Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    fr.y y * . * , * * ' . . -v zMa-pygmi iifriBMipiii * * >
Hematkdblo Growth of Nebraska's ' Binding
Twine Industry ,
Ban PmiirUcn'M llnrlior Will HP Prolpctnl
with the rrndiict nf an Onuilin Cltl-
zcn'fl llriiln They Are the
Host In the l-lclil.
WAsiiixntoN Uinr\u ; OP TUB BKR ,
WAHinxfiTOS , D. < . . Jan. U5.
Senator Muudorson hat rocolvod from the
Nebrnskn Binding Twlno company of Fro-
raont n specimen of binding twlno manu
factured ! > y It from Nebraska-Brown ticmp ,
They suy in the letter transmitting the twlno
taut It U thollntshod product of their works
from liomp grown by Nebraska farmer * ,
that .lio growing of the hemp pays the
farmer wuli nnd tlut they predict that
within u few yours Nebraska will produce
enouph not only for the consumption of its
cltlzeni but for the utu of tno adjacent ter
Piitrlrlt Torpmliirs In Itsn.
Omaha will bo Interested in knowing that
two out ot three Patrick torpedoes have boon
ncnt from Now York to Sun Francisco for
the protection of that hr.rbor. The other
ono ot these contracted for by Iho govern
ment remains nt Newport. The test of
these torpedoes demonstrates that they are
the best which have been submitted to the
Ailjiiitliif ; Indian l.unil Salrn.
Senator Paddock toduy Introduced a sub
stitute for his bill of December 14 last , pro
viding for thu adjustment of certain sales of
land In the late reservation of the confeder
ated Otoo anu Missouri trices of Indians In
Nebraska nud Kunsns. The first section of
the substitute of today authorizes thu secre
tary of the Interior to revise and adjust on
principles of equity the sales of lands in the
reservation of the confederated Otoo and
Missouri tribes of Indians In , Nebraska and
Kansas provided by thu net of congress ap
proved Mnrch ; ) , 1881 , to bo appraised and
sold in the manner specified iu Iho
net , and which were sold at publlo
ales ut the laud oftlco nt Boatrlco
In May nnd December , 18SH , anil In his dis
cretion with the npproviil of the president , of
the United States , the consent of the Indians
having 11 rat been obtained , to allow to Iho
purchasers of the land at tno sales referred
to , their heirs cud legal representatives ,
rebates of the amounts respectively paid ere
o creed to bo paid by said purchasers , pro
vided that sueli rebates shall In no case ex
ceed tbo price for which said tracts of land
were bovorallv sold iu excess of the hppralsed
value thereof as shown by the appraisement
mada by the commissioners appointed nnd
doalgmiiod under tlio act.
Section two provide * that as soon as prac
ticable after such adjustment and rebates ,
If any , shall bo allowed , shall bo severally en
dorsed In the ccrtlllcatos and receipts ol pur
chase and on the records of the general land
ofllco , nnd thu secretary of the Interior shall
cause notice to bo given to the purchasers
severally of the mounts of the deferred pay
ments found to bu duo and unpaid on their
respective purchases under such adjustment
nnd In default , the payment in cash of the
amounts thus found to bo severally duo
within ono year from the date from the is
suance of such interest , nnd with Interest
thereon from date of such adjustments. The
entries of any of the purchasers so in default
fault shall bu cancelled" , and tbo land shall
be resold at not less than the appraised price
and In no case loss than f"CiO nor acre , as pro
vided In the act of Marc't. ( . IS81.
' Jiu"il8
Chill Cuu't Itii
The most prominent rcpuoticaii i. . ihe ftn-
nto , the greatest llnaucenr In tno country and
the most influential member in the senate
committees on foreign relations und ilnanct
who docs not want bis uamo used iu con
nection with his private opinion on tbo sub
ject for invious reasons , stated lo private
conversation tonight that war with Chill ap
peared to him to be next to an Impossibility ,
"I do not see how Chill could possibly raise
enough monny to ennble bur to nmko even a
respectable demonstration Of war , " snid ho ,
"ns she has had for several weeks her securi
ties upon the various markets of Europe and
they have been a drug everywhere. Thu
message of President Harrison today com
pletely destroyed the present financial credit
of Chill nnd If who remains obstinate she
couldn't ' raise enough money to take even the
llrst stops towards war If she would hypothe
cate everything of value In her possession.
Vor this reason I am constrained to believe
that Chill will speedily realize her helpless
ness nnd proceed to make the amende honor
able. " US *
\V. F. Buchanan of Sloui City Is at the
Colonel Thornby of the Black Hills , South
Dakota , is bore and may bo appointed to u
position in ono of the departments.
Hupresontntlve Bryan today introduced a
'copy of the Council bill of the last congress
to pay Itobort W. Furnas $ t)0 ( ) for trcos fur
nished unit planted around the publlo square
ut Lincoln.
Senator \Vnrron Introduced n bill today
providing that Jurors and witnesses in the
district nnd circuit courts of the United
States in Wyoming shall bo entitled to ro-
eelvofi cents for ouch imlo actually traveled
In coining to or returning from the courts.
Senator Carey Introduced a bill providing
for the punUhmont of offenses committed in
the Yellowstone National park which extends
the laws of Wyoming over the park for the
punishniontof ull offenses therein.
Iu deciding today tlio nppaul from the de
cision In the contest of McLnllan against
Commodore C. Biggorstaff , from the Nurth
Plutto district , homi'stoadabandonment bv
hi'lrs , Assistant Secretary ChunuJer , who
nftlnns the position of tlio general land olllce ,
states that the mother Is the only person who
could take advantage of her deceased son's
entry and that "when she determined lo do
HO that moment abandonment was complete. "
Hn holds that the laud iu question was
Secretary Noble has afllrraod the decision
Iu the coal declaratory statement contest on
review between Charles Anderson nnd Cur
tis T. Biirnitt , transferee , against John A.
Nye from Buffalo , \Vyo. , directing the cancellation -
collation ot thu Coal declaratory state
ment nf Anderson.
The decision of the general laud ofllco re
jecting Mnttlo Dews' proffered llnul proof in
support of her timber culture claim at
Mitchell , S. D. , has boon ufllrmod by Assist-
out Sot-rotary Chandler.
Hon. C. J , Greene of Omaha and Uoorgo
U , Harris , vlco president of Iho B. & M ,
road , uro n the city. Mr. Cireone ls hero to
argue the case of the Kast Omaha Lund
\ company agnlns * the state of Iowa. The
question Involved is the boundary line bu.
twcru thu states of Iowa nnd Nebraska.
The case was set for today , but will not come
up for several days , owing to the death of
Juitiro Bradley nnd the consequent post-
ponment of supreme court business.
Dr. Thackor of North Platte , Inspector of
Internal revenue under the tugar bounty
clause of the Internal revenue act , is in the
city. Dr. Thackor wns summoned to Wash.
Ingtou for assignment to other Holds of duty.
Since his arrival the chief chemist of the in
terim ! revenue department has ordered his
retention at this department on account of
his superior qualifications as an advisor in
the administration of the sugar bounty
Hon. J. M. Wool worth of Oanha Is In the
'city on business connected with the supreme
court. P. S. H.
M\VH : run TIII : AIIMV.
Complete Lint of Cliangr * In the Itt'tulur
her Urn Vi'nUtriluy ,
WASHINGTON , D. O. , Jan. 25. Special
Telegram to TUK BKK. | The following
army orders were issued today : The assign-
meat of Flrnt Lieutenant Francis H. French ,
Nineteenth infantry , for duty at the United
States military academy West Point is ro-
rokcd. First Lieutenant Willis P. Richard
son , Eighth Infantry , uow on leavu of ab
sence , will report m person to the superin
tendent of the United Stale * military ncad.
emy at West Point February 1 , or as soon
thereafter as practicable , for duty ut the
acedemy , The extension of leave of absence
V on account of nlckneis granted Captain
Algernon S. M. Morgan , ordnance utoro
beeper , December M , Ib'Jl , Is further ex
tended two months on account of slcUncsi ,
Leave . . . of ub enoo for one mouth on surgeon's
- , „ , disability , to ilatu from January
1 , ISM , Is granted Second Lieutenant
Alvln P. Sldonham , Fifth artillery.
The extension of leave of ab
sence granted Captain Colon Augur
Second cavalry , December 20 , IS'.ll ' , It fur
ther extended ono month. The leave of nb * '
son ro granted Second Lieutenant James A.
Kvnn , Tenth cavalry , January 9 , 1S'.U. De
partment of Arizona , Is extended one month.
The following transfers In thoSIxth Infantry
nro mftdo ; Second Lieutenant Chnrios DeL.
Hlne , from company Q to company K ; Second
end Lieutenant Wl1' " " ! H. Slmonds , from
comphiiy B to company O. The following
transfers In the First infantry nro made :
First Lieutenant Lon S. Uo'.idlcz. from com
pany C to company K ; First Lieutenant
Evo'rett K. Henjimln , from company 1C to
company C ; Lieutenant William M. Crofton ,
from company I to company F. Lieutenant
Benjamin will proceed to Join his company.
\Vntcrii IV
' WAsmxnro.v , L ) . C.Jan. 2.V [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bus. ] The following list of
pensions gr.tntod is roporloa by TUG BGK
and Examiner Bureau of Claims !
Iowa : Original Joel Taft , Marlon W.
Collier , William F. DnvU , James W. Scott ,
John A , Whiting , tJeorge 7. . Lyman , Owen
Jones. William J. Johnson , Ueorga L. Uohb.
Additional Thomas Smith , Harvey G. Me-
Bride , Alexander Beath. Increase Klchard
V. Yanoolkingbunrh , John Council , Thomas
Brown. Marlon M. Cunn , Michael Clark ,
James S. Handlln , AuRitstn Urassoubnchcr.
Original widows Margaret A. Ctoldlng ,
Elizabeth W. Dibble.
DomncniH Will Support thn Admliilstru.
I Ion In tin * Clillliin Trimble. * .
WASHINGTON' , D C. , Jan. 24. There wcro
no now developments today regarding the
Chilian situation. It was reported tonight
that Secretary Blnlno had received a moss-
sago from Mr , Egan , but the secretary said
this oyonms that there was no news for the
proas. Secretary Tracy nnd Minister Montt
nlso announced that they had no news to
Although the fact that the ultimatum
which has been sent to the Chilian govern
ment does not. nccsssarlly imply that war
will follow , yet the foot that affairs had
reached such a serious stage was
the subject of talk every where In
Washington today. On tbo streets , in
thu clubs , hotel lobolos and nl
places where men congregate , the Chilian
matter was the chief topio of conversation.
The ability of this government to wage a
successful wnr with Chill was fi-ecly dis
cussed and thu opinion was unqualifiedly ex
pressed that thcro would bo no trouble on
that point.
The Post tomorrow will publish inter
views with several prominent persons on the
subject of the Chilian troubles. Thn most
interesting is the ono with Hopresontntlvo
Holman of Indiana , who spoKe substantially
as follows.
Talk with Mr. llolinnii.
"Of oourso wo must consider the results of
tv.-.y action that wo may take against Chill.
Suppose wo should go Into a war , what
would bo our relations toward Peru and
Bolivia after the trouble was over !
Of course these two nations would
bu Involved with us. Must wo
protect them from the resentment
Incurred by the contest ) If so , how long
will the obligation rust upon ust Them is
no doubt about our ability to conquer Chili ,
to practically annihilate her if wo needed to
co BO fur. Chill couM bo conquered with
our present army nnd navy in four months , I
think , nnd if tbis force would not
suflico , .loon at the resources back
of them. But the war Itself Is a
small part of all that must be taken into con
sideration. Tbo loss of life would bo nlmott
nothing , but what are the consequences I
Not only the question of a virtual protector
ate over Peru and Chill , but the effect of the
wnr upon other South American nations
must bo considered. How will our relations
with tbe other governments of
that cont.ncnt be affected if llio
United States makes war upon Chilli
What would bo Its influence upon tbo sontl-
ienthoso nations toward us ) In thu
course of time you would see a great syndi
cate of all tuo Governments upon tlieso two
continents. Not u union , of course , like our
status , but a cloo alliance. Wo must think of
tlio effect upon tliis movement ot any action
toward Chill. I shall not care to express
any opinion as to what should bo done until
I gut all the facts from the president. Ono
thine is certain , that the administration will
reroivo the uuqualillod support of the demo
cratic side of the house in any measures
necessary to uphold tbo honor of the govern
ment. There will bo no question of party at
nil. "
J'roiu n XIIVH ! SI iiili | lnt.
Commander Dlckins of thu United States
navy , who has had a wide experience with
the South Americans , thinks that nothing
short of punishment will tmbuo Chili with
the proper respect for this government.
"Tho rank and fllo of the people are
ignorant of our resources nnd confi
dent that they can whip us. Nothing
but actual foroo will convince the Chilians
that they ure not strong enough to Insult us
with impunity. No deeper insult or wrong
could have been offered n nation than thu
slaiighlor of her sailors because of Ihc uni
form they wore. Firing on our 'la ? Is always
considered n cause terwar , k butch
ering of our sailors is a . . . .o allront.
Bloodshed Is more than a point for
arbitration. Disputes over money or bound
aries can pronorly bo arbitrated , but if a
man strike you In the face you don't care lo
nrbllrate the controversy. The smallest
reparation wo can demand if wo intend to
retain our solf-rcspuct'nnd thu respect of
tbo world is that Chill shall oiler an abject
apology , pay an Indemnity und salute our
"Captain Evans showed the right spirit
in threatening to retaliate If his gig was
stoned again. If a Brltitb commander had
boon in bcbloy's place , with his sailors Im
prisoned ashore and denied medical treat
ment , ho would probably have given the
authorities twenty-four hours In which to
release the men , with thu alternative of hav
ing llio city shelled , and bis government , "
said Commander DIckius , "would hnvo sus
tained him In It. "
Hope * for I'i'urn.
Representative Cato said ho did not think
there would bo any open hostilities. "Thoro
is no use , " ho said , "for a tight over this mat-
tor. It can , I think , and will bu adjusted on
n basis honorable to this country. "
Several members of congress expressed
themselves * tii hopeful and confident that
there would be no war , though If suob a state
ot affairs should bo brought about and tlio
dignity of tbo country bo at atako , there
should bu no hesitancy on tbo part of tun
government to maintain It ,
COMING TO A Hi.U : > .
Chill Cull Drluy no Loii | ; r Our DonmmU
Mimt tin Acriuli'il To.
CHICAGO , III. , Jan. ! 24. Thn Inter Ocean's
Washington dispatch says : "Regarding tlio
report thatCnlll desires the withdrawal of
Minister Egan , It Is doubtful whether thoru
is any precedent for demanding the recall
of a minister at so critical a stage in
the negotiations between two countries ,
LordSacUvillt > West was given his papers
by tha United States , but there was no dls
puto pending between hU government nnd
ours at the time , and it was at the suggestion
of the British government Itself that Prcsl-
dent Cleveland took that course instead ol
demanding the minister's ' recall by bis
own home government. A demand
at this time from Chill or the
presentation of his passports to Mr. Evan
would , In tbo opinion of diplomats hero ,
immediately bo followed by thu dismissal ol
Minister Moult and u severance of diplomatic
relations between the two countries. If In
thu meantime no Intimation of an Intention
to apologize for the assault on the Baltl
moro's sailors had been received from Chill ,
a declaration of war would not bo long it
coming. .
"The Chilian government has awaltoi :
three months the answer to a very earnest
request from thu United States for an apol
ovy and reparation , and the president un
doubtedly will permit that government to
awult before an answer will'bo maJo to the
suggestions that Minister Egan U not an
agreeable person ; "
Our Tvii-liH'li ( iiiim.
Tnor , N. V. , Jan SI. A telegram fron
Washington has ooon rocnlvod ut the Water-
vliot arsenal at West C.roy , ordering that thu
now ten-Inch gun * bo completed as rapidly
as possible. An extra force of men working
uiguta has boon put on.
ftiivr ni'DnDC \ p
UUMi lUUiLAlo ) (
Minden Boy3 Will Get a Term in the Penitentiary -
tentiary ,
Aflrr KolibliiR Merchant They Set
1'lro to HU I'lnrn of Itinlnr'i to Cnu-
rvnl flip i\lclrncc : of
Thrlr Urcil.
Mtxnnx , Nob. , Jan. 2.V [ Special Telcaram
toTitnBEE.I James Meddles nnd Willlum
Pattlson wore arrested this afternoon
charged with setting lire to the stero of D.
Morgan hero yesterday. This morning both
boys confessed to breaking Into the store and
stealing numerous smalt articles and then
setting the store on nro. They were bound
over to the district court nnd go to Alma to
night , where Judge Bcnl will sentence thorn
to the penitentiary. Meddles came hero from
Kansas over a year ago and Is an all-around
tough , having been fined for mUdomcanurs
suvoral times and served n term
In the Kansas penitentiary. Ho
will In all probability get a
heavy sentence. Pattlson until lately was an
upright , honest bov and n member in good
standing of the United Presbyterian church.
Lately ho has been drinking nnd running
with Meddles. Ills mother and brothers nro
old and respected residents nero and owing
to their Influence nnd his previous good
character ho will probably got a light sen
tence. Both prisoners nro quite young.
Nc'Uou Now * Notes.
NBI.SOV , Neb. , Jan. U3. [ Special to Tun
Bui : . I Mrs. E. P. Warner ot York , Nob. ,
lectured Friday night in the Methodist
Episcopal church of this place , in the Inter
ests of the Women's Jewells homo , nn
orphans' homo founded and conducted under
the auspices of thu Indtos of the Methodist
Episcopal church , near York , Nob. At the
close of the lecture Mrs. Warner announced
that she would take up a collection and that
she wished to raise $100. The money was
raised in n few minutes.
Some time since ono John Tolloy , n man of
unenviable noterloty In Ihls county , was
bound over lo the district court and placed
under $1,000 bond for his appearance , which
he furnished. Moro recently ho figured In n
disgraceful row In Superior mid was badly
used up , so much so that when an ofllcer
with a warrant wont to his placa to arrest
him he found him in an unlit condition to be
moved , und ruturned wllhout him. Yester
day Tolluy's bondsmen became alarmed , lost
ho should skip , and went to his residence
with Sheriff Baldwin to place Tolley in his
custody , but their man WAS nowhare to bo
found. The sheriff and bondsmen are scourIng -
Ing the country in search of him.
The people of Nuckolls county are now eu-
Joymg the effect of good crops and good
prices. Business of all kinds is revived.
Labor has found ready employment at ro-
numnraMvo prices , debts are Doing paid off
und contUtoncu In the people and the country
is being ugaln restored' .
Xot In tli < ! Klru Limit.
BEATiticn , Not ) . , Jan. 25. ( Special Tele
gram to THE Bin. : ] Judge J. E. Busji handed
down his first decision this morning in the
famous Dorsoy building caso. Judge Bush
decided thata peremptory writ of mandamus
should issue compelling tha city clerk to issue
n permit to C. O. Dorsoy to repair n frame
building on Court street , which the city
holds Is In the tire limits. The case has been
before the council for several months nnd tbo
building has been loft In an unfinished state
for that , period.
( iiivo Up Ills Child.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Jan. 125. [ Special to
TUB BKE. | W. S. Alyoa , who was arrested
nt Nebraska City Saturday upon u charge of
kidnaping his child from the homo of her
grandparent , Lovl Uustorholtz , about ten
miles south of this city , was released tais
morning after consenting to the child's
adoption by the Ruslorholtzes. Alyoa departed -
parted for St. Joseph , Mo. , this morning ,
and the child , a girl 3 years of ago , is again
iu her grandparents' possession.
Killed II1 Mttlu Sister.
OAKLAND , Nob. , Jan. 25. | Special to Tun
BIE. : ] While the children of' Cyrus Hock ,
living four miles west of hero , wore playing
in the granary yesterday ono of tbo boys ,
years old , took Uown a doublo-barreied shot
gun and iirhandllngitit was accidentally dis
charged , tearinir away the side of the neck
nnd head of his 3-yoar-old sister. The mother
was nt home alouo at the tlmo nnd the father
could not bo notified till seine hours later.
llurlliigton Kmployo Killed.
NEIIHASKA Cm" , Nob. , Jap. S5. [ Special to
Tup. BKK.I Charley Carson , a B. & M. em
ploye of this city , was run over the Missour
Pacific passenger train this afternoon and
instantly killed. Ho was walking up the
track Just ahead of the train , and In stopping
from the track caught his foot in a switch
frog and before bo could release himself ho
was struck by the engine.
Funeral ot a I'lnnour.
CoLUMiiug. Nob. , Jan "r . [ Special to THE
Ben. ] The funeral of Jacob Ernst , who died
Friday , wns conducted yesterday by Wlldo
lodge , No. 44 , Independent Order of Odd
Follows , of whien ho was n member. Mr.
Ernst had been u resident of Platlo county
for thirty-live years.
Nloliruru'HV11 Flowing.
NiomiAitA , Nob. , Jan. 23. [ Spacinl to Tun
BEE.J At 5 o'clock yoitorday afternoon the
bells and whistles of the town announced ihn
first largo flow of the artesian well nt 000
ft > ot. Contractor Kearns bollovos tnat Nto-
brurn's well will bo the host in the country ,
judging from thu power of tills How.
< irlln Illoclcnih ) Kalscd ,
PI.A7TSMOUTH , Nob. , Jan. 25. [ Special to
Tnc BER.J The grain blockade on the line
of the B. & M. has been raised , and tbo cars
nro being rushed east 'as fast as possible" .
Between noon and U o'clock today four trains
of fifty cars each landed with gralu passed
through hero headed for the oast.
Work of llimtrlcu I
Br.ATiticK , Nob. , Jan. 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE.J An Eighth street resi
dence and Plltlngor's grocery on North Sixth
direct were broken into by burglars last
night. Somo'valuaolo clothing was taken Iu
the former and a considerable quantity of
canned goods in the latlor.
Honored Kearney' * J'Jni Cliluf ,
Kn.uiM'.v , Nob. , Jan , 25. [ Special to Tin :
BEE. ] The Kearney tire dupartmont this
evening presented their chief , John Wilson ,
with a handsome cane on behalf of thu state
association , of which ho was formally prusl.
dent. Mayor John presented tbo cauo.
o.\vj or
IIu Knguges In n DUjjnirnrul Itntv in a
Chicago Haloou.
CHICAGO , III. , Jan , 24 , Sollvan Praag ,
politician , saloonkeeper and member of the
Illinois legislature , was one of the partici
pants in a di } rraMful saloon row this
evening. With a party of friends ho loft
hi ? saloon and made calls ut several neigh
boring bars. They finally stopped at W.
A. Murta's plac ? , on Taylor street ,
and whllo drinking at the bar began
to talk politics. As opinions differed
and as considerable liquor had boun ubsorboJ
by tbo party , Uio conversation bocnm ? moro
and moro earnest. Words finally failed ,
und opinions wcro expressed by blows.
In the tight which at last took place , Murta ,
koaper of the joint , was severely cut about
the hairis. Charla * H. D.-Oolier was so se
verely cut that ho wns tant-n to the hospital.
where it is thought his recovery Is dnumfui.
It Is uot known who did the cutting. Van
Praatr and the roU nf his friends left tho.
saloon before the police arrived.
Hound lor Minion ,
Piiu.Ai > Ki.riiiA , Pa. , Jau. 24. The steam
ship Ohio which has been chartered by the
United Stales government passed out of the
Delaware at 4ui : : o'clock bound for Boston.
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial. If you want
a pure sparklin Ko with a delicious hoquot
buy It-
IWJXTIXfRII SlfM ( ) FIIHT 1'Anr. . ]
every American saltorvumi conmnml for our
government the rospoctof the civilized world.
It was nn answer to'tho Insulting falsehoods
pnbluhrd to the nations by Minister Malta ,
which will brand him us n malicious liar In
the face of ths worhj. ,
IIVn nn Klojjucnl Vindication.
It was n bravo nnd eloquent vlndlcrtlon of
llio ahlonrd fearless"Egnn , who has so well
nnd favorably sorvpd his adopted country ,
thereby conspicuously honoring his own
Some say wo ought not to notice their
cruel assaults upon our seamen , their indig
nities to our government nnd our Hag , be
cause Chili Is small nnd weak. She wns
strong and cruel enough without provo
cation to crush nnd rob her smaller and
weaker sister republic , Peru , bho is strong
onougn now In her own vanity to bollcve
herself entitled to the plnco'of prlmnoy
among the republics of the western hemis
phere. It would be useful to her , It mUut
save her from worse troubles hereafter , Indeed -
deed it might save her from herself nnd self-
destruction , if the United States could pick
the little swell-head up by the slack ot her
nether garment ami soundly cuff her ears.
Should Mnkn Her Coliio to Time.
Unless she makes the fullest and most
ample apology wo ought to send down our big
ships of war and supplement their movements
by a land force of n hundred thousand or
moro made up of equal numbers of the bravo
men or the sons of the brnvo men who were
the blue mid the gray In our unfortunate
civil conflict a quarter of a century nco. It
might happen us to forgot the estrangements
of the past ; U might help to more thoroughly
unify the sections which strove for the
mastery In that moroornblo struggle , bo far
ns I am concerned I am ready uow to vote
for a declaration of war. "
Itlalini's 3Ietiftiig to Minister ICgau n Sur
prise til CIllllllllN.
[ Cnpi/rfpMwl / ISffl bu James ( ionlon Itennctt. ]
VAM-AIIAISO , Chill ( via Unlveston , Tex. ) ,
.Inn. 24. [ By Mexican Cabin to the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : BKI : . | The
ultimatum nf the government of the United
States that Chill must immediately , and
without reservation , withdraw the otTcnslvo
note of boner Matin , ex-minister ot foreign
affairs , apologize fur the assault upon the
sailors ot the cruiser Baltimore nnd pay in
demnity for Injuries Inflicted upon American
citizens , has been handed the Chilian govern
ment by Minister Egan.
This is the reply sent by the United States
to the demand of the Chilian government for
tbo recall of Mr. Egan.
The prompt sending of this ultimatum In
stead of an order to Mr. Egan that he return
homo has surprised the Chilian govcrnmont ,
and it Is rumored that President Jorge
Monlt , who is resting at a bathing resort , has
been asked to return at once to Santiago nud
consult with his cabinet nud council of state
In regard to the matter.
In n Mighty Ticklish IMncc.
I had interviews tonight with Edward
Motto and Judge Alfonso , both of whom are
members ot the council of stato. When
I informed them of the nature of
the ultimatum scnt byJScoreeary Blaina they
expressed considerable surprise at its terms ,
und , without formilly committing tbem-
selves , both agreed'that it would bo n supine
act to now withdraw Malta's letter. Taoy
expressed the bopo that at the meeting of
the council of state in conjunction
with the cabinet to-morrow , a
peaceful solution , . .of the difllculty
might bo arranged. Judge Alfonso , who is
well known to Secretary Blame , said that
any war between the two countries would bo
exceedingly foolish , and hu was fullv con
vinced that the United States did not desire
to humiliate Chili.
AVhun 1 saw Don Carlos Walker Martinez
tonight , ho expressed deep regret that the
Chilian cabinet had brought the matter to
such a crisis , and ovlncod strong hope for a
peaceful settlement of the difllculty. Ho has
doubt that tbo sentiment , of thu Chilian con
gress will uphold these views.
Minister KCMM'I lliel : < l > one.
During the past week , in splto of the show
of friendship towards Minister Egnn by
Senor Puriera , minister of foreign affairs ,
and other members ot the Chilian cab
inet , events have como to light exhibit
ing surprising duplicity. Minister Egan was
asked last week by the Chilian foreign ofllco
to "recognizo" the fact that Secretary Blalno
had accepted the renunciation of Malta's
circular letter by thn Chilian government , the
so-called renunciation being forwarded upon
the explanation that President Harrison's
message was a domestic document and it was
therefore improper for a foreign government
to oillclally comment upon it. Mr. Egan
declined to entertain the proposition until
after he had communicated with the Wash
ington government nnd obtained instructions
from his own superiors.
Ho declined to acknowledge the "renuncia
tion" upon the ground stntod by the Chilian
authorities without official Information from
Washington. When the request in regard to
the Malta note was made upon
Minister Egau ho was told that
n loiter in regard to the subject would bo
sent to the American legation. The promised
letter was not sent. On the contrary , the
Chilian government cabled Scr.or Pedro
Montt , its minister at Washington , to de
mand thu recall of Air , Egau because lie wns
pen onu non grata.
Instructed to Sever l > ldoiniitlit ] llelutioiis
Secretary Blaino's reply to the-dumnnd for
Minister Egan's recall was delivered yester
day. Instead of being an instruction to Mr.
Egnn to return homo , it Instructed the
American minister to deliver the ultimatum
of tbo United States government to the
Chilian authorities.
This ultimatum demands tbo Immediate
and unqualified withdrawal of tha Malta
letter without reservation , nn apology for the
assault upon the sailors of the Baltimore und
the payment of an idomnity. It U couched
in an extremely firm and decided tone. Min
ister Egnn Is Instructed if thn demand Is not
complied with nt otico to saver diplomatic
relations with thu Chilian government.
Chilian I'lil'lit ' In iKiiorimee.
The Chilian publ'jg ' , is uot nwaro .of the
gravity of the situation , nor does It know
that the American 'ujtJiaiitum has been re
ceived. The cahlj otf bus been acting
secretly and is , nccnsed In some
J (
quarters , not ; # ny ( "of giving out
false news to tbo public , but nlso of keeping
the real facts from hp counsellors of stale.
VORUO and uncertain rumors hava gained
circulation in Santjjjp and Valparaiso , but
the real danger Is not generally known.
Mr , Kennedy , tho. British minister , acting
un'dcr Instructlonajifrom the government ,
went to Santiago tills morning to offer hU
friendly offices as iMsodlator.
I am confident tha.C the United States gov
ernment will receive all it dmnands , and
fully believe that tbo action of the
cabinet in allowing tbo present
complications to arise will DO censured
tomorrow ut tbo mooting of the Chambers.
There la a marked sentiment , however , * in
army and navy circles Airninn saluting the
American Hup , should Unit bu demanded. I
am privately Informed that British
Admiral Iloltam , Is wry muuh opposed to
the foolish policy of the Chilian government ,
Mure Had KulIriMillUK'
Louiivn.i.i ; , If > v , Jan. 21. Near Douvillo ,
on the Cincinnati Southern , u freight train
ran into tbo rear ot tbo northbound pasi
ougcr train early thU morning and du
mcllsliod two ( deepen. Wes Anderson , en
gineer ol the freight , was severely but uot
dangerously hurt. John McCube.llromun . of
the fruiirht. WIIH HU badly crushed that lit )
will probably die. Tno Pullman conductor ,
named Douglass , was daiiyerjiuly hurl. The
received uulyUJralchoi. .
liljljll Ul Gul/lullR UuuLu
Fiendish Murclor of a Young Woman by a
Memphis Girl.
No Omuo ( Jlveu for the An-lnl Crimp A Sen-
national Tmucdy A uuK nu the 'Mur
dered ( llrl'n sinter Arrest ol the
Mtmlcrcs-lcttlU : of the A nil I r.
is , Tcnn. , Jan. iV The most sensa
tional tragedy which has occurred In Mem
phis for year * was committed about 4 o'clock
tliis afternoon. The victim was iv young
lady , and her slayer was of the same tax ,
Both were familiar figures in society , and
the awful affair is tonight the talk
of the town. A few mluutos before
fore 4 o'clock n buggy containing
Miss Alice Mitchell and Llzzlo
Johnston drove up to tha broad sidewalk
nround custom house block loading to the
levee. The lines wcro Iu the hands of Miss
Johnston , nnd bosldo her , calm nud self-
possessed , sat Miss Mitchell. Coming
slowly up the stoop incllno from the river
were Miss Freda Ward of Oolddust , Ark. ,
and her sister Jo , who bad Just put another
sister , Mrs. dimming * , aboard the steamer
Hosa Lee , for Uolddust , Ark. The young
Indies wcro soon opposite the carriage , chat-
tine pleasantly unit pjylng no attention to
Ibo surroundings.
Cut Her Throat ,
Suddnnly from out the carriage , at a bound ,
cnmo Miss Mitchell. Urasplug Miss frcda
Ward by the ncolc , she draw a bright razor
from nut the folds of her dross and without
n word drew It across the throat of her vic
tim. Miss Ward sank to the pavement in an
instant , the blood pouring iu torrents from
the severed juglar vein. The murdered
girl's ' sister , who had by this tlmo
recovered from her nsloulshinont , grappled
with the woman and tried to hold her , but
in n twinkling she , lee , received a cut , but
luckily only a trifling one near the car. Miss
Mitchell being freed from Miss Ward ,
Jumped In the bucgy nnd with the exclama
tion , "drive quick ; I'/e done it , " seized Iho
whip and with Miss Johnston still holding
the lines the pair were soon around the
corner and away from the scene of the
Miss Ward was tenderly picked up by the
crowd and a passing carriage , which was
pressed Into service , convoyed her to Rogers'
inllriaary. She was , however , beyond human
aid , and expired just as thu ialirmary was
reached. The body was then taken to an
undertaking establishment.
Arrest of the .Murderess.
At 0 o'clock this evening Chief of Police
Davis had arrested Miss Mitchell , who was
found at her homo on Union street , and con
voyed to the Jail.
The cnuso of the killing li ; tonight not
positively apparent as Miss Mitchell refuses
lo say a word lo anybody on Iho subject. It
is said , however , that Miss Ward , who is
visiting In this cltv , had on former trips to
TSlemphis boon the guest of Miss Mitchell.
Lately , however , she has refused to partake
of the hospitality of the Mitchell
household and refused also to recognize
Miss Mitchell on the street. It is
alleged further by several persons that Miss
Ward has made remarks of n decidedly un
complimentary nature regarding Miss Mitch-
oil , and this latter allegation is supposed to
have been the cause of Iho tragedy.
Miss Mitchell is the 1'J-year-otd daughter
of Gcorgo Mitchell , a retired furniture
Miss Ward is the daughter of John Ward ,
n planter and wealthy merchant of Golddust ,
Ark. At the inquest this evening the Jury
rendered a verdict , charging Miss Mitchell
with the killing , and that it was premedi
I'riinci ) nml the Church ICttahllsliment
Naval Ulllcer.s to lie Court-Miirtliiluil.
PAUIS , Jan. 21. The Temps , announcing
the recall of the British war ship Thunderer
from Taucicr , comments upon the SFtlsfao-
lory termination of an affair that threatened
to cause difficult international relations.
A Joint statement nas been issued by ihe
arch bishops of Paris. Toulouse. Uhoims ,
Lyons nnd St. Male , complaining Unit tnu
state has become atheistic. This will in
crease the probability of n separation of
church and state and awakens the hopes of
the Protestant sect in franco. Some of the
loading Protestant clergymen of I'arU have
been interviewed on thesubjoct. Dr. Thurocr
of the American church said : "I consider
that Protestantism Is milking progress ,
though slowly , as it has to combat bolli
Roman Catholla traditions and atheism. The
latter has bcon carried to such an oxtoni as
to show itself even In the Chambers. "
Hov. Mr. McAll , the head ot the McAH
missiou , said : "Evangelism has made rapid
progress recently. There nro now nearly
l.OOJ reformed churches in Franco. During
the last seven yearn both the Catholic nnd
Protestant religions have made great , head
way against atheism. "
Pcro Hyncinthc said : "I don't think there
is ono Frenchman In 10,000 who is really nu
atheist , though many profess to be such. The
Roman church does not supply the necessary
spiritual needs and Is loocioggcd with super
stition. "
The report , that the pope has sent a letter
to Cardinal Richard , advising the adhesion
of tbo church to the republic , is doniod.
While thu report was iu circulation it caused
considerable commotion , a iiumberof rovallst
domitlcs threatening to retire if it should
prove true.
The lutrnnsigonut continues its attacks on
Minister Constans. It licenses him of ac
cepting bribes and sharing spoils of gambling
dens iu the colon ios und of being a partner in
Ill-famod cafes in Toulouse. Ills colleagues
advise him to Ignore these slanders.
The now cruiser Arothusn , destined for the
Atlantic squadron , wiit nshoro at Brest on
returning from n trial , and had her keel car
ried away. She has bean docked for repair ) .
Her commander nnd pilot will bo court-mar
CiPlKTHnlons to
ii , Jan. 24. The sultan of Morocco
has granted permission to Ureat Britain to
orcct a semaphore on Capo Espartol , on the
northwest coast of nls dominions , at the entrance -
trance to the straits of ( Jlhniltar. This con
cussion Is made on the condition that In the
event of war ilia iiomnntioro must , bo closed
at the demand of any European poivor.
Use Hnllcr's Barbed VYiro llnimen for
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tlo always got well.
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Constipation polsona tno olood ; Do Witt's
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A very smalt pill , but a vary good ono. Da
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DoWltt's Llttlo E-mv Uuorv. ouly pill to
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Beocham's I'ilU will nave doctor's bills.
Tli3 Howe scales , the ouiy scale w Ith pro
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of Borden bollock Co. , Chicago , 111 ,
turb.incos having boon taken before the
Judge ,
"Tho Judicial proceedings which worn ln
Rtllutod without delay will throw full light
upon tno nffalr nnd the undersigned doubts
not that thn spirit of JintieJ which animates
the government of the United States nnd that
of Chill will bo duly satliflod by the Judg
ment which the Investigation Is to termin
ate. "
On December 21 Senor .Montt lays bofero
Mr. Ultiliio tbo telegraphic report rondo pub
lic summarizing the results of the prelimi
nary trial before the judcn of crimes nnd as
serting that all tlio Americans , with tno ex
ception of two , d echini that the police did
their duty ana made no charges against them
January 4 ho transmits to Secretary
Dlalno tha following telegram ho had ro-
colvod from Minister 1'erolrn , the now mln *
Istcr of foreign' rolntlans :
"Inform the United States government
that n summary of the attorney ecnnral's ra-
port rclnilvo to thu occurrence of October 10 ,
which Chill has .lamented nnd docs so sin
cerely lament , will tie sent on Monday , tlio
4th Instant,1'
rinding * of tlio InvontlKntlmi.
Januarys , Mr. Montt , In n note to Mr.
Ltlnino , transmits him the result of thopra-
tlmiimry Investigation nt Valparaiso nnd In
forms him that the next step Is the framing
of an Indictment based on It against the re
sponsible persons. He says :
The prosecuting attorney has brought
accusation nuaitist tboso who , from the sum
mary , appear to bu guilty , nnd they nro
Carlos liomez , Frederic Koderiguez nnd
Ahumadn , Chilians , and Davidson , nu
American , nnd has asked that upon them bo
Imposed the penalties assigned by the law ,
namely , upon Gomez , of three to llvo years'
imprisonment ; Hodrlpuez , from twelve to
eighteen months , nnd Ahumadn nnd David
son , twenty to forty days' Im
prisonment. Upon this conclusion of
tbb summary , the procedure pro
scribed by the Inwa Is to coimnunlcnto to
the criminals tlio Indictment framed by the
prosecuting attorney nnd to net down the
case for trial within a brief period. There
upon the sontoncu ns pronounced must bo re
viewed by the superior court. Considering
tbo bullr of the record of the proceedings ,
which exceeds : ! ll ) ) folios , the necessary In
vestigations to discover the culprits , the
numerous witnesses whoso depositions have
been taken , and the delay in thn appearance
of sotcral ot them , of which you have knowl
edge , tl'o activity shown by the criminal
Judge of Valparaiso In tills mutter , to the end
that public Jimica sho.ild Do speedily done ,
has been satisfactory to my government.
lOvprc-iilmiH ill'
"I have also received special instruction testate
state to the government of the United Stales
that the government of uhlll has felt very
sincere regret for the unfortunate events
which occurred In Valparaiso on October 10.
Although Incidents of this natnro are no
rare in ports froquontcd by sailors of van'
ous nationalities , tlio fact that deaths and
wounds wore caused in this disturbance , the
zial with which Chilian authorities nro ac
customed to watch over the personal security
of all who trade In its territory , the fact that
persons employed in the service of n friendly
nation were concerned , nnd the frank doslro
of American cordiality which the government
entertains , have led it to cordially deplore
tbis sad disturbance , and to do everything In
Its power toward tbo trial and putdshmentof
guilty bartios. "
v Two briuf telegrams received by Minister
Monti nnd transniilted to Secretary Blainc
state that the English fireman Shields of the
American merchant vessel ICmveonaw wns
declared deserted by the captain of the vos-
eel on the 24th of October last. The same
dnto the police took him up drunk in the
street. January 11 Davidson was accused of
stoning Shields.
Tlio I. list Note. , -
Tbo last note in the correspondence de
livered to Secretary Dlalno by Mr. Egan was
a simple enclosure of a telegram in the fol
lowing language :
"Commander of the Yorktown notified the
naval commandant that he was going to send
by mcll steamer the refugees he nad on
board. Having asked instruction , the naval
commandant replied to him that the govern
ment did not give safe conduct to the re
fugees. They will understant the contingen
cies to which they are exposed by embark
ing' in merchant vessels or mail steamers.
"I'aiiKiiiA. "
Trying to IMInlt'iul ICgim ,
On the 2''d Mr. Egan sent the following
telegram to Mr. Blnlno : "Tho minister of
foreign aflanvi , in nn interview on the 13th
lust. , promised that after his colleagues had
boon consulted in reference to withdrawal of
the telegram of tlio Ilith of December , to
appoint another interview to communicate
his answer. I have been awaiting it. bunt
bos not yet beep received. The Herald cor
respondent has been told by the under secre
tary tlmt I ho telegram had been withdrawn
in Washington in n way that was entirely
satisfactory to the president of the United
States. Is it true ) EOAN. "
On theyyd Inst. Mr. Ugan acknowledged
the receipt , of Mr. Blaino's telegram of the
21st , which ho states ho will 'deliver to the
minister of forciu-n affairs tomorrow. Ho
further states that in un interview on the
12lh mst. the minister of foreign affairs
prus&od upon him the acceptance of the with
drawal of Mr. Malta's telegram on thu basis
stutcd In Mr. Kgnn's telegram of that date ,
saying that that basis was entirely accept
able to Mr. Dlrtinc , anil was , in fact , sug
gested by him. Notwithstanding these as
surances , Mr. Kijan would only consent to
submit the proposition as ho nad done.
( Millliiu Tally.
With regard to hU being pcr onn non
grata , Mr. Egan says that nln diplomatic
banquet at the homo of the minister of for
eign affairs , on tlio 12th inst. , i'rimo Minister
Lnco told him , with the approbation of borne
of his collcnuuDS and In the presunco of the
English minister and the Spanish minister ,
that tbo present , cabinet entertained most
ccrdinl fcultngs for the United Slates and
for himself personally.
A note appended to the foregoing ofllcial
statement , of the contents of this telegram
suys : "No telegram of January I" was re
ceived from Egan bearing on this subject.
Possibly ho refers to his of Jan-
uury Hi.
The following Is a construction of the letter -
tor from Sonar Montt to Mr. litaino , notify
ing him that Minister Kgnu Is not persona
grata lo the Chilian govern munt :
AxIdiiK for Kg.m'rf ICrriill.
"LKOA'nox oi' Ciin.t. WAHinxr.To.v , IX C. ,
Jan 20 , 1803. Sir : I hnvo received instruc
tions from my povnrntnunt to state to you
that In Its doslro to cultivate cordlul and
friendly relations with tlio United States ,
the co.itlnuanco of Mr. Eimn as minister of
United States In Santiago is not agreeable
to it. Mr. Egan Is not persona grata tor my
government , which will nnvo much pleasure
in receiving another roprcsontatlvti of tlio
United States. The desire of llio govern
ment of Chill to draw closer tlio relations
with Unit of the United States Is Its motive
for taking this stop. With .sentiments , etc. ,
" 1'jjnito MONTT. "
or TIM : N.VVV.
Nrvriitiiry Trupyln ICwplug ( 'lino Wutoli nn
thii ( Jlilll.iu Shlpi.
WAHIIINOTON- . C. , Jan , ' . > ! > . There is
no doubt that Secretary Tracy Is keepIng -
Ing close watoh of the Captain I'rat
and it Is equally true that thn Chilian gov
ernment 1st i ot ignorant of the dlftlcultlos to
bo encountered In getting that formidable
craft Into their own wulcis , The llaulc move
ment of the Philadelphia opens up now ob
stacles tn them nnd will doubtless cauno
them no little concern. It has been , known
to the American naval ofllclals for some tliuo
that the Chilian gn\orninonl has loon oxi-rl- -
From a Catholic Anil-
A bishop down to the
Poorest of the Poor
V n nil testify , not only to the
virtue * of
The Great Remedy For Pain ,
hut to IU kupcrlorlly over all other mnedici ,
cd thui :
It Cures Promptly , Permanently ;
uhlcb means Mrlclly , Hint Iho paln-itrlckcn
tcuk a | iromi.t rvllff with
ixilu , nnd thu. Ihvy t.ay , St.
flvtr , 1'liu Is IU ciccllcucc.
Ing every effort to pec the Prat In condition
to leave Toulon nt the moment the wire *
flashed the tlr.U iiows of the declaration of
wnr ,
Itli Iho llrm belief of thoofficlate hero that
tho-snlllng of the R'moraldn , Condol and
other Chilian vessels from Valparaiso for the
south has some further significance than that
of securing recruits , as announced In dls
patches from Valparaiso. It Inn also been
given out tnnt these vosjels wcro cuing to
the btratts of Magellan to dispute the pas *
SRRO of Ailinlinl Warner's lieol through these
waters , The navy people have decided that
there Is nothing to bo gained for Chill by
such n move , when It would only ivqtiiro n
llttlo additional salllue to get thu American
vessels nround Capo Horn into the Pai-ltlo ,
nud have consequently looked for soina
deeper purpose than nppoarn on the stirlncoi
Kcallrc * tlio I'm ! * * laiig * r
Advices from Captain Kvuns nnd from spe
cial agents abroad who nro keeping the de
partment advised nsto thu progress of tha
Cnptatn Prnt Imvo cnusod the conviction
that n movement Is speedily to bo made to
got the Prat away from Franco nnd into
Chilian waters. The dispatching ot the K < -
ni'miUU ' mid her consorts southward , it la
now thought , Is n part of the plan. They nro
believed to bo getting Into n position to
coino quickly Into the Atlantic to join the
Prnt the moment that hostilities occur. As
pointed out In these dl pitcho. : < , the Prnt In
her { resent unllnlshcif condition , with n
green crow , would fall an easy victim to the
Philadelphia or any modern cruiser of her
type. The Chilians doubtless rcnllv.o this ns
well ns Americans do. It is theroforu proba
ble thnt they will send uvatlabln vessels
nrouud to meet and protest her from nltack
while onroulo to their own waters.
The poises.ston ot the Prat means a great
deal to Chill , nnd nothing will bo left uudoiio
by that government to got her out of neutral
ports nt the earliest moment. Secretary
Tracy understands that her presence in Chill
will greatly augment the tnsk before the
United Status. It is Important that this
government should exert every effort to prevent -
vent her being turned over to Chill or cap
ture her before she geta Into the Pncltlc.
Hear Admiral Walker has , It is understood ,
boon advised of tha suspicious of the Navy
department concerning the movement of the
Chilian vessels , and It h bullevod thnt whllo
Admiral Cihcrardl Is watching the Prat In
the northern Atlantic , Admiral Wnllicr will
hoop trnck of the movements of the Chliliiu
Iliivo Aunt her C'ruNrr Itrnily.
A startling piece of information is snid to
havoroachod the Navy department which
adds to the seriousnoo of Iho situation. The
nsents of the department In Pans roportthat
the Captain Prat Is uot the only Chili.iu ves
sel preparing for sea at tho" Kronen ship
yards , but that , the cruiser I'rosittonto Pluto
Is fitting out for service nt n French Atlantic
port , and that she is actually reauv to sail.
She corresponds to the Montgomery of our
navy , or cruiser No. II , built nt the Ilnrrl-
sou-Loring works in South Boston , only thnt
shn Is moro formidable. She lias an arma
ment composed of Cunet rapid-tiring cnns.
mid If she succeeds in getting away uho will
make things lively In the Atlantic , bho has
n good speed , and is altogether u machine of
war lo bo feared. Her guns have i.ot boon
mounted vol. but they nro on tbo wharf and
every thing is In order for unity snlllii g.
If Chill succeeds iu nor evident plan of de
laying action in this country for > tureo or
four weeks longer , the United States will
llnd It a dlnlcult matter to secure from that
nation any terms , and n naval export is au
thority for the statement thnt the United
States will llud It. Impossible to defeat the
Chilian forces. - Thev already have n war
like Hoot that has been drilled and otherwise
put Into condition for actual service. They
have Increased their stock of torpedoes and
have supplied all their ships with smokeless
powder. The Pinto bus taken on a supply of
this modern ammunition. They are at work
OH their coast defenses , nud have so fur pro
gressed with their projects Unit a few moro
weeks will see them on a vary formidable
war looting , and ono that will make the
planned Invasion of Chill by tbo United
States forces extremely dlllloult.
.SciidiiiK Out I'lilrtu News.
The Navy department Is laboring uudor
the disadvantage just now of having no
source of infoi million from Valparaiso , but
the latest advices from that port are any
thing but reassuring. Thu department has
learned to distrust their dispatches which
have coma from Chill , us they are so ob
viously In favor of the Chilian sldo of the
ciiso ns to lead to thn assumption that the in
formation is purposely against this country.
The department people look upon the request
for the recall of Mr. I5uii : as in reality
emanating from this country , and that the '
priino movers in Iho measure nro American
nrms , who care too much for tlmlr Individual
Jinanclal interests to allow the matter to go
before congress on its merits.
AVur 1'ri'iiamlions at Li-iivonwnrtli.
LiAviXWourii : , Kau. , .Inn. "r > . The possi- '
blhty of a wnr with Chili has thoroughly t
.stirred up the military at Fort Loavnnworth.
Orders of some kind have boon received from
the War department and there is unusual ac
tivity among the officer * und soldiers. In
case war should bo declared , the infantry
nnd artillery , which nro strong at this fort ,
would bu sent to the Puclllc coast at onco.
There Is a largo eupplv of war material
BtorriU nt the garrison that could DB and
would bo sent , west on short notice. The feel
ing among the army people l-i strong for n
brush with the Chilians. Especially Is this
Iho case with thu young student ollloeu ,
about eighty in number , nt the mllltun train-
me school. They nro anxious for wnr.
t'roni lluli'l Ill-Hour ,
Mr. C. W. Hood , proprietor of tha Hotel
Dullone , Oipaha , one of the llnest now und
modern hotels In thu west. Hays of Chamberi i
lam's ' Cougn Itomcuy : "Wo havn used it In
our family for.voar.s with the moil s.itUfuc- .
tory result , especially for our children , for f
colds and croup. It can bo depended upon ; ' ,
besides it is ploasnnt to taku nud BOOIIIS to bo
free from chloroform nnd the oilv subjtnncea
put into many cough mixtures. " 'J5c , TiOo und
51 holtlos for sale by druggists.
I5o Biiro to try tlio Quail rolled outs nnd
tnko no other.
Dr. niriioy euros ciiiuiTh , Bun bhljr
,1 11031 IS T7N A " " >
TltKAlMKA'f j A.O I CT > .
Aliout ulml
SpecificO xygen
\vlll ilo. Kiiud what nllii'n Hny
nlxiiu II , nml thiMi cuinu ami la
' , . vu.-tlK to for yourself ,
r < j > / / IJTV
- I ! 'V. Wllliinl tUott : , hin of Oinn >
ii i i-
, i ju. .
< hit , miyHi "IllntliiilJi'sllruntiiii'iil
for fATAHHli Ipvurlrlml ' U U u iionerful
tliiililunt. I uliuiilil think It would nialuro Ilia
loin of vlliillly In any purl of tin ) ryMmn. "
TIKI iiliiivii Ii Knoil niiwii lor vlitlnm ul hi urlppu ,
fur It ( loin renturu hlinlturt'il nurvouH nytlumti aa '
IIOlllllIK Illlll will. <
jiiino lleiiiniKiiil. liullilor uiiil contniotor , 47IU .V.
lint nt. , Oiiialni , irrlU'x , ilflur imlnu fiprcllln UIJVIMI
DUO month : " 1 ptirrliufCMl n trimtiiieut tit Hpeclilu
OxKi'ii ) iiliiiiit thu l t of SvpU'inbiir. 'HI , mi'l It I * nil
you vlidni fur U. I Imvo liuon Kreutly Iruuliluil with
un iiltecllnii ul Iliu tlirnut nuil hnim. I ulmi hail
cittiirrli anil Kt'iiurul Ill-huullli. unit I inn Kruiuly hu r-
proveil lit u uliiirl 11 tlmo. Anil uiiulil I iu > tiu-tuii- I
oilier iri'iilmiMit jour company ha * nut K'H ' muiivjr I
uiiuuxli In I'llndnu ' Imi'k. " I
' : . '
Hullo 610 , bliuvly Illork , corner I.MIi Hint Howard
MreolM , Omaha.
Hpnclllu OXJTJOII nircs Cutarrli , llroiirhltli ,
Abthiiia nml liny Kevur ,
riiyilduiin In cuiutiuit nttenilmiro. ( 'iinmiltullim
nml Manual Km ) . Call ur wrltu fur nmiiuiil idvliiK
account of wuinlerful ituri'n , I
Jlontliiiiartora , Nmlivllln , TBIIN.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee i
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Klectric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving" at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l ' Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.