I THE OMAHA DAILY BE 12"FRIDAY : , JANUAKY 22 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'KAHL STRUET. Delivered by Cnrrlor to nny part of the City It.V. . TILTON , - MANAOHIl. TTT riMinvrO Hmtnc s Ofllco No 41 Tr'I'rlIIO'NKhlMlit Dlllor No1 .MIAtut , u/ : . % r/o.v. N , Y. Plumbing Co ! Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp blool' . The Urn Mon will glvo n ocl ; l this evenIng Ing In their hall. A horse belonging to Officer O'Connoll of the dotuctlvo foroo ran nwny yestculiiy nrtor- noon with n slaigh nttached , and foil down , breaking Its lig. The funeral of Eva Montsomory will occur this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from thu residence of her parent * , Dr. nnd Mrs. Montgomery , Sift Fourth street. -Jl The funeral of C. B. Stacy will occur thU - morning nt 10'M \ o'clock from the Congrega tional church , Instead of this afternoon us Heretofore announced. John Prcoso ar.d .loslo Hoopo of Dunlnp were married by llov. C. W. Brewer nt his residence , corner of Twenty first street nnd Fifth uvinuo , on tha Kith. Harmony chapter Order of Eastern Star , No , yr > , moots in regular session Thursday evening. Visiting members cordially in vited. By order of W. M. The Modem Woodmen of America will glvo n ball nnd banquet nt Muionlc tmnp'.o on the evening oC February o. The supper will bo provided by the Indies of the order. llov. J. W. Lcvick , the singing evangelist , who has lately become pastor of the Bethany Baptist church of this city , will speak nnd I ! sing nt the People's Union mission , 711 Biondway , tnis evening. Kov. C.V. . Brewer performed the core- monv Tuesday overling that united in mnr- rlago C. H Wagner and Miss Lou Stone- street , both of this city. \\oddlnirtook place ill the residence of the brides parents , corner of Eighteenth street and Avenue A. Four cases of diphtheria were reported yosterdnv , the following being the nnni"s nnd addresses of the victims : Francis Kulborfnrd , ( KS ! Fourth street : Uodofor. 7Jt > Fourth street ; MM. A. B. Walker , 705 Sixth nvonuo ; I'etcr Jacobson , 115 South Ninth street. Enrlo A. Fan bin died nt 12H : ! > o'clock ycstcrony morning at the residence of his parents. 4KI Little Curtis street , aged 4 S'eors , of rheumatism of the heiirt , Tno fun eral will occur tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock , the remains being Interred lu Wal nut Hill cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Almy died yesterday morning nt 7 o'clock of dropsy , at the ago of Ti'j years. She leaves a husband and four children. The funeral exercises will taKO place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock , from the residence of n .sister of the deceased , MM. .luilu'o Jumes , ( iiO Third nvunuo. The funcrnl services of John Barker took place ycstordny morning at Estop's under taking rooms , Uov Stephen Phelps of the First Presbyterian church olllciating. The sorvlco was very simple , und was witnessed py about n dozen friends of the dead man , among them bolnt'the woman who claimed to bo his wifo. Officer Murphy denies the .statement that bo arrested the two passcngorson Conductor Ehrhnrl's motor In splto of the pro tests of Ebrlmrt. Ho claims that Ehr- luilt had them locked In the car nnd refused to lot them lonvo until ho found n police oflico to whom ho could turn thorn over. Mo refused to arrest them until Ehrhart should file nn information ngainst them , but they finally ngrccd to allow him to take them to the station nnd search them without nn Information being tJlon , _ How many cards ought ono to leave at n reception ? This and ether all absorb ing social questions are answered in an elegant little booklet being distributed" by L. C. Brackott , proprietor of the Corner Hook Store. The booklet also contains sample sheets of the very latest and finest tocloty stationery. Dr. F. T Soybort has i oiilovcd to the Grand hotel. Telephone 3d. / ' / . H.SO.V. 11. I'.llt. I < ! lt.lI'IIH. James McCabe Is attending court in Clnrlnda. F. W. Philllpi of Dos Mollies is registered nt the Ogden house. Mrs. Frank Vlcroy has returned from a month's ' visit in Chicago. Mrs. Ohio Knox , who bas been 111 for some tune , Is recovering rapidly. W. H. Stacy arrived in the city last evenIng - Ing from Milwaukee to attend the funeral of his brother , C. B. Stacy Mrs. .T. W. Kapaljo Is confined to her home , corner of Seventh street nnd Eighth avenue , by an attach of In grippe. H. B. Sewing nnd his two daughters are in the city the guests of his father-in-law , Henry Pnschel , on Willow nvonuo. The httlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bunker was considered somewhat batter yesterday , nnuhopo-i nro now entertained for her recovery. John S. Cahoo'i of Tncomn , who has boon visiting friends for some tlmo , left yesterday for n business visit to Washington. New Voru nnd ether custcrn points. Mr. A. C. Lavender , spoclnl treasury ngont Seal Island , Alaska , is stopping nt the Ogden House , where ho will make bis head quarters while in tbo city till spring. Jarvia 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. There are still a largo quantity of these beautiful .lap L'oods at thu Japan ese store , ! ! 17 Broadway , and to save freight back to the coast all will lie bold at Importers' cost for the next seven days. Ladies of thU city and Omaha will find this the best opportunity of tholr lives to got those goods nt San LYimoIttco wholesale prices. Lending drugstore and news stand , Da vis. Looking Cor HU Wife , A man named Shipley , whoso homo Is in Florence , Nob. , was in the city yesterday looking for Ids wlfo , who disappeared the latter part of lust week , nnd has not boon seen slnco. She Is n victim of the morphine bublt nnd tin hud boon doling out the stuff to her lu small quantities from tlmo to time trying to break her of the habit gradually. lu some way shi > got hold of u largo bottle of her favorite drug lust Saturday nnd during the afternoon slio disappeared. No trace could bo found of her unit nil day yesterday uus put in by the anxious husband looking for her In this city nnd in Omnhn. Sun left a aoto saying she wns going to Uwitlit , 111. , to tnko treatment lu the ICceley institute , but that Is regarded ns a blind to keep her bus- baud from Knowing where abe reallv has gone. gone.Wo Wo have our own vlnoyards In Callfor nla , JnrvU Wine eomniny , Go. BlulTs Holier , the tnllor , JI10 Broadway , has nil the latest styles and now winter goods. Satisfaction gunrantecd. The ladles of the Prosbytorinn church will entertain a Kensington tea in the ohureli parlors on Friday afternoon , January . ' , from i ! till U o'clock. All ladles Invited. lt < > * i-lloirnmu. : Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Charles M. Hots , foriiorly of tbls city , nnd Miss A. Loontonu Boarmau , which took place on the Kith nt the residence of the brldo In Moolle , A In. The ceremony was performed by Hoy. J. K. Buruott , pastor of the Government Street Prc.ibyterlan church. Thn wedding wns n very quiet affair , and tha newly married couple loft at once for their now nome lu Scranton , Miss. , where the groom U engaged as cashier ol the Jackson County bank , u newly organized juitltullon which commenced business lo- ) roiubcri \Voodburydontlbt9no.xt to Grand hotel ; line work u specialty. Tola , 1 Ix Mu lo Co. , Masonic temple viMHc piiAii mnxTPii ni IIPPO NEWS HlOJI COtMIL BLUrFS , Rumors Concerning the Grand" Jury Create Something of a Sensation. FOUNDATION FOR THE REPORT. Siild In HUMIt.TII nullity liilliirnrril In tinIntcrml nf si.ti > r.il I'ITMIIII Wlntso Act * Must ln\cstlgitiMl : ut tlii < I'ri'Mi'iit Term. Judge Thorncll sprung quite n sensation In the district court yosterdny morning sum moning the members of the grand Jury before fore him for mi examination ns to the rumor that had reached htm to the effect that sotno- ono had boon tampering with them. The move wns made upon information furnished the court by County Attorney Organ und J. N. Haldwin. According to their staU'inont the diiy the grand Jury Wns empaneled nnd sot to work they were cnlled Into the oftlco of the county auditor , where they found Auditor Hondrlcks nnd Super visor Graham awaiting tboin. The two gentlemen named told them that the county fund had boon reduced from fc.U,0X ( ) to f."iOUU. und that the county llnuncos were consequently not In a very flourishing condi tion. They requested the grnnd jury to be very careful In examining criminal cases , and to look nt both sides before returning m- dictmonts , so lb.it the county should not be put to the oxtionso of criminal prosecutions whom there wns not good ground for the be lief that n conviction would bo the result. This , the prosecuting attorney thought , was directly Intended to Influence the grand Jury in considering the cases against J. R Kimball - ball and U. H. Chump , nnd ho nnd Baldwin accordingly had the Jury hrougnt before the court for nn examination to lind out Just what had been suld to them by the county onicers. The examination of Foreman Axtell broughtout the fact that ho had bcn approached preached by Ilondricks , who sul.l ho wnnted to sco the mem tiers of the board In his ofllco. Axtoll replied that If lie hud nuythlng to say to the members of the board ho ought to come ooforo It when It was in session. Hen- driclcs replied that It was nothing connected with the regular work of the Jury , but ho simply nad something to say to them ns citi zens ot I'ott.uvattamlo county. The board mot and went into the ofllco as requested , ana there founit Graham. The two olllclnls then proceeded with the remarks as aoovo stated , pointing out how llio legislature had reduced their levy from 0 to I mills , und that economy wns therefore necessary in nil de partments of the county work. After the examination hail oeen completed Judge Thorncll gave tbo Jury some additional Instructions. In which ho warned them to be moro careful in the communications they had with outside parties. It would bo u sad state of affairs , ho said , if the question of economy wore consldcrci In bringing criminals to Justice. The grand Jury could no doubt de crease expenses by fulling to have anv in dictments brought In at all , but such a tilling would hardly bo advisable. Tbo Jury must guard ngnlnsl bringing in Indictments in cases where there is not n rensonublo ground for believing that n codviction will result ; hut at the same tlmo it must not let the question of expense enter into its deliber ations. Ho exhorted them not to allow any remarks thnt might have been made inllucnco them in nny way , either for or against Kimball - ball and Chnmp. He tben sent them bacu to their worn. The affair created a big bronze in the court room , ns well as upon the street outside. 1 Juniors wcro sol In circulation by some ono ' that the court would have Hc'ndricks nnd Grnhnm brought up for un examination on the charge of contempt in the afternoon ut 2 o'clock , but the afternoon were nwnv nnd no move of this kind wns made , and Countv Attorney Organ states that tl Is hardly likely that nnythlnc further will como from It. Hcndricks and Graham were asked for ttieir version of the affair. They admitted that the conversation had passed between them ana the jury pretty much as had been charged , and stated that they had merely acted In accordance with a request made by tbo Board of Supervisors at its last meeting. They denied , however , that they nad any personal interest in making the request and said they had only boon carrying out the in structions of the board. They both tnlkod freely , nnd stutcd their willingness to toll Judge Thornell Just whut they had said , regardless of consequences. Flnloy Uurko , attorney for Kimball & Chump , thought this movcmenl hail been made by Baldwin mainly for the purpose of intimidating the Jury into returning an In dictment against Kimball and Chump. 'After an uproar of this kind , " said ho , "it la easy to .see that the jury will bo a little backward about dismissing tuo two men , oven if the evidence against t lie in was somewhat - what light , on nccount of u dread of being accused of corruption. Nothing is easier to make , and nothing is harder to disprove , than n charge of corruption , and the best of Juries would bo more or less alarmed at having n Damocles' sword of this kind bang ing over their heads. " Some color Is given to this theory by the fuel that before the jury had left tholr seats at thu cluso of the examination certain parties were on the streets Industriously .spreading the rumor that Ilondricks nnd Graham had been bribing the grand jury to discharge Kimball nnd Champ. Uisbollcved , also , by some that Mr. Graham's aspirations for the ofllco ot mayor plnyod some p.irt in the scheme , it being a well known fact that there bus been but little love lost between Haldwin and Graham slnco the question of the reduction of the taxes of the Union 1'acllio Kiiilwny company caino before the Uoard of Supervisors und was settled un- sutisfiictorilv to Mr. Haldwln. who was at- totiioy for tno company. Walnut block and Wyoming coal , fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher , III Main. KolllllMl Of lllH Kit-lie * . A young man wandered disconsolately up Main nnd Uo.vn I'onrl street yesterday morn ing , looking In vain tor a man thai failed lo como to light. After ho had spent sumo time in this way ho cornered u bystander and eon- lldodtohlin the story of n brand now woe thul hud entereu his life und made 11 for the time being n nightmare with steel shoos on. Ho caino In from Neola yesterday morning and on llio way happamu to meet a smooth looking gentleman with red whiskers and a fur cut ) , who Introduced himself to him as thornprojontntivo of tno linn qj J. M. Mor gan & Son ot Walnut , but fulled to gtvo his name. The general tenor of nU conversation wns that ho hnd been wnmlcriugupand down the earth in leurch of Just bitch u young man us Mr. Kedinbuugh , nnd nothing would suit him any bettor thnn to engage h in right then niul there to work for him. A bargain was quickly entered Into nnd soon the two men arrived nt the locul depot , where they bonrdcd n Main street car for up town. At tlio Merrium block thov alighted , nnd then It wns thul the bewhlskored found that bo was In pressing need of funds. UaJInbaugh wns oniv too glad to accommodate him with $ > 0 , which was thu extent of his pllo. und the lonneo went up into , the Morrlani block to his eco , tolling his benefactor thnt ho would bo down nt on en. Minutes lied , out he did not return , nnd It was not until a man to whom ho told hm htory Informed him that ho had been played for a sucltor that tlio whole truth burst In upon his rustle mind. The con fidence man hud simply left the Morrium block on thu Main street side , leaving his now found fileiut f . ' 00 worth of oxporlcnco In rot urn for the $ : . ' ( > which ho took with him. Uodinbuugh Is not satlsllod with the undo , however , lu spite of the apparent margin In his favor , and tie promises to show the man , If he can gel hold of him u minute , what sort of lists Neoln soil cau grow. The last ono to see tbo nonlldonco man was thn Janitor of the Morrlani block , who saw him climb tbo stairs , anxiously looking behind him to see If he was followed , and than co down on the ether side of the building. tinilrli. . The folio win ir letter was received yesterday by ono of the VOUIIR ladles who Is Interested In the Lean Year party which U to bo given In the Uoyal Arcanum parlors next Wednesday evening ; Oou.scii , Hu mi. l . . Jun. SO. MUs May llryunt Dcur I'rlund : I have just read In THE DAILY 11 EU of today , under lint limul of "l.ouu Voar I'urty. ' " tlmt tlio yoniiiHiiilli'H In charge will lot us do the punch bowl. It In with luou iiluuauru tht 1 rend tUU thnt 1 cannot resist the temptation ti ) tell you so , and congratulate you , In llio name of our Women's Christian 1cm- pornnco union Indict , on your briiv * , ct nnd ymir conr.iuc , not only to dccldo to do no. tint to he brave cnouith to cntno out nnil sar so to tin : public. I lioiiu you may uarli ono cirry this sentiment with you tlirou th life , anil Unit you may nlwiiys bo br.ivi ) enough to tuku the unmn stand In regard to Intoxicants ttiatyou have taken this tltou. I Impn nnthlnB will mar the Pleasure nf your puny , for with it you are sowing scedsnf vlr- tuo that I am sure will sprnn ? nn nnd yield ou double pie isuro. I address this to you c'nusu I do nnt know to whom o so to.sond It I'lo iso oxlund my roiriratnlntlnns and best , wishes to the other clr'H ' In hohnlf of the Indies of tin * Women's Christian Temperance union. Vours respectfully , Mns , bToliDAliii , President. WOOL UOOIH I'OK ALMOST A MONO. Tim ( trnit Sfinl-Annuiil Cli'tirlng iilc nt tint IIOHton Store , Council lllullH , In , , Opened Wednesday morning. The Htoro was closed all day Tuesday to mark down Koodfl and make preparations for this L'roat event , which is looked forward to with deep interest by almost every houscw'.fo in Council BlulTs and sur rounding country. 13-jlow IH only a partial Hat of the thousands of bargains that are olTercd alibis sale. For a belter list of prices sea Council Hlutrs dally Nonpareil and Globe : 40-Inch brllliantlno , former prieo , OOc ; for Ihis sale , Uoc , , ' 10-inch all wool plaids nnd plain Ilan- nols , r > 0o goods , for Hlle. ul-lnch all wool ladies' cloth , worth 76c , for -lOic. 6c ( ) , 7fle and lK5c novelties In polka dots , camel's hair stripe and plaids , all in nt ono price for this sale , -17 } e- 40-inch nil wool henricttas , former price Doc , sale price fi'Jc. ' 60 pieces all wool red shaker ilannnl worth , 'io ! , sale price 20je. 2oo all wool red twilled llannol , 19c for Htilo only. Oo heavy unblouched llannol cotton llanncl , ttSe. All our fur cnpea nnd muffs at just ono-half the original prico. $0.50 capes for $3. 2 * > , $10.00 capos for $ -J.OO , $12.00 capes for $0.00 , $17.00 capos for $8.50. MutTs lillc tnulT for 17c , 75c mull for JiSc , $1.00 muir for 6'c ) , $2.00 mulT for $1.00 , $1.00 inutT for $2.00 , $9.00 nitiff for $1.50. All our stock of mulTs the same way. Toys and Fancy Goods Wo must have room for our immense stock of wall paper which is now on the way. All our toys , dolls , baskets , clocks and bricka- brnck at just half price for this sale. Ific Bannock Burn suitings 12c. All our stock of prints , including best blues , silver grays , black and whites , heavy twilled serges , all usual so'.d for 7c ivnd 8c , for this sale 5c. 31-inch wide suitings , former price 15c , for this sale ( lie. 30-inch wide Armenian sorgps , in black and while , former price 15c , for Ihis sale lOc. 12Jc and lee ouling flannels for lOc. Best apron ginghams OJc. Coats' and Clark's best 200-yard spool cotton for 3e. . ' Holding's 100-ynrd spool silk for 5c. Holding's 100-yard spool twisl for Ic. All our children's coats in two lots , $2.75 and $3.25. All our nowmarkots , that sold for $10.00 , $12.00 and $15.00 , all In ono lot for $1.08 ; a chance that should not bo lost sighl of. Ladies' short coats $ > .00 coats for $2.75 ; $8.00 , $9.00 and $10.00 coats for $5.00. Novelty garments , cmbroulorod sleeves and revered front , $14.00 gar ments for $7.00. BOSTON STORE. FOTIIKItlNOIIAM , WlUTKLAW & CO. , Council BlulTs , In. Two apprentice nurses wanted nt the W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth streol and Olh avenue. ' Jarvis wild blackberry is the bast A bEEDKIt JSUltK.lU. The organization of the now court of law claims nt Denver last month and the an nouncoinont thai the court will hold Its Una session in thai city on the 17th of November live promise that ho long-voxod titles In th western territories and state will soon bo in nfnir way to settlement. The disputed titles under the Mexican nnd Spanish grants have proved especially troublesome in Arizona nnd Now Mexico. They nnvo delayed sottlomonl ana investment in some of the lairost lands of the southwest , and have proved annoying in the districts farther to the north. After much ngitnticn nnd complaint congress wa nduccd nt the last session to provide a court for the consideration of this business , and vlU soon begin to work. The orgnnUation of this court gives THE Bra : lluiiEAUor CuiMsachnnco to extend Its usefulness. It will take claims under this law and prosecute them for persons who do not know whom to engage for the service. The business entrusted to the bureau In Washington Is being prosocut-pd witn energy. The Indian depredations patent , land mining anil other claims before the courts nnd departments are being pushed as rapidly ns possible , with no delays on nccunt of the largo amount of business which has boon sent to the bureau. The Inrco amount of claims intrusted to Its enrols a standing proof of tlio esteem und confidence In which THE BKE is hold by the public which It serves. II Is like wlso n demonstration , if ono was requlred.o ho need of such un org.inlzatl on The revelations in rojjard to the Loomis ngcncy which have boon published recently go even further In Ibo same direction. When u man sougbl for by the police for nearly u year on a warrant for embezzlement can set up as a chum ugont , flood the western coun try with circulars and receive assignments for sovernl million dollar's worth of clnlnis , il npponrs thai there Is little protection for the claimant who sends to an unknown ropro sontativo. The men who assigned tholr claim o Loomis would have had small ohanca o tholr seeing any of their money If tha schmncr hud boon given tlmo to collect their claims. Wliou .such risks nro run and man who are not able lo go to Washington and know no ono there must biro their attorneys at liaphann ! , tbo need for n bureau1 to pro tect tno paopla and do tholr work al reason able rates Is apparent. The approval with which Tin : BEK enter prise Is received by Journalists nnd public men Is ns gratifying ns tlio response of the public. _ _ SOUTH SIDE AFFAIRS. Oil lii'iis C'luli rrcp'trliifffonin lnipru\uiii iit A regular mooting ot the South Sldo Citi zens association was hold at Mueller's hall , Eighteenth nnd Vlnton streets , last night. The following resolution wns Introducad und passed unanimously : Whuruiis.V consider It absolutely mines- nrv fur thu development of this part of tliu city to obtain u cool nnd direct outlet to fihoely urnisiiiK anil llunscom p irk. ilartlri titront. by reason of Its louillty , would fur- nlsli thu bust outlet. It solvcl , That the B.uitl ) Side C.tl/.ons as sociation nipolnt a uoiuinlituo of tlueo to Walton the llyron ICei'd company for the pur- POM ! of iniluclai ; sill company todimutn to tlio city a strip of land sulllolcnt to npttn Mar- tlm M rout f rum Twouty-llrHt to Twenty-f mirth street. Messrs. Donovan. Brunlng and UUeleJwcro named as the committee. Councilman Lowry was tbmi called upon to say hoinothlng about soutu sldo hydrants nnd Bowers. The -president of the council stated that there was at present a proposition uoforo thnt honorable body to relocate 10J hydrants and he thought the association should labor with Its representative In the council for results In tbnt mutter. Ho advised everybody living south ot fnrnain street to pull together for sewer Improve ments. A committee of fifteen was then Dp- pointed to wi.lt upon the sewer committee of thu council and present tha coutli aide claims , "We determined " said ot the uro , one prin cipal south sldo property owners after the mt'otlug was over , "to have n better so worairo system In this part of the cllv und will do everything possible to prevent all of tbo money recently voted for se.ver bonds being nxpondod In north Omaha work. This part of the city deserves xomo recognition and wo Intend getting our share ot it U bustling will ( loan ) ' good. " HOW TO SECURE 1 PATENT , t I- I Directions to Inventors Issued by The Bco - Bureau of Olaiiiis. METHODS OF THE PATENT OFFICE , Th > ( 'ourno rollmvp'1 by'tlin ' Aiitluir of an Iincntlim lu rriitrnf I1U CiMtt of OlitaliiliiK u Patent. To the inventor the nil important question presents Itself , "How can I socuron p.uotitl' ' end to this Tun UBX Bureau olTeM the fol lowing explanation : Inventors a * a class nro not familiar with the laws under which lotion pntont arc granted , the forms and practice in the patent oHIco at Washington and the technical methods of casting specifications and claims to properly protect tliolr Invention * against Inf ringers , yet the value of the patent and oven its validity depend largely upon the careful and export preparation of the caso. Specifications must bo drawn to fully dls- nloso the Invention , to distinguish botwoo what Is now and what U old , and claims. upon which the vuluo and validity of the patent depend , must bo cast to fully cover the Invention yet not to encroach unon pat ents already granted. Failure In cither of theio respects often render. ! the patent value less or void. The oraplovmont of counsel skilled In natent law is therefore usually a proroqulslto to the proper prosecution of n case and n grunt of n valuable patent. Many inventors suffer the los * of benefits that should bo derived from valuable Inven tions owing to insufficient protection by pat- ots procured through Incompetent or care less agents , etc. I'nrVlmt ( iruntril. Under the laws of the United States let ters natont are granted to any porsou who has Invented or discovered any nuw and use ful art. machine , manufacture or composition of matter , or has invented any now or useful improvement thcroon. Term of 1'ati'iit. A patent Is granted for seventeen years , .during which time the owner has solo and exclusive right to make , use and sell the patented Invention. How to I'riit'ccil. For economic reasons before matting ap plication to the patent oflico for a patent , the novelty and patentability of the inven tion should bo ascertained , because , if the invention Is not now or not patentablo an unnecessary expense i incurred by filing nn application on whicn n patent can never bo granted , etc. The first thing to be done is to find out whether or not the invention is now ana patentablo. For advice on the point it Is necessary to send to the bureau a rousrh or complete sketch or n photograph ol the invention , to gether with a brief description thereof , setting forth the object , of the improve ments , the arrangement of the parts and the advantages attained. While a modoi Is very seldom necessary , yet it is often of great assls tan co. The latter con be made of any cheap material , ar.d will , be returned if a request is made to that effect. Upon receipt of the data mentioned zufllc- 'ont to enable the invention to bo understood our counsel will at once examine thereinto , and will advlso without charge what is the host cours * to pursue and will express an opin.on. from their knowledge of tno arts and yatonts already geanted , as to thopatcnt- abi'ity of the invention. , c. In this connection it.is recommpndod that the best nnd safosf. courjo is to have a special search made 'in ' the patent ottlco to ascertain whether or not the invention has been heretofore patented. Tno advantage of such a search is that if nounticipatin patent is discovered the application ran bo tiled with a greater decree of certainty , whereas if the invention is found to bo old all further ex pense is avoided. The cost of a search of this nature is $5 , and with the report of the result thereof the inventor will bo furnished with copies of such patents , if any , as em brace his ideas. It is much bettor to have this search made in the outset before incu r ring nny expense whatever regarding the a p plication for patent. If it is found that ho invon tlon is now and patentablo the client is advised to proceed with the filing of nn application for patent. and will then bo requested to remit J15 to cover the first government fee and * 5 in payment of cost of drawing , when ono is necessary. As soon as possible after the receipt of this remittance the specification of the invention will bo carefully prepared and forwarded to the Inventor , together with forms for application for patent ready for execution. Upon return of the latter the case will bo promptly Hied at the patent oftlco and notice will bo sent when action is had there on , and also of thn nature of such action. The examining corps of the patent oflico is divided into thirty-two divisions , among which the applications arc divided according to the ofllciul classification. The condition of the work in the various divisions varies trom ono to live months in arrears. Tim Unreal ! Cliiirgui. Consistent with the spirit with which this bureau was formed , it is not intended to conduct nny branch of the business on a money making basis , but it is proposed to do the work as near the actual cost as will Pro tect the business from lO-.s. Although counsel nro retained nt heavy expense to the bureau , yet It Is the wish to chnrgo In ordinary casoi only the minimum fee of W > . However , In cases requiring extra care , time and labor the fee will be proportionately increased , but clients will always bo advised in advance should such Increase of fee bo found neces sary. In dlrcctiuir inquiries please mention the fnct that you read these instructions In TUB UEU. Design I'litmtM. A patent for a doaign is granted to any person who has Invented or- procured nny now and original design for the printing of woolen , silk , cotton or other fnbrlcu ; any new nnd original impression , ornament , pattern - torn , print or picture to bo printed , painted , cast or otherwise placed on or worked into any article of manufacture ; or any HOW. iibOful and original shape or configuration of nny nrticlo of mnnufacturo , tbo same not having been known or used by others before hU Invention or production thereof , or pat ented or described In nny printed publica tion. Patents for designs nro grantou for the term of three und toae-hnlf years , the government fro being $10 ; or for seven years , the foa being $15 ; or for fourteen years , the fee being $30. The charge of the buroyu In such noses U usually t' > , A patent can bo reissued whenever the same Is Inoperative or invalid by reason of a dufectiva or Insufficient specification , or by reason of the patentee's claiming moro than he bad a right to claim ns new , providing the error has arisen by aecidint , mistake or In- uiivorttinco , nnu without fraudulent Intent , The government fee for ji reissue Is $10 , The cost of dra wing U\ and ( ho bureau chnrgo is usually J.T ) . Great earq.niusl DO nxerclsed In reissuing n patent , bcqauso very often wlia llttlo validity thorfl may bo In a ( Infec tive pntont Is entirely lost bv procuring n ro- ssue which Is totally Invalid. Tuoro uro In the n.itont oflico n great many cases which stand rejected , but whloh should bo allowed. This condition of the cuso maybe bo dun either to Incompetenuy o.i the part of the attorney omployad or his Inability , Mo- cnuso of residence elsowhcro than In Wash ington , to innUo tno examiner oo the Inven tion In Its true light ; nnd then , atraln , as often occurs , cases uro rejected on Improper or Insufficient grounds. U'lion so requested wo will huvo our counsel uxamlno into any sucti cu.su free of charge und ndviso as to the prospects-far success by further prosecution. i'ho client will also bo then Informed of the probable cost ot completion. ClltflttH , By means of n caveat nn Inventor secures record uvldoncu recu riling hit invention for the purpose of enabling him to complete or further experiment therewith. Thu lift ) of u cuvunt Is ono yuar , und It may bo renewed at the und of thru time. Thn government feu U tlU and tbo bureau vharga is 115 , Truilomurka , A trauotnarU U a fanciful or arbitrary do view or symbol usoa to distinguish the good ofa particular manufacture. The owner of every trademark Is entitled to register th o mine , no matter how lone It ha * boon In use The life of the certificate of registration Is thirty years and may be renewed for n like period. The government fee , payable on filing each application for registration of trademark , Is $ J5. The bureau's charge is about I JO. l.lllirN. Labels of all kinds , dajlgnod to bo nt- inched to manufactured articles or to bottles , boxes , otc , , containing them , have heretofore been received for registration In the patent office nnd n certificate Issued accordingly. Under n very recent decision of the supreme court of the United States It Is held tint there Is no authority In law for granting cer tificates of registration of IxboU which simply designate or dwcrlbo the ar ticles toyhlch they nro attached , nnd which have no value separated therefrom. A Inbel to In ) entitled to registration must have by Itself sonin value ai a composition , nt least as serving 901110 purpose or ether than ns n moro designation or advertisement. Many now holding cortillcnlcs of registration of la bels nro totally without any protection what ever. Many registered labels comprise sub ject matter rogHtorabUi 'is trailennrk.i. Wherever this Is so , or where bv n slight change. It can bo nmdo to coma within the purview of the laws governing trademarks , registration should DO sought under this bead. The gov rnmont fee in n label cnso Is ( tnnd \ the bureau chnrgo Is $ ) " > . Copyrights. can bo hud for books , nuips , engravings , photographs , palntlngi , pictures , otc. The total cost thereof is about ft ) , Including all fees. Intorforriu-rs. An Interference is a Judicial proceeding in stituted under the direction of the commis sioner of patents to enable him to de termine the question of priority of Invention between rival claimants. The bureau , recognizing the fact that extraor dinary care nnd skill nro requisite- the part of nn nttornoy in charge of n case in In terference , has nt'lts command counsel prepared - pared to conduct a case in Interference from the very Inception down to n final determina tion of the merits of tno cause. Testimony will also bo taken under our direction In any part of the United States. While no specific sum can bn sot down as applicable to nil In terference cases alike , yet the charges will nlwnys bo ns reasonable us possible. The question whether or not ono patent In fringes another is the very soul of alt patent litigation. The questions Involved nro'many , nnd of tno most Intricate nature. It is ill- ways a matter 01 such gicat Importance that no ono should over claim that iinothor Is in fringing on bis rights , or , likowlso , no atten tion should be paid to tbo claims of infringe ment by others until the questions Involved nro carefully passed upon by n reliablent tornoy. For such services the char/cs uro aways fair nnd reasonably. rorrlgn Pati'iits. In addition to the bureau's facilities for attending to the interests of its Inventor-pat rons before the United States patent office and courts , it is also enabled to procure patents for Inventions in all countries of the world. In many of the foreign coun tries , notably Canada , England and Ger many , patents for Inventions previously patented in this country are looked upon with great fav6r , and inventors nro there very frequently moro likely to realize profits from their Inventions than they nro oven In this country. The cost of foreign patents varies with different cases , but ns a general rule the oxpnnsos of procuring patents , cov ormg all charges , is about ns follows : Canada , $50 ; England , i'JO ; Germany , $ UJ ; Franco , $65 ; Spain , fltO ; Unlgiura , ? 00. Ad ditional information regarding the cost , etc. , in any foreign country will bo furnished Dy letter on application. In nil such requests mention having read these Instructions in THE BEE. Important Warning ' It seems remarkable that in this enlight ened ago it becomes tbo duty of every re liable and trust vorthy attorney in patent matters to advise his clients to bewuro of the many sharks who sot out with the ap parent intention of defrauding Inventors Immediately after the issue of tliolr patents. When a patent appears in the Patent Office Gazette patentees are besot with Innumer able offers , solicitations , requests , otc. , some pretending to wnnt to purchase their patents , while others offer to take an interest therein under promise of procuring foreign patents. The solo object of these poopln is to obtain money from Inventors , and they never make the slightest endeavor to carry out their groundless or worthless promises. MoileU. As hereinbefore mentioned , models are not required in the patent office except in intri cate or complicated cases. But at the same time whnn an invention can bo better ex plained by a model It Is well to sand thn same to us. A modoi should always bo of a size not larger than ono square foot , nnd in send ing the same by express tbo charge should be prepaid and the box addressed to Tun BKE Buiimu OP CMIMS , Bee Building1 , Omaha , Nob. { Mention this paper. ] Till ! I Vl r 1 V UIf [ i. Tim Ben BUIICAU or CMIMS , In dealing with tbo claims nrislng under the Indian depredations act , has been successful in pro tecting a largo number of subscribers and others from extortion nnd loss. From com plaints that Jinvo coinu to it , however , It ap pears Unit ninnv of tha claimants do not un derstand their position under the net. At a time when there appeared to bo little ohanco that congress would take up the claims or maka any appropriation to pay them , they signed contracts with the Washington agents , promising from ono-ntiarlor to one-half the amount to the agent in cnso the money should bo collected. In view of this extortion con gress Inserted n provision in the act annul- ing all contracts and limiting the agent's commission to 15 or 20 per cant. The claimants all probably understand that ho agent's commission has noon limited by the law , but many of them , according to their own statements , do not undorstnnd tbnt they arc free to do as they please about employing the agent they had first chosen. Thny con sldorthat they are still bound to employ the ngont with whom they signed the exor bltnn contracts whether they are satisllod wlti ! dim or not. Jt was the intention of congress to proto them at nil points nnd they were loft on the passage of tbo act free to do ns they pleased and employ whom they pleased. Section 0 of the act itutod : "That all sales , transfers or assignments of any such claims heretofore or hereafter inn do , except such ; is have occurred In the duo administration of decedents' os tntos , und nil contracts heretofore made for fees and allowances to claimants' attorneys are hereby declared void. TherecoUld bo no mistake about the mom- Ing of this. All claimants had to make now contracts with agents nftor the passage of the not , nnd tnoy wore at liberty to employ any ono they ploasod. If they wore plonsod with the zeal nnd nets of tholr first nont thov might ranko their now contract with biro. If they were dlssatlsod they might chnoso any ether agent that they plonsod. These who have not signed new contracts since the passage of the not may profit oy this to secure much bettor terms than they could otherwise got from the agents. The fact that TIIK BKI : BCIIPAU U doing the work for the bare expense Involved has bad a good effect lu moderating the charges of all agents to these who know how to protect them- selves. For those who distrust their ability to coixi with the claim agents on tholr own ground TIIK BKI : BUIIRIU Is nlwavs open. AN ECCENTUICMSIILiaONAIttE. llu I'laniK'il u Sliiini rmirriil anil Ki'pt un I CIHI IIlK lli'lr'K Administration. From Austrin , the land of oucuntrio nobluinun , comes n Htory without u paral lel in the recent record of human id io- sy'ncniblua , The Gnlluliui inillioniiiro , Onslmlr von Mionu/.ynskl , was removed from Ills vast estates nonr Lombard to an asylum for the Insane In Dobllug , at Mdown Instance annul eight years ago. About llvo inontUH latur hit * death was aiinonncod. It was wild that ho died In llio night , aim the properly drawn cur- tilleato of the physician was to the ull'ooL thiil death wad caused by heart dlbcriso. In the morning after the night when the death was rt-poitod the other physicians saw th.it tha closed collln was carried to the family burying ground and there interred , without having boon opened in the pre.s- once of the milltoimlru's frioiuls ' 1 liu holrof the Mloiic/.yiisld propertyC'oiuit Nlcodom I'otocKi , took pobsebttion of the estates. The departed nobleman loft neither wife nor children. About the middle o ! December the A Rare Opportunity ! After 10 yoatvj close confinement , I tun compelled through thon.lvieoq 1'hyslelnns to chnngo my business , a * my huiilth Is irmthmUy giving nwiiy. Knowing nnil believing that it will on' ' v bo n abort iwi'lo.l when , I will bo unnblo to shoulder the responsibilities of nn Indoor oeouprv lion I offer my entire Stock , Fixtures a. ) id Goodwill for Sale / Having boon csl-ibllshod fo10 years and the only AUT STOUK In a city of : < 3,01)0 ) people , this la ono chance of u life tlnu. To any suoklnfl a nice , clean and prolltablo business should Investigate this Opportwi ity Iw ; ; i ed lately. This is strictly sinooro mil I moan , just whnt \ say. From this data on for tno NHXT ISO DAYS , all goo.ls stiiih us Fr.unoti 1'ieturoH , Kti'h Ings , En ira villas , Cablnot Friuuos , Datnboo and Oak Knsola , &c. , will ba sold at ACTUAL COST. $ .100.00 worth of StuUe * AT LFoS THAN COST. 100 .Assorted Pic tures given away for the price of the frame. 20 Per Cent Dicount On all Frames made to order. N'ow h the Minn to HUY CHEAP FRAMES. For further purtii'iilnr.s , call or a-I CHAPMAN'S ART STORE. 15 PEAKL STREET COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA. TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. Scliosdsaok. Proprietor , Offices O2t Broadway , Oounol Bluffs and 1321 Fnrnarn St. , Omalia. Dye , clean nnd rafinish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or m tlio Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prica Hat. Merchants who Imvo shop-worn or soiled ftibrics of nny character can linva them rcdyod nnd finished equal to now. 13ED FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the nd most approved machineryatost al loss co t Ihan yo.i ovo.1 pit 1 bjfo * j. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I71OK SAMO-A team of KOOI ! inurus : pur- J2 chaser may cut wood to p.iy for saint' . Ap ply to Leonard I'vorutt. T/'Oll ' KENT Kino milk and dairy farm. 440 -L1 acn's , just south of thuclty 11 in Its.100 ; ncius line h iv laii'l ' , balmier p isturt ) and farm Ian I. Apuly to LoQiinrd r.viMUt. Council lllulTs , la. \\7ANTKD-A bood , honest boy at unco. Mrs. t T J. Lyinnii , (12 ( ! ) Willow ave. "IjlOK KENT 7-room liouso , with bath 100111 , -t ? corner 4tli ave , and flth 8t. Inquire next door. ANTRD-Toront n furnished hotel : will trade for f urn I turn. Address , J. Kil- ward , lirJOHth uve. , Council II In IK IOl'TKIl the following cliolco hargnlns In fruit uud vegetable lands : f > 7 aerus 6J ( rods north uf the Cliutitamnm KiminUs. eastern slope , llnusprln's and line spring-brook , land very rich and well adapted to fruit. " : i acres un Grand avenue , line orchard , windmill und line xnivu ; situated on Mynstor proposed motor line , uno "nil one-halt miles from Council IllntVs postofflce. 0 acres of very choice plowed Inn I on tiriuid avenue , P * inilu * from postolllco. 110 acres ! ) ! miles frmn cltv limits ; Rood house , barn and outbuildings : line orchar i ; n crc.it bargain at J > . . " > JO. Easy torms. L'H ' acres , choice fruit farm , 0 acres In black berries , GOO younz fruit trues , U.OMljirapo vines. House , barn and oiitbulldln.'s A very choice bargain , oulv ! j miles east of poslunico lu Council Itlulfs.V. . C ! . fcficy. Kuuin 4 , Opera House block. Council [ Huffs , la. IOWA farms ; nno'-'ll aero farm , WO per acri ) . $1,001011811.1)111111100011 loni ; time ; Ili ) acre farm , iOiNI down , b.il.im'O easy ; farms of all sl/cs he-nil fur list , Johnston .t Van Patten , Council lllulls. I WANT to buy stook of groccr'.o-i or boots and shoes ; will pny iMrt cash an'l ' p irL by a . " > room hunao und lot In Omaha. U .U lieu. Council Bill IT * . COSIl'liETHoutilt b ir fixtures nnd two pool tables for sale and building for rent , duuil location. K. II. tahciifo , uvur Olllcor & I'nsoy's buiiK. T71AUMS. pardon lands , houses , lots uud JU business blocks for silo or rout. Day ti lloss , . .9 1'cnrl stroot. Council lllulTs. toimnts of the count were astounded at mlddiiy to sco the bout flguru of a man oxautly resembling Oii&imir von Mion- czynski pass along tlio road. The old mini spoke to all In u voloo that recalled vlHloiiH of tholr former landlord , and most of thu peasants Hod in Hiipoi'stitious fright from the Bound. Hardly loss fi'itrhl was caused at the castle when the old man sent in a card boarinc the words , "Ciisimlr von Mions/.ynski. " When Count PotooUl met him the old man explained that ho hud given the physician who gave out his death cortillcato at the asylum and conducted the mock funeral $ o,000 for his part in the plan and a promise not to reveal the fraud until after the physi cian's death. That event had boon an- nounccd , honaid , and ho , therefore , had returned to his ostatt % . The old man said he had taken securities for about 850,000 abroad with him and had lived on the interest. His object in all this remarkable performance was to discover , lie said , how his heir would administer Ills property after his death. That utory was treated rather giiiirorlv at first by Count ljotocki , butthu discovery by disintorinont that the collln from the i asylum had bennburli'd empty increased the Hiispiolon of truth aroused by the old man's personal appearance. The old man's ' story of his wanderings - ings abroad Is under Investigation , and meantime ho is Inquiring into the man agement of the property , which ho claims as hln own. The editor of the D/.lenntk 1'olhki is Btirothat the old man IK Cithimir von Mionc/.ynskl , and miiny LomborgofH bollovo so , too , but Count 1'otookl bays that ho will concede noth ing until his tracing of the old man'a wanderings la completed. itiiTi.isii .1 ttinnn.IOK. Suit to llv Instituted-\KiiliiNt ( iniu'i-ul Hanks lor * , ( ( . ROSTOV , MMS-I -.SiieolulTologrnin [ to Tun IlKK.Hiitrlct ) Attorney Allen hm boon Instructed by the department nt Wash- iimton to bring HUH against ( Jjnor.il Hunks for the recovery of about (1,000 , whloh. on u settlement of nncoiint-s aa United Siato * mar shal , appears to bo duo the covernimjnu It U understood that Conorul Hanus ulnltns that the shortage runrotoiiU thn amount which he last through the ullo ud defalca tion of William I ) . Pool , wun win for nmnv years deputy United Stutos marshal m ctiurgo of the accounts. Mr. Pool wnt charged with cmucziiliiK thu money snvcr.il years ngo , and ha was subsequently indicted by the iraml ; Jury. Tlio Indictment IH still pond Ing , und It is said tbnt It Is possible that thu prtmlut ; of the suit against ( ionerul Hanlia muy reiult In something being done in the mutl"r of thu Inilictmont , although nothing has yet boon determined upon uy the authorities. GHURGH SOCIALS and all manner of HOME Entertainments ! FOR Sl'H'lOLS ' ' AND SOCIETIES to-Hither with Fireside Games and siiKKeitlons for Unique Parties are lo bo found In the paces of the Monthly Social Only 50o a Year. Samples lh. ( Address : Home Eiiicrtiiiiient Co. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A. W. C. ESTEP , * FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM , 14 N. Main. , Council Bluffs. CITIZENS STATE BANK 'm ' Of Council Bluffs. TA L STOCK $150,003 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,003 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,003 OiUF.crnin I. A , Miller , P. O. Oioiinri. II f * . PlniL-iirt , K K. II irt , ,1 , I ) , njmuiuhon. Uharlui H. Hiuui in. Trans ict Kunur.U I ) inUii''busi ness. I.iirKostimiilUl uud nurpliH uf any Uanc luSoiithwustuni low.i INTEREST ON Tl1 DEPOSITS For Inventions ! 'RCK < UU.-.I > I1Y TUB Bee Bureau of Claims Qulry.'m Kqiinl with tlio Interim ot llm i Imvtnj clfttm nifnlnit tliuKOVurnmimt u Hint nt INVKNf ) llS. who nfli'ii loju Ilia boaollt of vnluiitilu IrivuMlU.ii l > 03ini of Iliu Inciiiiipiitunuy ur liintuinllim uf Hi i iiitornoyt employed tn iilitnlii tliolr | mluati Ton niuoli < nro rimiKit I" ) oxiircliuil In u'Uilurliu | o > iiiitjiit nnil rollnhlo n > llc lor * lo pruci.ro p ititnti. fur I'll vnluo or np'ilnnt ' iljp.mil i Kroitlr. If nutuatlrolr , upqn tha cnroAinl iklll n ( thu iitloraur. With Ilia rle < T ot pnitoatliutnvant'jri ( r ) u worth Imi nrnnr lu nttnriiari , nnil of oiuu t itt invdn- lloni nrn well priiteule < l by vnllit piUnU , T.IU II MH HintlMl ) IKH ruttlncil uouniul oxiurt lu trncllco ; unil It Unirufuro prupiral u ( llltllill IXltt'lllH , Jlli 1 1 : i' 1'riint'oittu i-r truilii tiinrhM nnil i-iii > urli/nt * . nfilnliinH ( tNtuiiauiH ! anil a nil < fc'nii'JiiVJuy. . ! HO Ik , etc. , / . Ifrou liuvu nn laviiutlon on Imn.l i < o I Till1 ; II 1C 13 I mkotcli or plioLD ripli thnrjof. toxottior nilli n brlof itmcrlplloit of tlio Iriijurltnt luiluror , will Lo'incx Mltlnol 11 to ih i lioit oo > ir > el < j punue MmluU nrn not iiuconiirjr iiol i Dm Irlf un- Hm ! of it C'jiiipllntto ! niUiru. It oihuri ra ln / riniflnIIM your rlKhti , or If rou nr > vnir oJ with InfrlnuumiMU uy utnijri. "iilriill tliu MI ittur U ) TIIIJ ; tor a rulHUlu Ol'I.NIDN Imfiirj m-i' BURHAU OP CLAIMS JUO ilpo llulliliir , ' , Onnlii , No ! ) . tiTThl * Iliirnaii U emir uiinail hy thn Oiinili i lieu , thu I'lonuur I'rvHt uud tliu tiuu Kiunel--j I'xunilnur Cui this out and bond it with youi * lu Qulry.