TUB OMAHA DAILY BBK : .THURSDAY . , JANUARY llt 8PEG1HL NOT10ES. " OVl llllRrMFNTH rOll T K M COI.OMNfl wilt bo Inkrn until IJ'.TO p. m. . for the oTenlng nd until 8CU p , m. , for thnrriorhlng or Sunday cdl- All ndTrrtUcmnnts In tlic'e columns ISronti n line Hr t Insertion nnd 10 tents a linn thereafter , or 13 per line p T month. No nllf ortlieracM tnknn for lerstlmniS < ent for the first tnsprtlon. Termeaiih In artmncc. Count About 7 word < 10 the lln . Inlt * ialp. llRnrps , jrratiolK.etc . onrU canntimB word , All ndTprtlsemnnts must run coniceutlrcty. AdTpr * tlif ri > . by rpiupntlnir n numbered check , cnn IIKTO their lollrrsaddressed to a numbered letter In cnro ofTMKlirr Anitwersso nddres etl will bo dcllr * fled on presentation of tlio chock. TSTtANCII rJFKIcTlH-ADVKHTiHi.VO KOIITIIK8B J'rolnmns nlll ho taken on the nboro condltlnns I the fdllowlnnlnnlnriK honso * . who nra author * Irrd to take special notices at the same rates as ran be had nt thn main onicnl rinnllinmnha llrnneh Offce No. IC33 N street , l-lnter block. John W llpll.phnrmnclMJIth and Wnson utrecH. P. If Knrnswortli , plinrmnplxt.JII'i Cumlnit street. W..I Iliiirlies , pharmacist. Wl N liltli street. C K. Cnttcrllelil , pbarmscUt , ITI8 I aronwortli street. V plinrmney , 2 < tli and rarnam. WANTED ! 1UTK8-I1 < 1 n line first tlmn nnd lOe n linn them- nfter. Nn ndtprtlsomenl taken for less tlmn 25o < A" -WAJJTUII , ANHxi-KUIKNCKI"ACCOUNT- nnt from an ontslda town wants to scciirn n sHuntlonln tlio ClIT of Omaha. Hl'lenillil refer- cnrfu cnn bo furnished ni to cnpaolnty , sobriety and truAtfulne.s.s Address I < 2lJca olllte. A-WANTKII. A SITUATION I1Y AN KXI'KIIT bookkeeper nhd slnnoKraphor ) enn fitrnlsli No. I roferoneen. AddreV. . IKiVituiilin , VtKarnnm \ St. 205 I4 V WANTED-MAI/B HELP. _ _ ItATKS KXa line llr.st tlnlo and 100 a linn there after. No advertisement taken fur Icis than 2.V. T > WANTKHl < 10OI ) HAM'HMKN TO HUM. AD- J > vertLlnif cnriln nnd novelties on commission direct from manufacturers.oucantnnkoJJO per week. .Address Advertising Hpcclnlty Co , , lliifTnk ) , " " "n WASTKD. AWKNTS TO HKM > A KINK 8KI.F.- JJInmirtlcle , hlu money iinulo by rintlern Ad- ilress L2I , lleeolllce. > IMI IB * BW/\NTKD .VAN OK ROOD A1IIHIISSS AND plenty of cneriryi must befalfly educated and wllllnir tn boecnorally noofuh ( food pay to rluht man M. K < Klslior.S2U I'axlon tilock. Mail U _ _ , AT O.NOK. 3 OH 4 XIHHT OIA88 J'liand turn workmen ! nlin onoopunitor on Ills- ell 4-pnrt odiro trimmer. The DCS Mollies Shoo Jlfg. Co. , Dos Molncs. la. M7-U * , y noon HAIIXRSS MAKIUS AT clc & Son , Crete , Noli. Mill II ' lWANTBtX OKI Alt SAiaW.MiN roll NK- .Obrnskn to MI well advertised clear t6itho , ro- tnll trade , ( ilvn experience nnd reference. Ad dress I' , O. Ilux913. Uhlcnuo , 111. .WO 14' p-WANT A MAN UNI > HI18TANI > 3 WA1TIVO J'on t.'iblo nixl urorknrOtiml hrtuse : none need mi- jily without the best of city rcforoncas. Apiily ! UD i bouKliis t.i ' H 1) W4KT.RI ) , A I10V TO CAIlltV A IIOUSK 4 > roiito On Dully Kvenlnu lleo. Apply nt Hoc olllcoJli10p.ni. ' M2IIJ p-WANTHI ) , 1 OOOI ) COAT MAKKUS. .IOIIN Ji > 0'Connor .tHun. Clindron. Nob. 111 ! II * B"-JO KIHHT CLASS AIIIN TO8KI.I.TIIK KCI.II'rtK wiliiuora. Amurlcnn WrlncorCo , 1IXW Howard utrcut. MI74 Ij. * -WANTIil ) , SIX KIUST-Cl.\BS COMiAH-MAK- en : ntcndy work. S. It. & I. C. McCoiinull. llur- llriKtun , luwo. 1IU M B WANTKI1. YOUNO MAN WITH iUIAMi OAl'I- t l nnd plenty of cnerrtv nnd nxpcrlonco to rent the. best ncwd. Htatluncry nnd book ntnnd In tlio very llnnst location In Omahn. Aildross K III , lleo. 168 B -WANTKI ) . SAIr.SMKNON8AJAHV Oil COM- mlgxlon to hnndla tlio new patnnt cliemlcnl Ink crnnlnt ; iicni-ll. The Kreateat .idling novelty over produced ; ernv : ' Ink thurouizhly In two recomls ! no ntiriinlon of pnpcr : 200 to W > ) per cent protlt ; ono ncent'Biuilen nnioiinti'd to f < KO In nix diiy , nnothor tn In two lionn. Wo vrnnt ona Konernl nvont In each atntonnd territory. For terras nnd full par ticulars addrcxa Monroe Eraser Mf ( { . Co. , J.u Cro no , WIs. , XM. 7C1 VTAUfKn. DltUIJ CLHKIt KKOISTKHBtl IN Iowa. Ono with n little capital preferred. iAp- ply to llarle , Haas A Co. . Council muffs. M7IO T > WANTKD. A YOUNO AND NKAT COLOIIKD , ' J-tboy to tend door. The Boston bloro. 'JM WANTED FEMALE SELPi ItATKS lie a line Ornt tlmo and lOon line there after. tf o advertisement taken for less than 2. ' > o. p WANTKD. C'OI.ailKI ) WOMAN' TQ OO TO vASouth Dakota In mlnlstoc'sifamlly of three , rut- orences rcniilrcd. Address L2J , llee olllco. 2.VJ 13' Oliilt FOli - 1IOI1SI5 U/work , family of three , 818 I'ark nvo. I2AM3 . ruro ' , A COMPBTKNT CIIAMIIKIIMA1II ; rofi'roiiroj required. Jllss Kountzo , 1'orent 11111. | - 1111 13 _ _ /I WANTKI ) . tJOOIl ( Jllth KOIl OKNKHAI. vyhousework. Mrs Hamilton , Slf.'l Karnnm nt. M 187-1.1 /1.-A OOI ) { j'lllli FOIl ClCNKIIAIi IIOUSs'- V/wprk ; fauilly of two. UM South d street. Miff U' | ' FOR KENT HOUSES. < \ linn flmt tlmo and lOo n line there after. , No advertisement taken for lets than.liSo. rffALirAli'iriFOtfu" TtIO < t8 Williams , Bet'lSth nnd ll.th St. " HUNT , 10-UOOM FUUNIS11CI ) 1IOUSU , -J. il harnnin ntroot. y s U > von. HKNT. a-nooH JIOUSK , COIINEU MAson - son und lath f trneU ; In. KOO < I repair , Imiulro at .H7 l.lnton tlii John Hnnilons , .MjUii D-KOIl HUNT. 10 HOII815S , J3 00 AS1 > Ul'WA jll 8 per month. The O. K Davis company. 190 K10 iTPk-FOlt 'llKNT , NK\V 8-UOOM COTTAOH , 271J J-'lluwnrd Ktrnet ; all modern convcnlonces. Ham llton liroa. , liulldora , 414 S. IStll. Tel. I17J. _ _ , ' MICA Hi' D -8-uooii MODKRN ; &ij s MD ST.ra * D-KOU KENT OIIKA1 * . IIOUSK O * ' 14 11OOM6 I4J Jackson street. A. Murifliy. Wl 14' TOAU"1NO IIOUSK KOU HUNT IN SOUTH .17rnahn. location hot suited for nn lrlshmaii. InqulrotittUg , lUih tr et , Omaha. t MUSS in * fVrtf , 4 &S-HOOM Jl DUSKS. HO to JI5f I1KST 11KS- J-/d6ncd / flkts In city. Stead InV't Co. , IK ' lleo hldz. . 7U .T TOlt RKNT. I10USR 10 1100JIH , ALUMODUHN , .L/lniirovcnmnts | , PU.IX ) pormoptli , 32d anrt Karimiu. ] ) c'\lcr K Thoniux. ' 7UJ -Hill 11KNT. IHIOO.M HOUflK , WITH HOTll tiaa and ranvq If ilcslrcd , all In uood condition ; location near Wth nnd Ht. .Mary's avonuo. 1'rlco roiiiuiuililo ; Apodal terms Klven to the rlKht party. In'inlro VU1-1 Furnam at. , or ( I. 11. Tzsclmok. lieu nu-o. T\--NHW IMIOOM COTTAOKH. MODKIlN 'iSI- ' X/pruvuiiientn , "Stnnford-'Clrclcs. " Apply CX 8. KlKiitter , rouni 4. N. V. I.lfo bull llnir. TIJ ) : | \ - . | IPQJI llOUai ! IfTTll AND DAVKM'OllTj o. all convonluncvs , t.5 00 per month. V , K. IMr- llne , Ilnrkor Mock- . M EUS -Nl.Ni : TtOOM IIOUHi : . MODKIIN IMl'llOVK- nuMit . runsonnblo , l l N. Sitli avo. Apply. It. K.ill li.tiillor , 311 N. hitlint. 500 P-rOll IIKJJT. TllltliU NliW 7-ltOOM. ZSTO'IV cotlnuos with bath and new iraitu , at and near corn IT Webster nnd Thirtieth tlruatn. lli'duced to tJU.UU each , llonry W. Vutoa. \vi -FURNISHEirnboMS. . " ISo'rt , line tlrnt Imu nud lOo a line there- No ndvoHUumout taken for lejs \ 1 ? I'OU HUNT. N1CKLV FUltNISIlKl ) . 8KCONI ) .IlJBtdryhnrk room , suitable foralnclo ( tontluman , vrlthiinl board , la S. 25th street. JJi If KitoNT itooMS , Jionmt.v , STKAM , OAS , 4balhh tn. . forUcntlomon , IS17 Leavenworth. IUI 17' _ E-HOOMft M.OO AN1J WJX ) I'KR MON PH. IHltl _ Karimm ttrceU MUM IS' 1NK KI.V r'UKNlSllKI ) UOOUS KOlltlKNTI.I- 'mini ; iiodorucuuvenlonco9. | Addrusii J. T. lleo. "U " * _ „ _ _ _ -NICK ICUUNISHKU UOOHS AT1J3J OAl'lTOL "I * I'M 14 * _ _ _ _ ENKLV KUUNISHKD nOOMS , Il N. 18th. _ uru JIT * 7-NIUU UUUMS , STKAM HKAT , 11O IIAVKN. M47U JI'J * * UlUNiailKU UOOH9SI2i DOIH1K llll J1M ROOMS AND BOARD , WITH UlUUl ) kXlt KKl - tic-man anil vrlfo with prlvuto fatally. Inaulrij IrSl lllnnejr atreet , Kounno l'lao . HJl rf- ifCiimmKu'UOQ'MS "wrni ii ( > Aiii ) . a AsT i bath am heat , Tarmaruasouablu. ill N. llth at. _ _ I.AUOK bourn UOOMS WITH IIOAHD. . Tabla board accommodatlona. Home comforts nured. TUa Illllslde , n , vt cor. IStll and Dodno. Jll.Vi ll > > RBNT..UNlf'JRNI3HBO ItATHS IJca line Hrst tlmo mul Itto linn thoro- t > lS No _ advertlsoment takan for lent than'Jij. Q-4IIQOM8 TOll UKNT.U3I 8 , HTU STUKKT. Gf-J. S AND 4i IIOOM3 TO\VN 'TOWN huusokuf ulng ; K to ill par month ; chonpiut I possible , altr many homo * . U , K. Hulls , 311 laxfoiblock. . ia BOAnDINQ. _ _ HATKS lioallno rlr l tlmo aTud lOo a line tnaro- after No a4TUftlnaient taken for lets thai ) 2ic " " 'VI LLilAN 1IOUSK. 1310 DOIK1K. mil UOOD iHianl , ul er rooms , convenlaucta , rates. Mid lo OJtlun l > tinaut b < oxcollvd , Mrs. lloiu.pruiiriclor. * J1 K II * * FOR JlENT BTOnEa AND OFFICES. ItATKSI.Vallnonrnt llroii and lOo a linn tbrra after. No ndTCtllsamcnt taken for MM T FOIl IlKNTi 8TKAM HKATK1) OFKICK rooms , Ulh and Jaoknon ata. 351-10 T-KOll IlKNT , TUK 4 flTOItY llltICK lllfllitllN'O. J W Karnam street The building has a llro proof cement basement complete steam heating fixtures , water on all tl\o.noQrs \ , gas , ate. .Apply at tlio ofllco of The lice. " 18 f-l'OIl HUNT , 8TOIIK , IMS JACKSON BTKKKT , KENTAL AOBNOIKS. KATKS-Iton line first tlmn ami llc n linn there- nftcr. No sd > ortl mnent t > cn for 'leu than 2ic. " .M20J L II. K.COM : , CONTINKNTAI. lll.OCK" . -ItKNTAf , AOKNOVt HANK UKfc'KUKNOKg , -IK. U. Oartln A Co. , 1 Hlicoly tilock. M Til STORAGE. 11ATKS 15on line llrnt tlmn ntul 10o n lint , there- nftcr. No ndrnrllsvmont tnkcn for less tlmn 2io. M I-ltllY. CI.KAS ANII I'lllVATKI.V HTOIIKI ) furniture. Onmhn Steve lli'pnlr Work , 12U7 Ooitjt 7tW M -01.lr.ST , OirKAIT.ST AND ttEST STOHAOH liousu In tlio city , WllllAini & Cross , 1311 llnrney WANTED TO ltATKS-l.Vnllnnllrit tlmo nnd luo n line there- after. No Advertisement tnkcn for less tbitn 3.'ia. IN MINNKSOTA Itnlldlnir nnd iJinn AMv'n.ln which at least three monthly payments linve been made , A < Mre i 1 , 22 , lieu ollitV. MftM U T-\VANTKII-WH.n l'AV CAS1I FPU A HKC- end l hnnd plnnoi ; mint i bo nvrny down. Address , kind and lone price , "It IS , " llee. M2IS II' AT-WANTEII TO HUV AT IIO'LTOM KKIUIIKS. J n limito nml lot betwooil l'oiplotun | uvo nnd Cnllforjitn ami Stlth and : v > tU ntreuta. Aililre i''UJ Doilitu struct. 1W-1S' \T-TOIIUYSKrONIMIA. ' FOItNlTOKK.IH II i > o t | irces p.ttd. llostoufurniture Co.JW ( N , 1Mb 8-11 rlJ * _ : ' - Ktllt.VITOllB. UOUCIHT , HOM > , STOIIKI ) . \Vell , llll Karniun street. 771 T'OR SALE FURNITURE. KATI53 l.'ieallnqllrst tlni9 ant I Do a Una thor nftor. No ndrertlsemciit tnkun far \6if \ tlmn 35c FUUNlTUIIKrOll SAl.i : OK 12-UOOM IIOUHK. 0 J blocks/rum Ibth St. , coed locution for roouiers and Ijonrdors : house forrcnt. Address L2U lice ' ,22514' MISCELLANEOUS. ItATKS tr c'a line llrst time nnd lOcnllnn there after No ndvertl ement taken for less than -'Jo. p ATTJNI : > SMITH'S NICUT HCIIOOT , IN'DOOK- Jbooklnu ; terms rcasotinblc , Uo5 New York Ufo. 2M IS- ) SI'KCiriO OXYOEN COItHS CATAUUII. 510 -lieely bulldlntf. MZ'.I in * CLAIRVOYANTS. ItATKS ISo'nKno llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for ICSH than 25c. , revelations Chnllenics the world. Mrs. lr M , Leernvo , dead trance clnlrvoynnt , nstroloitlst , palmist and llfo reader ; tells your life from the cradle to crave : unites the separated ; causes luar * rlnxo with the one you love ; tells where you will sucieed and In what business best adapted'for ; has the celebrated Kiotitlnti breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Inlluenccs ; cures ( Its , Intemperance and all private complaints with inassnpo , baths mul nl- cohol treatment , Send t2 , lock of hair , name and date of birth nnd receive accurate life chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; Rive Initials of one you will marry ; also photos of aamo. Oftlco 1U07 .South Hth street , llrst floor ; hours , 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. Como One , couiu all , and bo convinced of this wonileifulomcle. M330 111 , S-MIlS.iJAMKS , TllM FOUTUNI5 TKLLKIt , A real glpar.tcll > past and future , 2021 ! Dorcas st. 243 U' S MUS. MAIIV .KHITX , 2429 LAKft BTKKKT , elnlrvorant and trancii medium ; Independent voices ; tells past-and future , SPT-JZI' S-MUS.NANN1B V. WAHHKN , CLAIRVOYANT , rellnbla business medium , flftli yoar.utllUN. 16lh. 772 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. IIATKS Ific a line Hrst limn and I Do a line there after. No advertlsoraontUakOD for less tenn 2Jc. rit ! s7Al3K tlsiT r 7Kinv"WiST r JL parlors In Omaha , over MO S , 1.1th st , M 2 FII * ri' MAOAMK. SM1TU. UUJ CAl'lTOL.AVIiNUBI J-2dtIoor. "Alcohol , sulpbnranasoa baths. ' " - . H" „ . , ' - MB3in * r\T \ MASSACIKTllKATMRNT. ELKCTRO THRU- , -liiimt Imths. ycalA and hair treatment , manicure andchlr'opodlst.Mis. l'ostJI9H S. 15lbWlthnell blk. 77.1 ' "PEBSONAL. tea line llrst time nnd lOc line there- nftor. No advertisement taken for less than ' > a. U A YOUNO WIDOW. UKKINKI ) . WITH 11 BANS , would like to meet a Kent Ionian competent to ndvlso matrimonially Inclined , bend stumps for particulars. Address Harriet Hunter , Oruahn. Neb. 13' MUSIC , ART AND LANQTJA&E. line Mrst tlmo and lOe a line thorn- nftcr. NO advertisement taken for less than 2Jc. \r \ WKKOUM I1UYINJA ( , I'lANO KXVMINK TUB new scale Klmball piano. A. lluspe , 1514 Douxln 771 T-O.'K OELLKNI1KCK. BANJO TEACHKIl with Hospo , orMIH N. 15th street , 3d floor. .U. ! TO I.OANREAIi ESTATE. UATJS ll > a n line Hrst tlmo and lOo a linn there after. No advertisement tul.cn for less than 25o W LOANS. CITY rUOl'KRTV. i : . NKI1. AND W lonrn fnrrua. K. V. IlliiKor , IM'J Ftirnaoi.C5US9' C5US9' . \r-UMNH ON TtKA.1 , ESTATE , I.OWKST I rates. The O.P.UnvIs company , la I F10 TIT" AI'l'I.V TO .1. Ij. LOVKTT FOIl CIIKAP ' money ; onlr upon llrittclusa ccurlty. yy ) South 13th atrcut. M1I80 \Tr-ir-l'Klt CKNT VlltST MU11TUAUK LOANS , 11 Itlclmnl C. Tattcrson , till Knrii'uui at. 781 T , 1IOAHD TltADKi KASTH11N MJ.'I \V-ANTI10NY LOAN ANDTUUST CJ . 313 N , Y. ' Ufoilondut lotr rates for eholco security on Nebraska or I own furun or Om.ibii city property. W I , \r.M.IIAIUIISK.20 , FllKN/KU IHIC. 781 Wws ws SKCONO MOKTOAOKS. ALKMOOIUJ. . 401 CO Ifllltf. 7SU \ \ r-LOAN 1HWA CITY 1'llOI'KUTY , KAST > > eru Ncli . nnd farms. K. t" . Itlonor , 151U Knrniini , r-Cl.NTIAI.UAN ANDTUUaT CO.UUU 1II.U . 7JI \ T MONEY1 TO LOAN ON LONG OU SHOUT > tliirulnsumsof WOU to iOl)0. Mutual Investment Company. 770 \\r-r.owKST itATisa OF INTUKKST ON FIHST > T class aectirlty. l.ovctt i. Woodman , * } H Utli. 7bliJ \ \ _ "l\r LOANS ON I.MI'UOVr.l ) AND UNIMl'UOVKIl ' I city property , SI.OOU and niiwnrds.U tu S per cent. No delay * . \Y. Inrouin Smith ft Co. , 15th A llnrnuy , . 177 " \\r-LOAN80N IlllAL KSTATi ; ANIJ ( MLLAT- ' trral notes and inorlKngea btinglit. lleuit A Selby , ill lloant or Traito. 77'J ' -Q. U , WA1.L.AUK , 312 11IIOWN MD.'I A\r llKAI.KSfATKLOANStJlX ) 7 I'KH CIlSTi M no additional chiiruos for commission or utttir- ney' fees. W. II. Mclklu , First National bank bldi ; . 775 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. UATK3 ISo a Una Hrst llmo and lUo a line thern- after , No ailvecO'euieut taken for less than ZJc. \ MONKY Tu"Tb.\N IIY 1 ? . T' . TlARTKIl3"oX vlaunohold KpoOfl , pianos , oriinnn , horses , mules , wnuons , etc. , at thn lowest potslbln rates without publicity.Tumnval of property or chanue of pot * tosKlon. Tlmu nrranced to milt thn borrower. I'uynienU of anrr.mount ran bo maae at any time , reducing both principal r\ncl \ Intorett , thna KlvInK patron * all tuo benellts of tliu partial pay. muni plan , I'nlluml DVOIIIO when you want u loan , or If innra convenient call telephone li l and your business cnn bo nrraniivd at home. Jloneyalnaya on hatuli no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rate * ) lnulne s contldenllal. 11. V , Mas ( rs , U < Wlthucll blk , , lilh and Harney. x 737 VllOll'T 1'ltlTCIlAllU , U 3 , W1TIIN15LI , JH.K V - M i \-CUAVtKL LOANSOH K. V MPB. SIOHIU'j' ' - , 3JJFIU * _ X-.MONUV TO LOAN. 30.CO. AN1 > W DAY8 ON furulturo , etc. purr Green ? r JO , Coullnontal hlk. 18U _ XMONKY TO IX ) AN ON CHATTKLH : IS to SO xlaya. Ill } CnmmlDi : Bl , MOIS.'FI X-CHATTKL LOANS , lIBNtSDICT & WKAV , OU I'axton block.Voloanourown moner. cliarv'o uo oouimlatlon. It will pay you to consult us. MSUJ3I * CHANCES. a lie a line r t tlmattnd lOo a line Ihoro- After. No MlTOrtlsamunt t xei > for lust than jla. i' . AND - room fur r nl | o . Inquire UU Farnaiu YKOHDAt.B. A WKLI , rUUNlSHKl ) BAIJ30N In Wo.t I'olnl , Neb. , two lillllard tables , one poULUble. ui ) Hlr for dull roaui * . ttnoit locatlou | u town , oomiutadt the bail trad * , llvasuu Tor mlllng. u rtl | iolnglqto tb whalasale business. For i' rtlcuUrs , rluQr | pi > ly tu K tfooueuschcln , Wnst 1'ulnl , Nub. " ' " ntlSINESS CHANCES. Y-VOIl 8AIK _ . . . . . millinery Roods ; Invoice * $117.1)0 ) ; Itoont In , ( Hobo hotel. SIJIJ II * V-A CLEAN HTOCK OF OBNRItAI. MKUCIIAN- JLdlae In ( teed good county neat town ; will tnko ndnio tlrst-clnas unlncumbcroil Orrtaha or farm property. Addrens Ii 4 , lice. 1I7-I& * VT-WANTEII , AT ( IIIKKLKY CKNTKIt , NKB. A 1 man or men to buy grain nnd Mock. ( Ireeloy Center Is a county seat of about l.W Inhabitants , n railroad junction , contrnlly locnlcil In n banner county for Htork nnd uraln A parly that under stands tlio business cnn hrtTo plenty to do and ruaku his money. Address Hoard of Trade.MS01 MS01 U * 011 EXOIIANOK. IIATKS lion line first time nnd I0 < ! n line there- alter. No advertisement taken for loss than 2.V. Nf nroom modern lioimc nnd 1140 ncres rlear Texas land for Iowa property , Adrtrrss LZS lice. \ MJ3 _ ' _ Z-FINK HTOCIC IIANOII , UI.KAI'J'NIU'H JULKS- Ix-ru , Colo. , with stock and Implements , lo cx- chnnKo lor merchandise. Ill I'axtiin blk , M245 l& IHll KXCHANdi : , 4 1 ACIllIS. Ok' UNIM / proved clear land. What have yon lo Offer ? W II. llartlett. Campbell , Noli.r - - 25fM7 * y4iUOO CLKAll OMAHA I'llOl'UUTY Hill ill I'axton blk. ' "M2(0 IV rFOIl 8ALK Oil EXCIIANCfU A GOOD CIlKM- fJtcnt engine for sain or will exclmiiRo for lidok nnd ladder Out HI. Address Clerk , Arapahne , Neh. M2II-IS' rWtt IO A OKNKHAI. HKAL KSTAK K.V- /Jchnnk'C biiKlncns.Ylmt.linvn . yoil to oiler ? Western Kxchango company , Coliinibna , > < . _ V IIKAIi KSTATH TO AMOUNT OK IM.DOO OU /Jlcsa , Inclndlnic land , vacant lots anil beautiful modern homo In Omnha for well established bunl- ncflA Hint will hear Investigation ; lianlWaro or Inrce uoiiernl saddlery business. What linvn yotiT Address I' . O , box 7'.kl. Omaha. Ml.78 ll ! r/-CLKAN STOCK OK ( IKNHUAL I'D'Sh't Wlt.Ij /-Jlnke real estate .V money. Ilex ? .0 , Frnnkfort.lnd 7JI FOB SALE HEAL ESTATE. HATBM ISo n line first tlmo nnd 10(1 u line thore- nflcr. Ny advertisement tnkbn for le s than I'm. IT'AIIM OK ICI 'ACIlliS UN SAlll'Y COUNTY , J Hood house , burn nnd ontbiilldlniis. larco or * chard , Inrvu wnlnnt nnd mnplo k'rovc , walnut troea bcnrliiKuhundiince of fruit , living water , n miles fronvbprlnRtlcld.onlylll pcracre , n bargain , C. F. Harrison , UI2N. Y.J.I fe. 2M-15 TVTlCi : COTTAOK CUNTIIALLY. ttO CATKIl : -1- ' f iirnltnrn for sale or to rent with cottnen. Ad' dross Ll'.l. lieu V2il IS * 1MNK I'lttllT FA1IM SITK.IK ; ACItKS. AIMOININO city limits Council Illutls. Address I" . A. lllsser , Council III u Us , la. M ! 4 13 T7OUHAL1 : . 1IK8THAIU1AI.N INTill : CITY , 41X127 J-feet with fi room cotlnito nt 2171 lirlstol street , worth W.SOO , for IU days nt $1,801 ] ; WOO cash , balnucn to milt ; owner removed from tlty : see mo quick It you want It. J. H. Johnson , 843 N. Y , l.Ifo building , l'JJ-17 TTOIl SALB. ON SMALL MONTHLY 1'AYMIINTS , L' 10 houses. The O.F.UavIs company. 1'Jl I'lO rp\VlLVK LOTrt FOIl 8ALK. IN WIMT SIDK -Lomaha. Address KM ) . Dee MW'J ' 14 * FOIl SALK. IU ) ACIU FlltST CLASS KA1IM hind In Knox countyTJUUonly ! required for lint payment. The O. K. llarls company. li'.l ? U FOIl SALB AT A UAKOAIN. LOT 13 , BLOCK 4 \V.U Sh'-lliy'a llrat addition Co . .Mouth Omaha. Small payment down , bnlnncu onthly If desired. luqulro O. II. Tssuhuck , Omaha 1 ! 3SJ FOlt BALIS , HOMK3. ANY I.MilCK , 17.10 , fi , X ) CI' ; easy terms ; take clear property as tlritt payment. O , G. Wallace , Drown block , Ibth and Douglas. ' foil SALK , NHBKA9KA KAUU LANDS. Oi O. Wallace , 121 Drown block , Ibtli and Douglas.7M 7M AT E. COKNKIt 29T1I AND 1IICKOKY. COzlSO 1 > .feet : a barunln for n few dnysonly. > ' . K. par * line , llnrker block. , 794 STOCK WINTERED. KATES ISc a line first tlmo and.ldc ft llrto'there- nfter. No advcrllsomont taken for less than 2Se. HOUSES AND COLTS FED AND CAltKD FOIl im farm two miles of Omaha' from (4 to tc month. 411 S. llth street. Tel. IJIXIs M2H3 H3 HOUSES WINTKltKD AT LOWEaTnUATKS AT Dellcvue stock farm ; box rtnll" Jf , desired. Clarke , 19 Ilonrd of Trade building Or Uolfevue. - , 715 DRESSMAKJNO.- HATKS'-I5c a line ( Irst ( | | iie"lind JO nftor. ' No advertisement tSkdn fo fits. W. J. 8COLES HAS Ol'KNKI ) DUICSS Lmaklni ; parlors at the N. 13. cor. lltl ENOAOEMENTSTODO OIlESSMAICLSfiJN FAM- stFAM Hies solicited. .Miss htu > iCU | S.-J-'iitll st LOST. HATES I5ca line llrst tlmo and lOc a' line there- after. No advcrtlscmenftnken l"ore ( tlmrf2.jc T OST ON Oil NEAIl24th nnd SKWAHIJ8TIIKKTS , JuinrKO pocketbooteontulnluK ndceil to land near Omaha. Finder will be ronnrdcd.br loavlnir at 2U21 1'atrlck avenue , t M2J7 (4 ( KAIH GOODS. BATES I5cu line llrst lime umk I0o n line tfiuiu- after. No advertisement taken for less thnn,25c. " T ' AJtOEST STOI3K IN KjmUK -IJtrlciU wlgn and beards u specialty. Wit's , bangs , snitches , hair chains , etc. . In stock nnd td order. Mul ! orders solicited. Davlcs , HI S. 13th Bt .Omaha. PATENT SOLICITORS. ' ItATKS 15c llnonrst tlmo and lOc n-llne there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 2jc * AND Sliest Co. . llcobulldlng , Onnihn , Neb. Branch ofUcont Washlnxton. D.tl Consultation free. T'.i ; MASQUERADE COSTUMS , ETC. ) HATES 15c a line first time and lOa n line tUero after. No advertisement taken for lesi tlm'l 2io ' lVDTESAGENTLEXtEN'cANr JUSNT MASQUErade - rade costumes at 114 SlUth , Golden Kaulo store. CUTLERY QRINDING- . JKND YOUlt SCISSOKS , IIA/.OHS , ETC. , TO HE Jsround to Uuderland. % Co. . IditS. 14th stv 793 MAKUF-i-OTURINQ JEWELERS. CASH I'AID FOIl Of.D ( SOLD. CAKSON A Hanks , room iiU Barker block. Oiuuhn. m > PAWN BROICERS. IlATES-lScallno llrst tlmo and IDu a line thpie- after. No advertisement taken for lesa thnn23c. EIN : r. MARTI , UNMOVED TO 107 s. IBTH ST. U7i in. * Single and Double. 19Hi Street , Opposite Court House. BB > . J. E , The Noted SpeclnllM In the iro.itiucnC of nil form 4 of PRIVATE DISEASES. 17-1 cars experience , < ! leel alid ! ilfnmi ! < fna dls charniis : Strictureordtjltully | o the Illadiler ; By | > hlU and nil liium | of ilio lllood niulBlIni Nervousness , lienorol IXjolHty , tait of Matlhiwd nnd Ambition , \Yunt.utlif $ nnd Vitality , Had Memory. Dependent , L > lscour4ud , llelluf ob tained without loii nf tltna from l iuluots. Tlu most powerful remedies known to modern science for the troitmont of the above diseases Tlio > eakgro > r strong , the dosiwndent b.ronia cheerful from renewed Vitality , Ambition ami Cpuiaire. My resources unit fitcllltlet for dolor t uslnoi are uu- urptnea. All corroipondvnca strlclly pilraMi. write for tern * , circulars and quottlon list , Illh and Fttrnqiu Hlf , Omaha , Nab. .oex a BO ijiM imttur * . niTsrtsturot. l lll uj Mill IB f vit levlfr i > tosnrsunrsrtrpr . I mf mm srrlptlaa to nl rj small , wralc KJI IJ IB iL. E ? " * "n'1 r' ln ctiril for Vluar.lJulului Impotcnrjr. J.l > . UUI/bil. U 3J TO THE. . . PUBLIC Romnfknblo Rdtjtijta Obtalnol by Dr. O. Gpiy < J , tboFamou3 Oi'lnoBtir1 physician. , tr. Mrs. P. 0. Penning at Onmhi , Toll ? Her 8toiy-Bafl Her Life. Mrs. F C. ForflMffg snys : Knowing thatmvltfo 1ms ( muii spared through the skill of Dr. C. Goo .Wo , the Chinese physician , I tnko gr\iat \ pleasure In ru- rommondinrr him 'and his methods of treatment to nil who tntiy bo slclc or ills- onsnd * w DU. c. 01:15vo. : . My chief difllculty wus in woaklunirs , from which I have suffered from tlio time I was 10 years old. A yoac ago I contracted a soyqro cold , after which I had hemorrhage of "tho lungsand iiVery bad cough. "I got no relief until I called on Dr. C. Gee Wo. After ten day's treatment I noticed a decided Improvement in my condition , nnd it wus only n short time until I felt assured.that my health could bo fully restored. . I had neuralgia through my entire system. I also had catarrh , stomach and heart trouble , and always had a very wcaic bock. ' "I have been treated by-many loading doctors , but , never received more ttian temporary relief ? JI now enjoy better health than for' many years , and I can sny in justlco to Dr , C. Goo Wo that ho has done for mtr.Svhrtt other physicians ' said never could bci 'done. "During my 'visits to the doctor's ofllco I have witnessed some wonderful cures. Paticnta who wore given up to die wore cured by him und completely restored to'heal h.j "I have taken'a ' , number of my friends to Dr. C. , Gee Wc 'gllluo for treatment , and all of them are feud in their praise of his skill nnd ability iir treating their cases. ( "j'r ( ! "lean nppreclttto' a doctor who can cure lung trmiblo.J3 "I will give further information to any ono calling alf'ihy residences , UI 10 California 'street , jjr at my husband's ollico , No. 1315 Douglas street. ( Signed ) MRS'op. C. PKRSHING. Omaha. Nob. , D'CV 3,1891. Dr. C. Gdo Wo Hft&also the following remedy prepared at his office. Catarrh Cure. Asthma , BUVwl Purifier , Kidney and Liver Cure , > Sick Headache Cure , Feninlb Woaliuo P'-Ouro ' , "Indigestion Cur6iLoafi MapjibfvCurojfthcutnuUsni. ] { { tiL'uroit : Ijcico $1 putrbottlo.-six. foe $ i * f * * BlOi NofitliflI ; ( h stvpot. - ' J 6191 isfortlx IQtli Stroat. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , ' 1007 FARXAtt's'rilEE. T. OMAHA. NTH. RH1LWBYTIMK CHRP Leaven IIIUltl.lMiTUN X MO. It I Vh'It. I Arrives 'Omnha , | Uepot IDth uiifl MIIHOII jjta. | Omnlm. C.i.l0 : n ml..Kaunas City lny Kinross. . . . ! f > M i JT.45 p milt. C. Nlitht Kxp tin U. I' . Trans I ti.40 a m Leaves I UNlON'l'ACIKIO , I Arrive Unittlin. | Union DcpotlCtli nnililnroy 3ls. | Onialin 8W n m .Ilontrlco Kxpross . . 7 ( XI p m IIUK ) B 111 .Denver Kxpress , SOU pm 2.1S p in , .Overland ! Iyer , , , HIS p m 4.u : p m \'i.Ki \ p m UTO p 111 . 1'Mclilc Kxprcss . 11.25 u m doing CHICAGO. It. I , A 1'ACIKIt : . I Krum Knit. I Union Depot IDlli A Mnrcy Sts.l Kust. 1UOU n ml Atlnntlc HIM p in 4D."i p ml VcstllinlulC.xpress. LIU p m U.1U p nil Mglit Ktpr . . U.4I ) a m ( Joins I UIUUACO. It. I , ttl'AUIKlU. I From WeaL It.'nlon Depot lUtluind.Mnrcy Ma. | West. l.'JU p ml. . , . . . . . .PeMverl.lmlU'il. . . .IJ.4U p m 7,05 p ml Deliver Kxprusn J7.TO a m Invca ICIIICAUO. MILVTt r > T. I'AULIArrlve Onmlml U. I' . dej > ot nnil .Miiroy an. | Unmlm 345 p nil . , S1. I'aul Limited lu.jj a m Loaves Cll ICAflO A N nf IlWKftTKUN Oninlm 1) ) , I * , depot , llllh and .MnreyMls. T.5 n m" ( K * . _ Sunfj ? ! , . I'nsscniior. 1 a i u m . . . . . .Chlcnki 6 > Bxpross 5WJ | i in , .i , . . Vestllfii nimltod U.li p m . . . . .KaHC rai Kljor 7.00 P m : . ( Ki.Hat. ) fB V all ( lx. ! Mon. ) . * leaves I OMAllA'h T. I.OU1S. | ArrlvoT" tmali | u. 1' . depot. IJimuiid Mnroy 8ts.0inahn | I.IU | ii | . . . . . . LoutjTOtonoo Iliill. . . . . | U.15p m Lcavei F. , K. A MO * lArrlves Omaha Depot , litlimiil Walittnr Sta. ( Omaha Ii M a ni ! xpros > fu'AI p m UOt ) n m ( Kx. BiiU W ; > ( lMtxp ( Kx. Mon. ) 5.3) p 1)1 Ma p m . . . .Norfolli VIU. tiuuday. ) 11.11) B m & .C p m HI. I'qul Kxpresa. . . . . . Si a m leaves I O. , ST. IVM. A O. Arrives Omaha I Depot. IStii onft Webster 8ts Omaha 8.10 a u UU ) p m IJW p m 13.41 p m 5ti p m J.2J a m 8.15 p. ni 8.45 a m Lavea i r&ns8OUllifO'ACIVIU. lArrlve ? Omnlml Depot IMU ani | Webster BU. I Onialm ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " * " 930 p | ! ! . ! . . . . . I.'ouliv jiiiiress ! ! . ' " ' m Ijtnvna I K. C. . SI' . JOBA f * . II . Transfer ) Union Depot. Council Bluffs.ITransIor 10.00 a mj. . . . Kansas City Day Kipre i. . | 5 - ' . ' > p m 10.ISp _ m | : . .Kkn3as _ Cltv Night _ K ] ifUM. _ t B.8U am Leaves ICIHOAliO , HlrtlT/N & UIUNCY.IArrlv ea 'Iranifor ) Union Depot. Council II I u It a ( Transfer DM All A 4 BT. LOUld. { Arrives Unluu IH.-pot , Council HluITs. ITransler l.tU p | . ' . , . . . . Luula Canon lull. . . . . . p m 810UX C1TV & I'AcltV Arrives Transfar ) Unlou I > epol. Council lllutts. Transfer T.li o uit .btouz Lltjf Accomiuodattou. . 104X1 p m tMg \ . , , . . . . . . . ' ul Kxpriti. , 9.10 a m Leavffs [ CllU'AUO A SOUTH WK t'KUM Arrl tea" Ttausfer ) Union Depot , Council llluBs. Transfer 1101 p ui . , rt'nlca o Kxpriiss . . . 430 p UI i.li p m. . Vestibule Limited , . . . t ID a m lacu p m1 hajti-ru Urur . . . . ISO p m O.U1 p m .Kx bat ) Allanllu Mall ( Kr Mou ) 715 u m T.Wfc iu | 1U.W p in , Prleo | "Worth n Guinea a Box.2Se. | . ( ( QUICKLY SOLUBLE PLEASANTLY COATED ; ) ] , cure Sick-Headache , nnd nil I Bilious and Nervous ! Diseases. Renowned all over the NVorId. < I -Aikfor lleecham'i anl Mle no otlicM. , .M.idc at St. Helens , I'.nRland. Sold by ) 'drugL'lsHanJ dealers. New York L.'rx > t , < iC.in.il SI. / CURE EtfEftYCASE c , MONEY REFUNDED. .Our euro ll \armu\tat an J not R piOtttlngup. Cutet trtat&l rtro y ari ago h vo n rer ecn mjraplom ilnee. ny clwcrlblnjr CM fully wo f n treat Ton fejr mill , mid wo giro the iiamo itronjf ( tuir nt la euro or rtfuftj All r.ion y. These who prefer to co-no hero for treatment can do no andwovlll pay rnllroiul f ro both w r andhoUl bills while bore If wo full to cure. Wo oh itonin > the worM for ft e.-uo that our IIACIIG JIKMCDT will not cor * . Write for full particular ! and KctllioorIJtnce. Wo know that you are skeptical , Justly ao , to ) , ni the moit eminent phyilclani huro nfTcrbconatlotodTo morn than tfinporary relief. Jn our flvo yetr > practice y > ltn the UAOIO HKHFIJY II IIAI b en most d Ideal t to orcrooma the prejudice ! Piratnit all 10 called iptclttci. But under our * troni fluaranteo you should njt lmlt le to try thli remedy. Tou toke no chunco of loslniryour money. Wo RUar. an too to euro or refund ovtry dollar , nJ wo JI&TO i reputation to protect , Also financial kacklnof HCO , . (00 , It ll perfectly afo to all who will try the treat ownt. lUretoforayouhixTetwaiiputUnirupnnilpaylno ont your money for different treatment * nnd although youaronotyelcured nee Jm poM bac'cyour r&un > ey Ponotwastoanymororooney unJl you try u . Old ehronie.dwpseated cawjcund In S3 to 00 days. In. Yestlento ciiir financial ttandlng , our reputation as biulneci men. Wrlta i for n ne * nnd nJ.lrc > ot the o w haTO eured who haTe given pormlwlonto ro- frrtothem. It coiti } cm only poilago to dothl lt will IYO you a world of suffering ? from mant'vl strain , and It you are mnrrtttl what may your offsprlnc uTer ! tlirouuhyourownncellgonco. Jfyoumymptonmiro eore tbroat , niucaut ps'ches In tnoutli * rheumatism In bonca and Joint * , hair falling out , eruptions on any partof the body , feeling of Rcnerat depression , palm in hood or bones , you harono tlmo to waitc. These who are constantly taking me rcnry an 1 potn h should dhcontlnitolU Constant usooC tbeso drugs will surely brlncr sores and ottlns ; ulcers In the and. Don't fall to wrllo. All cnrrcspomlinco nont sealed In plain envel opes. Wo Inrlto the moit rleld InryillsMIwi nnil wilt do all la our power to aid you in It. AddrrM , fOO/C REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Jfebraika. Offlco 13to and farnam , second floor , entrance llth 1 llnblt positively cured by tlio nso of tlio Ronulno "MAGIC CHLORIDE OF GOLD , ' ' RH Is iimnnfactiircJ In small soluble -tubloM. whlcbcuit 1 > 0Risen In a islas * of boor , n cup of colTco or ten , or In food , .without the knutvl- uclRo of the p.itlcnt. It. Is nbsQlutuIy Imrni- lcs.s. ntul will ulfuut a jiuriiiiiiiont ntia CDcudy euro , whether tlio putlont uses Liquor or To- biicco inodcritoly or la n slnvo to clthor or both. It luis boon given In thousands of cnsei oml In every lnstn.iit-0 n perfect euro bus fol lowed. It never falls. The sj'stcm oncn lin- proitiiutcil .with the "MAOIO .OHI.OKIDB OP IOLH , ' ' It lioi'otnps an utter Impossibility for the Liquor or Tobacco uupctlto to exist. Ono month's treatment , K. Hotall driiRitlsti. Oot only tlio u'pniilno. nmntifacttitiMl by MAGIO CIlLOKIIlKGOIjD CO. , lllakp. Uruco & Co. , Omiiha , Nob. , Wholesale Asouts. NO OXHDQ3XS liEAVES A DKLICATB AND LAflima Onon , For snle by all Drue and Fancy Goods Donlpn or II llnaMo to procure this xvonilcrful nup send 8S < In stampa and rocolro a cafco by return mall. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SPECTAI. Shandnn Dolls Vfn'.tz ( the populni Society. Wolti ) scntFICKf ! to onyono eenoini ; o Uiroo wrappers cr Hhandon IJoila BOUB. _ _ PHQPpSALS FOIl niinoTION OK SCHOOL JliilUllnss , Stoiilii Uuiitliij ! mid Vciitllit- tlon , nnd J'lro Kscitncs. Dopnrtniont of the Interior , Olllco of Indian AfTnlrsrWnshliiRlon , 1) . I ) . . Jiintiary 0. l8U2.-SKAr.HD I'ltoi-oHAt a , on- ( lorscnl , "Proposals for uruutltm of btilldliizs , stontn hontlng , oU1. , " us the case intiy he , ntid inldrossnd to tlio Commissioner of Indian Af- fnlrs , Washlncton , I ) . U , will bo rt-vulvod ut this ollico untir 1 o'clock , p. m. , of February 8. 18d. ! for the oroutlon at the 1'lno KldRO AEOtioy. tfoutu Uukotu. of ono brick n senillly building. ono brick bosiilt.il bnltdlnx , nnd ono brick Dollar liatiso , 113 pur pinna nlid spncllICHtlons which may bo examined at the o 111 cos of the Koinibllcitti , ot Knphl Ulty. s. I ) . , the HER nC Omiihn , Nub. , anil tbo ItuliilcM Iloiird of Trade. cortujr 7tli mill I'o lar stnjots. St. I'ntil. Minn , , and ut the I'lnu Itldijo Agqnuy. llhlilnrs \Vll | bo roqnlrcil to submit s ti.ir ito bids for ouch bulldhr , ' , and state tlio lonpith of time proposoii to bo consumed In tholr conatruc- tlnn. Illds uro also Invited for ftirnlsUItU nil timclilnnry , nutturluls , and .ill labor necessary to put thorn In position , for liQ'itlni ; and vnn- tllla tliu nssombly bulUlliij ; . the ho nltul . thn ) ) rosmu school hnlldlni ; , and tlm laundry ( now In course of construction ) . al ) to bo pniucrly connected by ndeiinutu pipes with the boiler lionsc , from \vh ch thuv ura to bo heated , tlcpurutu DlUs sliijul4. ; nUn bo niiulo for Im.itiiu iiuU ventilating at iibovo , from boiler lintisc , only the tisiotnbly btilldtn ; and the present school InillillnK. tropantto bids arc u No Invited for fiirnlshlntr-umt pl.'iclntrono or two ( Ire oscupos on the nssumhly and liosplttil billldlnzs when .samu shall liavo boon oroutud , alsonn the prusont sohool Iinl'dln ; , Illildorb on hoatlni ; nnd voutl ntlii : , und II ro oscupus , to uoeoinpaiiy tholr bids with doslRnt uud spoclllcutloiiB of the steam hoiitlnu und vun- ttlatlon and llro usciipcs proponed to bo fnr- nlslied ; said dcsUni und spoullluitlnns to bo adapted to tlm linlldlri.'s to which they , tro to boapDlled , Tlia rlKht Is rosorvoJ tu reluct ny or all bids , or any part of any bid If duemod for I ho heat Interest ( the sorvli'u OKUTIKIKOCIIKCKS KlICll bldllllHtbo IIUVOIII nanlud by acurtlllod uhoukurdraft iipunsntno United States dcposltorv or aolvunt national b.inlc In tliu vicinity of tlio residence of tlio bidder , mnilo pnyuulo to thourder of Ilio Cum- inlslimor of Indian Affairs , for ut lo.ist l-'iyK i-Kii GK.NT Of the amount of the proposal. whleli cbeoU-or draft , will he forfoltod lu the United HUitcs In casa any Ijldilor or bidders roouivhi an nwnrd shall full to promptly oxouuto u contract with po'id nnd gtilllelent surotlos , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds uceompunlcd by cxsh tn linn of a certified check will nnt bo Considered. T. J. MOltdAN , Commissioner of Indian AlTulrs. JlOd''ltM T > iibl > 08AI.S FOR I'lEM ) SKRDS-Kinabud A. 'ARonoy. tioiilh DaUiitn. Decnmuor IlUlh 1891. Coaled prupoiaU. oudorsed "Proposals for Hold kueds , " und addroiBod to the niider- Hlimcd'ut Itosobnd Asonuy. South Dakota , will bo received at th B nvoncy until ono o'cluok p. tu. , of Monday January Mill. ! ! ) . ' . for furnish' Init'und dnllvorinir nt this agency nbtitit I.vio biisholsaf seed oats , dW bushu s of seed corn. l.iluo bnshols of good imtatooM , and UOO bushels of seed whoaU Illddors w II bo rcqulrpd tu Htato lu tholr bids tlm proposed prlco of each nitleluorfered for tlullvory under n cnitr : > tcu Thn HKht U reserved to reject tiny or all bids , or any Dart of uny bid. If deemed for tbo belt Intorcsu of thu lervlco. CUUTH-IKD OIIKUKS. Kucli bid must bo nocomiisnled by a curtlrlud cheek ordraft- upon BOIUU UiiltuJ Stales do- 'pdsltory or solvent natlonul bunk In thn vloln- Ityuf the residence of the bidder , made lujr- able to the order ot the Commissioner of In dian Atfalrs , for nt least five I-KUUKNT of the uniniintof tliu proposal , which check ordraft will bo forfeited to the U.NITKII nrvrus lu onsu any bidder or bidders receiving an award bin 11 fall to promptly iixecutu u contract with good and miillolont sureties , otherwise to bu returned to the bidder. Illds accompanied by In lieu ot n certified cheek will not bu considered , for further Information apply to J. UEO , WUIQI1T , U. h. InJlan Asunt. J2d31t > l Sale. The wholfi toek of toliool furniture , ofQoa auppllo * . and cabinet letter file * and ono safe , or wilt bell In job lot * . J.V. . llAHiim , Amlsnoo. Call ot fTerman-Amorli.'un darluxs ban k OuiubMeU U4Sdtt MSu TN RAILROAD OIROT.ES. Aeron thn Contltirnt Wltliout ClianRr nt ( iirn Notr mul IVrnonnN. It ta now [ xmlblo for IraVoloM to mnko trio jadrnoy either wnjr between Now York nnd San Frnnctieovtthoul chancing con. Both tbo No\v Yotlt fJontrnl and I'cninytvatiln t ave ojtnbliihod systoms'ot weakly through cnra , nnd the flr t of those from the east reached Omaha yostorday. It was nil elegant bullet stooping car nnniod "Kinor"at\d ! It had ulna througn pasionpor.s for California points. It c.tmo from the Cen tral , nnd Is hauled by tlio Burlington bo. twcon Chlcitcro nnd DonVcr. Hoth the eastern roads had llxod upon the aamo data for this transrontlnontal service , uulthayestorn roads objected to addlnirtwo cars to tholr ordinary tniltls , nnd the Penn sylvania , huvlnir hcon second in the lleld , luut to chniiKo lt dittos. Its llrtt throuRh cat * from Now York reached Omaha yesterday morning. Chairman Midglcy hhs notlllcd the mem bers of the Western l rplcht association that the request of the Iowa Russian famlno re- Hot committee for frdo transportation of grain may bo acted upon by tlio oniccrs of Individual lines as they sco propor. General Manager Uobluson of the St. Jo seph & Grand Island was In the city ycitor- day tnormncou his way to Grand Island. Hem ISuolnvnltcr of the Ctilcntro & East Illinois U In the city. Tlio IlurlltiBtou unnouricca that It tins mada n deal with tnu ovvtiors.of tbo bndKo across the Mississippi atCtlnlon and opunod n sta tion at Lyons , in. George I } , Dunbar , the Rcncrnl passenger agent of the Hurllngipn lit St. Louis , has ac cepted the position us assistant gonornl audi tor of tlio Missouri lines of that system. Ho will bo assistant to Auditor ( lartor , who will have now duties hddod to his worlc. Chief Clerk Henry Taylor , who has been acting us assistant auditor , will bd usslitiiod to other duties. J. O. Urow , the new auditor of the St , Joseph & Grand Island , has appointed WnltorT. Aylosbury cliliif clorlc of c.ir rec ords , Charles Hill cntnf clorlt of passenger accounU ana Thomas furlong chief clfcrk of freight accounts. Air. Aylosburyyns form erly In the cat- accountant service of the Burlington nt St. Joseph. The Burlington was only COO Cars behind its orders yesterday. Now that the cars are becoming plenty the offerings of grain are falling off nnd railroad men are alarmed at the impending doroaso in business. ' Ask for VnuHoaton's Cocoa Take no other. HEIiD EAC/ OTHER TJP. All Omitlm mul n l > 'romoiit Dntectlvo Have I'nn ultli Knelt Other. A good story on an Omaha dotcotlvo named Halm comes from Fremont. Hahn Is In the scrvico of the Klkhorn railroad and is said to have gene to Fremont to protect that com pany's cars f.'om potty oilforlng. \Vhdointbor.iUroad yard ho noticed a mau walk out from between tbo cars and took him to bo n thlof. Hahn cot the drop on the man and started to march htm to the police station In front of a revolver , although ho explained that ho was u Fremont detec tive. tive.On On the way the Fremonter distracted his captor's attcutloti and turned the tables by covering Hahn with a revolver. The Jilk- horrt man was marched to Jail and locked up for the night. In the morning Suporltitou a- cntMahana secured his release. Dewitt's Little Early Risers , best ptlli Word from Wyrlck'H Itelutlvcs. Coronor.Maul received a letter from Mrs. MnryHays , Memphis , Scotland county , Mo. , asking for particulars ot the death of her nephew , Charles Wyrick , who'ls supposed to nave turned on the gas In his room at the Jennings hotel with suicidal intent last Wednesday uight. Mi's. Hays , stated that sUo'Wns too poor to send for tho. body , but hoped that it had boon properly burled. The cbroner sent tho- aged , aunt full par ticulars of the death and burial'of ' her relative tive/ UoWltt'i , Ljtuo liarly ilsorsv for the Hvor. IDrs , Betts Bettsl * OF SPECIALISTS Si Unrivaled For tlialr aucoeas In the treatment and cureol Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Oleet , ' . Stricture , Hydrocela , Varlcocole , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Saxual Indulgence ; , Kidney , Urinary and Dladdor Troublai , Blood nnd Skin Dltaasaa , Nervous Chronic Diseases , Private Female Weaknoia anil Dlaeisoj , r Sexual Diseases ot every nature. Book . . . . Or 120 pages and handsomely Illustrat ed , sent for 4 cU la Blampj , Consultation ' Free. ' Call Upon or sddreu with stamp for reply , UUI 119 S. i4th St. ' N. K. Coiner Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. ulowiiR'iciif " 'FRA'UU exists In the tlnlm.s o. nunnriicliircni nnil ilenl < tor the olU-fuslilur.od " jwroiis" plnstew nml tlif muuy luututloni of HHN l < ON'S now on the tuuikel RKNSON'S la the xjnlj jHirons plaster | > o } Cs lnf , uiLsllqlnil value. Ho turn you uct IJENBUK'u. f now . .iorr r.v. Nrhnxkn , I A ciunp of Sons of Veterans has boon mustered In nt Wisnor. The ICciirnoy county nlllitnoo , nftor u Hvoly squabble , tins cloctoilJoioph U'lllls prcniilcnt , MM. A. O. UorR of Oakland 1m * hccomo violently Insuno and will bo sent to nn nsv- linn. linn.Hov Hov , Snmuol Oooilnlo of Cotumlnis tins cone to southern California for the b.ilanco of 'tin winter. Kdwln AlirotiH , n rcitilont of t'olumhus for Hourly forty .voiiM , is domt , Hi-nrt fnrlut' was the causa , Ocorgo Corcoran , eilltor of tjio Vorli Dnino * crnt , hns boon appolntoil District .IiiUgo \ \ lioolcr's court rciwrtcr. T. Ureter' , nn Otoo county fnrmor , wns thrown from his \vii on l > v u runuwny team nnd siiHtnlnril a broUon log. AloxnuderWrny of linrvnntViis nrro toil forwlfo bo.itltu , but osonpod piinintimont bijcauso of n luck of evidence. A hog thief nt. Vonllt'ro killed n corker lu tlio owner's ynrd ami thoti cat-toil oft the cnv- cftss without bcni ( > discovered. Sndlo nulcs. a lll-yonr-old girl UvItiR near Dwljrht , wr burned to dentil in n tire thttt constftnotl tiHfRrniulniotbor'a rosltlenco. The Norfolk News ' 1ms ulmndonod Its Sat- unlity oveiiliiR edition in orderto devote nioro nttention to Its Sunday niormnR paper. Tno AlcCook Ancient Order of Unltrjtl Workmen loiluu contoniplntos erecting n three-story ilfty-foot front temple the coming season. A C'odur county mill recently sluppoil Ol.liOO pounds of Hour to Hull , KtiRlnud. nnd will soon llll a largo ordar for u linn in Rot terdam. Nebraska City's Board of Trade 1ms ap pointed n committee to take stops toward pocui'lnir tbo next meeting of the State 1'rust association for tbnt city. „ , U. U. Dnlusi , Into editor uf the Oakland Times lias boirun the publication of'tho. At- Klnson 1'laln Uoalor. 13altm Js n uomncrat , but otherwise ho is all rk'lit. Jacob Heck of Hurt county will KO to Flor ida for the winter nnd will probably devote considerable of his ttmo to locturilijr on his hobblbs land , labor and llminco. Hard luck soonn to bo pufsulug the family of Jacob Brolner of Elmwood , ijomo days ngo -l-vcur-ola child aecidnutly pulled u wash bailer of boiling clotnos over on llsolf , /icahtlnc the llttlo ono so that it died n few anys later. On the day of Its death n U-yotir- old babe fell from n chair nnd brokd iti collar bo no nnd fractiirod Us shoulder blmlo. Six tnonthi ago Mr. and Mrs. liralnor burled their 8-ycar-ola child nnd throe months ngo the only loam of horsoa Mr. 'Brelner owrtod got on tlio railroad track and wuro lalloll , ( lunn. Captain Dan Shields Is holding a big tom- pcranco revival nt Osltulooau. , Glanders prevail among horses around Akron and several have boon klllod. , Tr.imps at Oslcalooaa are glvon tholr choice of leaving town or working in shacklos. Mrs. E. C. Parrand received $390 for being slightly Injured on n runaway street car at , Davenport. Getting mail nt thp Eminotsburg poslonico are twenty-nlno inotnbors of the Thompson family , nnd the Smiths , Browns , Jones , Johu- sotis and Olsons have to take a back seat. Report of the ponltontibry at Fort Mudison for December shows an average of 4Ui ! con victs. Tha statu auditor has issued a war rant for J,5U0.07 for salaries of olllcors" and guards. Uoport of the college for the blind for December - comber shown nn average of 1UL pupils. Tne stuto auditor has issued a warrant for $3,273.17 for current oxpousos , salarldi nnd repairs. County Attorney Dunn of Sheldon has in stituted proceedings agalns't the saloon keepers at Sutherland and nlso nt Gcza. At each of the several places searched t > y the officers gooa supplies of the nraetitfyoro found. Great excitement was caused in Madison township , Polk county , by forty-six hugs ana three calves being attacked with hyuropho- bla. An investigation will bo macia nnd nil will probably bo shot. An ox-onicir.lofiDubuquohas turilorl mat rimonial broker. It is said that ho found a i wife for a Clayton couuty widower for which lie received u commission of $40 and then succeeded in borrowing $20 from the happy groom. A lady named ICostern was ositea vto hold au infant for a few momenta while on a train nt Shelby. The mother forgbt'"to"roturii ' and Mrs. Kastern was obliged to tano the baby to DCS Molties where she turned it ever to the chief of police. ' The members of the late Twonty-flrstJowa infantry have oacli received a finely bound book of 2IU pages , a complete nnd acccrnto history of tbo rcgimont from tbo time it en tered ttio scrvico until its discharge. Adju tant Uuorgo Cooke Is the author. Wonzol Mickesch died nt Dubuquc Novem ber 18 , 151)1 ) , and willed his property to Chris Burdt. His rolntivos now'wnnt , the money , although when allvo ttioy refused to" hnvo anything to do with him because Up 'got arunic occasionally. The will is being con tested. A few days ago a Kuthvon father and son zot Into a dispute about , tho"adVlsaoIilcv of the son's keeping u bottle of whisky. An ur and hot words ensued , whereupon the fattier kicked at thn bottle , which was in the band of tin ) .son , but bo tnUsod his ulm aud fell , breaking au arm. At Kcakuk n movement , has buOn at'iuHcd looking to the erection of u monument tit Vicksburg to the memory of Iowa soldiorj who died In and uround that city during the civil war. It is said that thlri.v-ouo regi ments of Iowa soldiers were .stationed at Vlcksburtr d urine the siege. . Tha state commissioners of pharmacy have mudo their biennial report to the governor. The secretary's report shows number of ap plicants examined 701 , against Toil in tbd last biennial report. Of this numboi : ' , I2 patsod. In I. tie nasttwo yours thirty-two phnrmi cUts have died and litj cortilioatca have beau re voked for various ru.tsnns ; 370 certificates were issued in tbo same period. NumDarnt certillcatos in force In the Atato September IB , 1SUI , -,075 , being lli'J inoro than two v6ars ago. ago.James James Davis of Albany , X. Yu , SO. yearn of ago , was tukon xvitti heart dlsojso while wait ing for a ttiilti at 1C BO 1m U , und * for sovornl tiaur-i it wus thought hu was dqad. Ho finally ramu to and said ho bad been at JlotSprtngs , Ark. , for his health , but tlm doctor * told him 1m had not long to live nnd tie was on his'way Home to ( lio. Ho hail nn attack of hoarUuis- case nt Momtihlsand while lying pick nnurso hu had 111 roil stole nil his money , about flUO. Ha wus un Odd Fellow uud a muujbOr of the ( ir.unl Army of the Uepubllu. aud oioinbora of tl'.ojo orgituUatious aided him to roach his homo. _ _ Yes , I heard I'nttl. of course I did , but the don't know what cures hot * cold when wcls her llttlo slippers. It is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Twqnty.llvo cents n bottlo. \Vlty is it that people use Salvation * Oil t AnswerUccauso it is good and cheap , 'J5 cts. Wanted Copies of the JSvKN'iNO1 Bur of Oolobor 16 and MoilNiNO HKK of October 10. Lcavo ut Boo couuttni/ room. Holld Tralni I'roin Oninlm , Voatibutotl , olootrlc llfjlitod and atoam houteu , with the Dnost dining. Bloepinjj nn/l ronluiiug chuli * car BOCVIBO ititiia world , via the ' Chicago k Oinnhu Siiurt I ino" of the ChlciiRo , Milwfiukeo & St. Paul Hiilhvtiy. Uoublo dully tfiilu sorvlco. loavlnir Omaha nt 1 ] > . in. und 0i0 : ! p. m. , with no Iranstur at Coun cil BlulTs us horotofora App'.y 150 L Fariuun Btroot for ticicotartnrt furtlior lu- fot'ination or addrusa V. A. NAHH. U. C. LINCOLN. Con. City Pass. Agt IVIMTKIl'TOimS , To .Siiiiiinei' Lniid * via tliu Itoutir The Wttb.-ish Hi'o now solUnff round trip tluUota ( jood rottinilnij jtmo 1 , Ibtiii , la all tlm winter resorts In Tou- ncsiieo. Mieaisalppi , Alabimi , Goorfria , Floriila , North aud South Carolina , Loulsiairi. Arkuaauu and Toxw. ; The auickotft and bast route to the irot Spruics of ArkiinsiiN. I'Vic tlokots und full inforiutitlon in r giril to i-oitoi east oi-Houth call at Wnb.lsh aftico , 'ItiOi ' Pjirniinistroot , or write G N. Ojuyton , .S' . W. i''i , AtJt.