Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Icll-crcd ly Cnrrlrr In ny pnrt of the City.
Tn ptninvruJ Hitp'ncnOnico No. 4.1
lrl'EIHOM-Bl Nil-lit Editor No.23
Ml.\Ott UI'.bTlUX.
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
C , n. Water Work * Co.
Hcmovcd to SO 1'cnrl street.
Coiinrll niulTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crtifi's chattel lonns. 204 Snpp bloclt.
Hurhorti'9dmnioiilswntclio ( , liollinvBoods. (
Unity RUlld will lioM IU rotrnlnr mcotln
tomorrow afternoon at 2K : ! ) with Mrs. J. b.
Orutzcr , Kiwi Ploroo strcot.
Invltiillon * nro out for n nmr-uorndo hiih
live party to bo Riven by ftilss Ornco
Olcnson nt her homo on Olun avunuo In
honor of hot1 jjuest , Miss Julu Cleaver of
The mouilnirs which hnvo boon hold at the
Itcttmny Ilapltst church , conducted by Kev.
Vf. C. l-evlck of StorllriK , Nob. , uurinR the
past two weuks will continue- for the rjalnnco
of this \cok nt least. They nro liicrcnalni ;
In Inlcrust. All nro cordially Invited to
The inoinbors of the PottnwnttamloCounty
Democratic association have decided to elect
their onicors for the eimilii ! * year by tlio
Australian system of ballotl'i , ' , thu election
to take place January 5 , from 0 : ! ! 0 to 8 : . ' 10
) ) . in.
Harmony chapter , No. 25 , Order of the
Eastern Star , will moot In regular session
tills ovcninK In Masonic Hall. A full attend-
note Is requested , AS ihero will Do election of
oftlccrs and other business of Importance.
Jly order of the \V. M.
The series of revival nicotines at No. 714
Urondway , near Hoventh street , has opened
with much Intrrost and n premise of preat
I.UCCCSH. Mr. Joseph \Volls , the well known
Sunday school missionary of this country , is
conducting the meetings.
The council is to huvo a mootinp this after
noon as n commiltco of tlio whole for the
pnrnoso of acting upon a protest which has
been put In by tlio proper owners on Oakland
nvcnuo against ( rnntlnir the Council Li luffs
Transit company tlio right of way over that
IJy ngrcomont of the attorneys January 2."i
lias been nelcoted as the day for tlio trial of
the Cut-Off case In the United States
MIprcino court. Jlon. John Y. Stone will go
to Washington at tltno to nrguu iho case
In bclialf of thu stnto of Iowa , and C. J.
Green and J. A I. Woolworth for Nebraska.
UoWitt's Uttlo Enrlv Uisors ; only pill to
cure sick headache and regulate the bowels.
Gypsy ciirnivul Saturtluy evening in
Trinity country Htoro , Foster's old stand.
iMiislcitl Not- .
Miu * Ronriciim is no lonper connected
with nny other music lirm , but is portna-
nonlly located nt Nos. Ill , 111 ! StuXsman
Btrcot. While other gonllonion do the
Uiikinf * si bout bottoms dropped out , etc. ,
lie is doiii } , " the husinusti , sclhnir ] ) iunos
and organs of lending and reliable iniiii-
ufaeturer.i. Examine the MePlmll piano
and tlio Crown organ.
The Mccst in the Oil ) ' .
George S. Davis , 200 Rrondway , has
the nicest display of holiday t-oods up to
dnto in the city. lie was tlio llrst to
phew tlio public the beautiful things
bi ought out tills year , and ho will domi
nate the trade on his end of the btreot.
Mrs , J. W. Crosslanu is confined to her
homo on Washington avenue by an attack of
la grippe.
Dec Wright , formerly proprietor of the
Hotel Gordon , lett on Tuoid.iv * with his
family for Glasgow , Tex. , where ho will lo-
A. M. McPhnll of Boston , president of the
Piano Manufacturing cuinpan ) which bears
his name , spent Tuesday in the city , c.illini"
upon Mas liouriclus , who handles those in
struments hero.
Wo have our own vineyards in Califor
niiu Jarvis Wino company , Co. LJlulTs
Fresh oysters , 25o and 30c can , at C.
O. D. Brown's.
The ladies of Trinity Mothodistchurch
will open tlioii1 "Country Stove" in Fos
ter's old stand , < r > 21 Broadway , December
10 and continue until Saturday.
Carman Feed and Fuel company ,
wholesale and retail hay , grain and
feed. Special prices on hay mid grain
in car lots. 700 Main street. Council
Ni-vf Yotr'H TIIXPH.
County Aiulltor llcndrleks has Just com
pleted tlio Job of collecting ttio figures , show
ing the taxes which will Lo paid by the resi
dents of this county during the year
of Ib'Ji. The total amount of taxes entered
upon the books of the county treasurer will
bo MM,1 ! . " 1 , of which Sl-asSll.tir is for
special taxes in the city , divided as follows :
Paving , $ S ( ! , < ; sewer , $10,079.1' ) ; crad-
ing , 520,401.211 ; curbing , SI.OKi.Oj ; sidewalks ,
ftMVT.MiO. The total amount of tuxus to bo
paid in this city is $1 lil.SM.SW.
Concert program by violin pupils of
Mr. linns Albert , assisted by Mrs. Lyon ,
at Masonic Temple hall , ThurmKy onoii-
ing , December 17. 1891 :
Overture William Tell. .Hosslnc-Gottschalk
Mlssos Brown and Patterson.
Violin Solo. . . ' . Selected'
Luvol Dunn.
Cradle Song Ilauser.
Miss Duncan.
Keel tntion Selected
Mrs. Lyon.
Qunrtott four violins
Miss Uuella Allen , Miss AHen ,
Messrs. Max Lent/ and Cook.
Fantasia do Hullot OoBerlot
Miss Virginia Kobhibon.
Cello Solo Selected
Mr. John Diown.
Klorlo Ernst
Iloloro Singer
Miss Luolin Allen.
Hecltntlon Selected
Mrs. Lyon.
Cavnthm Hollondcr
Mr. Charles Higglus.
Violin Solo Selected
Miss Ilesalo Wledensnll.
String Qnartett Traurnorol IJy the Fire-
niilo Schumann
Messrs. Hans Albert , Max Lentz ,
Mr. Cook and John Brown.
The only kindergarten in the city is
In the Murrhun bloi'lc , next to the Young
Men's Christian asnociation. Exporl-
enccd teachers and only one-half usual
rates tire charged.
Very handsome Christinas novelties nt
Do Haven's nothing poor or trashy.
lilt ; Work I'tiv tlio Homo.
Manngcr Lemon of the Christian Homo has
completed his report of donations recovived
by the homo during the wnaK of
Tlmiik piviiii * . and It Is now being circulated
among the friends of the Institution. The
grand total of the receipts to the gcnoriil fund
was fMHUUil. being $ > , i > | iUi ! above
current expenses. The deficiency In the pen-
cral fund was thui coinuiotoly wiped out , and
the deficiency of $12,000 , which was recently
declared to exist In tlio Improvement fund
reduced to fU'J6S. ) 10.
When Ilaby was itck , wo g < uo her Cixctorla ,
When ihovtfts a Child , ihecrltxl torCaitorla.
When die became Mtw , tlie clung lo Cutorla ,
When ih had CUIUrca , tJu > g vo Uuiiu Cmtorla.
Froh Utioa Eeetm Dcomed to Die the Diath
What a 1'romlnoiit Itcpitbllaan Says
A ft or IjimUltiK Ovur tliuVliolo
riclil Carefully About the
A prominent and well Informed republican
politician and former ofllco holder , UviUK In
thoconlral nirtof ttiostn'.c , wns In the city
jestcrdny and was asked by a iiin : reprc-
senlatlvo In regard to Iowa politics and the
situation of the prohibitory law. lie said : ,
" 1 think there nro now good - . rounds for
believing that n local option bill will pas not
only the senate , but the house of the
Incoming lot-Mature. For the first
two or thrco woelw after tuo elec
tion there scorned to bo no pros
pect of nny change. The Impracticable and
extreme prohibitionists were the first to DO
heard , and thu republican ineinrora from the
Interior counties circled by prohibition con
stituents did not at first ronllzt ) the tro-
menuous snotlment In fuvor of modification
that exists even among iho most earnest
and consistent prohibitionists ; hut In the
last three or four weeks that soiiti-
mcnt has developed until now It is over-
whelming. Conservative prohibitionists see
tlmt any further delay will do trronar.iblo
harm I ) the tomperanre cause and result in
thn complete domination of slate politico by
the h uor Interests. The country press Is
mostly in favor of modification , and I have
seen In thn last few days letters noth
private nnd published from some of the most
actlvo temperance men In the state urging
.such action.
"Sonutor Englo , the union labor srnator
from Jasper county , who voted against
a licnnso bill two years ago , has de
clared his Intention of introducing one
this winter. It Is understood that
Senator Catch Is also convinced of the ne
cessity of voting for a modification , nnd I
know of thieo or four other senators whom I
am satisfied will take the same stand , even if
thu republican caucus decides that the ver
dict of the last election must be Ignoien.
In the house , wooro the republicans nro in
the majority nnd where the democrats
must get four auditionnl voles , the
situation is hardly rnoro doubtful ; but I
know that a larijo proportion of the ropuoll-
can majority thcre'bellovo that the salvation
of their party and ultimate success of temperance -
peranco depends upon thonassaioot a license
law , nnd they are being enbouragcd to do ,
clsivc action by many of the party loaders
and thu press.
"Tho spoakership , over which there
is usually n very warm contoit , is
practically conceded to W. O. Mitchell of
Adams county. There , are only two other
candidates , who are inexperienced , wiiak
and unpopular. By a curious combination of
circumstances , only seven republican mem
bers wcro ro-oleclcd lo the house and not ono
of any prominence. " .
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Do-
Witt's Llttlo Early JJlaow are takon. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best. pill.
Owing to tlio Mild mill leather Unfiv-
orablu Weather 1'or Kara We JI xvo
Dcc'tln ! t > M.iko tlie Knr Fly.
Having put on sale our entire stock of
fur capes at exactly half our retail
\\'o do this in order to give all our cus
tomers a , chance at the fur bargains.
Glance at the figures :
S0.50 coney capos , $3.2-3 ,
$19.60 nutria , SD.7.5.
$15.00 in ink , $22.50.
$17.00 conov moufllon collar , $8.60.
$15.00 cape seal , $7.50.
810.00 opossum , $8.00.
§ 17.00 wool , seal , $8.50.
$2o.OO capo seal , Persian lamb collar ,
SI 2.50.
$22 OOcupe , seal inouflloncollar , $11.00.
$10.00 capo , seal. $8.00
$9.00 French coney , $1.50.
$15.00 Coney , At-trakhan collar , $7.50.
$20.00 ciino'boul , $10.00.
? 40.00 murton , $20.00.
$22.00 Persian lamb , $11.00.
$18.50 Astrakhan , $9.25.
$25.00 monkey capo , real seal collar ,
$27.50 krimmor capo , $13.75.
45o black hare mulT , 25c.
75o black liaro mulT , Ii3c.
S9.00 mink muff , $0.50.
$2.50 cnpo seal mulT , S1.7\
8152.00 beaver muff , 88.00.
500 Monkey muffs , $11.50.
And to on all through our entire stock
of furs.
What could bo more suitable for a
nice Christmas present than a nice capo
or muff ?
Now is the chance.
Council Blufla , In.
Try Carman's for hard and soft coal
and woo'l. 70(1 ( Main strci
Fresh bread , 2 lo'iroa for oc , a * . C. O
D , Brown's.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
Motor Company Mi ( oiirt.
Judge McGee hold a sosblon of superior
court yesterday afternoon at which ho heard
the arguments of the attorneys In the
case ot J. W. Crosslatul and others
against the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Bride company. The suit hts boon pending
homo tlmo , a number of the property
owners In various parts of the city
milling nnd nppolnltng Mr. Crosslaml
tlinlr agent to try In tiring tuo
motor company to Umo in iho nniUor of iho
bills for p.iving botwcon iho tracks. The
amount claimed wns about $5UOO. The case
wns fully submitted and taken under nd-
visomcnt by the court.
The case of.I. C. Blxoy against the same
companv was alto argued nnd submitted.
Bl.\by brought the suit originally to
enjoin , the company from changing Its
mils on oouth First , street and
substituting for thorn the Johnson girder
rail , nnd ho now trios to enjoin the company
permanently from operating on South First
street , claiming It has no right to the street
In law.
Reitor , the tailor , .110 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and now winter
goods. .Satisfaction in every respect
guaranteed. _
Maudel & Kline will move their entire -
tire stock to Sioux City January 1.
Until that time you can buy furniture ,
stoves , carpets , at your own price.
DM. WoodliirydontiHtBiioxt to Grand
hotel ; line work u specialty. Tolo. 145.
Swanson Music Co. , Masonic temple
Fresh oyster * received daily direct
from Baltimore at C. O. D. Brown's ,
Council BluffA
11 r.i u I MI ; to u Clnsi > .
'Ihoexposition unili'r the auspices ol the
Woman's Christian association drew another
largo audience last evening at Masonic torn-
pio. Since the commencement the nudlencos
have been steadily Increasing In sue uutj
now each night sees the room crowdo
The Indications hro that the associa
tion will ruallzo ImndFomcly on enter-
talnmonu , ttio ladies having * 7 < X ) in the
bunk already at u result of the flrrt
live days , and nearly oil of this nmouut will
bo clear gain , us most of tUu assistance ! In the
way ot performnrs for tno entertainments
having bcou donated. The attraction
last evening was a musical recital
by the MUsoj Allen and Kctchuin
of the Omaha Conservatory of Music , who
wcro assisted by Miss Holla Uobinnon nnd
Miss Konn Etsomnn of this city , the
former with a piano solo and the
latter with n recitation. Today U the
last day of the exposition and It
l hopoJ It will bo the crowning success.
Meals will bo served by the Indlc-s of the
Baptist church of the city , nnd In the evenIng -
Ing there will boa musical program furnlstiod
by the pupils of linns Albert of Omaha.
The largest stocR of Japfineso nnd
Chinese goods oist : of Sun Francisco ,
"Frisco prices , at 317 Broadway.
Walnut block and W-oming coal ,
fresh mined , received daih Thatcher ,
10 Main.
llnlldny , < ) .IH.
Remember Hint Dolluvon has ono of
the most elegant stocks of holiday novel
ties in tlio city. It surpasses all former
years both in beauty and low prices.
Call and see them.
Kii.lnliilni ; a Jmtloo.
A suit was commenced in the district court
yesterday by Emma Wallace to secure the
assistance of the court In keeping posses
sion of a piece of property In Hoomer
township , this county which , she al
leges , ono Cal Frv Is trying to deprive
her of. She makes Fry nnd J. M. Axtcl , n
Jbulco of the pence in that township , def -
f end nuts In the suit. She alleges that n
suit for forcible entry ana detainer was com
menced In Axtcl's court last Thursday by
Fry , nnd that nn order of removal was
miulo by the Justice. Shu claims that ho hud
no Jurisdiction In the case , and that she had.
no notlio of iho pendency of the suit.
She further assorts that unless re
strained by the court the Justice
will sue out a writ of ouster
under this void judgment. She also do-
mnnds $100 ns damages claimed to have been
Biistnlned through Fry's prosecution , A
tcmtjorary writ was Issued restraining the
defendants from Interfering in nny way with
her peaceable possession of the property in
Jarvlswild blackbarrv Is the best.
Commercial men , Hotel Gordon the
best $2 house in Council Bluffs.
Dell G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 742
Broadway , are special agents for the fa
mous "Blush of Hoses. "
Do Haven has his usual stock of beau
tiful do'ls. They are worth seeing and
way down in prices.
Dell G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 742
Broadwiy , are giving their customers
this season an elegant plush toilet sot.
Why pay 45c a quart for oysters when
you can got them for 30c at C. O. D.
Brown's ?
Onialm Alter nt'ir II nil Itcnovntcd
anil Heiuixlolcd It.
"I ! I Were Czar of Omaha" was the
ubiquitous subject discussed last night
at The Club by Lawyer Ed H. Scott.
The attendance of The Club , the members
of which assembled nt the Llningor Art gal
lery , wns not largo , but thu speaker handled
his subject In such a manner as to excite con
siderable interest and attention and subse
quent , dobnto.
In his introductory remarks Mr. ricott
said if ho were czar of Omaha no would
annex Council Bluffs to the city , as no czar-
dom was comple'.o without n place for han-
Ishment. Ho would abolish the overhead
electric wires , as that problem had oeon
solved twenty years ago bv European cities.
He would hnvo school houses erected
in the center of blocks , in order that
the school children would have a breaming
spot and n place to romp and play upon. Ilo
would have all the streets line Farnam , as
ho admired the original plat of the city.
Ho would have Omaha put nsldo its
childish ways , because iho town was twonty-
ono years of ago and should got down lo
inorjrsolid thoughts and ways. Ho would
have something eUo besides hog statistics to
show lo iho world. Ho would encourage art
nnd lileraluro to go with these sta-
tlstics. Ho would awaken the busi
ness men , for they were asleep , and
lolling a great stream of wealth from ttio
larijo lorriiory west of tno city go tiirough
mo citv to Chicago. Ho would have a spirit
of unanimity among thorn. Ho would bo
satisfied with locating n public library nt
some otbor point if the desired spot could
not bo obtained. Ho would have ino strcot
railways extended. Ho would hnvo the poor
dcrivo'somo benefits from public corporations
and monopolies.
He would have something better than the
penitentiary and reform school for criminals
and paupers. Ho would to a great dcgrco
rid the city of hotbeds of crime and Its posti-
Icnco of disease.
Ho would abolish the tax on the man with
small moans , because it was n rcllo of bar
barism , an absurdity , unjust. Ho would relieve
lievo tlio poor of luxation by adding a trilling
tax to the rich. Ho would have Iho city
owning the water works , gas nnd eloctrlo
lights , street railways nnd all public cor
porations , and this would not bo socialism.
Ho would have n severe punishment for the
brute of a leari'ster who overloaded his
poor horses nnd inhumanly boat thorn because -
cause the animals were incapable of carrying
their burd'Jii. Ho would do away with Iho
overhead check rein , and bo would do inuu-
merablo olhor things for the benefit and wel
fare of the pojplo.
Each of thesn "what ho would dos" was
ably argued at length by Mr. Scott ns ho put
them In n forcible and plauslblo sense. Some
of the questions ho admitted were dtulcult to
doat with , but ho showed the ncodod reforms
In a clear and concise manner.
At iho conclusion of his remarks different
members ol Iho club , including Dean ( Jmi
ner and G. W. Liningor nnd olhors , com
mented nnprovlnglv upon Mr. Scott's Idna of
what ho wjnld do if ho wcro the czar of
Omaha , after which the club adjourned until
Its fortnightly meeting.
ie i.\TitiriiwKi > .
How tliu Next Itt'puhlicnti Nomination
for President \ \ III lie M ( ! ; .
Mix.NKU'ous , Minn , , Dae. 10 , Colonel
Conger , member of the republican executive
committee , in an Interview today , spo.utlni-
of iho coming can volition , said : "Tho com
mittee proposes that the whole field shall bo
lobkod nVor and the strength of the various
candidates carefully considered , than u de
cision will bo nmdo and iho man will bo
named by acclamation by the convention.
There will bo nn contest on tno floor of iho
convention. There will bo no attempt to pu
down public sentiment , but iho tvholo mutter
will bo informally understood and acquiesced
In by the delegates before the convention
gets down to work. "
Kegurdlng the loiter of declination fion
Blulne , Colonel Conger said there was noth
ing in It. "There could bo no reason why
Blulno should write letter " ho
n now , con
tinued , "or wait until the nomination had
been tendered him. nnd in thai event , under
the plan the committee ) proposes lo uorit , ho
certainly could not decline ; neither could
Harrison or any other man who may bo
selected. "
. \or Ai't'i.iu.titi.i ; i'o ISIH.I.MI.
Coii > rnriH Did Not Intend the Kil-
inUilllH MOMHIII-O lor Thorn.
Sioux FAI.I.S S. D. , Dec. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKI- : ] > Judge Edgorton
rendered nn important decision this after
noon in the case of the United States against
Lewis ShunK , a Yanktcn Indian , Indicted on
the charge ot adultery. It was iho first In
dictment of the kind ever found against an
Indian In the history of the country. The
court hold that U wiu not the Intention of
congress to make thu Edmunds law uppllca-
blo to Indians residing upon Indian reserva
tions nnd maintaining original tribal rehi-
Itons. Ho also hold that no jurisdiction was
given under the revised stututes , and Issued
an order discharging the defendant from
custody. _
Duel Wlt'i UiiitHiinl Ucsnltft.
I'.uii ! ' , Uoo. HI. A duel was fought yester
day between Explorer Charles Seller nnd
Colonel AndiiM.T. being the outcome of a dis
pute over the colonial policy of this govcin-
ment. Both were biilly woumlvd ,
DoWltt's Uttlo Early Uiscr ; best UUlo
illsforayjiJ > iU , sour stomach , baJ breath
Third Annual Oormntbttuin Ssssloi at
Dos Mcines ,
Mmnhors from All Portions , of tlio
United 8111104 Taking IViri In
the ICxcrolsea- Other
lown NC\VH.
DBS Moisnsi , In. , Dc-c. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK UKI : . ] Shortly after 2 o'clock
this afternoon the third annual meeting of
the American Sabbath School Union aliened
In the Central Presbyterian church. This Is
the national organization which was effected
In 1S88 nt Washington , D. C. It Is composed
of delegates chosen nnd voluntary from the
loading evangelical churches of this coun
try , its board or manager ? is composed ol
distinguished ministers from almost every
largo city nnd lay members chosen from Iho
various churches. Two nro bishops of Iho
Methodist Episcopal church Edward Q.
Andrews of Now York and , Ionn F. Hurst of
Washington , and t'ostmaster Cionotnl Wnna-
makor. At ihls convention u third of the
membership of the board will be elected.
The convention wus called to order oy Dr.
Johnston , pastor of the Central church , who
extended a welcome to all and Introduced
Dr. II. H. Ouorge , president of Conovn
college of Pennsylvania , who delivered an
Impressive Invocation. Tlio organization for
business was offcctoJ with Colonel Elliott I ? .
Shcpard of Now York in the chair , and
working committees were nppolnted , after
which reports of secretaries nnd state associ
ations wor9 heard.
Among the notiiblo men in the convention
nroT. A. Fornlov , D.D. , of Philadelphia ; .1.
II. Knowlos , D.D. , of Now York , general
secretary and editor of the Amoricjn Sab
bath ; Hev. J. H. Helwlfr , D.D. , president of
the Ohio Sabbath association ; A. 1C. Lamb
of Madison , Wis. ; A. G. Scott , the Nebraska
World's fair commissioner ; Ur. Charles A.
Bhinchnril of Wheaten college , 111. ; J. 1' .
Mills of Chicago.
The secretary of Iho union for the sixth ,
seventh and eighth districts is Edward
Thompson , LL.D. , of Snn Francisco.
The program for the evening wns as fol
lows : Devotional service , conducted by Hov.
George S. Mott , D.U. , president of the Sab
bath Association of No v Jersey : address of.
welcome , Hov. A. L. Frlsbio , D.D. , president
of the Dos Molnos Ministerial association ;
response , Colonel Elliott F. Shepard of Now
York ; address , Hev. Edward Tnompson ,
U.D. , of San Francisco ; address , Hov. J. H.
Knowlos , D.D. , of Nowaric , N. J. ; address ,
"The Sunday Opening ot thn Columbian Ex
position , " Hov. Herrick Johnson , D.D. ,
Lb.D. , Chicago , 111.
At tno evening session Hov. S. Mott pro-
sided. The address of welcome to the dele
gates waj delivered by Ur. Frlsbio of Dos
Moines. Colonel Shepard replied to it. Ho
paid n high compliment to Iowa us a Sabbath
observing and temperance state. Speaking
of Iho work of the union , ho sold It wns to
restore Iho observance of the Sabbath. Ho
said it was only ono-sovonth of the time , nnd
tnunk Cod thai the majority of the people
in the country still observe it.
"Truo it has its cnemloj , " ho said. "They
commenced by breaking thoTcnth command
ment , hi' coveting the Unio not theirs , but
God's. The nations that are most backward
are these who disregard the Sabbath ; llioso
who arc most advanced are these who ob
serve it.
"Truo , not nil people in the Sabbath ob
serving countries keep it In its strictness ,
but Just in proportion as the number of a
people observe the Sabbalh , Just in Iho
proportion Ooi prospers that people. Ono
of the objects for which tuo union
will labor Is for tha closing of the World's
fair. While wo are exhibiting our evidences
of growth or prosperity wo can well afford to
exhibit evidence of our morality , which can
bo done in no better way than by showing
to the people of ohcr countries the real
American Sabbath. "
Dr. Herrick Johnson of Chicago spoKe nt
length on the duty of the government to in
sist that this nation take no part in the dese
cration of the American Sabbath. Ho arpuod
the question at length , answering1 the argu
ments of those who favor opening the fair.
Members of the Iowa Columbian commission
were present and were called on for an
expression on Sunday opening. Two of thorn
voted for closing but the others refused to
"tTectins : Held In Dos Moincs to Ar-
ran c for u IJiiildmjj.
Dns MOIS-HH , In. , Dec. 10. The World's '
fair commissioners held a session hora today.
The committo on plans for Iho Iowa building
and to estimate the expanses of the Iowa
exhibit , made a lonsrthy report. Nine designs
were submitted for the state budding , Iho
cost not to exceed f'o.OOO , but the award Is
not to bo uiado until the legislature passes
an appropriation for the building. Mrs. Clark
of DCS Moines , member of the woman's
board , submitted an oulllno for exhibit nro-
posed by u omen of iho state ; she said Iho
womoii wanted at least SiO.OOJ ot Iho state
appropriation. The live stock mon nslted for
$ . - > uooo.
Olhor Interests pressed their claims with
equal vigor. Secretary Chase stated that the
exhibition fever has caught Iowa and the
demand for a largo appropriation will bo en
forced by public sentiment. The state has
available for extraordinary appropriations
for the next two years'only S109.UOO , this
will not bosufllclent and the fair commis
sioners will probably work for the rcstora-
lion of the K ) < UHU , ( ) clause abolished by the
last legislature.
t iiprcinc Court Decisions.
DCS Moivc" , la. , Doc. 1(3. ( [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Hnu.J At an extraordinary
meeting of the supreme court today , necessi
tated by Iho retirement of Judge Dock by the
expiration of his term , the following decisions
were filed : W. K. McAllister vs Hichnrd
Pickup , appellant , DCS .Moines district , re
versed , on plaintiff's appeal , auirmcd on de
fendant's appeal ; W. i , . Ayers , appellant , vs
P. O. ICilatrom , O'Crlon dlsirlct , nfllrmod ;
State vs George Fortlg , upm'luuii , Floyd
district , reversed , because tbu jury separated
nflor agreeing on u soaloj verdict ; Stuto vs
J. E. lioasloy , nppolluiit , Fayotlo district ,
nlllrtned ; Stnlo vs U. T. Duckworlh , nppcl-
lant , Davis district , affirmed ; State v.s James
A. Andrews , appellant , Sioux district , re
versed , for the error of the court In placlntr
Iho defendant nn trial for murder In the first
, degree , John HarpeV , appellant , vs Dvrk
( ilevsloon ot nl , bioux district , affirmed ;
Hichard M. ( Jlnmpitt vs. Chicago , St. Paul &
Kansas City Hallway , company , appellant ,
Polkdisttlct , anirmod : II. II. amlM. D. Hus-
seli vs Fidolitv Flro'lnsuranro company ,
appellant , Humboldt district , affirmed ; Sid
ney Green vs DJS ftlolnos Fire Insurance
company , appellant , AlUliooso : | district , af
firmed ; Peter Lelber y.SjClncago , Milwaukee
it St. Paul Haiiwuv comp my , appellant ,
Uuthrlo district , alliinicdVoUorn ; Publish-
uiL' house , appellant , Vr district township ol
Hock , Cnorokeo district1 'alllraied.
Iowa Horse lji' diM.i .Moot.
UuiLMiKvi'iKs la. ' ' , ) .
, 'Jijj'c U-SpV.alTolo- [
gram to Tim Buu. [ r Vl the sixth annual
mooting of iho Iowa Association of Trolling
Horse Brooders todaji.not n very ur o num
ber were In nttcnilmyJd. The mooting was
chlcllv made up of tapbrts and elojtlon of
officers , which rcsultof as follows.
President , II. 13. Allan , Waterloo ;
vlco presidents , E W. O iwlny , Amimosa :
W. C. Brown , 'lurllncton ; Hon. Wnltur Q.
HUTCS , Clinton ; J. H. liownmn , Wuvorlj :
J. S. Meivlnloy , Oiaco ; T. C. Cunningham ,
SigournoD. . H. Mills , lc-s Molnos ; W. O.
Yuriion , Oskaloosa ; A. T. Tnrnoy , Hod Oak ;
J. J Sniurt , Uakota Cuy ; A. E. Sherwood ,
Sholdon. becroiary and treasurer. U. C.
Hlaku of Cedar KtpltU. Executive commit-
leu H. B. Alien , Waterloo ; F. f ) . Strut ,
Dnhiique ; W. I ) , Breckwlth , Mount Pleas
ant ; J. H Smith , Cedar Hipids ; H. P. Kirk.
Musou City ; Nat liruon , Burlington and Ely
E. Weaio , Henry Uonneii and U. C. lllako ,
Cedar Haplds.
Dcnthol lion. Ailivn I'TIT.
Cr.iiAU Hu'iis : , In. , Dec. ID. Hon. Adam
Perry , founder of the WiA-uorn colli-ca and
uiemoer of tin Twelfth general tmomuly , is
dead , nguil bT.
Alleged Kxpivtii Itoiuo.'rf Auiinlttoil.
la. , Doc. 10. [ special Telegram
to Tiin Btn.l : Anson S4harmwoher ami
Craig Ntswongor , under inOlct nont for rob
bing the American Express company's safe ,
were declared not guilty last night after n
four day's trial. They nro the sons of tw.0 of
the most rospjctablo local famllloi.
limnBlmrifTH In Scnalnn ,
DBS MoiNn.i , In. , Doc. -fSpcclat Telegram -
gram to TIIK Uni : . ] The twenty-second an
nual mooting of the Iowa Sheriffs associa
tion began In thin nitv today nnd will con
tinuo ovnr tomorrow. A preliminary meeting
was held this afternoon with nbout thirty
dologntc' In attendance. A larger nttcnd-
nnco Is expected tomorrow.
Shot liy n Him-lnr.
ATMXTIC , In. , Doc. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB ilnu.1 Ttioro has been much excite
ment hero over the shooting of Charles
Mclghnn by n burglar In O don , U. T. , Mon
day morning' . Mr. Mclirhnn's family is still
here , tlo Is considered out ot danger nnd
his wife has been telegraphed not lo como
until further notice.
Mot u i oiTlbUDentil. .
Crinui Hu-ins , In. , Doc. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUP. JJuH.J Frank btnnz , an oiler nt
the F. M , Sinclair packing house , wns caught
in the bolting last nlgtit and wound.around
the mala shaft of ono of the big oninnes and
Instantly ItllloJ.
sui > i'ivr nn : / * / * * ; / .
Ijatcst Developments In ( lie Cltlon o
Mall ItolilKTy CHRP.
CIIICAOO , III. , Doc. 10. Today brought only
faint clues to the porpotratori of last night's
sensational mall robbery. Ono conclusion Is
that the ribuors were of the export class. It
Is suspected nlso that there were In the gang
men formerly In the postal service. The
booty is now estimated nt $ J,500. ,
An interesting statement is miulo by Mary
Con way , who was attending a wako In .tho
house on the corner of the alloy where the
robbery wns committed. SI'o snys thnt she
saw the mall van turn into iho alloy. She
adds tlmt she saw no robbers. The Inference
is that the driver , Crcigulon , wont Into the
alloy of his own accord. The poltco accept
this ns evidence- that Croighton was not
altogether Ignorant of the nmbush. M.III. C
In Session nt CM oago t > I'r.imotc tlie
nieiiiborn' Welfare.
Cmcuio , III. , Doc. , 10. A largo meeting of
representatives of the sixth division railway
mall service was hold today to discuss ways
and means regarding bills which the railway
mail clerks desire passed in their interest nt
thu present ( session of congress. C. A.
Outhrio of Chicago , presided and .1. H.
Oxhain of Omaha was secretary. Delegates
were present from Lincoln , Dubuijo , Ocs
Moines , Omaha , Qulncy and Burlington.
Circular letters were prepared to bo sent to
all men In the service.
Great Northern Trnln Wrcclcod.
HOCK KIVCII , N. D. , Doc. Hi. While a
mixed Great Northern train was running
over a small bridge l'o rmdo3 cast of hero
this morning a broken rail caused n portion
of the train to leave Iho Iraok. Two freight
cars nnd ono coach ran off the brldgp into
ditch bolow. Several of iho passongnrs
were injured , four of Ihein seriously as
follows :
WII.MAM FI.VN.VAQIIAX , Laiigdon , badly
B , STEVIIXS , Gardner , burned about the
CiiitisTEi , Oi.n-'ON nnd Oi.vr
Gardner , both burned and bruised.
'A Delicious Merticatcil Con
fection" for tlie relief of Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nnd
for cleariii } ' the voice. For sale by
all Druggists nud Confectioners.
Packed in full two ounce packages ,
Price 5 Cents. If you are tumble to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets
from your denier fend us 8 cents in
stamps and receive a box by mail.
Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
We pay the printer to give
you good advice about health
and to lead you to careful
Our reason is that Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil is
so often a part of careful
If you would go to your
doctor whenever you need
his advice , we might save our
money. He knows what you
Let us send you a book on
SCOTT li DOWNS , Chemists , i-n South 'ill Avenue ,
New York.
YonrilruKglstU'qnKcml'j Dnulsioiiol cod-liver
oil all druggists everywhere do. f i.
Are positively cured by
" "
, TnH wonderful nnd I
harmless Hindoo Honiu. I
I djr Is 1)1 need nt u prioo
. In the U. H. to bring It
within the reach of nil
sulTorors , and told wllli
\vrll tell nun ran * .
lte to euro WrnUf
° ' " > '
RIiTnliooil'HervourSeliSl'l"y , : ' > r m'i ,
Inillilllty. * iuIi'Uii < ' , I.ark or Cnnlldvnce ,
Lnuei , Drain * , WnUefulne and Ings of
tioncrof tholicnerullvo Urinn . canted by Youth ,
fill InJIacroiloris or hociconlvo mo of Tobacco.
Narcotics or Bllmulnnu , whlcli lend to Iiillrinlty ,
Coniumptlonor Inainlty. Vorr srunllpollew. Kii'
totnko. Can bo carried In tlio vest pocket. Bpiituy
mall In plnln pnckoco to any address for fl , or A
forfi.vllliovery fi ordprwoelvaaurlllPnci'iir.
nntco to euro or refund Iho monff. if jonlmvo
been onsuccosifully trentcd br others write In us
far scaled book nnd ndvlcu I'ltlili and inontlin thin
paper. Adilre.ruOKIUNTAI , AIKDIDAI.CO. .
1'iop'B for Iho U.K. . Ml 1 Wabauli Avo..Clilcago. 111 !
Kulm A Co. , Co.r IMIi & liiiiiBUi bl .
J A. Puller A. Co. , Cor 14th 4 DougluSll.
A. U. Cotter i Co. , Council IlluUi , la.
I'nlil U Cup till $101)ft ! ) ' )
Oldoit orii\nli l bint Ha tb9 clir. furoljjn ml
doiiieillo moniiuo-inl mil oiJirltlii. Ki.ujul
ullunllon pild lo culluclloui. Aooj-anti of In IIvia-
uali , bjnki , linnkorj atidaorponlluai jollolljl
Oorretuon lunou In rlt > I.
UUO , 1 * . HANfOll ) . I'r.iillan-
A. W. 1UKKMA.V. Oaihltr.
A , T. HUM A iliUT. Cai'ilgr
Ilent Cough Birup. Tiut4wliicxl.
In tlmu. Bold b"
© O Cents A pound for VAN HOUTEN'S
COCOA ( "Bost & Goes Farthest" ) scorns to bo
high. Lot us compare it with the price of Coffee :
1 Ib. of ( * oed coficc costs at least 30c. , makes 31 half-pint cups ,
3 " " " therefore 90c. , " 93 ' "
1 " "V. II. COCOA" also 90e. , " 1GO "
WW//c// t/io Cheaper Drink ?
j-uicE. J 93 cups of Coffoo.
' lid emu * tmr , pound on/ % . " 1 , _ . _ it' , . , .
h1.1 'I "i < , " ( ISO V.H , Cocoa !
in " " 't " ol'l ' > y every Ore cr.
? - ? * , , * M f * . , /vrrv - * , rj/ . .M
Will Sell at these Special Prices from now until January 1st , 1892
NOTE lJlllOblS. NOTK i-vnioiie ?
A.vininstor , Regular price S-.li1) . . .Cut prioo $1.7-1 :
Moquotto Regular m-ieo 1.05. . .Cut jirioo . -10
Velvet Regular price 1. < ! ( ) . . .Cut price
Velvet . , Regular prioo . .Cut prioo .12
Hotly Brussels , Blgolow. . Regular prlco 1.50. . .Cut price .30
Body Brussels R"gular price l.IM. . .Cut price .1M
Body Brussels Regular price 1.2.- ) . . .Cut prioo .10
Tapestry Brussels Regular iirico 1.10. . .Cut prlco .00
Tapestry Brussels Regular price . ! ) . ) . . . .Cut price .70
Tapestry Brussels Regular price .05. , . .Cut prioo .63
Ingrain' , H-ply , all wool Regular prioo 1.00. , . .Cut price .85
Ingrain , Agra Regular price 1.00. . . .Cut price .85
Ingrain , extra super Regular price .85. . .Cut price .70
Ingrain , all wool jirioo .80. . .Cut price .03
Ingtaln. C. C. , wool ( illor Regular jirico .75. . .Cut jirico .00
Ingrain , Union R-gular price .55. . . .Cut ii.'ico .45
Ingrain , Cotton Regular price . -10. . .Cut pr'eo .35
Hemp Regular prioo . ! ! ( ) . , . .Cut price . 25
Call early and make your selection before best patterns are sold
Special prices on Curtains , 1'orticres , Upholstery Goo Is , etc.
Prompt attention given to mail orders.
Council Bluffs Co.
Carpet . , BROADWAY
JANUARY i , ' 92 :
Pei 11. Per Ib.
Tenderloin 18c Rack ] 2jb
Short Loins . lOo Whole Mutton 8jo
Loins , full 8c Hind Quarter lOo
Rib Roast No 1 : 8c Logs lOo
Rib Roast No 2 7o Stows 60
Roust Beef , Shoulder 5o VEAU
Rounds Whole Cc Legs 10a
Shoulder Cod Boneless fie Whole Votil 8q
Sirloin Buts for Steal : Sc One-half Veal 80
Top Sirloin for Steal : 8c Hind quarter Veal lOo
Rolls of Beef for Steal : 80 Stow Veal Co.
PlaitH Rolled for Roast fie PORK.
Corncd'Buof Rumps 6c
Tenderloin 12o
Cornell Beef with bono lie
Pork Chops 10a
Boiling Beef with bono 8u
Pork Loins 9a
Boiling Bcof Rumps ( boneless ) flu Pork Shoulder 7a
Spiced Bcof cooked 7c
Salt , Pork fla
Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) 8e
Breakfast Bacon No. 1 12a
Hind Quarter Beef ( cows ) , . Oo
Breakfast Bacon No. 2 lOo
Fore Quarter Beef ( steers ) ( io
Fore Quarter Beef ( cows ) Ho HAMS.
Side Bcof ( htoers ) 7o Extra Cured llq
Side Beef ( cows ) oo Sugar Cured No. 1 lOo
Loin and Porterhouse 1 Sugar Cured No. 2. Oo
Single Pound lOo
SAUSAGE. Kott o Rondoted 80
Kettle Rendered , COlb 81o
Vemo lOc No. 2 Tierce 7io
E3plofna ( le No. SflOlb 80
Liver ( lo Compound Tierce 7o
Fiend Choose Oo Compound , SOU ) 7Jo
Pork 80 ButtTrino und Oleomargarine 20o
Don't fail to try the Newest Delicacy of the
Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish.
G. A. SuiioocUaclc , Proprietor , Oi'ttass 631 Uroadway , Oounoll
Bluffs mid 1321 Fnrnarn St. , Omaha. Dye , clean nnd raflnish goods
of every cloaci'iption. Packages r'acoivocl nt oltlior otfico or ut tli >
Works , Cor. Ave. A and liOth St. Council Dluffe. Send for price list.
Merchants who have shop-worn or Boiled fubnci of n y olmruotor can liuva
them n-dvod and liulshod cqii'il to now.
nd must I'liprovod machineryatost ut losi cot tliaii yo.i ovoipild : bjfo.'j
or Council
I u . STOCK . $ 150,00 J
DlliKC-roiH I. A. Mil or , I' ' . O. lllo.ison , K. I ,
Slnmirl. K K. II rt , . ) . I ) . B liiiiunlson. Charloi
li. llnntrin. Tntimot U nklirj liml
1 1 en. lir ; il u.iplt il unU suriilm of uny l.iu (
In SoiitliwuiU'rii Iowa.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works
It. QUA III , A HUN , I'HOI'--t
1O1B and 1OIY Hroaclwa-j.
K.lliuiiH' furnltl.fd on nil klndiof OulrnnUod
or Cornlcu kVurk. Iron Uoallni ; , Morn Kronu ninl
Uuvn WurV Arllillo Work n npuctulir turret
poaduucu lollvltvd from uolmn dUU uillvi from
Council llluffi nud OanUa.
IJV'K IM3NT ( ioiil liurn , "miitr court lionse.
J ; Apily | to lieu olllc\ ( _ _ '
G'OriUKlrrwuniVl ut'l 8iiutTi iiufuntli at.
ltcfuruiu'i'8 ru'inlrnil. _ _
1 Mi Iowa ftirina for sulu. 1'urins of from < 1 to
1 Ltw iiorcs anil from 115 nuruuronii fcnil fui
list. I'lirtilsluid liotol of ill rotiniH for ta.o 01
I'XcliaiiKo. Jolmvlon ft- Van I'utton.
iTlUU ItlTis'Triiriiisiioirrooiii. . nt I . ' 8 Koiirtfl
i-1 HUl'OU _ _ _ _ _ _
' '
FUU HAI.lor oxiili.inijo 'o Hi'ifos ImiirovooT
liind 'Hi intlo from iiost.illleu. Will tuka
vucunt nroporty. UruuiiHliloliU. Mulioltun A
Co.ciu llroinlwuy. Cuuncll
WANT tiTbur < ttook of grnr-vrEu * or liont !
and Hliui'di will ( iity part citnh uinl purl lV )
u n room hoimu nn < l lol In Oiniiliu. U .U Dee ,
Conni-ll I
' . . ' b ir llxtnri' ' * iin'l ' two pool
lablus for Hiilu unil InilUllui * for runt. Uood
Uiciillijii. K. II. Hliunfu , orur uillcer ft l'uiuy'4
fjlAIOl . gurdun Innilv li'jusi's , lox and
-L liiiHlnvia ( Jlucka for sale or runt , lllif A
llu i , V ) 1'eaii Urout , Uuuiioll Ulutr .