THE OMAHA DAILY Hl'K : TUESDAY , JANUARY JO , 1892 , THE DMLY BEEt K. I1OSKWATKU , KniTon. , f TKHMsoi' SUIiht'ltri'TION. t ( t > ir i \ \ Hi1" 'without Sunday ) Ono Year . t 8 f 0 Jl.illy mill Hundajr , One Year. . ID 00 HIV Month * . liOO Three .Month * . . . . . 2 M ( nudity li > i , Otio Yrnr. . . . . . SCO ititrdiiy ller. Ono Your . 1 ( M llop. OnuYenr. . t 00 oi riors. Omaha. Tim lira Unllillnu' . t-'onlhOmiihn , cnrnor N nnil L'fith Strneti c oitncll Illuirs. l.1'oarl .Street til'K. , 3 7 ( li itnljcr of Cotnmrrco Jnw York , KooiiiRl i , 14 nnd ll.Trlbnno llulldln ? V nslilnptnn , fit 1 rnurlnenlh s-troot. COUKISI'ONMNCI : : : Alt roninuinlcatlnnii relating to nowi nnil C'lltnrlnl matter ilioiiUl bo addressed to the I.dltorlul IJpp irtincnt. BUSINESS UTTKIIS. : All b'nslnew letters und rmnlltinccs should I (1 addressed In Thu Hoc I'lihllshlni ; Company. Omaha DnifiN. chccUs nnd postollleii onion to ln ) made piynble to the order of the com- tinny. til' ' ThcBocPnlilisliingCoffliiaiiy , Proprietors THK iinn BUII.WNO. ( WOKN SrATRMHNT OP CIHCUI.ATION. I tntonf Nobriixku , County of Douitlafi Is Gco. II. Tncliiifk. secretary of The HER I ntillshlni loinpiiny. docs solninnlv swoir Unit the notiinl olruuliitlon of THK IIAII.V HP.B fortho ncok ending Jnnuary Ib , Itwns ) as follows ! fmiday. .Tun. Ii ) I.2"n Monday. .Inn II. . . ' . ' ' , " > . ! ) Ttimdny. Jan. U . . 1'IV.J ' Wednesday. JHII II 2" ! U7 'i hnrsdny , Jan. 14 2.K.I ' rld r. J-in. is ' . .mo tiilurday , Jnn. 10 - ' > Avnr.tRo ai.180 OEO. Il T/.bl'IIUOIC. Pworn to I oforo me nnd aubsc'rlied In rny rrninco this 10th duy of Jnniinry A.I ) 1892. BKAt. N. I' . TKIU Notary 1'nbllc , The prowtli of the avoni-p dnlly clrcnlat on rf Tnr Klili for six years In shown In vho fol lowing tiblu ! Icr.JlKN' unit ccml donlors will not tlc- nitutu or expect symp.ittiy or cotidok'tico just now. A coitN'-con pipe fiu'tory ou ht to pay in Nobrtiska whuro the intitcriiil is so ehoiip and plentiful. Ima n paper dollar worth 18 cents in gold. If PolTor ho.irs this ho will want to annex. Cuba. ST. PAUL is ronchin < ; out for the dem ocratic national convention , tt is n trlllo too cold in that climate for the confotl. brigadiers. Ai.oiit : having Hpokcu for Bl.iino in the taattor of the presidential notninu- tion , Air. Algor now oxjout ) Blaine to Bpo.ik for him. A StJtionsriON from the coal men that the fnol supply is short was to bo o\- ptctod. There is nobodHO cheerful in thcso days vvlion the mercury fieo/os in tlio thorntomotor as the coal dealer. Guovnit CMvtrAMS pompons olati- tudos on tariff icformaro eood re.idinnf alongside the dtivcl of some of the democrats in the lower hottso who have undertaken the taskof reforming the tariff. Tin : Omaha grain inspection dopait mont economically ndmlnijtorcd will prove the efficiency and valuoof the law ; but if politicians are permitted to rillo the tt ensure box at will , the people will become dhgttstod and will topoal the law. AND now it transpires th it Chicago does not want a loan of $3,000,001) in gov- o-nmont bonds or funds in the tro isury for the World's fair , but an outright .donation. On that point there may bean an honest difference of opinion , even among the most aidont f Hands of the Columbian exposition. OMAHA honrtily seconds the efforts of Kansas City to secure the national dotn- ocratio convention , and wo hope that the representative of Nohraska on the national committee will cast , hi- , vole for her. If the west will htand together as it did when Minneapolis carried oil the pri o , Kansas City delegation will rot urn from the national capital with now brooms. Tuilrtoinoeratsof Mont-inn nro willing to hnvo anybody for n providential dldnto rnthor than Mr. Cleveland. Dr. .Mitchell , the tnoinbor for Unit state of the ( latnocr.itic imtloiml coinnuttoo , do- elnros , "I would go with the alliance before I would vote for Clovolnnd , " nnd this inuy bo presumed to rutlcat ttio bonti- inont of moat of the Montana , democrats In the west the fooling of hostility to Clovolnnd la oxtonslvo and growing1 , nnd It will munifosl Itself with great vigor in the nnttonnl convention of the deniocr.U'y. Tin : domocrntio nnllonnl committed will moot in Washington oiiThnrsdny to suloot the tltno and place for holding thu national convention. Tnoro will bu a lively light between nearly n do/.on oltlos for the honor of entertaining the Jj $ convention , nnd if Now York wants , it " "f ; vary niuuh the chances tire that she will got it. ThoBoloctlon of a woatorn city , however , is by no moans improbable , the arguments in fnvor of doing this being very atrong. it the .vostorn moil atniul solidly togotlier they may bo able to draw enough bouthrirn representatives to thorn to hnvo the convontlon hold west ot the Mississippi , Unquestionably it would bo a judicious thing for tbo party to do. A i.AitnK number of bills Imvo been introduced in congress tn repeal all laws or parts of laws that plnco n tax upon the clivultuiim ot state banks , or In any way restrict such banks from issuing bills for circulation. These measures look to the ro-estnbllshinont of the old itato bunking systems , tinilor wbloh the country was Hooded with bank notes , tbo giontor part of which could not bo used outside of Iho states In which they una Isitied oxcoptat a dlsuontit , and some of thosH tniuos woio not curriuit oven nt JiiTmo. Nobody who roinombors what the currency was in the "good old days" nf state b ink circulation will doslio the < o1 urn of that system. It wiii tlio very wo-at tn all ivsjioots that nny ec ever ) : ad. lonco. marktt pn HI T.MMnr.u .LVD Senator Sherman , in his npcooh to the moinborfl of the Ohio legislature nftor IIH ! ro'olootion , said"All moanuros to lower the purchasing poworof money operate against the laborer nnd pro ducer. " There is no sounder proposi tion than this In political economy. It is not the capitalist who .suitors from n dobtiBOd currency , because the moment ho socs the danger coming ho prop ires for it by putting his affairs in n condi tion of onfoty. Ho can hoatd his gold and can find a secure place for what ever securities or bonus ho may possois th'U will bring gold. Ho is not de pendent on dully oarnlngs or the otile of products. II is a very old axiom that capital can always take euro of itself , nnd it is Into today and will always bo true. Neither deus the manufacturer sutler fiom the lowering of the pur chasing power of money , because ho can add enough from lime to time to his goods to secure him from loss , nnd the satno is true in a measure of the mer chant. JJut the situation of the laborer nnd the producer is fur different In the case of the former the uniform rule IH that hid wages is the last thing to bo In creased. It is only after the values of nil commodities , ns expressed in n de- pi ccintod currency , have lnr'oly nd- vnncod that tho'ua'go rumor can obtain inuto pay for his services , und in man.v cusos ho ! b compollnd to make a light for this , li the meantime ho must take the money that is curt out regard tss of its tolativo value. lie cannot piotect him self ngalnst n coming dangi > ref currency depreciation , ns the capitalist can , nor can he iccoup hmuolf from week to wcolc or month to month as can the man ufacturer and mo'chant. He has only his labor and ho must bollat the market prioi for tlio money which the law de clares to bo a legal totidor , rogatdlcss of what its purchasing power may bo. 'I'lio situation of T.ho agrtcultuinl producers is very much the satno. The hit go ma jority of them nie compelled to soil their pi oducts as soon as they are ready for Iho market , and to ttiko in exchange for them whatever money is current. They cannot shrink the bushel nor t educe ttio pound in otdor lonniKo thomsolVIM good iigiuns.t the declining purchasing power of the money they rocotvo for thoircom- niodttios. They have absolutely no way of piotuoting themselves from the evils of currency dopieolation. Obviously , then , the chief sulli-rors fiom the debasement of the curionc.v. would bo tholiiboiers and tlm ptoducor-1. Thib ib not n mere theory , but u well- established proposition sustained by tint- vet sal experience. An example is at hand in tlio financial condition of the At gciittno Ucpuhtic , whom , with a circu lation of about $10(1 ( pur iMpila , business is paraly/od and tlm rut icttcy is BO do- pieeiated that the puichnsing pmvnrof $1 of it , rolnlitely togold , ib onli about 2(1 ( cents. There is not a v.iltd lo.ison for ab nmtng that the Unit'-d ' Sl.itos Would have n dllToront oxpi'ri- ence if Iho policy wore udoplcd hoi oof iwsutng a vast volume ot ptuior money , as certain demagogues and their un- retnoning'followors ate urging , and loss rapidly , thougti no less study , i lil i 10- sttlt would como from the ftoo and tin- limited coinage of silver. The ical friends of the labotor and these who oppose till moasatos , whos ' effect would bo to lower the puichusing power of money. a xr.At.nvs JIADKR. : C'ongtesbinan Springer appears to ap preciate to the fullest extent the privi leges that go with the position of chan- mali of the wa > s and moaiib commitl c. The occupant of that post is picsttmed to bo tlio k-iidor ot tlio majority on the lloor of the house of lopiosontutivcs , and although it htiH boon the c iso that this was merely a nominal dignity Hiich an example is not likely to bo ropu ilod in the case Of Mr. Springor. That gentleman - ' man has casiK boon Iho most conspicu ous member on the domofinlic stdo of the house since his oloviilion to Iho titu lar leadership , and it will evidently not bo his fault if ho shall not continue bii. llo has thus far bhown the most , toady will ingness to meet any public demand upon him fur an exposition of demo cratic policy. llo has tmulo t.vo or more nddicssob at dinnois since eongte1" ! ronsbomblcd after Iho holiday recess , nnd tlio inquiting now.spnpor corre spondent never tipponls to him iniiin. . In short , Mr. Springer bqoms to have taken the democratic patty in general and the domociatio majority in the house in pat Licular into bis keeping. It is said thoio are some among his pirty colltiuguoa who nto disposed to deride his /cal In tliis rosoct. | ) It is possible that Mr. Mills nnd n fovv others may have some doubtb ns to the ability ot Mr. Springer to carry out the ambitious task ho has manifestly set for himself. tint thobo gentlemen nto baldly fnir critic s of the vvayb and means coinmUtiio chairman , for the reason that their cat ofully laid plan to got contiol of the house was defeated by him. U is lo'inemborjil that there wore some very unc'oinplimnnlnry insinuations regard ing liis cotifbo in the f > pcakorbhlp con test , and It is highly probable that the dofcati'il faction believe bo ib now onjoj- ing the reward of an nrrnngoment they donotiogard ns having boon oxt'ctly fair and honornblo. Ilnnco their estimate - mate of Mr. Springer Is to bo taken with many grains of allowance. At anj rate , it is not likely to disturb the borono equanimity of that gontloman. It is n fact , hnwevor , that Mr. Springer has not yet exhibited any su perior qualities as n loader. IIU.oal U unmistakable , but it is not guided by n high eider of discretion , it is bud for a mun in his position when ho linds it nec essary to explain ono speech by making nnothor. There is some reason to ques tion whether Mr. Springer n fully con versant'with the deslrob nnd designs of bis party in congress. Ho has stated that there would bo no silver legisla tion , but it Is already determined that the coinage romnilttoo will report u bill piovlding for free coinage , and the gen eral opinion is that it will puss the bouse. Witli regard to the ttvrilT his statement that no general toviaion will bo attempted can doubtlosJ bo rolled upon , boo 1110 of this mtittor kho has practically the contiol lint while Mr. Springer has Iho inulup'itoil leadership now , it U by no moan * icrlaiu that ho I CUrUt a his a vior u ' - - - - , Hie I loaied Irom then bolng b ptlz a , lnce will bo permitted to rotnln It. M . Mills is going buck to congress thh week , nnd it will bo very aurprlslng I the Corsicnnn Btntosmnn does not assort himself in u way to miiko Mr. Springer realize that nil the democrats in the house nro not ready to dance to any tune ho may piny. Miris XKKDKD , The blockndo on the transportntlon lines , wliich so sorlously nITcctod the grain market , bus u lesson for agricul tural states which should not bo over looked. The crops In this grout country will Increase in quantity your after your The mUhnp which occurred this your is likely to occur nifaln , and bo more dis- trossltitr ns the volume ot crops incrouso. \Vo need no more trunk line r.iilrotds oxcnpt in the busy shipping season , nnd probably tow more , If tiny , will bo con structed from the grtxln producing region to the eustorn seaboard. What is to be done therefore .vith our grain is baconi- lug u problem of some consequence , not from want of n market , out from want of facilities to got the crop to in irkot in season. Sooner or inter the people of this in terior agricultural region must soak new soaoourd outlets. Wo must ship to Europe via the gulf and Duluth instead of Chicago and 13 tlttmoro. Kven this cottrxo cannot nlTqril nil the leliof needed. Wo must matiufacturo u part of our product horo. Nnhraska has mills winch milco as irooJ Hour as Minnesota produces. There is no reason why their number should 'not bo In creased indefinitely Stoatn power is used in Minneapolis by mills which uro abloulsoto tttllt/9 St Anthony's falls. For flouring nurposos stoim is in miny particulars preferable to witar. If our ptoduct wore munufucmrod tit homo and then forwarded to the soacoist for for eign shipment wo should not only greatly rodttco the bulk of the product und scatter shipmontb through : i longer period , but likewise ineioabe out prolits. employ additional lubor nnd capital und incioaso the locul demand From ovorv point of view the nulling industry do- borves encouragement. ( urnxa err TAX-IATKHS. Judging from the public ultornnces of the membois of the city council , they ate in harmony with the views ot the mayor rogntdiner a retrenchment of municipal o\ponbos , Tlio president of the council , speaking presumably for the maj'otity , announces himself in favor of reducing salaries where they nro tooliiirh , und dtspoiibing with olllcos which are not necessary. It is encour aging to find this disposition among I'ouneilmon , and Tin : UKK hopes they will not doom it convenient or necessary to chnngu their minds. Thu last few years have boon n largo number of tax-eutors foisted upon the public for politirul purposes. Wo have u municipal establishment sufficiently extensive to moot the requirements of n city of IJOO.OOO people. Wo must cut olT all unnecessary expenses , regardless of the feelings of political workois who domnntl rovvnrds for political sorTico * . Tim ehui tor jirovidey for dcpnrtnionts enough. It in not nec-essaty to crouto now ones by ordinunco. The charier olluois can perform sueh additional duties as bolot.g . to their line of sorvico. Pnrhaps if ovo.-y single position created In oidinanco wore established , the city could go without missing any of tbo otllclalb , ( .hough such aetlon might bo lee swooping. Them can bo no question , however , of the advisability of abolishing the olllcos of license inspector , sidowalic inspector , moat and milk inspectors , sewer inspector and plumbing inspector. Part of the duties of the license inspector can bo performed by the city prosooutor. The street com- misblonor and Board of Public Works ought to bo able to look titter sewer and sidewalk inspection. Tlio moat nnd milic inspection properly be long * to the Board of Health and c in readily bo provided for at half the present cost. Men at S7o a month or on a per diem of ? , ' 5 to 85 will bo easily secured to do the work hitherto re quired of tho-io officials who htivo boon paid till Iho .vuy fiom $1,000 to ft ] ,800 per annum. When the council moots this week lot us see by its woik that Us member * nro in earnest in their talk about lotronch- ni'jnt. tin ; t iTVAKu Nf noot iiiixi ) One of the most important questions before the city authorities and school boaul just now is invhat amount nnd at what rate of interest the bonds nulhoti/'od at the November election shall bo issued. Tlfo mcio fact that the people have nitthori/.cd the ibsuo of over ono million of city bonds for various purposes does not compel or even justify the issue of the whole amount at this time or during Iho present your. In fact , the only bonds that will have to bo disposed ot lit the near future are the city hall bonds , paving und feu wo r bonds , and u poition of the bchool bonds. Inasmuch us all these bonds are long-time , gilt- edge securities they should and can bo disposed of at a lower In tores t rate than the limit fixed by the bond propositions. The city of Now York has recently sold its iJj per cent bonds nt par and nearly all the btuto and city I per cent loins command n picmfiiin. Thoio isno rouHon why uI per cent tw only-year bond of the city of Omaha or tbo school district bhould not sell nt par or nbove pur. To Issue a r > per cent bond , no matter at what piomiiim , would In our opinion bo u gtoat blunder. Thorn was no inton- tioiron the part of the people , vho voted the bonds to i also a premium fund fur either the city hull , the library build- ding or the parks nnd boulevards. Nor Is thoio nny reason why there should ho u premium surplus created „ for the school boutd. The premiums itAiially allowed by bond brokers or bond buyots nro only u puttlal roimburbcmont for the excess in the nmount of interest to bo paid during the life of the bind. On the other band thu tact that Omaha is j biiod * 1 , < WO,000 in .r per cent bond * in the , \oar Ib'JL would natmally crotito tlio im- j prubslon that her croJll Ib not as good i us that of St. Paul , Kntisas City , Hoch- oslor , Indianapolis and u do/.ott cities that do not rank quite as high In pop ulation as Oitiiili i d os , ilia also tor ; , questionable vvliothoi tbo | Wouieu ' the whole nmount ot bonds voted for pnrkfl * niill bo llontcd dur ing the rjscnt * your1. There is nn danger jvvjiatovor that the parties who own the lands that nro to bo nc- quired for [ \yj\ \ \ purposes will decline to soil or ruisoMhe prices during the next two or throe4Yonra , Most of these limits have boon upp/uiscd nbove their market vtiltto and fully one-half of tbo money wo nra to o.xpondfor parks Is to go to non resident hum speculators who will not 4-onvost ! u dot I ni * of it In Oinalia It is also manltes'tl. liitt we cannot possibly take care of llleexlstlng parks und spend any considerable amount In improving the now parks during the present yo ir. At nil events , no now bonds sh'ould bo issued bourlnir n higher rule of interest thnn will bo required in order to soil the bonds nt pur. If stops have boon taken either by the oily or Botird of 1'Mucutlon to market 5 per cent bonds , their action can icudlly bo reversed so long as there bus boon no absolute sale nnd uanafor of the bonds. Urii.visiAV : ) night thn committee np- pointed to rulso funds for the annual mooting of the National Competitive Drill association will moot nt the Hoard of Trade rooms. It is a humiliating fact Unit thus fur Omaha bus boot , indif ferent to her duty on this mutter. The Omaha guards wore nuthoriwl to bid for Omaha at the Indianapolis mooting nnd they wore successful. To louvo thorn holding the sack now is contemp tible Our people ewe It to the good name of the city ns well ns the Oinalia guards to make good their guaranty. It will bo simply disgtacoful to permit the interstate drill to go olbOrt'hoio merely bcoauso of our indifference. What is the matter with the Board of Trade and Ivotil Estate Ovvnors association that they have not already raised ttio necessary funds to meet the omergeney ? ICHVA will probably enact n warehouse law similar to that of this state the present winter , nnd Council Bluffs will become u sharp competitor of Oinnhu ab u gruin market. The big concern on the bottoms will prove u nucleus for an elevator business at Spoon lake , nnd should awaken Omaha capitalists to the importance of seizing time by the bangs on this side of the Missouri before the Iowa law can go into ollect. Wo must Imvo elevators or wo can have no gruin market. Tin : delegates to the International Opotutivo Pinstoror's association which held its anniuxLnicoting , in this city lust week , curry tothoir homes very pleas- nut recollection' ' ! of their brief visit to this inotiopouvi * THR Fifth ward kickers have recov ered their wind and nro nguin in the Hold ready to mnko it interesting for anybody und vprybody. The kickers are pruicipallyi/nado up of Joe Rodman. Tlio | i'l ' . ( 'int . Mil's lost his ; rip , Ci sp got It , and con gress tms done nolliii | but xnee/,3 and col lect its per diem ever ? mte. > t - r i A Fatal < Mlilnl < e. " H'rtS/lflK/fdll l'tt. Since the discovery that Or. Graves purchased - ' chased his whisky at n driiir store ho has lost every vestige of puollc sympathy. Till ! I'll'l MII1SIII > Olllllll lilt , The latest phra o coined by Cleveland , "indelible inellgibllity1 nccimitoly describes the condition in whirl , ho was loft by tno election of Speaker Ci Isp . . - * m The V H Yoih r/nr. The domocints in Now York hnvo ceased to complain of Imporiil rule siuco they not control of the legislature. The pioidenl of the Now York senate has declined tbroo 10- publlcans in contempt , and threitens tn so i d them to Jail bccauso they refused to vote clthor for or against a tilll that thov wore not nllowull to know miythlng nbout. Tin : democrats Introduced , the bill , refuson to Imvo Ituonsideiod in committee or printed , and passed It without nllnwini ; 'iny one to know Its contents. "C/ar" Reed could le'ain some points In imperialism /mm Lieu tenant Govcinor Shoolmu of Now Yorlf. I'tllll ! > S 11 IfiHiiitatii Xtns ( ileni ) . The admission of Utah us a stnto is the highest jnfhltloii of the Mormon authoiitios of that tonltory. A few gentile politicians ] uln with the church , In tlio hope of obtain ing political preferment. The great body of the liboinls oppose udmUslon as an net tlmt will band the territory over to the control of the Mormon church as 1' existed piior tn the creation of the commission by wldrli the ter ritory Is now virtually governo ! . * * Utah is abundantly fitted for statehood , but ncr admission to thn union until the eontllos dominate the territory weulit bo a cilme without pniallcl In the history otthocountry. Tlio I'rlutt'rs' Home , Dfnvn ffma. The Chllds-Drexel Homo for Union Printers , at Colorado Springs , Is to bo dedi cated , with Inteuisting ceremonies , on the liith duy of thu connnp .May , tno niinlvorsnry of the birth of Mr. Chllds , It Is hoped by that tlmq to have u gpod part of the com modious building futuisliod. In the absence of n fund for that mirposa that will bo avail able so soon , BomO of the leading unions have concluded to land a hand bv furnishing cat h a memorial ronni ) | San Fri.nclsio union has applied fortho nilvilcuo , nnd tlio Denver , St , Louis , Chli'UBO anil some other urilnns mo constdoiinc tliojnnject. Uovond ilio honor of havini ; the mauioiial rooms n.iincd after the several doi > nm , of rouiso no special or exclusive priviliKP | , woull nccruo. 'I'ho ( 'm'nisiiliimii ( ! ( Isinn , Viil7met. / / . The court saypjtwt Mi. Counsnlmnn do- cllnud to answer , opt , on the giuund that tlm answer vvoulu crlmmato him , but "nn tliu J ground that It i tt ht tend to rrtmlnniulilm , " hat Is , ttiut It tmgft afford a cow ) by fnllnw- ng whluli sonitvoit of evidence n.'uliist ilmself could bo discovered , In thn imtiiio [ of tliuc.TO tlui-iVUiiosi must bu his own i ildgu liiiicliliif thuBtcinlonoy of liu lusti- j nony , and of cnuMolA ; will bo apt to oir on ho sidn of mutton. * Tim ilortini ; j nf the c-ourt In tnis ciuo was uiiii'iinuiiii. und i no levoiMil of ilcnn bo oxpuetml ; but It will lot ho stin'miolf In sotiii > < iuarliiM It In- | ensllliis nn existing fouling tlmtthn ( mat , n intorpietlntr the constitution , soiimllmot I loglects locoujujar avho undo It and for J vhat purpoios ti"wa nwdo , ai sot foith In i ho propimtii lint uutenu < } 0f tli-j tnstru- ' nont I inn : t r/ir AM s i7K . ! _ I Sin I i-Jiii'luo lixaminei" Chili In this tmltfr hus boon treated ulm loiilty. ' .bu into for forcing hUr to do ulut , ns u rivll zud 'kiul diplomutla friendly ( wuor , htts ihould li ivo done vulunt.uily ana piomitlv [ , 1IS CJIJIO Ihuiiu'o tl'unltl nnuii ; to \tti'ii un < is m tlio bt msi > of tu-u i jtliauO nnd vnln pcoplo , and nothing but the Hrlllsh nnd ( Jormnn mode nf dealing with thorn the , ing of a i ini on their harbor defenses 'vlll mnko than ) respect us as they lonr I'ng- land nnd ( lerinany. I'hlcaito News ; Hut II would bo unjust to Imply that the American people wilt .shilnk from war If such should bo thooulv ultlni.ito means of preserving our national dignity nnd honor In sueh nn event the humblltnt of an offi'iisUo enemy nnd the rctaiitlng of n national insult would become n duty to which tbo resources of the nation would bo freely pledged Denver News If war comes , it should bo vvugcd with tbo utmost , vigor. Concerning Its result no Intelligent person can Imvo n uoubu It might go ngulnst the United States for u llttlo while , but In the end the enormous wealth and pomilutlon of this country would secure us the victory. No half way nicnsiuos should bo adopted or pursued Chill should bo [ undo to feel the full force of the power of the United States , even though U should Involve the extinction of that government among the nations of the world. TIII : ni'iti : or ci. IKK.V/ ; . Chicago Tribune : Though his career has been n short one. ho displayed qualities of character which , had ho lived , might have a'luvcd ' some nf the national anxiety as to his capacities for ruling. New York Uccoulcr. The death of the duke of Clarence , heir piesumptivo to the Itrltish crown. Is not an ovout of great polit ical linpoitancu except In so far as human sympathy boars upon political conditions mid fashions public results. Chicago Mull. All the world loves a lover , and thu fact that the young duke has bnen of Into very prominent In that clmr.ictar gives n sadness nnd tcndetnoss loan cxhl bltlon of public grief which , but for that fact , would bo largely formal Uostou Advoitlsor Clarouco was never Intended by nnttiro to succeed to the throne of his grandmother , and after the Hist shock of grlof has died away the Hrltlsh people will be content that the nffnlis of state may full Into the hands of the younger bt other Chlc.iiro Post" Ills believed by main that thooung man who bus Just died would never hnvo been peimlttod , with hU puny mind , sickly body and offensive manners , to mount the'throno. . Happily , perhaps , for Hrlltsh monarcblsm that question will never bo tested Now York Sun : liven royalty , beneath the Iron maslr which court etiquette compels It to wear , is but Human , and no ono , however ardent ntminst motiuichism , need hosllato to express sympathy for the dead prince's mother nnd for tno young girl placed in al most the saddest position which a woman can occupy. Denver Sun : Ho had shown himself as far ns opportunity had been e'von , well worthy of tno great heritage. Ho had pi oved equal to all trusts that had como to him. If ho Im'J not manifested thu qualities of greatness mid genius , It may well bo snlu Unit ho had never been placed in u position that called them out. Chicago Inter-Ocean : Ho had many of the qualities requiMto to liiitlsh sovereignty in those days , and , perhaps , to become moro lequislto with em h succeeding He was good nntured and ho was not endowed with giont mental ability. A King possessed of geuliih , or oven an original turn of mind , would bo&adly out of place on the British throne nuwadavs. Now York Tribune : Whether his loss to Kuglutid is great or small no one can say with authority. To the queen and to the nrinro of Wules , and probably not less to the voiuiL , ' princess whose hand ho had so lately won as the prl/o , it was pleasantly said , ol true love , it is deep and saa enough.Vith these especially the American nation will feel a genuine sympathy. lon\er Republican : Although tbo death of the duke calls out the sympathy of the nation for the royoi family , It may bo said that the Hi itlsh pcoplo lose little by his de mise. The prince of Wales' second son , I'tinco George , who now becomes hoirnu parent to Ilio throne , Is n moro popular man than thobiothor was , and is endowed with sturdier physical and Intellectual qualities. ( iiKi.'it i" rn't > . Jewelers' Olrculir : After much solicitation the Ccrm in Kovornmnnt has douldcd not to send the \\ulrli on the Itlilno to the World's Colnmbiin exposition. IlimUm Courier : When nn Irish b ihy is In the cradle you ein't compose It with a shani- ri > < k Tiiliiine : Tourist ( In Kentucky ) Is ilimo a piu.ile detective agency In this city , sir5 Colonel fore--Ni ! ) , suli No optuiln'full one , oillu'i. Tliuh nli no privates heuli to detect , mill" OHIro Itnv ( to employer ) I've got a eom- pliilnl to nmki' . sli. rinplmoi U'nll , wl nt Is It ? ( Mill n lloy-I'lio e-ishlor Kicked me , sir. I don't wint micnsliloi In McU mo Unililujer OftoiirM ) ho Idiluul you You don't xM | > < ; l mo to ntleiid to overvllilns , do vnn. ' I can't look nflui all thu little details of the Iiiiiliuiss ni eir. A MOM ANCK OK 1 WO MAIDS. I'UClt. n.ieli was lux ml by , i lever poor , And D tell ! > } , i lover ilcli Ono Llo i MM I to thn L mhlpai swain , And onu tn the rii h did hitch. Tlitui ill ouh of the youthful wlvai fin ; critic U uorld Hid tilt. And unowiis biidiibbui a foul , 'I hu oilier i vciml Jilt. She Win re nro yun unlnir. cousin ? liu To II inker Uoldlai-'s to , iik for Ills danuhini's li mil Shu Which onu' Me Tlioynun.iHlIf well lecelved , thu oldfSt If ho Is eioss. I'lilliidelphla l.odgrr : A ludv who culled foroyhlniH nt ,1 oliiucli fill In UUh ltildic ; , X ,1 , , found In hut mouth a po ul vvhlih s suid ID have hrcn oslli.mtcd ul n value of sevrrat liinulrnd by njuvveler Now let u invert nt ruiinirlih abiint uliurch oyHter htpce ( isu. Juhn .fane , what h.ivo yer done with lh' inllK us was left friiin briiiiKfnsI/ .l.iiii ) I 'iive It to the child. .loliii"lllaiiie yei noiihiuisiciil souls , didn't idi l.niiu i win savin' It fur llie puni' ( ii > od News : Sj niiiathl/liiK friend Mow did you lo o yotn lc _ ' ? Ainliltlons youth ( \vuiUly"l'oot ) bill. My' my' ' Did anybody Ulckyoiu" " ! \o ; 1 Klukcd nt tliu ball and ml sod It. " \ \ : i-iiliVtoii 'How ilo yon like eon- gri-KS. ' aukud ono hill of another. "J ol xcry vvull. " "ll.ive von hiM'ii-liiliodiieed/ " "Vcs ; I'M ) heim Introduced , but I don't think I'll ever gut to be un an tntlinate foot- l < u\voll Conilcr. AMien IMwIn Arnold coos to , i hotel rn.Klfi to lino1 * his n une he aln lys imls ( in HKI iirofalorv " Mi " Woll. why mil/ \\h it lu > w inlH Is , i ( Ivinlghl's l Itoiion TraiiMilpt : A tiiiin in ty lie sild In oiijny H good appetite when , atlnr uallng all that Is lii'foii' him , ho Is not ulllln-1 even to leave the tithli . I'liil.idiilplila Record : "That's n pnt-im Ion , ' viM lliu innri h mt us ho n iw tin ) sheriff iiu-liiU u > ilo nutUt * on hiplnie , Voiiuersi-l itniman. 1 1 Is linidly ifu to pay h iul > a ooiinli-rfoltiti In hioun coin. I ( Hind Nit ltIdiiiicr , Di.s\iit : , Colo. , Jan. H. I'ho counsel and Trlends of Ur. ( itavos assort thaty the have Hscovoied imioitant | ovlilonto In favor ( if tlio doctor. They claim tlmt ono nf the witnesses for thn proberulioii , uliosu 11,11110 is vvlthliolu , told several pununi , while ho was iltidoi I ho Inllttcnco of liquoi , that ho had sent tin' bottle of poison tn Mia Uarnahv The mun is said to bo In Die east. The persons tu whom hu told Hus stotv give a ; u louson lor not owning forward holoio and lulling what they know , that they did not ( iiui to hucnmu iiiUtid up in thu caso. U Is expected Unit Iho for n new tuallli Mi Craves' case will u.t niyued befuu > thu supiemo court Wcdnesdiiv. Hoporta from I'niion ( 'ltj suv tno doctor is in good .spirits and spends mui h of his time in roidlng. n n ii t iinn i/ . . , SlillitII/i ( / Jiillllt ll The wuutliui novel suluu Mi. Jimus. If It w is lint , ltd wasted .ill h K Ktr.Mu'tli in futile iroiui ; U it , is nut. Hu s ild U friuo llie miirnnr In his bonus , And sworu it lot. Hut Mr . .loin's vvonld nmm muUu uomplalnc. If II iMisiohl , HhoKiiht'ieil , Inn sliu stood It. lll.i ) li S'vlllt In 1111,1140(0 ( ( It And. thoush 'iui * nut onotuh loiiiiiliu her faint. MII > U nevoi unit I. Tliwy'relHitli dead mnv U U worthy pilr Y U kuuw limn vxell'i. ' And Niri Imic * U very li tuiiy ul < m I ll" HI , ' ' II ll\Vl > I W ci Mi 'O ' ' 'I ' ! 'I I ' jit l > > % I' CHILI'S ' FORTIFIED PORTS , Army Officers Scouring Information Oon- cerniug the Sitimtion. MAPS OF HER COAST IN CIRCULATION. Siirvrv * Worn Mitiln Yrnrit Vgo lint tlm Itrr- uriU Indleiile the lituiit l.orittliiu of the lilt ; ( Inns ol Ilin Stint li- crn llrpnhllc , CHICAGO OI'HKVU OP THE Br.n , I Ciiicuio , IM. < .Inn. 1S > . I What may bo regarded ns n Biznlllcnnt In cident xvnt the receipt nt nnny liendquartors here jostr-i day of a largo number of limps from ttio War iloimrtmotu of the forllllud ports of Chill. Tito nmpi , which worn taken from surveys iniido In IM7 , nro * ala to show the oxuot position of uvory fortified spot ntong the Chilian coast. The latgojt of the maps Is ono showing the ultv front of tlio city of Vnlpatnlso ntiil the exact location of every fortlllcu spot Iti the city There nro four largo sired foils commanding the harbor and flight or ton huivy butonot between the north and south limits of the city. The number of gnus In use In thoio fortllled spots Is probloinatic , but niniv ostlmato that there nro not less than 1UU Genoinl Miles declines to discuss the Chilian affair or the receipt of the mups , pto Con ing that all nou s bu given out , utV iish- Ington. Ills ulde , Contain M 1 > . nus , said tlio maps sent from Washington g.ivo a clear idea of the strength of the Chilians In the matter of Imibor defense "Vulpainlso it well foi tilled , " ho said , "but the hoivv guns of our biggest warships could silence her batteries In n short time , in m > opinion " Captain Muus said the maps \\nre so lit luoicly that the olllonn might become nc- iiunlntea with the situation. Aim > onlcars nil over the country weio brushing up their knowledge of the military strength ot Chili , and there was no doubt u great , domind for map * , sucb ns had been sent to hondo.uarteis here. It.'Mi.H . ot the Til II llnllilliiK M.itll.l. As n icsult of the tall bulldlne mania here , S. S. Williams , latelv traveling for the Hoffman it Koofo Metallic Pile companvlias , ! become deranged thioiigh the contemplation of a fanciful scheme for Hie and burglar pioof skjscrapeis , and ho Is now in the detention hospital. Wllllums mid n plan for 1111 "Expan sion Tumbular Construction company. " Ho could erect sixteen ntory buildings In live days , raise or lower ceilings nt will , nnd at nlgnt when the janitor hacl gene homo the Janitor could fold the building up or else lower tbo ceilings and diop butglar proof shutters oor thn doors nt will. . To Kuork Out n Cnlnn. < / Hisloaincd that con foreucos of loproson tntlvo stoambo it men have boon bela for sa/oral weeks nt tbo Lclai.d hotel huio with u vlow of forming a trust for loading and unloading vessels , which It is claimed will doa aay with the stevedores union. A.I ! . Mo Kae. who Is at the head of the organization , 3U.V5 ; " 1 have contracts with the six big steam boat companies agents to tnko full charge of the unloading now done by stevodotcs. The companies nro getting tired of those strikes and constant friction between bosses and unloaders and 1 Imvo agreed to contract to Knock out the union and hire Just the man I want , " Alluhs. John Yoo nnd Ed. Cnshin , West SIde heavv weights , fought sixteen hard lounds In a barn near the corner of California and Chicago nvonuos. Cashin knocUod out his opponent. The mill had hosn pond me some \\oeks and the affair was brought to a doclnlon In the picsenco of n few friends of the pilncipnls Jnclt MoHugh of Chicago nnd Dick Fit/ geratd of Indianapolis will light twelve rounds in the latter city next weak. Trlnil to Ouilroy the UlllldliiK- . While Olllcer Thomas of the Tivonty- second street station was pasting Charles Meyer's ' tailor shop at y'lJT ' State street last night ho noticed a strong odor of gas. Ho was convinced that all was not licht Inside Accordingly ho forced open the door ami was almost overcome by tlio escaping pas , Hu found that thlitoen'jots had boon left open and gas was pouring out slondilv. On tlio lloorvas a tltrhtod lantern. The indicalimis were tha a plot hid ticen laid to burn the building similar to the ono ulilch was dis covered and thwaitod in Max Alonndor's sloro on State stieut TliO building is n Ihroo-story fiamo. on the uuper lloors ol which live ( Jhailcs AlcDouald und wife. Mil ton Minncr , wifn nnd nhlldren nnd n Miss Murphy The odor of iras was BO sluing n Uio third storv that thn tenants rnulu noi rotiro. Them sooins to bo no doiibl that there was u delibcrato plot to dostro the building A big Ilio was burning in the stnvo , which was rml lint , ai.d In 11 few minutes it Is prohahlo an explosion wouli have ocLtiired. Odds .ind KiuN. James Cramer , 100oars old , died at the Homo foi I ho need at Shofllold nnd Kulloitoi uvuniios yost rdty. Ho was n native o County Loiliiin , li'oland had boon in Amur icn about llftv years atd was n tesident ol Chicago for llflonn voais. Cantatn llugcins , of Conoral Miles' staff , loft for Jndinii Tointory today , llo uill Investigate and ruuort on the Matrn ghost dancer , which , it is said , some of tlio Indians uro indulging in F , A. o\i : or o u i/ i , s A / ; ; ; / 'thin LiiitnlliiK Hun I hlnks u Wliiilcsulii Dry < iollS ( IlllllhO VV.IIltcil , OMVIII , Jan. 1To the Editor of Tin : Ilhi : As tin ( JtnJba oouiiuoivial travelur in Oimiliu 1 would liku to call the attention of out business men and capitalists to one of Omaha's greatest buslnois noLOssitloi , nnd at the same liino offer n lew suggestions as to how 11 may bo obtained I'hn wholesale diy iroods buiinuss Is today the poorest top- tufcctitnd line of goods In Olualia , and In say- inir this I do nut Intend to cast any icljectiuns on our twit vnrv popular ilr > goods Hi ins. Hut 1 holiove thiit in Oinuhii theio is toduv tlio boU1 opiiiiing for \\huleialt ) ctr > goods lioiuc , with a capital of fiom $ . "iJ- ( ( ) Oi" ) to $ IUUI'IKH , ' ) , of nuv cltv in Aliifiica L imtkii this usseitton as a uiilnsiiinn who has tnwflod over llie entire stnto nf i ouraska , a nutut Wiomlni ; and the Illaok llilin. I knuw llmt the i ( Hail moruhnnls of the entlio west have u kindly fading for Out ilia , and would buv moro goods in .ill lines in Omaha I ! thcMlty goods market xvas licit tor. The bunellts of suoti an institution would bu felt by tnoiy Jobber now doing business in O'mnha ( the | > icb0ia di > goods nii-rchants not excepttMi ) , nnd I tiulitwn thiil If the | n [ ier COUISR Is purdiind that weuiui hoon have sin It an institution l < ut tlio Hoiird nf Tiude ni snmi ) in ivntu Individual of liilhiDiice oigiuil/u ii stock company if no othur wax. Tirst , gel your captlnll-ils In tnkn slot k In tlui LOIII- l > nnv und if they do nut tni < u all of the stock , o to Uio Jobboi-i In othei lines and lav the iimttoi bofoii ) thoin. I boltcxo that thov now lcl thu nuod of u butli-i ropnisuiitiitlon of Lho dtv goods bunmim to ! > iuli an iixtont .hat the > would gladly suhscilbo the ro m iindei of the stonlt Tlioi would then Imvo i cniiliiion Inluiest in iniiUliig the business a success 'I horu l pknt > of good buslnim ability in the \uiini ; tnon of Oinnhn. Many of them \\ould bo ulad In get Into inch nn In stitutlon and help tu mauo it a NIILCOHS. vuny of thum tmvo the uhilitj and uo thu ucu' , nut ate minus the capital homu might xay < thut MiUi an Institution uould kill our picnenl Huns To such I would tefer to St. Joseph , Mo. Three yeais tlnco sovornl live young men who hml Rrown \i | > In ono of the oldest drjr goods houses in St. Joseph concluded to got thulr cnpltal together and start nnothor whnlosnJH dry poods house. They got iiomo capitalist m. toro'tcd itli them , and started In It wns dul mod by the knowing oiuw that some ODI- uould Imvo to quit ; that thoruo * not busi tiuss oiiough to MipDorl llvo drv gonds houses In St. Jon. NotwllliJtomllng those as soitlons , thov have nil prospered If \o > > would ask any of the old lit ins thoro. tin-v will tell jou that they have done the largest business Mnco the now llrm iitnrtcil In Uic\ over did and 1 nm Informed Unit thn IIPVN llrm Is doing ntlen t its slmro of tlio bus * hoss. Today It has a contract lot for onocl the largest dry goods buildings In , > t .lni > Kvory man In Oitmtm should start Jo tnlK Ing this nocosslty up , mid the sooner joti do U the boitor It will bo for all. Vorv truly , A COMMKHCUI. S\MSM\S ; flit , HI'JOIMHilt. ' , Mull ! \ \ rlKlinnistirVrltrn t'olnlrill ) ( on i ( Tiling Airnlm of Ills Olll . . OMAIIJan. . IS To the Hditor ol Pur Urn : Whllo I don't very much bollovotv lushing Into print to ventilate or con rod 'in\ ' matter , yet the tunny ittatements and misap pi ehetislons either from Icnornnco or olhor onuses , Imvo led mo to call n halt for a patties Interested , Statements of X \ / In World-Herald , also by Atlas could go b. unheeded. The letter to the lloaul of linns pollution by the gialn men und also an urtlclo in Tnu HKI ; of today should oo iocogni7od , conscquuntly an outline \Mllia i nn npolog of my dcpaitmoiit ncts.nmv given belter understanding to the pat' - having the business dime. When the law Hist bocnmo operative thi n woio no public warehouses as contoinplai. t undnr the law. Thu Hoard of Tiado r Oinalia , wanting a grain mniket foi ii > stnto of Nebraska , In ciinjiinction with t t. . ulovntor men of Omaha , did uiganl/o a giux boat d , and the two piomlncnl elevators , t < t , Omaha Elevator company nnd the Ton an company , conducted to oncourtigo the sunn b > Inking out private warehouse licenses nn i taking benellts of itispcctlun Thewolghm , , dep.iitmont came to take chnrgo also h didn't commence wet k until the midole r boptcmbor , when the Omaha Elovntoi coin patiy desired It. i'ho other was not teadv although I loportcd dully. A good mini } cm woiri weighed , some by mvsolf , othon not , so that when tonuostoil to give coitlticates It could not bo done. M } Hist assl'tniit a > that tltno could not report nnd , knowing 1 must Imvo two , I hired my son , In whom 1 had Implicit confidence , to nut nt thu Inrgu elevator , knowing ho could nnd would render duo services to all parlies conceinod , giving him loss sulnry than 1 undoi.stood their own man tu charge of the same duties wns gutting \V lion both elevators came in ho partlv took the losponslblllty tn the elevator when at \\orknndltookcarcthat the vvelghur was under oath ( for which the department did not pay ono cent ) , and alt the woilc connected with tnv Hrst assistant's duties were per formed by woi Icing often late nights and earlv . morn. e When ordciod by the board , upon npplici tion of other warehouses needing snvice , I got blanks and books for the same nnd hlioil a man to go to u ork as soon as the work was ready , which upon representation would bo right away or nt least In two orthreodn > s While vvaltlug ho ivns put on duty to post him and to earn Dart ot his wages and that nuvu uiuru noiy iirau i requiieu lornsuoil time. but the douurtmont has paid for but ono mun outside of my assistant and thu ono assistant has only dtawn his salary as such since thu mlddlo of November. I tuight heie remark that wo icceived but llttlo salaiy , hardly nuftlcicnt to pnj bonrd. Now In regard to C. E Taj lor receiving SI.'JOO fordoing the same duties as "holpot" the nmount of business was at least S to 1 , which I , from u business standpoint , think would justify the extra sulaty , besldo what responsibility ho was held accountable for. Also ho was not allowed forextratlmo nluhts , after ho became assistant , but such was allowed nnd part paid fiom 112 ns Individuals to thn hcluor , as I did not wish to carry extra time if I could nr range U othoivvlso until this whole matter was HOttlod , so I forwarded last month's 10 poit for $4i < ) for "helper" with notlco to "holper" that he might bo dropped by tin 'JOth lust. , or If nxeded nt the other elevator his wngos would bo In ncLOtdanoo with his wet if. Now , to the end that all mav know the duties of welching. It is loqulslto that the assistant or vvolutior shall bo present nt the olevntor at nil times from 7 a m. until ( i p m , and to horvu tbtso pintles ns they havens I have given them sorviro once or tvvloo on Sunday ( to which I enter protest ) nnd for three months nt the Omiihn elevator , with but few oxLOptions , until 10 o'clock p in. The Lorlilicato for these cars must he inndo out and the whole matter must go on lecoul at my ofllco for lofoiouco and ns stnlo busi ness. Thoio must be some superintendence given the business and other mattots con- nuclen with thu depaitmont. Will n man of business say that this can bo dnno with one assistant nhd myself even should i.o oxiKen cios niisoi Fora parson cannot bo picked up \ouwould a roustabout nud nut under oath nt a moment's notice and used as weigher. 1 consider it my duty to take chnrgo of and look nftor the intoiosts of both state and warehouses In my dopaitmont , and to do It as oionomluilly as can bo dono. " But \\u must wait when every thing Is new to lenrn , and knowledge comes bv oxporionco. One word in logaul to my asking for u raise in the salary of my llr.tassistaiitwhlch , was done on December 15 Ours was and Is the only vvcighmnstot's ' or grain inspection dopaitmcnt ot the state out of debt Ity cai of lit economy In tlio purchase of furnl litre , llxturus , stationery , oto. , und by hard woik wo had placed the business on n pi > inn uusii. J nu i.uury ui iissisinius in ninci iloparlmonts had been llxod nt $1,100. mine was drawing less. I unlv asked that Ins s.ilnry bo inised to that of the othois. It may have been Injudicious , but was not with nny Intent to put ml wocnincd into the hole , for It is with some pride that I can show a surplus , and Iho department hem has no tea son to Incienso Its uxponscs that I can see My pay rolls hnvo never homo but Unit ) men , until in November , when It was sup posed the Lincoln dopnrtrncntnnd Woodman Kite ) io company would require immodlutn service. Tliii investigation lecommomled bv beciotniv Koont/ should bo taken as to what was necessary in * ny dopaitmont , which has been conducted In u thorough nud Impiirtlnl manner. I did not expect to ECU mv business befoul the public , but was rather called to a shou down , and this must bo thn answer Thusu tu whom I nm nciountablo will ( hid no olthn bunks mid pipers ever open for invostli.rn tion. I ( laim I need two assistants , and unit hclpnr for mnoigoncius , to faithfully ill * thu ditlios of my olllco , W. H TAHOII , State \Vulghmastor / / / / . / nti.\t : roit liuimi llnris Deli I mini d In Dilvu Illii < 'IIMI | < IH Irnin HID Ilium , JCvnvvii i K , Tim ii , Jan. lh Information from Coal Creek ioachlng hero today Is of n ven quiet naliiii' A party who Is thought o hu tonversnnt with Ilio situation has lull uatod that It Is prubahlo thu minors Imvu spies nmoiu ; the troops and special guards irouiid tlio convict oimp , and Just ns teen as ill Insidu facts can ho had an attack will hu undo Thn troops wilt bu forced to light to ho death or Mirtonder nnd the convicts tu eased. 'I ho accidental killing of the colored onvlct last week continues the stibjuct nf conversation throughout thu mining uuutloi , mil may aid moru luun anything elm in u LOIlIIICt. ( liiinliid it .tint 'I ilnl , OTTAWA , III , , Jan IS The stipioino court IDS granted n now tilal to William K Curdy nuliii sontoneo of death at Hockfoid foi thu nurdur ot Samuel ICnmlngor. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U.S. Gov't Report \