THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JAISTARY' 27. 18112. SPEGlftL NOTICES , ADVUITISEMKNTS FOIl T1IK8K fOI.UM.V3 Kill bn token until 1JHO : p. m , for the oronlnij nil until 8r : 0 p , m. , ( or the morning or Snnrtar edi tion. tion.All All inlTtttlMmontu In thrto column * ISreoti a line flritlntct lion nd lOtrntu a line thereafter , or 12 ttr line per month. No ndrertlrement takr-n for jri sthsn2. ' > rents for the first Insertion. Terms.canh In Kilrnnrp. Count nbout 7 words to the lln . Inlt- l > 1Mpurr ) > r , symbol.He , each count no n word. All nilTrttlKmcntomuH rnn ronsecntlTPl ) ' . Acliff- llsprr. by reqnrsllnR a numbered cheek , ciin hnro tliplrli'llprmdrlrPi'Fed to n nnmbprpd inter In mrn of Tm : nrr Anowprn o nrtrtriMVjd will bo dellr. f ttcl on presentation of tlio chock , plIANtlt OKK1CKH ADVKllTIBlNfl KOHTHKSK J 'folntrn nlll bo taken on the abort ; condition * tlttip follow Ing Ini9lne hoaron. who nro author- Hullo tnkPMitclnl nollees at the morales mean IP rinil lit thi > main omcoi t-oiith Omaha lltiincli Offco No. fC23 N Mreet , llflrrblnct John W IP ! | | , rhnriTmclsl.tllh n < i M sea streets. R. II , Vnrn worth , plmrmncli t.J115 Cumin * itrpot. W.J. llnrrifn , tihnrmacl t(3lN.1 Hh Ktrrot. . C K. Patterned ] , pharmacist , 1718 LeaTenworth tlrfpt. a' pharmapr. ? h and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. IIATE8--1&P n line flrM limn nndlOon llnothprp- , - nftpr. No advprtlfpmpnt tnkcn for lra than JSc , WANTr.l ) , Y'OSITlbx WITH HONKST KIIIM nil calpirnan or oftlro work ; oood reference Klvrn nnd required. Addrcim M 13 , lice. MTU 1 * Jwn'ION v MAN WIT1 IKK Vfuij VKAHS experience In larito slock of hardware. queen- wnro , KtiivcB. tin Kliop , Implement * ; good refer- tnccs , Atldrcaa Quick , 1' O. box 231 , llnddnm. Knn. cic a. * _ AHKHPO.N8IHI.K. . KXl'lCIUKXCKI ) MAN nantn position nnclcrk.eolloclornr bookkeeper ; bgflclty iBfcrenrca. Atlrtrenn M 10 , Ueo. Maim * * A II V COMl'KTKNT MAN AMI WIKB TO Mii'Orlntond ' n larito fnrm or ranch , cnn board othPrhniHla If ilealrcd. Adilroim lock box. V > 0 , Ham- -litirn. la , A WANTHI ) , A ItKHI'O.NBIHI.K POSITION IIV A No , 1 bookkeeper , 15 1 yearn OTperlenco. Host city references. Address I.IW , lice MSI I TO * WANTED.-MALB HELP. . . .HATES-- n line llrnt tlmn nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for leii than 2 > o J 'ployed ? Will you work for f 18 per week ? Wrlto mo nt once. J , It. ( Jay , lilt Mndlnon at. , Clilcnuo. 111. MOW 2i ' O WANTKI ) , TWO J1OY8. STKAIIV WOltK. V'Omahn llox Factory , Knut Omnhn. (127 T > -WAN'TKI > , MKN TO TIIAVKI. TOIl OtIU -iJCnnmla nursorlci. Stuno A WolllnglonM dI- laon.VI - -WANTHD-nKNHIlAI. HTATF3 AOKNT TO open hendqimrter In norno principal city , n - itnmn control of oilr'tiUNlnrntt , nnd appoint local and aiilmKcntfi In every city In thin ktate : uood ) In universal demand , nnd pay a net prolllof W to 100 percent. The Union Company,7 < 4 llronilwnr. Now York. MMBI7 * -WANTHI ) . A KlllST-ri.ASS 1II.ACK8MITII. Koodwnncs nndnlendy job ; married man pre ferred. Cnll on or nddross llnrrcll llrox , Clarlnda , , lown , Ml ! A * "I1-AOKNT8 WANTKI ) KOHTHH WOIIMVS KAlll J/nouvnnlr , Kiclunlvo territory Klvcn. Sample , fiOo. Hent on receipt of prlrn to uny ndilrosa. l World's KnlrHouvcnlrCo. , 1)03 N. V. Life DulMIng Onmha , Nebrankn. I-CASVASHKIIB WAKTUI ) . CAM. Oil AD- ) ( lrc 331 N. Y. I.lfo building. MZSIFI4 * 1WANTKI ) . 8AI.K8MKNONBAI.AIIY Oil COM- J'mlrslnn to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing penell , The greatest soiling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroiiEhly In tvo seconds ; , no nhrnslou of paper ; 2U ) to MX ) percent profit ; nno agent's pales amounted to K 3) In six days , another 133 In tvrd hours. Wo nant ono general agent In , -cnch alntnand territory. For terms and full par ticulars address Monroe Kriiscr Mfg. Co. , l.n Crossc. Vfls. , X.W. 701 WANTED -FEatAI.E HELP. HATKB-l.V : a Una first tlmo nnd lOc a line there- after. No ndvortlaomont taken for less than 2. > c. p-A ( lllll. FOIl OKNK11AI. HOUBKWOKIC IN Mfnmlly of two. Call nt No. = 215 Howard at. 'J MUIO-M' P A ( ! OOI ) SAfjAUV OUAUANTKICn TO ANV wladr who will do writing for mo at Iiomn. Ad dress In own handwriting with addrcRpcd and stamped envelope. Mini Kdnn I. . Sniftho , South Rend , Ind. , proprietor of the fninoui Ulorln Wntcr. f iiisx ) i-a > C WANTKD ClllI , FOIl 1IOUSKWO11K SIT 8 19th at. JS5-27 * . / 1-HKST OF WAOKS TO A COMl'KTKNT ( llllf. V/muat bo good cook and luimdrcim. 2i03 Karnam 1,2 ! 211 ' / 1-OlIU. FOIl ntCNKUAI. I1OUSKWUHK. Al1' V/ply No. 2214 Lake alreol. 01728' l 1-GIHh WANTED , 1121 JACKSON ST. ST.M10120' M101-20' C-WANTKI ) , Olllf. TO DO UKNKIIAT. HOUHK- work. 2lia Quant. 28' /T WANTKI ) . SMAI.I. O1IH. TO TAKB CAIIK OF . 15th , ! ld floor , flat 1) . MUttM * C SI'COND Olltlj AND HKI.r TO TAK13 CAIIK children , 2115 ht. llury's uvo MX ) 27 * -WANTKI ) , A OIItL FOIl GKNK11AI. I1OUBK- work ; must bo good cook , washer and Ironcr. Apply 2I > 22 Capitol are. .W C-WANTKI ) , A WOMAN TO HUN A rllllllT bosom , collar and cuff Ironor. City Steam Laundry , riattamouth , Neb. 66.1 ! -WANTKD , YOIJNH Olllf. TO ASSIST WITH housework , 142) ) N. li'th ' atrcet. S77 20 /-l-WAN'rr.D , GIIII , FOIl DKNKItAI. IIOU8K- ' . V. work , family of three , good cook. 4014 Seward t 57027 * C WANTKI ) . A GOOD GBIIMAN Olllf. TO DO general housework ; rcfcrenccn required. 1212 b aiat at. S70 27 * C WANTKI ) , A COOD COOK.AND I.AUNDIIK88 gUI. Mrs. C. 8 < laymoud , 114 South USth avenue. . HHOI ' -WANTKD , A CAl'AIII.K PKCONI ) I.nndon Court , fourth IIOUHO from the cornorof 24th atrcoU Ono block north of bt. Mary's nvenuc. illdl TOR HENT---HOUSES. I1ATKS-1U- line flrat tlmo and lOo a line there- nftor. No advorthmniont taken for less tlmn We. -6 IIOOM 1 IOU8E , K& "s 1 2f8T ST\ D ST012 012 1 IIKATUl ) IlOIIfllC FOIl J-'rt'iil , or will pell furnUnro cheap and nlve pos- c lon Immediately. 2.117 Douglas. MGU2 27 * -pi 1 HAVK TWO VICHY DF.HIllAIll.K IIOUHKS : L/wlll rent cheap to permanent tcnacta. .K. F. Williams , Hrst National llankllulldlnif. JKWi JS 1-V-B.MAU , HOU8B.FUllNiaiIKI ) . WITH I'lANO , X/ri'ht low ; California \ street. KliSU \-I.AltliK LIBT. OKO. J. IWIU * 10W KAHNAM WOKZl' B-I-pIUUtNT , ON1.V 125. THAT 10IIOOM MOD- urn housd ; no convenience Ineklnx , Hoe It nt law N , Ibth Mreot ; only mipoimllilu tenant connld- ored. J. 11. Julnmin , 8)2 N. V. Life. M48I Ti COl"l'AK ON N. TII. NKAH t. , clieup. Knqillrn , 82S 8. 16th > t. 4i > 7 M _ _ B-DKSIUAIII.n 3-HOOM CO1TAOK , 1JTII AND I'larK MrootB. MMS ; J * lKOIl IIKNT.I0110USIC8. fiUUANI ) UIMVAIIDU per month. Thoo. F. Davis compuujr. VIU Kill . . . . .VNICK5-IIOOM COTTAtIK , J3IO CA83 jJ \ . V. 0'.Mollor. 471 ! T\-IlKSIlfAIIIM FI.ATH WITH AND WITHOUT _ Llfam ( unit , stores. dwelllnKs and coltaxea In all parts of cltjr ; Kolkcnnjr , Continental block. T -KOIl HUNT. TI1IIKU NKW 7-HOOM , Z BTOHV l-'cotlnk-t'i with bath nnd nvwiraxo , at nnd near corper Webster and Thirtieth utrotla. lledutcd to I U.UU tv > ch. Henry W. Vatus. M T\-8.1IOOM HOU8K ) MODKUN : BSI Hal ) HT. -3. 4 A & UOO11 IIOUSKH. 110 to f 15 ; I11CST HKH- Iduncu Uuts Iu iltjr , Mead Inv't Co , , 4 Hoc bldv. 7ta \-Hll UKNT. HOUHK 10 IICXHIB , AI.I.MODBI1N J liiiprovemciils , JJO.UI per month. 82d nnd Furnani. Dextur 1 * Thouius. 71,5 { V-FOIl HKNT. U-ltOOM HOUBK , WITH BOTH J 'gnu and raimu If desired , all In good condition ; location near : uth and Bt , Jlary'a arvnuu. Trlco TeaiMMiaUle : sprclal terras Klvmi to the rluht party , Inqulru Wli turnaui > t. , ur (1 , II. TucUuck , lieu ere co. M8aJ D-NKW n-ltpOil COTTAdFB , StODKIl.V IM- proremvuts , "rltanlord Circle * . " Applr a 8. Klgultvr , room 4 , N , \ \ Jlfo bull tlim , jwi B-UIICOM HOUHK HTH AND DAVKNl'OUT. all roiiTonlonco , ta UU p r inoatb , V , K. liar llQK , Darker block. M nub " IS MNB UOOM UOU8r : MOUUIIN IMl'HOVK- l meuls. rva > oiiable , 13 N. 25th uvu. Applr , It. Kallsh , tailor. 211 N. llHh st , tW ( lATKH-lio a Una tlrnt line and IDo a llneTiiero- qfter. KQttd trtl t'iueiit taken for Icj thaiiMa if TllOOMH rail IIOUaiKKKi > liVR I-XIIJIAN JJand wlfuj no children ; runt takeu Iu board , alu N nth. an 11KNT , O.NK LAllUi : KIIONT A1.COVK Urooru wllh bar window , lurnlnheil or uufur- nlshud , Uuutleiucn prvfvrred , KWB. 2Sth avenue. E roil UKNT , BTKAM . . . rooms , an 80.15th street. MMS 30 _ _ E-t (111N1S11K1) ( ItUOU WITH IIATII , Id MONTH 1MJV Kaiuaiu. tit \ ' UOOM WITH ALCOVK. K N.JI8T. , / MUi fl * Ull 1 - roil UKNT. NICKI.Y HIILM HHD. HKX.NU Jitorr bark room , suitable for single Koutlcxiiaii , without boartl , 1W U , Klh itrurt. tij . mu. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. RATKSl.So n llnoflrnl tlmo nnd tOa a line thero- ft r. No urtrprtltcment taken for IPSK than Io IJ'-'SUITKOFBOUTH HOOM3 WITH IlOAItl ) . I1J1 Chicago street , MCM jS-KUilNISHED 113OM3 , IIOAUI ) . 2214 FAIINAM t , lleferonceii. -WAHM IIOOM8 AND tlOAUIl 8UITA1II.K FOH - K'titlcmpn. Term * rra nnabo. ! Tlio lllll lil , N , W. corner 18th nntt DortRC. 4 ! ' < TJ' _ l-KLinANTI.V fUlIN 1 8 HKI ) ItOOMS. SINOI.K Jor on unite ! nil modern eonronlcnccBl flntrlaM lioard. 313 Sonth JCtli trc t. KOH UKNT , KUUNI8llii ) HOOM8 WITH boari ) , 1522 llonanl sU norllicasl cor. ICtli lit. JM27 * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS ItATKS-l.lcd llnp nrnt tlmo nnd lOo n line Ihero- after. No nilTertlfomcnt taken for le-s than Ua. G-TWO ROOMS IN I1A9KMKNT , CITY WATKIl and sewerage , Itttl Fnrnam at , 479 23' BOABDINO. 11ATE3 15c a tine flrst time nnd tOo a Una there after. No adrartlatiulent taken for leai than 2io TT-1'UI.t.MAN IIOUSK , 1310 DOIH1K , FOU ( lKl ( ) L-lboanl , nicer rooms , conrenlencns. rates and lo- atlon It cnnnot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 M ID * FOR RENT'-STORES AND OFFICES. HATttS-l5c a line Itrst tlmo nnd lOo a line tliern after , No adrertlsemont taken for les than 2Sa T FOIl HUNT , BTOUI ! , 1113 JACKSON BTItKKT , I Mill HUNT , THH 4-STOHV IIHK'K IIUIUUNO. JvIO Knrnam street. The building has n tire proof cement baseinent.rompleto Btonni hoatlng tlTtnrei , water on all the floors , uas , etc. Applr at the onico of The lice. HIS FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATES I5on line flrat tlmo nnd ICe n linn them- after. No adrertlsemont taken for lesi than 2.V ) r-lMl'llOVKDFAIlM OF IW ACItl'.S , 10 MII.KS " e t of Omahh. Iltirtmnn A Hobblnn , S40 Ileo btilg. M I4 TIG WANTED TO RENT. UATiS : IBon line tlrst time nnd lOo n line there , after No adverttaoiucnl taken for less than Jic. K WA7jTK TO II"KNT A RKM"INOTON oil Sralth-l'remler typewriter. Address M IT Ileo. K WANTKD , TO UKNT , HY HKSl'ONMIILK party , 7 room house with all modern Improve ments , Addresser call at,41.1 Ilamgeblock , M 4UI , RENTAL AGENCIES. line first tlmo nnd Uo ) a linn them- niter. No advertisement taken for less than YM. L--TO INHU11H QUICK 11KNT1NO , LIST WITH the Kxcluslvo Ilental Agency. I'n'rotto , Donglaa block. MM II , K. COM3 , CONTINENTAL ULOCK , L ItENTAIi AOKNOY ; BANK K. C. ( Jarvln A Co. , Z flieely block. M 751 STORAGE. HATKs 15cn 1ln flrit tlmo nnd I On n line there after. No advertisement tukun for less than 2V } . M DIIY , CI.KAN AND I'lUVATULY STOHKI ) furniture. Omnha move Ilcpnlr Work , 1.1)7 Doug 71.3 M-OI.DF.bT , CHKAI'KST AND HEST STOIIAOK hotiDO In the illy. Wllltntn * & Cross , 1214 Ilitrnoy WANTED TO BUY. UATKS irmalluonrst tlmo nnd lOc a linn thoro- after. No advertisement taken for lass t nun'- . W" WANTKI ) , GOOD FAIl.MS IN DOIHU.AS. Ll Harpy or any good east Nebraska or western Iowa counties. K. F. Itlngor , 151 ! ) Farnam. VT-A STKKI. CHK9T - SMALL 8KCOND-HANI ) A l tlmo lock and vault door , suitable for country bank , Adilrens J.-1L Atwood , liox 82 , Albany , Oru , ftSJ 26 * N--WANTKI.UAIUIKIl CIIAIU. SKCOND HAND , must bo cheap ; atate prlco. C. W , Itocman , Corloy , la. 6K7 20" \r-WK' ' IIAVK CIJ8TOMKIIS FOIl NKBIIASKA -Li fnrniH. Co-oporntlvo Land and Lot Co , , 315 N lUh ( street. MtXXifC TVT WANTKD , TO II1JY SAI/3ON FIXTUHK8 FOIl l > cash. , Anton F. Dwornk , llurwell. n'eb. M4UG.I * -FVr TOlltJYHKCOND-HANDFUIlNlTUIlK.HlOII J.1 cet prices paid , lloaton Furulluro Co.CU3 N , intU an KJ- Vr-FUHNlTUUK. BOUGHT , SOI.D , STOHKD. > Well , Illl Fnrnam utroet. 771 FOB SALE-HORSES WViaONS ETC. HATU8 I5c n line first tlmo and lUo a Una thoro- after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. l-f2.5COIJHTI.AND HUIIHKY , NKAIILY NKW , 1 newhornoas and chunky horse , family pet , for fix , or hor.- f 100. Willis Vales , utrcnl , 82nd street , 2nd honso south of California. MH 27 < a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS 15c u line flrat tlmo and I0o n line there after. No advertisement , taken for less than 2ic. ' " Q'- In the building recently occupied by the Council UlulTa bavlnga ihanlc. Ofllcor & 1'uaey , Council Illutfs. MUOttl _ IO8CELLANEOUS. IIATKB 15c n line tlrst time and lOo a line there after No advertisement Uikou for less than 25c. TJ I'llYHICIA.VWANTKD-A GOOD 1'HVHiriAN 1 Venn llnd a desirable location by addressing 8. K. Iloaelilor , Ulit Springs , Neb. .MWIflS- CLAIRVOYANTS. UATKS I5o a Una llrat tlmo and lOc u line there after. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25c. revelations L'hallenicea the world. Mrs. Dr M. Ijegravc , u-nil Iranco clairvoyant , astrologlst , palmist and Ufa ruador ; tells your II fo from tha cradle to grave ; unites tuo separated : causes mar rlago with the ono you love ; tolls whore you will succeed and In wbat business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Kgyptlan brcaatplatu for luck and to duatroy bad Influences ; ciirestlts , Inlompor&ncoand all prlvatu complalntb wllh massage , baths and ul- cohol treatment. Send 12 , lock of hair , name ami date of birth and receive accurate Ufa chart ; 2 centaln atampa for circular ; give Initials of ono YOU will marry ; also photoa of aauio. Ottlco 1007 Koutu 11th street , llrit door : hours , Da. ni. to Up iu. Come ono. cotuo all , and be convinced of this wonderful oracle. M8JOK1' S-MHH. MAHY KltlTZ , 2429 I.AKK STIIKKT. clalrvo > ant and traucn medium : Independent voices ; tojla paat and future. & 7I l' ) ' S-MltH. NANNIK V. WAIIIIKN , CLAIIIVOYANT , reliable bualness incdluiu , fifth ycar.ut H'JN. li.tli. MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. UATKS-16c a , , line flrat time and lOc a line there after , No advertisement taken for less than J.V , . l.ABS [ parlor * In Omaha. OTurMU 8. iith : st , MKJ Kll * rp-rMADAVK l.A HUB , MAHSAdK THKATMKNT , i iltlKo. lith Btint : Hour flat < 11492117 * rr MADAMK 8M1TH. 11:1 DOIUil.AS STItb'K.T. J. room 7,8d door. Alcoholsulphur aud sea baths. M8S4 3I rr-MASHAiKTUKATMKNT. KI.KCTItO TIIHIl- X mal batlis , yealp nnd hair treatment , mniilriiro audcblropodlst.Mrs. I'utWIUHS. IHh.Wlthnelt blk. PERSONAL. HATKS-lto a Una nrat Urn * and I0o a line there alter. No admllsciiient Inkrn ( or less than ! & . - , 0-MATII1MONY. KUJ.I.TAIITICULAIIB , 10 ( M'S llox 3W. Onmha , Neb 6BH it' MUSIC , AAT AND LANGUAGE. HATKS-lScit line flrtttnie and lOu'a line thcro alter. Np advertisement taken for jess than X5o. r-llKFOKK IIUV1NO A I'lANO ICX IMINK TIIK neir Bcale Klmball planu. A , Hospe , UM Douulu 771 r-tt. K. UKI.l.KNUKCK. UANJO TKAL'IIKIl with Hoipo. or .il N lith itruot , 3d floor , 'JU MONEY TO LOAN REAL H8TATK. UATK8-l6oa Una tint tluiB and luc a linn Ihero after , hoodrvrtliienivnt ( akea for li's > ( tan 3c r UKAUKHTATK 1AIANH. 1'AUI. , 1CUU FA1INAU it * - \\r-tiKCONDMOllTOAUISa. AI.KX MOOIIK. 401 \ \ HeellldE. 7ttJ \\r-CEKTUAl4 LOANANUTHIWTCO.IIKEW.UO V > . t Jl W 11ONKV TO 1XJAN ON I.UNll OK SHOUT tlma In uuis of f3UU lo 110,000 , Mutual InreMlncnt Cumpanr , 71lj \\r-A l'1'I.V TO J. I. IMVBTT MU CHKAI' luonen onlr upon drmclass > e urltr. ) ZU Buutu 13th liroot. MWO w -COAT1S8 , T , BOAUD TIIADK. KAbTKItN _ i34 " \tr-ANTHONY I.OA.V ANUTUU8T CO. , IIS N. V. Jl Ufa. lend at low ratoa Wr choice security ou hebraika ur Iowa ( arms or Omaha city proportr. \\r-IXJAN8. W.M.I1AHUIS.U a ) , ? \ \ r-I/WK ! > T UATKS OK WTKUKST OX KIUST > I clau oc-irltjr. Ixjtottt Woodman , ta s 15th. \\r-LOAN8PN IMI'IIOVKUAKI ) UNIUI'llOVKU cltrpropertr.M.UUOauil upwards.O tog per cent. No d lar . W. f rn m guillli & Co. , llth & Jlaruor , JJT \ir IXIANSO IIKAJ , ESTATK AND COI.I.AT- l > leral note * and ntortvage * bought Heed A 8olbrW4Uo nlotTr .lo , TW " \y Q. O , WALLACE , Jit linOWtf BLOCK. MKft MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. Cotiffntinl. I'llOI'F.llTY. 1C SKII. AND W Iowa farms. K. K. lllngor , 1M9 Karrmm \ \ r-fi-PKIl CKNT KIU8T MOHTOAOK IXJAN9 , Richard C. I'attcrnon. 1511 Farnam at. VI \\r-HKAI. KaTATKI/OANHB Til 7 I'KIl CKNT. ' no additional ehargea for torhnitvlon or nttor- nor'a feca. W , II. Memo , Klr t National bank bl lit. 77i \\r-IXJANH ON HKAIi ESTATE , 1.OVVK8T ratca. The O.KUavIa company. U-3 KID MONEY TO LOAN C X .MONKYTOIXAM , HO.GoTANDW DAYS ON furnllttrp , etc. Dud Oreen , rsu. Cbnllnontnn > lk. X SIONKY TO LOAN I1Y II. V. MAHTIIHS OX ) iou > ohold good' , pl/ino * . orgnnii , liortea. mules wagons , etc. . at the lowest posnlblb rates without publicity , removal of property "r Chnuno of pos session , Tlma arranged to salt tbo borrower. 1'sjnientn of any nmount cniv .n made nt any time , reducing both principal nnd Internal , thus giving patrons all tiio benetlls of the partial pay ment plan , Lall and neo me when you want n lonn , or If moro convenient call tclpphotio l'il ' ntid your bnslness cnn lip nrrnngod nl homo. Money always on hnnd ; no dnlay ; no publicity ; loweft rates : business confidential. II. F. Masters , II4 Wllhnoll blk , , I.Vlh nnd Ilnrnny , 107 V CHATTKIj 1XANS , I1KMKHICT Jt WUAY. Oil Vl'aiton block. Wo loan our own money , charxo no commission. It will pay you to consult ns. MMiJBl * XnoU'TIMIIlCUAUU , 11 3 , VVITJINELL 11LK x -CHATTKI.LOANS-UM N. Y LirK. MOIUH31 > Z03F10 * X MONKYON rtJIlNlTUIlK , 1IOHHKS , PIANOS. Kojatono Altgo. Co. , room 203 , Chcelr block. JII90 V SIONRY IXJANKl ) ON FUKNITOIIK.-HOHSKS , VwngoDa , pianos , irllliout removal or change of possession. Confidential. FredTcrrr , r 43.1 , llnmge. 29t X MONK. TO LOAN ON CIIA1TK1.8 : 15 to days. 2II& dimming St. MUI5-K4 BUSINESS CHANCES. ItATBS Iflo a line ( IrU time and lOo a line thora- after , No advertisement taken for less than 25o. \r-WANTKII-A VAUTNKII WITH fl.OXJOO or 1 fJ.OOOOU cash to take half Interest In an estab lished butter hitslnois. Thla Ian good opening for llvo man. Address , M ID. lice olllcu. MU33 ' "J * y WANTKI ) . TAHTNint , TO A FINK GOOD paying buslnoia 111 Omaha. (3000 to (5.000 do- aired. Hoferencea neccasaryt ladles preferred. Apply M 15 , lice. 01927 * y' 8IIOKSTO11KFOH SAI.K. TOWN OP 5ono. Onlr one other shoo store , Address , I' 472 , Norfolk , Neb. G141 * Y FOIl SALK. I'llYSlCIANS 1MIACTICK IN town of 400 people , town eight miles ono sldu and ten the other. Address , M It ! lice. UI.110 * Y WANTKI ) , A I'AUTY TO I'lJIlRlIAHK A ( JOOI ) lot on ICtli st , with four story building , nnd lease same to uio for W yearn at ti ncr cent , flood references furnished. Address M 12 , Ileo MOO'i 2S WANTKD. fl.DOJ. TO TIIAVIH. with adTcrllscr who controls n monopoly for IM Rtntcsi ninst hart * liolp ; there la u clear 11.000 for every $100 Invented ; straight , legitimate business. Address M 14. Ileo ofllco. .MCI I 27 * Y-FOIl HAI.K , WltnMJ OH HA1.K' 1NTKUK' T In a democratic papcri town lO.UUU people : bar * Kiiln If gold Immediately. Address M 8Omnhn lice. \r STOllK IIOOM FOIl UKNT , flUltAIII.K FOIl I-dry goods or clothing. In the beat'location ' In Murahaltown , la. Addrota U. X K. , iKCArmiy. Net ) . ' . * , t > SI T ' Y MKAT MAKKKT FOIl SAI.K C11ICA1' . ( ! OT toaoll on account of poor hoalthtfor nartlcu lara call at 13S6N. 17th atreet , i. i i7427 > V KKSTAUIIANT KOIl 8A1.K CIIHAP.-AIMU.Y illlOJ leaven worth at. P72 : il * "V MANOKACTOHINO-AVANTKII.-ICNKIIOKTIO J- man with ufuw hundreddollara Iv atarinmonoy milking manufacturing business jn Omnhn without competition. Addrcas M T , Hee. ' " fi3 VI * Y FOIl SAI.K Oil HUNT , TUB O and lunch counter near th depot In llio ! city of Aurora , Nob. Inqulio of Jl. ) W. tirnytilll. Aurora , Neb . „ . . , . . M530 : Y-l UUNIBHICD IIOTKf. 11011 SAT-KltUl UKNT , the only hotel In city. . . Apply to .Tlldon .Stale bankagent.Tlldon , Neb. ' ' JT ( f Y--AN INCOlll'OKATKD CO. DOINOA , ffOOD buslncsa wish to Inereruto their capital llvo , thouaand dollim , nnd nflor a first class opportunity to a reliable party , ono competent , to take chnrtio of .tho books preferred. Aililre ; ! lejjvJllit' . ; v HATKS-I.Scn line tlrst tlmo'ti'rid lOc a linn thoro- after. No advertisement taken for less than25o. 17 llUOOI ) MAUK KOIl UUGUY Ofl . /-Jlol'.l ' Farnam. . . , u , v.i/i. : ni acres clear hay land ) 12.WO. for dmz-otjjon- crnl stock. jj i , tl.llXI first mortgagQs , clonrlqt-/in.Unrollton , atrrct for city property , land or stock ; ' . 320 acres In Merrlck count/fur gwid .tetlilunco not ovurnOOUort8UOO. ' . . * * " 1 .5 * < , ' . 'r" ' 40 ncres nix miles from poslotllro for good Im proved proiwrty. „ Ilrlck stern bnlldlne on leased Rroand near-Pax- ton hotel , rent * for 1140 per m nttitfor'clly prop- nrty Will iiisumoraortsawo.v * * * lu-rooin house , full lot , on' I'ranklln struct t 100 feet , with 2 houses , on 2llli pi'arillfvruBTi1 else 13 clear lots 111 West Albright , prlco * i' , UOJ ; will ox- cbungo part or all for good farms Innimstern Ne braska or vranloru Iowa. K.,1'1. lllnge.r,15l , , tjirnum. ' y-llOUSK AND LIGHT KXI > IIKi.\VAabNTU ! /Jlrnilo for moving wagon , G , 214 N lutli ntrcet. MCII-27 * rr lilllCK 1ILOCK , IIUNTHI ) I'XIll % 3JX , 'Oil SJstook gen. mdse. , $25OUU to 1(0.000. * K. 1' . Illnger , I5IU Farnam. Z FOH KXCIIANGK , IIOUSK fcXU rilKSIl < OW. Addrc 41IH. 18th at. ' ' UIB27 * y-tl.'iOOCLKAN STOCK MKItCll ANDISIC. WILI , f-i take half cash , balance clear real estate Ad' dress llox.,75. Mchuyler. Nob. MrIO 'W Z FOIl 8ALK OK KXCHANGK. BOX IHJTTK county farm InuilJ , Frank M , Hncduker.Alllaucc , Nob. HKTSI * y-CLKAN BTOCK OF GKNKIIAL M'D'SK : WILI. take real estate & . money. Box W5 , i'laiikforl.lnd TV I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ; HATK3 I5o a line first tlmo and lOoullna inere- nfler. No advertisement tnkcn for less than Xir. iiAliuArN : 1 IIAVK MA'rTji'a'i'it riN'flJM- hranrps which I raunot take earn of , and on > r ti > neil for caBh , M.UIO ; north of flouth Omaha un improved residence property for f.000. lluycrran choose ono appraiser , myaolf one , and tuosBtwo chootOH third. Will accept I2.UOO forflOIXiof tliulr valuation If taken at. once , or will aell In lot * of 11,000 oath on same basin. Address M IB lien. At Il.i8.2a' I-lt [ HALK-S-KCOItNKIl 17TII , DOIICAH. f H'\ IK8 , K cottage , stable for ti horses , canbo divided to 5 lota. liiqulreatproml > 9. Mil 31 * SOACIIKHANCir IN LOUPVAl.l.KY. R MILKS from llnrwoll. Hie county seat of ( iai field county , MINI ImprovciiitMits , river Jront , leasopablu terms. Addreia , T , U llnll , lIurwull.Nvb , Mr J' \\7"K IIAVK A CABH CUSTOM KR" FOIl ONK OH * two modern houses worth niton ! ftfJOJ , must IMJ located wllhln one mlla from pontnlllcxl. Apiun 'lent ' ilntnlu Agency , 1WT l-urnum M. 6 ' .V" 80ACHKFAKM 1 ! MILKS FIIOM LINCOLN , t1 00 per acre , on time. Co Opor tl d'L na aud Lot Co. . 205 N , Hth t , , FJll SAI.K-NO HKTTKIl IIAIUJ A IN "lN"MTY ( lidxUI ftwlthi-ri > omcnttago. at 2517 rame.ron.nt l J ix 1 31 feetjuil at the rear , /rontlnu omWIrlM. suitable for 4 li-riiom cotlagca , worth ttiJjOU , I i.UW takes It wlthlnS daji ; J2.500 fash , lialnnroVlb > UU. If yon want It ace mo quick , owner wrnlafnt'ravp oily. J ll.Johnssn , 842N. Y , Life. * 4 7 27 OK BALK , 2G4M-A'CItK FAItM. b-IlOOM" IIOUSK. barn , 12 horses , 31' cattle , double corn crlba aixll Ice homo , tenement huuaa of X'roomirtoudnder culllvallon ; ) U tameKraaa : U nillea dattof Couu- III Bluffs , la. Addreea I. M. HUB./ „ ' ; "Mill [ 27. * TTOTTSALK , ON bUALL MONTHLY PAl'MKNTS. J. 10 houses. TliuO.FDavlaconiinuyi | , ) | KIU IIHALK ATA IIAHUAIN , ijfr 15. HlxAjK 4 .1' . K Solby'ailral addition to Huillli Uniuha , Small payment ( town , balaucu monthly- ilu lr l , Inquired. II. Ttacuuck , Onmlm Ileo. diU 1JVW HOMKS. ANV rfUL'K. 1750 , II.2..0 III' ; -L oaay terms ; take cluar propuitr a Ural payment. U. U. Wallace , llrowu block , loth and Douglas. -r Til _ _ FOU 8ALK. NKUIIASKA KA11M I.AKD3/ . a Wallace , IU llrowu block , 10li ( aao4)uglai. ; ) ) AT K. COIlNKIl 2TTII AND HICKUIIY. MxJM 1 1 .foot ; a bargain for a fuw ' dayapuly. F , R. liiir- ling , Barker block. 1S A 1ir i > tlfl HAIR aoor > g. 4) .11' ATK.S-llo line first tlruu n1 Wo , . lin aftur. f. ' < ) advurtl iuut takoitfur | | ca I MMIK lKAL LADIKS' HAIH 1iUBikNCJ | VAIt- 1 lora.awltcbui , bangs , wlga.'louproa , Jewtiry 'and hair ornaments in stock ; wUa to o/iUfi apel-lal attention given mall orders. 2twa lOlti at , 3rd floor. T AIIGKST STOCK IN KNTIUK JJlrlcal wigs and beirds a spocltlty. Wlga , tianna , awltcbea , lialrcbalna , etc. , la tock * nd to order , Mall orders sollcltuO. Durlea , illtj. 15th st , Omaha , LOST , i llATK.S-ISo llaa drtt tlmu sod lUo a Una toara after. No advcrtlsoiueut t k nifor l i Utaa aw LD&T TililUK WKKKB AGO , bOOTCH TKUUIRII tomkla dog. abort ears aud tall , auisw < ira4o tbo name of Topsy , llvtura la 18JO Douglaji iruf > t and gel reward. , ItATKS-t : c a line first tlmo and lOo a line then flor. No advertl erde taken for lowthanSM. SKNDYOt'll SCIS9UKriirllAKOILM. KTf.TOItK ground to ltnderlandt ro. lutit * llth at 7 < N MANUF iOTUniNQ JEWELERS. ItATKS-t.Via llnoll qi' and too n line there after. No advertiseme t taken for lo's than SJo CASH 1'AID Hill /1)1,1) ) ) GOLD. CA11SON J Hank * , room SO Ilnrkfit block , Omaha 7W PAWNBROKERS. UATKS IRc a line flrsDittme and lee a line thcro- after. No advcrtltotit'nuakcn for less than 25e. 1KN F. MAHTI , UUMriVKU TO 107 9. I.VTI1 ST. i , f 97 , vv. . BTOOK r.ATK8 15o n line first lira- ! and lOo a line there after , No advertisement taken for teat than VSo. H0118K8 AND COI.TS FK11 ANI.CAIIHI > Foil im farm two miles of Omaha from M to tit month. Ill H. 14th street. Tel. ISPO. MM FI3' MASaUERADE COSTUMS , ETC. S-IScR Mnotlrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for leu tlm'iSio T ADlKS ft cnCMTMCMKN CAN llKNT MAPOtIK- JL/rnilo coBtumoJ at 1U 810th. Uoldon 1'aglv atoro. U'0-m5 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATII , inn * KAKNAM ST.UKE T , OMAHA. RHILWRYTIMECHRD I.cnvca IdllCAUO IIUU1.1NC I'O.N A Q.l Arrive. Oninlia. | Depot IQtli ami Miton Sts | Omnhn Site n ra.r.Knnsns | Ully Day Ktprms . . . 8.M p m .145 p iiiK. | C. Night Kip via U. 1' . Trnnal Ii 40 n m 1.20 p ml Denver Umlted U.4U p m 705 p ln | . . . . DcnydC Kxpross | 7. , < 0 o m Loaves I 8tOU.OlfXA 1'AClFia ( Arrives Oiunhnl Depot. IStli ivgil Wolntcr sta. I. Omnhn 6.45 p m | at. 1'mtlil.lnilleil leaves I CHICAGO * Til WK8TKHNI Arrives U m aim I U. 1 * . depot,1 d Mnrcy Sl . | Omaha Leaven I OMAHA * . < 8T.l.OUH. ! ! ( Arrives ' OmnhnlU. I * , depot. UUdhnd Mnrcy 3UOuiaha ) 4.10 P ml. St. LoulaOirhnon Hall " | 12.55p m F. , ' . " * iWV4LLB > ' . lArrlvea - Omaha-.Depot ! , 15th np < lWul' ter 8ts. . [ Ouinha BOO a in Dcndwoudi Kxpress.- , Ii ? 0 P' in VJW a m ( Kx. Hat. ) WyonUxp. < Kx.j.MonO 620p m 510 p-m. . . . .vNor/olk tti i Simaay.- ) . . ; : ) a m 5 45 p U 2 1 n m Leaves/I , - O. , rj-B. VJ , M. Jt 0. . - , ( Arrive * ) -Uuiuhal IJcpot. lith aatf , Webster St . . Omahi 8 ID. a m . .Hlcnx ( lly ApromrnoclaUon. . U0 > p iu I.OU-P m 8lo ix City Kxpressrx. ( ! Supd'y ) 2 4J p m 6,45 PJU . . . . . . .St , I'auI J.fmltod ,0 2j ft m s r-Vp in UKitcroft rnSseriger x. Siind'y ) S.t" > a in Laves I PACIFIC. ' ' Arrlvot Omntia ) Hepot ISlli. and Wnlister.Sti. f'Omnlm 10. . ) n in .Jt , Loal's Kx/ircas / ( l.Wiim 1130 p nil .81. Ixiil3 Kxprcss MO p m lx > nvcs' ' OMAHA JtST. IXJUId. Trnnsferl Union Depot. Council lllufla. " 4.40 p in | Ht. Lunls panon Hall ll-.IJ y m Lcavps I blOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union DopoCCouiicll llliltTs. iTransfor 7.4J n . .Sioux City Accommodation. . ( ICOI ) p m 6 W p Leaves CUICAOJk.NOHTUWKtiTKUN ! | Arrlvei Trnnsfer Uulon Depot , . Council Ii luffs iTraanfor 12 01 p m Chicago Kxpross ft lO p m b.15 p m Vestlbulo Limited. . , ! i 10 a m 1000 p m Knstcrn Flyer L.iO p m 800 p m ( Kx Sat ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Mon ) 7.35 a m 7.40 a m . * . , Carroll I'aesenner IV 00 p ui 'IMPROVEMEN'101&ORQE2 ' ' ] of tin THE BEST. WHY ? wo liuvo protlted Itlio shortcomings of the old typmvrlters , und have overcome many Ucfucts and , ) > ntwoim oursloveo. wo liuyo ail il oil iiiiinJr Ipiprovcincnts of which tln'lr Invoptors nqvvr ilrcuinuij. All typo oloanud In ted i > ouoiiOs without Eoll- IIIK the binds. ' „ , Moro nidnlfold coplcJ ) can bo made nt ono Ini- | irf ! iloiroii IJio SniUJi 1'renilor than upon liny other typovrriLar ininiufacttircil tenil for outiiloguii TYPEWBITEaS FOR BENT. The SmithFurnum r ; Typewriter Co , Furnum , 0inuli u , Nell. JET. JUitti.tGKH. THE SHORTEST LljiK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'ys represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , arriving rivingat Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. ' F. A. NASH , Cen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. DR. EYE EAR , HOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST. Glasses adjusted to ull visual defects. Uutarrli successfully trontnd , Room 18 , Darker Block , 15tli and Faroam A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS r.Ufit LV RY LhS : or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro 1 % permanent nnd notn pMclilns up. Cn e % trealM fnjfn year < ( ilio hnfp noror wen n symptom IKee1 , rty lp ) flMniiea < a fully wa can trent you by 'mall , ind wt > ( tl cthoss-MO * lrong gimantpo to cure orrc/Hna'attrfloncy Those who prefer to come hero forirc'atmctjlcartdoiionnd we will pay railroad faro tilth * up ( uid hotel hill * while hem If we fall to cure. Wol'lMlhMiji * the World for n ca < e that our MAO10 1IK.MKDY will not cure. Wrlto for particular * ami Kct the rvJJmiN' . In our Mven yoirs' prn-tlco with thin MA01O UIS\0iV : It 1ml been mot dlnicult to UTcnMiuo tlitf VivJniltAia aualnU ocalleil peolllc < . lint under our ftrong guarantee thomand am trying 'ilnndjielngciircd , We guarantee to cure or refund qvcrydollar , limlni wo Imvo n roputntlon to proton nl ohnanclal bncklngof fSIOOX ) It la pcrfectlr oafe to nil who will try the treatment. lleretoforoyott IIUTO I'cerfputUnjrupanl pn > Ing out your money for diner < Mittrc tnnnt ; , nnJ although you nro not-yet cured nn otic lias paU back your tnonuy * We will poiltlrely cMra you. Old chronic1 , deep loatod ca'oi euro I In : i } to W day * . InTc tUatoour financial standing , our reputation ai IfuilncM men. Wrlto u < for names and jldd.rcMp of Jliu'a wo have cured uh > > hare xlven pernil lon to rofvr to them , 11 cost * you only pint- ago to do Ihla. If your ymptoiia are < jro throat , tnncouM'titcho * In mouth , rhouinatlsin In lionet and Jointshair falling out , eruption * on any pnrt of the body , foiling of general dopronlon , pains In head or ponos. Youliaro no tlmo to watte , Tho'owhoaro cohilatiliy taking mercury ant potash houMill con * tltu'io ' It. CorHtMit Una of the o drug will nurcly bring sarcfiUtid.'eatliig ulcers In the end. Don't fall to Wrlto All correspondence sent sealed In plain envelope * . W Invite the most rigid Investigation nnd will do all In our power to at > you In It , Address DCOK REMEDY ' 0. , - Omaha , Nebraska. MAGIC CURE FOR ONLY. MEN nee for u on o of I.ovr or TAiMsn SUx- HOOD , ( lunoriil or Nkitvofs lKiuiirvcixk - nosiof Uoily oriuluil , the airvcttnt utrornorox- cosso3ltioltloryoiinRtliatwociinnutctiro. triinrnntpo every cn o or refund every dollnr. Klvo rtny-itrlnl treatment l , full course Wrt. l'oroottt"o ) ) bonpllts ronlljod In tliroo dnys. lly until , sucttruty p irltoil from ob orvatlun , UOOK UKHIJDV Co. , cnmiA. NEII LADIES ONLY MARIP I' > ' IAI.K ItlXUIL.VTOK , Snfo tuul luMUlU Cortulu to a duy or niniioy rofuiitlud. lly iitnll 9. . Securely scaloil from obiorva- toii. ! Cittth UhMfiUYVit.iOmnlM , Nul ) . HOW TO CURE LA GRIPPE , Oo r I slit about It. Don't waste a nil tut to. For tlio splitting licadaohc ? . raokltu pains ulong thosphio and In sides nnd loins , rliou- inattsin of tumult's nnd Joints , chills and fewer nausea nnd disinclination for food , you must , tal > o thtooor four of Or , Sciisnok's ' Minlraka Pills hd drat iiU-lit. and nftor tliatasulllolont mini , bur to Insuru it dally nn I free notion of the bowels. ICeci\tlils'np foraomo tlmo.nnd wlicrn chills and fevers arcstubborii.iiiilnlnotn ruas- -nnilUodoses , can bo used to advantage ) wltll ree.tlioVHIs. TliosoplllssotyotirRorKcd llvor clcanso tlit'Stotuachand bowols. and itart nj ) normal secrotlons. You've scored n III : ; iialtib Tlicn. to ntd digestion , email the wo.tUnej-i f ' and lussitiul'o , drlvo off the foollns that you'd Us leave dlo as llve.und lvo tone andstrotiKtb to your syfttotu , you must take n , talilcsiioon- fulor ' 1 : Scfienck's ' Seaweed Tonic Jaforcrqh I after inuals. Alroitdr you Losin to fcol'fiko a new uurion. Hut don't forget your Jun s. lie war o of tlio terrible tendency of La Qi fpi towarriJ > nOilinoiilii ! If you have chest Daljtu > ara ooiiKh.ihotter settle tha matter at once by a tablespoon fill of ; Schcnck's-pulmonic ' Syrup .i.nWcn three f Imes'a day. between tnoaU-Mift Xli'or If tl\e/coOgh \ Ii' trouljleaomo. You onn thus.sifrounfl ] ilia very worst casu of la dtlro it Into spend v surrender' . If , you are wise , . f Solionck JJenio- ws. ( f u 1 a DR. SCHENCK'3 , boo't on Consumption , Liver Compliiljt and Dya.iepsin ; si nt free. I > DR. J.H.S HENK&SON.Philadelnhia , P I.II'K } t 1O - > eUBEB iw.GURE ; pne Bliiiiite Remedy 9'nf > ! lll > 1o | * a | | lilTl'OllniHOf the 'tiirpat , Jimgs and Ilroncliial Tiibes . MEXOF.PT CONSUMPTION u'-25' AMD BO CENTS. For fcalo by Gonorrhoea aieetnn'l toritrei'nrri cdreil Iniiliiys ly the Krenuli Koinedy ontlt- lutl the K1NU. 11 dlasol ves nKiiliist and Is uu- torbocl Intotliq Influmod patu ° . Will refund money ifltiloos not euro , nr eattsun strlptura ( Jentloriion , Mure Is a rnllixblo article. $1 a packairo , or.2 forli per in.tll prepaid. McCor- inlcki Lit ti J , ' 01' KCMIOOfj PUOl'OSAtSFOUKUKOriON imilillnus , Htoittn lleiitltu nnil Vciitlln- tlon , nntl 1'lro l-suunus. Jop.irtniunt ) of Hie Interior , Ollleo nf Intllati Affairs , U. O. , Jiuuliiry i ) . isui bEAi.Kii'I'itonwAr.H. ' on- ( InrMxI. "Proposals for oieutlon of Imlhlliim , jlettni noatln ? . eto. , " us tlio case may lie. and addressed to the Coninilssloncrof Indian Af fairs , WaHlilninon. I ) . U , will ho recolvod nt thlaofllco tintll I o'clock , p. in. , of l < 'ubrntry : H , .ISlf- ' . for the ci uullpnut ttio I' bfiutli Dakota , of ono lirlekiirisomlily li one lirluli hullilln. . iiiul unulirleU nollor house , us IKT plans uiul SDoulHc.illou.s wlileli limy Do oxniiiliied : it the olllcos of tliu Itepnbllcan , of Knpld City. K. I ) . , the HKK of Onia'lia , Noli. , und the HiilliliTH llo.trd of Triidti. coriiorTth and L'e lar streets. M. I'niil. .Minn , , and at Dm I'lno Hldije AROticy , ] lldler will bo leiinlrcd to submit .separjto lilils for u.ieli ) mltiilMS.uil : ( RtiUo the lenKtli of time proposed to lii cunsiinicd In their cnti8triic- tlon. lllds mo also Invttoa for furnlVdilii ; nil nmclilnrry , itutturliils , and nil labor nocot > stiy ! tujiit them in position , fur lieiitliiK and vun- tlllatlnv the assembly bulldlni ; , tlto lioxpllul iMiIldfnz. ( In ) prehent st'liool liiillcllnic , anil tlio laundry mow In coiirso uf vonstruetlou ) , all to ho prouerly ( . nnncclcd by itdeiiiiutu pines with llio lidller noiiso , fiomvh ( Ii tlit'V lira to be liu.Upd. fuparntu olds Blionlt ! also be inndo for'ilT.1' ' ! ' ' ' ventilating as uliovc , from holler house , only the iisseiably bill. dim and UiO-prv'sCMt.suliool iHtllillns. t-'t'paratu Ijlils urp Illso invited for ftinilslilnv and p aolii'iono ' nr two Urn escapes on the ussuinbly nntl hospital lmlldli.'S"wlii | ) ) sumo Hltuil have been crcelpd , ivUixin Hip pn'sunt st'licoi bulldlni ; , llldderH n'heuUnn ' nnd vrntl.utln ' , an < l llro oscaptis. to liccompany thulr bids with deslxus nnd spufllkMtlons of thosto.ini lioutlnj ; und von- , tiluilOi ( Jinil llruoseapes proposed to be fnr- nlf < lii'd.tMill ( du&l.iis und spoelflo.itlona to l/u btilldln.'H to whleb tboy are Iu liaupiiHed. Tbu rlstit In roserveJ ti rojoet any or till bids , or any part of any built doomed for Ihu best Inlnri-xt i > ( tbu servlco Kneli bid mu t bti uet'om n.tniod by n fortllleil rhcukordrnft npnnsomo United t-tutfcs di'p'isltory or bolvcnt nallonnl bank In the vicinity of the rp ldeuce of the ll'dder , made payable to the order of thoUoiiir niUJnnbrof Indlnn Alfalrs. for nt Inast HVE TEH CKNT of tlio amount of the prnpotu'.wliluh ' chrgkor.draa.wlil bo forfeited to tlie United HttteH,1ivei : g liny binder or bidder * receiving nil uward Blmll ( all to promptly ovoouto a conlrnct with good anil Mtilllulent siiriilliis , other trl tube i-etnrnr-d lo the bidder , lllds ncc/mitnlcl | ( by oush In lieu of a t'crtlllcd eheek will notfbo'eon-.ldurKil. T. J. MO1UJA.N Ooiiinlssloiirvrurlndlun | All'.ilr * . .UOd''ltM IONE UP BY DEMPSEY , TlimU'it Outlier Sorn Hi-aiU at u lf ( cctliu's Olilckrn ( Joi > | > , Ibloyos raided the coop containing : 'R prize Lo borns tit IOUS Nortj\\ThIrty-rPUrlh \ \ street , about tnlilnl bt , Moimay.ftud ro sgrry for it. The ofllcor hoard the cominoUon nn\ong lua ( owls and armed with ntr > uifs handle started out to It'ivfrfll ttto. He cauubt four ycun mon f u' tbo " ncj of uleallnn bis prize bird * end comuoncod to swiut ; bli weappu riKbt'and luft. Two of tlio atnatour tUiovo * Ml baDoatU the blows und were cap- turoJ , but tbo others escaped. At head quarters tbo pair presented a rather battered appearance , ktiowing eevoro brulsoi , Tliojr ( , 'nvo tbclr uamea at Jatuos Jauk on ucd Jliu Kelloy. lloth prUooors uro mere boys and clalmod that they lived out near Forest Lawn cemetery. ' Tlioy were locked up on lae cbargn of burglary. LHtlo liarly ituun for tUo liver. MAKES LITTLE DIFJFERENOE. lllll lo AliolMi Tnrlirnti llnrliril \Vlr Uonililorril. The Introdtirllnn in congress Jantinrj- by Coiiftro.isnmtt Ilryati of a bill to plnro barb wlro nnd Iron rods for fencing on the frco list , and thereby tnko oft the tnrllT on tlioso articles by i\iltiiltlltiR tbom free of duty nt nit norta of the United States , tins boon com mented uixm Jo n certain degree by Inter ested dealers In Iron nnd stool. The locnl manufacturers nnd jobbers , nt least a few of them , nro of the opinion thnt the duty on bnro wlro nnd Iron rods for fencing hnd just ns well bo taken oil ns to lot it remain on. This expression bf hnrdwnro man is mttdo Docnuso there nro no barb wlro or Iron fonc * ing roth imported Into the United State * from any foreign country. Mnny Jobbers nod dealers claim thnt btirb wlro aud fencing foils can bo manufactured bora much cheaper tlmn they cnn bo Im ported if the duty charged bo atidad to the cost prlco. The duty now on barb wlro Is 0 cents per pound , whllo on iron rods of seven sixteenths of nn Inch in diameter is 1,1 couU per pound. W. it. liroatoh said Monday that Mr , Bryan thought ho would bo en tori tic to tbo fnrmcra by getting such n bill throutrb , but bo would bo mistaken , because no forolcti manufacturer could afford to compete with this country oven it the duty worn oft barb wire nnd iron rods. The bill , ha snld. would not ninko wire nnycheapor , for tbo reason It was down to bed-rock nt the proxont tlma. A few yours n < zo ho sold barb wire nt J'.fiO per 101) ) pounds. Now painted barb wlro could bo had for $3. 70 nnd gnlvmilrod atfll.'U , Those arc jobbers' tirk-oi , and on car lots 10 per cent Is tnkcn oft from tbcso prices. Mr. Hrontcb , whllo behoving n tariff should bo on many articles , could see no ob jection to having it removed from barb wlro nnd Iron rods. Dy placing them on the frco list ho thought ono ndvnningo might bu gained. Itmight prevent the organization of trusts in this country , but fuuther than thnt no other material bonollt in prices could bo derived. The removal of the duty , ho snys , wodld malt o' no difference in tbo price of Iron. Iron.Mr. . Andreescn of t\io \ Iron firm of Loo- Clunc-Aiidrcoson , stated that iron rods were cuonper now than over before , nnd by tbo removal of the duty there would bo no tna- tonal ehnngu In prices. Iron rods and barb wlro were about ns cheap as they could bo produced In any country. With tbo duty added they have boon tinnblo to coraoata wltb manufactories of this country. Ho nlsq gnvo quotations which were similar to these ftirnlshoa by Mr. Brontch. iNono of the nrtl- clos were being Imported , and the duty on thorn bad not been incroasod'by the Mcklu- lov bill. E. I * . Davis , of the firm of Unvis & Cow- gill , believes in havingta duty on all material shipped In from foreign countries , but says that by taking it olT barb wlro aud iron rods It will permit the formation of trusts. Still bo tulnlts the dealers might bo Injured by competition on the raw material of Uvlno being brought in and then manufactured. The most astonishing results in healing wounds have boon shown by Salvation Oil. ' > cents , "Eat what la sot botoro you for conscience sake , asking no questions" but if youv'o got n real stubborn cold , buy a small bottle of Dr. Bull's ' Cuugb Syrup and euro It quickly. WINTIMt TOUIIS. To .Summer Luiuls via the Wiibiish Itouto The Wabash" are now soiling round trip tickets good returning Juno 1 , 1892 , to all tlio winter resorts in Ton- nessco. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North und South Carolina , Louisiana , Anktinstis and Toxas. The quickest find host rQiito to the Hot Sprlngd of Arkansas. , For ticket * and fuirinf&rinatiori In.regard to roitos east or 9outh call at\Vab-iah ollice , 150.J Farnnin street , op write G. N. Clayton , N. W , Pass. AgU f. . . . . . " K AJfr11'1" ' "I * : l 'J"l"l Uniun. . The polleoinlorruptud'a nlco qulot game of poker over t bo Barber shep at710 north Sixteenth street about 1 o'clock yesterday morning anil arrestou half n-dozen plavori. Somerards , chips and a faro box Wore seized. At police hcacllitinrtors the inmates gave delicious nain'os' and alter bolntr searched wero'locked up. ' - Dtwitt's Little t nrlv Kisors- east pilli TIII : KKAI.TV .tiAitKir. rNSTUU.MKNTri placed on rouord January AJO , Itittit j WAIIHANTV DKBU- ) , I M Iviilin iiml wlfn to V Moore , lot 10 , block 1. KulidaU'4 add . . , . . . : . ' . t 2.0DO III I'earMon and wlfo to Olari ; .lohnson , lotiTandh , bloul. 1. 1'rliyn's snbdlv in Ilydo putu . . .7. . , . 1 t'luni.lnlinsiiil und husband to Arrlllu ' immlm'ersimo..C. : ' . M. . . " , . . - 500 T I' ( 'rumor' to Wosturn InvoMttnont coinp.uiy , loir > , block li funilsirndd. . . 400 I ; \j Junell to same , lot IM. l-lonk r > . West I'mnllix ndd , lotH,1 btool < T. ' Albright's annex . . . . . . L',000 ( JO ( Janlnor and wlfo to Jullim llene- dict , nnd 1-5 nw no ut > no nw 1-1. > -1.I . . 2,100 I'rank Welnu and wlfo to.Tosouhliie Kit- UH , H K lot 11 , block 2. Koiint/e a I add..450 0 ( J Walluce to Cordelia C'ulder , lot 8 , block IB. Centra ! pur.'c . 1,500 MaiiRh X. Wostwrlleld to E nCijIo , lot U. block 4. Missouri A von no mirk . MM GIIKOIIO Wolc-oltaitd nlfo to J O Hatu- inond , Iot5 , bloekT , Ilydo mirk . . . . 1,000 .T U Hammond and wife toV A ICenyon , Aliens ! Willie and wlfit toV Knscli- sleln , e ! > feel of w IL'j feel of n Si liloelc "tVMiliiii'HlUI udiU. , . . ' . . 50 O II nnd K ti liullon and wives to "VYcst- orn Investment company , lot ' 3 , blodk 2 , Washington lllll. Iot7. Miller's snb- dlv In Washington lllll. o U-Cfeutofw -31 feet lot 1l. ! KciiBlnKtaii. lot Irf. block l , -outli Omaha park , lot . bloek 1 , lots 1 to ( land l.l to IB , block - ' . lots II and is , bloQkll. OtN plnco. uiidlv U of w ! i nu jiolM.VIII. lol 14 , block K * . Cen tral park , lot 7. block 1 , I'otter'f. add , H : iu feet w ! i lol'.li , Hodick's''d add , lot T , bio.'k 14 , Umaha View , lot IU. I''alrmonnt plaee. e&ll feet lots -3 nnd "U. block 1" . Hiiii ciiii place , o 'M feat of WOO feet lofJH. Jllllard & C's add. lot 1 , block T. Improvement associa tion add. lot 14 , bloc ) ; I , lots 17 anil IH , bloek 2. JotKi ) . 7 and R , block 4 , loin 7 , H. Hand 14 , blojk 5. loU 4 and 7. bloek 7 , lots I , 2 , 7. 17 and IH , UlouU H. lots 11 und 12 , bloek U , Ambler plai-o , wit lot : i and ull lot 4 , 1.1 nek 77 , Oinuhu , iiurt lots n anil 4 , block 7. Kweo/y'u .add , , lot 8 , blfiolf I , Ion P , 0 , 7 , ID , II and LVblook - ' , , lotw 7. II nnd IS. block ii , lots a , a. 5. 10. II lnd ( Kt. block 4. lots I to,7. 11 anil ID. block . " > , i-Jvorett pluce. , . . . . . . IK1.000 J K Miittliows anil wife to J I Orct'n , lots 10. 17 and If , block IA | Dundee placi- . . . 10,000 W ,1 .Stevens to J 1C Stevens. | oU il und 7 , bloek (1. ( Kvkorinan place w. ; . , . 1'JV ) .M ( i Uobltikon to A U ( , 'harltnu , lotH , i block J , lloyd'rt add . , . 1.XX ) S.imo tOHame , lolil , Mock 1 , lot * n. 7 and i I ) , bloek : ' , lot H , bloek ; i , lots 'J ami 10. block I. Institute placu. . . , . 3.803 Jnmos Klanncry ami wlfo ID Thont'iH < Collopy , nnil ii lot I. block 1 , Jlruxel'H , atlb . . s.i , . 5,000 QUITCLAIM niui.s. : Max Moynr to Selmit lEehfold , lot 15 , Tbornoll'ril.dd . . . , . . . . . , . 1 T. M WoU-otl to W A Iveny on. lot 5 , block 7. Ilydo park . , . u. . , . . . , , UX ) M U Aulit : i > n and wlfo to A ( < Cbarllon , lots II nnil 12. block I. "Uoldcu" . l.r > 00 timltli .S.lnnderh anil wlfu to A buolt. lot I , bloek 17 , lloJford ulucp.i Total amount of tranRferi. . . AJl > Oll l.ltttlT. Persons troubled with coldi.or tbo grip will llnd some pointers In the following let ter from a prominent I'onnsylvnniu druggist : UIUIIDOLK , 1'a. , Oct. 20 , IB'JI.Messrs. ' . Cbamberlnlu ft Co , OPS Mnlnos , Iowa. Uontlcmon ; You will ploasn sh | | > mo ns soon as possible ono gross CUaiobt-'rlaln's Cough Hotnedv. Out of llip sixty tlo/ou you have shipped mo Iu the last two -years I bavu only ono uo70ii and u half left. I tlilulc from'tbe tales to ditto this fall ttiatour sales this win. tor will bo growler than over. It .gives mo pleasure to say that out of the wliplo amount that I liavc Kohl and guaranteed 1 have not bad ouu customer t av that it did not glvo all tbu relief claimed for it. Youra truly , A i. . The t'rectln ( 'nuii | Creed o Ciimpi prom i BOS to become a second L/ondvllle. The number of people plo going into this wondurful camp is unprecedented in the history of Colo- rmlo.oxcoptonly during the Ijcadvilloox- cltomcnt. It is estimated that now the townslo ! is located , that thuro will bo ton thousand people in tlio camp by Juno 1. The now dlncovury is only reached by the Don vor fc Kio Grande r.vilroad , and there ( a Plmunros of Memory. Wlmt n blosioil tliliiR1 [ a inomory 1 How It brings up the ploiinurcs of tlio past , niul hides its tinptoni\ntt\c 09 I You recall i'our chlUlliood ilrxys , do you not , nntl wish they would return ? You rotnombcr the plotisnnt nfsoulutlons , \vlillo the unploaBiint onosnro forRotton , Porhixp to your mind coinos the ( iico ol sonic friund. It was onoo ti pnlo , snd fnco. It showed murks of piln , lines ol euro. It scorned to bo looking Into tha horcnftar , the unknown future. And tliun you ruoiillod how it brl htonod , how it recovered Its rosy huo. liow it hocitino n ploturo of Impplnoss nnil joy. Do you romcinbor these thlnfi-sV Mnny people do ; and gladly toll how the hortlth rolurnod , how luxpplnusa caino buck , how the world sootnod bright. They tell how they \voro once woiik , norvcloss , pcrlmps In pain , cortnlnly unhappy * Tlioy toll ol slooplobs tilfrhts , restless dityc , untOiU'hod food , Unstrung nerves. And then they toll how they became hnppy , honlhy } and strong once tnoro. You have hoard it often In the past , Imvo you notV _ You have heard people describe how th oy wora cured and kent In health ? You certainly can remember what It is that has so helped people in America. II not listen to what MTB. Annie .lunnoss Mlllor , who Is Unown unlvorsnlly aa the great dress rofonnor , says : ' 'Six years ago , when sulToring from mnntal care and overwork , I received the most pro nounced bouoflt from the usd * of that great medicine , Warner's Safe Cure. " Ah , now you romumbor. Now you re call how many people you have heard say this sumo thing. Now you recollect how much you have hoard of this great Cure. Now you are ready to admit that , memory IB usually pleasing , that the highest pleasure comes from perfect health , and that this great remedy has done morn to produce and prolong health tlmn any other discovery over known in the cntiro history of the whole world. It 13 not to medals. badges or tha inslonia of royal favor that the qreat- eat ot all specialists , DRS. BETTS & BETTS alpopulaflty.They won their honors ' ors by their merits. . In the scientific treatment and success ful cure of over 88.OOO cases of those NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which are so for midable to the medical profes- alca In oenoral , DRS. BETTS & BETTS have proven that they possess extraordinary ability and skill- vateDlscnses * as well as Stric ture , Hydrocele , Varlcocele and Rectal troubles , their success has boon truly marvelous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the hlrjh- oat honors , for theao they have richly won by their own efforts. Bond 4c for their new book of 1 2O pages. Consultation Is also free. Call upon or addresa with stamp , _ DRS , BETTS # BETTS - 1198. 1 4th St. N. E. 'Coiner Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. a e a > l > ll > llfMMIIIIMSISISMIIIIS > | DOCTOR i ACKERS : ENGLISH REMEDY \ will atop a Cough In ono check a Cold in a day , and CUBE ; : Consumption if taken in timo.S IP THE MTTI.E ONES HAVE ; U . : WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : A E5 conf bottle .may ; , save tholr ; [ lives , Aak ; your druK'i for It.- It Tastes Good. : . jDr. Acker's English Pilla : : C'lIHK CONNTII'ATIOIV. i Pmull , plru.unl , u f urlte with tba ladles. : W , II , HOOXKll * CO , < 5 Wrst Ilroadwajr , N , Y. . tlllf * l llt > B < fft"ll ttfflltl For aulo by Kulin & Co , in J Sliornmn McConnoll.Omilit. CURB A now and Complete Tmalnienl. coualstlnit of Suppositories , Ointment In Cup ult > , also In Uox and rills ; a I'osltlvn euro for I'tternal. luternal , M * * Illlnd or llleoxllni llchlnj , C'hronlo , Itecont or llureilltary I'llos. 'llili Jleniedjr ha * nurer lnwn known to fall. II per box , U firi | sent br wall. Whr suffer from tbls tur/lblu ul ea a wueu a writ ten guarantee Is pniltlrolr given wIlliB bo s , tt > refund the moner If pot cured Hend stamp for free Haiuplo. ( luaranleu ItiueU by Kubu & Co. , UruvitUts , riolu Auoiils , corner 15lU ami Douglas , Omaha , Nub. Lo Duo's Perlodlo\l Pl\\i. \ \ Tbo Kroncli runiudy acti directly upon the cenorattvu organs und uurqi vupprusilou of ( tut iuen e < . tJor tliroo fur ti. nnd uun bn nmllod. BliouldiiotbeutuJdiirliupranianuy. Jnbtwri , driiggUuand thepubllo ( uppllaaUf UrtiK Uo.t Uuiab.i ,