THE OMAHA DAILY JJKIS : FRIDAY , JAMrARY 22 , SPEG1HL NOTICES. . A hlnlSKMCNIH Kill TIIKBK COLUMNS J\ will bo lukon until 12 so p m t for the evening tml until 8.10 p , m , for tbo morning or Bandar edi tion / ) ! iilTftllxninntK In lhc o colnmna ISronts n line flrrt Inanition nml latent * n linn thereafter , or I ! per line | u > r month No mlTrrtliemont taken for If MthnnSic-fnt" for the fin I Insertion Termscnah In idmnfc I oiint IKIUI 7 words to HIP lln . Inlt- lair , fume * , atmbols , rtc , cnch count n * it word. All BrtvprtlMniPnlnnntt run conaerntlTelv Ailvor- tliirrr hjr rcqtiestlnK a numbered check , can have their letterfldilri-inpil lo n nnniliercil Inter In iaro ot inrtlrv Answers no nditrmed will bo rtcllv- rifrt on presentation of tlio check. J3IIA.NCII OH-ICK8 ADVKHTIHINOrOUTIII'.SK J rnlumnii nlll tin taken on the nbovn cnndlllon * Mini follinlrirliiirlne lionnfn who arnnnthnr- Irtd lo take rprclnl notice * it the name rates acan tr had nt the main nfflco houth Omaha llrnncli Oftrp. No * m N street , . Jotin W I'rll , pliarmaclnt.lllh and Mason K II I'arnitwortli , ph rmnclnt.2IIS fuming ntrcot. W..I Ihmlipi , pharmacist , r,7l N liltli ftrcet. C K. tntterllclil , phatmaclst. 17I3 lavennortu llippt llnglipii1 pharmary , ? < th and Farnani SITUATIONS WANTED. KATKB ISr n linn nmt tlmn and lOo n line there- dftpr No ndTprtlsoment taken for l s * than 2. " > c. - LADY. A(1K t 1'LACK AS - A tiotuekepper or to care for furnished rooms. ddrcsst \ llee IW23 -WANTKI ) POSITION AflNIiIIT ( WATCHman - A man with some responsible pnmpnny by mar ried man llcst rofeVonceii Address , L , M lleo 4H 21 * WANTED-MALE HELP. ItATKH- n line first limn and lOo a line thorn- after No advertisement taken for less tban''ic. Yr wTNT niroN7roKV\Vm JJkeepers Address Merchant , cnro lleo nlllce , AIII.DJ2' . f oiilh Omlihn _ TJ-WA.VjniTrAl'OMI'KTKNT TINNliU I Oil A .Dpermanent ] nh Address ' tiir , V Ilullock Hard ware company Deadwood , H 1) ) 111 ft 1J-WANTKD. HIIHT CL ASb .MACIIIMSP. DA- JiVIs A CoMKlM Iron works VVJ2I l > " \\'A"vFKl TWO I'KUSONS ItKCKIVK IN- J structlons evenlnm and keep books soon as competent IKi New \ork Life biilldlliK 4JJ22 * TlAdKN'fH \ \ ANl'KI ) Kll TIIK WOULD S KAIll lsonvcnlr Kxclnslvo territory xlven Hample , Mr Sent nn receipt of price lo any address World's Fair Souvenir Co. DU3 N Y Life llullillnx Omntm. Nebraska. 4JA -2 NKWS AOKNT3 WITH HKCtJItlPY Al'IM.Y 15 In perron to llnllroad News Co , Lincoln. Neb 41323 > -WANT A MAN A.VDWIKK 'IO DO OUNKHAI , 'housework Apply ( HO Doimlns , .Ml.7 I > CANVASSKIIH W ANTKD CALL Oil AD- l > dress''l .V. Y Llfo bulldln M.N ! K14 1)WANTKDOU.NO JIAN Wl'l II SMALL CAl'I- I > tal and plenty of enerur and experience to rent the best IIPWH , ntntlonery and book vtnnil In the very finest location In Omaha. Address Kit , Hie IJ-WANTI'D.SALKSMKNONSALAIIY Oil COM J'mh l' < n lo handle tbo new patent chemical Ink crnsliiK pencil 'Hie Kreatost selllmt novelty over produced ! erases Ink thnroiiKhly In tun Hetonds , noabrasion of paper , 210 to MM per cent profit one neent'n i > al < H amounted to ftiJO In six days another (92 In two hours Wo want one neneial uuent In i-ncli elate and territory Tor terms and full par ticulars address .Monroe Kraser Mfi ; Co , I 1 CrosscMs X HI 7ol i > -WAVinn. DIUH ; n.KtiK IIK < HSTIKKI > i.v I-Mown Don with a llttlo capital preferred Ap ply to Hnrle linns .V Co . Omm II lllnlTs. M7GO tJ WAvTlTlI ! A VOUNO AVI ) NKAT COLOIIK1) J'boy to tend door Thu Itoston ytore. 30 WANTED FEMALE HELP. KATKb lfKj H line first time nnd lOc a line there after No advertisement taken for less than l3c. ! -WANTKI ) ? A ( iooii ) COOK AND LAUNDItllbS vyclal .Mrs C S llaymond , 111 boutli AJth aventio. .Mll.l C-WAN1KU. HLDKIILV LADY TO KKKl' hntiiM ) fin" widower with tlnoo cldhlrcn Apply Mm , Haleyt 104 H 2ith avenue C-WANTKI ) . A CAl'AIIM : SKCONII ( J1UL. Lnniton Court , fourth house from the corner of 21th Btrcut , Onu block south of bt. Mnry'i avenue. Mll.l C ! -IULrll ! ) OlINKllAl. HOUHHWOllK ( JOOI ) miy. small , family. Call al 2UH ) Docutur Htrect. M5IU24 * /1-AN KM'KIIIKNCKII ( HllL Hll ( JKNT.ItAI , v'liouscwnrki inust lie Kood cook , vflth referenru. Mrn ( iciiriroC. Towle , 111 H 24th st. 403 C | -WAN1KI > . ( illlL , SMALL I'AMILY. IS17 Leavenworth st. IK a' WANTIIIX. vV OOOD (1IUL JOIl QKNKltAT , P lioo uwin kJcJi Ilnriiuy 414 8J' ri WAN'I'KI ) A CHAMltllllMAli ) ALSO DO washliiK and Ironing ; sleep nt homo 7 1 ho toth Btrect-' FOR RENT HOUSES. _ _ FlATKS 150 n line tlrst tlmn and lOo a line there after No advertisement taken for loss than > o. U-'IIIO < conrc'iilencen. ' . " . " 'O lirant nt Co Operative Lund nnd Lot Co , ' .U > N II th. 41.M lY i-oa HKN iFo nousrs , $5STAND UI-WAIIDS X/per miinth The O K Davis company ' .110 DO f \-KOlt HUNT H-HOOM IIOIIHK , NKA11WI ) AND .l./luveniort | streets , fU HOKIM & Hill , I4M nam Htroet Mill yi KI.ATJ. WITH AND V > 1 1 I1DUT I 'fttcnm llc'it , ntorcn. ituolllnuf nml cnttnui'a In nil imrtaot ill ) . 'Colkvnnr , Coiitlnentnl block MB1 U ) _ _ -Kll IIK.V1 ! , TWO iiKIAVl : ( NKW UUUdkS , lii-nt li'tuilon , nil nioilcrn convc > nlenc-e llrcn imn A Co. , ' 'IT Knrbnch block. .M.U7 "J "pOIt 11KM' , TIlllKT NIIW T ROOM. S l'O'lY rottnui's with bnth iinil HC.H irnKo , nt und noiir corner Wtjliater nml Hhlrtlcth ttlreotn Huilucoil to f.'U 00 each , llitnry W Yules lift -8-HOOM HOUSiJIOIhHN : , 8.B S SJI ) SI' I.'J KS" TI. I. 4 A. 5 ItOOM HOUhKS 110 to J1S , H1C8T UKS J-/lilcMico tints 'n city. .Meail Inv't Co , 4IJ lleo lilili ; 7IB _ TV-Kill UKNT. IIOUSK 10 IIOOMH , AI.I. MODttltN J/laiprovc'iiiciit . tiUuu pur month , ICdaml Kurimin Doxtwr I , ' 1 hoiiniM. 'iiift HUNT , 0-1I005I IIOUSK , WITH HOTIl .ll nml ranvu If cloMrul , nil In Kood conilltlon ; jocatlon ncnr''Utli ' nnd M Mnry'a uvenuo. I'rlco TenHonatito : apc'Chil turms Klvun to Ihn rlxht purty. Iiuiulro WU ruinuin t. , or ( i 11 'rmchuuk. lluo o III cu. MIOOM OITTAOI S MIIDIHIN IM- J-'provuineiitti , 'Stiintnnl Clnlo " Appljr 0. KlRUttur , room 4 N Y. Life bull IlnK ' VTTH AN'D DA v l nll coiiviMilonrC ! ! , fJJOO per month I1' Ilnif. Ilnrkor I. . luck TJ N1M3 ItOOM 11OUS15. MODK1IN IMI'ltOVB i-'iiieiiti ri'iisonnble , IHJ N , Sith nvo Apply. II , Kallah , tailor , 311 N loth at IVU 1'OB KENT FUIINISIIED ROOMS. ItATlIS Ific n line llrst Imn nml lUo n line there nfter No lulvurtlnrinent tnkc'n for IIMS tluin Jj < i IfHtO.ST IIOOM WITH ALCOVK , 7S4 N 2IST , Mill 27 * _ iT Mu"llKNT."b.NK LAllllK MIDST ALCoTii I Jrooin with tin ) window , furnished or unfur- lilaht'd Cenlleuieii prufoneil. WU 8.'Jlth areiine. I'iO M 'I.KLIUiANT 1 fUNIHHKD 110OMS.2I3A DOlHiK J 701 J.V \ ? KOll UK.NT , MUKI.V HJllNISlli : ! ) , 8KCO.NI ) .tj lory bnck room , aultublo foraluiilo Kt'iitlumnn , wnhout boar. . ! , I.'J it , Uth ntrvul . 2iu -M.WI.V rUIIMillKI > ltoTM8 ) , Oil N ISIh trujij PURNI3HED UpOMS AND BOAKD. UATKs : lien linn llmt tlnio ami lOu n linn them. after .No ailYortl'Oiuuut tiikan for lets than 23o T'noJlM WITH IIOAIU ) , I'lUcis nl5 Donulai .mi za 1M ituiiiToNr IIOOM wnii noAiiii. xioj A lKiiKlu utteet. it U'I 21 * J - KI.IUJA.NTIAltMITrHTrKr ) IIOOMST sTMlT.K A or vn inltti , nil inoilcTii convonlonccsi Drat cln boanl. JIB south A'lh ' atnt .MU Kol llll.NT board , 1WJ llonaril at , northvuit cur ICtli it l.V-SL'ITK OK SOUTH TIIONT IlOOMHVTrH 1 bonnl : luoiluril lontvntuncoi 'Utt til tlnrr'a PORJIENT UNFURNISHED JIOOM3 ' HA'I'Kii > | .V ( line first lime and lOc a line thoro' alter , Mo iidvyrtliuiucnt taken for less than JV. G , KUll oTTTlVK KLI A 'UOaMlf TSio South : ith atreot. IU Ji * O J 3 AND 4 IIOOMS IM\V.V TOWN V-'honiokeopIni : , Ji to IU per mouth ; clici.r. . . rvnt pqatlbloi alia uiauy houtua U , K. llutti. 311 I'aiton Mock. MStj J.rJ DOARDINQ. _ UATKSI.Vnllnu nr l llnm nnd loTilTnB I hern- aflc-r. No ttUvurllionifnt takun for le tlmn ' . ' .V. fl I'UI.LMAN HOt'BK. ISlolxJIHlis , KU OtKJD t. HioarJ. nicer roopn , convculwncvi. ratoj and lo callou It raouot bo eiojllvd , Mrt Horn , | iroiiri lur , ) l M 10' I'OK RENT--aTORK3 AND OFVIOESr ll KB.1T. bTOUB , UU JACK80.S hlKKKl'T FOH nENT"-STOnE8 ANJO OFFICES. CanUnutil , T-KOiinBNTTiiK iwmy intiCK Jpld Farnant itrcet. The bnildlnir ha * n tire proof cpmont bBuppicnt.comptota rtcam hratlnK rUturos , watpr on nil the lloort , itn , eta. Apply at the oniro of The licit. VI3 T FOfltlKNT. KHOST IIAJ.KOK8TOIIK ; HSK8T Irplall center In city ; reasonable rent. Addrpsi I , t * , llee All my FO f KENf-MiaCELLANEOUBT IIATKB lien line nrst time and ICe a line thereafter - after No adrertlncmpnt taken for los > than 8'ic r-Mlll HUM1 10-AlllK ( IAKIIKN PAllM. .1U ' mllei from pOKtolllce Apply to J II Wmt , ! MV t-arnatn street MITJ ill * T IMI'UOVKIII-AUM OK iW AfltrM. 10 Mlf.KH , went of Cumin Hartnian k Itobblns , 'HO lleo blilt ( , MKI Kill WANTED TO RENT. K SUIT I ! OK IIOOM8 , TWO HKI ) . MCKI.V H It nhbeil. beat , Ilitht , ele. , In i-asy distance of post onice , for tno eviitlpinun Address 1,6'J , Hep AIIHZJ * K-WANTKI ) , A MJttMmiKI ) IIOOM SL'ITAtll.K for one , cpntrally located Address , ntiitlnu terms I ul , lice. Mil 21 * K-WANTKI ) Unt.VIHIIKI ) IIOOM KOU I.IHHT hfinnekpcplug , near llth and Karnam Address Mil , lleo. i'a 1\ \ * \V"A"NTKI ) , TO UKNT , nv iiK8Po.vHiiiM5 party , 7 room hoimo with nil modern Improve iiientu , Aildrc'ss orcnll atllJ Itamito block M 401 , ' -WANTKI ) . IN KOfNTXK ri.ACH. 1IY T\VO yonnit ladles , lor 4 unfurnished rooms Iteror edces. Address 1.19. lice 3.121' RENTAL AGENCIES. line llr.n time and I IV a linn there nder. Mo ailrurllsement taken for less than i > o LT'MNjKK 'QUICK It HNTIN ' ' WITl tbo Exclusive llental AKpncy I'arrotte , Douulas block ALHiJ -II.K. COIiK , CONTINKNTAI. IILOCIC. 71.3 . -IIKSTAI. AOKNCV ; HANK lint KltKNCKS , JK. U ( larvln A to a * * lieply liloclc Al 7'il STORAOET IIA'PKS l ca line Hmt time mid IOC a line there lifterNoadvcrtlnempnt tiiken for less thiul'.c M IMIY , CMA : furniture Om.iha Steve llcpnlrVork , 1207 Dontf -OLDIISI' , CIIKAl'CST AND IIK'iT S1OUAI1K house In the city. Williams A Cross , 1211 Hartley WANTED TO BUY. UATK9l.Vnlliiullrit time and IUO a linn there after. No ad\ertlsoment taken for less than 'J * ' V W rKD , lL'bALW ilcnsh. Anton K Dwornk. Hurwell. Neb Mm. 1' T WANTED TIlltKK OH'ICK DEsKS. AD- NT ilress LA4. llee MI S 22 * NTN nut HKCOVD HAND Ftruvi ruuKTi HUH ; ist prices patil. Uoston 1 urnlturoCo , HM N llth 8.11 W V" KUIINI until , nouniiT , SOLD , STOIIKO .1 Wells-1111 Hirmitn street 771 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. IlATKS-l.'ic ttllno llrst tlnio and lOc u line there nftor No advertisement taken for less than l' > c O-KHTsALK MUST * ' ! . t rilNlfLlTK ! COM plcto for 4 ronm , everythliiK first classand new will sell cheap Call Saturday eve or Sundii ) , 2I2J ( Jraco street. AIMS S3 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETcT HATK315c a line tlrst tlnio and lUe n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than JSo 1A WIDOW WILL SKLl7VoilJlS rffirvloitA- J handsome. st > llsh , Kentucky bred fast Trotting and hamlly Horse CUKbTKIl , llred by Almont , son of Aluxander's-Abdnllah. dam Klslo Good , by Illno Hull ; nccond dam llcauty lllooiu , by II. a. I'ntchon. CIlKSTKlt Is ft years old , wcluhs I WO Ibs , and U without ex ception the most perfect gentleman's family and road horse In the cltj ; very stylish and finely formed , has full mane and tall , needs no boots or weluhtH , < 2f Kreat couruuu and endurance : does not why or pull , perfectly safe for most timid person. not afraid of earn or liny obstacle on the roads , bo has as tine a strain of blood In his veins as can bo traced to any trotter ot the ajjo ; ho shows bis line brecdliiK ; ho has never trotted for any money so ho has NO I'UHLIU HKCOUII. He will make n veiy valuable horse for road or track purposes , ho Is an excellent polu borne , ho trotted when 1'UUCHASKD 1IY AIY I.ATh IHJSHAM ) a llttlo over one jenr IIKO nt HtAMCPOUT. KKNTUCKY , driven by Mr U. I' . aliliii'Ou , lu 2 28M. 2-7 . 2.28 , nt Klilili time lie paid JI.JI5 for bllu I will warrant him to be In every way as represented and described n hand HI ) mo , stvrlnlf. Bafe.'sbond , fast , > oil n u IrottlUK horse nnd'IOTHOl' I L'LI. .MILK IN 2 WOll NO SALE. Also elegant Improved , tdilftliiK top , side bar biiKKy b > ,1 II. HrewBter of Joth street. New \urk Cltj , nearly new net of harness , robes , ete. for further In formation rail or addrtss my Kroom , Charles nt my private stable , rear Of m > nilvate residence. No 2MI MlehlKnn avc , ChlcaizU , 111 Horse Jockeys need not apply Miw 'ft * 1l0ll SALK. Jl OO I1UYS A Sl'AN OP ( ! OOD I Mork horses Inquire l-uray's bnrn , 2 > th and Cnmlnmitriet' K S Jester Mi > 2l' MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS I'm. n line first time and lUc a line there- lifter No advertisement taken for less than ije . HILLS llKDt-CKD ONKTIIIill ) WITH RC.AS the 'Teonomlc" burners K N Terklns .U North Sixteenth street , In restaurant M..17 . ' .t' CLAIRVOYANTS. UA'I iv-l.r : > o line tlrst tlint ) and lOu n line there after No ndvertlseiiient taken for less than ! ic. S' AIlltlVAL KNTIIAOIIDINAUY , WONDKIirUL revelations Clialloimus the uorld Mrs Dr M I.eKravo , dead tranoo clairvoyant , astroloulst , palmist lind IIfo render ; tells your life from the cradle to k'rnso ; unites the separated ; causes mar rlago with the ono you love , tells where you will succeed and In vvhat business best adapted for ; hns the celebrated Kiryptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy had Influences ; cures fits , Intemperance and all private complaints with niassaKe. baths and ul- coliol treatment. Send 12 , lock of hair , name nnd dnto of birth and recolvo accurate life chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular , Klvo Initials of one ton will marry ; aluo photos uf game Olllcn 1007 houtli 11th street , tlrst floor , hours , 9 a m to 9 p m Come ono , come all , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle AIDJOKl * C-Mlld. AIAIU' HUTtta LAKiSTllKKl" Juliilrvoyant and trance nicdliiinr Independent voices , tells past and future. t > Jl-JXl' S-Mlt > * NANN1K V. WAHllKN , CLAI11VOYANT , reliable business medium , tltth 111)liUh MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. ri-MA8SAi ! : . VISIT THKOM.V MUST CLASS L parlors In Otuiiha. over 6108. UtU st .M222 Ml * fP MADAMK HMll'll. Il.'l OOIJOLAS STIIHKr , -L room 7,3d Hour. Alcoholaulphur and soi baths ' .' 'P-MAPSAflKTllKATMKNT. . KI.KCI'IIO TUKll- -I mat baths sculp nnd hair treatment , manlenro andchlropodlst.Mn l'UJl.ll'Jt , S ISth.Wlthnollblk 77.1 MUSIC , ART ANS ANGTJAQE. VH ' I1UV1M1 Al'lANl ) KXIMINK TIIK v now Bcalu Ktjulmll pUlii ) , A. llospe , 1511 Douulu 771 VOIJRWiKNIIBC'K IIANJO TKACIII5U > with llosp . orii4 : V IMh atreet , .Id flour Vtt MONEY TO JLOAN REAI , ESTATE. " " " \\r-LOANS."CITV""riuu'iJin v , K. NKII AND \v I Iowa taruis Kr r * lUniior , IM'J Fariiam _ _ _ _ . / ; wo yj * \\r-Ai i'i.v TO a. U'LIIVKIT uit CIIKAI * < i money ; only uuon llr tcliu * > securityXI South Uth atrijot ) M'lJO \ \ r-ti I'Kii CKNT ur MOUTUAUH LOANS , Itlclmrd 0 I'attursnn , 1111 1'urnani t 7SI W-COATL'S , 7 , UOAltl ) 'lltADK , KASTKIIN money Ma.'l \\r-ANTIltl.VT LOAN ANU'lllUsT CO , 313 .N V i' Life , lend at low rates for choke seourlt ) on Nebraaka or Iowa farms or Oui ilia city properly _ \ - irLoA.NSv.Ji.iiAHiiisn jo. ntiN/iit : ; IILIC. AY Lr-SHrO.NDAIOIlTOAOU8. ALK.X AIOOIIK. 401 Hue Hide , . 7riU \\r-CKSTKAL LOAN' AND TltUST CO.IIKK III.UU _ > > _ _ _ _ _ „ „ ; r 04 \\r - MONIi'IX : > LOAN ON LONG OH 8HOUT 'I time In uni Of JJtOto ( IJojo Mutual JiiSretliiieut Coiniauy ' 771) ) \\r LOWhSl1 IIATlCH OK INl'KUISHT ON Kllt-Sl1 M ilaas c.'irity , LovotlJcVoudiuaii , -.M S llth , TbO ill \\T UANiON ) IIKAI. K8TATK AND COLI.AT * < ternl notes and niurttfaues bouifbt Heed A. \ belli ) . All Hoard of Trade 77V \V " " VV-At.l.AlJK , Via 1IIIOWN IILOCK Mft.'l \\r UlANbUN Ull'ltOVKD AND UNIMl'IlOVIil ) ' city property , W.UW and to 8 per lout No dc'luys.V. . 1-oruam Hmlth & Co. , IStu A llarnoy _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ A\r ItKAl , KSl'ATKLOANStfTt ) 7 I'KII CKNT , 1 1 no additional chariios for coiumlstlon or ntlor- ner's fec'i W 11 Melklo , Klrit National bank bblu T75 _ \\r J.OANS OS IlKAL KSTATB. I.OWK-J1 ii rules. TliaO l.DavIa company. IW HO MONEY TO LOANOHATTBL3 ; Y-MONKY LOANIIIION KUHNITUHK , nouses. - vwaiuiii ; , planof. without removal or cbiiuue of poi > e lon , lontldeiitUI Kred Terry , r UJ , lUmte. X-riiATPKi. OANS , IIKNKDKTA WUAY , u I'anou bluck. Wclonn our o u money , ch m < no commlMlon. U will pay jou to contult u MHKJ31 * MONKTt ) MV ON UIATTKLSl U to SO - \ U.j. HIS' . ummlii at. HH15-H MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V AIONKY TO LOAN" h il vhnuscholil KOnrls , pianos , o run us , horses' imilc . wauons , etc nt tbo lowest possible rates without publicity , removnl of property or chsniro of poi esslon Time arranged to inli thn borrower I'nympnts nf any r.mount ean ! io msflo at any limp , riMliirlng both prlnrltMt nnd Interest , thus Klvlnir patrons all Ma benefits of the partial pay ment plan , mil and sen me when you want it.lnun , or If inoro convenient call tole'jliono 1' ' JI nnd your bnslness can be nrraimed nt ' oruo. Money always on bund no dpliy : no publicity ) lowest ratPi ; business confidential 11 K .Masters , U I Wlthnell blk , lith and Harney 737 -JIONKY TO LOAN , 'ID. (0. .AND M DA > 8 ON furniture , etc Dun Green , r'3l , Cotitbicntal blk WJ X -ItOII'Tl'IllTCIlAllI ) , 113 , WlTtlNKLb llt.K M321 X CHATTKLLOANS-BUN. Y M11S. MOHIllS- BUSINESS CHANCES , ItATRS ISo o line tint ttmo and Ita ? line there after No ydvcrtlsonipiit uknn for l y tli ti _ 2 > J Km HIA I.KVs AY.OON. J .1U K N | ( H A.t'l { > STOCK , a HOOI ! stand Addrcot 1 < t > i , Una olllce. _ VAN INCOItI'OllA.TEP CO..fl01Nl A COOI ) i business wish to lucronso thitrcapital ; / live thoiniand dollars , ami olfor n Ill's 11 Inss opportunity to a reliable party , one competent til take chariie of the books preferred Address It M. lice oilto. V-W'A.Vn'.l ) , 10 I.KAHK.A NKNHl'AI'KIl I.V A 1 Kood country towu IU KtilKlit , Iua.Tale.Nob iai gi' V r'llUIT llt'SINK--S. IlKSl' LOCATION IS TIIK 1 city ; owner Ins other business Inutdrdnt room WJ. I'uxlon block IIP it' A -l-OliTsAI , K , A ( WIl'I.KTK JOB PIUN'I INi 1 ntiku In Omaha iloliih need business. ' Low rent Addrens l.W lice 3ICUit 23 _ V Voii UKNT on MAI.B , 2 CIIAIUS AND IIAH- 1 bcr oiitlll. complete , lluo lluoVX VX , 31 i-OR EXCIIANOE. 'K-n line first tliuo and lOc a line tlipro after No aiUerttsemeut taken for less thunSic r/-)0t ( ) a iooM iousn IN i.iNimN AX ) /Jsomo money to trnilo for hardware Write nmoiint of stock Lock IIOY U , llobrbif , Neb y-CLKVN hfOC'Iv OK ( IKNEItAI. M ISK , WILL AJInko renl oatato .V money , llox.VJ , Krnnkfort Ind ESTATE. HATKS If * a line llrst tlnio nml lOc o line inoro after No ndvcrtlsomcnt taken for less than 23c. X IJUI.I. ft with ,1 room cottuiio. nt 20111 Cameron , st ( J xlU feet Just at the rc'nr , fronting onWIrtsl sullnblo fnri I. room cottages , worth JilljOU f iIOO takei It within , ' ) du > , ti.'iM cnsh , balance to suit If you want It nee m iiulck Owner wrntrfto lea\e city. J II Jolinssn. 8U N Y. l.lff. < 57-7 _ 17011 bALKail | < ACIIK KAUM. U-UOO.M IlOl'SK , barn , 1 horses .10 cattle , donblo corn erlba i.iW ( Ice houce. tenement honao of ,1 roomn , 01) ) under cultivation JO tnmo Kni"H. HX ) nitle east of Conn ell Illnlts , In Address 1. to , lleo. _ _ > UI1 S7' 17OII HAliiTM ACItIN ONK-HALK MILK HIOM i depot , will make coed fruit fur MI , 41 anplo trees In boarliiK , i < * > per ncre , cash W J I'llfold Ash I mil. Neb I5.V. ! ' FOIl SAI.K , QlTAUTKIl SKCTIO.V I.ANUINbllKIl niDncount > makootTer A I ) llotiktl , 271 youth 21st st , ho Omaha < 5l Oil SAi.K , A SKCTION Of LAM ) , KAtltl IKI.I ) township , ninxe SO , township I , llnrlaii count ) , Nebraska , Address rellx Horwitrt , liunx Island , Kan. aim 21' 17011 SALK , ON SMALL MONTHLY 1'AY.MKNT J 10 houses Tbo O K Davis company 191 HO IXIIISALK AT A IIAUliAIN , LOT 13 , IILOCK 1 W L yollij' tlrst addition to South Omaha. Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire ( i II Trschuck , Oiunb.i lleo 118.1 oiTitALB , IOMK ! < 4. ANY PHICK , ToO. Jl.sS'crT'i easy terms ; take clear property as tlrst pa > ment U. G. Wallace , Drown block , liith and lioviK'lii' " 17011 BALK. NUIIKASKA FAIIH LANDS- . O. J WallaceUJ llrown block , and Douglas TM _ _ "VT K. CO11NBH 20TH AND 1IICKOUY. WxIJO ii .font : ii bargain for a few daysonly r , K Dar ling , Darker block. ? U STOCK WINTERED. KATES 15c n line tlrst. time unit 100 a line there * after. No advertisement tukon for leas than 2ic oiiHKs i AND COLTS "FK" on farm IT o miles uf lm.ilm.4rom fi to& > muntli 411 S lUh street Tel. IJ' HOKSKS WLVrBllKDAT I.OWISST HATES AT HelloviiH stock farm , bov stalls If desired Clarke , In Hoard of Trndo bulMInt ; or llollevno. 7W _ ' HAIR GOODS. BATKs 15o u line first ttmo and lUu n line there after No aiUertlsemuut taken for loss than Me 'IM1K IDKAI , LADIKS' I1AIU DUKSSI.NO 1'All- 1 lors swltchos , banps wl s toupeeJowcilry ami hair ornaments In stock ; \\Ijzs to order , Hpcclnl attention Klvun mull orders. UU'J S litli st 'lrd lloor , 45,1 j--C' IAUiiKHTh'lOCK IN KNT111K WEST : T1IKAT Urlcal wlis and beards n spoclalty WUs banjs , Bwltchps , hair chains , etcIn sttlck and to order Mall orders solicited Divlos , Ills 15th t , Omaha ' PERSONAL. It. VI US lie n line first time niul lOu a line there after No advertisement takun for less lean 2ou fV > T V 1' YOIMI LKTTKIIS TO nplAoD N Jmy hands Cannot procure loan If yoiir family Is In distress will endeaver to procnro prompt re lief Communications directed to nm trill be ion lldentlal either fiom > onrseU or any member of your family K LOST. ItATKS-IAcn line first lime and lOc a line there after. No advertlnemont taken for lets than I'M d tnlnlnk contiact. lost between Hue bulldliiK and Hth nml tarnam. llcturn to Jteo otllctj and Ket reward * M4I.U Kl T O < W A b MONTHS OLD 1IOAN COLT , PIIOM J-JU45 North Twent ) sixth Htreot. Heliirn to above address and ucl reward. MHO 21' OST pint not ! , ) i.v ONK KVK , AV anor to iiiima of "Dnmly , " atmyrd from Ilarney. Hinder will bo rewarded by leavlJiK the name at Kelley MlKer.VCo s More < fT 21 MASQUERADE CfJSTUMS , ETC. HATES lie a linn tlrst tlnio and IDo a line tbere after No advertisement taken for. Join tha'i 23o T AIliSV : oiNTLKMKN I'AN HKNTMAHO.IIK JuradocostiiniO' ) at 111 s ( bin , ( iolden Kouln store WiO nr > DRESSMAKING. UATIW Tic a line tlrst time and I Do it line there after No advertisement taken for less than 25o M 1IB W J hCOLKS HAH Ol'KNKD DIIK-tS maklnt : purlori at thu N K eor lull X Donitlai CUTLERY QIUNDIlJGr. SKNDYOlflt hCISSOltS , UAUUIV1C. . TO UU ttrcinnil to Umlerland A. C'o , IQij M Uth M Tiq MANTJF.iCTUItlNO CAbll 1'AID VOlt OLD GOI,1) ( lUIU > f.S ) It Hanks room SO llnrker lilocV , Wjimlii | _ _ 7U3 PAWN BUOKERS , ItATKS-ISca line llrsl tlmo aml-lOJ n.lluo Ihoro- after No advertisement takun Tor Idas than > o 1JKX r' MAUTI , ItUMOVKl ) TO 10J b. ) JSTU 81' 15 Vl a- 'IMPROVEMENT ' tiloORDE ? of jil3 AGE THE BEST. WHY ? Iiconimo wu luivo prolltod liy the sli ( > rlooinltiij of thu old typewriter * , und huv o ov orcoino many defeets unit , liutwean our luvus. wo liuvu added ninny liupriivoiiieiiu of wlileli tliolr Inv untors mwer d retimed. All typo donned In ten seconds vrtlioiit | < aoll- inir tlio hand * . More manifold coping onn bo made ut ono Im pression cm thu smith I'reinlor than upon uuy other typuwrllor inanufautilruil. beiw for cutnloBiie. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter CD , 100D1 Fnrnaiii Street , Omnha , Neb , K. II. VArilKli ; . . . . J/.i.Y.IO/JK. ( A : Written fuarantcc to SYPHILIS CUrtE LV RV UnS.or MONEY RFUNDED. : 0 r euro ! permanent Sp'lnol pittchlnrf up. Cn o treated < oven /enr liave never men n i mplnni ilncc. Uvde irll > lnjtrtnt.Viill/ enn troil you by mall , ami wo tflve the lari c ) ntronu itunrantefl t < < euro or refund all monav , ThyseMvIio prefer to conic hern furtrciilmt'ntciitiiliKnnivl c will pnv nilltonil Mm liolh wars nmt hold bill * * hlle liaro If wu fnll to euro. \Vn niillcMmti ( \Vorlitf' ! ! ' t n in < that our MHC IIKMHDV will nut cnre jtfrllo for pirllcu'nami Ket the evidence. In om.fiXTi'ii yoirV pr lloowltlt tliliMAOlC IIKMKDV IVA-i I.een ni'nt dim-nit to overcome the. preJudlces'Stliln oenllel 'pcclrt" * . lint under our ttrnnK tninVantpc tliiiii nn > l < nrp trylim Itnml bolnxciireilo fciiSranlee to cnru or refund overydollar. ntul in wu him * a reputation In protect nl illnnnclil ln"kln nfJTnn l It In pprfcttlr "afe to nil who win try the. treatment. lloretnfo-oyim Iniro boon puttlnitupti.l I ptTlnKinitrniiriunilay fordirtor ont treatment' , nml iilthoiiith you nro nut yet citrod nil niio has pnlcl buck yinir ninnpy Wo will po lllvc'ly euro you Old clinmlr , deep -PI ted cn m niroJ In 1) to 10 itny * . InTCKtlimtc our financial ntnmlliu , our reputation n < lunlne men Write. in for names and acldres esof timid we buvu cured who have Klveti pcnnlMlnntnrefcirtD thorn It coil * yuu only pint- iiKetodo Ihl * 1C your sympto in lira 'jro , imieoii' pntchvK 1 1 mouth , rhmiiimtisiu In hone * nml Joint * , hair fnlllnit out , eruption' nn any part of llio body , fooling iif iicncral dopro lon , pain * In brail or nonea. Von Imre no tlmo to waMe. 1lio e wlmnro con tnntly tuklns mercury anil potaMi 4linuhldlcon. tlnnplt. < 'on tnnt mo of these dritin will nrel > tirlnif sore' nntl eathiK ulcers In the eit < l Don't fall to w rltn Allcorre'pniiilencq nont Viled In plitln envelope * Vt'otnvilo llicmoi > t rlKld lnve < tlKntlnn nnd will do All Inoiir power lonhl you lit It. Address OOOK REMEDY 0. Oinahi Nebnskn. < . , - , . _ _ _ ONLY. Sfioo fora casu of IO < T or I'ttr.nn MAN HOOD , Uuiicrnl or Nmvot a lrnniTwpiik ) - IICHS of lioily or mlml , the ollocls nf urror' * or ox- ccs < i < < s In old or yoiinU tliut w o iMiiuiol euroVu t'lliirantueovory CJIMII or rofniul ovcry ilolliir I'lvc d.iys trial ttoiitlnviit l , full i'iiiir- fi. I'urcuptll ) o lionollts rc'.ill/ud In thrco days lly nvill , sooiin-ly p icl.od from obsuiMitlun. I'OOK IlPUFIir dO , O\C\IA ! , Null LADIES ONLY MA RIP I'WA KIU.I I.ATOIt , Snfo and IflnUlU Certain to a d.iy or money roruiulud , lly mall I' . Soeiiroly sualoil from oborva - t on. C'lttHltj'.rlr.i > \'C/ > . , Onr\\\uM-l \ \ \ ) . A cicxuiNK MICUUIII : Ku.i.Mit u KllADICA'lOlllurriall ile uiioi bcp-iinu Itkllli the microbe or germ I'nt iipnnil rotillud In ti , $ lnn I l > slii'n , HID Inttcr 14 k'nltoin Sant nnjrwhoru pre paid on receipt of prlco or ( ' U I ) Wclono n Knnr- untetrto run * Tlio linlillo trult ) anil jobbr-ra up piled by the Klnilor Druit Company , Uimha , C A Sli'lLhor. Howard Meyrr-ind I ! I * . S"yl < ori , ' oiitli Omaha ; A I ) l-'o'ter nllit II .1 iilh ; Council Ilium BRAIH 1)11. K. C WHbTS NKIlVi : AM ) IIUAIN TUI3AT- MK.N r , n nppclllo for Ilyitorln , Dlzilnun , Flu. Noli- ixlxln lleailtehe , Nrrroin I'roilr.itlon cnixeil b > nl- cnliol or tobncinVitkefnIno x Mentnl Dopruislon foflenliik- the Drain tauslni ; Initnlty , inlaory , ilecay , dotth , I'runintiiri ) Old Av Harri'niiOHi lci i ( if Towpr In ellliersex , Inipott'iie ) , Loiuorrhoen niul all rtimalo Woakneiso , linoluntary J.osnefl htur inatorrhuoa caused by oror-cxortltin of thn liriln , Self-nbuip.ovur-ltKluldclioJ A niunthN treatment II , u for J'l. by null \\e ( iuarnntitu xlv b xo < to cure Kncli order forli boxes , wltlifj will send wilt ten mmniiilco to refund If not cured. OiinrintPiM I'aiitMl only by A Sohroufr , Driifulst. ole nuonts , > K < or Inth and rnrnniil 'tt vOmnlia , Nfb. < -mtrti-i-Iioftt , illc'ninntl cured hi 3 diva by thql'renuli Uonuidy entit led tlio KINO It dlMol vos and Is ab sorbed Into tlio inll.imoil parts. Will refund money Iflt does not ditr s , or eau os strloturo Oontloinen , luiro la a' rnlliblo artloio. $1 a , or 2 forW per iliall prepaid McOor- tulckA : Lund , Uniaha. l CUBEB COUGIf BURE One Miiiiite Remedy Tliroat. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes EXCKI'T CONSUMPTION 25 AND BO GENTS. Vet fcalo by REMINGTON TYPEWRITER gBEST IN THE WORLD. JOS. P. MliGKATH , iOT KARNAM STKERT. OMAHA. NKII RRILWRYTIMEGHRD l.envca IlIIICAdO llUlll.l.Mi ION A Arrive Oumhn I Hopot 10th nml Mason Hit Omaha 430 p ml . . . . Clilcn.'o Vcitlbulu , , 8IIU n m VfiO a m . , Clucnito Mxpress 9 41 n in USO p in' ' . . . . .rtilcBKO hxprcsi i . . I.U ) p ui U50 p m | . . . . Cldcnijo A Imta l.ocnl. . H.lri n 111 Leaves lUlll | ! < IN < STON > V MO ItlVKII I Arrives Omiiliu l Dc'pnt I0tlinjut Sni _ pnSt8 | " Oniiihn 10 la n ui Denver Vostlhulo Limited . , "TcxTp m 10 lr > n in . .i. . Denclwooct IJxpros * 4 Oj p m T 1(1 ( p m .Denver impress . , . . . , ! l .15 a m 7 10 p m . . . .Denver KviieHii . . ' .100 p m 000 p m Lincoln Limited ( Kxceptbun ) II to n m 8 IS u m Lincoln Local . . . . li/JO p in K o. a r .1 A c. n Arrives Depot lUlll nml Maaon Sts Oninhn IIU ) n m > .Kniisns City liny I f' Vi p m U 45 p m 11C. C. Nlitbt Kp via U. * . ' run I 40 n in Leaves I UNION I'ACIMC. I Arrlvrs Oniiihn Illnlon Depot lUth nnilMiircy Sta.l Oninlia 8 to n in , . . . Uoatrho Kxprgss , , I 700 p in 1001) a in1 . Dcnvei Kvpress 501) ) pm 215pm Overland Hyi'r . .013pm 4 SO p m llluosp'Ks&l-iilrtleldKxloxSuiii U6S p m ( UO p ml . . . . .I'ncltlc Impress Jll.yi n _ ni _ OolnK I CHIOAOO. It. I ic I'ACIMC From Knit | Union Depot loth A Marcy Mj _ ! ' " " - ' _ 1UU ) a m . . Atlantic ; Kxpresn . b . ' 0 p in 405 pin. , \ eatlblilo Kxpron , , , 1.1 II p m I..IU p ml Mdht hxprena < l 41) ) n in ( .lllHK ( I , A I'ACIMC West. , I'lilon Depot 10th nnd Murey Stj Kill l\ ml Dcnviir Llinltucl 705 p in . Denver Kxpreaa. Leaves j , "Mil * . & rtT " Omaluil U 1 * . depot anil .Murey St IISO p in T .c'lilciiKo K < prc > s9 LOU pju . . . . Chjcaito lixprusa Lenvct I cilOU.X ini'TX 1'AUII I ? Oiniilinl Depot. lUlh nnd .MnrTyHts 7 a ) a nil Sioux ( Ity I'nsxcniior . 'lO''Jp in 6.95 P m . . .ht. I'nnl Kxprcsa lUOUa m I.OUVC3 I & 1OUX CITV \ I'At'lFIC. I Arrlvus Oinahnl Depot. I.'itli nnd WehHtur all < Oninlia St. Paul Limited . | U'J a m Leaves | ( 'HICAiO\ ( Mlll'l'llWI'.SI HUN Arrlvus OmnluiiU I' depnt , lOth nml AlarcyHts Omnha 7 . ' 6 a m ( Kx nnn'yl Carroll I'aasunuur Ml M p in 2.ri n m ChlciKo Kxpross ) 8 n u m I 00 p in Vesllhiilu Limited . . . 11,10 a m 6 Ii p ro . . .Kantern Klvor II on [ i in 'JUO ' p m ( IU .Sat ) Fast Mall ( Kx. Moil ) | J ! 15 p m Leaves I OMAHA A bT. LOUIS ( Arrives Omaha U I' depot , IQlh ami Mnrcy juj | tmalis. ) _ 410 p ml , St Loula Cannon Hull 112 Up m Leaves FT K A .MO VAI.LHV | Arrlvus Omnha Dupnt , lith nnd Webster HU. lOinatm IIUO a ml Dondwooil Kxprens 7. . , A 0 p in ' .Hill n m ( Kx Sat. ) Wyo Kip IKv Mon ) 5 'JU j > m S 10 pin , Norfolk ( Kx Humbly ) II 10 u m t lr > p ml . st I'an I lixpress U r > a m Lenvea I C.S1' . I' M A ( I I Arrival Oiimhal Depot. Uth unK\Veb t r a I Omaha B 10 n ui | SIClix City Ainommodntlon , HOi p m I.UU p in , slum City KxpruaifKx , Huud'yi 1.4) p m ! U5 p in , . . . .St. riiulU'lmlti'd . . U3f n m 5 15 p luflliiiicriiftl'immmertKx.ijunil'yi H 15 iv in Laves I JHSSOUnV i'TciKfC lArrlveT _ _ Oinnlini Depot 15th afA' WobiUf HU | _ ( linalm 10 .KJ u ui . .HI , ) lil ' .KViircis : I il .10 a m JJWjini ) _ iai' LH ! ii'J | " - a III p m reaves | K"T\'s"r Jorrx r ii Arrive Trailsfen j'nlon lepot. Council lllufTs Tranalur 10 UO a m . KuiiiniTcity liny Kxpruas 10 I5jitu _ Kaiiaas tltf JnhtJiXPI" ' ! leaves Ic'HU'AliO , IIUlll.'N , V cjL'INlM , | Arrlv s ' 1 raiiat orI'nlon ] _ ' Depot. Council Illulfn llriimfur " " " "it.via in I lilcii.-o Kipresi ' & .40 p III lOUUpui ChlcuKo Ilxpress . . . u a in 70i p m , . , Creaton Local . . . I 7 IS n in iTiives f "ciTRl7XJ)7ltri. ( X I'ACIMC Arrlvui Transfer ! Union Depot.Council Illutli Tranarer 0-J ) p m . Nlvht Kxpresa . ! ) M a m ID'J ) a in . . . . Atlantic Kxprc'ss ' A & & p in 43J p ml . Veatlbula Limited 11. W p ui OMAHA A.SI' LOUIS. [ Arrives Union Depot.Council Illutts jTranafcr .Ht Louis Canon Hall Leavea I "rtlUL'X CITV \ I'ACIHC Tranaferl Union Depot. Council HlntTs 7 .S a m bloux Cltr Accominoiiatton i-Mji m' . . . .jSUl'ttUl Kxpram CUll'A"OA SOUI'lTWKrtI'KU.N | ( . . Trauafvr Uulou Depot , t ouncII I'lutl ' 1101 p m Clili iiuo Kxpreai 6.15 t m Veillbulu Llmlloil IUU1 p m . . . Kaatvrn Hjfr SIX ) | . m lKx ( bat ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Mou ) 7.1'J ' u ui ! . . . . . .Cariull l'tti < cajiir ( . . . . OUTWITTINO A FATHER. llelntr n .Siiulliein Ci > lonel , UU llniiitlilcr U'orlced.iii IIU I'rlde , A bold Kunluuky oolonalVHH tlio fsttltor of u lovely ilnuchtor , who loved u iilco young innn in nil rospooti unobjoo- tionnblo. All tlio tfltln nnd inutrons In llio conntrv gynipnthl/od with the lov- OK i\nd the ( josslp pronouncotl It the hiinlotl | nlTulr In tlio line nf innrryliiji tlml hud bucn ho'ird of In iv lone1 tlmo. lntUio ! cotonol was nn ob < 4tlnnto inun , with a very redoonnlonnnco , lloroo gray oyoa niul n uoso Boinowhiit inoUUnl In hiuo and pnrplo from the lontr habit of tfdlloroui. pOtntlotiH of bourbon. The inoro lie hc.ird of the courtship the mord 111) swore Hint ho would hnvo DO such puppy for .son-ln-liuv , nnd the vounc iniin ( jot Into such : i btuto that ho-was.nfrald o sco his betrothed except - copt stirroptitloiiHly nnd both wcro nfrald ttj open the subjoi't to the colonel. Hanplly , when the path of trno lovers diVoj not run smooth , Ovvintf lo the oppo- altton of a crnol p.iront , the misery of the situation heightens the delight , nnd So tho'Wrotohud , liappy couple uont on , day b\rtdjiy \ , uj tons of tlioiibiinus liavo doiio before. . yiio stolen In orvlow and the surrepti tious ntfto , the a 'ony and four and con stant HiHpcnso mauo the hours glow witti roinorso. Hut anon the colonel learned through ono of the gossips that ho wns Hltoly to be a fnthor-ln-law with out his oonsonU lie stalked np and do.wn the hall mxittorinj' nnd rowlhij , ' something lo tlio elTect that this was the llrst limp in his life that ho had ever been opposed , nnd by .Tupltor nnd all the other god , Jt would bo tlio hist ! Then ho soi\t \ for hid frionn , the major , nnd the two worthies discussed whether the prosumptious should bo horse whipped , shot on sipht or politely shuifjhtorod according to the code. The last method was determined on , nnd challoilKO delivered to the onoiny , with nn explanation of tlio eondoscon- bion that accorded the chivalrous lorms , "us a lady's honor was concerned , sir. " lint a woman's quick wit , always sharper under the inspiration of love nnd romance , suggested a rising net of the tragedy. 'Twixt smiles and tears the maiden omplotvd her lever to obov her wishes , saying , "Vou know , dear , ho > v olMtlnato'papa is ; the only way [ can got anything is to nro to ml not to wniit it , nnd it was just so with mama when she lived. Now , do you under ' ' stand':1 In the meantime the colonel and the major prop trod to make worm's moat of tlio poor lover. The proposed fatal morning dawned ; the gentlemen werb promptly on the ground and the ceremonies were about to proceed ns usual , when the lover's friend approached the bloodthirsty colonel with great formality and said : "Colonel , my friend has done you a wrtlig which'ho pioposcs to repair with out the loss of his lifo , which would only make the matter worse for the young lady. It in true that ho lias declined to marry hor. and - " "Has declined to " But tlio mon strosity of the thiiif choked the colonel out of the uttoranco. "Vos ; and lip desires to olTor an apology and - " ' "Apology ! " shouted the colonol. "Hang his apologyl Refuse to marry a Kentucky general's daughter ! By all the infernal gods , wo'U .seo about that ! Major , got mo a , preacher , sir , and a church , and all that soil of thing , mighty qniclc. There'll bo a wedding sir , or a funeral in less than a ha f hour. Not , a word , gentlemen. I don't like a pnppv for a don-in-law , but my honor vindicated. " v Of Utnlrs'o tlio colonel had his way , but if ho ever finds oul the hoax ho will burst a blood vessel or fall dead of apoplexy. Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. . For cold feet buy a Hot Wnler Bottle. We have allsize = 5 , at low prices. Physicians Pre scri p- tions prepared at low prices. Tin Alo3& 1'cnfold Company . ' l.'itli Street next lo I' . U. LSifou inuxmiKN or . lUillilliu-s , Htuain lloatliu' mill Vnittlu- tlon , n nil Klro I sunncs. Dep.irtiiiunt of tlio Intorlor , OIHcu of Indian .Vir.Urs , WusliltiRton , 1) . O. , Jnnimry 0. IS'J. ' . SKAI.KD I'uoi'oSAt.s. 011- clorSoil , "I'ropos ils for uruotlon of bulldlii-'s , ilunin lioitlnK , otcj. , " us the case inuy bv , nml ntlilrc's-.el to tliu OoniinUslnnor of liiillan Af fairs Washington. I ) . C' . , will lie rcuolvoil nt thlsonicii until I o'clock , p in. , of 1'obriiary M , ISO.1 , for tlio ut out Ion nttlioL'Ino ItlilKO Anoncy , J-outli Dakota , of ono brlol. aisoinlily bullillii ) : , OMO brick hospital bullilliiK , nnd ono brick oollur IIQIISO , IIH per pl.ius und NiioclllcntloiiH which limy bo examined at tlio olllcrs of tlio Hopiibllcnn , ot Hnplil ( Jlly , S I ) , tlio 111:1 ; of Omalia , Nub. und the IhilUlurHo.ird ! Of Trnili ! , cprnoi 7tli null C'o Inrstreuta , St , 1'itiil , 'Minn , , niul at tbo Pine Ulcltre Asonuy , llldilois will ho , ruoulrocl to submit sup into bills for oaeh Imlldlir. : . und stuto thn lonxtb of tlnio proposed to bo consumed In their construc tion. llhU am also Invited for furulhliliiu all iiiacblnory , matcrlaU. nnd nil labor nocosa try to lint tlioin In petition , for liontltiK nnd von- tlllntliiK iho 'nsoinbly InilldliiK , tlio.lioMiltal bnllillnt ; . the present Hcbocil biilldlliK. niul tbo' laundry mow In COIIMO of const ruction ) , all lo bo prouiiriv coiiucctod by niluiiiiutu pines with tlio boiler housi't fiom vvbu b tliov are to bo , li.ated ! ; , bopurito nlilb slHial ; ! also bo iiiiulo for licatliuai.rt vciitllatlii. ns above , from llollurJipiisi * . oisly llio assoinbly biilidlnnnd tlto pro ion tsoliOol building. ? cp irnto bids are nl > o 1'ivltcd ' for fii'-nlsbliiir anil p .icliu- CHIC or two nro osuapoH on llio assembly ami liuspltnl bnlldn'-'s ! whim saino shall liavu been i ) reeled , also in. the present , sclinul bnlldlir , ' . IlidtlorH n licatti.-r and vunll atliiv , anil llio osuupos. to uucompunv tlitilr lildn vvltb di'blu'ns nnd spuulllo.ithnis of the itiMiit liuatliiR anil von- tilatlon anil llrooso.ipos iiroposod to bo fnr- iilsbcd ; , ild dosUiis and spuulllo iiionn lo bo nuloil to. the biillUliua to which lbo > mi to bo niHillcil. Tha rlht Is rosorvol to rolect any , nr , j > ll Jll'is 01- any part of any bid 1C dc'oii0U | for till ) best Intnrist of tlio sorvloo CHECKS I. null bid must bo nueoin p in led by i | cprtlllcd check ordraft upon some I'nltuil Stntps dopiHltorv or solvent national Imlili lirtlm vicinity of the ruildt'iiro of llio lilddor , iiiniic pnyublo lo thci order of the Com inlslonorof Ilidlin AITalrs. foi at least 'KII t'H.v-r of the ainoiint of the proposal , which chock or draft-will bo forfchcid lo thu Uiutod .States In LUSO any blddor or bidders rccoiv 1114 an award Shall fall to promptly exootitn a contract wltli und sulllclont hiirotlos , ollmrivlsaU ) Irtl rctiiincil to the blddur. Illdi nccompniilKt by cnsh In lion of a rortlllod check will not bo consldorod T. ,1 MOIU1A N Commissioner oUiidlan Alfa Irs. .IIOdJIt.M pltUI'OaAM TOR riKIlll.KIh-ti7jfiiiiil ] JlAitciicy. . bouth Dakota , Documiiur .lUth lfc'1 ' , Soaloil prtjposuH. uudorsod "I'ropos its for field icods. " and addros-iul to tbo iindor- ul' nud at Kosubud Aucnuy , South Dakota , will bo received at tli'8 ttvuiu'y until 01111 o'ulook p , in. , of .Monday , Jaiiuui v JMli , Is'J. , foi furiilsli- Init and dollvcriiiir at tills ai > acy about 1 , > UO llnsliulsof soedotlts , rxw busho s cf homK'orn , Iii)0 : ) liushcils of oml potntoos , and .HXI Imshols of accilvlnmt. . Illddors w II bo roqnlroil to ntatuJu thulc bfila the proposed prlco nf o.icli iiitleloolTurod for dollvury'iindora uontrnut. 'I bo rlulit- ; rasorviid lo tojoct any or all bids , or any imit of any bid , If iluumud fort ho bent liiturwtaot the service. ( 'EiairiEii CMKKS. : - I'.acli bid must bo acLOinpanlod by a cortltlod cheokordraft upon tsouie Unltoil Mates de pository orHolvont national hank Iti the v Icln- Ity nf tno rosldencu of the blddor. miiilo p iv- lifilo to tllb orilur ( > f tlio CiinimUsiniicr of In- ( llan AITalrt. foi at least five icu OK.Nr of tlio uiiionnt of thu proposal , which chunk or draft Will bo forfoltuil 10 thu UMTr.ll hTiTKS III OIISO any blddor or bidders rcoulvlnt ; an award Bh'ill ' fill lo promptly oxocutii a ion tract with Kood and suillclont snrotliM. othurwlso to bo rutiirned to thn bidder Bids acuomn.inled by c.isli In lion of a uortlllud check will not bo conn durod I'or further Inform itlon apply to J ( ) ioV1UCJHT. : . U h , tnJUn Aio.u . J.'dSltM "JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL. PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEH8. THE SLY JOB. Vlgoron * t'lirttilt niul Cuplur < > of thn dnle Koliltert. A Into oxumplo of tKu tlatif'ors n ( train robborv. Hays Harpor's \vook y. Inn boon lllitatrutotl in the nrreal U > f the loadoi' o ( the moil who robbotl the San Francisco train at Glondrilo , Mo. , on No- \-oinbor M. niul ( , 'ot nway with J'0,000 from the Athuim' oxpros * mes onuor. Koboi't I'iiikurton , the noted detective , nt 01100 stat'tod to unravel tlio niyntory that unvulopod the robbery , ami the leader was armsto.l , having boon fol lowed from St. Lonlsi to the I'aoillo coast , jtHtono month nftor the deed wad committed * This la very quick work , and show- ) the danger that the robbera run. In thia ease H Was Adams' express uompiuiy that dovolo'wd a grant deslro for the apprehension of the b.tndits , for their tiiOvSrtoiiKOr was robbed , which Is not alwayn the way. Uobbors have boon known tlmo nnd itgiUtl to leave tin- touehed the AtluiUH express packages , whllo the safe in wbleh the other valni- blos have boon stored bus boon cleaned of nil else. The truth la that the robbers nro afraid to take the money that is in charge ( if the Adams lxiross ! | company , for llioy know that they will bo hunted down for yearn. The company hast the reputation of being most unceasing in their search for tlio orlriinal , and a llko sum to that stolen will bo spent in prosj- cutingtho caso. Whono\et any money is lost by thorn the I'inkorton detectives are wet to work at once , nnd all trails are followed uncoaxlnglv until the criminal is eaptnrod. The robbers know this ; they know that there may bo $100,000 within their grasp , but they will decline to take it , for capture is almost assured. There is ho place in the world where they " can go with "tho assurance that they will not bo followed. This last capture proves the cortninty , and they do not euro to the risk. The niossonguis are bravo inon , as a rule and many a ono has lost his lifo in discharge uf his duty. As the express company is quick to punish , so is It to reward , and on 6no occasion a messenger was presented with ? 1,000 for his bravery in defending the property in his care Soon after thii another express - press cur was boarded by a masked man , and the messenger made to open the bafo , from which everything was takon. As the robber turned to go out , the mes senger shot him from behind , and when the mask was lifted the dead man proved to bo the messenger BO lately rewarded forhisildolity. It pivos immediate relief wo moan Salva tion Oil , the pain roinody of the ago. Sold bv nil donlers. Prleo 'J."i cOuts "I weep for Adonis -ho is dead. " VIM , but tlioae to.irs wouldn't liavu broa shed if the world had known tlioti ot Or. Hull's Couli ( Syrup. A disease , treated as sueh and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Llpmo treatment llarmloss and oilccttml. Kefer by pormibsion to Uur- lington Ilawkoye. Send tie stamp for pamphlot. Shokoquon Co. , Burlington , Ii * . WINTIU TOLTIIS. To Snininer I.nuU vl.i tlio Vv'uhiili ICoiitt ) The \Yabash nro now soiling round trip tickets good returning Juno 1 , 18U2 to all the winter . , _ .rosorta in Ton- ncssco. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North and South Carolina , Louisiana , At kansas and Toxis. The quickest and host ronto to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tickets and full information in rog.trd to ro Uo.s cast or south call at'\Vabish ollico , Io02 Farnam stuoot , or write G. N , Clayton , N. W. Pass. Apt Go right nlioiit It. Don't naito n minute. I'm lliOHpllttini : heiilTchci. raisUInc pains filons Iliosplnn .mil In ildni and loliiH , rboli- inaHsin of mnscli's and jiiliits , chills.ind MVCT naiibca and disinclination for food , you imiit take thrco 01 four of Dr , Schenok's Manfraks Pills lie llrsl til ht , and .iftci tliafisnlllclnntiiiim- bor to Insiiio a dally an I fioo iii'llon of the bowels. Keep this up for some tlii.e.aud where chills and fovurs aresliiblinrn.iiiilnlno In iinable doses , c in bo IISLM ! Id advantage with frco.thol'llls. ThoaupillssutyoitrijorKcd llxor cleanse tliealdioacband bnwels , and start up normal secretions. You'v o scored a his point Then , to aid cilfrcstipii , oriisli llio wn.iknc'-n and lassitude , drlvo olT the fouling you'd as leave dlo as llvc.and Klvo tone and strength toyoiirsystom , you must tnko a tablcspoon- fulotSctienck's ' Seaweed Tonio before und altur inc.iU Already you te ln to frnl lllce a now pcr-mii. Hut don't fniKot your luiis. ( llt'Wiirnof the U'rrlbhIriulouov of ln ( l > > in > f townrd I'noninonlu' ff you havn-chi'st p ilnsor a cnil li , bnttor s ( tly the manor at once by a tulilcs'popnful of , x , Schcnck's ' Pil ! onic Syrup taken tliroo times a day , between ineaU ofl- onor If the coush Is troublesome. You can thus BUI round thd voty wor t raso of / , < i Cl > l\\ \ \ > r and drlvo It Into Micodv siiirendor. And you'll do It riifhl away If you are wise- . AxK > our DrluKlst for tliu Or ' chunck Itomu- dies. dies.DR. DR. SCHENCIC'3 boo't oa Consumption. Liver Complaint anil Dys opsl.t ; s nt freo. DR. J. II. S HENK& iON , Philadobhia , Pa DOCTOR IT WILL CURE A . OLD IN TWELVE HOURS ; cent Bottle mayaavo you : $10O in Doctor's blUu-may Bavo your life. Ask your Drumrlst : for it. IT TASTED GOOD. : " PunEHiNaLB Dr. Ackor'a English Pills : Bmull , iilrii.anl , u I'm urllo vtllh I lie Indira. * W H IIOOKRII A CO 14 Wc t Iiroadvrny. N Y. ' ForVilo by Ivuhn & Uo.Vaii'iVsiioi'mriii ' McConnell , Oiniilui. Lo Duo's Porlodloil Pllh. The Troiioli ruincily uctt dlruqtly upon thn Keuor.-itlvodrKiiiii nnd enrol Hiipprcmlon of HID lueiisoi. 'nr three for JI. mid oui bn mulled. Hhoulil nillOiiHo'lcliirlni ) ' < pn/naiioy. .iDljtiori clniK laU and the publlo supplied tJiwamuu UrtiK Uo. , Umaba or * unt br mall , E. T. U ltine , Worruu , 1-a. STRONG AS A LION. Tim I'hrniMt Mity UP 'rrutlifull.v.Appllod In Kiiiidini , the "Hlroiiff .Mini , " Kugono Siituluw , the "Modorn Ifor- rules , " who is at present In Knglnnd , will shortly pay thin country n visit and startle the people with Ills feats of strength. Ills physical development la some thing extraordinary. With the grace of u woman ho win lift weight that would take the combined lifting power if IIvo or inoro mon to budge. Some llmo ago , in London , Hninhw essayed to eclipse nil previous weight-lifting fo.its. lie had n prcllminaiy cantor , b } way of warming himself , with a dumbbell of 101) ) pounds soldi weight , which ho lifted tlrst with the right hand cli'ivn from the ground to the shoulder , and from the shoulder to armV length above his head , repeating the foal with his loft h tnd. A second dumbbell of 100 pounds being In troduced , the two were simultaneously lilted , one in ouch hand. In an adjacent room was a tested ma- chlno. on which the weight of every thing to be lifted \\as cuofnlly noted S.tndow now came forward in earnest. With his right hand on the 10th of Do- ccmljor the horecules hail lifted 170 pounds to the satisfaction of the judges Ho was to top this performance with n dumbbell nine times heavier. lie stood ever the weight , grasped it in his right hand , and with n slow nnd stoadv ninvo- ment , lilted it clean to tlio shoulder , tried desperately to pat it up , then for a momnnt did not succeed , then tniidu another olTort , and the weight was fairly straightened up. bandow's next bolls weighed respec tive liitl uid II ! ) pounds. Ho bent down to them , took a In m grlp.and with ono movement cleanly got them up to the shoulder. Up went the weights properly at the very llrst attempt Following this Sandow lifted n bell weighing If ) " ) pounds. Ho raised it fairly to the shoulder with thu left hand and then --traight up in unox'ceptlonal stylo. After taking a few minutes rest Sandow reappeared. A Imrboll by which is meant a dumbbell \\lth n long , narrow spindle off > 0 pounds weight was takon. With both hands Snndow raised it to his cheat , rusted it lightly there for a moment , raised it thence to arm's length above the , lowered it to tno chest , raided it high a second tlmo and half raised it a third time In nutting tlio bar wol } up from the chest ho stopped back \\ithlhe loft foot and scorned thus to gain some leverage. 'J'hio was the llrst of the six feats in tended to put forward as a world's record. It nnd the next two had bcon chosen bv Snndow himself , thq other three b the judges. Again ho look the -oO pound barbell and grasped it in the eotftor with two hands so that one bell tested on tlio lloor and the bar was vortical. Ho raised it to his right sho'ddor , balanced it there with ono hand , and resting the loft hnud on his thigh , straightened the right arm fairly and ho hold up the uoiglit for five or six seconds a long time for such exertion. Then a barbell of 177 pounds was brought forward. With tlio right hand alone Sandow lifted it from the ground to the shoulder , balanced it there , put it up to arm's length , and diopping it , caught the bell in the hollow of his half-bent arms. Ne\t , a barbell of 101 pounds was sim- larly raised with the loft hand and lot fall to the gionnd , not being caught in the hollow of the arm. Then came a dumbbell , or discs screwud on a bar , the weight being 701 pounds. It was raised in the right hand and hold at arm's length fiom the shoulder for a moment , the arm being at right angles to the body. This weight , for the last time , was taken again in the right inuul , while in the loft \\asa 651 pound rinu'-xvuight Both of those , having been raised together , wore hold oul at arm's length , the arms at right angles to the body , for a mo ment or t\vo. They wore dropped Im mediately , find thus the work of siv mon was finished. The Itcst .Vutliorlric" , Such ai Dr Dlo Lewis , Prof , ( jross , ntid othcts , agrcu that catarrh Is not u local but a constitutional dUenso. It therefore rc'quiros a LOtistilntioiial remedy liuo Hood's Sarsu- inrilln , which unVrltmlly and iioriaanoatty euros'iri n. Thousands pruiso it. Hood's pills ctuo liver illsiunilli.o ) , billions- neas , smlc lieaiiaebo , constipi'-lion and all troubles of the diirostlvo orir.ins ICIi klntr AutiliiHt Hit * Morui. It is barely possible , exclaims the ro- clu-.o of the DulTnlo Commercial , that there are men and women ho constituted that they think it fun lo ride in a slulgh with men or boys who blow long or loud blasts on tin horns at intervals of three rri or four minutes. It is almost inconceivable - coivablo that persons of oulinary intelli- goni'o can submit patiently to ijuch an inlllction , and legard it as an indlspuns- able fuatnio in a evening or night given up to a hloighing party , There is no reason \ < by a pack of mon old enough to vote , or ot bo.\s with f-enso enough to bo trtibled nut In the the strcotH ntlor 10 o'clock , slio H Id bo nlhmcd to dlstu * b nnd vcnn nntlio community ly the in- rossnnt blowing upon horns.Vithln two or Ihrco dnys ono sleighing ptrty cnino down ono of the principal avenues nt half-past I in the morning , blowing horns and making the uaily morning hideous with their racket. All HUB is in plain doflanc" of luu and llio police ontrht to put a stop to the horn-blowing It Is an intolerable imUanuo and ought to be bupprcssod. TIII : IUAITV : .M INVl'Kl'MKNTB placed on record J.inu.irr ' 'I , Ib'r ' : \IIII\MV IIKHIM Andrew Tracy and wife to Ilmina Von Wlndlinlm , i < ' . ' ( ) feet loll' , all lot I.I and vr 'u feet lot II. Idoi-U H , hlinH'sU'nd add , and loll ) , blouk I. I.lnenln nlueo fl'OO ) T ! 'liiiid and ulfohi t'alhno I'avlnr. lots ' > . h und U , hlcinU I.I , K'nnnl/o > \ - Knth'i add . . . . .D.iHlD C A WiMli'iflnlil and wlfo to xatnn , lots 'S ' and H , block T , lloilmi'h'n Uil add > ,0 0 ,1 V 1'itterson lo W II Krldlm. lot III , block " . Dralio'n add , and lot 'J , hlocUd. llydn pnrl < 00 .1 II S\elst nnd wlfo to II T Itowman. mid lot block I , I'red Dollone's add Oil ( ' A Uiirlvoi nml wlfo to I'milt Voinij- nulsl lots I mill ,1 , liloolv 1 t'uwli'V lul ( Kill to Vlllloy. . . . 110 I.ininu \ on Wliulliuliu ID Aniliuw Tracy , lot T liluelk ' f ) , " Oniiihu 1.1.0 JO 1C A I .iipnntm niul wtfo tiiTlionnis llof- fiTiiiui , lot 1,1 , block' ' . Miiwiioil pnrli ! ! ? 0 I. A Benson , 11 Intel' , lo > I ) Wllsoi , , lot ' M. bio l < 21 , Hi iisnn I..11J W M llarl III to Mntuil In vostnieiit eoniptinv. lot IK. bliieU II , Oiolmnl lllll 4.COD Odiiiliu mill rioieni'o hum nml Tlilst ooiiiiniiiy In I ! I limit , lots 1 niul i , liloeK IIM , I'lorimi n I.W ) A CJoHlllu In W \\lillinorii ( \ ot al. u i.ouu < jim CI.UM ni.rin Jnllii I'laiiiiiiL'iin nml limb mil lj .1 II \Vniht til ul , lot S. bloc'k I , I'lcil Del- IOIIH'H ami . , . T V lIviiiH nt al loV H t'lu htlu. n h mi II I' I'euLo il : nl , oxi'ftitor , lo A 6 , lnl- Illle , H-iiiio , . , . All W S I'hrNtln mill vvlfo to 4 line , NIIHIII . rxi ,1 M C'liiipniiiii lo M I ) riiiipiiiun , sw inv h.iino to M I' i'lii'i'piiiiin , nvi HW , HW unit nwv , li-1ii-11. , . i.iiuliiilu Mi.null til ul uxtri to H.iiiniu A vim Wliiilhelin , vv'i ' lot T , liloek " ( > , " Dnnili i. , 13 J \ \ IMily niul vlfo to A J Kilily , nil rlimoi to the mtiitn of .lolin M Kitily , ili'c'ocHuil , iMith ro i | iin'l personul. BOO > - > I'Cooper mill hiihlimiil to idtnti , niiiiu. KIK ) t K l-Jlily ti. Hnine. H inio HW II h I' I y .mil ifo to H i mo , uiiino 1)00 Ailulia I'.iillow unit to IlkKIIH. Joseph t'ruw iKpnclul inuiteritii I A llur- lm > Ii , u'i ' lol , i. liliiU 1 , I'lirLi. r i uilil I.-10 Tutsi Hiiiiincit of Lra