THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FRIDAY , DEOEMBEll 11. 1801 , SPECIAL NOTICES , A DVKHTISKSIKNT8 KOIl I'HKSB COLUMNS y\ will lie takrn until 13.1Q : ; > , m. . for DID evening mid until 8:30 p. m. , for thu morning or Hundny cill- All RdTertt cmnnU In thniuj rolumns l&rontu a Ilnoflmt Insertion nnd 10 ccntu n line thoronflcr , or I2pcr line nor mnntli. No ndverll ment tnkRn for leMthnnMeentt for Ihn ftrtt Insertlnn. Trrni , rni > h In advance. Count nuont 7 worda to tlin lino. Inlt- Inln. IlKiirpK , rinuol , olo. , onch rountn'n won ) . All ndvcrllfc-nicnln must run connccutlvcly. Advcr- tlsrra. liy rcinctlnK | n ntitnbcrcd check , cnn linvo their Irltrrs nddrcMcd tn n nnmlirrchl letter In cnro of TIIK IICK. Answers tn addresxud wilt bo deliv ered on presentation of the chock. C'KS A1 VKIITI9INU KOHTIIKSK .1 'coliiinnn will ho tnkon on thn nbora condltlun nttlio followlnuhinlnoin IIOIISPH. who nrn author- Itcd to takn upcclnl notlros at the > nma rated nscaa l.c had nt the nittln oniros Couth Omnlm llrnncli Onico No. JCS.1 N street , l.lstcr blnrk. . .lolmV. . llcll , nlinrtnnclat.lllli nnrt ilninn ntrectfl. H. II. Knrnsworlh , phnrmnclnt.SIIS Ctimlnu dtreet. W.J. IluKhpi , plinrmnelai , rji N. Jiitli MrpcL C. K. Hattrrtlold , phnrmnclBt , 1713 I-cnvenwortli itrcpt. Ilnilhos' plmrmncy. 31th nnd rnrnnm. C = SIT U ATioNS AN'FlilT 11ATKS l..o n Una llrnt time nnd Iflen line there- utter. No ndrortlnument tnkcn for leas tlmn 2Sc. BITUATION WANTKI ) IIV KIIIST CLASS A plumber. Address ( looro T. illncr , Ord , Neb. .MIIJOIO' _ AYOUN(1 MAN OK (1OOI ) IIAIItTSV1SIIK8 chores to do mnrnlnRS nnd evenlnits , for either lioard or roum or both. Uoferunccs. AddrcMj 50 , Jloo , 119-1U * _ -THOHOtTdllLY COMI'KTKNT nOOKKKKI'KK -A and salosnmn , liimhcr , nnsli nnd doors , llcst rcfercnri'K. Aililrcss .1 2 , cnro llco , M ptll-13 * _ WAXTHO aiAI < K IIKIjl' . 11ATKM ILca line first tlmo nnd lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2. ' > c. - . , > iiuist bo sillier , steady nnd rallnblo ; inodernta aalnry to pomnioneat position pc-mianunt , lf ult- Hble. W. A. Welkcr , 61S Hbcoly lildx. M I8I-11- T > WANTKII , AOKNKHALAIJKNTFOItOMAHA , J "Inily or Kcntlenmn , who cnn hnndlo forty or llftjr Mih iiKontn. Mnft brlnir llrst clAurt raferenro. Call ot Itoom 117 , .Mlllnrd hotel , until Jo'olock Friday 1 > WAXTKI ) , A HOY FOU I.1OIITVINTI51t J 'work to take cnrn of n pair of horses nnd n fur- unco. Apply room 2 , Wlthnall building. M17U-12 -IM.MK"n7vTI1LY ] , MAN , UKCKIVK INSTltUC- tlons , keep books ; Rood situation. "l' > New Vork .Ifo biilldliin , 174 10 * _ V > AOKN1 S WANTKI ) KVHIlYWHKIlKiCHANOK J > shnft for poln of biiiwy In ond-lmlf iiiliiutii ; Just out ; wrlto quick ; till ? prollts. I'litent Hpi.-clnlty MfK. Co. . Kinporla , Kan. I77.I 'Q _ _ 1) KXl'KKIKNCKII SALK3MAN FOK UKl.IA- JJbla IIOUKO : ciiiiiloyiiient pcrnmni-nt ; salary , $101) tier month , with liicrenso . M. A. llunnott. 72 IN. Y. i.lfo hldK. M1M 12 _ -A HAIIII C11ANCH FOU L1VK AtJKNT . A pocki-t letter press , l'rlcoti.00. I.nruo discounts to annuls. Sommers Cylinder 1'rezs Co. , liv llroad- wny. N. Y. MI38 11' _ B -WANTKI ) SOLICITOUS. MFKOFCIIAItLKS Stewart 1'arnell. Secure your territory now. Polls rapidly. Liberal snlnry paid. li. F. Waters , 215 8 15th Bt. MIMll * _ T > F11IST CLASS PIANO PLAYHU. ADIWIMH JJChanibera' Dniiclnuncaderay , cor. 18th and liar- noy strciitu , W. K. Cliainbiirs , 1'rop. .MHXi 11 * B-BOHKll , KIMKHTtV MAN TO IJO L1OIIT > r work In u hotel. Union Depot hotel , llthnnd Mason sts. 121-1U * B WANTKI ) . A LIVlfl KNnilOKTIO 1'AIITY IN orery place to Introduce our Roods. Wo have anew now line thntwl'.l pell nt every houao nnd anc.'uml iiRt > nts cat ) renp n hurvest between now nnd the holidays. Will pay n xnlary of (7S.IX ) per month If preferred , nnd furnish n team free. Address at once. Btundnrd Sllvurwuro Co. . lluntun. Mnn.i. WANTKI ) , SAIJiSMlSN ON HAI.AHVOIl COM- B mlnttlon to litinillu tlio new putiMit chemical Ink crnnlni ; pi'iirll. 1 he Kri'nK'st selllnK novelty ever produced ; erirm-n Ink tliorouxlily In two Beconds ; no nbrnslon of pnper ; WO to MJU pur cent profit ; ono nvcnt'H pnli'B nn.minted to f20 ( ! In Hlx days , nnotlicr fK : ! In two hour * . Wo wnnt ono itcnerul nta'iit in cnoli state nnd territory. l > * or tcrma nml lull pnr- tlculara nddri'Bi .Monroe Kriiscr JlfK. Co. , l.n Crosse , WIs. X 'U ! . 727 AG11.NT9 WANTKI ) WE WANT MKN WHO nre already trnvollnit aalcimcn to carry our lubricating oil nuniplos as n Bide line : name refer * encea nnd territory. Jlannfncturerii Oil Co. . Clara- Innd , O. J1M)7 ) d ll-fJOOI CITV ( UNVASSKlta : SAI.AIIV PAID JJnui'kly. Sinner ( Jcwlni ; Mnoblno,1510 DouKlns at 607 1)24 T > WANTKI ) . A YOITNO AMI ) NKAT COLOUK1) .Ilboy to tonil door. The lloston ijtoro. 3l < 0 ' H ATK3 I5c n line first tlmo nnd IDc n line there after No advertisement , tnken for less thnnSSc. C"ho TO ASSIST NLHHT ; housework. Apply nt 1203 Park ava. MI68 II * C WANTKII , A COMPKTKNT SECOND GIRL , with references , QO S. 20th. M142 II P AN KXPKHIKNCKD NUH3K FOR CARK OF v-'vory young baby ; references required. Mrs. F , Icniv2UOT | Ht. Mary's nveuue. 127 AN KXPF.HIKNCKD COOlt APPLY AT.172t Davenport street. 120 10 * C-COMPETKNT GIRL , 812 South 18th street. M117 U KOK 11KNT 1IOUSI2- . IIATIOS l.'n n line first time nnd lOc n line there after , No advertisement timuti for loss tlnm S5e. -ONH8-KOOM AND ONUS 10-llOoM ; I1OUSK , Al.f , coiiTenlt'iivra ; k-ooil ncluhliorhood ; would take liorso nnd bulimy lor rent of cither. Addro.ia , .1 20 , lien. 1U3 12 * "n-KOH HKNT , 4-UUOM COTTAOK , 29T1I AND -I-'Diidl.'O , JIO.OO 110KK8&1I1II , 1103 trnrnain. 171 15 1V-FOU IlKNT , KUIIN1HHKI ) 10 KOOJt llltlCIC J-'lionse , all Improved , runt J45.0U , ' 'ffill Farnain etreet. H5-13 * K , NICK HOMK , PAHTIKS 'golngto California. Apply for few dnys ut 1112 H loth street. 122 "H TWO VKIIY KLUOANT 7 HOO.M COTTAGKS J-'Hlst street near Lenvemvorth , new , modern Will rent cheap to good tennnts. Globe Lonn nnd Trust company , lIHh nnd Dodge. MSU4 H T\- SIX LAHGK ROOMS ; MODKHN IIOUSK ; VKIIY Jconvenlent ; near Hnnscom pnrk. Address K 60 , Jloo. MSO ) T-1-T1115 TWONKWURICK IIOUSKS , NOiJ. 270(1- ( JL/270J Fnrnnm. Unest houses In the city. M5.00 n month. W. M. Rogers , 1321-II12 : ! Fnrninu. M8U7 B NKW ( I-ROOM COTTAGKS , MODKRN IMprovements - provements , "Stnnford Circles. " Apply C. S. Klguttor , room 4 , N.Y. Life building. 732 i ) I-S. 4 A5.ROOM IIOUSKH , $10 to I5 ; HKHT UKS Idence lints In city. Mead Inv't Co. 412 lieu bldi ; rai D 8TKAM HKATKII li'ItATS. f. 1C. DAltl.I.NIi , Murker block. 11T B ITOH IlKNT 1IOUHKS AND FhATS CKNTUAL- ly lociited. . ' > to f 13 , a Bplondld list. Cull R C ( iiirvla A Co.'US Hhcoly block. UM DKOU lll'INT , NI.NK-IIOO.M HOUHK , WITH hoth Kits nnd rnnKo If ilonlri'd , nil In uooil con dition , loniti'il near VOth nnd St. .Mury'n nveniio , 1'rlce rt'iiHonuble ; upecliil terms Klven to the rlxht imrty. Inquire M'i t'arimiu ut. or ti. II , T chnek , lieu olllco. MB'A ) "TV KIHItT IKHM IIHICK IK11ISK WITH MOD- J-'eni Improvemtinlii. cohicr ' . " . ' 111 and Isnrd , ono Mock from Walnut Hilt motor , tM.OO , U N. V. I.lfo. Then ( Jlson TUO bOll ItKNT , 7-UOO51 D.Yl'il.l.I.Ni ; , 1JTH AND i.ooust , r.'u. T-room cottnue , .T.'O'j Sownnl t. , fin. KlilulltyTrust Compnny , Kill t'urnuin ft. Ill -Hill HKNT , HOUSn 10 UOOMS. AM. MODKItN Improveiuunts , iSO.W | > er iiiontli.J'.M and Knniaiii. Doxtrr It. 'lluiiniis. 733 1"\-IA1UK ) MST OV IIOUSIM. STOUKS AND JJtluts for reuu Ouo J. 1'aul , lixu fnrnum etroot. T\-OXK nUH ROOM FLAT. STKAM AND ALL Jmedern conveniences , excellent order ; ono U- room house. References rcoulrcd , T. I. , von Dorn , ruomti. 813 S. ! 2d street. --fJ FOR RIC.NT , HOUSK N. K. COR. ' 13TH ANI ) Webuler , Brooms , full city lot , price 123.50. C. Gnrrlson , 1514 Farnnui , 707 TyFl ) HB.NT. II ROOM.HOUSK . , HKI DORCAS 'strdet. liniulru Robert Hunter , Hoe olllco. Ml' ' * ! D-6-ROO.M C01TAGK , KM S. 318' ! ' bTKKKT.JI1M1' JI1M1' n-FOH HUNT , U-HOO.M . .MODKRN COTTAGr ! , .L/W7 Cnllfornia St. , 113 per month. 'JU TFOll HKNT , TllllKK OF OUH KLKUANT lyiou | e In l.ufnyctta Place , 4lst u id Nelson nts. , nroruuiplHtod mid uru tor rent , 7 nnd B rooms and ctery modern ImprovDUient ; price , f.M.ul nnd 133,00 | ior month , fidelity Truitcompuny , IU14 Fnruam st. \-IO HOUSK ! ? , 5 TO 8 UOOMS KACII , I7.UO TO ir..UU. The O. V , Puvla cuuipitny. 1UVUII ItlO.NT KUUMSIIIil ) ItOO.HS H ATI81 : do n line first tlmo and lOo a Una thoro- after. No mlvertlivmont taken fur lost than iJo. NICK KURNISHHD FRONT HOOUS -Jsttnui heut nud utns , 1012 lUrney st , Hj u- 1-FiitNlSllii : > AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS , -Ljiuuilcrn coiiTcnlcurea. C31H So. I'Jth street. MUSH * _ T7 TWO SU1TK ROOMS TO LKT TO OKNTLK- Juuiau. and wlfo ; board for lady only , Addreai J 81 , llceulUcu. MUJ It * _ -FURNISHBO IIOOMS FOR OKNTLKME.f only. Apply with ruloronee , II2i OoJue Ku 91(111 ( LAUtlK FRONT PARLOR. 1313 DOUGH DOUGHus 10 KlCKLY FUHM3IIKU ROOM FOH TWO (1KN ( > tlcmou.SlW I/uDftiu. 170 Iti * I'-OU HKNT FUnXIHHKO I -S FURNISIIKD FRONT ROOMS , JF.VSUtTK JW ! K IMh , 8rd floor , 1 ! 1.1-TIin DIN1NO ROOM OF A FIRST-CLASS .t-ihtHKo ; rent t en In hoard ! present occupnnt IcarlnR the city. Address.1 21 , lice. Mliiill' 17-TIIK ST. CLA1H IIL'HOPKAN IIOTKL. COR. 1 Jl.tlh nnd DottKP. will m ko low rntpn for roomi by Hie week or month , with or without hoard , 735 ANI ) OVB SMALL LAllflK FRONT Jliru for rent nt 3IOS > DoiiKlni street. M W7 II * I UKNISIIKO KUUMH AM ) I5O/VUI * . S ISo n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n Une there after. No ndvortlscmenl tnken for lcs than 't'M. E" - NICIOLY FUIlNliSlIKI ) HOOATsT T.i7mT housekeeping. l 7 South Mill street. M 181-11 * 1 ? ROOM WITH HOARD : ALSO A FFAV TA1ILI5 A hoarders wnntcd ! llrsl clnss Inblc. I7W tlmlira. Ml.1115- li'-HOOM-.MATi : FOR YOUNfJ LADV , ALSO TWO I1 or three choice hoarders. 5 ) N , 2.1d. MI07-J7 OK KI-JNT HOO.MH UNKUUMHIIIil ) HATKS ISc a IJno llrst tlmn nnd lOo a line there- nftor. No ndvertlsoment tnkon for less thanl'ic. - HNFUHNISHKI ) ROOMS : 51ODKRN G-TURKU - , J3.00 per month. 2813 North 20th street. M1W-I3' - UNFUHNISHKI ) ROOMS , NKWIA G-TURKU stcnm heat , nil conveniences , tall 1811 LcnV < > nworth. 16011 * /1-NICfi U.NFt'RNISIIKI ' ) FRONT ROOM WITH VJbedroomnrtsn \ closet. Splendid view : chenp to rluht pnrty. 2212 Mnson st 151 I2 -4 UNFt'HNISHKIi ' UOOMS FOH 11OU3K- G keeping , 1702 Webster stroot. Price , I12.W. HATKS 16o n line llrst time nnd lOanllno there- nfler. No advertisement taken for loss tha " II modntod nt the goud home tables of 1810 Chicago street. M104 11 * [ "I-PULLMAN 1IUUSK. 1310 DOIIOK. KOIt GOOD ' 1 board , niter rooms , conveniences , rntes nnd lo cntlon It cunnot bo excelled. Mrs. llorn , proprietor. 87i-l-3 ( * KtU IlliNT STOKKS AMI OI-'KIOKS. KATKfl ISon line first tltno anil lOo n linn thoro- nfter. No advertisement taken for less thiin Me. 1 IfOll HUNT , T1IK4-STOIIV1IUICIC IIUILDiNG , Awlth or without power , formerly occupied by The lira Publishing Co. , Dirt Fnrnnm street. The build ing has n lire proof cement bnieinent , complete steam heating fixtures , water on nil the floors , gns , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The Ilee. UI3 UliNTAIj AGKNCY. HATF.S-I.1cn line first tlmo nnd lOe n line there- ufter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. T II. E. COLK. CONTINKNTAL I1LOCIC. - . J. PAUL , 1C09 FAKNAM 8TUKKT : BPK L-CKO. clnl attention to caring for rental properties. M22tl 1)14 ) STOHAGK HATKS IJo n line llrst tlmo nnd 100 n line there- nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 'J5 . M-iiilY , CLKAN AND pilTvATKL ? STOIIKI ) furnlture.Omuhu btova Hepalr Work. 1-U7 Dons- 733 I-OI.OK8T , CHKAl'KST ANI ) KK8T STOHAOE M houao In the city. Williams & Cross , im Unrniiy. TIl'l ' WANTED TO BUI' . HATKS-lCc a line first tlma nnd lOc a line there nfter. No itdvcrtlsonicnt taken for loss than -5o M AmjUT"40 FlKT oF OFF1CK HAILING. IN- 1 > qiilro 05 S. 13th street. Mill ! 12 XT 8KCOXI ) HAND P. K. DKDKIHCIC SF.LF- -Li feeder perpetual hay press. Capacity. 2 tons per hour. ( ! . A. IS. , Hotel Pnxton. M140 lii * T-FUHNITUIIK BOUOAT , SOLI ) , STORK D < Wells , 1111 Fnrnnm street. 741) Vt WANTKD , FOH CASH , A HAIWAIN IN , JN Omaha. South Omuha or Council Ululls real estate Inside of city limits. Give full description nnd price. No Indennlto proposition considered. Adpress K 4ti , Ilee. 741 IJ HO11S13H , WAUONS , JiXO 11ATKS ISc n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less thair.Mc. , I hnrnessscost now$260 ; will sell entire rig for ? 7J. Half Jersey bred cow { 40. worth (75. lllooded poultry ; Hull Cochins , Plymouth Hocks and Light llriihmas , 60o each. A Milton llogors fSU range for f'S. House nnd fnrm for rent chenp. Callontiun- dnys only , Klmwood Park. 24th and Gnrllcld nvo. , thlssldoof Donnhuc , the florist. MI53 " ) A GOOD WOHIC Tit AM FOH $175.00 ON 1 time. Cooperative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. llith * - A I1AUOAIN FOH SALK , A FINK GKNTLK buggy horse. Inquire Ht auoriioIlofTmun's liv ery stable , 18tb , between llnrney nnd Howard. 123 13 * Poll BAIiE IIATK8 IBo n line Hrst tlmo unit lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. -NINK HKADOI' ' Angus cnttlo. conslstlngof one hull II years old , one hull 2 years old , four cows and throe heifers. Will be sold Ht n bargain. Cnll on or Inqulro of I ) . A. Gouny , Gllmoro , Sarpy county. Neb. M1M-17 * - DAIRY IIUTTHHI HKTAIL GHO- Q-FHKSH private families can bo supplied on short notice with best of goods nt moderato prices. Address A. Nelnstcdt , general merchant , Clnrlndn , In. Reference , any wholesale grocery house In Omaha. 147-10 * HH1PMAN OIL KNGINK FOR SALK. ADdress - Q dress , Urlgham Printing Coinpuny.SouthOmnha , Q : Ul'llKJHT 1'IANO , STANUAllD .MAKK , J used three months , for sale cheap , owner leav ing the city nnd neeUs money , also n Chlckerlnit piano for * IT5 , Cnll after U o'clock evening * ut gliii ! ! Caldwull street."L. . Q-FOIl SALK CHKAf , O.NB OUAND AUTO- mntlo aoft mud brlclc machlno ; almoit no > v. Ad- dresa John 1 * . Thomas , brick mfgr. , Omaha..MUMI19' .MUMI-19' - FINK UPRIGHT PIANO VKHY LITTLH Q-A UBiul nnd as good ns now. Must bo sold at onco. Great burguln. Address lira Uea olllco. 1112 Q KOIl SALIJ , SAFF. WITH TI.MK LOCK , COUNter - ter nnd fixtures suitable for country bunk. H 20 Omnha Ilee. M5U3 d2i Ml'SU IjhANUOU.-1. RATKS-ir > o n line llrst time and lOu a Una there ntter. No ndvertlsement taken for loss tlmn 25c. T > CH HI HTM AS -LVhlKhi largo unit tine ; or bules of branchei for decorntlans. Address U A. Williams , Glenwood , In. MI87 15 CIM lit VOV ANTS. HATKS 15cn line llrst tlm ? nnd lOe n line there- nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. S ifulvAT. ivrTiAo iNT revelations. Challenges the world. Mrs. llr M. Legrave , dead truncu elulrvoynnt , nstrologlst , pnlmlst nnd life reader ; tells your III" from the crndhi tu grave. ; unites thu nopnrntcd ; causes mar- rlutiiMvllh thoono you love ; tells where you will succeed and In whut buslnoxs bett adapted for ; has thu celebrated Kgyptlan bretiNtphite for luck nnd to destroy bad Influences ; cures Ills , Intonipernncu and nil private complaints with mussnge , tmths nnd nl- cohol treatment. Send f2 , lock of Imlr. mime nnd date of birth and receive accurate life chnrt ; 2 cents In stamps for circular- ; give Initials of one yon will ninrry ; also photos of snme. Olllco 1007 South Illh street , tint floor ; hours , .I n. in. to p , m. Come one , come all , and be convinced of this wonderful oracle. M8IS 11 * S--MRS. .MARY FRITZ. 2420 LAKK &T1IKKT , clairvoyant nnd tranca medium ; Independent voices ; tells -mat and future , MI57 hi * S MRS. NANN1K V. WAHUKN , CLAIRVOYANT reliable business mediumfifth yenrnt HU N. llith , S MRS. M1T.C11HI.U CLAIRVOYANT , 11US1NKSS nnd test medium ; gives > lttluis dally. 6104 ! H , 10th. MIWJ It * MASS At. B , IJVTHS , I'.TO. _ RATIIS I.Vinllnutlr * ; time and 10j n line there- nftor. No ndvurtlsement taken for less than 25o 'p-MASSAGKrMAS8.\GH ; MV PAIuToilS AND J-operolor are the Uncut ; over CIO S. 13th street. MIIUU * STOWK , MASSWUSK , ELKCTRICIAN , i2025Furnaiu st , M2J2 12 * ft MASSAUK THKATMl'JNT , KLKOTRO THKR- I ml batlm , sculp and Imlr truntment , manicure nnd chlropodlil.Jlrn , Po tSI > ) i S. lith.WRhuell blk . . . , . , , , ' I „ „ : W111T1I , Mil CAl'lTOh AVK.NUB. I Jdiloor. Alcohol , tmlphurlo and ioa bathi. bathi.MS3113 MS3113 * MUSIC , A UT AND li uNT.U.VGK. HATKS I5e a Una Hrst tlma nnd lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for lesi than 25o. ' -A FINK UPIHGHT PIANO , STANDARD wake , for sale at a sacrifice. Address H U5. lloa VII If RKKOHK BUYING A PIANO KXAM1NK THU i new scnle Klmbull piano. A. Hosiol3U | Douglaa. ir-0. Y. GKLLKNI1KCIC , UANJO TKACHHIl" ' with HosiioorUM N. Ititli street , 3d Itoor. Da MONKY TO IjOAN-UUAb KHTATl-X HATH3 I&o a line llr at tlmo and lOo a line thero- tier. No ndvettlsomcut taken for les > than 230. Tir UKAL KSTATK LIIANS TO f PH"R CENT ; ' 'no additional ctiargua for commission or attor ney's fees. W. H , Mulklo , Flr.t National bank bUu , Ml -SKCOXO MORTOAOK3. CAN MAKH A FKW food kuua. AUi Moore , 401 Ueu Itldrf. bog MONKY TO LOAN ItKAti KSTATK. ) ! ) Tll 8T CO , 318 N. Y. Life , lend nt low rntns for cholco security on Nebraska or lown farmi orOmahaclty properly. \\r-MONKV TO LOAN OX I .ONO OH SHOUT tlnn-Inntims of tXXItolllWW. Mutual Inrcit mcnt Company. 821 \\r-WIANrt O.V ilKAI. KSTATK ANI COI.tiAT ' tcral notes nnd mortKnijcs botiijlit , lleod A Helby , 3,11 Hoard of Trade. 7M \\7 cKNTRTiTo7u < AN I > TRUST co IIKIJ IIMXI f ? 114 \\r-.MO.NKV' ON IIAN'I ) TO LOAN ON KIR S T ' raorttfnKA on Omaha city prnporty. Clins. W. Holney , 313 Omuha Nat'l bank building. 747 A\r-I.OA.NS , W. M. HARRIS , 11.80 KHUNXKU I1I.K > > 711) AVI'KIl ( CKNT KIRST MOUTHAOK I.OAN3 , > ItlchardC , rattorson , 1511 Farimni at. 'M \tr-UANa O.V IMl'lttTvKI ) ANI ) U.viMPHOVKIt li city prupi'rty , t I.UUU nnd upwnrcH.i'i to H per rent. No delays. W. c'urnnm Smith \ Co.Uth & Harnay , 318 ir-I.OWKriT RATKrf OP INTKRK8T OX KIIIST V clas.t security , LoTOtt & Woodman , ? M S. I.lth 509 \\r-WASTRII , LOANS OK MiJ TO 11KM ON UN ' * Improved lots ! t.VJ ) to tl.OM on Improveil prop. ertr , ntonco. Fidelity Trust Co. , HUl Knrnam it 113 r-IAROK LOANS OX HUSIXKS3 I'lK Oeo. J. I'nul , ItKW Knrnam street. M1VJJ10 MONKY TO LOAN CHATTKIjS. HATK3 lo n line Hrst time nnd lOo n line thoro- nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. VMONK Y TO o A N "l Y II F. M A ST K 1 19 ON Vhnuschold iioods , pianos , oruans , horses , mules , wnuons , etc. , nt the lowest posslhlo rates without vubllclly , removal of property or change ofpoi- session. Time nrratiKCd to suit the borrower. Payments of nny nmoiint cnn bo nindontnny time , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus KlvliiK patrons all the bonclltsof the pnrtlnl pay ment plan. Cull nnd see me when you wnnt n lonn , or If more convenient call telephone 1G21 nnd your business cnn b < ; nrrnniod nt home. Money nlwnys on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rntcs ; business confidential. II. F. Masters , room I , Wlthnull blk. , Utn nnd llarnoy sts 763 _ X 5YLOANKDON FUHNITUItK. HOUSKSi wogons , pianos , without removal or chnngo of possession. Coulldcntlal. Fred Terry , r. 43J ItaniRo. X MONKY TO LOAN , 30 , l AND W DAYS ON furniture , etc. Dull Green , It 2U , Continental blk. 7.VI -CHATT15L LOANS , IIKNKIHCT A WHAY , CU Paxton block. Wo lonn onr own money. Wo chnrKO you no commission. It will pay yon to con- milt us. V UATTJ5L LOANS- N. Y LIFE. MOKUI3. A. 1W3J 10 NKHy ClIAXOIiiS. HATKS I5en line llrst time nnd lOo a line thera- after. No advertlaomcnt taken for Icssthnn25c : \r FOK SALK , WATKlt POWKIl llOLLKil L flour mill In Nebraska , at 'n bargain ! Knqulro of Korfoot llros. , DCS .Molncs , In , M 1S2-17 -I WILL PAY YOU CASH FOH YOUH MKH- chnndlsc. C. U. llurtlott. 741 llroadwny. Council Illuns. MIBSJlUi V FOUSALB , SUllUllilAN OHUn STOHK ; C.OOI ) locution In Omuha ; small stock , with fixtures ; pnrt cush , balance secured. Address , J ' . ' . "i , lice. IK ) 1I \r-IIOTKL FOU HUNT , LAHTdAN IIOtJSK AT 1 Nenla , la. , lifter January 1. Address II. J Schlcrbrock , Ncola , la. mis * V FOU SALK , MKATMAHKKT WILL UK SOLI ) , JL rlcht KOod location , doing good business ; liuv- InK other business. Address 11. II. Haymaker , Fair- bury. Nob. 124 15' \T FO 11 SALK. STOCK OF MANTELS AND JL tile ; a fine opportunity to step Into nn estab lished paying business : only stock In the city. K. II. AppolKCt , Lincoln , Neb. MHO FOK SALK A STOCK OF (5KNHIIAL ( MKH- chandlso amounting to nbout fci.OUO.U ! } In ono of the best towns for business In lluttulo Co. Address J 14. lice. U83-1U * Y DKUO STOHK FOH SALK ; CUNTHALLY Lo cated ; S2iKXI cash ; bal to suit. Address 11 US , llco yio -FOH SALK , A CLEAN STOCK OF OKNKHAL merchandise : good trade , good locntlon , good stock. Address It. A. Barton , Curtis , Neb. MWJ II Y A UA110AIN , FOH SALK , F1UST-CLASS SAloon - loon nnd rostnurunt In n live town , doing good business ; good reasons for selling. Address II ( J2 , Ileoottico. Ml 10 * " \r A ItAltB CIIANCK , AN 1NVESTMKNT OP X $400.00can secure an Income of from ? fi.OO to (50.00 per day. Apply for particulars to John 1' , Button , P.O. bo.X Mi. Lincoln , Nob. M33I 1)17 Full SALK , TUR HKAL KSTATK AND MA- chlnery of the Fnlrbury Iron Works nt Fulrbury , Nob. ; a good opportunity ; reason for soiling.death of proprietor. 'U-I-17 * 1 < 'OU KXCHANGK. _ _ KATK8 15o a line first time nnd lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss tha Z PIANO FOH 1IOHSK OH 11OHSK ANI ) CAl- rlnge. Address J ' . - . ' , llco. M1SO lC : -OOOI ) IIOTKL AND OTHKH PHOPMHTY TO trade. A. I * Embcrson , Oberlln , Knn. M'J25 15 * V ONE8-IIOOM ANDONK 10-IIOOM IIOUSK , ALL AJcouvcnlonces ! good neighborhood ; would take horse nnd buggy for rent of either. Address , J 2il , lice. 167 12 * _ rFOH KXCHANOK , A TWO STOHY ANI ) HASK- /Jrnent brick store building , with tints ou second tloor. building rants for KtiO per month with y.l your ground lease In the heart of Omaha , for a stack of hardware and stoves or real estate anil cush. W. K fctoetzol , 714 S. llith at. 751 CLHAH FAHM LAND FOH STOCIC OF merchandise. Address box 410 , Hapld City , S. I ) 4JO-U20 * - _ _ _ _ Z 111OH 1IHKD STALLIONS. MAHKS ANI ) colts for real estate. Itoom 401 Hrown hide. M463 J2 _ Z : HOI1SIW FOH LOTS. UOOM 403 , HKOWNHLmj. rCLKAN STOCK OF GKNKRAL MDSB. ; WILL SJtaku real estate nnd money. Box 203 , Frankfort , Ind. 2d3 _ _ y-OLD GOLD AND SILVKR , JKWKLRY , ARTl- ' tlclni teeth , medals , etc. , bring all you hnva In Inrgeor small lots nnd racjlvo ois'i or hUU elan dentistry In exchnngo. Dr. John Matlhowj , miinu- fncturlngaontlst , 212 Ilrown blk. Oinihn. MI3I FOR MAIjK UKAti KSTATK. RATF.S i5o ! a line first tlmo nnd lOa n Una thoro- niter. No ndvertlsement tnken for less than 2. " > c. oirHALlCcOH. PARK AVK rANiTMAHlS7cOM. modlous modern residence , built by day's work ; good burn , line lawn and shade trees ; lot ClUlliS ; price , 110,000 ; terms , $1,000 cush , (1,000 unencum bered renl estate , vacant or Improved ; balance , long time. \rncs Rcnl ICstato Agency , U07 JFarnnm street. 7B li ( VIRGINIA FARJI , 200 ACRKS , GOOD DUILDINGS ' nnil fences. For pnrtlculnrs nddress Lillian Wolton , Woodbine , In. .12J 10 * | ? ORSALKF8 FKKT ON 1STH 8TRUKT W'lTH 3 1. houses , coiners on 11)It ) alloy ; price , JIS.OOO ; will tnkuCI. ' > OOcnsh. bulnnce In unencumbered renl es tate and long time , Amos Real ICntnto Agency , 1507 Furnuni street. _ 17 Ui LOTS IN S1IKHIDAN PLACH , 421) AND LKAV- enworth , $ C4X.00 ) each , tlU.OJ down nnd tlO.UO n month , 7 per cent Interest. Hucd A. Solby , 331 Hoard Trade. MS'Jl _ 320 ACUKS OF LAND TOR SALK CUB A P. IN Hayes county , Nebraska. Address A. W. Prlndle , A Co. , Owasso , Mich. IfJT 10 * OTS ON MONTHLY PAYMH.NT8 IN { 1KNSON , Ijikii View , Clifton Place , Dundee , Armour Pluco , W. L. Selby's ndd Room 403 Ilrown bldg. . a M4S.I J'i _ 1OR SALK , ATA HAHOAIN , LOT 15. IJLOCK I , -L W. U Shelby's first addition to South Omulm. Smal I payment down , balnnco monthly If desired. Inquire G. II. Teschuck , Omuha lieu , , H8.I 17OH ' BALK 1IOMHS , ANY PRICK , f7M , tl,2DO UP ; J-'easy terms ] take clour property ns tint payment. U. G. Wallace , llroHii block , iuth and Douglas , _ _ _ _ 7M rOR 8AIJC-NKHRASICA FARM LANDS. G. Q. Wallace 123 Ilrown block , lOthoml Douglas. 765 _ OR BALK OH T1IAIIR , IfO ACIIB IMPHOVKI ) farm , Inqulro Peter runner , 2IOJ dimlag Btreet. M mi. II' _ RIO HARGAIN , 45X131 , KAST FRONT , SOUTH 20th it. , worth 14.'W ) . Price only JJ.2JO. Fidelity Trust compnny , 1014 Farnain , _ STU TVT. K. COUNKK ? JTH ANI ) HICKORY. 60X150 J.1 feet ; u bargain for n fenr duya only. F. K , Dar ling , Darker block , gut "Toil HALK , M IIOUSKS ON SMALL monthly pa > mentii. onch on a full lot , Prlotu H.iUJ.UO to r..UOO.JO. The O. F. lavl < company. 10I-D11 LOST. It ATKS ISon line first time nnd lOo a line theru after. No advertisement tnkcn for less than 26o * . . Jtircen Dodge nnd Capitol nvi'iiuo , red leather pocketbook. Ueturn to Taggurt , 207 fi 16th and get reward. 172 10 * TOST , DOG. LAKOK ST. I1KHNARU ANSWKR. -IJIng ito the name of Allen. Sullablu reward Frank Rich , m'g'r. Irish Corporal , Furnaiu Street theater or Hotel llarker. 17B-lll > T O T A 1'UIISK ON TUB CAR GOING NORTH J-Jou 18th it. near Webster st. about ft p. m. Tues day Kre. Riituru to llco otlic and k'ct reward. I52-10 * T OST , A SMALL TAN COLOKKU ITALIAN J-Vgrayhouud. lleturntotbu Uoston itore. llith aud Dyujlni street , andrcceUo mward. Wil a. STOCK W4MTI3HI3I ) . HATKS IMn Ilnn flrst tlmojvml too n linn there- utter. No ilvertlMiment"t _ ken for leas than 75a _ _ L _ . _ , , - „ „ uJU n : AT ly TKS. ( lOOtl cato , shelter and boaru'fcncea. 103 Ilrown bid * . IM1 HOR8K8 WINTHRKII'At , LOWKST HATKS AT IlolloTiia stock frtrraijAHox atnlls If dcslrml , Clarke , ID Hoard of Trnda building or 1101107110 , 7M IIAIU < KOIH. HATKS IScn line first tlido nnd ICe n Una there after. No niWurtlsotnCDt Uiki'il for lost tlmn 2io LAHOIIHT STOCK IN . , . rlrnl wlmnnrt boardsn'fiiuclftltr. Wks , l switches , Imlr chains , etc : , In Block and to order. Mall orders sollcltciL Dnvlcs , 111 S Uth St. , Omnlm. " 7W llATKB-ISc n Una tlma nnd IQo n Una thora- oftcr. No ndvcrtlaomenttnkeJ for leu tlmn We. /-lAI.i. AT MMK T'ltAhKN'H ilHKSS.MTiaNff V-'pnrlars , Kill ) California. 1'urfccl tit ininrnntpod , 'o. 1J * PATI-JNT HOMCITOItS. RATK3 ! ! > cn Una Hrst tluio and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2.10" pATKXT LAWYERS ANI ) S ( _ . . . . . . . .1 Sues A Co. , llco hulldlnir , Omnhn , Neb , llrnncli olllco at Washlnuton , I ) . C. Consiiltittlon free. 7lil MANUI'.VOTUIUX JiiVliljC US. HATK8 15c n llnii first tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less than 25c. llnnks , room 30 , llarkor block. Omiihn. 7IJ3 din CUTLKUY GKIXOIXG. HATKS-I. ' * n line tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No udvertlsumcnt taken fur leas than > o. SBNO YOUR HC1HSOHS , HA/.OHS. KTO. , TO 11B ttround to Uiiderland A Co. , I IK S Uth at TOU INTEREST RftlDOHDEPDSITS ATflMflHA-LOfiNSTRUSTCa 5.E.CQR. . CAPITALS : 100.000.00 DIRECTORS : A.U.WYMAN-C.W.NASH. JHMII.LARD-CIJV-C.BAHTON-C.BL KE. J.J.BFtOWN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. NHBRA3K A. National Bank a. a DEPOSITORYOMAHA NEtl Capital $4OOOOO Surplus 6S.OOO Officers nnd Director * Henry W. Yatoi , I'rojldont : Lewis S. Heed. Vice President : C. a Muurlca. W. V. Morse , John S. Colllni , R. a Gushing , J. N. U. Patrick , w. H. S. Hufliuj , Cnshlor. THIS IRON BANK. Corner 12th and < T.irna u A'.l. IMPROVEHEXr is Iho-ORDEQ - of llic DAY FOB 15 AWrlllon Quarnnloolo SYPHILIS CURE EVERY CASE c ? MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro li perm n * nt iiml not a futchlnir up. CaiM lrt txl firs jcittt ngo h t n r r n mjmptom ilno. Jlrtl crlblnucui fully o c n trout ion h/ mill , and woglrotho mo ilrontt Btixriintoo to earner or refund nil motif r. Thoto who prefer to come hero for treatment civn da to nU we will p y rnllroivl fare both r and hotel bllli whlta here If wo full ( a cur * . Wo ehalleniro the world for ft ca o that our MAO1O IIKHTOY yrill not runs Wrllo for full particular ! < ind CJtlhoOTlilcnco. Wo know that J-ou nro ikeritlcal , Juitlr to , too , n the most omlntnt | > hjilclan hit o ncrtrbceniWotOKlro moro than temporaryjwtlof. In our flto voar ' rrnrtlce ltn the MACHO IlEMEDY It ha § been moit dlftlcult to ovcrcomo the rreJudlcM BBalmtnltw-calltduwclflM. Hut under our ilront auarnntco you itiould not hetltato to try thl remedy. You take no chance of loilnu your money. Wo iruar. nleo to euro or refund e ory dollar , unit i wo haYo reputation to protoctiil o financial liacklnitof " 0.- 000ltUporfeelly af to nit who will try the treat ment. lUrotoforeyouhvreb anputtlnirupttndpaying out your money for different tro.-Ummti and although you aronotyotfiured noono ha pnld back your n.on ey. Do not w.titoiinrnioieinonrjruntil you try u . Old chronic , deep lealcvl cato cured In J to 0 Uay . ln Yttllfrato our financial ( landing , our reputation Ijuilnon men. Wrlto ui for namee And ndilrrmoi of the > we hare cured who hare ( tlrim psrmlnlon to ro- ( er to them. IteonUyouonly poilano to dothl < | lt will Bare you n world pf lurtorlni ? from immUl itraln , and If you nro married what may your olTiprlmnuilcr through your own neirll fnco. If your ere throat , mucou > patehci In mouth , rhenmntlim In bon end Juliitu , hair falling out , eruptions on nny rartofthobody.feallnKoC cmcral dcprewlon , jialn Inheadorbonri , youlmrono tlmo to waito. Tboio who nrn conitantly taking mi rcury an I potash should discontinue ) It , Conitantuinof lh o iim ? wllUuri'lr brlmr torn and ctllnRUloraln the und. Don't fall to write. Allcorrciiionilcnca pent tealrd In plain envel opes. Wo Invlto the uio t rldld Inrmtlgatlou nnd "III do nil In our power to nil you In It. Ad.lrnm , COOK KR31EIf CO. , Oma/ia , Jfrbnuka * OOIca Uth and Karnnm. second floor , entrance llthCl FOR MEN . ONLY- Km tor n casio lo or Kalllm Muiihooii. or Nervous Dolilllty , woalinos * of body or mind , the oltootor errors of cxcosaoi In old or young Unit wo ciiuiot : euro. " < i guarantee every citso or rufcitul every dollar. KlvodnyH trial treatment ( I. full cour o * J. I'rocoptlblo benollta roallzod Jn thrco days. Hv mail , Bucuruly puukod from observation. Olllcu open until 0. tn. COUlv Hl2. > UOt > Y CO. . OMAHA. NKU LADIES ONLY MARIP I'BMALE UEGULATOK. Safe mid IllnUlU certain to u day or money refunded. J'rlc'o by mat I Jf.siiled from observation. COOK UIJMEUV CO. . Omaha. Neb. 1 Drs , Betts & Betts * KINGS OF SPECIALISTS Unrivaled For their success In the treatment and cure of Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , Hydrocele , Varlcocelo , Pile's , Fistula , Rectal Ulcers , Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Errors of Youth , Excessive Sexual Indulgences , Kidney , Urinary and Bladder Troublei , Blood and Skin Diseases , Nervous Diseases , Chronic Diseases , Private ' Diseases , Female Weakness and Diseases , Sexual Diseases of every nature. Book Of 120 pages and handsomely lllustrat- 0 ed , sent for 4 cts instamps. . Consultation Free. Call Upon or address with stamp for reply , 14O9 Douglas Street , Omaha , ISTeb. Bonny It , o. Dun A Co. Weekly Itevlow of TrnJo , October 31 , 1861. IN THE Wffl | IT IS "GREATER THAN BEFORE. " "CONSIDERABLE. " IN THE E d I ITIS "CLEARLY " PERCEIVED. iW'SelzeTlmc by the forelock nml MAKK SOMK MONKY by ndiertlslnc througli the most popular Advertising House lu the West. A Id en & , Faxon , Newspaper Advertising Agents , GO & . GO West Third Street , CINCINNATI , OHIO. TO WEAK MEN SntTerlnj yuuthful thu cllecti ; orron from o ( rarly decay , waiting weakness , lo t iiiauhoal , . 1 wfll * uil a valuahle trvntlio ( walcdi containing full particular ! for homo cure , 1'HIM , of charge. Aiplendld medical work l i > hiiuld tft reiul by vrvry man who U II'TVOU ) and dcOillUutcd. AddrrM , 1'roC JL' , U. VaWLliH. flloaUun. Cotuu riio.ii 'Jtotrxn ABOUT vs. Nolirnnkn. The mnculnory for the IConrncy cotton mill Is arriving rapidly. A Crmptorof the Eastern Stnr has boon In.itltutctl nt Superior. Sownrd's electric light plant hns been sold to Lincoln cnpttnllsts ft r Tno now MUsourl I'nclllc tlopot nt South IMnttsinouth ha * bocn complotad , Eltlo's grain merchants claim to ship moro Krnln than Is exported from nny othur town west of Hotdrego. For stualitiK u horsa from UuSonnon - scholn of Stanton Thonms Hicks bus boon sentenced to ono year In the pen. Whllo hnmlllng n colt , N , M. Morgan of Cnllnwny luul hit Unco Joint so badly dlslo- cutod tlmt It is feared ho will ho n crlpplo for llfo. llfo.Firo Fire in the Nrrtltwestorn hotel nt Ktish- villa did only n llttlo tlnaiaro to the buUdlni ? , but ft destroyed the clothlnt ; of the hired Klrls. The Rcnoral store of C. P. ICroischor & Co. , of Qrcsham haa boon closed ou n chattel mortgngo. The liabilities of the linn lira ? < 5 , < mu. The ElMo Opera company , composed of homo talent , Is preparing a now drama to uo presented to the pooulo of that town nbout Christmas time. The Central Nebraska Medical society has concluded an Interesting session nt York. The next meeting will bu hold at Aurora the second Tuesday In March. Several of Sownrd's young bloods were ar rested for tniuilging In the festive game of draw poker , but they were discharged with the admonition to go nnd sin no more. Harry Pntton , a Ui-ycar-old boy living near Dillcr. was caught In the tumbling rod of a corn shellcr ntttl had both legs broken and crushed. It Is feared tlmt ho will not recover. P. C. Carborry of Stunrihadhis log broken by the horse on which ho was ridlnc falling on blm. Ho fools win-so about It than ho did , because ho was defeated for county cleric nt the late election. Kugono Furr , while baling hay near Staf ford , Holt coujity. had the mlsfortuno to got his right lug caught In t.lio machinery. crushIng - Ing It In 11 horrible manner. Tno injuries were of such u nature that amputation may bo necessary. Whllo Cashier \Vauijh was clearing out some old pigeon holes In the vault of the First National bank of Plattsmouth the other day , ho discovered a document that hail rested there undisturbed for twonty-two years. It was unclosed In a largo sealed envelope , nnd was marked "Tho lust will and testament , of Lovlnu Duke , " nnd in another place was the statement , "To bo opened only in uccoraanco with the laws of the state of IS obraslia relating to wills. " The document was delivered by Mr. Wntigh to Judge Uamsoy of the probate court and was at 01120 opened by him , it appearing that the testator had boon dead for seine years. Jn the body of the will the testator wills to her husband , Shepherd Dulto , the title to lot S , block 5 , In the city of Plattsmouth. Shepherd Dulto died in 1ST- three years nftor this will was made leaving his wife , Loviun , u widow , and she lived In the family of Captain L. D. Bennett until IS90 , when she nUo dtod. Whether n subsequent will was made or not is not Known , but the property In question was disposed of. several years ago. Iowa. Scott couutv's ' assessed valuation is $10- 438,215. The Dos Moines cotton mill , recently burned , will bo rebuilt. A Monona county man will set out 100,000 grape vines next spring. Diivenport has a macaroni factory which Is expected to start up soon. Uev. Mr. Farnor of Storm Lake has been called to the pastorate of the Congrega tional church in Minneapolis. Eight students were expelled from the Indinnola college because they would not "peach" on some fellow students. Sixty men are employed in the Mnscatino oatmeal mill nil the year around and twenty ( jirls are employed most of the time. Bortbn , Ausol , n waiter ut , the Castor hotel , Ottumwo , fell with a tray load of dishes and injured her limb so that blood poisoning sot in aud amputation will be necessary , four-foot vein of coal has boon discov ered at a depth of 130 feat on the farm of James R. Johnston , near Montozumn. It is the first coal over discovered in Poweshiolr. county. A Davenport man claims to have discov ered that farmers millc their own cows while they oat and that dairymen milk theirs while drinking. Ho thinks this accounts for water in the milk. W. AI. Myers , n well diggerof Tabor , found specimens of potrillod wood while sinking a well , at a depth of soveuty-fivo feet from the surface. At 12o another' lot of specimens were discovered. Charles Bredenburgh drew $ 'J8f5 ! from a Missouri Valley bank nnd lost It on the street. ( Jno hundred nnd twenty dollars of the amount was found , but the rest was probably carried off by the wind. Seymour Alien , the man who was slugged at Algonn last spring by two toughs and nearly killed , has married his nweothoart , Miss Bowman , who helped to keep ort the toughs and afterwards nursed him during kis sickness. VV. Kennedy worked into the confidence of the members of thnoung Men's Christian association nt Clinton , and the organization succeeded in finding him a Job. Ho in return stole the secretary's gold watcli nud another man's overcoat last week and .skipped out. George Jncobs ot Lyon county disappeared sometime since m a sudden and mysterious manner. Just as his friends bad concluded that ho had mot with foul play ho cnmo back from a trip to Now York. Ho had unsaddled his pony at Lester and turned it loose nnd then piled the saddle and bridle up Dy the nllroatl truck and taxen the train without leaving auv word. DoWltt's Little liarly Klsors for the liver. isro oxrusia L DELICATE AND LABTTNO onon , Fornnlohyiilinruunnd FnncyOooda Poalera or II unublo to procure tills wonderful noiiji flumtUfli In atnmps and rccclvo n cake by return mall. JAS.'S. KIRK fit CO. , Chicago. NIT.orAI.-Slmndnn rtpllii WnUz ( tlio poP'ili > : < ocloty Walt * ) H-nt rijir. : to nnyoiio Bunuliii ; ui hroo wrappers of Khiuidon Holla Sono. , . mfr"mA jifnri * * rrr jrjX m. Mt * % * tTfBVf | | aOTrTfBltWfl % \ % CUBES BOUGH CURE 13 A One Minute Remedy Kor nil lilTVctlnniof tlio Throat , Lungs and Bronchial Tubes , EXCEPT CONSUMPTION . - 25 JVNO BO OOXNTS. L'or Halo by ( Sonorrhin-it , ( Uri'tiiniliiri -riu'oii cured lii'J ilays liy the Frmioli Hainiuly iintlt- Icil the KINu. It illH.tulvci ueitlimt anil la au torbed In tut In ) Inlliunod pirtn. Will rufiuiJ inouuy | f It Uous not uttru , or catut ! * strlcturu Uentluniuti , huro U a rnllablo nrtlclo. $1 imukuiio , or - for t5 pur mail propulil. inlclrA ; LunJ , Oniiiliiv. PlM's Remedy for CatnrrK I * the ejt , Koilcot tu Ueo , ana Ctioapeit. Bold br drugghu or > ent by mall , fcOc. E. t , Uniclttao , Warren,1' ; , * WITH TUR AUMV. Notes nntl Porsonnln Gathered Aniuml Depart moat llcniliitinrtcrH. Lieutenant Nicholas of the Seventh cnv- nlrjr hns been grant oil a leave of absence for ono mouth. Captain Aaron II. Appol , assistant surgeon of the nnny nt Port Kussoll , has boon K mut ed nn additional leave of nbsouco of ton days. Lieutenant ICImor Lltulsoy of the Sixth cavalry bus boett relieved from tluty ns Judge nuvocute of thu court uinrtiitl coiivonoil nt Fort McICIuuoy and Ltotcimnt .lnine.1 A. Cole of the Hintio company has been assigned to tluty tu hU Atcail. Colonel Sanford of the Ninth cavalry , nml wife , are In the city. Colonel Smifonl will proceed 10 Fort Kobmstm to assume command of Hint post , relieving Colonel Hidden , who has been granted n four mouths leaVe of absouco. Colonel Snnford hits been for some time assigned to tluty nt thu iiituutry ami cavnlry school , and is au oftlcor of excellent record. Colonel Shot-Ulan , adjutunt-Kcnontl of the domrtiuotit | , has been granted nu extension of bis leave of nbsenco of ono month. Ho will not return to his oHlelnt duties until about December U ) . Lieutenant Hue will continue to lilt the olllco ntid do tbe wont of thu adjutant t 'onorul. Lieutenant Buttons of tlio Ninth cavalry , stationed nt Fort Hoblnsoii , hns been granted a four mouths' lenvo of absence. Ho hn.i been relieved on account of ill-health as n result of the exposure to which ho was sub jected lust winter in the I'ltiu Uidgo Indian cnmpal > ; u. Lieutenant Chonowith of Fort Uussoll nnd wlfo loft for Fort Kussoll yesterday. The lieutenant , has Just returned from n month's leave of absence. Major BtMihnm , Inspector of small arms practice for this department , hns re ceived the Html and ottlclal statement from the War department , giving the num ber of sharpshooters , marksmen nud the gun- oral average of merit in the eight uopart- moiits of the United States army. It is very gratifying to the major , who has tiikon so much pains with the marksmanship of the department during the past two years , to iioto that the Doimrtmoutuf the Plattostands nt the head ot the cnllro army lu the Import ant nccompllshmcnt of accurate and rapid shooting. The following statomeut sliowa the standing of the various departments for the year 1SUI : , Oonornl Deii.-irtmont Slmrp'rs. Miirlts'n. of .Merit. 1'liitto SH 1.SI7 71.17 Toxiis 110 4,11 0.1.14 Columbia 10,1 40.1 01.7.1 iMIssonrl 187 8:1.1 : | > IG7 Dakota lei : { 'M r > 7VJ ( Arl7.oui : Oil f.41 51.87 California ! > 0.2rt East 27 205 41.71 The order in which the departments stand iu point of general merit Is ns follows : The Plutte , Toxns , Columbia , Missouri , Dakota , Arizona , California , the East , Not excelled by nny high priced liniment , Salvation Oil , twonty-llvo cents n bottlo. P.T. Barnum thought that ho had pot the nineteenth wntury boom in Jumbo , but ho forgot tbo great excitement caused by iho sale of Dr. Bull's cough syrup , the poor of cough remedies. Solid TIMIHS I'Tont Oiiiil-i. Voatibulod , electric lighted and steam heated , with the finest dining , sleeping nnd reclining chair car service in the world , via the ' 'Chicago & Omaha Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Puiil Railway. Double daily train service , leaving Omaha at 12:13 : { , . m. nnd 0:20 p. in. , with no transfer at Coun cil Bluffs as heretofore. Apply 1501 Farnain street for ticlcetsand further in formation or tiudres3 F. A. NASH , J. E. PKKSTON , . Gen. Ajti City Pass. Agt. AlAltIO lOKFIN'S. An Important Iowa Industry Will Ho- HKivn to Omaha. The Iowa Com n company of Dubuqun , In. , has decided to remove its plant to Omaha. Representatives of the company , who huvo been In the city for a number of days , have Just closed a deal for the purchase of n largo tract of laud in Pad' dock Place , at the foot of Grace street , where the factory and drying ahods will bo erected. The factory proper will be n brick struc ture fo'ur stories high and yoOxIiOO feet , on tbo ground. In addition to this theru will bo drying sheds and warehouses covering inarly three acres. The factory when com pleted will give employment to00 men It is the intention to rnnnu- facturo everything in the cotlln line , from a common pine box to the finest metallic casket. Work upon tlio buildings will bo com menced this winter , and by the llrst of next Juno it is the intention to have the factory in operation. A I'rcvo tivo for Croup. Wo wnnt ovcry mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The lirst symptom is hoarseness ; then the child appears to nave taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the sturt. After that , n peculiar rough cough U developed , which is followed by tlio cro.ip. The time to act is when thu child llrst becomes hoarse ; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Itomody will prevent the attack. Even after n rough cough has appeared the disease may bo prevented by using this remedy ns directed. It lias never boon known to fail. ! 25 cent , 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. AIcGrow , Uth and Fanuim street. \\1NTI3U TO U Its To Siiuiiiier LniulH via tlioValiit.sli ItdlltC. The Wahitsh lire now selling round trip tickets good returning Juno I , 1802 , to nil the winter resorts in Ten nessee. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North and South Carolina , Louisiana , ArknnsiiH and Texas. The quickest and boat route to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tii-kots and full information in rojj.ird to routes east or Bouth tiill ! lit Wabiiah olllue , l/i02 / Farnain street , or write ( ! , N. Clayton , N. W. Pass. Agt. \VINTKII IIKSOIIT. CrpHiM.Mit Hotel , I tirclC'i Sprlu : H , Arlr. Elegant fireproof stone structure. Al modern improvements. Situated In the Ozurk mountains of northwest Arkansas. Mild and bracing climate , beautiful scenery , unrivaled medicinal water. Wrlto to manager for descriptive pam phlet , rates , etc. T11I3 KI3A.MV fllAUKKT. TNSTUHMKNTS nlaced on record December JL 1U , isms WAIIIIANTV IIKUDS. Jumus Kahili to U ! ' Duliols.i lot 4 In iiiihw iM.t-IU t 1,300 J U l.ul.o and wlfo tn U W Mullrlilo , lot IH , lul < o.l T'H ndd 1,200" l.Fmvirtto Waiter llrnou , lot 18. blouk ! l , llodford plitcu fi0 Ira Van U.inip ot al to T 1'Cramer , lot 0 , block t , Simrliu add 2oO Mnritaret Spullman unC huubund to . " Hannah Dcnniiu , lot 7 , block < H > , Hud- ford plneo , . . „ 1,200 llunry riplclo ntiu wlfo to II J AlinilminH , lot. " , block SI , ICiiuiiUo plnuu 1 * G U HOUKS and wlfo to .M I ) Carroll , lot ' 10 , blookX' . ( J 11 HnwVudil 151 I.yimin Klolmrdson ami wlfo to f ) tillber- Hto n , lot 17 , block f > . Wust Kml , ' 1,009 W A Uiirdner and wlfo tu Alvln Ha un do ru , HJ ! lots III mid II , b'.ock U Uutalpu plneo 1,100 Sumo toUiiinhu Itunl Kstatu nnd Trust company , luu H mid 1' ' , HIIIIIO 9,400 A ft winter unit wlfo to ! < ' K Winter , lot 0. block I , I'ntrlnk'M 1st add 4,001 T II Kocitertu Anna H 1'folfor , lot n blouk a. ( 'roflon add 1,709 F. J I'ulliir anil wlfu to Mutual Trmt company , lot 0 , hloox : t7 , Albright's Ohofco. . . U.500 O I HllUwnrtli and husband to ( 1C Wash , und Vi ut H 47 f cot of n 10 fuut lots and H n feet ot u 111 foot of w VI fuel lot li , block 10 , Improvement uHSodntiou add 1,500 QUIT CLAIM DKKIH. Alice O'Doniihofi tn < > .T Hiuylhe , lot 8 , blouk X. MilniiViUd add 1 City of Umitliit to It 1' Jeimun , 17x.v : foot ut part : w ( eet n ot m corner lot U , li'oolc ' liim. Umahu , 57 O K Uollliu to Mutual Trim eompuny , lut l. blouk II. Uumha View , . , , . . . 10 . < Total amount of transfer * * . , , , . .I 2J