Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Dinners and Oard Parties Participated in ,
by the Howling Swells.
Mm nmt Wnmrn A Veil Known In tlin
Hinnrl World rrnmUr * for tlio Moil
lirlltlnnt Wrrk Hlnra the
The Inner circles of socloty have boon nr-
rayed In two factions slnco Iho charming ro-
coptlon at the MlllarO , ono slilo contending
thnt calls should bo mndo upon all the ladles
whoso names appeared In the tnvltntlon ,
while thn ether faction I Just as positive that
only those who are personally known nnd
with whom cards have boon exchanged ,
nhould bo callca upon. TUB Bun has boon
Importuned to glvo its opinion as to what Is
correct form In the promUm.
Whllo It Is not the Intention of ttm paper
to antagonize these who hold to the former
idea still tlioro appears to bo only ono com
mon sonsa vlo\v to talto of what is really an
Important question.
Socloty usages nro based upon common
sense and peed brooding , they aim to boa re
flex of the nlguost educational Ufa and of that
Innate rollnomont wbicb is so necessary tote
to the wall being of the social system.
Whore thrco or ( our Inil'oi ' Join in a rocoo-
tlon and invitations uro sent out containing
the names of those wbo will roccivo , it Is
quite safe in presuming that previous to the
issuance of the Invitations each lady prepared
a list of those whom she desired to aonor.nnd
that the lists were revised In order that
names should not bo duplicated. Quests
therefore have to look to those with whom
they have oxchnncod cards or calls for the
honor of the invitation and it narrows Itself
down to those with whom the entertained are
Hud the ladles unknown , to thosa invited ,
enclosed their own visiting cards with the
invitation , it would have boon an unpardona
ble broach of gontla breading not to have
called upon them nftnr the reception ,
lor n card sent with an invitation
U the equivalent .of a personal
visit , so regarded everyvvhero on this and the
ether sldo of the wntor. None oi the ladles ,
however , did this , and to these parsons hav
ing only the acquaintanceship of ono or moro
of tbo ladles , who rccolvod , notwithstanding
an introduction was had , during the bourn of
the function , with all the hostesses , the
course to uo pursued Is very clear , yea call
upon these with whom you have exchanged
calls and courtesies In the past. Cards also
should have been loft , not for all the ladius
receiving , but for these who were personally
known to you , for within tbo meaning of so-
cletv the reception was given by your friends ,
while the ether ladles wcro simply assisting
in receiving.
Jack went out to dinner the ether night
nnd ho cama homo mildly dolightcd because ,
ns.lio said , "people were beginning to learn
something at lust and dinners were begin
ning to bo mode Interesting and enjoyable at
tbo expense of conventionality. "
, The roiLioii for all this approbation , it was
found out afterwards , was the unusual fact
that nftor ilrst asking the permission of the
ladles the host had ordered the cigarette ? to
bo served with the Roman punch , and with
everybody dt the table tbo men stroked and
enjoyed ih'jinsolvcs. Sometimes , Jack says ,
ho understands tbo ladles Indulge , too. and
ho suys It was very funny to watch the
.changeable * expressions of'tho girls as the
cigarettes wora passed to each ono in turn
They all t'ecllnod , of course , for it has not
yet growu to bo considered u propriety'over
hero for women to smoke , although now and
' then you hear of u charming toto-a-toto being
brightened by cigarette smoke.
, Apropos of this pleasant dinner and the
cigarettes , it Is told of a smart young woman
aud a young Danker that they were missed
.from a ball room recently , arid the young
worrian's 'alter ego wont in search
of tbo truant. The couple were
found sitting on the stairway
< dimly lighted by the hall Ilghtsmoklng cigar
ettes for dear llfo , and seemingly having the
most , companionablu time In the world. An
other man took tbo fair Phryno to task about
cutting tnc dance with htm , and remarked
that ho understood she was with the young
banker enjoying a nocturnal puff. The
young woman , who was mildly criticized by
the disappointed swain , intimated tbat she
Itnow her business and tbat an underatand-
inn- bad been reached between the banker
and herself , which remark has been variously
construed , and from this incident tbo an
nouncement of an engagement Is likely to
follow the Lenten lull. Thus cigarettes pluy
' ' no inconsequential part in some lives.
Socially the week past has boon "delight
fully quiet , " as ono young woman expressed
it , the pace of the week previous having been
too fast for the thoroughbredsevidentlytheir
determination to "bldo a Woo" being tanta
mount to a declaration of capitulation from
the fortresses which they have occupied so
rink Curd Tarty.
Mrs. L. J. Drake , 534 Park avenue , is a
charming hostess ; she U thoughtful and con-
aidoruto and living in ono of the beautiful
homes of Omaha , bor entertainments are
Always delightful , for with o very thing at
hand , entertaining resolves Itself into a
question of adaptability and affability.
Thursday , MrsvDrako gave a card party
from " until 0 , which dosoryodly ranks
amoug the most pleasing of tbo events of last
week. The house was exquisitely orna
mented with flowers , pink being the general
tone. The front parlor mantel was embow
ered In In Franco and bonstlllno roses , while
the grata and aides of the mantel weio
banked with palms aud ferns. Tapers , pink ;
shaded , uud beautiful candelabra took the
place of gus lights , tbo effect being artis
tic and very restful. In the second parlor
thorn was a continuation of the thoughtful
consldci ailon so much a part of the
hostess' life. The mantel was decorated
with roses nnd relieved by hot house plants ,
nnd also tbo dining-room cumo In for n uhara
of the very dainty decoration , 'i'l.o tables
distributed throughout the throe rooms , nnd
thoio were fifteen in use , were covered with
iirlutololb. a very pretty Idea , ono that is
just coming In use in Omaha.
Mrs. IJrako was assisted In entertainer her
guests by Mrs. It , C. Moore and Mrs , A. V.
Boscho. Allss Allcu Draka looking after the
ncorcK for her mother. The score cards were
exceedingly pretty , in keeping with the gen
eral design of the entertainment.
Refreshments wora served after the termi
nation of the game , high tlvo being played ,
nnd then the prizes were awarded us lollows :
The Ilrst was won by Mrs. Palmer , a pretty
silver-framed mirror , for tbadiosslng table ;
the feccouu was won by , Mrs. Chapman , u
sterling silver embroidery scissors and case ;
Mrs. Tutum took tbo third prize , a silver toi-
; ? tto case , the fourth prize going to Mrs. Col-
pnUor , a silver pen tray. A rather remark-
liblo fcatuio of the game was the closeness of
the scores of a numborof tholadies , ilvo hav
ing to cut for the second prize uud eleven for
Iho fourth prize.
During the afternoon the Mandolin club' ,
under Prof. Sutorlus , played charmingly and
wai a distinct feature of a lovely entertain-
( num.
Thosa present wcro : Mnsdames Bojcho.
Cowln , Puxton. UnHols , Coluetzer , Chase ,
Pundy , Cady , tlowell , Johnson , Klrkondall ,
Oeorgo Squires , Swnba , S , P. Morse , Prait ,
PurvU , Amos , W. V. Morse , Wood , Carter ,
Mornhouso , Hall , Darker , Parker , MoKull ,
Allen , Mackay , Unymond , lloggs , Damn ,
Coinoil , T , J. Rogers.V. . M. Rogers , Alox-
andar , Hartlolt , Callin. Powell , Harris , Lar
imer , Brown , Gilbert , Moeouthllliams ,
Oudabv , , lluwloy , Holdrcdgu , Tatum , Ilarlia-
low , Moore , Van Cott , fihoies. Franeoi ( Jimp
ham , Klnslor , Clalliu , MacCluro , Thayer
Misses Pounsfoid , Hipp , Mrs. Brady aut
Mrs. DU'kinson.
O cr Tliclr 1'nucj Work.
In honor of MUs English , the Mlsjos Batch
gavo. Friday afternoon , one of the most on-
jajrablo ken lngtous otthesoa oa , The young
vroiuon present , und tboy were all of the
smart world , brought tboir fancy worlc ,
principally autograph tray clothes which are
now too provullag fad , aud with the lovely
muslo rendered the afternoon was posted
very doilghttully. Miss Mary Poppleton
ang "You , " MUs Douno delighted the ; uests
ivlth ' 'After ward i. " MUs EuglUh aang *
"Prutty as a I'iulc,1' , MUi Chandler rocitcd m
i TCTJ plca < fn r manner a poem by lladrnrd
vlnllntt whllo the Mlsies Dalch sang " > lar-
gory Daw , " arranged as a auot ,
Thoffucsti woros MM. John McUormlck ,
Mrs. Harry Mo ( > 3rmlck , Mrs. Newton B rk-
nlow , Mri. Knstman. Mr * . Iloicho , Mrs.
Smith of IJonlrico , Neb. ; Mrs. Stevens , Mrs.
Jbarles Douo ) . Mlm Itoagland , Mlvi Liura
Hoagland , Miss WadletRh , Mis * Parker , Sln
Maude Wadlolsh , Miss Ada Parkor. Mls
Mooro. Miss Wallace , Miss May Wallace ,
Miss Sharp , Miss Ida Sharp , Miss Ucnrgla
Sharp , MUs .Tosslo Mlllard , MUs Hughes ,
MUs Doanc , Mist HargU of LouUvilIo ; MUs
Church. MUs Chandler , MUs Popploton ,
MUi Wakolov , Mis * Emily Wakelry , Mis *
Jowott , Miss Halcombo , MUs Drown of Chicago
cage : MUs Wool worth , MUt Hamilton , MUs
Hambloton , Mtss Pratt. Miss Smith , MU
McClelland , MUs Dotwllor , MU Cook , Miss
Southard , MUs Chambers , Mm. Itawlm ,
Miss Johnson , MUi Downs , MUs Isaacs ,
MUs M. Brown of Council Uluffi , MUs Hell-
( Itnnd Xntloiinl Vngpunt.
Many charities have boon in Omaha , but
none have boou so fortunatoto the possession
ofwcll ( known pttrnns and participants as
the National Pageant , whoso Initial perform
ances take place Friday nnd Saturday , Feb
ruary 'JO nnd 3" , at the Grand opera house ,
for the boncflt of the Woman's Christian as
So far i completed the following Is a lUt
of these who will participate lu the event.
Which bos interested nearly all the social
loaders of the city :
Queen Isabella MU Anxlo Hoycu
Klnir Kordltmnd , Dr. U. 1' . Uninimcr
CulumbiM .Mr. ( 'luirloi H. Sherman
Oluincnllor Mr. U I ) . Vnn Court
Monks Messrs. L. U. I'owlor. W. II. Young
Lordn Mnssrs. O. A. Harvey , n. V. kiwis , A.
LadiL-s-Mnt. II. T. Lilly , Misses UlanohoIIoll-
man , Mattlo 1'olack.
Nun . . . . . . . . . .4 , , . . Mrs. M. L. Hoodor
I'aKos-MttBtorsWIlllo Van Court. Waldo Ilollu
I'ntrons Mrs. Adolnh Meyer , Jlra. Uoorwo A.
Joslyn ,
II. I.ANtUNO 01'TIIK t'IInillMS.
Qovornor Carver Mr. W , II. Alexander
Mrs. O.irvrr Mrs. I'r.mic Uolpotzor
rllurlnis MNsos Hiiiitoon , KnoJo , Ur.iNcs ,
Edith Wiitorniiin , Nowcomb , Cool ; , 1'itrkur ,
Alexnndor , Hudson. Pratt. Messori Crnost ,
nnd KrutlcKck Mcrrlck , Ornvos. Hugh and
Joscnh Jnplln , Clarke , ICIlgoro , Wclr ,
Eassoli , Kolsy.
Solo The I'llgrlm KatbcM..Mr. T. J. Pennoll
l'.itrons Mrs.Ynrron tiwltzlor , Mrs. George
N. Hicks' .
I'rlscllla Mullcnsi. . . . . . . .Miss Kato llradloy
John Alden Mr. L. ! ' . ( Jrofoot
MlloiStandlsli Mir. 1C. C. llnrtnn
MnKlstr.itn , . . . , Mr. Wnrron S.vltzlor
I'lttrons Mri W. .1. Cnnnull. Mrs. George
t'uttorson. Mrs. W. IJ. Mlllard.
Colonial Mother Mrs. Haynoa
Colonial Father Mr.V. . II. Alexander
Grandmother „ Miss Grace I'orlno
ar.indfathor. Mr. I'.W. Henry
TypicalUld Msildof theContury.Mri. Whitney
llnshfulConnie J Mr. Charles ClurU'o
-JMIss Gertrude Olarko
Clilldron Misses , Iono < , Richardson , licsslu
Wilson. I'rani'09 Gllliort , Kroilerlcka Wos-
sols , Ll7zle Allen , I'uuonln Henry , Annie
Collov , Adolnldo Wliltncy , Susetto 'l\iylor ;
Miisturs Krdinun , llrunnur , George Gilbert ,
Caullleld. Uoburn. Hubert mid Curtis hue ,
CImrllu Tar lor , Ulsluy Gardner Huynos. ,
lluby Colloy.
Patrons-Mrs. J. T. Duryna. Mrs. W. V. Allou.
Patrons Mrs. J. II. Brooke , Mrs. James Mc-
Patrons Mrs. I'rank Whouton , Mrs , J. O > Park ,
Mrs. Albert HnrtsulT. Mrs. William G. Hpun-
cor. Mrs. J. S. Mallory.
Amerlua /.Mrs , Cora Scott Pond-Pope
Columbia . . . . Mrs. J. W. Cotton
Goddess of Liberty MIssAnnii Bishop
Thlrtuun Youmr Women as Original States
Misues llorlh.i und Clara ClarUson. Drone ,
WadlclRb , Irvlug , Oarr. Pulmor. Mold rum ,
Johns , Getty. Mosdumcs Htta Mathowson ,
Clement Chuso , L ) . U. Wlicoler , jr.
Slgnorsot tbu Douluratlou
.The Oniiiha Guards
Patrons Mrs. 0 , l > \ CatUn , Mrs. 1) . II.
Whoolor. jr.
Patrons Mrs. Harry MoCortntck. Mrs. Ar
thur Uemlu4ton , Mrs. Hurry Mulford.
i _ 1801 TO 1803 THE HOSPITAL.
Snrzoou. , . , t .V.Dr. J. 0. Dunlso
NUHOS . " . . . " " . . .t , ? t
Misses' Cmma Iloajland , Mary Sherwood
A Young Voluuteor Mr. llenry Alien
Mother Miss Ktholwynno Konnudy
Fiowor ( Jlrl MUs llertlia Clurksoti
Wounded Soldiers Mosts Kennedy , MelCoIl ,
Christian , MnrraV. F. Preston.
Hospital tquad Messrs. Heed , Sarsont.W.
Preston , McMannU , llorci.iuan.
Patrons Mrs. J. 1 $ . Christian , Mrs P. M.
Patrons Mrs. W. N. Ilubcook , Mrs. J. W.
Cotton. .
Vint Social Uutherlug.
The employes of the Morse Dry Goods com
pany will glvo their lint adclnl cathoi-ing
Tuesday evening at the now Motropolltan
club , the following being the program :
Kom.irKs from chiilrnmn
Soieutud . . .Musical I/nlon / Orchestra
Under the dlroctlun of U. T. Irvine.
Pong ThoJViuoll'8 Huronade Hracn
Mr , to ) Sale , with violin 'ohllpiito by Sllss
Mamie Allen.
Recitation The bomlnolo's Itooly
MIs.s MeCliesnoy.
Comic SOUR The Irish Jubllcu
Master Harry Myors.
Quiirtotto Who Will O'ur the Downs so
I'roo ? ,
Misses Green and Dalton , Messrs. Havorly and
Do Sale.
Keoltatlon The Llfo Hunt. George A. Sims
Mr. Ive.
i'lauo Solo Solootloii from "Martha " . . . .
Miss Nuttlnlltverly.
Song Who'll IJuy My Hoses/ , . „
Miss Green.
Violin SoIo-IlTrovutnro
Arraii'-od by Slngelco
MUi Minnie Alk'n.
Sous The rronchnmn.i , ,
Mr Ivtv-
Ilcoltatlon Ilornardu Pol Caplo. Hermans
Miss A. Kennedy.
Song The Soldlot'ii Tullaiiuin. . . Oborthur
Mr. Do Halo.
Duct Love's Sweet Dream Is O'er
Mlssen Green und I ) illon. AcoompunUt. It. T.
After the completion of. the program there
will bo a short Interval , after which a pro
gram of twelve numbori will bo danced.
I'-orH. MuttliluV Ucnullt.
A parlor concert will bu given nt tbo homo
of Mrs , J. N. Cornish. KIUJ South Tenth
street , Thursday evening , February 4 , In old
of S. Matthias Woman's auxiliary. Follow
ing is the very excellent program ;
PAHT i :
Violin and Pianoforte , . . .
Quartette " -marrows' Twitter" . . . . 'LOtto
Ml * . L T. Hnndorliind. MUs C , Claikson ,
Mlsi A. Illsmip , Mrs , K , Moolior ,
Klnciitlon , , ,
boioniidu , , . . Ncodllimor
Miss Clura Cl.irkson.
Dnot ,
"Too Youitg to Luvo" Uotoll
SHs Anna HUhop.
Tuionii I-'uIUsSuiiK , . . . , Parracluln
Mrs , Snnderland nnd MUs Clailauu ( ,
Pyramtis ThUboi. . . , Huxo
MrA. . W , Maenun.
"Ilollsof S , Mtiry'a" Uodnoy
Mrs Moeller.
"Sprlugtldu" , . , , .Hooker
Mrv L. T. Biliulerlanil ,
Mrs. W. a' , llellur.
"Yo Spottoi Stmkoh" Maul'arren
QiiartutteClub ,
Ci > It > hr.itliiK UN Illrtlnlujr.
Dwlght V , Her of 4iH South Twenty-fourth
avenue gave a progressive high tlvo party to
his young- friends , assisted by his sister ,
MUs Imogcne , Miss Kingman aud Miss
Garry , iu honor of his birthday Monday ,
January 25. Tbo ilrst prize , a urotty vuso ,
was won by Miss Nellie Clark , a bandsomo
scarf pin by Harry Hurry. The Ilrst booby
prize , a drum , was wou by Carl Connoll.
Muuiio Kramer took a Japanese dancing
doll. Muster Her was the reciulont of many
lovely presents nnd coaKratulatlous. Dainty
refreshments were served , after which danc
ing was Indulged In until u late hour ,
The guosta were as follows : Misses Fan-
nlo Standish , Matulo Welly , Mamlo Kramer ,
Selma llollmau. Toodle Wojty , Mav Her.
KtbelHldick , Nellie Clark. Anna Peters ,
ICdith Her , Tosjlo O'Toole ' , Ella Haily. Sadlo
Hoau , Mabto Hoed , Jennie Solfken , May
HafT , Maud Her , KOlo Moxbam , Iltanch H r ,
Helen Uuruham , Masters Loiter Lowe , Nod
Kessler , Charley Wilbur. Hob Potter , Fred
Perry , Carl Council , Dick Wolty , lUlph
Bush , Cicorfc-o PurvU , Harry Garry.
I'rum Cliriuii 11111.
Wednesday oven ing some forty guests us-
ombleU at the rotidouco of Dr. 1'anter
Krslilu street , Cliftoa Hill , the
ln honor of MU Jorslo Pantor's sev
enteenth blrlhdar. Music , hlgbr tlvo , danc
ing and a profuie supply of coffee nnd cake ,
made tha evening vorv enjoys bio. A nutn-
jcr of presents were left with kind wishes
for many returns of the young lady's tlrth-
day. The festivities extended Into the "woo
sma" hours.
A r.incly DnnrliiR Party.
I love a ball I there's sncn nn air
Ut miiglo In the lustre's glare.
And B'icti nsiwll of witchery
In nil I hrnr nnd all 1 sco.
That I cnn read In every dance
Some relic sweet of old romance.
Tbo dancing partv given by Mrs. Cuinlng
Wednesday evening at her beautiful homo on
St. Mary's avenue , brought out the birds of
brilliant plumage In numbers sufllclont to
make ono of tbo ploastantost dances of the
The handaomu establishment of Mr. Frank
Murphy , whoso sUtorMrt , Cumlngis , and
who presides with grace and dignity over
the homo of ono of Omaha's best known
public men , was embellished by clusters of
roses , palms , ferns , and wreaths of ovor-
preen , malting tno rooms an Intoxicating de
The dining room with Its massive oak
finish , Its exquisite color scheme , was a plo-
turo of modern city llfo In Its wealth of
rotes , the handsome buffet , the immense
table boncnth the central chundollor , Doing
profusely decorated. Smllax fell In festoons
from the chandelier , calling attention to a
slender vase which stood In the center of
the table Illlud with beautiful flowers.
The bail room in the third story Is ex
tremely largo and beautifully appoiuted , just
such a place to gladden tno hearts of dancing
men and women , whllo off is the coolest of
"dons , " which on this occasion was made
the punch room , a magnet wnlch attracted
the dancers.
Mrs. Cumlng was assisted by MUs
English , MUs Hambloton and MUs Stella
Hamilton , Mr. Caldwotl Hamilton also
adding tils cleverness In social affairs to
making the ball the distinctive success of
the wook.
Among these present were Misses Wako
lov , Nash , DoanoVallaco , HargU , Wad-
letch , Maud Wndlolgh , Yost , Poiiploton ,
Barker. Hughes , McCormlclc , Hoagland ,
Laura Hoaqland , Sherwood , Dundv , Pratt ,
Belch , Thedo Balch , Hlbbard , Woolworth ,
McKenna , Miss Brown of Chicago , Messrs.
Barlow , Drake , Saunders , Chat nnd Clark
Hodlclc , Berlin , Gulou , Nnt. Hall. Frank
Hamilton , Augustus Kouutzo , John. Patrick ,
Darling , Koculg , Dr. WllcoxMr , ruidMrs.
C. Will Hamilton , Mr. Morgan , Mr. Mc
Millan. Mr. Will Wvnian , Mr. Henry Wv-
nian. Mr. Morgan , Mr. Coles , Mr. Uarnoau ,
Air. Will Doano und Mr. Frank Murphy.
\Valnut Illll Kntortiilnmeilt !
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fleming ontertalnod a
number of their friend ? most'u'tiUgbtfully
Tuesday evening at their homo onLafayotte
avenue , Walnut Hill. The guests were :
liov. nnd Mrs. Sterling , Mr. and. Mrs. J. H.
Stewart , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gardner , Air.
nnd Mrs. G. W. Hervoy , Mr. and Mrs-.Q D.
Hutcbinson , Mr. and Mrs. J. F.'Waconor ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Van Horn. Mr. aud Mrs.
Kodlngtoii , Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Trunx. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert WUo , Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. K.Jotuison , , Dr.
and Airs. McClannohau , Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Cowglll , .Mr. and MM. C. ill. Davidson , Mrs.
I. Y. Campbell. ' - ' -
Kocoptloii lit'IJrtmoli. i
The now hotel ut the terminus of the Benson -
son and Halovon Heights motor , line was
formally opened on Friday evening : with a
grand ball and reception.
The building was erected by Air. George
Sncll , and Is admirably arrangsd for the com *
fortablo accommodation of about ilfty guests.
On tbo night of the opening the spacious par
lors on the first floor wora brilliantly illumi
nated with electric lights aud tastefully deco
rated by the ladles of the neighborhood.
Over all the windows and archways the na
tional colors were gracefully festooned , and
In every nook and corner handsome floral
decorations were placed.
Before 9 o'clock the building , from top to
bottom , was thronged with these Chappy
enough to secure an invitation , and when
from nn alcove between the rooms issued the ,
melodious strains of Irvine's , orchestra the
floors were quickly flllocl with the lovers of
the waltz.
For an hour afterwords every motor car
deposited a detachment of guests , while car
riages continued to arrive and the dance was
kept up without Interruption. At 12 o'clock
the folding doors between the parlors were
thrown open and ovoryonn moved to the sup
per rooms whore , on snowy tables , was dis
played a tempting array of the dolfdidlcs
calculated to appease the eihorial appotltb of
the modern torpslcorean devotee.
Among these present were : Mayor Thom
son and wife , E. H. Cone and.wife. . . G. L.
Soovand wife , M. Wear and "wire , Frank
"Bigeloiv and wife , O. 1C. Pratt and wife.
Charles Johnson and wjfo , George Sncll and
wife , Fred Fredricksen and Wife , F. Hqman
and wife , J Keller and wife. H , Wocldrldgo
nnd wife , H. O. Ban-on nnd wife , .George
Buhlor and wife , J. A. Morgan and wife , Ed
ward Crooks and wife , * W. Huntzlngor and
wife , D. A. House and wffo , J. A. Green and
wife , James McArdlo nnd wife , W , P. Coo
and wife , A. M. Walton and wife ) Messrs.
W. II. Crnry , R. H. Howard , E. Bowles , H.
Bryant , J. T. Fields , Laurltz Johnson. Axel
Smith , Mcrrts Montgomery , Jonu , Charles
nnd Frank Wear , Frank Blelck. ( .I , jHrove-
man , and MUses Molllo Wear , Alice am ] Vir
ginia Phillips , Grace Snow , Larson , Stevenson -
son of Council BlulTs , Howard , islolck. *
Vonlii Clmptnr CV/obratrs. /
Vesta chapter No. 0 , Order of the .Eastern
Star , bold their cignVonth animal social
Thursday evening at Masonic half-'wlth the
Master MFSOUS aud their friends ? Alto-
pother about 175 participated in tbo festivi
ties of the evening and a general ( rood time
was bad. Refreshments were served from
ID to it , During iho year the .different halls
have boon renovated and decorated and the
guests had access to thodltToront partsof tbo
temple. ' .
Among these present were * Mr. 'nnd Mrs.
Dailv , Mr. and Mrs. Mount , Mr , , atul Mrs.
Goodman , Mr. and Mrs. Parr , .Mr- and , Mrs.
Walker and son , Mr. and Mrs. Alvorson and
t\\o daughters , Mr. and Mrs. AllUon , Mr.
ana Mrs. Thornton , Mr. and Airs. McEckron ,
Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson , Air , and Mrs. Coon ,
Mr , and Mrs. Pray , Mr. und Mrs. Shirlov ,
Mr. and Mrs. Androan and daughter. Judge
and Mr . Strawn , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gibson , Mr.
nnd .Mrs. Holmes , Mr , and Mrs. Curran and
daughter , Mr. nd Airs. Fitch. Airs , . Whit-
tmirsh , Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Van Huron ,
MUios Anderson , Pray , WildpJ StobrlJ.
Powell and Truland , Alossrs. Davis , "Crum ,
Plnnoy. Battorton , Htrehmoro. Peterson.
Wilde , DoLorlmor. Wortborg , Halllgan and
A Mturitry Tvu ,
Teas have buon unusually numerous tills
winter , the colors of the rainbow having been
exhausted to liclKhton the decorations , bjt
noiio deserve so enthusiastic pralso 03 that
given Friday evening bv MM , E. M.
Aloraman , in honor of MUiValluco of Salt
Lake City. On this occasion rose prevailed ,
and tbo lamps , shaded in this most charming
of tones , gave to the beautiful rooms nsug-
'gcsUon of fahyland. Small tables were
placed iu ttio dining room and parlor , covered
with exquisitely bordered lace clothes , over
which were placed broad bands of pink rib
bon. In addition pretty candlesticks stood In
the center , with pretty rose shades , orna
mented with maidenhair ferns. At each
cover wuro plata oards with iho guest's
initials In raijed letters , rosebuds being
attached tor the women and pinks for the
men.Tho menu was delightfully appointed ami
beautifully nerved. Hut dining was onlv a
single feat uro of the occasion , the guests
present having an opportunity to show their
ilturary ability by answering a scries of
quoitions , Later on a largo plo , all of pintt
tissue paper , was brought In , to which was
attached pink and green rlbbous , which
upon being drawn from the crust wora found
to contain amusing favors. Then is another
Innovation ribbons wore distributed , upon
which oubjncts wora written , tUo guests
being obliged to Illustrate ibo thought upon
a blackboard , which gnvo rise to endless
amusement , some of the guests displaying
commendable ability as cartoonists.
Tbo guests wbo eujoved this ingenious
function wore : Mlssou Wallace , Sherwood ,
Nash , Ynst. Chandler , Brown , Hamilton ,
Mary Popmetoo , English , Wallace , May
Wallace , Beckxvlth , MoKenua ; Messrs.
1'rotpeoU lor u Ilrllliuut
This promises to be the gayest and most
brilliant wcolc In the socral llfo of the city , as
the following announcements will show :
Dr. and Mrs. H. 'C. Moore entertain the
Bon Aral club Monday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bon Ujjtoghor , n card parly
in honor ot MUs MctJRRlrk.
The Sundown club meets at the I'atton
Monday ovcnltle. "
Tuoday evening Mlsa Doino gives n co-
titllou In honor of Allss HargU , forty people
bolntj expected to dance , the cotillion to bo
led by Mr. William Doawj , who for the past
two Reasons bos kept himself nloof from the
"mnddlnc crowd , " The. dancing will commence
monco nt 0o'clock , lit ,
Mr. and Mrs. Klrkcndall entertain the
Bon Ami club TdOJdav evening.
Mr . Lovl Carter ( IM Issued Invitations
for n luncheon at 1:30 , at the Mlllard ,
The All Salnti Social club glvo the third
sociable of tboionson Wednesday nt the now
Motropolltan hall.
Mrs. George It. Bosgs has issued Invita
tions for n largo reception from 3 to 0 on
MUs Nash will glvan luncheon on Thurs
day In honor of the visiting ladios.
Mrs. J. G. McGoath announces a reception
for Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Wollor , assisted by n
number of ladles , will glvo n reception
Thursday evening in honor of BUhoD and
Mrs. John P. Nowlnnn , Kountzo Place.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal. McCord announce a
card party for Thursday evening.
Mrs. Forsyth announces an afternoon card
party Thursday.
Miss Emily Wakolov will glvo n tea on
Thursday in honor of Mtss Hargls.
Mrs. J. B. Hawley and the Misses Ilnwloy ,
n Kensington on Friday *
Mrs. F. W. Lee , a progressive card partv ,
01 i South Twenty-eighth street , on Saturday
nt a p. m.
Minor .Mention ,
Mr. Will McMillan has gouo to Catcngo.
Miss Burroughs U the guest of Air. nnd
Mrs. Blorbowor. * *
Miss Hargls will be the guest of Miss
Emily Wakcley this week.
General Wheaton U expected to return
from Washington this-week.
Mrs. Rodlck and Mtss Dandy wont to Lin
coln ou Thursday for n wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon Smith nnd MUs Smith
leave this week for California.
Miss Margaret entertained a few
friends at cards Friday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs .1. II. Mlllnrd entertained a
few friends nt dlnnor on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. U.yman announce a
reception for February 17 , from 8 until 12.
Mrs. Will Mlllard entertained at luncheon
Thursday evening , covers being laid for ton.
Mr. C , E. Squires , 'who has been very ill
with pneumonia for the last two weeks , Is
The Omaha club has postponed their 10-
contion and dancing party to a data not yet
decided upon.
Mrs. E. L. Lomax and children bavo re
turned from Cblcago , Mrs. Lomnx being
grontly improved in health.
Mrs. Judge Strawn entertained nt luncheon
Saturday MUs Ollvo .May and Miss Amy
Busby of the Stuart Robson company.
Wednesday evening n number of the
yonng people connected with Unltv church
gave a pleasant dancing party at Erfling's
hall. :
MUs Ford of Marysvlllo , Mo , who has
been visiting her sUtor-Mrs. , J. G. Gnddls ,
132 South Twotity-flftbnStreot , returned homo
last Sunday. '
Wednesday ovoninK'Alr. nnd Mrs. Arthur
Acheson oniortalnoiT * at cards , the prizes
being won by Mrs. Hlftc Mrs. F. M. Rich
ardson nnd Mrs. StobWns.
Thcro Is some talko'of a gorman to bo
given by the society ; men this week ,
possibly Wednesday Dvenlng , but the date
has not boon dotcrminojUfiilly.
Owing to Sara Born.h.q rdt's apncarance at
Boyd's February 23 tljpdato of the National
Pageant has been cnau'ged to Friday aud
Saturday , February 2rtT > n(1 27.
Mr. C.T3. Yost , wli&U now ono of the
directors in the Kansavfyid Nebraska Telephone -
phone company , returdbd from tbo annual
raeetinc of the association In Kansas''City
last-week. > ni v
Mrs. M. E. West ofo.Goorgo A.'Crook
WomantoRoaof Corfw ; f 5n88 has boau1 apj-
pointed nationalv-atyl . . .on-tno ; national presi
dent's staff. rShoistho first lady rooqlving
such honors In Omaha. >
At'tto homo of Mr. and MrsnA. Hospo , jr. ,
in the presence of relatives , the marlago of
Mr. J. K. Knowles and Mrs. Carrie I. Ken-
yon was solemnized , Thursday evening , Rev.
W. J. Harsha , ofllrtatlng.
Mr . , Nellie Burns' Eastman Is able to
drlvo"about , although 'her ' recovery U very
slow. Air. Eastman Is expected from Chicago
cage in the next fortnight and if wall onougn
Mrs. Eastman will return with him.
Mrs. Silas Cobb entertained at luncheon
Thursday , iho guests being AIIss Boyco ,
Miss Hartman , Miss Barker , MUs Bedford ,
Miss Van Geson , Miss Katheriuo Barker ,
Mr : . Field and Mrs. Isadora Gluck.
Mrs. Captain MoCauloy and children were
the guests of Mrs. George \V. Ames Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. McLau-
loy was on her way to Portland from Chl-
ca'go , wboro Captain AlcCauley was lately
Dr. Duryoa will deliver n lecture before
the Indies of the Cloofau on Saturday , Feb
ruary 0 , at 2:30 : p. m. , at the KnighU of
Pythias hall , Paxton block. His subject
will bo , "Ah Unwritten Chapter of the Ref
ormation. "
The north Omaha .Muslealo mot nt Mrs.
McCalvln's , 2101 Wlrt street Thursday
afternoon. The next mooting will bo hold
at the homo of Miss Forall northwest corner
Twenty-third and Burl street , on Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.1
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Patterson have
just returned from Kansas City , where they
attended the funeral of David G. Nels-
wanger , Eiq. , Mrs. Patterson's father. Mr ,
NeUwangor was ono of Kansas City's oldest
residents aud most pi eminent cltbens.
Mrs. Edgar Morsmari entertained nt cards
Monday , Alesdnmcs Coutant , Patrick , Rich
ardson , Bon Smith , W. V. Morse , Hascal ) ,
\Vnkeloy. Prltchott , Cowlu , Barton , George
Barker , Yost , Wcssols , Bennett , McKonna.
Tbo hostess was assisted by Miss Wallace
aud Miss Yost ,
Air. and Mrs. N. G. Ingersol announce the
marriage of their daughter Jonula Mao toi
Herbert L. Kennedy , 'j'bursday , January 12.
They will bo ut homo Wednesdays after
February 1 at 1305 Park a'vouuo. Mr. Ken
nedy U senior mamher of thq firm of Ken
nedy & Blackburn , grocer * , ou Park avonuo.
Airs. Frazlor gave the Tuesday Morning
club a vary Interesting lecture ou Holland
and Belgium this weoic at the residence of
Airs. Stigcr , The parlorj were well filled
with members anui their friends. At the
close of tbo lecture tbo hostess served de
licious Dutch cuocolajo | n a very dainty
Lloutonant and Mrs. Trultt eutertalned
the Magazine clubatcards 'Dhursday even
ing , tbo members ot gUilch are : Captain
and Airs. Ayers , Mr , and Airs. Hussoy , Air.
and Airs. Achosou , .Jlr , nnd Mm , Wells ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hill , Mr , , and Mrs. F. M.
Ulabardsou , Mr. nnd mfs. Percy Ford , Air.
nnd All's. George Stcbmils ,
Mrs. D. H. WbeelerJTr1. ' , gave too second
of her series of Kensingtons Friday after
noon , some of iho gqosts being : Mrs.
Wakeley , Airs. Hussayr Airs. Rlnll , M .
Orr. Airs. HamiltonMrs. Ci ay lord , Airs ,
Lockwood , Airs , Garuu&u , Airs. Patterson ,
Airs. Monroe , Airs. Cudaby. Mrs. Fred Nye ,
Alra. Ames , Airs. KeHotj Mrs. Dlotz , MM.
Remington , Mrs. CrossiJAIrs. Chase.
"Sbo Stoops 10 Comjier" drew the socletv
crowd in largo numbers Thursday evonlnp.
Occupying ono of ttid HoVcs were MUs Hoag
land , MUs Laura HoaMftfid , AIIss Wndlclgh ,
Allss Maud MadleiBlf > Ir. J. C. Sharp , Air.
W. A. " Paxton , Jr. ARSV Boyd , MM. Ewlng
and MUs Burroughs Juttupicd ! a box in tbo
second tier , while Air. and Mrs. Blorbower
occupied Governor Boyd's box near the
Tuesday at 10 , AIIss Boyd gave an elabor
ate breakfast to eighteen women In honor of
Mrs. Ewlng nnd Miss Burroughs. The
tables worosotln pink/ everything match
ing iu color the prutty Japaucsu v sa lillou
with pinks which adorned the center of the
tablo. Tbo guosta were Mcsdamos Morris ,
liourko , Lander , Funlthauscr. Will Mlllard ,
Robertson , Blorbower , Misses Ogdcn ,
Ammcll , Brown , Currla Mlllard , Jcsslo Millard -
lard * Chandler , Waucloy , Bishop.
MM. Potter Palmer , president of the board
ofl dy managers , having conceded to tbo
women of Nebraska the honor of contribut
ing the hammer with which she will dnvo
the last nail In tbo women's building at the
dedicatory ceremonies iu Chicago October 12 ,
isyon invitation is hereby extended to tbo
women of ttio atato for competition dosljrni.
A prize of (10 will bo given for tbo best de-
l3n for the hammer , all deilrfaa to bo ao-
companfcd bv n complete description nnd
sent to Mra , E. C. Langworthy of Seward ,
Nub. , on or bo fora April 1 , IS'.C. The inn-
to rials to bo used In Its Construction shall
consist of the nattvo woods of Nobraskn ,
conjoined wiih gold , silver and pearl. A
contribution of 10 oouts , with name of each
contributor , will bo solicited from the women
of the state , thnrobv < iocurltig nn nmplo
amount to make the offering a flUlng tribute
to the cause of woman.
G'onrrrts Promised for tin- Near future
Smite ThliiRA 1'uroly I'rrsomil.
Iho most Interesting musical event thnt
has transpired within the past low weeks
was the delightful recital given yostordav
nftcrnoon at the residence of MM. W. J.
Connell by the celebrated pianist MUs
Ncnlly Stevens. This eminent ni list visited
us nt the invitation of the Ladlos' Musical
society. Her program consisting of fourteen
very choice number * was faultlessly ren
dered and enthusiastically received. The
opening number "Toconto nnd Fiigtio"
( Bach-Tntisslg ) wus certainly the heaviest
plcco of lha evening , Inasmuch ns it required
great technical ability and breadth ot style ;
It was given In n true muslclanlv style and
with faultless execution. Her Interpretation
of the Beethoven sonatas , op. 31 and 110 ,
showed her cultured Intimacy with the
Beethoven school ,
Tbo manner In which she treated the com
positions of Chopin , Raff , Schumann nnd
Jndnssohn , showed clearly the versatility of
her high musical tnlont.
In the "Caprice Ushngnol" she seemed to
bo completely carried away oy Inspiration ,
duo perhaps to the fact that this , picco was
dedicated to her by the great master ,
Aloszkowskl ; it was played wltn true
Spanish abandon aud comp'lotoly captivated
the audience.
The other selections worthy of particular
mention were Von Bulow's "La Carzona-
tura , " nnd LUzt's "Tarantella" ( Vonezla o
Napoll ) . In the course of an Interostln ? con
versation with AlUs Stevens wo were gratl-
llcd to find thnt she was very well pleased
with her reception , and felt as though she
wor.o now almost n resident of Omaha. She
basJust returned from n successful tour
through the south , playing In Memphis. Now
Orleans , Atlanta , Indianapolis and Texas.
She Is now on her western lour nnd expects
to visit , nmongst other places , Denver , Atchi-
sou , Topeka , Lawrence nnd Kansas City ; on
the completion of her western trip she will
visit' tbo Noiv England states.
Miss Stevens will always bo welcomed in
our midstas nn artist of high standing ; pos
sessed with imiqh naturnl talent , and taught
by sufch ? masters as Moskowskl , Von Bulow
nud Liszti with whom she was a special fn-
vorlto ; stio Is destined to bo ono of the mosr
ronowncd'nrllsts that this country lias ovot
produced ; u 5KM
Never' in the history of Omaha has the
onward mnrch of music been so deeply felt
by all classes of the community as at present
This hrt Is'dally becoming 'more appreciated
und is Increasing rapidly in strength , aud It
scorns as though tbo elder patrons , instead of
resting on their oars , have brought further
energy und zeal Into their olTorts nnd. en
thused by the recognition of their work as
well' as by tbo co-operation of the rising gen
eration of sympathisers , they have determ
ined to do every thing possible to keep up the
musical1 standard of this otherwise well
known , city. , Thcro , is a glorious chance to
make Oniatia the koy-noto of the great west , can assuredly bo done by the nnion of
individual persevering effort.
On ' 'Thursday' evening , February Jl , the
Apollo club proposes to provide n treat for
these tvho are fortunate enough to bo sub
scribers. tn addition to the attraction pro-
son ted at this concert , in having tbo baritone
roles In "Fair Ellon" and "Tho Enchanted
Swans" entrusted to the ronounea Ludwtg ,
the club ha-s secured the services of Airs.
Alurrav of-Chlcago , the well known harpist ,
and Mrs. Emma Backhus-Bohr of Kansas
City , wbo has already made an enviable rop-
uta'tlon as a pianist. Air. Ludwlg has boon
prevailed upon to glvo a song recital ou the
afternoon following the concert , so that these
who are uiiablo to attend tbo concert may
have an opportunity to hoar this celebrated
In VFair Ellon" tbo solo work has boon
allotted to Mra. Wakofleld , un Omaha vocal
Ut of note , and it U. understood that Airs.
jCotton , Airs. Nye and AIIss Clara Clanc
.will divide the honors in the more compro-
lionslvo work , "Tho , Enchanted Swans. "
' Omaha' U about to los'ofora tlmo oao of
hortn6st faithful , enorcctle and promising
musicians. Air. J. E. Butler , who b"as for a
long tlmo been organist and choirmaster of
Tiiuity cathedral , bus been advised bv bis
ocullst\to glvo up all work for a time. Ills
eyes have begun to tell him the sad file that
nature conquers art and that in his devotion
to muslo and in his close study he has over
taxed his powers of vision. After consulta
tion with eminent oculists bo finds that ho
must rest altogether if ho would preserve
bis sight. Mrs. J. W. Cotton , who has boon
a co-worker with him in his present sphere ,
talks of giving a complimentary concert as n
token of sympathy and appreciation of past
services. If she will do this she will un
doubtedly havo1 the assistance of every
musician in the city.
The "Philomela quartette" has been engaged -
gaged .to sing at a musical to be given at the
residence of Alra. Cornish on South Tenth
street , in nld of St. Matthias Episcopal
church. ' Jpbo , date of the musical has bueii
sot for February 4. This quartette consists
of Alls. Sundorland ( bettor known ns Miss
Georgia Boulter ) , Miss Clara Ctarkson , Miss
Bishop and Mrs , Moollor. Their work nt
Mrs. Cotton's recital on Thursday ovculng
was decidedly pood.
The "Ariel" ' quartette of Boston U ex
pected to sing at the Young Men's Christlau
association concert hall on February 18.
They nro assisted by John Thomas , humorist ,
nnd Mr. Woltbr Pick , pianist. This prom
ises to bo highly entertaining.
On Thursday , * February 4 , a grand concert
will bo given In the Young Men's Christian
association hall on Dohalf of a fund which
has been opened tp improve tbo nppoaranco
of tbo hall. The concert will bo under the
nranagornuntof Air. L. A. Torrons. uud the
following local talonf : Mrs. Wakollold , Aim.
Nye , Miss Ogden nnd Miss Amsdon , wno
form.tho excellent Komocko quartette ; Miss
Luella Allan , violinist ; Air. Copeland , bari
tone ; , Mr.AIawhnll , , Mr. Foituor und others.
It is always interesting to hoar of the suc
cess of Umahu pupils , especially so wbcu
they make a "hit" In Now York. AJUs Lotha
Cook'o' Blair , who will bo remembered as a
pupil of Airs. Cotton's of vorv great promise ,
and who recently .vent to Now York for o two
years' course at Mmo. Thurbor'a National
School ot AIuslp previous to studying ( n
Europe , la mooting with line success
in her studios. Sbo passed the rigid
examination demanded fiom candidates
on entering , with great credit , being the
Ill-it of three selected from n class of forty
applicant . At n recent performance of the
"Messiah" bv the pupils of the school , she
sung "Rejolco Greatly , " having boon
selected from a class of eight young ladies
wbo were studdylng the saino aria. The
members of tbo examination comnuUoo were
enthusiastic ever Aliss Cook's voice , declar
ing it was perfectly placed , aud paying
thereby a high compliment to her toacber.
Such , on endorsement us llin , coming un
sought , mutt he very gratifying to Mrs.
Cotton , Inasmuch as it bears strong testimony
as to the excellence of bor method.
Alls. L. A. Torrons. who for some months
past has been studying iu Now York , has
left that citv for Boston whcro sbo resumes
her work of acquiring perfect vocalization ,
Her former work will secure for her a cor
dial reception on her leturu to Omaha.
There are whisperings as to the possibility
of Inducing tbo great and only Paderewskl
tovlMt us. Why cannot some music-lover
who has spare time on baud take the matter
up and astonish the musical world of Omutia
by tbo advent of thU gonius. Tbo matter is
being talked about anil many are willing to
help flnaaclally and otherwise. A leader is
I > ruth of Mr * . II. O.
Mrs. Sarah Cotuer Devrlosdlod quite unex
pectedly a' 8 o'clock jostordny morning efter
n short illness of pneumonia , ut the family
roiidenco , KIU , ' ) Georgia avenue. It was
thought Friday ovonlng tbat she was improv
ing , but during the night she grew rapidly
Tbo deceased was born at Mlllard July 0 ,
IbliS , and had ronldo'J in this County all
of her life. She was the only daughter of
Samuel Cotncr , and loaves n husband
aud little son. She was a member of
the First Christian church , the pastor of
which , Rov. Dr. Crarablottill officiate at
the funeral gorvlooj , Tbo deceased was a
kind-hearted , sympathetic woman , and was
moat highly esteemed by those whnie good
fortune' It was to intimately know her. The
funeral will take pltuo tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the reildonoe ,
i A. < : . .K.
Among- the entertainments to be given In
this cuv during the coming week will bo one
' NeW | TIIK < I K.IT
BOYD'S Theatre
BnvatitnatiUi mill Ilnrtinu Btroots
An KtiUrolu Now liUlltlmi
Of Ihu Btupomlouw
- L'tmlomliiin :
The Orouost ( Triumph
Ofllio World 1/nmous
Wfrthalllts wonderful Improvement * . An aggregation of Acrobatic
Feat ? . Novel specialties niul Blde-HplittlnK pantomtmo without a
parallel. Don't fall to i ) th.9 now Tratihlurinatlon Sno-o. It transcjnds
any similar offbrt In the history of the stage.
Regular prices. There will bo over tJOO Vnljony saats so'd , nt 5 Oo each'
COMING John \V. Kelly In "U and I , " Sunday. Monday , Tuesday. 1'ob-
ruary 7 , 8 and 0.
NEW I Get a Good Scat I
THEATRE. I For SO Cents. I
Seventeenth nnd Hartley Streets.
5 cSSSllNciNc Thursday , February
The First Time"in This City of the Spcc'acnlar Comedy Drama
A HtupeilJoiia Production 1'rcsontlng
In winter lijr niorinllidit , with n Vlow
nt Now York llnrlior nml Liberty
And the VnmliTbllt ( .onscrvntorr.
ANU SlllI'l'I.NG
DurliiE a riow8tonu. A GREAT CAST !
TIIK OIIKAT ! ) ( ) (1C
AMJ bKWKll fct'KNK.
Saturday Evening by Special Request Mr. Pauldinsr will Prut > ant
Tobius Unrivalled Comedy In four nets of
" ' '
Box Shoots open Wednesday ut Usual Prices.
STREET ? . .
THEATER | Prices.
H. Y , Pearson's Big Scenic Production
Interpreted by a Select Company of Players.
Produced With Beautiful Scenery
of a literary and musical character under the
auspices of tboLi. A. O. K. at the vnstry of
Temple Israel on Monday evening at 8
o'cloclr. lilsbop Newman will deliver n
lecture upon the following subject : * 'A
Thousand Miles on Horseback Through the
Valley of the Euphrates. "
IiitrreKtlnj ; Tulles by Mr . I' on Intiir-
Mrs. M. I ) . Frazar of Boston , whose lec
tures of foreign trayol delivered at the Kt.
Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church some
two weeks ago wore so well received , con
tinued her talks at the LinhiRor art gallery
on Thursday and Friday evenings of lint
WOOK. The talks of inls Intelligent lady
are profusely Illustrated by sturooptlcoa
views which wora taken during Mr3. Fro-
zur'/t recent trips ocrois the continent. Do-
glniilnh' at London , the party , under Mrs.
Frazar.'s leadership , travel nit over tbo Broat-
est city oftho wuild ana take a peep Into
every nook utid corner of Interest
to the American traveler * . After
a Journoj through HiiKland , Mrs ,
Frazar takes her party across Itio
stormy EnglUh channel ana lands thorn on
the sunny shores of Franco. Paris , the
center of tba fashlonubla world of tbo conti
nent , Is visltoa and every possible place of
Interest or atnusoineui shown and OK plained
at length.
Mrs. Fraiar U a pleasant speaker and
keeps her audlonca Interested from tbo tlmo
the first , plcturo Is thrown upon the cauva *
until good-iiluht Is said. . Continuing ttio
trip tbo lecturer takes her party across the
Alps into Bwit/erlund ana then to Luke
Como , Itotno , and beautiful Venice.
Hy taxing u trip wltliMrs. Fraara person
can unjoy all tbo pleasures and sou all the
Bights without the luconvcnicnio of trav-
ellutf , _
u Nlco Tlinf ,
An occasion onioypd beyond written des
cription occurred uudor the auspice * of tUo
Young Men's Institute at its parlors last
Friday ovenlog , in the way of a pleasant
literary aoclaule. A piano duet by MUs and
Master ( Jontloinan. "The Fisherman" oy
Musars. Kmmot aud Wallaoo MrQucry ,
occompaoled by Miss McQuory , and "Tho
Mountain Muldcm" by MUs Coigrovo were
rouijerod In a highly complimentary mauitor
EDEN MUSEi : . /
Cor. llth anil Knrimin Hti. Week Coniiiiuiicltit'.Mon-
( lay , I eh I.
L'AMPHITRITE , the Aiigul of the Air.
Tlil innrvvloiK Illiiilon la ncit pruiuniuil on it
ilarkcnail Htnuii , but mi n tirllllunlly lluhoil muu'i
nctwltli ncuiiiry liolnicil In xiiarn , t\ia \ HuaU In
uvarr illri'ctlon thiuuicli the ulr. ( luirlon Trip | | ,
Viiuilevllla Hum ,
AilniliiOmi lillmu. Open , 1 lo 10 | i. la.ilnlljr. ' ,
nnd was grootcd with opou und npprciclatlvu '
The members nro nitotintc with very aatls-
faeioiy success In their niTortB toward organ
izing a Younff Ladies' Institute. About forty 19.
youuK ladies have minified their willingness K
to bncome members ot the socloty , It is an- m ]
tidpatod that on next Friday evening the p M
young ladies will give a leap year party In uS
the ball of the Younjr Mon'a Instltuto. They ' Sj
are now makinc preparations for It nnd If f f
tirraont Indications are ( o bo considered M u I * *
prophecy their soclnble will bo u decided I
success. i
.Mimic , rot-try , Art mill I.HcriilMMi I'liM * . ja
liiKl ) ' Til 11 ; I'd Aliiiiil. I
Colonel James Falrtnuu KUVO a coin f pi ! f
meiitary locturp \VhatAllShould Knovv
About Art" last night In thu concert hall o (
the YOUUK Mcn'M CluUtlan association. Ho ,
himself , is nn arlUt and art lecturer , und I
tnlked , in the course of his lecluro , of music , *
poetry , nrt , lltoratjiro , stn o and tno drama.
Colounl Faiimnn Intoroalod bU largo nudl- .
enco by kuopluc hlmiolf out of lira old rut '
v.-hicu the ordinary Icctuicr unnblus into ue-
forobo knows it. t
In his tulk was mingled many biipht wlltl- l
clsins of stage doclur.itlons and humor from
the pan of funny Journalists ,
Ho proved himself to uo well versed in ait
of alt descriptions und was very upt ami
rcadv lu answering questions put to uim per >
talainK to urt.
Dr. Blrnoy.uosotiwl throat. BRK btdff.
A Los Angeles clergyman , says the Chicago
cage Timen , U lu Uanxur of bunfc ejected
from hU pulpit for having declared lu u ser
mon that no man ever made < 1,000,000 with
out being a thiot. U would bo only common
prndcnco for clergyman of all denominations
to recollect that the inerrancy of the oiblo
dons not apply to the verso iu which too dlfll *
culty of a rich man's entering Iho kingdom
of heaven It aQlrmod.