THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 24 , 1891 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'EAHL STREET. CclUcrtd ly Cnrrlcr In i ny pnrt of IlioCItj. II. W. TII.TON. - rrrt Uni'nrtH Office . No. 45 TI Enor . Na | MJAOIC MI'.MIOS. N , Y. Plumbing Co. C. II. Water Works Co. Removed to i0 ! Pearl street. Council BlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp blocl' . Burhorn'jdiamonds.wntches.holldaygoods. E. R. Fonda yottcrdny Hied n bond of 1.000 am ) took out letters of ndminlstrntlon In the rstnto of Robert Piirtfhlll , the late Union Pacltlo switchman. Epps was arrested yesterday on n charge of vagrancy. In the Information upon which ho was arrested ho Is charged with having no occupation nnd beluga terror generally to his neighbors. An entertainment will bo given this even ing In the Baptist church for the Sunday Hchool. An attrnctivi ) musical nnd literary proarnmmu will bo presented , In which the members of the school will tnko pnrt. All will bo welcome. A watch meeting will be hold n weeK from tonight at the Odd Fo'.lows hull by the Re- boknli uogrcii of the order. The old year will be sped on it way in the most npprovoJ fashion with games nnd other nmusomenis nnd refreshments will bo served. All friends of the order are invited. St. John's English Lutheran Sunday school has prepared a musical and literary program which they will render on Christmas night nt'JJIS Hrondwny , foot of Glen uvonuo , In the room formerly occupied by Bracket's book stem. There will bo n Christmas tree and a visit from Santa Claus. , The Hoard of Trade has appointed n com- niltteo to rustic for funds to mnko up the bonus which is necessary to secure the Klin- tiiill Bros. Elevator Manufacturing com pany of Anumosn for Council UlulTs. Quito n sum Inn alrcadv been subscribed , .mil it is thought there will bo but little trouble in raising the rest of the ? , ' .UOO. Henry Moore , the colored man who wns arrested ttcvcrnl dnys ago in Omaha , was brought hoforo Justice Hammer yestorduy for n preliminary examination. Ho was bound over to thu grand jury to answer to the charge of larceny from the person , and bin ball was fixed at f-'IOO , in default of which bo was sent to the county jail. Moschondorf'H market has been given an attractive holiday appearance by decorations of flowers , artistically arranged by Miss Eva Mcschendorf and 'Miss Louise Wagner of Omaha. Ono of the show > vindows con tains the original lamb which lollowcd Mary to school. A mlninluro lake nnd other sltlll- ful Inndscnping adds to the attractiveness of the scene. Marriugn licenses were issued yesterday to the following parties : Henry Schnnck of Scrlbncr , Neb. , and Elvlna Longmack of Council Bluffs ; .lames D. Holmes of South Omnhn and Julia Fcrrcll of St. Joseph , Mo. ; L. O. Baker of Mapleton and Mary L. Ger- mnn of Council BlulTs : Daniel O'Connor nnd Kaliu Dunn , both of Council BlulTs ; William Xcnlz nnd Lldn Minn Davis , both of Potta- wntinmio county. A match game of pool was played last evening in the Columbia for $ .111 a side. C. H. Johnson nnd D. L. Martin being the contest ants. Tfcoono who won six cnmcs lirst waste to bo the victor. Martin led his untnconist from the start , talcing four gomes from him in succession. At thn end of nine games Martin had six to Johnson's three , nnu ho was declared the winner. The game was watched by u number of local sports. The Dlclccim AViili IIo ; > ! cs. See our now price list on books while they last : Tliackeray , 10 volumes , $2.119 , pub lishers price $5. 00. Dol-o , illustrations , 95c , publishers price $0.00. Webster's Unabridged , original , half Russia , $1 19. Life of Christ , $1.33. Elsie series ( Martha Finloy ) , 50c , worth Ooe. Best of all our $10.00 "Family Bibles" sold for $0.00 , and agents price $15,00 , to go at $3.59. Encyelopedi'.i Britannicn , English , cloth , 25 volumes , $25.00 , a complete re print of the old Edinburgh edition ; Fair God , $1.17 ; Bon Hur , 9Sc ; Shake speare , Byron , Moore , complete 81.31) ) . hvorything in a book department to bo found at oar store at our usual leading "The Cuto" machine prices. sowing , $1.50 ; bo careful you -don't pay $2.50 for the snmu machine. BOSTON STOHK , Council BlulVs , la. A chance to win a turkey at 521 Broadway. ' The only kindergarten in the city is in the Merrlam block , next to the Young Moil's Christian association. Experi enced teachers and only ono-hiilf usual rates are charged. I'jsiiiiox.ii. r.iii.ian.ii'iis. * Miss Frances Tomlinson has gone to Shon- nndoah to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Churchill loft yester day for Ncoln lo visit friends for a few days. G. W. Hewitt left , last evening for Frank lin Grove , 111. , where he will stay for ton days. Gideon Mayno Is reported to bo dancer- ously ill atit \ residence un North Ninth street. Dr. C. H. Plnnoy nnd A. W. Pinnoy staricd yoatonlay for n visit of n week or two with relatives In Sugiunw , Midi. Miss Ella Luster received an elegant box of llowers yesterday from friends in Call- fornln. The collection was made up of suii- Inx , English violets nnd roses. S wanson Music Co. , Masonic temple Our line of fancy holiday articles is complete. Don't fail to feeo it. Doll G. Morgan it Co. , druggists , 742 Broadway. I0\frt | With llio Pen. Charles G. Meyers , a young man who wns tried and convicted n couple of years ago of stealing a horse , and has just finished n term in thu penitentiary for tbo offense , is wanted for another fracture of tne laws of Iowa. Churles Osborn , a farmer who lives n short distance out of the city , und for whom Mov ers has boon working , charges him with the crime of forgery. According to the story ho tells Meyers delivered sevenils loads of wood for him a few dnys ago to ( icorpo A. Kcollno and that last Saturday Kcelino paid him off. Meyers wanted the pay In the form of money , but Kcollno refusd , tenileriiiL' him Instead a chcclc forfu'J payable to Charles Osborn's order which was accepted. It is alleged that Meyers forged Oshorn's name to llio check and draw the money from the Council BlulTs Savings bank. Ho then went back homo and on Sun day , before tits crime was discovered , ho lit out for parts unknown. ' 1 here is n warrant waiting him in Justice Kwearlngen's oftlco und if ho returns n decidedly - cidedly warm spell is looked for lu his vullnlty. Solid silver and plated ware for loss money than nny wlioro also in the city at K Burhorn'tf , 17 Main street. Commercial men , Hotel Gordon the boat $2 house In Council 1 null's. Do Haven has his usual stock nf beau tiful dolls. They are worth t > culng and way down in prices. lUirulnrizod n Ilurlan Thompson , n young man 10 yuirs of nge , was brought before ComSsloner F. M. Hunter yesterday fora hearing on the charge of burglarizing the pontoftlco at East Noda- wny. Witnesses were Introduced who bwnro that young Thompson entered the postofttco ono day last September at noon , whiletbo postmaster wns ut dinner , und broke open u . cash drawer , tauin ? therefrom nil Its con 1 tents , which amounted to about f\-M. \ After k hearing he was bound over to tha federal traud jury and hU boud was tlxod at | 5UO. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , OUenheimor's Ercap\do Eai Compl'csted Tin Eiajtmn Troubles Considerably , SEVERAL ATTACHMENTS ARE SECURED. Itccelvcr Appointed ( o Take Charge of n Stuck ol'Clothing Now In Otnnhn lor u Jiidnincnt Creditor. Attorneys Suns nnd Sounders , who appear for n number of eastern creditors of the firm of H. Klsemnn & Uo. , have jumped upon the neck of L. Otitmhelmcr , the clUhliig mer chant who tried to move his stock to Halt Lake , and propose to show blm that n court cannot bo monKcyed with with Impunity. It is charged that n number of circumstances In connection with the removal tend to1 show that Ottenheimor was undoubtedly Intending to place his property beyond the roach of his creditors , and thereof tbo Klsotnans. The goods were packed up in an evident hurry , nil day Sunday being occupied in the work of preparation , and were moved from the store at i o'cloclc Monday mornlnir. The express man who moved them wan made to promise that ho would say nothing about It to any one. The goods were taken to Omaha , where they were loaded on the cars and con signed to Joseph Simon of Salt LaUc , U. T. , half- over llio Union Pucllic , and half over the B. & M. Who Joseph Simon Is is n matter of conjecture , and an attempt will bn made to solve the problem when the case comes to trial. This morning. rudno Smith will hear the question of appointing n receiver to take charge of the tliuu : which Ottenheimer claims to have In his possession. In the afternoon Oltenheimer will bo brought be fore the court to show why ho should not bo lined for contempt of court , ho being at liirco nt present on bonds of f 1,1)00 ) which were fur nished by Ueoi go Scbindele. Tno contempt is alleged to consist in his moving ills prop erty by stoaltb out of the state while n suit was already pending to subject It to the claims of lilseimin's creditors. tiled in the district -An amended petition was trict court yesterday in the cuso of Arnold , Constable & Uo. and others against II. Else- man & Co. and others , making the Union Pa- cilic Railway company , over whoso line the goods are now beniR shipped to their western destination , a defendant in tbo case. An olTort will bo made In this way to secure the goods so that they may bo levied upon by the creditors. In flic case of John Annlsilcld & Co. against L. Ottonhoimer and others , which has been pondinir for some time past , a default - fault was entered up against Ottenheimer yesterday for the sum of $ y,70t.Jo ; ! and n special lion granted on the stock. Shorift O'Neill was appointed receiver and an order was Issued bv the court that the stock now held by the Union Pacific bo delivered to him , to lie held subject to this lien. T. C. Dnwson , who appears as attorney for Ottenholmer , claims that his client's actions wore not in contempt of tno court , but re sulted from a fear tnat the precious all-wool pants would bo taken away by the creditors as .soon as tliey learned that ho had decided to soil them. Whether this is the correct statement , will probnbiy appear when the case is aired in court. Our importation order this season was larsror than wo expected. On a few lines of holiday goods wo have put oriccs on same to make them move. Look at the price list until Christmas or at least as long aa they last. Wo are also hav ing now prices on our coat ? , it will pay you to HOO thorn. DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! \Vo have them nntl at the right prices. See show window and prices on4hom. The now Russian fur doll , llijc ; largo kid body ( lolls at _ 5cloo , Ooe , $1.00 , $1.75 and SiOO. See dressed dolls at 3c , lOc , _ , ! , 8-xj and $1.00. Beautiful dolls with silk dresses at S2.50 : SO-inch doll at OOe. don't miss them ; others at S'1.00 and $5.00 each. Wo have over 150 do/.en ( lolls in stock largo enough for a wholesaler. Wool dolls , nigcrer dolls , dancing dolls , talking dolls , Indian dolls , clown dolls. everything made in the line. MAGIC LANTERNS. Complete line of views with each , 50c , $1.00 , $11.00 , $3.00 , $1.00. BLACK HOARDS. Our stock is ovcrlondod and ne tnitko a uloan sweep in this line. 50o blackboards , _ 5u. G5c blackboards , .Tie. UOis blackboards , loe. Prices cut , right in two. BAMBOO KASKLS AND TABLES. { 3'15-ineh oiisSol , _ oe. 5-foot easel.ISe. . C-fool easel , ( i'Je. ' ( i-foot fancy easels , $1.00 anil $1.75. Bamboo tables , ' 153 to 5Sc. M1SCELL AN KOUS LIST. Wo have not spac-o to give you an in ventory of everything wo have , but will show you a good assortment of guns , drums , ' uhnirs , tables , trunks , wagons , writing desks , baby earriairos , wash sots complete , bureaus , etc. , etc. Wo handle the largest line of baskets in the city. It must bp so , for every ono who looks over our line expresses their opin ion in our favor. Baskets from Japan , baskets made by the Indians , baskets from Russia in fuel , everything now , cute anil cunning in willow ware will bo found in this dopartinent. NHWMAHK10TS. All wool newmarkots , plain stripe and iilaiilH1.00 to $7.50. at $ --15 ; $7.00 to $ ! _ . ( ) ( ) at $4. 05 : $15.00 to $20. 00 at $7.50. CHILDREN'S COATS. $4.25 to * 5.5t ) at.75 ; $0.50 to * 8 00 ut $ ! ! ,25 , all wool plaids and stripes. $ : U)0 ) to $5.00 jackets for $1.03. Fur trimmed jackets , former price , ' $15.00 anil SIR 00 for $12,00 , trimmed with astrakan anil mink. $5.00 to $7.50 jackets at $3.05. $ ! ) .00 , $10.00 anil $12,00 jackets , roofer fronts , in bcavor and Clay worsteds , $7.50. Vest front jaekot , English beaver cloth , $12.00 quality for $9.00 , $15.00 uuallty for $10.00 , $10.00 quality for $12.00. $9.00 jacket , hip scum , heavy cheviot , $4.95. $12.00 anil $15.00 hip seam jackets , $7.50 each. PI.USII JACKETS. $12.00 Walker plush jackets , $ aOO. $15,00 Walker plush jackets , $10.00. $17.50 Walker plush jackets , $12.00. $20.00 Walker plush jackets , $15.00. $22. 50 ami $25.00 Walker plush jack ets , $19.f > 0 BOSTON STORE , Council BlutTs , la. Hoitor , the tailor , ; I10 Broadway , has all the latest styles anil now winter goods. Satisfaction in every respect , Ciomiliui tortoleo shell combs nt Bur- horn's. Matulol & Kline will move their en tire stock to Sioux City January 1 , Until that tlmo you can buy furniture , stoves , carpets , at your own "price. Transit Company Incorporate. ! , Articles of Incorporation were tiled yester day with the county recorder b- the Council BlulTs Transit company , which has caused such a stir recently. The uamos of the incorporators - corporators nroV. \ . b. May no , R L. Suu- cart , R O. ( , lemon , J. M. Troyuor , J. P. lies * , J. R. Rico , John Bennett , H. H. Hart , C. R. Hannun und K. W. Hart. The ouieo : of thu company is stated to be to build and maintain u street railway system run b ; cable , electricity , compressed nlr. hews or other motor power , In Council B.uffs and Pot- tawattamlo countv. The capital stock is tlxed utJiW.OOO. One of ihoioctloua of the In strument accents the ordinance which was passed by the city Council n couple of weeks ago , granting the right of way to tbo com pany over the various streets of the city. The ofllcers arc ns follows : President , John Bennett ; vice president. P. O. Oleasoii ; sccro- tarv and treasurer , K. 12. Hart ; directors. K. L. Shtipnrt , K. E. Hart. W. S. Miiyno , F1. O. Glcason and John Bennett. Holiday < oniln. Romoinbor that UoIIavon has ono/of the most elegant stocks of holiday novel ties in llio city. It surpasses till former years both in beauty and low prices. Call and see them. Wo have our own vineyards In O.illfor nia. Jarvls Wine comiuny , Co. Blulli Everything now In the line of holiday goods at Davis' drug store. IIo lias the largest stock and lowest prices in the city. Ills stock is all new and fresh , and must bo sold. If you are looking for holiday goods it will pay you to call and examine his stock before purchas ing. _ Cnttlo CHHO Mihmlttcd. After thron weeks In which It das nearly monopolized things in the district court , the case of the Citizens State bank nirnlnst J. C. Abbott wns completed yesterday. Attorney McCabe mniio an argument in behalf of the plaintiff lasted all day up to4 o'clock in the afternoon , when Judge Smith read his instructions to the jury , and the case was Dually submitted shortly before f > o'clocic. In case the jury comes to an agreement , and it Is not thouuht any of the jurymen will forego the pleasure of eating Christmas dinner at homo for the purpose of seeing that the plaintiff or defendant g-ts absolute Jus tice , a sealed verdict will bo returned. This morning the criminal docket will betaken taken up , The number of cases for trial wai reduced yesterday by the filing of pleas of guilty by three of the Indicted parties L. Harrison , who burglarized the Columbia , the i'urf und John Bono's ; Frank Martin , who broke into the residence of T. S. Couch ; and Edward Butler , Indicted for the larceny of u horse and bugcy be longing to Peter Hanson. There nro only four criminal cases left to bo tried nnd none of them nro of any great Importance. It is probable that they will not take up moro than two days nt the outside. As soon as they nre completed the law docket wilt bo again resumed. Yesterday the following list of grand and petit jurors was drawn for the January term : Grand Jurv James Uoylo , Norwallc town ship ; Frank Card , York township ; W. Moti , Ncola township ; Max Molin , Kone ; S. U. Underwood , Keg Creek township ; John G. Garner , Garner township ; J. M. Axtell , Boomer township ; S. S. Frank , Ilardin township ; William Schooning , Washington township : J. C. Lewis. Lewis township ; W. B. Body felt , Sllv-jr Creek ; O. H. Dut- row , Crescent. Petit Jury Joseph Thomas , Boomertown- shlii ; William Dillin , Garner township ; V. P. Perry , Hardin township ; Wnrron Hough , Cresont toxvnshlp ; Eldia Parish , Ha el Doll township ; Chnrloy Green , Lewis township ; August Kuven , Minden township ; John Cur- rio , Norwalk township ; .1. G. Moss , Silver Creel : township ; R. E. Williams , Washing ton township ; Henry Rishton , York town ship ; II. I , . Aldriugo , Ro kford township ; 10. P. Brown , Neola township ; D. L. Grimes , Fifth ward ; P. ( J. Mikcsell , First precinct , Sixth ward ; Lars JcirtSon , Second precinct. Fourth ward ; John Churchill. First precinct. Fourth ward ; William Deill , Second ward ; J. J. . Hathwny , Third ward ; James Mathi- son , First ward ; George Hough , Hazel Dell ; Ray , FirU ward ; James Wlthem , Second ward ; John Shea , Third ward. Carman Peed and Fuel company , wholesale and retail hay , grain and feed. Special prices on hay and grain in car lots. 700 Main street. Council BlulTs. Candy 5c a pound at C. O. D. Brown's. Christmas goods at Doll G. Morgan & Co.'s drugstore , 742 Broadway. Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Walnut block coal , $4.25 per ton. Delivered livered anywhere in city. Carman's 700 Main street. Jarviswild blackborrv is the boat. Very handsome Christmas novelties at. Do Haven's nothing poor or trashy. . Buy your Christinas candy of C. O. D. Brown. Candy 5e , Se and 12e a pound , mix nuts 15c a pound , Florida swcot oranges 20c a do/.en. Wal'nut block and Wjoming coal , fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher , 10 Main. Fresh oysters 25c quart or 0c can at C. O. D. Brown's. The largest stock of Japanese. and Chinese goods east of San . Francisco , 'Frisco p"rices , at 317 Broadway. Dm. Woodburydontistsnoxt , to Grand hotel ; line work a specialty. Telo. 145. Biggest bargains in holiday goods in the city at E. IJurhorn's. It is a , well known fact tliat ucoulo can get bettor gcods for less money at E. Biirhorn's than any other place in the city. Uo and bo convinced yourselves. Bulk oysters 25c quart nt C. O.D. Brown's. lilMllOl * NJ2\V.MAN'S HI3TUHN' . IJOJT of Ills Ijnst Trip Slay Have n Ijititry. Bishop Newman , the resident bishop of the Methodist church , has returned to Omaha after an absence nf about six months , looking well and full of his usual enthusiasm for the city of his choice und the work ot the Metho dist church. Soon after leaving Omaha last Juno Bishop Newman attended n great summer meeting at Round Lnuc , N. Y. , and then ho prepared his address upon John Wesley , to bo deliv ered before the ccumencinl conference held in the city of Washington. After attending thu ccumcncial conference Bishop Newman went to Cincinnati to intend the bishops' mooting. From there wont to Columbus , O. , und attended a church extension .society meet ing , then to Clovelmid to the bishops' nnd missionaries' meeting und then to Now England , whcio ho dedi cated a number of churches. He spent n week in Washington visiting with friends and preached in the church where he was pastor for bo many voars dur ing Grant's administration. Ho then wont to St. Louis and spent n week looking nftcr the work of the church there nnd giving ad vice rcgnrdlng the erection of u very line church in that city. Ho delivered nn ad- drea nt thu Now England dinner there last Monday night , an extended report of which appeared in the St. Louis Rupuullc. From St. Louis ho como direct lo Omaha and will not bo nway from tills city again excepting by short intervals until after the mootini : ot llio general conference next May , SuoaklitL' of tt-o r.-cont Interview with him published In ilu Now York and Philadelphia jupors regarding the of n liturgy in the iMc'thodUt nhinch , tint ti < hop said lust nk'ht to a BKU roiorto1 : 'There is n disposition moig : many of tha MeModUto un he.i in the cities to liavu a lituigl Ml M'IV.CO. Some and al n * -v rji PROMPTLY of the Inreor churches hnvon form of liturgy , but ttic trouble is it is not u'lUtorm nuil fre quently tuo bishop must 'wJt what COMICS next when ho " Is cotidubtthR service in n church wharo tie I * not finiiliar with the order of locerclso * employed by the pastor. Mr. Wesley sent over to Hits country in 17SI nlliurpy which linn mi nbrldpcmcntof the llturiry of the Church of England. 1 think It U quite probable that the mnttor will bo presented nt tno pnnernt coiiforonco , nntl an ofTort will bo made , I presume , to hnvo ono specific fnrm for enoral use In the Motuodl t church. " TlllXUH 1IK H.l ! > J > .tM.Hllil > . Cteor-KO of Vlnton Declined to lie Called n Murderer. CnitAii H.U'ins , In , Dec. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB DBK.J A libel suit was brought today by ligtbort George of Vlnton forfJO.OOO , against the Itcpubllcmi Printing cotnnnny of Cedar Itipuln. The libel Is bused on the head line * over the nrtlolo In the Hc-publlcan of Uecomber II , In whlnh Mr. ( Jcoriro Is accused of "murder most foul , " that being the heading to the article. Notice of the suit was set vod on thu Repub lican today. The coroner's Jury promptly exculpated Mr. George at the time , by lindliiR that Mr. Myers came to his death by the accidental discharge of his own revolver in his own hand , and that In no way was Mr. George responsible for his death. llio ( .OH ! of Fuel. DCS MOINKS , In. , Dor. ' . ' .1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : URE.I The railroad commis sioners cave u Hearing today to the railroads und others Interested in coal rates. Among the coal men who addressed tl'o ' commission were Paul Morton of the Wbitouroast Fuel company , R E. Drake and O. W. Merrltt of Centcrvlllo. .1. V. ICvans and P. A. Forbush of Uoofie , U. F. Mallonoy and O. A. Uomlu- ' rant of'tho Hamilton Coal company , A. 1C. CnnllclU of Hoonc , U. F. Filkn'itter of the liraxil Coal company , H. A. Foster of Marlon and I ) . UMghtman of the Excelsior Coal com pany. They wore mainly in favor of the rais ing of rates on long distance hauling. The railroads were represented by C. D. Ivcs of the Burlington , Codnr Unnids ft Northern , S. W. Hazard of the Chicago ft Northwest ern , Frank Cussldv of the Diagonal , W. It. Uascoin of the Illinois Central , W. C. Wilson of the Crooned Creek , Jntrcs Mahoney of the Mason City < & Fort Dodge , K. II. Hunter of the liurllngton , A. McCrao of the Keoknk & Western und M. L. Martin of the Wubiisu. The railway men were also in favor of rais ing the rates , and the opinion is their request will bo granted , although no dccUion was reached. Interesting iU trllrr Tivul. HAMI-TOX , la. , Dec. it. : [ Special Telegram to TUB UKK.J The state closed its ovldenco in the Darow murder trial today. The de fense moved for dismissal on the grounds that the body Of Larson had not been found and murder had not been proved. This was overruled and ovldenco for the defense was bcgur. . They will attempt to prove that Larson was not murdered , or If murdered. that the crime was committed by a land agent. The state tnlult'thoy have n clew to the location of Larson'sihoay as it divulged on thn testimony by Larson's brother that ho was buried in u small .stream beneath the sand. A searching party will be out tomor row , but worK will bo slow on account of ice In the stream. Court has njonrnca till Monday. Glcnwooil ImpVoveniBiits. ' Guxwoni ) , la , , Dec. ' 23. [ Special to TUB Bee. ] At u special election held Monday for the purpose of voting ' $20,000 iii bonds for water works there worp Mli votes cast for and three against the proposition. An electric light company has boon organ ized with a canltal of J'JO.'OOfl und n franchise has been erantcd oy thd city conncil. A lirst class system will bo put in at onco. No Ch iiigeH I'ropnscd. Dt-ni-QUi : , la. , Docj'23' Special Telegram to TUB BEK.J In an interview today Bishop lleuncssy denied knowledge of any proposed changes of the diocesu of the state and his elevation to the archioplscopal see. Ho know nothing of the matter being discussed nt the recent St. Louis meeting , and did not tbintt there was any truth In the story. Cellar KapKN HiMkoiuiiii Killed. CKDAII HAI'IDS , la. , Dec. S3. This evening Richard Howes , a brakeman on the Burling ton , Cedar Hapids & Northern , fell from the top of the car and was cut in two. lie lived at Columbus Junction. Constipation poison * tne olood ; Do Witt's Little Early Risers cure constipation. The cause removed , the disease is gone. FOOU AND CLOTHING. Uolief for the Needy In Oniiliix IB Helm ; Provided The poor and needy are still being remem bered as the holiday * approach. The dona tions yesterday by the charitably inclined \vuro many , and the Omaiui Mission and associated charities received $ o3.'Jo in cash , while the following named persons huve promised provisions , coal , shoes and clothing : Mrs. M. Cook , basket provisions ; Mrs. Pnton , provisions ; N. 11. Falconer , quarter beef ; the Carpenter Paper company , lot wrapping paper ; Hayward Bros. , parcels new Hoots and shoes ; Mrs. I. L. Mnckay , clothing ; Dr. Mary llrackonrldco , clothing ; Mrs. Ford , clothing ; Mrs. E. Peck , clothing ; Roy Penfold , checker boiird ; C. C. George , parcel clothing ; Mrs. N. E. Adams , two parcels clothing ; Mrs. M. T. Patrick , cloth- ingnnd boots ; Norris t Wilcox , parcel now shoos ; Mrs. Uyler , basket clothing ; Willie McNamar.i , blocks ; Marian McNamara , ono doll and 'JO cents ; Mrs.V. . S. Wing , groceries ; Mrs. A. C. Hermon , clothing ; Mrs. Hatnsworth , clothing ; Mrs. Anna Schubze. clothing ; Mrs. Dr. Graff , clothing ; W. B. Clnrne , clothing ; Mrs. Montgomery , R. W. liuilpy , clothing ; Mrs. Free , provi sions ; A. M. Clark , two bushels of potatoes ; Mrs. Frank Cross , clothing ; Mrs. George B. Lake , bag of clothing , books and toys ; May- den Bros. , box of tloods , etc. ; eight friends , clothing and two pairs of now shoes. The following persons huvo proinissd din ners : Mesdames I. Oberfcidor , Euclid Martin , SV. Switzlor , G. W. Loomis , George Lake , Michael Maul , Dr. Leo , L. .1. Drake , II. C. Cole , .William Marsh ( eight ) , Guy Barton , \V. B. Millard , G. M. Hicks. F. B. Kennard , ICicrstead. J. A. Jordan , Folgor , Brochvoelu ( two ) , Hospe , Bnmford , W. C. IVOR. E. K Nauglo. A. Field , E. Rosewater , Holdrigc , D. H. Wheeler , .1. A. Horsbach , W. G. Sloan , .1. It. Lohtacr , John H. Evans , J. W. Bedford , Joslyn/ Thu delicious fragrance , refreshing cool ness and soft boauty'hnpartod ' to the skin by Pozzonl's Powder , commands it to all ladles. T.II.LV 1CII.1.K1) . of Miss'lri-ewH or Donvt i * by u l-ljUti Hoy. LITII.K ROCK , v\n < , L'c' - ' Maml. ) Crows , the -year-old daughter of Captain H. H. Crows , of thcrOnlted States army , late of Denver , uolo , , nipt , with u horrible death In this city todayWbilo , Wofght Undsov , the 15-year-son of Dri 'R. ' W. Lindsoy of this cliy , was showing Mis'i Crews how to unload u -H-cnllbor Smith " ' 'Wesson revolver the weapon was dUchai'Mr. ' the baltcntorini. her broant , passing through her heart and killing her Instantly. MUs Cruwsva * the guest nf her uncle , Colonel R. G. Jennings , of this city , in th dining room of whoio residency the accident occurrroil. Wrnthnr mi the IMrlllf , Wash. , Dec. 23 , A heavy wind and rain storm prevailed on the sound yester day , prostrating nil toloiriMpli wires for Euvorul hours. Rain foil In torrents and all stream- * roe rapidly. No serious damage to shipping Is BO fur reported. Imt It is feared that a number of vessels huvo been lost along the coast. Arrivals. At Now York Majestic , from Liverpool ; Ethiopia , from Glasgow ; Italy , from Llvoi * pojl ; Havel , from Bremen i Oronsiy , frcm Kio Jo Januirc. At Uromorhaven Elbe , from New York. Hopklnt-SonrlcH Will Cuc. ; BOSTON , Mass , , Dee. SM. The Hopklns- Scarlos will case camu up in the supreme court this morning la thu matter of tillui ; I Interrogator's by Judge Kndlcott of counsel for Timothy Hopkins. Counsel for Mr. Soarlos hnvo Illcd the questions mid Judge Kndlcott moved for an extension of tlmo to enable him to wtilo to Mr. Hopkins mid re- cclvu n reply before Illlng those of the plaintiff. Judge Holmts' opinion was that If n man doslrca to conduct litigation nt such n distance ho ought not to object to nslng the telegraph , and fixed December 21)as the tlmo when Judge Endlcott's Interrogatories must bo In. MOXTT is fvm.v/ > /r. President nf Clilll OO-H Not Ilnnkor Aflnr it SAN FiuNCHi-o , Cal. , DJC. ffil. Correspon dence of the A.ssoclated press from Hantingo , Chili , under date of November 21 , says the feeling against Americans Is so strong that ever since the congressional party came Into power , jho majority are-disposed to regard the Id 11 Inn of a few American sailors as a very trilling affair , and oxprois much sur- nrlso that tlm United States should have taken ofllciul notice of a mnttor which they ppcak of lightly as a sailors' light. Reports of the Intondento of Valparaiso says there were S.OOO men engaged In this "sailors' " tight. Ho gives UiU figure to show that tha police wore poworlnjs to quell the disturb ance. The correspondent says : ' ' "As n tnnttnr of fact there' was not any where near half that number und the police found ample opportunity to stop the trouble. For some tlmo following the attack there wns a strong feeling among the crew of the Baltimore , and the men would hnvo lined to have sent another party aslioro bettor equipped. Of the thirty-six American sail ors arrested nt the time of the lighting , not ono had n weapon moro formidable than a sailor's Jackknifo. " The correspondent says that President Montt has given no special indication of any sympathy with the general ill feeling in Chill against the United States. In u recent interview with the Associated correspondent ho expressed a hope that all the .dinicultlcs would ha settled amicably , as ho did not bs- liovo ttic people of either nation desired trouble. He also expressed disapproval of the accusations and insinuations made against the American minister by certain Chilians In the United States , prufo33lng to speak for the Chilian government. TO jt.usitr nun. Peculiar Dlvoroo I'lvccrdlngH Insti tuted liy n Italtlmori ; Man. BALTIMORE , Aid. , Dec , 23. Divorce pro- cccdinus out of the usual line were insti tuted in the circuit court today by Andrew J. Bowers. Mr. Bowers is a native of Richmond mend , Vn. Ho asks the court to annul a marriage ceremony performed between him and Emma A. Bigelow , on the ground that at the time lie was already married. Ho claims in his bill of complaint that bo had to marry Miss Uigclow or bo murdered , and that the fact that ho had a wife at the time , was known to Miss Bigelow and her fnmih' . The bill alleges that on Tuesday last , while standing nt Culvert and Lomunrd streets , Mr. Bowers was approached by the father and brother of Miss Bicolow , who compelled him at the point of n pistol to enter u carriage with them. They were driven to the house of the Bigelows , wlioro Mr. Bowers was placed in a room. The older Bigelow kept guard with a pistol , It is claimed , while his son procured u marriage license for Mr. Bowers and Miss Bigolow and n minister to perform the ceremony. The record of the court ot coinrndn pleas shows that on the 2d of Juno last n license was issued for the mar- riaeu of Andrew J. Bowers , aged 21 , and Miss Bcrtna Roop , need 20. Last Tuesday a license was issued for tbo marriage of An drew J. Bowers , aged 23 , and Miss Emma A. Bigelow , ag-d 21. No return to either li cense has been nmuo bv the minister. r/.V I'LATK M i Uimior.s That They Will Book to Have till ) Duty on Tin Itn'iHC 1. ST. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 23. An afternoon paper prints n long article to the olTect that the mooting of the Tinned Plato Manufac turers association , which is to bo hold in January , wns called /or the purpose of pre paring a bill to bo presented to congress in creasing the import duty on tin 1 cent per pound. It is alleged that us the tariff now stands tha duty is Insufficient to afford ade quate protection , as it leaves an opening for old established tinned pinto factories in the old world to deluge the American market nt a tlmo when such nction would bo decidedly detrimental to the industry. AVn'jntit Sent. Toro wns just ono vacant scat in the street cur und two women etuno hurry- intf n ml bustling in together and stood before the unoccupied scat , says the Detroit Free Press. "You sit down , " said ono of the ladles generously , waving her hand toward the seat. "Oh , no ; you take it. " "No , I'd rather stand. " "So would I. " "Oh. take it. I've been sitting nearly all day. " ' "So'havol. " "Hut I really don't care to sit. " "But I don't mind ( standing in the least. " "Neither do I. Indeed , I often nrofm' to stand. ' ' "But you look tired. " "Oh , I'm not a bit. Now you sit down. " "No , you. " "No , no , you. I got off first. " "Then you ought to sit down now and I'll tiiKo the seat afterward. " 'But I really don't euro for it. " ' 'Neither do I. " "Please take it , " Tills goes on until both women try to sit down at the snmo time and ono of them fills in the lap of the weary looking young man who jumps up and goes out and stands on the platform , thus making room/or both women and the torment ing dialogue comes to an end. PAINLES EITEOTUAL , 5 " "ro/T BILeOOSiNERVOyS ! Such as Sick Headache , j Weak Sitomach J . _ , ih\ * . . . . , * ; Gons 'nafion , : s Disordered Liver , ecB : * Of all drupgists. 1'ricc 2B ccntia box. J T fV * > LV VrirL- j > r\nt + t rtniICt JSCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE flNeviT fail * lu irl'e Instant relief In tliv CIUHA , > iiil tttVH. , . „ , , . , Hhere .II. T full. worst 3 . , T'l l r l FIIKK of or bv Ht I. Vnmiira'imiUinii'iii'iIlrryi'MANN ' Hl < ' " ' " " FIRSTMTIONALBANK ! I OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IO/VV / I'atil Un fup'tul $ lonm ( Olilait orfnnliol bint Un tni cltr forulna mi I dumailla IMO.IIIUJ nut out idiintlii. Ki.imil attonllon p.iU to collodion ) . Aooj.inti ot lidlvu- uali.linnki , banker ! nnlo.jrporinuni Correiioii lancu In Tit ) I. U-O. I' . aANKOIll ) , I'raiHaiV A. W. UIKKMAN Piihlar. A. T. UlUir AuluiT. , S WHERE AIL USE FAIL ! ) . Ilowt Cough Bjrup. Tuten Hood , Hold b y Sa c of Cai PATTYTPTF l'TTTA'Pn"Mil HPT PA COUNCIL BLUM'S ' CARPE1 CO , Will Sell at these Special 1'riccs from now until January 1st , 18 KOR OASH ONLY : NOT lH PHI Cms. NOTK A.vmitiHtor Regular price i Moquetto Rogulur nrico Velvet Regular price Velvet Regular prli-o Hody Hrussols , Hlgolow , Regular price Hotly IJftisdols ' . . . .Regular price Hotly UrtissolB Regular pric Tapestry Hi ussols Regular price Tapestry Hrussels . Hogular price Tapestry Hrilssols. . Regular price Ingrain , . ' 1-ply , all wool .Regular price Ingrain , Agra Roirular price Ingrain , extranupor Regular price Ingrain , all wool Regular jirico Ingialu , C. C. , wool tiller Regulnr jirico Ingrain , Union Regular price Ingrain , Cotton Rsguhvr price llomp Regular price Call early and make your selcctiort before best patterns are sold Special prices on Curtains , 1'orticres. Upholstery Goods , etc. Prompt attention given to mail orders. Council Bluffs Carpet Co.BROADWAY NOW BUY YOUR MEAT OF 333 BROADWAY. FOLLOWING PRICES WILL PREVAIL UNTIL JANUARY i , ' 92 : BEEF. MUTTON. PorK Per Ib. Tenderloin l e Rack 12io Short Loins H > Whole Mutton 8Jo Loins , full : 8c Hind Quarter lOo Rib Roast No 1 Logs lOo Rib Roast No 2 " Stows 60 Roast Beef , Shoulder 5c VEAU. Rounds Whole o Lugs lOo Shoulder Cod Boneless JC Whole Veal 80 Sirloin Bills for Steal : . . . . ; 8c One-half Veal 80 ! Top Sirloin for Steak c Hind quarter Veal 106 Rolls of Beef for Steak Se Stow Veal Oo1 Plaits Rolled for Roast 5 < : PORK. Corned Beef 1 tumps 5i ; Tenderloin 12o Corned Beef with hone Ho- Pork Chops lOo , Beef with hone He- ' Boiling - Pork Loins . Oo. Boiling Beef Rumps ( boneless ) 5c Pork Shoulder 7o Spiced Beef cooked 7o Salt Porlc Oo. Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) 8c ' Breakfast Bacon No. 1 12o' Hind Quartsr Beef ( cows ) Oe Breakfast Bacon No. 2 lOo ? Fora Quarter Bouf ( steers ) Oc HAMS. Fore Quarter Beef ( cows ) > ! u Extra Cured llo "c Side Beef ( steers ) Cured No. 1 lOd 5c Sugar Side Beef ( cows ) Loin and Porterhouse 12Je Sugar Cured No. 2. 96 LARD. Single Pound lOo SAUSAGE. Kettle Rendered 80 Kettle Rendered , 501b 8lo Vomo lOc No. 2 Tierce 7io Bologna Oc No. 2 501b 8d Liver. Oc. Compound Tierce 70 Head Choose Oe Compound , 501b 7-o 1'ork 8c Buttorino and Oleomargarine 20o Don't fail to try the Newest Delicacy of the Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'ITUW.c.vchiiiiKO. XM acres of lund In Houth -L Clilcituo , MiltuDlo for platting , for Oinahn properly or clour Nuiirustci lund. Afiilruas sit once K , ' ) Hoc , ( /oiincll Blairs. AA7ANTKD lioud t-'lrl for coni-rnl liousu- V > work. Apply to Mrs. J.J. bliiiiM3 ! : South Stli street. VWANTKD-HollnljIo iisunts to represent ' ' tin ) Kniti-riml Iiivd-itiiient usM > cliitlon. Council lllull's , In. , Nc. t 1'eari street. "TTKHt KBXT Good burn , near court liousc. J Apply lo llec olllcc. /71OOI ) ( 'lrl wiuini'l at 'JS1 South Seventh st. VJ IlcfereiiL'es refill ml. 1711)11 ) HAhK or ovohnir.'o 10 iiorcs Improved Jt ? liiinl : ! ' /i mllei from posiolllco. Will talco vacant propuity. lireonshlelils. Nicholson Co. , ( illi Itroailway , Council I WANT to Imv stock of iroinrli' ; < or hoots and hhoes ; will pay part cash anil purl by a 5 room house and lot In Omaha. U .8 lieu. Uoimull Iliufl's. COMI'ljETK outfit Inr fixtures and two pool tallies for sale anil building for runt- Hood location. B , 11. bheafe , over Ulllcor & I'nsoy's banK. T71AKMS , pur.Ion lands IIOIIHUS , lols and -L' hnsIneEs blocks for sale or rout. Day & lle.-is. ill I'oarl Hlriiol , Connell IllulN. COUNCIL B.UFFS STEAM DYE WORKS , All klmlsnf Iyuii ! and ( 'louiiln : dotio In thu style of thu art. Kaded and Htilnud fabrics nmdu lo look at peed us now. lied fu.itlinrH ultiiineil hy tuatii In ( Irit-clarfs man ner. Worli promptly ilonii mid ilolm > rtid In all parts of iho country , fend for urlcu list. 0. A. MAfllAN. - - I'HOI'UIKTOK. 1UM Ilioadway. Near Norlhuouum Depot , ' - IOWA. livw 1' t0 | , ; i , , tie , sutu mil federal rourlH. Itoiius . I und 5 Uuuo block , Council Iliuirj , U. HI rinnihr < rc Attorney nt , No. ' , J , UldllllJUb , | i0ir | Klrout , over lluili nell's storo. Toluphono No. X'VI. MliHlnui hours. S a. nt. to J p. ui , Council Itlilff-i , 1 1. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluff * . I TV. STOCK J 150.03) SURPLUS AND PROFITS 7Q.OOJ TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ ? 23,003 niHBCTiin-1. A. Mll'or. ' R O. ninason. M U KliiiL-nrl , U R M irt , J. I ) . rMinumUou. Uliarlui 1C. llatinaiL Trniunut n < > li.tnklm Hull * iieni. Jjirrfostciipltnl : und surplutot auy IMIU lu Kuuthwuittorn Iowa. TEflEST ON TIME DEPOSITS Pensions procured for soldiers of tha Rebellion who served 93 days and arq now disabled from AKV cause. The eion is piyablo : whether the was Incurred before , during or since Borvieo. Pensions for widows anil child * ? ran without regard to cause of soldier's death , Pensions for mothnra and1 fathers wlio are NOW dopondentjf whether they were dependent on soldloc\ \ when ho diu'J 01not. . Widows , ohildV ron and parouts are regarded as ' 'do * pendent" in all cases whore they Ir.ivo notsullieiotit property for their support Soldiers pensioned at loss than twelve $12.00) ) dollars nor month and sulTorinf * , from disability in addition to that mimed in their pension cortilieato , may , obtain increase under the now liw. Information and advieo given with' out charge. Rest facilities over offoroi } lo claimants to have their claims pro * porly and diligently progoeutoJ. Nq charges unless successful. Wrlto fein n formation to The Bail of Claims. . OMAHA , NEB. . . . Unreal ! U cimr.intoai ny tb Otnuha Hoc , thu I'lonoor Press und thu 3aJ I'riiiu'lHci ) I'xiiinlnor Cut this out and solid it with your in "Absolutely flie Best Made , "A Dellcioufl Medicated Con feet Ion" for the relief c f Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness , Soto Throat , anil for clearing the voice. For eale by nil DriijjL'ists anil ConfccVionerB. I'ncked in full two ounce packnges , Trice 5 Cents. If you are unable to procure the I'omonn Cou h Tablet from your dealer ncii'l ' us H ccnta in fitatnpj and receive a h' > x by mail. Mnile by the manufacturers of the celehrnted Ponioun 1'ruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council QlufTa , | Qy (