SPEG1RL NOTICES , A liVKUTIHtMKNTS Mill T11KBK rOI.1T.MN8 J\ will Im token until U : * ) p. m. . for the eenltiK iiml until t.lO p. m. , for the morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All All rtffrtlfmontu InthfMi rolumni ltconli ! a line nrtl ItiMMtlcm and intent * a linn thereafter , or litcrllno txrnionlli. No itdTertliemcnt taken for IcfMhrnU cents for tlio flrit Insertion.Tcrmn.rasb In arirntiCTlount about 7 words to the lln . Inlt- Irlf , fipurep , symbol * , He. , oncli rnuntimn word , All adrt rtl itn nUmn t run ronnrciitlTcly. Adtcr- tUrrn. by requrtllnK n numbered eheck. can ham tl fir Idle r adilrrrse < l to n numbered Inter In cnro of TJlVllre Answers n arldr cd will bodellT- tied on prefcnlallon of tlio check. T HAM H OMICKP AIIVKUTIMNO FOIITIIKSK J rolurrnc will bo tiiken on thn nbo n conditions allhe follow Ing htiMnesi ho'j c . who arn author- Hid lo tnke rpcrlnl nnllces lit the same rates its can Letiad nt the main office ! f-mitli Ornnlin Ilrsnch OfCcc No. ICZJ N street , 1 IHor birch John W I'ell , phnrmnclst.lllh nnii Mrson MreeH. f If , I'nrntwortb. pharmncM.311.1 fuming street. W..T HUBles , pharmacist. K24 N 1Mb slreet. C' K , FMtfrflolil , pharmnclst. 1718 Loavonworth Htm. B' ptmrmacy , ! Uh and Knrnam. SITUATIONS WANTBD. IIATKS ) < a line first time and I0c a line there after. No adTcrtlsoment taken for 1cm tlian 25c. A-\NANTKI > . A HlTtrATION AH IIOOKKKKI'KIl J\or assistant. Can furnish A 1 references , K.I' . llodler , ICU7 California street. _ M flJO-28" * ' ' A WANTKlTBTTUAT'Ib'xYlV YOHNO TAINTKIl , will take pirt pay In board. AtldroM M 28 , Hoc. A -WANTK1) , POSITION WITH HONF.HT FIHM as salesman or olllrn work ; eood reference ( . 1vrn nnd rcqulroil. Address M 13 , lleo. Mf 12 I * - IIKfiWNSHII.K. Kx-KaKNCKP MAN ant tmsltlon asclerk.cotlectoror bookkeeper ! best rllr lofrrences. Address M 10 , Den. MtWI M * - ! > , A UKSPONPIIttiK POSITION HV A-WANTII I . 15 years experience. Hest city references. Address IifiH , lleo , MMI SO * WANTED--MALE HELP. IIATK8 I5o n linn first time nnd lOe a line there after. No iidrertlseniunt tnken for less thnn 2 , ' > c. Tl-WANTKl ) , KAIihSMKN CAN HASH.V MAKK J'from f2.'i lo 17.1 per week above oxpcnsen selllnit our 1'atent Non-Hvnpornttnii , NoniFreetlnK riicm- Icil Hro palls. (100 In n day vosslblo ; biff ilcnmnd for these poods ; no experience nccessnry. Sold only liy nuoiits. to whom cxcluslTn territory Is El Ten.Vo cnn prorn this stntemnnt If you will ntldress , The Worcester I'lro Appllnnca Co. ( In- corporntod ) , Worcester , .Mais. 'Wo 1mvo other money making specialties. ilfiM 23 * T"WANTP.I ) , KNIilNKKll. M1JBT III ! A rillST- J'class man on rip saw. Apply , with reference , to the K. M. UlllrHCo. , .Mf&l 2U * -SlTlIArriON roUAFlHST CLASS OKIIMAK .I'conchinniit unexceptlonnblo' city references. Also for fomo first clnss hotel cooks , men nnd women. Canadian onico. 314M H. IMh. UB-J8' 15-WA.NTK1 > , A FlIlHT-ri.ASS IILACKSMITII , J'tfooilwnKC nnd steady lob : married mnn pro- ferred. Call on or nilUrcssllarrell llros. , Clnrlnda , Iflwn. Ml 38' B AOKNT 'wANTKI KH ( TIIK WOIH.D'S FAIU souvenir. "Hxcluslvo territory Blven. Somple , Me. Bent on receipt of price to nny nildross. World's Fair Souvenir Co. . UO.I N. V. I.lfo llulldlnir ' 4J. 2' Omalih , Nebraska , > J-CANVASHMIIH WANTP.l ) . CALL Oil AD- drcm XII N. V. Life bulldlnjr. M21I KU 1WANTKU. . PALF.PUKN ON 8ALAIIY Oil COM- J'nilp | in to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The prentcst selling novelty ever produced ! crnscs Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbrnslon of pnper ! SCO to an per cent prollt : ono ment's sales nmounted to fiKO In six days , another JS5 In two hours. Wo wnnt ono general agent In rnch stnlr nnd territory. For terms nnd full pur- tlculnrs Address Mouroo Krnscr Mfg. Co. , Ln Oorse , Win. , XM. 701 WANTED FEMALE HELP. irio , a line first tlmiS nml'lOoa line there after. No ndvertlsement tnkon for loss than 2. > c C WANTK1) , VOUNI1 fJKUMAN (11IIL 15 OK 111 ynnrsold.tonsslttln Rcncrnl housework. 704 S 18th street. ' C-FIIIST-CI.ASS COOK ; RKFKIIKNCKH HE- quired.Adilrers M 27 , Hco. MI > 5I 31 * GWANTED G1IIL FOU HOUSKWOIIK 817 H 10th st. 025-27 * " 1-A OUIL FOU OENKHAL HOUBKWOHK IN . family of two , Call at No. 215 Howard st.MC3029 MC30-29 * 0 A OXI > HALAHY OUAUANTKKD TO ANY Indy who will do writing for mo nt home Ad- cliess In own hnndwrlllng with addressed and ntnmped envelope. Miss Kdna L. mylhc , Houth Ilend , Ind. , prOprlelor of the famous Olorla Water , WWO-F2S * / 11UI ! , 1' ( > U fiKNKUAL IIOUSKWOHK. Ap"- v ply No. all Lnko stroot. Cl" 23 * < jimu , ) * II24 JACKSON ST. ST.MliOl29 MliOl-29 * C-WANTED , OinL TO DO KKNK11AL IIOUSK- work. 2.1HCassst. | MI07 28 * C1-WANTBW. SMALL ( HIIL TO TAKE CAUK OF 'chllrdei ' ut II.'IK N. l.Mh , M tldor. Hat I ) . Ml 5 28 * / 1-SKCOND IlIltL AND HELP TO TAKI5 OAHlS V children ; 541.1 St. Mnry's nvo 6'fl 27 C-WANTKD. A O1IIL FOll OKNKltAL llnUHE- nork : niust be good cook , washer and Ironer. Apply 2C22Capitol avo. & 8t > 1 WAN ! Mil. ( J1UL FOU GKNKUAL I1OUSK- . work , fnuilly of three , good cook. 40l4Sewnrdst 67il 27 * Cl--WANT > : i ) . A GOOD OKH.MAN ( HHL TO DO 'iH'nvrnl ' houxenork ; ruferuiices run ill roil. 12I2S 21 * * * \ ' " " ' & 7U 27' : . . ri-WANTKl ) . A CAl'AIU.K SKCOND < HItI * V I iiniioii t'ourt , fourth house from the corner of Hlh slrt'ot. . Onu bloik north of fct. Mnry's nvonno , ' V " M4U1 FOR RENT HOUSES. HATK8--if n linn Ilrst time and lOo a line thero- nftor. No'ndvortlscment tnkon for less thnnZJc. II IIOOM HOL'SU , MODKUN , 82 ! ) B 2IST BT.U121' U121' DI IIAVK TWO VKIIY DKSIIIAIILH HOUSK ! ii-lll rent cheap to permanent tenants F. F. Williams , Mrst National llunkltulldlng. MW.12S SMALL HOUSK.FIJUNISHKI ) , WITH I'lANO , 'rent low ; -Wl California street. MU > 30 LIST. OHO. J. PAUL , IWW FAUNAM 6V ) I'.M' " ' * -tOU HUNT , ONLY (25 , THAT 10-HOOM MOD urn house : no convenlinco lacking , hoe It at l&OHN , 18th street i only responsible tenant consid ered. J. U. Johnson , SI2 N. r. Life , M43I 7J T I-H1X-HOOM COTTAOK ON N. 2STH , NKAB J- ' CuniliiK St. , cheap. Knijulro , 8J3 S. 18lh st.U7M < U7M TV-IKS1IIA1ILK S-HOOJl COTTAGK , liTH AND J/Clark streets. ' MM3 U ) ' , D-FOH HUNT , 10I1OU8K8. (5.00 AND UPWAIIUS per month. The O. F. Davis company , DID F10 -A VKIIV N1CK5-ICOOM COTTAtJB , 2510 CASS st. P. O'Malley. 471 87' T1-DK9IIIAIILK FLATS WITH AND WITHOUT Jsteam bent , stores , dwellliiKs and cottages In all luirU of city , Kulkunny , Continental block. 11331 30 P-JOl | IlKNT. T11HKK NKW 7-HOOM. 2 8TOUV collnves with bath and sew traito , nt uud near corner WeUlerond Tblrlltith struata. lluduted to VM.W CKth. Henry W. Vates. IW \8.IIOOM IHUHK | MODKIINl B31S2D RT. / IW W TV-.1 , A fi-HOOM 11OUSKS. ( lOtodii IIUBTIUCH- X ldencu Huts lu city. Mead Inv't Co. , 443 lloo hldg. Wi T \-l-Oll ItKNT , 1IOUHK 10 IIOOMS. ALLMODUUN J/lmprovi < iuunts , ( JO.OO per month. Kid und Farnam. Dexter U Thomas. ' (6 ( TKOll ItKNT. 0-HOOM 1IOU8H. WITH IIOTH -1 'l-n nnd r.ingo If desired , all In good condlllun ; K location near n > tli and bt. Mary'a uvvnue. 1'rlco rrnxumMei special terms given to Iho right party. Imiulro iOIJr Farnam St. , or U. II. Ttschuck , Hot ) otnco. T\-NK > V II-KOOM civrrAOKs , MODICIU IM- JL/provomenu , "Htunford Circles. " Apply C. S. Wiuillur , room 4. N. V , I.lfo bull ling. 7ul TV-V IIOOM HOUSH 27TH AND DAVUNTOUT , J 'all convouleiices. f.5UOpor month , F , U. Dar ling , llarker MoU. M EtM T\-NINU IIOOM IIOUMB. MODK11N 1MPIIOVK- l/m nt . reasonable , IMS N. Zitli ave. Apply , II. Kallsb , tailor , 211 N , ICth st. \Ui \ RENT FUHNIBHEP HOOM8. HATKS-t5o a Ilqe Br t Iruo and I0o a fine there- No advurtltement takvu forluj , tbun aio ur 2030 BT"UAHVSA'V * E-TWO FUIIMSHKD11OOM8 ATS017 1IAUNKY , gas , buth and lu-ftt , fi4l 311 E I'LKAIAN1' SOITBOFJIOOMH.ONK 8INOLF. room , In vrlvutu family , luntlum ri'iil , Ilvfer t'Ul'l'S tociulfi'il , Aililrvss 51 SI , lloyotlli'o. CIT -"J' 1'S IIOOMS FOU HOUHUKKKl'l.M ! Veil MAN vuuil wife , uu Llillilrun ; reut Inkc-n tii board . > U > N Hill , SJI J T . HTKAM IIKATI.'D r llTlXllillKl ) Jro lUJbo. 1Mb ttrwl. Mi35 UO 1 > - FlIltNliilBD IIOOM WITH HATH , M MONTll Jllv.i ) > 'arnaui 173 EF110NT IIOOM WITH ALCOVB. 14 N. ilbT. KUANT FUKN1HHK1) IIOOMS , JIM 1MJ1KJB 791 J * . - FOn HUNT , NICKLY Kl'llNISHKD. HKCOND 'story ' jgiik.rooui. suitable forsluirla KunUvma nltliout board , in H , 25th strvot. L/ IF FU11N1SHKD llOOUt ) , Oil N. Lb yCRNiaHBP ROOMS AND BOARD. RATKb-lkia lluotlr.t tlma na lee u line tbeiT after. No ailTi-rtlJOiuuiU takou turjeti thuniJo " -DKSIUAULK UOOMB AND UOAllll. ONT. large roow sullabl * furtvo or tl rv guutlciiii-a. ih.Wd.'r tav noOM9 AND SOAHD. CanUnnnt. r -WAnM IIOOMS AND IIOAIUI 8UITAI1LR Jirpnllcrnon. . Terms reasonable. Tbe Hlllshle. N. W. corner I3lh and Doilgc. PI M FUHNI8IIKD IIOOMS , PINOLR - nrcnsulln ; all moilern convcnlcnccst first rlnsi bonnl. 318 gouthrcih slrcet. MWO i ? Kl'UNIIIKH llCOMfC PTKAM MKAT WITH L' board for two , tJO per month. 205 S. 3llh t. 17-Hl'lTK OP SOUTH HOOMS WITH IIOA11P. 1M3 1- Chicago Mrwt. MWI W iJ-KUUs'liilfKii IIOO.M8,1IOAIII ) . 2211 PAKNAM JL'nU llofcrnnces. K8 HI * IKOH HUNT. rUllNIBHKDIIOOMH WITH -L board , IJJ3 Howard it. , northeast cor. tcth tl. y.tj 27 * RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS IlATKS lf-o a line first tlmo nnd KM n Una Ihero- aftnr. No ndvortlactnplit taken for lo < 'ithi\n 3te. ph G South I'th nt. -TWO KOOMRIN HA8KMKNT , CITY WATKll nnd soworaRO , 1KW Farnam nt. 4TS 2V BOARDING. HATKS ISo n llho Ilrst tlmo and lOa n line them a tier. No art vert l om en 1 1 ak nn to r less than 25o i board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo- atlon It cannot bo excelled. Mri , Horn , proprietor 2UI M 10 * _ FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. HATKS-lfa a linn Ilrst time nnd lOo n line there after , No advertisement taitoii for less thnn 2"xj 1-FOli TllHM1 , bTOUB , 1118 JACKSON STIIKKT , tM _ _ I KH IlKNT. TI115 4 STOUY 1IU1CK lUHLDINfl. -IjiliI Farnnm slreot. The building has n lira proof cement bnsoment.complcto steam heating fixtures , wnter on nil the Doors , RDS , eto. Apply nt the otllco of The Dec. IMS FOR "RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. ItATKS lien line tlrst tlmo and ICe n line thoro- nfter. No ndvcrtlscmctit taken for less than 2)0 wc l of Uiuuhii. llartlinui A Itobblns , 210 lleo lildK. .M.IlH HI ! WANTED TO ItENT. IIATIIS 15e a line tlrst Illno and lOfl n line thcro. nflur No advertisement tnkcn for less than 23c. K 11V A YOUNO MAN , IIOOM AND HOAHI ) IN prlvala family , when * ho will bo the only roomor. Must ha between 22nd nml 28th and liar- nuy and Chicago slreots , Addruis M 2ti , lice.MC. MC. > 5 23 WANTKU TO IlKNT A UKMINflTON Oil HnilUi-i'muIrr typew rltcr , Address M 17 lleo. RENTAL AOENOIE3. HATK3 )5ca ) line first tlmo nnd lOa a line there after. No ndvertUement taken lor less than 'Kta. lie Kxcluslro llentnl Agency. Parroltu , Douglas block , MuiU T -H. K. COLIC , CONTINENTAL IILOCK. 7(3 ( L-UINTAL : Ac.r.Ncv ; HANK IIUFKIHNCK K. C. ( Jnrvln * Co. , 2 < H ijhcely block. M 7JI STORAGE. ItATKS 15on line lirit limn and lOo a llnothora' aftor. No ertlsomonftukon for less than 25c. M niiYcLKAN : AND"riiTvxTTiLV sroTiKT ) ; furniture. Omaha Steve Itepair Work , 1207 Doug WJ _ W -OLPK8T , CHUAl'KST AND 1IKST STOHAOK house lu Iho city. Wllllnms & Cross , 1214 Harnuy ' -0 WANTED TO BUY. HATKS 15on line first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less then 'i'te. W A NT KD. , ( J 6ol ) FA ItVl 3 IN DOUULAS. ttarpy or nny good east Ncbrnskn or western lown counties. C. K. lllngcr , 151 ! ) Farnnm. ti l M' WANTKDHAU1IKU CHA Ilt , SHCOND HANI ) , must bo cheap ; state price. C. W , llocman , Corlcy. la. 6' 7 211 * VT WK IIAVK CU8TOMKIIS FOB NKIIIIASKA i' farms. Co operative Lund and Lot CoU'i N 16th street. M Mt \ li TVT WANTKD. TO BUY SALOON FIXTUKKS FOB i > cash. Anton F. Dworak , Durwetl , Neb. M4C43 * \T" TO IIUYSECOND-HAND FUBNITUliK , IIKIlT 1 > cst prices paid , lloston Furiiltiira Co.b03 N. inth ' " 831 F2 N FUBNITUllE. DOUOIIT , SOLD , STOBKD. Wells , 1111 Farnnni street. 771 FOB SALE-HORSES WAGONS ETC. HATES 15c a line first tlmo and 100 a line thoro- nftor. No advertisement tnken for less than 25c. ly-n's.coumwvNn SUHIIEY , NKAHLY NEW. J now harness and chunky horse , fnmlly pet , for * TU , or horse f IIXI. Willis Yntos , ngcnt , Mnil street. 2nd house south of California. Ml 27a FOR 8AL.E MISCELLANEOUS. KATK8 I5c a line tlrst time nnd lOc a line thcro after. No advertisement taken for less than 25u. Q In the building recently occupied by the Council lilulfs Savings bank. Ofllccr & Puscy , Council mulls. MiitirM MISCELLANEOUS. UATIIS l.'o a line Ilrst tune nndiilOo a line there after Np advertisement taken for less than 23o. ' | > _ \VANTHD , A ( ! OOI ) TOWN WANT I NO A LVdruK slock ; town without stock preferred. Ad dress , C. P. Holt , box HIS. trlend , Neb. Mb5825 * 1J PHYSICIAN WANTKD- OOD PHYSICIAN Jvcan tlnd a desirable looiitloii by addressing S. K. llearhlor , Dig Springs , Nob. M56U15 * CLAIRVOYANTS. HATKS 15o a line Ilrsttlmo and lOo a line there after , No advurtlsenicnt taken for less than 2Jo. SAuUVAL KXTIIA oiniNAUY WODEHFUL rcvelntlont Challenges the world , lira. Dr M. Lcgravo , dead trance clairvoyant , astrologlst , palmist and Ufa reader ; tells your life from thp cradle to craro ; unites the separated : causes mar rlajio wllli the-ono you love ; tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has .the celebrated Kgyptlan breastplate fur luck and to destroy bad Influences ; cures tits , Intemperance and all prlvato CQttiplalnta with massage , baths nnd ul * cqhul treatment , HcnctK , lock of hair , name and dmu of birth and receive accurate llfu chart ; 3 cents In stamps for circular ; give Initials of one will marry ; also photos , of same. Otllco 1007 Sou Hill street , Mm floor ; hours , 9 a. m. to B p. m , Como ono , como all , undbo convinced of this wonderful oracle. , MtriO b'l * S-MUS. MA11Y KIIITX , 242-.I LAK15 HTIIKKT , clairvoyant and traneo medium ; Independent voices ) tolls past and future. 67IF2I * S 1-MIIH. NANNIK V. WAIUIKN. CLA1IIVOVANT , ; rellabla business medium , fifth year.ut 119 N. lOlh. 7W MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. UATKS--ltoa line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line there after , No advertisement lakon for less than ! l3o. JL parlors In Omaha , orerblU U , Uth st. Mm Kll * i MADAVKLA IHIK , MASHAdKTltHATllUNT , 111 ! to. Illll ? t , 3rd llopr Hut 4 , M4'.U 2U < -51ADAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUHLAH STUBKT , room 7,8d Door. Alcoholsulphur and sea bulbs. MSJ4 3t fHMAH.SAf5KTUBATMKNT. KLKCTIIO TIIBIl- -I , mil hstlis. scalp and hair treatment , manlcuro aiidchlropodlst.Mrs. Po.t.Jll ) t ) . 15tbWHhnoll blk. I7J FEBSONAL. HATK8 ISo a line first time aodlOoallne there after. No advcrllicuient taken for leis than 25a uMAT1IIMONY. . FULLPAUTICULAIIS.IO CTti Ilex D'.U Omaha , Nt > b. Aid 27 * jynJBIO , AWT AND LANOTJAOrE. llATKB-lSoalluellrsitlmo and lOo a line there- aftor. Noadvurtlsoiuent taken for less than 3o. r llKfOIlK HUYINU A 1'IANO KXIMINK THK i iiow scale Kluiball piano , A. Hospe , (613 ( Uouicla 771 F. UKLLKN11KCK. IIANJO TKACIII3II K. orDJIlf N 15th street , 3J floor. HI. MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE. HA'l'Kfi--lio a line ttrst tlmo ana lOc a line there after , ftuadtrrllxMiieiit lakoa for less IbonZio \V-11KAL K8TATK WANS , I'AUU IWW FAUNAM ' MI ! m , ' i'OOIlK. ' 401 Ilee llldg. 7 ) ir-CKNTllALLOAN ANDTIIUST CO.UEK IILWJ _ _ _ f Jl \\r-MONKV 10 1A1AN ON IvUNU Oil SHOUT 1 > lloie ln uuiiof JJUU to IIU.UUU. Mutual lovt-stment Cuiupany. 710 Air-APPLY TO J. U LOVKTT Flill CHKAP tr moneys only upuu Urstclass security. SiU Bouth ) th street. MWO \\r-COATKS. Ti UOAUU T1IADK , KAM'KUN < tnouey. MK4 \\r-ANTHONr LOAN AND THU3T CO. . IU J ! vT if Llfo. leiulat low rates for vbolco svourlty oil Nebraska or Iowa larms or Ouiaua city prop rly. W.M.HAHIUS.lt. 20 , rilKNKKll 1ILK. IMl'HOVKDAND UNIMI'IIOVKI ) 11 city urorwrly , RI.IM1 sud upw rO .U to S iwr cent. No dtlaya. W. laroaw biultU A Cy. , IWU VHarney ) JT7 MONEY TO IQANnEAIi ESTATE. \\r--\VANTKD AT ONCK lA f 1 E ANDaHALL ' ' loan * on tinlniprovcd Omaha property Also ImproTod loans on rohlcnco properly. Htlollty Trust Compsny. 1011 farnam St. " HIS 2 \\r-HK ALKSTATKLOANSG TO T I'KK ' I no niltlllloiiAl rlmrnos for comrali lon or all or- nor's fees. W. II. Mclklo , Flrsl National bank bhltt \\r-LOWIWT ItATKS OF INTKIIUST ON F1H8T classsoc'itlly. l/jrettA Woodman , 220 H 1.1th. ' , ; j3i \y-1XANSON III5AL KSTATI ! AND COLLAT- ' ' leml nolet and morlgnges bought. Heed A Pelhy.MI Hoard of Tra.lo. 77tf ' \\T O.O.WALLACK. SIS 1111OWN BLOCK. . Jl > M Mi " \\r-1100 000.00 TO LOAN AT ONTK ON OMAHA T Improved property or vacant lots. Fidelity Trust Company , 1HU Farnam St. " l. < 8 2u \ VUlANS. . CITY IMIOPKBTY. K. NKII. AND W TT Iowa farms. K. F. lllngcr , 1610 Farnam.BS029 BS029 * \v It CKNT FIBST MOIITIAUK LOANS , lllchard C. Patterson , 1511 Fnrnam st. 781 "Iir-LOANS ON BKAL KBTATBLOWKST ' rales. Thn O.F.DavIs company. IM F10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X-MONKY TO LOAN , IlO.fa , AND W DAYS ON furniture , clc. Duff Urcou , rZU , Conllnontal hlk. 78U X MONKY TO LOAN UY II. F. MASTHUH ON household ftoods , pianos , orating , horses , mule' , wauons , etc. , at Iho lowest posMblo rates ulthoiit publicity , removal of property or cliniiun of pos session. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Pvymonts of anyr.mount can ! > a lunnont any tlmo , reducing both principal nnd tnlcrcst , thus giving patrons all tiio bcnctlts of the imrllat pay ment plan. Call and sea mo when you wantnJoan , or If more convenient call tolephqna 1'3I ' nnd your bnslnoss can bo arranged ut home. Money nhvnjs on hand ; no delay ) no publlcllyi lowest rates ; bunliieiis ronlldonllal. II. F. Masters , It 4 Wllhnoll blk. , 15th and Harncy. 737 L X MONKV TO LOAN ON 'CHATTKI.9.1UNDS ; - and city vrarranls bought , tloom 102Karharh blk ) [ C3.IF2I ! * CHATTI5L IX1ANS , UKNKD1CT i WBAVjlTl 1'axlon block. Wo loan our own munoy , charKU no commission. It will pay you lo eoniulHn. Mt83-J3l X-HOII'T I'HITCHABD , 11.3 , W1THNKLL UL1C M333 CllATTKLLOANS-tfUN. Y LIFM. MOUU19 * 20JFIO- MONEY ON rUHNlTUIlK , Kcystono Mtgo. Co. , room 203 , S ' X S1ONKV I.OANKI ) ON FUltNITUHK.'HOUSKS , wngoni , pianos , without rcmornl Of cliniiR of possession. Confidential. 1'red Tcrryf 1'433 , llaiugc. -MONII , TO LOAN ON CHATTKLis' : . 15 to ! ! 0 days. 2ll.SCiiinmlliit.St. M915-F4 _ BUSINESS CHANOES. J UATKS l.r > e n line Ilrst tlmo and IDa/iKlInn thora- after. No ndvertlsomeiit tnkdu for loaallian 250. ] Y-I2.'iO WILL 1IUY A STOCK OKjC.UOCKUlES nnd fixtures , Including a good souiiu borse. Address M 2i , llc-0. M fol * _ _ _ V WANTKIITO IIUY AN 1NTKHKSTIN-A WKI.L J ostabllnhcdpnlng business , llavu nbout KtJXXiW In cash. Address .M 21 , Dec. . ffX-2 ! ) ' YFULLY KQUlPPKD CANNING I'ACTOUY IN very best part of Nebrnskni capliCIt ) ' 2S.OUO to ; IOXW ( cans per < lay ; bus nmilo money lust three years ; best of reasons foraclllUL' . AUUrcss MX'XIIcc. tC42FM _ t V WANT1IO TO TIIA11K IMIMIOVF.D OMAHA JL property for Interest In ancll established pay ing brslncss. Advertiser It an olllconiau. Address M 22 , lice. UJ5 ? ' ' _ V-WANTKD-A I'AHTNKH WITH II.WWOO or X $2uou ou cash to tnko hnlf Interest In nn estab lished butter business. This Is a Rood opening for Uvo mnu. Address , M 19 , lice oDlce. MG.12 2U * WAN1KI ) , 1'AHTNKIt. TO A FINK OOOH payliiR buslnojs In Omaha. (2.000 to itt.O.K > do < sired. Itefcrenccs necessary : ladles preferred. Apply M IS , lleo. 01927 * \T SI1OK STOUHFOH SALE. TOWN OF 5.000. -L Only ono other shoe store. Address , I'.O.box 172 , Norfolk. Neb. Gt 1 V-KOH 8ALK. PHYSICIANS PllACTICK IN L town of 400 people , town eight miles ono sldo and ten the other. Address , M lli Ilee. U15-W ) ' Y WANTED , A PAUTY TO PUHCIIASIC A GOOI ) lot on K'th st. with four-story building , ami' leuso same to moforll'l years at li per cent. Uoort references furnlshpd. Address M 12 , lice. MUO'J.SS , < V-BTOllK IIOOM FOIl IlKNT , BUlTAllLt ! FOll" I. dry Roods or clothing , In tlio 'best loontioh' lu Klnrsunltown , la. Address H. 4 , F . Kearney. Neb. - ' \T-AIEAT JIAItKICT FOU SALK U11KA1- . ( JOT X tosoll on account of poor health ; for partlcu Inrs call at 1.161 N. 17th street. $74,2 ? * V HKaTAUHANT FOIl BALK CHKAP. JKA1 Lcnranwortli st. 672,31 * Y MANUKACTUUINC WANTIJI ) , UNKHOKTIC man with n few hundred dollars to start n money mnkiim manufacturing business In Oiunha without competition. Address M 7 , lea. W 31 * V KO SALK Oil HKNT , TUB ONLY UOTJCL Jnnd lunch coupler near the depot In llio city of Aurora , Neb. Inquire of It. W. rjrnyblll. Aurora , Nob. 3K | ! BO * , Y-FUIIN1SHKI ) IIOTKL FOlt 8AM : Oil UI5NT. the only hotel In city. Apply to Tllden Mate bank , agont.'llldeu , Nob. 4'Ji-f.l'J Y-AN INCOIIPOIIATKO CO. IlOlNfl A , ( ; OO1) busliiesa wish to Increnso their capital five thousand dollars , and oiler u Ilrst class opportunity to a reliable party , oho competent fo tnko uhargu of the books pruterrOil. Address L. VI , lleq ptllcc. M4ffl , 23 ' JOB _ RATKR-l.Via line ilrst tlmo and lOa a line thefo. after. No advertisement tnkcn for less than 2So. I/-11HOOD MAIlK'l'olloGY Oil11151'ON ! /-l\i \ > \9 \ Fnrimm. ' W ) acres clear hay land , fci.MK ) , lor drug orfjon- cnil stock. (1,100 tlrst morlicaKcs , clear lot on Hamilton street for city property , land or stock , .1.11 acres In Mcrrltk county for uood rcsldonca not over f > 7,000 or S,000. 40 acres six miles from poslonico for. good Im proved property. ' ' . llrlckntorobulldlnK on leased ground near Paxton - ton htitol , rents for (140 per month , or city prop * urtr. Will assamo mortgaga. Hi-room house , full lot , on Franklin street ; 100 feet , with 2 hounes , on 21th near Hanioy : also 18 clear lots In West Albright , price fl'MWO ; will ex > chanKe part or all for good farms In castiirnNe. brusku or western Iowa. F , F. Kinder , 161U Farnam , r/-VOn KXCHANOB. 8 QUAHTKHS UNIN'CUM- ' berccl land In central Wisconsin. ; ! to 7 miles from ii railroads * M IX ) pur aero. Address M 20 , ' lied. ' 037-111 Z HIIICK 1ILOCK. RHNTKDhXIH M.OOO. ( Oil Ktoek Ken. nidsc. , (25,000 to 110,000.K..K. lllnk-er , 15ID Farnatu. [ , WJ-JO * , rholt KXCHANdK , HOUSIS'FOlt FHK8H COW. AlAddrcss 411 H. 18th st. 01327' Z-(4500CLKAN8TOCK MKIIC1UNDIRIC , WILL tako-lialf cash , balance Lluur real ostale. Ad dress HDX 675. Uchuyler , Neb. 1IQIO SO * V FOll HAI.K Oil KXCHANOK , HOX IIU'rTK /Jconnty farm lands , Frank M , Suurtoker.Alllntico , Neb. ji un 3I Z-CLKAN STOCK OP UKNKUALM'l'SK-WILIi | take real estate X money. Ilex KU , Fraukfort.lnd . sat FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. " \\ntlTK TO CHAIILKS M. STEKLH A. 60N8. > Muskegon , Mich. , and get u copy of IVoii. Hen F llutlor's letter , entitled "How to ( jut Itlch. " Mulledou free , t * " " 'MM7 28 * flO-ACHK , IMPHOVK1) FA11M , IN' VUANKL1N -ICO. , Nubrasks. , IIOOJ per acre , a bargain , Co-i opcrutl\u Laud k Lot Co. , 205 N , Itltli st. 015-2 IJ'OIl ' HALKCHKAP.VKI.I IXCATKI ) ) 7-llOOM J cotlagi' , all conveniences ! paved streolrmotor. Address M 20 , Ilee , UK131 A HAIlOAINl I IIAVK MATUUBI ) KNOUM- -Vijruncc'B which I cannot takecaro of. and otfur tosoll for cash , (3,000 worth of Buutli Oraahfi im- Improved residence property for ttOM. Iluyercan iliuosu ont < iippral'ur , mysalf one , and tlioset o i hooso u third. Will accept U.OOO for t-t ( KW of their valuation If taken at once , or will soil In lots of 11,000 civil on same basis. Address M 19 lino.M . M CJ9JO * | ? 0ll BALK -H-K COIINKIt 1JTII. D0110AH. 82 X -L lea , 3 cuttaga , liable for 0 liornoi , can be divided too lots. Inqulru at premises. 51)3 ) 8 | ' 1 CO-ACItK. IMPKOVKI ) FA1IM.21 MILKS FltOM J-Omnlin. 121 OU per aero , running water und tim ber. Co-operative Land 4 Lot Co.'wo N , Itltb st. st.CI52 CI52 8IOACIIU IIANOII IN LOUPVALLKV , 0 MILKS from llurwtll , tbocounty neit of ( Jnrtleld county. Unu liiipruvmu'rits , riverfront , reasonable terms. Address , T , U Hall , llurwoll , Nub. W JO * QO ACUK FAIIM IS MILKS F1IOM LINCOLN , ( JO00 Qper acre , on tlmo. Co Oporatlvu IJ > IK | and Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth st. MXIIU lt HALF. NO 1IKTTK1I 1IAUI2AIN IN CITV lxlJl ft with 3 room cottage , at iM'J. Cameronst lSI feetjuit at tlio rear , fronting on Wlrt t. suitable for 4 it-room cottages , worth ( O.UXI , I1.IW lakes It within 6 days ) J2 V j cash , balvneo to suit. Ifyou Hunt It K-oiiiB quick. Uwner wrnti to ) eavv city. J H. Johiu.n , 811 N , V. Life. 457IfT IXU HALK.ON HMALL.MONTHLV PAYMKNTS , I110 houses. The OK , Davis company. l l F10 IjVMlHAI.K ATA IIAIKJAIN. 1XT 15 , IIIXCK J. W. U tielby's rlrst addition to South Omaha , payniuul down , balance monthly .If detlrudi Inqutry U II. Tttcbuclc , Umalia lle . 83 l OIl BAl7li7ilOUKs | ANY I'lilCH. rw. II.SM Ul't -L vasy tvrms i take clear property a * Crst payment. U. U. Wallaow , Drown block , lolU and Uouk-fu. W T\ll BALK. NK1IUASKA KAUU LANDS. U. Q. J- Wallace , 1U Urowu block , IClu and Douvlas. \T K. COUNKIl an'H ANU HICKOIIY.iOxlM ll.fyett abargalnforafvwtlayiuuly. F. K. Dar ling , Darker block. 791 HAIR TTtTDDS. HATHS-lte a linn Hrit Urn * and tOu a line there- after. Noadvprllnrmftrttjiiken for li > < than ISO * 'I'llR IDKAL iTADlKS V/AIU / DUKSSlNd PA II- Alorsawllolioi , bang * . Jy'rt. | toiipcoi , Jewelry ami hair ornaments In itonti'vlga to order , special attention given mall urd r " 3Jv S ISth st , xrd floor , t ii 4.v > Fa : * 1 AIH1K8TSTOCK IN KNTIUK WKST : THKAT- llrlcal wigs and benrdnjwtuiclaltr. WUs , banji. nwllchps. hair chains , etc ) . In1 Mock and to order. Mall orders solicited. Ditto's , 111 8. IMh st.,0maha. _ t' Tl l HATICS-I.'io a line nril u ia an ! Uj a Una th ere after. No advertisement taken for Inn thnn 3 > o s' female dog. short ear * arid tall , anonvrs to tha name ofTop y. IlclurntOUro Douglas slrcet and get reward. U2J 27 * DHES3MAKINQ. IIATK9 IBe a line first time and lOo n line ihoro- affcr. No advorllsoment taken for \eti \ than 2V. "PA PKIU K.S CKD HANI ) W A NTSVO Illv IN FAMI- l-i LI Kii ; Tic per day. Addrcs SOlO Hamilton street. C08TUM8 , ETO. UATKS I5en line first tlmo and 10o a line them after. No Advertisement taken for less tha < i 'Ua LADIKSAOKNTLKMKNOAN IlKNT MASOUK- radocoslumonatlll StCUi. ( ioldon Kaglo storo. STOCK WINTERED. P.ATKS Ifio a line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement tnkon for less than V3c. OlsAlMmTsKKil AND PAmCD FOll on farm two mllei of Omaha Irom (4 toW month. 411 S. Hill street. Tel. l.X ! ) . M3iU Kl.l * CUTLERY OKINDINQ. UATKS-lSo a line flrst llmo nnl lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than ! " . QKNI ) "YOul SClSbOiiy , , Umlerland A Co. . ll > i a , Utli st. V.H MANUFi.OTTJRINO JEWELERS. 11ATK8 Ifvc a line tlrst tlmo nnd lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for Ions than 2 > a PAID FoOLD ( eLi > IVVUSON * QASIl . room SO Horkcr block. Omaha. _ 7W PAWN BROKERS. HATES 15oa line nrst limn and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Kv. B KN ii ) TO iin s. ISTH ST 071 Fli * REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , I5H FAUNAM STREET. OMAHA , NEU RHILWRYTIMEGKRD Leaves' ' ICIHUAUO. MH < J .V.ST. 1'AUI. Arrlro p ml . . . .A..Chicago lixpross , - . , 'p rn.t..i..ftChlcagdi | Hxp res a. . . , Leaves. | rilOUXClTYJfc PAClFll" ArfjVPs Omaha | 'Depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. fimnhn 7.20 a ml Sioux City Passenger. , 1020p m J..HV p ml . . ' .St. Paul KxpreBs.HOQa | in eaves S f SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Oinahal Depot. 15th and Webster sts. I Omaha 5.J5 p ml St. Paul Limited I'.l.'J n-m Leaves CHICAGO & NOHTHWKSTKKNIArrlvcs Omaha U. IV depot , 10th and Marcy Sts. | Omaha 7.SU a m ( Kx. oun'y ) Carroll Pussenjrer. I020pjii 11.20 n m Chicago JCxprcss BOTu-m 500 p m Vestlbnlq'Llmltcd 30a m it 15 p ro Knstcrn Flyer 2.15 p m 7 00 p in ( Kx. Bat. ) Chic. Pass. ( Kx. Mon. ) tiO&a m Loaves I OMAHA A , KT. LOUIS. ( Arrives Oninbalu. P. depot. IQtliand Marcy Sts.Omaha [ 4.10 p nil iSt. LoulaJCannon Hall | l2.35p m Leaves I 1' . , K. A. aiO.'VALLEY. Arrive Omaha I Depot , lain aniT.Webster Bts. I Omaha Leaves , C. , bT. P. ; M. If O. [ Arrives Omaha Depot. 15th und Webster a is Omaha Leaves OMAHA A ST. LOUlri. ' { Arrives Transfer ) Union DepotCouncil Illuffs. Transfer 4.40 p | . . . . . . . Louis Ca'n'on Hall. . . . . . | U.15 p m leaves I SIOUX C1TV 4 PACIFIC. Arrives Transfer ! Union Dupot. Council Ululfs. ( Transfer 7.15 u ml. bloux City Accommodation. . It/00 p m 5JO p ml. , St. PaulKxprsss 0.40 a m Loaves ICIilUAUO.V NOBTHWKH | Arrlrus Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Illulfs. ( Tranifor 1201 p in . . Chicago Kxpress , . . , , 6..IO p m 6 15 p m . .Vcstlbulu Limited , , , . . . ! > 10 a m 10 00 p m .Kaslvrn Flyer : 1..10 p m 800 p m ( Kx Sat ) Atlantic Mull ( Kx Mon ) 7,1.5 it m 7.40 a in .Carroll Pussungei , 1000 p m PROPOSALS KOll BUEOT10.N OK bOIIOOI , IlulklliiKH , SUiain Iloutlnit and Ventila tion , and Flro I'suuncB , Dupurtnuint of the Interior , Olllco of Indian ATi'lre , WaslilnKtOJi , I ) . O. . Junuury ( ! . I8UJ. & 'n > i.Ki > I'IIOPIISALH. on- doraocl , "I'roposixK forjyrpctlon of bnllclln.'a. stentu lieutliiK , etc. , " u i/ip / ease 111117 be , nnd uddrtiSsad tu tlio C'oinuiUpIonor of IridlHii Af- fulrnVusliliipton. . 1) , (1 ( will bo rucqlvod ut this oftlco until I o'oloiji ( , p. in. , of Fobrnary H , 18M , for tlio erection utUU | I'lne Hldnii Agency , Houtli Ualiotu , of one Im r. Hh oiully bulldlnit , ouu brlok hobnltal biUlln | | , and 0110 brick bailer Iioubu , us per Plwi und Biiouliluntlong wlilvli inuy liu oxttinliiLHlMt the otlloua of the Itoiiiilillciin , of Kiipia ( ity. ) H. I ) . , the HUE of Omiilin , Nul ) . , and thy cIliilM > < r8 Hoard of Trmlo , cornor7th Htnl.uur ( ) strwot * . Ht. 1'aul , Mlniunud ut tlio I'lnoJCtditoARunoy , Illddors will bo rouulrod to Kiilimlt. Hctiaruto lild-t ( or ouch luilldlnt ; , und Rtutfjllio length of tlmo propuiusii toliucoiisuinivllu their coiixtruu- tlon. Illda are uUu luy fid for * urnlnlilni ! all iiiachlnary , inuturliils , jkud all labor nocemiry to nut them In positloiiior lieutlng und von- tlllutliii ; the usuoiiibly-SijJldlnK. tlio hospltul bulldliiz , the proijtmt Hfjuool biilldlnK , anii.tlio laundry ( now In coiirsu/iLcoustnioUoii ) . nil to bo iirouorly connoolod/uxnduiuuti ) Jiluo.s with the bollur liouso. froii\f.T | > li'li they ure to bo heated , b'opurntu bidsi Should also bo initdo for hu.itiii2 nit'l veiitllaUjiz as ubovo. from ballurhouso , only the im < iumlly ) bulldliu und the prcsont buliool hullitliiK , ttiparuto bldH uro also Invited for fiirnlblitnv und p'uoln * ono or two fire csounos on tlio rtsbciulily mill hospltul ImlldliuH. wliuii samuHhull liuvci liven urnctod , also on the present tohpol biilUllnz. Itldilera n liftitlns nnd vmitllutluir , und Uro o cupus. to accompany tliolr l0s ) | with dcilznn and bpuollloutlons of tliost iiiu hoatlni ; und > cn- tiliitlon nnd lira usoupus oropo od to bu ftir- nUhcd ; bald duaUns and peulUoutlou to bo adapted to tlio buildings to which they uro to uuupullod. The light U rosurvoJ to rojuot uny or all bids , or any part ofunybldlf duemed for the bust Inturest o ( thu eervlcu UEitTiriKii ciitcKrt-Kaoli : bid must bo uccom Bulled by u curtltlod cheuU or draft upoiiHomu nltod Ktules depository or solvent nutlonul bank In the vlolulty of the rtuldetieo of the blddur , miKio puyafilo to the order of theUom- mlsloiierof Indian AITnlr * . for ut least rive I'Elt CUM1 of the uinountof tlio proito ul.whlcli check or druf twill bo forfeited to the United btiUt-b In uaxo uny bidder or bidder * reuoivliiK un owurd Eliiill full to promptly oxoouto u contract with go.xl mid sulllclunt turotlei , othorwUu to be retnrneU to the bidder. Kids uccouipiiiiiL-d by on h. In lluu of uvortlllod check will not bu uoiikldorud. T , J MOIU1AN Comiulmloiiurof Indluu AlCulrs. J10J2H/ Pleasures of Memory. What n blessed thing la memory I Ilow It brings up Iho pleasures of the pnst , nnil hides its unpluiisantncssos I You recall your childhood days , do you not , and wish they would return ? You ruinumbcr the pleasant nfsodutloii ? , wlillo the unilcasant ones are forgotten. Perhaps to your mind comes the fnco of some friend. It wim once n pale , and fnco. It showed marks of pnin , lines of care. It seemed to bo luuklng into the hereafter , the unknown future. And then you recalled how it brightened , how it recovered its rosy hue , how it became a picture of happiness nnd joy. Do you remember these things ? Many people do ; und gladly tell how the health returned , how happiness came back , how the world seemed bright. They tell how they were once weak , nerveless , perhaps In pain , certainly unhappy. They toll of sleepless nights , restless days , untouched food , unstrung nerves. And then they tell how they bocniuo happy , healthy and strong once more. You have hoard it often In the past , have you not ? You have heard people describe how they were cured and kent in health ? You certainly cat ! remember what it is that has so helped people in America. If not listen to what Mr * . Annie Jonnoss ilil\ory \ whoiis known universally as the great dross reformer , says : ' 'Six years ngbj when Buttering from mental care n.tti.1 overwork , L received the most pro nounced benefit from the use of that great medicine , Warner's Safe Cure. " Ah , now you romombor. Now you re call how many people you "havo heard say this sumo thing. Now you recollect how much you have heaid of this great Curo. Now you are ready lo admit that , memory is usually pleasing , thnt the highest pleasure comes from perfect health" , and lliat this great remedy has done morn to produce and prolong healththan , nny other discovery over knowntin the entire history of the whole world , i. A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUKE LVfRY CASrlor MONEY REFUNDED. t Oureuro Is permanent and notu patching up. Ca oi I rented seven yours ago have never seen a st mplom since. Ily doicrlblug uiso fully wo ran treat you by mall , and we give Ihc same strong guarantee to euro urrefnml all monoytThoso htf prefer to como hero lor treatment can do so mid wo will pay railroad faro both nays and hotel bills while here If wo fall to cure. Wo Cliailoqgo the World for a cn'o that our MAO 1C U15MiiYrllliiot cure. Wrlto for particulars nnd get the evidence. In our seven years' practice with this MAGIC HEM HI ) V It has been molt difficult to ovcrcomutbe prejudices against so called spoolllcv nut under our strong guarantee thousands are trying It and being cured. Wu guurunloo to cure or refund ovcry do1larrand a * wo have a reputation to protect also financial backing of KOO.OX ) It Is perfectly safe to all win ) will try the treatment. I Icrctofo'o you have been putting up and paying out your money for diner cnt treatments , nnd allhongh you are not yet cured no one has paid back your money. Wo will positively cnro you. Old chronic , deep scaled ca es cured In : O to 91 days. Investigate our financial standing , our reputation as business men. Write ui for names and nddros'osof Ihoso we have cured who have given permission to refer to them. It coils you only postage - ago to do this. If your symptoms are sore throat , tnucous ptitchcs In mouth , rheumatism to bones and Jolhtt , hair falling out , eruption * on any part of thu jtoody , feeling of general JoproMlon , pains In ho'ail nr ponos. You Imvo no time to wiutu. Tlioso who nru constantly taking mercury and potash shoulddlscon- tltjuelt. Con-tunt-\iwoftliuqp drugs will surely bring i nf < > 1uid cullng ulcers In the en I. Don't falllo write All correspondence entseated In plain emoloppt. We. liivito tha most rigid Invosllgatlon and will eld all Id our power lo aid you Inlt. Address COOK REMEDY CO. , - Ornate , Nebraska. MAGIC CURE FOR ONLY. MEN snoo foni cnso of LOJT or FAILING MANHOOD - HOOD , Gcni rtil or NUIVOUH DKHiMrr. wcuk- ness of body or nlliul , tlio oirocts of errors or \ - ccsscsln old or y on MKt lint we cannot euro. Wo euiiruntco every cnso orfetund ovcry dollar , five-daystrlul troutiiiont HI , full courso' fl. I'orcoptlb.o . bencllts roullrod in three dnys. Ily'1111111. Kocliroly picked from observation. OdoK HF.MKin'C'o. , OMAHA. NEU LADIES ONLY MARIP I'HMAl.K Ki : < SUIATOK. Sufo and rftr ulu CorUilu la ik day or inonuy rufundod , Ily. mull J. . Securely bcalud from ob-i ) > rvn- t'on. CuOjCltf.JIItilt V Clt , , Oniiilm , Nob. It.is an old-fashion notion that1 medicine has to taste bad to do any good. Scott's -Emulsion is cod- liver oil with-its fish-fat taste lost- nothing is lost but the taste * > This , is more than a mat ter "of comfort. Agreeable taste is 'always a help to di- "gestion.r A sickening taste is always a hindrance. There'is only harm in taking codiliveroil unless you digest ; jt. Avoid the taste. Scorr & nq\r .Cl > eniiiu , ijtSoulh jth Avenue , New York. - Your druggm keepi Scott'j Emuliion of cod-liver U all druggfiu everywhere do , fi. TUB' SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is-via'tthQ Milwaukee , Chicago , & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. .m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LJNCOLN , Pass. Agenl. We stud the msrveloii nemejy CALTHOP frrf , and B local ? u roni < ) ollot OALTIIOS will KTOl' IXK-hiircM A > Kml lent , CDItU Hnrrmiitiirrbm.t uricairl * und IlEHrOUK 1.0.1 V leer , idJr.u.VON MOHL CO. , Boll iiMrlu * A | U , UutUiill , Lklo. lalu Itciuroy , Lait- m B lug cure , Lo > ur return * . IwillsmJ I In B ( f IfUrre ) to ni uO"errr , a pro III K B" scriiitlun tu enlarge iniall. urak UM mM m art and certain rum for lx * f luipotcnry. J. ) TO WEAK MEN 53K rarlr decay , wasting vreakueBs. lost mauluxHl , etc , I trill s ud avaluablo truullw ( valid ) coatalnln f ull iMrtlculars for home cure. Fit UK of charge. A spluudld uivdlcal work i should 1 1 rcau by every man whn U nervoui and ( lebllllatcu , Addrttu , . V , I'OIVJLiiiU.MoodUB. Cvuiu OF INTEREST TO THK FARMER. Every farmer who hrts Hvo stock that must bo foil through the winter hns n footling pioblora on his liiinds wliothor ho studies it or not , says the Iowa Homo- ntond. Nnturo will not suijiontl nny of her Inws bocnusu ho will not study the problem. Slio caroa nothing what , tlio farnior thinks , but she glvo rosulta nc- ford hip to what ho does. If ho does think nnd study the kinds of food ho gives his Uvo stock , she deals with him kindly ; if ho "doos ns hla futhor did , " and in doing RO nets unwisely , she sus pends no laws in lib interest on account of this misplaced filial nlTouUon. The problem on tlio hands of every farmer is , how to got the most out of the food ho must civo his Uvo slock , or , to put It into another form , what food ho must give hia Uvo stock lo got the bosb re sults. A farmer has cattle , Bhoop , hoga nnd horses ; ho has nlso hay ( timothy and clover ) , straw , corn stalks , corn , oatH and llnx. How can ho food this grain and forage lo tlio stock to the best advantage'1 ! It is a moro complicated problem than is apparent at first sight. If ho says ho will lot the horsoa und stock catllo run in the corn stalks till spring nnd sleep round the straw stuclr at night , ho will find that they will got through , but with a loss of llosh that will be quite serious when they ros'iiuio growth in the spring. Why ? Simoly because it is not In the power of the di'gcstlvo apparatus of thn cow or horse to make use of as much of tills kind of food as will inatutaln a profit * able growth. This feed will give enough of fat-formers , but to got the albumin oids the animal will bo obliged to Uvo off its own llcshln ; othorwords.it will grow poor. If in the stalk field there were n fowacros of second crop clover or winter ( blue gr : ss ) pasture , the situation would bo entirely difforont. These would sup ply the albuminoids or llosh formers , the cornstalks nnd straw would keep nearly twice us many cattle and everything would bo lovely. If our renders are skop- tll'iil on this point try It next year and bo convinced. Wo have tried it year after year , nnd so have tunny of our readers. With the stock cnUlo and dry cows over n year old thus disposed of , nnd nlso the straw , corn stalks nnd winter pasture , be it clover or blue grass , lot us take up the cnso of the snoop next. Wo would give them Soiiip corn 'odder and clover hay with some pats and corn sparingly , nnd only In the colder weather , unless we were intending them for the butcher In six weeks , being sure tlmt they had nt hand , nt nil times , clear wntor , nnd hud n run in the Holds every good day. " . The milk cows must have something bettor. They cannot oat nnd digest enough of hay , corn , fodder or straw to do the work that is required of them to give n profit , and must hnvo grniu as well , what shall it bo ? A certnin amount of corn 'will como in good play. It will not pay to gvo them the Ilaxscod whole unless it is boiled , nnd if. the good wife will lot it bo boiled on her cook steve slio is too near nn nngol to boa farmer's wife. Therefore wo nd- vise selling and buying oil meal. Oil monl ut $24 per ton is ns cheap ns hay nt $4 , and with corn nt nbout $9 per ton , there should bo no. dilliculty in forming a. ration thnt will b'uirig pou'co nnd profit both to the cow nud the owner. There are some steers , dry cows nnd hojfois , ns well ns hogs , to -fattened for mn rkot. ' What shall they bo fed ? Hero is n chance to do some thinkinir. Wo may either food the corn to the hogs nnd rough the cattle through to bo fat tened on grass and next year's corn crop , or xvo may feed the , corn totho'cnt- ' tle for the spring market nnd lot the hogs follow. If wo tnko the latter course , the question arises : Can we do bettor than iced corn nlono with what rrjghnoss they will oatV Suppose , uftor wo got the cattle nicely on n full feed of corn , taking about three weeks for thnt , wo give them u very lit tle , say hnlf a pound , of oil cnko , cracked but not ground into incnl , increasing thnt "amount until wo got them to eat n pound nnd n hnlf or two pounds. It will bo found that they will eat nbout as much corn ns they did boforo. Increase it nnotho'- pound and notice whether they cat nny loss corn , If not , wlmt have wo 'gained ' y Whether wo feed oil cnko or not it takes about t > o much to kcop up the animal hont nnd wiibto , and if wo have , by this variety of food , enabled the animal to digest a greutornmountof food , this oxtraumount goes , all of it , to the increase in weight. This means profit , prollt in chunks. Weigh the cattle and Hoo. If you don't lko } to disturb them , take out ono that tins been taught to lead and weigh him every two weeks An experienced eye docs not need to weigh. The outs should go largely to the calves nnd young colts who will givo'a ' bettor account of It than anything else except the work horses when the time 9omos for active spring work. Wo nro now using nil the feed on the farm , nothing is going to waste und nothing fed th'iit In not giving n profit. Lot us now see how wo might wnt > to these foods on the same stock. Wo might lot the cnttlo wear out their en ergies all winter in trying _ to digest enough corn stilks and straw to supply themselves with onouirli albuminoids or flesh farmers to keep UP their Hush. They would certainly full. A cow would have to ont 400 pounds of straw to got llosh formers equivalent to those contained in nine pounds of oil moiil , nnd she would need about this nmount to kcop her in prplltnblo milking condi tion. In getting enough albuminoids she would oat about twice us much of the carbohydrates us she needs. Wo could feed tlio colts corn and make them fat little chunks , deficient in bone and muscle nnd a dlsappolntmont'to ' the fu ture buyer. While the corn could bcui'cnly bo said to bo wasted by feeding it direct to the hogs , yet the roHiilts - ould bo fur heltnr if we fed it flrst to steers und cows , nnd thus got iho cows and heifers on the spring market , und the liojrs would certainly do bettor if In the dropplngriof ol | monl fed cattle they got enough of the ulbuminods to balance up an exclusive corn ration , J < ot every reader think thin plan over 'und prove ItH accuracy und value for hhiinolf , A | > | ii > Trrcx" Udaon Onylord , Nora Springs , lu. , writes Drnngo JuOd Furmorr Trimming npplo trees here in the northwest la u very important mutter to nil anxious to grow itpplos successfully. After nearly forty yours of observation f hnvo como to the conclusion that , up to 1684 , nlnotv bearing upplo trees in 100 were killed by Improper betting , training and trim ming. When ti young mnn in Now Kiicr- land 1 wns once handed a suw nnd un uxo nnd Instructed to trim the orchard. The trees were old und ns big us barrels , 1'orfui't DiMolupojnent Depend * Upon Perfect Nutrition. The genuine Johunii Uoff'a Mult Kxtruot IH tlio bc&t tonlo nutritive ox taut for indigestion und the weak und dcbllltutod , and nn excellent tublo bovorugu Lie ware of Imitations. The genuine must h'tvo the algnu- nature of "Johnun Hoff ' bn the nock of every bottlo. nnd I was told to thin out tlio branches to lot in tlio ulr niul mm. Tlio Instruc tions I received In Now Knglnnd were till right there , but nil wrong in tlio northwest , .Out * constant cnro here In trimming mid training an npplo tree Is to prevent the sun from striking nuy of the Inrgo branches , where they loan from tlio Him , or tlio trunk. When I But out u tree 1 llrst oxiuuliio It thoroughly nnd sot It with its principal branches towards the sun'taking sjioeial euro to point tlio loading brunches towards tlio un at 1U : : ) p. in. In tlio northwest wo trim to shut out llio sun as much as pos sible ; never to lot Inlhosun I never remove n dead limb , if by so doing tlio Inner branches , crotchet or trunk will bo unfavorably exposed lo the otToots of llio ami. A few moments of the sun will not injure unfavorably ox posed brnuohos or trunks , but two hours or thrco of tin- Interrupted r.iys striking such places us loan from the sun , will kill nearly all varieties bora 1 cut olT any lending branches appearing on the northeast sldo , nnd contlnuo this prnctico until the trees uvo flftcon vents old , \vhoii they loao their inclination to grow in that direction. Most apple trees , ns commonly sot and trimmed , loan to the northeast by the tlino they como into bearing , and the heaviest part of the top will bo found on that si do , and on the sure rend to destruction. On the other hand , if a trco Is crown to the sun and kept there until llftuon years old , it will boconio fixed nnd established. None but extremely - tromoly hard varltlos will endure If loft to grow from thc'aun. Those lessons I luivo loiirned at a great saerlllco , anil no nno can nlTord not to hood them. If a tree is found open on the sun side , I clip the twigs iust-ubovo such buds us will best grow into the opening. Tlio great destruction of apple trees in the north west by sun-killing hus caused the lisa of all manner of devices to protect tlu trees , but if a troa is properly grown it needs no protection. [ The proper time for pruning fruit trees in a cold ell ma to is after the severe - voro weather of winter is past and before - fore the buds atari into growth in spring. Prune so as to retain a central loader and cut back rival shoots that would cause a forked tree. Tin : UH12 , ] I'oiprmlnt | In Ttabnttkn. The fact that peppermint grows wild on low lands in the Platio valley , loads naturally to the conclusion that'll might succeed as a cultivated crop , says the Silver Crook Times. Such has boon our opinion for years , though so far as wo know the experiment , orais ing1 it has never been made. It is in the hope that the subject may bo investi gated and the facts in the eaSe fully de termined that wo now call attention , to it. There are many farmers in this val ley who lese their crops ovcry few. yonra from the overflowing of streams nhd ex cessive rains. If now anything which rains and Hoods will not hurt can b6 profitably grown on thc&o low lands , a , knowledge of that fact would bo tin inestimable - timablo boon to hundreds. Some of the readers of the Times may have had practical experience in peppermint growing , and from such wo would bo glad to hoar. Floyd Bacon , ono of our residents who formerly resided in the peppermint dis trict in Michigan , Is very sanguine that the crop will succeed horo. From him wo get the following points : Planting is done in the early spring and the ground must bo kept free from woods the first season , but no cultivating is done for the two seasons following , when tlio ground is to bo replanted. Tliroj crops then are Obtained from oho planting and ono season's cultivating of wnioh the first year's crop ia usually the best. The mint-is cut with a'common mower and hauled to the still in a par tially cured state. A still can bo had for about $100 and ono man can run it. An aero produces from twenty to.forty pounds of oil. Tlio cost of distilling and putting in jars is abtml 20 cents par pound. The oil is never worth less than $2 per pound and at present is worth $ o. The usual price is $2.60' to $ tt.f > 0. After passing through the still the straw is as good : vs hay for stock. At the still a rough shed with a lloor , but epon at both sides , is required. * . From those facts and figure ? it will bo sooli that where ivgood crop can bo obtaino'd the profits must bo very groat. , A JJttln ftultmcu. . i The men of sciouco are over active in their investigations of all uubjoutli , both now and old. Whatever science toiicncs it helps by at least learning some funda mental fact which is useful at thi.pres ent or some other time. The subject of "Milk Giving" is discussed by John Gould in the 'Practical Farmer. Ho says : The more the matter , is Investi gated , the more proof is presented that the -cow's udder is not distended with milk at the tlmo of milking , but lillod with materials out.of which mild is made , secretions from the blood , anil as the milking progresses , the lluldsaro carried through the glands , and take in llioir elements , and are pressed by the milking process as complete milk. It is now known that If a cow with a full udder of milk is killed , that only u lit tle complete milk will bo found at th'o base of the teats in the little reservoirs , but that the fluid up in the glands will be n yellowish substance , and devoid of fats. This is a strong confirmation of the old theory , that milk was completed out of its diverse elements during the pro cess of milking , just in the sense that saliva is deposited in tlio mouth during eating ; a fluid that is secreted only an faat as demanded , yet containing many com ponents necessary to the digestion of tlio food. So far as this is concerned , the dairyman in but a speculator , yet jt lias its lesson of making conditions favor- abln for the cow to give down her milk ; making the mllitlng process aj/rooablo ami not one of distrust , an < ! u iiiletruet that , the next move will bo n ' 'hat" or two with the milking stool , with the boot too uucomimnimont. The milking process should bo ono of quiet , nnd even the extending of caresses to gain the good-will of tlio cow. To "wake up" n cow for a mlbdomcunor , for which the milker is ellen to bluino , is to exelto hoc , and excitement always means less milk , and noticeably , yet less fntu. Did thin expenditure of nerve force consume the fats or prevent their formation ? Lie qulot with tlio cow. Il\u Hlurk KoonrilH. Breeders of improved live stock of every description will bo interested in tlio complete list of live stock record BO- ciotiuHln Kugjnnd and on the continent tlmt U a feature of the American Agri- culuirittt for January. All tlio assocm- tionu that maintain a registry for re- cordinir pedigrees are listed , including their full name , address of the secretary , the name of their publication and the lutoBt volume published. The list In cludes tlio uagocmllons for the improve ment of varlouu breodn of IIDI-HOS , swluo , euttloand sheep , not only in England , but in all European countries. A simi lar list is complete for record associa tions of the United States. In Iliu Lecture Itooui , Notnlng disturb * a lecturer no much ns a peed , boattby , fully Uovoloncd cout'ti , Bpioo /oiks lumk a Kiuollni. uaby is worse , but Murk Tvvuln say * vhnt la on omerBoacy you cun kill ttio buby , but Jnost leoturors l)0vv ) f rrj' bottle of Huller1 * BuroOure CougU ilrup and give dee of that.