0 T1TK OMAHA DAILY UKM : SATURDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1892 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Sharp Break of Yesterday Had Exhausted the Margins in Wheat. SOME EARLY SELLERS TOOK FRIGHT , Corn \VIIH fulfil Arllxn unit SlnniRcr , hut J.nrlj In tin.session It Sold orruTrllli' Sloi'kit mill Uiiiuli. D , III. . .Tun. H. Wlio.it nmtlo a xvcak atnrt nnd for u llnio It looked us though It had in. f rlrndu luft. Tin1 slmrp brcnk of yesterday had e.xliMi-tcil llio tnnrxliii on inntiy duals nnd hrDiiBhtiiiu propoity up In tliu market. Tliu IOIIRH wcro illsi > iiitriii ) I nnil Riiurillei'd tliolr holding xxhllu thuru xxns it III it Hood deal of hold iiinl vigorous short ullliiz. l.owor cable * hulpcd lo dux olop riirly xvo.iVness iiitil for a tlini ) llioout OOK nits iloinorall/liu and tinprlrui wpttt oir oxer lo fioni yostor- tlio'solosu. Hut OP this brc.ilv tliu sulilnKitinl- tli-iily raino to u hull , tliun tlio cold xva > o ) ip iin tn c.iu i ) nnoni < liiiiss for the Winter xvlii'ut. Now York rt'portud duiiranccs In wlic.'it ami lloiirof alioutr > )0oiliii ) ) ) , imd pork utartliiR In a unom , nil onilllnud to lir.ntf nliout u Mliinp riMUtlon Snino of tlio early pcllnrs tool : fright mill lipgan to liny IrncU. Honlpora liouzht for mi nptiirii nnil shorti , who hiifl IH-CII holulnu elf lo coxur at tlio liottoin , IKVMII In think It might ho iiindcnt to fever at unco nnd did so , Umliir this duinand jirl-i'i irradnally linpriivcd nnd tliu loss was . . . ' Mnllli , r.usli-r , i-i'hx\iiil/-niipponiiu Mllinliiflliidinun xxcro peed liujcrs In tlio liionk. I'nrtrlilKu was ul n u llliur.il hliyor al- inost from tlio Ht.irt nnil was hiiiiposud lo hu eoVcrltiK tliDshoil linn ho h.lt lioun pnttlnj ; out tor \vurk. . I'rlv.ito dlsp.iti'hss from S in KranclscoHHld tliul thuoxport siirpliiHof tlio 1'iiflllc co.ist would boi'vliaiistod IV I uhruary i. Thn market vontlmipil MrnnK to tlio c.oso In splt of tliu fact that latooalili" ? xvuro wink. lloriln huinizS'ic ' lower and I' iilsshoulna the Hninu dcL-lliio. .M.iy oipii | ( l nitfpod , with tlio miles In dliruicnt p irts of thn lilt at about tlm simo tlmo nt all the way UPIXXPOII Oi\c and ! /l' u tiKainsttU'4c ' at lliu olino ycsturday. Tlio iniirlfot shoilly toitchuil til'.p , thun hroko badly , olnc to ( U'ti , r.illlod and with inlnoi leactlons advanced to Wjc , closing III in ut 0 'ic. ' I'oiii XVIIH fulrly nctlvo and slronscrs early In Uio.M'hMim It sold oir a tr lluon a sli.iip tirc.ik in wheat , hut J-oon tinned and sold no "suor inoro , hulpcd hy the ruautlon In wheat nnd tlio doom In provisions Tlio receipts wore only 117 ears with only six of com met grade. Tlio market held Us own throughout tint day and closed at tilotit thu top Muy oicned | > tu oil at Ik1 , advanced to 4Iic.nnil ! u osud aHP o. Oats noroiiilct ] anil flrni and show an ail- tanco of from 'jolo'ic. HOK pioducts bcornl a ileuldod advance today. The continued free shipments east of ) l\u FIORS and the t.lllTiics'i In prices at the yards has bu un to make incUcrs uneasy. Ai'iiour was a largo huyur today and pacxers weio Ruiiorilly on thn hnyliiR Hide , while Hhoi Is covered frruy. ! May iiotk Htartcd at fll.oO , tiniirlco at which It closed yesterday. advanced tofi.7."i | , hroko to J 1 tX ) , ralliu 1 to 111 Hi1 ! and clo-od nltll.tK ) , a Kaln of Vu ) | ) cr barrel , I/urd Is up 17'/ic and ribs from 17' 5c to SWi1. SWi1.This cstliuntod receipts for tomorrow arc 121 pais of wheat , I7li of corn , M7 of oats , and ' 7,000 lings. Thu loading futures ran : od as follows : Cash limitations wore as follows : FLOUII Dull and easy. \VntAT-No. 2 spring xvhoat. 87'uo ; No 3 -jirltiK xvhcat , SIpAl'Je ; No. 2 ted , W'ic. ' I'OIIN No 2 , : MJO. t\is No. 2. 2llc ; No. 2 xvhlte , 3l'5'S3J1ic ; No. ' KM ? No 2 , WJ'jp. lUin.K.r o. 2 , one : No. 3 , t. o. b , 5txa" > oci No 4 , f. o. U . 3 a40i' . l\ i > BMlo. . i , oojjc. TiMiniiv SKi'.D-1'rItiio. J1.IOO1.22. I'oitK Mrss pork , per hhl , H..fi\-&SM \ ; InrJ. iwri'xvt. , W.25 : short ribs Hides ( loose ) , J"i 50S > f , Trtiilrv silted slionliliirs Ilioxo 1) ) . M : o 6l K.'i , ; HhortotuarsldcH ( boxed ) , * " > .VvW > Ul xVuiMiV Dlatlllurs1 llnlshcd goo Is , per R.I' . , * IN i'iin-'i : ; UnchuiiKcd : full cioam eheddiits , ; Voiini ? AinoilLMs l.'Sl"4o : Hats , lliiu.s I'lii'liatiEcd. 'I'Ai.l.oxx1 I'nchaiiBcd. ItrcclptB and shipments today xviiru aa fol- IOWH : On the I'rodncu o\chanpo today : llutter market xvas unchanged : fancy cruamery. 27 > ( $ ? o ; flnu xvestern , a.Jftf. o ; ordinary , 20J.'c ; nolocted dairy , 2.1 2fic iggn : , SJGtSle. New York .Mitrkrt * . NKXV VOHK , Jan. fl. I'l-ouit I'l-oolpts , 24.- 4'Nipackaccs : exports , 318 hbls , ; 07 , ' . ' ( ' ) sacUs ; ma Uel sluadler and moderately autivo ; bale- , L'l.llH ) hbls. WllBAT Itecolpts , Ifi8,500 hu. ! oxpotts , 305.544 lil. ) : bales , fkS,230 bn. futuruH. 112.UOJ uu. spot. Hpot market opened xxu.ikur but oloscd Kiioimor ; fair hiiHlnrss , chiefly oxunrts In No. 2 ioil. $1 Oiiitr.UC-U In storu and ele- \ator ; JI O.I',4Cil.04 j alloaf Jl.OJtJ ® ! 0 ( ! f. o. li.i No. 'Ircd , il tltxai.OOi ; ! uueradcd red , ICI' ' u fflJI.ifl' . ! Na 1 noithurn , * I.0.1SI.037 ; No 1 hard. tl.iB'.WI.Oa'JNo.2iiorthcrn.l.K ( ) i. Op- tloim doollncd "i l'iO on loxvoi cables and fiirol/nurs selllns. advanced 'ifjil'ao on In- ric.iKL'd export , demand , llit | ) tucelpts tind loxnrliiK uy local Hhoils , closlnc uiichiiiiKcd to 'nodoxvn In dotlxurloK toand Inuludlnu April and unulmtui'd to So upon May anil July ; No. 3 red January. jl.fll Wl.lt" . . closln ; II.OJ'j IVbruary. ll.QS't\MJ \ , . utoiliiK at 11.0.1" . ; March. U.ttlSffll.M'j , uloslnu' lit * I.OP4 ; Anrll , $1 04 1-ll/ai O5'i , cliHlni : nt * 1 ( > 5' ; May. H.u.l"iai.OI 1-10 , uloHlnj ; at ! I.UIJune ; , II.O- (11.0.1. olosln ; at Jt.UJ ; July , Jl.OUiil.UI , cloahiR at ft 01. K > K ririn but dull ; xTostorii.aic f 1.01. llAltl.VY Dnlland IrruKUlar ; No. 2 Mlhv.ui- keo , 71li5i,7i15c. ; CetiN Iti'culiits , 275,000 hu. : exports 113.121 hu ; union. I(1 ( > 5.000 hn of futures ; 18,000 bu. of spot : hpot market IriuKUlar , uloslng flimur and fairly active ; No. 2. fivV | In eluxator ; K & a alloat ; uiuiadud inlxed , IIMAIUu ; No. 2 xvhlto. Wo ; Na 3 , < lC 4t > i ; Mn.iimir inlxoil. 4ifc' ! ) ! > J14'a Untlons ducllneil ° ( iltU and milled 't46io ! wholly \\lth xxlu-at , I'losliiK unchaiiKOd to % o loxxoi ; January , 51" , , ( t > ll4ii oloslnit at 5l3iu ; I'obruarv , SOSSJl'jc ' , rlosln ? mSIc ; Match , W-aJl'.ccliHliix'al.Mc ' : April , . "lOHftllijC. closlns nt Sic ; May , Sliic , floslnu at fii\e. ) CH'IH Heculpts. 143.000 hu.j mpotts. 311,219 hu ; salcK , 27.1.0iObu. of fntiuos : H8iJUbn ) of Hpolt spot market Irn-Kular , cloblni ; tlrmur , 11 AV Oulut and llrm. llors ralr demand nnd llrm , MJiun Haw , mild and llrm : sales. 10,300 I KUI i centrlfuiaU , Wl test at 3 > io to lloston ; roll nod llrm uiuliiuiet. MOI.ASSKH I'lrni ; i-ood demand , KICK rirnii falrdeniand , l'KTnoi.EUM-QitlBt and stuady ; United ' closed nttUo for 1'ebrunry , COTTON SKKII On , Quiet. TAM.OW Qulot and Htnuily. ItoHlM-Qulot and steady. 'I'Uiii'KNTiMis ' Qulot and ouster at J45ti4i : Jo. iuia : Klrmorj western , iUHttscoi rcccliits. I.UJO packages. Wool. Quiet and easy ; domestic nooco , 30 ® BOot pulled , VOOICIO ! Tunas , KlQJIc. I'OHK Quiet and tinner ; incs , J0.7510.75 ; extra prime , fO.Vi. I'llT MKATrt-htuadvi plcUlcd hollies , 6' a i'in : pluklcd dhoulders , ( tin ; middles , lirmert ihort clear , W.l\ LAUD lllnlior. strong and moro active ; \xe > turn stnum closed at JO.M1 ; bid ; bales , WAI tlorcos at M.r > .V2o KO ; options sales , 4,0ootleroo < t January , JC.M ; t'ubriiiirv , J VSliSAM , uloslnir , M.iC'1 March , W.7 i May , JO.754iO.8i , closing , Irt.b2 bid. & 'i ' 10o. 10o.Iito.s Hloady ; Amorlcun. il'i.TSii ' fort'eii CJulot ; lake. January , II0.7U. I.KAD Dull and steady : domcbtlc , tlVf > , T N-Steady ! Btrults , * IU1)0. ) 1'oiolBii Oil Muikrt. LONIION. Jan. 8 , LIMJKEU OAhu-Woitern , 71bi , ITafxl per ton. ) qii4 IDS lOJtd norcvrt. euM-ST-loasiid per gal. a 25s Ud per owt. Jlurket * . LiVKitroou Jnn. 8.-WiiKAT-Stoadj de- tuund lujpruxodi Loldon ollur wodcrutelyi California No. t , moda $ t'il ' parcenlnlt red western pr nf , tn iQi'td ; No. 3 rod winter , M IdiiM IHd. The rocnlptnof wheat for the nnut thrrcdayw wore IOI,00 < > centals , InolUflliiR vO.O'JO centals Atnorluitn , Cons -Steady ; dotiMnd fulr ; mixed wf tern. . ' .s ( JUd prr ciintnl. llrcalptn o. Amorlci.li corn for the pufltthruo dxyft , 70.4UJ centals. l > EAUan nil in. Is Id pcrcentnl. HACON Lonff nn 1 nuort-olcnrSt HH. 83s per cwt ; long .in ( I Hliortclcur 41 His , .T.'n. LAUDI'rlmn xtpstorn.3.'nOI per exrt. Oiniiliii I'riiilncn MnrJ < rln. HlTTfr.lt Itound lots of good country hulter wont nt I.Kt 4c , Select lots sold a Hniull way . ECIUB I re li stock , 20 ? . I'ouiiTiiv Chickens , KOO-I stock , MWc ; turkey - key . ll'iaUet isecni- and ducks. lOiillc. ( ) AUE Mallard duck-i , $ itw : i tun nlnsi-d ton1. tl.7 > 1 ; Krucn wlngud toal. (1.10 ; mixed duckn , I l.TJj lac ; rabbits , i3.OOitl.OJ ; small , Jl.nxiH.'il ! siiufrrcU. tl.o- . illDM-No. t Rrocn saltpd hlJns/ No. aareon silted hides , .litMic ; No , I Krccn saltcillildos , 1 ti)4l It.s. 4Jjtl ( C ! No 2 green mltcd hides. 21 to 4 > Ibi. Jit-l\iu \ ; No 1 VUA ! calf. 8 to 15 'lit. He : No. 2 vn-xl calf , S to 1,1 Ibs , 4c ; No I dry Illnthldi's. 7aHo : No. 2 ilrv ( lint hldos , fiSilc ; No. I dry s iltuil lndu4. 5TtCc. 1 ill- loxv , No I , WtfclHv : t xllow , No 2. Ik1 , grease , whltn A , 4iMUu : uroaso. white II , illiUlVc ; gru.isc , yi'lioir , . ( e ; ro tsi' , dark. 'J'to ' ; old but- ti-r. 24l2l > u ; bcoswav. prime. Illo ; roil h tal low. I'SW. ' . I'f.onit Umilia : Mlllliu comp > ny's Itollanco I'a cut. 1-J ( ) ; Invlncllilo I'.ilcnl , t-MO ; I.OIHI .Star hupurlTtlvc , < .V.'l : Hnowllako , JI.UJ ; Fa-icy ramllv. JI.80 ! . . I' , ( ilini ill's Cold Modal , $ . ' .0.1 ; Hnow Whllu , f..fi ; Snowllaku , ( J.UOI low irrntUs ( III ) ; Qiiui-n of the t'.inlry , . ' .7U ; bran , moo chopped fei'd , f IMU. .tlurkets , KANSAS CITV , Mo. Jan , 8 I'r.ouit Un- channodi pati'nt , KMiVi'tt ; extra fancy , ti'ii VA2.1. fancy , Si 5a..l5 : choice , II.SKxa..uO : .XXX. tl.7V3l.Ui. \Vlli ! < T Klrtn ; No. 2 hard , cish , 75lic ; No. 2. red , cnnli , 7L'c. ' UoitNaalc and lo.vor ; No 2 , cash , 3)'io ) ' ; January. lUljc. DATH Stead v ; No. 2. cash. 58' ' c. I'ncis i : islur at lUc. lIUTTRit ITnclmiued ; ere unnry , 22ii17c ( ; dairy , 14317c ; storu picked TJiQlNc : roll , U II AV I'm-lianged ; timothy , $7.5. < aiOO ; fancy prairie. $ ' > dO7.00. t'l.AXSFt : ! ) Unchanged at 8t@9Jc , on a b.isls of pure. KKCI.1PT3Vhuit.41.000bu. . ; coin , 27.000 tin. ; o.ltH. none. HniPXlKNTS Wheat , 50,000 bu , : corn , 12,230 hu , ; outs , 4.UOJ bu. Onialiii ( iniln .Iliirlti't. Prices based on dullvury at Mlsiisslpnl river points , Nebraska Inspection , and tun days' shipment , un'usiothurxvlso ' st-.itoJ. Cash grain calls for shin ncnt xx Ithln II vo d'tys. WHEAT No. .1 , 8Jc bid. Cons No. 2. cash. ,17u hid : January ship ment. Ifi'io bid ; 1'ubririry alilpmunl , , Ju bid. Hvr.-No. 2.80bid. . O T.-I No 2 xvhltu , 'llc ; No 3 xvhlto , 31'4c ' ; No. 3 colored , ,10'ic ' bid. HOARD Ol' TIHU8 > OTES. The vlsltois at the Hoard of Trxde rooms' today xveio Henry Torplu of OiUilule. Neb , nnd Mr. Mahiitruy of W.inacr & MahalTey of Ilralnaid , Nub. 'Xlllxxaiild-u M.trkuts. Mtr.xx'AUKEB. Wls. Jan. 8. WHEAT Nerv ous ; Al iy , bfl'ic : No. 2 spring , 83c ; No. 1 noi th orn. Die. COIINHigher ; No. 3 , 38c. OATS Illithoi : No. 2 white. 32 © ! 5o. IHnt.KV Qulot ; No. 2. 58' Jc ; sample on track. 3SffiKc. UVE Qnlcl ; No. 1. S7c. "XlliiniMiiiillHVlirit llurkut. MiNNRAi'or.ts. Minn , Jan. 8. WHEAT May xvhcat opunud at Ml,1e. and after lluutuatlng bctxvccn that and SMIBO closed nt h'c. ' ) Cnsh tvas considerably dlsturhod by a lnuak. Ko- colptH , : i75cara. CIosu : January. SIVie ; May. 8" ' . . On trac' < : No 1 hard , 87 ( o ; No. 1 northern , bli'ic ; No. 2 northern , 8J&SIC. St. I.ouls lurkuts. ST. Lotlti. Mo , Jan. 8 WiiBAT-Loxxor ; Jan uary , 8U'.c ' ; Muy. aiSjffJ'KVc. ' O UN Vlim ; uash , J7a > l7' c : May. M5i18,7 e OATS Irregular : cusli , Ul'io ; .May , 31Sio. 1'oitic Kilmer ; nuxv. $ II.J7ifC. IiMiii-rirntpr ; WIIISKA Jl.lb. _ Codec .llarkvt. Ntw VOIIK * Jan. 8 Options opened steady , 5 points up to 2 1 points down , closed quiet and sto.idy. 5 up to 11 doxMi : Hales. 10.250 bags. Inoludlii : : Jnnuaiy , $1. 4CQU.45 : Kobru.try. $120KiJH2.11 ; March , ( ll.KVatl.OI : May , * I1. U : October. $1135 ; spot HIo ijulct aud steady ; No. 7 , JU2 . J _ _ _ HoHton AVonl .H.irkct. HOSTON. Musa . Jan. 8. Tno market for wool has been ijnlct dui.iu the paat week. The niliis amounted to XVI.18.00J Ibs. of all Kinds. hut there has been a good demand from IIKUI- uf.iutureis and a bolter tralo Is anticipated. Prices remain steady. llax.uia .lliirlicts. IIAA A. Jan. 8. SPANISH Goi.n $ ; .3D'4 ® 2. Ml' . n\CIIANflE AVoak. HuilAH I'lrmcr ; 1,000 hues centrifugal Ofl de- Krces imlail/.ulon uere sold nt JJ-5 gold per iiulntal. _ Cincinnati Markets. Ot.v IN.NATI. O. , Jan. 8. WttEAT-Strong ; No. 2 red. 'HUJ'Jfi'-Jc. ' Unu.s 1 I mi ; No. 2 inhcd , 43c. OATS I'lim ; No. 2 mUoil , : M'iC. Wntsici J1.18i _ _ _ _ Tolnlo ( ir.Un Market. Tot.rno , O. , Jan. -WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 cash. lJ'4o. ) Coit.v fiteady ; No. 2 cash , 42c. O TS Quiet ; cash , 3.1'sC. TnuliTH' Talk. CIIICMGO , III. , Jan. 8 Coiinsolmin & Day to Cockrell Urns. : Mav xvhoat broke 1'dc buloxv yosterday'H elosln on early sales on stop loss orders , but made l'io rally , mostly on sliorls coxurlnv , and tlnaiiy closed the Hamo as yesterday. Cables xvero hardly as xvuak as uxpooted and brouzht somu buying ordure , but bids xvere goner ill v too loxv to XTork. The fact that shorts xxcro ablu to cover very heaxy lines ntHc ax cragu below yesterday's loxv point after thoSUe bieik shows that Iliiuldatlon xvas general , and the market tonight Is prob ably ne.uer ovrned no than ut any tlmo since Mny wheat xvas Jl.0' > . No doubt the short lines will bo put out nga'n gradually , but local traders seem sutlpflud that a further up turnlNiluu. bamplo lots wcro toady mlo nt yustoiday'R Urines , and three linns repotted loiind lots xvorked for oxpoit. Corn and oats xxuru tn actlxo demand from shippers and receipts In sympathy xvlth other maikuts. In samjilus corn xvas Him and oats stoa Iy on shlppini ; ordeM. Provisions wuro xerv strong and commission hoiisea xvuru linv- urs alt day. I'.ickuis wuro dlx Ided early , but on lopoits from the stock vnrds of a .lo to 5o advance In ho s the buying became general and the inarl.ut elosud fstron ; ; on thu top notch. Wo heir of MIIIIO M iy poi-K to bo sold If pork ruachoi ? 2OJ toniotroxx * . l'ltto ( li ) , 111.1'in. 8. Ivonnett. Hopkins A. Co. to S. A. McWhorter. Covering of targo linen by short and sales of Ion , ; wheat on stop loss orders hiixo been the features today. I'ardtldgo sold moderately on the early rr.lly. but was a coiuplclous buyer all day on not t. spots. Kooin ttaduis genera jly thought a rallx due after so sei Ions a decline , and liaxe xvoiked mainly on thu long side. The wheat looks nu.uly ovonoditpso far as local trailers are concerned and no doubt an ollort xxlll bo made to advance prk'o-t. Some butts and be.us also fa\or It. bomothlni ; may turn up to hung in ontsldo buyers , but the bltuatlon Justlllos materlillv loxxcr prlros at no distant day Clearances xvuro rather latger than usual and rupoituil iMigapemontB foro\poit xvero on n morn liberal scale , but foreign mar kets xxoru unite 11 H xvonk us ours and there Is no promlsi ) of support In that inaitor. ] Cnrn and oats have justlllcd the expectations of holders , prices gutting up pretty well dur ing thu ontlro session. There xvas no tent nro fin elthui gain. The uuxvaul movement of lirnxls ons continued xvlth Increased enurzy , shorts being rather anxious and buying mou- uratoly. 'that Interest Is so largo that If It becomes thoroughly alarmed a sharp nil vaneo xxould result , hut It Is hardly probable prices xvlll BO matuilully higher nt present or until the tecelpts of hogs sensllily. diminish Until there Is a radical uhnn o In thu conditions xxo do not look for anything buttur In in a good scalping market , xx Ith the chances always tn favor of the lonns OiiiUAno. III. , Jan. 8. K. O. Ixigan A. Co to J. Sands Commission company ; The xvhuat market has uucn fairly active. Muy upvncd atiru and sold nptokl'Ac. | Tl.ooloslng price lilU'4otr. O.l = c. 'tho prominent fuati.ru toward thu close xxai tlio huaxy Iniylni by I'nrJrldge Values In tlio near future xvltl dupeiid a good dual on xvhat receipts are. The foreign de mand IB lluht and will contlnuo so for Homo weeks. The new crops of Australia , tlio Aigon- tlne lUnmiillo and Chill xvlll bo freely olfered from this forward and no doubt xvlll liaxo soinu Inlluuncuon prices. May xvhoat Uk > . say 31s , looks cheap , but In thu absence of speculation It xvlll go loxver. In corn thoto Is very llttlo doing , May opened nt 4l'fc , sold up to 4J'iu and u osiul at 4ISo to4i'ic. 'I hu acivancu In provisions helped lo sustain It , \Yu look for rttul lower ptlccs Iliu urodiicl IK si run , ' . Thu ouiHldo Imyiiu lins heen unit still Is good Wo feel friendly to It on all xvoak inarkutN and bulluxo It will piy to buy. All Uioduct In it good Inxuntmunt and xvlth a lul- ii p In receipts of hogs thu advance xvlll bo Hal p and duclblxo , bTOUKt > .tXn 1IO.VIM , NKXV VOHK. Jaiu8. Thu stook market today was very acttvu and foxerlsli throughout , hut xvhlle the amount of business done falls short of that of yesterday , thcro was no less Inter est In tlio transactions , xxhlch xvuru. It any thing , more slgnlllcunt oi\ \ the whole. The Ir- recularlly In the movement continued to bu feature of tlio tradlnii until thu close , nnd while Now Kngliind. Itock Island , Manhattan , Louisville , Nuw Albany & Chicago nnd North ern I'aoltlo preferred , with some of the low priced ttpoolalties , were especially ttroug , 1'agiflo , Uulou 1'uolllc , Ulitlllon aud Atchl on were weak points. The gcnarnl list , however , wan iiulet and moved within com- pixratlvcly nnrrorr lltnlti , and the oxcoMlvn Iradlnit In the ten more prominent Mtoukn Drought the dny'i business up U ) Its hlKlioH ( Itlire. The beam were again active and ag- urrislve and made drives at several nlo.'KK at dllTnrcnt times , nn1 thpso nllorti yi-sterilny nnd lodny havi > , II li bntluvcd , clone ! out the Rtopordrn which h ixe been a mctiacu to the Bi'0iilntlon. | ) The tr n 'iiHlons In Clilcujo Has xxcro Htlll onorinons thin mornlnit. prolnlilyJd'.OW shares chunking hands In the first llrtoun minutes trading , xThllo It oiioneil nt dllTmcnt | IICPH | from 73 to74 , xvhllo II only went 'i percent beloxv the former prices during the day. 'Die strength dNpliiycd by the slo'k quickly ra- store l conlldptico and It advanced to 7.1i , the general market gutiinrliu strength in the meantime. The foxorlshnos" . howoxer. noxer ill-parted from the stock and tin ; drop of 3 tier cunt In IHstlllntii , xvhlch was eiulneered for further ulfo t upon tin- general market , si'umod lo hnxo no further Inlluencothaii this. This dcollno was us iillcklv | recovered as thu other and Now Kiixlaud Immediately e.uno to tliu front , conllnu ng Its icmark.tb u iiiixxard mnxemcnt. hulpoil by further rumors favor- ablj to the company. f pedal pressure XTIIS brought to br ir upon thu Gould shares and Union 1'aclflu dlsuiayol real xvuakncss , but tlio sharp upward inoxctnunl given Manliattan xcrxoil to dlssumliiatn the ideithit the Intlilors xxuru not using their un"ott4 to dcpicsi these shines. Thu most I o- mnr < able m ivumout of thu day xvas In the so- cui 1(104 ( of the Nuxv Votk , V Northurn , the sloe1 < iiilxaiu'lntt on Intgu transactions from lift to-'i ' ) . thu bonds folloxvlnir uiosoly. Mint of this xvns retained at the close. Tlio general market close ! actlvo and llrm generally at Miiall fractional gains for thu day. Distillers Is 1 % per cunt lower this cxenlag , but New Kiulnnd Is up 2'6 per cent and Itock Island , Northurn I'auillu preferred and Richmond At West I'olnt are eauh I pur tent higher , xvhllo Now Voik Northuin , Richmond ,1 West I'olnt profurted and Husiiiehanna | A Western preferred iiru up Inr o amounts. Uoxurnmi-nt bonds have been dull tint firm. Stuto bonds liaxo been uiillrcly neglected. Thu fo lowing are the oloslnx iiiot'itlons | for the loading stock ! * on thu Now Voi k tHock u\- cliiin.-u toduv : . . . . . . . . . . . . * ' ur. > f rv. kfb. & UUI , 1 U. V , I/ A ! * v Omaha , 3,2 > Q. I'ill.llicllll ltl-\l | . . NKXV YOIIK , Jun. 8. Tno Post says : Yester day's tr.idliu xvas the culmination of what may ho properly described us only u gambler's ninrttot. The follv , rocklcsuni-ss and had faith xvhlch marked Its uro ress and cllmnv xxould have made notorious the least reputable faio table or pool room knoxvn to our times. This Is stronc laiiKuiiRC. but It has ampio justitlc i- tlon In the facts. Nothing could ho conceived of mote Rr.ulfj InR to the allied agitators xvhoso profession Is the dunnunclailon of Wall Btiect than the spectacle xvhlch thlsxxcuk has been presented of a group of oMiurts , trained In the business , tempting Into the gambling whirl a multitude of foolish and purblind dnucs only to turn on tuom at ( ho last anil strip them of xvhat they had. Thcso unfor tunates noxor learn a lesson from thu past : nuxor Investigate facts before they believe assertions. Not boinx built upon the sand , this market umlutod thu stialn of such an ep isode and tallied from It , Thu m.uket has been honey coin bed xvlth stop or.leisln the stocks icferiuil to. and the bo ir raiders cap tured the Creator u irt of them yesterday. Hut they caught \oty fcxv In the stanilatd stouUb , and this inoriiln ; the mat kot be an to moM ) again In the dliectlon xvlioro Its real strcnith lies. N'uxx York .Money .Aliirkrt. NEXX" YOIIK. .Ian. 8. MONKY ON OAt.t , Kasy , .ratiKlnx from 2'i ' to 3 per cunt ; last loan. J percent : closuollered nt2'J ' onrcunt. 1'ltlMH .MUK XSTII.E I'AI't : I IVil'I ] lcrCCIlt. HTIJUMSO UM HAXiE-Qulot and strong at } 4M tor sixty day hills nnil $1.85 for dp- m unit. Thu closing iinoUtloiis on bonds : I.oiiilnii Stock Market. l tStri l > u Jiiinev Gtinlan Ilrniutt.l LONDON , Jan. S. INexv York Herald Cable Special to Tin : HIE. : | The stouk market opened dull on the dniith of the khedlxu of Kgypt , but closed xvith a better tondonoy xvlth an advance of la pur cunt Homo rails closed xvlth a fairly good tone. American railroads ouoncd flat In tusponso to the fall In Now Vork and In sympathy xvlth the markets here. In the course of the afternoon thny have Im- proxon In tonu and the close xvas In tliu samu dczreo of llrmneis. though the uhaiucs estnh- llslieC aru all against holder * . Denver pre ferred h is fallen I'i per cunt on p is > lnz of thu dlxldcml ; l.o ilsvlllo & Naihvlllo ate t per cent lower , others are one-fourth to three- fourths of t per cunt up. Canadian Hues mot moderate attention , 'ihn close was a small Improvement. Mexican ordinary preferred Is unchanged There Is no improvement In thu demand for money xvlth nn undlmlnlshod sup ply of lloitlng capital. Short loans haxo been obtained at one-half to thieo-foui ths of 1 per cunt discount. The market ivas also \cry nnlet. Two and three months bills aru quoted at 2 pur cent LONDON , Jan , 7.--Tho follo.vln ; xxera thu London stock quotations closing at4 p m Cummin iiiuiii' ) . . ' .li H Muikjii oriilmiry .1. CoiibOlii account Wll-liJ Ht. I'aul common H ) N V C &O l t . . 38X < N V Central ISO Cnn l'inIMc . . . IKHi 1'unnnylviinln . . . M Krlo . ill't ItuiilhiK Wit Drill ' 'mlii . 11 Mi Mexlinn ; ( J , new 4 > t' ( Illinois Cfntrul . . 112 IIAII SlfVKII--4l'td ' , MoNKV"s4 per cent. Thu amount of bullion uonu into tlio Hank of Knxland on In lance to lay xv.is JL'W , X)0. ) I'lniniflal Null's. NKXV VOHK , J-in 8. Oluntlns. $ .44,271,1. ' ) bal.uu'es. f".UI8-'lif. 1'AHH , Jan H Tlin'o nor emit routes , Olf , 3''it pur cent for thu account. lUi/HMoiu : , Mil. Jan. 8. Ulearlnss , today , ) . ' .MU,3lt > ; balances.$121,510 ; rule u percent , I'IIILAIIKI.IMIIA , 1'a. . J.in. S. Cloarlntrs , lll,41.Ii.lli : b.ilaia'ea , tl.150,4j8. Money , 4 pur eont. OINCISNATI. O , Jan. 8 , Monuy , 4 © tier cent Noxv Vork I'.xchanuc , 25 pur uunt dlicount to jmr. UluarlnK > > < } -M'7'lC < 0 , ST I < OUI . Ale , Jan 8. CloarliiRS , tl,54Jtt.l ! ! b.ilanceM , I1J0.51. ' . Monov. iltf" pnr cunt. K\- chaiiKuon \orKlHicpromlum , lloHTON. Masj. , Jan , 8. Hank clenrlnss. $ 7- 5U1.25J1 balanucs , * lNil,711 ; nil i ) for money , 2 pur conti exchange on Nuxx Vork , 6IO pur cunt dlhcount. diuiuoo , III. , Jan , A Now Xork u\ch.ingu , 4Ce. Money , 8 pur uunt , C'leirln n , $ l5vtisi ) , Kterlhu uxchaniu. ; outot at * lS.4 for sixty- day bills and tl.r.K fur t-U'lit dr.iltH. - _ . . jfn thn Mlnliu exchange ted ly" . . " lm. M.40J slntfci. lionclail Amity John.I , Arvnnnul 21i < Hnilnrat , , , , 15 & lln'iifkok Corn II I LyilnKtun , . . . .VI line * IhintiT. TMtlle llulrt . .VIW 1IIK Imllun . . . . May Mnrrppl , 7& b4ll t < IdpM . , . . . . . . 21O llrownlnr ? ( > > t Ore , lirj 'Ir.iiyuk Coii'ollilMeil. lirjA ( Iniutln J . . . 4VH' r Itiick Ontury iotom . Clav County . , J'uitlrr Dlnmunil II Kofd Nntlonnl . . . . .V ) Denver ( In * nnd Oil Illnlto in Hninioni" . , , . llnnitlnK l.mlc. . . . in.I5W ( IpdyetiurK. Whalfl , V1 ( loliliiti'Irrnrnri * . uu Mutton ( loin Hock . . . . „ . . ua lyxnKiuiii . . . . . . . . . 16 S.i n rninrlsru.iX liUiiir * } not ill IOIIK. PAN I'llNTHUO , ( ial. j.TMi. ? . -Thu olllclal ( Uiotatlons rir ' .inlnlii'i Mocks today wcro im follows : ' ' NIM > York .Milling < Jiiiiliitlin . NRW YOIIK. Jan. P. The follonlni ; nro the cloiltu iiilnlns htouK iuotntlons ] : OMAtl.l 1.1 ti : STOCK M.IKKKT. OxmiA. .Tan 8. Hocolpts for flxo days' foot uu 11,000 eattlc , 47,10) lioKB , and TUT hheup , atcalnst T..W' ' cattle , al.TTI hoB „ and I.18S shcop tlio cortuspondlng Ilvodajs last xxuok. UATTI.K The supply xvas not oxeesslvo , hut the Duality xvas culturally rather fall. Dressed beef buyers xvantcd some catllo nnd shippers had irood orders. As tlio supply was NOIIIO- xvhat limited and eastern advleus faxorablc , the market xras actlxc. xvlth values generally about ICc higher than yustnrday all around On good light killing cattle , th.it Is xvolghlng around 1.10J to 1,209 Ibs. the market hliowed even morn advanco. ' 1 hu limit ruachud xxns tl.40 for abunch of xery good ] ,4lu-l ! > bcovus and trading xvas larguly from IJ.41 to $1.81. 't'hu forenoon's tiadliiK about cleared up the ICCUlUtb. . There xxis an artlvo trade In butcher stuff and on the morn dcslrnblo grades prices ruled about lOe hUhcr than ThtiMday , In fact the gie.iter p irt of the duclllio of the earlv pa it of thu xxeok has been regained. A fun rUhtgood hulfiTssold In xvllh seine steels for M GO , but thu bulk of the good coxxs and hnlforfl sold at from { . ' ,40 to 2,75 Common and canning lots sold t from tl.25 to $1.75 and thu bulk of the trading was from $1.85 to { 2,41 , Calves wore steady at from $ , ' ,0) to t4.50 and bulls , oxun nnd stays th m at from 11.75 to $ .1.00 , Itupro- suntatlvu bales : STEEUB. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 Oft ) ! ) 00 10 10.13 $ .141 21 UOoflfiO , 010 J 10 8. I'JTl ) 3 45 0. 1071 3(10 ( 1 ,1'00 , ' 3 2.1 7 1030 3 45 1..1IJO 3 II. 10 1087 3 4 * > 10 1110 3 75 8 , O.CI 3 30 2. 1115 3 M 20 llto 38.1 1 ! ) 1120 3 n.i . . 3 , 'iU 50 1317 405 21 1118 3 40 17. 1141 3 f > 0 17. 1449 4 40 MI.\U ) . 17..1013 3 CO 1004 240 1 USO 240 1r. r. 1153 240 10 11/72 240 18. law 241) ) 14 1121 241 42 1)70 ) 2 IS 24. U4J 241 1 1050 250 20. . ni3 2 55 10 101. ! 11 OJt 1. IK'iO 22 U7 2 Ul 14. 1084 270 1 1050 2 7.1 30. 1000 271 18 1074 275 4t ; 1 50 14 > 0 ' 2 'JO 8. . 408 200 CALVES. 2 50 4.137 4 00 1. . 190 450 1. . 30 325 1. . DO 4 25 iiur.i.p. 1481 1 G5 1 .15(10 ( 2 40 2 130) ) 1241 1 85 1 .DUO f. 40 1. 1G9J 270 2 00 1 .irJO 2 5) 102J 275 .1193 225 1 1755 5 53 IIUO 275 1240 2 2.1 1. K'00 ' 2 ' .10SO 275 .1(1.0 ( 2 2.1 2..141.0 . , 255 1. l.iGJ 275 11.10 231) 1. 1JTO 2 CO 1B80 27" > 2 3D 3. 127d 2 W ) .1510 310 .1J50 2 40 1 1410 2 tr > 1750 J23 STOCK CHS AM ) FEEUEUS. 1091 2 49 1 . 7JO 2 fil 2 1181 300 ( , l,0 2 40 C Iu71 2 70 1. 028 300 2 50 8 . 72 ' 2 7r U . 878 JOO ! 510 2 50 3 . 8GU 2 75 3 . 0,16 315 . 778 2 5J 7 035 2 br 2..12UU 325 , 1188 2 50 8. . Un 3 00 1 . 07,1 3 2" , 757 2 09 3 . 840 J 00 ! 7 . 8J7 35) ) coi.ouAno CAm.F. AxI'r. . No. Av. Pr. 7 fooilors Oil ) JJ 75 I ten lor 1101) ) $1 15 1.1 feeders an 3 DO 1 fucder 1I5J I 15 41steers ! . . . 1210 ,141 4 fuedcrs. 10U 1 15 1.1 feeders . uu 300 1 feeder. . . KiO 15 7 fenders 091 3 00 1 feeder 1J50 I 15 3)1 ) fucdois . 881 3 10 3fuoduia. . 10& J 15 37 feeders. . 881M ! .1 12'J ' 05 steers . 1075 ,110 7 feeders. . 1017 3 UH 10 cows. . . . HIS 1 C1 I fodders. . 12- ! . ' 3 1J1' 42 COXYS 970 2 40 5 feeders lt > . ' 4 3 12M lions Liberal offerings both here and at Chluiigo made sellers n trlllu shaky at the opening. Tliuro xvas a good local and shipping demand , and xvhon buyers started In bidding a nlukul higher than Thursday they generally found salesmen reanv nnd xvtllliu to let go at thu advance. Competition xvas brisk and this , xvlth favoiablu advluus fioni Chicago , soon c.iuied buyers to r.uso the r hands , and soinu of the Lite sales xvote all of Uc higher th.in Thursday , at xvhloh advance the m irkot closed Him. On the early markut the bulk of thu good heavy hogs bold at f J HJ tot. ) 85 and the common heavy and mixed packers mostly at M81. Toxvard the olosu , hoxvoxer , thu good heavy ho s xvere selling at fioni W 8j to JI.OJ xx 1th common heavy and mixed packers - ors at fromfJ.8) to $1.85. Light hogs xvuro In strong dumand , both local lioiuoi and ship pers wanting them. Hales xvoro at a rano nf from $ .1.7.1 toll 85. xvlth tlio bulk at HBO. It XVHH , i tolerably Ilvoly market from start to llnlsh , the bulk suiting at from SI8J to $ . ! bl , against JJ.7.1 toil80 yesterday. The average coit was J.IH.P , , against fj.77 yesturday and $ .1 V.Hi last Friday. Kepruscntatlvu Hales : today. They wore fair mixed nntlvoi nn < 1 Bold readily for $1.81 , The demand continues actlxo and enlU fur ninny fuoro slicrp thnn nrn coming , I'rlce * nro iitronurr and from too tn I5o higher thnn thn ( Intof the xxeak. Quo * tiitloni ! Native * . 11.00415.00Tr ! torn . M.7.VJ ( 4.7SI common nnil Mocker * , tJ.iUft-l.Au ; 43 tolW- pound Iniiiljf4.OOi9-V.VX ItiipreienlatlvemiUv No. A v. I'r. U3 natives , nilxpil MJ * S" ItiMTlpt * mill l > l p < Mltloii of Stock. Ofllelnl rncolpts nnd disposition of atoiik ns Known by ttio hook * of tlio Union Hloak Vatd * company for tlm twcntv-fonr hours , ending ut ft o'clock | ) in , , Janu 11 ry 8 , IWtt : IlKCttll'l'H. ( 'Illrilirii l.lxc Stork Iliirlirt , CiiKMi.o. 111. , Jan. 8. ISppclal IVIpgrimto TIIK lrt.J-Tlit ! : > cattle market did not open very promising this morning , buyers lielns slou Ingnttliuto xxork , but the Inter trade xxnssitlsfiiclorily aetlxe anil vilucn , xxh Uh xxereoitsy nt thestait , xvoiku I firmer Useful sorts gem-rally made a llttlo butter prices than on yuitiirdnv or tin ; day bufore. nnd oxnn thu least at tract he lots xxuru llrm. Tlitiro xxas n continued scarcity of prime sli upln1. stock and thounllru supply changed hands bnloxv J4.I.I. The popular pi Ices xxeiu from $ l.V5 to II.M for common to good l.MOto 1,400-lb steels nnd from $1.75 lo 1 75 for coxvs nnd bulls Quotations run from 41.21 to 11.50 for poor to extra cows , $1,81 to 11.50 for stoukcrs and feed ers , and $ J OJ lo 50.00 for dressed beef and shipping steels I'neua of ho.s continued to advance They xvoro from 5o to ICe higher than on yesterday. Scarcely any of the olfcrlnps woio so poor as not touu _ fi ilcabli-ut better than (100 per 100 Ibs. I mm that tlgure sales ran up lo Irom Tl.V > to J4.30 for choice as-oitcd ln-axy xxotghts undo a ) for pllmollght Although thuquallly xvus lathiM common the bulk of tliu stun" xxas xveljrhcn at from $1 u.1 to JI.2J. lUht , mudlum nnd huavy hoits nil soiling elositogulhur. . llv noon the pens xxorn practically empty and ( he close xvas fairly steady at from JJ.U5 lo M . ' .1 for poor to cnolco grades The Hhoep trade xv.is actlvo at a lilshrr range of prices. Shippers and loi-al slaughler- OM both bought liberally and thu supply not being sufllclunt to po nriiund there xvas an appicclatlon In values of. lOc. Tlio market bus been nctlxe all thu XXIIIK and thi > guncral tendency of pi lues np.x.inl. The elosu xv.is higher thnn lust xxcek nt from tl.75 to f.1.75 for pooi toeholcoKhucpand at from 81.75 to 1G.OJ for lambsof corresponding ( | unlltx- . Hecolpts nuiu ; Cattle. h.OUO : "ho s , : i.1,000 : shpco , 5.000. Tlio nvoulng Journal reports : ( Urri.K He- celpts. 7OJ , ; shlpmenls , II.70J Market stoxv. xvoak ; choice steers. JI.7.VJ152.1 ; good , $10 ff ( 4.50 : othois , $ . ' .75'S3IK ' ) ! stockers , ? J,001.21 : coxvs , $1.13,40 lloos Itocolpts , 40,000 : shipments. 17,000 ; market autlxu , higher ; rough and common , $ J.834,00 ; mixed paukurs , tl OOftl.20 ; tirlniP hnax-y and butcherV , J4.1124.10 ; light , SLOG'S ' , jJiiEriHceolpts. . 4000 ; shipments , 11,000 ; timikct llrm , 104il1c higher ; OXVUB , ? J.50. N > xx York I.l\u Stock llarkpt. NEXT VOHK. Jan. 8. UIIEVKS llc-colpts 2.11C head , tnuliidlng forty cais for ml o. Maikut lUo lovxur ; natlxo stccis , M. 10.1,00 ; bulls nnd coxxs , J2 00 ® 110 ; dressed hoof steady at iffi'Mtu ' per Ib ; shipments tomorrow. 10.UOO beexe1) , an 1 2,2IXquartuisof ) beof. OAI.VPS Uocojpts. 100 head : market steady ; seals. $ .100(30.50 ( ; grassuis and xvi-stern calxui , Siiiint'-Hecclpls , 5.970 head : sheen film ; lambs. He per Ib. higher ; shuop , $4.0V8R.OO per 1IX ) His ; lambs. JB.2Vfj,7.ai ; dresspd mut tons , htn.uly atblHte pni Ib ; dtcssed lambs , llrm atWlll'ioporlb. lions ltpeclts.1OV ] hmd. conslgnuJ direct ; markutnonilnallystoady.it JlUOl.'iO pui 10J Ibs. Kaiisiis City l.l\ < > stuck . \Iiultot. KANSAS CITV. Mo , Jan. 8 OATrr.K-Ku- celpts. : i,100 ; Hhlpments. S.400 ; market ncthe and steady to lOe higher ; fancy steers. $3UK ( $ 5.2'i ; cows , JI.7.riiWOO ( ; stockers and feodets 12 ft aJ 0. lloo Uecelnts. 14.000 ; shipments , 1.300 ; mar ket steady and f > o higher ; all grades &l-4 ri $ a JO ; hulk , U7tKgi.89. SIIEKIHoculpts. . 1/1)3 ; shipments , none : market active and strong. SI. I.ouls t.Hc Slink Alill-Lct. ST. Lotiitt , Mo , Jan. R. OATTf.E-Keeulpts , I.IWO ; shipments. 100 ; all gradrs steady ; fair tosooil n-itnu stuers , tJ Jjtbt.M ; otlieis im- chaiwcd. llor.rt Uecelpts , 7.S3) ; shipments , 2.030 : innr- Uut higher : huaxy , H.l' > ; mixed $ l,15f(4.00 ; iigiu. am ® ) . io. _ No Brlnpiiip , no nausen , no pain when Da- Witt's Llttlo Early Hlsors are taken. Smalt pill. Safe pill. Dost pill. DEATH OF JOSEPHSHEELY. . I'lipiimonla IlihiK" an Und to the lu ! y C.iriMT ol mi Oiiiilin rliiiu-ur. Joseph F. Shoely died of pnounionia nt 5 o'clock yesterday Jmornini ; at his residence , 233 ! ! Loavenxvorth street. Kver since last winter Mr. SUaoly's health has bucn poor , It having docn Irapalrod by a sorioiib attack of la grippo. Mr. Sheuly was 03 yours of ago and uatnu to Omaha m 1S , " > 9 , after having boon running on a Missouri river steamboat. By trade ho wab a candy maker , but after locating in this city ho , together with his brother John , opened n butcher shop which groxv Into n pone packing business of considerable mag nitude. Ho xvns also Idedcntitlcd xvlth the volunteer flto department and for t\vo year ? , from June , 180S , to 1870 , ho was chief of the dopavtmont. Ho xvas also fire chief n short time in 1874 xvhen the present chief , JacK Uallignn , rellovecl him. A fnxv nights ago ho xvas elected treas urer of the A'otoran Firemen's association. In 188S Mr. Shooly erected the building now known as the Shnely block at the corner of Fifteenth and Harnoy siropts. Ho was a member of the Odd Fellows nnd Knights of Honor , which orders have tnado arrangements for bis funeral Sunday after noon at "o'clock at the Kount/c Memorial Lutheran chuacn. The interment will hu nt Prospect Hill cemetery. ( Josalcr'sixlaglorioaiajng Wafers. Curji i headaches In UU min ut33. At , alt lip Cltj II. ill. Indications now point to the fact that ore many days the now city hall will bo huateit by steam. Thcro was appointed at Thutsday night's council meeting a Hiiocial committee to confer xvlth Superintendent Coots relative to tbo matter. That gentleman laid the whole case bufore the committqo , arguing that if the building was heated ho could go ahead with the interior ihilsh and rush It to completion. The committee looked xvlth favor upon the proposition and undoubtedly xvill t > o report nt the next regular council moatlne. Mr. Coots said yesterday that most of the radiators on the loxver llonrs had bean sot and that if necessary ho could turn steam on within the next twenty-four hours. Small In size , great in roaulU ; IJoU'ltt'i LlttloEarly Riser * . Heat pill for consttpi- tlon , boat for stole headache , best for sour stomach. Itlllllfll till' .IllllltM. The police sxvoopod doxvn on n number of Joints out near the fort yostordav and be sides arresting tlio proprietors fur selling liquor xvlthout n license , confiscated u lot of bcor and xvhlsky. He-low is n list of tlio parties arrested : August Urubo , Mrs. Ranltlmrt , Kdxvatd Fos ter nnd Kdxvard Brook * . The complaint , wblrlt caused the search nnd arrest was tlloa by Frank KltchmarK , who recently obtained a HLCIISO to sell liquor near the fort. Jack Frost has a special mission In winter it's to chay up our hands and cheeks , and Jack Frost say ho don't UUo Hallur's Australian salvo bit It the ' 'Itttlo " tralian u , cures chaps" right up. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , . LIMITED COMMISSION MERQHANTJ. _ _ Al in Hoot & Oo , < Sc lloomJI K ilu niie llulUI- Ituoin * . li ) uuil ill Kx illllMIIX HOUtlll i Oiu.ilii. P , E. Frederick & Sous. In ilor L . HoomW JJiCllHIIKO. bOUtll UlUDll * . OMAHA dutiiiuiib i DIRECTORY. , S AbJ > 77i'iV7V * . Omaha Tent & Awn ing Oo , , I-IniM. hixtnmocki , oil nnil rubber clotlilnt 8 < nd fat cntftloguo. ( Ill rnrnim ' AtfI ) / ' 17 A'/i' * Bomia Omnka Bag Oa. tmpurlort nn I Mnnutio * Hirer * Flour SkPki llnrlitpi nml Tnlne Monc-Ooo Sho3 Comaaiy , IIDI ttownrl Strjo : Fnctujy corner lltli nnd ln ulStrait. . We lire maVliurol'Uj prloai to on'i bira-J. nil nrc ellnunclm of a toll wilVi cablowlth m3rchinti. Omaha Consolidated Electrioal Oo. , .Motor" , ljrnrmoi , I. nipiVlronnd Kloctrlml Hup- plloaof All Hindi 1112 llowinl Flrcct , Omaha. LIQUORS. Ilor & R. E. Grotto , I.lqnor Merclmnti , Importer nml Jobber of llli llnniejr lre l , XVInui nml l.lqiion. Mnnnfnctur'ri ICc IWOnnilITZi \ KariuniSI , . Unit InJIn HHUrJ t'rko IUt on npiillcillun. Friok & Herberts , 1031 Kariniin St. LUMltER. MILLINERY AND KOI IONS. 0. A , 3tr.iohll ! , Mllllnerr.Nollonj.Clonil Kto , IUMI89 18thIt , Omaha MUSICAL 1XSTH UMtiXTS , ETV. A , IIospo , Jr. , I'lancx , ornnnt. Artlitt MntorUI. , Kle. 1 > I ] Douglu Street. OYSTERS. A Booth Packing Oo. Plfttt & Oj. , t'nckcrnof ojilor" , ( Mi OT ler , rl h nml Colerj , nllil Celery , 3I South 10th 81 II 1 ( i MI i Hi SI. David I'olo ' ' 'OILS. OonsjHdatod Tank Line Oo. lletliii'il nml lubrleatlni elli , nile itrcntj , "to HO I ) I 'C'/i' . CO MJUSS10 .V. Ribbol & Smit'i , Brano'i & Oo. , Ic lor < hi country prod- iirp , frulti , te utibliM , I'roilnrc , frulti nf > ll etc. klinH oy tori , 1507 Itownr.l Slrt-ct. 13tli aii.l llnrncr Btretti Kirschbntun & Sous , Jas , A. Olark 1 Oo , IHitter , r m nn I ponltr/ . Iluttcr , ctiooio , ei < ) poultry nnil itntne. la)911owi\ril ) Streat OrjHoiltli I3lh Street Riddell & Co. , G. I'egAU. Cn li tiuyor of bailer Iluttcr clicoic ctfzi.vo - nnil run , Konurnl com ctnLlo' , fruit ) , poultry inl < 5lun luiTulniat nnil Jit-am s inii Mullia ft McOlain , Bingimm. & Son , Hpcclnltlc Iiint3r , ivu < , Soml us > our Crfiri , Uut cheeno poultry do. No. tT Poultry , liamo , 151 lit i Her In Nnt Illdi Kto KOI 3 I.oiTciiworlti 8t PAl'lUl. Oarpontor Paper Oo. , Ki" Papsr 0 ° HlWAlltS. Jnracs Eughcs , Ouiahi Steve Repair Stovoi repairs of nil kln11 Wor s. Coukn nnd lloatori Stoxc repnlrn niut wntir forsnlo nltMChmcnlH for nny kind of Blu\L'mnilu nors 11th Stroat I2U ; lioiiKlim DQOUS , 1ILLXDS. UTV. M. A. Lisbrow & Oo , Manufacturer ! of fnili. doori. b 11 n il .1 nnd moulding * . Ilrnneh of- nco , I2th unit Iinrd Htl S'lEAM AND WATJ3K SUPFLIJSS U. S. Wind Eagina & Pump Oo. , Iltllldmr Wind Mllli. 613 nnd SUO Jonea Stroot. Q.K Itosi.nctln H. Hardy Oo. , Torn , doll ? , nib nun , fonor goods , housofiir- nl'lilliK Kooils , chllit- ren's cnrrlnuc' 131'J Knrnuin Street. For Inventions I'UOCUUED HY TUG Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqtlnl wllli Ilia Inlcrojt of tlio in lmvln KnlnittbuKovernuicnllstlint of INVi\ rill , who often line the bonotltof vnluablj InvontUiu beeinia of Ilia Inconipetoncy or Inattention of tbo attorn yi employed In obtnln tliolr putuntj. Too much eire rannot be cxercl et In osiployln ; co np tent aad rolliblo pollc lord to proouro patunt . for tb9 Taluo of n patent ilapond ) Kreiitly , If not entirely , upon th j care nnd iklll of tbo nttnrnay. With the view of protuctliu Inventor * fro u worth Jem orcarelcn nttorneya , and of nejlnj that liiriia. lions nrc well protuotoJ by villJ pitonti. TUB USfl BUIIKAU has retained counsel expert In p toit practice ; anil li therefore prcpiroJ u < Jbt < iln jxttrntH , Slake trtnlc intti'ltn it nil i'oi > u 'lyMt. oitinloni < tntoNvoi > ami cnllil- itu ofjtntentH. oHt'vutf nnil tlefenil Infi'lnyenm 1 1 NtlltH , t'tr. , Ctll , If you Imvo an Inrontlon on band sen.l THIS IIKU DUItblAUanketUi or phototiripli thereof , tOKttligr wltbu brief detcrlptlon of the Important t Mur i nniiyou will be onee advised m lo tliu bolt eonrae to puriuo Modoli nro not nocuiinry union tha Invoi tlon U of complicated imturo. If othcri ara In. frlnxlnnon your rlKhlt , or It you are cluMurt with InfrlnKomcnt by iitnors , submit the in liter to TI1I8 IIUIlKAUfor a rellablu Oi'lNlUN before acting on the matter. THE Blili BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 lice Itiillilliiy , Oiuulin , Nob. lluieiii IB ( Miaranlnod by the Omaha lice , the I'Joncor 1'iuss and thu Huu I runcitco lA.unliii.ir GUI this out nnd BO nil it wltli your in qulry. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS I'cr-ons xvho liaxo lost properly fioni Indian raids should Illo thulr claims under thu Indian Dcpro luton ! Act of .Ma roll ' , ISil. ' 1 hu tlma ti llinttud , un I the olalniH aiu taken up by the court in the order In xvhluh thuy aru rocutvuil. Take Notice that all contraou uuturud into with attorneys prior to the Aat are mada null and void. Information Klxen and all claims promptly attended lo by thu BEG BURHAU OF CLAIMS. Her llntlillnu. OMA.HA. , NE1BIIA SKA. llurean Is ( rtliiranteoil uy tl Omaha Ili'c , the I'loneur I'leas aud the fan rrunuUco i\nnilner : , Cut this out uiid Bond It wltli your la Hale. The xvnolfi stouk of school furniture , ofllca aiippileH , and cablnut luttor Illux and one euf , or xx III null In job lotH.J . J , W , llAituiR , Asulgnoo. Call ut Herman- American tiavliiK banli Uniaha. Nub. U''Odtf MBo BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE CAPACITY GOO.OOO BUSHELS. Stage for All Kinds of Grata MOHEY ADVANCED OH COHSIGMENK , < l All uruln ivnlithed , Inspected and utoruju ruto ' t btublUlied by state olllccn. Wrltu for rutei uudnil iiurtlcnluis and consign Blilpincnlscuroof WOODMAN & RITCH JECO OMAHA , msu.