0 THE OMAHA DAFLY lUSIfcltl'IIUHSDAY , JANUA'RY 1J , 181)2. ) HIE SPECOLATIVE MARKETS , Feeling in Wheat Qavo Place to Ono of Strength , i ADVANCE DUE TO BULL SENTIMENT , N - r York lloinrn Wrrn Ordering Hiilo * In A K.I I n t I'nrclmsp * n tlio Local Ilitiiril ThU Hud n 1)U * IJHVct. OntOAno. III. , Jan. IS. The foollniof woik- icus which prevailed In the who it markoton Monday and Tuesday guvo plnco M one of stronjth today , and thu ! os * of lo recorded yesterday wus entirely recovered. The oitr.y stronth was .nritclr duo to tbo local bull sentiment , the .oaders hero Imvliu anpnrnntly cotno to the ' . onolunlon that llv/ns tlmo foru reaction. Public cablet quoted prices iower , but prlvuto bnes said that Ihq.foolJaK In the mtirkets uhroal was bettor und moro hopeful. I' rd- rldico und UIITord , however , were soiling here , nnd some New York houses were orderlnst Miles In this murKot nKulnst purchisc * In tholr own , nd those Influences prevented any murked lulviutuu In prlco < for omo time. , thoiiRh there wusiiRrulual appreciation In values. The receipts In'tho northwest wcio 11-tht , and there were liberal buyliiK orders from that suction , presumably because thooxtromo' co d weather there HUKKCSIS to hem the like- Illiood to manage winter wheat. Hut the mosl bull sh factor came later In the day In the _ docreati ) of nearly l.GOti.OOO bu. In the available' supply rouortod oy llr.tdstrcnt's. uf this de crease , however , only iisOOU : bu. were on the , Atlantic slope , the I'aclflo coast shonlne ade- crease of I.4I7.UOO bn. Hut thu local conditions , weroreBHrded us highly favorable' to better , prices. Thu decline for the pint ton days Ji is made liquidation very thoroiun , und weak1 lotiiishiivlnx been well shaken out and the offcrlnes havlnit become light , proved a Kro.it ro lef to thn market. The steady drop of 80 to lOr. which hr > oc curred dnrliu the lust week or so. has brought mnny buyers Into thn market , aoinu to cover HhortsiilcH , which show u balance In fu\orof profltof u considerable amount on the bull side , but on such a sharp break some reaction may bo reasonably looked for. regardless of what tbo future course of thu marUot , may be. The condition of the trading rave the market astroiu sturt , rnd , ts the crowd wflis appar ently largely short , the hi best dlspla ) of strcn th sent them to cover. Notrlyall the private houses apparently had no trading orders , und were strictly cautious. Hiixtur was a largo Individual buyer , but was mostly cot orlng shorts. Mitv opened ut from lJ ) ? c to OiJiC. ii'-'iiliutlWO ut the close yesterday , sold up tol'Pje ' , off to Ulc , und b.iek to IH clia- foronoon. During the lust hour there was a period of weakness , caused by tree Selling to roullro proDts at the advance , ana shorts hav ing already pretty well coveted , there was llttlo demand. May went otr toUO , * . ! ' , rallied , to91iu ? on Into und moro cuooura lng cables , nnd closed a till'Ac. > Corn wiis strong and higher nurliig most of the session , lar olv In svmputhv with the Im proved feeling In wheat. ItecclptH were moderate , and the Inspoctton rather poor. The trade was more active , shorts doing most of the buying. Lute In the day when who it turned wcak.corn followed. C'os ng at medium figures and a'jont ' 'ic better than yesterday's close. Outs went with wheat nnd corn , and closed at. from ! > c to Ue higher. r Hog products wcio hlchcr for the host grades. There wus a slinrp demand for pro ducts early und u further adv.ince. Luter this wns satisfied , and went back , the close snowing moro appreciation In values. > Estimated rrcclpts for tomorrow : Wheat , 120 curs ; corn. IK ) cars ; outs , lji ; cars : hogs. yi.O U bond. The loading futures ran ; ed as follows : AIITIfLF.4. nmn. i.ow. CLOSE. WHKAT-NO. 2 January- t 8- ( ! Con.s No. 'i January 38W February. . . 39 41 OATH tn > . t January. . . , Mar . . 31 31 31 ! JIISH I'OIIK I January. . . . 11 Hi II & 5 II 3" > It 40 . Mar 11 07 ! 11 75 L > nii January ( ISO GW U ! . ' ) May , . . . II CO BIIUHT Itiua January sra 505 SIX ) 5 no Slay ( > yo 6'Ji 5.B7 < Cash quotations were us follows : . > I'r.ouit Kusy. but not qnotubly lower : winter - tor nhaat patent. J4.40@4.70j haUerx. $ : j.Axa3.ii5 ( : slruliht.$4.1.VU4.0 : spring , t4.40fai.75 ; straight , . . . . WIIBAT Na 2 sprlnz who.it , Sfi'ic ; No. 3 sprlm ; wheat , SUliitV-o ; No. 2 rod , SSc. COIIN Wns Inactive nnd flrmj No. 2 , SSJio : No. 3. OH9 ! 5fc. OA'ffl-No. 2. iO < 4oi No. 2 white , 222 o : No. a \vhito , : wuiic. : IlVB-No. 2.83UC. HAIU.EV No. 2 , OOo ; No. 3 , 41.10o ; No. 4 , FI.AX SBED-NO. I. W\io. \ TIMOTHY HKKU 1'rline , 1.20l.25. roitK Mess pork , per bbl. , ; W.23j . lard. per iHvt , ill.2.VQi27K ; short ribs sides ( louie ) . { 5.5535.11.1 : dry a-iltod Nhonldurs ( ho\o I ) . N.5J ® 4.01'V , ; short oloar Hldo ( boxed ) , * l.OJao.oa. WIIISKV Distillers' llnlshcd foods , pur gal. , CUKhRK Unchanged. HIDES Un haiucd. TAIAOW UncliHiiRpd. ' Receipts und shlpmontH today were as fol lows : On the Produce oxclmniro today : llnttoi mnrkrt flrm : fancy orQumory , 2SS2io ( ! ; ( Ino nostorn , 20t&J7o { ordinary , yjjfcMe. Kjjgs , si Ntnv York Markets. NKW YOIIK , Jun. 13. Ki.ouit Heoelpts. Sl'i08 l' ' : 15 barrels. . ' piicUuKCs : exports , IH.tl.'a sacks : < ] ilct and huLvy ; salCH , 23,230 bbls. COIIN MKAi.-Qulot. steady. WIIICAT HecelplB. 1I , T30 bu. ; export * , 201.010 bn. ; sales , 4-00 bu. futures , IL'.OO. ) on. npot Bnot market hlBher , with options dulli No. 2 red , JI.OIU4il.li. . In atoro und ulevulor ; tt.'lIVQt ' l.OJ allo.vtloisl.04 , f , a b. : No. U rcuOO'iiji IUO : unurnded rod. ltiyc il.WlU : No 1 north ern , Il.tH'j : No. 1 hard , fl.OUiQI.UT ? ( ) ! $ : No , 2 northern , OdUcO'lOo. Options iidvunerd Hitb IJiC on forulKn liuylnir and llradstreot's state ment of the decrease In the supplies ; declined liu on loner cables , advanced j cSjo ; on ll lit rccelptR and lar.-o olourar.ces and closed firm ut ' I'ttl u over yoslerduy ; No. 2 red January. ll.UI. % ; Kehruiiry. tLOlliQll.O 'i. closing tl.lB' * ; Mwreh. * l.ieSI.W ! 4 , closlns at $ I.04 { ; April. $1.02MiM.OJ'i. eloshiB at * l.ui\is : May. Jl.ui i t3l.oa , oloslns at * r.02 : Juno , tl.lOtl.OIU , closlnc : atJl.UUi ; July , DOiiiauUjJo , closing at itvk Steady , tiulct ; western , 0Wo : sales , 6,000 hu. nt Wo delivered. HAIII.EY Bull. HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull. COIIN Itecclpts , 275,000 bn , ; exports. 213,021) bu. ; hales. 1UO\I)0) hit. of futures ; 2.11,000 bu. of spot ; upot murket Irregular , oloslnc Btroirxcr , fair business : K4ftV4Ueullo.it : "i.1 ? ® Kl' o f.o.b , ; unuradod mixed. .Ma3.i4o | ; No. -'wliito , KIWo : No. 3,40io : steamer mixed. B'CWl'io. Options ndvunied UWlio with wheat. reiieted 'afDSo on roullzlnis : closed steady js ® iiuovoryesturduy : Junuiiry.Riy Rtjie , clos. Inc lit .Me ; tebrimry , 90SOS e. oloslni ; utHOJioi Mnruli.lMXuVXitiaj April , IWiaviijc : eloslnt ; ut 6.,01 May. 40U < & 30c , oioslnir. 407c. t \ ' H Ilo ofpts. 144..123 bu.i exports. IMj.OOl bu. : hull's , SO',0 nliu. of ruturos ; ui3,0ju bu. of Bliot ; spot inurkvt sloudy. fairly actlvo ; options tlrni.iiuet ; January , iU o : I'obruiiry , Wi'i46iTlio. ; ohislnK lit : iTu : Muy , : i7ifil37lc. clnMlnor nt : i ; ioi nut No. a white. ! WJi < iiJJlio : mlMMl wentern. ac ® c ; vrhlto westornim3iUo : : No. 2 C'hlciiuo , HTJJo. llors Firm und uctlvo. StioAtt Haw , dull nnd easier . ; fulr rollnlii" . 123 ii-l : o : coiitrlfusiils. iu - - tales , none ; refined , No. 7. Ilft-lOot No. 8 , C7-lCo : No. II. : i3io ; _ „ . _ . . . . , , _ . , 3 15-lOc ; powdered , 4 S-lflo ; Kranula'tod , 4"u-lViS ( < 13-lOe. KICK Finn and iiulet , I'BTnOLKUM Qufot and steady ; united closed kt OJo for robrunry. COTTON SKKuyii. Quiet ; crude , tic. TAi.i.tiw Stoutly. KOOB Qulot and weak ; western , 2l2lio ! ; ri'eulpts , l.'ll packaKcs. 1'OIIK Qtllot. MIDDI.KSHtiiuit and firm. CUT MEATH btronc. I.AHDHlRhur ! moderate dunmid : ; western n ton in closed at ( O.Hilit sales , | , 'AK ) tleicun ut 50,70 ; option sales , .V..V ) tleicon ; .liuiii- arv. M.OJ ; Kobruary , WOT ; March. UO.Tia fl.771 Muy , in.b7an.iw. HUTrKit Moderato denibtid und llrmtwoit- orn dairy , lWC-ic : ; western cruiimory , -'lOX.'o ; \ve tern factory , l if.'o. IS l < > lrl } active , llrm ; partsUlms , Mi Triuln Hexlinv. . MANCUKSTITII , Jun , 13. Tho.tlnarolan In coinmorclal urllclo Burn : The domund for Koods In' quantity hai been tame during thu nevk and the hnslni'Sfi truniuctod consisted mostly of mlioolliuieous orders from many uiarKuli Homo departni ) > n.ts have been mum active , with prices 4 ( hadu cuslor. Maliu- facturors accept offerliiKs a llttlo below fantweek's prices. Some trade Is re ported In good and mccllutu thlrilugi. The Inijillry for blortohln * . Jaconets and mull * Is bottnr. Tlfo pos'.thini of innUoM nrn dlror p , Homo t.coillnit n lnrroa p < l ilcmmiil bndljr , vrhllo nthor nrc fiiirly solJ nliBiid. An In- criinno In tlio ttcncntl ( Iriiniinil M iippircnt nt llio very low price * prnvHlllnz. hut tnli < lee not rotnlt In Ur n xitioi Thcro Isocuinlonslly snino to soil printing nlotlin , ni 1111 v lire iiro common liitt-nmlr irtanufncturcr * hnvo olthorTmlticou or iMittr stopped tllolr output of llicsO . unit arc ernpIorliiK tlioir lootiH oil oilier mid ( innr norts. Kxport yarn la dull und prices lowor. _ _ _ _ _ _ Omuh.k drain AInrltnt. Prices liaicd on delivery nt MUihtlpot rlvor point * . Nobr.isldi Irnpo.'Uon , uii'l ton duyv HhlptiiRtit , ii n oi othcrvrliinitittoj. Ciisli grulu culU forMilp nont within lira dityt. WIIBAT Sprlnir , No , 2 , KW bld ( No. 3 oprlnR , " ' "OAW'-NO. 2 white , 3lo hid. tile nikrAt No. 3 white. ItO'Jo bid ; No. 2 mixed , 30o hid ; No. 3 colorol , : io hid. Unitv No. 3 or Duttur. omh. JC > ( rt hid ! Junu- nry , ; W' ' < ( ai7o : ! Kobrunrr. W4C. Ainiiiitf the nalo roporteil uroro : 25.003 bilsh- o H corn. January nntl ruhrttury nhlpmont , UiVju ; SJ.UOO hiiiholH No. 2 corn , St , LouU tefnu , .Iiinuiiry , IITo ; 20'iou ' ImMiom corn. Jnnunry. St. I.onls toruiH , : iTc : 2U.mn linsiio.n corn , Jntiniiry slilninont , llnltlmoro torins , : W(5 ; 20.UOO No. 3 or hotter corn. 1 I'd iyi' ililpmciit , llnltlinoro tornii , 301JOI000sjino . ' -OJic. , IIOAIID Of TltlDR NOTV.H. C. A. Townr of Ijt Molno < i , rburniontlns Irwln. Orcon toCo. , Kr.ilndenluri ol Uhlciigo , wai on the houril. ,1. II. Colo. iv.Murahalllown , In. , nr.ilu nmn. WHS In loojlntr ovnr the sltuutlun. llo Is'of tlio opinion tli it Onmh.i U4inot | hgpa to hulM up : i uroittiri tin m-ir < ot wlUio It a nillllni ? In tninslt rati ! frjm the ritllrolds. .1. Tlgho of llrndahtvr , .Nol ) . , w.is on the bnnrd. W. Hiirrls , rcprcsotitlnz Tnto. Mnllcr & Oo. of Hnltlmdrc , was unions the visitors on the board , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oinntui I'roiliirc ItUTrr.it Tlio tnnrKot is llrmlns up < nnd prices lire quoted it little hliihor. Good p.trk- 1115 ftoek , MJilGo : choice country roll , lOii 18c. I'otli.Tltv-'Ncnrlv nil the chickens urrlvln ? h.ivo ht-un fro/.ou inil dlscolaii-d und Imvoilo co ntTWSo ; cholco Htock , Do ; KCCSO und ducks , iJIIc ; turkeys , UfOUc. Kdos-l'rosli stock 'Was quoted nt ' 'Ife''Vc und the supply was llirlit. FunmOmaha .Mllllnz compiny's Kcllunco I'litiiiit. 43.00 : InVlnclhlo It.it lint. .Mi : Lone Htaranpi-rlntlvp. W.2."i'SiiowliUeI.OU ; ( : ; Kuncy Kniiiltr. $ .80 : S. F. Oilman's Gold Mo la1 , fiftt : i-now Wliltc. $ ! . 'i. > ; Hnowllaku. t..OJ : low pr.ido. $ UiO ; Queen of the I'anlr.wt..TO : hr.tn , } 1. > .00 ; chnppLMl feed. $18.01 GA.MK .Mallard ducks. 11.01 ; blue wniRcd teal. * : .M ; srcon wln-'od teal , . ' .00 ; lac ( r.ilihlU. 8X00 ; onmll. JI.O 0)1.23 ) : squlrrola. * l.K ( ) . llttiKB No. 1 B-ro-n suited hi les. 4i@Pu ! : No. 2 roon S'llto I hides. : iiHu : ; No. 1 ftrcun silted hllri,2i to 40 UH. 4SiT(45 o ; No. U urcon s.iltod hides. 2Jto4i ) UH , : lc ! : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to l5IU9.Cc : No. 2 voul uulf. S to n Ibs. 4c : No. Idrynint hides. 73o ; No 2 dry Mint n Id OH. waic : No. 1 drv salted hides. : > B8c. Tul- low. No. 1. 3'J'l4c ' ( ; tiHuw , No 2 , 3U : Kiensc. white A , 4 l'ic ; Rreaso , white II , ; Hi 'lJ 'u : eri'aso. yulloiv. iu ; irrcit8o.diirk.2ijc ; old hut- tor. 22'Jc ; beeswax , prime. 10c ; roUKh tut- low , MlNNRAPiii.ts. Minn. . Jim. 13. There wns n turn In wlieaftoday to the bull aldo and Ic iidviinoo ovor-1'ist nlcht's closing prlcu was tenllzed before 1 o'clock. May wlieit ou nad at8Uiu , an ndvaiico of ? o over * the closing urlco last nlRht , There wiis , not much Iliictua- tlon for-itfow inomcnts. hut bidders and olTors wore1 qulto llneral. It. did not t.iUaiiloiiK time In reach 87c , und then to advance from that point. There wus a cnidnal rlso In the scales until 8io wus icnchcd , which iwus Ic abQvo yesterday's lust pllco. The market hold dull for nearly two hours from this point , and than cased off ! Jc. There It held for a few minutes und then hioko to tUjc. ! und the hulls were scared , .Ijtit u rally cntno nnd curried the iniiikct buck tu 87 c , whom It sfjoO JuU bc- fore the close. The u.oslnt : prlco for Muy wus STUu und Jun niry 84 Ue. The u.uli market wus In Kood uondltlon uiitl offorln s of who it and co irjo Rrulns were taken ut very satis factory prices. Hecolpts of wheat hero were 227 cars and at Dnliith und iJunorlor llf ty curs. ( ) ld c > : No. I northoin. Junmirv. H4iic ; yes- tunlny. 8.11-ic ; May.openlnr. . Wo , highest. 87jp. lowest. Mljc ; , eltialnx , h7c ! ; ypstorJuy. SiiHion track. No I harJ. H''iy ; Na 1 nortli- crn. 87Uu ; No. 2 northorn. SJQjii ; . Unliith Wheat 'Market. nti.UTil. Minn. . Jan. 13. The market hero ruled very quiet und dull , isoliri tip , ' o on May No. 1 not thorn In the llrst hour , followed by an o itder fueling. I'rluus sa .o.l off u llttlo hut this wns more than recovered before the eloso. Tlio uloao w.is llr.n ut an advance of Ic on cash and ? u on futures over v-uste'riliiy' * . Fol owlni ; woca tlioelosiiu prices : No. 1 hard , cash , SVie : .titnuary , Wlic : March , , tll o ; tso. > 1 northern , easli , 8ltc ! ; Junnury , 8l'c ' ; Miiy , Oiic ? ; No. - ' northern , casli , 7fKi7S c ; No. 3. 7Ji ; rejected. USiiu. on truck ; No. 1 hard , 8Gj ! : No. 2 north orn. 8'tJto _ New york Dry Goods Mnrltct. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 13. There w.ia more husl- noMs In the dry goods market today , through the proseneo of numerous buyers. There was u relative degiee of iinlmatUin. u'thoitah this did not dovolou any special activity. The transactions wore mainly -for moderate par cels , but there was considerable Inquiry for larger lots , particularly of plain cottons. 1'rlibs were stoady. * Cofl'eo Murkpt. , r KW VOKK. . Tun. 13. Options opened barely steady , 3 points up to l. > points down ; closed haroly steady to 10 ® ! ' > points down. S.ilo-3 , 17.500 buss , luolndln. : Jannurr. Jl..li ! < ai2.7.'ii l'sobritHrv. * l2uai2.ri ; March. flt.Uiil2.00 : SSuy , ll.l P > lt.7n 'Juno , III. (10 ( ; July , fll.V ; Suptnmlior , JII.5irttll..Vi ; spot Ulo. more actlvo und stea'y ; No. 7. 5I3.37 ! ! . Mllwnnkuu .Markets. MIT.'WAUKKEVK. . Jan. 13. WHEAT Uu- .settloil : .May , 87'jo : Na ' 3 spring , die ; No. I northern. Ke ) , Onus Qnlot ; No. Ii , 38o. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white. 3 Jc ; No. 3'whltc , 31 c. . HAitt.EV Qulot ; No , 2. 57Jo } ; sample , 27C2o. Llterpool Markets. LtVEitroou Jan. 13. WHEAT Eusy ; holders offer freely ; California No. I. Ss 4d@Ss < ! ' , ( ! per cental. COIIN Firm ; do nun I fair ; nilxoJ western , 29 * > Xd per cental. I'KAS Cun'vdtun ' , Os I'AA per cental , HUTTKII United Ht ilojrood , 8s porcwt. St. l.onl * Aliirkcts , ST. Louis. Mo. , Jan. 13. WHEAT- Higher ; cush. 8794 c. OoitN-Cnsh , ; Mi3liii } ; > . OATH Steady ; cash , : iJJc. ! 1'oitK Dull ; now , S1I.JJ. LA ituJill ) . WHISKY $ iit& . _ St. Louis \Vool .tlarknt. ST. Louts , Mo. , Jan. 13. Woor , Hecoluts. . 1,10) 11)3 ; shipments , lU.IOl ) Ibs. The movement was fair at steady rates. Purelgit Oil LONDON , Jun. ia. IiNrfi/:3 int. IS * DJ-d poruwt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Traders' Talk. CIIIOAOO. 111. , Jan. IT. Coiinselinun k nay to Cock roll Ilroi. : Wheat opened ilrmor. urln- elpully on demand to cover shorts. Ulferlius were scarce , except from scalpels , when the market rallied above thu cull price. These were absorbed by speculators when llr.ul- nri'ut's report was announced , hut roiold when the Hecoud cables were posted. Soulpora and commission houses then bought for a second end upturn und thoulTorts fiom u local boar to have whom culled from htm caused the closing rally , ehlelly on small shorts cov ering. Corn und otts were qulot nnd easy , but closed u shade hlKhor In sympathy with rounding markets. 1'rovlslons sui uuro sus tained ull day by tbo local bull element und outsldeis were moderuto buyers early In the session. I'ackers sold ut the udvunee und the mHrUet closed with u down turn und looking ratherovnrdono for the tlmo holn , ' . UniCAnu. 111 , . Jan. 11. 1' . O. Ioau & Co. to J. Sinds Commission rcmp'iny : Another actlvo dav In wheat. Kiirly o.iblo udvlcoM were wcoU and lower. Ourlutestsutd : "Winilc , but prices uiich.inxcd. " The lulu lleorbohm quotes Uxorpool SJ(1 ( to4d lonur. This imixt bo u mUtuke. hut U horvod thu purpose , ho - over. to hroal ; tha market from txiVo to Ol'io. llooolpts nt Intorlur points show consl.lcr iblo fulling ulT. Thuru has Lena a. hotter foreign demund principally for line spring grudes. which ur < i holng supplied from lliilTalo tituood pr.cos. The visible supply , which Is expected to gradually show a weekly deeroiixe. will bo un Important tauter In the future. The high prices In August and tioptoniLer were on Kurnpcun wants. Thodeollnufrom tint highest point for Muy wheat Is u good 'Mi per bn at today's price. It Ims boon proDtublo to ho with the procesilon. but \\o nro now nt a lialt- Init pliice , and It will be prulltablo to ut least look imirthu Hltnatlon.Vhmitnronnd tils uricu will turn out a good pntrhasu for In vestment. Ctirn has boon moderutofv active. On the udvanpo lo 41Jo for May. Panlndco was an uctlvu seller. Thu uloilng prlco U 41 o hid. The Inspection is dUupptnntln. . The nolle of receipts uru under contract grudu. \\e look for .Muy to .ell at 4l'e ' , PruvlHlons sirotip ; bmlii ( ! s light. Demand mat by hold ers who hud nrollts. CIIICADO , III , , Jun. J'l-Kennett. Hopkins it Co. to S. A. MoWhortor X Oo. ! Wheat opened with renewed Mtronuth jtnd compur.itlvely held Its own for the entire day , Uable * caini ) woalc utthuupeiiliig and oleuruneos were not very liirpe , which tnuothor should have made u slightdfpie > slouii | this iioreul. It did nut , howuver , ns It boon ut'ndud Its way lAvTur'1r.or ' > l' rly He , ronctliiK a little bufurt ) thu clasu und closed within a moderuto fraotlon of the high- cut point of tlio duy. The ontlru session hold a lone of a spiritless nature , Torn took u ; slight mart soon after the opening and ruled ralhor strmiK ullduy. it however settled down a little u few inlniitos byfuro the uloso and oloscd rather wouU and ( euturoluss , The May option today goomod to bo a moro norvuus than usual , rubm- ? > ry . V0' ' " * mqro rcorrca and lottled. I'rovMous opened very strons-ond rul-d so until about Uo clock whom r actlouv t Ju. The mnrkot soon reached the oprnliu price * , closing rather llfolei allRhtly iilmvotho open- Ing. Lnnl nnd nln wrra ffl fiirclcss. trrotiKN , i.v itvsns. NKW YOUK. JAII. ia Thonyoiitof ilioilny In nnnnuUI circles w s tlio nnlioitnccniant of it further Issno of t\AOO.dOJ now utookon the sugar rnflnnrles companies. The xtook market responded to thin lutolllijencu by n m itjrlal decline all around , und n numkorof bill a who have aold out nd whit have hcon slnoo wor.c- Ing for lower prices In the in trkoL took .id- vnntago of the annuunaomJnt : in 1 aold sttokf nit along the Una with consldor.iblo o float. The market un the wtiolo dUplayoiin very satisfactory temper , nnd except when pres sure for n ( all was oxcrtod , the tendency was stojtdlly to rlio under llbo.'ul purchases bv local commission men nnd foreign houses , whllo there was n miti'li moro disturbed business th'iii wo have scon for some time. Northern I'aclflo preferred , however - over , wns subjected to pressure from the oponliu. nnd further wonkne'ss In the Industrials holpad to restrain the up ward tendency In the general list , though there was u spo.'l.il Rtrength hero nnd there. The Kansas .v Texas-stixsKs were Instances. Hut few others followed them , hut Nn.r Kng- , lnnd. Klchmond and West I'olnt stocks were prominent In the forenoon nnd Northwestorir luter In the day , hut noiwitlistandlim the strong opening their advances were nut fiiilllclent to resist the Inlluances of tlfo ( lopresHlon unused by the sugar uiinounco- uipnt. On' ho other hand , only Northern I'nulllc and the Industrials showejl any marked weakness , and n few stocks oven scored slight gains fur thu d.iy. The close , however wus heavy after u partial rally In the Una ) tradlns , the market hcliu actlvo and nuar tno lowest ( Inures. The losses of note were only throe : ritual' . 1 % percent ! Chicago K.is , li per cent , and .Northorn I'.icUlc pre ferred I percent. . Goveinmeiit bonds have boon dull , nnd steady. Ht.ito bonds have boon dull1 and stoady. ) The fo'lowlng nro the aloslnt ; quotntloni for the liidlnmtoon ) , 'on the Naw i'ork Stoaltox- changotoday : hid. Thu total sales of stocks today were 463.4S3 shares , IncHmln : Atchlsnn , 21,430 ; ' ( Thlciigo Oss.IW.'JM ; Dol'iwarj. Lackuwanni & Western , 4,4Si ; Krlc , 4,7.f | ; Kansas & Texas , Ut"i ; Lonls- vlllu & Nashville , 12.ri ( ; Northwestern , IT.IISO : Nortlioin I'uuiflo preferred. 13,151 : Now Kug- Iand. < 15.1 8 : Heading. 14,71)0 ) ; Richmond & West I'olnl , 2-.C.47 : St. l'.iul , 13S31i-t. Paul Jt Omulia. 4.U.X ) ; Union I'uclilc , 20,2(12. Flnnnclul Hcvlutr. ' NKW YiuiK. Jan. 1'1Tlio I'oat says : It seems th.iMhero.lias been some disappoint ment , among the hour traders ut the harmoni ous character of the Western Trulllo associa tion's meotlnz. Why anything else than har mony should have been , oxpoctca It Is dlflleu c to Imujino. Nobody over witnessed ajrullroud war in the f ico. of such tralllo and mieli u stock market us we hayo hud today. Railroad companies do not quarrel ever biiainosn wlion there Is business moro than enough for nil , nor do tbo rail way directors who nro almost uniformly Interested In suoli upward move ment of the stojk market , force upon the scene unpleasant developments in railway matters , when suppression or postponements eusily possible. This logic may not Jlnd a plnco In economic silence , but It plays n largo part In calculations of common sense. It may , moreover , bo quite especially applied to the anthracite situation , und U , Indod. likely to bo ono of tlio strongest f tutors In u peaceable adjustment of the much-advertized differ ences among the caul roads. New York Money Market. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 13. MONEY ox OALL Eusy , ranging from 21/i ® ' ! percent ; last loan 25 ! pel- cent : eloso 1 offered at ' -j ' percent. 1'uiMB'MBUCANTK.E I'Al'Kii 4M@'I per cent. STIMI.INO ExoiiANOE-Qulot und sto-idy ut * 4.834 ! torslvty day bills and JI.HJ'i for de mand , The closing quotations on bonds : asked London .Stuck Alurket. [ C jyr/u/icl / ( ( 1832 bu Jnmts Onrdan liennrtt. ] LONDON , Jun , ! . [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE llKU. ] In roffard to buslnoHS this bus been a very ijulet day on the Stock exchange so that attention has been cblolly directed to the pro tessof thn sottlomont. Consols maintain tno opening Improvement of ; , per vent. Home railways are Hat. Amorl- UHIIH wort ) dealt In to a smaller o\tont than usual. The clmo wus. somewhat It regular. Northern I'liclllo preference declined I'i Deicunt and a few others id per cent to U percent lower. The majority advanced U per cunt to K nor cent. In regard to Canadian linos. Qrautl TrunU was distinctly tl-it. A mn- terltl docllno has taken ptaco In preference. In the L'uaiantoo.l Canadian I'uclllu Is only u fraction onalor. Moxlcun Is ho ivy nnd sub- stantlally lowor. Money Is very llttlo wunted. Short loans were obtained at V > nor cent. The lurgo withdrawal from the bank sltehtly burdened the discount market. Two und throe months bills were inoted ) at from I,1 ! to 2 pur cent. Three hundred un I thirteen thou sand pounds o ! fcoutli American and 10,0)0 ) of Kits-dan coin gold wus withdrawn from the bunk. LONDON , Jun. 13--Tho folUr.vluoro the London stock iiuotntlons uloslnt ; ut 4 p. m. : llAll Sll.vun 42JM. Mo.ibY 1 per cent. H ito of discount In the open murUot for both abort and thren months bills Ifi per cent. Amount of bullion drawn from the Hank of Enittaud on balance today _ a2.UOO. ! I'lll IIK'llI XotlK. IVANSAB CITV , Mo. , Jan. 13-Uloarlngs , $1,005.- 017. 017.I'AIIH , Jan. ta Throu uor cent routes , 05f 2"J'ju for the iiecount. NKW VDIIK , J-iu. IX Hank clearings , I49- 224.78I : buUnces. tt.0nfl7l' ' . Nuw i un.BANS. Ia. . Jan til. Ole irlngs. ( I , . ( Di.STI. II ink discount $1.0 } per $ t.'X > I premium. U N i.yNATi. O..Jan. ii : Monoy,4QOnerrent. Now York Kvclmiue , par , Ulo i rings. f-,5JV.\ ( ) . lUi.TluoiiK. Md . Jan. lit. II.ink oloarlius today , n',7.0mi ! b.il times. $ JI4.7J3 ; rate tl per < I'ilil ADKi.i'iitA , PH. , Jun. 13. Hank aloarln.s ted ly , 812.S-Nr-iJ ; bilanutu , 57,1.11,7"J ; muiiav , 4 per t'unu MKMI'IIIH. Tenn. . Jan H Now York ox- cliun o selling ut pit' . Clearings , $ l03.tii3 ; b.iliuices $134.077. hr I.DUIR. Mo. . Jan. U Oloa'rlnss , IJ.OI.I.III ; b ( lances. < (131.43' . Money , 0 < ti nor eont , Kv- chun.uini Now York ixij premium. HUSTON , Mass. , Jun. It Hank otuarlngs today. } 7.0 . ' ' , UI7 | biliim-ei , 11 , , ' . ' ) ; monuy , 2 prr cunt j oxohungoon Nuw York , irudlseonnt. llAVVNA.Jun la. Spnnlnli'old. . SMWiW.)1) : ) ! ; K\chungo woiki on the United Ktitox. xhort sight iiilOl4'Q0 ) | ' ) iiri'inlum ; on London , 10d I'.ni promliim. I'niouio. III. . Jun. I'l. - Ionov , fl per cent. Hank ule irln u , JI.\87I.Sia Now York uxcli'inso. 4uQ3o uro'iilum. Ktiirllnj uxchingo. JI.Hi'4 fur sixty-day bill * nnd W.W fur Alglit dralts. Kt. l.iinlH llnliit ; notations , ST. l.ouij , Mo , Jun , W The mlilliu block market WUH ( jnlut. rial us. 1.700. t'losn ; l.ltllo AlUurl .THS ? Aiuurlcna Nettlii. . , . IUU II. l'ln r a llluiutallla > MI M llrcon 3 ! fuiitrul Silver , U ) . I'nt Miuphy , S ) Klliatx-th ? n. Pltroruuu.ot , . , . A ti. Mountain , , IW ) Hnmll llopin * . . . * , , , HU Hope 170 V ii in a . . . . , . , . i . . . It ) UiMtuu Stock 'Miirki't. UOSTON , Mass. , Jan. U Tim followlui wore the ctosliu prlciH on blocks on the Ildtton stock iiinrkct toJuyi Atohl on A Topcin 4Jtilliuti | > n iv.Mont-ma O31AII.I i : S1OOK 3T.IKKKT. OMAHA. Jun. 13. Kecolpts fet the past three days foot up 0 ? l cfttfe , "N.lllt Hoi's and oil ! sheep. u alnst 7 , : 7 cattle , U',710 IIOKB und U4 * sheep the flrst half of last week , n rather considerable Ruin till around. There were not too many c.ittlo hero for the requirements of the trade , but there were onotuh toIvo buyers an opportunity to t-ike their own time In maklns selections , und'tho result wus a slow , dull market , astern mar kets were quoted lower , and as rocolpts hero were rattier liberal sel ers hud to submit to a decline of 3a to I'o on beef stoois. Tidy fat beeves were In the host dcm mil nnd consequently quently did not so 1 a rout deal lowor. It wns the heavy 'cattle and the ordinary Ihiht wolKht stock that snir rod the most. There wus nothing rlnht choice or loppy hero but irood 1. 100 to l.fiJO-lb. bce\os"sold from RI.V ) to JI.10. ' Kulr to good ft ) ) to ] .20)-pound ) , , . . , soldlfrom'Sl.OtoJ,50 ) , , Trading was s'.bw but In the end there were not a great many loads unsold. " The supply wns llbar'.il and the finality out- sldo of huf-u-dozcn hunches none of the bust. Thcro < vas a llttlo slackness in thu demand , the ( 'oninetlt'on wasilot/as uatlVo as ycster- duy and value ? declined 10 to 15 cents on ull but , the very bcst. < tock. Some goo. ! heifers brought J3. tt and'fulr ] ' to good cows said largely nt * 2.30 to IJiGii Odd canning lots sold froni Jl. ' j to $2.0(1. ( "Hulls , oxen nntl st igs were rather slow at $ l.73tb $ J.X ( ) , calves steady at $ J OJ to St.M. . . J The supply of stackers ami feeders was lar.cr than It has been for * , omo time und there \\oio quite a' few rountrv buyers lookIng - Ing mound. Kcgnlar dealers , ho'Aavor. had good orders and ( lid the bulk of the trading ut prices largely from tJ.75 to W.13. Koprcscn- tatlvo sales : ' BTftEKS. MU/CKIIS AND 1 sprlnser $21100 1 sprlnctor (2400 I cow and c.Uf. . . . J OJ I cow und cult. . . 25 10 llil Thu supply was liberal , falling very little short of last Tuesday's run. The ijual- Ity continues jtood , In fuct It was never hotter ut this bouson of the ye.ir. Huslnoss opened slow and lower with a very moderate shipping demand und local buyers nil bidding from 5o to IDC lower. Swift wns an active buyer all wornlnir , hiiylnt ; moro hoxs tli in Unit house over uouzht before on this market. On the eariy market the best heavy hiUH sold at from $ .1,1)0 ) to $1.3 with common ho.tvy und mixed packers at from $1.81 to 1,1.1)0 ) and light and IlKlit mixed loads ut from it.80 toJ.I.Hi'J. An advance In ho3 and priivlslous ut C'lileoco produced a rouetlon about thu middle of the forenoon nnd a peed share of tho. early dccl nn Mn i chained. At thn o OSH prices wore u.shadoto , 5e lower than at tbo hiKh tlmo TnesJay. Owln to thu lute arrival of suverul trains the market was con tinued throu.'h thoi ruitor ! uirtof the day. and when the 3 o'clock whistle blow the lmn-s had not ull pusscdpyer the soulos. OlosliiK quotations noroRUOit toeholco heavies fiom { .Litttofl.Ul , commpn.licavy und mixed packers fiom l.l.W to Tl ) , > . \ H ht und light ml.xed loads froni * J.S5 lo M.UO. The bulk of the trndln ; . ' was from tLh3 : lo Jlftasalnst n.UI < to Jioo Tuoxduy. The avoniKo oust was i.OU ) auulnst $ IO S Tnoi- d.iy , line ; J.70 lust Uetlncsduy. Kapresoutu- tl\o .ile : tin * No. Av. 81k I'r. . | No. Av. Bh. I'r. 0 . . aiu J3 iHW " ' , . , ai4 I 111) ) M IK ) 73 . Uw a 73 , . m" , . .200 HO auo " " I'M 11 il' 61. , . . . : c. i 120 aoo "ft" ! .410 4U . . . . .270 aoo 82. . . , .aw ( .8) ) Ul . . . .2:15 : 120 aoj 7(1 ( , . . -10 ' 1'JO 68. . . . .2311 ira aoo 70. . . .SSI HU 60 , , , . . .an 2X ( ) auo IU . . .234 HIO a si"1" M. . . . . -"JS 83 aoo 7.1 , . , . .DO 40 a M3iini C3. . . 8J aoo Kl . . . 231.1) , : t HV ii 03. . . , .2ll ! auo I. . . . . . -.1) ) 3K ) .LW HI aoo 4S . , IU ) M , . , . . . - : ) bO am 31 . . . : . ! Ml 71 ' 'J1H ' auo . .ItW Ml. . . via aw . . .2 > 7 2IH Ul. . . . .aio SO 32 ' " IGI M , , , . an2 240 auo . "ij.'r ; 2JO 70. . . . SM aw 1 . aw I'O i K3 W . . . . as HO auo " . . ss. X'J dJ. . . 23J 40 auo 72" . . .S27 Kl ) I-1. . . . .ShS H ) aoo at. . . .STI .8U 12. . . . .3'l lli ) aixij III. 4 H3 ' mi auo ' 81 , 'llaio 120 'I'M ' rxi'l ! 100 aoi ' 70 . . .SH 8) ) a K 8J a 01 7. . . .io h3 72 . . . :7u : 4(0 ( aoi Kl. , . . .SCO J40 M. . . . ' 1.7 auo III. , . . .224 1.0 0 ! , . .r.2ai IM a DO C ! ) , . . .271 : i87U 21. . .2ai a co iW. , . . . -70 jca .1 flit 27 . .so fid auo a K7i ! 51 , . .251 400 aw 120 a s4 M . .2111 am ) 0 : no a > < 7'i to UO. ) ax.i Iti .M'l HI a u ) :1I2 : 40 , > ' 8 N aoo , -70 uiu J'l .0. , 23H no 31)0 ) aiu i . < ) m . . . .275 RO TO 281 73. . 22(1 ( 34) B2 Jfl ) ? y atriji . .223 4(1 tu . . sol 1M 3Wi ( ° 12. ) 3 87 i 70 . . . ,841 IIft ! ! 10) ) 71 an KO aSOi ft ) . . .ZB 4) ) H7)i ) OJ . . . SHI nj ul- * | ' | 7 . . ID ) ; i ; i M . . . .880 tl 3DJi ; r.7 . 1.1X1 a DO M V51 BO aiJ'i * " 40 ; t < man M aoa 74 SCO 57 . . . .aw aw ' . . .2.VI 80 an > 7 BM ) ic ) aurt 7t'l ! . ' _ I7 80 a DO M . . . .I.M I.K ) aw 68 . . ' 1.1) ) UU ) eu , , , .aw ) 80 ! l 03 71 . . . .Ml auo fi7 , . . . . 2i 8) aiH ' ' iH \ W/ fo a iw ni 2va - aw w.'I ! . .241 a no M ) . .284 3-\ ) ant M . . . . 232 400 3 CO Kl SIM 40 3113 0) ) . . . 24) ) 303 30 * 73 . . 24)WO a uo r/i . ! ! ! ! 40 % 120 aft' . 10V. . 48J 30) 7S , . , , . 2111 M ) . , . . 80 a i > 3 M ttf ) Ji iim 01 . . . 8JO M ) . . . . . : ni : so aw 07 . . . 21 a. 18 3 us I'M. . . .aw 8J 3 UU aa iu7 80 301 S- 217 . ' 1 DO na . . , , ; i23 UK ) aw : : ; ni 3.10 40 at)3 ) BV. . . , . : ao a uo ! I7 414 am (17 ( . . . . .23' ' 240' a o > nr . . .so-j 100 JIM 01. . . . 2IJ 1M f.7 m M. . . 303 . . ' 0 > a IK ) Ww4 ) : ice a iii tifl . . . a o > 08 M4.,2.i4 28) ) 303 4 . . . . .21)1 ) 100 31)0 ) 71. ! . . ' . ' ' ) 120 31)3 ' ' ' . .213 .40 II U ) r.o . . . . 37 120 aui 71. . . 40 a 10 01 28' ) r.vi a 03 'ft ? . . . SHI nij 03 . . . 2l mi am 03. . . . ! UI 200 aw M.K.IO : KO ant' ' ; M. . . . 2KI ! 40 a o ) r.2 317 80 li' ) < m. . , . 181 : < uo RU 337 10) ) IIUTii 40 . . . 2-0 a ui RO .ICO 120 IlllTSi I'll. . . . .i'-'O . am 71 23 40 400 Wl. . . . .201 ICO8J a un C.S 3Jfl - 40J 81. . . . . . ' 21 -8J ; IIK > f/ ' ale 400 70. . . . HJ a o ) riqs A D itnmiii. . . . . . . ! 1 2.5 i ISO 80 ,140 SIIKEIKerclpts conslstu.l of two single loads of natives. Uno bunch good mixed natives sold for l.8 > und the other , good nutlvo lunihs brought W.fO. Notwlthsliind ng n lower market In Chicago prices appear to bo well maintained hereon aecountof tlie limited supply and the active do ii.ind. Q totutloiis , fnlr to good natives $ t'Z' > TtiV'J. ' > ; wcsle-rns f4.0 CMVOO ; common , und stojk sheep , f..AJj2tJ.nJi lambs. $4.2.3..rO. , Representative s'llos : No. Av. 1'r. IV > natives , mixed IUI 48.1 87 native lumtis 8 ! ) 6 RO ItrcrlptB nnd DlHpoHltlmi of Stock. Oniolal receipts anil disposition of stojk as shown by tho'hooksof the Union Stoik Yards comnany for tliolwciitv-fonr hours , ending at 5 o'clock p. m. , January II , 18J2 : ' KKCEII'TS. uidi'usmu.v. Chicago I.lxc Stork .Marlcrt. CiucAno..IU. . Jun.JlJ. iSpoclal Teloiram to Tnu BzB.-WIth''l.iiOO | eattlo In the pens today It was not to bo expected "that the market would dovolopmuch strength , an'l It did not. The few choice steers offered were promptly taken ut steady prices , the further advance on the London und Liverpool markets effectually checking any tendency to weakness in any thing that wus good enough to send across the water , but holders of cuttlo grading below choice were obliged to "knock oif" something The average reduction from Montluy'd prices was from luc to 15o per 1 U Ibs , There were some grades In which greater concessions \\ero undo common cows , for Instance , tiding from 'JOc toTHe lower. No fun t could bo found with the demurJ. It was actlvo. both for local and shlppln : account , and although prices were unsatisfactory , most of the stock was out of the si-ilers bunds by the middle of the afternoon , bales weio on u basis of from * I.00 to $ J.T > for Inferior to c\tru cows , heifers nnd bulls , Jl.iT > to M.'iO for stockers un3 feeders and J2.s : > to I5.5D for verv common to choice dressed beef nnd shipping steers. E.\tr.i steers were quoted around i. > .7. > . , Good hogs , of no matter what weight , wore In active request und ruled firm with prime heavy trades a shade hl-'hcr. 1'oor nd com mon lots were more or lcs under neglect , but could not bo bought ut uny dcclli.e. The sup ply was large , us In addition to the fresh ar rivals , wlilcn reached HH.OuO , there were at least 15.000 stale hogs , with local und eastern buyer * actively engaged. Thobiipp y of sixty odd thousand did. not prqvo greatly oxci'sslvo und the market remained fairly flimtolho close. Quotations are trorn fjooto 11.15 for poor to prime light und * 4.i)0 to * 4.'K ) for hoavy. Snips were principally at from tl Oj to $4.10. The demand forgood qualities of sheep and lumbs wus unabated and prices were well sus tained , but there was a weaker tone to the market for.low grades , of wl.lch there has boon u considerable Increase within the last three days. From J2.SO to f3.V > for culls nnd ragged lots , prices rungo as high ns from Jj.-ft to $ o 75 for extru , whllo the raiuo of quotations for lambs Is from tl.75 to Jki.75 , thi < outsldo flguros calllng.for homothlng fine. Of recent sales the bulk were at from $175 to I.VJ3 for sheep and at from J. > .7. > to ifli.0 for l.unb.s. Hecclpts were : Cattle , 1U.OOO ; boss , 48,000 : hecp. litW ) ) . The Evening Jouril reports : OATTLK Ito- coipts , 12,0)0 ) ; shipments. 5 , 00 ; prime steers lions Receipts. 4l,0iiij slilumcnts , iuOJO ; market active , but irregirlar ; mixed and packers.- $4.U"4.W ; prime heavy and butchers weights , $ l.iy i4.)5i ; ) lljht. HO.OI.U ; pigs , J1.HJ " . HilBEf--Ili < i'olpts. 0,000 ; sblpinents , 2.100 : market notlvo und steady ; n itivo owos. Jitoa 4.2S : mixed , * l.5JiJl.7.i ; weitern woth trs , $4.75(0 5.43j lumba. * 4.25 < a0.75. > York Live Stock Mnrlc jt. NEW YOIIK. Jun. IU. IIKKVKS Uecolpts , 2,034 head , Including UU cars for sulo ; mnrkot very dull : sliado easier : native steers , $ l..VJ3l.7u ; bulls and cows , 11 115Q > 14J ; dressed beef steady ut 7 < 3 > We per Ib ; shipments toJuy , 5J4 beeves and 760 quarters of beuf ; for" touionow , 1.2JI beeves inn ! 2.i sheep. OAI.VBS Hecoliith. 630 head ; murket firm ; veals , i."i.HWJ9.50 ! per 100 Ibs. ; grassers , } 2.5 a StlBKP Hocoiuts , 3.270 head : mnrkot steady for sheep ; lumbs , ! < o ncr pound lower ; oheop , KI.WSi.5j ( ( per 100 His. ; lambs. ta.007.0 > ; dressed mutton steady ut bIle ) per Ib ; dressed lambs wnak utUfDIlo per Ib. lions Kecclpts , lJ.'i3' > hoadcon9lgno I dfroat ; market nominally steady ut D.lWiJI.lW per 1QJ Ibs. _ St. Louis Llvo Stock .Hnrkot. ST. Loins , Mo. . Jun. 111. O \ TTf.BUoeoliits , 23.0UO ; shipment ! ! . 2iHI ; market steady ; fair to choice natives. J.I.ZViil.'jJ ; fed Tu.xans , JJ.U045 0.00. lions Receipts , 8.20J ; shipments , 1,200 : mur- ketopened lower and closed stonily : fair to fancy heavy. { 4.00i$4 15 ; mixed , ordinary to good , Pl.5i444.ua ; light , fair to best , $11)0(34.10. ) ( SliEBl > itei-ulpts , 1WO : shipments , none ; mar ket strong ; fulr to doslruulo muttons , WISTIKX INTIJHKSTS. Iiidlrutlons of a Liberal lliiNlnuss I > urOitlio I'ast Week. CINCINNATI. O. , Jan. IL : ( Special Tolepram to TUB HEK.I Tomorrow's I'rlco Current will say : Thu week's packing In the west bus been fairly III ernl W.OOJ Iwfa against 0.1,000 last your. Thoseason's total Is now 5,4 15.0JO. ugulnstn,175.00J u year ago. The lending places compare us follows : I 1881. I IKK ) . Do Witt's Little Earlv KUUM ; only pill to euro slult hoadncho and rc ulato tbo bowels. YOURSELF ! ' ' . Ask your Druggist for a . bottle of lllg U. 1 ho only f / noH-pulionout rcmtdy for all 1 the unnatural discharges and , prhntedUcMi'so ! men und tlio debilitating weaknrii peculiar 1 to wonwu. It cures in a lew ldas without the aid or \ publlrlly of a doctor. \.Thi \ L'ndtreal Amerteni Cure. Manuraclttrcd by CINCINNATI , O. U , C. K , SOUTH OMAHA. NION STOCK VA < 03 CO. , LIMITED A'in Root & Oo. ! Qasiu'iu i Dalb-/ , llocmSt Kxctmn e lliill.lItooiui. . tU aucl 01 Hi- Houlb chmiua bulUlnX. tiviuth Oinih * . OMAHA IUIIIIK DIRECTORY. Morso-lco BIOJ Cotmaiy , " 1109 Unfurl Stroot. Fnctorjr corner IHu ani Dj.uln Slrei' Wtnro miliifcliH3 | yrlOJi to o\i' birori , nil nro of OJli walJihTJr/ - nurcliMlti. V GOODS. Omaha Ooniolidatjd Electrical Cb. , Motors , Dyminoj , L-x-npi , Wlra an-l Eloctrloil Sup plies of All Hindi. 1112 Horrard street , Omaha. AXD CAltPE'lS. Booba & Eunyan Fur- nitura Oo , Suooosion to O. A. Ilo)3 ft Co. , Qraoo and Utn Sti.Omaha QEX'l 'S FUUMbUlXG GOOD'S. AXD xouom 0. A , Stono'aill , Mlllln r/Nolloni.Cloaki Kto. Illl88. . ICthSt , < ) m ti . MUSIC Ah IXSTKUMJiXTlS , Ji'JU A. Hospo , Jr. , rinnoi. Oranni , Arlliti Mntcrlftlf , Kto. lit ] Dou l i 8tret. OYSTERS. A Booth Packing Oo. Platt It 0) . , I'nokori of ojilort , flsli O7 tr , FUh nnrt Colcr/ , iiit Cclorj , 31(1 ( South 10th It (11 ( ii.vtt.noilh8t. l ) Tkl Cole Mnnor. . OILS. Tani ! Line Oo. Iteflned ml elli , itxla iirenio , eto Ribbol & Smith , B ratio1. ! & Oj. , DenlcM la i countrr prod- Products frnlti of ttt urp , frulU , T0 oti\blei , etc.1X7 kind * , oyslori , 1X7 Howard StroeL 13th and llarner Str ti Zirsohbruun & Soni , Jos. A. OInrir. fe Oj. , Mutter , eggs im1 poultrr Uuttor , olioeio , ojti poultry and iiamn. IWDIIotmnl StrooL CVJ South Uth Htrc L Eiddoll & Co. , 0. Pogaw. Cnth huror of Imtter Huttcr. cheeie. OK , TOI- nnd fititi , gnnoral cum- ctnbles , frnlti , poultry inUilon merchant. nml itnino. 3H-3IH . ISth. Mullin & . MoOlah , Bingiiam. & Son , fpnclnltles. biittlr. 0311 , fend un your Kugt. llut- chccne. pjultrroto. No. t'jr , I'oultrr. ( iamv , US. lit i Uo ( . Ijt Nat. Illdos , Ktc. bank. ITOI-3 I.eaicnworlli St. PAPER. King Paper Oj. WrniuibiK paper , all llndj of tnlno , eto , per , etc. Tol. I73 X S'lOVE James Hughes , Omahx Steve Bopaij StOTCnrepnlMofftltkla.il Wor B. Cooki and Hoalori StoTO repairs nnd water for sale. n'tacliuicnti for any kind of ( tOTCmado. 0073. nth Stron 1207 IxiUBlai. DOOMS. ULINDS , ETC. M. A , Disbrow & Oo , Uanufacturen or > h. doori. bllnda nnd mouldlugi. llrnnah of- flcc , 12th and IxnrJ Sts. 10 VS. H. Hardy Oo. , Toys , dotU. alb u nil , funoy ffoodi. houiDfiir- nl'hlni ; uoolf , chll.l- rcn's cnrrlnirc" . Ul'J Knrnam Stroot. For Inventions , PROCURED n\ " TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Equal nltli the Intcreic of thoio liaTlnx claim nKUlnittliBKOvornuiuntH Ihnt of INVKNroilJ. trho often loio the bonoat of valuable Invonttini boa inia of the Inooiupeianor or Inattention of the attorneyj employed to ontaln their p.itanti. Too mucli aira cannot bo oxerclio.1 In ouiplayln carupitsat aad rcllaliju rollo'ton to procure ontoau , for tin Valuu of apittentdipBndi uroitlIf not entirely , upon tin euro nnd skill of the altornoy. Wllbtho vlotrof proloctliu laTonton frju wortn lem orcnrelnit attornayi , and of v3ln ( tlint inTta ) > tlnnnarowull protacted by Tilld patanti. Tiia IIJU IlUltKAU lini retiln d counsel expert In patoul vrnctlce : und l therefore prepirdJ U tibtnln ixitentyj < Conduct ititcrforrnaei , Wake atiectal r.jntinliiittloni , Itroneotttc. rejrctcrt cmten. , K atntci' tvmle linn-kit unit cojiui'lyUtf , Mtenilcr ojiinlont na toacojie nml rtilltt- Itu ofjxituitt.i. 1'roHecnto nml tic fen.t fnfi-lnyx na U HIlltH , etc. , ClO. If you hare an Invuntlon on hand en I TUH niHJ DUItbAUaaketcli or photograph thereof , tuiotnor with n lirlef dosarlptlon of the Important leaturei , and you nlll ho onoa adrlied u to the Loit < io > irjo ta pursue. Modoli arc not nocoiiar/ union the invau- tldii in of a complicated nature. If ntuur * are In , frlimliiKon your rljhti , or If you an cnnr ea wlttt InfrlnKcment Dy onion , iiihmlt tlo hunter to TUB llUlllSAUlor u reliable OPINION before aotuu oa the matter. THE' BEE BUREAU OP CLAIMS 220 fico Ilullilln ? , Omaln , Nob. lliironn Is pu-irimtoed by thi Omiihu lice , the IMoncer Pioss und the Sa Francisco Kxumlnur. this out and send it with your it qulry. INDIAN DEPREDATION GUiMS Persons who hava lost property fie n Indian raids should II ; o tholr claims under the Indian Dcpro lutlon Act of . \ ur j\i \ V , 18)1. ) The tlmo ll limited , unJ the claims uro taken up by tbl court in the order In which they are locelved , Taks Notice that all contraats ontero.l inU with attornoya pr.or to tha A3t ura mada mill nnd void. Information iilvon uuj all claims promptly uUontlcd to by the BKli BUREAU dlj CLAIMS. Jlcutttllillnu. . O M A.I-I A , N m B R A SK A . Ilureau Is iniuranteoj by th Omiihu lleo. the I'lonuor 1'iess uu.l the Had KruncUco Kxamlner. Cut tlii out and tend it with your in quiry. Morplilno IlabU circ > lliliMaZOli7 < , n II T till c r a.CR.J.IIirUI d.L b li n,0. | BuffarlnR from tiio cited * of - - - yimlh.'ul crrori larly decay , waittnic vreakni N * , lr t manhood , etc- I wHI soinl n valuable trratlte l i aludi containing rultpartlculan fur hainn euro , I'ltKli of rharco , A iplcndlU nittdlcal wuttc i nhuiilil Iv rriil by vTcry "man whn U ucrvoui and ( l i > lllut''il. Addreu. 1'roC 1' . C. l'0\VMJUtnioodtt8. C'uuiu BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE OAPAOITY 6OO.OOO BUBHBL3. 'age ' for All Kinds of Grain HONEY ADVANCED OH CONSIGNMENTS/ / All xr.ttn nolshed , Inspected . itid | utor.ixo rut * c tublUhi'dby ktaloollluur * und full imitk'Uluitt und connlg * f WOODMAN & HIT CHI ECO OMAHA , NKD.