Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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fcoxmtr.D rnoM KIIIST
the afternoon session a motion wns offered
to the effect that $1,500 bo appropriated from
tbe treasury to bo applied on the deficit ro-
rfoflcd by wolfo. After being amended so ni
to mU tha amount a loan rather than a do
nation , the motion win carried This action
gave the ganttcman from Adams county his
coveted opportunity to howl , and ho pro
ceeded to Uo so In a manner which won the
admiration of every olhcr delegate with
kicking propensities
The consideration of the resolutions was
resumed and the usury plank taken up. The
resolution originally reported was amended
so as to demand Unit whcro the usury oxnetod
amounts to moro than f.f.1 tha exaction shall
constitute a penal offense.
The maximum freight rnsolutlon was unan
imously ndop'cd , without discussion.
The plank referring to lines nnd licenses
was amended so as to provide thnt the costs
arlnlng from criminal prosecutions growing
out of the ll < j aor t radio no assessed against
cities or towns whcra cases occur.
Hume .Moro ItcnoliiUniH.
The following additional resolutions worn
offered , adopted and inado part of the plat
form :
, . llcsolved. That wo belluvo that option denl-
Ing by ho.irdsof trade and Individuals results
In the depreciation of prices iiml in a Krcitt In
jury to the producers of the country.o
therefore nsU the congress lo pnss a law for
the abrogation bf thnt practice :
Kcsolved. That the pr.icllce of rullroads Is
suing im.ism to business men , public men and
oMIciuls , or Elvlnir trnnsiiortiulon to editors
for u nominal consideration Is subversive of
publlu welfare and ilomorall/lnvr In a high de
gree , ; nyl wo Ocimind of rontrrp's and our log
in iiturulilWN to end the nr.iitlce.
Itcsplvril , Thnt wo heartily endorse the
Bovecnntunt Lanliliiz bill Introduce.I Into con
gress by lion. O. M. Kom , nml that wo nsk all
our reiirescntntUes mid senators In congress
to work for Its | Ki ange.
Kesolved. That wo cnnm.cnd the nctloii of
those members of our order who were repre
sentatives iind senators of the List session of
the Nebraska legislature , who were tiiio to
'tltp principles of our order , nnd who voted nnd
worknU for the measures whluhuoiis a body
had ( loiiiundcd In former resolutions.
I'rrildrnt 1'ourrH Itc.electeil.
This evening's session wns dovptod chiefly
to the election Of"oftlcers for Iho ensuing
year. President Powers was rc-olected
almost unanimously , as was Secretary and
Treasurer Thompson. Senator Poyntor ,
Boone county , was elected vice president
The committee do Jurisprudence reported
two amendments to the constitution , ouo
providing that delegates to the quarterly
meetings of county alliances should hold
their positions for ono year. Thu amend
ment was voted down.
Tbe committee on alliance work recom
mended an elaborate plan of educational
work for the ensuing year , embracing the
distribution of a largo quantity of literature different language * , find also rce-
1 ommcndlng the appropriation of f2.500 to
carry the schcmo inlo effect , The recom
mendations were adopted. After the election
of an executive commllteo nr.d a state lec
turer the convention adjourned until tomor
row mornlnir.
The executive committee Is ns follows : B.
F. Alien , Uai county , chairman : C. H. Van
Wj'clr , Otoo : J. N. Gaflln , Saunilors ; J. H.
Sodonnan , Phelps ; Allen Hoot , Douglas.
W. H. Dcch was chosen stale lecturer.
The perfume of violets , the purity of tno
Illy , the glow of the rose , and the ( lush of
Hobo combiuo la Pozzonl's wondrous pow
der. . * .
, Constipation poisons tno DlooJ ; Da Witt's
kittle Early Risers1 euro constipation. Tha
causa removed , tha disease Is gone.
fc -
1 " % " " ' tiOUNUIXO THUIIl &r.OOAIf. " "
Democrats , Through Objector Hotmail , ( il\c
Volio to Their Future I'ollry.
WASIIIXOTOX , U. C. , Jan. 13. The war-
cry of the democratic leaden of the house
was sounded by Kepresoutativa Holraan today -
' day , and If supported by the democratic
majority tomorrow the policy of the party lu
Iho comingsession' , ! ! ! bo : firtnlv estab-
llshod. It will bo a polfoy of opposition to'
all subsidies , bounties , land grants , plodg-
ingof publio 'creditanil ' , coftcosvobs of any
kind whitoveiv and will be 'broad enough to
bo fatal altko to steamship subsidies , sugar
bounties and the goverumonlal promotion of
the Nicaragua canal scheme.
> .Sprung Without Warning.
Without warning to the republican sidoof
the house Chairman Hoi man of the appropri
ations committee presented a resolution de
claring It to bo the judgment , of the house
. ttat ) the granting of subsidies or bounties by
congress In money , public lands , bonds , or by
endorsement , or by a pledge of the public
credit. , to promote special private Industries
or ontorpribos , Independent of the coostltu-
tipnal pdwer of congress , Is unjust and Impo
litic , and In manifest con ( Hot with the .spirit
of republican Institutions. The resolution
further resolves that la view of. tha present
condition of the treasury , and because oQl-
clout and honest government can only bo as
sured by the frugal expundlluro of publio
money , while unnecessary and lavish expen
diture under any and all conditions loads in
evitably to venal andcorrupt raetnods in public
affairs , 110 money ought to bo appropriated
by copgross from tno publio treasury except
uch as Is manifestly uocosbary to carry on.
thoTsoveral departments frugally , oflluiontly
ind honestly ndmlnlstorud. .
IHimuniliul the 1'rovloiiH Ouentlon.
Considerable confusion succeeded the read
ing of the resolution , but without giving time
for debate , Mr. Holmau 'demanded the pre
vious question on its adoption. Mr. Myers
from thu sugar state of Louisiana moved the
reforunco of the resolution 19 the committee
on ways and means , but , on a division , this
motion was lost by n votu of fill to 115.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa and various other
gentlemen of the republican side asked that
opportunity for debate bo afforded , nnd
Mr. McKennaof California Insisted that the
resolution. If now adopted and adhered to bv
too house , would result in the defeat of all
appropriation bills of any kind whatever , ex
cept such as loferred to departmental affairs.
"Will debate bo In order utter the previous
question Is ordered on the resolution 1" in
quired Mr. Henderson of Toiva.
"Tho speaker Is of the opinion that debate
would not bo In order , " replied the .speaker
pro turn , Mr. MoMUIlti.
f Turn ICouil Heard From.
"And this house will cease to bo a deliber
ative body , " added Mr. Keed of Maine. Tha
repetition of the charga which hud so fro-
, uuently been hurled against himself caused
the house , democrats and republicans , to
break Into a roar of laucrhtor.
The yeas and nays on the previous quos-
' tlon worodemanded and resulted : Yeas , 151 :
nnys. .60 ; u political division , the alilauca
members voting against the previous ques
tion' In order that there might bo debate.
When the vote was announced Mr. Hoi-
, man asked unanimous consent thatan hour's
debate on each bide be allowed.
Mr. Koou wanted two hours on a sldo. and
to this Mr. Holman consented.
Mr. Simpson of Kansas asked If this
arrangement Included two hours for the pee
ple's purtv , as well as the republican and
dqmocratio parties. [ Laughter. I
The splutter saia he assumed that the dlrU
ton of tlmo would be between those In favor
of the resolution and those against It four
hours m all and not six , as. the Inquiry of the
goutienitm from Kansas might imply , '
"I think. " said Mr. Brccklnriun of Ken-
tuolty'that the gentleman will concede
that we are. not particularly rushed lust now ,
but on the contrary have plenty of ttmo at
our disposal , Now , lu order that wo may
dispose of this matter amicably , I suggest
that the resolution uo allowed to go over
until tomorrow , when wo can spend a pleas
ant day discussing It , " [ Great , laughtor.j
Mr. BrooUluridgo'a suggestion at once re
ceived the favor of the home and the resolu
tion vreut over until tomorrow by unanimous
linostlgatliig Iti'cljiroclty.
Mr. Stotio of Kentucky offered u resolu
tion , which was agreed to , calling on. the
ecroUry ottbo treasury for a tabular statu--
went of all the goods imported Into Portq
Kico , and tha other sou them republics , since
tie | reciprocity treaty went Into effect ; also a
resolution , which was agreed to , calling ou
tbe Kecrotnry of tbe state for copies of all
communication : ! between thu United States
und tha following countries Cuba , Salvador
lid Brazil , ou the subject of reciprocity.
Mr , Doatuer of Louisiana offered a resolu
tion providing for an iuvestHfaUoti of Judge
Alexander Iloanlman of Iho Western district
of Louisiana. Itofcrrcd.
On motion of Mr. Bland of Missouri n
resolution was adopted calling on the secre
tary of the treasury for Information n to
whether , nt any tlmo slnco the 1' per cent
bonds bdcamo duo. tlioro hoj been suniclont
funds Irt the treasury to nay the samo. nnd ,
if so. by what authority ho has assumed to
contluuo such bonds nt'J jwr cent , and why
the snmn were not paid at the tlmo they wcro
uuo ,
The following bills wore Introduced and
referred :
By Mr. Lewis of Alabama To repeal the
law creating n sinking finul.
By Mr. Watson of CJcotgla To cover Into
the treasury the IIUU.OOO.OiW of gold reserve
now held for the redemption of United States
notes ,
Hllls-wdroalso'lntrddcifcd for publio build'
hips at Lincoln and South Omaha , Nob.
AdJ&Grned. _
Hills iinil AIi'iiHitron Intiixliii-cil and Actnl
; I'piin Vonti-riluy.
The < la t remaining vacuncy in the ranks of
the sonata was tilled this morning by the
prpseiicb of Jones of Novnda , who took tha
oath of ofilco for his fourth senatorial term.
Among the bills nipnrird from committees
Mid placed on the calendar weto the follow
ing :
To estaolUh a first order llgnthouso at
North Hoiul , Cape Pisappolntmont , Wash.
Aopropriatlng JIBU.OOi ) for n public build
ing at Cheyenne , Wyo.
A bill tu prevent thd adbltoratlon of food
nnd drugs nnd for other purposes was re
ported nud placed on the calendar. This is
the pure food bill.
Among the bills Introduced and referred
was ono bv Mr. Kyle m opening an amend
ment to the constitution , so as to regulate
marriages and divorces lu several states.
Mr. , Morgan offered" n resolution ( which
was agreed to ) , calling ou the socrotnry of
the treasury for Henry vVolcott's report on
Alnfika , with maps nnd Illustrations.
The < resolutlon offered last Monday by Mr.
Mitchell , Instructing the judiciary committee
to Inquire Into and report what legislation H
necessary to rojlovo the court of claims in
the trahsncllon of Its business , and to cx-
nodlto such business , was taken up and Mr.
Mitchell adurrsscd the senate , giving facts
to show thu necessity of such legislation ,
and stated that the present crowded condl-
Ubn of liases In the court of claims was a
tmvnsty on Justice. After a long debate the
resolution was referred to the Judiciary
llllls DUposod Of.
The calendar was then taken up , and the
following bills were passed :
For the relief of Chester U. Sweet of Cali
To uuthorlzo the secretary of the Interior
to convoy certain lands to the state of
For the relief of Thomas Guincan of Ore
gon.To provide for the disposal of the Fort
Ilartauff , Fort Sheridan and Fort McPherson -
son military reservations in Nebraska to
actual Guttlers Under the homestead law.
On motion of Mr. Stewart , the bill to pro
vide for the frco coinage of gold and silver
bullionx\vtis referred to the finance commit
The senate then , after n brief executive
session , adjourned until tomorrow. . *
. .
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Do-
Witt'ikLitUo Karly Ulsori are takoa. Small
pill Safe pill. Best pill.
The Hosyo Scales , the only "scale "vith pro
tected Bearings. No checic rods. Cata
logues of Borden & Scllcck Co. , Agts. , Chicago
cage , 111. .
, O'lXA'NNA'oAtf WON1.
XeU HfUillne's y\Tccp tako' Kitco OOPS to
Irvlund , but Ills Itccord StiindH.
Pc.op'Io who failed to go out to the Colis
eum last night missed one of the greatest
treat.3 that has over been offered horj in
this line , as tha 100 mile race between Head
ing , Ashlngor , ( Stage , O'Flannagan nnd
Lamb was the mosl exciting in the history
. _ . . _ - . . --Q. - . . sjUirt wes nado at s
o'clo'ck and'ond'od at 10 < 50. It 'was' a hot
struggle from start to dnlsb , each rider
fsettlng- out as If4 ho moaut , , to'.dcrlJt-dle. *
Lanjb-wljo Is still indisposed , was qulculy
'punjp'etiiout.'unnd ; 'on iho ninety-first mlle
Hc'adlng was compelled to succumb.
iFrom.thls on to the finish It was one con
tinuous spurt. Asbiuger look Iho polo and
'It ' Until the last nillnt when bv a maryelous
spvrt Stage displaced him. The Onlahonia
Cyclone , however ? was out for blood , nnd
wh n buCtnreo'moro laps remained , again
wont to tUo front.
Durlug- this lime tho-building was in nu
uproar , which Increased to a pence ) tornado
of sound when O'Plaungan , who had boon"
watcnintf bis chances with 'an eagle eve ,
showed Ashlncors his heels on the strefqh
homo. It was a grand race , and the immense
nrowd present fairly went wild over it. The
last'mllo , made in 2:50 : flat , was Ihe quickest
mlle over rnddo on the Coliseum track.
© 'Flanagan's tlmo for the hundred was
live hours anrt'flf-six ' minutes , eight minutes
behind Reading's famous record.
JJarney T. ylor "Whipped.
The , postponed p.lovo contest between Dick
Moore and Barney Taylor came oft finally m
Uormanla hall. South Omaha , lost night , and
attracted a largo crowd of sports from both
Omaha' and the Magio Cltv. The room was
cold , but the fight , although brief , was hot
and had a warming effect on the spectators.
Tim Maloney acted astrefereo. Dave Bloom
and Sam Stephenson were seconds to Mooro.
Chnrllo Hoedy and Tim Flvnn for Taylor ,
At ] ( ) : - . " > n. m. the-pugilists stopped for
ward from tholr respective corners and ox-
icndod hands. Both loolced" confident and
the spectators felt assured that n good scrap
was Imminent. The scales showed that
Taylor weighed 133 pounds. Moore wns
about ten pounds llghler.
The sympathy and confidence of the ma
jority of the spectators was with Taylor ,
but lu vain. Ho was simply butchore'd bv
Moore , . v
There were but two rounds , and from the
very start Tavlor got the worst of It. Ho
was knocked dotvn four times In the first
round and was sobadly stunned each time
thal.hf ) was'glud lo consume all tbo time ho
could in get/tmg.tohls , foot. In the second
round it was generally conceded that the
light would soon end , and It did. Two strong
right banders from Moore did the business.
At the second fall Taylor feebly attomptoa
to rlsa before the fatal ton seconds wore up
but ho could not. The fight was then
awarded to Moore , .
Use Haller's Barbed Wlro llulmont for
cuts , old sores and sprains horses and oat-
lie always get well.
Piso's Horpody for Catarrh Is a real cure.
Other vomodlos fail. Try U. It Is suro.
Druggists. & 0o.
Chill Mint lid UroUKiit tu Tlmo.
SAN FIUNCISCO , Cal. , Jan. 1U. Regarding
the Investigation of thu assault on the Balti
more prow at Valparaiso now being held , the
Chrouiclo says editorially : " \Vo bellovo it
U clearly HID duty of the United States to
demand complete reparation and suitable In-
demulty from Chill und to enforce the de
mand If III ore U any hesitation In complying
with It. "
A forty Fold Iiirrtmno.
The "VVolr-Shujrarl Itnplomont com
pany ot this city received a loiter from
tholr local collector nt Ogalitlla n few
days ntro thnt la n fulr Illustration of the
condition of western .Nebraska , Tholr ,
trade covqra nil the territory within a
radius of several hundred miles from
Council UluiTa , und they had confluence
enough lu western Nebraska to soil farm
machinery to the farmers regardless of
occasional poor crop * , und then not push
them to the wnll when they could nut
moot their notoa upon maturity. An
.extract from the letter roada aa follows :
"Inclosed please find , draft for full
amount of Mr. S. 'a noto. Last
sprliiff ho , tended the implement f6r
which the note was Rlve.ii for twenty
bushels of wheat , und has just marketed
800 hushe'u ' Ihorefrom. Ho requests mete
to thank ; you for not uushlni ; him be
fore. "
Don't forgot the sociable irlvon by the
ladles of the Pothunv Unptlst ohuroh ,
corner llith uvenuu nnd Hlt'li street , tonight -
night ( Thursday ) nt 7ia ; Rafrcshmonts
will 1)0 nerved. Only 10 ponU will bo
Minister Egan Instructed to Submit the
Administration's Ultimatum.
No furl her llrliy Wilt W'Tolrnitcd and
the Southern ItcpnMlt' . int : Mcct ( ho
Issue or J'lijlit Siintiinci3 ) uf
the I'miKulUon. j
WASIIIXOTOV. D. C. , Jao , 12 , fSpeolal
Telegram to TDK Bit : : . | 'The Chilian cilsls
Is nt hand. President Harrison's ' adminis
tration has culled "timo" on 'Chill. Within
the next twenty-four hours'Minister Egau
will Iny the ultimatum ol Iho United States
before Foreign Minister Pcrsira nnd through
him to Prpsldont Montt's cabinet
Then ) Is no longer Any room for iionsoriso.
It Is positively stated that Minister Egan has
been cabled to make two demands ou the
Chilian govornment. The cablegram ) woio
sent after the cabinet meeting today. They
nro signed "Blnlno" and say1 , "The presi
dent directs,1' which Is the diplomatic" form
of notifying forclgu countries when the
United States means business. 'Ttio In
structions cover two points apology for the
offensive October loiter of Minister Malta
and reparation for thu Baltimore outrage.
Minister Egan Is a 1 rooted to make a do-
inand for the immediate withdrawal of the
Insulting Malta note which was-Issued In re
ply to the mesSairo of President Harrion
instructing the minister to seek roilress for
the attack on the Baltimore's sailors. It wll |
bo a disagreeable surprise to know that this
note has n.ovor been formally disavowed.
Minister Montt assumes that it would hot
have been berne outt and the Santiago dis
patches , which stated that ho had boon In
structed to disavow It were nt fault
Not Inclined to licet tint fusilc ,
AH.tho Chilian minister did was to Inform-
nllv assure the secretary of state trial the
offensive note was giveu out unu'or the pro-
'vislonol government nnd tHd not represent
tnu Coolings of the present administration
which , ho was sure , would soon make known
its position. But It has not done sa. Evas
ion has followed evasion and every effort has
boon made to dispose of the Incident with
out formal expressions of regret. It must bo
remembered that the Malta -loiter was
olllclally uddressod as a clrrula'rlo iho Chil
ian locations In Europe and was the''formal
proclamation of Chill lo the civilized world
of Its position In the controversy \iith the
Unltca States.
The letter was Insolent In Jono' beyond
anything known in diplomatic correspond-
once. It was full of offensive terms , and
charged almost In plain words that
the president 'of the United States
and the " socrotnry of the navy
wore lying. "Tho offense wps no slmply a
personal insult to the , president ; it was an
affront to the nation of which he is the head.
Having gone abroad officially , It'must bo dis
avowed by the Monti governmentWith equ a
formality by the trausnjUtal. * gf an apology
to the Chilian legations in Europe as well OR
to the minister of the United States In Chiller
or to the secretary dfs.tnto In Washington.
No I'urtluir l > ji y. Mo'spliilr. " , *
There is no.-mistaking-itho proposition.-
The Monlt administration iuh'orits > "tho re
sponsibilities of lho , provisional government
which it succeeds.and Jho racro-jlioppjng ; ofw
, Matta out of the cabinet sdocaj'jiot'affect th'
situation. . ' : jj-J' I
President Harrison'"has JSWb.Wri 'greatf tor- >
( '
' 'b'edniuub througuou't "tho wliolV Tlqcfaen't.
The statement of the Chilians thfttt t
-Malta hatl- sent the statoiunnt'f'wlthout1
the approval of his collbagues'has bc m cred
ited and every opportunity-given' foV'a disa
vowal by tbo present * eb r'nmout1 , , Kov
there must bo no delay. ' '
Th'o belief among those iu'Washlngton ' who
know the facts is that within'fo'rty-otg'ht ' hours
_ President Montt a'nd his csibtn'ot w.ll.give |
the necessary , assurance. "Jfa &qttllng J.I.O
refugee question , It was fo'und that they
would temporize and give no satisfaction , but
"when " an ultimatum was sent they yielded
their contention- saw to it-lhat nd harm
camu' to the Ihreo whom Minister' Egan
oscorlecl ou board the Yorktown. It is
'understood that soon news w'll ' bo rCdetved
that the remaining six are s&foly 'out of
Santiago or have been"1 safely transferred to
other legations. Butifor tho-fli-uine ° s > on the <
part of tno United Statos. there would have
been no bopo for thorn. -
Will Inslit cm Koimiutliin.
Tbo second ultimatum _ which Minister
Egan is to present Is not couched in language
so strong as the ono regarding the Malta *
loiter because tbo circumstances do mot re-
qulro it , but it is nil ultimatum lust the
samo. The minister is directed to renew to
the Montt government the request m\do ; \ on
tho-provisional government reparation
for the Baltimore outrage. In doing sb ho
ofllclally gives notlco that the Unitcd'Stalus
has nol raoJUied its original position nnd
that the Chilian administration must accept
the rosponslblllly for thnt alTar | and must
do three things express its rogroc , pun
ish tbo offenders and pay nn indemnity
to tbo families Of the viqtims. „ That is wha't
"roparallon" ' means. It Is whv the Inci
dental oxpiossion of rojrrot by the Chilians
for the "deplorable affair" are nol snfiiciont.
So far they Insist tnat It was a sailors' riot
and that lu punishing such o ( Yon etc is as tbo
procurator fiscal may have indicted , th'oy are
doing alt that can bo required of them.
Suggestion of u Threat.
The only suggestion of a threat la Minister
Egan'sstatoa-ciit to Foreign Minister. Perlra
will bo iho request for nu early answer , This
tbe Montt cabinet can Interpret as they
please , butthey won't bo llkelv to misunder
stand the notlco that iho United States
hus ceasea to bo thovultinp
party. The Instructions soul lo
Minister Egan are based on th.o firm
conviction of President Harrison's cabinet
that the original charges against the Vulpa-
ralso pollca have been fully sustained by tha
Investigation of Judga Advocate JJomy at
San FrancUco among the sailors of the Bal
timore. The toMimoiiy of the Bailers as
given day by day has been publishod. In the
public mind It has conclusively established
that the aitacic was preconcerted , that it was
upon the sailors because they were J. o uni
form of tbo United States , and thot the Val
paraiso police took part In It.
The isiuo on these polilts XyU" tbo Chilian
authorities has already bnou aisled. Bui in
addition to the testimony the Navydupart-r-
nient has bt'cn receiving long riuld0ntlal ) |
tolctrrams from Coloupl'Homy. Tho.-io have
boon laid before President Harrison and
Secretory Blaine. They give some faqts of
which thn public knows nothing and which
bayo Incrpasoil tUo Indignation fait by iho
president ana every iuouiber of the cabinet.
On this solid foundation the direction *
hayo gonp to the United StStps rutnl&tor nt
Santiago to say to the Chilian government
that this country expects satisfaction toT tbo
Baltimore Incident , , , , * , \ "
Will Uu Submitted to Cuiiere. * ,
The impression is Unit the Chilian * will
decline to upollgizo , will fall back'on"tnotr
intention to await the ultimate 'findings of
their courts and will , in ovdry" 'diplomatic >
way , light for more tlmo. If they do not
give a satisfactory answer to Minister I- san
there may bo no further conUliUiliciitloii to
them from the United State * . The
next Intimation will bO the tiamsmlsslou
of tbo entire diplomatic correspondence
to congress and with it the ( tomplete findings
of JudKo Advocate Kom.v In the Baltunoio In
quiry , it is stated tonight on nreltv high
authority that tbo 15ln ts the Unity deter
mined on for laying all tbo facts "Wif&ro con
gress. But so much dopouu * on 'the advices
received from Minister Eg an that no definite
time can be llxed. The State department
now hears dully from tho'mlnUtor. ' "t
Today a message wo * received , regard ing
the refugees. If a prompt and satisfactory
answer U given to tbo ultimatum requiring
thu formal'dlsavowal of Jbo Malta luaull a
llttlomora time may bo given for tbo Balti
more matter , but It will not bo stretched
long. Tho"m s Ihift , rhlli will not npologlro
for this odonso UDO.I | forced to do so nro so
clear that It U aolibtful policy to longer put
off the Issue.1 1 !
Minister Montt cuts llttio flquro In the
present negotiations , The plnco for business
Is In Santiago. Full faith Is still given to his
nrofoislonsWWrndllness , hut so lone as the
assurances Up./Hvos / arp not made good by his
govern mcnt'uo cannot be permitted lo merely
carry out what seems to be n nettled pollny
of delay. UN propositions uro nil received
nnd filed n\13j7or ! reference , as It were.
Another Jtcinon for lluslc.
Another roaspn why Chill's answer must
bo forlhconlliiK In u fnw days Is the dcslro
of congress1 'lo be Informed. It Is the
literal truth iithat until the taking of
the testimony of the Baltimore's men
nt Sna Francisco , few of the congressmen
had any notion how scrlcus tholmattor was.
They had not taken pulim to Inform them-
Helves of the filets , out tbdnv at the capital
the Chilian situation wns Ibokcd upon as
grave. The reports of the testimony Uikon
nt Sun Francisco have been read with great
interest by senators and representatives
nnd some of tboso w"ho have heretofore
been extremely skeptical have sud
denly como i to tno realization of
the i fact tliat w r with Chill
Is n probability. They havn not been nblo to
got full Information on thosubjert , and the
reports that liavo been circulated recently
that Chill was on tho'1 point of making nn
.apology have U'd to the belief that the
matlor woula bo setllcd. The testimony
taker by JudRO.Advocato General Homy has
proved startling" to them and the Chilian
situation has bsen tu.6 subject of very serious
discussion nt the capltol.
Now the demand is for all tne facts to be
sent In so bat congress may back
up the administration. President Harrison
risen has been * deeply moved by the
reports from * San ipranclsco. At the
e.ihlnor mooting today the president
expressed the opinion that the situation was
uioro sorlous than it has boon at any previous
timo. After looking the correspondence
over very carefully hotlnds nothing in it that
Indicates tholeast regret 'on the
part of ChllL. for the outrage. Ho
regards the , so-called "unoHlolal"
reports that Chill would apologbo ns rumors ,
given out for the purpose merely of allaying
popular feeling. Officially there hn been no
Intimation of nn nrotcablo disposition on the
part of Chill. So far ( isltho president knows ,
bv ofllclal communication or unonlclul inti
mation , the Chilians ere as unfriendly nnd
offonslvo In their attitude as they were when
Chilian naval oDIcars , at a banquet to ofllcnrs
of the ships from Europe proposed ns a toast
"Confusion to Iho Yankees" . This was Just a
little while' ooIYiro tbo assault on ibo sailors of
the Baltimore- .
Should Chill In rnply to the United States
.send . lls ultimatum declining to give satls-
tion. It would bo for congress to dolurnilno
'tho fut fire course. '
All the refugee * are lllcely to be safely out
of the legation in Santiago within a week ,
and the lyjsitatjpu the administration tins
heretofore felt In directing Minister Egan to
withdraw wtftlld'uo ' longer exist.
Tlu-li1Vilr Would I'ollaw.
.Congressional , sanction would not'bd noces-
.s.irv to withdrA'wtbo minister and break on *
diplomatic relations' ' This fyould \ tin simply
'an indicitiou rtf'th'e displeasure of the United
States. But unless' .satisfaction Is , had
this country , would not be content with
merely expressing .its displeasure. The
president would undoubtedly recommend
that me.nns.ibo , employed to bring Chili'tn
her senses aiul.'jf the emergency demanded
Congress wftuTdTundoubtedly authorize a de
claration ot iyar. % The possibility that
Great Britan dttd Germany might bo in
volved would not count , a second in vindicat
ing the dignittf of the country. The fleet
would he itMSod.atv } Jquiquo nud the first
point of atlapOirouU'"bo the nitrite oeds.
British Interests would suffer as much as
Chilian , but tnpre would bo lilllo svmpalhy
, for the Ingush , who did all they
could lo J. Stir , up , the , Chilians
against Norih , , Amoiicani , ns\ho \ people
of the Unllpd Statos.are , called. „ Groal
, Britain wojjlduJOe .simply told to keep her
i hands off and Jjor.Worcsts inf'thq , nUrato
, beds would noJvrlvp { her casus belli'against
this country. 'Tho Er/glish havp bcorj largely
resnposblo ; } bafro.U 'Iha rQubjIc. Now they
must oiitiqr gg oot tUp uniV ° l'i bring Chill
if fcOlMONCk D&lidsIUnu. tOATWtl uto. .t. . - ,
Ift'ihe nrescnf sfralhod relations the talk
'of.'f.r.blirailor/fi . llkp'fchaff IfefDro the wind.
'It" ' " blbw'ifV oifeiikof sight7' '
. Is Ex-Mai or
'Grae'aV ' priX-nto * interests dionot
gront ' enough to " jtlstiry the "gov-
Ornm'ont' of ' tho" United States in
arbitrating a ifuestion of , national honor.
'Tho'onlcers ' q tho"Javy department are not
dlsturedby the possibilities of a burst with
the South" American' , oligarchy. They believe -
liovo that thd' ' American navy nqver was in
better condition. "
* lllfrxr Iliii Hciul Off.
ST. PAtjLn pb. , ifan. 12. [ Special Tele
gram , to TjWBiE.J.Shoriff Kendall has just
returned from Farvvcll , Whcro ho was acting
us cOronoraud'Iicld nn inq'uest on the body
of Hans Jenso.h ; avho commlttod suicide Sun
day. YOuag" ilensorrjh'ad'been an Itivalid for
years , and becommj * despondent ; otu ed his
Ilfe'byptacing'tho mu2zloof a shotgun in his
mouth1 aiid pulling the trigger with hss foot.
Thu suicide was1 Uio'son of _ Lars Jensen , a
'prominent farnib'r of this co'Unty.
'ii Tniinp.
'Jan , ' 12. At 1 o'clock
tnls afternoon aj Ix-ifay go-as-you-ploaso po-
dostrlan race beuan at Vino. Yards hall. At
n o'eloclc this evening the score stood as fol
lows : Herly.41 ; Moore , 45 : Hegclman , 41 ;
Guuiioror43 ; Suiltb. 40 ; Hart. ! W ; Golden ,
H'J ; Click , 4'3Ynn Pfrlly , 10 ; Bennett , 42 ;
'Palmer , 3J ; Connors , 4U ; Taylor , ! 54 ; Ilogan ,
! U ; Curtis , 35. , , * ' .
. f DoniL'Htla.
Sneaker CrMj > lumtliniesi to Improve.
'Uireo ri\en neru iclllcd by an o\iloslon [ of
natural g s ut Tljl'on. O.
Al | thoMilthern express inessoiuors have
struck nt Nashville , lua now men were at once
putfu tholr plnix's.
John Hughes Has Illllcd nnd two nthoi-s soii-
ously Injnrotl ) > y an uxploslon at thu 1'abst
i Irojivvool l , .M
Thu. Viipoebuic , Ky. , National bank has
susponcded. There Is money onoiiuh In the
hank to liquidate every claim iiB..lii3t It In
CInc.iRo's Eas'trust'hfts'eoiiiniencod the work
of rjdlnz Itsnlf of competitions. It bus offered
o\navjgailt prices fyr the stock , ot rlv.d con
cerns i .j
Indications noiv-arq that Now York's loils-
laturofll piss- ) ) [ upprourlatlng $ .lX'rOJO
for the puiposo. of roiiiDbuntln , ! the state ut
the World's fair.
ThoHrlal of'tlib hoav'y guns ot the monitor
Jllantoualilah huvo prpveif successful and
the results obtained iuuru HatlsfUeCory than It
wirs nntlclpatod they would be. -
The doath'rolt-for -MoAleatcr mine dis
aster Is Inoioashu : dully. Sixty-two victims
of thu ( XKplUHlpnJinvitUeon burled to date and
moroiiio not ifntct9d ( to llvo.
The Arf/untn | < > oUeMilllu ) has- appointed n
coiiiinlsslon tncivulluct au oxhllilt for the
World's fiilriiiKlhus 41 > pn > IiVl > ttod ilUi.OOJ to-
\vard dofrayltln ulo noijessary oxiionsc'J.
JndK" Itotkln his ! oponoil court at Spring
field , Kan. . uu < t- > tie ) mun churned with the
inuraorof j5he.rBrluun | will have their pie-
Uinliiary'trlalT/tftPTIiiiMday / at MburuL All
Is qnlet In dtoi'onM'coiinty ' ,
While ruturlrlK ( from a weddlns party nt
Denver , Caln."J < ihn btouko und his wlfu ,
Andruw Murtlniianl the driver ut the luicU In
which the piirtw fas riding , vturo thrown be-
iieitth tbo wlioyjs y ( un cnglnuund ull toceivud
Intat Injuries. u
The grand iJjitw ; of , t. I < ouls county M s-
liourl. 1ms ludlcleJUor.tlio ( llendalo. train rob
bery of NovunjI/eraVAtbort / \ > . Sly , now In Jiill
here , Kljrl uCoIJ WutorniUn , alias MiiKUlo
Ilodspotli. noWbrtrouto libro froln Ban 1'Y.ui-
olico undnr flrtiwt , nnd Mnrlnn lloilsjiutli ,
"UlnU" or f < . UijWIlBon. uud 0. 1' . Wilson. The
last throe urojit , J.-\rKQ.
no jiV'T ifii.
Senor Carvalhcv I'rtii4uesa inlnlstor of
IllUllK'O. ll 7 re5XMltlll.v
I'loiiuiH Jim been iB-olootoil proslaoiit of the
I'runch CJhunjlxjr u ( . p.vputlqs.
Uardlnul llannliu I IU In londou with con
gestion of thp IUIIK * und bronuliltls.
' { 'hu Auiidomvuf tit .l.ouU at
lieondc lruyucUij firu.
Jlr. Muculp , United Htii es minister to the
H atHTorlnu from a slight
ThOHtrlKdof eApdrfvoH of 1'iirls Is onUod ,
the meli linyini } 8iiul6odml In toruln tholr
omproyori'td mint tliAIr detnandi. though In
u somun hat mmilflud form.
Critno U locoinlun rampant In Uussla.
11 on nod to frenzy by the panics uf hunger the
Htarvltm peasants are attuutclnx tholr more
forttipulo country nieu and robblnic thorn ,
A serious riot has ooourrod nt Mlvopany.
I'ju , , lot tiei u milliner of while men uud
nogrocs , A whllo man nninud Uhltty and u
nt > 4ro numcd JO n os wvro Killed und suvonil
'wero wuundud.
The story of a harrlblu crime comes from u
lltllu vlllluo lu ChtlL A xaiu or rot ; lie ri brake
Into u country ruildonco ni"ir N rliuouto ! ,
Chilian Boughs Oast Stones at tlio Grow of
the Captain's Gig.
A"iiiliorltlriixpluln the. Dlnlrultj- Con-
trnlttiiK tiff * Tnh Sontn < iftho t.railvrs
* ' ' Arrt.VlillcSiittiiilron ( ( ut , ' Moil *
< t > | it < > o TnuHciloiM lltmillH.
lCppjriht ( ( ( l JKnIni Jointf Onntan Hciinclt < \
VAI.VAIUISO , Chill ( via GMvoiUm Tex , ) ,
Jan. JmfUy Mexican Cnblu to the Now
"York Herald Special to Tim BBK. | Com
mander Evans of the United States crulsor
Yorktown says that on Thursday last his
Ig , whiib lylnp nt the passenger mole walt-
tng his return frbiu n visit to the city , wns
stalled' by throo'lnan wlio were in a mob of
hard characters which assailed the sailors In
,1110 L' ! ultti abusive language. Fortunately
'nouq OfHlfij'Klg's ' crow was Injured.'ildi' ' Evalis promptly reported the
matter 'to the senior Chilian naval ofllcor ,
Fornndcz Vial. Ho In turn notified the poltco
chief , whose men reported that the assailants
were Irresponsible people. Vial has made an
apology to Commander Evans , in the course
of which ha states that the authorities nro
.awaro of tbo fact that curutn persons nro
actively engaged Inciting u number of un
employed Chilians to attack Americans.
Those Inclters of trouble , Vlnl adds , would
like1 'nothing better than to stir up war be
tween Chill and the United States.
ti < i iftlio _ Malcontents .lulled.
The authorities also learned that nn nttacit
upon the American legation was planned , so
arrests of the susucutcd leaders In the con
templated raid wcro madu. A noltcoman sis
also engaged in guarding the American Consulate
sulato In Valparaiso , while secret service
policemen follow Cotnul MoCroary around
the streets of this city so as to protect him'
in cosq of an assault , which seems to bo
Vial , after stating the above , alleges that
it is caused by the intemperance ami belll-
coso talk recently of Consul MeCreury which ,
after being runortod by ono person to an
other , ilnally found Us way Into tbo local
pipers , nnd thu publication has incensed the
Titbblo against the consul.
Jose Carrora , ono of the three refugees
escorted by Minister Egan from Santiago to
Valparaiso and placed aboard the Yorktown ,
sailed on tbo Gorman steamer ? Ahydos after
nil. The two 'McKeunas are still on tbo
Contradicting SOUKItcportx. .
.Tho report that. Huhnacodn's ox-mlhlstor ,
Concha , was shut In ono df the passes of the
Andes in trying to cross into Argentine
proves to have been a canard. Ho Is alive in
Santiago. The report , it is alleged , win cir
culated by adherents of Balmuccaa in aider
to create ill feeling toward their conqueror ! ) .
The report of the revolt of two regiments
in Augustinn is now contradicted. It had its
origin in the arrest of two officers In com
mand of tbo rcciments for entering into
seditious correspondence.
AVoril from the White .Squadron Ituxoln-
tlon .In . ArRiMitluo IK Jnovltublc.
lpy > ltih1eillKflltirJamei ( JanJan llciwett\ \
MONTKVIPEO , Uruguay ( via Oalveston ,
Tox.v Jan.j 13. [ By Mexican Cable to tbo
Now'YoiU Herald Special to Tun BEE.J
Ino Unlloa States Cruiser Bennlugton
roacheU hero 'today ' and is anchored near
Iteur 'Admiral Walker's flagship , -which
arrived tiundav evening. Tno Atlanta
has"'ff6t ' yet 'boon sighted , but she
is not * bellnved to have boon very
far behind the Bcnnlngton. She will
probably arrive tomorrow. Admiral Walker
Its awaiting i insliuctlons from Washington ,
iuid'iyl * uot-yot known wbathor tbosciuUdron
will bodlicotud to'proceod ' to Valparaiso or
to remain m the South American station.
Unieers on board tbo Chicago and Bon-
nlngton avoid answering questions about the
probability ol tholr being ordered to Chilian
watcrs.l.but they seem anxious to know the
exact situation at Santiago. It , is apparent
from tholr attitude that , they would not bo
surprised she old they be ordered to proceed
at once to Valparaiso.
* A'trcatvof .commerce has been initiated
twithjBra'zil. ,
Hound tu Itcvolt.
T 1 fi v > 7
Pprsistont4rumprs are afloat relative to an
'outbreak in Argentine. The torpedo boat
Es'posa , with troops of the line and a force of
cavulry'escorting ' President. Polllgrlnl and
Admiral Splier has returned to Buenos
, Ay cos.
Owltxg to a serious dispute on Its \yav to
the city thu coach containing the president
was overturned and Pellegrini met with
'tovoraVontuslOQS. It is said that , the upset
ting of i the .vehicle was done on purpose.
0hat , revolution in Argentine , seems mote
man over Imminent , is evidenced by the
extreme care shown by the government to
arrest suspected parties.
The rgovornor ot La Plata has gone , to
Bragndo. Ho speaks without reserve upon
the probable outbreau. In his opinion it is to
'come soon. The minister of war hui Issued
orders to disarm the Second artillery. Cin-
nons are stored in Buimos Ayres , ready to
repress a rebellion. The government build
ings are guarded by machine guns , planted
on nil sides. It is said that the radicals will
bring arms Into the country. Advlce fiom
Kosarlo and Santa Fo deny that any revolt of
the police nnd troops has taken place there.
Hlo Janeiro dispatches state thatljr. Assiz
Brazil has arrived there from KIo Grande do
Sul , and has had a conference with President
Poixotto on cuatom house matters along-the
frontier. _
KUlt 'l.l .trr.tuts.
I'olltliH lii ruiuco. Siiln | ! , I.'KJP * iind Italy
MlrtH.Mcdlll'H Kuiii-riil.
iCoput fjicJfW ( / ( / li'J ' June * ( Ionian cimelf. ]
, PAKIS , Jau. 12. ( Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Bee. ] M. Flouijuot has
been re-elected president by the Chamber of
Deputies. Only ! 2ti ( ) votes wcio , however ,
polled in his favor , and as thesu do notropre-
sent half the house , M. Flouquot may bo said
to bave had a rooulf. The election has been
much and variously discussed hero.
Tno political situation lu Spain as regards
homo and foreign affairs growi more and
more dhqulotlng. The financial situation Is
( particularly grave. 'I he minister of finance
yesterday admltt6drthnt'for the -last fourteen -
teen years the annual deficit nnd amounted
to ( H.UUO piasters. It Is not clear how Spain
will contrive to extricate herself from her
' Emperor Williams Now Year address to
the assembled commanders of the German
'ormy corps nnpoars to have been of n most
warlike and alarming character. Groatoffnrts
were made to keep the substance of the
speech secret , oven the court attendants
being excluded from the Imperial presence at
the tiuio. Berlin dispatches , however , leave
( Ittlo doubt as to the tenor of the address.
ST. Cuitu.
[ Oii > i/'f0/if / J IKliliu Junta ( Junlm Utniirll. ]
PAUISJ Jan. 13. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BKK. | A small and sad
congregation of mouiners assembled yesterday -
day afternoon in tbo American church In the
' do h'Alma , to pay thu last , tribute to
the i memory of the fate Mm Josephine
Modiili whoso sudden death I cabled you ou
Sunday ,
In the front seat was Mr. Robert McCor-
'mlck and the two sons of tbo deceased's
sisterMr . McCormlok herself was forbidden -
don by'liaiphyslcluil from attending , she
having ; totally broken down under the strain
of the last few days. Major Huntlna-
tijn and Mrs. Mau of Chicago , old
friends of the family , sat In the same
paw < Among the representatives of the
Amdricun colony In attendance were Mr.
nnd Mrs. WhltolawKeld , Mr. and Mrs. Jay ,
Malar Brackott , Colonel Bailey Ulauonard ,
Mr. Murnt Hulstead , Mr. ana Mrs. Frederick
Munroo , Mis. Aver , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
Glfford Uyor , Mr. and Mrs. MoDonougn ,
Mr. David King , Miss Scott , Mrs Mitchell ,
( wlfo of Senator Mltcholl , ) Mis * Mattie
Mltohull , Mr . Mis * Murrv of Chicago , und
Allss Dillon , daughter of Mr. Sidney Dillon.
The conin was almost hidden under masse *
ot UOWOH , principally camollas and whita
rbsen. Tho'servico wai choral , closing with
the "Dead March In Saul , " pluyco. on the
organ wltu iiowerful effect. Afterward the
conin was. placed in tbe church vault to re
main till the iluio comus to forward the re-
moms to the United States by the Toutonlo
on the 20th.
During yostordoy unit tqdn Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McCormlok received many cables ol
sympathy from tholr frlonda In America.
They requested the Herald to convoy their
thanks to those friends for tholr kind sympa
Itnlliln the Hcrnp of u llloody Unbolt
I ) > iminlto In Costn Illrn.
tOopi/r/ohffil / IKKbilMmu ( lonlnn lldtwtt. ]
PVXAMA , ( via ( lalveston , Tex. ) , Jan. V.-
[ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald
Special to Tin : BKB. ] A tremendous re
volt has broken out among Iho Indians of
Bolivia. There have been threats of nn out
break for some ttmo , but the authorities were
able to confine the disnffcctlon to a small
area. Late news from that country , however -
over , shows that the government has been
unable to cope with the warlike Indians
along the frontier. In towns along the
frontier which are remote from the capital
and difllcult to roach , tie | revolting Indians
huvo successfully resisted hit efforts to sup
press tnom. They Imvd'srickcd several
villages , killed manv male inhabitants a lid
carried away the women.
News of an attempt to blow up with dyna
mite Senor Barbara , perfect of San Jose , has
reached here from Costa lllcn. 'A bomb was
exploded at inlumirlit at the door of the per
fect's residence. Several persons were in
jured , but Senor Barbara escaped with his
life. The police have found no trace of the
bom thrower.
A now steamship line Is to bo established
between Liverpool nnd Culao. Thirteen
steamers \\111 bo employed in the service.
Nor YIT : sATi ruji ) .
llourd of Tuiiintiirtlim | May Cut Ihmn the
Omiilm ( iratu Inspector' * Port o.
Lixcoi.v , Nob. , Jan. 113 ( SpecialTelegram
to Tin : Bun. ] At a mcotliiprot the State
Hoard of Transportation this afternoon the
ropnrt of Chief Grain Inspector Btancliard of
Omaha was considered. The report was for
the month of December nnd showed the In
spection of 1 , ? . > 0 cars of grain. Bills duo and
unpaid amounted to ? ) f 1. The recommenda
tion of the chief to drop Deputy S. P. Andersen -
son from the pay roll was adopted by the
board , but much against the wlnhoj of Mr.
Blanchard. His salary up to the tlfno of
filing the recommendation was allowed and
added to the bill of the Omaha department.
General Hastings called attention to the
statement of N. U. Hilton that the Omaha
inspection department was being run at an
oxpcnsn many times the amount necessary.
Mr. Blanchard was projont and denied that
ho could possibly got along without the help
of the two men now employed. It was tt-
solved , upon motion of General Hastings ,
that the mutter of the welghmaHtor's depart
ment u Omaha bo referred to Sooretary
Koont/ with instructions for him to report
to the board the nuraticr of employes there
in , and which , If any , of such employes cm
bo dispensed with without Injury to the ser
vice. The secretary will communicate with'
thu heads of the departments In order to as
certain whether or not the expenses cannot
bo cut down. Mr. Blanehard wns catechised
to some extent , in regard to why he did not
inspect grain himself. Ho assorted that It
was necessary for him to bo in the ofilco at
all times.
Juliette Spoon , for herself and daughter ,
Lulu , aged 10 years , filed suit Ibis afternoon
in the district court against Herman Schiller
for damages in thu sum of $10,000. Sbo al
leges that Schiller and Ottcns were partners
in April but in the retail liquor business ou
South Tenth street The record shows that
in 1804 she was lawfully married to Abra
ham Spoon , and that Lulu is the daughter of
that marriatro : that priorto April
8 , 181)0 ) , Abraham was a sooor , robust ,
healthy , industrious locomotive engineer ,
who provided for his family ; ' that
ou or about that date ho became a frequent
visitor and patron at Bolicllor's bar and
there loitered away' nls time , spent bis money
for drink , mid frequently entered upon a
'course of drntrUeh'dobaTich'erv upon liquors
furm.shcu hjnvby Schiller. ; that bo continued
the course after ptteas beqarne a member of
the firm until his body has become a physical
wreck , bU health permanently Impaired and
ho is totally Incapacitated to support his
wife and daughter.
Judge Dundy arrived In Lincoln today and
opened court at noon. , A jury was im
paneled and a call of. tbo law-docket fulled
to reveal a single .cnaqroadv for immediate
ttial , although a 'number wcro listed for
trial today , Judge Dundy was In a felicitous
humor and contented himself with gratifying
an ambition to i > ot to work at onco.
After the jury had been excused
until morning there was presented a
motion requiring Chief ofi.PolIcd Soavcy ,
Assistant Citv Attorney , W. S. Shoemaker ,
Police Judge Leo Hopley * Dotecllves Ormsby
nnd Haze and Oftlcers W. H. Hoop and John
Meals to show cause why they should not bo
punished for contempt of , court In Laving
seized several mall sacks containing copies of
a sensational Kansas City paper. It appears
that the officers twice solzcd lbo mall sacks
In tbo early part of the month while they
wcro en route from tbo oostofliro to the
paper's headquarters In Omaha In spite of a
restraining order theretoCoio Issued from the
United States court. Judge Lmndy ruled that
they must show cause within five days why
tno law should not mote out ctmstlsomont ,
and intimated that if they had boon tamperIng -
Ing with tno United States mails a snowing
to that efToct Should be made.
The Wlsnor Town Lot und Investment
company of Wlsner yobtorday filed articles
of incorporation with the secretary of stato.
The incorporators are Frank W. West ,
Edwin M. Kirton , Henry D. Doily , Nathan
C. Sear , Andrew H. Graham , Louis'
Schnoltzoky , Hugo A. Lelsy , Mary J. Ken-
ewer and Clark C. McNish. Thov represent
nn authoil/od capital of stock SJi.OOU.
The Blue Hill Cutter and Chuao associa
tion has amended Its by-laws BO ns to author
ize the directors to compensate the ofllcors
nnd directors for their labor ns they may
deem fit.
T. L. Warrincton , J , W. Peterson , Charles
11. Erwln and W. A. Stewart of Lexington
nnd C. J. Dilworth of Hastings have Incor
porated the Plum C i eok a ml Hastings Canal
Irrigation company with a capital stock of
$15,000. Tno company Is formed for Irriga
tion nnd water power purposes In Dawson
and Phelps counties , with ttio privilege of
extending the same to Hastings.
Will Not Touch Omuhli.
Mitchell nnd Slavln , who wore announced
to appear at the Coliseum Friday evening ,
are filling an 'engagement in Cbtcai-o , ana
"Senator1' Morgan , wired yesterday that
\t \ would be Impossible for the pugilists
to leave thai city for a week or two yot.
Manager Prlnca thcraforu announces that
the Omaha exhibition Is postponed until
further notice. .
\Vhlle.Mofiy. (
ST. PAUL , Nob. , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bun. I S , F. McCoy , a promi
nent stockman of this city , and Mrs. Tllllo
White were married last night.
flood Money for u Cult.
Six FuANi-isio , Col. , Jan. 12. An evening
paper states that J , Malcom Forbes of Bos-
\fenllla ? \ Of porfeot purity.
l mon -I Of great strength.
Afmond E ° ° my In their use
- [
Rose tCJ -J P'avor1 ' 'as dollcatoly
imd dellclouoly aa the frcoh fruit.
ton has agrbod to pixj Sonntor Stanford $180-
000 for Arlon , the two-yaar-old Electioneer
colt , who m do the world' * record of 'JlO ! i
on tbo Stockton kite trnck n few months ago.
Annum Wlnlor Mprllnsr'or llir Nrhrmkn
Stiilo Socli-tj- Mnniln.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 12. [ Special Tologrnm
to TUB BISK. I The annual winter mooting of
the Nebraska State Horticultural society
convened In Nebraska hall ntOlIW thU inoni-
Ing with President R W. Taylor In the
chair and about fifty delegate * In attendance
from all parts of the stalo. Aflor the ro-
ncwal of iromuorslilp nud the rccoptlon of
members the fruits were placed on exhibi
tion , Thu exhibits are very line , consisting
In the main of fine specimens of apples. The
largest exhibit It that ot Mr. H. Craig efFort
Fort Caluouti , containing twenty line varie
The afternoon session opened at 'J o'clock
with nn Inorcosod nuinbor of momWn pros-
cut , After iho nilnuioi ot tha lnl mooting
wore corroolod the reports of standing com
mittee's were hoard , IX R Stephens of ( Jroto ,
tnado a brlof report on foruxlry , He said | n
part thnt the repeal o f the umber cultuto
law had chocked tno planilna ot forest trcos
and there \ylll not bo ono-tliird as many tree *
planted this nprlngas In former years.
Mr. Stephens from the committee on locls-
latlon , also undo n report of tbo work of thd
committee holoro tno last logislnture. Iov
staled that the commllteo wa > i dlsappoluted
nt iho aumllticss of iho appropriation x
uiudc for the oxhlblt at the World 'i '
fair , but were hopeful that the next session
uould supplement the npproprlnUon bV fVJ-
000 moro. Mr. btovons introduced a resolu
tion calling lit tout Ion to Iho fact that the
indiscriminate shipping of California fruits
into Nobrmka from the di-urlett nnfoctfcd
with Insects , was Imperiling tha fruit
industry. President Taylor followed
with hU annual report and recommenda
The president stated that In his opinion
there has never been n fair adjustment In
thcpiomium list of the proportionate amount
of money which should bo paid to the
florists In tbudittorout dopaitmonts for tholr
displays alilio state fair , and recommended
that the list und rules nnd regulations be
given a thorough overhauling.
, The following committee \vus appointed to
revise iho premium list and thn rules and
regulations governing the society : , Messrs.
P , Younger , Goiiovn ; E. F. Stephen * , Crete ;
C. H. Biirnnnl , Table Hock ; L. E. Chnpln ,
Lincoln , nndV. . H. Hessor. Plattsmoulh.
Prof. L. E. Hicks thou read nu nblo and in
teresting paper on "Irrigation and Horticul
ture , " which was listened to with close at
tention. Ho told of the wonderful , , results of
Irrigation In the arid lands of California ,
Colorado , Arl/pna and other states and ter
ritories and said that iirlgatlon was nn longer
a tneory , but n fact.
At the evening session President' Tnvlor
delivered his annual address ; dealing chiefly
with the relation of the county to the stuio
nnd showing how the property nnd lands of
the state hua been Improved by the work of
society. The president made many iiu-
portaul recommendations which will proba
bly bo followed by the society. The presi
dent's address was followed" by roporla of
committee ? of fruit dlstrtcls Nos. 1.1) ) , 8 , 4 and
C. The second day's session begins at UtO : !
tomorrow morning , when the annual election
of ofllcers will occur.
IMiistercrH DoloKatf'M ! , < > ) -lilutc AH Uiiy mill
Damn ut Nlsht.
Little otbor than routine business wa .r
done yesterday by the Operative Plasterers .
International association which is In conven
tion this week at the Dcllouo hotel. Neaily
alt the delegates were in attendance and
items of business demanding attention were
loforrcd to tho. various committees.
The commllteo on constitution and by-laws
recommended several changes and amend
ments which will probably bo acled noon
today. All of the committees ire gelling
tholr work in presentable shape.
The convention will be called to order this
morning at 11 o'clock and today's session
will , It is said , bo n lively one , as the
oQlcor-v of the association want to got through
with their work bv the end of the week.
In the evening tbo plasterers cavu n ball at
Uormaniu hall. It was under the ajsplcon of
the local assembly In honor of the visiting
delegates. About 100 couples were in at
tendance , and twonty-four numbers were
danced. M. O'Brien was mnster of coii- !
rnonios. while the reception committee con
sisted of John Breou , E. DarnSj.Al Donnelly
and Harry Williams.
Oniiihn Aiiiiitcur I'hntOKriiplirrH Arranging
to OrKiiul/o ThoiiiBolics ;
A meeting of tboso interested In the orguu
Ization of Ibo amalour photographers of
Omaha into a camera club ' was hold ntlho
Young Men's Christian association roomb
yesterday afternoon.
SecrOtary'Obor proposed Unit the club bean
an associate organization of iho Young Men's
Christian association. Ou behalf of iho hit
ter hu offered to provide two upaitmcnls for
dark room and worlc room , Ibo only condition
being that iho members 01 'tho club take
membership In ibc Fostering association ,
costing $5 n yoar. '
'iho Young Men's Christian association
offers to provide tboso rooms , lent fiur , to
furnish light , boat and water , and to donate
the use of lls halls for mooifnin and o < chlbt-
tlons. " .
A now mid ComiiHilo 'Iroutincal1. ' colisMIInK cf
f lipponltnrlOB.Intiiicnl In Cii | > * ulc ntvn Iiu Hut
inn ! I'llUi u I'lxlllrc. Lnni for IUU inal , Irilcjiml ,
Illlnil or HlevclhiK . ItchliiK , t'Ulonk , Kcicnl nr
lluniilltnry 1'lk'n ' | hln llumi > ily liu inner hiiuii
< IHI\TII lo full. Jl iiBrbov , U fur $ i ; si.'iit hjr mull ,
Why miller fruiu tins turrlblii CIMII | U wliun n rll-
ton liuittnnU'u In poiiltlvolr ulvvn With il IIOXCB. in
rufunil llui miini'r U not unreel Hi'ini ttiinip fur
Free Hamptu Onnrnnti'ii Injuoil hjr Klllu ) A Co ,
lirniril ta Hole Aucnls , corner 15th and lidimlMH
Irccta , Oiiiuhn , Neb.
Allan Ixine
Ball rctfiilnrlr Uurlni wlntur from
Cabin IIOaiKl upward ; meow ! cabin , fi ) htfurnj *
nt low ratei. No CATTM ; 1'Aiinini ) .
STATE Biauvioia oi
IA ! N
Kotr Vork niul Qlnmow I'nrlndilitlr
Coblolln. Huooml ( 'ftlihi IJX btuorft oll3. Applr
to ALLAN ft CO , I Idoitxoi IL I ! MOUItKj , Waljiill
1'lckoi umcui W. K.VAIU llurlln/tun Tliug , (1.11 M
t. Wo icnd the ninrTdloiiii Vrench CAUTIIQS fuv , ni
RF fCft iT * * K Mn rntAttkrrhfAi \ ttrlcvrclo
"juTlvH tfttitaptlfav'/talufil ,
V llfS' ( . " " VON MOIIL CO. .
bST'TaJ raili Vkneuof B < < ly n4Mia < JEfftcti
UiiUliliAalJ ( rrortBrEieti > e * la OW eiYc ! ajr.