THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 20. 1801 SPEG1RL NOTICES. . ' . KOll TIIK8H COLtlMNfi APVKRTIBKMl'.NTM U .W p m . for thn ovcnlnr unit unlll 8-.iO p. in. , for Uio morning or Sunday cdl * All mlvpttlscmnnts In tlie n columns Uronti n llni Hr l Insertion nml It ) tent * a line therontler , or 13 per linn per month. No advortltomont tnkon for lemlhiinJSrt'nts for tlio tin t Insertion. ' InndvnMfp. Count nbotit 7 words to the lint Init ials , lluurp * . symbols , etc . each count ns n word. All nilYprtlM'tiionUinust run consecutively. Adver tisers. liy rrnneiillni/ numbered check , cnn Imva their letters ndilriMFCil to n numbered loiter In cnra ot TDK IIKK Answers so nililriMO < l will bo deliv ered on presentation of tlia chi-ck. IllASV II OFFICF.S ADVKIITISINO FOIlTllsK Jcolumns will bo tnkun on tliu nliovn conditions Ithp following busIiiPM houses , who are nulbor- lifrt lo lukf "iirfliil noticed nl the tame rales nscan ti > hml nt Hi' ' mnln ofllro : HouttiOninha llrancli onicc No. 5CS.1 N street , I l | pr lilm k .tulin W lli-M , ptinrninclst.lllh nml Mrson streets. 8 II. Fnrnsnortli. tilmrmnoM.vll.'i Onnilnir street. W.J. lliiKhM.iilinrninelit. IR1N. Ittli streol. ( ! II. fntterllold , phnrnmclst , 1TI3 Lcuvenivortu iltfpt. HlnthPs' phnrmary , 21th nml rnrnnm. _ _ _ _ HI'1'IJA'I IO.NS VVANTUI ) . IIATKS ISo n line first llmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnki > n for leu * than 2Sc. ' iioTTiTKifFPF A slllon. rvron yearn' experience , ntllco nnd bank llefpfciices. Address K * ) , Boo. M08" 21) ) ' \ -rosiTioV AS rirnxoTjiiAPHKii IN LAW .Aor railroad olllrp1 Ilonilntilon operator : llefcr- pnccs. Addrcsi K 19 , lloe. MBIT if. ) ' ' 7AiV , wFrit YIIAIIS OK KXI'KUH'.NCB AS nurse , to accompany Invalid to Paclflo coast for the season. Address Dr. I. WebMer , West Liberty -HIT : up HOOKS TO KKUP AD- * dtosi , 1C 7 , lice. JIM ! .11- VV ANTKI ) .M AI jl-3 IIKIil' . HATKrtISc a line first tlmo miU lOc n line there- nflcr. No advertisement taken for tern limn 25c. " WANTIJ YA'I oVncr. ri.KUK WITH LAWU ; corporntlon. must lie quick mill nccurato nt lliturcs mid write n KOOI ! Imnd nd liavo n pr rtlal Knowledge of opernllnu nrcouriti. Illvo lefuroneen whi-ro last employed , llonil "iiliirynnl prospects for advancement to capable person. Address K 2V , lleo MIMIM * -TltAViLINJ : HAI.K1MKN VISITINI ! ( IHO- I > cers nml Kenernl murelinntt In Nebraska and tlio west to Intiridnco otir good * a.i u Hide line. Liberal pay 41 ! > I'nxtim block. Mli'.ll 1 * 1 > WANTHl ) . VOUNU MAN TO DIUVI ! JI1IAT I > auon , InituJiur profurred. O. llotmku , IS2I Slior- man ave. 071-58' TJ.-WANTKD TWO IIAIINI'.SSM AKIMIS , WOIIK I'mostlj team harness. Potur ( ireuu , Holdietie , Neb. IJT7 W -WANTll : ) . A < ; F.NTH. LADIIH AND CUNTLK- nien In every city nnd town In the United States for now honncliuld article sold In every home. Pnniplu liy pxpnvK T.'K' , Mnf'K AKta , VlOl Ollvu street , IlnoniTI , St. Louis , MO. .MI-J7 3- T > - < 'ANVAHHKI18 WANTniT-HKST INDt'CIS JJiuents. t'nllor address No. : UIN. V. I.lfn bldu. 23-.I .111' AC.KN'I H WANTKD iVKIlVWlinltKCIIANn : ; ( ! slmft for polo of linincy In one hnlf mliintei Just ont ; write quick ; bltf prollts Patent hpeclnlty Mf . Co. . iCmporln , KIUI. 17" J 'J' T > -WANTr.D , SALI-SMINON : SALAUVOII COM- 1/iiilB'dun ' to linndlo the nu < v patent cliemlral Ink ( mrlnc rcmll. 'I lie ttrciitpst wlllnir. novelty ever prodnc-cd : ernsei Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nlirnslon of | aper ; 1U ) to IJKI per i cut profit : ono ri'ent'B pnles iinioiinted to 1(150 ( In six days , another IIW In two lionrn. > VoMint ono cenoral a ent In pncli stale nnd territory. For tcrniH nnd full par ticulars ndilresH Monroe Kriiher MfK. Co. , Lu Crosse , WIs. X lit ! . 727 I > -WANTKD. A"VOIJNO AND NKAT COLOIIKI ) J boy to tend door. The ItOHton Ston1. cr.M ) WAN MOO I IIATK < ) IBc n linn llrst time and lOc n line there- nfter No advertisement taken for less than JOc. C-Olltli Kll ( JKNIJUAIj IlOUSnwOHIf , H.MAMi fnmlly.Kood watses. Call at Sttjti Decatur trect. JIliSB Jl * c I-wAN'i'Ki ) . noon mm. HK ) liKXICUAl , hontiHwork. M.2 Calilwoll. .MWS ; ! ! rt-WANTii ; > , oini * roa GKNKHAIJ HOUSI- : vvwork ; miiKt ho gooit cook ; atao Hinatl Klrl for child's nurse. 2l.i ! t'apltol avonuc. MI.84 31 ' c I WANTIJII. ( iOOl ) Ollir , FOIl f'.nNKHAI. hnuHOwork. .Mm. il. Gould , 2415 Capitol aveniio MUSS 21) ) \ noon COOK , ROOD WAOKS. isio SHHKMAN > avo. ; aUo nnrnoKlrl , same plaeo. lVt. > JO * C-WA.NTKI ) , ( ) OI ( ) ) COOK , WASIIKIt A.N'l ) Ironer. Mrs. J. W. fianiictt , 212 N. 22ml street. Milti p-A KlllST-CliASS COOlv ANI > V houeowork Klrl irantuil ; hlKhoat wuges 2M31)oimlaa a trout. _ -WANTHI ) , OIllIj FOlt HKNKIIAIi IIOIISK- work. Mrs , Hoi tor. i,1IJ Charlm t. , Walnut HIM. -IIU ! , WANTKI ) KOH HOUhK- C ; work In nimill family at 5ZI N.IJtli. . 81U ItKNT IIOUSK.- , . ItATKS-ISo n line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No nclrertlsomunt taxen for 1 < > 31 than 25o -NKW 7-llOOJI HOUSK , JI2.W. T-room homo , llanacom Place , all modern Im provements $ .1) ) . Kino T-room corner liouso , fnclnu Kountzo I'laco , very cheap. iieiant new IIOUHC , l.afayctto I'liico. Bee us for prices. 1'lilellty Trust Co. , Illll Farnnm 445 _ 1) | -niiNirtini ) : ) uoijsi : TO rourr.K WITHOUT ehlldion. ; 2110 llarney street. .Mn8 > 2'J ' * 1KOIl HUNT , A 6-HOOM IIOUS1. , ' - 030 CIIAHI.HS " ' InnulroafJOII Clnirlesnt. _ C7' . ' iW _ 1 \ NINi : UOOM IIOUSK , MODKHN I.MI'IIOVK- ' 'muiitn. teasonahle , 1WJ Sr. 2oth ave. Apply , It. Kallth , tailor. 211 N. Kith t. _ _ -FDii uu.vf on BAM : . A IIHAUTIKIJI. unsT dencu , 10 rooms ulth all convcnleiUMH , hot air. fiirnaro , laruo linrn ami lann , In bent of comlltlun , cheap. No. 6fl lieoicla uvo. Kclkonny * tu" r ( " " " x"- I , Continental hl'k _ 57J-J5 co-rrAw IN ALL 'of the city , ono (0 room hotel building. 211 ron- trail- located store hulhllni : : * cheap , Kelkenny i I o , room 1 , Continental til'k. t)7l-j.'i ) D-FOll UKNT. TIIlllJl ) N1IW 7-IIOOM. 2-&TOHY colludes with bnth and sewernuo , nt und near corner Webster and Thirtieth utreuts. lloduced to t.'l ) UU each. Henry W. Yntun. W3 _ J > 1-3 , 4A3-11OOM IIOUSKS , ? ltto ) JI5 ; 1IKST ItKS Idcncu tl'ita In illy. Mend Inv't Co. 4C lieu bldi ; V-V-ONI ; Fouu UOOM FLAT , STKAM AND ALL .l-'modcrn lonveiilences , excellent order ; ono room house , llcforoucct * required , T. 1. . von Dorn room u. Bid S. 2''d street. * ' . " . > . I'Oll UKNT. HOt'SH N. II. COIl. 1BTH AND Wetistcr. S rooms , full city lot , prlco $ ' "J.SO. C. liariUon , l.'jlt Farnam. 707 DiIiAltOK LIST OF HOtlSKH. .t-TOUES ANI ) Hats tor rent. Ueo J , Paul , IBM I ariiiim stroot. .M'.n > IJIU \ FLATS. 4 , 8 OK 13 IIOO.MS KN SUITi : , .MOD 'ern , on H'.tli at. J. II , Parrotte.U. J..DoiiKlas blk. "IA Till ! TWO NIW IIUICK MOUMHH , NOS. 27W- J ' 3Tla ) Fiirnnni , Hunt clans In every ruinioct. fdU.UO W. 91 Ilocprn , I.'UI-UW Kiirnniu. MM7 I ) - - CO'lTAUi : , Ml S. 21ST IV rtlt ) IH'NT. UOUhlJIO J lniproviiiucntH , MUJ per montli 'diind t'nrniiiu. lluucr 1 'thoinas. 7UJ B-H1U UKNT , N1NK UOOM IIOUSK.V1TU both ( fits and rnnito If iletdrod , nil In Koed con dlllon , locntt'd nvnr 'Mllnnd \ St. .Mary's avenue. 1'rtui ruiisnnubloi turnis Klven to the rU-lit imrty. lniUlru | 3013 Karnnin ot. or ti. II. TzHchuuk , line olllce. JISW Di I 11K.NT. G UOOM IIOUSK , Illll DOKl'AS strilet. Imiulro llobcrt llunlur , lloo olllco. \ KIRIIT-KOOM IIOIJSK , MODIjll.N CONVKN- 'li'iicps , clienp. J. F. Ilnrlon , 2010 Capllolnvn. _ _ B-.M'.W a-UOOM roTTAUKS , MOIIKKN IM- provciiientB , "Stnnford Circle * . " Apply C. S , Kluultcr , loom 4 , N V l.lfo bulldliiK. 7I'J FOR IIH.ST I UltMHIlKI ) 1IOO.MS. KATK3 ISoallno tlmt tlmo nnd lOo n llnu tliuro- after. No tulvcrllitimont takun for loss tluin SJo. cu jti a _ _ _ T.-I1KATK1) itOOHS , H.fO TO II , WKHKI.Y. ( Ill JVv. ibiint. ir.ijia IA3 KUIl.MSllKl ) UOOM3 CllKAT , 8'U ' S. lrt'1'11. -4 tT4 ! l -VUIINISIIKI ) UOO.MS. M , IVOl FAtlNAM. ? -IAIIir ( : t'UUNISIlii : > UOOMH 8UITA1II.K Jfnr liinirdors or liousckvcpliiK : will runt cimap silCupltal mcniiD. Mt.'l W "lA THI ! ST. CI.AIll UU110PI7AN HOTKL , COIl 1 il'lth and DodK'e , w | | | maka low raloi lor rooms by the week or month , with or without board , TW _ _ 7-a on s ROOMS Foil IIOUSKKKKI'INU , steam heal. 1718 Nicholas ulrvet. . MUM W E-NIUK ROOMS , bTKAM 11KAT , JT1U DAYKN- port. miurj Ji * _ E-J OK 3 KOOMS.IIUUSKK'l' NO.SCMST. MAUY S 670 Jti -WANTKD , 11V I.ADY , I.AUV KOOMMATU. I'-Jia ) N ITlli it. 413 M' FUUNIHIIIOI ) HOOMri AM ) HO A It I ) . HATHS-lk ) a line tlr.t lima and llo ) a lln tboro- after. No adv rlloniunt taken for leu than yAo. T KOOMS ANlTuOAlii ) ISM CHICA Go7 J M CCI .TO- 1 > ' -NICKLV FUlt.MWHKI ) UOOM , WITH IIOAIUI K iledrcd. lu prlvalu family. 4rt 8. Win it. t ; ' -llOOM-.MATK FOR YOUNO I.ADY. ALSO TWO 1'or thicachoice bourders. JWM , d. M1U7-JT NT ONKOllNISHt'JDUOO.MS RATF.4 ISc n line first tluin and too a line there after. No advertisement taken for leu tlintiia / - ' - 1 fNFURNISIIKI ) UOOMS , OASA s HATH VJI,1. so ) N Ifitli. 3rd lloor. rAI IO * _ rTWir l FrRNtrlTTrTri FRONT ROO.M8 : BlCtttn , Kns , bnllil 3i > 4 N 13th , flat D , 3rd floor _ > n - ! . 3 ANI ) 4 ROOM- * DOWN TOWN nTil VJhouseki-epliii ? : i lo * IJ | K-r month , clioapcit rent posulhle , also many lioutes. U.'F. llntls. : ill I'axtun block. MS 1 JM II N noL'HK. nio DODIK , FOR GOOD board. Hirer roonis , conveniences , rntes nnd lo cation It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Hern , proprietor. bllrjvl1 KOll I ! I XT-STOUI-S AMI Ot-'KICIiH. UAT1ISIflo a line dm tlmo anil 103 a linn tlicro after No ailTurtlsemciii taken f r Ion than 25c I-HTlliitlOMl4Xil ) ; ) : ) . STKAM HHAT I UH llnriicy. 6l'J i KOUHKNT. TIIKI-STOUY IIUICK iii' 1 with or without power , formerly occuplnd by Tim lieu I'ulillihliiK Co. . 91U Knrnnin ntreut The bnlld- Inn hni n lire proof cement baicinent , eumplntu nteatu hpntlni ; llxtnre , water on all the Hours , ims , etc. Apply at tliu olllco of Tliu llou. _ D18 I -FOK HUNT , 8TOUU , 1113 JACKSON STltnilT , L M'fi 1 KOll HUNT. FIUHT riA9H I.WATION KOK J grocery and meat market , new bulldlnir. nteam bent ; will lakn rent out In trade If Block H llr t- clatu : can xlvo po < c nlon .Ian. I. I8'/J. Kelkpnny tt < 'o. , room I. Contlnpiitul block. o'l .l.i WANTHD-TO HUNT. UATP.S IJc a line drat tlmo and l o n line tlicro- aflcr. No advertisement taken for lt"H tlimi 'ic. MVNTKMVN H0K I ) ANU private family. State terms and partlt'iilnra. IteforpncpaKlton. Aililn' K ffl , Hoc. Ij AOKXOV. UATKri-lfioallnellrst time and lOe n , line them- after. No ndvertliument taken for ICM tlmn 2. > c. F H. II. COLB , CONTINIINT.VN 1IIOCK. 7.11 STOHAGC. HATKt He n linn tint tlmo anil lOo a line thorn- after. NoadveMlsement taken for leal than 2 > J. M --fltv cLKAN AMI 1'IHVATKI/VS'roKO furniture , Omnha btovu Itupalr Work. I JTDoiu- M-OUlBhT. C'HKAI'KSTANU HBHT STOItAKB IIOHBO In the city. Williams A , Cross. UII llarney. > T0 HATIIS 15cn line tlrst tlmo and lOo n line thorn nfter. No iidvertlscmcnt taken for less tlun'-Ita jr rai7nTlwl"libG AT. SOiroT'&T'oiU'fn ' l > Wells , 1111 Farnam street. 710 I'OU J HATES Itxi 11 line llrst limn and I0n a line there- niter. No advertisement taken for leai than S.JO. KHSAIK. riNi : CIIK'KKUINO PIANO KOll ( I.VKK ) If taken at once. 1'lano lu tlrat class condition. 2tB l'.i dwell street. JliiUU 31 * Q'-KOIt SAhK , 1'OOIj ANI > Hlhl.lAllI ) TA11I.K und sumo partltlonH , nil In KOUI ! order , ,1. U. Strum ; , manager. lOzchuiiKO hotel , bonth Umiiha JIIXJU 3 _ KOlt SAI.B , A 7W HOHSB-l'OWBll KCt.ll 'S K olcetrlc motor , nearly uuw , at one third lt coat. lleo-i I'rlntliiK Co. , Omaha. JISdj-Ki Q -rou SAM : , ONK NIW ; KINK TONIC ri'iiKJir piano. B17 S. lUth street. JI7 - " . ) Q-l'Olt SAI.i : , AN AQUAIIIUM , MADK OP bronze , nextnKon shauo , dlmenslon as follows : liclKlitSfect , width 4 feet , depth of tank IS Inches : about new ; prloo fl'A'i IX ) ; freight paid. Addrcai C. U Slelssner. York Neb lit ! CIiAlUVOYANTS. HATKS ISeallno Hrst time and I0o n line there after No advertisement taken for less than25c. O AHIUVAlj KXTHAOUDlNAIty , WONDKllt'Uli Ornvulatloni ChallcnKUB the world. Jlr . lr ) M. I.ecrave , dead trance clairvoyant , astrolotlst ! , palmist and Ilfo reader ; tells your life from the cradle to crave : unites the separated : causes mar- rlnuo with the one you love : tells where yon will succeed tind In what bmlne s best ndaptml for ; 1ms the celebrated Kk'ypUan breastplate for luck anil t < l destroy bad Inlluences ; euiestlts , Intemperance and all private complaints with massaire , baths aiul al cohol treatment , Hend $2 , lock of hair , name and date ; of birth and receive accurate life chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; Klvo Initials of ono you will marry : also photos of same. Olllco 1007 South Itth street , llrst lloor ; hours , U a. m. to Up. * m. Como one. come all , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. MS13 ,11 * _ MIIS. MAHY PHITZ , 242 ! ) LAKn 8TUBKT , clairvoyant and trance medium ; Independent voices ; tells past nnd future. 5U7-J23 * S MUsTNANNIpfv. WA HUKN , CIjAIHVOYANT 1 reliable business medium , tlfth yonrat lit ) N. 1Mb. Hi _ MAHSA.U12 , U-iTilS , J-Vl'C. ItATKS l&c a line llrst tlmo and luo a Hue there after , No advertisement taken for loss than 25o , i JJlloor. Alcohol , sulphuric and sou baths.MS3I8' MS3I8' JIASSAUn , .MA9SACE ; MY I'Alir.OllS ANI ) JLopeiatora are thu tluest ; over CIO ti. l.lth street. MUUti * fp-JtASSAIB THBATMBNT. KLIXTIIO THIIII- ml baths scalp and hair treatment , manlcuro andchlropodlst.Mrs. I'osMt'Jlj S. lith.Wlthnell bile 741 AlUMl , AK'A1 ANU Ij y nr.foiiK IIUVINO A PIANO KXA.MINK TIIK > nun acalo Klnibiill piano. A. Hoapu.lSU Dollk'lm _ _ _ 7II _ V-a V. OKU.KNI1F.CK , I1A.V.IO TKAtllKIl > wt | Hospo orl'JJ ! N Hitu strnold floor.U \ ? MON Y"o OAS KIOAlj IOs.Y'1 ! K. IIATKS l.lon line llrnt tlmo iinil lUo n linn tlicro aftt-'r. No lulvurtl unx'iit tnkun fur lo s tlrin .Tin. IT MONBV TO LOAN'errv PIIOPKIITY , HAST- ' crn Neb . nnd fiunis. K. F. lllnttcr , 1MU Furnani. Til ! PHIt CUNT HIUST MOKTCAniC LOANS , ' HlclninlC. Piittornon , 1511 Parnitu t. 760 A\r iiAiunsoANS ON IIUSINUSS PIIOPKUTV. > t ( ico. .1. Pinil , KJW Knriiiuu stroot. .M'.H.I.IIU \\T WANTKI ) . LOANS OK ) TO Jl.O.K ) ON UN " ' Improved loti(5.J ( ) to S3.00J on Improroit prop. ertj , at niico. KUullty Triut Co. , Hill Karnniu Ht ArI.O'ANS , W.M. IIAUUIS , 11.20 KUKNXKII iluT * w _ -CT.NTItAU LOAN ANI ) TUUSTCO 11KB DI.IMl 74'l ' \\r-MONKYON HAND TO LOAN ON mortKBKoOn Omali'i city property. Cliaa. W. Haliiey. 313 Uinaha Nat'l biink building. 717 \V-LOA.NSON i.MPiiovni ) AND uNi.MPiiovnn v ' city property , II.UO' ' } and to 8 percent. No delays. W. Faiiiiim Smith & Co.lttli A llurnoy \\r-LOWK9T IIATKS OF INTUUK-T ON F1UST 'i class security. Lovutt , t Woodman , S.'O . Ulh 501) " \\r IlKAL KhTATK LOANS ( i TO 7 PKll CK.NT : VT no adillllonal charKus for conimlssloii orutlor- noy'n fees W. U. Mulkle , First Niillonul bank bldi ; , 751 \ \ MOSKY'TO LOAN ON LON ou siioitv tlmu liiHiima of { JOJ to fl'JOW. ' .Mutual Invnn uieut Cniupaiiy. Jj \ \ SKCO.VD MOllTC.MSKS CAN MAKi : A KKW 'iKOodloans. Alex .Mooro. 101 lloo llldir b > ' ' ' lernl notes and mortxaKoa bouiflit. llocd X belb ) , U.II Hoard of 'I'nule. bj \ VANTIIONV LOAN AND Tlll'Sr CO. JI8 N. ' ' Y. I.lfo , leml ut low rates for oliolcu g'uitrlty ou Nebraska or Iowa fiiruia orOmalmclly properly. \\r-O. W. P.COATKS , 7 , 11OAIID TUADK , LOANS ! .Ma.'i MONKY To 1.0 t.N CJMATTHIjS , ItATKS-ISo a line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Me. liv ' , pianos , or iinn , linmi > s , mules. , etc. , ut the lownat possible rates without publicity , removal of property or clianiio of pos session. Tliun arranged to unit the borrower I'ayinanta of any umount can bo ninduntany time , ruduclnn both principal and Interest , thus living patrons all thu bunetlts of tlio partial pay ment plan. fall and HOD mo wlion vou want n loan , or If inoro convenient call teluphonu 10 J I nnd your biislnnsj can bu nrnuiKCd nt home. .Money ulwn > s on linnd : no delay ; no publicity ! loc l rnten , bniiliiess conrtduiitlal. 11. K. Mutters , room t Wllhnull blk. , 15th and IlarnoyMs 75 ; "MO.NKY UANK oNrKuuNU'u UK. iumsi.s. : wauons , pianos , nlthoiit removal or chnnao of | ioeaes9lun. Coulldeiitlal. 1'rcd Terry , r. Ui ItaniKo. i _ .MlNKVTOUAN , SO , ( U ASI > 10 DAYS ON i vf urnllure , etu. Duff llrdcu , It ! U , Continental blk , TM _ _ Y-CIIATTKUUUNS-WJN. V Llb'B. A- -CHATTtSL LOANS. IIKNKUICT & WRAY , < ) < Puiton block. Wo loan our own monny , charge uo couiail loo. U will pay you to consult us. X-KOU'T 1'IIITCIIAHI . 3 , WlTUNKU , IILK iUM ItUrTlNKSS UAXOKH. HATKS ISo a lluii first lima and lOo a Una there after. No adYurU om ut taken for leu tuair.Ua 8TOIIK KOll BAI.Kl CKNTHAI.l.Y l.O catedi r..OWJ cash j bal to .ult. AdJreu U id. lleo vu IJUHINIOSS CHANCKS. I'ontlnn'ii. WANT TO INVI'.HT f.'iwrX ) ( ) IN AN ed in n nil furt n r I nit biMliuxn In Omaha U will pay yon to Invo'tU-nlu thin ut once Aildresi K 2. , , lleo oltlfc. Omulia. Neb MiUI I * V-IHIl AI.II. A ( IHA1N IlfSINKSH. KSTAII- J ll"licd for live years , on account of old duo of ono partner nnd non residence of thn other. IClo- valors In the best of shnpn and l > u lm'x linomlne. Cnpltal rc < inlri'd. .1.WW llnnk reference ttlven. An nnuAiml thance for a party detlrln * to enter a mfe , Icultlniate business Addrcis No. K II , Ilcu olllco. M-J l _ A'-KOII HAI.IJ , Filler CIAS JOU t'llINTINCJ 1 otllco In n itnnrl countr seat town. Would niako nilood country newspaper ofllce w'th n sinnll out lay , rhenp for cash or on time. Addrent I" O Ilov I54 , youth Auburn , Nob. M007 30' roil I'jx 11 ATK8-1.V n line limn nnd lOo a linn there. nltur No nitvcrtlsuinent taken for less than 'ije. "r/ - foul : xci i , \ x t Phr/Tooon i ii A c u K KAUM /-'In Flllmcre county : also city property , for a Block of furniture. IloxW'.i , liunova , Neb. C73 4 V-TO IIXCIIANdi : , A KINK STOCK OP (1IIO- ( 'Jcerlcs odd llxiurcs. ( iauil locntlon. HnmUcnih pnynient. balance In real estiitu. Cudcl Taylor. inorlxniicu , Itjth nnd Dodge six. i.W 2S i r/-tlil ) ( IOM ) ANI ) SIIViil ; , .IKWIM.UY , /Jllclnl teeth , incdali. etc. , brim ; nil you have In Inrite nr small lots and receive ca < h or liluh clam dentistry In exchnhite. Dr John Matthews , iniinii- facturliiK ilcntlst. 'i\3 \ Drown blk , Omiihn. .Miil : rTO THADK NIIIIUASICA LANDS ANI ) LOTS ' -'for stock of uicrclinndlse ; will pay aomo cnsh. Address KM lice. Jllil'J ' 3 > rroil 9AI.K Oil TIIADK FA It MS IN SK- AJliruskii und lowu ; resldcnicn und vocnnt lots In Omnlin , Lincoln and Columbus , Neb . nnd Council Illutls , In ; loans negotiated. Itootn 10 , ( ilobe hotel. y-l.\CIIANdi : LANDS. IIOL'rfiS : , STOCKS. I'.TC. A/Jeo. / ( J. Paul , liK Knrnnm. MGJ.1 0 y-111011 IIHKI ) STALLIONS. MAHIIS ANI ) /-JfoHs for real estate. Uoom 19.1 llrown blilir. M4S2J } y-CLKAN HTOCIC OK OKNIIIIAL MDSi : . ; WILL /-'titko real o.itutu nnd money. Hot Frunkfort , Ind. Vil KOll CAI < K HUAIj J..STAIK. IIATIIS-l.'w a line llrsitlme nnd lUo n linn there after Xo advi-rtlnement taken fnr lcs tha * FAIIM FOlt HALK-A FAll.M OF ISO AC11KS , I ) miles below Itlchmond , Va , near Jniues rive- J. T. Li-belt , Vnrlnn ( .rovo , Va. C7H 3 IOTS ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HHNSON , Jl.nke View , Clifton I'Inco , Diindeo , Armour Place , W. L. Sulby's add Uoom 4UJ Urown bldir. . M4S.IJ. IWIISALK. AT A IIAUOAIN , LOT 13. II LOC If 4. I W. U Shelby's llrit nddltlon to South Omnhn. Smal I pnynient down , balnnce monthly If desired. Inquire ( i. 1) . Teschuck , Omnha Hue. IW I OIl HALII 1IOMK9 , ANY PIIICK , fTW , flJ.V ) UP ; J easy terms ; take property as tlrst payment. U. O. Wallace , llrown block , loth uud Uouxlas. TM I OK SAliK NKIIItASICA FAIIM LANDS. O. O. Wallace 12il lliowu block , lUthnnd Doiiulua. 753 AIIIO IIAUOAIN , 11XISI , KAST FRONT , SOUTH IWtli st , worth ? 4.fOO. Price only fJU Fidelity Trust company , IliU Farnnm 87J AT K. COUNKIl ? TII ANI ) HICKORY. , 'iX150 ( ) 1 > feet ; n hnrunlii for n few days only. K K. Dnr- 1IUK. Haiker block. 801 STOCK \ VI.ST1UK I ) . HATKS l.'cn line llrst tlmo nnd lOo .1 line thoro- nfter. No advertisement tnkon for less tlmn ? ji HOllSKS WINTHItni ) AT LOWBST Il.VTKri AT llellevue stock farm ; box stalls If desired. Clarke , ID llonrd of Trudo bulldlnx or llullevuu 7M HATKS ISo n line Hist time nml Ito n line thero- nfter. .N'o advertisement la'-to 1 for less than 'lie. M US. W. .1. SCOLK3 HAS OPB.VKD DltlJSS making imrlois at the N. 13. cor. llth & DoiiKlas S45-J21 * ENOAOKMIINTSTODO DItKSflMAKINU IN 1 < * AM- tiles solicited. Miss Sturdy , : i'AI S.lltli st. 3)0 .1 14 * I1AIK GOOI > S. HATB3 15ea line llrit time and ICe a line thoro- after. No advertisement taken tor less than S.ic rlcalwlKsand beards n specialty. Wlifn , banns , switches hair chains , etc. , In stock and to order. Mall orders solicited. Oil vies , 111 S 15th St. , Omaha. 76J LOST. IIATKS 15cn llnotirst tlmo and 10o a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o T 08T , KHANK YOST , ANY TKAl'K OP HIM IX Juforni mother nt Hotel llresco , Kast Omaha. irr'.l 28 * LOST ONK HI.ACIv BIjBCTUlO SKAT , DltlYINO iflove , rettirn to 1207 Karnam and receive reward W.7-28' . IOST LADY'S COM ) WATCH ANI ) CIIATJ ? corner Kith and Dodtte ; suitable reward for rc- tuin of same to Ilcoolllce , COO-SI * I-OUM ) . HATKS-l."oa line llrst tlmo and lOc a Hue there nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 23o WITH 1' I'aclllc at. t.7J . PATI-JN I SOiaC lTOUS. IIATKS ISc a line llr t llmo and lOc a line there- niter. No advertisement takeu for less than 2'to o \v fanes It Co. , lice bnlldlni ; . Omahu , Neh. Ilianch olllfo at WashliiKton , 1 > . C. Consultation free. 701 CUTIjRItY Olll.N'DING. IIATKS ISe a line llrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No udvertlHcment taken for less than 2.ic TC 'uroiind lo I'nderliind & Co. , 101 S MtU st. 701 "VTOTU'K AN AUMV MiiIUAI : < IIOAHD -L > will bo in session In Chicago , Illinois , diir- 1ns l'ctmiii-y. IN.1 ) , rnrtliucxiiinlniitlon of oiui- ( Ililutes foruupolntiiiunt In the Mudluul Con > - , of the IJnlti'il t'tiiluArmy to Mil oxlstlnc vu- riinclus. 1'oi'Mins dusliins to prosi'itt tlicni- sohos firu\ainlniitlon by tliohwu-il willniiiko iipplk'atlon to thu Suurotiuy of War , lioforu .lauttniy r > , 1M , fortlio iiput-tsiirv Invltiitlon , stiuliis the ( into nnd plueo of lilrth , the place and ytiito of tipfintuiunt rosltlcnce , the fuel of Aiiii'iicanuitl/unslilp , the 11:11110 : of thu medical I'ollu u fioin whuiiL'u lliuy were vraduittt-d , and u lucnnl of ' or-vlco In hospital. If any , from thu aulhoritlus Uioicof. Thu aiiplloatlon should liu aceonipanli'd hy coi tllluntoi baiod on personal Unimluil f , fioin at Inust tuo nhyilulanscif roputc , as to professional stinul- lir. , uhar.tetor , and moral habit ? . Thufandl- date must ho uutwpunI and Ss yonrs of ajo , und n iradnatu from u rozuliir 'medical col- luic , as ovhluneoof whlulihis diploma must hu siibmlttud to the hoard. 1'nrtlier inforinatlon u-tiiiillnK the oMinilnatlona may ho obtained by iiddriailiiK thu Sur uon Ueni'i-al U. S. Army , WasliliiKton , I ) . 0. C' . SUTIIK1U.ANI ) . Snrguon General 11 , ti. Army. Wo pcml tlio marvi'lnnii French CALTHOS fn-e , and n WTO I- IM.oliuryo.t- lon. , ( 'UHK Np4 < rmntnrrlirti urleucilo uod KKriTWltl ! l.i t I tear , Use it ami fay ifialiifitJ , AjJrM , VON MOHL CO. , Holt tucrltu ijtnU , llntlDDiU , Utilo. Stockholders Meetingy-Omaha an 1 Eepubl - can Valley Eai way Company. Notice Is hereby Klven that the annual meotliiKof tliu htodUlioldurs of tlio Omahu .S. llupuolloan Valley Hallway Company for tlio oluotlon of seven dlroulotsiiml the transaction of siii'h other lluslnoss as may loually cotno lu- fore thn mcotlni ; . will ho I. old ut Uoom I , third lloor , liiilon 1'avlllo Itnllilliii ; , In thu t-'lty of Omaha. Nuhra.slia , upon Wodnosday. the tith day of January. IN.1 ) , at 10 o'ulouk a. in , The stock books will closu for that purpose ) ti'ti iluys bufoiu the moutln . . W. J. fAUltOU , , Assistant Socrctnrv. Omaha , Noli. . Doc , ' . " 'nd , Ib'JI. ' d'.7ilut > l _ Stoukholtloi-H' Alcntinj ; Union l.nnd Not'co ' l hurolir Rlvon that the annual mootlni ; of thu stouKholdrrh of the Union Iiiitid company for the oloot'on of llvo < llrou- torti and xueh othur linslnuss as may lawfully como before thu muutlns will bo hi'fd at ronm I , third lloor , Union I'aolllo biilldlnit , In tliu city of Omaha , Nub , , upon Monday , tlio llih day of January , IbVut 10 o'ulouk u. in. \V. J. CAUIIOI.U Assistant Soorctary. Omaha , Nolx , nocombnr : . ' , Ib'U ' , llild'-otM Notlur. It Is mutually agreed this ( lav by and bo- twi'un thu nndorslKiiod that tliu Uriu of llrotol V. Full bo , and thu aamo U , this dav dissolved FriMlorlck Uroxol and llonry I' . Droxul hereby assume nil outstanding llabllltlos anil uru to uolluutnll moneyrt orothor nroocrty duo or to Locomo duo said Ire.\el .V Foil. I I''UKIIKIIICK nilKXIIU SlRllCllM AUIKItT 1'OI.U ( II EMI V 1 > . DllKXKK Docenihor IS , 1S9I. Iti.'dtfmio Kill1. Tlio wiiolo stock of Guhool furnlturo. ofllci > supplies , anil cabinet loiter Ulus und onoaale. or will sol ! In JoblotH. ,1. W , HAIIIUS , AialtJiioc. Call ut ( leriiiau-Aniorloun Savings Imn. . . Oiuuha. Nub , Uaiatf Mdu Dr. O. Ooo Wo' 'Famoug Ohlnaao Romedloa Raad the Tostl- monlals Mm Pn' Icnts Who Hiivo Boon AFTER TWO MONTHS TRBA.T- MBNT HH WAS CURED. To Whom It LCon - oo rn : I Imvo bcon n sulToror for tniinj' yours tun ] have tried it prcnt ninny ( looters - tors nnd putunt inculcinos .but never iftivo ino much 'help ' , Tlio doctors pronounced - nounced my ease Hright's dieoaso nnd hopeless. I sulicred n grant denl Mini got no relief until , at the ndvlcoof n friend , I wont to see Or. C. Gee Wo , the Chinese doctor of Omaha , I took his mcdk-ino for two months and am completely cured. 1 owe my euro to the Chinese doctor and am thanUful to him for it. Very truly , A. O. MOGUL , Oakland. Too much cannot bo said in nruiso of Dr. C. Gee Wo's famous remedies. To Whom it May Concern : I desire to say in favor of Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chi- nebo doctor , that ho has done mo more good thnn I over srot before in my life for indigestion and stomach trouble , from which I was a constant sufferer for many years. I tried nearly all the doc tors of any ropnte in my locality , and not until I was advised by a friend to call on Dr. C. Gee Wo did I receive the least show of improvement. After taking his medicine for U months I can say I am entirely cured nnd my former health restored. I owe it all to Dr. G. Gee Wo' & skillful treatment and can recommend anyone sulTorlng as I was to call and give him a trial. lie is a first-class physician and can rnro u. person when lie promisics to do so. Yours truly , .7. IIOLMGUEN , 2S'J. ( ) Cass street. Omaha , Nob. , Dec. 3 , 1891. FROM MT. AYR IOWA. Dr. C. Goo Wo , Om-iha , Nob. : Dear Doctor : I have your letter of the 1st inst. , and in reply will say I do not think I bhall require further treat ment from you. as the medicine you sent hits had the desired effect and has entirely cured mo of my indigestion troubles , and the general condition of my health is so much improved that I think I am well. Also my nervous sys tem is all right. Please accept my sincere thanks for the great favor you have done mo , and rest assured I blmll'r/ot lot tin opportu nity pass to return. , the compliment by rccoinmoudlngyouiskillful ; assistance to anyone needing treatment. My friend who wils taking your rheu matism remedy is also getting bettor rapidly. You may publish this letter if it will assist you or help you in any way. i GHAS. STOTES. Mt. Ayr , la. , Dec , 2 , 1891. Call and see himi ; consultation free. OFFICE , 5iq } N. 16TH ST. YOURSELF ! Ask your Druggist for a bottle of lllR . The only non-poisonous remedy for nil . the iinnnturiil discharges and prl vato tlbeuca of men und the debilllatinis weakness peculiar to women. It cures In a few days without the aid or publicity of a doctor. tr/ie / L'niienal American Cure. Manufactured by Jho Evans Chemical 03. CINCINNATI , O U. 8. A. RK1LWRY TIME GHRD 10.15 ni . . . .Denver Vestibule Llmltod. . . 4 05 p m 10.15 a m Dead wood Kxprtfss 4.05 p m 7.10 p m Dunvur express 9.t1 : a m 7.10 p m Uanver I'rpron L'.OJ p in 600 p in .luooln Llmltud ( Uxcopt Sun. ) . 11.30 a m 6.15 n m , Lincoln Locil B.'tO p m 1.VIVVUI K. o. , rt r. j. * u. a Arrivtji Omulia. Dupot loth nml JiitwnUi. . OmVn D.JIJ a oil . .Kansas City Day express. , . I fi.55 p m 8.45 p milt. C. flight KJII. via O. P. Trans. C.40 a m I.eavoi I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrival Oniaha-J Union Depot.lOth and Maroy Sti. I Oinahv . . . .Ileatrlco llxpross. , . . 700 p in lUW a'in Denver Kxpran. 9.09 p m 2.15 p DI Uvorland Hyer. , 9,15 p m 4 .HO p m IWi 11 in 8.80 p m t'aclllu UxprL'aa | lt23 ft in ( Solni : UIICAUO , U. I. From Knst. Union tlupot. IQtri Alircy Sti. Eust. 10.1X1 nml Atlnntlo Kxprox. , . . . ' . ' . ti.'W p m i.05pni | . . . . . . .Ventlbulo Kxp.'os : ) , 1.10 p in ( .10 pin ! i NlKlit Kiprmi . . . U.tO a m ( ioillltl. . . .t'llll'AliO , U. I. it PACIFIC . ' . . . . Ir-roill Weat I . I Union ilopot. 10th nnd llarcy Sis. . . I West. 1.33 p m .Ddnvur LlmttDd | y. g pm ' ' T.05Pm _ _ .Denver . lixpruss. . . . . J'.l 7-jU a m Leavui ICHICAUO , Mil * A ST. PAUI * | Arrlvj Omaha I U. P. dopat. an I M irif 4ti IjOmahj 6. ' J p m I Chicago . . .M.v. . . TtUJ a m 1. p ml. . . . . . .Uilcaiio Hxpron I 6.45 p m 1.envoi SIOUX Ul'V.t PAUIKIJ. Omaha. I liiat | IQtli nn 1 Miircy st . I Oiutliv 7.0 a ml . . . .bloux City Passenger | IO 'A ) p m 8..t'i n nil . . . .Hi Paul Kxprou Ilil.O ) n in I.CHTUI I BlOU.V ll'Va PACIb'i . Omaha. I I lop it I it i'anil WubitJf Sti. tU5p ml . HI. Paul lilmltou' Leave 1'lllCACO A NOUTIlWKSrKll.V. Arrirm Omalia. I I J. P. dopnt. IQtlj'anil .Mr.rey Sti. Omahv 7.21 n in . . ( h'x. bun'y ) C croll Pasteuuor 1.23 a .11 6.00 p ni . . . . . . . . VoitlbqlU' Lirallud.i P. 15 p ni liaslara Flyor. J.OO p ni . ( Kx. Sat. ) Fan Mall ( Ux.Mon ) . I.pavo OMAHA . . I Arrive Omaha. U. Pilnpot 10tUtrfiiil .Muri'y Bt I Onnilin 4.10 p ml M. l.ouH ' lyinon itall Leave F. , tt. , V IO. VALII5 I Arru i Omaha D pot IMU an I Wauuar Sti. I On kit OOU a m . . .Deadwood Expruji 6.2D p in WOO a m ( Er. Sat ) Wyo. Bxp. ( ISr , Mon ) 6 20 p m MO p m .Norfolk ( Ki. Sunday ) II 10 a m 6.tJpni St Paul rtiuroM . . V 25 a m - , C..ST. P. . It. 50. I Arrives Oniahi. I llgpot 15lh and Wabsler 8U. I Omaha. 8.10 a m . .Sioux City Accgnimodaliou. . UOJ p m 1JX ) p m StouzClty Kxpran ( Ki. Sunday ) 12 W p in i U . Kf litll f > mllail > p m ' .St Paul ' ' C.13 a m S.I5 p m ll'ancrqtt Paiiuniiar IBx aii'iid'af ) tU5 a m Lcavai I MISSOUitl , PAI 'IU. I Arrival Omaha , I Dapot 15th jtn'il > Vatitor Sti I Omivhi a ml HI. l.oult Kxproji I u..u a m | . . . . . . . . . . iKiuU'Bxpron ' | 6.10 p m .onvui K. O. , SI''JOK AU II. " ArrUai Tranitor Union Dopot. Council Ulutli. 'fraiufar low a m.Kaiua , Cltr l'iy Kxpr . . . . .I 624 p m 10.15 p mi , . Kan ai City Nluht Kxprou , . | C.VU a in IClllOAliorilUllL'N A Tranjter l Union Popot. Cgnncll lllutli V.M n m Chlcavu Kipriui lOOOpui Clilcnxo Kx | > ro . . 7.05 p m . . . . . . .Croiton leaves | CIllCAIJO , It. I. A PACltTIU Tranfur I Union Depot. Council Ilium. Ixjavui I OMAHA Abl' . IXJUIS. | Arfl7eT Tranifoi ! Union Dapot. Council lllutTi. jTranifer I , Q p m | , . .St.'LouT < 'anqViJla'n flllilTm li-Dp uil Night Kxpreii. . , . ti.ij a m 1U.-JJ a m Atlanllo Kxpreil . . . 666 p m 4.30 p mj . . . . . . .Vaillbulo l.lniltod. . . \-l.iO \ p m . . . a.v/u.vvfAiArA.tvii . i rriviil Tranier i Union Dapot , ( Jounsll Mill fi. ( Trainfur T ,15 * m'.Sioux City Accommodation..HO.OU p m tM JLKSt. ) . Paul Kxcron , . . . . .j a 4'J ' a m .A > av i iC'IlCAUOANOliTnWBSI'KUN 1 ArriTaT Trantfcr' ' Union lixpot. i.uuncll Ulugt. ITranifor IJJ1I p ui Cblcaxo Kxpr i > Via p 6.11 p m Votlbul * I.lmltcxl 0.10 a m 10.00 p m KiuUra t'lrer 1.3U p m S.Up m ( h-xaat.Atlantlo ) Vall.lKr Mon ) 7.U a m i.taa u Carroll l' oumjr , , 10JJJ p u Both the method aiul results when Syrup of Figs ia tnhcn ; it is pleasant and refrcsliing'tn tlio ttisto , and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidaeys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cfleettmlly , < liijpcld colds , licud- nclics nnd fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tlio only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to tlio tnsto nnd ac ceptable to tlio stomach , prompt in its action nnd tinly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any oubstitute. GALIFOFINIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAfl FKANOISCO , OAL. LOUISVILLE , M. HEW KOfl/f. / A1. * . A Wrlllon Guarantee lo CUKE El/EllY / CASE c/ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro It permnnrnt and not n pitching up. Cn o3 inatixl flvo yean URO liava nortr Been usymptum Inco. Jty dc criblnicn. e fully wo con treat TOU by mall , wd wo trlvo the eamo ttronir Kuaranteo to euro or refund nil money. Thojo who prefer to como hero for treatment can do BO nnd wa will pay rillroad faio both ways nnd hotel bills whtlo hero If wo fall to euro. Wo rtmllenco the world for a case that our .MAC.10 REMEDY will not euro. Wrllo for full particulars and ( tct IhooTlJenco. Wo know that jou mo iVeptical , Juitly BO , too , aa the m ut eminent phjilclaiu hate nororbcenal.lo toRlvo moro than temporary rcllof. In our flvu years' piactlcu wltn the MAHIO RKMEUY It has been mo.t illtacult to ovcicumo the prejudlcen niralnst nil BO called spociflcs. Hat under our strong fcu rantoa you thoul.l njt lioiltata to try thli roinody. You tnko no chaiKO of luilnit your inonry. Wo puar. antto to euro or refund every dollar , ami as wo have a reputation to protect , also financial ImcklnRof ISCO , . 00i > , ltl purfectly safe to all who will try the treat mont. llerotoforoyuu hivobeanputtlnirupandpaylne out jojrmontiy fordiCercnt troitmcnts nnd although youaionot jotcurrd noono ha pild back your n.on. ey. Donotwaitoanymoromoneyun'llj-oiitrym. Old chronic , deep rated cnf-oi cuicd In 30 to 90 days. In Ycctlgato our llnanclal tt-vinlinf , our reputation .13 business men. Wrltou for names nnd addrewoa o ( tboso o have cured who have Klven permlislon to ro tor to them. It costs you only poitivo to dotlilult will eave j ou a world of sulTurlnp ; fi om montnl strain , and If 3 ou nro marrlod what may your offspring luller thiouKhyourowniitBl'Benco. ' Ifyoursymptomtaro doro throat , mucous ) > vcliuj In mouth , rhounmtlsm In bones and jolnt.i , hair falling out , eruptions on any part oClho body , foellnffoC Ktnoral diprnsidon , palni lit head or bones , you ha\ ono tlmo to wai > to. Thoao who are constantly taklnir m * rcury nn I potash should discontinue It. Constant use of theaodrugn wlllfllrely brlnffeoieanndoatlnffuleorsln the end. Don't fall to wrlto. AM correspondence sent sealed In plain envil. opes. Wj Inrito thomoitrlBld Investi.-atlou nnd will do nil In our power to old you 111 It. Address , COOK JIB3IKDY CO , , tlmalia , ffebranlta , Onleo 13th nnd Kai-nam. second lloor. vntranco 23th 1. llnblt positively cured hy the use of the "MAGIC CHLORIDE OF GOLD. " It It liuiniifai'tiiroil In snr.ill soluble tublots. wlilub cnn bo Klvun In n Klas > ( it licor , a cup of or tea , or In food , wltboiit Ilio Uuiiwl- f tlio patient , It Is absolutely liurni- les , anil will olTout a puiniiiiiunt nnd spuudy euro , wliutbur the patient uses Ijliiuor or To- baceoiiuKlcr.itolj-or is a slave to either or both. It has been lvpn In thousands of cnsi's nnd In every instance a perfect cure has fol lowed. It never falls. Thn system once lin- presiuiteil with the "MACHO Cll I.OIUDK O1- * lOI ! < l > , " It becomes an utter Impossibility for the Ivliiuor or Tobacco appetite to exist One months treatment , ! 2. lietall dnis"4lsts. Uot only the Kenulne , manufactuicd by MAUIO ( HlLOUJUKCiOLDLU. . Illnke. llruco & Co. , Oinahii , Neb. , Wholesale Agents. I Drs , Betts ft Belts J KINGS OF SPECIALISTS Unrivaled For tliolr success In the treatment and euro ol Syphilis , Qonorrho&a , Gloat , Stricture , Uyilrocele , Varlcooolo , Piles , Fistula , Kcotnl Ulcers , Seminal Weakness. Bpermatorrlioca , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Boxual Intlulgoncoj , Kidney , Urinary and Bladder Troublei , Blood And Skin Dlsoaaos , Nervous Diseases , Chronic Dlsoasoi , Private Diseases , Female Weakness and Dlaeasoa , Sexual Diseases of every nature. Book Of 120 pages and handsomely Illustrat ed , sent for 4 eta ID stamps. Consul Eation Free. Call Upon or nJdreis with stamp for reply , 14O9 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Stockholder * lUectiui ; . Notlco U hcrohy L-lven that the annual niootlntf ot the stookholilurt ) of the Oinnhii ( Jita Miinufiioturlni ; Coniptiny will I HI hold at tliu olllce of the i-oinuuny. Morohnntautloiml llanlc llullitlnt , ' , ut 10 a. in. .Monday , Jiinuury 4tli , tslW , for thu oluctlon of illroetoM for the ensuInK your , und uny other Ijualnuaa that may como hoforo tint honnl. I'UANK Mimt'llV , PresIOont , U3JU1U Ouiubu Uuu Uuaufituturlui ; Co , A HTUDV IX HIiACK. TlirlllliiR Huonc In nn lilnho 'Mlnliii ; Oitinp. "Pop1 A litlo boy stood bosldo a gnmblinir tnblo. lontr uro ( , In an Iduho uilnln > r town and nddrt'8ud this trcmblinn word to ono of the pluyors , snys tlio IJotroit l''ieo I'ross. The father wrm it roujjh inivn with ( jrcat , slnowv hands , a fjriz/led fi'oo and tliln. inorclloss I'lpx. Hut Ills o.vcs liow vicious nnd utterly lost the light that IhiHliod from thuir roddlsli balls ! "Sny , imt ) , whun you goln' homo ? " Again the timid volcn cuino to thorough rough limn nnd ho laid down his cards deliberately and turnud around. Tbo boy know the light that hhr/ud from thiwo eyes only too well , and ho drew bai-U nnd huddled himself together in a pltouns but inuto ittpeal ] for mercy. "Whnt's Hint to you , you young whelp ? Git out o' here , now , an' don't ye waste a minlt or I'll bo tlm death o' you. Are you goln' ? " Slowly , sadly , the llttlo follow turned nnd walked to'tho saloon door. Then ho paused to look back and found those vicious red eves still ll.xed upon him and the voice caino to his ears : "What you stoppln' fur ? GUI" And gulping down a sob that was rls- Inir in his tiiroat , the boy passed through the door. For another hour the players silently ' played their cards and the' rough man said , as ho took the pack in his hands : "How many cards , I'otoV Hut before Pete could reply there came the quivering words : "Pop , hain't you inos' done ? " The rough man cried out an oath and turned. I Jo did not sny a word but ho drew back his gioat sinewy list to strike the shivering child. "Hold up , iko Baker ? " cried Polo , leaning across the table and catching the raised arm , "don't you hit 'iin. " There wnsdovilishncss in the rod eyes nnd had ho struck , it would have been a blow to kill for a moment not a sound was hoard and then came the noise of ti sculllo from tin adjoining tablo. "Olo Copper is liaviii' it out with Big Jerry , " volunteered n bystander. A moment later a pistol shot was heard ono shot was all a shot that laid the little boy with trembling voice low on the Miloon lloor. A higher power had made of Big .lorry an instrument in con summating a merciful deed. "Good Uod , Iko , " cried Pete , "Big Jerry has killed yor boyl" Not the quiver of a inusclo not a shadow of expression crossed the rough man's stolid face. Ho cast one glance of his vicious red eyes toward the little , lifeless heap on the lloor , then drawing a revolver , ho turned it upon Big Jerry and shot him dead , where ho was stand ing. "Blood for blood , "ho muttered , catch ing up the pack once more with his sinewy hands. "How many cards did you say , Pete ? " Vet Anxious lor Tlio Now York Tribune prints this touching domestic scene : "Cl.arloy , dear , " said a young Forty- fifth street wife , greeting her husband , allectionately on his return from busi ness the first evening after their honey moon , "I have spent this entire day sewing buttons on your clothes. " "I am proud of you , Carrie. " ho said , fondly. "Not many young wives would have spent their first day at homo so seiibibly. I had not noticed , though , " ho added , "thai my belongings were so dilapidated. " "But they were , " she said , "scarcely a button left. I have sowed on nineteen buttons this afternoon , und this is the twentieth , " she added , holding up a garment with a large brass button partly sewed on. "Nineteen , did you sny ? " ho asked , inspecting the sample ' .vlth . alarm. "Is that a button , or or an ornament ? " ho said , at the expanse of brass sur mounting his erimpled garment. "It's a button , " she said , indignantly. "You see , after the fifth button the little white ones gave oyt , and I couldn't find anything else to use but hooks and eyes. I know you would not like those , so I cut tbq buttons otr the front of my last winter's sacquo and used them all you always admired those you know , Char ley. " she said , anxiously. "They won't fit any buttonhole I've got , " ho remarked , gloomily. "I noticed that , dear , bo 1 I enlarged eleven of the holes. " "Caroline , " ho s-aid , in firm tones , "I courted you in simple pins and knots and strings. They may not bo pretty , but wo got along together first rate , and I want it understood right hero that if you think I am going to hang plaques all over my person und cavort around "brass-mounted , as it were , then you are tied ( not buttoned ) to the wrong man. " Solltl Trim ? 1'Toni Om ih x. Vcstlbulod , electric lighted and steam heated , with the finest dining , sleeping and reclining chair car service in the world , via the ' Chicago it Omaha Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee fc St. Paul Railway. Double daily train borvlco , leaving Omaha at 1 p. m. and ( i0 : p. in. , with no transler at Coun cil BlulTs as horotofoio. Apply 1501 Farnam street for tickets and further in formation or audrosj F. A. NASH , C. C. LiNTOiA' , Gou. Agt City Pass. Agt " WORTH A GUIMBA A BO2. " < ; / VXXVA - - _ /X * N.'N.'N 'VXVi'N , ' She Never ! ; Laughs. Anil no wonder ! Slio't nil < out of order InilJc ; ShoN ; got Iwpiilrctl Dlucitlun , ! DUordored l.lvur ami it < Sick Ileiulachc. S Sg act like magic on af the vital jiiHttioiit , 5 anJ restart harmony to tht entire 0 syitent , i Of all dniL'Klits. I'rlcc 2i > cents a box. { New York Depot , 365 Canal bt. aj COMMERCIAL URUCCnSTS commit faiiiil In su'jiti luting any other povotu phtaler when JIIINSCWS la askcnl for. 'limy do ec In order to inuko MOM mono ) ' out of you hy sell Ing you Mitnethhii , ' Ihii' co tH them Iocs , llmvur of worthlemi liur.iUloii.i. Not | CO of IlKll'llHllllM HM. Olllco of Homo Investment CoiniuiyOiiiiiha | : , Nub , Deo. W. IBDl. In uoinplliincu with the stiitulcH of the Htato of Nohrusku. nnU utpoutully In coii'lillanco with section I'M of chuptor III. entitled "C'or- poiutlonb , " wo , the preHiileut and n majority of the Hoard ( if Director * , huruhy rflvo inihllo notice that nil the existing llehU of thu Ildino Investment ( Jnniianvi | ( Umiilm , Neb. , amount to thuauni of * ' ; i71.U4 UhOUUK A Kl.MJIKI , , I RS.Itnwi.KV , VDIreolori 0. N > ( 'oi.i.iNf , ) U. S , itowr.KV , I'ruildoiit. HIS WlltKt All tlbl ( AILS. TaateJi Oood. U > o A MIMitONXIItK'e ! 1IAIII ) lAY- . llnwdohii > V. Sliiolcity Itcmeiitliorcil a l''rli-ntl In N'l't'd. U'lion John W. MnoUny worUod ua iv poor plufof inliiiu' ho wilt iilwnvs cnroful to put by enough , when ho ooultl , to nut him In u position lo ol/o nn opportunity when it olTorod , sitys a Sun Knitx-lsco liHtor. or , sluing tlint.toliuvo somi'Munfr Inid nwuy for u rainy tiny. Hut pru iloneo can't nut virgin V"ld in the gi-ouiid , and Mr. Markny'H claini on th I'Vnthor polorod. ITo d worlu-d ut U fo i nioiitliB. and. pun us ho initfht , the color got fulntur anil fiilnlor. Ho sut in hit * lonely o hln ono rnlny night , suppor- loss , ioidliir ; ( , by his lust tallow candle , a work on initiornlojjv , which ho hud borrowed from a lordly and stirprisnd onglnuor. Ahovo the noise of the storm came a UiuK'k at the dour. Andy Hop- worth , Uoopor of the All SouN aaloon at Ihompson'ri bar , Htiiirgorcil In. His Btaggor was cuusod by snvoral Ihlntrt" " . Ono of thorn was n lot of his own whislty which was tmdor his sldn ; the ethers were two Hides of bacon und ti suck of Hour , which weighted Ills shouldoix and hands. " .John , " lie said , "yon never spoilt n dollar ever my bur or any ether bar at the ciiinp , and that shows your good PCIISO. JJtit the boyn toll mo you're in html luck , nnd I know a man when I sou one. IIoro\a something to keep you going. " And ho throw on thorough lloor the sack of Hour and two sides of bacon. Ho retained the whisky. It was a good many yours later when Mnclmy hociuno n rich miin that ho again mot Hopwortli , gone in health , crushed in spirit , lounging among the crowd of hopeless ones who hung hUe Hies about the bung hole of the block mitrkot , sugarlot.s for thoin. "Hullo , Andy ! " cried John , do- lighted. "You don't inrvtn to say you romcm- bcr moV" said Uio broken man. "Hemombor yottl" laughed Uio milllonairo. "You bet I do , nnd Hint Hour and bacon , too. Broke ; " ' "Flat. " "I'll curry you a hundred of Con. Vir ginia. " "Good enough , John You've rescued mo from boll. When h U I soil ? " "Whon I loll you. " But ho would not boll when ho was told , and Mackay had to pay the loss. This hanponod tliroo times. Then the millionaire put his arm through Hepworth's and took him up to his olllco ono day. "Andy , " ho suid , seriously , "haa whisky got you or can you lot it alone1" ; "Yes. I can. " "Honest Injun. " "Straight. " "All right. There's no UMJ trying lo boll ) you in stocks. You're u gambler , and when the fever gets hold of you you won't listen to mo or anybody olso. All Souls was a llrst rule saloon , and you know how to run it. Th.U's your forte. I'll bond Dick Doy out to iiml a-good plueo , and you put yourself behind the bar. Como back in two days 11:30 : ] ) . in. " At the hour unpointed Mr. Doy and Ilopworth were thoro. " [ [ ore , " said Mr. Mackay , drawing a check , "there's $10,000 Andy. Dick struck an Al nlaco on Market street. You can buy it and have something loft to stand a run of barasca , if need lie. Keep the bottle for other folks und you'll bo all right. If you don't but [ hope you will for your , own hake. And don't you forgot , Andy , that the Hour and bacon will always bo a draft at sight for n grub stake. " I am happy to say that the now All Souls Is a success , and that Andy is as temperate as a parson , and that lie's done the manly thing and paid back every cent of the 810,000 out of loss vir tuous men's pockets. If yon don't believe - liovo it , ask Dick Doy. "Tlmo U inonoy. " If you have a bnil cold , don't ' inopo around nnd" Imlf do your work. Got n bottle of Dr. Hull's Coiih ( ; Syrup ; taken Uoso at night and got up thu" next inoruinpr cured. You need not despair ! Salvation Oil will heal your Burnt uria without a scar. " .1 coats. o JIoiliul toVin. . Excellent service , safely , convnnionco , nnd low rates are matters closely looked for and always appreciated by a dis criminating public. This is conclusively proven by the great popularity of the Chicago ic Northwestern afternoon llyor. This train loaves the Q. I' , depot , Omaha , daily ut fi o'clock and arrives in Chicago at Slo : the next morning , witn free par lor cars , now I'ullin'tn and Wagner sleeper and dining curs , vcstibulod throughout. City ticket oflico 1-101 Farnam stroot. Bnggago chocked from residences und 1 otols tliroet to destination. G. F. WKhT. U. H. KlTCIUK , C. P. & T. A. General Agent. o Snvrd ll r KrlcMiil'H Mir. A young Knglifih girl , Miss Isluncho Hays , has been awarded by tlio Hoyul Humane society an honorary Icstimonial on vellum for saving the life of Miss SauudeiN at Oddicombo June 17. Oddi combo is u sinnll unfrequented bay be tween Dawlisn and Torquay , where , the morning in qnonlion , MUn Hays wan bulbing , in company with Miss Saunders and another friend. The shore shelves suddenly down several foot , and it thus hupponod that Miss S.iunders , after laK- ing u few slops , unexpectedly found herself - self out of bur depth. Miss Saunders , who \vas quite unable to swim , ox- eluimed , " 1 urn drowning ! " whereupon Miss Hays , without a moment's hesita tion , swam ont to rescue her. It was onlv with much dllllciilty that Miss Hays brought her compan ion ushoro. for Miss Sum dors made the common mistake of aoi/- ing her rescuer by Iho Ihroat Instead of around tlio waist , and. being a much bigger purson , Miss I fays nearly bunk beneath the weight. There were only a few persons on the beach ut the llmo , and Miss Hays bulioved that the event had passed unnoticed , when the next day , to her great surprise , slio w.ts ac costed by ono of Iho fishermen of the plucu , who complimented her upon the bravery she had displayed. The loati- menial which the focioly has bestowed lakes tlio form of an iilbuin , in which is enclosed a parchment document bearing u record of the hnroio duod , Miss H-iys is naturally very much pleased ul an act of recognition which she was much lee modest to expect. It is nn Intorcsllny fact that she bus since succeeded in teaching Miss Suundors to nwim , an act of which she herself lias bcon u miislor ever since she can remember. They hail lots of woddlng nrcsonts , tiut tlia most procioui wni o box of Hullur'd Aus tralian salvo. Shu said thoughtfully , U's ' so nlco for Urn llulo chapj ou my hand ? . Ho said , wo Imvon.t jjot any "llttlo atmpi" yet , Shu sold , Why I John , and John win nuolchoil. \V1NTJOH TOUItS To Sumiiior ImniN vi v tlioVuuiiHli lloutc * . The Wiibash lire now Belling round trip tickoln good reluming Juno 1 , J8i ! : , to nil the winter resort * In Ten nessee , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North und South CiirolTim , Louisiana , Arkansas nnd Tttxns. The quickest und best route to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For ticket * und full Information in regard to roito.i oust or south cull ut Wulvnti oillco , 150J Fariium street , or write G , N. Oiuytou , N. W. 1'usa. AgL