THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : FRIDAY , .JAXTAUY I , 1.H02. Local Parties Will Attend tbo Chicago Meeting and Arrange for a Olub , WLLIAMS AND HART BOTH TALKING , Vnrldd Opinions on tlio Nllmitlon Held , by ClilrngH Mngimtcn St. I'mil nntl Minneapolis In IInc Sporting > 'o\v In flrnornl. Once moro Omaha's prospects for baseball are exceedingly bright , tbo now proposed control league , with its low salary limit , bavinir Imbued a number of well known gentlemen with the old time enthusiasm , nnd If the proposed circuit pees through Omaha will bo one of the cities beyond the shadow of n doubt. Tbo scheme Is looked upon as a most feasible nnd auspicious ouo , nnd no ef fort will bo spared by the local parties Inter ested to brine It tn n successful Issue. There will bo four delegate * RO ever to the Chicago mcotlng next Thur day , nnd as they are gentlemen thoroughly conversant with the situation here , there Is every probability that Omaha will bo properly cared for. Tbo nnmos of tbo parties who will ODCO moro assume the responsibilities of restoring the great game hero nro withhold , for the present , for prudential reasons , but tbo patrons ot llio gatno need bo In nowlso apprehensive but what the city's interests will bo well looked to , and ns the now league looks like a foregone conclusion , It Is safe to say that Omaha will have a good team In 1B03 , nnd that a season of prosperity Is before - fore them. And what a circuit the now association will have : Columbus , Toledo. Indianapolis and Detroit In thu cast , ntti ) Milwaukee , St. Paul , ttimneuDolls , Omaha and ICausas City lii.thowcst. These nro nlno of the host nnd liveliest and most progressive cities in tbo union , nnd if they nro unable to support teams on the economical basis proposed , it will be astonishing indeed. TWO CHICAGO OPINIONS. s Williams ml Hart Talk of the New Uolti'il Aiwurliitloii. Cuicxoo , III. , Dee. 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bm.J A looal paper says : The story tetngrapbod from Philadel phia regarding the formation of anew now base ball loaguc , to till the cap caused by the amalgamation of the American association mid the Nutlohal league , is con sidered very flimsy by gentlemen who nro now under tbo wing of the now twolvo-club organization. Other people said to be on tbo inside say it is significant and dcelnro tlio re will bo a strong oiuht-club league competing with the new twolvo-club organl/atlon. George Williams , credited in the dispatches referred to as being ono of tbo most enthus iastic men In the scheme , said iu nn inter view : "I have played ono short and plc- turcsquo engagement us a base ball magnate , nnd that Is enough for mo. However. I bo- llovo there is a move under way to forma league consisting of elirht of the strongest base ball towns in tbo United States , ana of course to got tbo strongest Chicago would have to bo on the list , but I will not bo mixed up in any inoro dickers. The con solidation of league and associa tion \vas n move that invited competition , and Inside of two years base ball will bo in the same rut that it emerged from at In dianapolis. Moneyed men all ever the coun try interested in the game are willing to Btake good clubs. 1 will wager that I can got subscriptions for $50,000 stock for a base ball club in Chicago to Jlght the now consoli dation Inside of tbo next twenty-four hours. " President Hart of the Chicaco club , said : "Thoro is no danger of any other league "coming into the , field. The parties that were interested In the American association , and were bought out , could not ongagoin the business If they wanted to , ns they agreed to leave base ball alone for five years when they were bought out , . " There is n discrepancy in the stbnos told by Messrs. Hart and WUltams. The former stains that whuu the local team was bought out , the good will wont with tbo bargain. Mr. Williams says there was no such condi tion in tbo transaction and ho is frco to have a team play in Chicago If ho sees fit. It Is not-probable that Mr. Williams will exercise this option , but it will not bo surprising If soroo of bis associates tried a hand at the game again to get oven with the association. TWTN CITIE3 AWAKE. Active Slrjm to , loln the Now Itino Itnll TjC'iiguo Are llrlng Tiilccn. ST. PAUI , Minn. , Doe 31. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BEE. ] The St. Paul Western association franchise has boon turned over to John M. Bennett , the well known Minne apolis base ball enthusiast. Mr. Bennett Is backed to the extent of $100,000 by a loading cnpltnlisl and St. Paul men will take slock , but Mr. Bcnuott nnd Ills backer Insist on re taining n controlling Interest. Sam Morton , who was to have managed the Chicago American association loam , is hero and negotiations are being made to make him manager of the now club. Air. Bennett will attend the Chicago mooting , January 7 , and will urge that the monthly salary limit .shall not exceed $1,600 or $2,000. Ho will also favor a single season of 11 vo months Instead of two seasons of two and one-half months as pro posed by the big twelve club-league. It Is staled that belli tbo Minneapolis and St. Paul delegates will favor a league com posed of Kansas City , Omaha , St. Paul , Minneapolis. Milwaukee , Indianapolis , De troit and Columbus. VAN HEEST BESTS TWO. Ilttlo bYiithcru eight Aimllillutrs KoiiUanil ( ioroiix lu four ItoiiiulH. CHICAGO , 111. . Dec. 31. Johnulo Vau Hoost successfully stopped two lightweight pugil ists at West Twelfth street Turner hall last nlKht. Ho hud agreed to stop them In night two-minuto rounds , devoting four rounds to each m nn. Had ho failed ho would have for feited $100. Joe RouU was tbo first to fico tbollitla flubter. The first round was da- void of actfon , but the second was a rustler. Van Hoost slammed his man in tbo neck , Bwlpodhlm In the Jsw and played checkers with his ribs. Around the ring wont Rouls , stagcering llko a drunken man. lie fore tbo timer's watch bad marked ono mlnuto Rouls threw up his hands. Ho had had enough. Tbo second pugilist wus not so easy to dliposo of. Ho wus Joe Gcroux , and ho started out with the dash of a Minnesota cyclouo. Ho hod hardly shaken bauds with Jobunlo when ho cut loose his right and swung it Into a nlcho on Van Heost's Jaw. Tben Johnnie's blood boiled and ho used Goroux'a faeo for a punching bag ana made a drum of bis stomach. It was a hot round , but Van Ilcost bad tbo best of It. Joseph , in the second , swung again , but Van Ilcost poked him In tbo iieclf. Then bo Jarred his Jaw and rattled , hla teeth. Joe bccamo eroggy , and nn upper cut sent him to the floor. Just ns ha was about to bo counted out ho came to tbo front and fought llko a madman. But Van Hoosl llnUhed him bo- fora tbo becond round was done. Other bouts preceded , tbo double contest. T\vo I'ugllUtlo Vliucon , WiW Y'OIIK , Doc , 81. There will bo no iparrlng contest between Peter Maher , the Irish champion , und Jack Dempsey at Madi- aou Square garden or elsewhere January 14. It has boon declared off because of the pollco order in regard to "unooutng out" matches. jFtank P. SUvlu bus reoolvod n message from Gcorgo Plcsso , at Monta Carlo , stating that bo could not baok the tighter in America. Notwithstanding tbls , Slavln says bo can stokes for a battle with Sullivan. I'lght In 1'rosiiei-t. Cnilap , HI. , Doc. St. The Metropolitan club of Now Orleans today wired an offer of a 13,000 puYso for a finish contest between Tom Uyau of Chicago , tbo welter weight obampIoD , and Danny Noedham of ban 'Francisco. Tbo California Atblotlo and Pad Ho clubs of 'Frisco , it is said , were bid * dln .naluit each other for the contest and h d. run UVQ ilgure up to U.OOO , when tbo Metropolitan stopped in and raised tbo puno to IJ.OOQ. RVHH has slffuar1 and will for * ward , forfeit tninurrow , Jlyan will meet No dham for any part of $ . ' ,000 , Danny's original offer , or bo will light Tor the bsro purse. Noodham has been notified and will probably accept , AS the dlfforonco In tbo pu fans offered la n full third In favor of Now Orleans. Johnny Van ilccst lias challenged Ucortro Dixon to light for f'3,500 , n side and Goorgn R. Clark. Van Hccst's backer , has posted a for - felt with Captain Cook of Boston to bind the challenge. TWO TUOS-OF-WAn. Ono for ThU livening und Ono fur Tills Afternoon. The match tug-of-war between the cham pion loam of tbo Into Lincoln tournament nnd the Danish team of this city , for $300 a side comes off at the Coliseum this ovonlng. It is to bo the best two pulls out of throo. and ns both loams are composed of men of gigan tic mould , two or three hours of terrific struggling nnd Intense oxcltnmont may bo ronlldnntly expected. There will bo a dele- gallon of Lincoln's citizens up to witness the battle , and Judging from tbo dofit-oo of confi dence that has marked all the negotiations for iho mulch , they will not bo averse tn backIng - Ing their representatives with the coin of the realm. The Danes , however , uro fully ns confident as tbo backers of their opponents , and Ills quito probable that offers to back thn men from the capital will not bo allowed to go bogging. The Second Infantry band will ho In nttondaiiLU und ovcrythlng dona to enhance the comfort nnd pleasure of the crowd In attendance. A tug-of-war between the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association and the Burrctttcam will tnko place at Kilgallon's band ball court , IIU.'I Chicago strcot this nftei noon nt 2:30 : for $200 n side. Ed Barrett' * team has boon victorious In several local contests recently , but tbo .switchmen think they have better one. Moro nro the two learns : Switchmen J , J , Kennedy , captain ; James Hcullen. anchor ; Tom Ryan , pole ; James Gilllgan , John Murphy. James Murphv , T. Donuhoo , Pat O'ICerii , W. Long. Jack Ouinlln. Bar- roll's B. Shields , caplnin ; John Connors , anchor ; Tom Carew. polo ; Chnilcs Glllau , Tom Wilson , Bill Bolan. Henry Dunn , Ole Olson , Swan Peterson , M. dynes. INTERSTATE POOL SELLING. Scheme of a Mlnndipolls .Hun to Ojirnito lu Clileiigo. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Dec. : ) ! . Prank Shaw , secretary of the Twin City Jockey club , who operates a pool room hero and In Si. Paul , according to Chicago advlcua , has perfected un arrangement with the Western Union whereby ho expects to bo able to open pool rooms In Chicago In spite of tbo inter dictory ordor. His schorno lu brief * Is to open local telegraph oflleas in convenient lo calities and transmit nil Information us lo races and all bets to nnd from the Minneapo lis pool room. > Practically the batting will Uo done In Chleasjo , the money being wired to nnd from Minneapolis , but theoretically all tlio business will bo done in the pool room hero. This will bo interstate trafllc , and Shaw is confident the authorities m Chicago cannot touch him. ( Joloj ; tit CilttiMlhiTf ; . GUTTE.VJIEHO , N. J. , Dae. a I. The track was iu good condition today. Klrstr.ico. six and a half furlongs : Outha- rlnu II won. Cyrus I ) second , Juiu H third. Tlmo : : ! Second race , ono mllii : ICemuInnd won , Koiiuefnrt seoond , bt. Anthony tlilid. Time : lin.i : Third nice , flvo und a half furlon s : I'lou- rette won , Paragon second , I'eriwlan third. Time : lU i. Fourth , six and a 1ml f fur onss : Budge won. Alohhrun second , Woodcutter third , Time : l : ± ! . Fifth rauo. six fnrlonis : 1'oc'c ' won , Ke- lii'uter second. Irene 11 thlr.l , Tlmo : I : < > Sixth race.sovou furlonas : I'adio won , John Illukoy second. Morgan 0 third. Time : l : ii. ! C.oofl TlilngH lor Xuw Y < urN. Those who know think these will do lo start the year's winnings at Gutteuborp : 1. I.lttlo 1'rod Zcnobla. 2. Gambler Alma. 3. Auio Tat Itunvocus. 4. Whltohoarl-IIortli-i B. 5. Sir li.iu Kbmplund , 8 , Firefly S l.'orulier mill Sherman. " Cor.UMiius , O.j Dec. 31. The Ohio sena torial lignt has now reached its hottest de cree , and the next few days will witness ono of the most exciting conflicts of tbo kind this state has over experienced. Senator Sherman arrived Ibis morning and proceeded at once to his neadquartors in the Nell house , where hospent the day greet ing members of the Sherman league nnd members of the legislature. Sherman men claim two accessions to their ranks , and it is DOW evident that there will bo A split in tbo Suyohoga dole- gallon which has been counted solid for Stoormun. It is asserted that Foraker will get two of tboir votes nnd probably four. The Death Hull. LONDON , Doc. 81. Samuel Adjal Crowtbor , bishop of the Nicer torrl lory , died loduy. LONDON , Dae. Ul. Prince Victor of Ilobcnloho , who has boon sojourning In Ihis city and who has boon (11 ( for s > omo limo , sufforin ? from cancer , died today from the effects of influenza. KTfeKS WHANTUIK Suvoral riiiloonlieepvrrt Who 31 uy Sturt the Vrui * lu Itiixlnuss. Tho. Board of Fire ana Pollco Commission ers hold n called session yesterday afternoon and granted the following liquor licenses : Conrad Woidomann , 17JJ St. Mary's avenue ; Daniel McCoy , a23 South Twelfth streol ; Michael Loary , 1102 North Sixteenth street ; Balthas .Totliior. 412 South Thirteenth street ; James Harold , " 10J Lcavon worth streel ; Con rad Woidomann , 001 South Tnnth street ; Charles Sbartow. 1224 South Twentlelh slrool ; Edgar Rolhory , ! 3 Soulh Kloventh streol ; Rlley Bros. , 1118 Furnnm street : Her & Co. , 1112 Harnoy btruot ; Glllan i\s O'Brion , 824 Soulh Fifteenth street ; George R. Davis , 10 ! ) Soulh Thirteenth streol ; Gus Curoy , 1120 Farnum strocl ; John Bowyer , 1027 North Twentieth street , Christ Toft. 312 South Fif- leenlh street ; William Kopko , 414 South Fourteenth street ; S. A. Crowe. 1400 DouElns street ; Peter F. Anderson , 1540 Dodtfostroot ; F. A. Fuller , 12U North Twelfth strcot ; Thomas Callopy , 11501 Vinton street ; Horace O. Bancroft , 311 South Sixteenth street ; John Breckhoff. 1210 Douclus strcot ; J. J. Campbell , 2 ! iO North Sixteenth street ; Mil ler & Stollonburg , 4003 Loavonworlh street ; C. ChrlstofTorsoii , 414 Soulh Tenth slroot ; G. F. Bruckcr , roar 1118 Harnoy strcol ; Charloj A. Koblmeyor , 141J ! Douglas street ; Minna Wirth , 512-1 South Tenth streol ; George Van Arman , 017 South"riiirtceiitb street ; Murray & English , 1210 Fnmam stroaU In executive session the protest of John Rush against Scblank ic Prlnco was talked over and the board decided to grant tbo li cense. The ease of Fuller & P'okard ' , 1515 Dodge street , was laid ovor. At the regular mooting of the board Satur day night the protest against Martin Hon- ricUsun , 2olO Cuming street , will be hoard. After the wild and noisy incoberoncy of socalled farce comedy a legitimate comedy lllco "Tho Club Friend" Is restful recreation indeed , and it is doubly enjoyable when in terpreted by so clover a company as that of Roland Recd , who began an engagement nt the Bovd last night , Mr , Rend Is it successful actor whoso work for many years was iu the line known us low comedy. In bis now play ho roaches u higher level of urtlstlo effort , and it may bo fairly said thai ho is now dividing honors with Nat Goodwin In their particular school , Mr. Reed still has some of bis old mannerisms , nnd It is especially to bo hoped that ho will go out Bomo night nnd lose the nasal twang ; but there is u sunny , effervescent quality in his art that atones for Haws nnd rightfully com mands popular favor. Miss Isiidoro Rush , who carries the loading female role , offers au admirable conception of a well bred , self poised woman , and her lt > - terprotailon is quite in keeping. Her out- rugca ulgnlly does not run Into hysterics or mock heroics , and she turns with easy grace to a unrsillago that bas uo suspicion of sim per In it. It U A charming characterization. Miss Edna Wallace Is a very pretty ingonuo who plays her part with n wltuomo maidenly sweetness that Is Irresistible. With but one or two exceptions tbo ether characters are excellently cast , and tbJ play tolls a story that U bound to please. DoWltt'4 ' Llttlo fc'.arlr ( tisors ; only pill to euro iuk boadncha and rovula'o the bowels. OHIO'S ' SENATORIAL FIGHT General Sherman's Friends Fear His De feat May Bo Accomplished , HE IS THE CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE , Clenemlly Itrgnrdrd us ( ho Ablest Nulloir Legislator ur Ilia Statu-SItu itlou lit Columbus I'rci ! Transputliitluu Legally Dcllnud , WASIIINOTOV BUIIEIU opTiii I ! BCK , ) Bia FouiiTBK.vrit STIU'.B- , > Wnm.xoTojf ) D. C. , Dec. ill. I Senator Sherman loft Washington last night lor Columbus , O. , whore ho remains until after the senatorial election is con cluded. Both ho nnd his friends nro nt last thoroughly alarmed at the stronglh of ibo Forakor forces. Ohloans who i week ngo were claiming Ion mnjotlty for Senator Sherman on the first ballot are now counting up only four. It Is certain that no shrewder or moro unprincipled canvass has over boon waged anywhere In the country by any party than that which had culminated in Forukcr's following nt Columbus. Four-llfths of the republicans of Ohio are In favor of Shormau'.s return and stand amazed nl the result of the shrewd manipu lation of Cox , thu republican leader of Hamilton county's Tammany. Telegrams nro pouring into Columbus from nil the most prominent republican leaders of the country , urging the party not to disgrace Itself by refusing to return to the bcnnto Its nbloit national legislator. Tlio Foraker boomers In Washington to night nro claiming the election of their can didate on thu first ballot. Senator Sher man's frlenas nrofois confidence in ibo oul- como but are plainly greatly alarmed over the situation. 1'rco I'lMHCH Kt'Mtrlutril. The Intorstuto Commerce commission banded down its decision today on the pass question , tbo issue being raised by bo'nutor Chandler's attack on the Boston & Maine company for indiscriminate pass eivlnif to public ofllclals und nlborn. The commission decided that the giving of interstate passes to "gentlemen eminent In thy publlcsorvlco , " "Higher officers of state , " "promlncntolJicers of the United States , " "momboM of railroad legislative committee" and "parsons whose peed will is importnuu v the corporation" nro violations of section 2 of the interstate commerce act. As to a certain class of pas' ! holders including newspaper men , hotel proprietors , etc. . whoso passes , though fteo in lorm , were claimed to bo free only In name , ibo commission decided that the in vestigation would have to be extended in order to onnblu It to pass a satis factory juUgmcnl.on It. In the meantime it has issued an order for bidding the giving of passes to the classes llrst mentioned. This order will rut' oft thousands of annual passes throughout the country. Companies who attempt to evade it by the issuing of free trip tickets will sub ject themselves to prosecution for violation of tbo law. Miscellaneous. Senator Mandorson was ono ot the recep tion co nun It to a nt tbo opening of the magni ficent Army and Navy club last night. Mrs. Manderson will be one of tbo presi dential party at the Now Year's reception to morrow. Tbo senatorial delegation will shortly bo culled upou to Mil another vacancy in u Ne braska land ofllco , thai of Not th Platle. Hoa. John T. Ncsbilt's boalth is in such u condition as to render him unlit to perform bis duties , and ho will shortly retire. Tucre will bo no luck of candidates for iho position.P. P. S. H. FBOM CHILI. Communication from tliu CMIlnii Minister of J'orclKii AIliilr . WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 31. Senor Moult , the Chilian minister , had another interview with Secretary .Blalno , today. The mi'pfstor laid before tbo secretary tlio following trans lation of a telegram from Mr. Mutta , Iho Chilian minister of foreign afftirs , bearing on tbo inquiry into tbo trouble nt the city of Valparaiso between the Chilians and Iho sailors f-oin the United States steamship Baltimore : SANTJAOCI UK CHILI , Due. 13 , 1331 : Minister ofUhlll. Washington , I ) . O. Prom the smn- tnary.'iiroceedlnns it appears that the strugclu commenced between two sailors In a tavuin nt the ward "Arrayam" that It continued In tbo stieut with tno accession of iinin- liurs of Inhabitants and transient parties fiom the streets called "Del t'liivo , " "aim I'ranelsoo" und "Alamos. " The disorder con- tliiueu and extended to thu streets "Del Arsenal" and "Han .Martin , " wliuro the police force succeeded In lostoi-ini : order. All the North Americans , except tno , suite that thu nollco did thnlr duly , und from thu lolntul- nons pioccodlng it appears that the court bus done nnd is doltirf Its duty. Whenever the piusouutinz attorney renders li.'s ' opinion and tlie time for pruduuln ? evi dence shall have expired sentence will bu Klvun und establishing who , mid how many , arc lliii guilty parties who * muy only bo pre sumed at present. Whoever they may bo they will be pnnUlied The legal pioceedliiRs are being actively carried forward to their proper termination. MATTA. The tntnibtor , when asked by nn Associated Press reporter for nn opinion respecting the statements made in the telegram , called special attention to the statement that all the Norlb Americans excepting two hud said that the police illd their duty. Ho regards this as tavorublo lo the Chilian side of the controversy. Western I'cnsionH , WASHINGTON , D , C. , Dec. ill. [ Special Telegram to THE Buu.J The following list of pensions granted is reported by TUB BUB nnd Examiner Bureau ol Claims : Nebraska : Original Augustus Mead , Eioklol T. Spencer , James H. Thrasher , Jonathan F. Tracy , Ephratm Uaunlntr , Ed win C. Murkland , Conrad I. Plank , Gcorgo B. Lathrop , Abaer K. Wilcox. Increase John Honeycutt. Original widows , etc. EdiUi Summorfleld. Iowa : Original John O'Donnoll , Alonzo Johnson , .loslah L. Duncan , Andrew James , Joseph W. Muflloy , Charles Oliver , William J. Spunnngle , Ell Boasloy/Jobn O. Peppard , James T. ICounody. Additional Milo Adams , David H. Martin , Jonl B. Merchant. Uelasuo and Increase Edward W. Vuughn. . i Hpcuker CrUp ICiiplilly Jit-covering. \VASIII\OTOX , D. C. , Doc. HI. Speaker Crisp's physician said today bis patlont was making rapid progress toward'rocovory and hn will bo able to preside over the house Tuesday. The speaker , bo said , had no symptoms of pneumonia , Another Treaty Signed. WAsniNfiTON , D. C. , Doc. ! H. A roclproc- lly arrangement was signed today between Secretary Blttlno und Senor Calve , the dip lomatic representative of Costa HIca at Washington. _ joir.,1 TK.ICHKHS C'OllClllHlOII Of It HlKTI'NHllll 3t OtlllK lit ] > US Mollies. DttsMoiN&s , la. , Doc. 81. ( Special Tele gram to Tim BBK.J The Stale Teachers as sociation closed its annual mooting today after a very successful soason. The forenoon was devoted to the discussion ol a variety of subjects. Tbo followingofllcors were elected : President , T. A. . Ilaokor. county superin tendent ot Franklin county ; vice president , Principal H. A. KInney of WooJblno ; princi pals , Miss Abtalo Abbott of Codur Huplds and Superintendent H. B. Larruboo of Urea ton ; secretary , Prof. Chandler oflCookuk ; treas urer , Superintendent D , W. Lowls , Washing ton ; member of executive committee , Prof. D. S. Wright of Cedar Falls ; member. ! of educa tional council , SuDorlntondonts William Wil cox of Mason City and F. B. Cooper of Des Moinc * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cliurgod With llurelury. Missoiwr VAI.LBV , la , , Deo. Ul. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bnn. | Thomas McCoy , claiming to bo a resident of Boone , la. , was today arrested on tbo charge of being impli cated lu the burglary of a freight car to the extent uf a considerable amount of gooas. Tbo burglary occurred nearly a yur.r ago , unco which tlmo officials have booa tracing the parties susplvlonod. Heady 1'dr War , POUT Dnunu , la , Deo. Ul. [ Special Telo- cram to Tun Butt. I Colonel Boutin , com- mantling nflloabof Iho Sixth roimont , Iowa Nu'lonni gunrdr , Inspected the newly organ * Ized inllitlnncotvpnny hero ycatoruay. Ho mustered oujUiu , | coihnnny nt Lemurs nnd ttio i''ort Doijyocompany , wilt ba glvom IU place In Iho ejttneni , Ijf' ' ffiitsKuhnt 17lm.'Jlii-i ' Dt'c. 31. Tbo Jury In the case of JOUCA.n . alnst Gordon , n debt case , wont on astrllco yesterday nnd reluscd to render n vcrMliHVtintll'puld their fees ns Jtirv- men. The plAfmllT was anxious to hear the verdict and paid ibo fees , but the verdict was against Him. i ' ' Ari-iitgcMl , } HU AIIUIri4 , CIIF.STOV , In1jl | , > ee. 31. [ Special Tolcgi-nm to Tin : HKK.J J. B , Schnnubor , through the asslstanco of relative j , has paid off nnd He- cured nbout ! , ! > ( ) , " ) of his Indebtedness and regained poi ! > osloi : of his stoik : this evening , loxt ti'rt t 'on * IrtN , Four M UHSONla. . , Dot' . 31. ( Special Tclo- gram to TIIK BKC.J The year closes with 140 convicts In the Iowa stnto penitentiary hero , the largest number In the history of the institution. ( Inventor Ilitlrs Mrlc. DCS MOINK * . In. , DJO. JH. Gjvornor Boloi Is confined to his room with the grip. It Is uot thought to bo serious. Killed liy u Kail. DtniL'ijun , Iu. , Dac. ill. Felix E. Agnew , nn old and prominent citizen , was killed last night by n fall. , i .v.vo v\ I\TH. "Tbo t'rlnco nnd the Pauper , " which Will bo given nt Boyd's new theater the llrst three nitrhts of next weeic , Un dramatization of Mark Twain's story of the snmo name. Thn attraction In Iho company is Elsie Leslie , said lo bo Ibo most wonderful young actress on tbo stugo. Shu was the original Cedric In "Liltle Lord Fuuulleroy , " playing the role for oluht consecutive months in Now York'CIty and Boston. She bus nn excellent company tbo same as appeared nt tbo Broadway theater , Now York , during its two months' run thoro. The Grand Opera house will bo occupied Now Year's day , afternoon nnd nlcht. bv W. S. Cleveland's Consolidated Minstrels. Ev erybody nnd every thing-aro promised to be absolutely now , nnd not only to possess novelty out genuine artistic ability. Manager Cleveland is always nllvo to the wants of the people , and ho fully appreciates the fact Unit they nro tired of seeiug tbu sarno old faces and hearing the same old gags nnd songs. The sale of scat is now In progress. Mr. Henry , advance representative of the Pauline Hall Opera company , arrived In the city yesterday. His attraction will appear at Boyd's now theater the lust three evenings - ings of next week , presenting "La Belle Hclouo" and "Martamo Favnr'1 SMOOTH ant. SMITH. His .Sclicii ) inr Itlfi-dlng a .Saloonkeeper JVIlM'urrli" * . The blotter at the city jail beam the name of John Smith und tbochargo is petit larceny. ( Smith , it is claimed Htolo three keys to Louis Smith's saloon at Thirteenth and Dodge streets. The loss of the keys was not noticed until yestord.iy rnornitig when n locksmith had to bo calledinrbeforo the place could be opened. ! About 11 o'clock Insrnlcht an ofllcor in cit izen's clothes beard Jahn Smlih'tclling u party of friends thai ho ? iad stolen the keys , but that ho would rotiirii them for $ i.5'J ' in cash , or else ho would go into the saloon and have all ho wanted to 'ilrink. Sergeant Ormsby was notified nnU'advlsod the saloonkeeper to send for the man 'and lender him Iho inonoy. Tins wus done' ' nntl just as the thief was about lo lake the \nonov Urmsby stopped out and took man , keys and money to the Jail. Tim I'cuV ( 'lulls' Itinerary. The itinerary1' the International League of Press Clubs'Ua/ just been received at Un ion Pacific heudtiuartpr.-i. Tbo special train will leave Now York January Otb by tbo Pennsylvania rldlwnyieachlng Chicago tbo next day , TheO < j > Jiinraionists uill.uvlsit tlio Silo of the Wo'Ud-Vfaln'-wlll bo ontu'rtnineit from ! 1 to ( J'p. ' m. bj' J" W. Scottof the Herald and will attend the th6aterin the evening. Leaving Chicago at 11 o'clock tbit night by the Northwestern , tbo party will como di rectly to Omaha. The circular states that in response to iho invitation the excursionists will remain in Omaha from - lo 4 o'clock on the afternoon of January 8 , 'Iho party will leave Omaha over the Un ion Pacific , reaching Denver tbo following day and attending Itio theater in the evening. Leaving Denver at 1 a. in. of January 10th , tno train will pass ever thn Donver&Hio Qrande and 1ho Central Pacltic to San Francisco. Slops Will bo made for sight seeing at Salt Lake City nnd at Auburn , Cal. , where a citrus fair will bo iu progress. Tbo party will arrive in Sail Francisco on January IU , and In the evening will bo ten dered a reception by tbo press club of thai city. The llrst .annual meeting of the inter national league will begin the following day. The Delegates will bo handsomely enter tained at San Francisco. Too program in cludes u coaching trip to Iho CHIT house , u lunch at Stilro heights , a visit to the bay , un inspection of the Untied Stales cruisers under construction , a banonot by the local press club , a trip to Chinatown und visits to the Stanford university , thu Palo Alto stocic farm , the Sonoma valley , Dolmouto , Santa Gnu and San Jose. The excursionists will relnrn by ibo bonthcrn route and will bo feted at Los Angeles and other points. lilt In. Um Nitck. A few minutes past 11 last night Block Watchman Bradley uns standing In front of the Mnx Ieyor store when n man In a light overcoat ran up und struck him u blow under tbo cur. Bradley fell , but recovered his feet in a moment und chased his assailant to Iho nllov south of the Board of Trade building. As Iho man turned the corner of the alloy Brad- lov fired n shot at the fleeing thug , but missed htm , us both were on the run. Quito n crowd gathered , besides several police oftlcers , attracted to the spot by the shot. , A thorough search wus made but no ouo was found , Tbo watrhmnn cannot describe his assail ant , as Iho assault und escape were so sudden ; ncilhor was bo able lo give any reason for Iho act. Ill it Clilfliou Ural. Mrs. A. Burrelt wus taken lo pollco head quarters last evening cbnreod with petit larceny. It Is cluimed thai while Mrs. Bar rett wus at a commission house purchasing chickens she mot nn old man named Jones on Iho saroo errand. The elderly gonlloman asked Mrs. to haul his purchase homeward. Sho'c'iinsontod and while Jones was In the store , iraylng for his iwonty-Iivo ' fowls iho woman'drovo away. A search war/Aiit was procured and tbo ofllcors soarcbcdfjjlrs. Barrett's house and nrcmisos and found tbo missing chickens. When arrestoVf the woman said that she waited a half bbur for Jones and as ho didn't sho\y UpwiU drpva home. She was released on her OVr'nj'rccbpnIzancO. risi'iitn.i r. J. SI. Wrleht , a.tpbacco merchant of Haiti- more , Md. , I mi commuted suicide. AlnKOoll tailtf'tlt Osbarn Hollow. N. V , , conUlnlnit ; , OOJ UUVK'N of oil , exploded. Tennessee Is So'Wflnj ; troops Into the Coal crook dlstrlots ttftfltftid the convict miners. Qcorso W. WollHiB. for many years Hnpor- Intendontof tho'tlliW Vorl ; policedepartmuut' is dead. o list The mooting olJtln plate manufacturers which was u > havd boon hold at .St. Louis Ibis month bus buon postponed until spring , William Ulnnkenshlp attended a dance at I'lattsbnrs , .Mg , jind uiukcd u miarrul with Ueorue Deluny , wbosbu ( imd Killed him. The president has L'oiiimutud the sentence of doUh passed on three. Yunia Indians by a California court to ton yp.irs Imprisonment. Tbo fast IlnlTalo express , ninnlmr out of I'hllndolpbln , W H wrookod by u misplaced switch. Thu onjlncer nnd fireman weiubu- veroly Injured _ l-'tllvlRII. Blgnor I'orrurls , Italian minister ot justice huH resigned. < Forty-eight Hsbormon havo. lost their lives in the recent storm elf the Spanish coast. Catholic circles at Montreal wore agitated over a report tlmt the pope bus been assassi nated. , father Ohrwalder , who recently escaped from tbo Houdun favors reconquering tlmt country. Tim Hchoonor Cxthorlno Ulchards has been wrecked off tbu Irish coatt and tlva of tlio crnwr worodruwuoJ. FOUND WITH HIS THROAT CUT , Bloody Oriiuo Committed by a HigWaymnn at Ord , NO CLEW TO THE V/OULD-SE / ASSASSIN. should lie He ruptured tin * llnr.igeil CHI- Will Al l < Short \Vnrk of Him Oilier InliMi-stlng Nntui from Oiin , Nob. , Doc. ,11. ( Special Toleg rain to TDK Br.i : . | When n hired man went line tlio luiy loft of Morrow's 1 1 very stable nt 10 o'clock last night tie illscovoroil Mr. Morrow lying In n pool of blootl with tits throat cut. Although alive Morrow was uncoucious , tuul it was moro than 1111 hour before bo was resuscitated. \Vlicn no regained consciousness Mr. Mor row told tlio story of tlio crlmo. llosuld Umt ns ho stopped Into iho barn tit 0ilO : tie wus hit on the head und knocked down Ho goiup da/.od ami ran a Cow steps , when I ID was lilt iinil ugatn knocked down mid his cut. tic ihon became unconscious , butnftct coming to ho trlud to gat tip. Then ho lost consciousness again till taken bomo. A gold w.uch and chain , n Knights ot Pylhtos charm iiiul some money was taken. Morrow usually carrloi largo ninotint. of inonoy on bis PCIMOII , it Imult which is generally known and which Is supposed to have boon tlio in centive to the cvimo. The doolon hope for his recovery. 'J'horo Is no clew to the would-bo assassin , but should ho bo captured the oilraijod e'.tl- /ens will make short work of him. Another llccl usur Convention. Au.t WK , Nob. . DJO. Ml. [ Spsulal to TUB Bic. : | A lurpo and enthusiastic mass moot ing of clll/.ctis and farmers was hold at Mo- Cullough's hall In thU city last night to dis cuss and take the preliminary stops toward securing n beat susrar factory at Alliance. It was decided" to call a county biat sugar con vention to moot lions Saturday , January 0 , and got nil the fanners formally milosnround to como , and have M. A. Lunn of Lincoln present to impirt any Information desired on the subject. Kadi farmer will than bo urged to raise as many aeros of beets us lie can , and capitalists offered an opportunity to Invest In n boot .sugar plant hcie. Analysis of beou raised In this county * how them to contain about 0 nor emit moro of jjiiccharinu matter than beets raised iti the locality of any of the factories now estab lished , ana Alliance citizens , as a consequence , are quito hopeful of sccurlnir a factory at this plieo next summer. Miudk With u rltrlilork. Pi.iTMMni'iit , Nob. Duo. ill. [ Special to Tin : Bii.J : The Sheriff started this nltcr- noon to bring in Ed. Wiliiy , wlio lives about olglitttnloi so ith of town , to answer to a charge of assault and battery upon his brother-in-law. Minaru M. Aldon. The In formation' usrafnst Wiloy was lllod by hU sister. Aldon's wife , who states that llio as sault was committed yi'stordav , when a com busking was. In progress on the lattcr's/ann. Wllov wont to the stable to get a hone , and bis sfbter told him not to take a young nni- uial bolongintr to Alden , but Wilov took Iho horse. Alden canto up and miatchod the bfiulu out or Wiley's hand , wheioupon the latter stiuck.Aldenin the face and a rough- and-tumble tight ensued. Wiloy was jotting tne worst of it , and breaking away ho picked up a oitchfork and struck Atden n terrific utow over the head which luid him out. lut Hated unit I'ro/mi. Coi.UMiiL'4 , Nob. , Dee. 111. [ Special to Tun Bur. | Martin Mtirlatj , a Polandor living about ton miles north ot this olty , was found dead Monday ovonlng , his boJy badly cut and mutilated , besides being frozen stiff. Nothing \vus known of this until lute Wednesday evening , when the sheriff was notified. Ho immediately proceeded to the seono and Htarted to hold an inquest , but , could fret nb Tacts tronfi nuy ol the family , \vhoseemodvuryrcticentnbout the matter. Sheriff Caldwell placed a guard over the ro- nialns and this morning repaired to I ho scene in company with the coroner and county at torney , determined to sift the matter thor oughly. Marluls was last seen in Platte Center 'December BL and was drinking heavily. The whole affair Is shrouded in mystery. _ llnllcts In HU Illicit. Bt/rri ! Cm , Neb. , D.-C. : tl. [ Special to TUB Bni.J The sheriff of Boyd county , S. I' . Jamison , arrived hero last evening with the inurdorer of ( / . O. Dodge from O'Neill , where ho had clven himself up to the sheriff of Holt county. A heating will not bo bad until next Monday. This promises to bo a very interesting case , us the nnsoner claims ho shot Doago in solf-dafuiise. but four bul lets in tlio back of the victim is evidence to the contrary. J. S. Burt , father-in-law of Gcorgo Wilkinson , has been arrested ns uti accomplice in the murder , and accorulug to a statement madO today ho will provo a valu able witness against Wilkinson. llr < rl"i lor tlio Company. GUAM ) ISLV.NII , Nob. , Dec. ai. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bin : . ] The attorney gen eral llled an application in the district court to'ayto have a receiver appointed for the Farmers Union , Insurance company of this city , charging Insolvency. Sheriff Costello was appointed temporary receiver. Thu case will como upfor further hearing next Thurs day. Thoofticersof the company claim tnoy hiivo never boon in better iltmnclul condition than at the present time and that the action of tbo attorney general is duo to the Influ ence of ether companies. They are confi dent that nn examination will dispel the charge of Insolvency. Druth ot 11 Mini * War Velorun , FOUT Xioiiimu , Nob. , Due. 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun.J Sergeant James Laydon , recently discharged from troop G. Sixth cavalry , died very suddenly In the post hospital this afternoon with heart disease. Layilcn had served ton years in the Sixtli cavalry and parllrtoatud In the late Sioux campaign. He was om ; of the moit trust worthy noncommissioned officers lu the rocl- ment anil was waiting ro-enllstmont when ho answered his last retreat. The funeral will take place Saturday and interment will bo with military ceremonies. C'loslng Thrlr TuriiiH. WAIIOO , Nob. , DJC. Ul. ( Speclil to Tin : BEK.I Yesterday a laixo amount of oudlnoss was transacted In the district court by Judiio Matt Miller Incident to the closing of bis term of olllc-o. Before the court ndjournod , resolutions of respect and commendation for hU impartial work on tli'i ' nonch were passed bv tbo bur , expressing their esteem and con- lldnnco In Judge Miller. Similar resolutions were passoa by the bar showing the high esteem In which clone of the court , L. E. Gruvorls hold. Ills term of oflleo expires today. _ Ilriin-Siittlo. CAI.LOWAV , Nob. , Dec. 31 , [ Special to TUB BKI : . ] Lust ovonlng at 6 o'clock , Mr. W. J. Bean of Broken Bow was married to Miss Eftlo Tuttle , daughter of Mr. und Mrs. \ \ \ 11 , Tuttle of this place. The ceremony -was performed In the I'acltlo hotel parlor by Hoy. W. S. Sayros of Urokon Bow , In the prcscnco of ub'out fifty Invited guests. An elaborate supper was served In the dining hall at 10 o'clock , and toasts were proposed and responded to until a laio hour. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and cojtly presents. _ i ThltiK-H1 Work. WAIIOO , Nob. , Doc. 111. ( Special to TUB BK'B. | The clothing store of ICIIItan Bros , , was entered by burtflaw by prying up a roar window last night. So fur n can bo asoor- talnod goods of tbo prolnblo vnluo of.Wdto $500 were taken. The thlovos also entered the lumber ofllco of D. II 1'holpi and tried bis safe by drilling thnw holoi in the door but failed to effect an ontranoo. Tboy loft their tools and a quantity of powder. Tnus far no ur raits have been made. Hoclal rromlmuivn Sutnil Him. BBVTUICB , Nob. , Deo. 31. [ Special Tele- ( jram to Tun BBB.I At bli prolluilnary bearIng - Ing before Judge Calllsoii today , Charles B , Carpenter was found gull'y o' forging nnd passing two forged check * Christmas eve , and was bound oyor to tin ) district court on each count In tbo sum of tfOO. In default of ball bo was sent to tno county Jail. The case ngalnst lu * confederates have boon by a compromise ! owing to the snclnl promi nence of ono of tno accused. Drat li of Two .Nolmixlci NBIIIHSKJin. . Nob. , Doe. 111. [ Special to Tin : Hii.J : : .lotliili Uo era , for yoari ono of the most prominent ilguros In financial nnd iwlltlcnl circlet , dtod yesterday. Ho bad boon suffering seine tlmo with la grippe , which developed Into typhoid fever. Mr. Rogers was born In Now York In 18:1.1 : and came to lliU county In I87J. Ho uns elected scmitor from this county In 18S.'I , havniir previously served us u inomber of tlio constitutional convention in 18M. Ho wus elected county commissioner for three con- secntlvn terms. Ho learos n wife and eight children. At the tlmo nf his doatli ho was ono of tlio wealthiest men In the comity. Ho was also n prominent Mason. Ho will bo burled with nil the honor * of that order tomorrow - morrow afternoon. 1'iwvKB ( Jirv , Nob. . DJC. III. [ Snoclal to Tin : UKI-.I Hon. K. Jordan , ono of the pioneers anil moil promlnont cillons of the county , died at his homo In DuboU this morning nf tor n lingering Illness front tunror. Ho will bo bnrlod with the bonots of Odd Fellowship In this city next Sunday. IKIion Jordan uns born In Lmvliton , Ale. , ApilU'J. I.SII. In Uulnbur. 18.1 % hi ) movrd to Niibrislii anil snttloj In I'uwnt'o ( ( unity , then contain Ing butsoviMi futnlllet. I'or a pnrlod of uluht vcars ho nerved llio penp'u of his fouiity : .s nlierllT and was a momlior of the itatnconvontlon In the f.ill of IS70 that ro- nomliiatod tlio I ito David llntlur for gov ernor. Ho WAS elected to the letMittnru In IN777aml toik an iictlvo pirt-ln the oflnator ill striiKJlo which resultud In the defeat of 1'lilmvis W Illtohcouk an I the ehu'tlon of AlvlnSaiindars to the Unlto.l tatui Donate. Ailintttcil llUCnlll. n , Nob. , Doc. fll. [ Snccinl Telegram - gram to TUB BBR.J Umll Magnason , nllas Axel Carlson , aged Ul , was arroitod Here this evening on the chnrgo of forgery on com- tilulnt of tbo Put t National bank of this uluco. Ho Is accused of forging the names of two prominent farmers to two promissory notes nnd discounting thorn at the u ink. At his hearing joforo the Justice ho broke down and admitted his guilt , lie was held to answer at the next term of tbo district court. I'll nn lloufl UnriK'd. Pitr.MONT , Nob. , Dec , III. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr. BP.B.J The farm house of J. M. Pollock In Klkborn township , live miles east of Fremont , wus burned about noon today. The family was absent from homo und neigh bors arrived in time to remove but.fow arti cles of furniture. The dwelling was a now one. The total loss Is about $ l.r > 0l ) , with (300 insuicnco. rroptrillions Compli'tml. OI.UMIIUS , Nob. , Dec. ai. [ Special to TUB Bui : . ] AH preparations nro nearly com pleted for the state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , which will beheld held in this city February 10 to lb. Tbo necessary funds have boon subscribed and all accommodations have been secured The Sons of Vetiirnns' drum corps , consist ing of twelve pieces , will furnish the music. Hit DrllciTtlii ! t'onit. Ei.iciiou.v , Neb. , Doc. HI. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB.J Fred Voss was arrested today while removing a load of corn fiom bis farm which had boon levied upon by a Doug- Ins county olllcor. Mirt > r COMI : in' WITH . Woilil'H I'nlr ColmnlK.iloncrs Demand l : i,0Ol ( ) ( ) ) ( ) Irom CliIriiKO. Crncvoo BUIIBAU or Tin : BEE , I (3inc\io , Ii , . , Dec. Ul. f Three million dollars must uo paid the World's fair director * by the city of Chicago before April 1 , 1893. The formal call on Comptroller May for three installments of fl.000,000 each , payable February 1 , March 1 and April I respectively , was adopted. at the executive meeting of the directors and specifying the reason for this ureant demand : "It has become apparent that tbo exposition will need the proceeds of $ ! , ( K)0OaO ) , of b'onds of the city of Chicago nt on early ilnte. Money is being paid out on o nstruction co'n tracts nt a rapid rate , and in order to moot the future payments ttra proceeds of the second * 1 , OOn.OOO of bonds , says the report of tbo finance committee , must be in the bands of the treasurer on or before March 1 , and of the tnird $1,000,000 or. or before April 1 , IblU. " Comptroller May was asked : "Do you anticipate any trouble in floating the $3,01)0- ) 000,000 In so short u tlir.ol" 'None in the least. " bo replied. "These bonds run thirty years , bear 4 per cent in terest , and are uuthon/od by special act of the legislature mid u direct vote of the people. Their' legality is beyond' question and tbity will bo taken fust as fast us they are offered unless I um mistaken. " Hound to Dlu , lint Didn't. Benjamin S. Donnelly , sou of It. R. Don nelly , the wealthy Chicago publisher , made an attempt to end his life last niubt by jumping into the lake opposite the Van Buren street station. Hud it not boon for the vigilance displayed and the prompt assistance rendered by twoyoung Irionds. . ) . Hawley and a son ot Lymnn J. Gage , ho would nave accomplished his pur pose , as tb spot woaro ho plunged in is ono 3f the most dangerous In. Chicago. Young Donnelly was smittuu oy n handsome and accomplished young lady who lives on the West Side. The young lady recipro cated tbo feeling , but her father did not look upon young Donnelly with favor , giving as u reason that Donncl y was too young to muko a good uusband and that iio was too fond of sowing wild oats. Ho refused positively to allow his daughter to have anything to do with the young man mid ho kept the girl under such close guard that Donnelly could not got n chance to sco her. It was nboutll p.m. , when , casting his bat aside , Donnelly Jumped from the pier Jbesldo the friends to whom ho had boon unbosoming bis troubles , anrt plunging through the door headed direct for the lake , followed by his friends. Reaching thulako ho plunged In head foremost and striking upon the rocks was partially stunned. When bis companions got him nbovo water ho fought thorn \\ith the desperation nf u wild man and they had ti mlehty hard tussle before they succeeded in getting him OR to dry land. Young Donnelly was carried up stairs into the hotel and a physician was at once summoned , who soon hud him out of danger , after which ho was taken homo. Odds neil Kllll * . August Indal of Belleville , has received In formation of the death at his home In Aus tria of his father , who threatened him with llsluuorltnuco live years ago because - cause of Msdispleasing matrimon ial alllanco and drove the young in n , who had married a poor uinldou , to America with bis brldo. The older Indul , notwithstanding his throat , loft them $75,000 , wltti twlco that sum to hold in trust for n \oungor brother and sUter. Indnl fins been at work In the steel mill at Bullovlllo for nearly a year. A stranger In the crowd at the installation of a ledge of a secret order at Falrbury quar reled with tbo wife of William Hurton , and when the latter defended her bo stabbed him fatallv In the back. The stranger escaped. John Van Heesl , the local featherweight , knocked out a couple of aspirants for PUBllIstlo honors with such neatness and dls- natch at the Twentieth Street Turner hall last night that a match will b < ! made with Dixon , the Hoston colored champion , for f ' 1KX ) aside. At KftlngHnm n French builosquo company posted such realistic b'lls of the per formance that thn Women's Christian Tom- iicranco union rompltilned and the mayor lia ordered the lower limbs of the nymphs to bo covered up or draped. Dr. Rlohnnl F. Cunningham of Lebanon. one of the olrtust physicians In Illinois , died of grip yesterday , aged IB years. Chicago Is tti have a Thomson-Houston Eloctrio Manufacturing plant to cost foOO- 000 and to employ 1.000 men. It will bo at Pullman , on the banks of lake Calumet. WfHtrrn ri-ojiln In Clilrugo , The following western people ore In the pity * At the Grand Paclllc-rJ. O. Brocksmlt , Cedar Rapid * . In. ; 11. 1) . Smith , Kearney ; L. J. Drake , Omaha ; MarU Plorco , T. U. Pease. Sioux City , la. At the Pulmor-H. Cl. Woaro , Sioux City , la. ; Mrs. Charles B. Souther , lloborl T. Souther. Cedar Rapids. la. ; J. II. Klllott , Burlington , lu. ; C. M. Sholaoo , Holm-ego , At the VYoHlnirton W. L. Chapman , M. II. Walllncford , Omaha. At thu LeUnd Mr. and Mix U. N. Gul- land , MnGrofior , la. ; IT. L. Catburwood , Cedar Rapldf , la. * . A. ITS C01IINC WAS VEIC01IED. Omaha People Generally Rejoice nt the > Birth of Another Year , ' JI PLEASANT GATHERINGS ORGANISED/ Young I'euple und Old Mudn .Alcrry uj , the Appro.irh of tlm No\r Somn of llio There was the 'frosty light1 but not the "flying cloud" when the old year died. Un dent leaden sky , ngulnst which the wblto light of the electric light shown with steely tlio balls of the city rung forth their midnight peals on an air in whlun the moist * uro was rapidly congealing , uud amid the clangor of ibo brazun lonuoi , tbo yells of tbo steam whistles and the occasional shriek from some ono M ho had poitponod swoaij oft until thn last inomont , the whole puj ; nted hero and the.'o by the sharp crack of'TT' ' strong lunged six shooter , 18'JJ was ushered ' In. In.No No one thought of 1S91. Its caroj wefo | passed , its joys spad , nnd all its avonts i recollections. It wus tlio coming guo * whom the salvo was directed. But then ttiorov6ro nm'iy who mndo ml tbo last houis.of'tho old year , and if It J " its passiug ; vns to the music of laughter ! tbo strains of Strauss watlzoj. It mtiy bn that here and thuro a homily was launchuv | but fovv curs'.veie attuned to words ot wisdom - , dom last night. Forty puitlily dressed maidens , together 1 with tnnt number of vouiiir men whoso ages ranged from 10 lo 1(1years ( ; , danced the mazyi waltz mid m.inv other dances to enchanting music until miilnlght nt the Mtllurd hotoj last night. The young folks' party ' liivon by Mr. and Airs. D. T. Mount of South Eighteenth street In honor of the ! ] budding young dauchtor , Miss Mao. The costumes of the young ladles wotl bountiful , being dressed in all colors shades. The dunces consisted of fourth numbers , with two extras nt mldm ! There were ten figures In the germim wlj followed the march at the opening. Thof ures were unique und wore prettily danf They were arranged by Miss Mount cs inlly for the occasion. - The ovcnlng was most happily spentj the young folks and the party was ono or brilliant events for the voar. An Informal party and collation was gtl at the Paxton hotel last nigtit by the Inlet ot Ibo bouse at the Invitation of Lnnd | Easttiian. About tliirlv-llvo couples charge of the parlors and'passed the o\l III-T , seeing thu old year out , in dancing at the banquet table. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn , Davenport street , hold a reception 'in hod of their niece , Miss Boyco , and her friends , Missus Gibson mid Wort , nntl many re mained for the midnight hour to listen to the peal of tbo bolls. Mr. nnd Mrs. Muentofcrlng invilod n number of musical friends 10 bo with them at 120 North Twenty-sixth strcot , and ob serve tbo German cuslom of welcoming Ihoslurdy youngster , ISO. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Udo Brachvogol also had. In a few friends to llttlngly close the year " - < with thorn. "Watch meeting" services wore bbsorved by both Episcopal and the Methodist Episco pal churches. A.s Iho chimes rang out the uour of midnight , when one long year was at nn end , Dean Gardner nt Trinity , made a short address on the cleaning up of the house and the duty of Christians during the yoar. Mrs. Colton sang "Ring Out , Wild Bells. " Appropriate services were also hold at the first Methodist Episcopal by both choir and pastor , Kov. P. S. Mori 111. Among the events unnouncod lor today are : Mr. mid Mrs.V. . G. Chambers receive , - > 211 Farnnm street , J ! tn 0. , Mr.C. S. Raymond rocolvos , SoUl'b'TbUty1 ' eighth avenue , 0 to JO. Misses Matlio and Ida Sharp receive , 20)3 Douglas street , i ) to 0. Misses Loboman , floHman , A. Newman , Wollsteln and Seliirsobn receive , 21(13 ( St. Mary's avenue , H to 0. Gnnoral Brooke receives tbo olllcora of the garrison nnd his stuff , Twenty-fourth aud Harnoy streets. Leap year nartv nttho Millard. Miss Jcntia Yntos , a dancing party Misses Lomcn nnd Johnson of St. Joseph "Hillside.11 Reception at Young Men's Christianas : elation for tbo younir men of Omaha , t to ] Rcccpllon to Bishop and Mr * . John Nowmnn by the Methodists of Omaha nt First church. The New Year's reception planned by ladles of the Second Prosbytoriau church , bo held in the church parlors from , ' ) t p. m. , has b3en postponed on account of much sickness among the members of congregation. Many dinners anil parties will be gl today anil during Iho coming weak at Paxton. Tills afternoon at 2 o'clock Bis ; Newman will entertain at dinner a party sixty. Saturday night the lirin of Hector Wilholmv company will give a bamj to all their employes. Monday night t' Sunset club will have u lama mcotlng B i * banquet. Next Friday night the Jack I'V democratic club , numbering 150 , will ha' banquet at that hotel. Arranging lor tin ; Vcli'ninn. Cirr , Nob. , DJC. 31. i o Tim BIIUnusual : : | preparations are > oin ? made for the entertainment of the ourth annual reunion of the Nebraska Sol- ' llors association , which moats In this city nuunry 12 and continues three days. The allowing ppaakors will bo procnt : Gov- rnor J M. Thayer , Lieutenant Governor ilnjors , Hon. .1. W. Peartnan , Department Commander Joseph Toaturs , Past Depart- nont Commander Clarkson. I.OG.IIifrirj.s. . Two minor pirmits , nggrogutlng i voro Issued yesterday by the suporlntondecj of buildings. The pollco nrrostod Mary Lee , an -v vlct , last night as a suspicious characti- blarv was onlv released from the pouilcfl lary Wednesday , where she hud served . crm for lurcony. _ William G. Cummlngs of 017 South Slx-1 conth street reported yesterday thii > a burg- ar tried to got into his stoio Wertnosday light and succeeded m breaking open a lour vlndow. Nothing was stolen. O. II Snydornud M. C. Crewo were bound ovcrto Ibo'dlslrlct eourt vostordny byJudpo lulslcy on the cliurgo of robbing A , Po'.cr- on of $1" ) in a Tenth streel saloon some ays ago. Snvdor procured ball u ( once und vas released , Kocoptlon to Bishop nnd Mrs , John P. yowinr.n * by the Methodlsls of Omaha at tbu ' 'Irst Methodist Episcopal church. A guti nil invitation Is extended to congregaUuns , f other I'hurehos and all friends of the bishop and Mrs. Noivman. I Al7'M ; ' o'clock lasl night , lira was dlscov-- red in the collage at'JOl'J Miami street and" Jox 7'J was pulled in. The llro was in on , inoccuplod one-story frame owned by W. 'I { oblnson and is supposed to have boon of in- cndmry origin. Lo s about siou. Ed A. ICoen. local representative of tho.j van ns City Sun , wus arrested yosiordav on vnrrunts svorn out by Cluof Soavoy and Jolcctlvo Vniighn for distributing offensive Itorutnio. Mr. ICoon gave ball for his > p- marancu Immediately nnd was roleiuod. Tbo Board cf FIre and Pollro Commls- loners has appointed John. Hathaway and A. S. Komund llro and pollco oparatorj , vlco 'rank I'lillllps and Joseph Ilengen , roslsnod , 0 take effect January I. Thu place of hosi P er at thu pollco diublos made vacant by Inthuway's ' promotion will bo Illlei by S. O. 1 at ha way , Thn board has also decided to R * urnlsh the orxiralors with badges. Hon. John II. Wolfe , the gonlulnnd good ittturod editor and publisher of the Califor nia Democrat , ono of the loading wCoUly laitorsof central Missouri , spout a day aad light In Oninba returning yoitordny via ho MUsourl Pacific railway. Mr. Wolfe ox- prcmod much surprl'o nt the vast buildings and publlo Improvements now bom made and In eontomplatlon In the city. I la Yl lw * I'm : BKK building and tbo ofllco of rim JIBB and witnessed tbo printing of tbo ovonlnff ealtlon of TIIK BKB. He was the Kuost of John S. Clayton , manager of the Wosicrn Car Knrviei > association and Lowls Ileod of .ho IWod Job Prli.lliiK company.