8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 9 , 1 91. OMAHA'S ' CREDIT IN DANCER , OHy Treasurer Rash's Statement of the City'o Financial Situation. THE VALUATION MUST BE INCREASED , Ijcttcr From n New York Ilnnkar on t/io / I'ljr-Hondcdiicfl I of Ouulm's 1'olioy A Ilcincdy f-u ncstcl. "For the first tirao in her history , " said City Treasurer Hush , "Omaha finds herself handicapped In the mallor of sclllnK her bonds. The credit ot this city has always been first class , She tins never defaulted In Interest or done anything to impair conn"- flonco in her ability to meet all her legitimate "Tho ridiculously loiv assessment which Dome of our people fancy means low taxation has gene on from year to year until now wo nro brought face to face with a distressing di lemma. Hitherto our bonded Indebtedness bus boon kept wlthlr. the charter limit , which was , until the last legislature amended the charter , 10 par cent. When wo reached that limit Instead of raising the valuation to something llko that of bthor cities wo took the other course and increased the limit to 12 } nor cent , and then to make It still moro flexible cxcoptca park and city nail bonds. "At the last election the people voted $1,100,000 In bonds. Of thcso bonds only $200,010 are actually Included In the 12J4 per cent limitation. Whllo ns a matter of fact wo are still safely Insldo the charter prohi bition the bond purchaser will hardly appre hend this truth unless ho Is steadfastly argued with. The school district indebted ness can of course stand upon Its own merits und need not bo considered in discussing the point at issuo. "Outside of the school bonds already Issued the city of Omaha ewes SI.U'XI.UOO. Adding to this sum $775,000 voted at the last election , ( again excluding the $1135,000 of school bonds ) , wo ilnd the total bonded Indebted ness of the city will roach $ ' . ' ,711,100. Now applying the charter limit from the stand point of the bond purchaser , who looks to the total indebtedness and talcos no account of technical exceptions , and wo find that to be at the present valuation of fM.000,000 but t3i23,000. ( OP ยง 8(1,100 ( loss than the total in debtedness which will follow the sale of the $7715.000 In bonds recently voted. "Wo cannot go Into the money cantors with that showing und sell our bonds. Pur chasers will bo suspicious of the securities of a city which oilers bonds for sale appar ently exceeding the limit allowed by her charter. Wo have been explaining from year to year that this city Is acluallv worth (100,000,000 at least and that our assessed valuation Is only about ono-elghth of our real vuluo , but year by year it has grown moro dlfllcult to convincu brokers that this Is true , especially when we reduce the valu ation Instead of steadily increasing it with the growth of the cltv. "Hero is a letter which I will road you In which tbo-caso Is very well set forth. It Is a sample of what I have received from other sources and of what may Do expected If wo continue to go to the world with a lying as sessment bolstered up by legislation m- crcasine the limit of Indebtedness : NEW YOIIK. Doe. II. 18'JI. ' John Hush , City Treasurer , Umulm , Nob. Dunr .sir : Wo have your favor of llio u'Tlli inst , , for which pluuso accept our thanks. When wo wrote you relative to the assessed valnuof your elty propel ty , wo hud In view the sale of a lur.'o hloeU of Uiniihu city bunds which wo understand will boolTurod In thu comparatively near future. Of course It IK futile for us or anybody else to show yourcity assessors the light In wlilch your elty obllsa- tlons will bo regarded If you Incur this new Indebtedness without Increasing the assessed munition of property. It Is very dlllloult for us to understand just why you should keep your assessed valuation ntmiehi' low llmiro. If your Indebtedness wiis within 8 per cent of the nssossod value of prouorty. yourcity would receive u great deal moroforlts loans every time It sells them , and If your assessed value was justly pro portionate to your real vuluo of property , your Indebtedness would of course , come way within tills limit. Wo are iiwiiro that you hare full knowlodco of just how yourcity Is bcnullted by this pe culiar policy , but Itoxnsporate ? us every time wo lenll/o how soilously your city nlllclals af fect thu city of Onrnliu bv their pig-lie idod- ness In this line. Their niothol of kunplng the iibsi-s-ied value of property down certainly does not lioiicllt thu taxpayer any , and the only result can bo but mi unfortunate ono to your citizens. Yotus truly , QUIOU2V , 11AIUIAMAN & TUTTI.n. "Now suppose we do n llttlo calculating. If our valuation Is Increased to $ 0,000,000 , thu 12) ) ft per cent limit will permit n bonded Indebtedness of $3,250,000. Our actual In debtedness after the $775,000 In bonds is added will bo $ . ' ,711,100 , which Is over 10 per cent. Deducting the exccpted bonds and the apparent Indebtedness will bo low enough to satisfy eastern capitalists. "But thu objection will be raised that wo almll bo paying moro than our share of. the atato tux. True , but as the state tux is but 7 mills , wo shall bo adding only $33,000 to our present payments , and this is nothing compared with the loss which wo ore likely to experience If our credit shall bo impaired. Wo cannot hope to market bonds bearing loss than & per cent oow. If wo raise our valuation wo can sell them for 4)rf possibly 4. Minneapolis and Denver bonds have sold us low us 4 per cent , and have been taken at a premium. Ours nt 4 } < ? per cent were once sold nt it per cent premium. Now the dllforonco of 14 per cent atslmplo Interest on tholliO,000 ( wo shall ecil the coming your amounts In twenty years to $110,000. The percentage of premiums will also bo ufl'octod. "Tho other objection Is that which is so often raised , that an increase of valuation means an Increase of taxation. This does not follow. The proportions under an honor able assessment remain the same. The ex panses of the government and the interest on bonds are the saino whether wo yaluo our property at $31,000.000 or $50- 000,000.Vhothor wo shall add to our Indobtodnesson account of Increased val uation Is a question with the people for the future , "Wo must either rnlso our valuation or suf fer loss of credit. The only other alterna tive Is the London market , where wo could probably scllTi per cent bonds even with the present valuation. I hope our pcoplo can bo brought to sou the fallacy of tlio low valua tion. Our publio Improvements and In fact. the growth and welfare of the city depend upon It. " \ \ o shall not bo able to sell the bonds voted until midsummer. The tlmo farndvor- Using Is February or March. December and January are the worst months In the year to go on the bond market. Advertising , oto. , will consume March and April probably. Therefore the now valuation can bo returned for Ib'JJ ' iu tlmo to alTcct the sale of the bonds and 1 sincerely hope us a taxpayer and citi zen that our county commissioners and municipal iissossoro can bo brought to appro- clato the necessity of providing what scorns to mo to bo the only vay out of n very em barrassing dilemma. " \ Narrow ICnunpo. Persons subject to cramps will bo Interested - ostod Iu the oxporlcmco of J. P. Mlles , Wesley - loy , Vonaiipo county , Pa. Ho was talton very huvurolv und oallod tti two doctors who nroscribod for him but failed to clvo bun ro- [ lof , A drufulsl of Ilutlor , Pa. , then cnvo 'him u double dnso of Oliainburiain'a Colio , Choleru ami Dlurrlum Kotnody , und In twenty minutes ho w.is nil right and Is on. thusliistlo In his prnlso of tlio Koraody , 'J5 nud f > 0 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. MuGruw , Mth and Farnain street. HulldliiK I'urinliH. Tlio following permits were hsued by the superintendent of bulldlnca yustorduy ; V. A. Smith , one itory briclc adilttlun to bulldlnu'.tr.'iCiinuiiEbtrout. . t l.OftO two nnnur permits . , . . . 150 Total Ono Altmuo. Ono mlimto tlmo often maltM a great illf- foronco a one nuuuto remedy for bronchltU choking up of the throat , lungi , etc. , fo coursu U a bloating ; . Cubeb Cough Cure U * uoh a remedy. For snlo by all druggists. Cubeb Couch Cure One minute , It Will Uxploilc. A servant In tbo employ of William Orrasby , 1U18 Clara street , put gasoline Into a boiler full of boiling clothes yesterday ana { Q explosion followed. , Mr * . Onnsby eu- . deavorod to save her child which was stand- In ? near the stove , nnri had her hands qulto badly burned. The child escaped uninjured. A physician was called and dressed Mn. Ormiby's hands. She Is not seriously burned. llnvo You Aittimx ? You can try Schlffinnnn's Asthma Cure free of charge. Never faIN to give Instant relief In worst cases. Hh mothud of adver tising Is by giving It awny. Postage , Q cents. Nnmo this caper and send your ad dress for free trial pucUago lo Dr. H. Scblff- tnann , St. Paul , Minn. TO KICK. South Sldern Muklnz a Very Good Start Townril the Goal. Aa adjourned meeting of the South Side Kickers club was hold In Mueller's hall last evening for the purpose of forming a perma nent organization and selecting some suitable iiiiino for the club. Mr. William K'olbo wns chosen permanent chairman ; Jolin Hill , vice president ; John Tlucmann. sccrutnry , and Fred Mueller" treasurer. After the parmanont ofllcori had taUon their places Mr. Hascall offered the follow- Ini ; petition m ttio form of n resolution : To the Honorable Boird of Park Commis sioners of Uninlia : Tlio iiiuicrNlgiuMl , rosl- dcnts and froeliolders In the southern part of Omaha , hereby petition your honorabln body to locate u park for tbo south slclo at some ollKlbln point south of ( J.istollar street and be tween Tenth and Twenty-third streets und \\u hereby protest against tbo purchase of what Is known as the Ulark tract , situated uastof Eighth street , as u situ for the pro poses south side iirl : > , nnd piotust uK-ilnst a dusUnlnir. rattle-headed niin-rosldnnt dictat ing where thu park nhall bo located , and by false Insinuations trying to Inllucncu your honorable body to act against the Intetusts and wishes of moro than three-fourths of thu rpHldonts und property owners In the southern part of thouliy anil to do IH all Irrupar.iDIo Injury. Our Individual pieforenco for the lo cation of a park Is as Indicated opposite our ruspceHvo inunua. All nro.'cnt declared thonnolvos In favor of sending the petition as read to the pane com missioners und u recess of ten minutes was taken lo allow these who wished to sign the petition. When the meeting was again called to order thirty-eight of the club members bad signed the paper. Twenty-one signified their preference for llaseall's homestead for a park , and with ono or two exceptions Van Camp drew the test of the votes. Mr. Donovan then moved that a commlltoo of llvo bo appointed to circulate the petition among the south sldo property owners for signatures and present It to the Board of Park Commission ! rs. The chnlr appointed Messrs. Uonoviin , Hascall , Urcnnan , Urcon and Klsolo ns the committee. Mr. lireDimu"1 then g.ivo notice that ho would bring up a resolution at. the next nicotine of the club to start a movement to compel the railway companies to build a via duct across Fifteenth street. Mr. Ilascall then spoke of the great need of n sewer system in the hOiith part of town nnd said that too much water was drained toward the north. Branching out on the park slto the speaker said : "Wo must not Kit the parlc commissioners Impose upon us In the selection of n slto for n south side park. If they do wo must stand together and mnlto It hot for them. Wo can get up meetings nnd call the attention of the proas nnd the publio to our rights. Why , If tbo city council should do what the park commissioner } propose , the populace would rise uncn masse nud drive them out of town. If wo nro denied our njrhts wo can elect men to the legislature who will have the law chanced and tbo park commissioners elected by n vote of the people instead of bain ? ap pointed. "Wo don't want any frog ponus or mos quito bars along the river front for parks , but n nice place high and dry. Wo want to Keep lit ( t and wako the commissioners up to the responsibility of their position nnd not have them throw nil the responsibility onto some poor landscape gardener who Is work Ing for his bread and buttor. I must say right hero that wo are not mendicants and do not coino as beggars , but ns citizens do- mnnd our riglits , nnd wo must have thorn. " Mr. Hnscnll's speech wns loudly npplnuded. Several other pcntlomon were called upon for an expression of their opinion , but as no ono else appeared to bo anxious to air bis vlaws the meeting adjourned to nicot In ono week lit the saino placo. In the meantime an effort will bo made to obtain as many signatures as posslolo to the petition. She wns0 nnd ho was 7. Ho wanted her to promise to marry him. Ho offered candy , Ice cream and nuts , but slio was obdurate. Finally ho said ho would glvo nor a bottle of Haller's Sure Uuro Cough Syrup. She smiled , laid her hand in his nnd &ald , yours till death. Four hundred nnil fifty dollar pinno. Win-runted seven yours for $187.50. Now bfiilo. Iltiydon Bros. This morning nt 0 o'clock seats will bo put on snlo for tbo engagement of Aronson's Now York Casino Opera company , which opens a thrco nlcht's ' engagement at Boyd's tiicater on Thursday evening , oresonting Audran's latest opcrn , ' 'Undo Celeslln. " This opcrn is by the author of "Olivette" nnd ' 'Tho Mascotto , " und has been received with great favor In the cast. In Paris it recorded n run of BOO nights. The company Includes such pcoplo as Jefferson Do Angclls , Jcnnlo IlclTorth , Annlo Myers , Villa Knox , Max Freeman , Harry Macdonougb , .lonnlo Wcathcrby und a dozen other operatic celebrities. This will bo the first opera com pany of the season for llio now Boyd , nnd will doublessdrnw largo houses. Tonight will bo the closing performance of Mr. James T. Powers nnd bis excellent com pany IuA Straight Tin , " at Boyd's now tuontcr. The local bicycle club nns decided to nttond tonight's performance of "A Straight Tip" in a body , out of compliment to the star , whoU an enthusiastic member of vbo Hlvorsldo Wheel club of Now York City , nnd Is said lo bo tlio most export wheelman in the theatrical profession. Lillian Lowls , nn emotional nctross , who tins mndo considerably fame for herself In the past llvo years In tlio cast nnd south , will malto her debut before an Omaha audience nt llo.vil's new thontor on Sunday evening. Miss Lewis Is said to bo ono of the most beautiful nnd accomplished women on the American stnao , nud whatever hits beau said nbout her acting , she In universally credited with a distinct Individuality in her methods. Her voice nnd physique nro superb und has nttrnctod widespread admiration. Miss Lewis has nttnliind her prominence as a star on tiiorit alone. Very llttlo money has been expended In placing her before the public , nnd she has risen grndunlly from nn obscure actress to ono of wealth and distinction. Her tour Is under the iimnngcmcnt ot Mr. E. U. Stone , who has surrounded her with n most capable company , including Edmund Collier , Arthur Elliot , Louise Pomoroy , Wultor Kytlnu-o und others of note. Miss Lewis will make her Omnhn debut ns Lena Dospnril in "As In n Looking ( llass , " on Sunday even ing , playing "Credit Lorraine" Monday and "Article U" Tuesday evening. "Thn Irish Corporal" will begin an cngago- moiit nt tbo Farnnm Slrcot theater today with matinee nnd evening performances. ThU Is an emotional , military drama. It is ono of the best plays of its order ever soon nt popular prices in tins city. Tha story Is one of absorbing Interest , nnd the characters ure all drawn from the late v ir In masterly style , The sceuo of the piece alternates between tweon north and southand there uro chances for the display of lovely scenery that has been taken full ndvnutngo of by the sconio artists. Nothing has been left undone to Imvo the play mounted In the most approved mnunerand the comnany Is ono of rocognUcd excellence throughout. The Austrian Juvenile band and Miss Marie Glover , solo soprano , nro to appear nt' thu Coliseum on Saturday next , December I'- , at matinee uud ovenlng performances , under the auspices of the iVpollo club , H Is a sub ject of interest to every musical person to know beforehand Just what will bo heard at these concerts. In evidence of what may bo Cough. There U no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain's Cough Homedy Is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy , 'J5 nnd CO cent bottles /or sale by druggists. Oreitna from $23 up. usy tor in a Unydon Bros. JUSTICE ON THE WARPATH , Incidents That Soivo to Rollovo the Monotony ony of Court Proceedings , REBUKED A JUROR FOR IMPERTINENCE , Final Capture of n Truant Jiirytnnn Too Full lo bo Fined law yers llonntcd by the Court Motes. Tlio spectators who attended the sessions of tlio district court yesterday wont nwny satisfied. They pot tbulr money's worth and a good rate of Interest on tlio Invest incnts , so to spcnk. * The courts bristled with sensation at every turn. It commenced In the criminal court where Judpo Estcllo held forth with the Jnko Price murder case on trlnl. The facts In this case have been written n number of times. Yesterday morning the examination of tno jurors was continued , and among the llrst men to go Into the box wns Donnls Purtell. The usual preliminary questions wcro nskcu by County Attorney Mnnonoy and answered In a satisfactory - factory manner by the juror. .1. W. Eller , who Is ( Icfondinp. toolc the juror in hand and asked : "wore you about the jail the tilphton which Smith wus tukon out by a mot ) and. hanged to the electric motor wlrol" "That's none of your business , " at once re sponded 1'urtoll. The court caught the answer and at once proceeded to read Mr. Purtell a lecture that was Intended to maUo his hair curl. Ho said that no juror could coma Into court and trampiu upon Its dignity. Such an act was in direct contempt of court and a repetition of it would result In n line and a jail sentence ) . Purtell was excused and another juror sworn. Before adjournment the jury was secured , and was escorted by the sheriff to the sccno of the alleged homicide. Price refused to accompany the jury. Finally C.iuglit the Triiint. There was no chaiiRO In affairs In Judge Davis' court. Lawrence F. Wassmuth , the truant Juror , ; wai still absent. The sheriff appeared before the court. Ho stated that he had hunted far and near for Wussmuth and all that ho could learn was that thu man had started out on a protracted drunlc some time durlnu Sunday evening. The order of contempt entered against the sheriff was expunged from the record and ho was ordered to send moro men after the juror. Wassmuth by oc cupation Is a dog catcher and served with Count PulasUi during the early part of the dog catching season. Wassmuth was caught and returned to Judge Davis' court at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. During the whole of the forenoon Sheriff Bovil and his deputies wore out on n still hur.t for their man. Just after noon as Deputy Polllclc was passing a saloon at Tenth and Howard streets ho caught a glimpse of Wossmuth's face through the * window. Entering at the front door the juror sped out the bnclc way and started do ivn the street toward the river. Polllck started in hot pursuit and for a tlmo it was a nock and nock race , with odds on Wassmuth. Neither ot the men stopped , but us they reached the river the pursued became winded , and was overtaken just as ho reached the river bank. On the way back ho declared that ho had committed a great crime and would tuko his life. Ho said that ho would rather die tliuii face the judge. Ho did not dio. however , but was brought before Judeo Davis. There ho was too drunk to offer any explanation of his conduct , und was remanded to the custody of the sheriff to appear in court today. Opposed to Further Purley. Judge Hopcwcll caught the spirit of excite ment nt an early hour and broucht several lawyers up standing. For several days the trial of the case of Allen against Muhow has been on In his court without any hope of reaching ah early termination. The case was one of tiio.se neighborhood troubles that orig inate in Elkhorn. The plaintiff was seeking to foreclose a mortgage that he held upon the town hotel. The evidence was all mixed up and in such wretched shape that it could not DO untangled. The court became wnary und ordered all of the parties out of court. Ho told them that If they did not reach a settlement at once ho would enter an order of dismissal. fllinor Court Matters. L. A. Spureh was before Judge Davis and secured an injunction restraining ono W. D. Cook from interfering with his business. The hearing was so' for Satur day morning. According to the petition , on October ! J8. IS'JO , the plaintiff purchased from A. 11. McGregor a meat and grocery business at thu corner of Eighteenth and Chicago cage streets. A. short tlmo thereafter ho took into partnership ono E. A. Disbrow. Matters - tors wont along well for a few months , when his partnnr connived with Cook , and by . so conniving , without his ( Spurch's ) knowlodco a mortgage was placed upon thu stock. Ho Icnew nothing about the transaction until a few days ago when Cook commenced fore closure proceedings. Ho now alleges that Dlsbrow owned no portion of the stock and that the mortgage was fraudulent. Three additional suits wcro commenced against. ) . J. Johnson Co. , coal dealers , yes terday afternoon and attachments issued. The American Water Worus company sued 807 for supplies furnished ; Dlckenson Bros. < fc King brought suit for S.3,511 to recover for ( roods sold and delivered , and the Mexico Fire Brick company commenced an action to recover 51,700 duo on an open account. Jndgo W. II. Morris of the Seventh judicial district came down from his homo at Crete yesterday and spent a portion of the day , the guest of Judge Estollo. DoWltt's Little Early ttiiors. Best llttlo pill ever made. Cure constinatlou every tlmo. None equal. Use thorn now. Solid Trains F'rom Vefltibulcd , oloctrlc lighted and steam heated , with tlio ( most dining1 , sleeping and reclining chnlr car service in the world , via the ' 'Chicago & Omaha Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Double daily train service , leaving1 Omaha at 12lo : p m. and 0:20 : p. in. , with no transfer at Coun cil Bluffs ns heretofore. Apply 1501 Furnam street for tickets and further in formation or address F. A. NASif , J. E. PKHSTON. Gen. Agt. City Pass. Agt. Wogman piano. Now scale. Now tuning device. Sold on installments. Ilayden Bros. _ _ Same Old Story. Henry Wlnegor of Ncolu , la. , rolled into the police station about 7 o'clocic last night accompanied by n jag and complained that ho had huon robbed of his purse while on n South Omaha car. Winegur said that ho know the conductor took hi- , money , because his partner told him so. When asked where NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vfatlllln ) O' porfoot purity. Lemon - Of great strength. Orancfo " ) . - . AI _ j i Economy In their use /\imonci i Rose etC -J Flavor as dollcatoly und doltcioualy aa the froah fruit * his frtond was thaocoraplalnant said that ho Jumped off the car.nomo whcro up town. Jailer Havoy shavrod the Ncola man to n good room whom eno could rest his bones until mornlnif andiUavo n cbanco to sober up. Mrs. Wlnslow'jsBoolhlng ' Syrup for chil dren teething soften * the gums and allays all pain , S3 ccuts n bottle. ON TO VRUA8GO , T13XA.S. Tlio Tin nd oT IProinldo nnd Deep \Vntcr Harbor Orntiil OponltiK Ijot Sale nnil Ojntcr Itunnt. All these who -expect to nttond the grand opening nnd stile of lots tit Vchis- co , Texas , should bo in Kansas City on ttio morning of Dccombur 12 nnd join tlio excursion leaving there at 0 o'clock via the Santa Fo route. You will then bo in tlmo for the oyster roast ( oysters now fattening ) aim the grand opening of the only deep water harboron tlio Toxns coast on December 15 nnd the great auction sale of lots on the Kith and 17th. Arrangements have been mndo to carry ali visitors who desire to tuko the trip throtich the jetties and over the bar in largo ocean steamers. For further information address the ropiescntativo of the Unr/oa lliver Channel nnd Dock company , Mr. C. E. Roth , care of the Santa Fo olllco , Omaha. x 1NCAUNATK. o llolslcy ItoCtiHcq n Man Adinlt- . taiion to thn .lull. "How would thirty days strike you , Johnl" Inquired Judge Holsloy yesterday morning as the familiar form of John Boll no dawned on hit vision , fresh from ton days on limit ed diet on the hill. "I don't -caro-lf I do , " replied John with a Uurltls Is wlllln' accent as a ray of hope appeared on his smoothly shaven chin and scintillated upward over his countenance until It disappeared In the unexplored Jungles of his whiskers. The man wns the personification of fond anticipation and expectancy as ho stood there waiting for the welcome words that would Insure nt least another month of warmth nnd lapy existence in the county Jiill , but the Judge pressed the button , nnd pronto , clnuiirol down wont Mr. Ilollno's hopes la the most utter ruin. "You tried it three davs m succession before - fore you made It for Thanksgiving" ho said , "and you can't expect n Christmas dinner to come on the lirst treat. There's the door got out , " nnd John meandered toward the outer world in iorrowful sllcnco. They wanted to pot married , but had no money to pay the preacher. The girt wns pijual to the occasion. Shu took the proacber aside and stated the caso. She had no money , but she did have n bottle of Hallor's Sure Cure Couirh Syrup. Would ho mnrry them for that I The preacher would and two hearts boat as ono. Free ! Tree ! Free ! Prof. Harry Kirvin , the lightning crayon artist and Miss Annie Sylvester , the English paper queen , will give a free performance of their high art in our sliow window , their work will bo given free lo our customers. They open their engagement tomorrow , Wednes day , Dec. Oth at 0liO : a. m People's Clothing House , 1303 Douglas street. > liort on Ciphers OMAHA , Dec. 8. To the Editor of TUB Bii : . Lost some ono who should desire to participate In the "World's ' Fair Scottish Games , " mention of which was made In your issue of last evening , shoula bo misled by an error In said notice , I dcslro to soy that tbo amount to bo distributed as prizes at these cames is 533,000 , Instead ol &i,500 as stated In THE Bus of yesterday. Twenty- line hundred dollars would bo a very fnslc- nlllcant sum ; compared with the high order of contests to take place upon that occasion. A. C. Titour , Member International Committee. Small In size , great in results ; IJoWItt's LlttloEarly leisure. Best pill for constipa tion , host for sick boadaoho , host for sour stomach. An I-lxcur-iou to Vclnsco , TCXMB , Will leave Lincoln next Saturday , De cember 12 , reaching Volasco in time to participate in the grand oyster roast nnd ship excursion on the 10th and the public sale of lots on the 10th and 17th. Good tlmo ; grand opportunity to specu late , and low rates. For furtnor partic ulars address J. C. Mclirido , agent , Lincoln , Neb. I InrrhiKO licenses. The foliowlajr mirriago llconsoj worj Is sued by Judeo Shields yoHorJay : Name and Address. AKC. 1.1. M. Morris. Lincoln 43 1 Martha O. Simons , Lincoln 34 l W. If. Kradshaw , Omnha 28 1 Ulllan 11. Hoist , Omaha 1 ! ) I Walter ! * I'aliip. Tecumseh ? fi 1 Emilia E. Lyniun. Uninlia 2j Our Family Physician Iteco.'imtcmls Ciitlciira Remedies , anil Says They Cured Our Child. Father Went 25 .Miles to Get Cutlrura , nnd Feels Thankful nnil Others tDo > as He DM. My ulillil broke out with scrufnln wlion two nionthi olil , mul wo trljil uvorytlilnit Unit the do Mr con It do. It took out hU hatr nntl broke out on hlsllmbi amlnoio. It wni tlinn Cl'ric'iniA UMiiniK-i : were rucoumiuniloil b ; ou > - doctor nho ntlomliM lilin. nnil U now ilttlnu' hero. Thu doctor .il I C'UTlci'ii i lli\ii : IJIKS curoil ui > - chllil , nnd recniiniipn.is them for nil diseases of tha ikln nnd tilood. It did nut tuhu lint ono crt of I't'Tiri'lii ltiMiniis. : : : I went tnunty-tlvu miles t > ig > t thuin. My ildM H trull nml IMS a line head of Imir iw uiin bo , for which I fool thiinkful to jou. for my wlfo U In bailhcilth. 1 lm\o rocomuionitcil the CiTii'iriiA UKMUIIIKS to otheri. I'rlnt lids If you think It will causa nny por- BUII to do ftn I did. I ) . K I'KNBON , I.nnuloy , 1'lko Co. , Ark. 1 nui the doctor thnt rccoiuniuiidad Ol'Tirt'ltA IlKMi.niv i to I ) K l'i'M on. I h ivo known them to cuiosovcnil hiil cute * of akin nud blood ctbo.uoi. uud 1 any they nro uood. MISH .MARY 1C. liltOOICS , M. U. Cuticura Resolvent The now blood und tililn purlller and k-ru.itoit of humor reinellii : < , cleanses the blood of all Impurities and poisonous olnnients , and thus removes the c.uisu.wli lo CUTICUUA. tlio Kro it sUIn euro , and CUTICUUA So\r , an uxiiulsiio sliln beautlllur , oloar Iho al < ln anil aculp. and restore the h.ilr. 'IIIius the uimuunv UKMK- Divs : euro u\ory npculcs of ItohliiK , burnlni. , scaly , pimply , anil blotchy sum , scalp , unit blood illhoa-.es , from pimples to scrnfiila , from Infancy to age , when thu best physicians fall. Sold every whoro.H'rlco , Curicim A , JiOc : SOM- , Sto.i KIISOI.VKST , ( II I'mp roil by tha 1'orrnu Dlltril AND ClIKMIUAIi COIII'OIIATION. Uo-itOll. t 7 Hunilfor "Haw to Cure Hlin Diseases. " 01 p IKOS. frj lllustr.llloiib. and VM toatliiionlals. 10 akin anilHctalp purified and boautlllud ' by UUTICDIIA &o\r. Absolutely pure. IT STOPS TcIB PAIN. Haul ; aolic' , kidney paliiH , weak rliittiiiiatUin and musuitla relieved In ono niln itebv the L'utlcura ' ' . ' . Antl-l'aln I'lustur. U.'o. INTEREST PAID ONDEP05IT5 ATOMAHA10AN&TRU5TCO B.Er.COR. CAPITALJS 100.00O.OO DIRECTORS : A u.wyw/\N-c.v/.NAsn. JHMILtAHO-CUV-CDARTOM-C.B.LAKC. J.d.OFlOWN-THOS-L.KIMBAUL. FREE : REMEDY. k l rnUrt < . r ru .Ute4. Curt . ! > l Ui. . . I illUJly | ( tend ih itclr ic > lcdlll > Iiainy < urnei. It II ttilUUetndlitllnKCurc. A < l4i W. JAQL'l.S.H.D.i ' . peoial Gives you your choice of about three hun Tomorrow morning we will begin on dred strictly all wool fancy plaid cassi- first floor merc suits , and two hundred and fifty our our regular annual sale of very desirable fancy striped cheviot winter suits for men. The thousands suits. These suits are lined with a fine who have taken advantage of these sales twilled lining , well trimmed throughout , and made tailors who knew were by as they have occurred yearly almost to the their business. The regular price is just very day , will read this announcement eight-fifty. with interest. They know what it means. They'll all be here. The simple an $7.90 nouncement that the sale was to begin . would bring 'em. To the newcomer Is the price of a splendid all wool cassl- since our memorable sale of a year ago > mcre suit , without any exception the best value we have ever offered at a moderate as well as to the few old-timers who ate price. The goods were made in a have'nt taken pains to investigate former mill where they have never been intro sales , we will say this : Every year duced to cotton. The pattern is a neat since plaid ; the linings , trimmings and making we began business we have held a ing are all substantial , and the man who special suit sale at about this time of the has laid aside twelve dollars for a suit of year. Each succeeding sale has seen the clothes will get twelve dollars worth of suit for seven-ninety in cash. crowds grow larger , until last year we were hardly able to wait upon the good- $950 natured mob around the special tables. We have always offered extraordinary Gives you your choice of throe stylea of values at these sales ; this one will be no suits wortli tliirteen-fifty to fifteen del exception. If you've never attended lars. They come in line cassimere and fancy striped and plaid cheviots. They tended one of these sales this are cut , lined , trimmed and made by be will a good one to begin on. workmen wiio can "hold their job. " They've got the style to them. They've got the wear in them. They've got the shape that you'd get w.th fifteen dollars anywhere but here. PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Ofllco honra from 0 a. in , to 8 p. m. Bandar from 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. Specialists in Chronic , Norvona.Skin and Blood Diseases. E37 Consultation at office or by mall freo. Medicines sent by mnil or express , necurely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , safely and Jiernianontly. The most widely and favorably known Bpocin- ! [ Btfl In thn United States. Their lontf experience , remarkable akill and universal BUCCOSH in the treatment and care of Nervoun , Chronic and Hur- Ricul DleoBBee , entitle thoeo eminent physicians to tho'full confidence of the alllicted ovorywliero. They Ruarnnteo : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CHRE for t ! a awful effects of early vice and tlio numerous evils that follow iu its tridn. PRIVATE , BLOOD AND 8KIN DISEASES peodlly , completely and permanently cu.vd. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their skillful "j-cat- meut. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL V * CERS guaranteed curtid without pnlu or detention from business. HVDHOCELE AND VAHICOCELE porma. oontly and aucceeafully cured in every cnso. BVP1I1LI8 , GONOIUUKFA , GLEET , Sporma. torrhccn , Beminol Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Docnjod Faculties , Femnlo Wenkneoa and all delicate disordnrs peculiar to either BOX positively cured , aa well an all func tional disorders that rnMilt from youthful follioa or the excess of mature years. Qtripflirn Guaranteed permanently cui d , Oil IUIUI o removal complete , without cut ting , caustic or dilatation. Cliro effected at homo by patient without a momenta pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQl'wn Plir'O The awful effects of early OUi U UUPCvico v\ich | | uriiiRB orcania weakness , dcRtroyini : both mind and body , with all ita droadal ills , permanently cured , Hl'O Roitc Address thopo who liavn impar. Ul O. DCILO cd themselves by improper in. diilK ncn and solitary hnbits. which ruin both mind and body , uniitlinu them for business , etndyormatrlago. MARRIED MEN , or these enterlnR on that happy life , awnro ot physical debility , quickly assisted , C38dnd 0 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Dollcato Diseases. Thousands cnrod. B ? A friendly letter or call may avu you future tmlTorlna and slmmo , and oild Koldun years to life. CtyNo letter answered nnleftfl accompanied by 4 couU in stomps. Address , cr call on DRS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Cold Feet Made warm by Bottles. 2 quart 76o quart $1.00 4 quart 81.62 Physicians presorlp- 't ' lions prepared at low prices. TlieAIoe&PenloluCo N ext to Postolllco , 15th btrout. | ChUkuMr'a Kullih Diamond llmnd. TNNYRQYAL PILLS Original nj Only Owiulue. Arc. tlwifi r4l bt. ! lAblKeu Oniiilil ( or nitHiltri fnolii * Pit m&tJltntd la Krd tml < 1 U tulU\ ! bun irtlal H4 Dl tlblxjo. Take no other. KiA"l J-.j rot.l mtililU' iunr > . 2n < liaif.iii AiUi liii. t 4 4 . la UUP * for paflleiuri uUm oll4 mi " lUllif f.r nadlM < " I' " " , Mill. jO.OOOToll lojooUIi J'klU. * . , V * 1316 Street , Douglas Omaha , Neb. THEX Is The Best in the market. Try it and bo con vinced. TUHHER-FRAZER MERCANTILE CO Solo Western Agents , St. Joseph. Mo. GOLD UBDAL , PABIS , 1078 , , BAKER & ( kvs from which tlio excess of oil has boon removed , ia Absolutely Furc and it ia Soluble. No Chemicals nro used iu its'preparation. . It has more < /i / n three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and ia therefore far moro economical , cosfiiir ; less than one cent a oiy > . It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , IASILY : DIUKSTKD , and admirably adtiptcd for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoru. W. BAKER & CO. , DofchestBr , Mass. NEBRASKA. National Bank P. a nEPO'ITOUOMAHA NHIl Cupltal $40OOOO Surplus OO.OOO oniceri nnil imactort-llinrr W. Vntei , I'roiManl ; LewU H. Ito-jil , Vice I'raiMonl ! U H. Aliiurloa. VV , V. Mcno , John a Colllnt. It. < 1 Cuibln/ , N. II. I'ulrlck , W. II. A UiiKhu * , Cmhlor. THIS IRON BANTC. Corner mh ml Fnrnnm dti. IfSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. MOORE'S Momnouth , Ill.Fob. 11 , 'SO. ' Dr. J. 15. Moore , Whllo Btifforlnp ; from it Hovorocold , I wns induced to try Mooro'a Tree of Lifo Ciitarrh Curo. II afforded almost iininudiitto relief ; und while I have boon a sulToror for ynara from cittnrrh , binco using Una remedy I lutvo not boon alTcototl in any way with this deciduly annoving diaoaao. T.VVit K.KB. Mouru.s Trco ot Ife , a iiosltlvu unio fur Kld-v ncy and Liver Uompluliit and all blood ( lit- > . uasof. 'Joes ' It p'iy to-iiirur wbun you oan ba cured by nsliii ; .Mooru'.s 1'roo of Llfu , thuOroat Llfo jtumod y ? | The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) tlio mot delicious taate ted test EXTHACT HQVVU , ofaMn-mtfrom GHAVIIH : , T1.K.MAN at Mad- ran , to Ida brother I'IMII , ftt WOHOKHTKH , tiny , 1WL HOT < Xt COM ) LEA & I'EItlUNB' "Tell IML'ATH , 8 that their eauco IB 8V hlitlily oMeemoU In CUIUK , Imlli , mill lalniny V opinion , the men' WKI.HII. palatable , as well as tlio limit wlinle. RAltlilllTH , toino KUUCO tlwt 1 liiade. " Arc. coo that you got Loa & Perrins' Clgnaturo on every bottle or Original k flcnnln * . JOHN DUNCAN'S 0 > .H . , NK\V YOKK. Or , Bailey ( jr The Lfadiu ? Mil DENTIST.H" ' Third I'loor I'iixton lllouk , , Telopunu 1035. Kitlt uiul rnrimm'.Sta. ' A full sot of tuoth , on runbor , for 1-1 I'urfoo fit. Teeth without nlates or roinovubla brldKu work , jail the tiling for lnurj und publio HpoaUursi , never drop down. Teeth Extracts I Without Pain. All at raaanimhto rutos , all work wurriinluJ. ( Jut tn H out for a nulde nnOIITN" 'WOO' ) UAI'rtUI.I'-i arc ta Illlllll I A tait ana onlr cap ulo , preicnboil by uuuu i n rcuaUr pnxticUiu for tbo curs ft | UonnrfliK * aail ulcliur m fruia Uia urliMruruui ii 7 .