THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBElt 17 , 1891. STUDYING PRISON METHODS , Penitentiary Compares Favor ably Wi'h These of Other States. /itORE / HUMANE IN MANY RESPECTS , JJoxv tlio Now Cell Hoiiso Will Ito CoiiHtruutcd In Order tu Insure the licit Possible itCflllltft. LIKCOI.X , Nob. , Dec. 10. [ Special to TUB iJlEii.1 Attorney General Hustings. Secre tary of State Allen , Land Commissioner Humphrey nnd Warden Hopkins of the Btiito ponftontlary , returned lust night from a extended olllclal tour of Inspec tion , upon which they visited the United States military prison at Lctwotuvorih , the Kansas atnto penitentiary at the sntno place , the Missouri penitentiary at JcfTcraon Citv , tbo south Illinois penitentiary nt Chester , nnd the northern Institution nt Jollct , nnd the Indiana penitentiary at Michigan City In answer to a question as to the object of the trip , Secretary of State Allen said to Tin : JJr.K representative ) : "Tho State Board of Public Lands and buildings will soon oo called unon to decide upon the plant for the cells in the new cell house that Is to bo urcctod at tlio Nebraska ttato penitentiary. Wo feel that , white the old cell house Is well adapted to the security t > f the prisoners , the ventilating and sanitary Conditions aru not satisfactory , Tim mom- l > ors of the Doard visited these several Insti tutions In order tu obtain nn insight into the tiest methods of ventilating , etc. , in order that convicts may not bo tortured by being confined In overcrowded , damp , unwholesome pud Illy ventilated colls. "Our Inquiries , while directed largely to cells , cell Louses , their several modes of con- Btructlon , slzo , ventilation and sanitary ar rangements , yet the subject of contract labor of prisoners punishments Imposed , food furnished tbo prisoners , manner of feeding , Whothcrln dining rooms or lu cells , manner of preparing foods , the use or disuse of cor poral punishment , discipline , etc. , were all investigated , nnd our party has made many Inquiries and received much information that will be of vast use and benefit in the comple tion of the prison. In all the Institutions wo bavo viiited , wo llnd but ono where llopglnir Was resorted to as a mode of punishment. ' While wo llnd the ventilation of cells and cell houses In our own prison of an Inferior character , yet the hospital ratio Is below thnt of any Institution visited. Our discipline Is nupurlor , all things considered , to any wo bavo soon , excepting perhaps that of the military prison at Loavunwortb , ICan. , where the military prisoners of tno United States lira confined. The food given the prisoners ttt our own penitentiary was carefully com pared with thntof other prisons.and compares favorably with most of them. Wo found the lock-stop , with right hand on lllo leader's khouldur in use in no other prison than our own. In the military prison , and in Mis- eourl , the prisoners simply fold their arms Who n going about the yards. Wo huvo taken copious and dollnltc notes of mat tors In Which wo are Interested concerning each in- Btitutlon wo visited , and have gathered their reports , statistics , etc. , BO far as wo are able. \Vo are convinced Nebraska has a less prison population per capita than any state In the union , end lower of the prisoners are illiter ate. We find also tnat the proportion of females to males in several states wo nxam- > nod is about ns hero " per cent. "Tho humnno treatment of prisoners in the Kobrasku penitentiary stands out promi nently , when like institutions are considered. "Wo have no coal mine SOO feet. down in the earth whcio prisoners toll each dav , as in Kansas , tbo whipping post of Missouri does toot exist , nor the slinging up by the wrists , Us in Illinois. " Alt of the members of the party ex pressed Vlows very similar to those of Secretary I Mien , and there can bo no question ns to the bonollts thut will result to the Nebraska iu- titulion Irom the trip of Inspection. In tlio Siiprrinc Court. The cnso of P. B. Murphy ot al. against Mary J. Gould was Hied with the cleric of the supreme court today. Murphy was a aloon keeper at Hay Springs , Sheridan county , Nob. , and Mary J. Gould sued him end his bondsmen for damages in the amount of $5,000 for selling liquor to her husband , \Vlllnrd Goula , after it was known that ho was a continued drunkard. On December Ul , l&OO , Mrs. Gould was awarded $500 by the Jury lu the cnso. Tno case conies to the supreme premo court on tbo ground thut the verdict was contrary to nnd not sustained by the evidence adduced nt the trial , and Murphy asks that tlio judgment bu reversed , a now trial granted , and for sucli other relief us Justice may require. The case of George P. Lewis against Carrie I { . Baker comes to the nupromp court from lioono county. Carrie H. Baker claimed to bo the owner of a lot lu the village of Albion , nnd she had erected a fence around It. George Lewis was the overseer of streets , nna on October 14 , 18'Jl , ordered the fence re moved , on the ground that It surrounded a jiloco of ground ulno feet nnd 11 vo inches in Width which belonged tu tbo village. Carrie itppllcd to the district court for a perpetual Injunction restraining the village of Albion from removing the fonco. Judge T. O. C. Harrison granted the Injunction and now tha Vlllago wants the supreme court to reopen the caso. The can : of Iho Lancaster County bank ogalnst Theodore Horn comes from Lan caster county. October 80 , 1b'Jl , Theodora Horn made a deed of assignment of his elevator property and real estate 'situated at Kmcrntd , Hoca , Stockwoll and Oonton , to Sheriff McClay in trust for the benollt of bis creditors , November IV , the Lancaster County bank levied upon the propel ty covered bv tbo deed of assignment. The sheriff had filed the deed of assignment with the county clerk , but not with the register of dobds. U'ho point at issue in the district court was whether or not u deed of assignment would hold good unless tiled with the register of deeds. The lower court decided that It would , Tbo case of li. A. Merrill against the city ot Omaha comes from Judge Wakeloy's ' court and Is a cuso wherein the plaintiff al leges the wrongful and illegal assessment of taxes on lot 8 in block u In the city of Omaha , which bo purchased nt tax calo In A similar case to the above also comes from DouirlaH county and Is entitled Ames U. i'onnock against the county of Douglas , the city of Omaha and John Hush , ox- troaiuror of Douglas county. Coroner Holyoke brings n case to the supreme court lu which the commissioners of Lancaster county are defendants. There nis always boon n squabble In this county liutwcen the coroners and thu county com- inUslouorti over the payment of fees nnd this is a test cuso. Tha amouut involved is only * 10. IilHcrlmlii.-uloii Komoillod. On December 9 G. M. Murphy , a grain dealer at Dorchester , complained to the secretaries of tha State Board of Transporta tion that tlio B. & M. railroad had neglected to turnlsh cars for thoshlpuicntof grain from that point , although shippers at Crotu wcro better supplied. Murphy claimed that ha had 00,000 bushels of grain at Dorchester which ho was unabla to ship on account of the ncarclty of cars. The secretaries at onca ad- di-ossod a communication to General Superintendent intondont Culvert , calling hU attention to tno matter and requesting him to vomody tbo discrimination without delay. Today a let ter was received from Mr. Culvert In which ho stutou that ho had iuvettlgated the matt - t r and Instructed thu ugont at Crete that ho mu t not allow all cars to bo loaded that hap- ] juucu to bo thorOi Haatatostbai a great many loaded cars were received at Crete and reloaded there when they should huvo been distributed to ether poluU , The complaint ot Mr , Murphy will bo remedied at fjneo , uud It is promised that tliero will bo no cuuso of i complaint lu the futuro. DlHtrlut Clerkship Content. Ellas Baker this afternoon filed his answer In the couton commenced by Chariot H. "Wotto for the offlco of clerk of the district court lu and for Lancaster county. Houl- legos that the churgo mudc by tbo contestant that to man ballots wcro ( brown out In each product u not based upon possession of actual evidence of the facts , but that this conclusion was reached by subtracting tha number ot votes cast for district clerk in each precinct from thu total vole cast lu that product. Answering the charge thut the polling placv lu Ccutorvllle bad been changed in order to docclvo voters , Mr. Baker alleges that the election In that precinct was held where It had been for the past six years. Ho further alleges tnat In some precincts woric- ors purposely misled voters by Insisting that ballots could bo legally marked with a lead pencil In place of Ink. Ktnlo llouso Gossip. The bureau of Industrial statistics today received copies of the report of statistics of wanes In manufacturing Industries Uauedby the Interior department. Hon. Alfred Bartow , judge-elect In tlio Fifteenth judicial district , tiled his oath of ofllco with the secretary of stale today. The Missouri Vnlloy Medical * ocloty will moot In the scnato chamber tomorrow ovon- ing.Hon. Hon. N. V. Harlan of York was n state bouse visitor. The ixnit sugar convention assembles in representative hall tomorrow. Governor Thayer U expected to address the gatuor- luir. luir.Tho The adjourned session of the supreme court will convene tomorrow for the purpose of handing down opinions upon cases already heard. It Is not likely thnt unv of the dis trict judgeship contests will como ut ) at this session. Judge Norval of the supreme court arrived from his homo in Sownrd this afternoon. The annual reports of nil railroad compan ies doing business In Nebraska huvo been re ceived at the ortlco of the State Board of Transportation , with the exception of these of ttio Union Puclllo and the Kearney & Block Hill. Ex-Governor Furnas Is hero to attend the beet sugar convention. Church Ho wo will head the Nomahn county delegation to the beet sugar convention. M. b. Elsomore , ono of Adams count's delegates to the sugar convention , was hero today. The dally divorce sensation was today furnished by Mrs. Mary A. Sharp , who came Into district court and alleged that she mar ried her husband , Sylvester. In 1881 and that over since that tune her domestic life has been a burden which she would gladly lay down. In her petition she enumerates n long series of injuries'nnd Indignities , nnd asks for an absolute alvorco with alimony and the custody of two children. Sharp is a real estate agent residing ut Dudley nnd Twenty-second streets , and formerly resided nt Hastings. His wife alleges that tils prop erty , real and personal , is worth at least District and Police Court NotcH. Judgments against George Bosslcman for $4,175 were decreed today in favor of H. P. Lau and Hargreavcs Bros. The May will case , Involving a $30,000 es tate , was argued today and submitted to the jury late this evening. The Jury in the case of the state against A. G. Spollman , tno old man charged witn crim inally assaulting a young girl , has been un- uulo'to reach an agreement. John Uyan was given fifteen and John Johnson thirty days In the county Jail for stealing overcoats. Six unornarnented drunks contributed $0.i0 ! cacti to the school fund this morning. Grant Bertram pleaded guilty to vagrancy and was shown the way out of town. The case of Breed against Wright was Cnally compromised today to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. The trial of R. L. Barrett for murder In the second degioo commenced today. The jury has not as yet been secured. Barrett will plead self defense. Found Guilty of An-mult. The cases of V. L. Ulco and and W. H. Stonberg were trlod before Judge Tlbbotts today. Both men were employes of ono of the Lincoln street railwnv companies uud were arrested upon ttio charge of assault and battery , preferred by George Bush , who had boon forcibly ejected from a cur by the two men because ho refused to pay 5 cents for his faro. Bush toudered the conductor ! 35 cents for six chocks , as tbo city ordinance clearly ontltlnd him to , but the conductor re fused "to accept. In the lower court the men were found guilty nnd the jury In the dis trict court today sustained the former ver dict. Four Policemen Dismissed. Mayor Weir last evening removed Ser geant Splain and Ofllcors Carn&uau , Enochs and Kemp from tno police force. The per emptory discharge of the moo was some thing of a surprise , not only to them but to tbo public. Sergeant Splain has been ono of the most popular nnd ofllciout men on the force and many expressions of regret were today heard over his dismissal. Mayor Weir stated Inst evening that ho had the cfllctoncy of the force In view In ordering the dis missals. OdilH nnd Ends. Tbo homo of B. K. Shaffer ut 8141 O street has been quarantined on account of diph theria. A carriage nnd n motor car collided at tbo corner of Sixteenth nnd O streets 'his after noon and thu motor car got the worst of the damage. The citizens of the Seventh ward have agreed to organize a volunteer lira depart ment provided the uitv will furnish them with a hose cart , 1,000 foot of hosa and other ncoossary apparatus. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing syrup for chil dren teething gives quiet , helpful rest , as cents a bottle. SL.IVB DK.ILKUH IX rtOfOltl.t. Young ChlnoHo Girls nought nnd Sold For I ID moral Purposes SBATTI.E , Wash. . Doc. 10. The authorities of Victoria have , discovered in that cltv regular slave handlers. They buy women as they would buy tea. Investigation has just rovoulcd the career of six Chinese girls who arrived by the Empress of China abojt the middle of October. These girls , ranging In ago from 11 to 14 years , were in charge of two old women. Immediately upon the ar rival nf the steamci'tnoy disposed of the two oldest for 51,400 and $1,500 respectively , but they bound the four younger ones over to Lin You , a famous procuress , and with In structions to watt for n bettor market. On Monday last she sola them for $1,410 , $ ll0. ( ! J335 and $770 respectively , cash being paid down. Tins sale was made with the assist ance of Moy Chuutr , the head of the High binder gang in Victoria , for which , ho re ceived a commission. The now Hotel Brunswick , 10th and Jackson , with nil modern improvements Now open for guests. Moderate prices Grlpiio ItnvnRt's In Dliissnohusctta. BOSTON , Mass. , Dec , 10. Influenza Is ragIng - Ing throughout the stuto. Mills and schools nro suffering and every workshop , store and profession Is affected. indigestion. Dizziness. Take Beechnut's ' Pil Died from Ills Injurlos. NKWiitmo , N. Y. , Deo. 10. James Kollav , the engineer Injured in the Central train wreck at Fishuill last night , died this morn ing. Van Houtou'sCoooa "Onco trlod , used always. FivH Drowned In tlio Toy. LONDON , Deo. 10. The fishing boat Osprey has foundered in the Tay. Her crow of iivo men were drowned. DELICIOUS 0 NATURAL FRUIT HAVORS. Vanilla A Of portoot purity. Lemon -I - of srroat strength. Almond I oonomyntholruso | Roseate.- ! Flavor as delicately and dollolouslv as the fresh fruit. MUST EXPLAIN THE AFFAIR. Illinois Insane Asylum will bo Thoroughly Overhauled" . WHAT AN INQUIRV MAY DEVELOP , ScnantloiiB llnvo Hccn licea Frequent Here Tlinu In Other Stale Institution * , It will bo Investigated. CIIICAOO Bimcic OF TUB Bnn , I CIUCAOO , 111. , Dca lit. I Tbo result of the disclosures about the rotten - ton state of affairs at the state Insane nsy- him , It Is snld , will bo a thorough overhauling of tbo Institution by order of Governor Flfor. Charges ntralnst this institution nro not alto gether unknown , but they have boou less frequent than in the cuso of seine of the other state chnrltnblo Institu tions. In ofllcinl circles Dr. Currlel's management has been presumed to bo of the Ural-class order , and on that account the pffi-ot of the exposure was moro dcnply felt. The governor lias for moro than two weeks bcun coulliibd to his room at the oxccutivo mansion. The chances are thnt ha will wait for the result of an Inquiry to bo mode by Dr.Fred H. Wonts , socrotarvof the Biato board of public charities. Dr. Wonts U now on his way home from Boston and will arrive today , Odda and Another elevated railway ordinance will bo Introduced at the no.xt meeting of the city council. The Chicago mid South 1'ark Elevated Hallway company , of which A. J. Cooper is president , has bought the franchise ot the Equitable Transportation company In the Town of Lake , and In connection with the franchlso to bo asked of the council , will build a now cross lino. The Illinois Central ofllcials emphatically ueny the story published In an aftsrnoon paper yesterday which alleges that the stockholders wore agitating the construction of nn elevated road to the Worlu's fair grounds on the present right of way of the road. In splto of thosulciue verdict of the core ner's Jury In the case of Carrie Smith , whoso body was taken from Lake Michigan at the foot of Fifty-eighth street in the afternoon of November ai , there are strong indications that death dla not coruu at her own seeking. It now develops that on tho. night preceding tne discovery of the body a girl was seen re sisting the caresses of a man close to where tbo body was found a few hours afterwards , and that at tno time of the recovery of the body a btono was found about the neck which was removed before the coroner's in quest had been held. Uertlo Bougc , a buxom Gorman girl 10 years of age , committed suicide while de spondent over unrequited love , by taking cents' worth of inorphlno at her homo , OU1 South Morgan street. Gortio secured the drug by forging a request for It which pur ported "to come from the lady by whom she was employed. Charles Parker married Etta Cham , ap od 20 , at Princevllle , and then becoming de spondent wont to 1'eorla std Jumped into tbo river. But the cold water changed his mind , and calling for help he was pulled out. John MoDennott of 81 Wells street went to tbo third floor at 101 South Water streotto visit a friend and fell out of a window , llo got up with a cut on his forehead , but re fused the aid of the police and quietly walked away. At the meeting of the Illinois Swine Breeders' association a resolution was adopted setting forth that the opening of the World's fair on Sundays , "would deprive the animals on exhibition of the rest which is in accordance with tbo laws of nature and God's plan in the constitution of the Sab bath , and which is so much needed in order that they mav appear at tuoir best on the re maining six days. " \\cHtern 1'onplo In Cnlonsto. The following western people are in the city : At the Grand Pacific -S. B. Cook , Musca- tlne , la. ; John C. Bills. Davenport , in. ; F. M. Norris , Mason City , la. ; W. K. Bird , Dos Molnos , la. : Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thurs * ton. W. C. Vandorvoort , A. H. Fuller. W. C. Mulford , Omaha ; E. T. Koch , Cedar Rap ids , la. At the Palmer II L. Spencer , Oskaloosa , In. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcouu , Onmbi : ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams , Cedar KapiiU , la. ; Joseph A. Guest , Burlington , la. At the Wellington Arthur W. Edwards , Cedar Rapids , la. : E. P. Pratt , Des Moines , la. la.At the Auditorium W. G. P.iuc , Gcorgo F. Barton , Omaha. F. A. Small In size , great in results ; Uo Witt's LlttloEnrly Uisun. Best pill for constipa tion , best for sick hoad.icho , best for sour stomach. _ _ \ \ ntcr IConlH Duo Jan. 1 , Payable lit company's ollico , Bee build ing1. Five per cunt discount allowed if paid on or before January 1. Failure to receive bill will not entitle consumer to discount. Mny Ic ! liil E. A. Heuser , the man.who is being hold by tbo police as a fugitive from Justice , was taken into court yesterday and the judge stated that unless Denver otllcors arrived today ho would turn the prisoner looso. There seems to bo some hltc-h about the Denver oillcors coming after the man , who is perfectly willing to go without paper * . Two or three money lenders from the mountain city have been tiero and had lor.g talks with lleuser and evidently trying to olToct a settlement of some sort. DoWltt's Llttla Early Risers. flojt llttlo pill ever mado. Cure count imioa every time. None equal. Use thorn now. Four hundred and tlfty collar pkino. Warranted seven yo.ira tor $187.50. Now scale. Iluyden Bros. " WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. " They arc blind who will not try n box of jfor the disorders nhlchgrow | OLtot Impaired Dluvt. < | tloii. For it IVviik StoniuclitCoiittlpndun i > HUonlertil I.IVIT , SUU lluudnchc , | | oi-auy ruiluiimiml XurvimialluicnU , 11 they take the place of an entire mediclno chest Of all druggists. Price 2S cents a box. New York Depot , 363 Canal St , 31 Illds w II bi < roeolvud uy tl.u state ot I'r lit.MI : in thu olllio of the socn.'tary of stato. on or before I'o'elouk p. m . December : . ' ! ) . Mil. fur printing ami lumlliiK lu nloth one ( l.tH'j copitMor the report of the Miitu lluard of Transportation for thu yoiirlSlt. to bo do- llvun-il L'omp'.uto ' at the olllco of the Htnto Ito ml of Trnnsport'itlon. Tocontuln lAlpuxn-i , morn or InsI'hu xuu of pa.-o. wuUht iind qimlltv of pnpor , stylu nnd quality ot blndlnv. sty In of lettering on cover , und In nil respui'ts iho win k tu bu thaHiniio us the samp'n lu bo toun In tliu olllcti of the secretary ot state. liiich proposal nuint tin accompanied by u bond In thu stun nf { .VXLRu The riulii to reject any and all bids N re served. JOHN O. M.I.F.X. December 8 , Ib'U ' , Secretary ot ! ? l iln. DllillUt.M lllds will bo received by th Mate Ilo.iril ( it rnntmir. at thiiulllcHOf the ai'crntni.v of stuto , on or Luforu : . ' o'clock p in , Dtcumber > , IHJI. for print.MI ; and ulirllur In e'nili tvvu thonxunil i..uiti ) ciiplvx ot thu roster uf < > \ - soldlors. sillnrs and ninrtiius residing lu Nr- briiHku Jiinu 1st , 1VJI. to ut < ilullvorcil coinplulo at tlioutlicuof tlioNeurtitury of smto. To ion- tuln IKMrurs , moro or loss. Tim tsl/.o ot p i'-u , wvlirlu iiiul iiniilliv of | iirrbtylo | ) and quality of blnillnv , siylpnf lutteiluK on cover , and In all ruspuuls th ori to bo thu saino us thu sinnnln to tu scim In the ulllcti of the ccorctury Of hi Itl ) . Thu rljht to reject any ant all bidi N n-- MUVI'd , Kiii'h piopnsal nuut bu ui'coii > paul < > d by u liouil In tlif sum of & > oi , JOHN " . M.IEN , December Sub , ItUI. secretary of flat P. CONTINENTAL Second Week of Our Great Overcoat Sale. Over $50,000 worth of Men's , Boys' and Children's Overcoats and Ulsters from the wholesale stock of the Continental Clothing House of Boston , shipped to Omaha and offered this week at prices averaging about 60 cents on the dollar of the regular retail prices , affording the public an .opportunity of buying an overcoat at less than manufacturer's cost. A sale of this magnitude has never been attempted in Omaha. We mean to unload these goods in the . next 15 days. Come early. The prices at which these goods are marked places us in a position to under sell all competitors. This sale means goods retailed at less than jobbers' prices. We cannot attempt a description. The extent and variety of this stock is be wildering and when it is borne in mind that we sell only reliable , first-class goods , it makes this sale worthy the attention of every person in , Nebraska. „ Our ; limited space will allow us to mention only a few of the most attractive lots. Lot No. 1. We call attention to 100 pure , all wool , heavy weight diagonal overcoats , made in the best manner , guaranteed color , and sold in any retail store at $13,1 Our price $8. Lot No. 2. We offer 125 black beaver Overcoats , serge lined , silk vel vet collars , fly front and made up in excellent' style at $6.50 each. Sold in the usual course 6T trade for $10. Lot No. 3. This is one of the choicest lots in the whole stock , made from a handsome Kersey , handsomely lined , velvet collar and in every respect a first class garment. Usually retailed at $18. Our price at this sale , $11 each. Lot No. 4. 'We offer 75 Oxford mixed Kersey Overcoats , satin sleeve linings , a regular tailor made overcoat of the highest grade , the average retail price of which is $22 ; we offer until closed at $13. Lot No. 5. We offer 125 Kersey Overcoats in three different shades , goods made by us early in the season for our finest trade , elegantly trim med , and cannot be bought outside of our store for less than $20 , Our price at this sale will be $14. UIT SAL The balance of the Miner , Beal & Co. stock will positively be closed this week. About 500 suits remain from all the different lots , and have been arranged so as to be conveniently shown. The following list shows the prices at which we are offering these goods. The prices marked on these goods are not fictitious values. The wholesale prices named in the first col umn are guaranteed by the well known firm of Miner , Beal & Co. , to be their wholesale figures The figures in the second column we believe represent the lowest prices that these could be or dinarily bought for in retail houses throughout the United States , and the difference between the prices ; n this column and the third column will show the actual reductions. Miner , Beal & Co.'s USUAL OUR WHOLESALE PRICE. RETAIL PRICE PRICE. LOT i Fine-Silk Stripe Cassimere Suit $13 50 $19 oo $12 OO LOT 2 Fine , 'All Wool , Velotir Finish Business Suit 17 50 23 oo 16 oo LOT 3 Fine-Silk Mixed Cassimere Suit , 13 oo 18 oo I I OO 19 oo 25 oo 15 oo I 2 OO 16 oo 1C ) OO 14 oo 18 oo 13 oo LOT 7 Fine 'Blue ' Piaicl Cassimere Suit . 14 ° ° 19 oo I 2 OO LOT S Fine'Silk M-xed - Worsted Suit 14 19 oo 12 OO LOT 10 Fin 'All ' Wool Fancy Cheviot Sack Suit 11 oeM 15 oo 9 oo LOT 1i Fine'nAll Wool Fancy Scotch Cheviot Suits ' . M oo 15 oo 8 oo LOT 12 Fancy Cassimere Sack Suit 8 50 11 oo 6 oo LOT 13 Lonl(16n ( Twist Cassimere Suit , single-breasted Sack coats 8 oo 10 oo 5 oo LOT 14Youths' Fancy Cassimere Sack Suits 7 oo 10 oo 6 oo LOT 15 Boys' Suck Suit 9 oo 12 OO 8 oo We never disappoint the public , but always have just what we advertise ; hence our store wes crowded all last week , and hundreds-more , despite the warm wetithor , will take advantage - , vantage of this sale , for every garment sold sells another , and the second week of our sales are always the largest. Special bargain line during this sale at S3 , $3.50 , $4 and $4.50. . CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE , Cor , Douglas and 15th Sts The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi