Till' ! OMAHA JAII151,1V ) iMUMA.lAM'AIH ) ' - ' . " > . I.SH2. : rJMJE OMAHA BJEE. COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICK : - NO. 12 IM2AULSTKKKT. hy Carrier lo any part of the City II. W. TII/TON , MANAGER TI U.l os Office ( NKlt , , K(1tlr | ) ' N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council II luff 3 Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. SOI Sapp hlocl' . The first assignment of law COSM will bo hindo in the district court tomorrow morning. The funeral of J. M. Paltnor wllloccur this nftcnioon nt 2 no o'clock from the family resilience , S30 Fourth avenue. The Infant child ol Mr. Meyers , MM Fourth htrcet , is 111vltn tllphtluirla. Mrs. LUU , living at ! 101 ! 1'ierco street , Is suffering with the smile disease. Thcro will ho a mooting of the young men of the citv at the Urnntl hotel Tuesday even ing at 4'tO : o'clock to maito ntrnngemonts tor n rotuin party to the young Indlrs who gnvo the leap vcnr parly on January 0. ' .Miss Kutlo 1'oud'ir Is con lined to her homo fiom an Injury she received whllo woiking til lu.iiotto's | factory Friday afternoon by stepping on a wlro null \Vnlch penetrated her foot for nearly an Inch , and Inflicted n very painful wound , The Married Ladies' Social society will have a "kcnslngton ton" at the residence of Mrs , J , II. Pace , TtS ! Mynstor street , Thurs day afternoon from " o'clock till 0 , and n sociable In the ovnning from 7 : " ( > o'clock. The proceeds will bo used for thu benefit of the poor. The funrral of John McCInio will occur this afternoon nt r > o'clock ' from the residence. of his daughter , Mrs. M. J. Al worth , corner of Willow nvontio and Seventh street. After n brief scrvieo thu remains will bo taken to Darlington , \Vls. , for interment , over the Northwestern. The case of S. S. Klllott against F. A. Hydonnd W. I' . U'clkcr was dismissed ut the plaintiff's costs after n trial in the dis trict court yesterday. The two cases in which the 1'nsMimsie Savings bunk and Albion C. Russell are the plaintiffs and William II. La toy defendant , decrees were lordoicd on defaults. So far during the present month there have necn thirty-two cases of contagious diseases runorled nt the oftleo of the city clerk , of which twont.v-llvo hnvo been diphtheria , six scarlet fever nnd ono c-hlcitcn nox. The physicians report that there Is more Illness in llio city now than there has been for a long time past. Most of the trouble is from la grippe. The members of Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 ( Srand Army of the Uopubllc , will meet at the post headquarters this afteinoon at fiw : : o'clock , to act as escort to the remains of Comrade McClure from his lute resldenco on South Sixth street to the Northwestern depot. The Uodgo Light Guards will ulso mem , In compliance with the orders of the adjutant general of Iowa , for the same pur pose. Charles Adams , ono of the "Sandy Point" family that hits achieved considerable notoriety riety in police circles at different times , was arrested last evening on an Information filed with the clerk of the superior court charging him with disturbing the peace. K. M. Hyatt , tl'Q complainant , stated that ho entered his hulooti on Lower Broadway nnd created n disturbance by shooting oft n largo amount of verbal liroworks of the most lurid and picturesque stylo. Ho will linvo a hearing In police court Monday morning. I'Irftt CliiHK Orpins CliiMip. Wo have -112 orpins , nil llrbt clnss , lolt over from tlio Bankrupt stock , which intibt bo fcold nt seine price. Scenro for yourself u bur nm while yon can. Mueller 1'inno nnil Orgnn company , 1011 Main street , Council BlulTs , la. For Sulo. Counters nnd vault tloor in the building recently occupied by the ( 'onncil lUttlTa Savings bunk. Oflicer ite 1'tihoy , ( 'onncil Bluffs. r.tn.wn.ii'ii s. W. II. Copson sponl the week in Avoca on Dusincss. MUs Ilottlo Baker is recovering from a tevero illness. lM. . Hunter returned yesterday morning from n trip to Kcokuk. Samuel Haas Is confined to his homo on Sixth street by the grip. M. K Hohror has gene to Chllllcolho , Mo. , to spend a couple of weeks. Miss Kittle Iluchel of Lyons. Nob. , Is visit ing her sister , Mrs. C. ( ! . Peterson. H. U. Suing , who has been visiting the family of Henry Paschel on Willow avenue , loft with his two daughtorsyestorday for his homo in Hartington , Nob. Colonel J. , f. Stoadman loaves this evening for Kcokuic to attend United States court. The appointment of the different deputies , Including the ono at this point , will probably ho made during tha present week , 'J'ho Boston Store , Council BlnlTri , Itu , cloaca ovary averting nt ( I p. in. , unless Mondays nnd Snturdnyp. Mondays ! ) p. in. , SntiirdnyB 10 p. in. Fothcringhuui , \Vhitolaw & Co. , Council 13 1 nils , In. Two apprentice nurses wanted nt the "W. C. A. hospital , corner Dili street nnd ( till avenue. lllgli ri i > Piirly. Mrs. ( i. W. Hewitt and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell entertained n party of ladies at the homo of the former Thursday afternoon at high five. The rooms were handsomely decorated with flowers and smllax. The following guests were present ; Mesdamus H. S. Torwilllgor , J. M. Ilnrstow , l13. . Shepard , F. S. Thomas , J. T. Tidcl. C. K. Wood- miry , P. U. Hovel , H. n. Jennings. J. M. Oursior , A. K. Urock. C. K. Ha- mon. F. H. Oavh , Kd Kisser , \V. I ! , norland. A , P. llanchelt , J. I ) . Mitchell , .1. C , i-ltts. H. J. Forsytlio , M. F. Hohrer. .1. T. Pugli , W.VInton. ! . Kd Ho wo. J. N. Cusaily , L. U , llorhamV. . W. Chapman , A. T. Klco , Kinley llurko. C ) . W. Llpo and A. U , Crane ; Misses Anna Casndy , Cora Wood bury , Kllon Prior , Jennie lloo and Ida Casndy , 'J'ho III si prl/o , u handsomely decorated olive dish , was awarded to Mrs. V. K. Davis , and the second , a clnua cup and taucer , to Mrs , F. 13. Sliopard. Vocal 'MiiHlc , 1'rof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voii-e nnd note rending. Lessons priviito. Call or aduross nt Cirand hotel , Council BlulV . _ H. II , Shonfo Ilia eastern money on nnil for rcnl estate loans. Jnrvlswlld blackbarrv is the bast Uii ) light llohhrry. A bold robbery was perpetrated Friday nllornoon at the residence of L. I ) . Cousins , on Tenth avenue between Third and Fourth streets. Mrs. Counlns was tilting In the back parlor when she heard someone walk- lug about In the room adjoining , She thought It was tier daughter , nnd paid no moro atten tion to It. Sumo tunu later she hap pened to go into the other room , when she fount ! the front door and Decn opened and someone ono had rnnsnckcd the bureau drawer * and stolen a valuable ring , two breastpins and a watch rase , besides a number of articles of leas value. Ono of tbo neighbors claimed lo have scon n colored man ontur the front door wearing a light overcoat and broad bilmmed blouch hat , but as he appeared to bo perfectly nt home she raised no alarm. Ho loft us ho had entered , aud nothing was suspected to have gene wrong until Airs. Cousins chanced to make her discovery. Ii'o tr co has boon found of the thief's present whereabouts , There tire still tv largo quantity of these beautiful Jap goods nt the Japan- Cbo btoro , ; t7 ! Hronuway , and to save freight back to the coast nil will be bold nt importer ' cost for the next seven diiVH. Ludlos of thli city and Omaha will find this the best opportunity of their lives to got those goods at Sun Frai'olsco wholesale prices. Leading drugstore und news standlavis. Self-Accused Mail Robber Taken to the Scene of His Orimc , PECULIAR IDEAS OF THE PRISONER Aiixlotin lo SnITiT lor Ills Art Hut Not In clined t < i Miil < r riiiiinrlnl Iti-piinulon llnw Iln Axulilril Arrest for .Many Yc.irx , ShorlfT Brown of Orundy Center , la. , ar rived in the city yesterday to tnlto charge of Julius Fisher , the self accused mail robber. Fisher appeared very qlad to sea him and was anxious to ho taken hack to stand trial. Kvcr slnco ho has been coullnod ha has boon growing happier at the thought of Impending trial and Imprisonment In llio penitonllary. Sheriff Huzcn suggested lo him that It might bo bettor for Mm to raise the iconoy In some way and pay tbo fll ) ho had stolen back to his victim , bui no refused to con sider such a proposition , saying ha did not think thai would bo right. Ho Is evidently bent upon seeing llio Inside of a state's prison , and It Is not likely that the privilege will bo dented him , although the probability Is that ho will bo lot oft with a light sonlanco In consideration of his pleading guilty. Sheriff llrown states that n close search was made for him three years ago. Just after the crime was commuted , but Fisher circulated the report that ho had gene back to Ills ole homo in Oermuny to spend the remainder of his days and his ? MO , and after several months hunt ing ho was given nu for lost. Isothlng wns ever heard of him until the letlcr was received noting his arrival at the county jull. WOOL ooons roit ALMOST A soxo. Tlii < ( irrat ' Miil-Aiiiiiial Dcarlng Sale at tliu r.intnii Nturo , ( 'ounrll Illllllx , la. , Opened We-diics-day morning. The store wns closed all dny Tuesday to mark down goods nnd make preparations for this trrcat event , which is looked forward to with deep interest by almost every housewife in Council BlulTs and sur rounding country. Below is only n partial list of tlvo thousands of bargains that nro oITored at this sale. For a better list of prices see Council Bluffs daily Nonpareil and ( Jlobo : 10-inch brilliantine , former price , 50e ; for this sale , lioc. : ! 0-inch all wool plaids and plain llan- nols , oOo goods , for IWc. ! > 1-inch alt wool ladies' cloth , worth 7oc , for 4050. f > 0c , 7Ce and 03c novollios in polka dots , camel's hair stripe and plaids , all in atone ono price for this sale , 'I7jc. Ki-ineh all wool henriottas , former price Doc , sale price S'Jc. , r ) ( ) pieces all wool red shaker flannel worth Me , halo price 20c. } 12oe all wool red twilled flannel , lOc for sale only. ( ic heavy unbleached llanncl cotton llanncl , : tc. All our fur capoa and imilTs at just one-half llio original prico. $0.60 capes forSaUo , $10.00 capes for $ . " > .00 , $12.00 capos for $0.00 , $17.00 capos for 88.50. Mullb I'tc ! mtilT for 17e , 75c mull for 'ISc , $1.00 intitr for fiOc , $2.00 inulT for $1.00 , $4.00 mulT for $2.00 , $9.00 msifT for $4.50. All our stock of mulTs the sumo way. Toys and Fancy Goods Wo must have room for our immense stock of wall paper whii-h is now on the way. All our toys , dolls , baskolH , clocks and bricka- brack r.t just half price for this sale. ISts Bannock Burn suitings 12c. All our stock of prints , including best blues , silver grays , black and whites , heavy twilled serges , nil usual sold for 7c and 8c , for this sale 5c. . ' ! 1-inch wldo suitings , former price 15c , for this sale 0e liO-inch wide Armenian serges , in black and while , former price loc , for this sale lOc. 12ie and l.V outing flannels for lOc. Host apron ginghams OJc. Coats' und Clark's best 200-yard spool cotton for ! ! ( . Holding's 100-ynrd spool silk for fie. Holding's 100-yard spool twist for Ic. All our children's coats in two lots , $2.7. ) nnd $ : i.2.j. All our nowmnrkots , that sold for $10.00 , $12.00 and $15.00. all in ono lot for $1.08 ; u , chance that should not ho lost sighl of. Ladies' short coal $5.00 coats for $2.75 ; $8.00 , $0.00 nnd $10.00 coats for $5.00. Novelty garments , embroidered sleeves and revered front , $14.00 gar ments for $7.00. BOSTON STORE. FOTIIKKIXUHAM , WJIITIXAW & CO. , Council Hlulls , la. Wo hnvo our own vineyards in Califor nia. Jnrvis Wine company , Co. lilutTd Slolti u Soran time ago the city council decided to rnluso 10 grant any farther privileges that might bo asked by the Hock Island and Mil waukee railway companies until they should bring llioir tracks in the southern part of the city up to grade. About three months ago n force of men was put at work laying tracks at the corner of Twelfth avenue and Eighth street for a connection between the Mil waukee and Kock Island tracks. The work was stopped almost as noon a.s commenced by tbo uppcaranco of the patrol wagon filled with policemen WDO threatened to arrest the onllro lorco of men unions the work wns al once stopped. Although It wns purely a bluff game on the purl of the p'oUcomon , who were acting under Mayor Maciao's orders , the threat had the desired result and every workman picked up his shovel and left the scone of action , Notli- ing moro had been dona by either party until last Ttmr.sdiy nlgnt , when the Milwaukee put a force of men at work at the sumo spot , and when the inhabitants of llir.t part of the city awoke Friday morning they were surprised to see that the connection between the tracks hod been completed. The city attorney Is away , so that the council is without local advice at present , and It Is not likely that anything will uo ( tone toward bringing the companies to terms until ho returns. Tno fractious nt- tltudo of several companies grates on tbo nerves of Mayor Macrae , and he will hiinc the matter before a meeting of tbo mayors of of the various cities of the state , which la to be hold hi l.'o.i Malncs about February , with a view to devising soma way of keeping the check rein a little tighter. Walnut block nnd Wjomtng coal , fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher , 10 Main. Jarvls 1677brandy , purest , safest , best. Children' * 1'arty. A very pleasant anil enjoyable reception was given by Miss Olla Cook at her homo , I'll ' ) Third avenue , to her Sunday school class In St. Paul's church. Aftergames were played refreshments were served , of which the children partook freely. The following were present : Clnr.i Troutman , Hattie Crlttondan , Maud Hcsluy , Vera Marshall , Kdna Loiter , Ltzzlo McCollough , Flora Judson , Ilcsslo Wright , Corimio Albright , Ada Dalloy , Stella Koyal , Kmma Durr , \\limloMarshall. Muses Fannlo and ( Jertio Davenport , Marjorlo I3abcock , Carrlo Mc- Ltnneu , Jennie Oarso , L'urno Evens , Kmma Llukloy , 4'olho Jones , Ella Spotnian , Uooririno Hebington , Piorenco Jarvls , ftrlilo Fialney , Iiono Mason , Nellie Haworlh , .Madgo LiunU. Vcariu'il lor tliu llercnftor. A man was noticed yesterday morning hanging' ubout the Union Pacific yards and uctlug In u very strange matiuer. The hands employed In the yards watched htm for some lluio , and wt'ro finally couvlnced that bo was Insane. J , II. .Marr llnully succeeded in get- m to accompany him to tlio police su tlon , whcro ho was placed In ft cell to nwftit an examination by the commissioners ot In sanity. Among his effects was found a let ter addressed to Mrs. C. .1. Swynoy , corner of St. John's street and Hwllroad avenue , Alnmcda , Cal. , reading AS follow * : MoTilKtt ! 1 lm\o been tohticd of ovcry- thliK 1 hHil nnd I know no rct Iiut stilplde. 1 ono many dolluri , but I cannot n.iv them. KiiWAiiu SWVMV. : Tn his norkot was a small vial conttdnlng n liquid of some sort and marked "poison. " When asked who had roooccl him ho could not remember and nothing could bo learned from him as to where ho catno from or whether he had any friends , From papers In his pocket , however , it was learned that ho had been assistant engineer In 1SSI on an ocean steamer running from San Francisco. In IbSO o was In the eranlovof Henry WorthIngton - Ington of N'ow York , and traveled extensively through various cities In the country ns agent. UcjUlos the paper ) from which these facts were cleaned , wcio found In Ms pcchot $21.3 * lu cash und u ticket from Xcw York lo San Francisco. Ho appears to bo very anxious to go on his western way , and it Is likely that In the course of n few ilavs ho will bo put on board the iraln for San Fran cisco us soon as il can bo decided whether or not ho is in a condition to travel. IT is A tiitKAT SAM : . The I'rnpli ! Siitlsllril Mllh tile HiU'Riilns OIlVrtMl ill tin * Huston storr , Council linnr * . Since the beginning of the great Fotni- annunl clearance sale nt tlio Boston store the rush hits been without parallel in the history of the dry goods trade in Council HlnlT& Occurring as ii. is , in what in supposed to bo the dullest season of the your , it is moro than simply re- mnrkablu ; it is phenomenal , nnil indi cates llio fact that the people have plenty of money to spend when they can got genuine bargains. Tlio big sale will continue this week. Head some of the bargains for the week : Our entire stock of novelty dress goods sold for ( iOe. 7fie and ! )0c ) in ono lot , dur ing ihissn'o ' ' 17J& Tills is ono of tlio biygest bargains offered. 50 pieces 10 in. Brilliantine , ftilf rnngo of bhiulcs , sold for COc a yard , will bo placed on sale at Loc a yard" . Don't miss booing this bargain. $1.00 blankets forGOc. 81. . ' ) blankets for $1.00. $1.00 blankets for $3.00. $5.00 blankets for $8.75 , Olbs. , cxlrn large. $0.50 Davenport blankets , 5 lie , . . $ ) . ! ! ; ! . $5.75 all wool red blankets $1.25. Comforters at greatly reduced prices : Bargains at 07o , $1. II ) , $ l.3 ! ! , $1.75 and special oll'erings at $ ; 5.00 , $ , ' ! ! l , $3.80. 1 case 27 in. red Shaker flannel , sold for 't3c , during sale 20k' . 2oc red twilled llannol lc. ! ) Shirting flannels 12Je , 17c , 2oc , 'We to 75c. . 81.25 all wool skirt patterns for 9Sc. ! )0c ) and $1.00 mtido up skirts reduced to tic. ! ) Children's wool hose 5e a pair. 25c all wool hose , 5J to S } , for 17c , 8 for 50c ; in dark colors , seals , navy and wine. Black wool hose , 5 } to C } . to close at lOc a pair. Boys' heavy gray mixed wool hoee , sold at 25c , to go during sale at 17c. Ladies' wool ribbed hose 17c a pair. Wo have just received 500 Sample Garments from two of the leading man ufacturers of Now York City , which wo will sell nt fifty cents on the dollar. All our regular stock nt the same reduction , "just half price , " and in quite a number of cases less than the cost of nmking. Ladies' Newmarkets Our entire stock , which sold for $5 , $7 , $10 and $15 , choice of the lot for $ I.lS. ) Only ono "Garment to n customer. " 1'rints wo cut your choice of our slock for 5o a vard. This includes best blues , silver grnys , Simpson's black , heavy wide borgo In block and colors , sold for 7c and He , al ) go nt 5c. HOOKS. A special bargain in llio book line. Our $ -15.00 sets of Encyclopaedia Brit- tunica , for $22.50 ; our $80.00 sots for $18.00 ; the above contains 30 volumes each and by far the best work on the market at the present day , ( Allen edition. ) A chance for all professional men that seldom occurs. A library of itself. BOSTON STORE , FOTlinillNr.HAM , WlUTKf.AW ic CO. Council Blufln , In. N. B. Mail orders promptly attended. Packages delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Cluirrli Services. Congregational--Hov. H. W. Hughes of Ormnell will preach in the morning. No evening service. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 0:110 : o'clock. First Presbyterian Preaching by the pas tor , Hov. Stcuhon Phelps , at 10:30 : a. m. Sabbath school 13 m. Young people's meet ing at0:30 : p. m. Annual meeting of tbo county bi'olosociety ai7:30 : p. in. , addressed by Kov. H.V. . Hughes , state superintendent for too American Uiblo socioly , Hroadway Methodist Services nt Hughes' hall at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at li : m , Epworth laaguo vesper ser vice 11:30 : p. in. T , McIC. Stewart , pastor. St. John'sJKnglish Lutheran.-Services a 11 a. m. Sunday school , OMB. Young pee ple's meeting , tiir : ) p. in. No evening service. Second Presbyterian. Preaching by Hov. S. Alexander at 10:30 : u. in. nml 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school , 3 p. m. Christian Science. Services at the West ern Jowa Business College room on Broad way at 10:30 : a. m. Younc Men's ' Christian Association. Men's meeting at1 o'clock. J. U. Lindsay , leader. People's Union Mission , 7M Broadway Sunday school al 3 o'clock. .1. C. Hose , gen eral secretary of the Young Men's Christian association , and othcrsjwill.conduct the even ing mooting nt : 'iO. First Uaptlst Preaching by tuo pastor , Hov. L. A. Hull , at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Subjects , "Poverty und Persecution Bettor Than Heresy , " und "Tlio Orphan Girl Wins. " Sunday school ut 13 o'clock. Drs. Woodbtirydontist3no.xt to Grand hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele. 1-15. Dr. F. T Seybort has removed to the Grand hotel. Telephone 35. Sw.ui3on Mualc Cx , M iconic tonip lo Rcitor , the tailor , 310 Hrondway , has nil the latest styles nnd now winter goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Immigration Ma 111 lea. The chief of the bureau of statistics at Washington reports that during the eleven months ending December 1. 1801 , the immigration to this country was 5(12,073 ( , as compared with -108,30 ! ) during the snmo period of the preceding " year , a gain of 03,701 ; or one-sixth. To" this increase Uussia and Poland contribute 40,000 , Italy 0,000 , and Austria-Hungary 7OUO. There is a considerable incroaaQ from Germany and Scandinavia , a slight ono from Ireland , and a decrease from England and Scotland. rurmuriiViintuil , Verdi , the Italian composer , in a loiter to nn Italian journalist , writes ; "As you have spoken of agriculture , in which I am onlv an amateur , I should like to express - press the wioh that moro attention be imid to it in Italy. What a source of wealth that would bo for us. Fewer mu sicians , fewer lawyers , fewer doctors and more fanners that is what I wish for my country. Cliolri-ii Among Shark * , The curious news comes from Bombay that an epidemic of cholera has broken out among bhoals of sharks , those terri ble monsters that infest tlio Indian ocean. The bodies of several British seamen who had died of cholera in the harbor of Bombay were taken out to t > oa and buried , and it Is eupposed that the sharks contracted the disease by feasting on the bodies of the human victims. THE OLDJELIABIE j 'The ' New York "Life Insurance Com- It l rn iif ( . nnil 4'illir in tinimrriiminl ItM'lf , The Now York triMiraneo commission- er's report is out feh'tnving results of in vestigations nintlo of 'tho nlTulrs of the New York Life Insurance company. Commissioner Pi6n\o \ says in part : "Tho most satisfactory result appearing In this report 1 * the conclusion reached that tills croat and useful institution of our blalo is kftyonu1 till question solvent , and Is the actual owner and possessor of ii surplus nt available assets and pro perty exceeding its present liability by the sum of tOHK,130.il ( ) : ! accrued upon its general account and $ SITflAt.oU ( ! ! ) upon its tontine accumulation. Those inter ested may bo assured that this conclusion is accurate anil trustworthy , The ap praisals of the real estate and mortgages owned by the company wore made In every case by competent authorities selected by myself after much care and consideration , and full confidence may bo reposed in their fairness and accur acy. " While it censures the management , hardly less could bo expected when it is known what powerful inllnonccd by a great combination of those in high pol itical and litmncial positions , with all the enmity and prejudice that could bo engendered to down the management anil urocuro an unfavorable report , but they have in no wise succeeded in show ing that the company docs not possess all the management claimed it had. While it Uid cut the surplus about $11)11- ) 000 on apprlsalsmade by men nominated by the enemies of the company , the Hlirinlcago .shown is less than one- twentieth of 1 per cent of the com pany's assets. The report shows a net surplus of nearly sMfilOU)00 ( ( ) and a gain in assets .luno ! iO of nearly $5,000 , ( ) ( l more than the management claimed to have six months before , with a surplus of more than i 1,000,000 greater than any other company in the world with one solitary exception. 1 1 beenis remarkably strange , except for the known combination against i't , that the same management winch has brought the company from a compara tively insignilicerit. institution , during the past thirty years , to its very promi nent position among the trrcut finan cial institutions of the world , now pos sessing assets of $125,000,000 should not bo praised instead of censured , when it is known , too , that the thousands of policy holders who hawo matured tontines and endowments and received , while living , millions upon millions of dollars during the past de cade with such expressions of satisfac tion as to results that the company's in creasing patronage show assets , income and insurance in force increased four fold and still shows a net surplus of nearly $15,000,000 over and above the -I percent legal reserve required to make it absolutely safe. While mistakes have undoubtedly been made , as must bo the ease with the strongest financiers in course of a term of years , whether they bo bankers , in surance managers of private capitalists , the results as shown by the magnificent and extraordinary returns made on ton tines that have matured during the past 10 years , and nVoro particularly those that have matured during the past year , should conyinqe every fair minded mau that the company is entitled to great praise and , highest commendation for general not results as compared with the most successful competitors in the same line. _ OMAHA TURNERS ENTERTAIN. Twi'iity-l'lftli AnnUrr&iiry of th tlon CVIoliratvd ullli lnu ( .Vrcnumy. About 800 people were present ut the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Omahn turnverein - vorein lust ni'ht ( at Ucnnaniu ball. It was one of the most successful celebrations over bold. The exorcises la general were under tbo direction of Prof. E. Wuuonborii. The evening's entertainment opened with cnlibthcnlcs , in which llttlo girls partici pated They were heartily cheered , and then tbo small boys catno out in wand exorcises. The yountr ladies , dressed In n navy blue costutno and divided sit iris , also madoagrcat hit. This wai thollrstumo the divided skirt was ever used in the cymiiiisium. On ac count of tbolr Eniigutliness they received much apnlauso. Tbo ac'tivo turners , which is composed of the guntluraan momuors of the society , gave an exhibition on a horizontal oar. A quartette gave /Uher solo , after which a turners' quartette , composed of II. Ilnubens , V. Lehman , Charles Krello and E. Schuricht , rendered omo very beautiful selections. Following this there was an exercise on tno buck and horizontal bar and it proved that the contestants could perform some dinicult feats. QTlicn carne the turning of the "hears" ( the old members ) . They created consider able amusement in vaulting the horse. Una of tbo features of tbu o/itorlaininont / was a soprano solo by Miss Emily Timmc , daughter of County Commissioner Timino , She sang "Lucia di Lamincrmoor. " This concludeJ the entertainment , with the exception of President Dr. S. Luclce's annual address. Ha spolic of the society as being a great benefactor to develop tbo muscles and also give the mom bcrs a chance to exercise ttioir brain as well. "Wherever yon fltia Germans you will llnd a turners' society , " said the doctor in the Cicrmaii lunguaco. He nlfo stated that tha first turnvcrcin so ciety was organUod hero in lariS. The Incorporators - porators were , at tbottimo. Julius KmlolTsky , Henry Holchicr , John Pumsoii , Fred Krug , Fred MeU and Charles ICorlmch. Thcro were twenty-three members , Tbo war brolco out. .Sixteen of the twcntv-thrco went into the army , in Company 11 , under Colonel Dauincr , After the war , In 1SU7 , the society was rt'tncorporated , and now It is a society with sltty members , aside from the ladles' department. The ( irt-ek statuary and the Hainan gladla- tors were very good and received much fav orable comment. The CDtcrtuininont was concluded ivlth a dance , There will bo a mooting of The Club In the Llninger art gallery Wednesday , January U7 , at 7:15 : o'clock. Mr. G. S. Ktistmau will rood a paper on the slnplo tax theory. The Judges of the district court hnvo up- pointed the following bar committee to servo durinir the next term of court ! E. M , Hart- ! ett , W. . Hecltott , I. 13. Congdon , W. H. Curtis aud E. U. Dufile. The regular qifnrtqrly mooting of the Omaha Athletic club will bo holu Man nay evening at thff club house. .After tha meeting a boxing' ' match between two local sports will tuko place. While hero wlthi "AiTexas Ktoor" Charles II. Hoyt offered ( iovgrnor IJovd flTfl.UOO . for his new theater , Tbo proposition was un hesitatingly refused , It Is paying 10 per cent on a consldcrabiy largcr sum than that. Knxt Frldov evening the Young Men's In stitute will give a ropt-'UUon ot their past sociables. All preparations have boon per fectly arranged to maUo this affair ba umi- nently enjoyable. Tbu memocrii cordially Invite all their friends to bo In attendance , The Afro American Icagun of Douglas county will glvo a literary entertainment Monday evening , January 25 , at 101 South Fourteenth struct , 'i'lioro will bo a paper road by lion , Silas Uobbins , subject. "Can the Kaca Problem Ho llost .Solved Upon a Political Husisi" Speochej will bo made by Iev. George Woodbj , Kov. John Williams and other : ) . Alt members anil friends are especially invited. Three shots \\ero fired by Oflicer Cullen nt a supposed crook , who look icluno In u coal shed at tuo roar of u grocery siorj at IX ) III Cuailuft street , about 10 o'clock l < ut It l j not to medalfl. or the ot royal lavorYnat the qrcnt- nil specialists , r eat of * - * * Wjjw * * " DRS. BETTS & BETTS V Owe their wonderful per- / renal nnd profession- / ni popularity .They won their hon ors by their merits. , In the scientific treatment and success- tul cure of over 88.OOO cases ol those NEHVOUS , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which nro EO for midable to the medical proles- slca In cjcneral , DRS. BETTS & BETTS uavo proven that they possess extraordinary / ability and skill. tf vatuDlseases na well ns Stric ture , Hydrocole , Varlcocele and Rectal troubles , their success / has been truly marvelous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the high est honors , Jor these they have richly won by their own efforts facnd 4o lor their new book of 12O panes. Consultation Is also tree. Call upon or address with stamp. Dns. BETTS & BETTS 1198. i4thSt. N. H. Coiner Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Lo Duo's Periodical Pillg. The I'roiieb remedy aett directly upon the generative organsnnd curus suppression of tlin menses. J''or Uiroo for * > . and can bn nnilloil. t-bould not bo used diirlnmiru jiiinuy. Jobburi. driiKB'stsaiid ' tliapubllo suppllod by Ooodiua-i Urn ; ; Co. . Omah.i SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTED A llrst-ola'.s lad v piano toiiulior. Aildross T.V. . Davis Grand lintul , Council llliilfs. SA1.K Countuis and \aiilt iliinr In tliu JbiillUInx recently oeuiiplnl by tlio Coun- oil Jtliifr-i Snvlngi banU. Otlluur fc I'lisey , L'uunoll lllnllh. c OUNl'lh IILI'ITS nionoy ( in liin < l for Ioaii3. W. A. Wood & Co. , .V.'U Main. C1OK SA1.K A team of Rood inaics ; | im- J- chaser may cut wood to pay ror saint' . Ap ply to Leonard Kvt'iott. HKNT Kino milk and dairy farm.-141 acres , Just south of thudly llinllsiUU ; : am us line liny liind , balanci ! iiastuni and fiiim lanil. Auuly to Luouurd Kvontt. I'onnull ItlnlTs , li. : "ITlOiX KENT 7-ruom IKHI C. with hath loom , JL1 corner4th UMS , and Ulh i > t. Iminliu next door. IOPrnil the f.llonln _ ' vhoii'i ! har alim In fruit and vuuutnblo lands : . " ' 7 acrus ho rods north of the Clmulauiiim Kfouuds. eastern slope , llnusprlius and llnu Mirlnbrook , land very i It'll and well ( luntcil to fruit. -It ticrcs on ( Jraml uvcntie. line orchardr Vilndmlll und llnu KTIIVU ; Itnatud on Mynsio.s proposed motor HDL' , one anil one-hair mile from C'ounelt IlluIN posiufflve. 1) ) acres of very choice plowed land on Oraud avtMiuc , 19i miles from uostollloe. 1JU aeies ' ; mile ) ftom cllv limits ; mioil house , barn nnd outliulldliiKs ; line orcliar.i ; u ( jrcatharKaln at tA.M. Knsy tornn. L'B ' acres , eholcu fruit farm , G acres In hlaek- lirrrlos COU yoiinu' fruit trees , : i,00Krapu ( ) vines. House , harn and outliulldlir/s. A very cholco harxaln. onlvJ'g nillci east of postoHlee In Council Illuirs.V. \ . ( . ' . btaey. Itoom 4 , Oper.i llousu block. Council H lulls la. IOWA farms ; line L'lO ueiu fai in , fIJO per acre , ifl.OU I cash , balance on Ions time ; 1.1 j acr.- farm , JMXdo ) ii , h.ilHiu'u easy ; farms of all sizes , tend for list , Johnston & Van 1'iitten , Council lllulls. I WANT to buy stock of Krocor.es or hoots nnd shoes ; will pay part cash an'l put by a 5 room IIOIIHO and lot In Omaha. U f.8 Hue , Council lluifta. COMI'LETIIoutfit hir llxtnies nnd two pool tallies for Kalu aud hulldliiK for rent. ( Kioil location. K , II. ihuafe , ovorUlllcor .V banlc. I7IAHMS. panlon lands , lionijs , lots an 1 JL Inislnnss hlooka for silo or riinU Day , v Hess. : .U Pearl atruut , Council lllulTd. Cullen had boon wiuclilni ; the yoiuip limn for an hour or two , and bcoitii ; liiiii go Into the alley next to thu .store , followed. The oillcur struck a match , and us ha ilia so a bullet whizzed by his car. I'tilllng out Ills liltr II , L'ullan opened lire , but thu suspected thief fled , and marafcd , by _ d rting through alloys , to escape. A lovelier o'vonlnc tlmn last Wednesday could not bo desired for sleighing , nnd it wns a very merry party that took mlvantiiRO of Misses Allco and MiiK lu C'anuon's Invita tion to enjoy nn evening 'mid tin horns and whistles , Tlio fortuMo ones coinpiishn ; the party were Misses Mui'lo | ; ] { iey ! , Marie KcaKan , Lily FranUlin , Prances tiarrlty , Mappio .McCnrth.v , M. Hmlth , HarinJ KnlBht , Ktta Korbc ? , Mary McClond. Mcry Hurinnn , Klla Hopkins , M. Cobtullo , Mou le nnil Allco Cannon , Messrs , I , , Forbes , J. Hiloy , J. Heagun and it. Cannon. Idaho Cut I In , Iiluiio , Jan. 83. Thousiinih of cnttlo nro slowly starving to ( loath in thu hills of southern Idaho , J'ho local stock raUurs will bo traracndous losers , Kvory blade of grass upon tlio ranges Is under from twenty-two to sixty Inches of snow , This winter has not boon equalled in severity slneo leTU. A well "linown stockman sulJ today every domestic hcaa of uattlo Iff ! In the lulls Is sura to meet ( loath cither from cold or hun ger. Nearly evury rancher will lose moro or loss of Ins stock , though many of thorn have hud tlio good fortune to drlvo portions of tholr cattle Into the valley hoforo the great snow camo. The miners in mountain ous districts cannot work , as tuclr claims nro hidden by snow. iiilorHc ; Aliiyor Iti-inU , Last night the Lincoln club at its meeting adopted the following : Krsolvn ) , That thu Mucoln dill ) Icurns with pIcJiiHiiru mid prldu that thu preKent riipubllciiii iidmlnlstintlon of our city Koxurnmunt IK en- deavorlm ; to reducu thu expenses uf our elty bv ubolUhln ; all uniit'Cuss.iry and nsnl ( < otllccs unit limit liu ; thi ) expenditure In all ( II- rectUins in tha amuuiit nuui'SHary lor an economical and proper dlsclmru uf thu funo- lions of the city uuvornment. And we un'o upon all fouJ ultUutiH the noceiilty of cn-op- eriitlnx with our mayor and city council hi all piouer elfuits In that behalf. l VUlturit V Nr.w IIIKIIU , La , , .fun. 23 , Mr. Cleveland did not hunt toUay. The ilay was spent in receiving visitors. There is a movement on fool to glvu him a reception hero on his way through , though it U somewhat doubtful vvhothcr Lo can bo prevailed upon ta slop over , A Rare Opportunity ! After 10 years elojo confinement , I nm compelled through the ml vice o Physicians to change my business , ns my ho.tlth is imv.ltmlly j'lvliif * away. Knowing nnil buliox \ \ \ that It will only bo a short porioil when I will ho unnblo to shouhlor the responsibilities of mi indoor occupa , tion I olTer my entire ' Stock > Fixtures and Goodwill for Sale / Hnvinj * boon established fo. lOyoars and the only AllT STOKF. In ni city of ; i.HX ( ) people , tills Is one Hmnce of ix life time. To any seeking a nice , clean and profitable business should investigate this Ojportttn ity Im in ediaefy. . This is strictly nine-ore nnd I moan , jiibt what I say. From this dnttl on for tno NF.X L' ! 10 DAYS , all goods such as Framed Pictures , Kte ings , Engravings , t'nblnot Frames , Uninboo anil Oak Easel * , &c. , w bo sold at ACTUAL COST. SMO.OO worth of Studies AT 1.1'N * THAN COST. 100 Assorted Pio- tures given away for llio price of the frame. 20 Per Lent Dicount On till Frames made to ordc Now is the tlmo lo 1UJY I'llM ! * ' FKAMKS. For further particulars , call or address CHAPMAN'S ' ART STORE. lii PKARl , STUl'FT t'Ol NVII , HLFFFS , IO\VA. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE'WORKS , G. A. Schoodsack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broidwny , Oounol Bluffs and 1321 F rnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and i-cfinisli aoods of every description. Packages recaivecl at either olfico or at tli3 Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Blairs. Send for price list. Merchants who have hhop-worn or soiled fabrics of ivnv character can liava them redyotl nnd linisliod equal to now. BED FEATIIKUS UKNOVATKI ) AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the nd most approved niachinoryntest at lesi cost than you ovo. ' piid hjfo.-j. SAND FKEP ORINDERS I BOMPLETE LINE OF GRINDERS ON HAND- Sandwich Manufacturing Go , W. M , JONES , General Agent , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - IOWA. CHURCH SOCIALS and all manner of HOME Entertainments ! FOH SCHOOLS AND siL'iirns ) : ; together Kith Fireside Games and suggestions for Unique Parties nro to bo found hi the i < aios ; of 'ho Monthly Social Only OOo a Year. Sample ICb. Addicts ; Home IMcrtiiiiiinciit Co. . COUNCIL HLl'FFS , I A. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluff * . T AL STOCK . % 1 50,011 SURPLUS AND PKOFIfS . /0,00) ) TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . -l A Miller. I' . O. filoiion. n F. HlniL'iirt , U K. U irt , J. 1 1. K JtiiiiniUon. I'lurlui K. 1 1 , mil u n. Truiu.ict. ; 'onur.il Uinkiiu Ij.ui. nets. I-tr/estcai : > lt-U und surplus o [ any baa. Insduthwoiturn Iowa. mTEREST ON Tlj'/ll ' DEPOjIT S COUNUil. ULUfFis Galvanized Iron Cornice Works It ( JIIAIII. & bON , I'UOI'.S 1O1S5 nnil JO17 Brorul\vnij. IC lliiinti' ( urnltlit'il on nil klmliof d or L'oriiU u Work Iron lluatlrtf Murt ) 1 rout * O | > in t irK Arllrtluurk u i > | j'i litili ( IMJIlUCIItU tOllCltl'll flO'll ( lutlltl A'J JUlUl i.t > Uik.U lllUttll Hltll DUUllO. . C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , 14 N. Main. , Council Bluffs. For Inventions I'UOC'l'lU.f ) IIV TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB , Knunt nlth llio lulorim of UICHO Invlnrlnhn nfiilnul tliuxoriirmiiimt M lint > if INUN I'Oll-l. wh ) Illll'll lUII ! till ) illlMUlIt Of VltlU llllll lllVIMIII JI1 h JO III 14 of llio Incoiuiiuuiiiuy or liiattuntliin or tin ) iitlnriia/i < mi | > luyii | to ustnlri tholr lutunU Too miii'li cir rmimil ho uierclml In irn.ilojln . ( uinintunl mil ivIUblu riillo'tnri ' to | ir < iciru imtunli. fur tl ) vulu t of a | > UcntijMiiii | | | uroitly , It nutunllroljr , n.iuu tlu t'arunn < 1 kni of llio nltorua/ . With tlio vie 4 of pruluctliK Invontori frm irnrtli luMorraruli'iinttornoir * , viilof > 3J- | ( I mlinvuu lloiii nro well iirutoctol 1)7 vnlll pituati Till ! UK ! IH/IIKAL' lull rotuliifx ! co intel nvpjrl lu patu.ll ynicllcu ; nnil 1 1 Iliorofuro preptruJ I ) ( itttnin Intr iV'i' ' . 'Jini * , JlltllllHIH't'llll fflllllilllltillltt , J'l'IIMCflltc 1-l'Jfl'tClt I'KHI-H , ltt'fintri' tfiulf iiuirliH it nil i' < nnjrlifliti , Iti-mlff < ii > lnionn < mtotn-oit : tnul ratlit- itll < lf IHttflttH , FriiHvi'Htn iintl ilt't'i-n I Infi'lit'je ns u HIlltH , ftt't ' ' " Ifrou h.nonn Invo.illon on Inn I 1'nl'nii : III : 11 IllJltliAl' ' a xlKHoli or ptiotoxrnMli ttiuroof , toxHtliui' nllli n brluf ilii < crlilloii | of tliu Imiioitiut Itatiirui. nmijruu will I.OIIHCI mlrliu I 41 to 111 > I'UH u "irnoD | iur > u iloiluli .iru nut noLuotrr unljii Ilia luvun Hun It uf u uuiii | > llr.il l niliiru U otliori are lu- frlnuhi'on your rliflit * , or If V < MI ura cii.ir.ro'1 ' wltli liifriiui'iiii'iu iijr oMiur' . inbuilt tlio iiutlur to Tllll Jlinil'.M'lor u relltblj Ol'INIO.V Outuru actui/ou the iiiatlcr. Tllli HIili HURI-AU 01- CLAIMS 2i > 0 Ilcu Ilniliiin , ' , Oiniu : ! , No ! ) . "t/"Thls llnre.iu H ( 'ii' Oinah i Urn , tin' I'loneer 1'iosi untl the Sun u l.xaiiiiiivr Cui this out and send it with } our ia i