Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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ujt r * . . -1 DAILY BEK : OmipSDAY , DJBOEMBBR 31 , 189JI ,
Preliminary Hearing of Nfok Fox Post-
pen ) d TTniil Nazi Week ,
I'lnii Proposed to llomovo the T < n
UrcBflliiR from Twenty-fourth
Hcurct Soolr-ty SInttora
nin io City Notes ,
"A , * A
rt' .
. The prollmlnnry trial 'of .MftU Pox , tli ?
murderer , will not Uphold tl\ljmoriiliie \ , a's
previously nrrnnRod"butha '
until next Tiicsilfly Ttio
notr2cov < 8unlclcnjy | froru b\s \ loss 6t
* blood 'jfTtaud n trial. '
Th ° IJnoiva of bis wife's-death ' , has been
koptcn/roruiy / | from him "for fear tbnt enl
l ° * r/iiag It ho might tear open the stitches in
y throat and nllow hlmsolf to bleed to
aoatb , thereby cheating the gallows-out of a
victim. *
Ncoilw donning.
"If nny street In the city n6od attention It
h Twenty-fourth Mroot , now tbo main thor-
ougbfaro In the city , " says Mr. Persons ; , . "It
Is a disgrace to the city to iillow the mud and
tilth to nccumulato on the pavoman the w.ay
It is now. Butllttlo real bonollt is'troceivcd
from tbo" pavement the way things nro new.
At n vorv slight oxpcnso the city could have
this filth shoved Into the gutter with a diag
onal scraper. A couple of men with a span
of horses ojuld run the filth Into the gutter
from A to N Btrcel In half n dnv. The rains
would do the rest. An occasional trip of
this kind would keep the street In fair
condition at a trilling cost nnd would
not only mid to the cleanliness
of the city , but would fncilltnto matters In
the commercial line nnd also Icavo a good im
pression on the stranger who comes into our
city either by carriage or motor.
"Another thing that this great street needs
Is the lowering of the sidewalks to a line
even with tbo top of thu curbstones. If thli
Is not done soon'somebody will bo suing the
city for damages for a broken nrm or leg. "
Uollcd tlio Wnttcr Girls.
Yesterday tbo girls working in the Adams
" boarding house at. Twonty-sovonth nnd N ,
discovered the fact thnt somebody bad boon
through their rooms nnd taken nil the money
nnd Jewelry belonging to thorn. They bo-
llovcd that a fellow giving the name of B. F.
Bowman had been In that part of the house
nnd consequently suspicion wns fastened on
him. A man was therefore sent to Bow-
mmi'8 room , where ho wns found nsleop.
The police say that nn examination of his
pockets disclosed tbo missing articles. Ac
cordingly Bowman wns nn-cstod on the
charge of theft and wns taken 19 the lock-up.
Before his arraignment all the stolen ur-
tlclcs wcro returned nnd the prosecution
withdrawn. Judge King therefore dismissed
the prisoner.
Will Wntoli the Your-.Out.
.The Yotng People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Christian ohurcn , corner of
Twenty-third and H streets , will have
"closing watch work services" Thursday
evening , December ill , commencing at 10
and closing nt midnlgnt. An Interesting
program is being prepared , consisting of
soncs , essays , recitation's , oto. A special
invitation hat been given to all the young
pcoplo's societies In South Omaha to bo
present and take part in the program.
An Intermission of about three-quarters of
nn hour will bo had , during which time light
niircshments will bo served by the young
ladles. i
, - Jonth of .iirs. Kuomii
The numerous friends of Mrs. Alice
Kccnan , wife of Mr. A. M. Keenan , the mer-
- "chnnt , will bo shocked to loam of her death
yesterday afternoon. Sbo had been married
just nlno months to n day aud the union of
the twotvr.3 regarded ns nn unusually
auspicious one. Three or four weeks nto
Mrs. Kecnnn foil through a defectlvo sldo
walk after night nnd received injuries tha
rObulted In her death.
Mrs. Kromtn was 25 years of ago nnd a
lady of such estimable qualities that all her
acquaintances woio warm friends.
Or mill Army Installation.
On tno evening of January i will occur a
public Installation of the newly elected ofll-
cors of the Robert H. Livingstone poit , No.
23J , Grand Army of the Ropublio , In conJunction -
Junction with the local : Sons of Veteran's
camp nnd Woman's Rulluf Corps. Captain
Hart , adjutant of the post , will act as master
of coramor.los. * / largo turnout Is expected ,
and everything Indicates that the event will
bo a memorable one.
United Workmen.
At tbo mooting of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen No. W the following ofll-
cors were elected : Master workman , II. B.
Meuofeo ; foreman , Ira Thomas ; overseer , A.
L. Bcoblnger ; recorder , Ed Etsters ; treas
urer , It. C. Illlllckor ; receiver , Jacob Jaskn-
lek ; guide , C. M. Maul-son ; Inside watch. j [ .
Matthews ; outside watch , John Smith ; trus
tee , R. Hum. ,
Iliirited Tliroiijjli Tlumjihtloisness.
Private J. W. Burke of Fort Niobrara.jivlio
is the guest of W. S. Bates , had\hls hands
badly burned yesterday. Ho ha'd saturated
his gloves with gasoline to soften thorn and
then foolishly held his bands to tbo lira. Ot
caurso the glovm Immodlatoly Ignited , nnd
before thov could bo removed both hands
wora terribly burned. Ho will bo disfigured
S AnotliuiJ'rlzo Kl ht.
Arrangements have boon completed for a
fight to a finish between Dick Moore , the
welterweight of St. Paul , nnd Uarney Tay
lor , " "a local aspirant for the laurnls of the
prize ring. It is oxpeotod thnt the matcn
will occur January 8.
Moore was put to sloop by Tim Nilund in a
contest hero about tbrcocoks ago.
Nothlill ; in It.
A rumor wan currant on the streets vostor-
day thnt the Omaha Packing eampinv bad for
lomo unknown reasons discharged ISO men at
one fell stroke. The gcntlomon in clmrgo of
the various dopartmnnts were seen , and they
declaiod tbnt they know nothing of such n
wholesale beheading , und Insisted that it
must bo a mistake.
Single city Al ultitiirns.
Elmer E. Cole has roturncd Sfroui Arling
ton ,
A girl baby bat been born to Mr. aud Mrs.
Frank Hobbock.
Miss Jennie IColly is the guest of her
-brother , A. R. Kolly.
Miss Daisy Apon of Clarlnd.i , la. , is visa
ing Miss Nattla Adams.
A. Hutton of Ottumwa , In. , is tha guest of
'James Huttou of this city.
MUs Austin of Grand Island Is the guest of
* Mrs. MuKenzio of Albright.
Miss Dociu Carpenter Is spending the holi
days with fneujls in Auburn.
Mrs. 11. T. Maxwell is seriously ill at her
homo , Twentieth and I streets.
MrEd Cudahy is on the side list , bolng Jo
111 that bo Is conllnod to ins room.
Thu mnmbors of the Cudahy tire depart-
inenMvlll. K.tvo a dauco January 0.
„ /.Mils Mhry Powers ot DJJ Mjlnos , To. . Is
Ay , vlutiufr her cousin , MUs Lurcoa Jones :
/y'.Hoy , C.N. ; liVwsori nJrs peon calloa to
- ' ' JfnnUukoty IL | , by the death ot a sister. -
"Mr ? . Fi'leii'Maflipll ' < $ f CWiMoluos. , In , , | r
, 'th.o enost of .Mri aud Mrs. Thomas Hoctbr , L
J. ; ' jMi. P ( LcMondhnp , whof\ns bbononjoyln'ft
Eu'ploasnnt vl.ilV with rolatUe at'Btewar/t ?
Wn , , lias returned. " /
- A * r
A/A. mooting v/as / held lasv ovonlng ; aml'uS
its epujplotod for a'u lutornatlonai.
r , to bo bold oon/ ' \ * ? " , * i
MrQuiro fell afulfiat a rod tioUstpvo a'ndVvu. ,
* fuihtully ; ( burned ou tbo face , noou "mid
lAUcIft ,
1'ho.Ladlos' Aid society of the * Prosby.
tcrlrfa ptiurch wjtl clvq n dinner Ne y' Year's.
Ouy In the Fowler bullcllue from 11 a , in. to
< n , m.
F nk J. , tljo 2-year-ola sou of Jacob Vlo-
tor.'dlod yostordny. The funeral occurs at 3
ix m ; todny nt the rosldoapo , Twenty-second
and Wyraan streets , i
t (
Mr. William Cnlllljnn ha sold his lot and
bulltllng-on tbo alloy between Twority-fourlh
nnd Twenty-fifth streets lov Jamol Lowroy
for t. > , r 00. Mr. Lovvroy will erect a largo
brick building on tbU lot In the spring.
Mnry Spoottlp , ; the daughter of Onlcop-
Spoottlo , ha * returned from the Ullnd osyun
at Nebraska ( Jlty to Bpond ( ho hojldny * at
homo. Mis * Mnrv cnn neo dimly/and her
father hopo'v'bf ' her ultlmaloltthnlng her
perfect vUlon. "
Prank. B. Scott , fti-olvspi"per man well nd
favorably kupwnMfsailth Onlalia , hns no-
cured a posltloir'fgl0ck-editor ) ; on the Stoux
City , Iii-t | Ddlln'JL'rlbuno. Mr. Scott Is one of
the plonoer peSp.lpcr men of tbo Magic
City rmd loivvfo tt Rroat many friends boro.
WlUSin"M. ! t > oavitt and sister , Mis * Helen ,
'i7no Imvo boon v'sltine ' the few days
with their sister , Mrs. Frank Hnvwnrd , loft
hero tills morning Tor JarUnotivllle , Flo. , to
spend the winter. Mr. Leavltt is the fortunate -
tunato young mnn who recently fell heir to a
Jnrgo fortur.o by the death of his uncle , Dr.
W. P. Hnzelton Of Now York.
John Howe , a common drunken follow , was
arraigned before Police Judge King on the
chnrga of , persistent Inobrloty. The Judge
was Inclined to Indict a long term of Im
prisonment so that the fellow could for once
fool the strnngo actuation of being sober.
Howe declared , however , that ha had -miulo
complete praparatlous to go to Blair for treatment -
mont mill on the strength of this was dlv
cb firmed.
Starch grows sticky common powders
have a vulgar glare , Pozzoni'a .Is the only
comploxlon powder fit for use. „
' , \ Curd.
On Saturday morning wo will com
mence ti clearing sale of nil our cloaks ,
jiiehoti , and long ulstors. This sale is
made for the purpo > 6 of closing1 out nil
of this Boason'u goods , .and they will ho
put tit prices that must close thorn out. '
The reduction will bo from 30 to.CO per
cent of the regular price.
The goods tire now displayed in all of
our windows , hut none will ho offered
for sale before Saturday morning.
Ioimlfl ; County Will IJo Aslcctl to
Contrilmto to Itussln.
The president of the Board of Trade has
nupolntoa a committee consisting of MOJIH.
Jarnos A. Walsh , L. M. Anderson , John
Baumor , F. J. Borthwlck and George Heim-
rod to co-operate with Hov. LI V. Luddcn ,
who was appointed by Oo'vcrnor Thayer to
have charge of the matter , In securing a tram
load of Nebr.vika products to bo sent to the
fumlno sufferers in Hussia.
The committee was requeste.d to wait on
the farmers of Douglas county to solicit their
contributions , but at a meeting bold at the
I'axton htsl evening , it was decided
to solicit cash subscriptions , and
with the money thus obtained pur
chase Nobr.isku Hour nnd porlc.
There scorned to bo a feeling tbat this year's
Brain crop might-not stand an ocean voyngo
without serious damage , but that Hour and
pork would go through uninjured und could
bo used in any country. It was argued that
If corn wns donated it would have to bo kiln-
drlod In Now York nnd would almost oat it
self up before buinir placed on ship board. It
was likewise thought thatuftor buing ground
It was liable to absorb so much dampness on
the voyage as to render Itiinllt for human
For these reasons the cltizoas of Douglas
county will bo asked to contribute cash.
Another mooting will bo beld at 5 o'clock
Monday afternoon nt the Board of Traoo
rooms to formulate a plan for reaching ovory-
ono. Subscription lists will bo sent out to
each postofflco In the county to roach th.i
farmers , nnd secretaries will bo appointed to
looi : after the matter. This method will save
time to the farmers , who. If grain contribu
tions were accepted , would be put to moro
expense than their donation was worth in
getting It delivered.
Mothers will ilml Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth-
me : Syrup the best remedy for their children.
2o cents a botllo.
a AVVO a A VK.U is.t TS.
Mr. Uolnnd Heed nnd his excellent com
pany will open their Now Year's engagement
at Bovd's new theater this evening in
Sidney Kosoiifold's comedy , "Tho Club
Friend , " Which w s writtun specially for
Mr. Uoed last season. The eastern press say
that artistically bnoaktug this play is tbo best
that Mr. Reed has yet presented to the tnib-
llc , and that his company interpret it admir
ably. "Tho Club Friend" will bo played
tbls evening and on Saturday afternoon nnd
evening. On Now Year's afternoon and
evening nnd Sunday evening Mr. Rood
will appear ns Captain Aimer Turbox
In "Lend Mo Your Wife. " His char-
clorizatlon of the retired old mariner
is as breezy and artistic ns was Florence's
"Captain Cuttle , " and they are not at all dis
similar. Mr. Uued has always been a great
favorite with Omaha audiences , and the
advance sale ol seats which opened yester
day morning indicates that ho still retains
that hold.
"Prince nnd Pauper'1 will bo the attraction
at Boyd's now theater the lirst throe even
ings of next week. Else Leslie will bo the
center attraction of the play.
"After Dark" Is billed for the Farnnm
street theater. There is no denying tbo son-
entlonal and dramatic interest of Bouci-
csult's "After Dark. " This year William A.
Brady promises to produce it in a bettor
style than over , and it mav bo expected to
please patrons a well as ever. The company
is said to bo the strongest ynt engaged by
Mr , Brady , ' nnd the scenery of course will bo
n strong point. Some novel effects of n start
ling 1In 1.1 are to bo Introduced in ( ho railway
tunnel scone , nnd the view of the rlvor
Thames at London brldgu is said to bo qulto
realistic. .
Constipation poisons tno uiooil ; DoWitt's
Little Early Risers euro constipation. The
cause removed , the disease U gone.
Hullilois' nml Traders' Olllcjurs.
The committee appointed uy the Builders
and Trader * exchange to report noininoos for
the oulcors of the organization to bo voted on
at the annual mooting next Monday , reported
the following names :
President , N.B.llussoy and Thomas Tuttle ,
vice presidents , A. J , Vlerllng and J. A.
Wakellold ; treasurers , H. Iitnor and J. F.
Smith ; board of directors , ii. Droxcl , T. C.
Barrett , P. Dow , E. P , Davis , II. Curtis ,
W. U. Bullard , J. H. Harto , William Arthur ,
F. Dollono nnd U. J. Johusou. *
Doloeatoj to the national convention of
builders and trader * in Cleveland , January
IS : J. P. Thomas , T. Allison , T. H. Young-
orinuu und J. F. Coots.
UosjIor'sMnglonoaaasnoVuforj.Uurji a
headaches in HU mlnu to j. " At all drusrjUt )
The following marriage licenses were Issued
yesterday by Judge Shields :
NamoiMid Address. Ace.
I Olof I'luntoon. Omaha ; s
I Minnie llodetn , Uniaha. , 21
i Swim Anderson , Omnlm 24
1 Mathilda llluuin , Omuha. , , , . ii )
llavo Bcocham's Pills ready In the house
The following psrinttverb UvioJ by the
superintendent of buildings yostordny :
IVrdlnuml I.ebinaiin , two-story franio
Sovuntcenth und Martha. . . . , . . $ 2,500
" * . * * * . * .
Cc'mmissignera ati3 Oitlzana Disouss ProposJ-
tlons for Pleasure Grounds. / ,
' *
* * !
Opposition to Its I'nrolmso
\VliattlTo Partlsnns 5 > nld Jlnyor
Ciislilnji HJB Sonib , . Ideas
,011 tlio Suljcut. '
The Board ofPark Commissioners held a
meeting yostordny afternoon to consider
routine business and some new propositions
for park boijils.
Mr. W. E. Clark offered forty-six acres In
the vlctnltv of Niuth nnd Snckolt streets for
$ .i7,100. This was anew proposition and the
land offered came as fnr west ns Ninth street.
Thomas Murray offered four acres lying
butwoon Ninth nnd Tenth streets , anil con
necting the Clark lands with Tenth street
for ? I,5UO per aero.
The owners of Syndicate oark also sub-
mittcdn proposition to soil fifty ncroi , in
cluding the springs atfd lakes In the park at
$1,000 per acre.
Mr. Ilor und Mr. William Paxton , Mr. B.
F. Smith and Mr. Herman IConnt/.o were
present to oxplnln the proposition to the
board. The ccntlomon explained the
lay of the land Included iu tbo
fifty-ncro tract. It gave an entrance
on Twentieth street - nnd included
n good deal of high land. The tract ofTorod
extends to Twenty-xccond street on the
west. The north end of th'o tract Is about
two and a half miles south of Farnam street.
DlHuiifisliif ; the Proposition.
During the session of the board thorn were
several animated' ' addresses made for and
against the Idea of purchasing Syndicate
park. Mr. Joseph Barker argued very
pointedly against the proposition. Ho said
that the land was too rough for park pur
poses nnd that the board should not dioam
of such a purchase.
Colonel Cornish also grow very earnest In
condemning tbo land In Syndicate park as
being unlit for a park. Ho said there was no
tract of land within a radius of live mlles
that was so perfectly worthless , in his esti
mation , as th t p'.oco of land. It was too
rough for manufacturing or for rosldonces ,
nnd Indeed ho couldn't see what the land
was lit for.
Dr. Miller reminded Colonel Cornish that
the park commission was not looking for
land to locate factories on ; it wanted land for
park purposes.
Mr. Her took the matter very placidly and
answered most of the adverse arguments in
u very gentlemanly spirit.
Proposed ronat'on. '
Mr. Dumont said ho thought the South
Omaha Land company oucht to donate Syn
dicate park to the public.
Mr. Clark , who offered to soil land cast o
Tenth street tor a park , said ho thought the
South Omaha Land company should donate
the Syndicate park lands. It would enhance
the value of their lots adjoining to give this
land to the city and have it improved.
Mr. Bon Smith cotnplntcly turned the ta
bles on Mr. Clark by asking him why ho
didn't donate his land and prollt by the rUe
In the value of adjacent property. Mr. Clark
said ho has proposed to Mr. Thomas Murray
some years ago to join In the donation of a
good sized paik , but Mr. Murray had re
fused. Mr. Clark said the proposition was
still open.
It was the opinion of nearly everybody
present that It would remain open u long
lUMK'S A I'.lllK I'L.l A'
Cinlilnn 11-18 a Scheme 'flint's
S niply U.IZ/.IIIIK.
M/iyor Cushlng has a scheme.
Ho inys no claim to being a landsoapo
gardener , but ho has figured out the park
question , satisfactorily to himself at least ,
and furthermore ho has the papers to show
for It.
When n reporter of Tun BCE entered the
executive olllco yesterday morning bo Jotind
the head of the city government bent overn
tablo.and admiringly contemplating a pot
pourri of blue , gieon , black and brown on
a white back ground.
"Como 'round horo'n I'll show you some-
thing. " ho exclaimed gleefully uud the re
porter obeyed.
"Now I want to know who can beat that , "
ho demanded.
"Very pretty , " murmured the visitor.
. "What Is it ! "
"ThuE is a park , and wo must have it or
somoihingJiku It , before , vo can beat Min
neapolis. It's an idea of mine , and Iliad a
draughtsman make this sketch for mo. There
you see a lake nearly n mlle long nnd a milo
wide , and embracing a little over 000 acres.
The water Is from ten to twenty feet deep ,
and us clear us crystal. Two lines of rail
road go right by it , nnd it is less than live
miles from this spot. Wburo is ill Right
out here by Seymour park. I don't suppose
they'll over do anything aboutit , but accordIng -
Ing to my idea its the most feasible.
In fact the only satisfactory way there Is of
getting a nice body of wnior for a lalio , that
has yet been duvisod. I am going to touch
on the matter In my annual message. "
The mayor became qullo enthusiastic over
his plan , and wont on to explain the details.
The green spots wore little islands , twenty-
four in number , all In a group on tbo west
side of the lake. They ranged in size from
a small back yard to two or three acres , and
were designed with nspoc'al ' reference to
private picnic parties. Rustic bridges \vil
connect them with each other ( perhaps ) , nnd
en the largest one , which is about
in the middle , on the side
next iho Inko it to built n
big pavilion or hotel , with a wharf and plow
leading out into the water und crooking
around to afford n shelter to the steamers
launches nnd small fry craft when the
surface li , unduly milled. Around
the Inko is a beautiful drive ( that
is It's beautiful if It's anything )
four miles long , and shaded on oithei
side by great trees. This is to bo connected
with the citv's system of boulovards.
"You see , " said tbo mayor , "wo cut off the
Little Pupplo up here at the upper end of the
lake nnd turn It off to the west to the Bis ;
Pnpplo , nnd then food the lake by artesian
wells , giving the verv purest water ,
"Thobtreot car line would bo extended there
and n Jlvo cent faro would cnablo everybody
to reach it. The land can bo bought now for
about $150 nu acre , nnd the total cost
wouldn't bo anything to wlwt such n park
would bo worth. There one could Und lea
yachting In winter , and n beautiful drive
with u breeze from the lake In the summer.
Of course , such a breeze wouldn't bo very at
tractive at this time of year , but "
The sentence wasn't tlnlshod , for the
sneaker lost himself In the rapture of hit Im
agination as ho again bent over the lublo and
resumed bis study of tbo scene before htm.
You've Nu Idea.
How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the
needs of peonlo who fool "all tlrod out , " or
"run down , " from any causo. it seems to
oil up the whole mechanism of the body so
that nil moves smoothly nnd work becomes a
positive delight. Bo sure to got Hood's.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the llvor
rousing it from torpidity to Its natural dutlos
euro constipation and assists digestion ,
Amont : Military Men.
There will ba a meeting on Saturday after
noon of this week at the ofllcu of Chief Clerk
Davis of the adjutant general's department
for the purpose of organizing a garrison of
the Rojjular Army and Navy union. The
mooting will bo hold at 3:30 : p. ID. ItUux-
V t Baking
owder :
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the S
pcctod thai a ccntf.tta organ lzaK6n will bo ,
effected on J thaviKiftutton la to cull lttho
General .lohri ILl'llrooko ' Rarrtson , TbU
fralcrnnhmd seoul rRnnlzntlon U growing
vary rapidly among ; sillltar.r tnon. None but
thojo who have bban la the regular army
icrtloa are DdmltUd :
' C ) on oral Droolco nvlll bold hl tlmo-honorcd
Now , Voiir'g u y reception for the members
of his stnlf fit his rootucnco. Ills staff oftlcora
Sviil cull In full uniform at the general's nut *
, doncp on Twenty- fourth * ( rcot.
Coniatn Joseph , WBltlrican ) of the Twenty-
first Infantry has trtetr'Ardorod to proceed to
David's Island , Now. Y < 5rk harbor. . .and con *
duct recruits fromlttnt place to tuh.dopart-
Oonoral Hroolto ban had a call from Texas
for puck mules and bo baa nfrcod to sand
twenty flvo pncK tnulcs and thair drlVors to
the Tcxus frontier to bo u cdun that country.
I > runknnnc8 < i.
The Kcoloy Instltuto at Ulnlr U nblo to ro-
cclva a lltnltod nil in Oar of 'patlonts. Dr.
Kcoloy's bl-chlorldp of polu Is the only euro
for drunkenness that is sura nnu normabont.
Forfnrthnr particulars address The Ko'oloy
Institute , Ulair , Nob.
Di1. Culllmoro , oculist , J3oo building
Knllronil Note" .
And now the Hock Island lias como to tbo
fore with a neat circular pertaining to the
triennial conclave of the Knights Templar , to
bo held In Denver next August. Ono map
covers the whole United States nnd Indicates
by red cresson all the cities In which con
claves have been hold during the past twenty
yoirs , A diagram ahows the storage yards
of the road ncur Lincoln Parlc , which have
tracltngo for 973 parlor and shipplnc cars-
Another diagram gives a plat of Dcnvor nnd
shows oloarlv the various railroad nnd street
car linos. The back cover page Is a pretty
pleco of lltbograpblo work in which Masonic ,
state nnd national cinbloins 'ana the Hock
Island's trade mark nto Ingeniously com
bined. The statement , is made that n mana
ger will accompiny every KnlghU Templar
train over this rond.
Byron Philander Humphroy. missionary
for thu Lake Shore & Michigan Southern , is
in tno city.
D. U. O'Hellly , now traveling agent of th o
Union Pacific with headquarters at Portland ,
Is in the city , havlng'boon called oajt on no-
count of bis mother's Illness.
Foster Dicker of Schuylor is in the city
trying to Interest the railroads in n car coup
ler that ho has patented.
D. W. Aldrldco of the Northwestern hns
returned from Detroit.
The Mltvaukoo hni Just brought to an
( Jmnh.i dealer u car load of toothpicks In n
< lngla consignment.
Oonoral Trafllo Manager Mellon of the
Union Pacific returned yoatoraay from
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omuha bus had ttoublo with n land slide
near Sioux City , und in order to do away
with tno possibility of another Hlido n big
section of the threatening bunk was romovct
by blasting.
A grain man on change today was the au
thority for the stntotnont thnt G. W. Hold-
rogo , general manager of the U. & M. rail
road , bought stock of his road for invest
ment vrbon It , was selling at 74. The ranlO
advance In tbls stock 1ms given the i > ontlo-
rnnn a profit of $ M.00. "Thnt. " said tbo
grav haired grain dealer , "Is what a man
for having confidence in his own road. "
Van Houton's Coco.i Pure , soluolo econ
Y. IU. C. A. Reception.
Preparations are almost complete for a
grand rocoptlon to the young mon of Omaha
by the Young Mon'n Christian association on
the evening of New Year's day.
The association will ba assisted by a largo
number of ladles. Tlio reception will begin
nt 4 and continue until 8 p. m. The guests
will then bo invited to an entertainment iu
the concert hull. An orchestra hns boon
secured to furnish music during tbo recap
tion In the parlors anil lecture rooom.
The following committee of ladles will
assist the association :
" "
Mrs. C ) . D. Rustin1 , Airs. J."c. Denise ,
Mrs. Warren Swltzlcr , Mrs.-J , O. Phlllippl ,
'Mrs. T.W. DlaoHburn , Mrs.J.iH. McL'ullooh ,
Mrs. A , M. Clark , Mrs.V.C. . Blackburn ,
Mrs. J. M.Vllaon , Mrs. Asa Le.ird ,
Mrs. J. A. Gnlllth. Mi-i. George VV. Hull ,
Mrs. C. S. Haywurd , Mrs. A. O. Frank ,
Mrs. C. C. Downs. Mrs. Dr. Durvea ,
Mrs. C. F. Catlln , Mrs. S. W. Lindsay ,
Mrs. Dr. Uirkbausor , Mrs. C. A. Starr ,
Mrs. .1. L. Kennedy , Mrs. Silas Cobb ,
Mrs. W.Volsh , MM. Dr. Graff ,
Mrs. Dr. Tildun , Mrs. Morrow ,
Mrs. E. G. Dill. Mrs. J. S. Bongs ,
Mrs. S.V. . Llndsav. Mrs. J. F. Dale ,
Mrs K. O. Price.
And the following young ladles :
MUs L. M. Brunei1 , Miss Georgia do Cou ,
Miss Loborta do Cou , Miss Corn McCnndlish ,
Miss S. Taylor , Mlbs E. McClintock ,
Miss Doris Kennedy , Miss Frances Emerson ,
Miss C. Philbtlck , Mi's Margaret Goss ,
Miss Addle E.Stonhen , MUs Mary Mooro.
Miss II. Llndorholm , Miss E. Btechonrldgo ,
Miss M. Moore , Miss E. Grlfllith ,
Miss Mnrv Duryoi , Miss ilattlo Durvea ' ,
Miss F. Fltchott , MUs Ella Allen ,
Miss Cnrrio Dutwoilor.Miss A. E. Alexander ,
Mss ! Lillian Wilbur , Miss Anna E.Hallock ,
Miss Wilson.
"Look * like a
ghost ! " That's
what they say of
the rial a , thin ,
weak woman
wbols "run
down" und
worked. Prob-
nbly tbo luiows It
horsolf. But
there's ono thing
she can't know ,
or she wouldn'6
feel so nnd look BO nnd that is , that Dr.
Piurco's Favorite rrcscriptiou is guaranteed
to help her.
It's a legitimate medicine , mndo especially
for woman's needs ; an invigorating , restora
tive tonic nntl n teething and strengthening
nervine , imparting tone and vigor to the
whole system.
liut it isn't n mere stimulant. Its n reme
dy , safe nnd suio , for nil the functional de
rangements , jiainful disorders , nnd chronic
weaknesses that make women buffer. In
"female eomplnlnts" of every kind , pe
riodical pains , fntiviml inflammation , ulcera-
tiou , and kiiuhcd nllmonts , /tmnm/i'cii ( /
to lionelit or euro , or the money is returned.
No other medicine for women is bold so.
Proof that nothing else is " just ns good. "
unutilo to procure tills \vunilvrnil nnii | > D
tn Btampo ana * rocelvu cato by return mall.
JAS. S. KIKR& CO. , Chicago ,
NI'r.'IAI.-&han < 1on n < - | ] WnUz ( the populnl
Snclolr Wnlti ) ( uTclt'UKK tn nnjonu roiiilluK u <
firou wruppora of tlinnilou UeiUbuuu. _
How mtiny wunls oinyou muke. uvlni ; onlr the
letter * la tie nonln 'HAT IDKNTIMKIl. " lit
prlie - Twcnty-IUp dollars ! SU prlio Ti-n ilull.irs : JU
utlJiiKUo ilulUrit 4tli i > rl -One doiei "IJuntl.
Hera" Haiuladliuu for inlus Kovornlnit ouniestunU
niuple Idcntltter" to II.I.INOl.S JIKTAL CO-
Jtojul Ini. IIUU. , Chlcvtfu , lilt
liltDr , , Bailey
The Leadinr
DENTiSi1 ,
-i , Thlr5 floor I'axton IHoolt ,
Tclcnono IOS3. . ICth nml I'liriinin Hti ,
A. full set ot tooth , on rubier , for It 1'erftnt
at Tooth without ylatiH IT remuvulila
brldKO work , Just thu tiling for atiuorj unU
lublloiin iitiirs , nevur drop 'tuwa
Teeth Eitractjl Wituoat Pain.
All DlllnuK at rctuonablo raid , All nark
vanauteO , Out tau out fur a gala *
Next Thursday night we close our big front doors on the most
successful year's business we have ever experienced. Successful from
a financial standpoint , because we've made some money ; successful in.
gaining friends , beca'use we ve never made so many before ; successful
from' business standpoint , because our stock is in the best shape wo
ever found it after Christmas successful " " because
"aclvertisically , nor
house in this end of the earth "is 'better known or bears a better reputa
tioh than ours today. Not only has our trade shown a wonderful iH-
crease in Omaha and immediate vicinity , but our "Mail Order Depart
ment" has nearly doubled its business during the past year , and now
caters to the wants of over ten thousand regular customers in over a
thousand towns and 'cities in the -west. To our friends who have mad
it possible for us to build up our business to its present mammoth pro
portions , we can simply bow our *
Next year -we intend to do still better ; we are never satisfied. We
want to begin right. On January 1st we take our annual inventory.
In order to still further reduce our stock ( we have found it much easier
to count money than goods ) we intend teen -
on Suits , Overcoats , Hats , Shoes and FtirnishingGood s from now till
New Years as you never saw prices cut before.
Remember our photograph contest closes New Year's eve. That if you send us a cabinet
photograph of a boy anywhere from 4 to 18 years of age you are liable to get one or five prizes
running up to $1O in gold. That you get the pho'ograph back after New Years. That If you
think you've got a good looking boy you're a "chump" if you don't try It.
Every MAN can be
NUKVINK.tllegrent bpmilBh Remedy. YOUNG MEN
OU OLD sulfcrinic from NBH.VOUS DCHI&ITY. I/OST or
FAIIINO MANHOOD , nightly emissions , convulsions , nervous
prostration , cnnsitl by the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakc-
fulness , mental depression , los ? of power in either sex , speimator-
BErnoKK AND AFTtu USE , rhoja caused lj self abuse and otcr indulgence or any weak4
ness can be restored to pcrfec' health anil iho NOBII5 VITALITY OP STUONO MEN.
We cite a written guarantee willi C boxes to euro any case or refund tlin money. $ i a boz,0 boxes $3
Fo. ' 9ilq ; in Omaha by McC'otniok & Lund , loth airJ F.iruim sts.
Bt ntljr tops the moit oiccrnclatHs p-Urnj never f ills toxlve emo to the i > u.Tcr.i.
For sprains , liruNo ) , bickuc'.io , pilu in tlio chest or slibj , heuliic'ie.
or uny external pain , a few applications , rubood on by hand , act like imi'jlo , cauo
in ? the pain to instantly stop. For congestion < , hill nil iiitliim , rlio i nuthm , 11011-
raisin , Inmlmgo , sciillca , pains In tlio small of the bins' ; , mo'o oxtanded and repealed -
pealed applications nro necessary : All intorniil piins , dlnrrlirui , disolitary , colic ,
sjusms , nausea , fainting'B mils , narvoiisnois , seoi ! > ! < mnos , ' nro relieved instantly
and quickly cured by taking Inwardly 20 to GO drops in half a timblcr of water
fiO cents a bottle ; sold by dnifrffinH With RA.DWAY'8 PILLS th ore is ho botto
ure or nrorentlvo of 1'cver anil Ague.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent specialist In norroun , chronic , private , hlooil kln and urlntry dUoman. A regular nri I
rezlitcrdilirimluntulnmuitlclno. in diplomas andcurtltlottoi show In htlll tnwtlnz wlt'i tlioKroiteil 1110-
ce-m cnl-irrh , spcr.natorrlioen , lost nmnhnod , aemlnil iruiknai ) , nUlit Idjsoi , Impjtoioy , rphlll Jtrlfl.
turn , ttonurrhncn , gleet , vnrlcocelo , etc. No tnorcnr/ oil. NBW troatmjnt for ld i of vital l > o or. I artloi
unable to viiltino mar bo trcntud.nt homo by curro-'ponJunco. .Mallairo urlnUrniainti nunt by in u or
txprcis securely jmcfccrt no mark * tolnrtlcUo contu m or sourtor 010 naricm l Intorjla * pruforroJ. Con-
Hultntlon froo. VorrtMponccnco strictly ptlrntu. Hook ( Myitorlai of I.lfo ) sent frjo. OlloohojfJ. 'J m.
o p. m bundny , 10 a. m , to 12 in. ttanil Uup for reply.
, ( IHItAlll'H ! Oltir.NTAtj
M.tUlO.VI , llKAUi'll'lii : ( .
Ilemo\f3fnn. l'imi > lir , 1'irck-
lei , .Motli I'ntclav , Itishniul hkin
J otcr > likliil.-h uu
beauty , aiul dtnm
UctitU.n. It liiu
. . ! ! tliO t.iSt Ot 0
n. nml In ii u
tily nmilc. Aict > | it
no ( ouhitifilt of
clinllnriiauiH. Dr.L.
A. bujfi mltl to a
lucly ollholmut-ton
( nintlenl ) : "Airyou
lAdUiHllluiotliem ,
\ I riooniiticnil 'Uou.
I rntiU'HCi onlu'of the
/ 1 civs vnn fill ofiill
thu rklii prcr < atn *
tloiu" Foi uluby
til liriBCl t olid
Fancy Uuodi
crihlllie ( Iiillel Slulu ranaitniliTul r.nrai >
< T lOi'lvl H , 1'inii'r .T < JunnSt. V. V
Wo nenil the innrvelonn French 1
IlomcJy CALTIIOS frw , HIII ! A
legal 8uaranlcutlmtUALTr < i I'll )
HTOI > Illi.ilianrM.V- lou. ,
CUHK Mpprmatorrtipa.Varlcueele
und KKhl'OUK 1M > t \ lcor.
Use ii anil fay if satisfied ,
Aillrtu.VON MOHL CO. ,
Bolt iatrlru l ( li , lUilnDiU , Ohio.
National Bank -
Capltnl . . . , $4OOOOO
Surplus 00.OOO
twicer * nnd IMrecturi-llanry W. Vntei. I'roddant )
LUHU 8. Keeil. Vlco I'roildonti U H. Muurlod. W.
V.Mcrso , John ti. Co I Urn , It. U Cmbloy , J. N. U.
I'alNckV. . U. d. llucliuj , CaiUler.
Corner 121'ianlKnrimj jn
, Ait your llrngglit for ft
. bottle o III * (4. ahe only
/ non polionwu ruuiedy for all I
, / the nnimtuml dliclmrucii and
I prlvnto ilKe . .uof men and the
deOilltatlnk'rvakneu peculiar
1 to women. U cures In a fetv
[ da > without tlifl old or
\ pulillr-lty of a doctor ?
\'lhi fiiurriat American Curt.
Mauufartnrvti by
vTb Evans Ckemieal G > . '
U , U. A.
by iv He IT perfected
DcloiHIllo tuotlind that
cannot fall unlesn tlio
case 13 buyotid liunmti
nld. You fcol I in pro veil
ttio firm ilny , Ceul u bcno-
fltoveririttty : noonhnoftr
yourself n Una aruuna
inon In body , mind and
I hcnrt. Dniln3uiullo3ca
ondod. Kvcry obstacle
toliuppyniiirrlod llfoio-
inoveil. Nerve foreo , ,
willcnurpy , bruin pan cr ,
wliou failing or lost/iro
restored by tliU treat-
mont. AllnmnllmirtwcaU
portions of tha body cn-
laritcd nnd ttreniitliencd.
Victims of nbusca ami
oxcca cit , reclaim your
initnhood' BulTcroH from
follyoverworkIII lionltli , i-
rcRnlnyourvluorl Don't
dcspalr.oTen If In the last
Btaccii. Don't bo dlihcart
onrcl I f ijunctii ) tinvo rob
bed yon. I.ctusBhoiryou
that uicdlcul uclcnco uinl
liiislnpj.itionor dill oilsti licrn KO Imnd In Imnd.
IVrlto for our IlooU with ciplmintions & proofs ,
maHodicaledfrco. Over KOOO reference ! .
) l'o Ojfer You n Honiedy
ir/ilc/t J/uiu-c * flufi'tu to
J.I fa ofMutlttr ami Clttltl ,
JCabt ( 'iinflnetneiU of lit
J'atu , Horror ami Jttili ,
Atteruilnijonotutlleof " liilhui'H I'rli-nil" 1
turiuml liui Hltlo imlii.uud dldiioiexuerluncu th t
wcikncH * aft nYirl | mull In iicli ciuw.-Mri.
AN.XIH OiOk. , I.ainsr , Mu. , Jan. IMIi , 11)91 ,
Bent.liy f xnre . ilinrgv * iirepakl , on receipt oi
prlco , Ok v ) | * r bouk'll K.U tu II .thin niallt-il Irco.
lIUA I'IIr < D HUtJt'l.ATOH CO. ,
ATI < AM'A. OA ,
ROI.U nv A 1.1.
s Ul UK. Others Ii
comparison arj tlow or
UKAO. if .uffcrlugtry
- . u I'oiivlruteif , Itv
lluvun. t iirt-4.
" - - - - -
Sore Throat
Sore Ey
Sold only In our own bol'les. All druggists ,
POND'S ' EXTRACT CO.,7G5th Ave-.N.Y.
TLo I/orBo t , Fo tc t anil Flnr t In tbo World ,
l tHHoDKer nccoinniinilnna unaicellwl.
Kvorjr finturday ,
NUW YOIIK , OIIli\l/riil ; nnd ITAFX.E9.
Atroirulnr Intcrvnln.
ratoa un lnwe t tornis l'i nnd from the | ) rlnclplo
, ziutisn , IBIOU t ALL counuEum , roiuio.
lon tlokota nvallfihlo to return hy either th Ttte
uo Clvito A North of Irulnml or N | > Ici & . ( IILralla
Cult : ail lte 7 Orfiri fcr An ? Acout it Icwiit Bitiu
Apply to any of uiir locnl AKontH or to
N 1IUOT1IK1W. OlilcuRu , III.
IIM III I I U ba4t und oinr cnpiulai projfli IboJ b )
UUUU I n r8 , , Hr , , tyjolaiu | tor Ui < .tiro of
Oonorrliiea nntl uliclmrKUl from tha urlnury orirant
tevurottouai da/i. II..VJ par Liyr. Alldruuulil
Monraouth , III.Fab , U , W.
Dr. J. H. Moore , While Buffering
from UBovorocpld. I WIIH iuducotl to try
Mooro'a Tree of Lifo Catarrh Curo. Jt
aiTardod almost inunodlato rolluf ; anil
wliHo I hnvaboon a sufferer for ynara
from catarrh , Blnc-o unlng this remedy I
have not boon alfcctod in uny way with
thltf dooldoly nnnoviug disease ,
J' [ tls'S-
Maori- Tree or I.ifo , u positive otiro for IfiiU
noy and Uvor Complaint und all hlood dla.
uiuaa. UooKllpuy tosnltur when you
cured by ualiiK Mooro' * ' ' " ' ' ; * -
l < lfu " * '