8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATUBDAY , DECEMBER 12 , ' 1801. I CAN PAY BUT TWO PER CENT Oiralm Bankers Not Anxiona to Handle the Oity'a Surplus Qa.ib , SIMILARITY IN THEIR BIDS EXPLAINED. Cnnhlcrn lloluolniit When AriUeil for JtcriHoiii for tlic CiilliiHlnn of tlio Hanks in tlio Matter of Interest. The bldi presented by the various national bixniti to the city council for cnrlng for the city's cash for the omulnir yonr were uni form , nil of the banks oiTeilng the same rate of Interest , S per cant , on funds to bo lie- pouHo.l. Tno uniformity of the olds promptly sug- ponoU n pool of the b.inUcr > on iho matter , and thu rumor obtained that the banks pro posed to pool on the deposits ind pay the Interest - torost mid slmro the wo of the money pro rfttu according to the cnpltiil stock of the ban Us Interested. , , A racctlng WHS hold by the bankers for the consideration of this mutter. ' 1 was not lU the mooting of gentlemen representing the banks million the subject of taking Iho city funds on deposit was dis cussed , " said Cashier Wullaca of the Omaha National bank to u Uii : : reporter yesterday , "and If 1 had been thcro I should have nothing to say for publication about the in ittor. It xvnsDriv.ito Diwlium that the public.I think , hasjno right to know about. " "Havn't the neuplo u right , to know some thing about tlio rate of interest that the banks are going to pay upon public funds ! " the reporter Inquired. Only Worth 2 for Cent. "Oh , I presume so , " replied Mr.Vallnce , "and thcv do know. There is the communica tion sent by luo banks to the council , don't that Impart the desired information I" "Isn't the money worth were than 2 per cent to thu bnnlcsi" " 1 think not. I wouldn't gl\o any tnoro for it. The money is simply taken on dally balances and Is n vorv uncortuln quantity. " Mr. John L. McC'nguo said ho hud been at the muoting , ut ho refused to divulge the BO'itlments of the bankers present. "Uo > on consider the money worth moro than" per conti" the reporter asiied Mr. Mc- C'aguc , -I think not. " "Will the bunks bo likely to bid higher if the compact , is misted I" "I don't know. I won't lallc. I am non committal , " snld tno banner turning away. "Vcs sir1 said Cashier Millard of tno Commercial National bank , "i was nt the meeting of the representatives of the various banks the other day when wo considered the miittor of pa > Ing Interest on city funds deposited - posited \\lth us. " "Was there nn agreement entered Into by which the banks were not to pay moro than 2 per cent upon the city funds I" it tl IIH They Airecil. ' It was the opinion of every man present that 2 per cent was nil the mot.oy was worth and wo agreed that each bunk would receive a ulinro of the funds at that rate. That is what wo pay country banks upon dally bal- Innces and that is nil the money is worth. There is an clement of uncertainty nuout the fntid that inalios it very unsatisfactoiy to handle. Today the city may have $100.000 in iho banlc and tomorrow there may bo S'J5,000. The banks don't want much of tuat kind of lusinoss. There is no bank in iho city that rvould wnnt the cnilro amount deposited by the city if it could have it. It is too varia ble. " "Do you think any of the banlcs will bid moro than U per cent since the Joint proposi tion has been rejected I" ' I hope not. I think the proposition was rojoctcd by the council on account of its form , not on account of the rato. The form of the proposition , I understand , docs not. comply with tbo strict letter of the ordi nance. " "How many of tno banks are entitled to bid upon the deposits I" "All tlio national banks huvlng a capital stock ot $300.01)0 ) or maro. This includes eight national banks , till the national ban Us in the city , in fact , but the Union JSntional. " Mashed strawberry ribbons sell nt ono dollar lar a yard , but you can got a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for only twouty-Hvo cents. "Wo'll bo gay and happy , " for Salv.iMon Oil is only 25 cents a bottlo. It kills all pain. Worjmrin piana Now scale. No\y ttintnp duvico. Sold on instullmoiits. Iluydoti Bros. EXJOIXKI ) THE IjHUlAKV BO.YKD. CoitrtH Asked to I'rovcnt n Violation of the Charter. An application was made before Judge Irvine - vine yesterday by Mr. B. Hosowator for an Injunction to restrain the library hoard from expending $15,000 for a lot on Hartley street , adjoining the lot bequeathed by the into Byron Heed for library purposes. The ground upon which the application is mudo U that the amount named is In excess of the amount of money In the library fund , which is Known to bo but $11DUO. Tno charter prohibits any expenditure by the board exceeding the amount of money to Its ciedlt dotivcd from foes and the levy made lor Its maintenance. The resolution passed by the council on Tuesday night authorised the library board to purchase the lot adjoining the Byron Hoed library site at .Nineteenth and Hurney streets lit a prlco not to exceed 18,000. The portion of liu charter prohibiting the council fiom authorising expenditures in ox- ccs ot amount on hand In any fund is as fol lows : And any counellinon voting to Incur any liability or to cre.Uo any ( lobt In u\eu- ot the amount limited or miihorl/Qd t > v law. or If the mayor shall approve any arillimnco or con tract Involving the expenditure of money In excess of tlio amount limited or authorized by law , and liny liabilities bimuht to bo Inunirod 01 ( Itibt omitted , In e\ci's > > ot thu amount lim ited or authorl/cd by law , shall uu taken and huld by any court of thu ntutu as the joint or hoverul liability and obllitntlou of the coiinclliiionolinx for und thn mayor np- pioxlni : tlio same , anil nut thn debt liability or obligation of the city , and the voting for or approving of su h liability , obligation or debt blmll ho conoliiHtvQ evidence of nuil- feasuiico In olllco for which such councilman or mayor may bo removed from his oil Ice. Judge Irvtno irrantod the temporary writ and llxod the hearing of the arguments for ( Saturday , December iy , at" p. m. Dlritrlut Court Nolos. Alexander Oborg. by his next frlond , Rrick Oborp , has sued iho Omaha Street Hallway company in an action to recover 1,000. In lili petition Alexander avers that on tbo night of Novombur. : ) ho was a passenger on the North Twenty-fourth street motor lino. At Urant street , without waiting for the carte to stop , ho Jumped oft ana fell under the trailer , bruising and wounding his logs , For his carelessness ho would now have iho street car co in pun v contribute 1,000. Charles C. Woods has sued Hugh Murphy In nn notion to recover $100 for work und labor performed. The plaintiff al leges that during the early spring und prior to the paving of Klevcnth mid Lo cust htrcotH In Kail Omaha ho circulated u petition among property owners. In which they asked that thu slieuts bo paved with Colorado red sandstone. Today Judge Wnkeley will hear argu ments In the niso whoieln the Oninhn und the Metropolitan Street Hallway companies nro contending for the right to operate their lines over certain streets in South Omaha Monday Judge Kstollolll bo upon the bench to hear arguments why Austin Camp bell , Orvllle Johnson undCharlo * Knmshould not bo declared Incorrigible and tent to the reform school. In the case of Drattu Svaiuou , that boa bcon on trial bofora Judge rorguson for four days , the Jury yesterday re turned u ver dict , Undlng for .tho defendant. 1'laliitltT owned n lot on South Ulghtccnth street. When the grade was changed from Leaven- worth street she was awarded 100 damage * . She was not satisfied with thu award and sued for 11.600. In the minds of the jurors , as ox pressed by tbo verdict , she was not entitled to damages lu any amount. Court Btcnngrnpliors. Just at this tlmo the stenographer * are on the anxious seat. Tlioy want to know who will boUtn the judges after the reorganiza tion of the now district bench. All nt the old ( itonogrnphors nro candidates for reelection tion , with several now men In the livid. Hellos and Walkup of this city wnnt the Judges to look with favor upon tholr claims , while nupcno Moore of Norfolk and II. A. Smith of Ohio have filed applications for po sitions. _ Agate bearing scales , cottoo mills with foot power , grocers rofrlgerntors , butter coolers , catalogue of Harden & Scllock Co. , Chicago. Sniulwluli Corn > hnll-rfl. The S.imlwiuh Miuniftictnrlnir Co. nro having the largest trntlo on power shall- era , hand shelters and horse powers this season In NobrasUti , western Iowa , south ern Pnkoin and Colorado that they have cvor had in the west. Their branch house nt Council IJlulTd has boon hand ling an nvortiRO of three car loads of power Hhollord n day since October 20. W. M. .Tone-J , mnnngor of the Council HlulTs house , states that their sales of power sholloraso far this season has boon something over GOO machines from the Council UlnlTs branch liottso. Tholr factory at S.uidwlch , 111. . Is running day and nfght to keep up with this immense domain ! . They are still giving the Council HlnlTs branch house about three car loads of shelter goods a day , and all acceptable orders sent there will bo filled promptly. K K MI'S IN ? 1112 AS IXG. Another Victim Ail led to the 1.1st of Mr. Wohstcr'rt UtippN. Shniccspcnro once remarked that the evil which men do Hvoi nftor them. If the bard of Avon had In vlow the departed Mr. O. II j Webster , formerly connected with the Cen tral National Loan and Building association of this city , ho was eminently correct. The victims of Mr. Webster's cold , suear cuiod ncrvo keep coming up as the roll is being called and each has n tale to unfold that speaks of some new form of Wobstoi's duplicity and deception. Mr. Feller , who kcops n ticket broker's oftlco nt 1120 Fnrnam street , is the latest victim to report. llo sold Mr Webster n ticket to Oirden and return some weeks before Webster severed his con nection with the loan company. Wohstcr got the ticket upon his choeir , and a neatly writ ten note stating that ho would pay for the ticket as soon ns ho returned from the west. Mr. Webster returned from the west , but ho has not returned from the cast , anil Mr. Tcllnr is still waiting for the $30 that never came. The building end loan company re fuses to pay for the ticket and the broker has decided to charge it to the ptolil and loss account. _ They had lots of wedding presents , but the most precious was n box of Hallor's Aus tralian salve. She said thoughtfullv , it's so nice for the llttlo chaps on my hands. Ho said , wo haven.t got any "llttlo chaps" yet. She said , Why I John , and John was squelched. Dr. AIcGrow , 14th and Parnam stroot. run ACT , Railroad KmpluycH Who Made a Bus iness ot 1'ohbcrv. SVS-TA Fn , N. M. , Dec. 11. Harry C. Hill , nlcht operator and ticket clerk nt the Atchison - ison , Topeka & Santa Fo depot , Waldo Goldsworthy , the night baggageman , and Charley Hull , a companion of the two , wore pluced under arrest this evening on the charge of carrying i n a systematic plan of robberv , at the depot. They were caught In the act of secreting their plunder and uuUo an open confession. Their plan was to open outgoing trunks and valises loft over at the depot at nicht using skeleton Keys , taking only such arilclus as they required , than lockIng - Ing the parcels and sending them out over the road. In this manner visitors from Den ver , San Francisco , Chicago , St. Louis and other places became victims. Some $3,000 worth of stuff was secured , consisting of clothing , gloves , watches , jewelry , etc. The railroad detective traced the plunder to their room and recovered the bulk of it which will bo sent to the victims as soon ns their n tunes and addresses cun bo learned by their rail road local agent. None of the criminals are over IS ) jeiiM of age. Hill is from Nickorson and Ooldworthy's homo is at Wichita. Pending the session of tno district court the parties woio released on $ uOJ bail each. Small in sbe , great in results ; IJoWltt's LltlloEarly Klsurj. Best pill for constipa tion , best for sick headache , best for sour stomach. fovximnizi * AT AC.J. TJOSS of tlio Baric Gonnral nutlcr and a Numhcr ol' Her Creiv. MuisiiFiEU ) , Oro. , Doc. 11. The bark General Duller , from Port Gamble , Wash. , November 2S , loaded with 1,000,000 foot of lumber consigned to the Puget Mills com pany , San Fianclsco , foundered and broke up December ti about ld ( ) miles south of Capo Amgo. The ciew left the vessel In two boats. Ono of the bouts , with nlno sailors , it Is feared , has been lost , ns nothing has been heard of it. Second Mate John Willoughby was In charge of the missing boat. The only complexion powder in the world that is without vulgarity , without injury to the user , and without doubt a boautitlor , is Po/zoul's. Pozoul's."K "K i tii > noun" a SIIUCO-H. "Katio Doun , " n four-act operetta by Ivarl Mew , was presented last evening by the members of the Young Ladles sodality at St. Phllomena's hall , corner Ninth and Howard strcots. The cast included Misses Koio Flanucry ( Katie Dean ) , Nolllo Hurley , Klleon O'Callugan , Mews. Frank Wullaco , James Swift , Gene Decker and Edward Doylo. A pleasing musical sketch was also civon by Messrs Fox and Harrington. The various parts were verv creditably taken , some of thu participants acquitting them selves with pronounced musical und dra matic nullity. The hall was filled and the largo nudicnco was thoioughly pleaded with thn entertain ment , which netted the young ladies some thing lllio S-'OO. _ _ Constipation poisons tno olooJ ; OaWitt's Little ICaily Risers euro constlpition. The causoicinovcd , the disease Is gone. Kndorscd Illi'trii'l Co-icutoiiH. ! S N FiuN'uisco , Cal. , Doc , 11. In superior ( Juugo vVnllaco'sj court this afternoon the grand Jury tiled a presentment against John H. Durst , removing him from the oflleo of city and county attorney , on tbo ground that ho had violated his ui'ty by endorsing cer tain illegal corrections In the assessment roll whereby u number of taxpayers bocutod largo reductions otf their aisesbiiiunts. It Is stated thai some 100 corrections were allowed by Durst , and that In ono instance the re duction amounted to $100,1)00. ) Dunt clulmod tlio corrections were made because of clerical errors. No action was taken agilnst Assessor Slob- DoWltt's Llttlo Karly Ilisors. Dost llttlo pill ever inado. Cure coustlptttoa every tinio. None equal. Uno tlioin no.v. Mndu I-V ui tiilo.it li mil Kitr.'oi SVCIIIMUVIO , Cal. , Doc. 11. The Kvonlng Heo claims that gross frauds have bean dis covered In the locating and handling of state lands by John A , Ucnsoii , nniv under indict ment In San Franulsco for frau luluui lanJ. hurvoys , mid the llrm of I ) . F. kcF. A Hide. It Is said that ' , ' 'JJOJO ' acroj have been located slcco March 1 , mostly through dummies , school lands being selected liistoa I of swamp lauds , cil the Caii- . CmcMdo , 111. , Doc. 11. The Injunction suit brought l > v Robert Lnulbloin to roatraln the Chicago Hoard of Trnio fro.n o\plliug him as u member for sondlni : tnou quotations to t ho St. Louh Merchants cxclnnge , was dis missed boforoJudgo Tuloy today. The dis missal was on a stipulation signed by both parties. liuUiponiloiit-Dniiiourntlc. OMUU , Dos. 10. To tbo Editor of THE HSK Will you please Inform a rentier In your Filduv's Issues What is the politic * of the Now York Herald I SUHUUUKU. Dowltt't Little Burly Ulsors , bott pill * SWIFT DESCENF TO RUIN , Young Eooiety Girl Becomes a Social Out cast ii a Month. HOW TO MEET SOUTH OMAHA'S ' OVERLAP , Councilman WOOH : ! on the Occupation Tnx-Wh.nt ( ho Annual Slock Hi-port ShoxvH Other City NCXVH. "Oh my child , how could you treat your mother nol You know I love you and am willing to do anything for you. " These were the words of a respectable lady to n tmndsomo but rooklojs looking jounggirl of about 17 at the South Omiha police station yoUordiiy. Nnaf By stood the police Judge and the city jailer. The girl , whu had coma from one of the host families of n town in wo.itern Iowa , looked ntinoyod rather than ashumnd. She had been leading nn open llfo of sliaino only two weeks. The tears of the mother had no appaicut effect upon the urting daughter , and although she loft with liar inotnnr to re turn to her Iowa homo the jailer expressed doubts of the girl's ever enduring the \ \ hole- some rostrnlnts of homo. Only six weeks ago the mother yielding to the urgent requests of her daughter had al lowed her to como to Omaha to learn dress making , nllhollgh there was no necessity of her over doing nnv work as the family Is wall to do. Thlniunc : that It was the rest less ambition of her child that prompted such a request und as the mother had a sister living In South Omaha , sbo llnnllv consented and the girl camu to Omaha to take a position that had been secured for hor. For the llrst time the girl felt herself free from parental icstralnt and in the Intoxica tion of her freedom she fcil a victim to a gay young man about town and In less than n week she was ruined. Her descent was then swift. In llvo weeks she developed Into a common street walker and on Tues day she was arrested in company with three other fallen women while in a semi-intoxi cated condition. Although she is the carefully educated daughter of n rullned and well-to-do mother , she was arraigned before Juiliro King as a social outcast , was found guilt ] and lined. She gave the alias of May Norton. Under this assumed luuno she was sentenced und sent to the county jail. When her mother , who had boon hunting for bur for n number of days , came Into the police station yesterday and gave a descrip tion of her daughter , who had mys teriously disappeared , the olllcers told her whom this description llttod , but they could scarcely bellevo that the refined and elegant ladv and tl.o foul mouthed , drunken young cyprian woio mothoi' and daughter. Hut nevertheless it proved true. Judge ICIng wrotn out a release for the girl , but it was onlv by an net of strat egy on the part of Olllcor Montague that the daughter was brought to the mother. Annual Live stock Kcpurt. The oiuhth aonual live stock report of the Union Sto'-kyanis company of Omaha , pre pared by J. C. bharp , Is now out and con tains much valuable information concerning the stockyards. Among items of interest are tlio following : 1O1.U. llttMl'TS 1 Olt THE YFAIl. ioi.\i < HiiiiMitvra rim mil VKVH. Proposed Oocupition V x "I hcllovo Unit those followvho are doing so much klcliing ii .ilnst ihu proposed occu pation tax don't know anvililng ahout the contlition ot the city's finances,1' said Coun cilman Woods ycstoraay. "They Und fault easy enough , nut they do not point out the lonicily. Anybody can do tnat. 13ut they cannot deny tdat tlioro was an overlap Ust year nnu that there will bo ono this ji'ar. The question is how ! > this to bo overcome ) Of course South Omaha Is amply able to mom all her obliga tions , but the fact Is tuat her obligations are at piosont greater that IILT income and thu main tiling to ho considered is how to make these the same. The Income has to bo in creased or expense * reduced. Thcro ave ouly two available ways of Incro.islns the ro- celpts and those nru ulthor by making the luxation heavier or by imposing an occupa tion tax on iho bin I ness men of the city. Taxation Is already heavy enough , and au iiicruaso would ralso a great howl. Thuiofoi'O au occupation tax U the o.islnst way out of the cllfllculty. I do not say that South Oni.ilm Is bankrupt or anything of the kind. Lint I do say that she should c.irry on her financial affairs lu u businesslike manner. ' , Mayor Sloan , in talking nhout the matter , said : ' 'Thoio was 1111 avarlap of $ r)00 last year and there will bo tlio same this your. Of course , viewing the matter fiom a busi ness standpoint , this ou ht to bo provided for. Expanses should bo icuuccu somenow. Ttio police mid Hie doparlincnts uio nrotty wol1 reduced now , and 1 Imliovo that tno other oillclals think their HitarlQb are low enough nlroady. Hameoiio suirusti , Unit the cotinci - men donate their sai.uies to the city to hep out , but 1 do not bcliovo this sehcmu would moot with much favor In the city council. " A prominent real estate man , In discussh g the matter said : "All tuat is thu mutter is tills. The council has boon too cun.ouniu-u oxtr.lvaKiint. KnoiiKh money hus been \\astcdtoovorcomonnyoverlap that mUh1 occui for a dorou eats. Ono wav to savn < x- ponsea Is to appoint a htioot cominlsbio : and work the city prisoners Instead of 1 ay- Ing thorn sponge elY the city. " Yarl : ii ul ulll ; Noton. Sharp & MotJrido btought in niio doubla ltd A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Ucldille Cakes , I'jhtablc and Wholesome. _ No other baking powder docs such wotlb dccK loads of aheap from American Falli , Utah. Horn & Oshorno of Ncoln , la. , marketed two loads of hogs. L. P. Soiittworth.Uho well known sheep feeder and shlppenrhnd two Unds of sheep hero from IJrlglmm , Utah. Clcjr C. 0. Ooorpo of Omaha tint bought lot 14 of block 111 , paying ( I/JoO for it. The ropulnr nloctlon of odlccrs of loilgo No. 101)3 ) of iho Modern- Woodmen of America was hold last evcnluc nt the hull. Mrs. M. Schlcgol of I'luttsinouth is the guest ot her son , Alaxittulcr bchlegol. Miss Mamlo ( Jornnclt of the sumo oluco Is with her. Ocorgo W. Mohlor has bought the vacant lot on the cast sldo of Twenty-lUtn street between N and O. pay lug * l , 000 for it. Ho will erect a llvory stable on It. for three consecutive days John Uhtno- hart ha turned up In tlio police court on the chiuvu of drunkonnco ) . Judge King de clared thnt pallor co had ceased to lo it virtue In the matter and ho sent John to the county Jnll to moditiito for n few days on the ovlls ot Intemperance. _ _ S'Mh U'nrdors Awnkc. The members of the Sixth Ward Uepub- licnu club held the rngular mooting last night , nud although the attendance was small tbo enthusiasm was groat. Councilman MuLoarlc was the principal speaker of the evening. Ho rovlowod the history of the club nnd said thatlt had played nn Important part In leading the republican party on to victory. Ho cited Iho fact that next year would bo boom year for Omaha. A largo amount of public money would bo spent and the Sixth .vard , the largest mid most populous in the city , should endeavor to socuio its sliaro. The Nortti Omaha sewer , ho salJ , should bo extended nua n number of streets in the ward should bo payed. The club adjourned to moot Friday evening - ing , January 1.1 , at which tinio the president promised to hnvo the band and a number of prominent speakers In attendance. Ask for Vim Houton's Cocoa-Tako no other. Strike * M.iy Spread. Et. P\so , Tex. , Dec. 11. Iho stiiko ot telegraph operator ? botwosn this city and Yumn , on the Pacillc system of the Southern 1'ncillc railroad , promises to spread over the whole s'-stom of the Santa Fo road if the suparintcndont of thit road persists in de manding of Iho dlspitchoiM that they hatullo Southern Pacific tuiiiis between this city and Doming , rs. M. o DoWltt1 ! ) Llttlo tSnrly lllscrs for the livor. Arrested for Htcallnc < TPM elry- ST. Lofi , 'o , Dec. 11. Detectives have arrested James Weaiilov and Joseph Me- Kevin for the theft at the Union depot re cently of n trunk belonging to Peabody it Co. , the Now York jowclciM. This trunk , it now develops , contained $13,000 or $ .20,000 worth of Jewelry. Callgrnph Writing Machine is no longer u luxury , but has become a necessity. Indlnn Dospprtulous Cmitiuvd. WICIIITI , Kan. , Dee. 11. Unltca States mnrdhals have brought in from the CreoU country three heavily armed Indhuib nainod Leslie , Scott and Cascr Jack , momhers of tbo famous Captain Wiley baud of dcspera- does \\hich terrorised that country for sev eral months. Do Witt's X.IU10' . Early RUcrs ; dest llttlo sour stomich , bid breath S.-ivtfllo IlcnrH Ills Patp. CONTOUD , N. H. , Dec. 11. Warden Colby has hnnaod to Murderer Snwtello the official document from the supiomo court informing him thnt his petition for n now trial has been denied. Sawtelle read the paper and then salu : " 1 had not expected this. " DoWltt's Little Eariv uisors ; only pill to euro sick headache and regulate the bowels. iaii.Li'u.1. Dr. Oapsn is in Chicago. A. H. Talbot , Lincoln , Is at the Paxton. G. A. Bush of Lincoln is at the Dollono. Ed K. Sl/.er of Lincoln Is at the Millard. O. H Kruno of Fremont is nt the Dellono. II. H. Jackson ol Hastings is at the Dellono. George Flunk , jr. , of Kearney is nt the Paxton. B. C. Howard of Grand Island is at the Ar niio. Euconc Taylor , auditor of the B. & M. , is in Chicago. George E. Donlngton of Fulls City is nt the Millard. Juan Boyle , /Vshton Boyle and E. TillUoo of Kearney are at thi > P.xxton. Uhailes Bloclter has a thlrty-dav leave of absence uud will spend it visiting In Balti more. E. II. Purcell , editor of tha Knox County Recorder , is In the citv accompanied by Mrs. Purtell. Mr. A. Vonuto , nn oM Ttalinn citizen of Omaha , ha' been appointed military consul for thu state of Nebraska by the Italian gov ernment. Mr. 1 ° . C. F. Cramer , representing Sir Edwin Arnold , Is In the city. The latior will lecture ut the Grand opera house Do- cjinher 'JJ. County Convnissioncr llnimo intended to start for TCXMS , but at the last moment ho changed his mind and upon the advice of his physician decided to remain hero until wnrm'woather ut least. Hon. J. L. McPhooloy of Mimlcn , Neb. , is In the city on business Mr. McPhcoloy Is ono ot the best posted politicians lu the South Plutto country. Ho announces with con fidence that McKulirhan'sdajs in politics aio numbered mm thai his congressional district will next year elect a str.iiulit icpubllcoii. Mr. MePhceley's name is prominently men tioned as u congressional aspirant. CURES PERMANENTLY SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. 410 Et. N. Ogilcn , Sllch. , Kearney , B " Francisco , CM. Mnyl7,1890. 28 1600. April " brother , "Jly Hoy. uifunndl both My Enmucl Torturnns , -nns ) bvcn mo uflliclcd cured by St. Jacobs wllli Inme-bnck niul Oil of czcruclatins fore ( brunt , nnd Im\o sciatic pains in hfa f.nnd iierianni nt cure by use of fct. thigh. " Jiuobs Oil. J. II. L. Tonicn. T. , J. I M HAUL IT OS THE BEST- ur , 5 The Leadm ? ' 'DENTIST. Th'rd ' floor I'uilim llloolc , Tclpponn 1 < ) S. " ( . Kill ) niul I'linnm SK A full sot of luclli ; on runbor. for J > I'oifujt lit. Tuuth w.thnuu ulatus ur runioytiUIn bruit.uirU , just 111" tli.iu for Hhuuri uud piibllo biiL'a.iurs , nutur dioi | duwn ToetliEstrostji Withoat Pain All Illllim nt ronsnn ililo r.itoi , nil work warrnntoJ. Uui urs out for .1 culiiu . . . . HAN'DVI.WOJII rvi'dUl.lId iirJ till III ) I U tu < t iuU ui y cipiiiUi pieicr bat bj v < vi n r0jiir | invdclnu for tin turu o < Uuniirrlnex nnil uliLMiir.ui fruin Iho u Uurorji u cwrpuunui ilin i\ \ \l jor oorll.lrujjliti I'ciMIIIS ulu ) IKIVII lu t proportr fro n Iml'mi r.uili. rlicintil fi o ihu riialiiH uiidur HID Ind an Duprulnt an Act of ur h , is 1. Tlio t mo la llinlluO , un4 liu1 oliilin * aio taUuu up by tlio uoi.it.n Ilia imlur lu which tlioy uro iu.'ol\oil. TakeKoticotliat.il ! coutrao. * unturtf.l Into w.th attorney * j > * ior to thu A3t are maJa null nnil void. Inforiuutloii plvon uiul ull c iilius uroiuptly .v to nil oil to by tlio Blils BURliAU OF CLAIMS. ifiti ; co Unllillnii. OMAHA , - _ _ Suit if- V - ! a a a r lV a ac aM r R f a H Today we will begin on our first floor our regular annual sale of choice of about three hundred winter Gives you your suits for men. The thousands dred strictly all wool fancy plaid cassi- who .have taken advantage of these sales mere suits , and two hundred and fifty very desirable fancy striped cheviot as they have occurred yearly almost to the suits. These suits are lined with a fine twilled lining , well trimmed throughout , very day , will read this announcement and were made by tailors who knew their business. The regular price is just with interest. They know what it means. eight-fifty. They'll all be here. The simple an nouncement that the sale was to begin $7.90 would bring 'cm. To the newcomer since our memorable sale of a year ago , Is the price of a splendid all wool cassi- merc suit , without any exception the best as well to the few old-timers who as - value we have ever offered at a moder ' ate price. The goods were made in a have'nt taken pains to investigate former mill where they have never been intro sales , we will say this : Every year duced to cotton. The pattern is a neat plaid ; the linings , trimmings and mak since we began business we have held a ing are all substantial , and the man who has laid aside twelve dollars for a suit of special suit sale at about this time of the clothes will get twelve dollars worth of year. Each succeeding sale has seen the suit for seven-ninety in cash. crowds grow larger , until last year we $9.50 were hardly able to wait upon the good- . Gives you your choice of three styles of natured mob around the tables special , suits worth thirteen-filty to fifteen del We have always offered extraordinary lars. They come in fine cassiinere and fancy striped and plaid cheviots ; . They values at these sales ; this one will be no are cut , lined , trimmed and made by exception. if you've never attended workmen who can "hold their job. " They've got the style to them. They've tended one of these sales this got the wear in them. They've got the be will a good one to begin on. shape that you'd get with fifteen dollars anywhere but here. 1 DIB. Betts & Belts a iz KIlIGS OF SPECIALISTS Unrivaled For their euccesa In the treatment and cure of Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Gloat , Stricture , Uydrocelo , Varlcocole , Piles , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Soxnal Indulgences , Kidney , Urinary and Bladder Troubles , Blood and Skin Diseases , Nervous Diseases , Chronic Diseases , Private Diseases , Female Weakness and Diseases , Sexual Diseases of every nature. Book Of 10 pages and handsomely Illustrat ed , sent for 4 cts in stamps. Consultation Free. Call Upon or address with stamp for reply , 14O9 Douglas St rcet , Omaha , Neb. . FIRST CLABO i T.nrpcat. Fu.tcit nnil 1'lnol I" . { bo World. HEW YOR tdHDOilOERil AHo'ciASGOW NJJ\V YOHK , mnftAI/ni'll'nui ! NAl'I.KS , At rrmilnr Interval * SAIOON , SECaNO-CLASS AND STEERAGE ratv ! iiiilciivD ltoiimt > unit from the prlnclpla BcarsB. EHausn , istsu is AIL conrniEiiiAL ronns- Kic'l.ilon UoUet * iiiulliililn tu rcltirn liy i Illirr the rle lu v 'iiiol.'l\ilu.tNoi Hi nt Irnlumlur Nnjiln Allllimltar I'riCri la 1 Uei7 Clu ( : : A:7 Ac9 t tt i c-rilt aitli , Apply to nny 'if ' our iornl Agents iir to " lUOmiiH. : UhlcdKU I" . You UK' aui ] tuliMlo.ngeil men tuirorltiK from ctrors of J out Ii , excesses , ECXUIIvfukni. ! . i.s. etc , . curnl fur five ctollura. Our rcuic- tilo-i tire In pill niul tablet form , hUfliclcut for two months' treatment , Iikh will cllict n iivrfict cure. L'IKIII receipt of fl\o dullurjlll Lu beet to nn > * lulilrcsjlu pliiliiBiulcd byumll. Cliculur ftco. Aclil YALE CHEMICAL CO , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlio eminent pcclnlltt In norroin. chronic , iirhnte Mooil akin nnd urlmry ill oaon. A rr-Killir nnd rPKlstoroilKrnilimliln medicine , in cllpliimis nnd ccltillciloi show la nllll treating vvll'l tlio ( jri'iitcjit euo- ce s cntnrrli | ier nntuiilioca. loit innnliiioil , nomliml wo iktiosi. nlcht l < n oi liiipoli'iicj. syplillli , lrlo- tiirc kuiiorrhoo. ! , cli'ot , varlcircli * i-lc .V" inorcnry niml. New truttinont for las' of vltnl | > o or Inrtla3 unnb'o lovliltinc inur bo trcitoil Mtliomcb ) cnrrc < pen Icncc Moillolno or liiHlriiminti sent by nmll ot czprms ' .i.ciireljr pukol no mirk < tulmllcito contonti or rentier OIIB pOMoiml Inii-rvlow profcrroil. Con- Kiillntlon free ( orrrnponci-nco strlotlj prlv ito Hook Olstcrlc3 of Llfo ) iieiil fr iu Olllou liourj , 9a. m to p in. bundny , 10 a. in , to 12 m Suiicl stamp far nvly. FUR CAPES. MEH'S FUR OVERCOATS. and All Fashionable. CLOTH AND PLUSH CLOAKS tl7"Sona Tor Fashion nook mailed troo. PalmerDosu Block. 191 & 193 Slaio St. , Chicago. Cold Feet Made witriu by usinjr Bottles. 2 quart Tfic it quart $1.00 1 quart 61.52 Physicians prcsorlp tions nrup.ircd a low prici's. TUc Aloe & Pciifolu C ] Next to Po tollluo , street. > AVOL RHPBCfl CO V/eaknets of Body end Kinil , Effects ofErrorscrExcc8ce inOMorYousg , Ul.Lu > l , .Nulilr 5UMIIKI1) rullr llrtlortd. Iliiv U Jnlinf > oj blrfCplhro > tKklIIMI I ( II KIIIIIKUVSi I'll : [ NorlKIIIK ib.olulrlr unrilllx IIOJiK TIIHTllKSf llfnrdu In a ilar , DrnUkllrr from ftU HUtf and I orrljn I uuolrlcb. ll rll lliMd. ( Irxrllilho HuuV , ri | linillua uU I locfuiilr.lirLlrilrnc. ! ( ) Addrm ERIE MEDICAL CO. , UUFFALO.H. V < 'H ' OKir.NTAl. 1SKAI llt'lKI ! . n , I'liiiiikisi-nrit- lt > nMutli J'rtUhi * Uikliniulhtflti t ) Dijeaseif.niiil * nrj blriulfh on U luty , uml < Ufli4 'Hu.nl ' trio' ( Oft of 40 i jia , anil I 0u liuimti * * \ \ untu It to ItuMituttltt piuj t'll > iiiniln. ALt | < t IK ) Culllltt rfilt < t itm ) i inui * ' . Dr U A. bn > ir rultl tu a lady unimbaut-ton ( n rwttl"nl ) "A > t U lAiIrafSwIiturt ( In ni , I rtronmtii'l ' ( luu * | a tlinuiirul of all tlm rkin M'l'Ai'i ' * ( ton * " Korrale uy > mn y CuoJ LvV ernln IIIQ ( * nlti' < > f > u rtf ( ' nK(1riionil ) "t'f . . , , I r i > t i > k t .1 I'm ! r vi * . M.iRt V. Y Wnriinliio llnhll cur.au tciio'-Mldiyi Kopt7tlllcarill.ua J. NFvBIA5K A. National Bank C. H. DEl'O ITOH ( . OMA'IA N P.H Capital $400,000 Surplus U6.00O ( lltlcvn ami IHrocloM-llonrr W. Vatot. I'roiliUnti Ix-wtt a. llO''l. Vlcti l'ruild nti U H. .MiiurloaV V Mcr.i' , Jobn a Colllni. U. U Cuitiln * , J N. II. 1'Btrlck , W H. t ) lluuhui , Cnililer. THIS iHON BANK. Corner iJth aaJ f jro u jti. GOLD MEDALjJPABIS , 1873. 1. BAKER &Co/s from uliich the excess of oil has hoon removed , la Absolutely Juro and It in Soluble. Chemicals nro used In its projmnitiou. It hna more than three times the strenytJi of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro economical , costiny less than one cent a C/j ) . It is delicious , nourishing , strcnglhcuing , KASII.Y DIOESTKD , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Orocors everywhere. W. BAKER & GO , , Dorchesfor , Mass. ayja. ja cxv ,9lip2i , ; 6S ' "WIELD REGULATOR CO. Olilcli Ura I ( Irlnlnnl anil Only tirnulne. alw.,1 rrll.Ut t uii i l for OiliHiilm Vniluk Vta- rna I In HIM ! anil toM mtUIll jboict , iralinl Uh hlu rl'jlwn Toke noolbcr. Klfi-"inl * < i l l illu- ( ftAnt .uii4ill.irfon Ailritfil ) tiorient a la UIDPI r l valtflu'rl ! ' ItitlmooUl ) ti > 4 "llrller fur > .Hill . "l l > nir , l > ; rtluri > Mail. lli.UUI ) rmlmonltli A'jt . Jlipif. ' udUnnMqiiara , 1'hlUdn. . l'a UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner 10th unit Muson Htruuts .Vinr hullilliiit , norr fnrnlUiro , every tlilnx Hri rlnii , IUiD > t locutluu In tlm tlt/i nil iiimlurn Im rroviiii'iit * . Klirim Hint ( in * ; Cull llolli. MnlU unit llnrliur Hliop In oonnui II HI. Kloctrlo "M'l ' Cabl * Cur' tu nnf part nf tlm illy Try in niul bo con- \lnrui ) Iliul wuliavo the Imit linu u for tlm miiney wo t of tlilcuiiu. Iliitus from ti W t oilM\ \ iluf i * _ CURE , _ YOURSELF ! i- Auk jour Dnigglkt for a , Lottlo u ( Iti . llioonly . rion iiulsonnui reintdy Jor all I the iiiiniuu ul illsclmrKO ; > ' I prhatmllur s l men anil 110 ilebilltaUntf weukniu peculiar I to women. It nun In a ( cw lila)8 without Urn Hl or iiulillclty n ( n doctor * Curt. t I nf'tnnl American Miinofnrliiroil by J Chemicu ( CINCINNATI , O. U , O. A ,