the war ship Blanco Encaladowhich was sunk by the torpedo boats Condell aud Lynch. The contracts have not as yet been granted. Thu cabinet minis ters have presented claims arising from the destruction of property In August last. Advices from Montevideo state that Ad miral Walker and his fleet are at that place. AVliy ICfc'iiii' * Itceull Wua Ankml. Several members of the Chilian cabinet bavo stated to the 'Associated Press corro- respondent that the reason tbo recall of Mr. Kfjan was requested last week was that ho hud notified Secretary Blalno the Chilian government had Issued a safe conduct for refugees and had afterwards withdrawn it. The newspapers hero publish a dispatch rom Mr. Blalno tp Mr. Egan rccelyed today , In which the "United States secretary of state saya that Mr. Egan has never informed him that asafut conduct had been furnUbod fur rot ucocs. oTw Scnor Porcla , . Chilian minister of foreign affairs , has tban1e49Mr. Egan for having given htm a copv o h'o dispatch mentioned. Mr. Ezan recelvcd onight from Mr. Blaluo a dlspatob , the Import ot which Is similar to tbat of the. mosfcib sent to congress by President Harrlsia'pn Thursday. In this Mr. Elaine says , $ / . , the president is satis- fled with the wiUuttawal of sonar Malta's telegram and tbd request for Mr. Egaa's re call , and hopes tlrtiftuo affair of the attack on /JaUlinonAif'ilon In Valparaiso will bo settled amlcablyjq' jie contents of this latter dispatch will be ( ftaYoyed to Minister Po- rotra by Mr. Egan on Monday next. oalt INTERESTS. iVhut uu Kxpert Tlln'ki ( of tlio lll- Factories vl fho Mute. A sugar boat expert , In tbo person of E. Balich , recently .ot ParU.but now of Norfolk , Is at the Millara hotel. ' He also attended the convention ye&terday at ; the Board of Trade. In an Interview with a BEK representative last night he said ; "Nebraska now. has two beet sugar fac tories. The flratonp was erected in 1890 , by tbo Oxnard Beet Sugar -company. It has been in successful operation einoo that time. The other factory was built and operated with the same success at Norfolk in 18'Jl. Both factories have been provided with the newest aud most Improved machinery , Im ported from France. To sugar made U of the finest quality and much appreciated In the market. A ouo tlmo a half cent over the inarkot price of sugar was paid for it. "My long oxperltmco in the sugar business as well as in the beet growing industry and in the manufacture of 'sugar , permits mo to appreciate Nebraska u a suL-ar beet stato. Soil nnd Climate are as well adapted to beet culture as In nny other pnrfof the world. "If some of the Nebraska farmers did not make h success , tlmt mentis they did not make much money In cultivating beets. I would stuto first that the past two yoirs have boon very favorable i'or boot growing. The year of 1SIH ) was a dry season , nnd the oldest settlers In Hall county did not remem ber of having seen such n disparaging year for many reasons , nnd In 1891 n very dry spring wns lollowod by a wet season , Add to that the number of farmers to whom the boot culture \vn. something now. nnd you will not bo surprised that the buot crop was .not an excellent ono. "Tho farmers In Luropo do not expect every year an extra good crop , nnd In talkIng - Ing with them you will llnd that they take , as n rule , n period of six years , which they divide ns follows : Two bad yonrs , nearly failures , ono extra good one nnd throe mid dling ; that moan * where the crops are good nnd where tbo farmer Is making money , but without being n very rich year. "A farmer In Europe does not got discour aged If ho has one. or oven two bad years. lie expects to get n good ono \hlcn pnys nnd bo forcota his disappointments of the un lucky years. "I nm sirro that the Nebraska farmers will soon find out that there * is money in beet raising , nnd lu a few years the sugar boot will bo ona ot the principal cultures of the state. "I have always hoard that the high wages for labor In America would not allow beet growing successfully , but the part of expense - penso for labor In tbo total cost of raising ono ncro of beets Is a very small ono if I take the average In France. Tbo expense of fer tilizing Is $20 to the ncro nnd the rout for laud is often higher tbnn the value of the land here. The French farmer Is paylne 57 to $3 rent for an acre nnd his taxes to pay per ncro are $ ' .CO. And still ho makes in an "ordinary year $25 to $30 clear from ono ncro nnd ho doubles this In nn extra good year. If n French farmer , with so many charges on his land , can maki a good profit , why cannot nn American farmer do ill "Nebraska's fields are excellent for sugar boot raising , and each farmer should encour age tbo erection of sugar factories in the state. In doing so he is working for himself. Boct'ralsingln a proper and scicntiQo man- her Will bring him moro money than corn raising over can do. "Ono moro woru about the profit for a town where tbo sugar factory is located. I could not glvo ynu n bettor Illustration , OH this en terprising little city of Norfolk , vvhero the citizens spant $150,000 in cash and gave fifty acres of. land as a bonus to cct the sugar fac tory located In tholr town. They hnvo tbo satisfaction to see the city growing every day , other Industries are trolrig to osUbllsh there , and Norfolk will bo in a short tlmo an important con tor. " - roan. incKi'iriKS. Pierce Ilyan of Millard brought In twenty- tlx bushels of corn yesterday and delivered it to tbo Board of Trade to bo donated to tbo Kusslan sufferers. Al L'chmnn , pf the'Hotel Dollone , received n telegram last night announcing the serious illness of his mother at Ionia , Mich. Ho will lonvo f or hs | homo today. The Brtptlst church of South Omaha Is holding revival meetings on Twenty-seventh , between N and M. All are cordially Invited to attend Sunday services , 11 a. in. uud 7 p. m. W. S. Shoemaker swore out a warrant against J. D. Burgoss. a candy man who has n stand at Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets , yesterday for selling prohibited literature. " Burgess xvas selling the Kansas City Sun. Mr. Fullreid of West Omaha has loft at THE BBE ofllco a sample of sirup made from tbo sugar beet. Ho savs it is used by .some people as a table sirup aud is considered equal to tbo best sugar House drip. It is of a dartc reddish color and Is rather pleasant to taste. Mr. Judson Hughes has resigned his posi tion ns United States storekeeper at this point , to take effect February t. Tbo store keepers and gaugors of tba local internal revenue oltice. who have boon Mr. Hughes' associates , presented him last evening with a gold-headed cauo as a token of their es teem. The retiring ofliclnl will engage in private business. The ramaius of Warren Finch will be taken this evening at U:30 : o'clock to Man chester , la.for interment. His brother , D. H. Finch cf that -place , is now .in Omalm and will accompany tbo body to its last .resting place. The deceased was a block watchman jiround the hotels and was highly respected by his friends. Ho died of pneumonia , which disease was contracted by a cold taken at the recent tug of war at tbo Coliseum. 1'AitA.auj.pna. Dr. L. Glllott of Beatrice is at the Dellono. J. L. Cnldwollof Lincoln is at the Millard. J. H. Owen of Pierre. S. D. , Is at the Mur ray. ray.G. . W. Mauror of Beatrice Is at the Ar cade. cade.M. , M. M. Dowdsou of Lincoln is at the Ar cade. , . B..L. Sprasuoof Pluttsmouth Is a Dollono arrival. J. F. Brown of Missouri Valley Is at the Dollono. E. M. Gibson of Claries , Nob. , Is stopping nt tbo Uollone. H. C. Brown and.daupntor of Kearney ore nt tho'Paxton. W. G.-Slraonson of Alliance. Neb. , is stop- ting at the Arcade. -George M. Baker of Grand Island Is regis tered at the Arcade. F , Faulkner of Schuylor , Nob. , is regis tered at the Paxtou. S. A. Conloy of Norfolk , Nob. , is regis tered at the Dellono. M. A. Priddle of Beaumont , Noo. , Is rogif.- tered at the Murray. John A. Dalnos , J. M. Craig and A. E. Barrett are at the Arcade. Alfred Haztoll and A. V. S. Sa'unders of Beatrice were at tno Pnxton yesterday. Steamer Arrlvulx. At tbo Lizard Passed , Chuga from Now York , fur Antwerp ; LaGuscogno from Now York far Havre. At Prowl Point Passed , Lanfrandor from Antwerp for Now York , At London Columbia from Now York. DomeHtlr. The International ProtB club delegates have boun bunn.uotoJ ut Dutrult , Mich. Ilooy , .ox-presldcnt uf tbo Adams Kxprcss company , bus organized u now express com pany. Toltpn Hull , who ban boon ( m trial ut Hoao- eke , Vu. , for murder , hits boon To und guilty of the crime. Hon. M. J. tit one of Nevada , Mo. , has an nounced his candidacy for HID gubernatorial chair of Missouri. An uloctrlo car on the Hlco street nnd West Pt. Paul road rim ovcir two children named I'rod und Itosa Ivu an nuur thu end of thu di vision on Itlco street. Both wore Instantly killed. An explosion of BUS occurred in the upper ooal mine ot Joseph Walton & Co. , ut Wutt nilzubnth , Pa. , resulting In the Injury of John Phillips and two minors. The otnor minor * escaped. Contractors on the Montana Central rail- roud are Imvlni : troublu with local lalior OKanlzatlani ut Unite , which are endouvor- Ing tu mnUo the contractors puy higher wagon tj tholr mon , Ily nn explosion of pas In the No. 1 ulmft of the SutiijUDUiitinab i-oul mine ut Nuntlcouo , I'.t , thruuJiiun , Kimono Alexander. Trank 1 ox und Mlohaol llcrckinc , wuru Buvorely burned. Ilereklni ! will probably dlo. William Edgorly was arrested In Stlllwator. Minn. , for drunkenness , and when huurrlvud ut the jail wan taken -with u violent tit of hlo- couuhlng. Sobovero wus thu attack that thu man'mUu Is now dlapalrod uf , A incuUtiR has boun bold In Now York City to make arrangements for the muss mooting to prntcstagaliiBt the action ut tbodoniooratlo etuto oommlttuo In culling an early slatu con vention. Ttio date sot for tlila roootlng was February 11. \ Charles Lander , salesman of a Han .Antonio Jowolrv bouse , took J7.00J worth of Jewelry und diamonds to show to n would-be pur chaser , Hu was robbed pf thu vuluublos , uud Charles Carlson und Alfred lirown have bcuu urrostud forthucrlmo. Timothy Illnckstone , president of the Chicago cage & Alton ralliouu , Intondu to oroot In tlranlfopd. Conn. , a monument to his father , tlio late Captain Jumes iltackstotiu , In thu shape ut u public library which will ctut from 1125.000 to HSO.OOD. SPKCIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1070. An ordinance levying a special tux 'ind ns- bcssmunt on curtain lots und real estate In thu city uf Umunu. tocorer the cost of sloji- wEeroa. * . It liarinj boon and boine hereby adjudged , ilotcrmlnud und utubll > * lieil that tbeuoverul lots und puoe ! of roalcntulo huro- Innftur referred to. bavo each boon specially boneUttud to the full amount heroin levied aud auneased uxaliut ouch uf > uld loll and l > leoa ufroBl ustuto , rwpceUyely , bjr reason of the slop'n * of that p.\rt of cortiln Ion , done iinlrr contract with Knuft I'aUtlmn. a Therefore , for tlfo purpose of pnylnit tlio eo t ol surll slopltur : l Ui > r.tftlnoHr the city council of the city cf Oinnlm ; fuvlluii 1. That thorost of * lointloti ) ! In thn rlty of Oinitlin. slid omt botiu tbo sum ot , < ilil sloping helm : done under ron- tr.-iL-twttli Kntx AcUnllntinn , bruin. 1 tha sunn N bi'reby I o vied nnd asio oil , iicconllirt to special bciu'HH liv rci nnof said sloplnir.itpnn the tollowhu lots and roul oil ito MS shown by the Konurnlly N'erunlrod nuip of tin oily of Uninlin , IVST , lltlmgraphol and piibltshot hv C K. Mnync. Kuldcim beini no lovlod on slid lots 'ind real estate , respectively , as follow * , to- wit ! O H Unllou ot al , n SO ft. Ambler 1'liico $ .VM r.'i ' Henry Amber. Ill blk 10 , " 14' ' ) 41 It'Jblklli , " 2. " > 2l " H a blk 10. " 1487 It 4 blk n. " R 40 J. P Enonold. lotll blok 5. IlrlJgs Place 4 III W H Lonchotn ) , ItOblkf. , " U 71 Lottie llenson. It 7 nlk \ " Id ! tt John U ItrvHun , U R blk o. " 2r > 40 , . " ito blk. \ " ; n M Jas b Sburmnn , w 25 f I It U blk C , " n ID _ . ; it 12 bik a. " n : . Cornelia H 11 blk.TCrosoontt"k n 74 " It IS blk It. 7111 „ , ' u in mica , " r so Mnry 1 niiriisw40ftlt4blkllonmuur'co8 43 Ocod Weeks , It 5 blk I , " 12 01 llowarJ It Smith , it o blk t. " 0 ni Mary I ) Hums , it ; blk i. " 451 Win A Saunilurs , It 2) ) blk 5. Kl llbv 1'laeo fi 40 Itlehurl JDolancy , us , biu n , ' ' 4 : u , . . " tt2Jblkr > , " in M James 21 lilkfl. ' 12 M Chus lv Collins , It " 7 lilk-r . " 0 in it'JSblkri , " fie : I.oulsu J Lewis , n f 0 tl M HI blk R , " 0 : lUUblkK " 2119 Omnha It H & Trust Co. It I blk 7 , " 4 51 Its blk 7. " 4 ( is " lttbll ? " 1 74 John II Clark. It Dhlk 14 , KounUo Ud add 7 TO II Koiintn > , ItO blk 17. " 7 2S IS blk 10. " II SI llnnry Woodiird , It II bile 1 , Lancaster 1'1'e 2 10 \Vni II Alexander , It 12 , 1st udd to Lkovlcw. 1 37 EubortK Trench , H 13 , 1st add to Lako- vlaw , 4 2J Kneli A Koglostrom , It 1U blk G , Mou- inouili Park , 10 y l.vanct' linAssn , It 1 blk 6 , Mon- moutli 1'nrk , 20 02 Kviingcllcal im ASJII , lot 21 blkO , Monmouth - mouth Park ; 0 07 .Tonnlo U 14 blk AOrcharJ Hill 17 IK J oriyii3 , ItlShlk 13 , . " 11 Ol Ohiirk'S It Shurnuui , It 21 blk 14. " 1(1 ( 5J I ) Mount J : Ed ItHlilertt2-blkiri. " 2U 41 Harriet A Joiif.i nlt94 , Stewart Place 10 8S The Franciscan SMcrhood , blk 1 , youth Uniuhn udd. 20 72 Matilda A lletwllor , w5 ! It 8 blk 0. Uoed'fl 1st udd. 0 22 John S Wood , It 0 blk (1. ( Rood's 1st add 4 IU Ohurlos li1 Drlsuoll , It 0 blk 7. " 14 O'i John II Krck , HiV)0 ) ft. It in , Tuttlo'snuh IK .VI Oliarlcs A One. It U blk 12 , Wust Omului 44 ' 'I I'bobo JC 1C Llntoii , lax It 4 BOO 2D-1.VIU 2JU IIS Krod Krui ? , u ss ft It 1 blk 12 , imurovo- incnt As-ii iidd , Gl 33 Hcnrr J Wlig.-i , a 04 ft o GO f 1 7-G , Im- provcninont Assn udd , 2070 Total . i . . . . . $1.50301 Section S. Tlmt the spi'dal taxes nnd assiws- inenls levied mid ussuHsod as uforosiild , Hliull be duo liniiicdliitoly upon the imssagojiml ap proval uf this ordinance , and shall bocoinoau- llnnuunt If not paid within llfty diivs tUuro- nftor ; nnd lliereiipon Interest shall bo nitdod ntthc rate of ono percent a inonlli , payublu In iidviuico from lllo tlmo said tuxus Uccomo HO ( lolinquont. . ocuo.ill. That this ordinance Klmll luke offuut and bo lu force from and utter" Its UllU'O. 1'assod .Tanuarv 2nd , 18W. JOHN UltOVnS. City Clerk. T. J. LOWHY , P.-usldunt City Ooiincll. Approved January 7t' ' > . isoi GIO 1' . HEM IS. Mayor. The above tux Is now xluo and payubloat tlio oflk-e of tbo city tie isimir.and wlllbecome dullnqiienl and bear Interest nftor 1'obruary 27th , IblU , us seen In section 1 ! of above ordin ance. 1IEXUY UOLLN , Tioasurer. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1071. , An ordinance luvylnznhpoulul tax and assess ment upon rortuln lots , parts of lots nnd real estate In the city of Oiiiuhu , for the re pairing of sldcwi.llo. wherrns , tlio owners , rospoetlvely , of the lots , parts of lots und ruul ustatti borolnaftur dcscrlhoJ , have failed to repair sldowutk ? within tlio tlmo allowed by ordinance , .iftur dun nnd proper notice .so todo , und Whereas , sucn shlewr.lks have been duly re paired by J. E. KnowlcE , tne contnutor to whom was awarded thu coiitractfoi-construct- Inir und repalrlni ; Hldowulks , uud Wbeious , thu sever tl lots , parts of lots and real estate have ouuli been specially uoncllttcd to thu full amount of thu special tux and as sessment , horgln levied , by reason of such Im provement opposite the same , respectively : Therefore , for tlio purpose of covering und lay Ins thu cost of such Improvement : i lu It ordained hy.the city council of the city of Omaha : Hcutlon 1. That tbi ) several sums act opoo- slte the lots , p'irtsot lol und real estate here inafter described , be und tbo sainoiiro hereby loipoctlvoly levied and assessud upon each of said lots , purls of lots und real estate , us fol lows lo-wlt : Mary E Itedlclc ctal. JfJblk 70. City of Onmha $0 12 Annie M Kennedywt4 ft It 4 blk 171 " JO Thus If Hall. Itfi blk 1(7. ! ( " 1 2S Union 1'aelllc Uy Oo , It 4 blk 210 " 112 T O I'elle. b4 ! It 1 blk 2T.I " 70 I'luttsiiiouth Ob 1B2S4" Ci Tlenu .L Ueii70n. It H blk 1S3K " 22 AVm A liedick , n'/5 lot 1 blk I03J5 " 4 71 I'utrlek T Murphy , It 8 bile 4 , Bosgs & Hill's 1st addition 283 Chas.I Johnson , ItH blk 0 , BtiRcs & Hill's 2nd addition Ill N Y & O L & T Co. It 2 , llurr OuU udd 88 WPUliuiiiborH , ltl ! " , Iti N Y & O L & T Co , It5 " 18 Thus II I'atteraon , ltd " U5 Thus O Wood , It 10. " 15 do It 11 " 'I" ) doH12. . f J10 lloslna Dolman , e'/i H 21 " 01 John AMoSlinno , It2.'i ' 4 OU Jacob II 20 " 00 John II Sullivan , w 100 ft It-'l7 " 18 J.uuy A Ilecliol , H 41 ft It 2 blk 2. Capitol Hill (14 ( illcnj 11 Wood , it Hi , Cortliindt 1'lauu 41 Junnln I'hitA l ! 2 blUi ; , Dculsu'fludd.'i Susan E Harts It 11 blUa . . . . 18 Slury S Atkjim. It 1 , Ellrubeth 1'liico 40 Umuha Ht ify 12 blk 12 llanscom 1'1'e 23 Win E Clurk. It lh bik 12 " 18 Addle M Orevy.-lt 14 blk 17 " 1H Ilnnmilititllialtl5bllcl7 " 25 Joseph M KIchuriiK , It 10 blk 17 " 70 1'rancls M. H-iiiitor. It 13 blk 18 " 18 3 H Spctmau ut al. It 15 blk 18 " 18 JohnSholborj , It 17 blk 18 " 5J Juntos C Mulvoll , It20 blk 18 18 Patrick I'Dnim'son ' , It 21 blk 18 " 18 Suiuuel Cotnor. ltd blk 18 " 88 ' It 21 blk 18 " ftll Jntncsll 4 blk 4 , Hillside No. II ua lit John F. Coud , It 5 blk 4 " 44 " H7blk4 " 81 Hush Murphy , ltd Ink 0 , Improve * t Assnas .131 KosiH 47 ft It ft blk ID , " 2U B 8 blk 10 " 2 h8 Jnek .Morr.sou , o4 ! It 2. Isaac ft Crlllln'H. . l U.l Wm MOIinos.Jt JO blk 15 , JoiMteu'Mbub of blk l.r > , .SUInii'8udd 13 Cotur. llcnna lHraoilt51)10.1\ountze'idad ! : I L'.l LoulHSc-lirooid-rTr. ItObilclO " 1 MJ And 7 lilk 10 . " 2 2 A KotinUc. IfJblkM " 1 I'rmikinVhllnoy. It 1 < I blk 13 " 22 John L McCazuo. It 14 blk 14 " 53 KAlbtunbors. HOblk 15 " 44 Chus I ) Ilrown. It 11 blk 15 " III Joseph Hclinilrll , It 1 hlkl.IvounUb 4th ud 13 Havld SkalnaUonskv. If-'blUl " 2(1 ( Henry I.ovi ut ut. It 5 hill 1 ' 20 Fred Ornxel , It 10 blk 2 " 3 : iO Jumes Illckoy , U20blk2 " IU Mr .JO'Grudy , e 117 ft It 1 blk 4 327 Uo Ol7ftlt2blk4 ! " 20 K T Peterson , It'J hik 4 " S3 KtiKunoO Nelll , It 1 blk 0 , Konntze's 4th Kupl < > . . . . 84 John K Twumloy. a W ft Jt 0 blk 10 , KounUo'B Jth M'ipl 477 J W Ililruncc , It 7 | ilkI.Kounlzu ( , V llutb'd 70 ThuH Wl'n-s Church. It 15 blk 10. 2 fi'i Kmmn -bohwartz , It 2 1)11(10 , ' HI Wm MoUliirmld , lf. blkiu , " 6'i " H27blklO " 'M TrustonslstOur. Ev , Luth. Chnrcli , wM It J blk II , KOIIIII/O& Hutb'H udd 13 Murtlu W Knunndy Tr , It 0 blk 11. KOUIIUB& Kiith'sudil ' . . li : ! 'OOutlcr. Itl.'i blk 11 , Konntro ifc Hnth's < l 17 Chutil ) Huberts. It 18 blk II " 1 < * H K'uuiiUu. It 4 blk 2. KounUu'tf H. llUh L 20 John lid wards , It Oblks , Lako'a udd 40 do It 7 blk 5. " . . . . . . M T Uyuii , w 40 ftlt I blk U , Lowe's 2(1 ( add 20 I'ntu M Mullun. e2HtUSbIkO , " 1 10 Miiry 2 blk H. . " , , , Einmu A Olhbs. II ft blk8. McC < iriiiaok' * net 20 H H Olarit , old 2 h uvu. uuttttiun I'uru.un ' st Htici 1st ulloy Mouth , und between blocks Bund I ) , AfoCoi in aoU'guda. . . . . . 5. Ida H Lucliinond , nM It 11(1 ( , Nelson's udd. 1 W K U'Null , It 1 blk 1. O'NBll'd bub LoHo'2d 4H Kmma to l''ri'C. It5blu2 " John 0 blk 2 " 20 Catnpbell U llrown , ItHblkS " 21 Kaul ( J ( lotwuld. H 2 blk : i " IS Danlfch lAIMIhl : : As < n , ' / ll-7.rarker'sad 'M Carolini ) O Van Nainco. It t blk 12 " & " JamfS Phillips. It 12 hk2 ! , Phillip's udd , , 02 do It III blk 2 1 IU Ouo P Il-'nils. It 14 blk O , Prospect Place , 2(1 ( O \ Llndcjuut. Ill , Koillck's ( Jrovo , . , , 1 18 XII Kood.ltSi. " 20 JobiiAJtoMlllen , H2l ! " 40 Kllon Lynch , HCblkU BERoxur'&adJ in M Ko.enw uBsor. It 12 blk 0 " 50 H Ultoxors , JtntJlkfl ' 2U Joliu 11 Dumontet al , It 8 bll0 " 13 /.auhurliih 9 blk 0. ' 13 llolniof Putk I ) IViley. U7blk 12 " : tS ( JatliorliKi 1) I blk I , Khurwood P'k 3 01 U U Hurr. It 3 blk 15. Bhtiin'a udd 40 ' " i'O J'atrlok MoCubo. USblWlS llouclusS Patton. It ( I blk 15 18 ( inulitt H B & T Co , H2M.10 blk l.EVSmlth's 40 Itobcrt McConnuil. it 4 blk 2 " 13 Anna E Cuffurty. It ft blk 5 " 4 77 AM Collutt. Itnblkl4 ' 13 NioliolunmmBlH10blkll | , " , , , IJ I'liiln Morljtaito Trunt Co. < e CO ft It 8 blk 15 , EV Smith's udd , . . . . . , * l JtouertEbloln. Ito blk 1. ShuU' * Ut udd. 1 tu John LodwIoUot ul. HI. Wright Place ad M ClmsOSpottswood. 1124 " ilTPutrlok , tuicltlioctlon ! fl. T16 , K13 248 A U Clark , sub & tux H10 " 10 , S ! i J Oonuyuiuu , UiltlW " 10 " U Win ttamiiami. t.Tclt2l " 10 J OOownii , tnx Iiu : " 10 J OSI.'itlor. sfiO ft tnIt 10 " 15 .1 Swconcy. n i tux It2 * " 15 IJSwwnoy. 14 tnx HIM " U K.I 1'aiiitnrt. tnx It 12 " 1(1 ( Nil' L Ulclmrdsoii H ij-y"- . , t'uxlt 1(1 ( ' 10 " * * / \ 1 N2-M ftsitb I t-xxit Ifi " 21 " w J TI > Mnlr. sub-Hax It Ifl ' 21 o : a I ft Snmiiol Hnwvcr , tlmt pr Rofiitlisttnxltll " 21 " M A Kountrp , tnv it n " 37 ' o wi ToUl .jiift 01 Sections. Tlmt the special taxe * nnd ns o - motitRluvlul nml ussortstMl ns aforesaid , sun bo nun tmmodlitnly upon tbo m < s ice and ap proval of this otillnniiFu. mid shall Imeoinotlo- lliiiiu | < nt It not paid within tlfty dnys there after ! turn thereupon InlnrcU aim 1 bo nddod nt tbo r to of ono iier cent a month , payable In advance from tbo time said taxes become sodcllnmieiit. Section ; ! , Tlmt this onllnnnco slinll tnko effect nud bo In force from nnd uf tor Its imsi- HBO. Passed Jnnunrr 2nd , IR'C ' T. J. Approved Junuury 7th. ts-ia OEO. P. I1KMIS. Mnyor. Tlio above tnx Is now duo nnd puviiblo ul thiionlcoot thoolty trcnsurornnd Ibecnine dollminiMit and Wjur Interest after rolirunry 27th , isu. , nsscoti In spctlon 2 nf uhoVu ordin ance. HiSUY : IIOLLN. Treasurer. SIDKWALK NOTICK. Notion Uboroby Riven to the owner or own- prsof the following rnatostutt' . In the city ol- Oinnlin , to lay mid roirilrnldowalUs | n front of und uiljolnlnzthnlrpropsrty within llvo (1) ( ) fllir , " ! K ! " J ' ,9. WtW * " ' . Vobrnary. Witt. lions ndoutPd by tlio city ooiincll. vl/ : north ildu of Haniey street , ndlolnlns lots 11 und 12 , bloBk 1 > . MuCormtok's uddlllon , six foot wide , present ur.ide. North sldo of Hurnoy Btreot. ndjotnliiR tlio onst thri'o und ono-lmtf Todt nf lot in , blooU 10. McCornilcK's addition , six foot wide , present Krnue. Wi-st slilp of St. Lawrence iivonup. jidjolnin lo l oliicluslvo. . block ] , I'opploton Park luldlilnii six feet wldo , presi-nt crude. } Vcs.tSl'n ofiSl'll'lTrol"'OUVBIIUOadjolnlnu ' , . , , lots I to 10 Incliislva block 0. Popplutnn P.irk addition , six foot wlilo. r.roeont. t-nuhi. North silo of Snilnit Btreot , udjoliilnu lolsl. to I.I Inclualvo. block : , Deer Park uildltlon. six foot wide , prositiitKnuln. South sldo of Rhloaeo Htruot. adjoin'm ; tlio "i'st "no-half of lot I ) , block 2. Kood's llrst ad- illtlon. 0 font wide , prusont Rr.ulo. North Bldo of Grant htrooMutfolntns lots 1(1 ( to 20 tticlii9l\o , block 12 , Clifton Hill addition. 0 foot wldu , temporary erado. North sliln of ( Jrant struut , ndtolnln ? low 13 1024 luoliislvo , block 0 , Clifton Hill addition , 0 foot wlilo. tomporiii-v grille. South sldo of Grant st root , ndtolnlnir lots 1 to II. Ineltislvp. block R Clifton 11111 addition. 0 feet wldo. temporary sr.ido. South Hldp of stn-nt , iul.oliilnff | lots 1 to 12 Inclusive , lilnok 8. Clifton Hill addition , fl fuot wldo toinporiiry Krailo. North sklo of ( Just street , ndjolnlni lots IB to24 Incltislvo , block l , Uuunlon addition , fl foot wldu. temporary Krudo. \\ostsldo of Kourli-oiitli street , iiiljolnlns lots 1 and III. block 3 , Sliorinan Avonuu Park adilltlon , 0 feet wido. tomporxry.Krada. \\estsiilo of Fourteenth Btreot , aO.lolnlntt lots I und .14 , tiloolc 2 , .Sherman Avenue Park addition , Ofcot 'ldo. tuinporaly Krndc. Last sldu of Koiirtoontli stropt , adjolillin lots in nnU 17. block I. Slionmui 'Avci'iuo ' PurX adillllon. 0 foot wldo. t temporary jxr.idn. K.iststde Foiirtucnthstroiit , n > | jolnlu7 luU IB and 17. blojk 4 , Hhormun Avenue Park ad dition. six font. wJtlu , temporary srado. East sldo of Sherman avenue , ndjoltilnir tav lots III. 112 und in , section II. township 15 , ration 13. it foot wldn. untibllshud criulo. - E.iht sldo of Sherman uvoiiuo. nd jolntn ? lots 7,1) ) . II , 13 nnd 15. Itnrkur's subdivision , 0 feet wldo. ORtabllfcbcd cradu. Hnst sldo of Sherman iivonno. ail join ! ni lots 7to12. Inclnslvo , blook. % Illlloko'siiadltlon , (1 ( font wldu. ostabllsliod srudn. Easla'do of Sherman iivonuo. ufljolnlim lots It Ui2ii. Incliiclvo. bloulc 4 , Hllloku'a addltloiuli font wldu. established irr.ido. East sldo of Bhiirinati uvunup. mUolnlne Kromont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley wllrond rlcht-of-wny. Hecttoti II. township 15 , rauso JU , 0 foot wldu , vstabllsliod Kf.'idu. Eusl nldo of Sherman avenue , ndjolnlnz.Bt. 1'aul. Mlnnoupolls Sc Omihii Railroad com pany's rlisht-of-wuy , i-octlon 3. township IT , rungo 13. Ofcnt wldu. ostabllshcd Crude. East sldo of Sherman avenue , ndiolnlni ; lot 5 , lilock 2. Sixteenth Street addition , 0 feet wide , established irr.idu. East sldc of Sherman avjinuo. adjoining lot B , lilock I ) , Slxtuenth strout'uddltlon. 0 ( out wldo. ustablltthad snide. ? ' Westsldo of Twonty-Micond htroot , adjoln- Inc lot 1. block 2 , Skull's Klrat uudltlon.HJcot wl'lo , presont'sr'ulo. _ ' V * . , " " West sldo .of Twuntvsdaond trfaot. adjom- 3nn lots 1 nnd 20. Jilockll , ' ShUJl't , Souond uddl' tlon. H foot wlfleVj > rltsunt'Kritno. " - Wust sldo 6f Twontv t'colld .strccfllidjoln- Jn tux lot mi. hoctlon.27iownshlp.-irvTiiiaod3. B tout wldo , present aradc. i * , . . , . Woat hluo of TwunCv-sornnn street , niljotn- Jni : tnx lot 37 , section LT. tdvmshlp , 15 , raiiRu Hi , B foot wlilo. present Krndc. " South sldo of Loavoiuvorth street , ad ? vcst 44 font , lot ! , block 203. .city. H feet wldu , jnesent cradf. South sldo of Lnavomvorth stroot. adjolnlni lot 2 , block 203. clty"y foul wide , proscnt ' ' South side of Ir.urd stseet. udjoining lots 1 , 2.3. und 4. block5 , Walnut 11(11 ( uddlllon , U feet wldo. present cr.idu. . South Hldu of ( Jeorgu nticot. ud.lolnlni ? lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 6. Wulmtt Hill addition , 4 fuel wide , present grade. HI 'AlH 01,11 WALKS. \ Wc-itsldoof Soventcontli stieot , udjoliilnii lots I to IS , Inclusive , bluck 13 , Koiintro & Ruth's uddltkin. South Hldoot Muflon sHoct. adjolulniilotH 1 uml2 , blockl3 , , Kountzo & Kntli'saddition , East .sldu of Kl hlountli utruut.iiC.luinlna lolHli to . ' . " > . inclusive , block 13 , KoUntu Si lluth'i addition. lOaBt Hldu of Seventieth utrooU adloluliii ; lotHHto 24 , InoliiHlvu. block 14. Union addition. West tide uf Suvontr.cnth htrcut , iid.luliilni ; Iota l , l ) , 10 , 13 , 11. IT , IK und 21 , J. K. JMIuy'a BllblllvlhlOII. Wust sldo of Seventeenth slioot , ndjoliilng lots I , 2 iindU Koor'n subfl I vision. Wcat sldo of Sherman avenue. udjolnliiR tnx lots 21. 2. . 2.1 und 2V faoctlon ! 1 , township 15 , raiiRO 13. Wubtsldoof Sherman uvniiuu. iulJilnluK ( lots t to II. Inclusive , block 1 , Hugodoins addi tion. tion.West sldo of Rherman avenue , adloli'lii ? loti 1 , 2. 3 nnd 4 , block I , llnjiiMlorn'H addition. Wostfildoof Twoiity-Hl\th Htroet. udjol. . . . lots 1 , 2 and 3. block .1 , C ipltnl Hill addition. Knstaldo of Twonty-sUlli xttout , uUtoliiln lots 1.2 und 3 , block4 , Capitol Hill uddlllon. North n'du ' of Olilo.slruut , adjoining lota T to JS. luciuHlvu. block U , Ueulso'Hiiddltlou. North slUu uf LnUu htn'.ct , udjolulnx lots 12 to 21 , incliiHlvo. 1)dcW ) | y , Cluruiidon addII Ion. North Hldu uf Lake Btruut. iidjoiiilni : lots 13 to21 Incliiiilvu. block ! ! . Clarendon addition. tomb Hldu of Luke tstruol , udjolnlns lots 13 uiiil.ll. ! ' . Porter's uddIt.'un , .Sou til Hldu of Lake HI rout , adjoining lot 1 , F.ili mount I'laco uilillili n. Kust sldu nf Tivfiity-foiirthstiuel , iidjoliilnz lot U , block II. K V. Smith's addition , ICuht Hldu of T won ty.fou Hh nt rout , luljoliiluu Bill ) lot 1 of tux lot iC , BL-ctlon l.'i , township 4 < r > , rutmu 13. Wont Hldu of Twuuty.fonj-lh Htioot , adjoin- Inz lot I , block 3 , I'usior'H addition. West nldo of Twcnty-si\t1i Hired , adjoining lot I , block 4 , Hxruuhy'H uddltloii. Kukt Nlduof Twontv-Hl\tli KtriiL't , udjollilii lot II , boek/i. ! vocsy'-iaddition. Kasthldo of Twoiity-foui tlistnu't , udjolnlni ; lot 2. block H. II V. KmitlViiJiddltlmi. Westblduof 1'oitlutli sliuol , adjolulir ; lots I und 1(1. ( bock : I , Walnut IHIl iiailldon. Wustslduof roilldlli Htrcfil , udjolnlii' , ' lots I ami H ) , liloak 1.1. Wuliuil Hill uildlllun. West sldu of Kortiatli sliout , udjoliilii lots 1 und 10. block ' 14. Wnlmit Hill adillllon. North slduof JlciilBONlroet. adjoliilui lot 13 to 21 Iimliinlvu , block ft , Uniku'ii uddltloii , und III ! washoul. . . . \Vuhthliluof Kuvoutrrnth si root , ad join I UK lots 4 to 17 Inuliislvo , block K. ICoiint7ii& Ktitb a uddlium. P. W. IIIKIvllAVriClC. t'liiilrmun Board of Public Wo lies. Omaha. Nob. . Jun.tW , IB. Eternal Vigilance Is the price of ioud ; health. Hut with all the precaution may take Iheio ate enemies al\vaH luiKlui : about pur systems , only wult- IHK a favoiablo oiiportnnlty to assert thi'in- Bulvtis. Bcrofula anil other Inijuiilllcs In Iho blood may bo hidden for years or oven for generations , and aiuldunly In vuk forth , undermining - mining health und haiknlng ilcitlli. I'or nil diseases arjulni ; from liiipiiie blood Hood's Sarsaparllla It the unerjuallcd.and miapprouchrd remedy , It h King of Hit-in ull , for It con'iicM | disease. It btillda up In n jicrfectly natural v. ay nil the weakenedjiarts , vitalizes , cnrlcheaud Purifies the Blood And asslsta to healthy action these linpoitant organs , tlio kidney * and liver. If } on need a good modldno you should cerUiluly take Hood's Sarsaparilla SuUb/ntl druKRliti. fl * uliforfll. 1'icjarwlonly bj 0.1.1IOU1 > & CO. , Aitttuaurlni , ijjwcll.Niu * . JOO Doses Ono Dollar