THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 12. 1801. 8PEG1HL NOTICES , . . I'OH TIIKSB COLUMNS AflVKnTIRK.MB.VT8 12:30 : p. m. , for thn nrcnlnff urt until 8:50 p. m.i fur the morning or Similar cell- All dTPttlncmonla In theno column * ISconts a line flml Inni'ttlon nnrt 10 contn n line therpnf lor , or IZpprllnoppr monlti. No ntlvertl'emenltnkpn for lcithnn2Scentii for tliu lint Insertion. Tormn.cmh In RdTnnrp. Count about 7 words to the lino. Init ials. IlKiircn , nymlioln , oto. , cnch oonntn n won ) . All nilvprllfoinontii mint run conM'eutlvelr. Ailver- tl er , hr rp < iiio tln > f i numliureil chock , cnn linto their jpttpm ndOrrf roil to n ntimhorril Intler In rnrc of TUB TIKI : . Answers no mMr < od will bo dellr- rrcd on iircnontntlon of tfio choolc. _ TmtANCH OKFrCKrt ADVKIITISINO HIHTHKHI ! Jcolumns will IPO tnknn on tliu nlioro coriilltlom iitllin follawlnittniilnpi * linuncK , who nro niithor- Irrd to takn upcclnl notice * t tlia tame rules nunn 1 o hud nt the umln oinrni fcnutli Omnlin llrnncli OHIcc No. IC53 N street. I.IMi-r hlnck. John W. Hall , | ilmrnincl < ttlth nnd Mneon ntrpotn. H. Jf. Knrrmforth , tilmrmBCl l.Sll.r > ninilng "trcct. W. J. llimh" , plmrinncldt , l N. lilth utrcot. C. K. Hnltcrtlolil , pharmacist , 1713 Icn cnworth t trcpt. Hughes' phnrraru-jr , 24th nnd Kornnin. HIT O A'F KATK8 ISo n HUB llrnt time nndlOaallnn thiro- after. No ndvertlnoniont tnken for Ions thnn 25c. ir 6tiNfsA N r TN Vvifoi.i SAiiV"6it UK- A tnll ! in < ! homo experienced nnd hent of refer ence * . Address .127 , lluo. 181IS -SITUATION WANTKII HV KlilST CLASS plumber. Address OooroT. Miner , Ord. Npli. Minute * _ _ TtlOHOUtJIII.Y COMl'KTKNT IIOOKKKEIMJIl A nnd mlcsmnn , lumlipr , sash nnd doors. Host references. Address .1 2 , cnro Uro. M lnll-13 * W A N T K I > M A 1 j K HUM' . _ ItATKH-lltc n line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there- lifter. No advertisement tnken for less th n25c. TjTT-o MIW All VK HTM I Ml M ACIUNi : TO J'morchnntu , mmiilfncturori nnd at unices splen did employment ; enclose stamp. Arc J. Mfu. Co. , J nclne WI * . _ _ MiiOl 13 - ' IN KVKKY TOWN TO 1IANDL15 A B-AOKN'IH of spoclalllcs. ( ionil money to live nuents. Addre's Michigan Door I'lnlo and Mell Co .Grand Itaplds , .Mich. _ M20.1 12 * -MKN WANTKII ; HAI.AHV AND pcrmnnctit phicn. Apply nt once , llrown llros Co. , nurserymiin , ChlcitKO. M''Qii-la * n-WANTKD COMl'KTKNT HKCONI ) COOK KOll JJdlnlnKcnr. Address J VJ , lloo otllco. M2I012 * TJ-'rUHKnlKAT A iKAHINcANVAHSKHS Jiwnntcd ; must be enertotlc ! and reliable , $2tol , " > per day for suitable men. Apply at once to M. It. 1 Ishor. 620 i'axlon block. M 203-13 * _ n-\VANTii : ) , A SAI.K3MAN TO HUM * OUH. J'llnn of dress Koodi ns n side line on commission. Hchuylklll .Mills , box 111)3,1'bllndolpliln ) , I'll. T > WANTKD. A CAUl'KNTKIl TO COMl'I.KTKT- JJroom hoiiHO for Its rout , Address ! ' . J. Kverltt , care Jlerclmnts hotol. li'8 ' 21 * -WANTn7 > T A HOY von I.UHIT WINTKU work -to tnko cnro of n pnlr of horses nnd n fur- nnco. Apply room 2 , Wltlinetl building. MIT 12 A7TKNU8 WANTKII KVKUYWilKKK-.CHANOK n shaft for polo of buiwy In one-half minute ; Just < mt ; wrlto iiulck : bin prollU. 1'otent HpeclnltyMftf. Co. , Hmporla. Knn. 177 J 'o n-HXIMIHIKNOm ) SALESMAN KOll UU1.IA- .IJblo lioiibo : employment permanent : ealnry , flOO per month , with Incruaao. .M , A. Heiinolt , 72.1 N. V , ] .lf ( ! lilclif. Ml Ml 12 * 11 WANTKI ) . A I.IVK KNKUOKTIO 1'AHTV IN JJovery place to Introduce our goods. Wohnvon now line Hint wl'.l tell nt every homo nnd ntio. nnd fluents can reop n hnrvest between now nud tlio holidays. Will pny n salary of f7fl.DO pur month If preferred , nnd furnish n tcnm free. Address nt onco. Mnndnid fc ivcrwnro Co. . lloston.Mass. MOJI1 12 * WANTKII. HAI.KSMKN O.N HAIiAUY Oil COMmission - B mission to hnndlo the new pntout chunilcnt Ink eraslnn pemll. 'Jho greatest selling novelty ever produced ; cruses Ink thoroiiKhly In two seconds ; nn abrasion of paper ; SOU to KM ) percent prollt ; ono nKcnt'n sales nmoiinted to ? l20 ! In six dnjs. another 132 In two liottrn. Wo wunt oun Kcnornl aKcnt In cncli etate and territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars address Monroe Kraacr Mf . Co. , I.a Crosw. Wli.M. . 727 I } AOKNTS WANTKD WK WAN'J' MKN WHO Jlaro nlrenrty trnvellnsr snlesmon to cnrry our lubricating oil iminplos ns n ulilo llnu ; nnmo refer ences nnd territory. Manufacturers Oil Co. . Cleveland - land , O. MS'JT d23 B-OOOI ) CITY ( 'ANVASSIlUHj 8AI.AHY I'AH ) weekly. BliiKcr Bowlnn Maolilno.1510 Donirlns st 61.7 1)2 < T > WANTED , A YOtrxO AND NKAT COLORKI ) J'boy to tend door. The lloston Store. S'.O AVANTKI1 HATES 15e ft line Ilrst time mid lOo n line there- alter No advertisement taken far less than 25c. v-'tlons ; keep books : food situation , Bio New York Life. M217-12 * -AN ACTIVK , INTKLUnUNT I.ADY CAN enrn from iM to $75 per month. 1'or i > urtlculnra call at room M , DotiKlns block. M21IMJ * WANT1II ) AN KXl'KltHtNCin ) COOK AND laundress , 118 N. 83th > t. M212 l.i * /1-WANTKI > , I.ADY OH ( IKNTliKM AN TO v trnvclor work Inelty ; t.WUOper month or $2.60 per day. ti < 3 Hoard of triido. lij-13 ! * -COMTKTKNT OHll , , 812 Routh 16th street. Mil" H' KOU ISKNT HOUSES. HATES-150 n line Ilrst tlmo and lOc n line there' after. No advertisement InKon for lets than 2."ic \-H HOOM HOUM : , > ulalied. ( Jcorno J. ( illburt , Now York I.lfc. M2I5-1S AND ONK 10-HOOM HOL'SIO AM , D-ONi : 8-llOOM - , conveniences ; itoud neluhborliood ; would take horse nnd biiKcy for rent of elthor. Address.I 2ii , Hen. IbS li > -I'OU HUNT. TIIUKK NKW 7-HOOM. 2 STOHY cottucps with bntli nml nowernKi' , nt nnd ncnr corner Webster nnd Thirtieth atrcott * . Ht'duced to r.'U.W ) encli. Henry W. Yntus. 1W ! -FOll IlKNT , KUHNISHKl ) . 7-HOOM IIOU8I2 D with furnace $35. 2221 Ciillfornlnnt. I'.rj-U "IKOlt HUNT.HOl.M COTTAOI ! , TH AND I-'DodKO , MOW IIOKKS & Hill , HUi Kiirnam. 171 1.1 D-KOH IUNT : , KUHNISIIKI ) in HOOM niucic houae , nil lmprq\cd , rent f4o.UU , 2021 Knrnnm Uruut. . 1451.1 * - BIX I.AIKH' 1IOOM8 ; MODKKN HOUSH ; VHHY couvrnlent ; near Hnnscoui pnrk. Addiess Kin , llco. MSUU B THK TWO NKW HH1CIC HOUtiKS , NO3. SUM- 10S rurniim. Klnst clues In every respect. H.0.00 W. M. Holers. IMI-iasi Kariiiim. M8o7 1A NKW IMWO.M COTTAHK8 , MOOKUN I.M- J-'provoments , "Stanford Chcles. " Apply < \ S. Kleittter , room 4 , N.Y. l.lfo bulldlni : . 'M " | V-i : , 4 A J-KOOM HO1JSIO ! * , ill ) to f5 ! ; I1KST HK8 Jl 'idenco Huts In city. Mend Inv't lo. 442 llco lililn \-STiAM HKA'PKD FLATd. K. DAUI.INl ! , /Darker block. 517 - HE.NT HOUSES AND FLA'I 8 CENTUAL- B-FOH ly located. M to ill , n splondld list. Call R 0 Onrvln A CO..J.W blicoly block. 1)53 ) T\-oH HUNT , NINE-HOOM HOUSE. WITH JL/ both gas nnd rnngo If desired , nil In good con dition , locati'd nonr 20th and St. Mary's avenuo. I'rleo roasoiinblo ; spcclnl terms given to thu right Iiarty. Inquho 201J Karnnm st. or O. H. Tzschuck , lee D Mice. MS.V ) llltK'i ; 11DKSIO WITH MOD- J-'ern lmpro\cmenls , corner S''tli nud Irani , ono Mock limn Wiilnut Hill motor , rw.W , .VI N. Y. I.lfo. Tlieo Oln-ii 7.JO * 1V-ioumcNr,7-iiooM DiYia.UNU , UTH AND J 'i.ocu t , fa > . , . 7-room rulURV , 3C09 Sownrd St. , JM. 1'ldellt ) Triii-1 Company. 1UI4 Kninniu st. 112 iS-KOil HUNT , HOUSi ; 1U HOOMS , A 1,1 , MODKHN J 'Iniprovcmi'nta , JCUOO pur monthMi ! unit rarnnm. lloxter K Uluuuns. 7 1 D I-IjAlUiK I.lbT OK 1IOUSKS. KTOHES ANl ) tlttln lor rent Oco J , I'aul , WW r'uiii in stroou MmUJlU - : roiit ; HOOM FLAT. STEAM AND ALL modern con\i'nlence , excellent order : onn u- room lidimo. lieli'roiux's rtuulred , T. U vonDorn , room II , 818 S , ' -'d street. _ ffJ 1 1-FOH HKNT , HOUSE N. E. COH. 1STH AND -L'Wt'bMor , tt room * , full clljr lot , urlvo KZ.'iO. C. K ( inrrtson , 1511 r'nruniu. 7J7 ( B-TOH HUNT , tf HOOM HOUSK. Ulll I10HOA3 itidot , Imiulro Hubert Hunter , lloo ullluo , M'Jofl _ _ _ _ D-8-KOOM CO'lTAtli : , KU1 8. SI8T 8T1IKKT. 1)17-11 ) * 1) IFOll I KENT. U-HOOM MODUHN COTTAOI1 , iU.fl Callforuln St. , JI8 per month , 218 lA-FOIl HUNT , TIIHEE OF OUH ELKCJANT -I 'hoiiii's In l.ufnmtlo 1'liice , 4lit it id Nelson sin. , nio completed and uru.for rout , 7 and S roorusand t'vi'ry nuidern linnruveuiiMil ; prtee , } .io.OU nud * .U'i.uO per month , Hdollly'Iruil company , IU14 Farnam st. 7JO \ -IU IIOUbl > , & TO 8 HOOMS 1CAC1I , 17.00 TO ' I'.OD. TboO. K. l ) vl couipnny. I05-D11 I'OH Hi.ST : KUKMSIIIJU KOU.U S HATES -lio n line tlrot tlmo and too n line thero- nftor. No udvortlieiuent taken for leu than 2io. r E-TWO FUONT HOCMS WITH HO.Mll ) IK DK- lr d for Iwo or four gentlemen ; ono block from llith motor. Low rntei , 1018 N. ntli t. M2IIIJ * TWO NICK VUHN18HKI ) VIIONT HOOMS steam heat and K I HJI3 llaruuy t. 113 13 * - ) UOUMS KOll ( HINTI.KMKN E-KUHMSHKI only. Apply ntlh rofcrcace , SIJS Uodiie Ht. T -l.AllUK I'HO.NT I'AUI.OU , 1313 DOD(1K ; 1 ? NlOHIiY KimSISllUD KOOM tXUTWUUKN Jtlouifu , 3JI3 Kurnam. I7Q Itt' FLUINISUED HOOM VOIt QE.NTLHMEN M.OJ mouth. IDOa Farnam. SVO U * frOU BNT FUHNISIIKD KOOM _ < i' t'ontlnufil , I ? TWO SUITK HOOMS TO LET TO OENTLK- J mnn nnd wlfo ; board for lady only. Addre 9 J 21 , Hcoonico. > H.K ) 11' lii-KUHNlHHED AND UNFUHNI3HKD HOOMS , iJniodorii conveniences. iit\h \ So. llith street Ml 18 12 f. - FUHNISIIED FHONT HOOMS , 2 EN SUITE . IV I N U'th. iird . 12 * ! , < TUB ST. CIAIH nt'HOI'KAN HOTIII , , COH. 1 Jl.lth nnd Dodk'U , will mnko low rntes for rooms by tlin week or month , with or without tiourd , 7li ! ftm.VlHIIKD.KOOMrt i\M > HOAKI ) . HATIIS ISo n linn Urn time nnd too n line thero- nftcr. No advertisement tnkon for Ie s thnn 25a -UOOM Wn'H IIOAulli Al.g'o A > KW TAtlliK JL boarders wanted ; Ilrst clnis tnblo , 1722 llodiio. .MI.15I5' H-IIOOM-.MATI : KOH YOUNH I.ADY , ALSO TWO J or three choice hoarders. (7JN.-f.lil , MIU7-J7 I OH KKN'T HOUMM UM''UIIMHUKI ) UATKS IBfl n line lint Unto nnd I0o n line thcro- nftcr. No ndvertlseinunt takan for Io < tlinnZJc. lioiuokuuplnn , clicnp. gJ''O Donning at M2I.I H * NICK UNKUHN1SHUU HOOM , 2017 1IAUNKV G .itrrot. ail- _ rr TiuiKi : iiNprUNisiiKi ) HOOMS ; MODI-UIN VJconvonlonccii ! oMW per niontU. Z813 .North aptli street. M l&J-U' _ ' 7T TUIIKK L'NKUItNlsTlTlTr'llOOMS , NKWI.V Upnpcrc-il , nti'nm heat , nil conrenloncca. tall 1851 IjGitvcmvutth. _ ' "U " * U.NKl'KNIHIIKI ) KltONT KOOM WITH room , luriru clotot. Splendid view ; clieap tu rlKhl party. I2 Alnnoii Kt _ IJ1 * ItOAUDlNU. HATKS lie a line tlrat tlntu nnd lOoiillito thrri ) . nfter. No advertisement tnkoit for less tluui i'io. TIv u i xsi A N iot's i , ll iu > o nrnui J 1 honril , tilci'r room ? , rohvenlenrns , rates nnd lo cation It cunnot bo uxcullud. .Mrs. Horn , proprietor. B7ti .1 .13 * KOU ] tKXI'-ST ) itKB AM > OKK1CKS. HATKri Ite n line Ilrst tltno nnd liu ) n HUB thi-ro- nftcr. No ndvertlsi'iucnt tnkon fir losi than 2. > c. " Xwlth or without power , formerly occupied by The Ilee I'libllstilnifOo.'JIG Knruiim street 'I he build- Inn lins n lire proof cement bittement , complotu uteniii hcnllnu itxtures , wnter on all the llours , eat , etc. Apply nt the olllcunf Tlio lleo. 018 HHN'TAt ; AG13XCV. HAT1CS 15o n line Ilrst tlmu nml Ufa n line there- nfter. No udvcrttsumont tnken for lens tliiin 2. . I I""K7 CO L 57 CO N TIN K NT A I , 11 LO C ic ! 737 I-OUO. J. I'AUf * IITO KAHNAM STHKUT ; Sl'U L-J 1 attcutloa to cnrliiK for rental proportlo-f. UATKS ISo n line first tlmo nnd lOo a line thero- after. Nondvertlsc-tneiit tnkon for less than 'Joe. -fmY , CIAN ! ! AND " I'll ! VAT KIJY""sTOIlUD M furnitureOumha btovo Hcpulr Work. I''U ? Doug- -oi.mwr , CHIAPISTAND : : HKST STOIIACK M house. In lue city. Williams & Cross.1214 Hntiiey. 7ili > \VANTiaiJ TO KUV. HATKS 15cn line ilrst tlmo and lOo n line there nfter. No advertisement tnken for less thnn 25o -JVT HOirFiTKKKT OK OFi'ICK ltAH.INf ! . IN- li qulro BOi 8.13th street. MIDI 12 TVT-SKCOND HAND I' . K. DKIIKHICK SKI.K- X i feeder perpetual hay press. Capacity. 2 tons per hour. G. A. K. , Hotel i'nitoti. MI40 13' i-UHNlTUHK I1OUOAT , fcOhl ) , STOHED li Wells , 1111 Karnam street. 740 VI WANTKD , KOll CAHH , A HAHOAIN IN , Xi Omahn , Mouth Omnhn or Council lllulfs real ostatu Insldoof city limits. Otvo full description nnd price. No Indetlnlto proposition cousldored. AdprcBs K 4i ( , lice. 741 FOUSAIJ13 lIOltSKS , WAUOXS , KTO HATKS locn line Ilrst time nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less than 25e. AN ) J. harness ; cost ni-wKoO ; will soli entire rig for S73. Half Jer ey bred cow flO. worth $73 lllooded pnultry ; llulf Cochins , 1'ljinoutli Itockn and Light llruhmns , 60c euch. A Milton Hogerd f. > 0 range for d5. Huttse and farm for rent cheap. CullonHun dii ) s only. ] : im oed Park , 24th and Garllold live. , thfssldoof Donnhuc , the florist. M15'J T > A (30OII WOHK TEAM KOll S17500 ON 1 time. Cooperative Land A. Lot Co. , 20J N. llith 1J-A HAHOA1N I'Oll SALE , A FINE RKNTLE > - tuggy horse. Inquire nt Ocorgo Uolluian's llv- cry stublo , 18th , between H.irney nnd Howard. 12J 13 * _ _ VOll SAIjK MlSCKMjANEOUS. HATKS 15e a Una Ilrst tlmo nnd lOn a linn there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2oc. -NINH i i Angus cuttle , consisting of ono bull U years old , ono bull 2 yenrs old , four cnws nnd throe heifers. Will bo sold nt a bargain. Call on or Inquire of 1) . A. Oouny , ( illmorc , i-.irpy county. Neb. S1IW-17 * ' -KOll SAI.i : . AN AQUAIHUM , MADE OK bronze , xcxtngon shauo , dimensions ns follows : height 5 feet , width t feot. depth of tank 18 Inches : auout now : price ? I23 W ; fielght paid. AddresH C. L. Melssncr. York Nob. 193 _ iilll'MAN OIL IT ; < O1NB KOK SALK. ADdress - Q dress , llilgham Printing Cumpuny.SuuthOmahii. 17ft 111 * - PIANO , hTANDAKI ) MAKE , used three months , fbr sale cheap , owner leav ing the city nntl needs money , also u Chlekerlng piano for 175. Call after G o'clock evenings at east CaldHCll street. _ li ( ! * _ KOll HAL 13 C11HAP , ONE GHAND AUTO- Q matlc sou mud brick mnclilna ; nlmoit now. Ad dress John 1' . 'Ihomas , brick mfgr. , Omaha. MQMli ) * _ - KIN13 UPHUiHT PIANO VKHY LITTLE Q-A and as good ns now. Must bo sold nt once. ( i lent bargain. Address H ul llco olllco. V12 -KOll SALH , SAFE WITH TIME LOCK , COIIN. tor und llxturcs sultnblu for country bank. 11 20 Omahn Hue. MMH d2j _ M1SC IjljANKOU-J. HATES 15a a line Ilrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken fur loss than 2ic. -t large and line ; or bales of branches for decorations. Address L. A. Williams , lilenwooa , In. M1H7 15 OIjAlKVOYANTS. HATES 15c n line tlrst tlm-9 and lOo a line there- alter. No advertisement taken for less than 20o. " " revelations. Challenges the orld. Mrs. Dr .M. l.eunne , dead trance clulrvoyant , nstrologlst , pulinlKt and llfo render ; tolls your life from the cradle to graro ; Unites the guparuted ; causes mar riage wllh the one you love ; tolls where yon will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has the eolebratcd l. gptlun breustplato tor luck nnd to destiny bud Inlluunocs ; rurestlts , Intemporniicoand all prlrnto complaints w 1th mnssage , baths unit al cohol treatment , tend I. ' , luck of hnlr. naina nnd data of birth nnd reeelvo accurate llfo chart ; 2 rents In stamps for circular ; glvu Initials of one. jonwlll mnrry ; nlso photos of BIUIIU. Oillce 1007 bouth Hth street , tlrst Moor : hours , U n. in. to a n , m. Come ono , como all , and bo convinced of this uondcrfiiloraclo. MHIS 14 * -MHS. MAHY KH1TX , 2IW LAKE hTHEHT. I'lalrvoynnt und trauco medium ; Indupundent voices ; tells past and luturo. M157 Hi * SiTTs. . NANNIE V. WAH1IEN , CLAIHVOY.VNT" S- reliable business lucdlum.lllth II ! ) N. ItUh. : u MHS. MITCHELL , CLAHIVOYANT , 1IUS1NKS3 S and ttitt medium ; ulvos tlltlnus dally. 510Hi H. 10th. .MUW-lt * UK , HVTIIS , I-.TC. - HATKStM \ a line tlrst time nnd IDo u Hue there- utter. No nd\crtlnement tuken for loss tlmn ' 'So MY 1 > AII1OII8 AND A opciutors are tbo llnest ; ever U10 8. I'Jtli street. MlllJB * 'P-MISS STOWE , MA88KU8K , KL.KCTH1CIAN , i .Uio Knrnarn t , MM3 13 fP-MASbAHK THKATMI5NT , HLKCTKO THKH- J-ni-l : baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , mnnlciiro and chiropodistMrs. I' , S. 13thWHliuoll blk rr-MADAME SMITH. ii4 : | CAl'lTOL AV -L2ddour. Alcohol , sulpburlo audioa baths. baths.MM MM I I3 HATES-lfoa llnu tint tlina ant Uo n line there nfter No nilvertlst'mont takoii lor Ims thnn 23o " ' -'lllBONAu " Itll' X. bTONi : , M. D. . IS A DOC- tor. If you have throat or lung trouble of any kind , usu his bronchial wafers , 25o a box ut drug gists. Special rate 10 preachers , te.iehors. vooal Ists. For tauiplv , send too to Stouo Mod , Co. , Chi- cngo. III. M205 U' - U , Ut H-LANI ) IH LOOKINO I'OH S. NOW A , here and ch - P. P. P. C. 11)7 ) MUHir , Alt'l' AND UVNOUAOi ; . KATKS-l5on line first tlrao nnd lOo a line thore- niter. No advertisement takun for Ion than > 5c. TU T A FINW UPlUGli'l' PIANO , faTANDAHJI ' make , for sale nt a nacrltlce. Addrust U 05 , ll a \r 1IKFOHK IJlIYINd A I'lANO EXAMINE TUB > now cal Klluball piano. A. liu i > oISIJ Douulai , -J. V. OKLLWNUKCK. HANJO ' ( K AC1I Kit ; with lloipo or dxl N , Kith ttrvet , 3d tluur. Ml MON fvY TO I.OAX UKAIj K3TATR. HATKS 15o ft line first tlmo ami lOo K linn there after , No advertisement taken for leM thnn 2V } . VlV-irKXf/TcSTATK'UUNSU TtlM' I'KH CKNT ? l nn nildltlonal rhnrt'es for pommlsstiin or nttor noy's fees. W. II. Mclltlo , Kirs I .National bldK , 7fll \\r ANTHONY UMN AND THUST CO , 318 N. v Y. I.lfp. lend nt Inwrnloifor chalea securltr on .Vobrnskn or Iowa farms or Omaha city properly , " \\r-SKCONI > .MOimiAOKS. CAN MAICK A KKW ttood loans. Alex Moote , 101 Hoe IHd < . & * ) TV * MONKTrTo LOAN ON ION on SHOUT tlmo In sums of MOO to SIO.OOJ. Mutual l ve t mcnl tompnny. 2i -iTr-LOANS ON HKAI , KSTATK ANII COI.I.AT- ' tcral notes nnd morlKninJS boiiKhU Heed A Selby , 3JI Hoard of Trade. - ' . _ TAT CKNTHAI , LOAN AND THUST co IIKK III.DO \ 7IU l\r-MONKYON HANI ) TO LOAN ON KIIHT > > morUaffOiinOinaht city pfoporty. Chns. W. Halncy , . ! ! . ' > umnlm Nnfl bnnk bulldlnK. ill -LOANS , W. M. I1AHIUS , ll.IU KHKNXKH III.K W 7 til \\r rt I'HIl CKNT KIH8T MOHTIIAOK LOANS , ItlchnrdC. I'mturson , 1511 Karnam st. 7M \\r-UANS ON IMPHOVKO AND ONIMIMlOVKIl ' city property , } IOOU and to 8 percent. No delays , W. Karnatu Smith It Co.Uth , & Hnrnny. , 'IIS A\r I-OWKST HATIIS OK INTKHKST ON KII13T ' > class sccurlly , Lovell & Woodman , 221) ) 8. l.lth \\r--WANTKD , LOANS OK 15JTOI.O OX UN > Improved loU ; J50I to fJ.OiW on Improved prop , erty , ntouce. Kldellty Trust Co. , 1IJ14 Knrnam nt T\r I.AHOK LOANS ON IIUSINKHS I'ltOl'KHTY. > V Ceo. J. 1'iiul , l M Karnam street. M' ' > J Jll ) M UN'12V Ti > I.OAN OHATTKtiS. HATKS IRcn line Ilrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No ndvcrtlHCinent taken for less than 25c. V MON1JY TO LOAN HV U. R MASTNH3 ON -iVhmiBohohl goods , pianos , oriians , lin cn , intilCH. wngnnn , etc. . nt the lowest possible rati-i without publicity , removal of property or chnnuo of pos- tcsHlon. Time nrratiKt'd to Hint the borrower. l'ii > mom * of any amount can be mudontany tlmo. reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving pntrons all the boncUts of the partial pay ment | il nil Call and see mo when you want n loan , or If ntoro convenient call telephone 16.21 and your business can bo nrrnnged at home. Money always on hiinil ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates : business conllrtontlnl. II. K. Musters , room t , Wltbncll bile. , 15th nnd llnrnoy eta 752 M O N K V LOANED ON VUKNIVUIIK. IIOHSKd , X wugons , pianos , without removnl or chnniio of possession , Conlldeutlal. Krcd Terry , r. U ) llnmtto. 821 X -MONHY ; TO LOAN , 50 , TO ANIi HO DAYS ON furniture , etc. Dun Green , 1120 , Continental blk. 7M V CHATTBIj LOANS , HKNU1HCT & WUAV , 614 -A-i'nxtoti block. Wo loan our owu money. Wo charge you no conimlsilon. It will pay you to con- etilt in. M3-lg ) ' X I-CUATTl'ILLOANS-SSSN. Y LIl'15. SIOU1U3. 1183.110' BUSINESS OIIANOKS. HATKS ISo a line Ilrst tlmo nnd lOo ft line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c y roil SALK , CHAIK , COAL AND bTOCK. 1SUSI- .1 nosslnonoof the best towns In eastern Neb. ; good opening for man with small capital. Address C. 1' . llnrlow , Oakland , Neb. 191) ) 12' V KOll SALK , WATKIl I'OWKH HOI.I.UH L Hour mill In rsebrnska , at n bargain , Knrttlro | of Korfoot tiros. , DCS Molnes , la. M 1S2-17 I WILL PAY YOU CASH VOH YOUll JIKll- chandlse. C. G. IJirtleH , 741 Uroadwny , Council lllulls .MI88J10a KOUSALK. SUHUHiJAN DUUfJ STOHH : GOOD location In Omaha ; small stock , with fixtures ; part cash , balance secured. Address , J2o , Ilec. lli'J 11 * \r-HOTEIj KOll HUNT , LAIIMAN HOUoU AT -L Neoln , In. , after January 1 , Address II. J Schlcrbruck. Neula , la. 14315 * KOll SALK , MEAT MAHK1CT WILL UK SOLD , right good location , doing good business ; hav ing other business. Address 11. U. Haymaker , Kalr- bury. Nob. 124 15 * \r-FOIt SALK. STOCIC OK MANTKLS AND J tile ; it flno opportunity to step Into an estab lished paying business ; only stock In the city. K. 11. Appclgct , Lincoln , Nob. MHO 11IIUC bTOHK FOR SAL15 ; CKNTJlALljY LO- catcd ; $ j,500 cash ; bal to suit. Address U US. lice ' .Uli V A IIAHK CHANCH , AN LVVKSTMHNT OK J 1100.00cnn secure nn Income of from JHOO to f50UUpcrduy. Apply for pnrtlculari to John 1 * . Sutton. 1' . O. bo.Vfiji , Lincoln , Nob. MJ3I D1T XT' Full SALK , Till ! KUAIi ESTATK AND MA- JL chlncry of the Kalrhury Iron Works nt Kalrbury , Neb. ; n good opportunity ; reason for sellingdetUli of proprietor. ; I12-D-17' KOU KXCIIANGK. HATKS 15e a line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No ndvertlsomont tnkou for loss than 25c. Z I'lANO KOll IIOIISM OH HOUSE AND CAK- rlugo. Address J 22 , lice. Ml38 I3 > GOOD HOTEL AND OTHER I'HOl'KHTY TO trade. A , L. Kmberson , Oberlln , Kan. AP.I23 15 r/-ONK8-HOOM ANDONl ! 10-llOOM 1IOUSK , ALL AJconvonloncosi good neighborhood ; would take horse uud buggy tor rent of cither. Addiesi , J 2ii , lice. 151 12- KOHKXCHANUi : , A TWO-STOHY AND HASH- f-lmcnt brick store building , with lint" oil xocond tluor , btillillug runts fur $ SJ per month with 'J'J your ground leu o In the he.irt of Omiihn , for n stock of hardware and Btovcs or real estate uud cash. W. I < \ btoctzol. 714 S. lUth st. 754 r/ HOOD CLHAH KAHM LAND FOIl &TOCK OF A mcrchnnclbo. Address box 410 , lluphl City , S. D 4JO-D20 ( Z Hir.ll ItHKI ) STALLIONS. MAlIng AND colta for rcul estate. Hoom 403 Drown bldir. M < & 2 J2 y HOIISUS 1 < Oil LOTS. HOOM 403 , BHOWN HLDljl ± MI.V. dU y CLUAN STOCK OK OKNKHAL MDSIS. ; WILL luke real estate und money , llox 2'.0 , Frankfort. Ind , aaj r/ OLD GOLD AND 8ILVKH , JISWKLIIY , AHTl- ' 'Jtlclai tooth , medals , ota. , bring all you have In largo or small lots nnd roojlvoois'i or hUii elms duntlbtry In OYChangu. Dr. John Matthews , manu facturing uontlst , 21J llrown blk , Oiniha. 31111 KOU SAMi UIOALi KSTA'I'K. HATKS- n Una tlrst tlmo nnd lOc a linn there after. No advertisement taken for Ions thin 2 c. TOH SALK , COH. I'AHIC AVH. AND MAaONCO.\ | . 1 liiodlous modern rcshlonce , built by day's work ; good burn , tlnu lannund slutdo tn-es ; lot diixliS ; price , ttii.000 ; terms , } 4,000 cash , 5I.OOJ unencum bered rcnl estate , vacant ur Improved ; balauce , long tlmo. \uic3 Heal Kstato Agency , 1507 Knrnutu street. 17U 1U BUSINHSd COHNUIl AT 512.000 IIHINGINd 10 I1 I'll cent , third cnth , balance 7 per cent ; Splendid oiler. Address owner , J 28 lleo , 11K1-17 * 1OHSALK , MKliKTON 13TII STHKKT WITH 3 i. houses , coiners on VO-ft alley ; pilco , $15,000 ; will take f 1.500 cash , bulauco In unencumbered real es tate and long time , Amoa Heal KtUto Agency , 1507 Kurnam ntreot. 1711 10 _ IOTS ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN H12NSON , Jljvke View , Clifton I'hico , Dundee , Armour Place , W. L. Selby's add Hoom 40J llrown bldu. . M48JJ3 _ lOll SALK , AT A IIAIUiAIN , LOT 15. IILOCItT I W. L. Shelby's tlrst addition to South Omaha. Kmal I pujmvnt down , balaiico monthly If desired. Inquire ( i II. Tobchuck , Omaha lloo. Mi T/Oll SALK-HO.MK8 , ANY IMUCK , 1750 , JI.S50 UP ; J tasy ttirms ; take clonr property ni tint luymunt. U. U. Wallace , llrown block , ittth nnd Douglas. _ . _ 75J1 17011 SALII-NKIIHASKA KAIl.M LANDa O G. JL Wnllac-u 123 llrown block , ICthnnd Donidiis. 755 AUK ; UAHGAIN , xif > i , KAST HIONT. SOUTH 20th it , worth * 4.HK1. 1'rlco only * J,250. Hdullty 'Irtut company , lull Farnnua BJU XT. K. CiHlNKIl 9JTII AND HICKOHV. 50X150 J.1 feet ; u bargain for a few days only. ! ' 1C Dar ling , Darker block. bill T70II 20 IIUUSK.S ON sTiALT -L monthly puymonts , onoli on n full lot , 1'rlcoi (1,200 00 to t3.UOJ.00. The O. K. Davln company. LOST HATES I5o a line Hrat tlmo and lOo a Una there- niter. No advertisement taken for less limn 25o ' ' " OST , SMALL siLVlllWATnryio"N6mTASr6N ! back i : . 11. C. Howard. McCormlck .V Lund. M2I1 _ T OS'K A FOX TrillTtiKU PUPPY MAHKKD -LJiibout eyes and ears , llelurii to 2532 Capitol nvo und recvlvu reward. M2W 12 * T OST HLACK SKAL SKIN ULOVK. HKTUHN JUfor reward to 1. W. Miner , Karnauntruot thuutor , 181) ) U * T OdT-HKTWKKN J4TH ST. AND -IJhand suit. Heturu to 1305 Douglas ttrcet and net reward , 21K-II * " 1 OST. A SMALL TAN COLOHKD ITAUAN JJgrny hound , llelurn to the lloston Btort ) . Ibtli and Douglas street , und receive reward. Wl 1IAIU GOODS. HATKS lion llnotlrit tlmo and ICe a Una thoro- Btter. No ndvertlsonient taken for lex than 25o T A1U1KST B'KK'K IN UNTIUK WKSTi THKAT- -iJrlCttt lu and beards n specially. Wlg . bang * , wltchoi , ualr chains , etc. , In stork and to order. Mall order * ollctled. Dnyles , HI a 15th it. , Omaha. HATKS-ISo nllnotlrst.Uutonnd lOo u Una thrro- after. No ndrertlscni ( [ lnko.1 for ! < . * , than [ I'M. " ATM ? ) HAllc'8llK9H > AKINO CALL , ir.10 California. Perfect III gunriintud , i. , M2B7-De . IS * PATI'-i.Vl' HATKS I5c n line llrst 'tltno and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for lesi than 23a * ' ' " " IJATKNT'LAWVKIIH 'A'ND sLicifoits"oTw. ( I sue * . , V Co. , lice bullUlhg , Oinahn , Noli , llrnnch oillce nt WashliiKton , Dj U. l.'onsiiltntloii froe. 7il ( fll AX U I' ' "iC'l" ! ; itftu . ) ! . KIiKltS , HATKS ISo a line first Jlm.u and lOo n line there after , No advertisement taken for Irs * than Mo. rush" PAID win 7lurr.ii GOLD. CAHSON "A V > Hnnks. room < 0. Marker block , Omaha. Kl dH CUTliKUV OUINDING. HATKS l.'io n line lint tlmo nnd I0a n linn thcro * nftcr. No advancement taken for lesi thnnUJc. Oiirouiul to Undorland A Co. . lull 3 Utli st. 78.1 HICK \VI.\TIOICKI ) . HATKSlf c n line Ilrst tlmo nnd tOe n line there after No ndvortlsomonl taken for less tlinu Ua. i/oVrTTlVi'UHTOVK JLhnve tensed Iho Council lllulls drlvlnit pnrk ! I am prepared to Rive the best of cnro ; all bet stalls. Joe Wltbrow , 1SU1) ) llnrncy street. HU-K * OHSK8 WINTKHKD AT LOW HATK8. ( iOOI ) caic , shelter and board fences. 4UJ llrown bids. M&Stl ira OltSKS WINTKHKI ) AT LOWKST HATKS AT llelluvuo stock farm ; box stalls If desired. Clarke , 1'J ' Hoard of Trade building or llcllovuo. 7M T11K RK TNSTHQMKNTS uliicedon record Ducember JL II , IsUi : . WAltltASTV IE-m. I ) A Harrington to J S llarrlnston , iinillvk \ lot 4. block 1U > , Ilrst add to South Uiiiuiia $ 2,000 J II Illakii tu Uraloy I'laniboo , lot U , block I ) . 1'lalnvlow add 1,500 Herman Kount70 to Jl H Station , lot ! ) , Kotlntro place 2,500 TJ Hollander to 1'annlo Kyiin , lot - , blook 7. Kendall's add 2,000 H 1' Knuland to J A Dee , lot 14 , block CI , South Uuiliu J.800 Merchants' National bank to 0 M Vi'lilto , s ' ! lot 4 , block ft I. Omaha GOO J U Ilolman mm wire to K K Hoblsou , lot C , block U , Orchard hill J.5DO Emma E ItohHon to .1 A Hatighoy , lot in , blook 6. Kirk wood add 1.5oO U II Yconmn and wlfo to Abraham Cas- totter. lot H. block 1 , Hydu pitrR 100 A U JollllTo to Laura JoIlllTo , lot 7 , Nol- Hon's add. lot 10 , block 12 , Shlnn's add , lot 20 , blook 8 , Walnut Hill , undlv Y blook 21 , West Omaha 1 QUIT CLAIM lKiiS. O H and E O Halloa and wives to Hugo I'raiiht , Iol2 , b.ock I'l.Omaha 1 W W IM\IO anil wlfo to Joseph and O E Ilarkor , o Vi lot I , blouk 1T > , Omaha 1 O J Hollander and wlfo to Kannlo Itynn , lots , block' . Kondall's add 1 A It Hlator to J Mblulnr. lotG and s 10 feet lot S , block 2 , Euolld L'laoo ( rolllo ) . 1 IICRII3. E J Hush ( special master ) to .Tamos Thompson , lot -J , block 10 , llrlgas' place 1.073 Sumo tosami ) . lot 5 , block 11 , sanio l.l7.ri ! Saiuo to E A Honson.lof-'S.block lO.samo l.CT.i Santo to same , lot 21 , blouk 10 , samu 1,075 Total amount of transfers 822.705 FOR.1SALE. The following oCond-IIand Car- 3 Lonthor top 2-scatcd 4 Top Bufrgiea,11 | 2 Phaetons. 3 Open Bucktjpards. 3 Delivery Wagons. * * ] Gloss Quar.ter Rookaway. 1 Curtain Rockaway. Bottom DRUMOND , Opp. "Court House. Kids will bo received by the State Hoard of Printing , attheolllcoof the secretary of state , on or heforo 2 o'clock p. in. , Dtcomher si ) , iPIII , for pi luting and binding In cloth , two thousand (3,000) ( ) coolcs of the rosier of ox- soldlcrs. sallorb and marines , residing In Ne braska Juno 1st , 1SOI. to tju Uollvored complete at the offloo of the secretary of state , To con tain 400 pages , inoio or los- , . The slzo of pane , weight and quality of paper , style and quality of binding , style of loitering on cover , and In all respects the work to bo the BUIIIO as the Hatnulc ] to bo seen lit the otllco of the secretary of stito. The rliht to reject any and all bids Is ro- sorved. Kach proposal must bo accompanied by a bond In the .sum of $ r > OU. JOHN U. Ai.r.r.N , UocemborSth , ItOl. Secretary of Stato. UlldlOtM RHlLWRYTlMEGrmp "X.CP.TOJ ( CHICAGO , llUliEiNOTON A g.l ArrlvoT Omaha. I Depot IQtti nntl Mtison Sta 1.20 p ni . .Donvur Limited. , 3.40 p m f.CS p ut . .Denver Express. 7.30 n m l.oivdi IC1HUAUO , M1U & ST. PAUlj.1 Arrlri Unmlix [ U. I' , dtipot. nnl MtrjS.i I Oamln MJ p ml cnicttga lxproi < I ' .UJ am 12.l5pml 1 hloago Einrmi. I 6.45 p tn 645p ; ml bt. Paul Llmltod I IU" > n m I.eavoi 1'IHCAOO A NOH'rliWKSl'KllN.I Arrival Omaha. I J , P. dnpot , lUth nnd .Marcy Hti.l Ooii'ii. Loul * . i annon Hull P m caret lUlllL'Atlo , tlUHI/N It QU1NUY.I Arrlvui niufuri Union Depot. Council Illuiti. iTranifar V.fiO it m .Chicago Kxprois , C > .10 pm 10 U ) p in Chicago Kxpren. 0.25 am 7.03pm Creston l.oc il . , 7J5 m 'iirrei I" OIIICA11O , It. I. A PAC1F U Arrlvoi Tran fur I Union Depot , Council lllulfi. Trauifer I.UIVDI I OUAIIA AST. LOUIS. I Arrival Tranifail Union llupot. Council Illugi. | Tran tnr 4.40 p ml ' . ' . ' . . . .St. llJoiili > 'anoi > Hall . | I2.I5 fig ( JJOp m Nlnht ICiprou , . KSI a ra 10.20 a m Atlantic Uxpran , . o&5 p m 4.30 p m . . . . . . .Veitlliula Llmltod _ 8IOUX CITV * I'AUfPIO ArfTvm" Tram. . Union Depot. Council Illtili. Tranifur 7.45 a ml. .rSloux l Hr Acrommodatlon , . . 1000 u m IK ) p ml , . . . . . . . .HL Paul Kxur < . 0.40 a in Leavet fc .HCAOtTATfOHTHWKSTKHN I Arrini Tr uifor | Union Depot , luunctl lllutli. I Tranif r 12.01 { f ui . . . . . . Chicago Expran 6U ) p in 6.1 * p tu Veitlbulo l.lmlttd. 8.10 a m 16.00 p m llmtern Flyer I.JO u o > , l.JOp ( m .Allanllo Mall.tEz Mon ) 7AS a m J.W u Jarroll 10.W p m DH. . C. GEE WO , Wishes to RTO ! n few reasons why ho Is work- Ine such wonderful cures where other doctors fall. China has about half the population of the Elolio. They have boon practicing and per- fcutlnii iiiuiflclno over 4IX)0 ) YEAH9 , Chiinx Nuns ( see Knor. Hrlt ) dlscovi-rod sovonty- two poisons nnd their antidotes 2 , .M years before - fore Christ , and .Marco 1'olu , who brought the compass. Camplnl. ono of the flrst Europeans who entered - torod Cr.lni : , s.iys : "Thulr physicians have a thoroUKh knawloJ o of the nature of herbs and an aclmlrahlo skill In diagnosing by the pulse. " ( See Wlllard's Mlddlo Emplra ) It Is well known that gunpowder , steam nnd electricity are old In China , and that the Uhl- neso were printing tholr dollcato books 003 years before QuttonhorK was horn. Hut It was to tnodlclno the Chlnoso cave tholr attention , and when the emperor ONln WotiKotdoroU all the books to ho numed ho r.xcopti'd the medical works , and It wan only by the merest acoulnnt that the great works of Confucius hlmsolf woru saved , ho ha vim ; placed a net of his works In the cornor-stono of his rosldcnco. which was found 2,000 years aftor. The celebrated Ur. Hohson states that ono of the Chinese dispensatories Rives 144'j 1IKKHAL UEMEDIEdaloM. Can you wonder Ihen at the doctor's suucoss' The Caucasian physicians nil use the very same Homodles and when you cluuigo uoctora , In your dlsaupnlnttnent and disgust , you merely change f.icos and nssortlons but not moillclncs. When an doctor dis covers a now remedy all the ether doctor * know about It Immediately. Now , you know the Chinese Doctor comes from an almost un known country , containing Dearly half of the people of the world , whoru all the modlclnes are entirely dllTeront , and Dr. O. Goo Wo olTors a rowatd of fMJ.Oi ) to anyone who can dupli cate any Ono of his Chinese Medicines , Do you now compiuhond that after giving up nil hope of belnc cured by your doctors , that In taking the Chinese Doctor's H"medles. 4,000 In number and absolutely unknown outsldoof China , that ho has a wonderful udvantazo ever all other physicians. Ills now remedies have never before entered your blood and not on It as If by music , ctirlns the disease and rendering the completion as a child's. A MOTHER'S STOHY. I am 02 years of two and have suffered Indo- scrlbablo agony from asthma for many yours. I could not sleep and had to sit up all nluht In a chair. I trlod doctor nfter doctor but without help , and thought some ntpht I would choke to death. As a last hope I trlod Ur. O. Oeo Wo , the Chinese doctor and was relieved Instantly. In a short tlmo I was nurcd and have never slnco been troubled. I have reason to bless Dr. C. Quo Wo. MKS. I' . O. IIIKSU , 21th St. . bet. J & H. South Omaha. In order to convlnco the public that Dr. C. Goo Wo can euro any dlse-mo. ho makustho following offer : A GUARANTEE to return the money If after a fair trial the patient Is In nny way dlssatlsflcd with treatment. DR. O. GKE WO , 16th and California Stioota. Of- Hco hours , 0 a. in , till 0 p. m. Call Sunday If you wish. N. n. The Doctor has ready prepared the following olcht remedies : [ Hood. Female Weakness. Rheumatism , Indignation , Lost Manhood , Sick Headache , Catarrh , and Kld- iiovnnd Liver Modlolnt' . 1'rlco 81.00. O-ill or wrlto for question blank and book. Dr. O. Qsa Wq. 16th and Oallfornla. MOORE'S Monmouth , 111.Fob. 11 , ' 89. Dr. J. B. Moore , While sulToring from a severe cold , I wns induced to try Mooro's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It afforded almost immediate relief ; nnd while I have boon ti sufferer for yonra from catarrh , since Using this remedy I have not boon atYeotod in nny way with this decidolv nnnoving disease. TVMiC K.K1. Moore.i Tri'o of I < lfe , a positive euro for Kid ney ami Liver Complaint und all ulood ills- ease1) . Uoi-s It pay to snll'or when you can ho enroll by using Mouro's Ttee of Llfo , the Oioat Llfo Ueincily ? Allan. I ine HOYAL MAIL tiJ'UAMISUS. Bull regularly from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Pirect. lirill.NO ailE WINTEH Mll.VTIIS. Cnhln f lOnud upward : second cabin , IJJ. Steerage nt low r.itus. No CATn.K t Aititli : ! ) , STATS Sl-XUVIOB Ol" -N LxINE BTEIAM9IHP9. Now York and Glasgow vhi Londonderry ovary Fortnight. 17th Dec BTATIJ OF NEHHASKA lOnm 7th Jan . . .STATE of CAL1FOHNIA . . . .lnm ) ) 'othJau bTATU OK NKIIItASKA . . . .Bum Cabin ( t'l , t-'ocoiid Cnbln J.W , Btcorayo $19. Apply to ALLAN & CO. , Chicago ; " ! < MOOllEd.Viib.nfi Ticket omco ; W. KVAIL , Hurlliuton Ticket Oillua . -fr h * M ULV NUT * U U O UJ Gwitarii.Mandolins&Zite la vulpine aid quality of tone era the hi-Ht In iliu world. W rr nlnd to iroar In any climate. Hold by all load , loc ilealeri HoautUully Illustnttd , il . NMr.aWi\bKn7is ! : ! LYDN&HEALY. CHICAGO ; ; _ | Bnfferlns from the effects of joutliful error ) rarlydocny , wanting wcftkncRs , lost iimnliixxl , ete. , I will nend nvaliirtlilu trentliuj ( wnk-d ) rnutaliilnii fullparticulars for hamo cure , I'HKI ! of charge. Afploii'lM modlual worlei xliiiuld l > read by everyman who U lii'rrnus nnd deblllUtiHl. Address. man . . , . . . . . . . . ' L'fof JI' OB Pfg * * " ip nrn..l. j < * wll tin received by the Statu lloiml of tliig at the olllco of the necrutary uf Htato , on or hoforoo'clock p. in , lecoinher.U ) ! Irlll , for prlntltiK nil tilmllng liiolothono tliotisanil ( I.Oti' ) cupiutuf the roportuf the State llouril of Transportation for tlio your 1B91. to bn ilu- llvuriul uiunplutu at the olllco of tin ) Htato Itoiird of TraiiHport.tttou. To contain l. > ) pages. inoro or loss. 'I'hu ' size of pu''o , wel.-ht anil qualttr of paper , style null itiallty | of binding , Htylo of lotturlni ; on cover , anil In all lospecU the work to ho tint Haino IIH thosainiilo to bo scon In the olllco of thu aourutary of stato. ICuuli inoposal must bu itocotnpanluil by a bond In the sum of } : > 00.00 , The right to rejoot uny ami all bids Is re- survoii. jDiiNo , ALI.IN : , Deuuiabor 8 , 18'JI. Bovrutnry of U tutu. DIlillOt.M Htockliolilorti' The roiilar unnual tnootlng of the stock holders of thu Ainurioau National Dank of Uniahit , Oinulta. Nob. , for the election of di rectors , will bo hold nt Its banking olllco , corner of Doiltfo anil 1'lftconth B trout si , on Tiicbiluy. January I : . ' , tbir.1. at d o'clock | i. in , llKNitv \VV.MAN , cashier. Omaha , Neb. , December 10. 1691 , DIOdJtM Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Fjga is taken ; it is plciumnt and refreshing to the Insto , nnd ncls gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd .Bowels , clonuses th'o sys tem Gflbctnnlly , dispels colds , head- nches nnd fevers nnd cures hnhitunl constiimtion. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its hind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnate nnd no ccptnblo to the stonmcli , prnmjit in its nction nnd tiuly honcficinl in its effect , prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substances , its ninny excellent qualities commend it to nil mid liuvo mndo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for snle in 50o nnd 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not hnvo it on hnnd will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any cubstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SArt FRANCISCO , CAL. lOUISVIUE. Air. UEV1 YORK. N.Y. MVrlltcn Guarantee ! o CURE EVERY CASE c ; _ . _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our cure li permanent ami not a patching up. Caeca treated flro jenn nuo have never eoon nirmplom Ince. Jlrdcicrlblnjjcnso fully wo cm treat TOU hy nail , and vrofflto the mime strong itunrnnteo to euro or rotund all money. Thoio who prefer to como htro for treatment cnn do BO nnd wo will piy railroad faro both ways and hotil bllli whllo hero If wo fall 10 cure. 'Via challenge the world for a csso that our MAGIO REMEDY v , 111 notcuro. Wrlto for full particular ! and Bet the evidence. Wo know that jou are ulteptical , Juttly BO , too. ni the most eminent pbrilclaiwhnTo never been able to glvo r.ioro than temporary relief. In our flvo j-oaiV practice wltn the MA1110 REMEDY It has been moit dlfilcutt to orcrcomo the piejudlcoi against nil o called Bpecinct. But under our stroiif euaranteo you hould not hoMtato to try thlo remedy. Youtakenoehanra of losing your money. Woijimr. onteo to cure or refund ov ry dollar , and as wo have l reputation to protect , also financial liacUnsuf SSOO- OOO , Itiipurfoctlyeafeto all who will try the treat nicnt. Heretofore you have In an putting tip and pay Inft out year money for dilTtrcnt treatments nnd although youaionotyotcurediioono haa paid back your n.on. ey. Io not waite nny moro money until you try us. Old ehronlc , deep ecalo.1 cao * cured In SO to SO days. ] n * Teitlgatoour flnanclal etandlng , our reputation ia biulneM men. Yr'rlto ui for name nnd oddrccscB of thoao vr o have cured who liavo given permission to re- fertothcm. It co t > ou only poslago to dothliilt will save you n world of Buffering from mental BtrrUn , and If you nro marrlod what may your olfsprlng 'UB r tluouKh your own nogllgcnco. Ifyourtymptomanro ore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rhoum&t ! tn In boneB and Jolnt , hair falling out , eruption ! on any partof the body , fooling of emeral depression , palm In head or bones , you have no tlmo to watto. Thoao who nro constantly taking ml rciiry nn I pota h Should Constant use of thcso dru J willeurely bring Borca an 1 eutlnjr ulcera in thacnd. Don't full to wrlto. All correspondence pent i.ealcd In plain envtl. opos. * * o Invlto the most rigid Investigation nnd ulll do all in our power to aid you in it. Addrped , COOK. JlKJtCliS' CO. , Omaha , Felirtuka. OfBco 13th and Farnatn. second floor , entrance ISthEft. . Oit J-l Jt P U H It tt Q T&ff V Of U K - JS03 for u uasu o l > o * or Killliu M iiiliooJ. or Nurvous nobility , wosiltnoai of body or-nimrt , tlio elToutot errors of cxoosaoi In old or youns that wo cannot euro. Wo ptiarantuoovory case or rofnml every dollar. Klvo days trial treatment 81 , full conr o $ i I'rocoptlblo benellta ranll/od In throe days. llv mall , securely packed from obsorvatlon , Oflico open until U. in. COUlv UEUfcilJV CO. . UMA I A. N'EU MAPin FKIIALR UEGtJLATOH. bufo and IimUlU certain to a day or money refunded. 1'rlco by mall W. Hcalod from obsurvatlon. COOK UK.MEDY CO. . Omaha. Mcb. [ WHY oo Yy 11 : Oo yon ICIIOMhnt a llttlo CongUS Is a tlaiieorous thini ; ? S : DOCTOR 5 ! W1U Stop a Cough at any time : and Cure the worst Cold lit ; ; twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottlo- Inmy oavc you $100 in Doctor's : I bills-may save your life. ASK : TOUR DBUGGIST FOIt IT. : XT TASTES G003 > . i . ' " . Dr. Acker'o English Pilla ; "Hinnll , I'lcnumt , iituvorllo 1th the Indies. ; S W. 1L IlOOKEIt A CO , 49 West riroodway , K. Y. : & . < mBB > l > l > t > B0 > < tllB For stile by Kuhn & Co. , nnd Sherman & MeConncll , Omuhii. ' and only < 'omi > lrio Mid ( Satisfactory Vonilen * a Julnca KZcnt In the tlorltot , ( Jhoap Knballtutea and Criiilo Imllatlona uro cHorod with the aim to prout by Iho popular- It ; of the Now JUi-lnnd. ) > u not bo ieor > vcd hot nlwayD InsIM on UiO Clotv J UKlunil JUrunil. U'tiobestmivdo. BUIU } IIYLX.I. . THE SMALLEST PILL IN TIIEWOiUD ! ( LIV23R Imvnalltliovlrtue-iiif tliolurfi'r ; < ii "y virurtlvo ; iiiimly WRat blzu Hliinvii In thN liorilcr. © 1 © ® © OOW'T DE BUNCOED liy ilimlom vbo try to § eli you wurthlos p < iioni ) [ 'l.iu- ten which jiiy Ilitm more iirollt thun ilio efiiiiln liK.S.SON'a , which uro In. lorxoil by the vitlnntitn testimonials of over B,00 ( liharniacuds imtl physl- ctaiiH ni the best , Tukf nothing but SEVERAL NEW ENTERPRISES , Heal Estnto Omncra Asaoomtlon Looking After the Oity'a Intonnts. WHOLESALE HOUSE AND A FACTORY , I'lans for \Vorklioiiio Cor Clly I'rlsoiiors What will tie Dcino with tlio C.i.sli Dei-lvotl llonils. The Konl Ownora nssoclntlon ho'.il n mcotliip nt the rooms In the Now York Ufo buliOliiK tliat wa nitcndod by a pooilly nuiil- bor or the mombars. I'roslilent HOBKS proslilcil , nntl In callniK tlio mooting to orUorlio statotl Hint Ua object waster the imrnnioot tnktiii ; some stopi looking to tbo mlvmioomciiU of the Inturo.it4 of Omahn. caa The uuostlott of sending n dolcgatlou to ntlond tbo Missouri river couvontloii Hint convenes nt Kansas City wns dismissed. Tlio members wore unanimously In favor of such u movement and Messrs. Ocor > ra II. HORKS , A. L. Hood und Andrew Kosuwntor worn oleotod as doloato3. Tbero was n spirited discussion wlion Pruslilont IoK 9 nnnounc'od Una ho was pos sessed of the Information that another har ness factory nnd u wholesale Urj'Koods house wanted lo locate In thu city. The momuors favored n conferoneo with the proprietors nnd appointed Messrs. Gathers and Bindley to nut and enter Into negotiations. National Cumu'tlliv Irll. : The comlnp of the iintloiinl compotltlvo drill wns brought up for discussion. Mr. Gathers said that it woulii bo of as much benelU to Omaha as u national convention , it would bring .1,000 soldiers und at loiist 50,000 spectators to the city. The gathering would continue ono week. 1'rizos would have to bo offered nnd some action ho said should bo taken nt once. After further discussion a coinmitteo consisting of Messrs. St. A , 1) . Bnlcombo , Gathers nnd Held was appointed to confer with committees from ether organi zations nnd dovlso ways nnd means for creat- inc' n fund to purchase the pri/us. Messrs. VV. J. Gonnoll , JelT Bedford nnd W. S. Pooploton were nppeintcd a commltteo to dovlno plans for \vorkhouso in which city prisoners who may bo convicted and " sentenced tnny work"out tholr lines instead of boarding in the jail , us under the present system. A number of pcntlemon spoke upon the subject nnd nil were of the opinion that prisoners should bo worked. By putting them upon n stone \illo \ or some other place where hard labor would ho exacted jail llfo would no lancer bo n luxurv. JAGolonol Scott. John T. Gathers"St. A. L ) . Dalcombo and 1'aul Morbach were appointed n committee , with instructions to bo at Lin coln on December 17 in attendance ns dele gates to tlio beet sugar convention. Tlioy were Instructed to use their efforts to secure the location of a beet surjar factory in this city. lionilH iintl l > ulUu Clinrltlrn. The discussion of the use to ho mndo of the money arising from the snlo of tbo city bonds ' voted nt the ftovumbur election was'entered into , but no action was taken. The matter was deferred until -jho next incotinp. The subject ol a bureau of charities was taken up and discussed. The idea prevailed that such an organization was necessary. It should bo under the management of the la- dlon of Onmmi who should net in conjunction with the county superintendent of poor. The ladles should divide Ihnnisolvcs into commit tees , with different sections of the city to look nftor. Their reports should bo accepted by the superintendent of the poor nnd orders Issued upon their recommendations. It was stated that nn ice manufacturing es tablishment wns desirous or locating in tha pity. The committee on manufacturing was instructed to look into the matter an J report back to tt'Q association. The Ciuiso or KliciimntfHiii. An acid which exists in sour milk nnd cider , called lactic acid , is believed by physi cians to bo the cause of rheumatism. Accu mulating in the blood , it attacks the llbrous tissues In the joints , and causes agonizing pains. What is needed is u remedy to neu tralize the ticid , nnd to so invigorate the kid neys and liver that all waste will bo carried off. Hood's Sarsapanlla is heartily recom mended by many whom it has rurod of rhou. nmtlstn. It possesses just tlio desired uuall < ties , nnd so thoroughly purifies tlio blood as to prevent occurrence" rheumatic attacks. Wo suggest n trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by all who suffer from rheumatism. \ \ I.VTKU TOUIS To Summer IjiuulH via tlio WnbnHli Uoutc. The Wnbash tire now soiling roiintl trip tickets good rotui'iiiiig .Uino 1 , 1S02 , to nil tlio winter rosorH in Tou- iicbsco. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Floriiln , North und South Ciirolinii , Louisiana , Arlmnsns uiitl Toxns. Tlio r uicK-est und bust route to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tickola und full information in regard to routes oust or south cull at Wub.ish ollloo , 1502 Furniim street , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. Puss. Agt , HOUND TO UK TOUOJ1. Ccrtlo Knllcy ncl'imeH lo lo Decent Uiulor Any i li-utimstniicoH. Little Gortlo Ivolloy is in jnll ngalnnnd this tlmo It Is quite certain that uho will bo sent to tbo reform school. She was nrrostcd Thur , stlny night with three young men with whom she wns living in a miserable hovel at Second und Pierce streets. The girl was nrrostud u faw days ago with another girl named Horthn Herman for .stealing a ring from Mrs. Hollonbock on North Sixtcontli stroct , but that lady relusod to prosecute them , UK parties were found who were willing to give the girls gooJ homos. Gertlo wns taken Into the family of Mrs. Thomas Scott , bntroinuinod onlv a few days , refusing 19 stay there. She told the polfco matron this morning thitsho "didn't to stny in no hlgti toned pluco , " preferring to go wheru Him could do IH she pleased , Tlio girl Is but it yonn oM , but is educated In RID nnd depravity far beyond her years. She la an orphan her father having died before him wns burn , nnd her mother three years nltorwurd , nnd her surroundings nnd associations on thu Houtli bottoms have boon of the most vicious chin-actor. Though only a child and small for horngo , ho Is nosscssed of considerable cunning , nnd has told pitiful tulos to gain sympathy that have proven to he utterly un true. true.The The elrl seems determined to follow tha depraved llfo , which she began l.vo yearn nga whea sue left the house of the woman with whom she had maao her homo with u grown son ot tbo hitter and hugan living with him In a shanty near the rivor. They wanted to got married , hut had no money to pay the preacher. The girl wn-i equal to the occasion. Shu took the proachet asldo and stated the case , She had no nionovi hut she did have u bottle of Ilaller'n Sure euro Coiiidi Syrup. Would ho marry them for that 1 The preacher would.and two hearts boat ai ono. Hollil TIM i us l < 'i'i > iii Oin ilia , Vcstibulcd , oloctrlc lighted und Btoum honied , with the llnost dining , alooplng und reclining oliuir cur eervlco in tliu world , via the Chloiigo & Omiihn Short Lino" ol the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'ntil Railway. Uoublo dully Iraln service , leaving Oinnha lit 1215 ; f , in. und 0:20 : p. in. , with no trannfur at Uoim- ell BlufTu us liorotoforo. Ajp'.y ) 1601 Fnniitm atroot for tJclcotstmd lurthor In formation or nudruss R A. NAHH , J. B. PUKKTON , Gen. Ajft , City Puss. AgL The now Hotel Brunswick , 10th nnd .TuolcHon. with all modurn improvem unts Now open for guuata. Moiloruto prlcoa Four hundred itnd Hfty aollnr plnno. Wttrnintod uovun years for 31 7,60. Now Ecule. liny don Bros. Ur , Cullimoro , occullat , Boo building