Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Mrs. Murphy Makes it Decidedly Warm for
a Midnight Visitor ,
At I.rrnt One llnllct Took KHcct but lie
.Mini l > cMir < l-Htngo Ciirpcnlrr Krl-
Ivy NliilibiMl by a
Mrs. P. R Murphy , of 2033 Dodfjo street ,
routed a burglnr Saturday night In n do-
cldedly nervy manner. She was awakened
by hearing some ono in her room and think
ing it was ono of her sons , Inquired : "Is that
you.'Oenu ? "
To her utter astonishment n gruff voice
replied1 "No , nnd you llo down there nnd
keep intphly quiet. "
To bo thus addressed In her own house
nrousoa Mrs , Murphy's Ire , and she con
cluded that she might never have a better
chance to teach the proiumptuous burglnr a
lesson that ho would remember as long as bo
lived , * orenchlng under her pillow she pulled
out a revolver and sent a bullet In the direc
tion of the voice. A yell told her that the
\ loadcn messenger had reached n sensitive
target , and Immediately afterward she heard
the Intruder rushing from the room. Hastily
Jumping out of bed MM. Murphy followed
him , pulling Iho trigger as ranldly as pov
slbln and not until ovor.v chamber wns empty
did the fuMlade cease.
The burglar reached the window wbero ho
hud entered and went out a ? ho camo. Blood
drops on the window sill nnd a bloody trnll
across the porch showed plainly that the vis
itor's ejaculation had not been caused by
fright mono.
Ills injury was not serious enough , how
ever , to prcv'eiit his getting away. The weapon
pen was a small ono of licht cnllbro , but for
wbldi it is possible that Mrs. Murphy would
now have moro to ( .how for her midnight
campaign. She docs not ordinarily keep en
arsenal at the head of her bed as a protection
against burglan , nnd it was only by the
merest accident that she had a weapon so op
portunely at hand on this occasion. Ono of
her boys had obtained possession of the pistol
and she took it away from him , placing it
where it would bo out of the way until she
could otherwise dlspojo of it. So fnr ns
known , tbo burglar is Iho only ono who Is
sorry that the pistol was thero.
sTAinni ; ) OAitriNTiit. : :
Vicious Assault l y u Stranger Upon n
Theater Kmployo ,
An unknown man attempted to gain ad
mission to the Boyd Uiontor about 8 o'clock
Sunday evening at the stngo eutrance , but
wns prevented by Joseph Kelley , a stage car
\ I penter with the Eight Bells company.
The stranger at oneo drew a knife and
stabbed Kelley In the loft sldo , In the region
of the heart , after which ho hurriedly fled.
The injured man was removed to his room
nt the Grand Central , where a physician
attended him. It was found that the blade
of the knlfo had como in contuct with a rib ,
but for which a fatal wound would probably
have been inflicted.
Kclley is resting comfortably nnd
will bo alilo to resume his duties in a short
time. The police have been furnished with
n description of the guilty party , but no
arrests have yet boon made ,
In ( ho I.eeturo Itooin.
Nothing disturbs a le'cturer so much as a
peed , healthy , fully developed cough. Sotno
folks think a squallng baby is worse , but
Mark Twain snys that in an emergency you
can kill the baby , but most lecturers now
cni-ry n bottle of Hallor's Sure Cure Cough
sirup and glvo a dose bMhat. .
Union soap is miido of western pro
ducts try it.
KeiiulillciiiiH , At ten ! Ion !
Every republican in Nobuiska , now
nclinp ; with the party , who is opposed to
the "spccio basis policy , " now advocated
by tlio republican papers of Nebraska
and the union , nnd is fnvoniblo to an
incrciibcd volume of United States
money , is hereby requested to send
his name , plainly written , with post-
olllco address to Gco. W. Browstcr , 27-1I5
Gnrllcld nvonuo , Omaha. State pupors
of nil parties please copy.
Nobniohn is famous for its line oats.
Quail rolled outs nro made in Nebraska.
Tom Murray OllVr to Ilullil 1111 Knf-lnu
House Olllvcr Cogiui Mrcil.
1 A communication from Police Captain
Thomas Cormack , asking for an extension of
I leave , wns read apd granted at the regular
mooting of the fire and police commissioners
j. last evening.
Chief Seavoy was authorized to procure
proper badges for the fire and police alarm
Thomas Murray submitted a proposition
in which ho stated that ho would build a 11
by 100-foot cnglno house on the southwest
comer of lot 4 , In block 14S , fronting on
Eighteenth street , and rent it. to the city for
a term of ilvo years at a rental of $200 per
month. The committee on property recom
mended that the proposition be accepted.
This was done , and the city council will bo
asked to ratify tlio action of the board.
Charles Mniee , 512 South Tenth street , was
granted a license to sell liquor.
The case of Thomas King , Jij ; Bancroft
trcot , tins been appealed by David Colo.
There is considerable feeling against Hing on
account of his alleged cruel treatment of his
father. Mayor Bemis stated that ho wns not
In favor cf granting n saloon llccnsa In a
block where theio Is a pubiio school building
nor within a block of that bloolt. Tno only
exception to such'a ruling the mayor thought
should bo in the downtown portion of the
city where the police protection Is good.
TliOjCharccs against Oftleer Cogan for tak
ing n drink of liquor on the night of January
11 were brought up , nnd In executive session
the cnro was talked over and Cogan was dls.
missed from the force.
Suit ! nnd Itellulile ,
"In buying a cough medicine for children , "
jays II. A. Wuikor , a prominent druggist of
Ogden , U. T. , "novor ho afraid to buy Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. Tnero U no dan-
( tor from it and relief Is ahvnys sure to fol
low. I particularly recommend Chamber-
Iain's because J have fourd it In bo safe and
reliable. " 25 and 60 cent bottles for suio by
druggists ,
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , 13as building
! - \ ,
Union soup is kinc ot ponps.
Ilousokoopora will flrid Quail rolled
onttt the boat mado.
The Castle Cure company have opened
Moms in the Paxlon hotel annex , 141(1 (
Jlnrnoy street , for the treatment of
dipsomania or drunkenness , morphine ,
opium and tobacco habits , and will bu
ready to recolvo patients on Wednesday
inornlii r , Jan. iiO. If you are a nlavc > tu
nny of the above vices and desire to bo
freed from your chains of bondage call
at the company'H rooms and rucolvu free
consultation , Private treatment given
at icsldonccs when desired *
t.U'l'IHI'4 ,
Licenses wore Issued to lUo following par-
tics yesterday ;
NniuoHiid Address. A so.
I John M. Welch , Omaha 21
1 Ann'o | > u1mun , South Omului , , J
j William llnrrold , Omaha SI
1 LouUo Peterson , Omaha , , . , .1'J '
Tnat cough of yours can bo slopped surely ,
ulclily , by 1'lso's Cure for Consumption ,
1'loasaut , cftcutlvo. SSo. All druggists.
Every grocer hnnillos Union soap.
AVlll C'lciui tlio Mri'i'tH.
TUo Board of Publlo Works yesterday
BJrcctea tUo choiruiaa to have such strooti
cleaned us ho ( learned necessary and charge.
Uio expense to the contractor.
Clmlrrrmn Ulrkhnuacr explored the busi
ness section of the city with n pair of rubber
boots nnd will order the street In front of
the Tenth street depot cleaned , and also
Fnrnam street , fifteenth nnd Sixteenth
street ! ) , nnd ether strcots In the business
section ,
.Tack FroU hiu n special mission In winter
It's to clmp un our tmtuh nnd chocks , nnd
Jnck Frost snys ho don't HUe Hnllor's Aus
tralian salvo n bit , It euro * the "llttlo chaps"
right up.
Over 3,000 incrclmnts hixndlo Union
soup in the west.
A ( Ireal Sucr < < < 9.
The jinnts Bale nl "Tho People's"
opened with n big rush this morning.
Worltliifiinon were seen to crowd around
the OOc pants tnblo , whllo lawyers , doc
tors nnd business mon were buying Sl.flo
pants , which tire ns uood us you llnd
your inoreiinnt tnllor will make you for
$ lo 00. If you want to BHVO ion a pall1
of pants como at oneo. No trouble to
show goods , whether you want to buy or
1303 Douglas street.
Use Union soap. Use Union soap.
Onmliii Sooln Mrrrlly Cdrhrnto tlio Annl-
ti'rsury In Ilninr I'mlilon ,
A mnn looUlne for nil the world Hlto n
bagpiper in a bright now suit , but minus
nlpos or bnp , stood guard at the entrance to
Washington hall Inst night , and tlioso who
had the nocewary tickets n.iahod on to llnd
the misting plpoi upstairs.
There tlioy found a Dip midicnco , thickly
sprinkled with Scotsmen in kilts , plaids und
.sporrans , all act off with gaudy feathered
The occasion ot all tills disnlay wns the
lid ! : ) anniversary of the birth of Robert
Uuriis , uud Uio celebration was under the
auspices of Clan ( jordon. No. 03. Order of
Scottish Clans. Not only did the clans cntlior
to do homtifto to the memory of him who sanR
the hopes , the loves nnd the fears of the com
mon people , but with them came all classes
who worship at the shrlno of the immortal.
The early evening was tilled with sonp nnd
danca nnd story , and n long and strong pro
gram wns thu treat afforded.
Every number was heartily onovod and
ninny cmcoroa were insisted on. For the
dances U. W. McDougall and D. McKenzie
ofllrintod at the bagpipes. The program was
followed by a supper , and then tno lloor was
clonrcd for the lads 'nnd lassies , who tound
thomsolvoa moro at homo with American
Ouu h I'tillinvliii ; tils Grip.
Many persons , who have recovered from la
Eiippn , are now troubled with a persistent
COUKU. Chamberlain's Cough Komcdy will
promptly loosen this couch and relieve the
lunps. offectinif a permanent cure in a very
snort time. 25 and 51) ) cent bottles for sale by
dru Rists.
Union sor.p , manufactured in Neb.
Whllo Seeking u Warrant lie Is Himself Ar
Yesterday forenoon Chief Seavoy received
a letter from Marshal Campof Oroeloy , Cole ,
giving n description of ouo J.V. . Huff who is
wanted there for obtaining money under
falsa pretenses.
The crime alleged was committed last
July. Hun was reoortcd as being n railroad
man , but before the ofllcors started out to
look him up ho walked into the station , not
to give himself up , but to Hie a complaint
against n woman. It seems thut Huff has
boon employed in the B. & M. yards at
Pacific Junction for some time- and only
came to Omaha yesterday to sco his mistress.
\Vhilu in tbo woman's house at 1"05 Jackson
street trouble ensued and Huff's mistress
draw a revolver and taking aim pulled the
trigger. For some reason the shall did not
explode ana the revolver was- quickly taken
Some words followed and Huff , with the
pistol in his possession , sought police head
quarters to file a complaint against his mis
tress. While making his complaint to Ser
geant \Vhalen , Detective Ellis discovered
that Huff was a fugitive and ho was placed
under arrest much to his surprise. i
A tolocram from Ureoloy stated that an
officer with tbo proper papers would start at
Small In size , great m results ; Do Witt's
LittloEarly Klso . Best pill for constipa
tion , best for sick headache , beat for sour
Union soap , guaranteed to plouso.
I'imtpuiiiMl Until Tomorrow.
The independent committee which was to
moot yesterday afternoon at the Labor Wave
oftlco for the purpose of taking stops toward
making an effort to secure tbo national con
vention did not meet , but tno data was
changed for Wednesday afternoon at 2
Dr. Birnoynosoand throat. BIK
Union soap is homo rmulo.
In police court yesterday afternoon the
cases against the gamblers arrested at a re
cent raid were called and dismissed.
The trial of C. W. Kilth , who it Is alleged
embezzled $100 from the William Docrlug-
company , will como up for trial at " p. in. on
the arth.
A warrant is out for the arrest of Jamoa
Haley and Ucorgo Liu doll who , It is claimed ,
stele a $0 overcoat t rotn Cnarlei Crolov a
day or so ago.
On Sunday afternoon , nt the bride's resi
dence on Kouth ThirtooSith street , Judge
Borka marnud Frank F. Junck and Miss
Tony Cochnor.
John Murphy was hold to the district court
In the sum of J.1JU by Juclpo Borka yesterday
for embezzling SIIX ) from the commission
firm of J. A. llyuer A : Co.
In a complaint tiled in police court yester
day Thomas F. MoNamara charges 'F. M.
Graves of 'J517 Cameron atrcet with stealing
nnd carrying away oao rlllo valued at ? 10.
A complaint was filed yesterday by Mark
Boatman , keeper of the Omaha house at 1207
Harncy street , against James Dryden , who Is
charged with boating bis brard bill at the
Omaha house.
The case of Ryan & Walsh's creditors was.
sot for hearing before Judge Scott yesterday
morning , but owing to the condition of the
judio's health the hearing was postponed
until next term.
Tbo police found Oort McCoy , a well
known strong arm mna and general crook , in
the burnt district last night nnd run him infer
for safe It ecu Inf. The prisoner has been
cracking safes around the country and Is a
ponnral b 'l imn.
Chief Sduroy , Sorcoant Ormsby and Do-
tectlvcs Ha/o and Sijvngo and oif-Asslstant
City Attorney W. S. Shoemaker wont to Lin-
coin Jostarday morning to appear before
Judge Dutidy In the federal court , where
they were summoned to show causa why
they should not bo punished for contempt , of
court In connection with some obsccno litera
ture cases in police court.
Coroner Maul held an inquest on the body
of Thomas W. Brown at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. The testimony of sovnral wit
nesses disclosed the fact that Brown had
poured three Rations of gasoline in a tub , and
was heating It when the explosion toolc place.
Tbo Jury arrived at the conclusion that
Brown came to his death by the explosion of
gasoline caused by his own carelossnusa.
A Leading Retail House Takes a Stind for
Homo Industries.
Tlune Wanting to Iluy Home Stnilc ( leeds
Can n n ItiMooinilite AMurunco of
UcttlngTIirm nt llnyilun tires , '
In tlin L'liturc ,
Ever slnco the homo uatronngo movement
was sot on foot there has boon a feoltntr
prevalent among the people that If the retail
dealers would only handle homo made goods
the manufacturing Industries would bo given
n great Impetus The peopla have felt that
the retail dealers ought not only to handle
homo made goods but that they should also
push tuclr sale.
A manufacturer speaking of this subject
chanced to mention Haydnn Bros , as n firm
that Is doing n reat deal to develop homo
Industries , nnd a reporter called at the store
to verify the truth of the statement.
"Yes , " said Mr. Uaydon , "wo bellevo In
homo patronage and are practicing what wo
bcliovo. Wo have put in nn immense stocK
of Nebraska goods and are doing all wo can
to push their sale. Wo have in our store at
the present time every kind of goods in our
line made in the sta'.o and will add to the list
as fast as anything now is brought to our At
"Being located in Omaha wo would natur
ally give the preference to Omaha manufac
turers , hut n glance through our store will
show that other Nebraska cities nro well
represented. "
With this Mr. Haydonled the way through
his store , taking a copy of Tun BEK cpntain- manufacturers' directory as a guide to
remind him of the different lines of goods
made hero. In the clothing department there
was no end of men's overalls. Jean pr.nU ,
duck clothing , shirts , etc. , made by the Hob-
Inson Notion company , M. 10. Smith & Co. ,
nnd Katz-Novins company.
Then came hoots and shoes made by the
Morse-Coo Shoo company. Omaha pearl
buttons were pointed out with the remark ,
"Wo are doing well with thorn. " At this
point a representative of the Wostcrn Plating
Works Interrupted and wai given an order.
Mr. Haydcn remarking , "Wo do not sell
plating , out we RVO ! the plating works con
siderable wont. "
Attention was then called to Omaha
mattresses and Omahn furniture. With that
the way was led to the bnsemopt where the
grocery stock Is carried , und it looked'as
if Nebraska had captured the whole depart
ment. There were Nebraska cured meats ,
hams , dried beef , lard , etc.
The 1'aco Soap company nnd the Quoaloy
Soap company of Omaha both had in full
lines of their laundry and toilet soaps.
Then there was a full line of tlnwaro made
by the Omaha Tinware company and tha
Western Tinware company.
Omaha compressed yeast nnd the Gorman
dry hop yeast occupied prominent places on
the shelves.
A full line of the Haarmann Vinegar com
pany's goods was also on sale.
* There was a oi'.o of boxes as big as a bouse
containing Garueau's crackers.
A full line of the goods made by Farrell &
Co. was pointed out. such as 'sirups , preserves -
serves , mince meat , otc. Then came a largo
stock of Omaha meal , hominy , oto. Tuero
was Hour that was made in Omaha , West
Point and tlumboldt , Nob.
There was a full line of extracts , baking
powders , coffee , etc. , put up by the Consoli
dated Coffee company.
Near by was a line showing of pickles put
up by the Odnoy Plcklo company. There
were baskets from the Omaha basket factory
and brooms from Omaha's two broom facto
ries. In another place was a car load of Ne
braska paper and no end of canned goods put
up by the Blue Valley Canning company of
Edgar. Nob.
Mr. Havdon remarked that Uo had ordered
a car load of starch from the Beatrice Starch
company. Hayden Bros , manufacture tlielr
confectionery from Nebraska boot sugar.
"I expect wo have overlooked a good many
lines of Nebraska goods , but you have al
ready seen onougti to provo that we arc act
ing in good faith in the homo patronage
movement , " said Mr. Haydon. Just then his
yo chan cod to full on the harness depart
ment and ho pointed out a full line of Marks
Bros. ' harness and saddlery.
A visit to Hayden Bros. ' store will con
vince anyone that nome patronage is n suc
cess and that this firm has acted no small
part in making it a success.
Twelve Hour Itldo Hot WL-PII Amutcurx Given
u Good Scndofr ,
There was an enormous crowd at the Coli
seum last night , somewhere In the neighbor
hood of 5,000 people. Every available inch of
space was occupied from the reserved seals
to open area making up the auditorium. The
attraction was the big fake , which Managers
Prince and Mardis have been advertising
for a wccit , and which turned out to ho a
six-day , two-hour-a-day bicycle race , with
Messrs. Helton , Donman , Wertz and Plxloy
of this city and Ab. Mockott of
Lincoln ns the contestants. The
nature of the affair was announced Just be
fore the start by Manager Prince , who
stated that tbo prizes were d handsome gold
stop watch first , a diamond medal second and
two silver medals for third nnd fourth. The
race from the very start was a series of
desperate spurts , the riders bonding to their
work with a will that cast a shadow over the
work of the recent professionals. Before
three miles had been reeled off the doughty
riders had consumed several barrels of water ,
ginger nlo nnd pop by tbo case , lemons by the
box , and chloroform , St. Jacob's oil and vase
line enough to stock a drug sioro. Mockctt ,
the Lincoln hero , threatened to quit the
race if the band stopped playing ,
nnd I'rlnco and Mardis were kept running
from the paddoek to the band stand the
whole evening. The vnst crowd was worked
up to fever boat , and pandomoriutn reigned
from the crack of the pistol until the close.
Tbo final spurt was a brilliant ono , Plxloy
crossing the mark first , with Holton and
Dcniunu next in prder. The sooro :
. . . . Slilos. L.ips.
I'Kloy , : B 1
Holton : i
Donman 35 1
Wort/ as 1
Sloukett as l
The struggle will be resumed at 8:10 : sharp
this evening.
Tips for TodiiyT
Now you have your cholco of tracks.
Gloucester begins racing today. The good
things on the entry list nro :
I. Hliotovcr Marly II.
'i , l.oiulni , ' Guldlui-Onager ,
U. Keinpland Dnko John.
4 , Text John IllcUuy ,
f > . I'rlnco Howard Afatacorda Filly.
0. lioniltrldo--l''ahlnn. '
m.oucesTKU ,
1. John I.acUlaiul--l''r.inco.
2. Tort OresK"l > rotendor.
3. llr.ive 1) .
4. Utioii"0.irtoon.
fi. Him kuyc--Tappahannock ,
0. llrown Uharllu MorrUJown.
AllilvtUi ( Jluli AllUh-g.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Omaha Atblotlo club was hold last evening ,
at which the secretary and treasurer's re
ports were road , The financial statement
showed the club to be in a nourishing condi
tion with very little outstanding indebted
ness , A vote ot thanks was given to Judge
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard ,
Hodlck for a dor. tion of $1,000 and nlso to
the directors fori their nblo management of
the club's affairs.
After the buslmraMnteUnir the regulation
ring \vns placed , in position nnd an eight
round sparring match between two local
amateurs took place. The attendance was
peed and the entertainment wns greatly en-
Joyed. _
Kurliuf nt ( liittcnuorir.
Qt'TTENiiRiio , N.U. , Jan 23. The condition
ofthotraclc was ngnln vllo. It was totally
unfit for racing and absolutely dangerous.
It WAS a sorlcs oftmud puddles nnd htllocxs
nnd frozen mud. fflho attendance was largo.
rirsl raco. seven furlongs ; CYmxress won ,
i > llcnl < i ( > cond , Jlilnft third. Time : li4. : :
Second race , flvu fiuluius : Hpondall won ,
Alnrin Itoll second , llrlza filly third Tlinu !
Tiiird racp , flvo fnrloiin : Mascle Heck won !
St. Patrick second ; Arcrnol third. Time :
1'ourlli taci > . live fnrlongi : Hrcoro Tilly
woui Mnrthn Washington second ; Vanquisher
third Tlmo ! Ujoss ,
I'lftli rice , otic nilln nnd n furious : , John
Hlokoy won ; Illoulochy second ; Sir Oeorrfo
II third. Tlinu'JtUiii.
Sl\ti ) lace , seven fnrlonRi : Alpnrnon won1.
Missive second ; Aunt Jane third. Tluui :
Stoltiltz lln * Won Another.
11 IVAXA , Jan. 25. 'Iho eleventh game of
the great chess matoh between Stolnltz und
Tschlgorln was won by tiloinltz. Score :
Tschlgorln , 4 ; Steinitz , 'I ; drawn , 4.
Clmmhrrlalii'H Colic , Cliolrni and Dliirrhcru
Persons subject to cramps will bo inter-
o tcd In the experience of J. F. Mlles , Wos-
loy. v'onango Co. , Pa. Ho was taken very
severely and called in two doctors , who pro
scribed for htm but failed to glvo him relief.
A druggist of Butler , Pa. , then cave aim n
doublodosoof ChamborlMn's Colic , Cholera
nud Diarrhica Komody , and in twenty min
utes ho was all right and is enthusiastic in
his prnlso of the Komody. 23 and CO cent
bottles for sale by druggists.
Quail rolled oats nro the finest mado.
Drunkenness ,
A disease , treated ns such nntl porrmx-
tiontly cured. No publicity. No infirm-
iry. Homo treatment , Harmless nnd
3tTcutual. Ilefur by permission to Bur
lington Iliuvkcyo. Send 2o stamp for
pumphlot. Sholcoquon Clioiuicul Co. ,
Burlinpton , la.
ItOUTII 0.1/.IH.1.
City Council .Meeting.
At the meeting of the city council last
jvonlng the first thing .considered was the
matter of the (1,745.15 overpaid to Norton
Bros , by the city clerk , was referred to the
Mmmlttbo of the whole , where It was decided
to lay the thing on the table.
The Twenty-fourth street paving squabble
was brought up by Attorney Offut , wno de
manded whotbur the council proposed to
iccopt or rpjoct the last monthly estimate of
t'uo paving company , which wns not allowed
it a previous mooting. When the matter
2amo to a vote it was decided by a vote of Ute
to 2 not to allow tbo last ostlmato of the
isphaltum company. Mr. 'Offut asked the
names of the councllmon voting against the
measure. The following names were fur
nished : Uowloy , Conloy , Doughtortv , Bow
loy , Haley nnd O'llDurko. Messrs. Walters
and Woods voteo aye.
Sues f"r _ Money Bet.
Thomas O'Nell atid John McMillan , Doth
real estate men , nindo a bet in regard to the
pnco that O'Noll would receive for a lot.
The stakes , amounting to $200. were put up
In the hands of George Parks , the COJL
tractor. O'Nell won the bet and demanded
the stakes. McMillan directed the stake
holder not to give up the money deposited
by him and ho threatened that if Parks sur
rendered the money to O'Neil , suit would
bo brought to recover the full amount.
Parks surrendered to O'Nell the $109 de
posited by him , but did not give up the 8100
lost by McMillan. O'Nell therefore brings
suit against Parks , the stakeholder , to ro-
covtor the monoywon from McMillan.
Now \Vooilmen rodgo.
The now lodge ot the Ancient Order of
United Workmen just instituted nt South
Omaha will bo known as Nebraska lodgo.
The numoer of it will bo given by the grand
ledge soon. The local order jtcrts in with
thirty-four charter members. Deputy Grand
Master Jacob Jasknlok instituted the new
lodgo. The ofllcers of the now society are as
follows : Past master workman , P. E. Sulli
van ; master workman , A. W. Gallagher ;
foreman , John J. Sexton ; oracle , James Car-
mody : recorder , J. M. Gallagher ; financier ,
Joseph Duffy ; receiver ; Ulchard Swift ;
guide , Pat Buntz ; inner watch , John O'Doud ;
outer watch , John J. O'Brien.
An Interesting Decision.
Judge Leuy handed down an Interesting
decision today in the case of Hobert Parks
against Michael Donnelly. The defendant
has been In Ireland for nearly a year , and it
was claimed by the attorney for Donnelly
that the attachment issued against the de
fendant for an unpaid plumbing bill should
bo dissolved. Judge Levy hold that an at
tachment against a person ns a resident is
different from an attachment as a cltizon and
refused to dissolve the garnlshoo and it con
sequently must be met.
Maslo City Miniature ? .
The Chautauqua circle moot : thii evening
at 718 Twcnty-secotd street , the residence of
Dr. Stewart.
The funeral of Thomas Konnolly will occur
cur at U a. in. Wednesday at 'St. Agnes
church. The interment will take place at
St. Mary's.
Van Ilouton's Cocoa Perfectly pure , In
J > K.I Til8.
Xtilitt nf Jive ! ( ncs or less tinder till * liciuLfiftu
cents ; Mch atUltttimnl line ten centa.
STAKICKY Hdw.ird , son of n"and Mi TA
11 Sturlioy. at 11U ; p. in. , of diphtheria , aged
4 years and 8 months. iNuioral from family
residence. 11108 Howard struct , at ' 'j''Op , ni ,
January id. Interment Prospect Hill.
JlcOANOMZSS-Kachol , wife of A. U. Mii-
Oandlcss , use 1 01 years , Saturday. January
IM. I'nnoral will take place on Tuesday.
January 'JO. at . p. m. , from the residence ,
coiner North 24th and Tuylor streets ,
The place that Dr. Prlct'j
Deliciom FUvorlnj ; Extracts
have won in the public esti
mation , sustain us in the as
sertion that tor standard
cxr-fllcHCft , they have no
equal , livery housewife who
has used Dr , Price's Flavorings -
ings , Vanilla , Lemon , Orange ,
Nt-ctaiine , xtc , , will endorse
the above 'statement. ' In
using them you have piTrity ,
uniformity , strength and fine
flavor. *
The Leading .1
Third Floor , Paxton Bloalr.
clopliona 1085. lltt'i an ! I'.ir.un iti .
Afulliutof teeth nn rubber for f > . IV'rfuct tit.
Tuulh without plat ? * or roiuoraMa brll.-o
Jmt Iho Ihlug for iln/uri or publlo spoatiurj ,
All IlllliiUi l roanonablo ratei , all work
Cut thin out fur a uulde.
nnOIITH SAN AI.\VOO C.M'it'I.Bi are tha
Illlllll I U buitamlonly captulf * prutrlbcd by
UUUU in regular pliytltlaiu for Ilio euro of
flonorrhw and dliclmrvui Iromtliu urinary or < anil
TCrctlc t Iniduyi. li.Uj ucr z. All
Pleasures of Memory.
What n blcssoil thing is memory 1
How It brings up the pleasures of the
past , mid hides Its unpleasantnesses I
You recall your childhood days , do you
not , nnd wish they would return ? You
remember the pleasant associations ,
wltilo the unpleasant unoanro forgotten.
Par-Imps to your mind comes the face of
some friend. It WHS oneo a pale , sad
face. It showed marks of pain , lines of
caro. It scorned to bo looking into the
horenftor , the unknown future. And
then you recalled how it brightened ,
how it recovered Us rosy hue , how It
became n picture of happiness mid joy.
Do you remember these things ? Many
people do ; nnd gladly toll how the
health returned , how happiness came
back , how the world seemed bright.
They toll how they wore oneo weuk ,
nerveless , perhaps in pain * certainly
unhuppy. They tell of sleepless nights ,
restless days , untouched food , unstrung
nerves. And then they toll how they
became happy , healthy airl strong once
inoro. You have hoard it often in the
past , have you not ? You have
hoard people describe how they were
cured nnd kept in health ? You
certainly can remember what It is that
has so helped people in America. If
not listen to what Mi'R. Annie Jennoss
Miller , who Is known universally as the
great dress reformer , says : ' 'Six years
ago , when suffering from mental care
nnd overwork , 1 received the most pro
nounced benefit from the use of that
great medicine , Warnor's Safe-Cure. ' '
Ah , now you remember. Now you re
call how many people you Imvo heard
say this same thing. Now you recollect
how much you have hoard of this great
Cure. Now you are ready to admit that ,
memory ia usually pleasing , that the
highest pleasure comes from perfect
health , nnd that this great romctty has
done moro to produce and prolong
health than any other discovery over
known in the entire history of the whole
Forty-five lilRliest tumult
Imvu liecn re culvert by Sen-
liury & Johnson from dif
ferent Intcrnntlonal expo
sitions for the supeiloiltj
of their Porous Plastei' '
nnd other Roods. Benson s
l'In ters linvo mnny com
petitors but no rivals. It
is not n nostrum. Get Uio
For imle by all Drug nnd Fancy Goods Danlera or II
unuhlo to procure this wonderful oii ] > scnd 5 <
In Btamps and receive a cake by return mall.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
SPECIAL Shnnrton Dells WnUz ( the populni
Socjoty Walti ) eentFKEK to nnyono BcnulnB m
'tiroo wripperi of Shundon JJoila Bonn.
A How nnd Complato. Trcntinent , consisting of
Suppositories , Ointment In Cupmilea , also In llox
and I'llln ; a I'osltlvu Cure for Uxli'rnal , Internal ,
llllnd or UleiMlMK HthliiK , Chronic , Itccent or
llcicilltnry riles. This Itumody has never lieon
known to tall. { 1 per box , ( i for $3 ; sent by mall
Why sillier from this terrible illwnso w hen a writ
ten ( { unrnntco Is positively Klvenltlitiboes , to
rotund the money It not cured Bond stamp for
frco Sample. Uuurnntco Issued by Kuliil ft Co. ,
DrunKlsts. Solo AKGUU , corner loth nnd Douglas
trceta , Oninlm , Neb.
S1KNT , niuecltloror Ilyjtorhi , Dizziness , I'm , Nou-
raUIn , llendacho , Nervous I'roslrntlon can red by nl-
coliol or tobacco , Wnkufulnoss , Mentul Dcproalon ,
Soften I ntf of the Drain , cauilnx Inainlty , misery ,
decay , death , I'renmtura Old AKO , Ilnrrennoss , Loss
of 1'ower In either tux , Inipotcncy , I.oncorihoca and
nil Kenialo XVoiknossoi.Involuntary Losses , Sper
matorrhoea caused hy over-oxortlon of the brain ,
Self-abuse , uvor-lnduhtonc3. A month's treatment
II , I ! for 15 , by mall.V'o ( iiiaranteo nix bnioi to
cure. Kach order for II boxes , with fS will nciid writ
ten Kuarantca to refund If not cured. Guarantees
iHSiied cinly by A. Hchroler , DruftuUt , solo agents , S.
13. cor. ICth and Kurimin it * . , Ouialm , Neb.
For the Cure of Conbiimption , Couihs , Colds
Awthma , Pneumonia , Influenza , Bronchi
tis , Uebllity. Wasting Diseases and
Scrofulous Humors.
Almost n piliitililo 119 croiun It can ho tikon
with ploniuiu by ilollcuto perrons Mini clilMrun , who ,
nftor ualnv It , are very fond of It. H ntnlinllato9
with the food , Incrc'iin'n the llusll iiml npulllubiilhU |
up tlio norrous tj lcni , rasturoi cnoruy Id mind nnd
Iiuily , crentcB now , rich nnd pure liluud , In fnct , ru-
juvennlas Iho Thulu ijrstoiu ,
Thin propnnitloti U fnrmiporlnrtonll nthcr prupn-
ratloim of I'nd l.lver Oil ; It Imi mnny lmlf\lor , hut
noo-iunls. 'ilio rosiilis fullowliiK Iliniu lire UH host
recoimnendatlona. Ho BIITO , us you valdo > uur
health , net the trrmilno. .Maniifnc'iiro ' 1 only liy In. )
AI.KX II. Wll.iiuit , Chcmlit , llOJton , .Mass. Boht by
nil ilrinrelits ,
Protect your lungs by
wearing Chamois vest.
Fop cold feet buy D Hot
Water Bottle. Wehnvo
all sizes , ut low prices.
Physicians P peso pi p-
tions ppopapecl at low
The Alo2 & Pen fold Company
15th Street neU to I' , O ,
\Vo dcnd Iho mnnfloiiii French CALTHOS fiw , nud
li-cal Kuaranlcnlhut CALTIIOS will
STIII * IlUrliurgr * .1 llmlxlunt ,
CIMI ? ' ' * * ncrtnul rrlif * \ iirlruftlo
und KKhTOIll : l-u-l VlL-or.
I'tt it and fa ) ifsatufttd.
AJJ > fii , VON MOHL CO. ,
fiilo inrrlci * IC'nU , llurlguUI , tllln.
Nation'al Bank.
Capital . . . . $ IOI,0. ) 3
S'nrplus (5U ( , ijO'J
DirectorllQiiry W Vutoi ,
II C CiKhliu , i ID.I protMttiit ' " Mnuilcu \ V
Jlor.f , John ri touini , J. N li 1'utrk'k l.twlab ,
llfud , I'aiUur.
Corner 12th and Kuruuin SU.
Do You Want Shoes ?
If there's any one thing that a man 4
does want this kind of weather , its shoes- *
good shoes. Shoes to keep his feet warni
and dry , Our solid calf shoes at two sev
enty-five , with genuine cork solos are the
thing to buy for comfort.
Do You Want Shoes ?
Possibly you want shoes and don't feel
"zif" you could afford 'em. Possibly ypu
couldn't if you had to buy 'em of the
regular shoe fellows. We sell shoes ; seU
a good shoe , that's a good looker , for &
dollar and a quarter. They're good wear
ers , too.
Do You Want Shoes ? \
You , we mean ; you man that's readindr
this ad. Do you want shoes ? We sell any
kind of shoes that you want. Dollar six f
ty-five , dollar eighty-five , two and a
quarter , two and a half two and-a-halfi
that's the one. Genuine Goodyear
solid calf , any shape or style. Bear this
one in mind.
Do _ You Want Shoes ?
That's the question. If you do want shoes
and want to get good shoes at a fair price )
the young men in our shoe room want {
see you. They'll show you a fine caji
shoe at three dollars and ninety cents thai
they'll guarantee you to equal any five
or six dollar shoe you can find. We'll
back up the guarantee.
We sell Rubbers , Overshoes , , Arctics and
Rubber Boots.
V E CLOSE AT 6:30 : iM. . SATURDAY , 10 r. M ,
? ? New
EavsTCOaiI ! > v
Hheater ,
Sevi'iitocnth and Hnrnoy Streets.
Thursdi y Friday : i ml Saturday. Jan. 2S.29 , IP.
Sitnula7 ; Mutlnco
En U uiiient of the Coinoaliui
nndCompan ) of I'lnycra hi the Following lleportolro
EVENINGS. Mr. Hnbson as Tony i.utnpkln.
Mr < Jlobgoll „ ,
nnd NIGHT. Hurtle , Iho Lamb.
Prices I'arquct , 11.Ms parquet clrrle , fl.UO and
} I.5U ; balcony , 75c and ( I UU ; RiUltry , 2JO. liox
slicctB open Wednesday niornhnt.
4 nlgliti ctinimeiuln Sunday Matlnoa January 2
Thot-riMlcst of all Irish comedy dra-na. .
An Irishman's Iiove.
Thoattomptol murder
i The torrllllc leap from the dome of the
lluhthoiiBc' .
The nri'ckdri to the roicuo.
, The funny pillow dnnco
.M-glnco Wudnoidiiy
1HK < 1 It K.I T
On Modern Athletics.
Tuesday , January 26tli
Tlckiils at llospu's.
Tin eo Nlglit , Commanding Thuisday , Jan. " 8.
Kiinnlo Olllotta ns
A FAIR Cliilrntto Mnntolth.
Kdwnrd H. Mauson IIH
REBEL. Col. I > ri Mason ,
Weo'x of January 2Hh.
Ilet-.ilncd by request o ( our patrons , Qalotua
IKiCmnos Illusion.
C lilca.-o Oiiiiidi Choir Comedy Concert C'o.
The IMnuutuil 1'lK anil Smith .t 1'ullor and
Ono cllmo ; no more ,
" "Easily , Quicltly , Permanently Hastorod.
\VriiUnc , JVrrvouiurii , llflilllly , nnd all
the train of evils frciu early ernitaorlatur vicvrtvi ,
tlio reiulti of orurwirliclckrie s , nnrryetc. Tull
etrentth , dnTClopincnt , and tone iilrcn tu rvery
onisn and 1'i'filuri ' ol Iho body. Hlmplo , natural
inetluxU. liuiiiedlato hnproiuuicnt nct'ii. Failure
lnipo lblo ' . ' , ( l rcfcrfnuta , Hook , rxplauutluiia
and iiriMifn mailed ( noiiled ) froo. Addrma
= | AND THE Sr
It I'l'iii'lral-a , Jt
lll'VIX. < UK' * .
Sufforlnj frf
thu i . ; wti
. v u. . . . . . -
> rly dtray , wasting vcal.nir.8 , lot innulioiil , ct" ,
I fll send ftnhi iil trcailMj ( 4al ill foul tlnlr j
full partleulara li.r IIDIIIO rurr , I'll UK of ohurKt.
AfiAunlM nioiUral w < rx s kbniiid l 1 1 ml l > y i ; i-ry
nnn who ll n > nnu nn I il > 'illllc ! l. tiMri-tn ,
1'rof. i'.C. iro\VM'.ai.Moucun.C'oiiu.
Sore Throat
Sore Ey (
Bold only In our own bol'Iei. ' All druggljls. . A
POND'S ' EXTRACT CO..765'hAve..N.y. '
mippini ; off MI"
ilitniMir liMpo"
Ack > our
ml { UK ) ( or um.
iiln j'ulr ' t l.iun
Ilnil. r > ii priiilrc
. . f > T I" . , "i
I'rliim bl , He *
HojujrUUeur * ! , DU J OTElMIENd
f .n * ' ' < J < ' , ,1 1naInlnmile.lcnelSl0. | | ; ! " '
NJ21V VOUK , IlirflAlTriiI'nnd ! NAPLES } ,
Atroiftilar Interval * ' /
ratu on InmiU tornu to and from thw principle
Kicuitlontlckcti ar llKlilu tu ritturn hy illherlljell'
tiniiiupjcClrdD ANurlh or Irwlanilor NAIIILH A UltiMl
BiiRi il Ut y Otleti for Ac ? Aacttt > t levtit Bill
j. . Apply to any of our local AginHn or tu
_ 2fcNllEHSON IIUOTIIKK' ] . C'lilcuito. 11
The Most Effecvtis Tonic in
f U
ThU pri'pnrntlun trl < o ut Uiu > oat of the oil ! I'f '
roiturluu iiulcklr and I'llmtjully Urn nutrlllr *
( uncllojK of Iho doblllt.itod rttuiii.
Solil All
12. KcmOKUA I * O(1 .AsonlH for I' .
-ij , UH KLJJ Nul-lli V. till.nil V l J 'i
Alia 11 La lie
Hill lo.ulnrly iluruu n'ntur from
I'OllfLAXI ' ) to LlVblli'OOL ' DifCC ( .
fiiUlii HJanil upwards i'C m I inMn , * JJ.
nl low ratui > 'u ( AI n.u ' AIIIIII.II ,
01 * '
Now Vorls nJ HlaiKow tu imji'itly
Coljlnln , tuoundC'atlnlVi. Btu"r < u IU. Apply
to ALLAN' A CO , < ulcaxu | II. K. MU J IIJ4 Wftl > tt
llckut Offlto , W fVAIL. llurlm tyu Tlwut ui" * *