Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIFK OMAHA DAILY JWH : MMAY ( ) , , JAXtrARY ! , 1892.
Delivered by Carrier to any part of the City.
Huslncss Ofllco . . .No. 41
jirxott .u/.vro.v ,
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Counrll BlulTs Lumber Co , , coal.
Croft's chattel loans. i'OI Sapp blocl .
Now Yeaj's dinner was served to over 00 ! )
pcoplo at the Oolong mission on Upper
Dan Rhodes was find $2.'i.70 yesterday for
drunkenness , disturbing the peace and In-
suiting ladles on the .street.
1'etor Kgan will bivo n hearing In police
court tomorrow morning on tno charge of
nssnult and battery and rontfory.
Regular convocation Star chapter No. 17 ,
Roval Arch Masons , Monday evening , Janu
L&- ary 4. Business of Importance. By order
of H. P ,
Pensions como duo tomorrow , and several
thousand dollars wljl bo placed In circulation
among the old soldiers and their families of
this vicinity.
A cobweb party was given Thursday ovon-
, - lug at the residence of the Misses Etslo and
( Carrie Schoontgon , corner of blxth street
' and Sixth avonuc.
Dr. D. Macrae and wife will give a recep
tion next Friday evening , from'J to 13 o'clock
at their homo , 800 Fifth nvonuo , In honor of
Mr. snd Mrs. D. Macrae , jr.
Harmonv chapter No. " 25 , Order of the
EaHtcrn Star , will bold a special mooting
next Wednesday evening for Installation of
ofllcors. By order of the W. M.
J. P. Emerson , connected with the Rook
Island at the transfer , was awarded the
dressing case which has boon on exhibition
nt. Dell G. Morgan iM Co.'s for some time
Dr. T. J. Cady has been dangerously 111
from typhoid fever ntlils homo on Broadway ,
between Twenty-second and Twenty-third
streets , but was pronounced somewhat Im
proved yesterday by his physician.
The following guests were present : Misses
Kloiso Corse , Sadlo Farnsworth , Frances
llowman. CnrrlnVlthrow , Gertie Wilson ,
Bertie Troutman , May Van Brunt , Masters
Warren Datloy , Percy Jameson , Eddie Liin-
zondorfer , Bonnie Grnhl , Frank Burhorn und
Dick Stewart.
Will Cunningham was arrested at an early
hour yesterday morning for boating bin wifo.
Ho was slated with drunkenness and dis
turbing the peace , and yesterday mornlne
alter a trial in police court was put behind
the bars to board out a bill of Sl'J.ffJ with the
city marshal.
General Dodge kindly remembered
Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic ,
by sending $100 to bo spent in "giving the
children a good time Christmas. " Ho also
r.ent n cane which ho cut on the field of
Waterloo. U will bo added to tbo relic
department of the post.
Mrs. nlcKuno and Miss Sue Badollet enter
tained their Sunday school classes Friday
evening at the homo of thn former on First
nvonuo. Games and dancing a la leap year
were the amusements of the evening , prizes
in thn games being awarded to Miss Bertlo
Trautman and Muster Frank Burhorn.
Mibs Hiifrfedtilo's millinery parlors will
bo closed ut (5o'cloeu ( p. in. , except Sat-
urtliiy , during the wintoimonths. .
Swnnson Music Co. , Masoalc temple
, . '
Commercial men , Hotel Gordon the
test $ i ! house in Council BlulTs.
2oc per bushel
nt C. O. D. Brown's ,
845 B'wny , Council BlulTs.
' Miss Oarrio Zurmucblon is visiting friends
In Fremont , Neb.
Miss Ida 1'owcll of Olenwood is in the city
visiting Miss Jessie Farnsworth.
Miss Mullory of Chicago Is a guest of the
Misses Anna and Nellie Uowman.
B. B. Uavis of Chicago was in the city
yesterday , u guest of U. S. Wright.
Miss ICntc Bryan and her mother of Lex
ington , K.V. , are visiting C. E. KolJ.
D. O. Clapp of Now York is in the city
the guest of his sister , Mrs. S. P. MacCon-
Miss Dorothy J. Watts Is vlsitlntr the
family of Mr. John Bennett on Willow
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boswlck and daughter
of Norfolk , Neb. , uro tbo guests of O. K.
Boswick and family.
Dr , Montgomery's little daughter is very
low with inallgnnut diphtheria , and her re
covery Is considered ddubtful.
Mrs. Lou Graves has returned from a holi
day visit with friends iu Chicago and wil
. resume her place In the city schools tomor
Dan McGInnis has sovorca his connection
with the house of Voogolo & Donning ol
Omaha and gone to San Antonio , Tex. , whore
ho will make his headquarters.
J. N. Casady , Jr. , loft last evening for
Scrauton. P.v , where he will visit his college
friend , will Finch. He will then return to
Chicago and will spend several months tbcro.
Fred H. Rccu of Loclcport , 111. . Is In the
city , the guest of Mr , ai < d Mrs. T , A , Clark.
Mr. Heed is a young man who Is coming
down with the western fovcr , and . on this
trip hns made quite extensive purchases of
laud in , Dakota.
Mrs. Pollurd , wife of tbo noted southern
historian and lecturer , la In the city , confined
to her bed by serious Illness. She has beet
lecturing over the country , but has been
compelled by the state of her health to Icavo
tbo platform temporarily.
DM. Woolbiiry(1ontlatsnoxt ( to Gnunl
hotel ; fine worlc u specialty. Tolo. M5.
Cnrmnn Food und Fuel company ,
wholesale and retail liay , grain and
food. Special prices on hay anil grain
lots , 700 Main etroot , Oounoi
IVIicro to Worship.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church
Services at Hughes' hall nt 10 ; ! ) U a. ra. on
"Tho Power of the Spirit ; " 7:80 : p. in.
.Working Together with God ; " 13 in. , Sab
bath school ; 0IO : ! Ep worth league vesper ser
vlco ; 010 ; ! n. in. , class meeting. Revival ser
vices during the wooEr , T. McIC. Stuart
Congregational Services morning anc
evening. Preaching by the pastor. In the
morning tha sacrament of the Lord's supper
will bo administered anil now members re
coivod. Evening subject , "God's Provl
First Presbyterian Hoy. Stephen Phelps
pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10 : ! IO a
in. and 730 : ! p. in. Sabbath school at li ! m
Young people's meeting at 0iO ; : p. m.
Trinity Methodiit Episcopal Church Hov
H. H. Barton , pastor. Preaching 10:30 : a. m
and 7:30 : p. in. Class meeting tUO ) ; a. m
Sunday school 1'J m. Kpworth league "
! > . m.
Second Presbyterian Church Key. S
Alexander will proacu at 10:1)0 : a. ni. am
7tO : ! p. in.
Union Mission , 711 rt roadway Mr. John
A. Howard , a missionary of Logan , la. , wll
buvo charge of the children's meeting a
BtO : ! o'clock , and also of the evening service
at 7:80 : , A twenty inlnuto song service wll
precede the testimony meeting.
Young Men's Christian Association Gas-
pel and 10113 service for men only at 4 o'clock
st the rooms In the Merriam block.
o per bushel
nt 0. O. D , Brown 'a ,
815 U'wny , Council Bluffs.
Roller , the tailor , aiO Broadway , hns
oil the latest styles ami new whitoi
> Coeds , Satisfaction guaranteed.
' Wnlnut block coal , 84.25 per ton. Do
llvored nnywhoro In city , Curnw n'a
'i > VOO Main atroot ,
We Imvo our own vineyards in Callfor
DidJurvii Wlno company , Co , Bluffs
NWS FROM fflnril R111FFS
lJ.iUO 1 Ill/Ill t'/tiltlly llhUl 1 vJt
Clity Ifnll Scheme Believed to Have Been
Effectually KHloil.
Oiiritlini of IliillillngUii lriii-turo Di-rli
to HP intlrcly : Ton CiMlly fur Ouii-
nldi-r.itlon tit I'ri-M-iit-Oliiur
liiti-rr < lliiK l.nnil New 4.
The city hill schonw , to nil intents and
lurposos , died of strangulation yesterday
afternoon at the hands of the Unniico com-
nlttoo , to whom was referred at the last
council mooting , the ordinance providing for
the submission to the voters of n proportion
to npproprl.Uo the sum of ? li > 0OJO , for tbo
mrnoso of erecting a ball. The committee
icld a.mcotltig at the oniee of City Attorney
Stewart , tit which all the members of tbu
council were present. The chairman pre
sented a report which bad been agreed upon
D.V the committee. In which It , was stated
ilint It hud been found * upon investigation
that iho < | Ucstion of building u city ball was
not foasibln at the present tlmo , from tno
Fact the Issuing of bonds to the amount of
M" > 0,000 would Increase the bonded Indebted
ness of the city to something lllcot 10,0m ) be
yond the limit allotted by the constitution of
the state.
This report was submitted to the other
members of the council who were present ,
and thoroughly dlscusscu. Although no
formal action was taken. It was evident that
a largo part of tbo council coincided with tbo
members of the committee In their views ,
and the report will probably bo adopted at
the meeting of the council tomorrow evening ,
unless enough pressure can bo brouRht by
friends of the hall scheme to bear upon the
other members of the council to prevent such
action from being taken.
If the ronort ot the committee Is adopted it
will virtually kill the city ball Idea alto
gether , from the fact that during the last
few weeks the conviction hab become preva
lent that to spend anything less than $150,000
on a hall would bo a waste of money , and
that It is better to worry along In the same
old way than to build u now ball that would
not bo a credit to the city.
It Is bolng suggested ny those who are en
thusiastically In favor of building a now hall
that there Is ono way of avoiding the trouulo
arising from tbo constitutional limit of in
debtedness , and that Is by raising the
assessed valuation of property. This , while
not Increasing the amount of taxes , would
decrease the percentage of Indebtedness ,
and thus bring Council Bluffs into line with
the other prosperous cities of the country.
That the city Is in. such a financial condition
as to Do able to stand the comparatively
slight strain of floating (150,000 worth of
twenty-year bonds Is thought to be amply
shown by the fact that Its Indebtedness has
been reduced during the past year to the
amount of $ , .0.000 , besides which arrange
ments tmvo been made for the further reduc
tion to the extent of twice as much more
during the coming year.
Walnut block and \Vjoming coal ,
fresh mined , received daih Thatcher ,
10 Main.
The only kindergarten in the oity is
in the Merriam block , next to the Young
Men's Christian association. Experi
enced teachers and only ono-half usual
rates are charged.
Dlsiilipc-iiri-il In Detroit.
Information was rccoivccLin the city Fri
day evening or the disappearance of W. W.
Hannan , wealthy real estate man of Detroit
and a brother of C. K. Hannan of this cltv.
Ho was last seen at the Cadillac ball in De
troit nt 10 o'clock at night , and where ho
wont whsn ho loft there is not known. As
soon as his disappearance was learned here
C. H. Hannan telegraphed to the wife of the
missing man asking if anything had hap
pened to his brother. Early yesterday morn
ing ho received a telegram bearing his
brother's signature and stating that ho was
safe at borne. Something In tbo way the
message was worded , however , led him to
think that everything was not quiet right ,
and ho believed the telegram to have been
sent by Mrs. Hannan in order to allay his
fears In the hope that her husband would bo
found before the true .state of affairs should
become known.
Tbo theory of abduction is the ono that
receives tbo most ciodonco. Mr. Hannuu
bus amassed a largo fortune in the last ten
years , and he would therefore bo n shining
mark for any ono who wanted to got a ran
som. Ho was in the habit of weaving a
number of valuable Jewels , which might
have excited the greed of some of the high
waymen that do a lucrative business In Do-
, trolt. Some time ago ho was waylaid on the
street , slugged and robbed , find it was thought
very likely that ho might have met witti a
similar encounter tbis tlmo. Ho has visited
in CounoU Bluffs on a number of occasions ,
and has many friends who will bo interested
iu the latest news of him.
Information received late last evening waste
to the effect that Mr. Hunnan had returned
homo safe and sound after an absence of
twenty-four hours. Ho told his friends that
ho had boon Induced to leave Detroit at 11
o'clock ' at night , and claims to have dropped
a letter in the postoflico for his wife Just
before bis departure. Ho declines to mention
any reason for his strange actions , and his
friends are at a loss to explain them.
Jiirris wild blackberry is the boat
* I'rult Orowi-r In ScKKlon.
The Pottnwattamlo County Fruit Growers
and Gardeners association mot in regular
monthly session yesterday afternoon. Mr.
Alex. Wood read n paper on the pruning of
grapes. The association by resolution en
dorsed the candidacy of P. P. Kelly , pres
ident of tbo Mills county society , as super
intendent of horticulture for the state of
IoVa In the coming World's fair. Arrange
ments were matin for a special meeting to beheld
held next Saturday for iho purpose of organ
ising a grape growers association ,
One of the main objects of next Saturday's
mooting Is to form an organisation for the
purpose of establishing a cold storage ware
house. An establishment of this kind Is a
necessity to a region where so much fruit is
grown as In Pottawattamlo county , and the
fruit growers have boon coming moro and
more to tbo conclusion that tbo tlmo 1ms
come for an organized effort to bo made. Ne
gotiations are already pending for the rent
ing of Green's packing house during the
coming season us a place to make the experi
ment , and after one year's trial It is ox-
pooled that tbo fruitgrowers will have found
out what will be necessary. It the schema
Is carried out as It now seems llkclv to bo , a
large storehouse will be built ln tbo city.
Jnrvis 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , best.
ltf-liitlonalili | no Itiir.
Tbo marriage of Henry S. Burroughs and
Miss Nclllo Hatcher , which took place last
Wednesday In Chicago , was the culmination
of a romantic courtship. Tbo brldo formerly
resided In this city , where slio was equally
noted for her bounty , winning wayn and her
powers as a rocltatlonlst. The stage had a
great fascination for her and she "had Just
about decided to leave for New York to study
for tbo stage when she was adopted by Mr.
and Mrs. Burroughs of Chicago , old frlonds
of her deceased parents. There were four
boys in the Burroughs family , but no girls ,
and all the boys were captivated by the now
sister that had blown In upon them. Henry
S. was an especially devoted admirer , and
after a couruhlp of three years under the
same roof the marriage was solemnl/cd as
before sUted.
Hold lor <
Isaac P. Fisher was given a hearing yes
terday , bcforo Commissioner Hunter on the
charge of counterfeiting , and at the con
clusion of the tcstlniot y was hold to the fed-
ral grand jury In bonds In the sum of | J,000 ,
In default of which ho was sent to the
county Jail. William J. .Atkinson , his com *
paulou , waived examination and. was dis
posed of In a like manner. The trro-moa
told a ttory In self defense which was quite
novel to say the loatt. They pretended tha
tboy had been traveling across the country
with a horse and wagon and had run across
a inun who wanted to trade hones with
thorn. After conildorablo thorp bargaining
the trade was made , the stranger payintr
thorn twenty silver dollars to boot.
Tnoj continued their Journey in company ,
and ttio tiuxt day they slyly administered n
dose of medicine to the horse which they had
disposed of , which made the animal rear up ,
kick , balk and act in n very unseemly man
ner generally , no much so , In fact , that the
purchaser was glitd to trade buclt and lot his
now found acquaintances keep the casn.
They then wont on tholr wuy rnjblclng and
spandlng tbo t)3 they had gotten so easily.
They claimed not to know that the money
was counterfeit until they had spent It all ,
arid tha llrst Intimation they bad that any
thing was wrong was when they received a
call from nn ofllcor- with A warrant for tholr
arrest. On cross-examination this story
proved to bo i-athar thin
John Qulnn , tlio well known labor ajsltator ,
returned from the west yesterday and cele
brated his arrival in town by going on n big
drunk. Qulnn bicatno so nolsv und unruly
on Sixteenth street last nl < ht that onicor
Flint had to place him under arrest on the
charge of being drunk and disorderly.
Omaha artlsU are in receipt of circulars
from Milwaukee soliciting designs for n Ger
man-American monument to bo erected In
that city. The monument will cost tii.OOO ,
and will represent important events In Gor
man-American history. Throe prlzss ot K > 00.
( 'Ml and $ -00 ! mo offered for the best models.
A meeting of the Jewish alliance will beheld
hold at the temple , Twenty-fourth and
Hnrney streets , tomorrow at I ! o'clock p. m.
1J'tio purpose of the meeting Is to consolidate
all minor charltiblo organisations into ono
permanent rollcf association. Every Israelite
In this city Is earnestly requested to attend
this meeting.
The funeral of Mrs. James A. Sundorlnnd ,
who died last Wednesday , occurred yester
day morning from the family residence , l.'l'O
South Twenty-ninth street. The obsequies
were largely attended , and the pall bearer
were Clint N. Powell , John Howard , Emory
A. Cobb. C. S. Carrier , Dr. W. F. Mitroyiind
T. W. Vandervocrt.
The Musln Concert company , which was
announced for a concert under the auspices
of tbo Apollo club on Thursday evening1.
January 7 , has canceled the date. The Apollo
club feels sorry to disappoint Its friends
after having announced the concert , but it
was throutfii no fault of tbo club that the
concert was given up.
City Prosecutor Shoumakor swore out a
search warrant In police court yesterday
which instructed the onicor to search for and
seize nil Kansas City Suns found at the ofllco
of the Omaha representative of that papor.
Sergeant Ormsby made the search and ob-
talbcd possession of about 1,500 copies. The
papers were tukeh to headquarters and
turned over to Judge Holslcy.
A meeting of the people's Independent
party will bo hold In the olllco of the Labor
Wave on Saturday , January 10 , for the pur
pose of taking steps to secure tbe holding of
the national convention of the party in
Omaha , and for the transaction of other busi
ness. The Board of Trade and kindred or
ganizations nro invited to attond. Thirty-
four states will send full delegations to said
convention. Alfred Fawlcnor , D. Clotu
Doanor , John Jeffooat.
General George Crook camp , No. 1 , Sons of
Veterans , will give a publlo installation and
social hop at the Grand Army of thn Re
public hall , HO North Fifteenth street , on
Monday evening , January 4 , at 8'IO : o'clock.
The newly elected ofllcors to be installed nra
C. M. Howitzer , captain ; Wirt Thompson ,
Hrst lieutenant ; A. L. Foster , second lieu
tenant , and the camp council consists of
Charles E. Bunnestcr , Jr. , John C. Culton
and John Glddton. All members of tbe
Grand Army , Women's Heliof corps and
Sons of Veterans uro cordially invited to at
Last Tuesday the following named mom-
bora were elected by the Youn ? Men's Insti
tute for IS'.U : President , W. A. McGinuls ;
llrstlco president , P. C. Hoafoy ; second
vice president , U. P. Mulcahy ; treasurer ,
John J. niloy ; financial secretary. B. H.
Meile ; recording secretary , T. G. Mnrand ;
corresponding secretary , H. J. Farmer ;
marshal. William Manor ; insldo sentinel ,
Daniel Leahey ; outside lontlnel. Thomas
Barrett ; executive committee , Goorga J.
Kloffnor , F. H. Koostor , William P. Hussoll ,
William Mulcaby , S. E. Collins. The above
oftlcors will bo Installed on Tuesday evening ,
January 5 , tbo affair will bo public and any
of our friends who bold invitations to tbo
sociables are cordially invited to attend ,
fiO3li : SOTJilt .U/.V.
The motto below the crest of tbo Marquis
of Ailesbury the spendthrift lord who has
secured permission to sell Savernako forest ,
part of his ancestral estate Is "Wo have
been. "
To an American who recently asked Ibsen
whether ho would not visit America some
tlmo , ho replied : "America ! That frog pond
where every fro ? pokes his head above the
surface and croaks at some other frog ? Not
much. "
Bob Burdotte , tbo humorlst.who Is de
scribed as n "fat and Jolly little man. with a
twinkling little eye , " lives nowadays in Ant-
more , ono of the pretty suburbs of Philadel
phia. Ho is 47 years old and has spent
twonty-t\vo years of llfo ia attempting to
amuse the publlo.
Mr. Redmond , the Parnolllte who was
elected to Parliament from Waterford City
last week , is the older sou of a former mem
ber , being himself 35 years of ago. Until last
October , when he resumed his seat to declare
himself the loader of the Parnelllto party , ho
had boon in Parliament continuously for ton
years , at llrst representing Now Uoss , and
latterly the north division of Wexford.
Captain John Davis of Deer Isle , Me. , be
lieves ho Is the only survivor of the crow of
fifty-two who lailcd in tbo United States
steamer , Jamestown , forty-three years ago ,
to carry Hour and giain to Ireland during the
food famine , livery ono of the fifty-two men
boioro the mast had previously boon master
or llrst ofllcor of a ship and all served with
out pay.
Sir Edwin Arnold says that the hour and a
half ho passed with Walt Whitman at the
poet's homo In I'umilcn was ono of Iho pleas-
antest incidents of bis American tour. Ho
found the "good , gray poot" rather shabbily
and quite unworthily situated , and half
buried beneath an avalanche of newspapers
and magazines , but though the venerable
author spoke of himself as n "wreck,11 Sir
Edwin says that ho found him one of tbo
mostcharmincof old men.
Henry George Is a singularly absentminded -
minded and preoccupied man , so much so ,
Indeed , that ho frequently passes acquaint
ances by without seeing them , though he
may scorn to bn looking thorn straight in the
face. At tbo same tlmo ho is often minutely
observant and when anything unusual at
tracts his attention ho is prompt with a
query. Ho reduced a harmless youne En
glishman to a state of painful embarrassment
nmld the crowd of a London drawing room
by looking h ird ut his monocle and suddenly
baying : "Do you wear that because ono eye
Is different from the other1' !
John Kuskln will soon complete this 7'2nd
year , and for < ! 5 of these yours bo hasboou a
poet , though for the most part using prose as
the vehicle of expression for hlgnly poetic
thought. At the nuo of 7 ho wrote in blank
verso u alugulur essay on "Timo. " The next
year ho wrote un Invocation to tha sun to
uhlno on his garden , which IB an amusing , al
most pathetic , mixture of poetry and pathos.
At the ago of SO ho gained the Nowdfgato
prire for English pootryand soon after aban
doned tbo muse because , as ho said , ho could
not express his Ideas in voi-so.
Wi-rn inti'rtiiliicl : In WiiHlilngtoii tliht
lit ) Vt'us In Trouble.
WAIIIISOTON' , D , C , , Jan. U. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bcu.j Great anxiety has
boon expressed here for twenty-four hours
over tbu fate of Captain John G , Bourke ,
whoso brilliant services In the Hold against
Garza's troops on the Mexican border have
filled the papers for n week past.
Luio tills afternoon Captain Bourke was
reported safe und cheerful in the midst ol
the fray with Captain Hardle's troops.
Reinforcements nro being hurried forward
and the small handfitl of American cavalry
men will , by the tltno this dlpatch reaches
Omaha , bo well supported.
Clfti-lunil'H .MliiHtrHi.
W. S. Cleveland Is the modern king of
minstrelsy , and ho commands the services of
someof the best black face performers ot
America. In his consolidated minstrels ho
has alto sought to give young blood a chance
and to Introduce pleasing novelties. A apodal
effort has ulao been put forth to make the
Binding a strong feature , and twenty good
voices are employed for that purpose. Then
there are ipcclaltloa now to tbo west , uud
bound to ploasn that largo class who look to
minstrel performances fortlm-UUojttiovelllas.
This company has a largo number of burnt
cork artists and clover stXH'lnUsts , and It
ranks among the bc.stt injnslrcl troupes
.ravcllnu. It Will close Jl < ) qngagomont nt
the Grand oncra house with two perform-
nccot today , matlnco and
by the Si'cWtury.
WASIIINOTOV , D. 0. , ' .Inn' . " ' . ' . Secretary
Noble , today , In thocnsotif'ti. F. Drake and
E , * V. Sarsent against A'/'JV'nutton ' ' ' , which
Involves a tract of land 'in ' ( ho Dos Moinus ,
Ia. , land dtitttut , roVerioii the action of
tbo commissioner of the iJotioYal land oftlcc ,
and In effect hold that Lr JtoV < wiio was pros-
Mont of the Sioux City & Sr- Paul H ulroad
company nml n trustee , pn amorlgugo of its
land ! for the benefit of Its bondholder * ,
could buy a part of said lands through
the land commissioner ' of the rail
road if ho paid ' 'therefor ' full
value and the proceeds worn applied for thy
benefit of the bondholders , there balng no
fraud or deception in the transaction ,
The commissioner held that under the cir
cumstances of his official connection with the
company the sale to Drake was void.
CIIICAOO , III. , Jan. 'J. The ostltnatod gross
earnings of tbe Chicago , Rock Island &
Pnclllc system , both cast and west of the
Missouri rlvor , for Djcombor are $ l-IS2wti ; ,
an Increase as compared with tboso of tbo
corresponding mouth lost year of | l'ilS'W. )
A statement of'lho earnings and expenses
of the B. ft M. system for the month of De
cember was Issued today. The not earnings
wore > 33,110 , an increase of ? )50,00l. )
AHOVT no.u/.v.
Mary Llvormoro is authority for the state
ment that Mr. Whlttlor called her a giddy
girl , and tliut nho didn't resent the epithet ,
oven 11 ttlic is three score and ton.
Tbo author of the poem , "My Mother's
Hands , " which appeared the other day In
TUB Bun , Is Mrs. Ellen M. H. Gates of East
Orange , N. J. It tint appeared nearly
twenty-five years ago , and bos been almost
continuously copied over since.
Bishop Potter , durlnir n sermon in Now
York last Sunday , sold that beauty in women
loads to wickedness and should not bo culti
vated. Verily that does sound like heresy.
If it is a religious duty for women to bo
homely , the whole work ot evangelization
might as well bo commenced over again.
"Why , mammal What did you got that
foii" exclaims a prudent daughter In a you' ve-
donc-lt-acain sort of a tone that betokens
doubt of a mother's sanity. "I I oh , dear
mo , Nettle , I got it because it was so pretty
I couldn't help It ! Isn't it lovely I" What
are you going to trim with it ? " "Ob , I don't
know but isn't it pretty 1"
Miss Helen Gould , daughter of Jny Gould ,
made her debut In Now YorK society last
Monday. The event took place In the family
Fifth avenue residence. Miss Gould looked
charmingly in n very pretty Purls gown of
pole blue and silver brocade , and received
the guests In the largo drawing room. She
were a single diamond ornament in her dark
hair. She is petite , graceful and extremely
well cduc.itod and affable. She Is so pretty ,
so modest , so amiable and so awfully rich
that it goes without the saying that MUs
Gould has many gay and happy seasons before -
fore her until well , until that very fortunate
young gentleman has un all important inter
view with the keen eyed and far seeing
parent and obtains his consent to become
Mercedes Lopez , a Mexican woman living
Just across tbo river from Santa Lomos ,
Tex , , has nn extraordinary bead or hair ,
probably the longest In the world. She Is
about live foot In height , and when she
KUuuis erect her hair trails on the ground
four feet and eight Inches. When she sits
dovvi and draws her locks about her they
hide her whole person so heavily that they
nro line thick clothing , The present growth
on her head is only a little over five year *
old , for it gives her such headaches that she
is compelled to out it frequently. Every
month sbo sells largo quantities of it to a
hair dealer. She Is the wife of a common
sheep border , and is .Uersolf ignorant , but
her tresses nro the beautiful -black hair of
tbo old Castllllan women.
H. Fortig of North .Bejid is at the Arcade
S. O. Conlev of Norfolk Is at the Dellone.
T. J. Hiofty" Alliance , Neb. , is at the
G. W. Gill and wife of Yorlc nro at the
Bai-llott Richards of Cbadron is at the
James Hassatt of Papilllon is stopping at
the Paxton.
H. R. Jackson of Lincoln Is registered at
the Dellono.
J. R. Johnston of Crete , Nob. , is stopping
at the Murray.
E. A. of Nebraska City is stopping
at tbo Dellono.
Frank P. Ireland , mayor of Nebraska City ,
Is at the Paxton.
A. R. Talbot and \vlfo of Lincoln are stop
ping at tbo Paxton.
R. E. Everett of Wahoo , Nob. , is regis
tered ut the Arcade.
M , 11. Hopkins and wife of Boone , Ia. , are
stopping nt'tho Millard.
Henry E. Hayden and wife of Sitka ,
Alaska , are at the Paxton.
ton has done u good work for the residents of
this section In attending1 to the claims arising
under the Indian depredations act. It has
saved these who have taken advantage of its
offer from the unconscionable charges of the
regular clnltn agents , and has benefited the
others by forcing the agents to demand only
moderate foes In order to got business. Tbo
long delay over the passage of the act had
given the claim agents time to make con
tracts that would give them the lion's sbaro
ot the appropriation. Many of the claimants
had boon Induced to sign contracts guarantee-
ng the agent from ono-thlrd to over 50 per
cent of the claims In case they wore allowed.
The depredations act annulled these extor
tionate contracts uud sot the limit of agents'
foes ut 15 per cent , to bo increased in certain
cases to SO per cent on the order of the court
of claims ,
But so many complaints were made of tbo
action of the agents , and so many Inquiries
for a reliable agent were sent to this office ,
that It was decided to establish a bureau
under the dltoct charge of Tun BKB to pro-
cot its subscribers and give thorn the bene
fits of tbo law at tbo lowest possible charges.
The bureau has 'noro than Justified Its es
tablishment. It has attended to the claims
of a largo number of the sufferers bv the In }
dlun raids in the wos't , ft is doing the worlc
at 5 to IU per cent , thkln'g In many Instances
nly the actual cost of pushing the claim.
A most of these who 'lost * their property
rough the Indian"rdids are parsons ot
small moans who could 'llbt , goto Washington
themselves , tbo establishment of the bureau
where they can bo certain of exact and Just
treatment has reached' these who necdls
most. , a
The persons who have pu ( Tared losses from
the Indians since Juoo l , ; 1800. will do well
to roniomoor , howavpr , Miat the time within
which claims can be , invented Is limited. If
they are not put jin vylthln the appointed
tlmo they are forovojr oruroil. Mori'ovor the
court of claims goes ou , { .ho plan , "first como ,
flist served , " und it , , jifilioovos sufferers to
place their clul us bqfoiu tbo proper authori
ties at nn early date ,
The contracts made j pforo the passage of
the act Imvo , us staled , been annulled by con-
gross. It Is therefore necosatiry for claim
ants to make now contracts or arrangements
with tholr ugonts , nml. they are left free to
engage now agents If they are not satisfied
with these they bad engaged before. This
will enable them tn maku much moro favor-
nblo terms fui- themselves than were had
while the passnb'o of tbo act was still In
The bureau has received the indorsement
of all tno congressmen and officials who luwo
anything to do with tbe subject of claims.
A letter from Representative Herman of
Oregon , chairman oi the committee on Indian
depredations , has already been published In
behalf of tbo bureau , ami similar expression *
have como from others. If any subscriber
requires such services und is in doubt where
to apply , bo will find tbo address of TUB UEI
Bureau of Claim * In the advertising column
Directions to Inventors Issued by The Bee
Bureau of Claims ,
The Conrno 1'ollouiMt by the Author of mi
liurlitliin to Protect UN Hlghts
t' < iiti of Obtaining u
Pllll'llt ,
To tlio Inventor tlio nit Important question
presents Itself , "How rnn 1 secure n pntontl'1
end to this Ttir. I KB Bureau offoH the fol
lowing explanation : .
Inventors as u clnsi are not familiar with
tlio laws under which letteri patent nro
granted , the forms anil practice In the patent
ofllco at Washington and tlio technical
methods of casting specifications and claims
to properly protect tliolr Inventions against
I n f ringers , yet the value of the patent and
oven Its validity depend largely upon the
careful and export preparation of the case. i
Specifications must bo diiuvn to fully ills- '
close the Invention , to distinguish botwocn
what Is new and what Is old , and claims ,
upon which the value and validity of the
patent depend , must bo cast to fully cover
the invention yet not to encroaclitipon pat
ents already granted. Failure In cither of
these rospouls often renders the patent value
less or void. The employment , of counsel
skilled In patent law is therefore usually a
prerequisite to the proper prosecution of a
case and a grant of a valuable patent.
Many Inventors suffer the loss of benefits
that should bo derived from valuable inven
tions owing to Insuniclont protection by pat-
ots procured through Incompetent or care
less agents , etc.
for U'lmt Granted ,
Under the laws of the United States let
ters patent are granted to any parson who
has invented or discovered any now and use
ful an , machine , manufacture or composition
of matter , or has Invented any now or useful
Improvement thereon.
Turin oT I'M I I'M I.
A patent Is granted for seventeen years ,
during which tlmo tlio owner has solo and
exclusive right to make , use and sell tU o
patented invention.
I law to I'roccpil.
For economic reasons bcforo making ap
plication to tbo patent ofllco for a patent ,
the novelty and patentability of the inven
tion should bo ascertained , because , If the
invention is not now or not patontablo nn
unnecessary expense Is incurred by filing nn
application on which a patent can never bo
granted , etc.
The first thing to bo done Is to find out
whether or not the Invention Is now ana
For advlco on the point It Is necessary to
send to tlio bureau a routrti or complete
sketch or a photograph of iho invention , to
gether with a brief description thereof ,
setting forth the object of the improve
ments. the arrangement of the parts and
the advantages attained. While a model is
very seldom necessary , yet it is often of
great assistance. The latter can bo ma Jo of
any cheap material , at.d will be returned if n
request is made to that effect.
Upon receipt of the data mentioned : ufllc-
ieutto enable tbo Invention to bo understood
our counsel will at once examine thereinto ,
and will advise without charge what is the
best course to pursuu and will express an
opinion , from their knowledge of the arts
and patents already geanted , as to the patent
ability of the invention.
In this connection it is recommended that
the best und safest course is to have a
special search made in the patent olllco to
ascertain whether or not the invention hns
been heretofore patented. The advantage of
such a search is that , if no anticipating patent
is discovered tlio application can bo filed with
a greater decree of certainty , whereas if the
invention-is found to be old all further ex
pense is avoided. The cost of a search of
this nature is to , and with the report of the
result thereof the inventor will bo furnished
with copies of such patents , if any , as em
brace his ideas. It is much Abettor to have
this search made in tbo outset before incur
ring anv ' expense whatever regarding the np-
plicatio'n for patont.
If it is found that liciuvcntlon [ is now and
patentablo the client is advised to proceed
with the tiling of nn application for patent ,
and will then bo requested to remit 15
to cover tbo llrst government fee and
$5 in payment of cost of drawing , when ono
is necessary. As soon as possible after the
receipt of this remittance the specification of
the invention will bo carefully prepared
and forwarded to the inventor , together with
formn for application for patent ready for
execution. Upon return of the latter the case
will bo promptly Hied at the patent ofllco and
notice will bo sent when notion Is had thereon -
on , and also of the nut lire of such action.
The examining corps of the patent ofllco is
divided into thirty-two divisions , among
which the applications are divided accord ing
to the oftlcial classification. Tbo condition of
the work in the various divisions varies trout
ono to live months ID arrears.
Tlio liiiroau Charges ,
Consistent with the spirit with which this
bureau was formed , it is not intended to
conduct any branch of the business on a
money making basts , but it is proposed to do
the work as near the actual cost as will pro
tect the business from loss. Although counsel
are retained at heavy expense to tbo bureau ,
yet It is the wish to charge in ordinary cases
only the minimum' fco of $ .25. However , in
cases requiring extra care , tlmo and labor
the foe will bo proportionately Increased , but
clients will always bo advised In advance
should such Increase of foe bo found neces
sary. In directing inquiries either to our
Omaha or Washington ofllco please mention
the fact that you read these instructions in
THE Bui : .
DrxlKii I'llU'lltH ,
A patent for a design is granted to any
person who has invented or procured any
new mid original design for the printing of
woolen , silk , cotton or other fahricx ; any
new and original impression , ornament , pat
tern , print or picture to bo printed , painted ,
cast or otherwise placed on or worked into
any article of manufacture ; or any now ,
useful and original shape or configuration of
any article of manufacture , the same not
having boon known or used by others before
his invention or production thereof , or pat
ented or described in any printed publica
tion. Patents for designs are granted for
the term of three and one-half joars , the
government fee being S10 ; or for seven years ,
the fee being $15 ; or for fourteen years , the
fee being $ . ' 10. Tlio charge of the buroyu In
such cases is usually $ - . ' > .
A.latent can bo reissued whenever th'o
same Is Inoperative or invalid by reason of a
defective or Insufficient specification , or by
reason of the patentee's claiming more than
ho had a right to claim as new , providing the
error has arisen by accident , mistake or In
advertence , and without fraudulent Intent.
The government foe for a reissue Is f.0. ! The
cost of drawing Is $3 , and the bureau charge
Is usually Wo. Great care must DO exercised
In lolssulng a patent , because very often
what little validity thorn may bo in a defec
tive patent In entirely lost by procuring a re
issue which ia totally Invalid.
Ill'.ll'cllMl ClIHl'S ,
There are In the patent ofllco a great many
case- , which stand rejected , but which should
bo allowed. This condition of the case maybe
bo dun either to incompetenoy o.i the part of
the attorney employed or his Inability , be
cause of resilience elsewhere than In Wash
ington , to make the examiner sou the Inven
tion In Its true light ; and then , again , as
often occurs , cases uro rejected on Improper
or insufficient grounds. When so requested
wo will have our counsel examine Into ni\y
sucti CUSP free of charge and advise as to the
prospects for success by further prosecution ,
The client will also bo then Informed of the
probable cost ot completion.
( . ' .IM'lllN ,
lly means of a caveat an Inventor secures
record evidence tenanting his Invention for
the purpose of enabling him to complete or
fu rthor experiment therewith. The life of u
caveat Is ono year , and It may bo renewed at
the end of that tlmo. The government fee is
(10 and the bureau charge Is (15.
Trademark * ,
A trademark U n fanciful or arbitrary do
G. A. Schosdsnck , Proprietor , OiTlcoa Q21 Brondwny , Council
Bluffs and 1321 Farnam St. , Omnlin. Dye , clonn and rofinlsli goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or nt tha
Works , Cor. Avo. A and 28th SU Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabrics of anv character can have
them rodyod anil equal to now.
nd most approved machineryatcst at Icsj cojt , than yea ovoi- pit I lute -j
vlco or symbol used to distinguish the goods
of a particular manufacture. The owner of
every trademark Is entitled to register the
name , no matter how lone It has been in uso.
The life of tlio certificate of registration Is
thirty years and may Da renewed for a like
period. The govornmnnt fee , puvable oil
filing each npnllcatlon for registration of
trademark , Is $ J5. The bureau's charge Is
about f.'J.
l.ul > i-N. '
Labels of all kinds , designed to bo at
tached to manufactured articles or to bottles ,
coxes , etc. , containing them , have heretofore
been received for registration In the p-ttont
olllco and a certificate issued accordingly ,
Under a very recent decision of the supreme
court of the United States It Is held that
there Is no Authority In law for granting cer
tificates of registration of labels which
simply designate or describe the ar
ticles to which they are attached , and
which have no value separated therefrom. A
label to bo entitled to registration must have
by Itself some value as a composition , nt least
as serving some purpose or other than as n
mere designation or advertisement. Many
now holding certificates of registration of la
bels are totally without any protection what
ever. Many registered labels comprise sub-
loot matter registorablo is trademarks.
Wherever this Is so , or whore bv a slight
change It can bo made to como within the
purview of the laws govorntne trademarks ,
registration should oo sought under tbis
head. The government fco In a label case Is
$0 and the bureau charge Is ? i5.
can bo hud for books , maps , engravings ,
photographs , paintings , pictures , etc. The
total coat thereof is about $3 , including all
toot , .
An Interference is a judicial proceeding in
stituted under the direction of the commis
sioner of patents to enable him to de
termine the question of priority of
invention between rival claimants. The
bureau , recognising the fact that extraor
dinary care and skill nro requisite on the
part of an attorney in charge of a case in in
terference. has at its command counsel prepared -
pared to conduct a cuso in interference from
the very inception down to a final determina
tion of the merits of the cause. Testimony
will also bo taken under our direction in anv
part of the United States. While no specific
sum can bn sot down as applicable to all in
terference cases alike , yet the charges will
always be as reasonable us possible.
ThS question whether or not ono patent In
fringes another is the very soul of all patent
litigation , The questions involved nro many ,
and of 'the most intricate nature. It is al
ways a mutter of such grout importance that
n8 ono should over claim that another Is In-
frinclng on his rights , or , likewise , no atten
tion should be paid to the claims of infrmco-
mont by others until the questions involved
are carefully passed upon by a reliable at
torney. For such services the charges aic
always fair and reasonable.
ItorvlRii Patents.
In addition to the bureau's facilities for
attending to the Interests of its inventor-pat
rons before the United States patent olllco
and courts , it is also enabled to procure
patents for inventions in all countries
of the world. In many of the foreign coun
tries , notably Canada , England and Ger
many , patents for Inventions previously
patented In this country nro looked upon
with cieat favor , and inventors are thcio
very frequently more likely to realize profits
from their Inventions than they are oven In
this country. The cost of foreign patents
varies with different cases , but as a general
tulo the expenses of procuring patents , cov
onng all charges , is about as follows :
Canada , S50 ; England , 830 ; Germany , $00 :
Franco , ? S. > ; Spain , tUO ; Belgium , fliO. Ad
ditional information regarding the cost , etc. ,
in any foreign country will bo , furnished uy
letter on application. IP all such requests
mention having read tuoso Instructions in
Tun BEE.
Iinimrtiiiit Warning
It seems remarkable that in this eniiRht-
oned ago it becomes the duty of every re
liable and trustworthy attorney In patent
matters to advise his clients to beware of
the many sharks who sot out with the ap
parent Intention of defrauding inventors
immediately after the issue of their patents.
When a patent appears In the Patent Office
Gazette patentees are besot with innumer
able otters , solicitations , requests , eta , some
pretending to war.t to purchase their patents ,
while others offer to take nn interest therein
under promise of procuring foreign patents.
The solo object of these people Is to obtain
money from inventors , undthoy never make
the slightest endeavor to carry out tholr
groundless or worthless promises.
; UmlilH.
As hereinbefore mentioned , models nro not
required in the patent ofltco except in intri
cate or complicated cases. But nt the same
time when an invention can bo better ex
plained by a model It Is well to send thn same
to us. A model should always bo of a size
not larger than ono square foot , and in send
ing the same by express the charges should
bo prepaid und the addroisod to
Tin : BKU Bi'iiiSAU OF CLAIM- * ,
Bee Building , Omaha , Nob.
| Mention this paper. ]
Tun BKR Btmiuu oi" CMIMS , In dealing
with tbo claims arising under the Indian
depredations net , has boon a access ful In pro
tecting a largo number of subscribers and
others from extortion and loss. From com
plaints that have coma to it , howovur , It ap
pears that miiny of the claimants do not un
deratund tholr position undoc the act. At a
tlmo when there appeared to bo little chance
that congress would take up the claims or
make any appropriation to pav them , tboy
signed contracts with the Washington agents ,
promising from ono-nuartor to uno-half the
amount to the agent In case the money should
bo collected. In view of this extortion con *
groHS inserted a provision In the act annul-
ing nil contracts and limiting tbo agont'H
commission to 10 or 20 per ootit ,
The claimants all probably understand that
the agent's i-omuilsslon has boon limited by
the law , but many of them , according to tbolr
own statement * , do not understand that they
arc free to do as tboy please about employing
the agent they had first chosen. Tuny con
sldorthat the } ' uro still bound to employ tbo
agent with whom they slk'iioJ the exor bltan
contracts whether they are vatullaJ with
him or not.
it was the Intention of congress to protect
them nt all points and they were loft on the
passage of the act free to do as they pleased
and emplev whom they pleased. Section 0 of
the act stated : "That all sales , transfers or
aisignuonts of any such claims heretofore or
hereafter made , except such as have occurred
In the duo administration of decedent * ' on
tate * , and all contracts heretofore made for
fees and allowances to clulmanU' attorneys
are beraoy declared vole.
There could bo no mistake about the inoaa-
Or Council Bluffs.
TSTOCK $150,00)
DIISCTIWS : I. A , Mil or. IA O. Oloisi : , 11 \ ,
Shuinirt , T. II U irt , J , IX Kdmumlstin. Ulmrloi
H Iliinn ui. Tr.ins ict b.mkliu busi
ness. I/ir.'ostL'.ipIt U und surplus of any bauc
In boilthwuMturn loiv.i.
Pali ! Up Cnptil ! : $100,033
Oldest organised bini Un tha cttr. Foreign anl
clomoillc oiclnns' ' ) t\n I 031 ! ao.irltloi. ICip32ttl
tttontlon pull ! to collodion * . Acoonnti of lullrla-
usls , bnnki , Imnluri nml aarpOMtloni tollaltji.
Corro'poiiileuca In vHo.l.
Ol O. I * . HANFOIU ) . 1'raililant.
A. W.IUEKMAN. Ciiihlsr.
A. T. UIUU , Aulitvii C.iihljr
14 N. Mnin. , Council Bluffs.
V\ ' ANTED lly an experienced elfctrleluti ,
Vr u situation. Have six years In elec
tric IMlit works. Address V 'M , Hoc , Council
FOIt exchange , SO aeros of land In South
C'hleaxo , sultaDlo for plattln ; , for Omaha
property or clear NeDrusUu land. Address at
oneo F. : . ' . ! llec. Council llluirg.
FOR SAfjE or exchange 10 iicres Improved
land W $ miles from postnftlco. Will take
vacant pioporty. ( ireonsliloltli. Nleholson &
Co. , lili ) llro.idway , Council Itlutls. _
I WANT to buy stock of Riot-eric ? or boots
and shoos ; will pay p.irt cush and pint by
a 6 room house and lot In Otnitha. U ; 8 lieu ,
Con no II muffs. _
OOMI'LKTKoutflt b ir IlxturoH mid two pool
tntilex for sale and biilldltiK for rout , uood
location. E , 11. She.ifo , over OMIuor & I'usoy's
PAUMS , pnrdon lands , nonius , lots and
business blocks for - lo or rout. Day &
11 oss. 0 1'uuil street. Council
ingot this. All claimants had to make now
contracts with agents nftor the passage of
the act , and tnov Wore at liberty to employ
any ono they pleased. If tboy were pious od i
with the zeal and acts of their flm a ont
thov might make their now contract with
him" . If they were dlssatisod they might >
choose any other agent.tbat they pleased.
Those who have not signed now contracts
slnco the passage of the not nmv pro lit oy
this to secure much better terms than they
could otherwise got from the agents. The
fact that Tin : BHK BUIIKAU Is doing the worlc
for the bare expense Involved has had a good
effect in moderating the charge * of all agents
to these who know how to protect them
selves. For tboso who distrust tholr ability
to cope with the claim agents on tholr own
ground THE BEE BUHKAU Is always open.
The organization of the now court of law
claims at Denver lust month and the an
nouncotnont that thn court wl 11 hold Its Una
session in that city on the 17th of November
tlvo promise that ho long-voxod titles in th
western territories and state will noon bo in
a fair way to settlement. The disputed titles
under the Mexican and Spanish grants have
proved especially troublesome In Arizona ana
Now Mexico. They nave delayed settlement
ana investment in some of the lalrost lands
of the southwest , and have proved annoying
in the districts farther to tbo north. After
much agitation and complaint congrau wa
minced at the lust session to provide u court
for the consideration of this Business , and
vlll soon begin to worlc.
The organization of this court gives Tim
Br.i : BuiiK.iuor Gi.iiMS a chance to extend Its
usefulness. It will talto claims under this
law and prosccuj/j them fur poraons who uo
not know whom to engage tor the service.
The business entrusted to the bureau III
Washington Is bolng prftsecutod with energy.
The Indian doprudntlons patent , land
mining anil other claims before Iho court *
and departments are boln pushed us rapidly
as possible , with no delays on nccunt or tha
largo amount of business which baa been sent
to the bureau. The Unro amount of claims
in minted tolls carols a standing proof of tha
esteem and confidence In which TIIK Hiu : is
hold by the publlo which it serves. His llko-
wlso u demonstration. If one required , o
ho need of such an organisation
The revolutions in regard to the Loomis
agency which have ben published recently
go oven further In the same direction. Whou
u man sought for by the police for nearly a
year on a warrant for embezzlement can set
up us a claim agent , Hood the WOP torn coun
try with circulars and receive assignment *
for several million dollar's worth of claims ,
It appears that there U little protection for
tbo claimant whosonds to an unknown roproi
bontntive. The men who assigned their claim
to Loomls would have had small chance o
their seeing any of tholr money If tha
schemer had boon given tltno to collect their
claims. When such risks nro run and men
who arc not able to go to Washington and
know no ono there must Hire their attorney *
nt haphazard , the need fora bureau to pro
tect the pcoplo und do tholr worlc at reasonable -
able rates Is apparent.
The approval with which TUB llui : outer-
prlsols received by Journalists and publlo
men Is as ( ( ratifying us 1 ° ° losponno of tu
Moumrr Arrl\ul .
At Ll/ard Passed : Frlcsland , from Ne\f
Voii : for Antwerp.
At Hlo Janeiro Sailed ! Allunto , forNe\f
At Southampton Arnvod anil proceeded !
Urns , from Now York for Droinnn.
At Ouocnstown Ktrurla and Wyoming1 ,
from Now York , for Liverpool.
At Antwerp Illinois , from New York.
At Liverpool Taurlc , from Now York.
At Philadelphia Michigan , from Llvoiu
pool ,
At Now York-Uhynland , from Antwerp ;
Spanrndau ) , from KoUurdniu.