THE OMAHA DAILY BEE:1 : THURSDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1892. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA International Tug of War Contest Com menced Under Favorable Prospects. ST. AGNES CADET CQRPS REGULATIONS Kules to ( loiern the Nrnr Orgnnlrntlon Some Mntninotlt limn Cattle Ite.- clulnieil Ills Daughter Ktprrlrnco with ii Lincoln l'iumbrol < er. The International tug of war contest opened In Blum's hall last night and was witnessed byan immense and enthusiastic crowd. The competing teams were Bohemia , Germany , Ireland and Sweden. Kudolph Hnvelko of the Bohemian Turner society of Omaha noted ns roforco. The Jlrst contest was between Bohemia and Gormany. The German team was as follows : J. II. Eggors , captain ; B. Blum , nnchor ; John Bucggo , Henry Bohr- man , Conrad I'nzo , U. Ahatzn , Antono Ahatzn , Ben Myor , Charles Molchcr , L. Ambus. The inrmDors of ttio Bohemian toatn worn ; Captain , Joseph Porclval ; anchor , An tone Steka ; Joe Blahn , James Skupa , Joseph Vsmpolna , John Novak. Joseph Novaclt , James Hibln , John Novack , John Movrlc , The Gorman team was about 6UO pounds heavier than the Bohemian , but the latter made a manful light. For the first twenty minutes the Iron loop hung over the starting point and neither had any advantage. But after that titno the sturdy Germans bctran to got in tnclr work Inch by Inch , and after a hard fought battle , lasting an hour and n quarter , Germany had pulled the loop four feet from the starting plauo and won the contest. Ireland and Sweden next battled for su premacy and , after a stubborn contest , Scan dinavia won. An irrliiK : < llrl. A touching scone was witnessed at the no- lice station yesterday afternoon. It was one In which a father was endeavoring to Induce an erring daughter to return to her home. The gentleman's r.mio was Trool , and ho called his daughter Hattlo. She was 17 years old , The father , who had the appearance of n well-to do merchant , told the oftlcors that ho wished to send daughter to college , but the girl's head had boon turned and she bad loft her home to commence a llfo of shame. Although soon to uocomo a mother the father was willing to forgot the past and have the girl return to her homo. The erring daughter was arrested on the street and was taken to the city Jail. When she mot her parent there a look of shame came over her face , and when tbo officers asked her whctcer she wished to go homo with her father or bo imprisoned , she gladly took the former alternative and wont out with her father. Ht : Agues Cadet H. The newly adopted rules and regulations of tbo cadet corps of St. Agnes' church provide tbat the officers of the corps shall bo as fol lows : Spiritual director , president , vice president , treasurer , secretary , drum and life majors. All elections are to bo made by ballot , to take place quarterly , and bo subject to the approval of tbo spiritual director. All Candidates must bo between 11 and 18 years of ngo , and must sign tbo temperance p'.odgo open admission. Each and every member of the cadet corps shall prepare by a good con fession to receive holy communion on the third Sunday of each month , or when or dered by the spiritual director , Father Hlckoy. Anv member may bo expelled for fighting , stealing , getting drunk , not being prompt , for sivcarlng or using grossly im proper language , belnir absent from throe consecutive practices , or for being in arrears for thrco months' duos. Great interest is being manifested by the cadets particularly in the training in mili tary music. music.A A I'annbrolccr'H Methocln. Mike Oonahuo complains to the police that bo has been everlastingly douo up by Hyman Golciwater , u Lincoln pawnbroker , having a hop near the Stnto Journal office. Mike Bays that while in Lincoln several months nao ho pawned his watch for $5 , but received inly $4.50. Ho was charged lU , ) ) per cent /or"this accommodation , and has regularly remitted 50 cents per month to Goldwator. In nine months ho had paid $ t.I > 0tho , original amount received , and then to stop such enor mous interest ho sent $5 to Goldwator , the amount spocillcd in the note. Ho directed Goldwator 'to forward the watch several WCCKS ago , but no atten tion whatever has been paid to tbo request , and ho Is minus both watch and money. As ho s'jnt ' the ticket with the $5 draft , ho hF ! no bold on Goldwator. Miiiumotli Cuttle. James Bane , a farmer and stock raiser at Henderson , la. , brought In a car load of cat tle. Mr. Bane has on his farm a mammoth young heifer which ho expects will weigh 8,000 pounds by next fall. Joe Kohlnson , a neighbor , has a steer weighing 4.000 pounds , and If both animals hvo they will bo placed on exhibition at tbo World's ' fair next year , as specimens of what western stock raisers can do In the way of producing Immense cattle. Magic City Miniatures J. P. Webb is recovering from his severe illness. Mrs. George II. Brewer has returned from Iowa wboro she was visiting friends. C. Gco Wo , an Omaha Chinaman , has pur chased tbo northeast corner lot oil Twenty- fourth and I streets. The Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold an Important meeting at 21'J : ! ' p. m. , Wednesday in the church lecture room. John Owens , private secretary to Manager Babcoclt of the stockyards company , i re ported as being ia an improved condition to day , although ho Is not yet out of danger. A series of revival meetings will commence nt the Methodist Episcopal church next Sun day evening under the direction of the pas tor , Hov. Dawson. Arrangements have been made for most excellent niusio. At the mooting of the Stock exchange yesterday afternoon Messrs. Savage , Roths child and Chlttondon were appointed a com mittee to draft resolutions of respect in honor of the lalo John JJoyd , former manager of the stock yards. ' A tall will bo given Monday evening , February 15 , by Court Magic- City , No. 10 $ , Independent Order of Forostars , at Blum's hall. The committee on arrangements con- ilsts of Henry Locclinor. John Sexton , Al. Harder and Bruno Strathuian. The World-Herald soys that the King's Daughters will glvo a public masquerade at Gonnanla hall. The King's Daughters are a religious organization and are very indignant that such a groundless report should bo circulated by thu World-Herald , It U 'hinted that there U a personal animus to this. Sufferers from catarrh can find relief and turo cure by using PUo's Remedy for Catarrh. Alia IrugglsU. 60c. Every grocei- handles Union soajx i Tux Dlscutiecl. The Club held a mooting last night in Lln- liiRor's art gallery to hoar a paper by 0. A Eastman on ibo single tax question , Ho read in exhaustive treatise on the suoject. * lie sold the history of taxation had oeon ono of extortion and cruelty to the poor ant Uboring classes who had to carry tbo burdei Of heavy taxation. It was necessary to look for A remedy. Iio also claimed that tbo per lonal tax was unjust and should bo abolished. On improvcinenUJho iox was nothing raoro or less than n heavy fine. Ho illustrated this by saying that as noon as ono man erected a building it was assessed , while tbo untta proved lot adjoining it was enhanced in voluo , but tbo tax was not increased. Tbo Question was discussed pro and con and some very able suggestions were o ( To rot on both sides. At tbo next meeting tbo question , 'Bbal tha World's Fair Bo Open on Sunday 1" wll be discussed. Uuionsoap ialiomo made. Mm. Hcvkuutii'a I'unerul , Tbo fuporal of Mr * . Cathorlno Bookman took place at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon froui bee late residence at the southeast ornor of Nineteenth and Capitol avenuo. Pho deceased had formed n largo circle of acquaintances during her residence of many cars In Omaha , nod the services were ot- cndud by many sorrowing friends. The cmalns reposed in A satin-lined toxtllo rimmed broadcloth casitotwhlch was almost Idden bcncnth the wciilth of llornl tributes hut were the offerings of many who had nown nnd loved the deceased In llfo. Her. Mr. Froso , pistor of the Gorman Lutheran church nt Twentieth and Mason treots , ofllclatod and spoke feelingly of the nostentntious nets of kindness nnd bonovo- cnco whl.-li the deceased bid so quietly and icquontly performed. A lengthy cortege followed the remains to 'orost ' Lawn , where they were tenderly onslgncd to earth's long keeping. 1H Pounds of Illooils about the quantity nature allows to nn dull person. It is of tbo utmost Importance lint the blood should bo Kept as pure ns pas- Iblo. Dy Its romarknhle cures of scrofula , nit , rheum , etc. , Hood's Snrsatmrllla has irovon its claim to bo the host blood purifier. For a eonoral family cathartic wo confl- lontly recommend Uoott'sl'IIU. They should 10 In every homo modlolnoosU Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. Bnnbldjr Housekeepers will llnd Quill rallol iatd the boat made. Iti-pulilUiiiii , Attciitliml Every ropubllcnn In Nebraska , now voting with tlio piirty , who is opposed to , bo ' 'specie basis policy , " now advocated > y the ropubllcnn papers of Nebraska mil the union , and Is favorable to an ncroascd volume of United Stated nonoy , is hereby requested to send ; ls name , plainly written , with post- ) IIico iiddroes to Gco. W. Drowsier , 2713 Garllcld avenue , Omaha. State papers of all parties please copy. Dr.McGrowprlvatodlsoasos,14th&Fo.r Nobrahka is famous for its line oats. Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska. PHILANTHHOPIO MB. PADDOOK. ThU Coiiiiiilttloner's Clmrlty Cost Hint the Trice of an Axe. Just at this tlmo County Commissioner Paddock is bowed down with grief to think hat bo assisted ono man who claimed that ho was in needy circumstances Two or three days ago a stout young fol- o\v appealed to Commissioner Stonborg for assistance. Mr. Stonberg know that Major 'addock ' wanted a man to chop wood upon his farm near the city. The applicant was referred to the major and tbo two mou soon creed upon the terms. The chopper was short an nxo , but the major , equal to the emergency , borrowed anew now one from a neighbor. It was turned vor to the woodsman , who wont his way , but has since failed to return , ana for this reason Major Paddock has been compelled to replace the axe , and at the same time has lost considerable of tbo confldonco that ho had in parties who applied for assistance. l.a Grippe. No healthy person need fear any danger ous consequences from an attack of la grlppo 'f properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment , Uomain quietly at , homo and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ns directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts auv tendency of la grlppo to ro suit in pneumonia. Among the many thous ands who have used it dining- the epidemics of tbo past two years wo nave yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia , ! > and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Union soap , manufactured In Nob. The Crccdu Cinnp Incitement. Crecde Camp promises to become a second Loitdvillo. The number of people - plo going Into this wonderful camp is unprecedented In the history of Colo- radooxcopt only during-'tho'Loadvlllo ex citement. It is estimated that now the townsilo is located , that there will DO ton thousand people in the camp by Juno 1. The now discovery is only reached by the Dehvor & Rio Grundo railroad , and there is no staging1. Quail rolled oats are the flnost mi : do ALLEGE FRAUD. Stieot Appraisers Siilil to Have Discrimin ated In Awarding Diiiungca. At the noxtsossion of the council President Davis will appoint a special committee to in vestigate the charge of fraud alleged In the opening of Twenty-eighth avenue , south. The claim is that the appraisers did not Ivo the property owners a square deal ; that some were assessed for damages when tbo appraisers should have boon assessed for benefits. LBAVEXWOKTII , Kas. , Juno 15 , ' 90. Dr. J. tJ. Moore : Mv Dear Sir I have been sutject to sick hoadncbo all mv lifo. Over two years ago I began using "Moore's Tree of Lifo" for It and ncvor had a case of sick headache since , except when tha medicine was at ono end of the road and I at the otbcr. It la worth more than money to mo. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers of sick headache. Very truly yours. W. B. LII.E. ' Pastor First Baptist Church , For sale by all druggists. WJNTEIl TOUKS. To Summer Lands via the Wabuili Itouto ' The Wabnsh are now selling round trip tickets good returning Juno 1 , 1802 , to nil the winter" resorts in Ten nessee , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North und South Carolina , Louisiana , Arkansas and Texas. The quickest and best route to the Ilot Springs of Arkansas. FOP tickets and full information in rog.ird to roites east or south civil tit Wab ish ollico , 1502 Furnain street , 01- write G. N. Clayton , N. W. Pass. AinuiiK Mllltiiry MrJill ( , who holds a clerical position In the adjutant ponorul's ollluo , has a very slcK child ntbl homo , 071 North Twonty-flfth avonuc , Dlphtupriu is the malady. Mr. GUI is therefore obliged to stay away from tbo ofllco until the disease has disappaaruJ from hi ? homo. Tbo office is quarantined against him for tbo time balng. Major Deiiham will probably go to Hot Springs , Ark. , next week lo'ucok relief from the grip. Major Uncoil can now us o bis arm which was broken several weeks ago , A gonorai court martial has boon called to meat at Fort MclClnnoy , Wyo. , at 10 o'clock on Monday" , the Hrst day of February. Fol lowing Is the detail for the court ; Major Edmond - G. Fechot , Sixth cavalry Captain William M. Wallace , Sixth cavalry ; Captain Folllott- . Whitney , Eighth in- fontrj f Gaptaln William Stantou , Sixth cav alry ; Captulu Ocorgo L. Scott. Sixth cav alry : First Lieutenant Charles B. Uatewood , Sixth cavalry ; First Lieutenant James A. Colo. Sixth cavalry ; First Lieutenant Uloh- ard I ) . Paddock , Eighth cavalry ; First Lieu tenant Henry A , Shaw , assistant surgeon , U , S. A. ; Second Lieutenant Edward N. Jones , Jr. , Eighth Infantry ; Second Lloutonani Frank Owen , Eighth Infantry ; Second Lieu tenant Alonzo Gray. Sixth cavalry ; Seconc Lieutenant Elmer Llndsley. Sixth cavalry Lieutenant Ernest U. Goso , Eighth infantry Judge advocate. Small In size , great in results ; Do Witt's LlttloEarly UlsuH. Doit pill for constipa tion , beat forsook headache , best for sour stomach. An Actltu ( lelscr. Dan Goisor bowled up and started on tbo warpath yesterday afternoon , Ho entered tbe Turf Exchange oq pourlas street and In order to lot folks know that bo was nllyo pulled out bis revolver and began blazing away. The police took him in and tbo gun was put on ice. , A sore throat or cough , It sutlered to progress - gross , often results in ao incurable throat or lung trouble. "Hrown's Bronchial Troches" give instant relief , TO STOP JUGGLING WITH BIDS Commissioner Stenberg's ' Plan for Protact- ing the County Prom Fraud. THE SCHEME HAS BEEN WORKED An Indian's Claim for n rpiislon Kconomy In SchoolB J tingling About a Jury Itoom Kfoplng the County Itcconls. County Commissioner Stonborg has an Idea , which , if Carried Into effect , ho says , will save the county many hundreds of dollars lars each year. The Idea applies to the purchase of blauk books. Heretofore It has been the cus tom to Invite bids nnd award thu contract to the lowest bidder. Tnls plan , on its face looks fair enough , but the commissioner states tnat It has resulted In the county being robbed right nnd left. For instance ono house would look over the affairs and approximate what would bo ac tually needed during the year In the wn.V of books and blanks. Tbo supplies that were needed would bo put In nt ten to twontv times what they were really worth , nnd books that were not needed would bo bid down to almost nothing. In the auditor's office , as an example , there is a book which Is Intended to contain the an nual statements of the treasurer. This book was made two voara ago and cost something llko $3W. It Is largo enough to last the county during the next twenty years. This year ono house bid $1 for making ono of these books , knowing that it would not bo uoedod. This brought the bid of tbat house down teas as low figures in the aggregate , notwlth' standing tbo fact that for oiuht quire recordu tbo same house bid did double their average price. Mr. Stcnberg now thinks that' by having tha heads of tbo various departments make lists of ttio supplies that they will need dur ing the year and then ask for bids on those there will bo n great saving of cxpcnso. KCONOMY IN THU SCIIOOtS. The Coimcll'fl Itrsolutiou IlnUos the Ques tion ot ItiMlnring .S.ilnrles. . The resolution Introduced in the council Tuesday night asking the Board of Educa tion for a detailed statement ot the estimated expense of running the schools has caused considerable discussion among those per sonally connected with tbo management of the schools. For months It has been the opinion of sev eral members or the Board ot Education that the Janitors were being paid too much , and others think that teachers' salaries might bo cut some , and still boas high as in ether western cities. , Speaking of the matter yesterday , Mr. Popploton said : "I think It will bo a wholesome thing for the rcounotl to scrutinize carefully the expenditures of the board. As a tnattor of law I have no doubt tbat the board can compel the council to make anv reasonable IPVV for tbib support of the schools , but I like thu idea of the two bodies working in con junction for the boncilt of the city nt largo. I have been convinced for some tlmo we were paying the Janitors of our schools too much and our toacbers' salaries are higher than In any other cltv in tbe west I think. For thpso reasons I favored asking the council for a levy of but 1 > Mills in stead of 8 mills. I believe there will bo a movement soon lu the board to cut'Janltors' salaries , but Just how soon that will come I could not now predict. " The law governing schools of the metro politan class relating to tax levies reads as follows : "Tho Board of Education shall annually during the month of Juniury report to the ' city council an estimate of the amount of- funds required for the supnort of the scbuots.t for the uurcliaso of school site" . the erection and furntHhlng ) of"- school bulldlnes , the payment. of- ' Interest upon all bonds Issued for school ? uurposos and the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of finch Indobtndncss.and the city council Is hereby authorized and required to lew and collect I amount the sumo us other taxes ; provided , however , that Incuse the purchase of school sites und the erection of buildings sh ill require an expenditure ex ceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ( $ ) , OOD ) for uny ono c ilcndar year , the question shall bo submitted to u vote of the electors of the * district" It will bo of interest to taxpayers to make a few comparisons of the salaries paid to jan itors in Omaha and other cities. With an enrollment of a little over 14,000 and a dally attendance of 0,715 pupils , Omaha paid $32,070.21 for Janitors' services last year. Minneapolis had at the same time an enroll ment of 21,000 pupils , and a dally attendance of 10K4 ! pupils , and paid $32,813 for Janitors' services. < Tbo city of Milwaukee , with an enrollment of 28,000 children in its schools , and a daily attendance of 20,000 , paid only $24,438.22 for janitors' services. The Janitors' salaries rang-o all the way from ? 25 to ? 75 per month In Milwaukee , depending upon the class to which they belong. The work is divided Into grades or classes according to the num ber of rooms taken care of and the character of the work necessary. Janitors' salaries In Omaba run from $50 to $150 per month , depending on tbo number of rooms they take care of and the peculiar and profitable positions tba't the hoard has made possible by detached buildings and ether irregularities. JANGLING A1IOUT JUKV KOOM There Will Ho Trouble Jtetween 'the , Court nnd Commissioners. When the February term of the district court convenes next Tuesday morning thcro is a prospect of a clash between the judges thereof and the county commissioners and tbo chances are that It will bo n survival of tbo fittest. It Is going to be a fight to see who is In authority. For years the small room opposite the county commissioners' room has been used for a jury room. A few day/ * ago the com missioners pro empted this room and took possession of It for u private parlor , a nlaco whore they might smoke , consult ono with another and entertain their friends. Thov now hold to the opinion that thov bad bettor continue In possession ; If they succeed In their undertaking the courts will have to huntolsuwhoro for a jury room as this is tbo only room in the court house that could bo occupied for the purpose. Tbo old jury room up stairs will bo occu pied by tbo grand jury , which will prevent any trial jury from getting in tboro. How the courts will dispose ot their Juries is something that is not. worrying the com missioners , although tboy know that three courts , all with juries , will be In session for two months or more , and no place to put thom. WANTS A 1'KNSIOX. An Indian Soldier Wiinta a .Share of Uncle KIIIII'K Hurpliiu , An Omaha Indian named , William Tyndall Is about-tonsn Undo Sam fora pension. His homo Is on a farm near Bancroft , but ho Is now In the city talilnir tbo necessary stops to present his claim. He has a discharge showing that ho was mustered out of the service at Omaha In 18CU , at tbo ago of 20 , Ho was born in Douglas county forty-six yoars-ago and on- llsted In this city during the rebellion. He was soul to Fort JCoarnoy nnd then fartbor west on frontier duty. Ho served under Captain Grlflln. Tyndalo was not wounded , but will claim a pension under tbo general disability act. He asserts that tbo rhourntUUrnieontrnctcd in the serv ice , has unfitted hlmnfor work. Ho speaks English well , urcssost llko the whites nnd Is very tnliko the arw.tgo Indian. Ho has A IH-yoar-old girl In Uib Genoa school , nnd his father , who Is about 85 years old , is still COUNTttllKCOHUS. Clerk Sarkott l'rorm > s to Keep Them nn thn I.nw l > ro\llrn. County Clerk Saehott Is now In o position where ho proposes to put the county com missioners on record ! The statutes provida that the county clerk shall keep nn nftcsunt with the county treasurer and that the account shall show nn abstract of all receipts , tbo condition of tbo various funds and all warrants paid , No ac count of this kind has been ketn , and to com ply with tbo law Mr. Sackott has asked thn commissioners to furnish the books. Upon the receipt of thcso ho states that tin wilt open the account In accordance with the law. Tbo matter is now In the handJ of the finance committee with a prospect of some kind of n report next Saturday. DUtrlct Court Docket. Fiank E. Mooros has just completed tbo work of making up his docket for the Febru ary term of court and has turned bis copy over to the printers. The docket shows 2,480 cases for trial , of which SKJ ) have boon commenced since the last term of court. The docket of tbo Octo ber term of court , which has just cldsod , was the largest in the history of the county , having contained 2,550 cases. "It Is nil over town. " "What1 } "Tbo cold wind this moinlng. " "So It Is , but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is nil over town , too ; you can buy it everywhere for 25 cents a bet tle. " The careful mother always keeps Salva tion OH bandy. Twenty-five cents a bottlo. Dr. Culllmoro , oculist. Boo building Ask your grocer for Quail rolled oats. Women's diseases. Dr.Lonsdalo , 0103.13. Notice to Worklngmcn. Some of our customers expected jeans pants amongst those on sale. But the IInn that wo bought out did not make jeans. Jeans is made in Kentucky. Ono of the lending factories is located at Henderson. They first manufacture the jeans and then make it into pants at their promises. Their product is called the , "bull brooches. " They come in black and gray and are sold the world over for $1.60. Hero is where wo give the workingmen - men a picnic. Tomorrow wo put thom on sale for 83c n pair. This lasts for a few days only. Remember every pair is warranted ; If they rip you got a now pair free. Don't forgot that the sale on the ether pants ( ' 'cheap and fine" ) is now in full blast , as wo have plenty of reserved stock. You can got just as good a deal tomorrow as ovoributremember as wo are soiling piles ofpants daily it can't last much longer , ) so corao at onco. No trouble to show goods , whether you buyer or not. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 1803 Douglas st. WARRING UNIONS. Courts Hearing the ! History of the Muchlno JIolder ' Troubles. The somewhat shopworn case of Edward T ) , Mullory , a member of tbe International Brotherhood of Machinery Molders of North America against Iron Moldors' Unlou No 100 of Omaha , was argued before Judge Irvine yesterday. This case has n history. . In 1690 Mullery was a member of' ' both orders , but for , some reason tbe members of union -concluded. . i that the principles * advanced : by tbo interna tional association was antagonistic to tha 'Omaha ' union. The members of. the Omaha' union held a meeting at which they re quested Mullery to wlthdraw'from the former mor association. This ho refused to do. On November 0 , 1690 , union 190 hold a meeting and after boarine testimony expelled - polled Mullory. On February 10 , 1891 , Mul lery secured from Judge Walteley a rostraln- Ine order enjoining the Omaha union- from expelling him. The order by the court pro hibited him from attending any of the meet ings , or participating iu any of the discuss ions. A Good Letter. Persons troubled with colds or the grip will find some pointers in the following letter - tor from a prominent Pennsylvania druggist : BiiuiDOLK , Pa. , Oct. 20 , 1891. Messrs. Chamberlain & Co. , Dos Molnes , Iowa. Gentlemen : You will please ship mo ns soon as possible ono gross Chamberlain's Cough Ruraody. Out of the sixty dozen you have shipped me in the last two vears I have only ono dozen and u half left. I think from the sales to date this fall that our sales this win ter will bo greater than over. It gives mo pleasure to say that out of the whole amount tbat I have sold and guaranteed 1 have not had ono customer say that it did not give all the relief claimed for It. Yours truly , AL. MAGQI.NI. Castle Cnro Company. Institute treatment for liquor habit , $50.00 ; homo treatment liquor habit , $5.00 ; home treatment tobacco habit , . $4.00. Paxton Hotel Annex , 1410 Har- noy street. TUB BEE said in yesterday's paper that the People's Clothing House price on jean pants was 85c pair when the price should have boon 83c. Notice. All members of Omaha Lodge No. 39 , B. P. O. E. , nro earnestly requested to attend the funoraUof our into brother , John F. Boyd , which occurs Friday , Jan uary 29. The members will absomblo at the ledge rooms at 11:80 : a , in. > EDWIN S. Rownjy , D. H. SKAVEH , Exalted Rulor. , Secretary. Don't Want His .S.ilury Kedneed. The members of tbo Board of Public Works have a load on their minds in the shape of a grievance , and era long they pro pose to pour the story of their sorrovia into the ears of the mayor. It is a fact tbat the ordinance now In the bands of tbo council tommlttoo contemplates tbo roduotlon of the'aecrotary's salary from $100 to $75 per month1. This , members of the boura argue , is an lOlustlco , Tboy will show that their man worin from ton to fifteen bourd per day andi even then is not able to keep up with his work. They prpposo to show further tbat ttselr secretary has to Keep all of the records of Hho office , and that he Is doing much moro woru than the employes In the city clerk's ofllca , wbo are paid from $125 to 1150 per month. In addition to this tboy also propose to shorn that tbe secretary is doing the sarao amount of work that was formerly performed ! by two inon , DruitkenneBK , A "disease , troatoQ as such'and perma nently curod. Norpublicity. Nolnllrm- ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and effectual. Refer Iby permission to Bur lington Hawkoyo.i Send 2o stamp for pamphlet. ShoKoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. Dr. Blrnoy.noso and throat BEK bldg. D PRICES ' \ , Powder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard OMAHA WILL GET THE LINE Interests of the Atohison Demands Through Connection with 'Frisco. ' THEY ARE ANXIOUS FOR THE BUSINESS Ciillrornln Shippers VMII Do Ati > thing to Destroy the Monopoly of thn South ern 1'ncllla In the I'urlllo Const Territory. CHICAGO , III. , Jan. 2" . Evidently the Atcblson , To DO U a & Santa Fo road cannot extend Its line to San FiancUco any too &oon to please the people of that city. California shippers and business man are crying out ngalnst the monopoly of the Southern Pa- clllo and urging other companies to cotno In and glvo them the facilities tboy dcslro In order to retain their prestige ns the business center of the Pnclllo coast. Re cently thcro liavo boon n number of rumors concerning the designs of ether roads to so- euro n suitable route to San Francisco but none of them has been triicod to any ofllclnl foundation. Sotno credence , however , Is clvon to the report that the Atcliison is mak ing preparations to extend Its line to the oily of the Golden Gate. The commissioners of the Western Trnftlo association uofrnn a session this morning that vrll ! probably extend through several days. Today they hove been considering the applica tion of the road for the establishment of n mln Imum basis on divisions accruing to the In diana , Illinois Ac Iowa road. Other subjects to bo considered are rates on machinery from Chicago to Duadwood on the applica tion of the Sioux Cltv & Pacific and u i ro tes t of the Southern Pacific In connection with thn shear rate from Grand Island and Mcdiclno Lodge to Utah common points. Another mutter to bo considered is the ap peal of the Keck Island from the decision of the Transcontinental association concerning sugar rates from San Francisco to Lincoln , Nob. Nob.Tho The -Ulg Four , the Nickel Pinto and the Lohigh Valley roads have resumed friendly relations with the Alton. This loaves only the Lake Shore , ttio Michigan Central , the Now Yorlt Central and the Pennsylvania lines to fight the Alton , and it is bollovcd that tboy will nil glvo notice that they have had enough of U. j Chiuuhurliiln'g Colic , Cholera anil Dinrrliica Itoinedy. Persons subject to cramps will bo Inter- oitert In the experience of J. F. Miles , Wos- loy. > ronango Co. , Pa. He was taken very severely and celled in two doctors , who pro scribed for him but failed to give him relief. A druggist of Butler , Pa. , than gave him a double dosa of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Komody , and In twenty min utes ho was all right and Is enthusiastic in his praise of the Komody. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. JOHN P. BOYD'S FUNERAL. Arrangements Muclo by Chic Societies for the Obsequies. The funeral of ex-Sheriff BoyJ will bo held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon at the family residence , l202J'ark avenue. Interment will bo at Forest Lawn cemetery. The Elks , of which order Mr. Bovd was a mom nor , have the arrangements In charge and will conduct tbo services at the grave. Mr. Boyd was un honorary member of tbo Omaha guards and this organization will niso turn out and fol low the remains to their last resting place. It is understood tbat the Elks and guards will meet at the Elks' hall at noon Friday and march to the ox-sheriff's late residence. The Samosct club and the city and county officials will also attend the funeral. There was n well attended special meeting of the Samoset club in its rooms in Soya's theater last evening to take some action on the death of Mr. Boyd.- was decided to attend the funeral In a body and Messrs. Andrew Moynihan , Adam Snvderand Georiro V. Hlnos were appointed as a committee on arrangements and floral offerings. A com mittee consisting of Messrs. Ritchie , Ogdcn and English was appoint ed to draft suitable resolutions. The committee of arrangements will confer with the Elks' ' committee and make all preparations for attending the funeral and will publish a card In the papers this ovon- Incr stating what arrangements have boon mado. A resolution was passed Inviting the Jncksonian club to Join with the Samosots in the performance of the sad duty. Tbo members of Custer post , Grand Armv of the Ropublc , will assemble at 1202 Park avenue at 1 o'clock p. m. , sharp , Fridav , January 29 , 1892 , to attend the funeral. All old soldiers are cordially invited to attend. Jack Frost bos a special mission in winter it's to chap up our hands and cheeks , and Jack Frost says ho don't like Hallor's Aus tralian salve a bit , It euros tbo "littlo chaps" right up. ainrrlupo l.lccnnen. Tne following marriage licenses wore is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Nairn ) and Address. Atto I B | J. Mcrrian , Omaha 20 j MettaMiiy Mlnnoohok , Omaha ? ' j Andrew ' Oust rojollln. Omaha SO 1'IUIdU'Olscn ' , Omaha. 31 J Lyinim'Austln , Kvnnston , Wyo. * 33 1 Muzy'Unrtlott. Elyrln , 0 24 Spoppmiclylto Tolls 1IU Wife tiomot lilnff. " Yos" , I see , you have got a terrible looking face all pimples and blotches. Now , Mrs. Spoopcndyko , if you'do lot those everlasting , dodgastod powders and cosmetics alone , and use Bailor's Sarjapurilla and Burdock com pound you'do look like something. Sea ? ] IullilliK ) Permits. _ The following'permits ' were Issued \ the flupeilntondont of buildings yesterday : Union 1'nclflu Hullroud company , 0110- Btory brlok und iron blacksmith shop , Fourteenth und UumliiR streets , . . . ' . . , , it,030 A. I' . TuKoy , ono-story fr.imu cottase , Korty-llist and streets t. . . 1,000 Total , i 2,000 Compare. A careful comparison of Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts with the other fla voring extracts offered for sale , will convince any per son that for strength , purity , delicate and natural flavor , Dr. Price's are far superior. Ladies of fas.te once having enjoyed the delicious flavor that is given to cakes , pud dings , creams , etc. , by Dr. Price's Vanilla or Lemon Ex tract , could not be induced to use any other. nnOIITl BANDAMVOO CAI'tJULBS are the 1 1 II II II I A ue > t and only cnpiulos prosrlbed by V wwu sn rcKular pliiltlan for Ilio ciirtt at Gonorrliumnd < ll cuarvos froiutuo urinary ornnii yer est ca i' jn&duys 1 1. W pur X. All ( I Morplilno ffnli i ar Jfa I0tolil > d ) . DH J TEfHiHB.I..b ; D > a ' Or , BAILEY The Leading Dentist Third Flos' , Paxtoii Blos'f. 11)85. 1(1 ( h mid Fanmi Sti , A full set of teeth on runbcr for fi t'er/ect tit. Tt'Hli without plutui or ranoraMa brIUa work , Jim the thluz for UIKBM or ( uollo spuukon , iij/jr Uropilonn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All nil nin at roAsanalilii ratDj , all work trarruatiJ Cut tills vi ii Do You Want Shoes ? If there's any one thing that a man / does want this kind of weather , its shoes * good shoes. Shoes to keep his feet warm. and dry. Our solid calf shoes at two sev enty-five , with genuine cork soles are the thing to buy for comfort. Do You Want Shoes ? Possibly you w a n t shoes and don't leel "zif" you could afford 'em. Possibly you couldn't if you had to buy 'em of the regular shoe fellows. We sell shoes ; sell a goodshoe , that's a good looker , fora dollar and a quarter. They're good wearers - ' ers , too. Do You Want Shoes ? You , -we mean ; you man that's reading this ad. Do you want shoes ? We sell any kind of shoes that you "want. Dollar six ty-five , dollar eighty-five , two and a quarter , two and a half two and-a-half , that's the one. Genuine Good year * welts , solid calf , any shape or style. Bear this one in mind. You Want Shoes ? That's the question. If you do want shoes and want to get good shoes at a fair price , th e young men in our shoe room want to see you. They'll show you a fine calf shoe at three dollars and ninety cents that they'll guarantee you to equal any five or six dollar shoe you can find. We'll back up the guarantee. We sell ' Rubbers , Overshoes , Arctics and Rubber Boots. WE CLOSE AT 6:30 : P. M. SATURDAY , 10 p. M. 0QCTOR will stop a , Cough In ono night , ; chock a Cold in a day. and CURE ; Consumption if taken in timo.I IT THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : Dse it Promptly. : A 25 cent ; bottle may ; save their ; lives. Ask ; your drug" ; gist for it. It Tastes jlooil , : KUKK i-1 re iv fiLLS * S Dr. Acker's English Pills- CURB CONSTIPATION. Hiuull , | ilru nt , ll fnYurlto.wltll the Indies. ; W. II. HOOKClt & CO . < West nroadwojr , N. Y. - For sale by Kuhn & Co.and Sherman M cCcnnell.Cmaha. 0-N'T BE BUNCOED by dealers w Iio try to sjli yon AvoithlcKs porous jilis tore which pay them moic profit than the genuine JIKNSON'H , which nro In dorscd by the voluntar ) testimonials of over fi.OIX lilianniiLlsts imil ] > ] ijsi china ns the best. Tukf notlilnff but HKIsbON'H The tlyipeptlo , the iloblllintcd , wheth er from OXC08H ofwork of mind or' body or xpo uro In malarial regions . will flnil Till I'M VIllK the moot tnUM restorative ever olli-rml the Invalid. WSSHSCOMPODND OP ICODIIVEROILI AND PHOSPHATES OF BOD * , IRON. Fortlio Cure of Consumption , Cou ; hsColds Asthma , Pneumoiia , Infiucmzi , Bronchi tis , Debility. Waiting Dlseaaea and Scrofulous Humors. Almost ns pilntilila at cre.iin. H can Iio tukon with pleasuru by delicate jicmonii nnd children , who , after uslnu It , arc very fund of It It n lmllnles with Hit ) food , lncrca tliaHosliHiidappclllii.liullilii up Ilio nervous srtliiu , restore ) vaetiif to jnlnd and bud ? , cicates now , rich and pure blood , In fuct , ro- juvonatoi Ilio whole sf tum. ' FLESH , BLOOD , NERVE , BRAIN. Tills preparation Is far superior to nil ( ithor prep \ rnllons of toil I.lror Dill It lm many Imltttors , hut noeiuals , 'Hie rciulls fullowlim Itsiisu nro Us bust rccommendnllons. llo sure , us you vuluo your lioallli , Ket tlio icenulno. Mnniifncturol only t > > IK. Ai KX. II , WH.lioli , Clioiulil , llotton , .Mass , bold by ull druiulsts. WEAKNESS MEN QUICKLYTHOROUOHLY , FOREVER CURED by a new perfected sclcntlflo ractnod tliat cannut fall unlesa tuo case Is beyond liuraun aid. You iiel 1m proved tlio flrst day , feel o bcuo- lit every day i soon know yourself u kln auioner men lirbody , ulnd ana bcurt. Urnlna and losses ended , livery obstacle to linppy in irrled llfo ro- nmved. Nerve foico , will , energy , brainpower , nlien faillnaor lostura restored by tills trcat- laent. AllsninlUndwcalc portions of tlio body en- iLTKOfl and strengthened. Victims of abuses and excesses , reclaim ryur niinliiwil' ' buffo ro rs from /olly.oTtfwork.lllIinnlth , rr alnyourvlnorl Done despair eron If In Ilia last Manes. Don't be dlsucart cnfillf qunckn have rob bed you. Ix.tussbo > ryou thatuiedlcul et-lvucouud liuilr.cnbonor still cxli'l bern'to band In liand. AVrllo for our Jlouk with explanations t proofs , Su&Iled ton led free. Over tt.OOO rcfercuccs. EEIB MEDIOAL 00. , BUFFALO. IT. Y , 'Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. For cold feet buy a Hot Wnte.vBottle. We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians Pre scri p- tions prepared at low prices. The Aloe& 'Tenfold Comp any T5th Street , next to 1' . O , NEBRASKA National Bank. \j U. S. DEPOSITORY. . - OMAHA , NEB M M.H Capital .H Surplus Onicersnnil Directors llonry W. Valoi , president ! 9 U U. C'uihlnir , vlc3 oildcnt. Urt Mniirlco W. V. V Morni' , John a. Oolllnn , J. N It. Tat rick. IxiwlaB , i ( 'nslncr. 'THIS IRON BA.NK , Corner 12th and Farnan StJ. AllanLxine ROYAli MAIL SrKAMKIl3. Sail regularly dnrln ; winter from PORTLAND > LIVERPOOL Pircct. Cabin (40and upward : pocond cabin , llj Steora i at low rntoa. No OAITI.E CJUIHIKIJ , STATE eisn.vr.oia oi" IllNJC ( STEAMSHIPS. Now York and ( Jlnvow Kortnliilitly Cabin tin. l-oooml Cnhln . ' 5. 6tooraKotl3 Apply to ALLAN * CO , Clilnuo 1L , I ! MOOlimVnu 'l Tlrket OlUoot W , li'.VAIhllurlln ton Tlckut Ollloi ) Dr. 'GLUCKV. * Eye Ear Nose Throat egssa , , , , SPECIALIST. OUisscH udjiiHtod to all vHunl ( Uifccti. ( Jiiturrli mic'cufisfullv trutUnd. Room 18 , Darker Block , 15tli anil Farnam 1 M Itarcest. Fastest and Finest in the World. Fiuunger at umoiHitlans until nlled. NEW VORK. IONDONDERRV ADD OLA8DOW , NKW YORK. ( JIllTtAllTKll'mid NAPLES , At roKular Intervals. SALOON , 8ECOHD > OLASS AND STEERAGE rate on lowest terms to and from the principle y to any of our local Agents or to V/OODSl PENETRATING PLASTER. CURE .rYOUR8ELFI , w Ask your Druggist ( or a / bottio ot J IB . ah only l / lion polionuut rtintdy lor all l J die ii-nuturul discharge * and I privateilUc'fJ-ts of meuumltlie I debilitating weakness peculiar llo w onion. It curtc In ft lew Idajs without Ilia aid or \ publicity o < a doctor , I 7'/i / I'nnirml American Curt. Manutaclurea liy I ThsEvaos Chemical 0) . ' CINCINNATI , O.