Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Business Prospcota Kemarkably Favorable
for the New Year ,
Trillin Dull In Muit Hontlirrn Cltlcn Ilitl
Improving Weekly lt ln ' ofVnll
Slrcct Illiniums rnlliirr * for
the lfii t Wvi'k.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 8.-II. O. Dun ft , Co.'s
weekly rovlow of trade says : The first week
of the now your has boon marltod by sorao
itrlklnK events. Those change * do not
threaten , out promlao to Jiolp the Icgltlnmto
business of the country which over confident
speculation at this tlmo might havu ombar-
The government i uo < l this wcolc Its final
statement of the yield of wheat , corn and
oats. The yield Of wheat now reported so
fur cxccotls previous department estimates
that the price hai dropped sh irply ! ! > f cents
for the week on sales of only 15,090,000
bushols. Onts also Uroppacl/2,1 cents , but
corn rojo ono-elglith of n cent , largo ax-
ports , actually exceeding these of , for
tliroo days of the week sustaining the price.
Pork products scarcely changed. Oil rose
2 cents and ooffoo ono-fourth of a cant.
Cotton has dropped to the lowest pvlco since
early In 181 ! ' , vl/ . , $7.44 for middling uplands.
Hocoipts at the south contlnuo greater
than last year , and although exports
nro also greater the stock accumulated
and largely carried by banks at various
points has a depressing influence. This
olTocts trade throughout the south , and at
Memphis the outlook Is considered poor and
collections nro very slow. At Naihvlllo
trade is only fair , though money Is oaslor.
At Little Hock tnido Is dull : at Gnlvoston
very conservative , with failurO ) much ex-
ceoaing these of last year In ntimbor ; at
Savannah trade Is quiet though money Is
easy , and at Now Orleans banks nro easier
and a bettor fooling Is seen In the money
market , though unusunl quantities of cotton ,
sugar find rlco nro being carried. The cle-
mnnd for sugar and rico Is strong nnd active ,
with slightly bettor price ? , but cotton Is de
clining with heavy receipts.
Trillin In the Xnrtli.
Trade In other pat-Is of the country Is fulr
for the season , the now yen's quiet not
having entirely p.issed , At Boston business
is better In some linos. At Philadelphia
liberal orders nro noted for spring materials ,
while trauo in other branches is now vorv
light. The prospect Is considered , good.
I3nltlmnro reports a healthy money market
and Cincinnati activity In clothing nnd
moderate trade in whiskies , w.ith a favorable
start for the year. At Cleveland trade is
good for the season and rolled Iron in good
domund. At I'lttsburg the outlook seems
better , pijr iron is slrnnj and finished iron Is
in good demand. Chicago reports some in
crease In receipts of barley , cured moats ,
cliocso nnd cattle , receipts of oats nearly
double last year's of flour , corn , rye and
dressed beef fully double , and of
tliroo tunes last year's. Dry goods sales are
light , tb.ou.trU payments nre bettor ; sales of
clothing and shoos nre larger than a year
ngo , and money is in fair demand , with the
supply nruplp for legitimate trado. Mil
waukee tlmis eoocl Indications for the spring
trade nnd heavy snow helps the lumber busi
ness. At bt. Paul trade is quiet , ns usual ,
with excellent prospects. At Minneapolis
ths car tnimno Is over and the output of flour
for last week was 17'J,0')0 ) barrels , against
114,000 last year , with lumber sales of 1891
exceeding these of 1690 by 07,000,000 foot.
At St. Louis cold weather causes hotter
trade in heavy clothing , nnd other trade is
reasonable , the grain blockade having
broken. Irado at Kansas City is quiet and
money in light demand.
Collections throughout the northwest nro
very fair , though slow at most bouthorn
Improvement In the Great Industrie * .
The great industries report no important
change , iron n largo business is
being done and the tona is improved. Some
improvement is soon in bar and plates and t >
fair business in structural iron. The coal
trndo Is ragged , though the demand is beyond
nil precedent. Less demand is seen for cop
per , though large bales have occurred ; tin is
weaker and load dull. The money market
has boon well supplied at this point and
other markets throughout the northwest aio
cosier. In brief the business prospects of
the country are remarkably favorable for the
beginning of a now year , excepting at the
south , nnd white the depression in that sec
tion may considerably effect some trades and
brunches of manufacture the uplifting in
fluence of largo northern crops and of un
precedented foreign demand for northern
products gives substantial ground for the
great conlldcnco which prevails.
The business failures occurring throughout
the country during the night days since De
cember ill are 4i5 ! , as compared with a total
of 320 last week. For the corresponding
week of last year the figures were 40i. ;
Murkrl ActlM-iiiul Striking Advancoi Hiiilo
During tli AVititk.
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 8. Bnxdstroot's Weakly
Wall Street Hovlow says : To all appear
ances the favorable anticipations in regard to
the course of speculation have bean verified
by this tendency during the first weak of the
yonr. The activity of the market has been
remarkable , and advances of a striking char
acter have occurred In many portions of the
shurollst. At the sarao time that the trans
actions have increased in volume it Is evi
dent that the participation has broadened ,
and that the January disbursements , with
the encouraging financial conditions and
btoady Increase of railroad earnings , have
tiroducod a great deal of fresh buying. It
was noticeable- that London and Europe gen
erally took no part in the upward movement
of prices which saluted the now yoar. In-
doou , there was selling from that quarter
during the greater part of the week , and
speculative sentiment in the foreign markets
Is apparently not ready to rosnond to the
bullish disposition which prevails hero. At
the same tlmo our market , though widening
and Improving in reswoot to the quality of its
supply , seems to bo largely nrofosslonal In
cluu actor.
nourish 'v'litlineiit llrol > Out.
That manipulative Influences should bo
strongly at work Is not surprising. Indeea ,
such manifestations ar needed to sot the
marliot in motion. Hut the fact Is apparent
that the smaller professional operators in
thalr now found bullish enthusiasm , tended
to booomo quickly overloaded , thus prepar
ing the way for a reaction. Early in the
week , therefore , purtlcnlaily as London
failed to show a bullish disposition , the up
ward progress of tbp loading stock was
chocked and the advance's become con lined
inoro to the specialties mid manipulated
Blocks , whila botulbh sentiment began to
chop out in some quarters. Little Impression ,
liowovor , was made , nnd on Thursday the
market resumed its upward course , though in
the attornoan of that day a sudden nnd skil
fully executed bear raid rotultoa in some
liquidation by overloaded spocuhUor.1. At
the snwo tlmo the sentiment of the market
continues to bo Dullish nnd though it is rccop-
tilled that Its progress toward a higher level
may take a slower nnd moro orderly form the
bollol in such an outcome is very general
and Krldr.y's speculation , though somowhut
fovorlsh , was strong in its tendencies.
Itrmljiig HUH way Sliuron Act hit.
The Vanderhllt trunk line stocks with
Erie were somewhat neglected , although the
Ulp Four , the only member of the group
which had been left behind in the nruvlous
rlso , was taken in hand and advanced from
71 to 75 , The saino may bo uild of the lead
ing grangers. Kock Island , however , was on
exception , bolng very nctlvo on Wednesday
nnd Thursday ana advancing from 8U * & to
Ul'.j' . The ( Jould stocks also , while Jinn ,
were , to some extent , allowed to roat , the
most noticeable movement In them being in
Western Union. Union Pacific , however ,
\vm deoldedlv strong on reports of vorv
favorable earnings , which was In marked
contrast to the very decrease shown In the
current earning * of the Northern Pacific
coiupauy Bud to the wouUucis of that stock.
Some Intoroit wm displayed in the coal
group. The real Interest of the weak cen
tered In n number of specialties. Now
England , which opennd for tbo week
at 42J/ , advanced rapidly to 49 ; , ' ,
nnd reacted somewhat , resuming , however ,
its upward course and touching fi2Jf. lllch-
niond Terminal was depressed at llrat , but
recovered ground. Among the prominent
speculators were Chicago , Now Albany &
Chicago , which was very active , advancing
from 'M to 31. with Wheeling & Lnko Erlo ,
Iowa Central , Chesapeake ft Ohio and others.
Chicago Uai was the feature of the Indus-
tilnls. It was strongly supported and worked
up to 80. This , however , was followed oy a
harp manipulative break on Thursday ,
which carried the price to 7. ) , nnd was ofll-
clcnt in demoralising the general tnarkot ,
although the stock participated to sotno ex
tent in Friday's recovery of values.
To purlly
Yonr blood
Take Hood's Sarsaparllta. ,
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , iioo building
Ciiterul IiitoMllRiitlnn I'ulls to C'loarUilho |
.Mytt cry oft ho Case.
The Inquest over the remains of Oscar
Olson , the Western Union mosiotiRor boy
who died under auch peculiar circumstances
Thursday morning , was hold yesterday in
Coroner Maul's undertaking rooms.
The Jury was composed of the following
gentlemen : Charles J. Mentor , Oeorgo H.
Whltmoro , William Trafltoy , Ed Emory , W.
A. Sharp and John C. Drcxol. County At
torney Mahoney was present and conducted
the examination of the witnesses , of whom
there were five the two doctors who con
ducted the autopsy , the two messenger boys
who found Olson and the night clerk who
had charge of the ofllco.
During the examination the mother of the
dead boy sat in the roar part of the room and
listened intently to the evidence.
Edgar Aplin , Oil North Eighteenth street ,
night clerk for the Western Union , testified
that ho last saw Olson In apparent good
health about Q o'clock , when ho loft the ofllco
with sheets of the night press report for the
World-Herald and URB. Thirty minutes
later ho was led into the ofllco by two other
messenger boys. IIo was blooding from the
nose and cars , but was nblo to help himself ,
and took off his coat , folded It up and put It
on the table nnd then rolled up his sleeves
nnd washed his faco. The injured boy sulu ,
"Don" tint mo I hain't got nothing. " An
other boy. who was sent out after Olson loft ,
came back from Tins Bin : nnd the wittiest
asked him for the "skeletons. " The boy said
that the elevator man at Tun 13ii : : building
told him they had been sent down by nnothor
boy. Witness nskod Olfen about them , but
ho said ho know nothing about them. They
were suoscquontly found in his outside
The only bruises noticed was ono across
the loft temple , and ho frequently said , "Oh ,
rny hand. "
The boy were a soft cap , but witness didn't
know whether lie had it on when ho was ns-
bisted into the ofllcc. Ho was gone about ten
minutes longer than the usual tlmo. His re
ceipt shoot was signed at the World-Herald
onicont2:0r : and at PUB Hire ofllco at 2:10. :
Ho was of n pcacoabla disposition , well be
haved , and was a boy who always had
fi lends.
Dr. II. C. Stunnoy wa-j the next witness.
Ha was called to attend the boy and found
him suffering from concussion of the brain ,
but there was no no compression of the brain
at that time , as he had not bled enough. He
was with the boy about throe-quarters of an
hour. Ho assisted at the postmortem and
found u horseshoe shaped fracture about five
or six inches long. He did not think a fall
would have caused such u fracture.
The boy must have run against something
or received n heavy blow. The bloou clot on
tbo brain was about ttvo inches in diameter
nnd nearly an Inch thick. The bones wore
not compressed. Death was caused by com
pression from blood clot caused by rupture of
nn artery due to a blow from some dull in
strument. A blow from the fist would not
have caused the injury without brass
knuckles or a similar -weapon. The wound
would bo ordinarily fatal , although if treated
immediately tnero was a slight chance of re
covery. The witness was not called until
3 hours after the injury occurred. The in
jury could Hardly have been caused by a fallen
on the paving , but could have been caused by
tripping and plunging against some object
standing vertically in front or beside him.
Two messenger boys told of seeing Olson
as ho came from the alloy , but saw no other
Dr.V. . P. Wllcox , who also assisted at the
post-mortem , said ho never saw a moro ex
tensive fracture of the skull , which extended
five nud a half inches , The blow fell on the
loft temple at what would bo the too of the
shorsoshoo. The force foil on an area not
exceeding two and a half inches square.
Witness thought a man would have to full
from a great distance to make such a frac
ture , lie did not think the body could have
fallen against tbo iron post ot the railing
with force enough to do it. A list
would not maiio such an Injury.
It was caused by a blunt instrument ,
nnd must have been a loaded weapon
covered with something , or the oap might
have served that pinvo-io of protecting the
skin. The witness did not think the boy
could possibly have inflicted the injury upon
himself or that it could have boon the result
of a full.
This was all the evidence that the coroner
had to introduce , and as the county attorney
expressed a desire to look over the ground
the Jury also wont along nnd made a second
examination of the locality. The twomos-
sougors.NoUon nnd Kennedy , took their posi
tions in the placoi where they were when
thov heard Olsen's outcry. Ono was about
thirty foot east and the other eighty foot
west of the point where they found Olson
standing In a dazed condition just after they
hoard him cry out about his head.
Three of the Jurors were satisfied that
Olson slipped and fell , striking his head on
the knob-topped iron post of the railing
around the aron way about thrco feet from
where ho was standing when discovered.
The others were undecided , and ono of them
was not sure that the boy was not slugged
by some unknown person who afterward
concealed hlmsolf In the area wny.
The following compromise verdict was
agreed upon : "Wo , the Jurv , find that Oscar
OUon came to his death from compression of
the brain resulting from Injuries received in
n manner unknown to the Jury.
Tim Unknown I'rlond of Charity Doiililun
Ills Uxiiul IluiiiNunio Yearly lloimtlon.
Some philanthropic individual in Omaha
.vhoso heart roaches clear dowu to his flncor
tips has for six years boon sending cash to
these engaged in clmrltablo work , nnd sign
ing his name as "Cash 1C. " The identity of
this generous por.ion has boon completely
hidden from the public and from everybody
but hlmsolf.
The money was sent for several years to
Hov. W. J. Ilurshu , and it was invariably
sent by special delivery or registered letter ,
so that the Identity of the sender could
not bo ascertained. For llvo years ,
Just about the middle of December ,
when the charity work began , "Cash.1C" has
sent in his $ .100 in crisp greenbacks to bo ex
pended among tlio poor. This year Mr. or
Mrs. or Miss ' Casti K , " us ttio case may be ,
doubled the amount , .sanding uu even ft,000
to the Omaha city mission. Hov , Claric , Mr.
HopKlus , MM. Jurdino , Mr , Kilputrlck ami
others connected with the mission work , nre
overjoyed by tlio liberal nnd generous gift
and "Ua-th 1C" may bo auro of the fact that a
great manv earnest prayers and resolutions
of tnanka have boon launched out Into space
with the hope that they may .sometime reach
the giver of this purely generous and rang-
nillcont gift to the poor of Omaha. "Cash
1C" is evidently somn r-orson who does not
bollovo in giving nlms to bo soon of men.
The Whisky Tnist in Trouble Over a Clause
in n Contract ,
. Mr. Mejernftlie Omulm DUIIIIrry
thu Working of thn Trmt mill Telli
of it > 'mv Hclii'iim of
For many month * past the Wojtorn Dis
tillery and Cattle Feeding company , moro
commonly known an the whisky trast , has
had a corner on alcohol , and It scorns that no
dealer In the spirits has boon able to obtain
that article unions ho bought It from the
trust. In order to got alcohol ho had to com
ply with oirtain conditions raado by the com
pany , but the trust , in return , would issue n
5 per controbato cortllicato which now reveals -
veals the operation of the alcohol trauo In
Advices received from Chicago stain that
the Department of Justice nt Washington
had Instructed United States District Attor
ney Mitchell to Investigate the methods and
business of the trust.
The basis for the proposed proceedings by
the department against the trust Is a com
plaint received from the Alexander Drug &
Send company , ot Agnstn , Ga. The com
pany says that it has boon unable since last
August to buy from any dealer a single
barrel of alcotiol , exception the terms men
tioned In the cortltlcatc. The Georgia
drug house claims that It has Inquired and
cannot discover any place where it can buy
the spirits except on the terms as sot forth In
the certificate. According to the firm's
statement the purchaser o ! alcohol was
tightly bound to the trust nnd that ho was
absolutely at the trust's mercy.
The rebate certificate roads as follows :
1'noiti \ , III . Jan. l. The Distilling nnd Out-
tlolVodliiB Company : M\ months from date of
this pun-huso no Hill pay to the Alexander
Diugund Seed company , purchased ilUI.70 ,
bnlriR a rebate of 5 cents per proof gallon on
'l.KIl pi oof gallons of Dlstlllliu and Cattle
I'ecdlnK coinpa'iy's pinduct purchuspd this
day. This voucher will bo valid and payahlo
nnly upon condition that the above named
purclrihor , the successor and assigns of same
from date of this voucher to the time nf Its
payment , shall have bought thulr supply of
such Kind nf goods us are produced Iiv the
Distilling and Cattle IVo'llngcunipjiiy and all
compounds thciuof exclusively of one or moro
of the deakus named on the hide hereof ,
until fin thur i.ollllod. and "hall not hue sold
liny goods so purchased at any lower prices
than uld dealers' list prices \\Mi freight. If
any Is paid by puichasur. added , and shall
ulso ha\o subscribed to theccitlflcato on buck
( .1. II. ( iiecnhut , I'levident. )
A. L. Meyer , manager of Her & Co.'s Wil
low Springs distillery , stated yesterday
to TUB Bun that the clause , "and shall not
have sold any uoods so purchased at any
lower prices tnau said dealers' Hit prices ,
with freight , if any is patu by purchaser ,
added , " hud been eliminated.
Apprehending that the government would
commence some kind of proceedings to prose
cute the trust , Mr. Meyer said , the clause
WHS stricken from tno certificate. The trust
came to tlio conclusion that It was unconsti
tutional to try and compel dealers to sell at a
certain price. A now cortilicato of ra-
bate is now bolng used nnd a cus
tomer Is given the re ha to on condi
tion ho buy of the company. The
rebate varies from 5 to 7 nor cent , according
to thopricoof pniin. It is also withhold by
the company for six months in order to make
the purchaser comply with the terms of the
eortilicato. When ho buys the goods it is
with that implied agreement.
"As the ceitillcato now reads , " said Mr.
Mover , "no ono can interfere with our busi
ness. Wo have eliminated the objectionable
"The complaining Georgia drug firm , as
you mention , was not obliged to deal with
our company. There nro distilleries in Cin
cinnati , St. Louis and Nebraska City that
are not in the trust , and all of these are In
business to sell their liquors.
"Tho rapid absorption of the whiskv trade
by the company has aroused much feeling in
many quarters and the action of the district
attorney is doubtless the outcome of the
growing dissatisfaction among consumers. "
Not Troubling I'rosldrnl Orcciihut.
PEOKH , 111. , Jan. 8. A dispatch from Chicago
cage saying that District Attorney Milchrist
would lay the methods of the Western Dis
tilling ana Cattle Feeding company before
the next federal grand jury was shown to
President Grconhut last night. Ho said the
charge \vas continually being made that the
company was in reality a trust , but the char
ter would bo revoked in such n caso. His
people were not giving any thought or anxl-
oty to the matter , as it came up every little
Itrnl .Merit
Is the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparllla ,
nnd it is manifested every day in the remark
able cures this mcdicino accomplishes. Drug
gists say : "When wo sell a bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparllla to a new customer wo are sura
to see him back in a few weeks after more-
providing that the good results from a trial
bottle warrant continuing its use. " This
positive merit Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses
by virtue of the peculiar combination , pro
portion and process used in Us preparation ,
and by which pll the remedial value of the
ingredients used is attained. Hood's Sarsa
parilla is thus peculiar to itself and abso-
lutolv unequalled in its power as a blood
purifier , and as a tonic for building up the
weak nijd weary , and giving nerve strength.
Solid Tniliih 1'rom Omulm.
Vestlbuled , electric liphtod and steam
hoateu , with the finoat dining , sleeping
and rocluiiiiff chair car service in the
world , via the ' Chicago & Omaha Short
Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & ; St.
Paul Railway. Double daily train
eorvico , leaving1 Omaha at 1 p. m.
and 0:20 : p. m. , with no tranalur at Coun
cil BluIIs us heretofore. Apply 1501
Farnam street for tickets and further in
formation or audrusa F. A. NASH ,
C. C. LINCOLN. Gen. Ajjt
City Pass. Agt
No Hoard ol Health.
The city U without a Hoard of Health at the
present time , and will so continue until the
now council committees nro named.
The board consists of the sanitary and
health commissioners , chief of police and
council committees on streets nnd alloys and
sewers , but there are DO such committees
now in existence , ns the old committees died
with Mayor Custiing. Health Commissioner
Gnpen and Sanitary Commissioner Andres
are still looking after affairs as best they
can , but they claim that there is no definite
authority for doing anything and they are
disconsolately waiting for the turn of the
ofllcial axle that will again glvo thorn the
right to live.
Klvo Humlrol Million Dollars
will bo spout at the "World's fair. " Now is
the time to secure a hotel , boarding house or
ether business to mnko a fortune. Ad dross
.lames Penrco t Co. , Trader bldg. , Chicago.
l.lronsi s ,
The following pen.ilts wcro Issued by
Judco Ellcr yesterday :
Naiuu and Address. Ago.
1 William Wilson , Uiniihu Iti
i JiU/lo aiimlois , Omaha 'M
) Trunk I'ruuhuskn , t-'outh Omulm i.M
I Mus lo I'ujda , Omaha .I )
i Milton HrulnbrldRU , iihhnrrMo : I'O
I Kmiaa Stolneit , Omaha Its
Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard
IKorone nick'a trlnt treatment of
ftjeciflc Oxygen
( llien to anyone itilTorerlni ; with
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , La Grippe ,
Consumption } Headache , Dyspepsia ,
or Nervous Prostration ,
Her. Wlllnnl Beotl , Into of St. Mnry'n Arcnuo Con-
KfPintlonal fhiirch ) Omnlm , Ootuhor 7 , IB'JI , wrlleis
"MTCcllloO yitcn 11 tlio liest roiuiMljr for Cntnrrh I
ovortrl'd. Itivomi to bo Tory nwlft nnd rmllcal. I
cumlilcr Itn Unit nppllcnllo i for fill tlinint wcnk-
no < soi. It H n pdwcrfnl sllmiilanti nftnr pronrlilntt
I tinvo foiiiul Itiaitoruil my frcttiniw In n few mn-
inunti I Hhoithl think It wniud rrvurur loss of
rltallty In nny | mrt of tflo urntom. "
fiic'pltln < ) xy cn poiltlTiily curi" < tlio nbova ill -
OH301. Call or wrlto for Mniiunl. Tree.
oxvativ cu. ,
Suite -,10 Slu-cly IliillilliiK , Cor. loth
nnd Howard Sin. , Oin.ilni , Ncl > .
You would not suspect it
from the taste ; there is cod-
liver oil in Scott's Emulsion.
It looks like cream ; it is
like cream. Cream is bits of
butter covered with some
thing else you do not taste
the butter. Scott's Emulsion
is drops of cod-liver oil cov
ered with glycerine.
Cream is an easier food
than butter , because it is in
bits. Scott's Emulsion is cod-
liver oil made easy ; the
drops are invisibly fine ; they
do not resist digestion.
Will you read a book on
It ? Free.
SCOTT & BOWHB , Chemivs , 131 South sth Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist kctpt Scott' ? EmuKion of cod-liver
ell all druc uti everywhere do. $1.
rtfis p cous
J5Jltamamadeilin2oy \ !
J In paper boxes ; enough for two large pies.
J Aluays ready ; easily prepared.
J and only Complete and Satisfactory
; Condensed Mince Meat in the Market.
J Cheap Substitutes and Crude Imitations
J nre offered with the aim to profit by the
j popularity of the New England.
J Do not be deceived but alw a j s Insi st on
: tbo New England Brand. The best made.
AVjrlrkof Kintls Ilrc-nllicil fills u
IVw Hours nnd 1.1\rs ,
Charles , Wyrick of Eustis , Nob. , wont to
bed at the Jennings hotel , at Ninth and llnr-
noy streets , Thursdny.ulght , and made a bid
for cflestinl honora byf-blowinR out the gas ,
but Ins , proposition is still under considera
tion by the committee oh threshing machines
und stirring plows.
Wyriclc came in on a late train nnd went
up to the hotel with J. W. Ballow of Colum
bus , .whoso acquaintance hu made nt the
The appearance of the tourists indicated
that they had not always lived at Omaha ,
and when Clerk MuLood showed Hallow to
his room ho delivered mi Illustrated lecture
on the proper usu of illuminating gas.
At 10:30 : o'clock Nieht Clerk Gorman per
formed a like cilice lor Mr. Wyrick nnd bade
him exercise care in dowsing the glim. "IS
I blow It out I'l | bo dead In the morning ,
won't I' " asked Wyrick nnivoly ns the clerk
prepared to depart. The clerk Informed
him that ho could entertain such
an opinion with ovary decree of assurance
that ho was correct and then loft him.
Wnilo passing through the hall nt 8:80 :
o'clock thli morning , a chambermaid de
tected a smell of gas as she passed Wyrlck's
door , and pave tno alarm. The door was
opznod and tbo guest was found unconscious ,
tno burner wide open nnd the room full ot
gas. Wyrick was removed to an adjoining
room nnd the city physician summoned. The
doctor worked with him for some time , nntl
stated that there was a possibility that with
good care ho would recover , but as yet
Wvrlok has notropainod consciousness.
The hotel people regard It as n case of
attempted uicido. Wyrick paid for bis
lodging in advance. All that was found in
tils pockets this morning was an empty match
box and 11 cents In money His remark to
the clerk and the supposition that ho got up
in the night and turned on the gas , arc the
two things on which the suicide theory Is
It is not bollovod that ho would have boon
alive when found if the burner had been open
from the time ho was shown to his room , as
the window and transom wore both tightly
Ballow could glvo no information concern
Ing his companion of who as apparently
about 'JS years of ago.
Attention , Oilil IVIlnwH.
Members of Oinnha Ledge No. 2 , In
dependent Order of Odd Follows tvro re
quested to nssoinblo at Independent
Order of Odd Follows hull. 14th nnd
Doilgo streets , on Sunday , January 10 ,
at 112:80 : p. m. , to attend tlio funeral of
our lute Brother Joseph F. Shoaly.
Members of sister lodges nnd visiting
brothers respectfully invited to attend.
By ordqr of the lodge.
CHAULKS A. PATTKH&O.V , Secretary ,
Iiiilrpoinli'iicn nf ftha M. .loit ( ininil Isliiiul
OMIrhiJIy I'romulKiitml.
A circular has boon issued by the Union
Pacific officially announcing the appointment
of W. P. Hoblnson , Jr. , us general manager
of the St. Joseph fc Qrand Island and the
Kansas City & Omalm railroads. It further
says the management Is to ha Independent ,
"so far as the same cmi bo , under existing
contract relations with the Union Pacific
Itnliroad company , but in harmony with und
us n part of the Union Puclllc system. " Em
ployes of the ( Irand Island system nre dl-
reeled to report to Mr , Hobinsou nt St.
, lo opli. The changed lolations uro to date
from January 1.
The appointment of S. M. Aihlt to bo general -
oral freight and passenger agent of the
Cirand Island is confirmed In ollicial cirolus.
Uiillioail Nott-N.
Cionoral Manairor Hoblnson of the Urand
Island line has gene to St. Joseph.
The Elkhorn bus Issued another patnnhlot
with new Illustrations of Hot Springs , S. I ) .
K. K. Ellis , gonorul agent of the Union Pa-
cllio nt Tacotna , went west yesterday with
the Press club special train.
( Junornl .Manager Clark nnd General Traf-
tlo Manager Mellon of the Union l acillo
leave tomorrow for Now York to attend a
semiannual transcontinental mooting ,
The Hoard of Trade conimlttuo appointed
to confer with Cionoral Manager Clark of
tha Union Paolllo and ask for u reduction of
the urldgo toll on eastbound merchandise
from Omaha , has not yet called on thn * , gen
tleman. Thcr < < socms to have been u misun
derstanding as to who should see Mr. Clark
und got him to fix a time for the conforouco.
I'ahuwi Tntto Boochatn'i Pills.
, Doctors ) . ;
Docs your back ache ? Doer your head ache , and your car ache , and your "doze rud ? "
Do you feel as if you'd lost your last friend o'i earth ? That's not "Gri. " That's a sin ou
need a heavy
To-day we begin on our second floor a grand special cleiring sale of Overcoats and
Ulsters , when we intend to cut prices on every single solitary garment left in our store to a
limit never before reached in Omaha. ( That sounds nice , don't it. You'll know its true when
you see the garments ) .
CtQC \ Will buy a good Chinchilla Overcoat , with twilled lining , fancy striped sleeve
< > * - * . < -w lining ; , velvet collar , and Canton flannel pockets.
Will buy you cither a great heavy Biarritz Ulster , with wide collar , self facing ,
and bound scams , or a heavy plain double-breasted Ulster , with wide collar and
heavy plaid cassimere lining.
Will buy a long heavy Chinchilla Ulster with plaid cassimere lining , wide collar
and Canton flannel pockets.
Will buy you a heavy Chinchilla Overcoat with twilled lining , velvet collar and
Canton flannel pockets.
Will buy you an elegant all wool Chinchilla Overcoat with very fine Italian lin-d
ing , velvet collar , and Canton flannel pockets.
or $9.50 will buy you a magnificent Frieze Ulster , made up good and warm ,
with wide collar and heavy plaid lining.
( Do the fine goods catch it , too ? You bet they do. )
Chinchilla Coats and Vests reduced to $3.50 , $7.00 and $9.50.
Cvcr > MAN cnn be
OROUS in all respcuis
Jby usini ; SPANISH
NUUVINB , thegreat Hpnuinh Hemeily. YOUNO MIJN
OU 01,1) suffering from NUUVOUS BBHIMTV , I.OST or
FAII/INO MANHOOD , nightlycmissionsconvulsions , nervous
> prostration , CHtistil by ( bouse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental depression , loss of power in cither sex , spermator-
DEITIORK AND AFTFK usK , rlicca caused by self abuse anil over indulgence or an > personal weak'
ness can bo restored to perfect licalth niul ilio NOHIyJJ VITAI/ITY OF STRONG MEN.
We give a written guarantee with G boxes to cure any case or lefund the inmiey. $ i a box,6 bo its $5
For sale in Omaha by MoCo'tnielc & Lund , 15th fintl Piirnain sts.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The oralnont upeclalltt In nervoun , clironlr , private , blooil skin inA urlnarr ill'omcs A rcsulaf ni
reelJterodgratliiHiulnuicMllclne. s aiUiran | and cortlfioitoi shon l > still treating wltb thegrettest nug-
cra > cnUrrb , nperiimtorrlinea , lost umnliooJ. nominal weiknon , nl ht losiai , Impotency , lypUllls stric
ture konorrlioen. Kleot , varlcocclp , etcSo raorcnry mod. Now tro-itnnnl for lost of vital po-rer Pnrtloi
unable to visit me may bo trcntpil nt homo by oorresponJenco , MoJlcln3 or Instruminti aont by nrilt or
uxnrtia securely packed no mirki to ludlcato coutents or Header. O IP poriontl Inturv lo * preferred. Can-
uultallon free. Coiroiponcence ntrlctly prlratu. Hook ( Myuorlas of I.lfa ) sent trca O Heo liourj , 'J m ,
0 p. in. Sunday , 10 a. m , to 13 in benil stamp tot reply.
New Plmi ot tliu Itimrd of JMucatluii to lie
Superintendent Fitzpatriclt. acting under
the Clrootion of tlio Board of Education , has
decided to open night schools nt the Lone
mid Hurt man builillrjg- % These schools will
probably bo ominod next Wednesday night.
Mr. J. J. II. Ilcedy will probably bo the
teacher at the Ilartman school and Mr. Paul
Borgcns at the Lonp.
Speaking of the subject of night schools
Mr. Piupatrlclc said : "I am impressed with
the Idea that night schools should bo opened
in several localities for the benefit ot for
eigners who ought to leurn how to apealc
the English language ana who ought
to learn something about tbo
history of this country. There are a groit.
many young people who cannot alfoul to go
to school in the day tlmo because they have
to work hard for a living. They might ,
however , learn the fundamental branches of
an English education by attending night
schools , and I believe thatsucjh schools would
accomplish a great deal in the line of malcing
good citi/ons of foreigners who come hero
without a knowledge of the English lan
guage , the history of our country or the In
stitutions with which they should become
familiar to become useful and Intelligent
citizens of the United States. "
The suporlntendont ! s introducing
into the schools a number of prac
tical magazines for general Instruc
tion , such as Goldthwalt's Geological
magazine and other publications. lie has
recommended that , several copies of these
books and magazines bo furnished each
school for tbo use of the teachers and pupils.
Mr. Fitzpatriclt believes that It would be a
good plan to have a small library m each of
the larger school buildings where practical
and useful current literature could bo kept
constantly within roach of tbo older pupils.
Van llouton's Cocoa Bobt , and goes faro
thost. " ,
Wanted Copies of the EVKXINO BKIJ
of October Ifi and MoitNlNO Biu : of
October 10. Leave tit Bnn counting
Attention , Odd lYIlmiH ,
Members of Hesperian Enuiimpmont
No. 2 , Independent Order of Odd Fol
lows are requested to meet at Indepen
dent Order of Odd Follows hull. Mth
and Dodge streets on Sunday , January
10 , ut 12:1)0 : ) p. in. , to attend the funeral
of our late Brother Joseph F. Slloely.
Visiting1 patriarchs are respectfully in
vited to attend. By order ,
Itolilicd u lo ilnr Ili
The I.oo-Clttrk-Andreeson Hardware com
pany's powder magazine In Council BlulTs
was broken open Wednesday night and about
thirty packages of rlllo and blasting powder ,
worth between $100 and ? 150 , were stolon.
The magarmu l.i a brick structure In
a ravine north of the city , and Is
visited every few duys for the purpose of
filling orders. When opened yesterday It
was discovered that a hole had boon dug
through the roar wall largo enough for a man
to got through nnd pass out the packages.
There is no clue to the thieves , but they are
supposed to bo boys or gr.itlors Interested in
blasting to loosen the dirt hanlou from the
111 till * I.I'Ctllff Itlllllll ,
Nothing disturbs n lecturer so much ns a
good , healthy , fully developnd rough. Some
folks think a squullng baby is worse , but
Mark Twain says that In an emergency you
can kill the baby , but mo t lecturers now
carry a bottle of Haller's Suto Cure Cough
sirup and glvo a dose of that.
Voiirhi'us I'nr\\ ,
Mayor Domls put in the greater portion of
his tlmo vestorday la signing warrants by
which the city employes woio authorised
todrawthPlrDceeinbersalorlos. Tholiiomen
worepaid durum the afternoon and the police
force will got tholr money today.
Tlio warrant duo the Amorlcan Water
\\orlts companvfor ( .17,110 8i ! , hydrant rental
from July 1 , Ib'Jl , to January 1 , ISO } , HIM
signed and delivered to Superintendent
Hunt , who at once casbcu tun numa ut tha
city treasury. Both Comptroller Ohen and
Treasurer Holln secured legal adylco upon
the subject of the p-mnont and wcro In.
formed that the nutlca served by thu
Farmer's Uoan nnd Trust company of New
York v/us of no legal forco.
Cougbsnnd Colds. Tboiowho arj "jutJC ,
Ing from coughs , colds , sere throat , oto
should try Urouu's Ihoncblul Troches. Sol
ouly In boxes.
Dr. Iluinplireiii'fipi'i'IlloiiaroBclentlncallyand
carefully prepared liemedles , used for jears la
private practice nnd for over thirty jcnrs by the
people w 1th entire success , livery slngla bpucluo
a special euro for the disease named.
They cure w Ithont druBgluK , pumlnij or I edtielnR
the system nndnro In fact and deed the bo erclxu
lleiiicdie * of tlio World.
1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammations. . .25
U Wnrmn , Worm I'cnet , Worm Colic. . . .25
a Teething ; Colic , CrjIng , Wnkcfulntta .25
4 IHnrrlieu , of Children or Adults 25
7 Cniichs , Colds , Bronchitis 25
8-Neurn.Iirin , Toothache , I'aeeache 25
( -IloaduclicH , Sick Headache , VcrtlRO. . .25
10 DyHpcpnla , Biliousness , Constipation. .25
11 Huppl'CMNCiI or Painful J'rrlodB. . . .25
12-Whltfs , Too I'rofuso Periods 25
13 Croup , 1arynallls , Hoarseness. . .25
14 Salt Hlicuni , ErjslpelaB , Eruption * . .25
15 Itlicuinntism , lUicuinatla 1'alns . . . .25
10 Mrilurin , ChilU , Tcter nndABiio. . .25
jy-nicH , lilllid or Bleeding 25
10-G'iilnrrli , Influenza , Cold In the Head. .25
JO-Whoopliiff Cough 25
27-KiilncyIlHpnseH 25
2S-NcnoUN Debility 1.IIO
aO-Urinnry Weiiknens , Wetting lied. . .25
8ol 1 l > r Dru glBtf , or Bent poalr-alil on receljit of frlce.
IIH lIUMPHntTIt' 5IINU41. ( Ml } ) , > MAILKl , FfttF.
HlJirillllTS'JIFn. CO. , Ill HIS llllllnmRI.f Yort.
P E C I F I C S .
by dealers who try lo sili
yon worthless porous plas
ters \vhleh pay them inoic
profit tlmn tlio genuine
IIENSON'S , wlilcli nro In
dorscd liy the \olnntnn
tc tlnionliils ot o\cr 5,001
phainiiichts nnd jihysl
clnnf nH the best. Take
nothing but BUNSON'U-
ForniiloliyiillIruKun < ll' ' ' < incyQo < > < l8 Denlera or II
tumble to procuru this wonderful n < mi > senil / > <
In etumiiB unit rocelvo a cake by return mnll.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
HI r < JlAT.-Sh nilnn IlollnVnt ( the txniulnl
iViclotyValtz ) puntKUKr. to nnyono ecnolnK u <
'Jiruu wrappers ot Hhaudon Hulls t-oiiu.
n und pur o from DRUNK-
. .DUVO.MA.VIA C'unhii > nruly. .MlVly
nnd iicetllly cured | > y the wonderful new sjietlllij
Xo matter whether the iicr on Isn modenitn or
"ixirliMli'iil" drinker or a 'Mnlnl wrcek. " CIII.U-
UIOUUI.II > le ( i' < > y > nll iiiirtll | or cnlvtllK
lop iilcohollu lliniiliinMilinia ( harm or In-
fcimi'nli'Mi.0nndtisinri'H tlio iiutljntnuw life und
ImiipliifKH. jlelnir ( u.lclei It tan ho tttvrn by u
frloinl In ton , enirVd. li'inonniln , liver , JKiuurn , or
food without th I'-itlcnt'B knnwleclk ! ! ! , or It can betaken
taken hy till ii.illcnt In th HIIIIO llquldx , with n
uiuiruntro ( tiuurluu , Rticti'HHunil n mdlviil c'uru
In either i MMI. Hundred * ol curui Inivii booniniulo
ullll rill.OKKHJOMI In Illlnnlii iilono. 1'rlrn
Rlllilll leni'h of iionly | | W . OIII.OICKHlltl.O
cull tie htnl ( il'itiu1 iifftMil * oi * anil i > u tMiltl | by
in. l'iiiiiihleli | > fiirnlxlii'd fri'e. All rorri'fl'oiidomo
c'oMjIdenllnl .1\ IKI IX'H K.M K'A I.TO , , Kolo
rroi < rlutorn for tlio U. H. , XI llcarl > urn ht. , CUIcauo.
Kuhll fI n Co.r IStli d. DoiiKliK Ml.
,1 \ Fuller A. ( o , Cur Ulli & DoiMlu
A. D. Tiuter A , lo. , Council lllufto , l.i.
. lni % null tlui virtues of tliu larger oiiex
( fqimlly cn rtl\n | | iiirnly vt-Buli' "
r.xlict Klzuhhoun In tlik linrilor.
Sore Throat
Sore Ey
Eord only In cur own bodies. All druggists.
GOLD HSDAL , PAHI3 , 1378 ,
W. BAKER &Co/s
from which the excess ol
oil 1ms hoou romoyod , is ( /
and it ' / Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in its prfyarntion. It lias
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Stnrch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and is therefore far moro
economical , costing less than one cent
a ctij ) . It is delicious , nourishing
strengthening , EASILY DIGESTED ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoru.
W. BAKER & GO , , Dorchester , Mass.
JilHtnTallulioct 3.OVU.
and Tt
Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman St. ,
Roomi 68 & GO CHICAGO ,
Fl't-c1am facllltlPH forlholuuidllimor hlin | > ontn
nf drain , I U'ld mill Klax HerdH Hc'fc'ri'iu.i'H Cnrn
I3"ilfortl , lowit , Ntiv. Hi , I
Pr. .f. ] } . Mooru , Dcur Sr ( I
proat iilonsuio in uuyiiir ( tliiayoiu I
ctly for luilfu-y and lisot' t onblos ,
Tree ol J lfo , IB all that you rouuinn
it to bo. I sneak iroiu put'sonal o\ .
ongo , hiLviiiK ubod it , I enii
Urcat boiilllolu ! ruHultn. Vours
fully , AMIIONY , ) \
Mixiru.s Trcunf Iifi , apoi.tivo i > nru ( ur Klii
rioy and lilvor ( . 'Dniiilulnt ' , nnd ull bltiui ) lit-
CUHOB. Uoot U jmy to inlfur whun you cnn ud
curixl by usini ; Mmro'J Tree ot 14fu , IHu urtn