0 THK OMAHA DAILY UK KPT HI I ) AY , JANUARY 2 1802. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Advanced Early But Weakened and Declined Later. TRADE WAS BROADER AND MORE ACTIVE. XVnr yurnllmi Did Not Kxrrt Murli Infill- cnrr , Hut tint ItnllMi Sentiment \Viis Jlnllt on Ilic Conlldi'iieo In tlio .Situation. ClitCAflo , II1. , Jan 21. The action of the \vhratmarkottodaywaN the rotrrsoiif tint of yesterday. Then It opened weak and lower nnd closed strong with a boom. Today It was ttroiiK and advanced curly but weakened and declined later , closing easy at about the low e t prlcoof thodiiy. ttwasauooil dual of u ipeculatlvo mnrknt , that Is , the market was governed largely by siloply and demand , Irre- ipoctlvn of outxtdo or regular Influence. Karly tli ro was a peed demand , helped along by firmer foreign markets and small receipts und H continuation of the bullish feeling h oh cxUti'd yosteriiny , but the advance brouuht out fn'u oITcrlnzft and icall/lnir Hales without any particularly unfavorable MfiHH nnd a slrirp ronetlon followed. The opcnlm rcportM from all direct domestic mar- kotHijuotcd them llrm and higher and the trade WIIB broader and more aetltu. AH the short Inleust was lar o thnro was a lively ccramblo tocoxcr , but there was little forsalo and tlio uilvniuo is eiisy The war question did not seem to oxcrl much Inlluenee. but the bullUli suiitlinent sei'iiied to Imvo been built upon the growlnir coiilldenco In the legitimate Btrenqtli of thosltuntlon. Now York and St. Louis operators hud liu o buying orders at the start and nearly all the private \\lru houses were kept busy on the miring side I/ognn. Suiirl/-lupce. Ml mlno-ltodnian , Clif ford , Mitchell , Counsflmim > V Day and Mc- Dougal led the huvlng most of the day It was notice.ibio that manv comm sslon liouni's had sc itlerlng orders foi ( ttes and tend from outside , showing that confidence Is ftprcndlng and the tradn brojilenln * . Thcro was a Htorv that 1'ardrld.jr and ICiiulTman of Hi. I.onlsero short fully lO.Onfl/KH lin. , but the belief that they would bo forced In gave the market soinu additional strength I'ardrldire , howotcr. announced this as giosily untrue and was Mtlll soiling short with his usual vigor. A story was cabled from London tli.it Ilcerbohm estimates the remaining require ments of Ktiropo ut 111.UJO.OTO , or 4ii,00)- 00) ) inoro tli i n the Into ostlnnto by the Liverpool Corn Trail n News. Charley Wright , who WIIH supposed to bo alro.idy oliort a big line , was&llll a free seller on the hard apots. May opened at froml'2'jo ' toU' iO. against 9215c at the elino yesterday , and after hcHlUitlir- around tho-,0 lUures for a lime , began to mute upward under the strong de mand and without material reaction ad vanced to Ol\e The advance caused heavy reall/lng sales and us the most oxcltablo shorts h id coveied the offerings were In o\- CCHS of the demand On the first Hympto-u of weakncsR the short xclllni also bcciune ag- gnsslte. A Iilvurpool dispatch reporting an IticrOiSooM.SIfU ) 0 buthnlh In I rcnch whc.it Mocks during the last month proved a weak factor also M.iy broke to 9 , 'Hc. reacted to II 92' e. broke again to 917c , and closed easy at ittc. Coin was quiet nnd weak throughout the eofis'on and especially tonard the close , when wheat v as so weak and closed with u loss of lie on May. Oils svinpathl7d with Iho weakness In ether giiilns and lost 'ic. Hog pioductH wore string and higher early DII siiuilh r receipts of hogs than was expected xnd llrm prices , but broke later on frco soil ing by p tekers and other lonzs. cloaln-r at about bottom figures. Pork Is r > o off , l.ird 5c und r bs a llku iimottiit , Hstmated receipts for tomorrow : \Vhc.it , I2i i-nis : oorn. ll > > cars ; oats , 120 cars , ho s. Thoio.idlng futures r.mod as follows : , " . llrii-Nu. 8,62'Ko. HAIII.KY No. 2 , Olc : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 43 ® coc : No 4. f. o b.Si&VHje. : ri.AXSPKII .No. 1. IKJC. Tjworiiv SKED Prime , II. sail 1.21. route--Moss pork , per bbl. , tj.Vlft&'IO. Inrd. perxt , Kl.vryal27'4 ( : short ribs sides ( loose ) . .57'tOMX ) : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . f4 50 0171 ; short olo.ir sides ( boxed ) , * 5 87' < ari.9ii. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed gooJs , per gal. , M'OAii' ( Jut loaf , unclinnged. Jtccolpts nnd shipments today were as fol lows : AltTICI JS IIHKll'TS SHU-MINTS Mour. barrels . . 21.000 111,000 \\lient , IniRbels . , mooo ( VHXJO Corn , linshels . I uixxi IS. ! MX ) Oiitx , I tlnliels . . . . , 175UX ) lid.UOO Ityo , liushcli 112 0001 'J ( XX ) Unrlc ) builiols . , , loiuoo HSUUU On the Proluco oxi hanzo today : The uuttei market WHS iinchiinged : faiiuy croam- ry. S1) ) iM la ; flna westtrn. i'&a.No : ordi nary. ' ( HQiSltfi solootod dairies , 24J7c : oidl- nary , 18a2'c. KRCH. 2Jiit2.Ie. HIPUS rncbanged. TAI.I.OW Unchanged. CiiKKsC Unclinnged. full ere im choildi-rs , IHifRilHic ; Young Ameilcas , l-Ul'lo : flat" , > N tt York llarkrts. Nr.wYoiiK , Jan. 81. Pi.ouii Kccotpts , 21,141 paekaiies : e\port . I. Ill arres. , s.lM s ics : steady , moderately actlt ojhilos , 2t)53 ) ) hbU. \\IIKAT Hccolpts , 21,500 bu. : o\ ports , 77.2W liu.i.ales , 2 , ' 111,11(101111 ( , fuluios. 14(1 ( < ni uu. spot. Snot mnrkut unsnttlod , lower , we k indquiot : No. 2 icd , flil9iQlOJit ) In store nnd elevator : * I.U.IK1 01' , allo.it ; fi.ul ( 05 a f. . > . b. : No .1 10(1190 ( ! unirrnded red.D-'ltcffifl.Oft : No 1 north ern. Jl. ( > ' .i < ai.i.17. : No 1 hard. tl.HH ( : No. 2 northern. Ih.'iGli'l'jO. Options declined 'iffi4o on loall/lng ; aiH.inccd I ® > 4c on tinner entiles nnd local buyliu : declined I'Vill e on ro.illrlng through loport of r lingo Increase of 1'iench sto.'k. closed weak at ' .ttlc under yosli > rdai : No. 2 Jaiiuniy , $1 o"i : IVbruaiy. &l.ittSei.D3y. closing nt Jl.O.'ii ; Miiroh. II.M * , tai.W' , , ulosliu t II.O.IS : April. JIOJi , ® 1.03' , , closing at J103' . ! May , Jl.ir. ' > ® 1141 , . ulosliu' nt $1.02 ! Juno.tl.OI'xl.f2J ! , closing at ( I ni 4 ; July , closing attW'.c. K\i : Quiet ; sales , 8OuO Im. western at 98o ( lolltored , IlAiit.hY Quiet nnd steady ; No 2 Milwaukee , 71417.IC. i IIAIII.RY MALT Dull ; Canadian country tiiiule. Klc. CoilN-llecelpts , 8n,000 1m. j iixports 1 8/iW hu i H.ilen. I , " 0.1.00) ) bu of futures ; 197,00) ) bu , Bpot : spot market ttvakur and modoiatoly lictlte ; No. 2 , 4IKM01fc ? In elevator ; MMUOSu alloat ; ungraded mixed , LS-iMe ; No. . ' , JVTCIC.o : Bteamcr mixed. 485i49'Sc ' , Options ileollnud 'i'iu ' nnd closed \\oui ; on a dull trading : Jnnniiry. 49' . < R4i'Jc. ! e oslm.I'P.c ' ; rebrunry , 4 'iif4Ufii' ( . closing , 4H > 4oi Maroh 4 < ) ® 4liSe. closing. 4HSo : Mny. 4'uiit4Ulgi' ( ; . closing , 4'Jic. ' OATS Hocelpts , iil.soi hu. : oxpoits. 22lMt ! uu : Hales , lU1Oilbu. ) of fuluros ; 70.0JO bu. of spot ; spot n arkut dull and weaker : options dull , lower and ucak ; January .H. IlAOulet and Ktondv. llors-Vnlrly iictltonmlnrm : staio common to choice. SmUJhu ) PaellloeoasM.M2sc. biHUU Hiiw. In deninnd. firmer : roflnod. 3 ® II l-ICoi contrlfu.'iilH , 1X1 test , . | .Vina Pin : sill1 ! . . 1,100 bng * cuntilfu.'iiU , nil test , at . ) 7-10j c. I. f. : refined , quiet. Moi.At.8Et , New Orlouns , bte.idy und quiet ; common to fancy , I .ISc , KICK yulot , stonily. VKTUOLEUM-Qiilet and steady ; United cloned atVVu ( ! for 1'obruarv. COTTON SJKKD OuDull ; erudo. 2.va'MJo. ! TAi.iow-nrmquloti olty JforpkK . ) , 4'4 ® 4 1 i-ino. ItnstN Qnlot , stonrty. Tuiii'KNTiNC Quint und steady , 4 > ic , Kol8-lulot ) and Btiuuly ; westurn , ' 'Soi ru- I'otpiH , ' . ' .Ti i pucknKcti. I'OIIK Modemto demand , stoiuly ; mess , taT.'xaia'.l ; oxtrn prime , tu.r > ' . CUT MutTS btronc ; pickled bellies , * HOO hid ! pickled shoulders , 4\i4We ; plcUled limns , 4iC44i'i ( middles , easier , dulli shnrt KAIID Lower and dull ; 'itorn Btoain cloned ( H0.1 : sales. KM ) tierces at JUUfM 7.4 ; option sales. 1,150 tlorcus ; Jnnuiiry. fildl , closing fiLKit rebrunrv. * lA closing til.tt dtHikU March , fd.Tv.1 , eloilng , Jl7iaa7'J ( ; May , ti.N.-i& ! fi.87 fi.87IIUTTKlt Qulot and tttoadyt vruttorn dnlry , 1Ki2.k > ! western cioiimery , ' . ' il''o ; ii3lii'l'i : < ii - 1'iilri dci. .nnd firm : part swims. B'.WIOo. ' Pin Iiio.v Mooratoly ( actl\o ; American. fl5T3.ill7.73. Coi'i'tiiOulot nnd oniyi lnketlO.S7'iail 00 I KAI > -Ontot and weak : doinestle. II , IX TiN-Dull and wonkKtrnltK , IKrJ > i. Kuiuu * City Murkut * . Oitr , Mo. , Jan , Zt WusAT-OpcaoU p sy nnd mtuady and rloAcd lowerj No. 2 htird. TI'MSTTc ) Nt > V red , HTC. Con.f Wn ? Ntmdy No. 3 whlto. .TV'iVW ' ! < t. OAT4 Wrro firm ! Nil , 2 mixed , 'JuOJUitc ; No 2 while , ah- . Itrn-Mrnnie ! 79.i for No. " . I'l.AX HKKII SJif on n h Vs rif purs. HltAflo , dy | snekrd , U7o. MAY I'lrtni-r : timothy. KOO ; pr.ilrlc. < fl.tv . IlKCKii'T-t Who it , 2luvu bu. ; corn , 4uo > bu : outs , none. SlIlrtiUNTS Wheat , 20,000 bu.i corn nnd oats none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml mini polls \Vheiit Iliirkct. . Minn. . Jan. 21. Whont hold tolny to the ailvnnuoof yes erdny until near the clo o when It hroko 'H' . Thiii morning them w.ifl a geol de.il of uncertainty about the situation , nut sentiment favored the bulls and the trading up to noon was along that Hue. with occ islotiai rilumix below 89c. The buying fell off nuar the close and there was a decline. It developed In thn morning that the foreign markets wcro not respond ing to thu ailianco on this jtldo yester day. and this had a depressing Influence. for It Imllcatod that the foreigners have all the wheat thov fire for Just now Mav opened ntHS'ic. ' last night's c oslng price , and lluctuatcd until noon between 877 > c and s < % c. About 1 o'clock the break eiune , which sold otT the miirkot for M ly lo 87Hc. There was no tradln. In Jnnn.irv , tlio elos ng prlcu boliu " 4'Jo. The Piisb oin-rlngs were not hoatv and were sold oir promptly Hecolpts of wheat hero were IMo.irs and at Dulutb and Superior 29. close , January , olosliu at 84'ic : May , opening at 81'c , highest MVc. lowest 87'4c , closing at 87'ic. On truck' No I hard. 87c ; No. 1 northern , H7Uu ; No. 2 northern from b.'o to SJc. _ Oinnhn drain Marle ( . Prices bnsud on delivery nt Mississippi river points , Nebraska Inspection , and tan days' shipment nn ess otherwise stitoJ. Cash grain calls for ihlp neiit within five days. H\K No. 2. 8 iu hid. OATS No. 2 whltr , .lie bid ; No. 3 white. 30c bid , , t'ic ) askol : No. 3 colored , V9c bid ; No .1 mixed. ? > c l > .d. CHUN No. 2 cash Ht Louis term1 ; , 'I7c bid ; Kebruary nnd thirty duvs slitpmunt , 37c bid ; No 3 or bnttor white. . , Wa bid. Among the sales reported wore : 21.003 No. 3 or bettor corn , p t. : UMIOI N'o .lor better corn , St. I.oii s terms. .10'ic ; 5OX ) No 3 whlto oats , bt , I.ouls terms , Uo. Liverpool Markets , u Jan. 21. WIIKAT rirm ; dcnrind Door , holders oiler sp irliuly ; No. I , Cal ifornia , 8 ? .I'ia per eunt.il ; red western spilnir. 7s lliJdS'ls ! : No 2 red winter , 7s I'fd. ' CoiiN Knsy , demand poor ; ml\oJ wostein 4s nor ennt.il. CiirKSE American finest white ana colored , 5Cs parent. CiinVii Market. Nr.wVoitK , Jan ' . ' 1 Options opened steady , Iho points up to flvo points down ; closed barely ste.uly and unch.ingeil to ton points down : s lies. 11,751 b I.TS. Including' Jnnu'iry. Jl.1.k5 : robnnrv. $ IJ412n : M irch , 112'0 ® I22. > : April.ill.'fi : Mny. $11 7-ll.91 : f-optcm- tier. ftI.C1 ; spot Hlo.quiet .md steady ; No 7. Xni * Vurk Ury Coeds Market. Nl.W VOIIK , Jan. 21. The demand In drv goods was fair , but conservative. A few spud.illles were relatively actlti > and tliero was mom doing In a grnoral w iv than a week ago Prints , ginghams nnd woolen goo Is re- cclvnd irood attention and tliero w.m no mate- rl.ul change In tbu condition of the market. St. I.mill Markets. ST l.oum. Jlo , Jan , 21. WHEAT W nk ; ca b. 9lc. C UN I.ottor : : cash. 37:1BSJ71io. : ( O\TS K'sler ; cnsli. Jir , POIIK Dull : now.H.I7'i I.AUii-rinn nt 13.13. WIIISKI $1,16. St. r.ouU Live stock Market. Sr. Lotliq , Mo. Jan. 21 OtTTr.E-Ueeplpt'J , l.li'O ' ; shipments , rni ; m.nkot easy : fall to good Texan nn I Indian stocn , ? 'IKII.I > 0 lions liecelpts , C.IOO : Mi'pnicnts , 2.00H : miir- kot steady : Meaty J4.15Q44.5 ; mixed , 370 541.20 ; light , ? J.OOI,15. t'liieliiuitl Markets. CIN INSATI. O , Jan 21. WIIEVT rirm : No 2 red. 'He. CORN In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , 4'ic. OATs-rirmNo 2mixed,3lc , \Vni9Ki I'll m at $1.10 I'orclgn OH Miirknt. LONDON , Jan 21 , CALCUTTA LINSEED OIL Tradi-r * ' Talk. CntrAno. II ) . , Jan 21 Cotiuselmin & . Day to Cockrell llros. : Wheat opened buoyant on higher Liverpool qiiottthms and an actlvo dumnnd for shipping grades. Kecelpts were very small , and intui lor millers paid fully 2c advance by s imple. tvhllo futures sold Ic over vestor.lay's closing price. The latter chiefly to cot or previous s ilus. The advance carried prices ahoto exporters' limits nnd onlv ten : ind one-fourth loads were reported taken at New Vorlc on now business. The second cables quoted Cn.'ilsli mnrkots 3iO to Ic per busliul lower for dofcried futures This caused sulllclent reselling to gito this mar ket a tto.ik closing at ' { o decline from yester day. The ducllno In ocean freights , lionet er , Is In fatorof shippers and wo expect renewed export buying will follow this break. Corn and oatseontlnuo 10 be principally a scalper's market and to follow the course of wheat. but In a narrow range. Provisions opened higher on account of smaller receipts nnd adtancod pi Ices at tlio stock yniiN. Packers stai ted out by covering sales ninilo vcstordav. but the scarcity of ttulot caused by trouble with the Ice at the crib , caused some apprehensions of holders lest underwriters should cancel Insurance , and tli s fouling , together ttltn weaker grain markets , brou lit out heavy soiling later In the session , nnd Iho market closed neik at the bottom for the day. We do not look for much further dee Ine tomorrow , ClltCAdO. 111 , . Tan 21. P CJ. Logan i Co. to J Sands Commission Ccmpnny : The liberal olToringsof whoatal the opening of the session weie easllv absorbed and the market rapidly advanced fiom9. " c fnr.May toUI'iC ThoolTer- Ings on the advance wcro very lllit Conti nental eablos ropu.ited fiom Now York stated that Trench stoeku hud Inciuased M..OOO quaiters , say .1,2-11,010 bushel * Ifconcct this fsati'-y ln'u\v liicoise. nngllsh markets aio all belter , nnd so arc the Interior markets of this continent. Our advlees from Indliina state that fiirmers are not selling , nnd mills aio going half tlmo owliu to the want of sup plies Latest estimate- thu wants of 1'raiicu git en by ( icorbohm are 141,0 o.iiOJ biihhels , against estimates ot IOllKniX ( ) bushels last week. The Washlnglim estimates are tint this comittv has exported In ulio.it and lloui J-UOOO.OOO bushels slnco July 1 , \Vo look on the situation as stinng.iml lecommend buying on all ttoak spots. Corn trade light. Wo look for It to bo selling underlie , mill then much will depend on iceolnts tt hot her It will go lower. Oats doll , im ( look llko goliu lower. PiovUlons opened Him on good , loeil buying , liomand wns mot by paekeis. The hoj receipts keep fully up to oxiioetatlons. CiitftdO. 111. . Inn. 21. Kennott. Hopkins A. Co. to A McWIiortnr : Cab'.oig ivo llttlocn- eouiagement to lotikti , but the sharp rally of Jo had filghtcnod shorts an 1 tha market opened nurtoiii nnd uxclti'd In a morning paper It was estimated that two big bo-iis were Jointly short Hl.OJO.uOt ) bushclR. Itttns genernlly hollotcd that a Illt'o more advance would start them to coterlug and their brokers tvoio irirrow'y watched. Kvl- denco of oxtenslvo buy In ; on their part ttoiild hate put up prices terv rap'dlv I'or about two hours thu market hol'l ipillo steady around 9lo for Mny. re.ictlng oc casionally but rallying quickly on the ap- peni.inco of buyln ; orders. Apparently the longs 10 ill/oil freely , for In tin last few min utes there tvas a qu ok break and little sup port until May touchoA Ko Hero the IOIUH bought liberally , and If tomorrow's cables give any onvour igKineut , higher prices ought to bo the result , hut In the nb- SIMICO of these u wll | l < o hard to hold thumurkul. Coin nnd o'lts have bean qulto hoaty. the si lelcliiY up of the expert demand being the prlnclpil cause Piovtskms In- crousod the receipts of hix.s. HUH roall/ln : by sed thu markut wo ik and lower. New YOIIK. Jan. 21. Tlio sttength , which wna the featuru of the stock market Yesterday , wua lacking " to li y and in Its ulnco thuro was great fevurNhm'ss unilor the frequeut attacks of thu loom traders who have not covered tholr Bhorts. Thuro was an attempt to eo.'er at the opening , tint Iho iidvanccs oter lust night's figures shown by the first siles , ttbtuh ex tended to % pur cent In I.oulsvtllu A. Nash ville , changiil tin ) tactics and drltt-n tturo niado from tlmo to time , hero and thcro Iu the list without any m ttorlal c licet , nnd pi lees tonight nru pr icttcully whoru they \tvroyesteiduy , Tlio ilem mil for stocks wns not partlciilurly urgent at any time tol'iy , hut thorn w.nu stub ! ) irn sirutigth dhpla.ted by the list , which sorted to neutralize all the efforts of a in ictlon and the markut at Union , du-lng thu cHsitlon or olTorts looking to lower prlcoH , full away into posltito ilullniMi , Thuro tt as , hottovur , particularly geol b lyIng - Ing tipion s the spocla Km and Northern P i- clflo preferred jtnd Iho Wheullng .V Like I. no stocks ttoro notab'o In tint lospuut Thu In dustrials ere tronur than usual of Into andadrltoat Dlstlllori * , croilllen to Chicago parties , whllo It kmoked the stoj * off from S7l tu.Vi' In n tory short time , WHS Jim as qufokl > naturalized and thi > stock | IOWH oiny u fractional loss for tlta d iv. The gieat fo Unroof thu nay , bow oter , was the sudden and ileolded ktrmigth In tlio coal- urn , espivlallv l.ackiitfaiiu.i and Itvudlng , The inovcmQiit , bo ct r. was only sulllelojit lorocotur thu early lussen Iu Ho.iuluy , al though the bnslnem 'u the stncK was tory large , whllo Laukawannu was udvanced nearly 3 per cent from Its lowest flguro * und It closed with u very substantial eatn. The general Hit Ttui la the wnlu gulot and ho < 1 nlthlii mrroir limit * . bo- luff hotvy In thu fon'nooo but rallying tlio lust hour with the iipwurl inotr- mcnt In Lickawniina , Cord.ee w.n tlio only other ronllv striuu poiit In the list and both thcrommon and preferred r HJ about I no crnt. The c osuot tlirmnrUct wnnitiipt | nn iMMirrally firm at Inslinlflcnut ctninius for tlio duv ttltb i dvnnees nnd loss.u about eipinll ; ( llvtduj. The advancn In Iiieluiwinti i wus per cent , in Cor Ingo 1 per rent. Covurnmcnt bonds have been dull am Bteady Stito : bonds h ivo beau . entirely The fo lowing are the clos'.rr ( iiiotMlm i for thu Iu ullna stock" on the Now Vork stock ox chiuuo ted iv : Alcldvin ( ! ' { ' ilo preferred , . < . -i- Ail tins Kxpruss 147 N \ Central IHU Alton T 11 SO N V nil A Bt. 1. . . . ! D no iirefcrreil 13) do preferred. . . . T * ' < American Kipren 115 Ohio Mlsul'i-lppl . . 'fi II C H * .N . . 3i ) do prcterrcd Ht Cnnnrti I'ncltlc 1'IK Ontario A Western lUn Canada bontlicrn . M Oregon ImproTemo't Vii ( untrnl 1'aclllc 3l'i Orenon Nnv 87 dies A Ohio iii1 * Orojnn Trans ll'li ill ) lit preferred ( . ! ' < 1'aelllc Mnll . . . . . . .17 ilo 2nd preferred 11 ,1' , . I ) A K 20' { CliHima A. Alton ID 1'lttsbtirtf lid f. ii A y iillmnn I'alncc 16" C. , I , I' A t Ij IS't Itcatllng 41 Del lluit.nn IZ.vH'ltnci ' lilnnd . " Del U A W IIW t I. AM I' 1st | ifd TC. I ) A U. U pfd 4fil ( . - t 1'ftlll . . . . WX KMt fenncM-o , 7 > l do preferred . . . .Ul ( ilu 1st preferred 47 St I' Mill. A.Man. til do anil prefcrroJ I7' { SI 1'niil AOumlin. . . lit Uric i IIH ! < lo preferred , . I01 ! ilo prcforrnd . 7J' { Tcnn ( oal A Iron . 4I3 { Fort Wayne . . . ' 151 Toxni , I'ncltlo . . . . 134 Chi A Knnt 111 . . . > ' Tel AO Cen pfd . . Bi HncklNK Valley , BO 'Union ' I'nclllo . . 471 ( Houston X Texan .1V < ti f Hipruii , . . . IS Illinois Central 103Vnlia.li St. 1 A 1' . 1.1'-i ' Ht I'niil.V Ihllnth ( S1 do preferred . . W Knn.'in , v Texas IV'f'Wells ' h'nriio l' p , .1 < 0 Lnlio Krle.V Weil 2JHWHlurn | L'nlon . . . BJ4 do preferred 7.1 Am 'Mtlun Oil . . tt Like Mioro . . Um'Colorado ' ( oa .17 Louisville A Nnsli . U Louisville A N A III ) Moinplil * A Char lOntnrlo . . . . . . . . . ' MlchUm Central Quicksilver . t Mil I , S A.V , do preferred . 20 do preferred 105fi | Sutro . & Minn A til I * . llulwer . 10 do preform ! Itlcli .V W I' Tor . . ISM Mliimirl I'ailllc Wlscomln rontrnt Mulillo A Ohio . . ( treat Northern pfd Hi NnKlivllleClmtt ' ixo dis . 7li N J Central Norfolk A Won pfil 5 ! > ( hlimir Trust . 81 Northern I'liclrle . . W < Houlhe-M I'aclflc . . 3Vi do preferred ( ,75 < Ore * on H I. A. U. N W I' ' I' Denver A ( . II > U ( iV i . S7 Northwestern i ii-u u n w di < . ii' The total silos of stocks today wore 4H(02 ( allures. Includliu : Atclilson. H.ii'lU ' ; ( ( Ins , o.Ti.0 : Deluware , li lukaw.inna ti West- urn.5.Ml : r.rle. I2.JW : Loulsvlllo -Nashville , ! i.r > 0 ; Northern I'aolllc pruferro I , 10.000 ; Now Kn land , ll.iir. ; ; Ko.idln ? , l i.TII : Klchmoiid ft. West I'olnt , 4,53 < j St. I'aul , 81,303 ! Union 1'a- clllc , 11,410 Plliiiiu l.ll Itr\Ii-w. NBIV VOIIK. Jan. 21. The 1'ost sjys : It was a curious stock market which folioxviid , tod.iv. thocirllcr sensitlon.il tradlm : of the eok. Durlnc the Krcater p.irt of the ilay the movo- muntof prices wiisaluigish. and at times busi ness apue.ircd to ho wholly nuspendcd. What this staKuatlon showed , howe\er , bovond ( Iiiestloii. was the total absunco of an afiurtM- slvo outsldo Interest , and th's ' was worth di co\ciliiK , because there were some slKiia In yesterday's early tr.idln ; tli.it the nouprofcsslonal buyers nero still nlcrt to the murkct's cliiiir-'in , ' phases. In the o.irly irndluK of today prices , althoueh some what Irre.'ular , slioued crcat Iliiiinoas. and there wore numerous further advances. Hut the professional opor.itor-i wore not .ietl\o In cltlior dlroction. In the afternoon sonu rest less sulrlts attacked the market ulth tr.ins- p.irent anil not at all Ingenious bo.ir rumors , hut the i osult was disastrous to the sellers. L icuaw.inn i. for Instance , advanced sharply In the face of their s lie ) . In f.ict , durln ; the last tun or 'Iftcon minutes , those bears dls- cinercd that they h.id walked dollbcr.itnly line n trap and were forced to cnvjr In the stccks attacked at r.ipldly advancln : prkes , Xuu York Honey Market. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 21. MONEY ON CAM , Kasv at 4 ® 'per cent : lust loin , 2 per cent ; closed offered ut'J pei cent. I'KIMK MEIICANTILC PArKii 4'jflH per cent. bruui.iNn n-cciiANnK-Qulet but firm at 48 , torslxty day bills and SIMHforde- mand. The closing ( inotitlons on bonds : bid. London Stock Mitrkrt. ' l'"J ' > llulitnl / / I'll ' Jiimrit danlonJciuicH.l LONDOV , Ian 21 [ Now York Herald Cublo Huoclal to THE HKK.Diislness on the slock exchange was much Interfered with by a dense fog which prevailed today. The reduction of the bank rate to a per cent searcoly had any oil cot on the markets , funds aru unchiinuoo. Home rails wcro more or less dull lill il.iy , owing lo yesterday's traffic statcimmts Amci leans tvoro firm in response to the sharp recovery In Now Vorlc Central , A general re covery ranging from ' to'J percent has tikon place , thu most prominent bolng Lake Shore , tVabash debenture. L'nlon 1'ac.fle , Krle. Mis souri , Kansiis A : Texas. Delivers. Northern Pacific preferred and Atclilson Cannalan lines are stiong In sympathy nllh Caiuidlan Paulllo ( Jrand Trunks wcro ' 4 to \ higher. Mexican lluctuatud a good deal. In pirfor- cuco there was a marked decline , while ordinary shows n small rise. Money has been qulto a drug , bhort loans were olTerou at U to 1 per cent. The discount market was also qu ot. Ttto and three months' bills were quoted at 13 | to 1T > pur cent. .LONDON , Jan. il.--iiio ! : following were the London slock quotations closing at 4 p , m , : Hll.VFU"l20-llid. ! MONBV 34' < ai pur cunt. Hate of discount In th' open market for both short and thrco months bills , 'iQ2 pur cent. Thu bullion In Iho II ink of Kngland In- croisod i'tl5.)00 ) ( ) during the pist weok. The proportion of the Hank of Huglaii 19 * reserve to liability , which last week was .17.3. pci cent , Is now 3J.77 per cent. I'limnclal Ncitrs. ItANSASkiT- , Jan 91. CloirliiTS were S1.41.'JI7. Nhtv OUIIANla. . , Jan ai.--Clearlngs , HCO'5)77 ( , N'ntv VOIIK , Jan 21 , H ink clearings today. $140,811.030 ; balances ? U.ll)7b40. ) HAI/IIMOHI : , Md . Jan. 81. Oloarlngs , K.'OI- 03.1 ; balances , | J.1,3I3 ; rate , ( i per cei.t. PIIH.AIIII.I : > IIIA , Pa. . Jan. "Jl. Clearings , 11- ! 4ai,7i : ) : balancoh , $ lbW,83i ) ; money , ( i per cent. HAVANA Jan , 21. hp uilah gold , 4..30' ' } ® 2.3'4 ) Kxcluingo , flnnur but not ouotably hlghui ST lOL'is Mo. . Jan 21. Uloarlngs , Jl,37,8.'l ( ; balances J770.070. .Money , ( ! it7 pur cent , E\- ohun/eon Now Vork Otlo ptumliim , llosTHK , Mass. , Jan 21. Hank clearings , $15,4. ' 1,707 : bilnaes , ll.in.iiOS : monuy. 2 per cent ; uxuhaugo on Nuw Voik , 10'ii2lIo ! ( lib- count. 1'Aiii-i , Jan 21 Thrco oer cent runtos , 05f 32VJo for the account. Thu weekly statement of the Hank of I'lancashotts an | ncrp iso of 8,7i\00lf gold and I.CJO.WOJf silver. Cincuii ) , III. , Jan. 21 Now Voile i-xuliango iiulut at par to lOo prnnilnm , Monuy easy at f'li'jli pur cunt. H ink cloirln s , $ I4VU3,4HI Stur.lug oxehangu firm ut ft HI14 for l > 0-day hills , and rls5'4 for si. lit drafts. Ilimtrr MlnliiK Stoelts. DfcStElt , t'olo. .Inn 21Tho following list Is t ho olnsln : quotation * on the Mining excnungo todny. Salu- . 27..301) slitiios. Alluulllim T | Uul I Hock , Allllt ) S } < Ironclnd . . Argonaut . . U John J 1 Iliitlnrut IU iJustlcj . . IS liimcknk Cum 11. . . M ( iHixliiKtun , . 1SH HU-U " Itilln mi miU IllonrTlow U ) Calllouv US j.tlatBliless nou lliiildlu.I , , . leiuury ll'uy Iliiek ihiy Cimnty . . . . Dluniiiud U . . . Hunter Una and Oil Uniinliiir I.odo. . . ' " ( ' .I Mlttllll JO ( letlyitiurK . . . "i I'aul linld 10 Sun I'riini ! < ( > 'Mlulni ; IJiiotutlonH. SAN raAM-i-.ro , ( jal. . .Ir.n. L'l. The olllclnl oloslnuuotiitlons for nilnliu &tool < s today tturo its fol'ows : Alia -M .Siniijii lu llul er . . &a llc.t.V llulflier VJU llodliiComulldiitod M Mivu 'i ) . . , . , , , , . , ICO I'liollnr . . . H ) , lerrn Novadu . 110 Cunsol I'nl A Vtt ISO Union Cnn Crown I'lilnl 111) U'tuh I'.iin'k.'i Con IVIcllow Jiu'kct . . . . IM ( iould A Cnrr > lu ) ' ( ' ( i in . , . , HO lliilu .V NureroM . . , N y HOHI HIf Mutlein U. 1 f , Mono UN ii i Nutt Vorlc tlliilnt ; Omit itlniiH. Niitv VOIIK , Jan , -M Tim followln { are the closing inlnliuHtojw qiiiitiitloii : * > . Alice" ! j. i , llomcotnLe. , ll.'i Anpeii , . KFII Iron "liver HJ Hi-Hi \ llclchurM Ontario ( J1) ) Chollur . . . . IU ) Diihlr J'tJ Ciowh I'ulnt . . II ) I'irin.iutU IU ) hu KureXu I on IV Htnndurd . . UU ( Idiild ft lurry 150 Union Con lit ) - , .Sonro.s It ) \olotr | Jacket 110 IIOKtou Htock .Murket. llOSTON. Maty , Jau. VI. Thu follonloK wore S the oloiliu toJnyi.ivf' tvt lltl till ! IlllttUII ti 'lc nuirkrt toJnyi AtrhNun A Tnprkn O 'Wulun , < t tlontnna lloiltui A Alti.inr * u t 1iliti't A Heill . ItoitDii A M-iln" I'd ' i , , Manklli. < ' II & g IIH. Krar-axo . , Hlclienru II II M | uJciM.la . 77r Hint A IVriM plil . M ' ' 'niitn hi'Copper . . rIM \ Mill > 110,1k A H 1 li4SllNiiifir.uk Mnn * 1 chlrnl P'.MAnnliMin J and Co Me * . Cent common 2ltk JloMun l.itnJ Cu . . .V \ A. . > . huidiiinl r.n i\Veit r.n.l l-aii I Co N VAN h iu 7 Ul Moll 'leleldiune . ( HilOilnny P/it t-rtnixin "loro S . linn iiul iciniinon 4 ( Water Power . . . Win i en common Wl Ten preferred 4J.ilL.vlir . . IMW. Alluuet M Co ( iiewi IftHouston TlioiiKon . W. Atnnlle _ _ _ . , _ . _ llj' | ' Ol/.l/f.i / , / ! / : . > r < > //i MAUKKT. OMUII. .Ian. 31. There hns lircn omo I'liprovument In re ceipts ijoihVo.lnosday mid to liiy. but the four days aliow u decrease of Auto cattle uni 1 ' .no. i ho.s eomp iiptl with tliu correspondltu fourdtiys lust week. Tliuro tins linen tin Increase - crease of nhout HUD sheep. Discouraging ruiioilH from eastern markets coupled with tha Hi er.il supply here , provoi uioro limn the present tteak market conn stand , uuil n still furllior doullno of I ( if WIIR experienced. With eastern markets bad am Iliiulo to go still Itmor. shippers could ill nothliii. : uul tliu dressed hoef mea had ihlnits pntctlo illy thulr own wiv They did consilient , Io RclcetliiK lml1 tuk tholr own time to It. Tr.idnn was on the dull and dr.iKKiiu order all duv and thu t lose found a soon many pretty devout cuttlo still uiiMilil. ( iood l.luo to l..U-ll ) oattlo that sold TueHduy lit fioin J.L..O to.fl.OJ wcro hard to sell today ul fruin M.K ) to USX The sluiiitloii was oven worse in the hutchcr stock line the supply lining oveosslto anJ I'm quality rather liiillirurcnt lluyers were nut otorly anxious for thn stock ami bids were nil of lOc lower th.m Wednesday and fnmi 1 > c to 2JC loucr tlmii 'luesday on fair to good stulT , while calmer * were not wanted atiiny price , ( iood to choice cows mid heifers sold from fi40 to Jtt.75 , fair to ( join ! cows fioin $ - ' . ' ( > to $2.10. common and canning xr ides fiivu JI.'JJ to $ J.UO. Hulls. OXDII and stais wcro Hlo.v. but/not itiotabiy | loner , at from Jl 75 to $ . ! . . > ) . Calves llrm at from J.MIl to J.1 U ) . There was more llfo to thu stojkor and feeder market and prices wcro a shade ( Inner th in yosterdav The fresh receipts were not very heavy , but ri'irular dealer- ) round a noon niimhcr of outside buyers , and at the close of business their supplies were m iturlally re duced , bales weir fromt'.J.t toifJ.15 foi poor to i cry Rood stock. Hepie ent.itlve sales : STEEM < ; . COLOIIAUO CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr. a > steers W39 3154 steers 1200 U13 1 steer lO-V a 15 lions Whllo receipts have fallen off during the past few dxyssomuthlng llko 15,003 ho id comp ired with last week there Iris been a very marked deterioration In the general quality of thu oirerlnji. The market statlud out tcry much llko Wednesday's market , with shipping and fresh moat buyers bidding and buvlng freely and packers holding back ( .waiting dotclopnionts and trying to boar pi Ices , Good light mil medium wolght hogs sold at t ery noi.r steady ni lets , mostly at from $4 0.1 to $1.10 , whllo good lie.ivy hogs sold a sh ido to 5o lower than Wednesday at ftom $ l.lu to * l 15 , while com mon heavy and mixed packers sold from if ) 00 tofl.0" > . Trading ttas fairly actlvo through out und practically everything sold in good season , the bulk at from * l Oa to $1.10 against from It.5 to H.l" > Wednesday. The aterago cost was Jl.OCIi against J4 OS'S ' Wednesday und } J.UI'j last Thursday. Koprcscntatlvo s-ilos : i ! Three loiilsiof pretty good nilxoil nn then , corn fed were rncolteil nnil bold readily ul from il. ' , , to ft 8.1. Tl.u demand eoutlniieKUOoil mid t v.inurkut stroll.Ouo - I.It" Htnek .tlurkiit. . III. . .Un 'I. tfciioeliil Tolo.-rani to ° IIE UBK.J 1'rlces of cuttlo wcro wuuk und uiieteulv lower. Iltitehors' nnd onnnors' utiieU Kiiiiurally Kiild at from to ! ) in ( Ac lowur th.m nt iho bd iniiliu of thn wci'U , unit there nns ii decline of from l.lc to IVIn nrillii irt Id peed steers nn eotnii ired with TiK ilny'n nricp . 'rho Biini ) y W.IH nincli lee lur o for the < li < - in in > ) , tvhluh , liy reason of recent henvy 8Uiilli | | < 4 , Ijjmt now llchU-rthJi , titunl , H\v \ * tvoro on u himUof from jj.il. ) to 1VJ5 for very common to cho'co Meeri. nnd fiom II.IK ) to I.I.IKI for poor to clnilee covtmind hiilli. As re- Knrdi oxlui shlniilii" sorts , nny inotiitloua | would lionomlnnl us noun In thntcltiss hm burn ( iffored Of Into. Tliuro wpro sixlcs of ctlru hulls for oxiiort ncfotint iiround H.id. 'I riido wiiM n.inv In nil Kradns nf entile niul HO mnny wuro loft over nmold thnt the ( Hitloo' ' < f r tomorrow U rntlier uN- ooitr.iKlta to holdorn , It t.iucs a iirotty aood hunch of stuuis to lirlnz f4'ii ns Iho miir el now Btiinds und thcro wi-ro oxceedinnly few s lies today ill huher Iliiiinx The Inilk of Iho sties to ilruosfil heef firms und HhlppurH wcro ut from fl/Jo toll , ft The buoyancy ch irirtprlrlnt thn hoj m r- kt'ton thu prt'd'illni diiyof the week WHS con spicuous y absent todnv tn fuel the fuo liu waMiinu of ( lupruisloii Opcnliu suloiof bo.ivy woUliti were from 5o to 1 o uiulor ycstunlay mornlic'H prlcox. nnd tlicio was no llmo later In the day tvliun sales could to ollcciod to nny hotter ndvant ii . The only iipii irent ri'.isnn for the ro ictlon us the f.ictof u Biuiill Inernnso In the arrhiiK M ht hOK9 iiNurnneil uhoul stonily nt from M ft to | lu : for noor to prlmo Iliiht. and at from Jl.ntn H 40 for hu-ivy wel htx Thcro wii < j in active du'iuind and If the II.UH were not nil dlsposod of Itwiislui- cnu o aollcri tti'ro untt illliu to nccopt the rulltiK prices. Then' Were sciittorlii' : Kilos of heavy null medium uel.'lits ut from f l.4"i to fl M. nnd iv fotv Illht hOsof rfiipurlor iiunlllv futehod fl.'l" ) . The Kenenil mnrliot closud Irmly Nn vlinn in of Importnnco took place In the sheep m irltol. Tnoro was a fair doiutind at from MM to f 151 for po.ir to uxtr.i iu | illtliM I.uibs : vu < ro In better ieiiit'st | unit shouo.l more stroimth than for two or three dnyw pro- \ lous Ti oy were iiuotud at fro u * I ' . ' 5 to J'l 53 , aiTordlnu to iiuultv. | Hoeclpts wore : Cattle , IS.003 ! ho's , 40,000 : Rhnup 11.000. riio Dvon'ns ' Journal reports : CATriiK Ito- cclpts , * , | ) shipments. 5,010 ; niarkot huti'r : too prices for steers , t'VTil ) (15 ( ; othors. fHUfft 3IX ) ; HtoeUeis and feeders , t'.4K&lMcows. I1..I5 © - M Hods Receipts. 4i.Oshipments ; ; , li,0)0 ! : nuirket nctlto and irnvu art rouv'h and common , t'.nOtM.ifi ; ml\o I and p icuor . Jl.l' > a 4i5iprlmi' : licuvv and Uutchen weUhts. JI..I5 < S44'i : lUlit. tl.l ft\-a \ SllKRl' Itcvolpts , VOTO : shipments. 80) ; market active , sheep stuadv , lambs stronger ; native cues , $1.5(6110 : mixed. } l TiKlf ! iO ; wpthnrs and yo ir.ln.'s , $ "iO , @ ) "j ; westerns , Jj OOCJVJ5 ; lambs , r > .0 'fflii ' 1) ) . Nctt Vork Il\ < ! Sleek Niw VIMIK. Jan il. ! IIRIIVES Hueolpta. KIT horn ) , all for exporters and slau 'lucm ; no trade , fcelln steady ; dressed heof firm atfl'4o © ce ) tier Ih ; slilpnicnts ted iy. 508 heutos. , C'AliVrs Kecelptu. 417 head : vo-ils ya nor lb. lowur : uostein c lives dull : veals , J5 OJTJS. ; , ! ) per 10) Ibs. ; ci.ibsets , $ . ! : . ' YiJ'.TJ : western caltes. t..WWJI'1. ' ' ' . N SiiKi.i1 Hecolpts. 4.T07 head : inarknt "to idy ; lambs a shade lowei ; slieop. JI.'iWM.u"1 ! per 100 Ihs. : Iambs , jiOJ7.00 ) ; dressed mutton , sto.tdy at T'lttU'jc ' per lb. ; droiscd lambs dull . /j. lions Hoeelpts. . ' 17(1. ( conlnnd dlrojt : marxct nominally steady at il 10SI.CO pur 100 Ibs. KniiHiis City l.ltn Stuck M irkct. KANSAS OITV. Mo. Jan. SI CATTLE Re ceipts. : ) , : tKi ; shipments. 2.0)0 ) : steers tteto doll and sto'tdy to lOc lowei , and stoukors : ind feeders ( lull nnd lUc to l' > o lowei ; dressed beef and shlpplnz steers sold at tI.'JJI.M > ; cons and heifers , tl.5j@J.I.5 ' : slouUers and fecdori , 12 1' ' ( fli I.1 I Hooi Kecelpts. 14.700 ; shipments. S.'JOJ : mar- ke.ir.c to lOc lower ; all guides , Jl.'Jffll SO ; bulk. $1.001.10. SiiUKi' Receipts. 1.400 ; shipments , none : the market ttas nominally stondy ; suppllus wcro mostly consigned direct to packets. PERILS OF WINTER. Some of the Commonest Clnssllluil Under Tliit'it Heads. Youth's Companion olTers the follow ing honltliful sugfrebtiotis : 1. Perils from headless exposure Winter is the pay season , the season of balls and diinuin < r parties , nnd , in gan- oral , of prolonged nmusomonts and ox- citemunts. Wo need not say how com mon it is for young ladies to attend such gatherings imuurfectly clad. The excitement , physical nnd mental , extending to a late hour of the night , renders the surface of the body pecu liarly susceptible to the outside chill ; the susceptibility is enhanced by ex haustion , which at the same time lessens the power of resistance. The danger is especially grout in rural districts , where so many must ride long distances to tholr homes through the icy air. Tons of thousands have in this way luiO the foundation of fatal diseases. 2. Perils from infectious diseabos , In summer our dwellings ventilate thorn- solves , with little c uu on our imrtbutin winter wo oconomi/.o heat at the ox- [ icnso of ventilation. Few houses are provided with aitificial tentilators , while the drainage is gcnor.illy far from [ torfcct. Even houses Httpposood to bo ibovo suspicion in this , respect are often found to bo dangerously defective. Unnoticed loalis are common and a. Imd lealc in a neighbor's houbo may long iiitvo been discharging itself freely bo- loath the wooden lloor of our own collar The main sewer is never or seldom free 'rom lha microbes of disease , : ind these nay find entrance into our rooms .hroiigh untrapped or imperfectly -rapped connecting pipes It was from , his ciiimo that the noble and good Prince Albert came to his untimely end. . ' { . Perils from school rooms. Com- mr.itivcly few school rooms arc fur- liahcd with auoquato adjustments for vontilation. Hence thoupilsat ] ) an a e ) f great susceptibility , breathe much iml air , often from diseased lunga , and ilways charged with deleterious bodily exhalations. At the very least , the vital resistance ) f the system is dangorotibly lowered. On the ether hand , wlion the air be comes insiilTor.iblo , the teacher may irdor the window opened , tlius endan gering these who sit within the Iraughl , at u time when they are least iblo to bear exposure. An nmpicss' tl.nit In. Ono of the handsomest silver wedding ) rcsonts iccoived i > y the empress of < u slti is an ermine raantlo , wnich cost over $30,000 , Bays Harper's Uaaar. It van jircsonted to the c/irina : by Iho no bility rf the province of Kherson , but vas made up in Paris , for the making ip of furs has been for yeais and re- niiins still u pre-eminently Parisian art. 1unSian furriers are almost always in- rusted with thu manufiicluro of the splendid fur garments that become lulrlooms in the greatest ft'.mihcs of Suropu. Hrmlno , bcs-idos being the em- ) lom of royalty , Is also that of purity md stainlohsness ; but it is , novurtho- ess , uo delicate a fabric that no white in1 gets so oai-Uy Belied Very few poole - ) lo Know liow to clean white furs , and it nay thotcforo bo of interest to elegantes to learn the method recommended to mo a few oais ago by the famous Ht. 'otuislnu'jr furrier Paul CubaMis. The 'urs ' must ilrst bo washed with tallow oap and lukewarm water , and ttion lncd with n weak solution of crystals of soda , all the soapbuds bolng removed rom the fur with a hard brush. Should hero be dark Ktalns , such an are intulo ) V carriage grease or ether fat Hub- the fur it will ha ' - Unices , on , noccss'ii-y o rub them with hon/lno u fuw hours loforo washing It. It somotlmus Imp- ) ens that in splto of this treatment the urs retain n yellowish line ; his can , however , ho removed by iloriching thorn in the follow- ng manner : whilst still damp , the nr- lotos must bo Iminorbed In very cold vnlcr , in which four pounds ofbulphurio ii'Id of nation have boon dlluti-d. After in liour'rt bouklng , four pounds of salic icld aio added In the mixture , which ntisl ho well Htirrod. Whilst the furs ire In the lltiid , the vessel containing horn hhould bo tightly covered , BO a to xctudn thu notion of the air on Iho t'hjs. Lastly the furs must bo rinbod ovpral times with pure cold w.itoi. < > ocid I'lirni \ < T IH ( IcMid Seime. Pitlsburg Hullottn Misa I'pporkrust Ncioruatt the Uhlno1 With Meabtlos und its rulnb ? And you really tire uu- J OMAHA ' and Kill UK . \ WMCMX | ) THNT8. ' main Ten ! & / wning lo , , Hn < linniiniick . oil n-iil lii * ! < . > nil for Illl Knrntiu ltA(5-t AND T Femis rm.iha rag Co , IinHHtor | < nnd IIKIII if.io- tnror . 1 lonrfniKi llurlnpi niul Twhii' IIH YCljKS. ! ' . Pcrrigo & Co. M. 0Dizon. I 01 DodKO street IIIc clc sulil nn inoMllily pu : menu. Send for iiur citiloiruo an I prUcs UVIIH Fnrnnm U , Om.thi , 1100 I'S AXV BIIOKK. Morse-iro S'wi ' 1101 Ilowinl StreM. I4' 10 or > corner Ittlinmt DniiKliMroot * Wo nro irnkiiu clo-x' prlrof to ciih li lyor' . , niul nro II CllKI < lf Klllll < Hlllcll li MTJ Klll- ctblo With mor li intH Williams , Van /'erram / Kirkendnll , Jones & ( o & Karte. WhoU'Milo Miinufni'tii n Akrent fur llo'ton Hiili- HI ! llnrncr street , bcr Shoo Co , 110. ' 1101 Oin ill i , Noli. nnd HIM llnrney street /mericin l'and ewed hoe.Co. . . llnolB flioi > , rubbera and lull coiiit' l.-JI-ti llnriK-r trout CAUIMAOKS. | GljOililMJ. i & Ruh ( more i Mnniifn-tnrori unit \\liolemlo Olotlilori , 1101 llnrney street COAICOKK , I "IT. Cmaha Coil , Coke & Coutant& quires , Lime I'D , Ilnnlnnatolt coil uhlp pers. Hnr.l nnil 'oft conl P K corner lull niul Doniil is liOS Furnnm street , Dm ilm Btreels P. H. Malioney & ' o. Johnson Tros , -Conl- 14 Fniniim uttoot , C37 Fnrnim 811 V Ifith Oin ilia Neb. tOUNlOK ragle Cornice Works , .Mnnnfni..uror < of ( ! ol- vanlreil Iron Cornice \\lndow tipi nu'tillc skvltclin. cli 1110 and 11U inulKost. llltY GOOD M. F. Smith & Co. I ilpatrick - Koch Dry Goods Co. Dry t0oil ! , notlom. fur- Dry Kooilx , notion' , ycnts' nhhlni ; ooil < . Cor llthnnitllownr.lsts. Corner 11th and IIownM i-Ul'1'lil.-.S. Omaha Oonioliditid Eleotrinl Oi. , M JM , DynnmoH. Inmpj. Wire nnd Eluctrlcal fcup- iilloiof All hlnils. 1112 lluwar.l strent , Omaha Wolf lectricalCo. Illustrntcd cntnloRiio free. 1014 Cnpltol Avunuo. I UIIM'IUIIU AND feebe & Runyan fur niture t o. successors t" C A llcebe A. Co. Ornco and l lh Hts.Om ilm G13NTS' KOIIMSHING GOO IS. Elotchky& Cohen J. T , Fobinson f o ion ( o. ( JontV furnlililn foods , clothlnir nnd notions ( Jentt1 dlvoiia n trlul Wo scnil in't'K f'lour.ileil I'r.init Hiiinplef uxprais prepaid - "Iliuksltln ' O e rn 1 1" , paid Plain , slilrtn. coils etc' . 111.1 llurncy Cor IJthniul lluwnril st't GUOCKIUI2S. GI/AS . D. M. Steele & Co. I lake , ruce & Co. ' lUtli and llarney , Omrhi , . street 1501-120' > .Tones , Oin hi , Nob. Neb GUAIX AM ) IMIUVI'IO.S. CockTeTBTTI S. \ fi'cWIi rter. llrokeri iinilrns ) ! limcr * 1'rlvntu wlro to .Sew 511 Ilnnrd of Trnlo York , Chit inn , nnil St Trokcr In raln prnvl- ' I.uiiH Hi 1 ; 1 oird of alons mnlHtiK ks I'rlvatu Trade. wlrei to N. V , OiluiKO nnil St I.ouU. fands 0-iimission Co. Itrokers. Direct wlrea KiChli'MKO. Now Yorkniul St. Louis N V. l.lfo Illllllllllk' . ARE THE STRONGEST NO NE GENUINE WITH OUTtMie'A LA DEU nere urt lee G/A .ill/Itn , f'i ' ' ' C0t > the bat you cnn font/ . 6/A linker la IleNl of All. S'A I'xlni Tent ranks next tn 5/A linker. G/A / llorw ? limiikeL. toid by nil dcalcra. tfAP.ANJES.Ef A new unit roinpteto Tr ntuicnt conslhtlng of 8npp Unrlu9 Olnliiumt In C'lipiuleH nlsn In llnx iiinl 1'lllM u I'usltltu i nru lurKvt'rnnl , Intern il Illlnd or lllcuilliiK Itching Chronic decent or lleredltnry I'llen 'Mils lluineily IIIIB never liujn known to lull fl iiurlmx i > lord mint hy mull \Vh > milter frum llilt mr.llilu ill en u lien n vtrlt tin Riniraiitiiii H ponlllvolr Klvun wllliii lmx < ' tn rufnndtlni monuy If not tnrud Hen I utiiinii fur flee. SniiMilii ( iiiiiruntuu Isauu I liy Knlin , V lo , lirimwlhlii Solo AKUIIM corno tilth anil Ilimlilns treeta , Uniiilni , Nel , EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST. ( ilussiH ndliiHloil to all vlHiial dufuct ! ) . ( ? itarrh succeshfnlly troatnd. lloom 18 , Barker Block , 15th and Farnam. fiunlllnr with FlorencuV H Isn't good form not to know thoho places. Miss Mrltfhtly Hy the way , don't you iidtiro NMtiffnrti imcl the YollowstonoV Miss Upporkrust Never HIIW thom. Mit-s lirfjjhtl.v Don't you know it Isn't ( food honsoiiot to know the wonders und beauty of your own country. All ! ; > til ItllsllM'HH. , Itid'o ( , : Mtisomn Miinufjor Thu jirouchor at our uhui ch lust nij'ht talked ithout a Mrs Lot who had buun turned into a pillar of .salt. AnslHtunt Yes. I'vo hoard iihmlt It Mtihouni .Nlanayer- Well , why in thunder didn't jon lot mo know about it ? I'll bet $ I some ether miiHoum will hold of the freak before wo do. Do\V Itt's l.ittlo Hariy Rnori , boit llttlo ills fordyspopila , sour stoiiucb , bid Urou'.U HATS , IJTC. | IMOICH , W. A. L Gibbon & Co Gco. Csbcrnc & Co , IInt , cnpi , Mr HT uoo.l ! . , Huron of hlloi 700) ) , IIITC ; | < anil mitten * , l.ilkm mi | far ) 12th nnd llnrnoy , M Mouth nth-it Rccler & Wllhelmy ro. Lobcck & Linn , Cor lOlli nnd.lnck on HI * . nnil uicelnnlei to ill Uinnlin 111)1 ) lljil.it lit , > \VOUKS. . Psixt n & Vicrling ton Works , Wr < iiiitlil niul mat Iron Imlldliu work eiulniH. b nsa work , Kunera I I Her & Co , R. R , Gr tic , I tailor Morehtnti , Importer tin I lobyr ot illillnrnny Slroot , \Vlnoi in > l t.ltiuori Mitnnrnetiir'ri Kennaly's IWniiil IOW Kiirnnm St. Kitst Inilln lllttirj rrlooll-tion application. Trick & crbcrts , \\h de'iilo lliiiur | denlerg 10)1 I'nrciniii.l , Charles R Lee , John ' . Waccfield , . Ilnrdnond Inmlipr wnoil , | ( - Ainerlcin I'nrt carc nnd | iariiict | Hnlremeil MoiirlMK tlllvrnliken hrdninlle ininent and Dili and Duimlnr , 1,1 u I nc j white II ic , IXKI'.V. C. A. St nehill , A , ' cspe , Jr. , .Millinery , notion" clonks I'lnnot orxnni , nrtl'ta * etc , m ilerlal' , el ( llli-118 S llth H Onnha 151 ( DnnxliK Ktreet , OYSTIOISS. A. Bootli Packing Co. Plait & Co 1'iickeiBof ojater ) , Onh Oystor' , Flih nnd CnlerT mi I Celery , 3D HoutliW \ \ M 1.38 Iu uouuurtli SU Dnvld Cole , Mnniror , OILS. Consolidated Tank I inc Co. Itctlncd nnd lubricating oils , nxlo Kroiso , eto. IMtODUGIO CO.HAIIS-IO.V. f ibbel & Smith , F ranch & ro. Donlcri In country prod- I'rodnco , fritlti nf nil lue , fruits ToitBtnblai , kind. , ny torj , c c. c.U'O ; Hownrd Stroot. lllli nnd llnraoy hlroels. Kirschbrann & 'ons Jas. A. Olarkfc Co. II ii tier , cliiniu. evK9i Iluttcr , cstti nnd poultry poultry nail knina- Ulri Hmmm it. tli Ulll Street. Eiddell & Oo. , G. Pagan. ommlnslim M o r c h n n t , Iluttcr chcoso. OII , TOI- I'riMlnic Iluttcr , IKKI ! , etnl > lo , frulti , poultry ( homo mill 1'ouHry. l.'th nnd llownrd St . nnd Kline. Umnlni. Mullin & MoOlain , Bingliani. & Son , hppclnltlea. liulfsr. oi , Send in jour KitK9 , Hnt thccno. poultry , eta Nn tur , Poultry , < ill no , Hi flu llu ( . lit , Nit JlldJ.t , Ktc 1701-3 I.oi enworth St. Oarpentor Paper Oo. , .King Pap ) rb ( , Carry a full stock of Wrapping paper allklndi printing , wrapping and of twlni'i , do wrlllntf paper , card pa per , etc. Tol. 171) ) KI < : I AIUS. James Hughes , Onialu Steve Rapaii Stove ? ropnlri of Wor 8. Cooks nnil HoUori Htove repntri nnd wnter forsalo . n tiicluncntH for any klud ( f atot u mido 1079 llth Strnot S VSI1. M. A. Disbrow & Oo , E. Ha-dyOo. , Mnnnfnctureri of naih. Toys , ilolli. a lb unit , ( loir . till nits nnd fnney voud . houiefnr- mouldings llrnnch of- nl'litnx nooli , child- flee , 13th nnd linrd Sts ron'i cnrrlnitus 1J1U tnrnnm Street. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARJJ CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MBROHANT' , Al'tn Root & Oo. t & llonmll i\cliiiiKclliill < l- Uo HIM , U ) nn 1 Cl llnllitbig bouth ch UUJ h illill u Oni ilia. tioath On ill i INTEREST PAID OHDEPOSITS ATOMM-LOfiNXTRUSTCa 5ECQR. CAPITALrS IOO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS : A UWVMAM-E.W.NASH JKMILLARD CUV-CBARTOH GO-LAKE. JO.BFtOWN-THOS L.KIMBALL. NEBRASKA National Bank. U S DEPOSITORY - OMAHA , NEB " Cniillul . . $101) ) , 1)1)1) ) ) Surplus . . . . . . . ,300 Olll.oriiind Dlrnctori llonr > W Vn'oi. iirualdunt , U t tnMiliu , tluJliruilliMil ( ' s M inrlco W \ Xl.irii-i loliii S tolllni , I V II I'urlik luwUH , lleod , J-llil IKON LiANK , Corner lath nnd f"irn ni Sti. To thu htocl.holdeis of Iho Ioil ! I'stat Onners Association of Omaha , NehniH .u I'nder provision of UK uiiiinrate articles and hyliiwsof the lto.il INt itn uttnurH Asso- ciiithm of Omaha Nubrask i the iinnii il mfol- liu'of thu HloukholdclH fm the ( dcctlou ol twulto illicetoiH , and an ndtlsoty bond ol llfty mumburs of th ensu'n i toni. will 1)6 ) lumlon Vontl'iy ' ovouliu , I'libruuy Ut , Irt')2 ) at h o'elouk. In the as-ioclat on lonn nu nber 202 Nuw Vork Ijtfu Hiilldln. ' Omaha , Nub. , .lanu rv 21st , Is1) ) ' ( ir.O 11 IKHil.s PreHldent. ( H.O P 111 MImit'tiiry. . J.'ldtm&o' roit KAI.I : is OMAHA. M.U , nv Kulm . ' , ( ' . ( o.r ISlh & Duintlan hU J A rull-r & Co , Cur Ulh 4. D'.UKt A. I ) , toner A Co. , tuuoctl D1U3 , It.