OHE : OMAIIA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 25. 8PEGIHL NOTICES , AV nVKHTlHKMK.NTH KOH TIIKHK COLUMNS will bnlnken unlll Ut.TO p. m . for tlm oTonlnu nnil until tU : ) p. m. , for tlio morning or f unday cdl- All nclTTtl'fmintn In tliepn columns IScents n HDP II "I Insertion nml 111 tents n line thereafter , or | : | cr linn per nitintli. No advcrtttomcnt tnknn for iFMllinnZficont * for Ilio lint Innertlon. Terms , cash In mlvnnrn. Count nbmil 7 words to tlio line , Inlt- Inlf. lliiirp , symbol * , etc. . ench count nun word. All mlvpfllfemonlB mini run consecutively. Advpr- tilers. by re < | Ue tlnir a numbered eherk. can Imvo tlielr lellrrf nddrrMed to n numbered letter In enre of Tlltr 1IKK. Answnrno nddrenod will bodellv- riril on prenenlnllon of thu chuck. lHANCIl oKrS-A J culinr.in will IIP tnken on the nhnvp conditions I the * following huslnrM houses , who nri * nuthor- Iff d to tnko siicclnl notices At thu snmc rntes tin can be hnd nl the ninln olflce : KHilh Omnlm Brunch Office No. trM N street. LIMIT lilnrk. .lohn W. liell. pharmacist , lllh nnd Mnnon streets. H. II. Fnrmworth. pharmnclst,2ll.1 Cumltm street. W..I. HiiBl.e , phnrmnelst. fill N. liltli street. ( ' H. PntlrrtlPliI , pharmacist , 1718 I.oavcnwortli lieet. lluiilipn' pharmacy. 2 < lh nnd ' ' " [ " " i ; _ SrFtJATKKSHVANTi7fiT ilATKS-l'c n linn first time nnrt lOo n Mnn thpro after. No advprllsemcnt tnkcn for IP" thnn 25c. J\ lent bookkeeper : experienced In banking , whole rating nid real estate ; references. Address K. 8 Jinn. M5W-2i ! ) ' -SITUATION AIIOUT THK KIIWT OK THK year In hardwarn store , etpcrlenco 20 years : cnn speak germnn. ( iood reference. O.W.It , box 67. Moorclleld , Neb. t > ) 25' vbirNfJMAN , RTKADY KXI'KHIKNCKD uVdrlvor , wantsituation. Addreis K 12 , llee. Mil 21' i HKT OF IIOOKH TO ICKKI' KVF.NINOS. AD- Ailroin , K7.-HPC. M5.ll Jl' = - ' AH IIAKKU IN IIAKKHY. ADDltKSH A-1'OaiTION , Shennndouh , lown. 521 ! M' A CO.MI'KTKN'T LADY HTK.VfHiHAI'lIKH ; A Kcmlnitton nnil Smith I'rnilcr opprntor wnlils ponltlon ; references. Address N. , 911 N.2llh slreel. JIATKH--1SO n linn tlrit tlmo nnil lOt-n linn there- uftvr. No nilrcrtliLMiiiMit tnkpn for IVSK thnn ' ! > . IJ-TVANTKII. A MAN AH HTV "MAr.KHMA N -Uiinil to Uo BOIUO trnvulllnn liy nn oiitshUi 'rholo- rnlo iKiu.-c' . IVriiinncnt punltlou to tht > rlvht iinrty. I'rrfprn nmn who cnn Invust f. > ( IO orfl.OOU In the imrclinre of ntock In the compnny < lncorpor- ntpdl , nnd IIPCOIIIO directly IntPrfBtuil. llpiiulro ooilri'fprpfii' ( < s. Aildresn K 15 , Hep , tlil-'Ji ! T ) A COMI'K'KST J 'inlpittoro , stnto rofuruncexiind nnlnry. Addri'ss K M , lli P. 1)-TltAViiIN : ( ! MAI.KHMKN VISlTINt ! .1 ' i.'roci'r nnd ui'iiornl luurchnlitH In Nchrnxkn nml the went to Introdnco our Kood.i us n > ldi > lino. Mlinrnl jiny. 41'J 1'nxton hlnck. M5W M * 1) "wAN'rH ) ! FlltST CLASS SAhKaMnN TO J'l-c'll popiilnr spcclnltlpi to Jcihlilnif , urcincry and drtiK trndi' In the wuM. l.lliernl | iny to the rlL'ht num. Hi'iid copy of n'fi'ri'ni'enniiil full pnrtlitiilnrn to Northwestprn SplcuCo. . hliinx City , lit. JI-t'ANVASHKIlS WANTIH ) : MUST INIUJCK 'iiionlB. Cull or lulilress No. ; rlN. ; V. I.lfo blilK. 22'J Jll * | > -A(5K.Vra\VANTKIKVKUY\VIIKIliCUANrK : : ! .1 'uliiift for poluof hucity In oiio-hnlf lulnutu ; jmt out : wrltitqulek : bl prollta. rntent Spuclalty.Mfif. Co. , Kmporiii. Kan. 17" J ! ) ' _ " - WAXTIiTsAl."KSXI ! KN ON SAI.AUY Oil COM- inlPDlon to hnnillo the now pntunt chpmlcnl Ink ornithic pencil. 1 IIP iircntcst felllnn novelty over produced ; crnni-n Ink thoroiiehly In two second * : nn nbrnfliin of I'lipvr ; IU ) to ( OU per cent prollt : ono fitfeiit'H ( tnCH ) Hiiiounted to fiiJO In Hlx dityH , another f32 In two hourp. Weimt ono penernl auent In mch Ktnte nnd territory. For termannil full pnr- th'iilnr.i ndilrent .Monroe Krntcr MfK. Co. , I.a Crutiia , Win. X 'M. 727 IJ AOKNTSWANT.KI ) WK WANT MKN WJ IO J > nro already trnvolliii ; 'iiloiini'ii to cnrry our Iiilirk'iilliiKOll BitmplPH ni n Hlilo line ; nnino refer- enccnnml torrltory. .Miuiufucturori Oil Co. . Clcvo- InmM ) . J1.VJ'il34 _ _ B coon rrrV PASVAHSKUS ; HALAUY i-Ain I weekly. Sinner SewliiB Mnohlnc.lSlli IJoiiKln at -WANTKI ) . A YOUNtt AND NIOAT COLOUKD hey to tonil door. The Honton Htore. VM \ \ AN I'KD FEMAM5 11 KM * . HATKS I5u n linn llrnt tlmo uiul lOc n Una tlioro- nflur No nilvcrtlscniunt tnkun for lens tlmnUo. C WANTKI ) , ( HIM. TO TAKK CA11K OK 11A11V fnronnnnB. .114 .V. lllth. \1587 KOK HUNT HOUSED. RATKS-lta n line llrst tlmo anil lOc a line thcro nftor. Nu nilrurtUumunt tuxoii fur IUD * limn 'Ka 7-HOO.M J-/II2.UO. 7-room house , Hnnscom I'laco , nil modern Im provements , f0. rino 7-room corner house , facing Kountzo I'laco , Tcry chcnp. Klegnnt new houses. Lnfayetto I'laco. Hue us for prices. Fidelity Trust CO. , Kill Fnrnnni. -FOH HKNT , $15.00 , THHKK ItOOMS AND bath , steam hent : 125.00 l r room lint with bnlh , Cnpllol avenue ; Ji.X ; ) , eight room modern house rrltli barn ; ttO.VO Ion room modern brick house with barn : $7.00 , three room cottnge : JS5.00 , night room modern house , hath nnd furnnco. Inquire Nolhurloiillull , K03 South 1.1th street . ' .Ul-27 lFOH HKNT OH HALK , A IlKAUTIFtIL IIKSI J'deuce , 10 rooms with nil conveniences , hoi nlr , furnace , largo barn and lawn , In best of rondltlon , cheap. No. IB" Oeorgln nve. Kelkonuy .V Co. , room No , I , Continental bl'k. ; 573-J5 TV-ONK IIUNDUKD COT'PACKrt IN Af.L I'AHTS -1 'of the city , onu 40 room hotel building. 20 cen trally localcd slori ! buildings cheap , Kclkenny fi Co. . room I , Conlliioiitnl bl'k. 571-J5 1-i : HOOM' iiotrsK,2CLOSKTH. PANTHY , CITY- 4 A'lsturn water , { 10. Corner I5tb and 1'iieltlc.5II12I' 5II1-2I' T -I'KIVATK HOUSK. KLMINISIIKD OH IN- 4- | ii'il. iOJ Woolwortli nvo. Klll 21 " TJ-FOH HKNT. THItKI' ' ! NKW 7-HOOM. 2-BTO'.tY .1 A'ottugeti wllh bnlh nud f ewernge , nt nnd nenr corner Webster and Thirtieth nlreuls. Iteducod to f.'O.OOeach , lienry W. Ynles. 118 11-3. 4&5-HOOM HOIJHKS , $ IOto I5i HKHT HKS J 'Idenco Huts In city. Meud Inv't Co. 112 lleo hldi ; T\-ONK FOUH HOOM FLAT. STIJASI AND ALL J-'modorn conveniences , excellent onler : ono room house. Itefurenccs required , T , U von Dorn room li. 818 M. 22d slreel. r."J D-FOU HKNT , IIOUSi : N. K. ( 'Oil , 1STII AND Webster , B rooniH , full clly lot. prlco ( ' . -.50. C. Ifjnrrlsou _ , 1514 Karnam. 7(17 ( " 1) -LAHIK"LIST : OF HOUSKS. STOHKS AND fluls for rent. ( Jeo J. 1'aul , 1WJ Farnam slreet. . . .WHSl JU ) _ 1)Tj | t ' , -4 HOOMS , TtllllTIKTH AND ( 'ill A NT BTS. ; Tj ! per month , worth 51' ! . J. ,1. ( ilbsou , No , , ' ] , iiton bin. Mam B FlATS. 4 , 8 OH 12 ItOOMH KN SUITK , MOD | ern , , On ICtli t. J. H. I'arrotte.ll.22louglaB blk. B-T1IK.TWUNKW IHIK'K HOtlHKS , NOS. 2700- KUS Fnrnnni. Flint olnss In iivory rcujivot. ffO.OO W. M. ItOKUK , I.TJI-lira Kiiriiniii. AlbJ7 ( B - < HIOOM COTTAllU , SW S. 2IST STIlKliT. _ \-F01t HKNT , IIOU8K 10 HOO.MS , ALL MODK11N J-'lniiroveneiiln. | ( IM.OO | iur month , J'.M nud Farnam. Dexter L. 'Uionuvs. 7X1 B-KOll HKNT , NINlf-UOOM MOUtTl' : , WITH bolli KBS and rniiKO If duslrod , nil In KOOI | con- illtlou , located near : Mtli and 81. Mary's nveiiuo. I'rlco lensonnbloi special lerms Klvou to thn rluht imrty. lunuliu SUl'J Faruam at. or ( J. II. Tzscliuck , lieu olllco. .M ) BiFOH HUNT.U ! , IIOOM HOUSK , lllli DOIH'AS stnlot. Imiulru Hubert lluutor , lluu utllvu. "n-KldllT-HOOM IIOITHH , MODKItN CONYKN- 'lencei , cheap. J. F. llnrton , 2010 Cnpltnlavo. aaJH * \-NKW H-lloT t COTTACKS , .MODKUN liT . ' 'provemenls , "HUnfura Clrelet , " Apply I' . 8. 1 Iguller , loom 4 , N.Y. l.llu building. 7:3 : ! > ' < > U i 1 < HT 1 UllNISIIICl ) UUOA1K. IIATKS I.Vj n Una first tlmo anil lOc n line I hero- uflor. No itdverllHument tnkou for loss than 2Jo. " ' 1 , ' S luJailUOMH.YlOUSKK'l'Tili.aWilST. MAHY S Ij 670 J'fi IJ'-A KINK IIASKMKNT FOH HKNT , FtMt- Jnl hetor iinturnlilivd ; iiartot rout caulutpnld In work. Applj- Mrs. J. W. rulton , Wi N. 1'Jtn. 571 * \ fWANTKI ) , IIY LADY , LADY 1V.M N lllh it. UJ W HOOM , I'Kll MONTH , ll l .MS34-M' T,1 Till : ST. CLAIH KUHOl'KA.N 1IOTUU CO It IJlJtli und Dodcu , will uinko low rnlvs for roiiius ky the uook or month , nllli or vtlthout board , , : u UKMSIIKll ItOOMS AM ) liUAICI ) . HATKSIlo u line first tlmo nnd lOua line Ilium- utter. Nd ailTortlsvmunt tnkuu fore \ i than 35u. IJ-roMt'UKT.\mK HOOM8 ANI > 11OAHD , AI SO tnblu board. Homo fomfurts insured. Tlio Hill- Ihle , n , w. cor. ISlb nud lodiii > . .M4J7 S4 J-NIUB AND 1IOAHI ) , lMUliLA8 ) M411- I.-UUOM-MATK FOIl VOUNIi LADY , A WO TWO or threu cholcu bimrdors. M ) N. Sid , MI07-JI ' ' " " " T v x r t'u'N i"si "iKiTiToo" , T H HATKS- u line Ur > t tlmo and lOo a line Iberu after. No'ndrpitlscmuiu tnken for less than } > ; " " " " G . > AI ? I > "l ItOOMS | K\VN \ TOWN FOIl lioii oktivi > | uii | IA lu lit per month ! choapoit rout iioitlblyi uUo many huuie . U , F. Hutu , all 1'atlon blok Jllii I-I'tiLLMANIIOLMK. 1310 IKJIHJH. FOH OO01) 1 buiril , nicer rooms , couteulencin , rat * .aud. lo- luii llcuniK > t t cicellcd. m . Horn , proprietor. HtJ-J * roil UKXT-HTOItKH AND Ol-'l'MCig. I-STOIIKHOOM I4.XM. STKAM IIKAT AND HAS. I IjlS HarnoyT _ _ 6l- | ' 'fFOIMIKNT , STOHU. 1118 JACKSON BTIIKCT , TFOK HKNT. FIH8T H.A3S LOCATION FOH lisrocwrjrnnrt meal rnirkpt : now buUdlnu , stpnm lienti will tnkn rent out In Undo If stock li flr.il- plnns : cnn ulto pooi-Mlon .Inn. I. ISVJ. Kelki'imy A Ci > . . room I , ContlnentnUilock. _ & -IS -FOH IlKNTnliCK IIITII.IIINU NOW lorotipled hy the Sloati .lohnion Co , , Dili nnd I.envRiiiTorth. For | > nrtculnrj | u.lilrois , Ouor o ,1. I'nul. Iiw/Fnrnnm nlreot. Mill il I-FOH HUNT. TIIKI-MTOItr IIIIICK IIUILDINO. 1 with or without iiowcr. formerly oecuplnd br The Hfol'uhllslilnKUo. , 1)18 ) Karnam street. Tlio build Inn linn n lire proof cement b.ucment. tompleto team hpnllnir futures , wnler on nit the floors , ens , clc. Apply nt the olllco of Tlio lleo. OH WANTKII-TO HUNT. HATKS- ; n line llrst tlmi ! nnd lOc n line llioro- nflor. No advertisement tnken for le i thnn Kc. ntOMl A N t ; A H 1 HOOMB AND ItOAIll ) IN prlvnle fnmlly for niiin nnd wlfi nnd child. .Mint be clean nnil fulr Inblo. Style not neeesiinry. Address K 10 , lleo. MMI-27 * UliM'AIi AiJIiXOY. HATKS-l.'iCB line llrst tlmo nnd lOo i\ line thi'ro- nftor. No nilvertlsnmcnt tnkon for loss than 2jcJ. f " -F MrKNT ; yi'KCIAIjI.Y OIKSANIUKI ) HKN- IJtnl department. Unit fnellltles for colleclln i rents In llioclly. Ppcrhtt nttcnllon pnld to rotl ilonci ! property. It will pay owners to plncn prop 'ly In our rental department. Cell nnd nee us. Ames Heal Estate Anoney. I.VI7 Fur num. Hcntnl Department. 57D-S7 H. K. COLi : . CONTINENTAL 11I.OCK. j rrr HATKri ISo nllnu llrst tlniq nnJ lOo n line lliero- after. NondviTllsement Inkcg for less llmu Wo. " " W-llllY. CLKAN AND 1'UIVATKLY hTOH funilturo.Omulm Move Hepnlr Work. 1207 Do M -OLDKHT , CI1V.APKST AND IIKST STOHAiH house In the city. Williams A Cross. r.'l I llnrney. ' WANTHIl TO H'JV. ItATKS-Kian linn tint tlmo nnd Kto n line thora lifter. No udvertlnmnent tukun for los thiviajo ' " " \T-KI TniH' IIOlitJAT. SOM > , STOUKt l > We 11s , Illl Fnrnnni strouL 7W KOK SAIiti KUUNITlfuK. KATKS 15i-allnillrit tlmo and Uo a line there iiflor. No ndvertlsuniLMit tnkon for loss thnn 3Jc - foil SAf.K n PIKPH MUD itoo.M sirr , MAK- 0foil hlo top furniture , or will tardo for bonrd , nd- drees 1C 13 , Hue. fl'li-S4' _ -KOH HAI/B , KL'USITIJHK. COMl-r.KTK KOH i ! room hoin-e. cheap If taken hy Jim. I Tart tlmo. Apply 1218 Mnson. MSH 2'i i on HATKS Ific a line first tlmo nnd lOn a linn thcra- iifter. No advertisement tnken for less than Jjc. -rKOK A 'o AN' nnil some partitions , nil In wood order , J. K. Stronn , niamiKcr , Kx change hotel , South Omnhn Q-KOll SALK , A l\i \ HOIlSK-l'OWKll KCLll'SK electric motor , nenrly new , at ono third ll coat. Itees Printing Co.JJiiinliii. .Mf > 5.i-a-J -FOH HAT.KToNB NEW FINH TOXIC UI'HHillT plnno. 817 8. liith street. MSH'-gl' -Toil SALK , AN AgUAHIU.M. MADK OK bronze. noxt.iKiin nlinpe , illiuonHlon.i as follows : helKht , 'i feet , width 4 feet , dppth of tank 18 Inches : about new : prlou flZi.oj ; frclaht paid. Addrcm C. L. .Mclssner. York Neb. 11H _ - SALK , SA.FK WITH TIMK LOCK , COL'N- Q-FOIl tpr nnd ilxtnres sultublo for country bunk. HZ ) Omnhn lieu. MSH d2J IIATK8 ISO a line llrst tlmo and lOc n line thcro nfter. No advertisement tnken for lo i thnn 2Jc. -FAMILY SOL'VKNIIl-WKLL K.MIdUTMI ) Jipen ( IrmiinKsof fumlly circles ; very modenito price ; Hood aiiinnlcs. Address KID lieu. MSIW ! ! 7 * Olj.\lllVOV/\NTS. HATKS I5ea line first tlni ? nnd Iflo n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less thnn 2io. S'AIllU VAL rovolntloiH ChnllenKC * the world. Mrs. Dr M. LcKravo , dead trnnco clnlrvoynnt , nstroloulst. imlmlst unil Ufa render ; lulls your llfo from the crndlu to xravo ; unites the sepnrnted ; causes mnr- rliiKO with the one you love ; tolls where you will iiucceeil nnd In what business hi'st adapted forhus ; the celebrated ICeypttan brciistplutu for luck nnd to destroy had Inlluences ; cures tits , Intempcrnnconnd nil private complaints with mnssiiKn , baths mid al cohol treatment. Send K , lock of hnlr. name and ilnte of birth nnd rccclvo accurate llfo chart ; 2 .cents In stamps for circular ; idve Initials of ono yon will marry ; also photos of same. Olllco 1007 South llth street , first floor : hours , U n. in. to U p. ui. Come one. come all , nnd bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. Mali ! Jl _ S MHS. MA11V FHITZ , Z429 LAKi' . STIIKKT , clnlrvoynnt and trnnco medium ; Independent voices ; tellH past and future. D'J7-J2l ' : * MFIS. NANNIK V. W.MUU5N , CLAIUVOYANT S reliable business medium , llftu ycnr.ut H'JN. lOtli. MASS AUK. nvnis. KTC. HATKS I5oii line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n Una thoro- niter. No advertisement tnken for less than 25u fCwiLl/VI | ( < lTllSrrTAI.S ( ) ANinTK DKNCKs' J Aildremi Miss Slowo , Omnhn , Nub. M&I7-2J * n 'sSAcTBT'ii A S3AK ( ? M Y I 'AHLUHS AND -l-opemturs are tlio lineal ; over 010 H. 13th street. MI4IJS * M' MAaSACK TIlllATMKNT , KLKCTUO T1IKH- J-tni'I bntbs .Hcnlp and hair treatment , manlciira undchlropodlBt.Mrs. I'oatflVJX H. 15tliWllhneIl blk T ' MADAMK SMITH. 1314 CAPITOL AVKNUfiT ; Sdiloor. Alcohol.Mulpliurto and SOA baths.Mm M93I 2T MUSIC' , AltT AND lj\NOUAGI'J. V IIKFOUK HUYINIJ A I'lANO HXAM1NK Till ! ' now hcnlu Kluibull piano. A. Hospo. 1513 Douglas Tin. V. GKLLKNIIKCK , HAN.IO TKACHKH A71H Ma Hospo or WJ N. loth streo'Jd lloor. UI2 MONKY TO LOAN' UKAIj KSTATK. UATK8 15oa line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line Iliero- after. No advertisement taken for less than 2io. A\r-ll I'Kll CKNT F1II8T MOHTtiAtil ! LOANS , ' HlohnrdC. I'atlorson , 1511 Fnrnnm st. 7M > Ueo. J. I'Hii'l , lliw FurnuiuHtroot. MlkU.110 \\r-WANTKt ) . LOANS OF $15) TO * I.OOO ON UN Improved lots ; tWJ to ti.OOO on Improyed prop. erty , at inieo. Fidelity Trust Co , , Hill Fnrnum t A\r-LO iVNS. W. M. IIAUHIS , It VO FHKN/.KH IILK \ > 71' ' . ) \\rCENTIlAIjLOANANI ) TUUSTCO HKU 111,1)1 } U 7 HI \ \ rMONKY ON HAND TO LOAN ON KIHST ' inorlgngo on Omaha city proporly. Chns. W. Ilulnuy. 3Oiunlia \ Nnfl bank building. 747 vir-LOANS ON fMI'llOVKII AND UNl.Ml'HOVKII 'V city property , H.OUI anil upwards.il to 8 percent. No delays. W. Fnruniu Smith .V Co.llth A llurney. \\t-LOWKST HATKS OF l.NTKHKST ON F1IIST ' ' class futurity , Lovett Si Woudmnn , XiO S. I Hll . KSTATK LOANS 0 TO 7 I'Kll CKNT : 'i no uddltlonnl rlmrKi's for commission ornllor- uuy's fees W. II. Mulkle , First Nutloiutl bank bldn , _ _ _ _ - _ 751 AtMONkT TO LOAN t N l.ONd Oil fillOIlT tlmolnsuiusof JJOO to 10OOJ. .Mutual Invest ment Company. IW r - SKCONI ) MOUTiAJKS. ( ( CAN MAKK A FKW good loan * . Alex Moore , 101 lleo Illdg. M ) AV-LOAN8 ON HKAIi KSTATK AND CDLLAT 'i lerul notes nud uiortL'tttfus bought. Ituod A fclhy , ICII llonrd of Trnilo. 783 Yir A5.TIIONY 1XJAN AND TIIUU1' CO. , : II3 N. ' ' \ . Life , hind nt low rntin for oliuluj security oa Nebraska or lown faruu orOiunhitclty property. 711 rli.V. . r.CUATKtf , 7 , HOAUIl TUADK , LOANti. .MOXHV TO LOAN OIIATTKIjS. HATKS-llo n line first time nnd ] 0o a line there after. No advertisement tnken for less than iV. c LOAN IIV 11. F. MASTKIIS ON hoiisuholit Roods , pianos , ornnns , horses , mules , watfons , etc. , at thu lo > r st po'Mlilo rules without nulillclty , reuiOTuI of properly ur chnniio of pos session. Time nrranued to suit the borrownr. rayiner.ts of any amount rnn bo mnda at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , ihus Klvlnic patrons all the bonallts of the parllnl pay ment plan. Call und IBO mo when TOU want a loan , or If more convenient call telephony lii.'l and jrour builne i can bo arranged at homo. Money nlwnyi on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rales ; uuslnex contlduntlal. 11. F. Maileri , room \Vltlinull blk. , 16th and Ilarnoy ils " 54 X -MONKY I.OANKD ON FUKNlTuHK. HOHSKiT wagons , pianos , nlthout removal or ehaiiRit of poisesslon. ConttUeutlttl. Fred Terry , r. Ul Haniicu. ' MONKY TO T.O.VN. ill. HI AND UI DAYS ON kfurnllurtt , etc UultlJrrou , H 30 , Cgntluental blk. JIOHHIS. > 1J10 * X-CJIA'rrEl. LOANS , IIKNKOICT 4 WIIAV. 614 I'axton b'oek. WeKrnn our owa money , churgo no couimlMlou. It will pay you to cuntult us. 4IWJ-J31 * it.5lYiruNKi.TT ui E NI : S9 OIIANOKS. HATKH-l. ' > c n line nrst llmo nnd tOo n llnl III Pro- after. No advertUomcnt taken for los.i thnn 230 " -FOH HALr ! , A ( IHAIN HI'HINKSH , llslicd for live yearn , on nrcnnnt uf old nita 'of onopnrtnpr nml rion-resldonco of the other. Klo vatnrn In Ilio belt of shnpe nnd htmlness boomlnir. Capital reiiilred. | M..v . ( lank rrferenco Klven. An nniMiinl chance for n pnrty cleMMnir lo enter n safe. k'Kltlmatu hilslneas. Adilrcss Nu. K II , lleo nlllec. 6B8-J 1 V FOIl HALK , A (1001) ( ) PA VI SO IIAHIWAHK I utiiro nnd Implement business In inod town ; best of rea. ons Klven for selling. For pnrtlculnrs nddress.T. A. Moore A Co , Dunlnp. la. f > ! 7 21 * STOCK OIMIILLINKIIY J In ono of tlio til-Hi towns of Nebr.nskn : will Klvo n liberal illiciitint : itood aeasons for nolllnir. Ail dreMjSM Kast lilli si. , Fromonl. Nob. _ 650j _ " ' DIHjir ToTTirFoii "SATK CKNrTlAI.I.V : . . LOcated catod ; fJVXcaih ) ; bnl lo suit. Address Ufa. lleo Dill 'OK K.VGIIANOH. HATKS-I.H ! n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement take , ) for less limn Uio. y w A NTKD , nee TO""ziboiTA " ? K TS tn ; FI its r /-/class prnlrlalnnd In enstern Nebrnskn. I'or oichnniie , KIO acres In Vnlley county. No- hrnskn. Will excliRime for n itood elevator. Wnnted. d'.O ncm fnrm In onMern Nebrmkn. ( live mo number nnd price. Address Henry C. Smith , Fulls City. Nubrnikn. Wrc-Sil y TO KXCHANdK. CI.KAIt CITY LOTS AND /JcuMi for Boiul clenr Nehrnskn or Knnsns lunil. I'lensaKlvo full description. Address II. W. Frnser , . ' 118 Itookcry bulldlnit , t'hlenco. I > u-2 ; ) > * r/-NH'KI.V UU'ATKD OMAHA ACHK. I'AHTLV / linpnived. Will eichniiKC for oed Improved farm. Address K , Hue. MMS at' _ rSKCTION OF LAND IN I'HKM'S COUNTY. fJI miles from railroad lown , lo trade for entile. L. K . Kim Creek. Neb. Ml'iil ' 2j' Z IIKiil HIIKI ) 8TALL1ONH. MAH1W AND colts for real estate. Hoom 40.1 Hroivn bhhr. y ri.KAN STOCK OF ( IKNKl'.AL MDHK. : WILL /Jlake rent estate nnd money. Hoc 2U3 , Frankfort , liul. iftB _ V OLIIHOI.U ANDSII.VIIH. .IKWKLHY , AHTt- /-'Hclal tooth , medals , etc. , hrlnu nil you Imvo In Inrituor email lots nnd ruoilvdois i or hlj.1 elan rtenllslry In exolmnvc. Dr. John Mitlhaivj , mitiu- fnclurlmt ilentlsl , 212 llrovtn hl < c. Oni ill i. -Mill 1011Aljl - : III-J.IU I'.MTA i K. HATKS-l.'icu line first llmo nml lOo n linn thorn- after. No advertisement tnken for less thnn 23c. I/O US ALK , 1 MI1"HO V Kl ) FA Illls IN7 'KlIi'iTflK&T I c'ciniitleB In east nnd central Nebniskn at prices from tl.'i nud up , nccordlmr to Improvement * and location , and unimproved InniN In Mime locnlllle.s from III ) and up. hetid 2 cent slump for Inmo sec. llounl mnpof Ihostnto to O. H. Nelson , UOii H. lllth St. , Omnhn. 675-2J * AN ACItt : IN OMAIIA. CLKAH. TO K.\'CI1ANK ( for house nnd lot In * emu Kood Ncbrnskn town. W. II dales , HHN. V. I.lfo. 512-21 _ _ T HAVK AT'lNrTsi'OCK FAJIM OF a IS AUHKS. I located In Lancaster county 18 miles northweptof Lincoln , N'eb. , which 1 will sell chenp ; 100 ncres nro under eultlvnlloii , line 45 ncro pnslure. InrKe IIOK pen. Krove , orclmrd , frame house nnd amble * for S fiend of homes nud DO head of cattle. Plenty of wnter. Address V. L. Vodlckn , 312 o. 12th atreel , Omnhn , Neb. M47J 25 17OH SALK OHOIC1C FHUIT FAHM OP30 ACHKS , L 2 inlle east of po.itotlici'.Coiincll Hlulfs , li ncres In blackberries , lluu yomiK fruit trcet , H.OOOtrnio vines : lioiiho , barn und outbuilding , ( jrent bar- Kiiln If taken ut onco. Address , A IS , llee ollk , Council Mill Hi. MI44 V.'i LOTS ON MONTHLY I'AVMKNTS IN HKNSO.V , l iko View , ( Mtflon I'lncc. Dundee , Armour I'lace , W. L. 8clby's ndd Hoom 40J Brown bldi ; . . M49.IJ2 17011 SAI.K. AT'A IIAIIIIAIN. 1XT 15. 11LOCIC 4 , 1 W. L. aiielby'n llrst inldlllon lo South Omnhn. Smnl I pnymciit down , bnlanco monthly If desired. Inqulro O. 11. Teschiick , Omaha lloo. RSI i it MALI : HO.MKS. ANY PIIICK , f.v ) , ii.jso UP ; -I. easy terms : taku clear property ns tlrst payment. U. U. Wallace , llrowa block , ItJth uud Douslns. 1/OH SALK-NKUHASKA FAHM LANDS. O. O. i- Wallace 123 Urown block , ' ICtlmnd Douglas. 755 lilt ; BAHRAIN , 15X151 , HAST FHONT , SOUTH 20th st. , worth $4.'OO. I'rlco only $2,250. Fidelity Trust company , IUI4 Farnnm. ST'.I T5 ? . K. COHNKU SSITH AND HICKOUY. 60X150 -L * feet ; n bargain for u few days only. F. 1C. Dnr- llng. Barker block. SOI STOCK WI.NTBUKI ) . HATKS I5o n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there- after. No ndvertlsenicnt tnkun for lun tlmn 25c. H AT ovM tATK s care , shelter uud board fences. 4UJ Urown bldtr. M53I ! 1)25 OH9KS WINTKKBD AT LOWEST' UATKS AT Ilellevuo Block farm ; box Htalts If desired. Clarke , 1'J llonrd of T.do building or llolloruo. 753 HATKS 15o n. line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No ndvcrtlnomouttiikel for loss than 2ja. M R3. W. J. SCOLKS IIAS.OI'KNKD DHISSS njiiklnt ! purlurs ut the N. K. cor. lull A OoliKlns 6I5-.I21 * INOAJK.MrNT8TOIO : DltKSH.MAlvlNC IN t'AM- lollies aollcltcit. Miss Stunlr , K'-'U S. 2'Jth ' st. aio j n- iiAitt GOODS. HATKS 15cn line first tlmo aurt ICc n line thi'ro- uftrr. No nilviirtlKt-iuiint taken for loss tlinn 35o Li imw'r "ST ( "K IN M NT lt K 'w rlcnl lts ( unil bennls n uprelnlly. swltchos , linlr ftnilns , etc. . In Htoclc nnd to order. Mall orders solicited. Onvlcs , 111 S IJtli St. , Omnlm. 75'J ' LOST. HATKS 15cn line llrst llmo nnd lOo n line tlioro nfti'r. Nu ndvcrtlsemcnt tnkon for lens thnn LOST , A FLAT UOINI ) iAiiis : r.oi.o lovkut , plnco for two pictures tiiHlilc , lint notli Inn In It. Liberal re mini for return to lieo olllco. SOMCITOUS. IIATKS l.'icn line llrnt tlmo nml lOu A line thora- after. No advertisement tnken for Jem than -'ic 1 SUCH .V Co. , lien bullilliiK , Omnha. Nob. Ilranch olllront WnsbliiKlon , I ) . C. Consultation free. Ttil H ATKSHe a line llrst tlmo nnil lOo n line tlinro iiftor. No ndverllHtinioiit tnkon for loss limn Mo ' ' " " " " ' " ittJXC'l ? OK r"lKV 8 VT""TuT"sWK- llaptlst cliuri'li. Owner can Imvo nnmo by iit Iboubovo church. Wr'Sl' CUTIjIOIlV GIllNDING. . IIATKS 15o n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line thero- nftvr. No advertisement tnkun for less than''oc. CIl'INl ) VOUI1 SC1SSOUS , KAZOUH. KTC. , TO UK \TOIIMI | In L'lHlcrlniul A , Uo. . lO'l S Mill St. TO'I ASII uxm o ) -llaliks. room , ' 10. Ilnrkur block Omuhn TIU XIIK ItKALTV MAIlliHT. INSTItlJ.MKNTSoliicodou record Ouccmbor 24. IMIi : WAUIUNTV DGZD3. J K Mi-Kiilaht to , I T Hurst , iindlv ! J lot II , block HKt , South Omnlm . t TOO It A MoKiwliroii to A L Wlcbturmiin , lot 10 , blii'JkL1 , I'litlnvlew . L'.COO Au nstii Cliollinaii mid husband to Ili-llo I'lnloy. u r.'l ! ft lot I. Uliollnuiu's iidd . 500 South Oinah.i Imncl comiKiny to I'rnnk Cumliton ot ul. lot bluok lift ) , South Uinuha . . . 283 John l < ! ila nnd wlfi'to Alburt I'rochuotr , ot of s 'i no nnd w 4 of u ! no 10-1(1-11 ( 1 W A llowlnnd and wife to Alfri-d Mil- lard.liilH r. nnd III. blnok 10 , West side udd and lots ft nnd II , Oiimliu ImlK'lits. . . 503 Wlllliim Htiidloniiin and wife to W M t'owoll. hit ) , Uuvciiiiorl's sub . 0,000 Aunes HlmiiMm to Aiuilo Htuldur. lot 0 , block U , llukrr pliteu . 700 II U Miller to Jiwcpli SolilltIlruwlui ; iissoeiutlon , luti . ' und 'J , block 4 , 2nd mill to Smith Onmliii . 2,500 OV .Mosliorniid wife to 1) ) ( " ( icorBoottil , lot 14 , bloulv 111 , ( loiitli Omuhit . 1.TO3 II Wullcor ( noting iiinvor ) to Juno Thomas , lot V , block 4'i , t'loruncu . I' H .Mixirns ( ppcclil : adnilnlstrutnrl to AU/IIBI llonzon. lots 17 and IX , lluiuou & Jobnson's iiilu . . . Total amount of transfers . tKI.409 Stooklioltlcrs' McoiiiiK Union Land Company. Notice l liurebv clvoii thnt the unniinl nii'Othis uf tbo utoeUholders of tbo Union li nd compnny fur tliu olcctlon of Uvo < llroo- tora mid ttiiub othur busluebd us nmy lawfully L'omu Ixifiiro tlm ineotlim will b hold at room 1 , third lloor , Union 1'aollla bulldlnir , la thu ulty of Onmlm. Nob. , upon JlonUiiy , tlm lllli day of January , Ih'.r , ' , at 10 o'clock u. in. W. J. UAIIUOI.I. Assistant Suurotnry. Umalm. Nch. Dwonilior . ' , WJI. I Notice. It ! s iiiiitimlly atrecd tliU day by und bo- twi'on tbu iiiiiloraUnod tbut the llr in of Drexel Kull bo. tind tlio * : imo U , tills day dissolved I'roilurlok Dro\el und llonry I1. Uruxol liurabjr .iHiiMiiu nil out tuiullni ; liabilities and uro to collect nil iiiiiuuyn or uthor nrouorly duuur to bocauiu duo aalu Uroxel & 1'ulU I KllKllKIIICK DllBXBI. Sliciiuiii < ALUKHV Fin.i. I IlK.NIIV 1 > DlllCXKU DeconiUr .5,1 ) L 'IMPROVEMENTtlOTDBRoftllS ' AGE" THE BEST. WHY ? Hocnuse wo have , profited by the shortcomings i > t thu old typewriters , nml luivo ovurcniuo niiiny ilofects , mill , between oiimilviw , wo liavu ni'iNil ' of Improvements uf which their Inventors never ilri'iimcil. All typo cleaned In ton Hccoiuls without soli- IIIR tliu huiuK Jloro munlfold coplctciiu ho tuatlo lit ono 1m- Uio.sslon on tlio Smith rrcinlor tlmn upon any other tpyowrlter manufactured. Sena forOatnlojSiii1. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co , , IUO ! ) ! r'ltriiiim .Street , Oinalin , Noli. / ; . II. 31.1HKW , - - M.lSAtiV.tl. RH1LWHY TIME GRRD V.3) n m . . .Knnfns City Day Kiprms. . . . | A.J5 p m D.45 p m K. C. tllnht Btp. via V. I' . Trans. I li.)0 ) n m l.cnvoi UNION Arrival Omaha. Union Dopot.Hllh nml .MnrcySti. Omiti i. 8.30n raT77..lleatfico K.Tprcs 1 T6b p'ln 10.00 n m Denver ICzprxis 5.00 p m 2.15 p ml overland ITIyor 3.15 p in 4.Wp : mmiuo Sp'Kt&c'iilrUi'ld K\ex ( Sun ) I'J.M p m 6.30p m | 1'aeltltf Kxprosi ll35 _ a m ( Jolnx i rllli AOO , It. I. * I'ACIFIU I From Kusl. I Union depot. lUt'i ' A M.trey Stt. ! Kan. 10.00 a mi AtlanticUrprim G.-ti ) p m ( .05 p ml Vuillbiile Kxp.-uss LIU p m 0.10 p in I Night Kipnus V.40 n m ( iolngl CHH'AUO , H. I. it I'At'IFIC From West I .lUnlon depot. 10th and Marey Sti. . . West. 1.20 pin Denver l.lmitoJ. " 8.40 p ui T.OJ p m Denver Rxpross. 7..13 n m Ixiavoi JUIIIUAUO , Mil.ST. . 1'AUL. I Arrlvj Oinnha. | U. I * , dj'ij * . nn t Minr4.1. . | Omahi 6.'Jj p in | , cnlc.io ) Kxuroii "MS n ni 1. p . . . . . . . . . - . iCiprmi 5.45 p m Lcavoi I SIOILt UtTk'A I'.Vi.'lli'u : . Arnvei Omnha. I Dopnt IJtli nn 1 Murcy Stt. Oniihx 7..0 a ml . . . .Sioux City I'uisun.-er ilO.'Ai n m S.Wp ml St. I'nul Kxpron 111).If. ) ) a m Leave I OMAIIA AST. LOUIS. ] Arrive" On.nha.IU. IMlepot lOth and Mnrcy SUI Omnhn i.lopml St. Louis nnnon i-all | l2o ; p m Lcnvoi | .MldSOUitl IMUKIU I Arnrei Omnhn. I lepot 15th nnil Wub tor 3ti. I Oinnh * 10. ; J n ml St. l.ouli Erprujj I fM n m 9.30 p m | HU l.ouli , Kxpren I 5.10 p m LURKS IN EVERY COLD. Once In the IIIIIK * In the dliimlso of n cold , the learlblj monster uuninsliii and claims ovorythlnK. You can keep It out , or you can drlvo It out , but toile ilo cither you must bo Tory prompt nnil faithful In your lisa of ofDr. . Schenek's PULMONIC SYRUP , the natural guardian of the luntn nnln t nil In tlnmtrmtloiM and oonxouions , nnd ihu mlk'h ty pro lector of tbelr llisiios nnilHocralloui. Kluhtyour coldl Disarm your pnoumonln the ilvndllost enemy of mankind ! You Imvo a tall.ini.in In the I'ulmonlo Syrup , whoio prtMHnco no cnomy of tlio lungi 011 nllhaliinil. As nn aid to nature , open nil tliosocrolloiu. Kruu the ntuui ich , Itror and bowels by monft'i of Dr. Schenek's MANDRAKE PILLS and sot your untlro nysluui lo healthy work. Kvon the monstiT , iinuunionln , thin fntli of Hi Uuadly Krlpnnd lloei as n Ihlof In tlio nlnnt. . 1 ho pulmonlo syrup , the Mandrake 1'ltli pluco thoao on guard aud all li well. jil nil SOHEN't'K'S ) > ii ie on Conrtiiiiiiitlon Mvor C'oiiiiiliilnt anU ( < < lyaiiisla ) | , bunt free UK. J. 11. SUIIKNOK' & HON. I'hlludclphla. I'u nn " 14 YEARS Bottlet DR. MILES RESTOHATIVC NERVINE , " S js A. P. Stark 1'onn Yan , N. Y , ' ' 10 yro.ofBlok Headache cured bj TWO IlotlleB , " Kmollna 1'llnt , Ottawa , Ohio. Nervlno'lH ' the quick remedy for Hleepleeaness , Neryona 1'roetratlon , fipliopsy , St. Vltua' Dance , Opium Hahlt. Norvoua D , Ilyet rla , Convulelone , Neuralgia , 1'nralTsIs , etc. Thouuumla tentlfy. Trial Ilottlu , olepant liook I'roo ut drngglota. Allies Medical Uo. Klktmrt , luci. AWrlllBnGuaranloeto SYPHILIS CURE EVERY CASE cr ; MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro U txrm&npnt unit not A ptehuijc tip. CAIM trAt l nvn jttLn ago IIAT * n ? er nt n ai/mptom dnco , Hjrd crlllnfciue ( fully we c n trcit TOU ky m M , and wonlr * the m trnntt RUnrenMa to cur * or rtfuml nit money , Tlioio who pr > f > r to coma hero fortrtm nt can do 10 nndw wlll pay ntllrond f ro both way < onj hot l bllli while li re If wo fill In cur * . Wo ehAllcngo the world for K < AIO that our MAO 10 RF.MEDVwillnoteuro. VTrlt for full pnrtlcuUri nit Kttlho evidence. Wo know that you aio fk | > lic l , luitlf so , too , oi the mo t eminent phytlcUni h v never ttanabio to Blvo mor * than temporarr ri. | | f. In our nvo yuan1 pi actlco wltn the MAI1IO Kt EUIt hat been molt difficult to overcome the prcjudlcm Balnttntl o < * ll ( lipclflc . Dtit under our alrons guaranleo you ihould not heiltato to try thl remoily. you take no chinco of loilnit your money , W RTIMV ntco to euro or rtfund every dollar , Mid at wo have reputation to protect , lie financial Imcklnirof ISCO , . 000 , It li perfectly ni\fo to all who will try the treat , ment. Heretofore you h.tvo bi > n pultlnir up and paylna out year money for different IreatmenH mid allhouKh youaronotyelcureiJnooneha paid back your rton. cy. Do nctwailonnymoro money until you tryut. Old chronic , deep > eatodcaw4 cured In 30 to 0 il Ti. In * vettleato our nnanclal fliuidlnu , our reputation as builnnii men. Wrlto ui far name ! anil mt.lrvM.'g . of thoio wo Imvo cnrvd who have Rlvon pcrnitsilon to ro- fertothcm. It coula you only poitngo to ilothlilt | will eave 3 ou a world of nufforlnir from tncntil gtraln , and If you nro married what may your otftprlnn MHTer IhioUKh your own neglliccnco. If your ymptonn ro Bora thront , muroua pi'chce In mouth , rhoumfttlflm In boneinnd jolntu , hair fnllln.iouteruptiononnny part of the body , fuellnffof Rcnoml ilwproftitlon , paint In header bonri , you have no tlmo to want * . Thee who are constantly taking m < rcury an 1 potash should dlxcontlnuolt. Constant use of thcsudrupJ will purely brlnfTBoreeandoatlne ; ulcorsln the enit Don't fait to write. All correspondence urnt * * ) 'nlcd In plain cnvfl * opee. % Votnvlto theme trltrld Invcstljatloiinndulll do nil In our power to aid you In IU Addrcwi , COOIi KKXKUy CO. , Oinalut , Ifcbrtuka. Ofllco lllli nnd Karnnm. second floor , untranco UUifit Iluhlt iiosltlvoly cureil by tlio USD of tlio Koniilnu "MAGIC CHLORIDE OF GOLD , " II. Is inuiiiidi-tiinul In .small soluli'lo tablets , wlik'li oan bo Klven In a tiusi of beer , a flip of eolTeu or tea , or In fond , without the kninvl- odKeof thu patient. It N absolutely haiin- li.-ai , anil will ollect a peini.inont unit npoedy cure , whutliur the patient IISIM ljiiior ] or To- b.'U'co modor.itrly or Is a slave to either or both. It lias been tilven In tlions.mils of CIISIH anil In every liisttineo a perfect euro hns fol lowed. It never falls. The system oneo im pregnated With the "MAOIU OHJ.OIUI > K Ol- ' ( iuljl ) , " It beeonius an utter Impossibility for tlio Mqunr orTobacco appettto to exist. One iiiiinth's treatment , f. . Itetall < lruuluts. ! Ciet only the ueniilne , manufactured hy MAUIO Ullf.OltiriIHIOI. , | ) CO. . llla ! < o. llrtiio & Oo. , Umahn , Neb. , Wliolesale Agents. NO DELICATE AND LABTnra Onon , rorBnlouyalinruanmlFnncyGooda Dcnlcra or It nnahlo to procure this wonderful nnii | > scnd)2/ ) / ! < In slumps nnd rocolvo n cake by return ranll. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SPECIAL Shnndnn IlPlls WnHz ( the populfll society Wnlti ) entFIKK to nnyono ecnuinf ILI hiuo wrappers ofjihanclon He Us bonu. CTJBEB IS A One Minute Remedy I'or.all afTeotlons of the Throat , Lungs and Bronchial Tubes ' , EXCEPT CONSUMPTION 2B AND BO GEiNTS. l''or Sale by DrtiBglsti. Stockholders' Moctiiii ; , Oninlin At I01U- liom Vnlley Hnllwny Coinpniiy. Notlco Is hereby Klven that the annual mnet- Invioftlio Htoc'UliolJori or the Omaha ft Klk- horn Valley Ualhvay coinpaiiy for the elec tion of seven (7) ( ) directors , anil iho transaction ofsiK'h other huslne. as may lawfully eoino bufoiethu niootlir- , will bo hold at room I , third lloor. Fulon I'aolllu biillilinK , In the eity of Omnha. Nob. , ii oii Weunosilay , tlio Oth day of , Ianuur > . Ib'.r ' . at 10 o'eloelc a. in , The stoclc transfer books will bo closed ten days before the date of the moulinc. W. .1. CAituoi.L , Assistant Secretary. Omaha. Nob. , DocemUcrU , 1801. I' StockliolitorH Aleotlnt ; Union ICIuvator Company ol' ( > niilii. ; ; Notlco Is hereby ctvon that the annual meotlngiif tliUMloclcholilorsof the Union Rio- . valor company of Omaha for tbo election of hovon ' 71 diroutors and for thu transaction of such other business as may lawfully como before - fore theTnieetlns. will bo held In room 1. third lloor Union j'aclllo liuilillnz. Omaha. Neb. , iinon Monday , the 4th day of January , l&X. , at the hour of IU o'clock , a. m. m.W. . J. CAUiioi.r- , Assistant Secretary. OMAHA , Nob. . Dec. 1 ( , ihiii. d J5 d U''t AIJOUT GIIA1N IN.-PEC 1 OR. Oinnlm's Ilonrtl ol' Traile Don't Aurco with Govoruor Tlinrcr. Bonra of Trndo moii throw a Ilttlo dlfforout ll lit upon the latest dispute between Chief Grain Inspector Hhuichiird and the State Bonrd of Transpoftatlon from that con tained In tbo dispatches from Lincoln. Mr. Blatichurd transferred Mr. Andersen - son from Omaha to Lu.coluvlion ordered to muko provision for the inspection of grain at that city ana ap pointed another man to tnko his uluco In Omaha. At that time It wns understood that Mr. Blanclmrd wi thu chief inspector of the state and would bnvo control of the depart ment at Lincoln as well its at Omaha. The ( ovt'rnor did not interpret the law that way nnti appointed another chief of inspection at Lincoln , thus taking that city out. of the control of Mr. Ulnnchurd. In this way Mr. Anderson uecumo nn employo of the Lincoln department. Jtnovv transpires that there is not en on eh crain inspected to pay the department' * ex panses. The Board of Transportation now orders Mr. Blancnard to mtiko up the deficiency In the Lincoln unilu depart ment out of the earnings of the Omnlia dopart.mout. They order him to pay Mr. Anderson's salary whllo Inspecting Kaln nt Lincoln on the ground that ho was formerly employed at Omaha. Mr. Blanubard talces the Krouud that ttu earnings of tbo Omnha department are ro * qulfod to meet the expanses , and that ho can not lake the money from hero to pay tlio ex penses of inspection nt Lincoln. The grain meiv hero appear to think that Mr. Hlanchard is in the rlfjht and that the State Board of Transportation Is aotinc In u very unjust and arbitrary manuor. Olio .Minute. Ono ralnuto time often make ) a Kroat dif ference a ono minute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo course U a blosslni ; . Cuhob Cough Cura U such a remedy. L'or sale by all drugglsu. Cubeb Cough Cure Ono minute. In illooin Is not u fairy story from the Arabian Nights , but u prautiiiul fitut , these winter - tor inonthB an ever tlio bciiuUfiil I'lij-ot Sounil country , ronchotl by tlio Union Pacific , the orffjiiml ovorlniitl routu. \V INTKl"TOU I ! S To Hummer Lands via tlio WnlinHti llottto. The Wnbnsh are now soiling round trip tlckots good roturnlii { , ' Juno 1 , 18to ! ) nil the winter rosoru In Ton iiessoo. Mississippi , Alitbiuna , Goer lu , L-'lorliht , North and Soutli Ctirollna , Louisiana. Arkansas and Texas. The quiulcost mid host route to th > > HolSpniifd o ( Arkansas. For tiukola and full information in rog.ird ; to ro itod onst or south call \Vabidh : ollico , 150J Furnnm street , or write G , N. Clayton , N. W. Pass. Agt. rEDERAL CHRISTMAS1 GIl'TS ' , Judge Dandy DMS Santa Olaua for Sororal Unttod States Prisonora. THEIR BLACK EYES ARE NOW AVENGED. Attorneys Mclklojoliti nnil Ilonloy Ob tain JlcvciiKO MII Dr. Jninc.i Kooniiu Maltliy Di-n-ats tlio MotluriiVooilmcii. . .Iinlpo Dtindy rusltod tlio xoason Juit enough yoiti\Iay to enable him to hold a sort of Christina * tree distribution of son- ten CM In the United States court. "Who Is the lint man you would llko to sco got his Christmas prosontl" the ] ud o laconically Inquired of District Attorney Baker , ns ho glanced at , the array of crimi nals brought down from the county Jail and arraigned for the Hnal disposition of their cases before the Judge. Ocorgo W. Johnson , nn old dccropld man who attempted to .secure a pen sion from the government by palming himself oil as another man mid who wat con victed of perjury , was the llrst man knl up before the bar. On account of his oxtvomn ago , being 77 yearj old , and on nccount of his intlrmltlOs the judgusald ho would not maKe the sentence heavy. Ho lliul thu old niiin $100 aiid'placed him in the custody of the marshal for a weok. John T. Chapman , convicted ot perjury released upon his own rccoEiiuanco failed to appear. The Judge declared thu rccognUnnro forfeited and ordered the Issuancoof a capias forthwith. David Enslow , ono of the Beatrice Rang of counterfeiters , was given uSi'itlne and ro- inanucd to the custody of the marshal for IIvo months. Ozar Potty , another member of the Beatrice - rico gang , utid apparently the loader , was &ont to tlio penitentiary at Kioiix Falls for ono year to bo conllncd ut hurd labor. "Tho hard labor part of the sentence will bo nil a farctr " 1 nm sorry to say , " romarkcd the judgo. "for thuy don't worlc the prisoners at Sioux Falls at nil. " William Potty , a brother to Oscar , was given a light sontcnca bccauso ho had simply associated with the counterfeiter and bad not been found guilty of helping to manufac ture the "queer. " Judge IJuudy made nln promise to help support bis brother's wife nnd family till Ozar got out ol the pnnitontiary. ' The latter has a wife and throe children with no visible means of support.Villiam Potty was lined S > und remanded to the custody of the marshal for sixty days. James. Carpenter , also a counterfeiter , got n f- ! . " > line nnd ono ucelt in the custody of tua marshal. Houboa Booth , convicted of passing counterfeit money , was fined $ ' . ' ,1 and got a wcoic in the custody of the marshal. K. B. Ihue wns a happy hearted looking colored man found guilty of giving a bottle ol whisky ' .o the Indians at Chadron. Haze used to bo a member of the Ninth United States cavalry. "Woro you over in the array ! " Judge Dundy inquired. "Yes , boss , I soldiered ton years fur my country. I has two honor able discharges , boss , " replied tbo robust African. " 1 have a tender side forthosoldlcrs of the Ninth cavalry and 1 have a mind to lot you oft pretty easy1 said the Judge , looking the ox-soldier full In the toco. "What will you do If I lot you off pretty easy ! " Inquired his honor. "I'll gadder my family togeddcr nnd emi grant out of dis country and never como baclc holt uo mo' as long as 1 live " said the pris oner at the bar. * "I line you $1 and cost , " said the judge , "I thanic do Lord aud you , too , boss , " ro- pllod Mr. Haze , as ho burst into an audible laugh at the thought of being trco for Christmas. John. Clark was flood $2. > and cost for coun terfeiting nnd William Woodard got S'io and a week In confinement for his Christmas. I. K. Taylor got a present of the same dimen sions and character , nnd Charles S. Lowe was given ? 10 and costs. Mr. Fox , wno has boon In Jail for several weoUa oocauso ho was \ynnted In California but the oflicors could not maUo the requisi tion stick , was taken before tlio Judge , but as some now capers in his case had beou ( lied by the United States attorney , the counsel for the prisoner asked lima to look the papers over before the Judge should finally dispose of the caio. The now document purports to bo a copy of an Indictment against the pris oner found by n irrund Jury in California. KI3ENA.N DEFEATED. Not So Successful in Court nn at Flsti- ( JIllTM. Dr. Nelson Keen an of Madison , WIs. , in dulged in a violent dispute terminating in a physical encounter ono day last summer in Madison with Hon. Oeorgo D. Moikoljohn of Fullortou , Neb. , and Mr. Hoaloy of Omaha. It was generally rop'ortod that Mr. ICeonnn had the host of the engagement from a pugilistic point of view. la the legal encounter brought on by the same tintncial difllculty over which the Madison dispute arose Mr. Keenan has not fared so well. The case was disposed of yesterday afternoon in the United States dis trict court and ICeenan was knocked com pletely out. It wns a replevin case In which Mrs. Catherine M. Tusblor sought to get posses sion of a horse ranch belonging to her but which bur brother , Dr. Keenan , had boon managing for several years as bar agent and had refused to surrender to the rightful owner or to make any statement of his stew ardship. Judge Uundy decided that the owner , Mrs. TusMlor , had a right , to possession of the property. Messrs. Mcikoljohn and Ilcaloy wore considerably elated ever the victory. Kccnnn was represented by Mr. John L. Woostor. Matl ! > y WiiiH IIIN CIHC. The jury In tbo case of D , S. Maltby against the Modern Woodmen of America brought In a verdict llndlng for the plaintiff la the sum of Jit'J75. Maltby sued for $7,000 , which ho claimed the order owed him upon a special contract mndo with J , C. Hoot , head consul of the order In 1SSI. The present management declined to honor Maltby's con tract , which nas two years yet to run , and refused to pay him the commissions ho de manded under tl.o terms of the contract. Attorneys for the order served notice at once that they should apply for a tiuw trial. In all probability Mr. H. S. Henderson , who holds a similar contract to that held by Maltby , will also sue the order for the com missions ho claims nro dun him. Do not go traveling without a bot'Jo of Sal vation Oil. It cures a brulso at once. r cents. An eastern man aavartKos for a boy to "open oysters with a reference. " Oysters do not generally cbtuln references , but millions ran truthfully testify to the miraculous power of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It knows of no such word as "fall. " . Dr. McGrow , pvt diseases , Uth& Fnm. Rubber syringes , water bottlo.i , tublntr truces at Shonmui AMcComioU'd , w. p. , J. E. Dlotrlok.anmttoct.UUJ N , V Llfo Holiday Union. The Missouri Pacific railway will soil excursion tlckots for the holidays on December lil , iJ" > 31 nnd January I'.tfood to return unlit January . Call nt city tlokot olllco or depot Kith und \Vobstor Btreots. Hollil Trams I'rom Omili i. Vostibulod , oloctrlo llfjhtod und stoatn heated , with the finest dining , sleeping nnd rechntni ; chair car aorvico lit the world , via the ' Chicago & Omaha Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul Hallway. Uoublo dally train aurvlco , leaving1 Omaha nt 1 JK m. ami ( i-0 : a IIL , with no. initiator at Coun cil IllulTs as heretofore. Apply 1001 Far nmn street for tickets und further In formation or iiildrosj F. A , NAHII , C. C. LINCOLN , Gen. A/t | City Pass. Ajjt. FKO.V .lllOUT UH. Nohrnnkn. Lincoln hm n thriftlltornry society. Tno wife of I'rof. Dobbins of tlio Oakland school la dead. Chiimplon 1ms n flourishing Anclont Order ot United U'orlunnti IcxJeo. ' Norfolk traveling men Imvo decided lo glvo n minstrel performance On iluuunrv ill ) . Urant's ( .ir.uul Army poU will liiilulio in n bonu supper nnd camp lire on fs'ow Vcnr's ovo. ovo.Stopi arc hclnctalton nt N'ortU Pmttn toro- organize the Kuilroad Vounp Men1 * Christian association. Geneva citizens nro proud hocauso the next iinnnal sosslon of the Hoyul Arch Masons will bo held thoro. GoorK'O ICIoly , nn employe in the illnlr Pilot oilleo , htiu tils arm tiaiilv laeorntud by KottliiK it ciuight in tlio niiichlnorv of n lob prais. Oaklnnd is to hnvo n now bank , the ! armors nnd Merchants , which will open for business .laiiuiirv I , with , \ capital of Rainmaker Melbourne is to atteud n meet ing of Ogaliula citizens In thu near future to consider the question of centr.ictiug for ram for next season. There wns a scheme on foot to unite the Presbyterian and Congregational churches nt Fairmont , but It was knocked out when the proportion was submitted to n vote. Otoo county old settlers have dccideJ not to hold a general meetlttir this winter , but they will llnisli the ! : ' cabin nnd have a plcnld as soon as the weather Is warm enough. A student in the Lyons schools was nt tacked with n 111 lii the school room and nearly caused a panic among tlio scholars , Ho was revived after a tlmo. His trouble Is supposed to have been the result of cigarette smoking. The principal of the Doentur r.chooli' swore out warrants before a Toknmah Jus tice for the arrest ol sovor.il of his scholars for assault and battery. The professor car ries a coupio-of blacu eyes as testimony to the nssituit. Peter Larson , while operating a corn Jbellor near Tokamah. got several lingers mashed In , the machine , and seeing that they would bo of no use to him again , he took an ax nnd chopped thorn off , wnippeu up his hand and continued with his work. A religious crnnU by the name of IUIJ Willis wns well pummeled by n preacher , Rev. Mr. Cobb of Thayer , ut a revival meet ing last weok. The meeting was at Palo , a country church near Waco. Yurie county. Willis has been n chronic meeting disturber for years. Last winter ho was arrested In the same church , and a long and coilly trial followed. He disputed Mr. Cobb's word this time and called him n liar. Cobb Is quite nn nthloto and in the row that folloxved Willis was soundly chastUcd. Mr. Cobb has paved the way for an orderly revival wherever - ever he BOOS hereafter. Says the Butler County Press : William H ted clar has in his possession a rusty dirk about seven Inches long , which , could It speak , could toll an exciting tnla of murder anil ruplno us practiced by the bloodthirsty redskins in this locality in early days. The knife has a bone handle , which Is partly de cayed , and on a small copper plate riveted to which Is engraved the name of "I. llorvell , " who wns doubtless its owner. On the blade Is en graved the name ' 'Clayton , " probably the manufacturer of the weapon. Mr. Stoddar found the knife In 1871 , at the head of Jack son's hollow , situated noout a mile and n naif north of this city , near which was the old government trail. Whore the knife was found manbones of human old man- beings , re volvers , arrow lieads etc. , wore scattered arouud. Tno place was undoubtedly the scene of a sanguinary conflict between white men nnd Indians. Doubtless the old dirk In Mr. Stoddnr's possession would bo n prized relic should it como into the possession of any of the relatives of the probably murdered owuor. _ low i. Osltalooaa's streets nro cleaned by tramps. Lomars has thirty saloons , according to tna Ulobo. Davenport is to have a now wholesale liquor houso. Mrs. Eleanor Mooru of Boone , 80 years old , fell In her yard and broke her hip. Thcroaromany cases of la grlppo among the soldiers at the Mnrdhnlltown homo. A little child of Nick Frost of Knhonrlllo fell into a well and escaped with only a cold bath. bath.Marion Marion Fisher , a farmer living near Das Moincs , had four horse. } poisoned by some miscreant. . Chil CJoss , formerly a school teacher at Otoo , has become Insane. Ho is being treated In Salt Lake City. The city council o'f Dos Molnos has passed an ordinance making eight hours constitute a day's work by all employes of that city. During u public halo at Wollsburg n young man examined a shotgun. It wont off. H hoot ing John Hearteustoin's leg off. It is tcnrcd he ca-inot livo. The sisters of St. Francis have purchased the residence of J. P. Farley , at Dubuqui- , forl.r ,000 , in which they will maintain a home for working girls. Mrs. Qunttor , the Monoua county woman who was arrostud for trying to poison her husband by drugging the pancakes , was lot off with a reprimand. An Estthorvlllo man got so drunk that ho mistook a neighbor's wife for Ins the other night , ana it luckily Imppunc'l that hnr bus. band was away from homo ut the tlmo , says thu Ksthcrvllle Republican. Thomas Galllvan of Carroll , who was not long ago released from the Clarlnda Insane asylum , loft home the other day and walked nil the way from Carroll to Clurlnda , whcro ho asked to bo taken back Into the hospital. Ho Is undoubtedly Insane again. While Rev. Dr. Patterson of Mason flty , was conducting the funeral service of Fred Smith , an unknown nun made his nppcar- anco ut tlio door of the residence nnd , push ing his way to thu collln , demanded that the funeral services bo closed , und that ho was commissioned by Christ to raise this man from the dead. It was aomo time befoni the crank could bo taken away from the' room. ( Jeorgo Hey having resigned the ofllco of mayor of Missouri Valley , the city council tried to elect his successor. After a score of InolTectual attempts , thu council agreed that the numes of the various candidates be placed on slips and drawn from a hat , aim the lira t ono drawn was to be elected. The lucky slip bore the unmo of Abe Ilachrach , a no nu lor merchant who was forthwith elected. Of Sunday schools In Iowa the number ii tr > 7l , two-thirds ofvblch continue the en tire your. Thii total enrollment of these In attendance is ; i.r.Vr ! > l , which Is only about -10 per cent of the population of the state. Fre mont county has the largest per cent. Jas per , Dickinson , t'ago , Mills , Hurribon and Story stand In the order named , till with 77 par cent of school population in their Sun day cchools , The Onawa Sentinel says ; A young man lately took out a license to marry , boon after ho applied to Clerk Illldreth to have the lady's nami ) changed , as ho said he wanted to marry another girl. Clerk Hildreth could nut do that , but modestly nuggostnd that for $1 he would issue a now llcouso. This he dU , and the second girl has gene buck on ttio ambitious and progressive young man , und neither license has been used. O. A. Hen a lived ulono on his farm six miles west uf Diinlap. lie "kept bach" in a Htntnty during the past season and scorned to be a recluse from choice. The neighbors observed bun us he came und went and worked about the premises , but the other tiay ho was not noticed us usual , nnd n stig. gOMtivo ftllciico and loneliness pervaded the place. They wr.ltod nnd watched for him until noon , and as he did not como forth some of them went ever to his "aback" l < > Invest ! gate. As there was nu response to tbcir knocking at tbo dnor , they pushed It upon and entered. Their fears , were confirmed. Rnna was found stiff In death In his lonely bud , and there was nninisiakabla evidence that he had died by hia own hand , ( ) n the table lay a small bottle labeled "morphine. " Constipation poison * tuo oiooj ; Da Witt's Llttlu Kurly Risen cure constipation. The cause removed , the diioaic U gone. W 1 Nfl-M Hotnl , li irnkft Sti | > lnK * , Ark. liroproof stone structure. All modern Improvumonta. Sltuntod In the Oxarlc mountains of northwest ArkttMHau. Mild and liniclnjr vllmuto , beautiful Bconury , unrivaled medicinal water , Write to inanagor for descriptive paia- phlut , rates , otc.