THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY M , 3802. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 1M5AUL STUKKT. Hoilrareil by Carrier to nnjr part of the Ul It. W. TII/TON , - MAXAUnil. Hunlnc-n onlco . No 41 MIAOK .U/v'.VT/O.V. N , Y. Plumbing Co Council lUufTs Lumber Co. , conl. Craft's ' chattel loans. 204 Sapp block. Hon. Spencer Smith has received official notice of bin Tloctlon to tbo ollloo of cbnlr- tnnn of the Hoard of Kallrond Commissioners of Iowa. The Ladles' Aid Society of the lloroan Baptist church will meet tomorrow nftornoon ntrtho residence of Mrs. S'lcott ' , 1MU ( Third at-cnuc. .1. Sbnrpo. charged with disturbing the pcnco by uslnir profane languueo toward a Klrl t > y the name of Home , will liavo a hear- IIIR In pollco court thh morning. An express package consigned to II , W. , Kothcrt , itiporlntondont of the deuf anil dumb Institute , was stolen from D. W. Tem- piclon's wagon night before last. In the district court yesterday a petition wni filed for the lomoval of tha rase of ttao otato of Iowa against the Chicago , liurllnc- ton & Hall way company to too United States circuit court. At the last meeting of Council Bluffs lodge No. 411 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , resolutions of respect wcro nns od In honor of the late T. I' . Troynor nud of sympathy to bis bereaved relatives and friends. Mnrrlnoo llcanscs wore issued yesterday to M. J. Ityan of Douglas county , Nebtusko , and Mary A. Hatmlfuti of Poltanattnnilo county , Iowa , and to Charles W. Lewis mid MinnieD. . Page , both of Lewis township. this county. A telegram was received In thlscltv.yostor- day announcing the death of E. Q. Butcher , the \voll known horseman , familiarly called , "Old Hutch" by sportsmen , which occurred at Conmnchu , la. tic was well known at all tbo race tracks In tbo country. Pottawattamlo Tribe No. 21 , Improved Order of Hed Men will mcot.'thls evening In their wigwam , corner of Hroadwuy and Main street , at7yo : o'clock for special work , , All members and visiting chiefs are re quested to attend. 1. N. Parsons , Sitchom. ' Judge Thornell arrived In the city jester- day and opened thn January terra of the ills- . trlct court. Tnu entire dnv wus spent In calling the docket and matting assignments , mid the trial of cases will bo taken up today. , The grand Jury will also bo drawn today and put atvorlt grinding out Indictment * . Sleighing and sleighing parties are the oidar of thu day and many are taking advan tage of the opportunity to enjov the treat. ' Ella and Nod Wirt gave some of their young' f i lends a chance to find out how Mnlch bells sound behind four horses and the time was. passed pleasantly In spite of the cold. > P. KiBsoll and Dutch Boyinptonwere ar- icstcd at an early hour vostordav morning on , the charge of getting Sam Stogclm drunk mid tabbing him of $ . " > . It was claimed that they boasted of the fact at a saloon kept by John Kennedy at the corner of Tenth trout , and Broadway and tried to spend tbo money' they had obtained for whisky. When the case came up for trial It was found impossible to make a case against the two suspects and lines of ( ft and costs were taxed up against Klssell , Buyington ana Stogcllu < for drunken \ ness. KUsoll pild out and left for Omaha,1 but the other two are still In tbo hole. The live doll exhibition and tableaux will bo an attractive feiitui o ut the en tertainment plvcn Thursday evening by the ladies of St. John's Lutheran church at 2.18 Broadway , at the foot of Glen 'nvonuti. Entertainment and re freshments , "oc. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , olOfei every evening ut 0 p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. Mrfnrtays 0 p. in. , Stitutdaya 10 p. in. Fotheringhnm , \Vhitohiw ; & Co. , Council Blurt's , la. PAllAOHAl'IIH. Mrs. M ; II. Judd , of Lyons , Nob. , Is in the city , u guest of Mrs. C. U. Peterson. J. P. Weaver , and L. C. Bealor are attend ing the brick maker * ' convention in Washing ton , D. C. H. A. Ballengor started yostcrdav for a business trip of a couple of months in the central part of the state. Still In Ilin AVondH. Jj. Harris and LT M. McDonala , tbo latter of whom was suspected by tbo former of skipping out with a lot of liquors and saloon llxturc.s , wore out together yesterday morn- Inp'squnrlnir thomt > elves with tbo public and loudly denying that there hail boon anything wrong with McDonald's actions ! A number of McDonald's creditors , - however , did not looK at the case just as the two p-irtlos who were most Interested. Lund Bros , tiled an information with Justice Ham mer last evening charging McDonald with obtaining 'goods under false pretences and allegingtbat ho hud bought $8 worth of chinaware , representing that Harris would stand good for the amount. Harris , after McDonald disappeared , refused to pay the bill and McDonald was consequently or- tested. Ho will have a hearing tomorrow but It is not likely the case will over coma to trial , as the trouble between Harris and his ox-tenant has been llxed up and ho will probably pay. the bill. There are other crodltots whoso bills are as yet unpaid. Walnut block and Wyoming conl , fresh mlnud , received dailj Thatcher , 10 Main. Now Ofllrcrs. At a special mooting of the Young Men's Christian association directors held Monday night , W. P. Onicor and E. D. Stacy were oloctcd to fill tbu vacancies on the board caused by thu removal from the city of O. C. Garroou and"O. . H. Allen. The following commlttoeosvoro also ap pointed ! Finance , C. T. Ofllccr , C. O Sauu- ders and M. H , Chamborlnln ; devotional , C. S. Law son , 10. D. Stacy , W. P. Ofllcer nud W. C. Harmon. The board Is greatly en- courugod over the outlook for the present year , and an effort will bo nmdo to incrcaso the interest felt In the work of the associa tion among the business men. The scheme of erecting n onlldlug is to bo presented some time during the coming year. I'nii tlcal Ten years experience , lit guaranteed without cliango of seam or no pay ; prices &I.OO to 95.00 , ladles nlonso call. Mcsdiunos Burnett , M. A. Fair. M. G. Triplow , 625 South Alain , bocond lloor fiqnl. Suit for Damages , ( Jeovgo S. Suhultz has a full sized grievance which he bivs burftin measures to vcntliato In the superior court. Ho lius commenced a suit ignlnst J , Wurdlan , In which ho allegpH that Wnrtllan had him arrested November SO , 1801 , on the charge of dUturblnp the poaco. After staying two days In the city Jail bu was given a hearing , which resulted in his dis charge , the uronecutlng witness admitting in onen court that ho had not been guilty of the Dfl'ensu with which ho hod prnvlously charged him. Ho now wantt damages from Wurdtau In ttao sum of 14KX ) and the costs of the present prosecution , $10 of the amount Doing for the labor ofhlmioK and his team which was lost by the Imprisonment , and tbo rest for thu bodily and mental , anguish to which ho was subjected. .Cotmnoiolnl mon , Hotel Gordon tlio j best $1 ! house In Council BUilTa. C'oliloatliht of thu NtMiim. -Monday night was tbo coldest ot the sen- far , tlio tltormoinntor rt'ftstorW nil /the way from 17s to 20 = below * ere In dlf- 5f iant parts of the city , according to the lo- Mtiou and thq excitability of tlio various In- trumonts hearU from. Tlio low oat tlgui-o was1 reached at the Union 1'aeUlo transfer. MM water workx nowur house mid tbo rest- 'rfwico of L. A. Catper. The cold suap bas tt do tbo lea In tbo river and lake Manawa eyw a foot Uoit ana lanjo foroes of uion DOOU put at worn by ibe dlffei-cnt Ice NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Members of the Oily Council Have An other Grcnt Bchome. DETERMINED TO HAVE BETTER QUARTERS , Upper rioorn of Hie Itrmrn Iltillilllig Will rrntMltfy He ltiit l bor City llnlt3Q 1'urjnneit Oilier l.nenl Notes of Intercut. The failure of tbo scheme to build n $100- 000 city hull has put another Idea into the minds of the members of tbo city council. The plan i now being seriously oonMdorod of renting suitable quarters for the city edict's In somn of the onlco buildings about the city. A proposition has been iccetvcd from J. .1. Brown in wnich he offeri the city Urn use of tha two upper floors of the Broxvn building. He will make all needed altera tions BO as to provide a hull for holding council meetings , and will also put n vault In largo enough to contain the city records which have so far escaped destruction by lire or thlovon , provided an agreement can bo reached as to the length of time for which the city will keep the place. All the aldermen visited the building yes terday afternoon and looked It over , and tbo question was Qnaliy refcired to n committee consisting of Van Brunt , Puce and Graves , three of the holdover members ot the coun cil. It Is probable a report will bo mudo to the council at its meeting next Monday evening. If it is decided to accept Mr. Brown's proposition , the piosont city build- Iniivill be allowed to bo used once more as a fci store. It is said that a mujorlly of tno councitmon nro strongly in favor of the scheme , one of tbo strong points in ado In Its favor being the probability that tbo cltbens will rise up In their might after a few years and demand that the pavmcnt of rent be stopped and that a city hall hi- built , \vhilo If anv large amount of money Is spent on the present city headquarters in the way of re pairs , It will be likely to put n permanent quietus on the city hall schema. Prof. T. W. Din-is isorpanisiinpaclnss tn Council BlulTs in voice culture , und is mooting with irood success. Prof. Duvis showed his ubility us a vocalist ut the Prosbytorlun church lust Siiturdny us leader of the choir for the first tune , und demonstrated the faut that in this capacity ho is well adapted. Ho sunjj n solo ( The Koacue ) , by Philips , which showed that his Voice was completely under control was rich and powerful. Ho comes to Council Bluffs with the best recommendations , and is a valuable acqusition td inimical clVcles. Prof. Davis expect * to make Council BlulTs hia future home , and will devote his en tire attention to vocal rouble. It is hoped that frof. Davis will bosuccessful in his now field of labor , as the people of Council Bluffs desire to keep him among them , not only on account ofhis gentlemanly - manly qualities , but becausehoId a pro fessor who , in the art of music , ranks high. His headquarters are at the Giantl hotel , whore all thoso'wHhing to join his class may either apply in person or by mail. All lessons are private. Reitor , the tailor , alO Broadway , has nil the latest styles and new winter goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. . i m Jarylswild blackbarry l tha boat Trustees Meet. The directors of the Cboutauqua Assembly association , held-tnolr annual mooting last evening In the ofllco of Mayno & Hazel- ton In the Merriam block. A new executive rommittoo was appointed for the coming year , consisting of A. S. Hazelton , P. O. Gleason , J. .E. Harkness , E. E. Hart nud F.1. H. Hill , and was in structed to cheese a manager. Tbo question whether to have an assembly .this year was not decided definitely , but was left in the hands of the executive committee , who are to canvass the situation at once uith a view to finding out what tbo Council Bluffs Transit company intends to dollh reference to building a motor line to the crounds. It is regarded as a settled fact'thnt an assembly without I motor line will bo a lailuro , and tbo question of having nn assembly will bo virtually decided by the movements of tha transit company. Th'o prospects are considered very favorable , however , nnd H. H. Van Brunt , who is ono of the board of 'directors of tbo Chantauqua and is also sup posed to be proitv well posted as regards the Intentions of the transit company , stated last evening tbat there would bo as assembly this vear without fall. , J. M. Ourslor was reappolntcd recording secretary and the election of a corresponding secretary was postponed until after tbb manager Is selected. Tbo meeting adjourned subject to a call of the recording secretary , which will ba issued upon notice of the executive committee. Jurvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Svvanson Music Co. , Masonic toil plo Wanted Good cook for the W. C. A. hospital. Iiiquro Mrs. G. T. Phelps , corner Sixth street und Willow avenue , at onco. flu * Disagreed With Them. H. I' . Barrett and A. W. Jobnaon , two young mon who room in ono of the Carrlgg flats on Fourth street , narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation yesterday morning. Dai ret t wont homo at 2 o'clock In the morn ing und retired until bicakfast , but In turn- lug off the cas ho somehow mauo a mistake and turned on anotbor burner that was close at hand. In the morning one of tbo other roomers in the house noticed tbo smell of gas und started on a tour ot investigation. It was found that the odor cnmo from the room occupied by tbo two young men , nnd by hard pounding on tholraoortboyworoarousodfrom tbo lethargy which the Inhalation oftnogis hud brought upon them. Tbo results of breathing tbo gas so many hours manifested themselves in tbo form of a torrtblo headacbo and n general tired foollnc that is not natural to either of them. It was several hours be fore the cTooIs ( wore away , and In the inoan- tiniQ they were neither of them in a condition to care whether they had another chauco to breathe gas or not. It wus found that Barrett had only turned the burner part way open , so that the full stream of the gas wus not poured Into tbo room. Tha transom over the outside door had boon left open nnd ono of the windows was dropped a little way from the top-and to tboso three circumstances the two young mon ewe their lives. Wanted Two apprentice nurses at W. C. A. hospital , cos nor Oth street and Cth avenue. _ Dr. F. T , Soybort hns removed to the Grand hotel. Telephone ! I5. Duvla , drugs , paints and stationary. Dro. Woodburydontistsnoxt to Grand hotel ; flno work a HpOblalty. Telo. 1 lo , We have our own vineyards In Callfor uia. Jurvis Wlno comuiuy , Co. BlulTa for Her Noil. V Mrs , Birch , lany SI years of ago , arrived In the city yesterday morning at 8 o'clock from bur homo at Lamolllo , a small town on tbo Northwestern rend near Marshalltoxvn , on her way to Omaha , where ne expected to meet her aoii , John Itunkle , a printer. BY mistake slio got off , the train at the Broad way Qopot.'and wandered about the streets for some time , filially finding her way Into the City Steam laundry , on North Mala street , where she asked for her soii-in-luw. Sbova almost perishing with ibo cold , ami would undoubtedly have fallen In tbo street bud she walked much farther. Slio was taken into the drying room she was warmed and fed , and an effort was made t once to find her rslatlvoa , Sno wu 10 bewildered by her experiences that It was with difficulty she could glvo any directions where they would be found , but late In the afternoon they were reached by telephone and her daughter , Mrs. Itiinulc' , came across the the river to got bor. They left for Omaha together last evening. Heiildril with Hot CnnVe. Charles Walts , a fireman at the Upper Broadway cnglno houec , is suffering from a severe burning ho received accidentally a morning or two ago whllo his wlfo was get ting breakfast. The coffee pot hud boon sitting on the gasoline * tovo for some tlmo , nnd the handle had become molted off , so that when Mrs. Watts plcko-J it up It became loose. In trying to catch thu pot she knocked It so that its contents struck him In the face , scalding blm badly. For a day or so ho was laid up as tbo result , but bo Is now ou duty again. tOUTll OMAHA. 1'loived tip the A | > hnlluni. Mr. John Hltcbhart has just returned from Denver , which city , ho says , is thoroughly disgusted with the nsphaltum put down in that metropolis by tbo California Strndamant Aspbaltum company , and Unit the pavoiriont Is so rotten that It is being thrown out'by a common plow. If this statement is true it will bo of considerable Interest to the ptop- crty owners on Twenty-fourth street in this city , as the same kind of material Is being usca hero as was tn Denver. To I'litrunlro llomn Mcrelmnts. The sentiment to patronize homo Industries advocated nt the mooting of South Omaha business mon held a few weeks ago is grow ing In favor and some of the merchants note already an Increase In their patronage. It Is urged that at least 50 per cent of the inonoy made In South Omaha should bo spent here Instead of the groit bulk going off toother cities the way it has been doing. Many of the merchants docl ire that if South Omaha people would trudo exclusively In this city that the dealers here could and would under sell any of the tnorcbants of Omaha. Denth of ChwrleM 1'rlre. The friends of Charley Pi Ice will bo shocked to hear of his sudden dentil nt Al bright yesterday. tils demise was very un expected , as ho had been sick but a short time. Ho was only 23 years old , but was the fcOlo'support of hls'wldowod mother nnd three younger brothers. Tbo funerul exercises occur at 2 p. m. toil ay at the residence of the deceased , Uov. D.uvson presiding over the last sad rites. The interment takes place at Laurel Hill. Veur I'.irty. The ladies of the Young People's Social club are making preparations to ? ivo a leap year party on Thursday evening und all the young beaux are In a flutter wondering whether they will oo invited or not. Tbo young ladies on the committees nro : Floor Misses Jess Savage , Cora Parsons nnd Doll a Carpenter , necoption Misses Josslo Suppleo , Etta Tylee , Maud Uichardson , Nora Arnold and Cherry Tyloe. , Hunk Onieluls Klcctecl. , At the annual election of the stockholders of the Packers National bank yesterday the following officers were elected : President , A. C. Fostr ; vice president , W. N. Babcock - cock ; cashier , A. P. Brink. Directors : A. C. Foster , W. N. Babcock. E. A. CuJnhy , C. M. Hunt , A. Gates. A. W. Truinblo , J. E. Curtl , H. O. Dovrios , S. Cotner. City Miniatures. Mrs. James Callahan has u severe attack of the grip. Mrs. Cora Cross entertained a number of friends at her homo on Ninteonth street last nlgbt. Tommy Bayless , son of D. F. Bayloss , is dangerously 'ill with inflammatory rheu matism. William Curtis , nn employe at Swift's , ad ministered a frightful cut on ono of bis bands , severing all tbo tendons. Mrs. T. B. Hatcbor has been called to Clinton , la. , by the death of her father , K. U. Butcher. The deceased was well known among the horsemen of the state. Mrs. S. P. Brown of Albright died with lung fever Tuesday at her homo in Albright. The deceased leaves a mourning husband and five children , The funeral exercises occurred yesterday afternoon and tbo remains - mains ware interred in Laurel Hill. UU11KA.U. The organization of the now court of law claims at Denver last month and tbo announcement nouncoment that lha court will bold its Una session in tbat city on the 17th of November tivo promise that bo long-vexed lltlm in th western territories nud state will soon bo in a fair way to settlement. The disputed titles under the Mexican and Spanish grants have proved especially troublesome In Arizona and Now Mexico. They uavo delayed settlement ana investment in some of the fairest lauds of the southwest , and have proved annoying in the districts farther to the north. After much agitation and complaint , caugrojj wa nduccd at the lajt session to provide a court for the consideration of this business , and vill soon begin to work. The organization of this court gives Tun UKU BUUKAU OP CLAIMS a chance to extend its usefulness. It will take claims under this law and prosecute them for persons who do not know whom to engage for the service. Tbo business entrusted to tbo bureau in Washington Is being prosecLled witb onorgy. The Indian depredations patent , land mining and other claims before the courts and departments are being pushed as rapidly as possible , with no delays on accunt ot the largo amount of'buslnoss which has been sent to tbo bureau. Tbo Inrco amount of claims intrusted to Its carols a standing proof nf the esteem und confidence In which Tun BKR is hold by the public which it serves. It is llko- wlso a demonstration , if ono was required.o ho need of such an organization The revelations in regard to tbo Loom Is agency which have been published recently go oven further In tbo same direction. When u mun sought for by the police for nearly a year on a warrant for embezzlement can set up as a claim ugont , flood the woe torn coun try with circulars and receive assignments for several million dollar's worth of claims. It appears tbat there Is llttlo protection for the claimant who sends to an unknown ropro. sontative. The men wbo-asslgnod their claim to Loomls would have bad small cbanco o their soolng any of their money If tha schemer hud boon given tlmo to collect their claims , Whou such risks nro run and mon wno are not able to go to Washington and know no ono there must biro their attorneys at haphazard , the need for a bureau to pro tect the people and do their work at reason able rates Is apparent. The approval with which TUB Bun enter prise is received by journalists and public mon is as gratifying as tbo response of tbo public. * > A Knmrt Aleck Culled Duwn. Ho was a clerk in a wall paper store and what ho didn't know about color blending and general artistic oflects was merely what ho had taken the trouble to ( jo out and dolihoiatoly forgot , says the Washington Star. A young woman called , and ho began in a inont gracious manner to tell nor what shn wanted. Then she ventured to glvo her views on the subject. Ho gasped and thonprotcstou with as much warmtn as was compatible with his dig nity. Again bho told him what she desired - sired , and ho drew himself into a pose that represented equal proportions of manly grace and haughty superiority and Bald in pained accents : "Madam , have you any Idea of how what you propose will looltV "Yes , " she answered , mildly , "I hnvo. 1 propose to make an o.xaot copy ot a fa mous room that I Haw in the Louvre. " When Haliy was ilckwe gave Lor Cactorla , , Wnen ihewaK n ChiU , she cried torCutorla. Whru thu became MU , lha clung to CutArla , When ( ha tuu ) ChiUn n , she eti Umm Ct torUv , HOW TO SECURIM PATENT , _ Directions to Inventors Itauqitby The Bco Bureau of Oltvilijj' METHODS OF THE PATENT OFFICE , . Mill. The Course rollimn * * liy tlfr ! > ? I\iillior of nn linrntlnn to fritter ! , ! ! ) ; flight * Costs ( if Olitatiili/K / " ' IMtont. < nr To the Inventor the all Important question presents Itself , "How nun I socuroa p.itontl'1 nnd to this Tiiii HUE Bureau oft CM the fol lowing explanation : Inventors as a class are not fiimlllar with the laws under which lotion patent are granted , the forms nnd practice In the patent office at Washington and the technical methods of casting specifications and claims to properly protect their , inventions against lufringors , yet the value of the patent and oven its validity depend largely upon the careful and export of the case. Specifications must bo drawn to fully dls- rloso the Invention , to distinguish between what U now and what Isold , ami claims , upon which the value and validity of the patent depend , must bo cnul to fully cover the Invention yet not to encroach upon pat- outs already granted. Failure In cither of thc&o respects often renders the patontvaluo- less or void. The employment of counsel skilled In patent law is therefore usually n prerequisite to the proper prosecution of a case and a grant of a valuable patent. Many Inventors suffer the lo * of benefits that should ba derived from valuable Inven tions owing to Insuftlciont protection by pat- ots procured through Incompetent or euro- loss agents , etc. Tor tJriintfil. Under the laws of the United States let ters patent are granted to any poraon who has Invented or discovered any now and use ful an , machine , manufacture or composition of matter , or has InvontqJ any now or useful improvement thereon. Torin of I'lltrnt. A patent is granted for sev.cntoon years , during which time the owner has solo and exclusive right to make , use and soil the patented Invention. How to rrocecd , For economic reasons before maidng ap plication to too paten } ofllco for a patent , the novelty and patentability of tbo inven tion should be ascertained , because , if the invention is not new or not patentablo an unnecessary expense 1 ? incurred by tiling an application on wblcn a patent can never" bo granted , etc. The first thing to bo done Is to find out whether or not the invention Is now ana patentablo. For advice on the point it Is necessary to send to the bureau a rbuph or complete sketch or n photograph of the Invention , to gether with a brief description thereof , setting forth the object , of the improve ments , the arrangement ofHho parts and the advantages attained. „ 'While a model is very seldom necessary , yotr it Is often of great assistance. The latter ban be made of any cheap material , ar.d wiH'be returned if a request is made to tbat eltbctl Upon receipt of the data' mentioned suffic ient to enable the invention to bo understood our counsel will at once examine thereinto , and will advise without charge what is the best course to pursue and Will express an opinion , from their knowledge of tbo arts and patents already goantcd/as / to the patent ability of the invention. ' * , In this connection it is recommended that tbo best und safest 'cbrirse is to have a special search made in thepatont onlco to ascertain whether or-notifbo invention has been heretofore patented. Tbo advantage of such a search is that. 11 no anticipating patent is discovered tbn application con bo tiled with a greater decree of caHalnty. whereas If the invention is found to ba old all further ex pense is avoided. The cost of a search of this nature is $5 , and with the report of the result thereof tbo inventor will bo furnished with copies of such patents , if any , as em brace his ideas. It is much better to have this search made In the outset before incur ring any expense wtiatovor regarding the ap plication for palrnt. If it is foutid tbat bo invention is now and patentablo the client is advised to proceed with the filing of nn application for patent. and will then bo requested to remit $15 to cover tbo first government fee and J5 in payment of cost of drawing , wnen ono is necessary. As soon as DOSS I bio after the receipt of this remittance tbo specification of the invention will , bo carefully prepared and forwarded to tao inventor , together with forms for application for patent ready for execution , upon return of tbo fatter tbo case will be promptly filed at the patent ofllco and notice will ba sent when. action is had tboro- on , nnd also of thn nature of such action. The examining corps of the patent ofllco Is divided into thirty-two 'divisions , among which the applications are divided according to tbo offlrlul classification. The condition of the work in the various divisions varies frotn ono to five months in arrears. ' Thu Ilurruu Consistent with luo spirit with which this bureau was formed , it is not intended to conduct any branch of the business on a money making basis , but it is proposed to do the work as near the actual costas will Pro tect the business from lo-s. Although counsel are retained at heavy expense to tbo bureau , yet It is tbo wish co charge in ordinary cases only the minimum fee of & 5. However , in cases tequiring extra earn , tlmo and labor tbo fee will DO proportionately Increased , but clients wilt always bo advised in advanoo should such increase of fee bo found neces sary. In directhikr inquiries either to our Omaha or Washington office please mention the fact that you read those Instructions In TIIC BEU. 1'atonts. A patent for a design Is granted to any person who has Invented or procured any now and original design for the printing of woolen , slllr , cotton or other fabrics ; any now and original Impression , ornament , pat tern , print or picture to be printed , painted , cast or otherwise placed on or worked Into any article of manufacture ; or any now , useful and original shiipo or configuration of any artlclu of manufacture , tbo same not having been known or used by others before his Invention or production thereof , or pat ented or described In any printed publica tion. Patents for designs are gran too. for tbo term of three and 'one-half years , the government fpo being-$10 ; or for seven years , lha Tea being $15 ; or for fourteen years , the fee being ) . The charge of the buroyu In such cases Is usually $ ' " ' , , [ Itulsnurs.i A patent can bo reUslied whenever the same is Inoperative or lu.valld by reason of a defective or Insufficient pacification , or by reason of tha iiatuntoo's'.iMaJmlng moro tliuu ho had a right to claim AS. new , providing the error has arisen by accident , mistake or in- advcrtbiico , ana without fraudulent Intent. The government fee for a ruhsuo Is $ .10. The cost of drawing Is $ . " > , amithe ) buioau charge Is usually U , " > . Great curq must bo nxerclsud In reissuing a patent , because very often what llttlo validity thort\rnny be In a dufoc- tlvo patent Is entirely loitibv procuring a ro- ssuo which Is totally Invalid. lU'Jl'otmt I'U'HUI. Tboro are in the patent onlco a great mauy cases which stand roJOouscI , but whlob should bo allowed. This condition of the case may ba duo either to iucompotenay o.i the part of the attoincvy employed or his inability , bo- cttuso of residence elsewhere than In Wash ington , to make too examiner see the Inven tion In Its true light ; and then , airaln , as often occurs , caies are rejected on Improper or Insufficient grounds. Whou so.roquostod wo will have nur counsel oxamlno Into any nucn case free of charge and advice at to the prospccta foi' success by further prosecution. The client will also ba then luformod of the probable coat of completion. Cut en U. ly ) means of a caveat an Inventor acouron rocoril ovldonco rovardlng hli Invontlon for tha purpoio of enabling him to coiniiloto or further oxpoilniunt therewith. The IIfo of a caveat U ono year , and It may bo renowad at tlio end of that'tlmo. Tha government fee is 110 and the bureau charge is $13 , Tniilt'iimrki , A trademark U a fanciful or arbitrary tie vice or symbol usou to distinguish tha Rood& HAVE YOU TUB GRIPPE ? Many People Hive It and Do Not Know It How to Recognize the Symptoms and How toTraat Them. Hundred * of people have the Orlppo who do not know It. Not noccKsarlly the final stages , but the first st-in. They feel pains in tbo head , and ubnd tnste In the mouth , not tlro-1 and despondent , lime chilly sensations limbs iinil muscles ache. In some cases these thliiRs nro overlooked , In most emcs poHmpt they are considered ntnlnly a slight cold. In ni'arly every case they Indlcnto the mining of Orlupo. There N but ono thing to do vrbcn these symptom * appear , HIU ! that Is to tuko prompt anil vigorous mcnsurcx. to fortify imturdto repel the enemy. A little well directed effort at just the right tlmo will accomplish very * much moro tlntn labored efforts afterwards. There Is but ono thing to lo done , nnd tlint It to use n pure stimulant , noinothltiK that will promptly arrest nnd In no way Injure , some thing endorsed by nclentlst , recommended l > y physicians , and populat bet-mine so efficient- , Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Tivo yours Ago , mil ) Instyoar when tlintlrlppo was rnglns.tlils WIIH tbo standard remedy used , ntul recom mended by tbo profession. It did mote to prevent the Grippe tlmn nil other known or rcroniinendcd remedies. It preserved ninny people In lioilth who would otherwise \\\\\o \ \ \ noon arlevoiinly sick , perhaps e\t'ti worse. It Is as clllclpiit today us over. It should be borne In mind Unit other no culled whiskies imiy not be so otllclcnt , nnd If tiny denier ns- serts that such whl klc < * ivrutlio s.iine , distrust him ut once. Tlicri ! Is but one medicinal whiskey , and tint Is IlulTy's I'ure Mult. of a pirtlcular manufacture. The owner of every trademark Is entitled to rcKlstor tbo name , no matter bow lone It has been in use The lifo of the certificate of registration Is thirty years and may Do renewed for a like period. The government fco , payable on filing each apollcatlon for registration of trademark , Is $ J5. The bureau's charge is about ? .JO. Labels of ill kinds , dojlpned to bo. at tached to manufactured articles or to bottles , DOXOS , etc. , containing them , tiavo heretofore been received for registration in the pitent ofllco und n certificate issued accordingly. Under a very recent decision of the supreme court of the United States it is held that there is no authority In li w for granting cer- tiUcato.i of registration of lubcls which simply designate or dcscribo the ar ticles to which they arc attached , and which hiivo no value separated thcrofrom. A label to bo entitled to registration must have by itself soma value as a rom position , at least as serving some purpose or cthor than as amore moro designation or advertisement. Many now holding cortitlcatos of registration of la bels are totally without any protection what ever. Many registered labels comprise sub ject matter ragisterab'.o ' is trademarks. Wherever this is so , or whore bv a slight change It can bo made to como within the purview of the laws governln ? trademarks , registration should DO sought under tbis head. The govnrnment fee in a label case Is JO and the bureau charge is $ J" > . Cojij right * . can bo bud for books , maps , engravings , photographs , painting ) , pictures , oto. The total cost thereof Is about ( It , including all foes. Interferences. An Interference is a judicial proceeding in stituted under the direction of the commis sioner of patents to enable him to determine - termino tbo question of priority of Invention between rival claimants. The bureau , recognizing the fact ttmt extraor dinary care and skill are requisite on thu part of nn attorney in charge of a case in in terference. has at its command counsel ore- pared to conduct a case in Interference from tbo very inception down to a final determina tion of the meills of tbo cause. Testimony will also bo tnkon under our direction in any part of the United States. While no spf ciflc sum can bn sot down as applicable to all In terference cases alike , yet thu charges will always bo as reasonable as possible. InfrtiiKi'incntg. The question whether or not ono patent in fringes another is the very soul of all patent litigation. The questions involved aro'many , and of tao moat , Intricate nature. It is al ways a matter ot such great Importance that no ono should over claim tbat another is in fringing on his rights , or , likewise , no atten tion should be paid to tbo claims of infringe ment by others until the questions Involved are carefully passed upon by n reliable at torney. For such services the charges are aways fair and reasonable.o Foreign PutcntH. In addition to tbo buioau's facilities for attending : to the interests of its Inventor-pat rons before tbo United States patent onlco and courts , it Is also enabled to procure patents for inventions in all countries of the world. In many ot tbo foreign coun tries , uotubly Canada , Encrland and Ger many. uatonts for Inventions previously patented In this country are looked upon with great favor , and inventors urn there very frequently more likely to realize profits from tboir inventions than they are oven in this country. The cost of foreign patents varies with different cases , but as a genornl rule the expenses of procuring patents , cov ering all charges. Is about as follows : Canaua , J.W ; England , $9J ; Germany , $93 : Franco , $33 ; Spain , ti ; Bnlglum , 00. Ad ditional information regarding the cost , etc. , in any foreign country will bo furnished by letter on application. In all such requests mention having read these instructions In TUB BEE. Important Warning It seems remarKable that m this enlight ened ago it becomes tbo duty of every re liable and trust vorlliy attorney in patent matters to advise his clients to beware of the many sharks who sot out with tbo ap parent intention of defrauding Inventors immediately after the issuo.of their pa touts. When a patent appears In the Patent Office Gazette patentees are beset with Innumer able offers , solicitations , requests , etc. , some proteni'lng to want to purchase their patents , while others offer to take an interest therein under promise of procuring forolgn patents. The solo object of those pcopln is to obtain money from inventors , nnd they never raako tbo slightest endeavor to carry out their groundless or worthless promises. Models. As beroinboforo mentioned , models are not required In the patent office except in intri cate or complicated cases. Hut , at the same time wlmn an invention can bo better ex plained by a model it is well to sand the same to us. A model should always bo of a size not larger than ono square foot , and In send ing the same by axpress the charges should bo prepaid and the box addroisoJ to TIIR HKK DuitiUu OK CM IMS , Bed Building , Omaha , Nob. | Mention this paper. ] THE nuntKn.tTWff ULAIMH. The experience of TUB BKR CL.UMS BUKKAU has brought out the fact tbat many of its subscribers uo not understand that the Indian depredations act passed by tbo last congress annulled all previous contracts for collecting claims ui'dor It. This Is a fact that til ay should know for their own protuo tlon. when the not was slunoil all contracts with agents were made void by its terms. The holders of claims were then free to in alto such bargains with their nnonts as they pleased , or could refuse to make any bargain at all. The framers of the act found It nocaisary to take tul.H stop for thn protection of tbo claimants. Attbotlme when therosoomod llttlo chance that such an act would bo passed hundreds of claimants baa contracted with agents to pay outrageous fen * In case tbo inonoy could be collected. Cases are known in which thoclulmunts und contracted to give up to tbo agents over one-half the umount collected. Cases in which one-third was promised wcro not at all uncommon. To allow thoio contracts to stand would make tbo law not un act of justice , but. an act of extortion ( or thn benefit of tbp claim ngonts , The clause was inserted annulling all tbo contracts , good , bad and Indifferent , and limiting the percentage to uo charged by ageaU to 15 per cent , with an extra 5 pur rent allowance for special cases. Thu claim ugents naturally objected to this , assorting that It was beyond the powers of congress , but the best opinion of both houses was that contracts inada tn col loot claims under u law that did not exist could bo annulled In thse roomier. On the 4th of March , therefore , the claim- , nuts who bad signed contracts were as free from obligations to agouts as tboso who had not. If they were satisfied with their agents and wished to tlim a new contract within the limit of compou atlou llxod by tbo law , It wan their right , but none of tboin wnro under any legal obligation to do no , Tbo moro unscrupulous of tbo agents naturally repmtMited to their client * tbat they were A Rare Opportunity ! After 10 years cloflo confinement , I nm compelled through the advicoo Physicians to cliniigo my business , as my hoiilth Is urraduiilly plvlnff ivwu.v. Knowing and believing that It will only bo tv uliort period when I will ho unable to shoulder the responsibilities ot nn Indoor ocoupn tlon I olTor my entire Stock ) Fixtures and Goodwill for Sale / Ilnving boon established for 10 years und the only ART STORE In city of : < u,000 people , this is ono ehancti of a Ufa tlmo. To any seeking a nice , clean and profitable uuslnosa should Investigate this Opportunity Immediately. This Is strictly sincere and I moan , just whnt I say. From this dnto on for tno NEXT M DAYS , all Roods such as Framed Pictures , EtchIngs - Ings , KnirravlniJB , Cabinet Frames , Uamboo and Oak Easels , &c. , will bo sold at ACTUAL COST. worth < Jt Studies AT LESS THAN COST. 100 Assorted Pic tures given away for the price of the frame. 20 Per Cent Dicount On all Frames made to order. Now 1 the Minn to DUY CHEAP FRAMES. " For further particulars , call or address , CHAPMAN'S ART STORE. 15 PEARL STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Your druggist does not spread his plasters or gela- tine-coat his pills. He knows that such work is better done in a factory. Some try to make an Emul sion of cod-liver oil : but they cannot make one like Scott's Emulsion they'll find it out some day. There is no secret in what it is made of ; there is a knack in making it. That knack is Scott's Emulsion. There is a book on CARE FUL LIVING that you ought to read. Shall we send it ? Free. SCOTT & DOWNP , Chemists , 133 South jth Avenue , New York , * Your druggist kef p Scott's Emiilmon ol tod-liver U alt druggist ! everywhere do. f i , 49 Are po Thin wonderful and hiirmlon Hindoo Itemo- d7 Is placed at a prtco In tbo U. B. to bring It i-tmn ! the reach of nil utrorors. and told with a written cimrnn- I tee to cure Weak _ . . , I Memory. I > o t Manhood , Ifervoni benlllty , Evil Itrenmt , Inability. iulckn * . J nc ] & of Confidence. Kiociea. llralui.Vaketalneca. . and loss of jowcrof the Generative Orcnnt , cauied by Youth ful Indiscretions or be oiccmlvo use of Tobacco. Narcotlo or mimulnnts , which lead to Inflrmltr. Conaumptlonor Iiitnnltr. Very ( mall pellets. Easy to tako. Canbocirriedintboveitpockot. Kentbr mall tn Plain packairo to any add rets fcr f I. or 8 for U. with ovary fi order wo Klvo a wrlitan gunr- enteo to curs or refund tbo money. If you liavo been nnsucce 8fully treated by others write tout for sealed book and advtco FHER and mention this paper. Address OU IKNTAL. MF.DICAl.CO. , Prop's for tbo U. B. , Ml 1 Wabash Ave. , Cblcago , 1U. KOH SALE IN OMAHA. NEIJ. , BV Kuhn & Co , Co.r 15tU ft DoUKlu Sin. . ) .A. Hitler & Co , Cor. Uth ft DouKliB Els. A. D. Foster & Co , Council IlluOs , la. ® ® ® ® e © ( To It ! for tlio cure oCdvapopfila nnil Its Anttuniluntx , Rlck-lifuduchv , coii tl ] > u-flB tlon and i > llc , Unit fluffs Tiny Pills ? V'uvn become BO fitiimiis. They nct v gently , without grilling or nausea * * THE OGLETHORPE Itrnnsnirk , Georgia. A PKHFBCT WINTKIl ItKSOflT HOTEL. Opens Janunrr 2nd Send for Illustrate 1 Clrcjlnr THE IKtANI > IIOTKL COMl'ANV , WAltUK.V U < : iANI > , Jll.Mi rmner SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOWA fiirnis : flno' 10 nero furin , $ . ) per nora. -1-Jl.OOi cusli. biiliinco on Ions time ; 1. > J aero fttrni , STOO ( town , biil.iiu'0 oa-iy ; fiirins of nil sizes send for list. Johnston & Vun 1'atti-n , Council IllulTs. I WANT to buy stook of Rrocer'ei or liooti and slinus ; will pay p irt cash mil part by a ft room house ami lot in Omulia. U .8 HUG. Council ll.ulTs. 'IiETn outfit bir fixtures nnd two pool nnlcK for sale iintl lintldliiK for rout. Good locution. K. U. bliuufc , over UMIcor & 1'uaoy'sj ba n k. _ _ 171 A It MS. pardon Innds. houses , lots anJ -L1 business folooks for silo or rant. Day & Unas. ! U I'uarl atreot. Council HlulTs. T OU SArC The most profit iblc 1ob prlnt- JL1 Inn ofllco In the city. Address C. U. John son , Council IIlull's. bound to renew their contracts , with merely the substitution of the torins named by law for the outrageous commissions at tlrst do tnandod. Cases have boon brought t th - attention of Tit's BKK in wblchthl o polloy had boon 1 allowed IUGCCSlys by unscrupulous aonts. They bad in aword bullied Ibo claimants Into hiring thorn wbon If tbo claimants had undoistood that they word free of obligation , they would have chosen other representatives. As others are being worked upon In the same waytho facts of the case ura sot forth for their pro tcction. If they urn satisfied with tbo men they flwt chose ttioy are right In re-engaging them. If they arc not satllled , they nro free to cngogo an body they chuoso. THE HP.E CMIMS UuitbAU was established solely for thu protection of the public. H was established ou account of the complaints of Its subscribers who thought tliov were being unjustly treated , and thoso. still moro nuineious , who applied to it to find a roilablu agent. It will collect tbo claims at only such cdargpj as will pay the expenses of the bu reau. It Is oxnectcd that It will rarely imp licit that the limit sot by the law will bo needed to pnv the ox pen so of collection. Many of the claims CUM doubtless bo collected for 5 per cent of their face. The bureau is at the service of the subscribers and public a' large. Those who take aivantago of Us offer will save money by it. Tlioso .who do not place their claims In 1U charge will save monov , too , for it has put u chock on the ra pacity of the agents who would otherwise feel free to talio tbu last pouliy the law al lows. It is the privilege of a great news paper to benefit all. Tli IlmlKot of Iliiinbiirfr. For the llrbt tlmo in its history there IB u deficit in the budget of Iltunburg. Tlio unciont ITnnduiitiu oity , it must bo rciiioinborod , is ono of the federal sttitod of Gonrmny , nnd IB rojiroBontod in tlio UundoHrutti , or fodornl coilncllby , v mun proud of the tflorloua traditions nnd his tory of hi * nativa oity. In the budget for 18U12 the Htato incotno Is oatlnmtod nt & ! , ; t21r > 51 innrkM. while tlio expanses are estimated'JO.Oil marks , leaving tv dollclt -1.218,100 murks. To cover the dilToronco tiio sonata has dcoidod to udd " 0 par cant to the income tax of all in habitants enjoying n rovunuo of more than ] , i)00 intirUs , As Hamburg In n ua.ilthy city , ovorv twiSnty-altrnt out of 100 mon will bo culled upon to iifinlnt in getting the fimmnial car in motion. > With tint 1'niml Precaution. Diodlclyii Life : Penelope 1 hear you are ongiii.'od to Miss Dingb.itta at Innt Reginald You. Shu rolused mo nix times , but I persevered. Penelope Then you were well Bluikon botoro taking. CHURCH SOCIALS and till manner ot HOME Entertainments ! FOR SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES losrothor with Fireside Games and suggestions for Unique Parties are to bo found In tbo pages ot the Monthly Social Only 50o a Year. Samples lOo. Address : , Entertainment Co : . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. COUNCIL BUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Allklhdsnf Dyeing and Glenn In. : done In the lilnliost styln of the art. L'.uliMl nnd stained fabrks nmdo to look us coed as liow. lied fo ithurs cle.ineil by steam In tirst-olads man ner. Work promptly done nnd delivered la all piutfi of ilio eon n try. bend for price list. 0. A. MAOHAN. - - I'ltOPIirETOR. 1013 Iliouclwiiy , Near Northwestern Depot COUNCIL lit.uKtIOWA. . CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. TA L STOCK . $150,031 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,003 TOrAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $225OOJ UiiiECTDlii I. A. Mll'or. If. O , Oloison , E , U Sluicurt , E. K. II irt , J. D. Kdmundson. Oharloi U. Hunnm Transact goner il banking busl- ncis. I.nrxosL capital und surplus of any banf in Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS FIRSTMTIONALBAM OF COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IO/VV. Paid Up CupHiil . $100,093 Oldeit orgnnlted btnk Un th ) cttr. Foreign anl domosllc oictinrmo unit ojil aaourltl.ll. Hiuaotll attention pMd to oolluctlont Aooountl of IrMlrll- a al § , bnnki. tmnkon and corporation ! iolloUjJ. Correipondencaln TltJl. Olio. 1 > . bANKOItl ) , I'rattdant A. W. Ill UK MAN. C itil r. A. T. IKGIf , AI4lltnt ClMhltl W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , 14 N. Main. , Council Bluffs. Ojnin ft Qjinf1pro | | * A.ttornQyi nt Inw 1'rtio 01 111j OuUllULld tlco lu tlio itiito nnA fodornl coutts. ItoDtn ? ! * 4 aaU 5 tiha .vrt Ucuobtuuk , Council litutf-i. lx UT . rhimhore , i > Attorney 0lrl , Htroor it , over noll'i aloro. Totoiihono No. 2VI Hnilncai hours. B a. m , Council It luff * , It. COUNCIL , BLUFFS Galvanized Iron Cornice Works It. GItAlII , & SON , 1O1B and 1O17 Broadway. KHtlnmtes funtUliocl on till klnila of Cnlvunliod or Cornko Work , Iron lloorli 1C. Store KronU and Opi'ii Work. Artlttlo Work u npuclnltr. Corret- uunctoncu solicited from points 30U miles from t'ounill HltiHH nud Omulia. "Look at the Map ! " PEEURISYLVANBA SHORT LINES. Vour FrlMict Tclccniiilm You From New Yorlr , nnd utrnlghlwny yon tnketho KejHUiuu Kxprem from Chi. TOKO nt 10.U A , M. or the IVmuylfanla MmlUol nl 5:00 : r. > f , ami mrot hlrnnt the Ktftli AVOIIIIH Hotel ths next ofier- noon , Thin can bu done UIUK quickly nnd plfiiMinUyonly O\IT tbu > u llni * . Addrws I.UCK , 'M CJmrk riUrot , Olil- T.tksti foliieriiihirt OtrrThu l ruu ylVHui * filiort JLlue *