THE OMAHA DAILY HER : FRIDAY , JANUARY 1 , 1802. SPEGlflL NOTICES , AnvnriBPMKNTB KOII THKSB COLUMNS tfl'l ' l > n tRknn until I ] 80 p m. . lot tlio evening nil until 8 y > p. m , fur tlio morning or Sumtar cUI- linn All mlvcrtlscmonU In tlicno columns 19r nU line flrfl Inncrtlnn nntl 10 ( cnK n line tlmrrnftor. or I2 | > er llnetirrniontli No nclrrrtlnemont tnknn for ICMillinnUcunu for tlm ( lr t Innortlon Tt'rm , rniili In ( idrntirn. lount nliout 7 mini * to the line. Inlt- lli > . nitutpr , njrmlmls.plc , cncli count nun word. All nnvertl rmonl tmii > triiii ronnpctitlrnljr Aitvrr- Hurra. by requesting numticrpil check , cnn linvo their IcK.Tnditremicil ! to n miinliiwd letter In cnro at Tim Hr.r. Annwem no mtilroMoil will to dolly crci ) on jirpipnlnllon of the clioclc. _ -I/column * will lie on the abort ) condition * nHlie following litmlni'in hnimpa , who nro nullior- litd to tnkr upeclnl tmtlroi nt thu name ratcn oscan le hnit nt the main offlro : Kotilli Omnhn Ilrnncli Odlcn-No. IC23 N ( trcot , .InlniW Hell. ptiirmnclKtlltti nnd Mniinn MrooU. H II rnrnmtortli , pli rmncM,3llf > ( timing ntrrot. \V .1. Ilimlipn.tilinrmncliit , f.3l N Iiltli street. C K. tfattcrtlolil , | ibnrmnctnt , 1718 I-cnvuntvorth Ircot. flinthen' ptinrmnrjr , 24th nml r'nrnntn. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1IATKS Ifo H Una nr t tlmo nnd lOo a line Hiiro nfler. No ml vorlliicmcn t taken for leas than tea. * TTA IiAWVKIt OK fl rKAIIS'KXI'KIIIKNCKIN J general Inwnml outlecllon timlnonn ilonlrlntr to IIIOTO to Onmlm within n position wllli n rellnlile Ilrm licit of rcifLTcnccs. Addrust K.18lieu nlllro. AWANTKI ) . H1T OK HOOKS TO KKKI' IWII- In if npnro hour * t > y llinniintlilr rnmnclnnt , relia ble mniu Addri'ia Ci. II M. . I'lillmnn Ilotinn Ilotinn.M807 .M807 ! A HlTt'AT ION IIV VOPNH .MAIlllIKI ) MAN IN fnetory , olllro or wholrrnlu lioimo orenjr Indoor work A < l < trt's K 117. Jloo M 73U 1 * AWANTP.I ) . IIV A STKADV MAHIUHI ) MAN , A purmnncnt ponlttnn nn ntnllnimry engineer ; connietent nnd npcrlcacvd ; coed rofi'ritnren , AiliIrussK.'iilen. ' T.W ! ! , IIOOKKKI'I'Klt. MUST riiAHS. WANTS PO- Mltlon. llufurcnccs AtMress K itu , UeoJI087 JI087 B' , A I'll I > T CLA B IIOOKKKKI'lUt WANTS A Mttinllmi Kent of rofuronceit furnlnheil Ail- e K . , lloo. M72S ! A I.ADV. WHH YKAIIS OK iXI'KltlKNlt : ! AS ntirno , to nccninpnnr Invnllil to 1'nclllo eonU for ttio flcnBOii Adilreim Dr. I , Wofoitor , Went Liberty la. ( jll-4 . -sin * or HOOKS TO KKKI' AI ) litreati , K7 , Ili' MM1 .11 * WANTED--MALE HELP. UATKSl..c a line first tlmo nnd lOo a linn there- nfler. No advertisement tnkpn for Jess than 25o. 1 > WANTKD. "A MAN "or'TirSl.VI2 SS KxT'Kll | . J'enro-lo trnvel rermniionl Blttintlon. 11101140 Caxtun bldg , Chlcngo , 111 MSU 1 BWAN'IKD , IHU ) ( ! Cl.l'.ltK IIKdlSTKHKD IN Iowa. Ono with n llttlo cnpllnl preferred Ap ply to Ilnrlu , linns A Co , Count It HlulTs MTU ) ' IMMHOIATK.LY M TJ-WKWANI' ion AOKNTS , 4'per day or a good commission , particulars free , Address , KxcoIslorMfg Co. , La Crosse. WIs. 735 6 "R WANTKD , AN OlldANLST FOU 8T. JOHN'S J'F.plscopnl church Apply to Dr. J J Snvlllo. 1102 N. 21th street. 705 31-a "I > XVANTKI ) , A MAN AND W1IT. WITHOUT Dclllldreu ; woman lo tin honipwork nml man lo Work nlioiit the plnce , wltlin prlvnte tiiinlly near tliUclty ; $25u month nnd bunril Adilreis KKlli ) o " n TIIAYKL1NU 8ALFSMKN Vl'-ITINtJ OHO- -1'rurn nnd gencrnl inorclmutH In Nebraska nml the ' west to Introduce our goods imu side lino. Liberal pny. 41l ! 1'atton block. Ml..ll t' "O WANTl'.D. ACKNTS. LADIi- * AND OHNTL15- JJinen In every city nnd town In the United States fornnon household nrtlrlo sold In every home. Camplo by expresK'Ac. Mnf'g Agts , 904 Ollvo struct , lloom 71 , bt. Louis , Mo. MM7 3 * WANI'ni ) : HKST INDUCK mcnls. Cnll nr address No. .Ul.N. Y. Llfo bldg. 22-J .111- O AOKN'lfJWANTKnKVKHYWIiniir.jCIIANGK -I'Blmft for polo of biiKKy In uno Imlf mliiuloi Jiint out ; write quick ; tilic profits. 1'utcnt Specialty MfK. Co. . Kinpurin , Kim. 177 J U' B WAM'KD. HALlvSMKNON HAI.AHV Oil COM- inlHBliin to Imiiillo tlio nun pntont cliomlrnl Ink TB | HK in'iicH. llioKrcnlest tolling novelty ever uprouuccft ; . cranes Ink Ihorotiglily In two seconds ; cjiii.nlirnflon of paper ; IU ) to UU per cent prollt ; ono f BEenl's pnlrn onioimteil to ( CO In six days , another f IJ2 In two hours. Wo wnnt ono Rcnernl aitcnt m cnch itnto unil territory , ror tortnanml full pnr- llcnlnrs nddrcna Monroe Krancr MfK. Co , I.a CTO BO. Wl < XAl. 727 T > WANTIII ) . A YOUNG AND NKAT COLOIIKD J-boy lo toinl iloor. The lloston Store. 'O ' WANTED FEMALE HELP J TlATHS-no n line llrst tlmo aiul I0c' ' n Una thcra- ji after Kaiulvortlsomojit tnk.on for lo s than ii5o V22nd strtct. M8IO a * - ) . (500D I < AUNIH1M8 FOH MONDAV C-WANTJJI anil Tuosdjy of e.ich week , IU10 Capitol nvonno. MBOU J * rWANTKl ) , 1OUNU O1HL J'OU OIINKIIAL v/lioiinework ; must L he good plain cook ; no wash tint or Ironing. 001 S .tlth. HOO 3l /I WA.ST11I ) , (1OO1) GIHIi KOH ( il'.NKltAl , r L/uouscwofk , 2111 ! thlcngo nt. M ! 55 G /-V-WAM'KI ) A lOUICO AND NKAT UIUI , TO wttitul Bloro nml do seine hoiifoivurk , Call nt Cigar nloro , 718 H. U til. 721 HI' WANTKO , r.llll. KOI ! CUNKKAl , 1IOIJSK- work.'Hi KinniuLi'lruot. 741-J1 -WANTED , AT ONCi : , A OOOl ) ( Illll , , AT 2SU Knrniim st U > 4 JI 1-UIllI , WANTHI ) , 20TI1 8THKK.T. Mi 27 1 * -WAhTKU.UlNINOllOOM OIlll.S AT AHCAnK hole ) . 121S Uouglnsst. _ 701 .11 * - flHST-CLASS COOK AND CKNKIIAL housework girl wanted ; highest wages paid. 2u03 Douglnn itreel. -MU-3 FOB BENT HOUSES. -l'io a line llrst tltno nml lOc u line there No nclvorllvjnicnt tnxun fur lent tlma 2'iO -vouiiKN'iCAN ki.HOANTri.ATI , cnioijjis' mtli , iin * . water cloiict , 7 ntluir clotcta , well lo- < . , ilol , only f.M pir month. T. U. llrunnor , room I , ' : ock. A NKW 5 UOOM COl'TADK , CI'l V WATHIl ln kitchen , on street cnr Hue ; very low rent to smnll f.imllj , 27141 Ohio st. Dan \\hcolir.Jr. . , Iniuranco , UniiKlns and 15th sis , 71J 1 7-k-IOH ItKNT , 10 HOOM KHHNISIIKI ) Jnll liniirovc'il. > | j. jj | Fimminat. bUJ3 -TOll IIK.NT. I'AHTOF HOUHi : . rLIHNIHIIKl ) or unf nrnlelii'il , clionp , 270i Woolnurlh nvu. D-ll-llOOM HOU8K 27TII AND DA.VUNPOKT , nil romoiilonies , l.5 00 per month , F. K. Dnr- ling , Iliirkcr block. .M MS D $1500 IUNT : roit S'IOUK KOO.M AND ilwelllim roonm coiulilneil , 1U1S t.ttiuulur utrt'ot. Co OporatUo I.iiul und Lot Co , , i')5 ! ) N loth ntniel. 707 JI TV-NINK noon iiousn. MODKUN IMIMIOVK- IJmantt. ronkonnlilu , ! J N. JOtli nvo. Apply , It. Knlluli , lullor. all N. loth t. WW _ I till ItlINT Oil SALK. A IIKAUTIMJI. lliSI- : D ilcnoo , II ) rooms nllh all lotnciilencos. Iiut nlr , fiirinicp , lurtio Imrn unil lawn , In liunt of condition , tliimp. .No. ( ' . ' . ' 7 ( ii'iirflu inu. KelLunny Jt Co . room .So. I , Coiitlnonlnl hl'k. 67.IJJ T\-ONK IR'.NDHKI ) CO'ITACKS IN AM. I'AIITS J'ofthoclt ) , ono 40 room liotel liullillnir , 11) ron- trnlly locnli'il Btoro hullillnu" clicnp , Kolkunny A ( o , room I , Conllinmtal bl'k , & 74-JS TlIlUKK NKW 7 ItOOM , S bTO'lV . , wllli bnlh anil KUVMUHKO , at Mill nunr corner Wi-lmlor nml ' 1 lilrtlclli blrvols. UeOneoil tu i la ) OUeacli. Henry W. Valen \\fl \ ( A .1 , 4 A J-llOOM HOUSKS , IUtofl5i 1II1HT 11KH - . - . . - j xiaciito Mats In illy. Mead Inv't Co. 413 Hco bhli ; TKciiT ItKNT , UOUSK N. K. roll. 1STII ANI > JJ\Vebstoi,8 rooint , lull city lot , prleu KJoO. C , 1 ( InrrUun , lail 1-nriuiiii. 7u7 YV-LAIIOI ! LIhT Ot1 IIOUSKS. bTOHKS AND J-'llutn tor rout. ( luu J. I'uul , IWJ barnam street. .M'.MJIl ) - . 4 , 8 Oil 12 HOOM3 KN HU1TK , MOD 1 > cm , on KtU it. J , II. I' . ' .Mlouulat blk. -\-TlIK TWO NKW IlllICK IIUITbKS , NOS. 2708- JlJi'M I'arnmu 1 hut cln > In uvvry rc pvct. HU.IXi W. M. Itonern. l.iil-ii : i tuninin. MSU7 - llTiNT. iToUSK II ) lldoMS , AMi MofTjilN B-HHl \ tJUUU per inontli.J.'dnud rarnnni. Tiller JUJiomii Ul _ T rOU HKNT , NINK-llOOM 1IOUMK , W1TU U iiolh c ml rmik'n If ilualroil , nil Iu KOOI ! ton- dllliln , locnlotl nviir 'Altli anil til. M ry' nvuauo. lrliu roasoimbloi upvclal luriimKlvuii ti ) tlio rliilu iwrir Inqulro VU13 fnrnBui H. or U. 1) . Tocluiok , llu.0 olllc" . MS.M TrOll HKVT. * UOOM IIOI'HK. Illil DOUCAS TJ itrdet. Iniulru llobert Hunter , Ueo ulllcu. 1 \ - UOOM JIOIIMK. MODHUK JJlenc , cheap. J. K , Uarloti , 2I.IU Capllolnvu. TiTNKW 0 UOOM rOTTAQIW , MODKIIN hi ; J-Jprovi'iuenls , "Ulnnford Circles. " Apply t\ & . Klnutt r. room 4. N.V Llfo liulldlmt 73i flATKS lie a Una tint tlmo nml lOo n llnu thcra Mcr > ntl\orllbumcot taken tor le tlian Sic -NICK lOOjiSrHTKAM HBAT , Jtil llAVlJN 1 } A NICKhV FtJIINISHKI ) VUONT I'AIU.OH J fur rout nt 1711 Doiliiu iliv t Mill I * EKI.EOANT t UUNlSllKt ) UOUMtfl * rioirK' ) ( 701 JM Tn-Vt'lTsiSIIKI ) HOOM KUIITWU UkitTLKMKK" fill ! luonlb UHH Kurnmii. KH'i' , i'ullNISUUI ) H001I8. | TN , 18th \VlCv f . . UKNlSUrUUtOOMSClTKAr' . wTUjfrit" llMhlltMl HOOVS , 10 , mi KAI1NAM 1 t \ ron nEWT runNTsirED KOOMB. Continual. iJ-Tioimsi ritfvATfr KAsnAwiTiT'oil ? Il/wlthoiit board ) bout loentlon In city , 313 H , 2nih street. M917 3 UOOM WITH AI.COVK , 1WI HAH- ll/noy street. M81 ! a " _ _ T"/-NIOr2LYKtIUNimiKIUOOM8LIOirrilOUJK. ! , Wt B. I3tli strpct. M82U 1 ij TWO NICKLY KtlliNIHIIKI ) IIOOMH KOH llillKlitliouiukcoplnir , lUmonthlr. COI Soiitti 18th Mreot. M7JS ! _ f _ E-r.AIWlK HOOM1 SUITAHLH I OH llOAUDlTitS or liousckceplnuvrlll ; rent choApl314 ! Cnliltolnvo Mial 12' _ _ ] ? KH ) ItKNT , NKWI.Y rUIINISIIKI ) IIOOMtj ! J7IO South Kill st , lint . M 757 3' 1. ' ItOOM , KUltNISIIKD OH UNKUItNISIini ) , Jlihqnt , gnsnnd liatli,2UI7 llnrnuy nt. 743 81 * Y.I-'IIIK HT , CLAIlt KUUOI'KAN IIOTKti , COH Jjlltlinnit DodKO. will innko low rntes for roomi by tlio week or month , with or without bonrd. 715 FURNISHED nOOMS AND BOAKD. IIATI2S Ito n line tlmo nnd IDo a llni Ilmra- nften No ndvcrtlsoincnt tnkon for Ion than i'Mk * * * -rUKNISIIKD HUOM Ai lllOAir Z2I4 KAU J nnm street. M805J _ ' _ l > DKHIItAHLK HOOM AND IlOAItu'lN I'll- J. vnte fnmlly. TOT N. 19th 7413" ' 1.1-KUUNISIH2D UUOM4 , WITH IIOAKU ; 8TI2AM I'hent , lijl Davenport st , 7.125 * 1J1 TWO NICK.I.Y KUHNHIIKI ) HOOMS. WITH I lionrd : modern conveniences ! Kontlcmnn pra ferred.l5H S. 10th treu' Mill ! 6 _ F UOOM , WITH HOAIID I72J DODUK STIIKKT. 1-A DOUIILU I'llONrilOOM , 8tJITAHLI2tOH 3 -Lor t gentleman , nlso slnsle room , with good board , 40J N. lutlist 7IXJ JI' TJ-YlOOM.MATK FOU YOUNf ( LADY. ALSO TWO -L1 or three choice boarders 62) N , 231. MI07-J ? FOU nENT UNgyRNISHED ROOMS. UATKS I5o n line llrst tlinu nnd 10a n line there after. No advertisement tnkun forli'ss than25o G-fw6 Nf\VLY I'AI'KUIM ) ONFilUjTlSIIKI ) rooms , back ball and three closets 25JU Douglas. 74L-1' G--J UNhUHNlSIIKD HOOMS C1IHAI' , HAS , bnth , hot nnd told water and range , ( M N. ICth , 3d lloor. 747 ! -TWO UNKUUNIHlTnT ) FllONT UOOMSi stcnuii gas , bath , J2H N 15tht lint 1) , 3rd Hoor. M043 7 * G-2. 3 AND 4 HOOMS DOWN TOWN KOII housekeeping ; 15 to tl2 per month ; cheapest rent possible ) nlso tunny houses , ( i. 1' . Ilntts. .Ill I'nxton block. M53 > J2I BOARDING. n PULLMAN IIOUSK , HIO DODO12 , roll COOD board , nicer roonls , conveniences , rales and lo cation It cannot bo excelled .Mrs Horn , proprietor. b7tf J d * WANTED-TO RENT. UATis : I5ca line tlrsttlmo nnd lOo n line thorn after. No advertisement tu en for less than 2io -'UVO OH TIIUKK KUHMSIir.D IIOOM8 wnntPd by small family for housekeeping. He ply at once. "Cash,1' dru nd Con Ira I hotel , City M81H 1 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. HATKb lie a line llrnt tlmo nnd I Do a Una there after No advertisement liken for leas than Mo l i Olll IK N T , bT K A SI 11K ATK D m ; M C KTlOO M 8 * , J cor. llth nnd Jackson sll Inquire of Mrs. l.anto , C02SQ. 13th st Wl U T STOUK UOOM 14X30. STI3AM III2AT AND ( IAS. 1418 Ilnrncy. 510 I t Oil ItKNT. TIIK4STOHYH1UCK UUILDINO , with or wllhout power , formerly occupied by 'the Ueo I'ubllshlngCo ,1 > IU i'nrnam nlreet. Iho build Ing has n tire proof ccincnt bitemont , compluto steam licatlng llxtiiros , water on nil the floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the orllco at The Hoc. 018 r roil HUNT , STOH13 , 1113 JACKSON 8TUI2KT , 4M I-rOH HKNT , HHSF CLASS LOCATION I-Oll grocery nml meat market ; nonr building , stenm Iieut ; will take rent out In trndo If stock Is llrst- class ; can clvo possession Jan. 1 , IS'/ . ' . Kolkenny A Co. , room 1 , Contlnentnl block. 57. J5 RENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS ISonllnoflrst tlmo nnd lUo a line there after. No ndvcrtlseraent taken for loss than ija. " " " " -IlKVPAI AnCNo"BANK"u"EKUK ( NcK 8 , r. C. ( inrvln A Co , 20d bhoely block. M 751 L -1I. E. COLK. CONTINENTAL HLOCK. 717 STORAGE. _ UATKS 15on line nrst time und lOo n line there after. Noadvcrtlscmcnt taken for less than 2ic. "imv ; ci.KAN AND I'IIIYATKLY STOHVD : furniture , Onmlm btovo Hepalr Work. LW Douir- M OLDKST. CUBA I'HHT AND UKST I houao In tlio city. Williams .V Cross.UI4 llarnoy. 7M WANTEDTO BUY. UATKS I'Son ' line flrnt lima nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement takun for loss tlma 25 < j i.hnblta , with mono ) , wnuts to buy whole or 14 Interest In n Kood live lekltlmiito bunhieas Ad- ilro s IfII. . Hi'o otllcu. Vf > 2 TVT I'tlllNlTUHi : KOUOAT , bOLD , STOKKI ) l > WollB , 1111 Karniim nlreot. 740 FOB UATKS 15on line llrst tlmo and lOn u line thereafter - after No advertisement taken for Icis thnn 2 > c. Q Sonnenborg , l.WJ Douglas st 700 31 * -I-Oll SALK , 1'OOL AND UILLIAHD TAIILW nnd BO mil partitions , nil In good order , J. K. Strong , nianiiKer , Kxchnno hotel , bonth Oinahn MbUU .1 MISCELLANEOUS. KATIIS Ifo n line IIrut time nnd lOo a line there after. No ndvertlseuiont tnbcn for less than 35c , NKWS , HIKD IIOOH , IHB OUMINO slroet , sells from date oTorythlng In the meat line n trltto above the wholesale prlcu. 1'ork nhoulilern and rlliiGo a pound , fnll nnd look over the price list which hangs In tlio market. M76.J3' OLAIBVOYANT3. _ HATKS l o a line first tlnvj nnd 10o n line there after , No advertisement laken for less t him Me. Me.UL . ' UL rovolnlloni Cli.illenk'i'8 the orlil. ilr * Ir .M. Legrnve , dead trance clnlrvoynut , nstroloulst , palmist and llfo render ; tells your llfo from the tradlo to grave ; unltia the scpnrnted ; causes mar- rlngewllli the one you lore ; tolls where you will Miuecd nnd In what t > iialhc' s best adapted for ; has thu celolirnlid Kg > pllnn hrenslplnle for luck nnd tn destroy bad Inlluiinrus ; cures tits , Intemperance ami nil prlrnte complaints wltll massage , tmths niul al cohol treatment. Sc'DdJ. , iQck of hair , name and date of ( drill and recelvo ncmratu life chart ; 3 nits In stamps for circular ; give Initials of uno jou will marry ; nlro photos of name. Olllco 1007 Houln llth street , Hist Hoof ; hours , Un in. to 9 p. m , Come one , come all , and bo convinced of this noiulertul oraelo. MH1S JI' S Mfl ! * . ilAIlT K1UT242 LAKr. hTHKKT. rlnlrvoynnl nnd Irnncii medium ; Independent voices ; lells pnst nnd future. K'7-J2I ' * S - JlTTh. NASNTST WAIIIIHN , CLAIIIVOYANT reliable buslnesi mudlumtlftiryeurat HUN. lull. 74J MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. UA'I KS I'm n line first time nml lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 2Vi T MAIIAMHi HJiri'll. 1111 CAl'lTOL AVKNUbi , ; idlloor. Alcoholnulphurlokiid sea baths. T .MAS-SAUK. MAbSACi : ; MV 1'AIILOIIS AND operators , nru the tlncst ; over blU H. llth street. Mill Jj > - ril-JIA > iAK ( ! TIIHATHK.NT , KI.KOI'UO TIIKIl- J m.'l baths scnlp mid hair trealmcnt , umiilcurn andthlrupodist.Mrs I'utUlll S. I.Mh.WUIinell Idle 741 MUSIC , ART iT OIKrOHK IIUYINtlTv I'lANO KVA\UNK TIIK new < calo Kluiball plnno A. Uo > uel51J luuxtTJl 741 f _ ( ) . R aKLI.lINIlKCK , 1IANJO TKAUIlKlf > wit IloipoorlX ) ) N li.tli slrcoiil Hour. UU MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. HATKS15c lln lln > t llmu tint lOo n line thoro- ( ter. No ndverllsumfiit taken for loss thnn 210. \ \ TIlKAI. . KtjTATl ! LOANS li TO T J'KIt CK.STl li no additional tliarges fur commlstliiii ornttor- uiiy'i fees W. II. Mvlklii , blrst National bank bldg , 731 \ \ > -MOSIV ! TO ) " LpxtVoir siirmv time lusiirm of IJJUtO IIWWJ , Mutual Invest tuont C'ouipnnyi b'l \\r ANTUONV LOAN AND TIIUHT CO , 313 N. M V , Llfo , lend at low rates for chtilca security ou Nuliraikaor lown farms or Omaha clly properly. \V-IXAN8 O.V HKAIt KSTATK AM ) COLLAR ' < teral notes and luorUagaj bought. ItouJ \ bclby , Ull lionrd of Tradu. 7W \\r-8KCONH MOHTdAOKS. CAN MAKK A KK\V 11 KOOit loan * . Alex Mooru , < OI Ueo Illdtr. tuil \\r-0 rmt CKNT FIH8T MOHTUAUH IAIA.NH , > l IllchardC. 1'attor.on. 1311 fnrnani st. Jfa Tvr-t A no is i/uNe , ON liusrNKaa" T'liuPEuTT ; ' ( ! co. J. 1'nul , IrtWturnsiuBtroot. JIU-.a.lia \V-WANTKD. I.OAN8 III1 US ) TO II. < U ) ON UN 'i ImproviKj lot | IMJ tolI.OJO on Improvud prop. rty. at ouco. fidelity Trust Co , l < Ul farnam sir \\r LOASO , w iTIuiTitSJiw KUKNXHU in K" MONEY TO LOAN Continual. \\r-1JOANB ON IMPIlOVKtl AND ITNtMI'ItOVBO > city properly. HOW nnd upwnrd,0 108 percent. No delays. W rarnaui Hmllli A CO.ItU A "arnny 3o \\r-IXJWKST ItATKSOK INTKHK T ON KIIIST 'I class security , Ixjvett A Woodman , WJ 8. litti f > 03 \\r-IXAN IOWA CITV I'llOI'KltTV , KAST ' ' cm Neb nnd farms. K. K. lllnnor , I5IU I nrnnra , CVJ Jfl > * \\r-CKNTUALIXJANAND TIIUSTCO 1IKK 1ILIMJ > > _ 7H \\r-MONKVON HAND TO LOAN O.V ' mortgage on Omnhi city property , thai , W. Ilnlney. 815 Omaha Nnflhank bnlldlnf 717 ir O. W. I'.tOATKS , 7 , 1IOA1U ) TUADK , IXAN8. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. UATKS I5nn line llrst tlmo nnd lee n line tlinro- nfler. No advertisement tnken for less than 2'xj. Y vhouschold Koods , plnnoi , orunns , horses , mules , WHKOIIS , etc. , nt the lowest posilblu rntes ivlthout DUbllclty , removal of property or chnnitn of pot eesfllon. 'I Imn nrrnnited to unit the borrower. Payments of nny nniount can bn mndontnny tlmo , reducing both principal nnd Interest , linn living pntrons nil the bandits of the pnrtlnl pny- inont plnn. Call nnd SPO me wlion von vrnnt n loan , or If inoro convenient cnll telephone ItUl nnd your buslnoM cun bo nrrnnsed nt homo. Money nlwnya on hand : no delay ! no publicity ; lowest rntcs ; buslncst conlldontlnl II K. Mnstcra , room < Wlthnoll blk. , 15tli nnd Hnrney sts 75J y-MONKV LOANED ON KUIINIYIMIC. IIOltSHS , VivnKOns , pianos , without removal or chniuo of possession Conlldcntlat , Kred Terry , r. 411 UnniKO 821 V MONKVTOLOAN , 30 , CO ASI > VI DAYS ON fVfurnlturo , etc. Dull ( irucn , KJi ) , Contluontnl blk. 7.M V-CHATTELLOANS- . V Lll'lt. MOHIlId. X CIIATTKI. LOANS , HKNKDICI' & , W AY. C14 I'nxton block. Wo loan our own money , clmr o no commission It wilt pay you to consult us. . SI6WJ31" V-ItOIITI'IincnAHD , U 3 , W1TI1NKLL HLIC A. JtJM BUSINESS CHANCES. HATi:3-ir : > c n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line thoro- utter. No ndvcrtlsamcnt tnkon for lositlmnMo "VW A IS i' Fi 2 "i 1 ) , AT " f m i HLK I Y C KM T K It , NE H . A J limn or men to buy itrnln nml stock , ( irculey Center Is a county scat of about 1,000 Inhabllnnts , a rnllrond Junction , contrnlly located tn n bnnncr county for stock nnd urnln A pnrty that under- stnnds the builness cun hnvo plenty to do and inako blK money. Addrons Hoard of 'Irnrte.MMI MMI ! \r-I01t SALIC , A 50 IIAllHKL HOLLIIH KLOUIl -L mill , stonm power , nicely located. Iu Nobrnskn ; n decided baritaln 1-or pnrtlcular nddrdss Kerfoot Hros , mill furnlsliori , Den Molnes. In MSOb 7 iiusiNKSS nousii KOH SALE on I rent , poitohlco In building , In a llvo Wyoming town lit 600 Inhabitants , terminus of the K K , V M. Y. U 11. Address O K. Carve ) , Casper , Wio. 71731' Y-rOH SALK. JIIWIILHY 8TOIIK AND FIX- lures , or fixtures nnd lease nlono xood location , town of I.MX ) . Address , V. L , S , 'Mi ti. llth st , Lin coin , Seb. 7 0 3' V-K > U 8ALI2 imvtt STOItl2 , b'lOCK AND HX- Ltured , .101 North lijth street ; If not sold on or before January 7 , 1SUJ , at IU o'clock a , m , It will bo offered at public ยง ale to the lilshont bidder for cnnli. Mnrla 12 , Hnndatedt administratrix of the estate of C , A. II Sandatedt , deceased. M713 5 Y WILL SKI.Ij ONIJ.HAf.K OU TWO THIHD Interest In llrst class paylnx bimlnuat In Omaha , S..W to $ > 000 In cash or uood security required. Address K82 , Dec. M715 1 M12AT MAUKirr IN OMAIIA:1 : COOD LOCAL - L tlon and cash business. Address K 27 , UPCTOI TOI 8 Y DHU ( ! STOI112 roil SALK : CKNTHALLY LO cntcd ; ( AUOcash ; bnl to suit. Address II IW , Ueo V IKYOUWANT TO INVEST $5 ( XX ) 00 IN AN J-established manufactiirlni ; business In Omaha It will pay you to Investigate this at ouco. Address K 25 , Hco otllcc , Omaha , > > eb MbSa I * Y Kill HALK , A (1HAIN HUSINKSS , KSTAU-- llshed for llvo years , on account of old OKO of one partner nnd non residence of the other. Klo- valors In the belt of shnpo nm { business booming. Capital required. ? . ! MX ) . Hank reference given. An uniisunl chnnco for a party desiring to outer a safe , egltlmnto business. Address No , K II. Dee olllcc. ObSJl * FOB EXCHANGE. HATK8 15c a line first tlmo and. 10o n line there after. Nc ndvcrtlsomcnt taken for less than 25c. y 4 10 HOOM HHICIC 11OUSKS. WANT LANDS. Address K.I9 , lloo. - . M8I4 2 * , Z TO THADE , SAKKTY W1IKKL , ALMOSTNK.W , for good gentle horse. Call on or rddrcssl * . O.Connell , lliNltth sL U02 V y-500 1'AHMS IN VAIUOUS STATUS FOR /Jjnlo and trade Send stnmp for lists and terms to Joseph I'ollard , jr. , Washington , la. , 710 b * tOIl KXC1IANOK-S20 ACItliS 1'INK LA N I ) . Improved , three miles from station. Me rrlck county , Nebraska , for good house and lot In central part of city , not over $7OJO or & ) ,000 K. r Illnger , 151 Karnnni. M72a 5 y roil KXCHANG12-OOOD 11U8INKA3 BLOCK , 'Jgood rents , for general merchandise , stock from S.'O 000 to f IU.OOO ; must bo llrst class. & . K. lllnger , 1511) Fiirnnm. M7 < ! 0 5 y-rou ISXCIIANOL , A OOOD no ACHIJ KAHM f-i\n \ Mllmoro county ; also city proport ) , for a stock of furniture. lloxW ! ) , Uenevn , Neb : 078 4 y OLD COLD AND 8ILVEH , JKWKLHY. A11T1- AJllclul teeth , medals , etc , bring all jou liavoln large or small lots and recelvo cash or high class denllHtry In exchange Ir lohn Mntthows , in.inu- fncturlnu dentist , 2li llrowii blk , Omaha. Ml 14 y TO TUADK NKIlHAhKA LANDS AND LOTS AJfor stock of merchandise ; will pay some cash. Address K 20 Ueo. Mull ) . ! K.XOHANOK LANDS , IIOUSK8 , 8100KS , KTC. /-liiea. J , 1'aul. lUfJ 1'iuimm. MIUJ a Z-IIirill HltKD STALLIONS.MAItKS AND cells for real estate , llooin 4UI Drown bide. M 482.12 y CLIJAN STOCK OK OKNIIIIAL MDSK , WILL /-'take real cstato nnd mouoy. llot JJ , Frankfort , Ind. 28J LOST. IIATF.3 l oa line tlrst ttma nnd I0a n line thera after. No ndvortlsument tnken for loss thau 2So T OST-DAHK HAY MULK , 1,000 I'OUNDS UK J-iward for return to 14th nnd Davenport Cnlla linn Urns. M85 | I * ObT , 8ACIC OF DOUIIIJi ; SKT I'LASTLMIING Jtools between Jlst and Cumlng nnd 21th nnd l iko Hndcrwlll receive rownrd by returning to I'ctcr Smith , 21st nnd Ciuulng I'.i'i.ll * LOST-LADY'S HOLD WATCH AND CHAIN corner llth und Dodge ; suitable rounrd forro- turn o f same to Hco ollli e. liM ) 31 * ' ' DRESSMAKING , UATKS I5o n line first tlmo nml I3j n Una there nftor. No ndvertlsumenttnkel for Itiss thin > 3 M US. W J 8COLKS HAS OI'UNIJD DKKSS making parlors at the N , U cor. 14th , V Douglas 54VJ.M * T MiAORMKNlSTODO DHEhSMAKINO IN KAM- Ijlllcs solicited. Jllss Sturdy , t.U 8 'tilh nt .140 J 14 * HAIR QOODS. HATI'.3-lf > oa Hue llrst time and ICe a line there after No advertisement taken for lesi than 2.V ) IAIUiKST 8TOUKIN KNI'lltK WKSl'i TIIKAT- Jrlcnl wigs nnd boards n speelally. Wigs , bangs , switches , hair chains , vie , In slock nnd to onlur Slnll orders BOllcllod. Unvlos , 111 S 15th st , Omaha 75J STOCK WINTERED. HATKS l' > oo line llrst tlmo niid lUa n line thora- atlyr. No nilyyrll Bnient tnkon for loss thnn 23o. ' K LOWKST UATKS AT llollevuii stock farm ; box stalls If dualrej Clarke , U Hoard of T.-.ido biitldlui ; or llullovno. 7M PATENT SOLICITORS. IIATIIS 15o a line tlr t tluio nnd IQc n line there- nfler. No advertisement taken for loss thnn ' > a 1 > ATINTTiAWYKUS AND SOLlPlTOllS. b'W J Sues A Co. . Ueo building , Omalm. Nob. Ilrnnch Olllco nt Washington , I ) . C. Consultation froo. 701 CUTLERY UATKS IrK ) a line llrtt llmu nnd lOa a line thero- after. No ndverlUBninnt lakim fur less thaiilJo. 6KNi ou bcssois. UA/OHS. m a , TO UK Oground lo Underlnnd \ Co. , 101 H I4lh st. Tii.1 MANUFACTURING JEWELERsT " UATKS- n linn llrst Iliuo nml lOon Una tliuro afler. No ndverll omciit liikim for Iqsi Hum 2V : . 0 IASI1 I'AID IOII OLD COLD. CAIISON Hanks , room SO. Ilarkur block Omaha 7ta TAKEN Uf. UATKS-lSaa line first tlmo and lOo a line Ihero- after. No adyertlseiuoiit lakei for loss than Me. M'AKKN ' Ul'-A YKAULINtl liirCKSKN I'ONv 1JIO N , 41st utrccl. M311 ! StooUlioltlerH1 Mcntili Union Iand Company. Notloo Is horobv Riven thnt the nnnunl muotlni ; of thu stookhoidora ot the Union Lund company for the elect on of tlvo < llruo- lura and auoh othur bnslnufM na muy lawfully coinu bo fore the mooting will bo hefil at room I. third Moor. Union 1'nolllo Inilldluir , In tlio city of Onmlm , Neb. upon Moiulny , the llth day of January , I/- , ut 10 o'clock u. in. W J. CAIIIIOLU , . . . . . . AaHlitant fuc'rctury. Omaha , Nek , December aj , lt > il , Itt&KOtM ron sALr-nuiAL ESTATE _ HATKS lion Ilu9lr ! t tluin anl I0j a linn there _ otter. No idve rllsouifint taken for lo than ' " " " L call attonllon tivlho flowing Ihtof property , located Indlflerunt parUtof Omaha , which they oiler for snle. I. OMAHA IIUDINK tilpROPKIITV KOII HAI.K iflfl frontauooii tnth.sliii hot teen tnis nnd I nil- forntn , hyi l feet rt-ep ) null. Improved nnd rented for about l.SW per yoary , ! I'rico fS uuu l Mt frontngiton li.tli near Webster si. , hy M fret deep ; well ImpmrcMflnnd will rent for about fi M ) per year. 1'rljoflOO.M 41 f l on rnrnnm Ur IUCI on IDtli st , with build Ings renting about f Uo I'er.nionlli ' prCn | tliJM Mil mi l-nrnntu st. , hotwovn 18th nnd U > lh sts , I'rltalMUUU. > i fl. on l-'nrnum st. liijum ft on 13th it. 1'rlco M ) ft ( in Knrnnm between 10th nnd 21th H , well Improved , rcnlnl l.n btion about H.OJU per ycnr. I'rltoWiOO'J l lft on riimlni ! ft bylWft on 50th st. with Im- lirovrmcnls ranting nbout f I2i pur month 1'rlco H,1 , fl. on Itnrnoy t. l > y 81 ft. on liltlul. I'rlco 111 ft. onlOlh at. brfVJ ft. on Iinrntr t. with 2- nlory brick block cuverlni ? itround nnd rented nbout fl'A l per year I'rlco fD.OUJ . IU ft. on llonnrd ft. byM ) ft. on Dili st. 1'rlce , WOOO ru ft. on 16th st , by 1B ! ft , on Ilnrncy Bt. price , UlO.OOO OMAHA ItKdimiNTi : I'llOI'KHTV 1011 8AL1 ! Anibtor 1'lncu. Lot. lllock Price. 8 Imlf 17 JU50U lUnJMnc M 750 Bum ! l , ' > it ) . , 740 Ui'dfonl 1'lnre. Twotily tlvo lols In lledfonl I'lnco nt from f700 In JI 000 per lot. Lot. Uloik. I'rlco R H lleilford t Wl SOnmm llollulrmldlllon (5 ( ncroi ) . . . . 30UO HI IliirrOnk uildlllon I,7U < ) 47 Hiirronk mlillllon 1,600 Idnnill ! ) Clnrk'a nddllltw , each f > , . ' 00 iiinii"tl 10 Cloverdnlo nddlllon 2,000 Suli lot * 4 nnd ft of lot 8 C'npitcil rulilltlon g.'M I nnd 1 21 LnrlliaKU nildlllon * 1,771 ! l 1' ) LVrlhnKe nddltlon .r , U 2 Hmor H nddllhm 4,800 14 runrun I'liuonddlllon UIMIO I 4J3 tirand view mid n dmiiro\ed ) 4 UUO N. M 14 U HniHCOtu 1'lac.o 1,050 N. 50 ft. 24 1 Itniocnm I'lncu ( Improved ) . , . 4000 I. 7 Hillside Jfuvl . . . . J.IOO 6 2 lllllsldo Nil. 1 ( Improveil ) . . . . 4.1,60 11 I Hillside Iio. 2 , . . . J.500 * of K. 100 ft , A7 Hnrtmnn'snildltlon 6,000 11 lllllsldo lle ervo 2.KOO I A. 12 4 Klrkwoud nildlllon .1,500 N. 80 ft. 4 1 Klrkwood nddltlon 2,750 11 13 Kniilzb.Srd mldlllon fi.OUO 5 2 Kllby I'lucondillllon 2.VX ) 10 (1 Lowe's nddlllon I.OuO 1 6 .Vnyiiusuddllloii 5UO II i. 13 U OrUmrd Hill 1,775 21 1 urclinrit Illll ' 22 1 Orclinid Illll 850 5 1 Orchard Hill 1.750 22 1 I'otler'H udillllon l.UV ) 21 1 1'olter's addition 1IM 4 I roller s nddltlon I .SKI 5 2 1'ollcr's addition 1,1-M ) I'l 2 roller's uddlllon 1 MK ) II 2 I'otlor.i nddlllon 20JO 5 1 1'otlor's addition 1,1,7- ) 5.1 I roller'nddlllon 1,500 12 2 riulnvloiv nddltlon 1,150 4 2 I'hllmlcir nnOltlon l..Ml 11 U 1'lulnvlon H'ldlllon 1,175 U 7 I'll int law uddltliin l't.O : ' 'I 12 I'.itrlck 2d nddlllon 4500 II A llosonolrndilllliiii 2,01)0 ) 25 hiinnyaldtMiddlllon 2,7oO ' "I Siinnyaliluuddltlon 2500 17 8iitm > sl < li ! nddlllon 2 MJ W. Ji 5 2 hlilnnsuddlllon 11'JOO 8,1) ) A. 10 ft i ; \ * Multh's adillllon .lu J 0 t ) fcchull s2d inlillllon ' 'mo \i \ Hi btliull 2d iidilllhin -.Ml ) 25 2 Bleven's plnco 1000 4 1 \ undertook Tcrrnce 1,110 1\IS Mnton pliuo , ciiLli MX ) 21 U West hint nddlllon 3,100 SOUTH OMAHA rjUOl'KHTV toll SALK Lot lllock. | * ' 1'rlce. 17 I ) AlbrlBht'sonnuv. $ 600 Id U AlbrlKhftnmiox 5V ) 8 ( iDurito iiaiilr. of 1 * A. 's ndd. 8V ) 11 1 Jeller s.U'lilhlon 1,200 4 4 .letter sedition . . 1,350 1'oltur X tit > b's Addition. t Iflcen lols In I'ottor A'Cobb's uddltlon at from Hl' > to ftiOO per lot. &y t'otler A. Colili'ilHccond Addlllon Twenty llvo of tlio best lots In 1'otter A Cobb's 2d uddltlon ut from fUiO to S1WW per loti South oWnhn City. Lot. lllock. [ .ill I'rlco H 14 iy..t $1,000 1. 14 , . , . IMX ) u in A.s 1.000 2 77 U , OUO i ) : a 11000 It 8 1st addition lo South Onmlm. . 2.2UO 7 J 1st addlUpn lo f-oulli Oinaliii. 2,000 21 I f-ontll Oiffiiliii View 450 HAST OMAHA 1'JlWMUTY tOlt SALK. Lots In bteelo , V Wyo.V/i . nildlllun | n Knst Omnhn , only 2 InlloAfrom iiOBlcilnlu anil electric motor llnu ruunlni ; tkrouuli tbu udiUtlon , irom $700 to Jl.-IK ) pel lot flT I I ' Lols In roller i G P'KO Company's nddltlon to Knst Oninlin , J miles from poilolllci ) nnd 1 mlle from mnnufuclurlnK conlcr of Dust Omalm , from f 100 to ftCOperlot. 'i. fiNe No property nronnd Omnhn olfors better oppor tunities for Inveslment thnn property In or around l-'ust Omaha ut present prices AClll. rilorEHTY 1 OH SALE 20 ncrcs In bthiesliiKer'M nddlllon , JM miles west of postollli o. 1'rlce f W.OOO 40 nires , V4 miles west of ponlolllco. I'rlco I1J5- 40 acres , IK miles from poslolllco , Joining Knst Omaha. I'rlco IIW.OOO. 5 , 10 , ' . ' 0 or 40 ncro trnctH , (1 ( miles from Omnhn post otncu nnilJmllei from business center of South Omnlm I'rlci'JJ75 to < 00 pel ucro 10 acres , 4 mllei aonthwtist of pustonice , known ns "Keiinot'i riaco. " I'rlco * , i5 per ntro. 'iO acres. I miles , northwest of iiostnlllco on cloc trio motor line 1'rlcU tl.KXI per acre. tor further Information LOiitornlntf nny of tbo nbovo proportr Lull on or nddresa rOlTKH & . ( JKOlUJi : COMI'ANY , 8 , w corner 10th und harnuin ts , Omnhn , Neb , 80 ACltK I'AIIM 12 MILKS' 1'ItOM LINCOLN , fiO perncre. Co-Operative Land mid LotCo.20' N. Iblh street 703 H "HAltM roil 8AliU A KAHM OK ISO ACHHS , 9 L miles below Richmond , Vn , near Jnmes rlvj- J. T. I.ebelt , Vnrlnu Orove , Vn < > 7ii .1 OTSON MONTHLY PAY.MKNrS IN HIINHON. Lake View , Clifton Plnro , Dundee , Armour 1'laco , W L. Holby'sadd lloom 40J Ilronn bldg. AH3I.U Foil SALK. AT A IIAHOAIN I.O1' 15 HLOCK 4 , - W.I * Shelby's llrst nddltlon to.ojtli Onmlm feinul I payment down , bulnnca monthly If desired Inqulro 0 U. Tosclinck , Omalm lloj .IS I FOH SALE IIOMKS , ANY I'HICE , rV ) , fl,2M UP ; easy lurms ; laiucloir properly ni tlrst piymonl U. O. Wallace , Drown block , lull und DnuKlus 753 I7011 SALII NKIIHAIK'A KAHM LANDS. ( ! O Wnlluco I. J Drown block , Iblhnnd DouKlns 755 AUK ) ILUIGAIN , 45X111. liArff KHONT , hOUI'll 2Uthst , worth $4.00 Prlcu only R.'jJ Hdellty Trmt company. 11,11 1 aniaru 87J TV" . K. COHNHIl 20TH AND IHCKOUY. 60X1V ) J. > feel ; a bargain for 11 few days only , r 1C Dar ling , Darker block , 6M 'IMPROVEMENT ' illG ORDER Of tlie HGE" THE BES. WHY ? llociiuso wo luivo prontivi liy tlio shortcomings of the old tyiuwntoi4. und hu\o uvoicoiuu iiiiiny ilufoc'tf * . iiiiiKbetwuCu onrsolvoi. wti lutvo ui'dsil ' of Imiiroxotnoiitv of whleli tliuir litvontnra never ilioninud. All typo clu.itiotl In toiAceonds without null- liu thu hniiiK 'oft Moroiiiunlfolil coplotimir 1)0 ) iniulo ittono Im- tiru'.sloii on tlio .Smith I'ronilor thnn tinoii uny ether tyuwrlU | ) iiuniif.ictiirotl , fcoiui forUittnloguo.Ji il TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith PromlanrTypewriter Co , , ! ( > } Fnrnain S bt , Oiiiiilm , Sol > . Stockholders Moatin'rOmaha an I Eopubl - can Valley Eai way Oompauy. Xotlcu Is ho ruby then that the annual meotlnK of the HlouldioldurH of thu Onmlm A. Kepuullenn Valley Kallwiiy Coriiiuiy | : for the oluetlonof neven dlroeunaand thetram.totloii or miuh other Imslnuss as may loyally cuino before - fore the nieotlii . will he holil nt Itooin I , third Moor. Union 1'nclHo Uiilldlnii. In thu city of Uinnhu.Nehtaska. . upon Wudnvsdny , tlio lith duy-of January. IbJ-i nt > 10 o'clock 11. m. Thu stook books wll | oloso. for that purpose tun duys luifdiii the mooting. W.J. UAUKOhL , AiuUt Socrutury. Omalm , Noli , Doc. V.'ntl , ittUI.tnht dJTdfltM Arthur's Plllfl no. B , Bnfo and certain tn tlio day nnd warranted to rc'llevo scan ty , palo , imlufnli IrreKtilar nnd Bapprenstxl incus , tniullon , ( from whatever cauBo ) Tlieito pills nro put ni > tn nnoat blixck und ( jilt motnlllccaiotnko ; no ether tjocurcly oaloU and mailed tn any iid- drcuij. All corrrajiondcnro ktrlctly confidential 1'rlco per box J'J or ! ) boiua for S5. Addren AR. THUR MEDICINE CO , Omiha , N > < l > . O , ) ) ox U1H I'Uiiia Mention thli vaptr. RRILWRYTIME OBRD MiTn iCIIU'Aiil ) lirill.i.MiIO.N X y. Arrives Omnhil i Depot 10th nnd Mftinn "t I 4.10 ji m ihlrniro Ve llliiilo . "suuniii I'M ' n m . t hlcntio Kxprona . . ' " . ' 41 n in H ? ) p in . , . ( lilrniio K.Titp | i .1. ; ( KM p m II H ) ji m _ Clilcni. ! ) jt lown l.oci l . M.S n in A MO iTiVKU Arrlvr Oninlin I llepiil lOlli nnd Minion Mi Onmlm IU.IA n m Denver \eMltmIo Limited , . . I III p in ID.I'i n m . llendnooil i.xpri''i : , . . . . . < W p in 7 ID p ml . . .Denver K.tpri" * . HIS n m .10 ji ml Denver KXI > O M . li ai p m n.U ) p ni { Uncoln I Imlteil ( LxroptSun ) n m Vli'inm' ' . , Lincoln I oral . .2U m K c. s r j * c it Onmlm Depot lUtli nnd Mnnnil S W n m . hn IMtjr Dixy . . i- . I ft M | i III UU p m K f Nliihl hxp vln U irmn i4J ! a in Lenvei | t'.XION I'Al'IHC , I Arrives Oninlin | Union Depot loth niulMnrcy SUV Omnhn. 8 ttfn m .7. llonlrlru IJxprvu I 7CO p m 100) ) n in . . . . Denver Kxpress . I ftW ) p m 2.15pm Ovorlnndl'lyor . . . . V U p in 4V ) p nillllticSp'KsA rnlrtloldK.xoxSnn ( ) 12 SS p in 0 10 p ml I'arlllf lixprt'o ILi'i n in "i t o i mT iTn riTA ( ionirrro AcTTu' j irom"1 Unit , [ t'nlon Depot lull .V Mnroy 8t . | ln ! t. _ 1000T > tn , . . . .Atlnnllo hxpresi . . . . . . OVO p in 4 ( n pm Ve tlbnloixpren : 1.10pm (1.10 ( p in ! . . . Mulit hxpron U 40 a in. I CIIILUIO , II. I. A I'ACIUC. I I rum Went I Union Dor-it 10th nnd Mnrey Ms. I Went 1 .II p ml Deim.r Limited. . . . 1140 p m 705 p tn | Demur Kxprcs.i , .uO n m " | l'llltAlo ! , MIL. ft AT. I'AUL Arrive Omnlml U 1 * . depot uiul Mnrey Sis. ( linnlm OVO p m ( lisft n m I 00 p tn ' .4 p m 7-1OUX Cl fY ft 1'AClf li' j Arrives llepol. 10th nnd Mnrcy Sis I ( Imnlm bloux Mty 1'nisenuor , , . IIU . ' > ! p 111 . . . , SU 1'nul 111 press . . , in sior.v riTV .v I lArrlvi'K Depot , lilli nnd Wehnter l > I Onmlm a r > I'nnl Limited . U-ii\es .NOItlllWiSTiilN : : OinnlmlU. 1' depnt , IQtli nndMnrcyJM Oinn 1m ( | .T. sun y ) Cnrroll IMBieiiuer 10 JU p in 12'i n in . . Cldoxo i'xpri'M 8 tin III uOO p m Vrnllljillo Limited OMn m l > 15 p m . . . .llnilern I-her I Wp ) in 700 p m . ( Kit Snl ) Kji Mnll ( I'.x MonJ I 2 15 p m Lenve" ) "OMAHA A. ST."l.OUfs "lArrives" OmaliiiiU. L'.doppl. 10th und Mnrcy his Omalm 4 10 p nil . . . . ht l.ouls Cnnnon llnli . . | l-'Tp m i.eiiven I P. , K. ft MO. VALLUM T A jFrTvcT Unmlinl Depot. IStli nml Wolntgr Sts lOinalm ! i ml n m in HUD n m ( LI.t Snt. ) Wro llxp ( Lx Mon ) ft'JUp m 5 10 p m . Norfolk ( P.Y biindny ) IllOu m 515 p in . . . . .8t , 1'aill lixprcm . . . ' . * 2"i 11 in Loincs I U. , hT. I' , M .V O jArrlu'n Depot. ISth nndVobBler3ti I Oninlin 8 ID n m ! tMcnx ( lly Atiumuiodntlun ! 'J0.ip in I UU p in Sioux ( 'lty KjcprcasKx ( Suiid'yI2 ) | 40 p m . ' , r > p m . . . . . .St. 1'iinl Limited ! l25n in 6 1" ) p ni'llniiLroft ' l'mseniioric. ( : blind ) > 8 45 n m Iji\e JII SOL'UI 1'ACII'IC. lAirh'cT Oninlml Depot 15th nnd Webster SH Oninliu Louis Kvprois . St. Loulu Kxpreim Iett % 01 f K."C. , ST. JO 12 A. C 11. Trmisfer Union Depot , Council HlulTt 1000 n ml..KIIIIMH City Dny Kxpresi , 5 2ri p m 10 T p mr .Knusns I jty is'lght 1'xpresn ' (120 ( n In I-cine-r'TuilCAC.O , Illtltl/M A , 'Iramferl Union Depnt , Council 'transfer u ! a n iu 6 40 p m 10OU pm .vh * . CliIt'itKO KxpreHd 25 a m 1 Of p 111 . . . . . . cieston Local 7 15 n m o , it i. A TACii 10. Arrives 'Irnnnfor Union Depot.Council llluir Tninnrnr I..U | > m . . . .NlKlit KxprcsH ' . ) 20 a m 10 V ) n m . . .i..Atlantic ixpn'Bi : fifiS p m 4.10 p in Voatlbulu I Imlted 12 M p m Letues L , OMAHA iSP LOUIS. ( Arrives Trnntfui | Union Depot. Council IlluIfa ITrnnsfer 4.4U | i | . . . . . , , Loiila Canon Hall Ifj 13 p m Lentei SIOUX CITY A. 1'ACIHC. lArrlvos Traiufcrl Union Depot , Council HliilTa _ ( Transfer 745 u iiil t-blouxTcity Accommodation . { 1C 10 p m 6 W p m | . St. I'aul llxpriaa . | 140 * u m Leaver ICIilCAOOA , .NOKIUWLSI'BUN Arrives Iransferl Union Depot , Council HlulTs Transfer 12 01 p m Chicago Lxprcsi . , . . . .1 < 0 p m 5 15 p in Ycsllbnlo Limited ' .i IU n m 10 00 p in . . . , . -.I unti'rn Hycr 1.10 p m 800 p in but ) Atlantic Mnll ( I'.x Mon ) 7.15 n m 7.40 a m Cnrroll Passenger 10 00 p m 1 Drs. Betts & Belts KINGS OF SPECIALISTS U'nrivaled For iholr success In the treatment and euro of Syphilis , I Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , Hydrocole , Vnrlcocole , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Seminal "Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost MantiooJ , Errors of Youth , Excessive Sexual Indulgences , Kidney , Urinary and Bladder Trouble ) , Blood and Skin Diseases , Nervous Diseases , Chronic . Diseases , Private Diseases , Female Weakness and Diseases , Sexual Diseases of every nature. Book Of 120 ntigcs and handsomely Illustrat ed , seut for 4 cts In stamps. Consultation Free. . Call Upon or address with stamp for reply , 14O9 DouglasStre et , Omaha , Neb. For Nervous I'rottratlon. Ncrv. mi nnd riirslcnl Uobllity. vital j Lxhiustlon , Insomnia 1'ainln S Ilio Hack , Oold llanin or fuel f Had Circulation , Illua Lines j umlcr tlio Lyes , I'lrnpJcj * nmt nil other riorvoutor .4 lilood DUvnsos In ollli cluek. . . but. cr er. Tbcy make now bpaltlty bk forcrs fiom Doranperm nt roitorvtlionci nt tlio Itirvci , oui U/itiin , r Inipuro IlloDil or and , therosuo- brlni ; - * , 1'not Lrrom. noiilil lluih of at c me laLu DII. liuiili'H iietlth r Nine Ionia I'llli , Ibo CrolUfollenrncr. COconts i n vial. F fr ulo ly Druu- / ultls , orvviit by uialf. SAFE , CERTAIH , SPEEDY. noiinns .nuDiciNi ; cu. , f OK bAJ.i : IN OMAHA. NK ! ) . , 1)V Kulm A Co , Cn r Uth A Douglas St * . J A I ull r < fc Co , Cor. 14th fcDotiKUa fit * . A.D roster A Co. . Council Illufl ) . la. It U inutiiitlly uirucd tlilj day by und between - tweon thu undorslKnod thut the flrni of Droxul A. Foil bo , and thu sumo U , this duv dlKiohod I'rodorloU Uroxot mid llonry I' . Uruxol horohy ubsiimc ulloiitstnndlnu Iliihllltles nnd tire to collect all iiionuyn or other prtincrty duo or to bocomu duo't ' Drexcl A. 1 oil I 1'llKllKlllCK DllKXKU j AI.IIEUT ! < ) [ , i. ( llKNIlY 1 * DlfXKL. Uocoiiibcrl. % 1WL L-'Jdlfmio ) A Wflllafi Guarantor ) to CURE Ev-EllY CASE , , t ( JO MONEY HEFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent and not ft | > alchliir ; up. CUM treated flvo year * < \ < r > > h > never e ii asymplon Ince. Ilydescrlblnireftso. fully wo ran treat You ky mill , an I wo Rlro the tame strong punranteo U cure or refund all money , Thoifl who prefer to come hero for treatment ? ndo r > and wovrlll piy rillroad fM-o both wsysand hotel Will while lure If we fall tocur * . We chsJIeniro tlio world for ft cato Hint our MAGIC RKMI DY will not euro , W rite for fu.l . particular * unit Rotlho evidence. Wo know thnt you nro skeptical , Juitly no , toj. ai the mo t eminent phyilclani hate nrrurbccnauo to Rlvo moro than temporary relief. lias bcon nio t dincult to overcome the prejudices against alt ( > callwl ipeclOct. Hut liuJor our ( Ironf BUM-anleo you thouM tut htiltato to try thli remedy. You lake no chinoo of loilnff your money. Wo ( ril&r. ejitvo to cure or refund every dolUr , nnd as wo have l repuUllon to protect , nliollnanclal backing of ISCO , . 000ltliM > rfoclljr afolo nil who will try the trtut meat. ! l retofor youhvrn bun puttlnirup and paying out jo Jr money for different treatment * nud althouffli you am not yet cured noono lias prihl back your n.on * ey. t'o not waste any moro money until you try us. OU chronic , U ep ' toJe ucurid In S9 to vD days. In- vettlitato our Ilnanclal standing , nur repnfulon A < builnoit men , Wrllo us for mints nnd sJJrtM.a of these we Imto curtd who liavo Riven pemilnlon lo ro tor to lh < m. It cost * jou only ims'ago to do thli ( It will stve you ft woiM of furrurlng from monlil strain , nnd It you nro nmrrlivl what may your oir | irtauallor IhrouRh your own negllRcnco. lfyour > yinpt in < ara ore throat , mucous p\cic ! In mouth , rhiumutlsm In bonce anil jclnli , hair falllnit out , eruptions on nny part of the body , feeling of d pre slon , pnlnj In head or tonis , you liavono tlmo to wailo , 7hoso who nro conslanlly taking m rciiry an t potAsli nhouhl discontinue It. Constnntucopf thtia dru s will surely tirlnrtftoresnndbitliiM ; uleeraln thoonit. Don't fall to /llcorrespondence eenlsoalnlln plilncnvil. opei. Wolnvlto the mott rigid InvottlpiUwi nnd will do all In our power to oltl you In It. AcldrrM. CHVlt UKMKur CO , , Vmalta , JW6rn fcn. OfQco 13lh and Farnam. soeonU floor , entmnco llnblt positively curoit by thn USD of the RCIItllllO "MAGIC CHLORIDE OF GOLD , " It Is mnnufnclitrod In ttumfl lotublu l.tbtuK \/lilcli ciii : bo 1'lvcii In uw \ nt boor , n cup uf colTeo or tun , or In food , without , thu l > no\\l- cilRo of the | iU : It'll t. It Is ubsolutuly hiinn- loss , mid \\\\l \ \ olToot u pot minion ! und speedy onru , whnthor thu p.itlunt ii os l.hiior | nr To- bitcco inodnr itoly or la u slttvo lo olthor nr both. It has bee n KMIII ! In tlious'uiils of I'nsci nnd In ovury Instnncuii tiurfuct euro hns fol lowed It never f.illi. Tluisystpin oneo Ini- liroKiiiitud with the "JlAOIO Ultl.UUIDC Ol' ( JOM ) , " It bi'ontnoH tin utter liiiiHHillilllty for thu Lhitior or'robitcuouptiutllc to r\lst Onu niotith s troittinont , f" . lii-tull tliuciilsti ( lot only the ioiiultu < . iniunifiicluicd by MAG1U CHLOHIDI. ( .101,1) tU. IllaUc , llrtico Jfc Co , Onmlm , Nub , Whnlnsalu Am-nti , aBfioaaaBiBrBnrigiiiiiiiMiMtttsiiiiititMtV : 0OGTOR will stop a Cough in ono nlf bt , : chock a Cold in a day. and CURE ; : Consumption if talccn in time. : IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : A 25 ccnf ; bottle may ; save tholr ; lives. Ask ; dru- ; Dr. Acker's English Pills- : CUHK CONSTIPATION. m Small , pleiiKunt , n fu orlto tilth tlio Indies. I W. H HOOKER & CO , 18 West Ilroadviny , N. Y. ; tll * B ll < lll lltVllllllfllfllll For siilo by Ktilin & Co. , and Shormnn MuConnoll , Omaha. Salo. The whole slock of school furnttuio , ofllco suiipllt" ) , nnd cabinet letter IIlea nnd ono s.ilo , or 111 bell In job lots. . .1.V , HAIIHIS , AsslKiioo. Cnll nt d.ivliiKs banlr , Oinithn , Nob. l)2ddtf ) M8o LoDuo's Poriodioal Pills , The rronuh romudy ucM directly upon the RCncnitlve organs , tnd cures suppression of the ineiihus. J.'or tbroo for $3. and bo nuillocL bhouldnolbousuil dnrlnitprtunanuy. .Tobborj , drriKKlsts und the publlo suppllod by Uoodmtin Omahii. TIII3 IIKAI.TY placed on record Dooonibor JL JI , IB'll : WARRANTY IIRhlK. .1 1' Plnloy toV S Hart Is. w. ' ! J feet lot I ? , lilnok 7 , lloriford plitco . $2,50 ( Jcorgu MefJoinbs to M T I'.ttr.e t , lot 14 , b'oukT , llottliiu Oicon . 250 J 1' riui'Ic and \\lfo to f ) U , lot I. block I , I'ottor'siuld . 139 ; M A Dillon to iV i : Dillon , lot ID , b'ouk I , Oxford jil ice . 50 Ucoiu'O McComljs lo IIoiuu liivc'slniOMt com ) ) tny , lot 1C , bloj ; 7 , Howling Orocn . . . . . r . . 500 I ) 11 i-mith and \Mfe to II K Thoiiiits. part lot 0 , Uku'k ,1 , l , l ndd lo honlli Oinahn . . . . . 10.00J O 1' Gowiiuii't and wlfo to A S Joseph , ode do foot lot 4 , liluolc 4. llulxuduro. . . . 1 John Ilonyoi and wlfo to Omaha llrow- Inir association , lot8 and U , bloek U , A H Patrick's udu . ' . . i : A / ibrlsklo nnd luisb.tnd to i : U K.ilis , wUQfuut lot H , block : iUl. Onmlm . 0,000 QUIT CI.AIU ni.uns. M li Iloodet and wlfo to J 1 > I'lnlcy , lot M. bloclc U , Orch.ird hill , and w 18 ! ' , feet lot I.1 , bliioU ? . llodfoul plncu . . . . K ( 1.0'an and wife to .1 11 Kopur , lota " and H. block I , Hillsldo ado No L' . . . . O K Oiapn to U O INt.ibroolc , nnd U of n'j lots , blooU I3J , Oin.ih.i . DKI.IIH Jos I'olQinan , snocliil niastor. to Nrttln bulllvnii , lot 10 , blocK. "IV I'tospoct place. . . . . . . Dj5 It 1' Couhrna. B tine , to r. 11 lUtekln , lot 11,1)1001(11 , Uiehard hill . 400 Total ninoiint of transfers } ' . ' 4'J.MI ' No gripping , no iintisoa , no pain wnon Do- Witt's Llttlo Early IllsoH uru talcon. Small pill. Safe pill. Host , pill. Bollil Tr.uns ! fi > in oinilii Vcstlhulod , oloctrlc Hphtptl intl steam houtod , with the flnost dining' , aloepIiiR und rochtiiniT : chulr car sorvlco In tlio world , via the ' Chicago & Qiniihit Short Lino" of the Chicago , MlhvnuUoo & St. Paul lluilwuy. Double daily train borvico , lonvlns1 Oinnha nt 1 p. in. nnd 00 : p. m. , with no tvaiiHtur at Uoun- oil UlulTs us liorotofoio. Ajjp'.y 1501 Farnitm hlroot for ttckotsand uirthor information - formation or atidrosj R A. NASH , C. C. LdNUOL-N. Gon. Ajjt City 1'iiss. Ajrt Tin : ni MnjiirVlli < > x' Triiulili'H .Still lirliiK Alri'il III IVdrrnl Cum t. Mr. Krank li. Johnson was cnllod to the witness stand yuatordny luorinnt ; In tlio Unltod States court in tlio case of the Ho- publican Nowopnpor company against tnu North-western Associntod Press. Ho stiitod thai the old Dispatch plant that Wilcox turned In us part of tha purchase pricann the Kot.nibllc.ui WUH worth In cash hutwoon f3l)00 ) and $ .1,000 , The Kopiibllcan had about ID,000 sub- umbers , ho sold , wbon Wilcox bought It. SpealtiiiK of the worth of thu Associated 1'ress franchise Mr Johnson Bald that U was of comparatively llttlo value , as tlioy hail to dopuml upon ether sources for a Kreat dcalof the news that they piibiUhcd , Mr , Johnson said the Uopnbllcau witi runnlnir bohlnd at the ttmo ho und Mr. Nyu owned the paper from * 7XK ( ) to t.S.OOO per month. Mr. O. M. Hitchcock was thu next witness , He stated that thu day had uono by when tlio Northwestern Assoclatou I'russ sorvlca was of very impurtant help In the publishing of u llrst class uowsptpor tn Omaha. Other methods and othur associations BU- iiorlor In facility for the colloct- Iiii ; of news had largely nuppluntod the Northwestern Asuodntcd 1'rosj , Ho thoiiRhl the Associated 1'ross fratichUu could boot very llttlo value to the propitutor of such a paper in Wiliiok was publishing In December 1 00 and January IS'JI. The hearing of testimony In the case wan completed and Mr. Ircckourdfo ) ) ; niiulo his opening address upon the law points In the oaie. oaie.Mr. . ( Jrcon bcgnu hln speech for the defense , but did not irot throuv'h. The case will bti closed ha turd ay. DowtU'i Little Ji rly Uisars , post pitu NI\V : VIAH : HIMTS , for I ) mi < K 4 Coinnipiirril In Die Him trlrt Ci itrl. James L. OUon , n carpenter , sues the Omaha 1'iu'klng company lor t\VM \ for Injuries received September 1 , Ib'.X ' ) , whllo uorklng for tti6 ilofend. nnt , A scalTold on which ho was nt worU fell , prcrltiltatlnc him to the Kround , nnd ho claims that the coiiuuny Was to blnino for thu tumble. Thu c.\so uas started In tha dis trict court , and then taken tn thu federal court wttoro It was tlUinlssod without proju. dire , nnd was than bc iln again In the dls. tricl court for loss than iJJ.OOO. A petition couched In the usual phraseology contains tha deniund nt In ro Madson upon the OinahnStroat Uullway company tor ? 1''JH ( ) . it relat s mat the plaintiiT boarded n Kheimun nvinnu motor tn South Omalm , August S. IMU , to po to the corner uf Seven * tconth nndotutor streets In this cltv. As .slio was nlli > htlni ? the tram was started with it Jerk , tttrotvniK her to the pavomoiit with ntich force as to break tha nock anil socket of her thigh bono. Mho wants 8200 to nntku peed liar doctor bill and f I'J.OOJ for her in- convciilniico and sufforniR. ICrnstus A. Itonsou has uskcd for n ro- Htrnlnlnif order to provoiit Countv Treasurer Snyder from oxocntlnj : it tax dacd to ICoberl 1) . Cnrvlllo for inoporty nlluKod to h.ivo been purchiiHcd nt tax sitln on the Kround thut tha plitlntllT tendered the amount duo bv law for its redemption nnd both the defendant nnd Cnrvlllo ruhised to net-opt It. Adolpli ( .loldsmlth , Johnson Optical com. pany , Wi'lss & Oppcnriotmer , Wolf it Co. , lloyman iVc Svvolt nml Mlddtoton Plato com pany hnvo Instituted suit nsalnst C. I . Kriokson , Union National bank und C , K. l-'ord , cashier. The petition n\lo'oi \ ( that Krlckson owed the bank leas than $ . > , DOO und trnnsfcsrod to It his ontlro slock ot Jewelry , worth $ . ' ; i.00ii , for the purpose of defrauding the plaintiffs , who hnvo claims aggregating over $ . ' ,000. Thov auk ( lint the bank Do re quired to account for the property thus turned over to Its possession , thai they may Do enabled to protect their claims. Yllll ( 'Mil lU'lj , Upon Hood's Sarsaparllla us n positive rem edy for over v form ot .scrofula , salt ihouni , holts , pimples nnd all ether diseases cau ud by Impure blood. It eradicates every Impur ity and nt the same tlmo tones mid vitalizes the whole system. _ Constipation , nntl all troubles \\Ith the tll- gcsti\ organs nnd the llvor , nro ctitod by Hood'j Pills. Uneaualled ns n dinner pill. S.MAI. I. TOTATOIN. Prtty CusrH that 1'ollrc Ilolslrj Und At Whcolor was caught. In the act of leav ing nn empty house on Vlnton street with a bundle ntnn onrly hour yostoidny moiulng , When tnkon to the station u larco coil of load pipe nnd stilps of copper ripped fiom n bath tub woio found In liia possession. John ( Jullowav. a noisy crap shooter , wns sent up to the Horiiean for sixty days to ponder on the evil of tils ways. The atroot was not wide enough for Albert Edwards , n waiter nt the Jennings hotel , and ho hired a rig and wits driving nloni ; thu sidownlk when arrested , lie was mulcted $ , " ) for his pastime. It is probable that Jou Colo's jag would have developed into the Jlmjams had not Ofll- ccr Walker cut shait his douauch. Joe told tlio Judge that ho hud been \vulklng lu vlituo's narrow pathway for ono year until Monday ho met nn old boon com panion nud fell by tlio wnvslde. Ho pro tested that ho wns about to go to Blntr and take the Kooloy treatment , but the ] udgo thought on days in the county sanltorlum would put him in better condition for taking thu shots. "Boblon" CJroon got a holiday Jag on and was not fullv recovered from tha ellucts when brought into court , Ho was so profuse In rompltmantR to the Judge nnd bolstoious that ho wns given thirty days to gut thu whisky out of hlnuolf. John Dempsey , n tough , was up before Judge Helsloy charged with va grancy. Tlio Judge relegated mercy to the rear and let lly with his justice. In const ) . ( ] ucnco John's diet for thirty days will bo bread nud wator. DoWltt's Ltttlo Eany Hisor- , ; best HtHo iUsford3Unl [ [ a , sour stomach , bad breath Mr. prnluT Cun Alvtajx Vote. OMAHA , Doc. SfO. To tlio Editor of Tin : Bui ! : Has the speaker of the house of rep resentatives n vote on all quoitionsl or simply on n tloi Ditto the president ot the United States sonata ; ditto the president pro join of tlio Unltod States senate ; ditto tha speaker of the Iowa legislature. Please answer through your paper nud oblige. A Si iM-iiiiiln. ! : The speaker of the house lias u vote upon legislative mu.isuics and n vota In cnsa of u tlo in parliamentary proceedings. The vh'o Dtesidcnt Is the piosidont of the senate. Ho has no vote ) except in caio of n tio. Thu president pro torn of the sonata U a member of that body nnd entitled to n vote upon nil questions except puiely parliamentary pioposition when ho votes only In cnso of n tin. The Rpoakor of the housn In the Iowa tcgUlatuiu votes upon till legislative meas ures. The Howe scales , the only scale with pro tected bearings. No chock rod ? . Catalogue of Bordcn & Snlloelc Co , Chicago , 111. \YI.\TIU : TOI its. To Summer LuiiiU lu tlio WnlmsU Klllltl ! Tlio Wnhish nro now soiling1 round trip ticlcoto Rood roturnliif ; .ftino 1 , 18 ! ) , to nil tlio winter1 rosorti in Ton- nchseo. .Mladissljipi , Alub'itnn , , Goo.-f'la , Florida , Nortli und South Carolina , Louisiana , Arlcun&iia and Toxis. Tlio ( [ and host route to the Jlot Springs of ArknnBvs. Woe tiokola and full iiiforinution in roff.ird to roUoj onht or south call nt Wub tali ollluo , 15DJ Ktii-nain street , or write O. N. Clayton , N. W. Pits * . Sli ! M\\ln ( ii'tH IIU ray. NBW YOIIIC. Dec. US ( To the Editor of TIIK Bur. ] No onorogrots moro thau myself the very unfortunuto outoomu of mv oiiBngo- tnent for Sir H Iwin Arnold \\tth Mr. Clow- urd ot Kansas City. Mr. Clownrd onlv needed to bo honest or show n disposition to do the host ho could under the circumstances. Ha wits delimit nnd insolent , called in nn attorney tu try und blult mo Into giving the readings. I wltcd my ngont , "If Clowurd is honest help him out. " Sir Edwin gets his pay from mo whether ho rends or not. 'Iheio wns no way for mo to expose Clowurd ns nn adventurer , but lo try and hold him to his contract. I wont to Kan sas City lo keep mv contract. Thoru wns u good uudlonco. Mr. Cloward might hava settled as far us possible and all Would hnvu boon lii/lit , but ou the contruiy ho relusod to pay n cunt If thorn U n possibility of fixing n dntn on Sir Edwln'n loulo to California 1 will pluco Sir ICdwin In Omaha und will accept all tick ets that Mr , Meyer will ccitify hnvu been purchased nthls store. Mr. Clowaid announced himself ns agent for mv attraction * In the west , unknown to mo. 1 have r.o wcstoin agent , except In Lull- forlu. Yours very trulv , .1. , Pix ( . A very small pill , but a very good ono , Do- Witt's llttlo Early HUow. of flrr llnmorlM II IT ( /ift littnlMtu ctntu ; tiicli HittlHIimnl lliir , ttn iditt. _ UNCOIADitvlil W. , uued.lyi'am. 5 immthi. I.I duys , unlv child of Mr. and Mrs , W. I ) . Lincoln , of dlphthorla , Thursday inornlnv , I'liiiiiriil prlvalo nt'Jp. in. 1'rliltiy , January t , IS < , 1'allfornla ' , HKKVKH-Kllzubiith Doiuhton. on Tlinrsday nfturnoon , iJuvoiiilwr .11 , IHil , ttuud ft ) yuarn , on Hnn'luy nfturnoon ut 'i o'clock , Jiimmrv .1 , IHW , from hir ) late ti WlrtHtruut , lo l'n > piut ) Illll come lory. hUM > iUIAMAdu : H. , wlft > of Jumui A. Hiiiiderland. Wudneiuluy , DecumhorWUi , at liIO p , m , I'niiorutai tha family rnslduncu , l.l.t ) honlh Twenty-ninth street , Haturdny inorniiu ut II o'clock. Illis-At ( ( ) : rremont , Nob. December M , Amv , lfo of Ucorjjo II , llod ui , uuud 25 yourn. T -John. aKud fil yqari , at StlS D. m , , Ovccmbar ai. Ht fnmlly ri'tlilanru , hid Mouth J'wunty-llnt Htiont. Kiinural 1111117 , Jiinuary J , a ill p. in , , to I'nlnn ' dupot , Milp iiiiint tn IliinUn lon , Intl. , uvur the K'juU l railway ,