THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY JANUARY 11 , 1802 , . 8PE01RL NOTICES. A OVKHTIWMKNTH KOH TIIKBB COI.UMNH \A will betaken until IJiW p , m , for tlin v nln iinrt , for the morning or Hundar nil- All dverlliH'Tnantii In throe column * tlconU it line flrn Insertion and 10 cent ! ft lln thereafter , or 12 | > r line nor month. No artvprtliempnt li kn for SfMllinnMcontn for the first Insertion. Tnrm-cash In advance. Connt about T words to the lln . Inlt * lal * . fimtrei , nymbolii , etc. . ouch count nun word. > llndTprtlfrtiirntimnit run competitively. Advrr- tlirrit. hy requesting n numbered check , can nnvo ttirlr loiters sditrci'Cd to A numbered loiter In rnro of Tit K Iiiir. Answers 10 aiMMMOit will to dcllr- etcd on presentation of thn check. "IJ.HANCH . OFFICES ADVKHTISINO FOHTI1E8B J 'columns nlll be Inker ) on the above condition ! t tlm following business houses , who are author- Imlln takn cprolal notices at the aamo rates mean to rind nt thn main nrfloo : f-oiilli Oniahn llranch Office No. IC23 N slrocu j.IHcrlitocI : , John W neil , pliarmaclit.mii nnrt Mnson itri > i > t . P It. Fnnuworlh. plmrmnclil.2ll. ' . Cnmlnir street. W. .1. Hughe * , pharmacist , rai N. Hitli street C K , Paltrrneld , pharmacist. 118 Lcavenwortb lifot. Hughes' pharmacy. 21th nnd Fnrnam. t = " SITUATIONS WANTED" . JIATKS I.V a linn Brut limn mid lOfl a line there- nflcr. No advertisement taken for lu than tic. ' A WOMAN WHO WIllTI'.fl A IK < Ullt.i : HANI ) would Ilkocoriylnit to do at homo. Will wrltu or 8 cents n folio , Address 703 South th "Jri'J'1 ; - - . I.ADV WANTS A PJ.ACB AS cook or housekeeping. Address K M , Hon. WANTEP-MALE HELP. _ a linn first limn and I Or a linn IhBro- after. No advertisement taken for less than i'-c. J 'shaft for polo ofbuggy In one-half nilnuto ; Just nut ; wrlto quick ; big profits. Patent Snoclnltv Mfg. Co. , Emporln , Knn. 177..I 9 * P AOENTHWANTED EVEHYWHEH ETO .UMnnilln best door closer miido. Sells at sight. I'xcluslvp territory Cut this out. Tor full pnrtle- tilarnnildress.L IL Williams Door Closer Co. Manu facturers , Waterloo , In. MIM II * T > 10 F1IIST CI/AHS MEN TOSELLTHE ECLIPSE J'wrlilgcrs. American Wringer Co. , ll J llownrd ptreet. M17I IB * - - ON COMMISSION B-WANTBD-HALESMBN DIN ami grease. Largo protlti to right party Address Chicago Oil Co. , 3.1 Milwaukee avonna Chicago. Ill , MIK01' " n-WANTED. SIX FIHST-CLAS3 COLLAH-MAIC- 4 > cr : steady work. S. H. A 1. C. McConnclH Hur- llngton Jowa , 110 14 T > -WANTED , A HIVEIt MAN roll CUTTING 4 > ke. Address Lincoln Ice Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 118 ! ) 12 Y > -10'TAIIXH8 WANTED ; JlOfO PEIl WEEK ; IJstcndy Job. Nels Olson. Oakland , Neb. M'J7i ! 12 * B-WANTED , YOUNG MAN WITH SMALL CAPI- tal nnd plenty of energy nnd experience to rent th'e brst news , stationery and book stand In the Very Knout location In Omaha. Address KCI , Ileo. B-WANTED , WIHE WOHKEH. II. .1. I1LUME , M'JI'I 12 * Hutto , Mont. -WANTED , 8ALKSMEN ON BALAHY OH CO.M- BWANTED ml'Mnn to luvndlo tbo nun- patent chemical Ink orashtg pi'ii''li : The greatest selling novelty ever produced ; cruses Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbraslon of rmper ; 2"X ) to )0 ) per cent pro lit ; ono ngnnt's sales amounted to frt.D In six rtnys , another f : In two hours. Wo wunt one general agent In onfh stnto nnd territory. For terms and full par- tleulnrn luhlrcns Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co.M \ Croise. Wl ] , Xuj. : 701 -WANTED. DHUCI CljKltK IIKUiyTKUKI ) IX lona. pnu with llttlo capital preferred. Ap- V\y \ tp llarle. Haas A Co. , Council Hlulfa. M7CO -CANVASSEH8 WANTED ; IIKST INDUCE mcnts. Call or address No. S2I.N. Y. Llfo bldg. M Jtl * B -WANTUD. A YOUNO AND NEAT COIXHED bo > to tend door. Tha Doston Store. 3W WANTED FEMALE HELP. ] lATi:8 : IM-n Una llrxt tlmo nnd I0on line there after. Nji advertisement taken for leas tlmn .I.V. -WANTJiV : , noon oii ] FOU ( TKNifuAL housework. Mm Hamilton , 'Mil Karnam Kt. M187-1.1 " ( P WANTED , A COMPKTKNT KITCHKN (1IHL ; v goiKI wages , at 3il : Farnam st. _ 1)7U ) U -WANTKI ) , 'A OOOD COOK AT 107 S. 17TII otreot. Itlngbolt upstairs. M1J 12 * -WAN'i'151) , ' OQOI ) GIItL FOll HOUrillWOIlK I7 . liltli st. . - 118 11 _ -ClIAMnKUMAIt ) . ALSO TO IU WASHINO and Ironing. 73) ) H. IQlli t. 112 11 * IKTi r'oit ' OKNKUATi nOSR\V"OUIv.OOOH ( \ / wages pahl.Tl In family 513 South 23th st ; Mrs , y. Molt , < r. mCA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-A noon nuiTi KOII CKNKHAL work ; family of two. H2tlHoutlU2d street. S1U77 U * _ /1-FIitST CLASS COOK , WITH 1H5FKIIKNCHS v > y. N 18th st. SM _ FOR RENT HOUSES' HATES ICo'ft line first time and JOca line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2. > c. T \ FOll' iHKNT ; NEW 8-HOOM COTTAGE , 2722 J-Mfoward street ; alt modern conveniences. Ham lllrtn liron. ; bulldcrH , 414 S. IStli. Tel. 1171) ) . - ' M1B5 Hi * D-B-HOOM HOUSE" , PARTLY FUHNISIIED IF desirediu blocks from motor ; Btahtc , nmplo Itroumlx. Knqnlre ! II2 N. Y. I.lfo tWI 12 D -8'HOOM HOUSE ; MOUKUN ; 8J2 S Mil ST. D-FOlt HUNT CHEAP , HOUSE QF 14 IIOOMS ! 4ir..lnoki < mstreot. A. Murphy. VUI 14 * 1 A pv-HOAllDINO HOUSE KOH HENT IN SOUTH KV < 1 J-'Oiualia. Location be t nulled for an Irishman. Inqulro ! , ! S. 10th street , Omaha. MUSS Hi * Tl-n , 4 A 5-KOOM HOUSES , $10 to $15 ; IIKST I1ES- X/ldenco flats In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 413 Ucu bldg. 702 -FOllllENT. HOUSE 10 IIOOMS. ALLMODKHN Improvements. MU.WJ per month. S2d and Fariiam. Dextorli. ThomaH. "I'o D-FOH KENT , ll-HOOM HOUSE. WITH BOTH gnu and range If desired , nil In good condition ; location near 20th and St. Mary'a nvcniio. Price reasonable ; special terms given to the right party. Inquire VUIJ Farnnm St. , or U. H. Tzsuhuuk , Ileo Ollico. aiS''O T\ NEW ll-UOOM COTTAOES. MODEUN 1M- Jprovoments , "Stanford Circles. " Apply C. S. Klgutter. room 4. N. Y. I.lfo bull ling. 7U -ll-HOOM HOUSE Z7TII AND DAVE.N'POIIT , all ronvnulonces , F.'S.OO per month. F. K. Dar ling. Darker block. ' . M 803 I : IIOOM notisn. JIODKHN u i'monts. ri'ttsouable , W ! N , 2Mh avo. Apply , It , Knllsti , tailor , 211 N. 10th U IJ rOlt HUNT. THIIKK NKW 7-UOO.\f. SSTO'IY cottages with bath and sewerage , at and near corner Webster and Thirtieth Mtruots. ttcdureilto tiU.OOencli. Hunry W. Viiton. liU TEK5HTHOOM HOUSE. MODIMIN CONVKN- J-'loiIco * , cheap. J , F , llarton , SG18 Capitol HTM. J'OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. JlATKS-J.Vi n line llrst line and lOo a llnethcra- nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 'I'M oi IM ; BE- keeping ; H-IMUU heat and nil convciilenceii : to ' \iltli rnferi'nces. 1718 Nicholas nt. MIKU.12 * -2 FUUNI8lUl ) HTKAjllKATKI ) 372 J-lnj-lo or ensulto. Kill Chicago street , llrt I ) . Call Sunday. .Ml 7:1 : 11 * " - FIIONT * IIOM5 ! MODKIIN. STIIAtl , -Jbiith.cto. , forUentlemun , 1817 Leuvonworlh. \ "I ? I IIOOMS FUKNIHUKItKlilt HOUSE KlIEl'l.Sfi V JL modern coiivnnlences , tlh.OO | > r moiilh \nkcn lit unto , near llanscoui park. Addreai , 1C M llco. K.OO AND fdOO PKH MONTH. 1SK1 a Farnam street. MIM3 IS * \ fNICELY FIIIINISIIED IIOOMH FOIUSKNTI.K- JJincn ; iMUiluru convunlonecs. Address L7. lloo. Ilil IS * _ _ _ I1 ; - FUHNISIIED IIOOMS AND HOOMS FlMl t light housekeeping 211 N 18th Bt. .lli-11 * ? SIt'l IIOOMS AT U'JJ CAI'lTOI , Jaro , VM It * a Y VUU.N1SHED HOOMS , Oil N. ISth. l 07UJJ7 * I ? LATldRHOOMS 8UITAHLI ! FOll IKUnDEUS liot hoiuckeepliigswlll rent clu-upilSU Cnpltol ave M 2I IS * I.AIUIK AND SMALL FUUNISHED IIOOM J7 . t XIOODouglas atreot. M IW-H * 17--NICH IIOOMS , STEAM 1UJAT , 1TO HAVEN- Jliiort. | MI79JIU * 701 JW nootis AND BOARD. HATES ISO ft line llrst timoamt looalluo there after No advertisement taken for ! < than 23C. j . Omaha , Foriwirtlculari nddrtjt K W , llco. 'I. ' KOII HKNT , UOOMB WITH 4b Iauiila > t. IIWU * TWO I.AHOI1 SOUTH IIOOMS WITH 1IOAHD. Tble board accomiuodatluns. Home comfort ! Hie UlU > ld , n. w , cor. ISlh and Dodio. 1-C * MISSiU * 1'S.NICH ' rmuiUiiiKii KIIONT HOOM WITH bt rvl. 11,00 p r Vfeek , South IIIIi arenua. . MIT7II * ItOOUS AND UGAIID. JIS 8 , Tlt bT. bT.IU II * j IFl IINldHBD IIOOM WITH UOAIll ) FOIt ( iKN ! J ; tlf-nion ucd wife with private family. Inijulra iMl Ulunay strmit , Kounttu Placu. Wl pen nENT-.umunNisiiED nooiaa. TIATES--I.VS line first tlmo and lOc a Una thori ) . No advertHenicnt taken for loa thanj ( > a , 0 Tll U ' U IIN I H 1 1 E I ) IIOOMH. 8TEAH heat , bath. gas. Ml B. Idtll itroot , Hat I ) Q * ROOMS FfH ItKST. W4 B. J7TII BTIlBieT. r < -J. 3 AHU 4 IIOOMS DOWN TOWN FOll VJhousekeeplngi K to 112 per month ! cheapest rent posntbloi olio many houtos. O. F. llutts , .111 I'axton block , .MSti J23 _ _ _ STOIIE3 AND OFFICES. UATI'.fl-ISeallnoflrsl tlm * ami lOo ft Hnp there after. Nonilvortlsjiiiont tnxoil for IOM _ thftii25o * I FOIt HUNT. COHNEIl STtUE , LA 1 1.1th and. lacknon streets. Mrs. F. Lnngr. l ISth street. MiM 13 _ _ _ IFOll ItBNT.THE V-STOlTv IIIIICK IIUILDINCI , -I ( Mi ! Farnam street. The building has n tire proof remcnt basement. complolo steam haattng fixtures , water on all thu Hours , gas , olc. Apply at the nfllca of The Hoe. UI8 r-Folt IIKNTTSTOIIB/'IIIS JACKSON HTIIEKT , WANTED TO RENT. Scn linn flrnt tlmn anil lOc i linn thorp- utter. No ndvsrllicmcnt tnkcn for loin tlmn 2. * > a. -WANTKOT" ij"v"A VMJ.N I.A I ) V. IIOOM" inodernto i > rlc < > , contralljr tocntfal , brenkfniit nml supper furnished. AilUrusi 1. li ) , llco. M 18'J-H' -WANTKII TO HUNT , STOIIK lOOM nlilo fur food ntnrc. mnnt bo trull located and rent reasonable. Address li li , llee omco. omco.M JS3-I1 * WA.NTKP. A NICK FOIINI8IIKI ) IIOOM Foil two. No questions nuked. Address K ( H , _ ll < | . RENTAL AGENCIES. IlATKS-Mton line first tlmo anil I0a n line there after. No advertisement taken for ICM tlian 2. > c. L-II. K. COM3 , CONTINENTAIj III < OCK. (03 L-UIJNTAI. AHKNOYl IIANIC IlKPHUBNCKS , K. U. ( larvln ft Co. , 2M Shculy block. M 731 STORAGE. _ HATKS Ua n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo a line tb. ere- after. No advertisement tiiken for lens than Me. il I'm , iurji.t jx.iiiititjiii. . * . . .v * 1'JUurnlluro. Omnha Stove lleimlr Work , 1207 I -OLDEST , OlirjAPEST AND IIKST STOUAOK house In the city. Wllllnms A Cross , 1214 llarnoy WANTED TO BUY. HATES IJWin line llrst tlmo and I0o a line thoro- nfler. No advertisement tnken for less than 2oc. CLASS 8KCONI ) 1- ' hand sewjng inachluo of prlrato party. Address 1 , 11 , Ileaolllco. _ 150 U AT WANTKI ) . SKCONI ) HANI ) TVI'KWKITEU ; 1 > Itemlngton preferred ; must bo very cheap. Address - dress I , , li Hop. _ , _ 163-11 * AT TOmiVSKCOND-IIANIIFUIlNlTUIlK.IIIOII Jest prices paid. Iloston Furniture Co.IKB N. IIHh m re * _ AT-HIJltNITUIlH. IIOUntlT , SOLD , STOIIKU. -l > Wclla. 11)1 ) Fnrnam street. 771 _ FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS IScallne llrst tlmo and lOc n line thcro- aftoT. No advertisement taken for less tlinn25c : -VMOrAI/nWATKlisi'ANI n N Inquire nt 10U7 S. llth. I.'IU 11 * _ CLAIRVOYANTS. HATHS-lSo n line llrst tlmo and lOo n line there after : No advertisement tnken for loss thanVSc. "Aitim'AT ] KXT iAOiinfNAiiTiVONUHIIFIJL S revolutions Challenges tlio world. Mr . Dr M. Lcgravc , dcad trnnco clairvoyant , astrnloglst , palmist nnd Ufa reader ; tells your Ufa from tha cradle to grare : unites the separated ; causes mar riage with tha ono you love ; tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has the celobrateil Kgyptlan brcaatplato for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; euros IIU , Intemperance unit nit private complaints with mussago , baths and al cohol treatment. Send 13 , lock of hair , name and data of birth and rocclvo accuruto life chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initials of ono you will marry ; also photos of same. Ontco 1007 South llth street , llrst floor : hours , 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Como one , como all , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. M3JU 13. _ S JtnS. MAni" FHITZ , 24M IjAK'K STItKKT. clairvoyant and trnnco medium ; Indeponriont voices ; tolls nast and future. 5i)7-Jgl ) * -JI11S. NANNIK V. WAIIIIKN , CIj.UUVOYANT , SJI11S. reliable business medium. Hfth ycar.atll'JN. Kth. MASSAGE , ' BATHS , ETC. UATKS If * n'llno1 llrst tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss lean 25c. rrl2d . Alcohol , sulphur and son baths.M834 M834 17 * rp-MASSAGKTUKATMHNT. KI.ECTIIO TIIKR. -Lmul baths. scal ; > and hair treatment , manicure nnil chiropodist , Mrs. l'ost,313 H. ISth.Wlthuoll blk. 778 _ MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. HAT15S ISo a line first time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 2. > c. -TJr I1KKOUK i now scale Klinball piano. A. Ilospe , 15H Oouxla 77 _ "Xr-i. K ( JKM.KNI1KCIC. BANJO TKACIIHIl > wllh Ho.ipc , or321 j N. 15th street. M lloor. ' . ' 12 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ? " UATKS ISoa'lIno first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2. > c " \\r APIT.Y "TO J , fo\TT li money ; only upon tlratclass security. 230 Bouth 13IU street. M1ISO \\T B-l'Kll CUNT F1H8T MOItTHAUU LOANS , il Ulchard C. I'atterBon , 1511 Farnnm at. 781 T\r COATES , 7 , UOAKD TIlADE. EASTEHN money. JIJ.'I \\T ANTHON Y LOAN-ANI ) THUST CO. , 318 N. Y. ' ' Life , loud at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omalm city property. 7,8 \\T LOANS , AV.M.HAIUUS.H 20 , FHENZEIl 11LK. > > 78J Tlf SECOND MOHTfiAOBS. ALKX MOOHE. 401 M Heo Uldg. 780 \ \ r ' LOAN IOWA CITY PHOPEllTY , EAST oru Neb , and farms. E. F. Itlngcr , 151'J Farnnm. BoU-Jl'lj * AY T CENTIlALLOANANDTllUSTCO.llEEHLDO AYr 781 { \r MONEY TO LOAN ON LONG OH SHOUT > tlmo In sums ofMU to 110.000. Mutual Investment Company. 77R LOWEST HATES OK INTEHEST ON FIHST IBS security. Lovctt A Woodman , 220 S l.'llh. 78ti J.II r-O. ti. WALLACE , 3W 11HOWN I1I.OCK. M 921 \\r lliAL : ESTATE LOANS a TO 7 IMJIl CIINT ; 11 no additional charges for eommls lon or nttor- ney'a fees. W. 11. Molklo , First National bank bldg. * 775 \\T LOANS ON IMI'IIOVKI ) AND UNIMPKOYUU 11 | > erty , M.OOO and to H per cunt. No delays. W. Farnam Smith A Co. , 15th \ Hurnoy. \\r-LOAN80N HEAL ESTATE AND COLI.AT- il teral notoii and mortgages bought. Heed A Bolby.lUt Hoard of Trade , 77 ! ) MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ItATES-ISu n line first tlmii and lOo u line tlicre- after. No advertisement tuken for losn than 3. > o. ilV nT'K."siABTKUS"ON goods , pianos , organji , homes , mules , wagons , ete. , at the lowest po lblu rates without publicity , romovnl of property or change of pos session. Tlmo nrrangud to suit tha borrower. I'uymenU of any amount can bo made at any time , reducing both principal and Internal , thus giving patroni nil Iho bcnellt * of the partial pay ment plan. Call and see me when yon want a loan , or If moro convenient rail telephone 1'QI ' and your business can be arranged at homo. * Money nlwaya on hand ; no dulay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; bllslur.n coulldentlal. 11. F. Manloca , It 4 Wlthnell blk. , lith and llnrnoy. 781 \ -MONEV TO I.OA.N , 30 , PO , AND 1W DAYS ON Vfurnltnre , ate. Dutttireon , r'JO , Contlnoutal blk. WJ MONEY TO UAN ON CUA'ITKLS : Is XdMONEY daya , allSCummlngSI , .M1IIJ-F4 V KOU'T I'lHTCHAUD , 11.3 , WITHNELli A. MKJ -CHATTEL IXANH , HBNBUICT A WHAY. 814 Vl'uxioti tiiock. WoIouQOitrown uionoy , chargu uo commlolou. U will pay you to consult us. MSH2-J3I * BUSINESS OIIANOE3. IIATBS- aj Ilmf tlrtt time and I0o n Una thero- after. No ndvorilsamuiit taken for loss than tip. V -WANTED , LO-nojKOl Flllb' CLASS 1 meat market In any town In Iowa or Nebraska. AdilroisM.iiJ Lincoln avenue , Council IllutTii. MI701I _ V-A MAN \V1TH MONEY WANTED TO HACK -L a theatrical entorprlnu ) a Ivgltlmato Inivstment with reputable uooplo. Addrea * . W. K. MorrU , The JllllarO. Will be there Sunday , Jan. IT.M M IM 13' - ' -N OMAHAl LEASE AND KUKNI. . lure for nulu ; U ) rooms ) bualuru centar ; low rvnti good trade : f l.dOO : easy term * . Aler. Moore. 401 lice bldg. MHO U _ V-A CI.1SAN bTOCK OF OENKHAL MKHCHAN- J dlie In good good county neat town ) will take oiuo drut-claM nnlncuuiberea Omaha or farm properly , Addreta It t , llee. 117 ) i * STOKH > xii ) UAI.KI CK.NTUXI.I.Y ia bal to lulu AJJroM Ultt. ll o BUSINESS OITANOES. . \VKI.LFIjltNlSllKU 8AIXION In West Point. Nan. , two billiard tobies , One pool tnblo , tipntalri for elun room * , tlnn't location in town , commands llm ho t trade. Ileaion for folllna , paitlei going Into ilia wholcsalo biKlness. rorpartlciilarnwrltoorapplj to F. Honntntscheln , West Point , Nvb. MI-IO ( lENKKAI , MDs. ( NO . clothing ) . In a city of 3,000 Inhabitants , notithnrn part of Nebraska , division station of H. A M. | largo It II. trndo ; sales f tt.OUO to flll.OOO per annum. AIM ) brlrk Moro room 2Sx80 , or will lease It ilfMred for n term of years , lleasnn for selling , wish to roljro from biislno . Address KB7 , Ileo. .M9I 12 \T WANTI'.D , AT OltEELEY CENTKH , NEIU A J man or men to buy grain nnd stock , ( Jreeloy Canter Is n county tent of about I fin Inhabllants , n railroad Junction , centrally located In n bannijr county for ittock nnd grain. A pnrty that nndor lnnil the business can have plenty to do and make big money. Address Hoard of Trndo.M80I M80I 14 * JFOK EXCHANGE. ' HATES-150 u linn llrst time nnd tlc ) n line tlioro- nftor. No advertisement tnken for Icsi than 55c. EX- business , What Imvo yntf til offer ? Western Exchange company , Columbiii. Neb , , M17tf 14 * y-HEAL KSTATK TO AMOUNT OK m.OOft Oil f-l\ctt. \ Including land , vacant lols nnd ben nil fill moitern homo In Omaha for well established liUsl ness that will boar Investigation ; hiirdwifro Or largo uoueral saddlery biislneis. What have r u7 Address P. o box71 i. Omaha. t * illT9Jl ( y-FINE PHOPEIITY ON SIIEUMAN AVKNUII fJlar vacant lot or land Henawa A Co MI47 12 r/-CLEAN STOCK OF GENEKAL M'D'SK : WILL /Jtnku real estalo A money. Hex 2'.I5 , rrnukfort.lnd FOIt SALE HEAL ESTATE. , UATKS ISo n line first llmo nnd lOo a'lhlo thflro- uftcr. No advertisement tnken for less than 25c. T ' ACIIlEA'illivN.FOU ono of Iho residences In the city , with every modern convenience on motor line , not over ono mile from P. O. nnd within six blocks of Ilnnscom Park. For particulars addrcs-i K51 , llco mi'i' _ _ ' AST FllONT HOUSE AND LOT K-VI : ' ? . ( ) NE mlle from P. O. , former ] > rice , fKuio ; can bo had on quick sale for (1,800. < West Omaha corner , high , 70iUJ ? 2nOO- Corner on I.owo nvoniic , 'i blocks from car , ttMO. Sightly acre. Ilelvcdero , near Fort Omaha , lilt' . Hutchlnson A Woiiil.lMi Douglas st > . , 131 11 ,140 ACHE IMPHOVBD FAllM , IS JllLKS 1'HOJI lomana , $12,000. Hutchluson.AVeml , 1S2I Douglas , 121 11 _ t rPWHLVB LOT9 FOll SALE IN WEST 8IDI5 Lonmha , Address ICM ) , Hoc. SIQift 14 * _ Olt SALE , CHOICE FHUIT FAUM of 28 , AGUES 2f ! miles east of posloulcc , Council jllulTsi t > acres In blackberries , liOO young' fruit trees : H.OOO grape vines : house , barn and outbuildings ( iroal bargain If taken at onco. A. IS llco oUice. , Council limits. Miliii 12' _ I 'Oil SALE AT A IIAIKiAIN , 1) ) ACIIKH CAHDE.V land Inside of city limits : IJi miles from ponl- o 111 co. Council U luffs. Address Jl IS Ileo olllce , Council HlulTs. M'.I47 12 _ _ lOKSAIiBATA I1AIKJAIN. LOT 13 , 11LOCIC 4 L W. L. Sh'-lby'H first addition to1 South Omaha. Small payment down , balance monthly 1C denlreif. Inquire ( i. II. Tzscliuck , Omaha Dee. ; t$3 OH SALE , HOMK4 , ANY PHICE , $7.V ) . $1,2.10 UP ; cniy terms ; lake clear property as llrst payment , CI. U. Wallace , Hruivn block , lllth uud Dougla-t. 702 _ _ FOll SALE. NEDIIASICA FAHM LANDS : 0. a. Wallace , 123 Brown block , IIHh and Douglas. . - 733 _ _ \T K. COHNER 21ITH AND HICKOltY. Wxl2j ) J-i .foot ; nbnr aln for a few days only. F. 1C. llng. Darker block. 794 - FAUM U MILES FUOM LINCOLN , } 20 per acre. Co-Oporatlvo Land and Lot Co. , 20. > N. ICth street. 703 11 _ LOST. HATES ISo n line first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advert Isemeat taken forlosa tlmn 2oc LOSTAV'ATcii" CliAUSlVwifil TWO PICTUFtES Inclosed , wife and child ; liberal reward to tinder. Call liJOll Farnnm st. M18J-13 _ DBESSMAKING- . HATES 15c n line first time and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken far less than 25c iis. "wC j. TscoLits HAS OPENBI ) DIIKSS Mi making parlors at the N. K. cor. * 14th A Douglas 645-J2I * TDNdAOKMKNTSTODO UIUSSSMAKINUIN FAM- -li/lllcs solicited. Miss Htunly , 310 a. 2Cth St. . 3 < 0 J _ HAIR GOODS. UATKH-lr c a line first tlmo nnd lOc a line iioro- | uflur. iNo udvertlsemont takan for .less T-'AUGESTSTOCIC IN KNTiiii ; WEST ; JUtrlcul wigs and beards a specialty. Wigs , bangs , ' xwllchCH , hair chains , etc. , In stock and to order , Mail orders lollclted. Uavlos , HI S. 15th st. , Omaha. 7'.Ki _ STOCK WINTERED. KATKB ISo n line llrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Me. O Ka vTNTK'u KIJ AT "lioWKST H AT US . AT Ilellovuo stock farm ; box stalls If deslrad. Clarke , 19 Hoard of Tradn building orllolltmio. 79i PATENT SOLICITORS _ _ UATKS ISo line llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2ja PATKNT IiAWYBirs ANiPsOI.lCITOIl8. "oTw. S lies A Co. . llee building , Omaha , Neb. Ilranch olllce at Washington , 1 > .C. Consultation free. 7'J7 ' MASQUERADE COSTUM3 , ETC. IIATKS I5e a line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for lols thn'i Ko -L/rndo costumes at 114 S ICtli. Coldon Knglo'store. ' ' CUTLERY GRINDING. I'.NI ) YOUIt SCISSOI13 , 11A7.0UH , KfC. , TO UJJ uruunil to Underland A Co. . imi S. 1UU nt. 7'lj , MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. ASII 1'AII ) FOIt OM ) COLD. CAIliibN ft Ilnnks. room 80 Darker block. Omaha. 7W PAWN BROKEH3. S-l.K n llnw llrst llmo and lOo a line thdru- uftcr. No advertisement taken for lass than 25c. T "IJIJMO ' VKU'TO To : s/iyrii si\ "IMPROVEMENT the ORDER of the AGE" THE BEST. WHY ? Itcounsu wo have profited by the shortcomings of the old typowrlturn. nnd Imvoovorconio ninny dcfoL-t-s unit , hotwoun ours I liven * \vu Imvo ttddod iniiny Improvements of , wllluli thnlr Invoiitors nuver drunincd , All typo olounud Iu ton sucoiuls wltliont soil- In i ; the linniK Moro inunlfold cnplc.s cnn ho made nt ono Im- pri'bslon on thu Smith t'romlor tlmn yiion uny other tyuowrltor iniinufnuturcd. Senil for oataloijiie. ( TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co , , 1(101)1 ( ) Fnrnnm Street , Onmlin , Neb. K. II. JJ.Il'JIKII' , . . . . MA.V.HIKIl. * Xotloo. Notlco H herohy clvon that' the nniuml iiH.'Otlng of the Htoouliolilors of thu Dinah t Union Dapnt Uoiiipnuy will bo' Hold at the olllcoottlio coiiiunny In the hoiidqiiurtors of the Union 1'iiclllo Hallway Company. In tlio city otOnmlm , on Monday , llth Uuy of Junu- ury , IS ! ! , ' , itt 1) o'clock a. in. The mcutliiK Is culled far the election of ( II- rouUirsof tlm coniDiiny for the onsuln your , nnd fur the transaction of nnv other business that tnuy lUBiilly como bo f ere It. THUS. L. KIMIIALU I'rosldont. Oinalin , Docomhor 18th , 1HU1. daidgot The whole stock of school furnlturo. ofilco suppllos , nnd uublnoUlettcr fllus and ono sufo , or will lull in Job lols. lols.J. . W. IlAiiuis , AsHlKiioa. Call ut German-American tiavlnzi bnu k Omuhn. Neb. Dl-oatt tlBo _ A GENUINE MICUOUKKlLUtlt I * KIUIl'3 OKllSt KllAIICA'rUH"Curu ll de em > l l > eaut It klllj tlio microbe or Ktrni. 1'ut upanil retailed In ll.f.laud Uslies , the lalter IU gallon * . 8eut auy wherv pre paid ou receipt of prlco or U O. 1) . Weltiua a guar antee to cure. Tlio public trido ami Jobbers iup > iilluil by tha Ktiulrr Urug Company , Omnhij U , A. .Molchur , Howard Mayor ami H. I' . Sjjkori , South Omaha ; A U. Foiter au4 U. J. Kllt > , Council Uluffi jTWrlllon Guarnntoolo SYPHILIS ! EVERY CASE c. ' ddNEY REFUNDED. Our com K l ptrmuiint oHii . riot a palehlan up. Cai tre l Kl nro yo r ago Im , n Ter t rt nijmptcni lnc . flr tleterlbln'R e o fufey wo e n tnwit ton ky moll , and wo ( tire the t&ni6 < * tronr guarantee to rura or refund all money. Thp iWho | pr f r to com * hero for treatment can do 10 onJwewlu , par railroad fsi-o both watt and hotel bllll WSlfs h r If we fall lo cure. Wo ehall ire Iho werld t r icnio that our > t AGIO RTJir.DT will not eur . Write for full particular ! and. Eftlha evidence. Wo khaw that you am tkeptital , Juilly to , toJ. a * tlio ta ut < riilnent rhyilrlani hara n T rbtenabietoRlv mqr than ttmporary relief. In our nte jean1 practice Win the MAdlO UEMEDY It tint been molt difficult l/bvcreonio the prejudices agalnit all so-called ยง p lnt . 'r Bat under our strong BuaranUoyoil should njt Jieiltat * to try thle rcratdy. You take no chtnco of loiffiJe your noney. Wo guar. antco to euro or refund OTlwfloIlnr , nnd ai we hare I reputation to protect , altaflnanclal hacking of HCO , . COO , It It r rf e tly a'o to all who will try the treat , mont. lUrotoforcyou hatk b > n pnttlnn up nnd pa J In ft outyojrmoney fordltTertnllrentmcntsand although youaronotyetcarednoonohai paid back your Aon. y. Do not wstto any more money unUl you try uj. Old chronic , deep lealedc i l cured la 90 to to dayi. In- reetlftatoour financial ( landing , our reputation ae bailneunun. Write ui or name < and oddrewn of thoio wo hr vo cured wht * hare given permlnlonto ro- fertothem. Hco t yon only poilago to dothliilt will save you a world of lulfcrlnir from mental ( train , and It you are married what may your offiprlng nuffer through yourown negligence. If yourtyniptomiaro ere throat , mucous pv hea In mouth , rheumatism In bonei and Joint * , hair falling out , eruption ! on any part of the body , feeling of ifineril dcprculon , palnj in header bonce , you hatejio tlmo to watte. * rhofO w ho are constantly taklnti tnt rcury an 1 potaeh should discontinue 1U Consttnt use of these clrui ! wlllfiurGljr brinffeoreiando tlnirUlrervlnthornd. Donfallto" wrlta. Alt correspondence pent tealedfn plain enrcl. op a > Vo Inrlte the mott rittld liirestlgatlon and wilt do all in our power to all you In IU Acltlires , COVJi JlK3t Df CO. , Omaha , Jffbraska. Offlco I Jill and Farnam , second floor , entrance lhEt llnblt'imsltlvoly cured by tlio uso. of tlio Ronulnu "MAGIC CHLORIDE OF GOLD , " It Is inaiiufncituroil In simill sol ill ) I o tnblots. which cnn bo Riven In n Rlnss of buur , u cup of coITeo or tct. ; or In fooil. wltliont tlio knuwl- cilRU of Iho tmtlunt. It It ) absolntuly Imrin- ICR < < , nnil will olToct u ixiMnniiunt unit sneody euro , whothar tlio pitloiit : uses Mqiinr or To- fmccu niodpr.itoly or Is n slnvo to oltlicr or both. It has boon Riven In thousands of cnnoi nnil In uvcry iiistnnco a jmrfcut euro has fol lowed. It IIOVOP fall * . The system once lin- proKiiated with the "MAOIO OlII.OItlDB Ol' liOIiD , " itbocotnos an utter Inipossllilllty for tlio Iilntmr or Tobacco unpptlto to exist , Ono month s trout inent , tUotall drunalsts. Got only tlio UPiiuIno , inailufictuiod by MAUIO OIlLOUIDB OOIjI ) CO. . lllako. Uruco & Co. , Otmihn. Neb. , Wholoaalo Agents. _ LoDuo's Porlodioal Pllla. The Fronoli remedy acts directly upon tlio generative organs and euros suppression of the menhc.s. tJor three for 15 , and can bn mailed. tihould iiollio usoU durlii pre.'naiiay. .TobborJ. drnRglstsand the publlo suppllad by Goodman PUoi'osAi.s van I URM ) Aconcy , South DnUotu , DeccniDcr IWlli 1801. Sealed proposals.1 endorsed "I'roposnls for Hold tuuds. " and addrossnd to the undur- slL'ncd at Uoattbuil AKunoy. South Dakota , will bo received at th's azcncy until one o'clock p. in. , of Monday , .Iiuiu.iry .Hli , Ibll. , for furnlsli- Intf and delivering at this agency ubout l.'iOO bushels of seed o.its , I < UO bushu s cf seed corn , 1.3m ) bushels of seed potatoes and ; iX ( ) bushels of seed whoat. Illddois w 11 bo required testate state In their bids tlm proposed prlco of each attlclo olTorod for dollveiy under a contract. The right Ls reserved to reject any or all"blds , or tiny oart of any bid ) If doomed for the best Interests of the service. CKUTIFIKD CHECKS. I aeh bid must bo accompanied by a cortlllod cheek or draft upon sojno Unltod States do- posltory orsolvont national bank In the vicin ity of the residence orjVHo bidder , made pay able to the order of the Commissioner Of In dian AITalrs , for at least riVK t'BHCB.VTof tno amount of the proposal , , which chonk or draft will be forfeited to thQ r/XtTKi > STATUS In case any bidder or blddcrsr-'rcoulvlnj ; an award sluill fall to promptly oxueiite u contract with Rood and sutllclont sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder" ' Mltls accompanied by cash In lieu of a cortlfluU cheek will not be cons'dored. For ftirtlmnhifonniitlon apply to J. UEq.i\VKIOUT , U. S-Iifdlan Agent. . , _ . j2d3HM REMINGTON TYPEWRITER JBEST IN TKE.WORLD. JOS. PujMEGEJATH , 'M STRltEfr. OMAHA , NKD. GHRD U , : < 0 n m . . . .Kansas City Day iipri'Hi..l 55.1 p m 9.4S p m 1C. CvNIght Kxg via U. 1'.Trans ] (1.40 n m Going I CIUUACO. U. 1. & I'ACIKIC. I From East. I Union Depot lUlli A. Marcy Bts.j East. 7.20 n ml Slunx City Passenger. jlO.'Op m ft.35 | i m | St. Paul Express MOOOn m leaves I SIOUX C1TV A l"ACIFlC. ' ( Arrives Oniahol Depot. Ifilli nnd Webster sti I Omaha 5.45 p ml . . .SI. Paul Limited. . . | 9.5 a m Leaves ICH1CAGO A NoTFriTwlT TEitN I Arrives OmahnlU. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sis. | Oinnha 7.25 a mEx. | ( bun'y ) Carroll Passenger. 10.20 p m 1 2j a m Chicago Express S.lfia m 500 p ml Vestibule I.lmlled. . . . . . . . UMa in 9.15 p ro . . .Eastern Fiver OOOp m 7.00 p mEx. | 1 ( Sat. ) Fast Mall ( Ex. Mon.l. 2.1 j p m Leaves I OMAHA A HT. LOUltt. lArrlves ( IninlmlU. 1 * . depot. 10th and Murcy bts.Oiiialia | 4,10 p m | St. Louis Cannon Hail | I'.3J p m AWutcli-Mpotlnh' , It wits tlio lusit nht ! { of tlio year , nnd aboutO o'oloclc , iv'Bolltnry yoang mun might luivoboon soon hurrying itlong tbo street , says the Detroit Free Proas. 'Hollo , " oxclitiniod a friend mooting him nt a cornor. "Whoro nro you golngy" "To a wntch-mootlnrr. " ho ro- piled , twisting tin empty fob chuln In his nnpora "Ah , indeed ! Miiy I ivslc whoro'i1" " ' " far "At uncle's , nud faintly , down the Btroot.tho three hnlla glittered in the glnro of the oleotrlo light. UoWltt's ' Little Karly ituori : 'or tbo llvor. IN THE CLUTCH OF A LOBSTER , A Diver's ' Stnigglo with ft Alonstor of thn Deep , A LOBSTER RIVALING THE OCTOPUS , A Thrilling lUprrlcnro On'tlio NoI'ound - liinil Count Urusliril In the HIIRO ( ifn Dfiilrrn of thn Orrnn Tlntt .Seldom Conies Near Shore , Sea monstora anil tholr doings are oo- raalonully { , 'lvon inontlon iu nowapnpor purttKntphs , and moat of such accounts are vouched-for by this or that sciontlllo man , says the Now YorU Horald. When Victor llijo ! wrote in "Tho Toilers of the Soa" about the frightful monster which clasuod Its clammy arms about the diver ovol-yonn thought that the thing was a raoro fabrication. Hut It was not. Tlio monster duscribod was nhnoat identical with the octopus , erSe So , too- men roluto how , living In the ( loot ) nnd silent caves of the sen , Is n hugo lobster , resembling the Biunllor Hah In structure , but being very vera cious. It Is sttld that ho seldom comes notir the shore , If ever , but that onor- inous lobster shells nro sometimes thrown up on land nftor n violent storm. Northern llshermon Imvo hoard of the mounter and I have scon them shlvor in the cuddies of tholr fishing smacks as some ono described the size and appear ance of the llsh. How far the general impression is correct I do not know , but lot mo relate h story told mo by a diver : "When the Anglo Saxon , n ship laden with costly merchandise , ran into Chance Cove , on the Newfoundland coast , and sank by striking a hidden roof , tHc1 government at once took step ! . to have .all that the unlucky ship con tained , romovod. There were ever 100 persons on board , but not so much as ono , If my memory servos mo , escaped. When the ship was lifted by a heavy swell upon the sharp lodge she ' 'hung'1 thd'ro , as Bailers say , but with the rise of the tide she was lifted oft the lougo nnd wont down , head first , into the deep water lying inside. There was.a passngu from outside load ing to this.doop water , so that llslius or sea'beasts might-go in or out in search of proyi' There was no beach or strand , but upright , naked clllln in the form of asomicinulo rose around to a height of aboutJiUQ feet. Giving back a little on the top wuu a lighthouse. "As soon as possible divers were brought to the spot , but it was diflicult to find it smooth enough to t > o down. The llrst day wo got below wo"could do little but lay out our plan of operations. The ship was on her side , the stumps of the masts turned toward land. I had never gene down before in water so far north , and the place was so wild that I was timid. Lines were attached to out- bodies and the ends fastened in the skill above , so that if any diver pulled his line ho was at once drawn to the surface. Wo walked about the bottom and around the ship with our foot weighted to keep us from rising. "Tho water was a pale green , and I could notice objects quite plainly for many yards distant. There w.xs a hugo break in the bottom of the ship , hot- stem was steve in , so was her storn. Already the fishes hail discovered that there was feasting inside , for as I was nbout to on tor by the hole in the bow a ' number of Spanish mack'orol , cod , soulpins , and dogfish began to floun der , about insido. I moved back , for 1 did not know but there might bo a shark thoro. "There wore , as you Know , ever 100 bodies in the ship , so I was anxious that they should bo saved from the desecra tion of these fishes. Worst of all to got among the bodies of the drowned are Spanish mackerel and cod. I had chat-go , so wo all wont to tha top and made arrangements for getting the dead. I shall not give you the details , but after extremely hard work two days saw our ghastly task completed. "Then cauio the raising of the costly merchandise. It was mostly silks and cashmere shawls. Ono afternoon while iny two men remained above repairing tholr diving apparatus I wont down alone. Wo were now removing the bales from the other compartment of the ship , and had only ono way to enter or leave this eosnvmrtmont , namely , by the break in the storn. The method of raising the goods was1 to lower down heavy hooks , which could bo fastened into the bales after tliby had been pushed outside. Some - of these bales or cases would float , and some would rest lightly on the bottom. I had so- ledtcd a largo case which I was about to move , when , happening to turn my eyes , I saw outside a hugo creature moving toward the vessel. I had never scon anything like It before. Its body was four to' flvo feet high and about twice that length , and It had on each side an enormous arm , There seemed to bo an unlimited number of logs attached to .the hideous creature , its color was a dun brown , mottled ever with dark spots. Two round , black shining eyes were In its forehead , and two supple horns , oai-h resembling an enormous whip , likewise cain'o out of its head , All this I noticed with ono glanco. A numb terror seized mq and 1 moved for the outlet from the ship. - "But , as if knowing what I intended , this brute , looking straight at mo with Its" frightful eyes , walked , or ratnor crawled , directly toward mo. I hurried In the lippo of being able to solzo the hanging hobk , now my only means of signaling the skill ; but it hurried , too , and I ) fiur barely put my foot upon a gray rock outside when the two writh ing horns of the detestable creature word , twin ing about mo and again un twining ; Then ho would touch mo with these and swoon thom up and down , as If feeling- what description of prey I was. Tho'TQUtid , frightful eyes Boomed to burn through and' through mo. In my hand I held the crowbar which I used to loosen the cargo ; in my bolt I carried a heavy sheath knife. These were my only weapons , "Suddenly nnd without any warning the monster throw out ono of Its arms and seized me below the shoulder. I felt { is If my bones wot'o ' being crushed , and that my aria would BOOH bo HOvoroil from my body. No booner had' ho done this than ho turned and began to drag inq into n deeper corner of the nook. ! The moro I resisted the moro' terrible was the pain , so I had to go , turning ovw In my mind what I should do. I still had tliO'Crowbiir In my right hand , but it whs ot no use to mo. So I lot it drop. "Hut the horror of that time ! Well I know why the awful thing was dragging mo to this quiet place. Ho was going to devour me. "ills arm terminated In n claw which opened and shut. This horrible mouth- like thing had two rows of shining white teeth. Several of those were piercing by arm to the bone. Some distance above this mouthliko hand I observed u joint , and then I drew my knife. But aluat the heavy shell so overlapped the lloahy tissue that I could not Injure my cantor. Still ho dragged mo on , on , till at last the deepest part of the sea nook was reached. There ho stopped nnd turned those terrifying eyes again upon mo. The whlplfko anna again began to move and curl about uiy body , nnd hideous motion Boomed to run through the body of the terrible fish. What this meant 1 know. "His head was only about a foot dis tant from my body , < \nd drawing my knlTo again I plunged it Into the eye n on rest mo , turning the blade round and round. I saw that I had destroyed the eye , for an inky fluid issued out of the socket , darkening the water nbout his head. This chucked the nggrosslvo movements of the thing , but did not Bcotn to hurt It , I wnltod , waited for many seconds , I think , and then Its head turned , so , I supposed , that ho might bo enabled to BOO his prey. This was what I wanted , and with u sura , swift thruot I soul my knife Into his other eye , down to the hofu This tlmo it must have touched the brain , for the boast rooted , nnd the grip on my arm slightly ro- laxcd. Hut though totally blind my captor had no idea of releasing mo. "Tho agony of my arm soon grow un bearable and the waters around mo seemed to bo filling with groonlsh smoke. A strange sound began to buy./ In my oars and mV pain seemed to dis appear. I thought , too , that I saw other figures moving about the ship , then the light wont out of my eyes and I remembered nothing more. "When I recovered my senses I was in the skill , and I learned how the divers , alarmed nt my long slloneo below - low , had como _ down. They saw my plight , and after u time succeeded in severing the arm from the body of the tlsh , which they both declared was the awful deep sea lobstor. " You need not bo afraid of a twlnpo of rheumatism. Whoa H comes use Salvation Oil. Cincinnati ladles Imvo n race for rod gloves , nnd yet they catch cold ; but tlioy never fall to use Ur. Unit's ConpU Syrup nnU always secure an Immediate curu. At nit dealers for " 5 cents. STORY OF A CORNER-LOT. Why Hob IiigorHolMViftii ( ipiinlno Mmirnor lor Koxcor Colliding. Washington correspondence : There was recently sold in a fashionable quar ter in the .northwestern portion of this city a building lot at 87 per square foot. That tract of land has a history. Part of that history shows why "Bob" ingor- sell was a genuine mourner at the grave of Koscoo Conkllng. Many years ago most of us remember Clarke Ingorsoll , the brother of Robert G. Ingcrsoll , a man beloved by all who know him , and in many respects a dilToront typo of man from his eloquent surviving brother. Ebon Clarke Ingorsoll , when in con gress , was it friend of Roscoe Conkllng. That friendship did not end with their lives. In the exciting financial period subsequent to the last great panic Clarke Ingorsoll became embarrassed. lie was the owner of considerable unimproved real estate in this city , purchased in the midst of a period of speculation. The boom had died with the panic , and Mr. Ingorsoll was threatened with ruin. At that time ho came to his friend Roscoe Colliding , and the latter advanced him $30,000 on a second mortgage on the speculative land. The land , if forced tea a sale at that time , would not have brought enough to have paid the first mortgage , to say nothing of the second. But Roscoe loaned the money. Ho did more than thai. Some time afterward Mr. Colliding , as is known bore to a few friends , arranged to surrender the notes of that $30,000 loan , without considera tion , to Mr. Ingorsoll , and was about to deliver thorn to him in order that the second mortgage might bo released of record the very week that Clarke In gorsoll was so suddenly stricken and died. * It was ever the grave of that brother that Colonel Robert G. Ingorsoll delivered - orod that famous- funeral oration , in which his heart seemed to gain the vic tory ever his intellect , Jand in which , raoro than in any other public utter ance , the great orator appeared to grasp hopelessly , perhaps , but in great an guish , for immortality. Long after wards , when the estate of Glivrko Ingor sell was fully settled , this transaction with Roscoe Conkllng became known. The notes had never been pressed for payment , and they wore still in Mr. C'onkling's nosscssion. , The estate of Ebon C. Ingorsoll had not boon har assed by him. Meanwhile , however , another speculative movement in Wash ington real estate b'otran. In consequence quence of this the administrators of 13. G. Ingorsoll wore enabled to soil the unimproved lots in question for enough to pay olt both the first and second mort gages and to leave a handsome sum to the widow. After that Robert Ingor sell never spoke of Roscoe C'qnlding as a "well arcssed sneer. " The porfurnoof violets , the purity of tlio lily , the glow of tha rose , and the ( lush of Hobo combine hi Pozzoni's ' wondrous pow der. RAZORS OF ALL ACtES. In ForincrTlmr * .tlVu Slmvrd with thu I : < ! K < > ofiiSlii-11. "Does it ever occur to you to wonder when you complain of the torture of shaving how men manatred to keep their faces clean before , the Exquisitely tem po rod stool ra/.ors of today wore in- vontedi" ' said a scientist to a Washing ton Star reporter. "You have only to observe the nnciant sculptures to see that shaving was prac ticed in the earliest times. The faces of the old Egyptians are ronrosbntod in tholr statues and hits-roHofs as clean shaved except for the board pn the chin. What sort of ray.ors did they use ? No body knows , but something is known about the evolution of the raxor in a general way. "The first razor wt < s a pair of clam or mufasol shells , with which our savage ancestors ( lulled out the hairs of hishoad by grasping them as with pinchers. In the course of time it was found out that by sharpening the edges of the shells they could bo ground against ono nno'thcr so IIM to saw off the bairn. Two keen edged flukes' ' of stone could bo em ployed for the same purpose , as Mexican Indians utilize bits of obsidian. Ad a rule , the straight-haired and scant- boarded races today , like the North American Indians , pluck out tholr boards. The Polynesians got rid of thol'- ' superfluous hair with chloride of lime , which they manufacture by burning coal. coal."When "When the bronze ago arrived rnzort * wore made of that material , which has since boon superseded by tempered stool. ' Tlio latest ruxora are IIro and electricity. Barbers of the most ad vanced school nowadays slngo the hair instead of cutting it , and an electric noodle is used to destroy hairs whore they ought not to grow by being thrust into the follicles , a slight cuiront killIng - Ing the roots. " Ill thn Icut urn llmim. Nothing duturbs n lecturer HO much as n peed , healthy , fully dovolopml cou ti. Some folks think a sijualtiiR miby u wono , but Mark Twain says that In an omorgoiioy you can kill the baby , but most Icoturors now carry a bottle of Hallor's Huro Cure Cough sirup and glvo a doio of that. nrt-ut Hovnrlty. A very estimable widow has a eon who is far from estimable , nays the Youth's Companion. Evil companions have corrupted the good manners ho once had , and the ravages of dissipa tion are already becoming visible. His poor mother is nearly brokon-hoartcd. She was confiding her troubles ono day to an old and trusted frlepd , "I am afraid1 said her friend , "that you nro not firm enough with John ; you are too onsy with him. " "On the contrary , I am sometimes afraid that I nm too harsh. " " what have "Why , you over done1 "Oh , I haven't done anything , but I have talked to him n great deal. " "What Imvo you said ? " "Why , I have snld , ' .Tohnl John ! ' ana other severe things. " Jack Frost hiu n special ml lon In winter It's to clmp un our hands nnil clioohs , and Jack FYoU says ho don't llko Bailor' * Aus tralian salvo a bit , It euros tlio "llttlo chaps * ' right up. m A QODDESS AS COLLATERAL. A I > l | > rn i'r of Itoit/o DiMnlil of Pulrlotla IllltlltllllK , Ho had somewhere picked up a small plaster of parls statue of the Goddess of Liberty with her knocked oil and ono foot and ankle dangling by the wire used to form the framework , says thu Detroit l-'roo Press. With this In his hand ho entered n saloon on Randolph street and said to the man behind tlio bar : "My friend , I dual re to call your espe cial intention to this emblem of Amer ican liberty and independence. You recognize her , of counter" "Dorbionrlotor vhas omit slnist now. " calmly replied the man , as ho rinsed a boor gliiKS. "Ho Is , oh ? Well , that is nothing to me. It is not at all gormaln to the sub ject , so to say. I ask you again If you recognize this emblem of 1'borty ' ? Look upon it nndtoll mo if your heart does not beat the faster If your pulses do not throb us you remember how the old liberty boll poalcd forth at Philadel ' ' phia' " 1 vims busy today , " IndllTorontly re plied the bartender as ho wiped oil the bar. bar."Do "Do you recognize the Goddess of Lib erty as she stands hero bjforo you or do you not ? " sternly demanded tlio caller as ho stood and pointed at the figure. "Vhas she some goddess ? " "Was she ? Was she ? Think of an American citizen asking that question ! Doesn't the patriotic sentiment surging up in your heart , toll you that there stands the grand emblem of a grand old republic ? Kvon If you had both eyes shut you ought to bo able to fool her presence. Am I mistaken in supposing you to bo an American citizen ? " "I vhas American , of course , but I doan' want to buv somotings like dot. " "My friend , did you ever read of Bunk er Hill ? " asked the man as he backed off a pace or two. "Vhcll , vhat you want ? " "What do I want ? In the first place , I want you to rocoguizo the goddess ! of American liberty. Ga/o on her. Toll mo that you identify hor. " "Vholl , she vhas dor goddess , I ox- poet. " "And secondly , sir , I want you to rq- nllzo my position at the present momont. I am a patriot , hard up for the needful dry in my throat almost perishing for the want of a glass of that whioh cheers but does not inebriate. " " dead broke ? " "Isee ; you vhas "Exactly ; while you cannot buy this emblem of mo , I can leave it , with you as collateral , to bo roddcmod tomorrow. Take her and place her in safety , and then jerk mo a schooner of boor. " " 1 could n't do it. " "Couldn't ' do it ? Couldn't take the Goddess of Liberty as security fop a schooner of beer ! Did I hoar aright ? " "Mobbo so , but I forgot him shust now. " "Uavo you road of Valley Forge and the blood tracks on the snow ? " "I doan' remember him. " "Am Washington the grand and glorious George the father of his coun try ? The natno of Washington must bo familiar to you ? " "Yes , I hoar aboudt Washington , but 1 doan' want to buy some images. " "Did I aslc you to buy ? Do I wantto soil ? Have you money enough to pur chase this emblem from mo , sacred to mv patriotic heart , damaged though it is ? No , sirl Thousands could , not buy her ! Any olTor you could make would insult a man whoso forefathers fought at Bunker Hill and watered the soil of Monmouth with their warm blood 1" "Dot's shust how I said , imtl I doan' talk any morel You Dad bettor go oudt. " "You contemptuously refuse the goddess doss , do you ? " "I doan' take hor. " "And you order mo. a patriot ( n whoso veins runs the blood of the Hancocks , to vacate your promises ! " "I like you to go oudt before I vas mad and haf a fuss. " "I see , and I go. Como goddess emblem - blom of barrels of blood poured out .that this nation might bo froovo ; are not wanted hero. Wo have boon In sulted. You , with all your sacrifices with all the sentiment surrounding you with that proud hnad hold so high among the nations of earth , haven't the mercenary value of a schooner of lager ! Wo will preserve our dignity if wo perish of thirst. Sir ! Good day ! " Vanllautea's Cocoa The .standard of the world. : HTKUUK. O'rlN'l ilnkn 1'liljrU oil H I'lilr Dt'lintlinte. A Saglnaw girl made her debut as a chorus girl in the Wllbor Opera com pany in Detroit hist Sunday ovdnlng. Her name is Miss Hello Hamilton , daughter of a wealthy Sngimiw lumber man , and has boon for two or three years a belle in the city of sawdust. Be coming completely stage struck , she joined the company in Detroit Sunday ovoning. She has a fair voice , a superb llguro , and dances with grace. Hot- beauty and grace attracted much attention , and her first apnear- tinco was a great success. A mischiev ous young man , formerly of Sngl- naw , who had worshiped at her foot , hoard of her debut and telephoned the facts to his S iglnaw cnuina. When Miss Hamilton faced the audience Monday evening she was confronted by twenty- live grinning young men from Huginaw. They were in evening dross , woio largo bouquets and had skull caps , to Indicate that they were all bald. They occupied the front rows , and all leveled tholr opera glasses at their silly acquaintance. Mis ? Hamilton fainted and would have fallen to the lloor had she not hdon caught , nnd the grand march hud to proceed without 'lor. She appeared in the lust act , however , blushing hard , and managed to dttncu the horn-pipo , for which she had boon applauded on the previous evening , Her huiirt is full of resentment for her former Sstgl- miw acquaintances , and she In thinking of abandoning tlio stage. Hiiii > i > itiulyl i TulU IIUVlfci 4 i n itlil i\ . Yes , I see , you bavo ot a terrible looking face all pimples and blotchos. Naw , Mrs. Spooponclyko , K you'do lot tlioso everlasting , dodgmtod powders and cosmutios nlono-ond use Hullor's Hur.iaimrillu nnd JJurdooh com pound you'do loolc llUo someUiltii ; . boot t Thu Kill ( lluva Town. A French town called Grenoble Is the place whore most kid gloves comu frbm. At Grenoble alone 1,200,000 dozen pairs of gloves are manufactured annually. This roproBonts a value of $7.000,00(1 ( to $7,200,000 and this gives employment to 23,000 workpeople of both soxoa. There nro 4,000 men and 21,000 women residing in u rayon of thirty-eight miles uroynd Grenoble who live by this work. Small In size , great in roiults ; LlttlorOarly Ulsun. Dost pill for constitu tion , boat forololc hoadaoho , boat for tour stomach ,