Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1892, Page 4, Image 12

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    TOE OMAHA DAILY KlEt ? ) V111 DAY. JANUARY 22 , 1892.
Ti ) lljr Ili'i ! ( without Sunday ) One Year. . . . ? 0 10
Jiiillv nrnl Hnndny , Onu Voir : . 10 on
KxMonlh" . . . . fiOO
"Hiri'ii. Month * . 1 W )
Mindiiy lli p , Olio Year. . SOT
H itiinliiv Hen. One Your . 1 fii
tSecklyltcc. OhuVnnr. . 1 W >
Oinnlia. Tlin llpo Ilillldlnff.
HniilliUniiilin. corner N nnil L'filh flfrcots.
Council HliiiK IS I'carl Ktreot.
CJlilcifo oniui * . : i 7 i hiunlirr of ronum-ree. .
Now York. HooiiiM-.Mnnill.Vrrllmriollulltllnir
Washington , mil I'onrlccntli stieou
All cniilhiiiiilKnt'ons rotating In nnwt nnil
eilltorlul iniitlor flhonld \ > o addressed tc the
Editorial IlvpiirlmciiU
All business IntturM unit remittances should
7p : adclru.sM'd tnt'lio llcii 1'iibllslilnir Coin puny ,
Uniiilm. Draft" ) . chocks and posuilllco orders
to bo Hindu p iyiiblo to Iho order ot Urn com-
TIic BOB PnWIsIiinE Company , PronrietoN
I tate of Nebraska iK ,
C'liiintycif Douglas. I1"1 .
Ceo. II. Tz.ii'litiok. secretary of Tlio HER
1 iihllshlir. > ompiny. : does nolnmnly swear
tluit tlio nutiiul circulation of TUB luir.v USK
for llio week ending January 10 , Ihtr. ' , wna in
r-nndajr , .Tun. ID . 28.KU
Alondny , .Inn. II . . . . . . . . . " )
Tnmdny , .Inn. 12 . ' lKi
Wednesday. Jim Ml . Z\X\t \ \
'IhiiMilnv. .lun. 14 . SMMi
l- > ldiiytnn. i.'i . in.440
buliirdny , Jan. 10 . -I.7.S1
Avoro ! . bKbVii/T/VriruSr
Sworn to 1 tiforo me nnd Mibserlbed In my
presence tliih Kltli llay of Janilnry. A. I ) . I8W.
Notary Public.
"Jlicprowtb of HID aTeriuo dally uln'Ulnt on
of TllK HKR for six ycara In shown In tlio lol-
lowln tublc :
J nunrr IB.JITI- 18 , Jtt i IS , 80 ! lH.f.74 I'.t.KiS 23,44' )
February IO.W , U.IW I.1.V.M IR.WI I8.7SII M.I ; J
Vnrcli II.KI7 14,400 I'.MHO I8.N1I a.fll"i 24.0M
.April 12.101 I4..1II ) IH.744 IH.SW SO.MJ M.OH
May I2.I.W 14,22 ; 17.131 I8fiuii W.IHO WU1
Juno n.r.w 14,147 IU41 ! I8.9JH W.TOI
July 12.314 ! 4OWI8OM | I8.7H 27.0JI
low lie ! u i 18.710 20,870 25.M7
Cctolx-r . H.liSIt li.lDJ
WoTomhcr . ' ' ' 24.C7J
lleceiulipl . i&uu'iii'Hr'ttui'ilj.UTi ' 34.IIII
GovicitNoit Hones would have done
himsulf inoro or ml it in his inaugural
niossnpo if ho had uomo out llatfootod in
n rocoininondation for the adoption of
the Australian Oallot law.
Ar. Brri'KUWOin'H will resign
liis position us Holioitor gononil of tlio
World's fair. This is prima fnclo ori-
donco that General JJuttor worth's
political ambition is reviving.
two-mllo limit Haloonlccopors
must not bo permitted to continue in
business , contrary to law. Perhaps a
llttlo attention at the hands ot the grand
jury will expedite the talcing out of
Tun navy has rather the best of the
army thus fur , though actual war might
lielp out the military establishment.
Whether war bo declared or otherwise.
Secretary Tracy will bo more than like
ly to got almost everything ho asks in
the way of appropriations.
CIIICAOO is entirely out of w.iter , the
Bourco of supply having been frozen.
Chiongo is not disturbed about the
mailer except from fear of lire. In tlio
great city by the lakes water is chiolly
used in extinguishing conflagrations ,
and occasionally for baths.
the only lawyer in the United States
who would dare to call in question the
sublime wisdom of that oracular and
corpulent body of stiitTed prophets
known as the United Slates supromu
court while they are in full session.
DuAinvnon is elated over the pros
pect ot a $200,000 federal building. The
bill has passed the senate , and as Senate -
toPottigrow is backing it with his
usual vigor the Black Hills metropolis
can feel reasonably certain of its pas-
sago. When Pottigrow roaches out
toward the treasury oven the chairman
of the house committee on appropria
tions throws up his hands in dismay and
forgets to object.
A BOSTON democrat has boon looking
at the prospect of war with Chili
through Objector Ilolman's spectacles
and reaches the conclusion that it would
coat $2,000,000 at the very lirst clash of
arms. The Boston democrat should
remember that the chase and capture of
the Uata cost $2,000,009 and last winter's
Sioux campaign probably four times
that sum. A war with Chili in those
flays of dytmmito bombs and tremendous
guns would bo cheap at iB")0,000Ol)0. )
A SUIT is to bo brought by the gov-
Drnmont against the venerable General
and ox-Spoulcur Banks for the recovery
of $ 1,000 lotit during his term as United
States marshal years ago. It is almost
cruel to harass the old man in his de
clining years with this Hiiit , General
Banks did not prollt by the money in
question. A deputy was indicted for its
oinboz/loinoiit and has never boon tried.
It would bo better to send the deputy to
the penitentiary and balance the books
of General Br.nks. The general , after a
lifetime in the public service , is poor.
Tun republicans of the Ohio legisla
ture propose to Inquire into the legality
of the election of United States Senator
Brice of that Htato. The question in
volved is whether Mr. Brlco is a resi
dent of that state , or was at the time of
his election , or a citizen of Now York.
Ho lias a homo In Now York City , owns
a largo amount of property and carries
on business there. Ho was enumerated
In the census as a resident of Now York.
Ho also has a homo and other property
in Ohio , hut for several years has re
sided very llttlo of the tlmo in that
alato , the greater part of his living
thorosliu'o ho had a homo in Now York
being during his contest for thosonator-
ship. Tlio republicans of the Ohm leg
islature believe it can bo shown that
when ho was elected to the senate he
was properly a citizen of the Htato of
Now York , and therefore cannot repre
sent Ohio in tlio sonato. It presents a
quite interesting question , upon which
the United Slates senate may be aslced
to pass judgment. Meanwhile Mr. Brice
is occupying his uoat in the uoniUo and
laying plans in conjunction with Mr.
lllll and Mr. Gorman for the future of
thu doiuouratiu party
/ KWKTIMr/V < 7 I7VJW/.F
The annual mooting of the bankers ,
Implement dealers , lawyers , politicians
and kid-gloved farmers , who for the
most part compose .tho State Board of
Agriculture , is Over , uml , an uauul , the
incmborH have ro-oloctcd themselves or
their iintneiHiito friends for another
yo.ii' . Ten thousand dollars has boon
cheerfully voted for Increasing the In
terest of gamblers.u | the speed ring and
12,000 for premiums for .county collec-
tlvo exhibits of agricultural products.
In this connection it Is of interest to
observe that among thu members of the
hoard elected for the next two years the
following a'ro patrons of husbandry : L.
A. Kent , banker , Mlr.don ; .1. I ) . Mcr'ar-
land , B. & M. capitalist , Lincoln ; Cap
tain .1. M. Leo , farmer politician , Ox
ford ; S M. Barker , political farmer ,
Silver Crook ; Jo. B. McDowell ,
farmer politician , Palrhtlry ; K. H.
Greer , political farmer , Kearney ; M. L
I lay ward , lawyer , Nebraska City ; J. R
Cautlan , agricultural Implement dealer ,
North Bond ; W. L > . Wlldman , politi
cian , Culbortaon ; , nnd five real farmers
not so well known. Among the hold
over members and county presidents are
, f. J. .lonsen , banker , Geneva ; Frank IJ.
Young , political farmer , Broken Bow ;
C. J. Bolts , banker , Falrbury ; J. B.
Dinsmoro , banker , Sutton ; W. O. South-
wick , grain dealer , I'Vlend ' ; J. W. Dolan ,
banker , Indlanola , and M. Dunham ,
capitalist , Omaha.
People must not bo surprised at find
ing many familiar names on this board.
One of its chief objects , as before re
marked in tliodit columns , is to perpetu
ate itself and promote the interests of
its members. Agricultural development
is a secondary consideration.
Congressman Roger Q. Mills has done
what he was expected to do. Ho has
notified the speaker of the houno that
ho will not serve as chairman of the
committee on interstate and foreign
commerce. This is one of the best com
mittees of the house , affording opportu
nity for useful and creditable work to a
man of moderate ambition. But Mr.
Mills has boon chairman of the loading
committee of the house , th it of ways
and means , and having declined the
second place on that cjininittou in this
congress it was obviously unreasonable
to sunpose that he would accept a pon-
tlon doomed to bo inferior. The speaker
doubtless did the bast h'j could in the
circumstances to givn the Texas st-itos-
man prominence among the committee
chairmanships , but his olTort Is not ap-
proci-itcd. Mr. Mills prefers to bo in
the ranks , where ho will bo under no
obligations to Speaker Crisp and his
immediate -io.i f I i ani o in nvik o matters -
tors as interesting for them as opportu
nity and his peculiar tomporamsnt may
Mr. Mills resigned his chatrmxnship
after duu deliberation , and taken in con
nection with his recent utterances the
action cannot bo regarded as having no
significance . Ho lias very recently in
dicated lhat'ho is not in favor of giving
the country tarilT revision in iiibtall-
ments , as' Mr. Springer proposes shall
bo donn. Ho believes it to bo the duty
of the democrats in the house to make a
general revision of the tariff , regardless
of the question whether a mo isuro of
this kind would pass tlio senate. Mr.
Mills does not think it goad policy for
the democracy to tompori/o or employ
makeshifts in this matter , and ho evi
dently intends not to bo a party to such
a policy. It is therefore to bo presumed
that when the proper time comes Mr.
Mills wllldoclaro himself in tills matter
in no uncertain terms , and it is not un
likely in tiiat event that he will bo
found to have a pretty strong following. .
There is another matter regarding
which Mr , Mills is not in sympathy with
the dominant element of ills party in the
liouso. Ho thinks the democracy should
for the present drop the question of the
frco coinage of silver , while the'coin-
ago committee is already practically com
mitted in favorof reporting a free coinage
measure. On this subject it is to bo expected -
poctod that Mr. Mills will also have
something positive to say at the right
In short , the Texas congressman has
a policy of his own which ho docs not
into nil to surrender without a contest ,
and his best vantage ground for making
a light will bo in the ranks. Ho would
bo handicapped as the recipient ot any
consideration from the element Unit
compassed his defeat for the spoaxer-
/ ) UK f
livery respectable and law-abiding
cili/onof Omaha will concede that the
olTorts of ox-Assistant City Attorney
Shoemaker to enforce the laws-and
ordinances against the sale of obscene
papers are commendable. Whatever
mav be the outcome of the court pro
ceedings to punish Mr. Shoemaker for
contempt , the sentiment of the commun
ity is in favor of the suppression of
filthy papers that thrive on scandal and
pander to the depraved appatlto of people
ple for highly-colored and sensational
reports of the dolnga of the brothel , as
signation house and wino room.
When the agents and correspondents
of such dirty shoots make It a practice
to levy blackmail upon man and women
by threatening them with exposure of
Homo Indiscretion they or their relatives
may have committed or have boon sus
pected of , and when thcso wretches pod-
dloout llbolous stories and hold them a )
clubs over the heads ! of public officials
charged with enforcing the laws , It Is
incumbeiit upon the community to back
the ofticials and demand that they do
tholr whole duty regardless of cense
The Omaha roprosontatlvo of a nasty
publication Impudently botista that hU
shoot docs imt claim to bo rospootablo ,
but urges that "it Is legal and contains
far superior matter to found in the
1'olifc ( lutttte and PollM jYeuvs. " Ho
further declares that "thoro is no crime
committed except when thu paper Is sold
to minors. " A man who appeals on s uoh
grounds for public sympathy has a very
low stamUrd of morals. The 1'itlin ;
( itisfttr and J'nlire AVicw may bo inferior
to the Ktuibivs City shoot in point of dig
ging up salacious stories that have long
pussod from thu memories of men. These
pa pure simply deal In reportof ) -virrtMit
crlnio and sporting auwj ol th > j day
They nro not hawked In tnu uir ? > H and
do not employ or countenance reporters
or agents that make a living by ransack
ing the secret closotaof private , Inoffen
sive and oven woll-bohavod citizens for
skeletons and holding victims up for n
The pica that the law cannot bo violated
lated except by the sale of indocotlt lit
erature to minors is puorllo. The fact
that the Indecent Kansas ( Hty shoot had
loon ) sold on the street corners by news
boys alTords ample proof of Its sale to
thorn as minors and would ao bo re
garded In aity cpurt of juUloo.
Down in ltansis , City the people 1mvo
sought protection from professional 11-
bolors and blackmailers through the
grand jury and It may bo that wo shall
have to emulate tholr example In Oma
ha. To subject the people of' this city
to systematic dofanrttlon that Invades circle , incites violence and
sooner or later , is liable to result in a
bloody tragedy.
I'llOl'USKD If Kir S
Bills have boon introduced in congress
to confer statehood on the territories of
Now Mexico , Utah and Oklahom.i , and
doubtless Arizona will receive like con-
Hidoration. Whit the chances are for
the admission of any of these territories
by the present congress cannot now bo
determined , but it will bo interesting to
consider whut claims they present for
The last coiisus gave Now Moxlco a
population ol lo' OOO , and it is doubtless
somewhat larger now. The last report
of tbo governor undo a very good show
ing in regard to material development.
The agricultural interest is growing ,
the mining industry is increasing , anil
in ether respects the territory Is realiz
ing a steady progress. But th'o objec
tion remains that the papul.vtion is
largely made up of people essentially
nlion in their ch.inictor and sympathies ,
and if it bo admitted that the resources
are sufllciont to maintain a state govern
ment there is still the question whether
the people as a whole could sa'foly bo
loft to govern themselves. A constitu
tion was submitted to thorn in 1890
which was defeated by a largo majority ,
and although the governor explains
that this duo to party dilTuronuos ,
and was not , the result of a disinclina
tion to assume the condition ot state
hood , still It was an tin favorable indica
tion ot pooolar sontimonc in the matter
for which tno alien element of the popu
lation was doubtless mainly responsible.
Until this element shallTjocomo so small
a minority as to bo incapable of mischief
the expediency of conferring statehood
on Now Mexico will bo questionable.
Utah's population , by the cousus of
1890 , was close to 208,000 , and the gov
ernor's report for 1801 placid It at
nearly 211,000. The assessed value of
property , real and personal , In 18' ) ! waj
In round numbars $121,000,00 ; ) . BjtQ as
to population and rosourcas Utah has an
unquestionable claim to statehood , and
the only otut'iolo in the w.vy of attain
ing it is the political influence still ox-
orctsod by the Marmo.i church. This ,
however , is stoadilydo llnln , andtherj
Is every reason to cxpoct that within
the next year or two these who are can-
trolled in their political action by the
church will bo in a minority. Indeed
there is now no distinctively Mormon
party , that organization having db-
b.mded previous to the last election for
the legislative assembly , many of its
members uniting with the republican
and democratic parties. While this lias
boon regarded as u ruse of the church
loaders in tlio intoro.-lt of statohoo.l , and
the Utah commission inclined to this
view , the governor and others in a favorable -
vorablo position to judge hive , ex
pressed the opinion that it done in
good faith.
The growth of Oklahoma , the young
est of the territories and the smallest in
area , has boon phenomenal. The last ,
report of the governor estimated the
population to bo 80,000 , and this is
probably not far out oi the way. Great
progress has boon made in agricultural
development , anil tlio paoplo of the ter
ritory are of the most enterprising
character. But Oiclahoma nan w.tit a
few years for statehood without injury
to its material wolf aro.
Arizona has a population of between
00,000 and 70,000 , andas nearly all of
the public lands of the territory are
arid , tlio advance in population is certain , -
tain to bo slow. There are largo undo-
volopcd resources , but under present
conditions it is questionable whether a
state government could uo properly
It thus appears that Utah alone Is able
to praBont an entirely satisfactory claim ,
so far as population and developed resources -
sources are concerned , to statehood , and
there is really no valid reason against
tlio admission of'that tpriltqry.
Tun Fifth Ward Taxpayers' club oh-
jects to the proposed sale and lease of
the Board of Trade building. What
have the taxpayers of the Fifth ward to
do with the Board ot Trado/buHtling / ?
Why didn't they protest against the sale
and loiiho of the Millard hotol. They
had just as much right to object to the
transfer of the hotel property as they
liavo to any othtir property In which
they have no share , and for which they
are not taxod. Wo do not contopd that
Lho proposed sale of tho-Board of Trade
building is or is not propor. It is purely
a question for the members of th'o board
who are Hharoholdors In thu LilVdIiig | to
diHormino. A sale and leasing hack will
not put tlio C'hambor'of Coiiimorco on
wheels , and that is all.t'1111 ' " "i" outside
taxpayer could possibly bo Interested in.
TllK soft-fisted fanriors "ty'tlio State
Board of Agriculture are delighted with
the boot sugar school , and they want
now a dairy school and appropriations
for farmers Institute * * . \vJiywould it
not bo wuo for the State Board of Agri
culture to expend part of-its surplus in
those Institutions'Instead of incroaslng-
promiuins for the speed ring ? " "
Till- State Board of Trannpnr.tntlon , it
Is admitted , in an iiiritilutloi of , very
small consequence to tha state , but it
might throw Its full weight into the
sen In * in favor of milting In transit rules.
Tiir.ur scums to bo n stmliucl olfort on
the pirt : f > l thn ilomwrtitv In < : oiiirru.t to
iinlnirriH4 ) tha ll'iiinoiiil ilniiar.tim'tit of
th Kovat'Hiiiuiii. On'.y R motlvi ) of tlii- *
! ; ln'l oun I'xji'a'is ' ' She MI m > < , > : i tlu iji-i'
rotary of t ho i treasury for an explana
tion of Ills CUUMO regarding the ! } per
cent bonds , a part of which wore con
tinued nt a Tell u cod rate of interest.
The socrollir&.jjs asked whether there
was suniclontjjnonoy In the treasury to
pay the bonds when duo , and , If so'tipon
what authority" ho continued any of
thorn. Socmlflry Foster repeatedly
stated that ha. could pay the bonds and
ho fully explained in his annual paper
why ho did notyo so. It was to avoid n
serious disturbance of the llnaneos of
the country ut.Mhno when its resources
are severely 1'ixod by the movement of products. In the desire to
avoid monetary disturbance during this
critical period , says the secretary in his
report , and In the hope that the volume
of money in circulation might bo In
creased at an opportune tlmo , through
the co-operation of the banks , the hold
ers of the bonds wore olTorod tholr
choice of presenting thorn for redemp
tion or for continuance at the pleasure
of tlio government at a loss rate of in- This was manifestly justified by
the financial conditions then existing ,
and the authority for it is In the terms
of the act under which the bonds were
issued. It also had the support of pro-
ccdont , Secretary Windoin having in
1881 continued the 6 per cent bonds
without any question as to the legality
of his action. It is not to bo doubted
that Secretary Foster will give the
house the information it asks for with
entire satisfaction to the country , If not
to the majority of that body.
Ml LUNG in transit rates can bo
secured for Omaha when the railroads
of the state demand the concession from
their eastern connections. This talk
about the question being one of inter
state transportation and therefore dilli-
cult of solution IsinsulTorablo rot. When
the B. & M. in Nebraska wants a con
cession from tlio Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy , it has no difllculty In aocu ing
it. When the Union Pacific demands
any reasonable favor from the North
western the latter is not at all
likely to ignore that demand. If the
local roads will do their part the mill
ing in transit rates will bo immediately
agreed to.
MK.KntiCBXDAir/s proposition to sub
scribe $150 in cash and to purchase fifty
tickets to the international drill is a
practical and cominundablo method not ;
only of raising"tho necessary guarantee ,
but of onlistin'g the interest of people
outside of Oijiulia lii the meeting , as It
is his purpose , to 'send the admission
tickets to piirons : of his firm in the west.
DR. KKOOH told Major Paddock of
tlio Board of County Commissioners that
the principle of , appointing an assistant
for the countyiphysician by vote of the
board ia wrorig.8 Thereupon the sago of
the Pappio , 'r.ointii'kcd that while it
might not bo * principle it was politics.
Paddock's eaVjor and simplicity are
worthy of admAtjation.
U > building sewers , re
locating hydrjinj.s an } ] expending public
money for improvements generally ,
there should bo no south side or north
side. The council should rise above
sectional interest entirely and direct im
provements for the good of the whole
city. _
THE fact that her water supply is cut
on" , it is thought at this writing , makes
Chicago sure of the democratic national
convention. Milwaukee was in tlio load
up to the time of this accident to Chi
cago's water works.
DK. GAi'EN tried to hang on to his
job as her.lth commissioner , and now Dr.
ICeogh declines to vacate the office of
county physician.
Political Antlqiif.
Tlio mugwump' is the great political has
boon. . ' _
A ill mnralil Vlctorj- .
Clilciu'i Trllnine.
Senator Quay has succoudod In poraiiadlnp.
u Jury of his countrymen that it is possible to
slander him. tlo has won n moraorablo vic
tory. _
A jilRlity Shrlvt'l.
OlnlicDemocrat. .
Hill Is unquestionably the blppost man In
the democratic party just now , but ho Is
likely to shrivel mightily In the cour-io of approaching
preaching events , In other words , his popu
larity is of the Itind that cannot stand exposure -
posuro to the wautber.
Kv < > iilii tliti lloiiorx.
Detroit Five l'rci.
The Now Yorlr Horuld nominate ? Henry
Wattorsoti as democratic candidate for the
prosiJonoy. Now If the Louisvlllo Courier-
Journal will nominate James Gordon UOM-
nott , honors will uo easy. It will bo dinicult ,
however , for Mr. WattOHon to decide on
what ticket Mr. Bennett is to bo placed.
In It Jiullclul riqun' . '
CVi'niU'i ' Time * .
By the way , what has become of the do
otslon In the Nebraska election case which
was unofllcialty announced two weeks n cl
Can it bo possiblq that the venerable Judges
of the United Suites supreme court are with
holding it nut otntiro plquo bocuuso A news-
nauor corresp 'Auunt announced it prema
turely } . , ' t'
TinKnitmiky ( ! iin < .AII.
( ' 'im'lifi.'if ' * Ciintinercliil.
ThonhainpuKnnremu'Jy ' for tlio ijrlp will not
do for i > oulariuutlon | ) | | ) , even though nhysi-
chins of high I'IMWO recominand It. It Is'ox-
pcnslvo anil wininiiK on the pocket as well a
the stomach. Usitiny btlinnluut of an alco-
hollu unluro H to bo used , u llttlo good old
whisny Is about itho bust that can bo uhoson.
IUi.ll ( ill.Mt ll.llllM-4.
This Indian tfuhost , diuico" out , \vost has lu
counterpart InttlHt co/y halls of coiiUrnss at
the national oWnTtal. The democratic war
riors , like Ui4tf "VfJd brdthron , nra dancing
itround the lloor of the house of representa
tive ! ! , prasentiiih-- petitions , Introducing hills ,
adoring resolutions , miking oloijuent
ImntiiK'iontjoul ' the cumin ? of u doinncraUo
numiiili who Is to drive the wicliod ronuh-
llct.ii party , which has ruined thu country ,
into tha political wilderness. MUo the In
dians on thu Cherokee 'strip , the majority of
UiBtn havn been attmottmo or other nt
with the governnunit mid ara now . omfuru-
bly wruppod up in llio soft bl'intcuts of I'nclu
Siiin. The democrallu mtHsiuji is UK vnguo
and shadow./ . thu fiid'uu onu. But , In thu
iiiiaiitinio , ihi ) two ghost damting parties are
having n vury good timo.
N'iw V'ui ; Trluuno : N.iuotml dishonor Is
dixir ui iiny priju.
Now YtJiK lOtioroor : i > ra idont llnrrison
i ' ' 'u'l ' ' . Tno OI.HHIUI : on thu ' .tivel *
of'A ni- ' e of nidii weirutii tht ; uniform of
the United Stntot is not n CMC for nrbitro
Chicago Times : If the provident send t
wnrllKo mcsango to conRroia , lot him bo ln <
structcu , us become * the mlghtv xtrongth ol
this nation nni tint genius of 'an ago thai
trua.Mirc.s the glorious triumphs of peace , tc
refer the whole subject mutter to arbitration ,
\V o may hiWo pence with honor. Lnt us no !
hnvo war with dishonor.
Atcliison CJloboi A light between tin
ymiod Htutos nnd Uhtll would resemble r
fight between John tj. Sullivan nnd a 10
year-old hoy. Uhlll would bo the boy. nnil
lias sense unough to know It , The other
powers would look on quietly and goobla up
what was loft , of Uhlll after the United
States got through with It.
Denver News- Neither let It bo forgotten
that whipping Chill U not likely to provo n
picnic. Chilians nro poor , and as com pored
with Americans nro few. Hut they nrc
lighters , every ono of them , and they have
somh formidable Ironclads. Chilian ports
might not bo the only 01101 bombarded , am' '
Chilian soldiers not the only ones slain. Ol
oourso there could ho but ono end to the win
-Chili would ho crushed but where would
bo the glory ? Drop Jingoism and toke uf
common sonsonnil humanity.
Chicago Tribune : Diplomacy has beer
exhausted. The Chilian ciso has not ad
vanced ono whit sliiLO the first protest wni
mado. Further negotiations are useless. II
Is now tlmo to do something. There Is m
question that wlion the president oonds hi ;
mcssngo to'congrcsj that body will stand be
hind him. There will bo no republicans 01
democrats on that question. H will bo con
sldorcd by Americans , who are determined
that Chili shall bo taught a lesson in Ueconov
.If It falls to apologize and mnko reparation
for its conduct. * ' If our navy is not strong
enough now It will bo iniulo AO hoforo tin
war is thron months old. If enlisted men
nro wanted they will come by thousands f roir
every Mate In the union. It is tlmo to dc
something. Talking and negotiating with tht
bumptious Chilians nro of no further use.
Now York Sim ; War with nny power ,
big or llttlo. moans n national calamity ,
which heaven grant may not comn upon us ,
It Is the letting of good blood , the loss ol
valuable lives , the long sorrow of many
hoarts. But if ill the course of events it be
comes necessary to light for the donor of the
Hag and the surety of American citizens the
world over against outrage , violence nnil
murder , ono thing is certain. The war that
Is declared nnd prosecuted to n llnish will be
the affair of the people of the United States
of America , and not thu special enterprise of
any administration or the particular business
of any particular parly. This might ns wall
bo understood now us later. At the llrst ap
pearance of an International question involv
ing tbo loyalty of the citizen to his govern
ment and to nls ling , every republican and
every democrat who is worthy of his citizen
ship becomes an ncttvo member of one nnd
the sarao party the party of the United
AUtiVT irOilKfT.
Mury Chonowllh , the chief npostlo of
Christian science , is eight tunes over a mil
lionaire , and lives in a house with 100 rooms.
There are uvonty-ono law flrms in the
union composed of husbands and wives , and
about liOO womnn who practlco law in the
courts or manage legal publications.
Mme. Uatn/zi. isr now somewhere between
00 and 70 years of ago. The grunodaughtcr
of Lucicn Bonuparto , she was accounted in
her day the most , beautiful woman in Paris.
Uornhardt'iiuvor were Jewels next the face.
She claimed that they detracted from the
sparkle and beauty of her eyes , and that It
was suicidal to u woman's good looks , to wear
anything llushy next the face.
Hobucca Johnson , a colored woman living
in Hartford , Conn. , siuco the war , died last
weak. She claimed to have saved John
Brown's Ufa on ono occasion by biding him
when his foes were in pursuit.
Miss Whitney , the Boston sculptor , has
been selootod to make the bust of Harriet
BqechorStowe. for which the funds have
boon contributed by the friends and ad
mirers of the novelist in Connecticut.
A French woman , Mile. Kllso St. Ormo ,
who is Gd years of ago , is about to start on u
Journey around the world , which will last for
three year. ? , for the purpose of collecting
stnt Lstics fortlio French geographical society.
Miss Raymond , who recently started a tea
room in the very snlnul column of the shop
ping district , hopes to give the New York
working womiiu u course dinner , prepared
with thu best of foods and a clean napkin for
15 cents.
Mrs. Hall T. Dillon , M. D. ( uolotod ) . is the
first woman to p.iss the Alabama state
medical examination. It is im unusually
severe written examination , occupying ton
days. Dr. Dillon passed with a high
One of the mosl Interesting of recent typo
graphical errors was the substitution of
"girl" for "grill" In the account of thoopcn-
Ine of a women's club at ICau Claire , Wls.
After tha ceremonies thu compositor made
the matrons repair "to the girl room foe a
Miss ICato Furbish , Maine's botanist , has
traveled thousands of miles over that state
in connection with her "Flora of Malno. "
She generally travels alone , carries no
weapons , and says she has not , in her twenty
years' experience , encountered "anything to
bo afraid of. "
York Sun : I'rlncoss SawdolTskl Why
did thu oninurur sunil llio Grand liiko 1'ii-
trnvnii to Siberia ?
I'rhiC'O Sawdoll'skl The dnko casually al
luded to his majesty us iin old cv.ardlau.
Washington : "It Is nil wight. " .siild iho
young iinin who li stuJyliiR tini > loiiianiii , "for
u follow to woil up lite twonsahs whenuvah It
Is sunshiny lionh and w.ilny In London , but
what Is ho to do when It H walny huah and
sunshiny li ; l.omlonV"
Dutrott I'roo Press : lie Oun I say nothing
tp prove my lovu tor you ?
Shi' Yes. von can.
lie ( with hope ) Toll mo , Oh. toll niu what.
She Siiy 'good-byo' and Hay Itqnluk ,
Brooklyn Kudo : Miirguurlto What do yon
tnliiU "f m.v portrait ?
I'narl As n likeness It's a failure , but as u
work of art It's a dooliled sncuess.
, -WliiitUoyou think of thuslnclu tax Idea ? "
lcl the yoniu man.
"inou't kuiiw. " Hlgliud Miss I'lisselch , ' 'but
that It would l > o it uood plan to mnko soiuu
sort of a suuulal penalty fur unmarried inuii. "
Akir rmVi llcrtit'l.
She were .1 now style spotted veil ,
TheHpots n foot apart.
And thought us on llroadwuy she walked
J < he looked nxtrumuly "tart. "
Hut , sud to say , Kho'd put It on
Without a looking glass ,
Ami that H why thu wninun multo
At > this fulr iiiitld they pas- * .
For < lno tit ? sputhad snttliid down
KlKbt. hur oye.
And iiiiule hvr look as though shu'd been
ruuk and rvo.
.Journal : Iljonos They say that
lHallhil to niadnuss ,
HJquks Vf.s. but you ncudn't worry. You
ar1 ! ! porfoutiy s-imi.
. WuHliliiist ju Bi'iri "Iliivo you anytblnz on
your ( iiliul , Mr. di' .layv" slm Bald ,
"Yn-us , " liouiiswiiit'd. "I liavu. It's vorwy
coo 1 of you to IHI HO Intnrwiisttxl. "
"Indroil , " shi ) said , uiiiphatluully , "I am In
ll ! | IlKus' ) tniiL'li to know how you
keep jt from fullliu otr. "
Mir hud a fu < n > llku half-past nl.v ,
"Pwniild frl-iliUMi u ( 'lilnn o mpiall ;
Ho In self dufunsc we hud to turn
Her olutiiru ID thn wall.
Kvun thn mint. who doutn't know a crupper
'r'liu'a snri'lnelu Ilkos ID prituiul that ho in u
Irit ruto .liulKi *
Now thn InlurviiK ut light arc )
limwhr ; loniii-i' dny by day ;
I'onils and rivers urowlnt lUht tire
In HID Did lilbnrnal way ;
II. illy MIIVV ilui iiillkmuii initkus hli
ItoiiuiN itnvi ) opuil In u nail.
And ( lie patron ufnm Drunks h s
I. actual port Inn a maul.
I'divN In funny corners sroupud are
Klnn di'iicrt tliu MH'ailoiv truuki
.Many lillln rlillilruiifroniiuil nru
And tire do > u.l wliii Ipuu.tu ;
Mars n hrl htnr ulml ruvnal nnil
.ii'iM'l nUht with rlclinr ulowi
Mvuryiiiuii In prayum uppual and
Hiipn tiiuri'fiiiiii a iiiltii uf HIIOW.
i Ihu woo lillo | lilo nnd
"Dhj" ni | Ihu furniur'siiiDtu ;
Mi'up Imlli now u > tii'iui'r tin and
Urn iU u ilropiir , duiidtlur noiii |
Iliiiuk , thru' ulaolal vUlns How do
An. i i'r i-uji rrust-/iiiMi'ii ' nt'ilrH !
V\ln , ilu > " .rr > 'in' blooms ami o do
ll | i Hid iitiier < l II"H ulhi.ri ,
Oonolusion of the State Firemen's ' Annual
Ooiiveutioii at From ; it ,
1.1st orrrl/.os Sclii'ililli'il liir tin-Toiiriiiinirnt
oflliii l'ricnt Vriir linpiirtinit IIll-
gut Ion AdvUrd In ( tin
of tliniHiiclntlon ,
FIIKMONT , Nob. , Jan. 21. ( Special to Tin :
OKK.J At the third and Itm dixy's session
of the Stnto I'lromoti's association the re
ports of the secretary and treasurer showed
$ I 'U cash on linml. 'IMio committee on
tournament for 18',1-J ' n.iportod the following
schedule of prizes : For thirty-eight hose
nice , * 'IOO ; for forty-four to.o race , MOO ;
state hose race , f(00 ; hook nnd ladder race ,
f-'OO ; green hose race , * | . * 10i green hook nnd
ladder race , * l ! > 0 ; badges , not to exceed , flllO.
Iho following board of yontrol for the
next tournament was appointed : Uoorgu F.
Corcoran , York ; T. V. Golden , O'Neill ;
Louis Schwarz , I'olumbus ; A. C. Hull , Fro-
montj C. C. Kvno , Stromslitirg ; . F. Pick-
oring. ICuarnoy ; A , W. Tomlinson , HoJ
The committee appointed to draft a bill for
taxing Insurance companies to support the
department of the state was continued with
instructions to report such n bill at the next
meeting of the association for consideration ,
inmedlately nfior which the measure shall
bo Introduced and urged for passage uy tbo
legislature , to bo then in .session.
Kearney was elected us the place for hold-
Inc the next mcotintr.
The place of holding the next tournament
was loit to the board of control. The asso
ciation closed with u grand ball and banquet
at Masonic hall tonight.
Dlinu County Karim11 * .
AI.I.K.V , Nob. , Jan. Ml. ( Special to Tin :
BKK.J The Dixon County Farmers Insti
tute closed yesterday. E. E. Ellis of Allen
was elected chairman nnd C. W. Ournoy of
Coni'.ird secretary. ' Papers ou the following
subjc-ots woro'discusaod :
"Crowing Potatoes , " "Profits of Poultry
Kaislng,11 "How to Shorten the Feeding
Season , " "Clover on High Lands , ' " "Host
Horse for the Farm" and "Orcharding and
Crop Rotation. " The entire afternoon ses
sion of yesterday was given to the dairy
question. Mr. .S. C. Basyjtt , secretory of
the Nebraska Dairymen's ' association , was
the principal speaker. Great interest was
manifested in the subject. Mr. Dassott had
with him a milk tester anu samples of whole
milk , suimmod milk mid buttermilk were
tested for tholr butter valuo. The butter
milk" was found to contain four-tenths of 1
pur cent of butter fat , or twice as much as it
should if the cream had been properly han
dled. The skimmed milk contained 1 and
six-tenths percent of butter fat , showing
that nearly one-half of the butter fat In the
whole milk was wasted in the creaming of
the milk. At the evening session Mr. H. B.
Duucanson of the univorsltv lectured on
"Adulterations of Food" and Prof. A. F.
Wood of the Slate university on "Fungus
Disease of Plants. "
The lectures ot both gentlemen were highly
' appreciated. '
A resolution was unanimously adopted In
favor of a law providing for the holding of
farmers institutes in each countv of the
state , and requesting the members of the
next legislature from Dixon county to sup
port the passaco of such an act.
Niibrusltn i.lvo Stork Itri-nlcrs.
BEATIIICE , Nob. , Jan. 21. [ Special to Tim
BBS. ] The annual mooting of the improved
Live Stock Breeders Association of No-
brasita will tatfo pluco at Beatrice February
Hi , 17 and IS , and promises to "bo the most
interesting mooting yet bold. Among these
who have already volunteered to furnish
capers are : Hon. .r. Stdrllni ; ' Morton , on
' American Agricultural Products in Eu
rope ; " Hon. F. E. Brort-n , "National nnd
btuto Experimental Stations1 ; Hon. Charles
H. Wallicr , "Tho Protection of Our Llvo
Stock Interests ; " Dr. M. E. ICnowles of
Terre Haute. Ind. , "Sterility in Brood Ani
mals and IU Treatment ; " Hon. Elijah Fil-
loy , "Tho Cattle Outlook : " Hon. W. P Me-
Croary , "Tho Standard Bred Trotter tlio
Proper Nucleus for the American Coach
Horse of the Future ; " Prof , lucrorioll , State
university , "Moro Practical Methods of Ed
ucation for the Farmer ; " and Dr. Billings ,
"An College. " There will also bean
an "Experience Moetlne" oil "Lumoy Jaw , "
led off by Mr. K. M. Allen of the Standard
Cattle company and by Colonel Savage of tbo
Omaha stock yaras. Hon. Sam C. Barrett
will contribute n paper on "Our Llvo Stock
Interests , " nnd sovcral others are to UQ
hoard from.
Coi.i'Miius. Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to THE
BRK. | Sherman O , Ivnoo of Hastings and
Miss Eva Amburgor' this city were mnr
rloa early this morning and took the 6't5 :
train for Hastings , where they will reside.
Mr. Knee was telephone manager hare for
some time , and U now acting In that capacity
In Hastings. Miss Amburgor has res In oil
hero many yours and is one of Columbus'
most accomplished young ladles.
Two Si-rloimly Injured.
NKIIIUSKA CITV , Neb , , Jan. 'Jl. [ Special to
Tin : BUR. ] A runaway occurred on South
Eighth street last evening , In which a wagon
was demolished nnd A. VV. Daloo and Frank
Blue seriously injurod. Mr. Daloe bad ono
of his shoulders dislooatod , fui-a scratched
and ribs bruised , while Blue hail his right
shoulder dislocated and received a severe
blow on the head.
DruwiK'il in- l'rn'ii. .
NismiASKA CITV , Nob. , Jan. 21. [ Special to
CUR BEE. ] Last Monday Ed Mish , an om-
> loyo at the distillery cooper shops , loft the
shops and has not boon seen or hoard of
since. It is generally thought that ho was
drowned or frozen , its ho win apparently insane -
sane ut times. His friends are making
every effort to line' ' him.
Si'.vmily Mllcn un Hour.
OiuND 1m.ANI > , Nob. , Jan. Ut [ Special
I'elegnim to'i'iiH BEE. ] The special train
carrying the guusts of the Gothenburg
Water Power and Investment company was
run back to Omaha over tlio Union Pacific
1131 night from Gothenburg at a npood of
70 miles an' hour.
'H Mm > l ,
HemtoN , Nob. , Jan. 21. [ Special to TUB
HUE. ] The Blue Valley Funeral Directory
association of Fillmore , Clay and Thnyor
counties hold Its annual meeting hero yostur-
day. All the o ill curs were ro-ulocted. The
neotlng was well altundod , there being about
twenty present.
Tliry liiHurtuil | lOimiry ,
ICisAKNiiv , Nob. . Jim. til [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim BKKJ An excursion of two
coaches of capitalists from Boston , Chicago
nd Now York visited the city today , H'hoy
voro shown ubout by tim Kual ICstnto ex
change , The party loft , for Gothenburg on n
apodal train , _ _ _ _ _
Outriil Clty'H lOuIny liihtltiitr.
CBNTIUI. CITV , Nob. , Jan. "I , { Special to
Tins Br.K. ] Without any previous announce- j
mom u gold cure instllutu. uftor the ICuoiey |
plan , opened for business hero yoitorday. |
Thu lusUtiiti' will bo conducted by n com
pany consisting of tlon N K. Persinjter , L.
I ) . Proper and A. J. Motcalf of this olty , and
Dr. M. J. Gnham of Urnnd Island , tbo llrst
tlirco acting RS prosldont. vlco prosldont nnd
manager , rospoollvolv. Mlogant nwms have
been Illtod up. The enterprise Is baoUod by
suniciontcnpltal , anil 5"s every prospect of
Ni'lmMkii'M Dentil Hull.
OKSTUVI. CITV , Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to
TUB BKK.J Mrs , F. A. Craig , wife of nno ot
the oldest rotldents In thU vichiity , died
yoitorday of ,
i'.tiun\.ii. .M.I\\t\o AT insr.
The llmly riillintrd In I lie ( lrit\o liy u Ilixt
of Notiihlri.
Loxno.v , Jan. UI. The funeral services
over tlio remains of Cardinal Manning were
hold In the Brompton oratory today So
dense was the crowd nnd so thick was the
fog that trafllo In the vicinity of the oratory
was brought to u standstill. When the
solemn mass requiem wa * ung the oratory
was filled with notable pcnonngov repre
senting the church , the state and all political
parties. All the ambassadors of foreign
powers were present also. Bishop Hodloy
preached the funeral sermon , In which ho
highly eulogized the doiid proluto. Thy
musli ! throughout the survlco was .splendidly
At the conclusion of the service the clorgr
preceded the body to the honrso lli waiting
The body was taken to IConsal Green ceme
tery , wtiora It was Interred , ami was fol
lowed by over 110U carriages containing many
notalild people , after which mnrelioJ a largo
number of worklngmon's societies. S
In some ronpuots tlio coremonlus nt
the funeral of Cardinal manning were
moro Inipru.islvu than those vostor
day nt St. Goorgo'a chapel , Windsor
inutlo , utoii the occasion of the funeral of
the duke of Clarence. Today the oerv'.cos
were invested with nil thu grandeur of the
Uoman ritual nnd were attended by all the
pomp befitting thu last ceremony over the
body of a prlnco of the church. Fifteen pro
Utcs attended tin- funeral , including Most
Hov. William J. Walsh , archbishop of Dub'
lln , u ml Most Key. Thomas W. OroUo , arch
bishop of Cashol and the illoooio : of Emly
Tim soniborness of thu black drnnings were
heightened by the black fog , and it appeared
us though nature mourned the loss of one so
good nnd great. Hundreds of wax tapers
and gas jots shed their light on thu solemn
scene , nnd during curtain portions of thn
service the clcrgv nnd the sisters in attend
nnce lighted additional tnpors on either side
of the sanctuary. The whole scuno was
altogether n most striking and Imorcssivo
ono , nnd this was especially the case when
500 priests , marching two by two , entered
the oratory from behind the funeral hangings
under the dome. The bishops who led the
procession were tholr mitres and were richly
robed. Tuoro were present , also , represent
ntivos of the Benedictines , Franciscans ,
Carmelites , Dominicans and other religious
orders , nttlrod In their dllTuront garbs , each
carrying an unllghtcd taper.
Enormous crowds followed the cortege
from the oratory to the cemetery. Special
stands had been orcctod at intervals along
the route , and these wuro filled with spccta
tors. The whole route from the oratory to
the cemetery was lined with people , who
reverently bared their heads as the hcarsu
containing the remains passed slowly by
I'l.Ot'lt MAItKKT.
Output Kor Mm Week Killing Trlco * In
MIlllll-llpllllM.'.U' , Minn. , Jan. ! ! l. The North
western Miller says : The Hour output last
week decreased slightly from that of tlio
week before. The production was 17:1.1-1,7 :
barrels averaging USj57 ! barrels daily
against 178,870 barrels forttio previous week ,
115.000 barrels for the corresponding time In
IS'.ll ' , nnd US..HO barrels in 1800. Tlioro has
been a material change In tha operative situ
ation on thn falls since last week , and ttiu
output this week will be heavily reduced
Three mills of one largo company , represent
ing a daily product of o/er 4,500 barrels ,
have been shut down , for the week M least ,
on account of poor markets.
The present output Is ' probably not over
25,0JO ( oarrols , and it Is doubtful if the aver-
acre six days of this week will reach that
figure. Tno extreme cold weather of Iho past
week has reduced the supply of water to thu
minimum , and only four mills two small
and two largo ones- are trying to use it for
power at all.
JThoro has been rather nn Improved de
mand for ( lour during the week ondinu
Wednesday. Most nulling llrms report
enough fresh sales to absorb thu greater part
of tholr product for thn snmo time. The best
business has como from domestic markets ,
there having boon too fnio buying of patents
on upturns of the wheat markot. A few par
ties report a moderate trade , but the greater
number complain that bids are so low that
they cannot bo accepted.
Cables came In freely Tuesday and
Wednesday showing a sharp interest , but
they were usually too low to accept. Bakers'
and low grades are still hard to move and are
being moro or loss consigned.
Prices at Minneapolis have shrunken some
during the week , though higher wheat in the <
past two days has made millers disposed to
ask for an advnnco. Bakers' and low gradni
for export are offered at about 1 .shilling less
than u week ago.
Direct exports of ( lour for the week wrro
8'2'lSO barrels against 78t > 00 barrels the pro-
cod ing week.
.i I"- , s'Kro.vnntiti. . SUIT.
The Sunlit < r rushing Ills Ci n Against llio
ritlHliurg I'ost.
PiTTSiiniH , Pa. . Jon. 31. In the Quay-Post
libel suit today , after two or tlirco uninifort
ant witnesses haii boon examined , the clerk
of the Philadelphia courts was called and
prassntod the original records of the Bards
loy caso. Senator Qtiuy then took the stand ,
and said ho was not personally acquainted
with John Bardsloy anil novur had nny bmi
ness relations with him except in
his ( Quay's ) public capacity an
state treasurer. There was not a word
of truth in thn article In the Post. Thuso
answers were made to questions propounded
by the plalntilT'H counsel and attorney. .
McCook objected to the witness bolng Ind.
Quay was then turned over to him for cros-
examination. In thu course of tha examin
ation the witness denied that ho received
from Bardslny ? 3,8S7 uml nnvur hail m v
dealings with him , but acknowledged re
ceiving a certificate of dupoilt f-om
David Martin. Quay also doi.ii'd
that he endorsed three notes for
KiO.OOO Indorsed oy J. O. Brown and William
Flynn and cashed by Bardsluy In the Key
stone bank.
Ex-Collontor David Martin of Philadel
phia was the next witness. Ills testimony
related to the Quay and Bardsluy cortHlcalo
and Hid not maturially differ from that glvim
In the Beaver trial.
Senator Porter , Chairman Andrews of the
republican state committee , and John (
Uevlno , formerly probate note clerk of tlio
Koy.stoiio bunk , also repeated tholr testimony
as given In the Star suit , Thu prosecution
hero rested , and Attorney McCook addrim < d
iho Jury for thu defense.
Hotly Croon , who 1s credited with a for
luno of f 10,000,000 , lives in furntshod roonn
In West Forty-sovonth Ktrout , cooks luu
hruakfast on u gas fttovu and rough laundn. i
tier own pockot-handkerchlofs , btcatisu she II
toosn't want lo bo bothered with housi >
maids and washer-women.
Mrs. [ 'offer , the Kansas senator's wlfu , M
iloscrlbod ns a "pluln llttlo homo body , with
i fund of good sonsn and motherly reserve '
She In too plain to Hhlnu In thu glided clrclm
if Washington life , but lately , u is said , stio
lias boon tuKon under Mrs , llarrUou'n
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.